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The B.Sc. in Computer Applications
The B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
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Information for Industry
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About DCU School of Computing
Welcome to our final year project display, which marks the culmination of four years of study here at DCU.
As we embark on many varied careers in industry and academia, we look forward to effectively drawing on the skills and knowledge gained over the course of our study to contribute to the future success of the Irish computing industry.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to a number of people who have helped to make this display possible. We thank Minister Noel Ahern, T.D. for his support of the event, and the Centre for Software Engineering and Fidelity Investments for their generous sponsorship. We thank the academic and support staff of DCU School of Computing for their support and guidance not just on these final year projects, but throughout the past four years. We are particularly grateful to our supervisors and to the technical staff for their advice and help with many aspects of our study.
Finally, we thank you, our visitors, for taking the time to come and view our projects. We hope that you enjoy your visit to DCU and that you find our projects both interesting and original.
The Final Year Students of DCU School of Computing
On behalf of the School of Computing I would like to welcome you to this display of final year projects.
I would also like to thank the students for their work in organising this event, and for their many contributions to the life of the School and of the University over the past four years. We are proud of them for many reasons, including the work on display here, and we look forward with confidence to the future successes of the class of 2005.
Dublin City University is well known for its strong relationship with industry. This annual display provides an opportunity for the industrial and business communities to view the high standard and broad range of development work carried out by students of the B.Sc. in Computer Applications and the B.Sc. in Applied
Computational Linguistics. We welcome your suggestions for future projects and any other feedback.
The projects are completed in the application area of the students’ choice, with ideas coming from various sources including INTRA work placement, other external companies, research interests of staff, and of course original ideas from the students themselves. Each individual or team brings the project from analysis and design, through the development process, and finally to testing and documentation. This takes a substantial amount of time, work and dedication on the part of the students. When you view today’s display, we’re sure you’ll agree that their efforts were worthwhile.
The staff and students of DCU School of Computing look forward to meeting you and sharing these projects with you, and we hope you enjoy your visit to the School of Computing and Dublin City University.
Professor Michael Ryan
Head, DCU School of Computing
Serving industry through raising the level of success of software and technology organisations
The Centre for Software Engineering is proud to be associated with the Final Year Projects of the students completing their B.Sc. in Computer Applications at Dublin City University. In previous years the quality of these projects has been excellent, in terms of the ideas and concepts addressed, and in terms of the quality of the work. I look forward, therefore, to reviewing these projects and to seeing the same high standards in 2005.
This course has had a history of bringing out the best in its students, who have taken up challenging positions and excelled in their careers. A number of these former students are now leaders in the ICT community and contributing enormously to the success of the industry. We wish similar success to the class of 2005.
The current Head of the DCU School of Computing, Professor Michael Ryan, founded the Centre for
Software Engineering (CSE) in 1990. His aspiration was that the CSE would engage in an ambitious programme of services to help the development of the then-fledgling software industry in Ireland.
During the 15 years of its operations, the CSE has provided hundreds of training courses, run very many special events, delivered many programmes of training and mentoring to software and other technology organisations in Ireland, and worked directly with many organisations in addressing key challenges to success. The CSE has developed an international profile through its work in European projects, through work on international standards, and more recently through services to industry in other countries. The
CSE is the primary assessment organisation in ICT in Ireland, having carried out evaluation of processes, technologies, projects, organisations; and also the audit of quality systems, the evaluation and certification of products, and due diligence for external investment. The extent of work carried out represents a wealth of experience upon which industry may draw.
Apart from working with established ICT organisations in industry and in-house within public and private sector organisations, the CSE is increasingly working with early stage companies, and is looking forward to their emergence as future leaders in their respective markets.
Michael O’Duffy
The CSE may be contacted at +353 1 700 5750, admin@cse.dcu.ie, www.cse.dcu.ie
GIFT is a highly challenging programme which takes top IT graduates, trains them in leading edge technologies and methodologies, gives them a high-level of mentoring and development experience in stimulating projects, with exposure to the full project lifecycle. The graduate gains extensive experience, accelerated growth as a technologist, and a great head start to their career with Fidelity.
GIFT is a 12 month programme and is held in the start-of-the-art training facilities in our Galway office. New GIFT associates first undertake four months of intensive training in web technologies, business, design methodologies, and professional skills.
• Java, J2EE (JSP/Servlets/JDBC), .Net
• UML and Design Patterns
• Oracle PL/SQL
• Software Testing
• Systems Interrelations
• Requirements Analysis
• Industry Basics
• Quality Assurance
• Presentation Skills
• Building Better Business Relationships
• Project Management
• Application Security
• Linux Basics, and Shell Scripting
• SCM with IBM Clearcase
• Web Deployment
• Apache Struts Framework
• Building business context
• Business Research
• Project Lifecycle Management
• Meeting Etiquette
• Managing Customer Expectations
• Information Mapping
On completion of this training, associates work on projects for Fidelity business units. These are web application development projects, using with J2EE or .NET technologies. Associates are given a high degree of ownership, customer interaction and gain full project lifecycle experience. At the end of the year graduates are placed on project teams within Fidelity Investments, either in the US or in one of our Irish offices.
The GIFT Programme is accredited with HETAC, and graduates of the programme receive a Postgraduate
Diploma in Web Application Development . Fidelity Investments is the first company in Ireland to be accredited by HETAC to award a postgraduate diploma.
For further information on Fidelity Investments see www.fidelity.com
IT graduates who are:
Honours students
Leaders, and strong team players
Excellent communicators
Hardworking and flexible
Application are accepted from:
October to December the preceding year
Apply online at www.fiscireland.ie
Go to ‘Join Fidelity’
Apply online for GIFT Associate position
The programme the students have taken is four years long, including six months spent working in industry.
It aims to produce the computer professionals of the future, skilled in computing and software engineering, and equipped with sufficient knowledge of the main application areas to be able to apply their computing skills in an effective manner.
The course places a considerable emphasis on practical work, with at least 25% of the marks in each subject going for assignments and other work carried out during the years. In addition, there are two major projects, one in third year and another in final year. It is not unusual for a project to be based on the requirements of an outside company, thus providing a cost-effective way for the company to investigate or prototype a new application.
In the third year of the course students spend a period of six months, from April through September, working in industry. Companies who wish to consider taking a student for this six-month period should contact DCU’s Office for Innovation and Business Relations, details of which are provided in the
Information for Industry section of this booklet.
A brief outline of the content of the degree:
Year 1: Introduction to Programming, Computer Architecture, Mathematics, Physics, Electronics,
Accounting, Marketing, Business Game, Web Design, Topics in Computing, French, German,
Year 2:
Year 3:
Systems Analysis, Data Structures & Algorithms, Advanced Computer Architectures, Linear
Algebra & Vectors, Probability, Statistics, Operating Systems, Logic, Assembly Language
Programming, OO Design & Implementation, Languages & Computability, Introduction to
Networks & Internet, Databases, Organisational Information Systems, Business Organisation
Project, Artificial Intelligence, Database Deployment, Object-Oriented Analysis & Design,
Computer Networks, Project & Process Management, Information System Strategy,
Algorithms & Complexity, Mathematics, Operating Systems Design & Development
Year 4: Project, Technical Communication Skills, Software Patterns & Metrics, Object-Oriented
Models, Business Process Re-engineering, Computer Graphics, Databases II, Multimedia
Information Retrieval, Software Process Improvement, Operations Research/Management
Science, Multimedia Technology, Logistics Management, Speech Processing, Cryptography,
Compiler Construction, Artificial Intelligence II, Digital Signal Processing, Concurrent
Programming, Real Time Embedded Systems, Security Protocols, Distributed Programming
From Year 2 onwards, students follow one of two streams: Software Engineering or Information Systems.
A full breakdown of modules is available at www.dcu.ie/computing
This is a four-year programme, three years of which are spent at DCU and one at a university in a German or French-speaking country. During this time abroad, students take approved modules offered by the host university and complete a short research project for DCU.
The ACL programme reflects progress in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) – the use of computers to carry out tasks involving the languages that humans speak and write. This degree equips students with a firm grounding in computer science, and in-depth knowledge of linguistic theory and computational linguistics, the branch of linguistics which provides descriptions of human language that are amenable to computational treatments.
It is a demanding programme but the rewards are high: the degree is intellectually challenging while also equipping students with skills that are directly applicable to industry. There are excellent employment opportunities for graduates in NLP – as software engineers, translators or machine translation specialists, for instance. They can also engage in high-level research in NLP labs in industry and academia where the emphasis is on deepening our knowledge of how human language works and how computer systems might best be designed to cope with this complex phenomenon.
A brief outline of the degree is as follows:
Year 1: Computer Programming, Applied Maths for NLP, French/German, Logic & Maths for
Linguistics, Principles of Linguistics, Empirical Linguistics, Practice of Linguistics, Prolog
Year 2:
Year 3:
Algorithms & Data Structures, French/German, Computational Linguistics, Syntax, Corpus
Linguistics, Semantics, Translation Skills, Artificial Intelligence, Programming in Perl,
Languages, Computability & Complexity
All students spend a full academic year at the appropriate host university, and complete a programme of study agreed by DCU and that institution. Students are also required to undertake an extended piece of work, with the results presented on their return to DCU
Year 4: Final Year Project, Applied Corpus Linguistics, Machine Translation, Speech Processing,
Computational Semantics, Language Design and Implementation, French/German,
Computer-Aided Language Learning
Artificial Intelligence: 42, 90, 97, 132
Embedded Systems: 4
Databases: 5, 9, 16, 17, 22, 36, 51, 78, 107
Digital Signal Processing: 2, 46, 100, 119, 126, 136
Distributed Systems: 45, 91, 142, 147
E-Commerce: 108, 124
Educational: 15, 18, 20, 26, 38, 43, 52, 57, 58, 61, 62, 65, 67, 106, 113, 115, 118, 122, 130, 143, 148
Gaming: 11, 28, 30, 44, 49, 64, 66, 75, 77, 96, 116, 150
Graphics: 24, 81, 105
Intelligence Pattern Matching: 79, 121, 137
Internet: 34, 40, 41, 56, 69, 74, 76, 94, 98, 112, 117, 145
Mobile Phones: 8, 9, 10, 70, 110
Wireless Technology: 32, 35, 48
Multimedia: 6, 12, 23, 33, 60, 63, 72, 111, 114, 129, 134, 151
Natural Language Processing: 87, 93, 99, 102, 123
Network Applications: 80, 135, 144
Security: 13, 39, 54, 104, 128, 133, 153
Software Development: 3, 7, 19, 27, 37, 47, 50, 53, 55, 73, 83, 84, 86, 92, 95, 101, 109, 127, 131, 138,
139, 140, 149
Speech: 21, 25, 59, 71, 103, 125, 141, 152
Other: 14, 29, 31, 68, 82, 85, 88, 89, 120, 146
ASP.NET: 38, 72, 94, 108
C/C++: 4, 28, 34, 43, 54, 63, 66, 70, 75, 80, 85, 105, 119, 126, 133, 139
C#: 16, 24, 50, 92, 100, 103
Eclipse: 9, 45, 57, 95
Flash: 98
Java: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 52, 53,
55, 56, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 97, 104, 106, 109, 110, 113,
114, 115, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144,
145, 146, 148, 150
JavaScript: 89
JSP/Servlets: 7, 11, 36, 41, 76, 112, 117, 130
OpenGL: 77, 96
Perl: 18, 71, 87, 99, 102, 123
SQL: 17, 22, 51
Visual Basic: 19
XML: 101, 107, 143, 147
Other: 14, 20, 25, 31, 47, 48, 58, 61, 74, 78, 81, 93, 111, 116, 134, 141, 149, 151, 152, 153
Windows: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64,
65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97,
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120,
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 145, 146,
147, 149, 150, 152, 153
UNIX/Linux: 78, 87, 126, 134, 151
Multi-Platform: 2, 8, 17, 20, 23, 35, 53, 61, 69, 86, 95, 98, 118, 129, 130, 142, 144, 148
Other: 10, 30, 70, 119
1: CCTV Image Analyser and Access System
2: Intelligent Playlist Generator
3: University Portal
4: Random Number Generator Using Alpha-Particle Source
5: Equestrian Centre Booking System
6: Video Summarisation For RTÉ News
7: Query Management System
8: Cinemob - Cinema Listings for your Mobile Phone
9: mdbX project: Migrating Microsoft Access to Open Source Database
10: Mobile Multiplayer Tetris
11: Online Soccer Management Game
12: Networked Desktop Search Engine
13: Secure Instant Messaging incorporating IBE using
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
14: Ag foghlaim Gaeilge le greann
15: Easy Chinese
16: Real Time Sales & Management Tool
17: Online Test Generator
18: Just-Write: Automatic Error Evaluation and Correction in SLA
19: Insurance Broker System
20: Shamrock: a Web-based Learning Environment
21: Text Reading & Processing Tool designed for People with Dyslexia
22: Project Administration Tool
23: Image Manipulation Language and Application
24: Realtime Lip Syncing Facial Animation based on Speech Input
25: Talk Shopper
26: Simplex Method Tutorial and Calculator
27: Java 3D Object Viewer
28: Space Invaders Xtreme
29: Scribal Handwriting Recognition
30: Elite Trader J2ME Game
31: Process Management and Simulation for the Irish Healthcare Industry
32: GPS Golf Caddy
33: Quranic Search
34: Anonymising Proxy
35: Ziris: Wireless Information System
36: Online Cinema Booking System
37: Inventory Analysis Tool
38: Visual Tora for Windows
39: Sekim
40: Search Engine
41: Virtual Shopping Experience
Joyce O’Hare
Ivan Ruane
Nadine Redmond
Richard Gerard Ryan
Aisling Clinch, Louise Somers
Stephen Whitney
Declan Weir
Michelle Graham
Dahai Yu, Bo Hu
Daniel Hunt
Colm Lynch
Sinéad Lyons, Donal Ryan
Colm Brennan, Colum Kelly
Aimee Hilliard, Neil Dover
Na Xing, Yuan Shi
Conor Anthony Winders, Keith Redmond
Wael Kamal Eldin
Lindsay Ahearne
Gerard Halligan
Susan King
Laura Carroll
Carla Ann Coleman, Daniel Buttle,
Padraig O’Rourke
Noel Dykes, Gordon Keenan
Paul Duffy, Jennifer Fay
Andrew Pimlott, Roberto Panza
Katie Duggan, Paul McElroy
Sun Ning, Lindsay Moran
Kevin O’ Meara , Brendan Murphy
Akshaya Datar, Martin Kelly
Stephen Lynch, Jonathan Kelly
Pádraig Ceallacháin
David Garrigan
Adeela Khan, Aneela Hafeez
Donal Carroll, David Gough
Niamh Cunningham, John Dundon
Mary Lynott, Amy Lewis
Yi Zhang
Stephen Devlin
Enrique Albert, Jorge Cordero-Mendoza,
Alfonso Armenta
Cathal Sayers, Michael Storey
Orla Flynn, Suzanne Butler
42: AI Premiership Predictor
43: Language Comparison
44: Java 3D game: Return to Pluto
45: Web Service Plugin for Eclipse platform 3.0
46: BACH Software (Be A Composer at Home)
47: LabIris
48: Implementation of a Wi-Fi Hotspot in Annagh Lodge Hotel
49: Football Simulation Manager
50: Windows XP Slipstreaming, Automated Setup and Upgrades
51: Graphical Interface Theatre Booking System
52: Modelling Small Societies: Game Theory
53: 0nline Expense Application (Expense 24-7)
54: Fanach: Cryptographic Secure Pseudo Randon Number Generator
55: PoachProof: A Plagiarism Detection Application
56: Really Simple, Smart Syndication
57: The Minerva Distance Learning Tool
58: Moodle Study Plan Generator
59: Java Voice Controlled Programming Editor
60: Video Mosaic
61: Of Mice and Maze: an Educational Game for learning Smalltalk
62: PALAS: Problems Associated with Language Acquisition and their Solutions
63: Unsupervised Video Segmentation
64: 2D Adventure Game for J2ME Devices
65: Linear Programming Tutor
66: War
67: Virtual Greyhound Trainer
68: Bar Stock Exchange
69: Ottenga: An RSS Aggregator
70: Bluetooth over IP for Mobile Phones
71: An Automatic Phonetic Transcriber for Connemara Irish
72: Family Tree Generator
73: Calculator in two different Programming Language Paradigms
74: JobConnect
75: A 3D First-Person Shooter Game
76: Graphical Interface Theatre Booking System
77: A Helicopter Simulation Using Multimodal Interfaces
78: Electronic Voting System
79: Fingerprint Recognition System
80: Instant Communication
81: Graphical On-line Seating Booking System for a Football Stadium
82: Comparison of Two Different Programming Language Paradigms
83: XML File Editor
84: Employee Resource System
85: Comparing Programming Paradigms
86: DesignER: An ER/EER Modelling CASE Tool
87: Pronominal Anaphora Resolution on Unrestricted Text
Sean O’Brien
Eoghan Patton
Sarah Stafford, Joanna Ahlstrom
Liyan Zhao, YueQiu Ma
Aisling McDonnell, Ronan O’Connor
Stephen Quin, Declan Butler
Micheal Scott, Barry Wallace
Kevin Costello, Warren Cleland
Jonathan Mc Namee, Nassir Hussain
Eugene Kearns, Derek Drennan
Simon Ward, Dara Hoey
Lisa Finlay
Gerard Lanigan
Michelle Fagan
Daniel Doyle
Brian Mc Donald
Aaron Smyth, Stephen Hayes McCoy
Rory Gallagher
Alan Price, Ronan McMahon
Marguerite Fuller
Deirdre Teresa Gilna
Oliver Smyth, Sean De Burca
Matthew Finucane, Ronan Murphy
Ronan Larkin, Brian Mc Guinness
James Monaghan
Una Mary Kehoe
Alan Collins, Dermot Daly
Laura Egar
Michael Dowling, Michael McHugh
Catherine O’ Byrne
Darren O’Hagan, Lisa Carroll
Vincent Redmond
Declan O’Reilly
Peter Kehoe, Eoin Conway
Mark Brady, Patrice Browne
Orla McCormack
Tomás Ó Hógáin
Sinead O’Neill, Mary Levis
Ji Zhou, Bingjie Li
John O’Connell, Sean Bennett
David O’Connor
Keith John Nixon, Kevin Maloney
Charlie Patton
Stephen O’Neill
Alan Mc Kernan, Kevin Mc Guinness
Padraig Oliver
88: Implementing and Comparing a Calculator in two Different Language Paradigms Aoife McNamara
89: Calculator
90: Simulating the Evolution of Single Cell Organisms
Alan White
Conor Fahy
91: Generic Grid Computing Framework
92: Health Care Management Tool: A Modern Approach
Darren Mullarkey
Ross Young, Brian Stokes
93: Labelling Documents With Metadata Using Information Extraction Techniques Jacqueline Maher
94: Intranet Database Access William Langan
95: BPEL Builder
96: PuzzleCon 3D
97: Panicking Fleeing Victims 2.0
98: Fuse Application: Project and People Management
99: Classification of Texts according to Author Gender
100: Vocal Analysing System
101: OWL-S Semantic Web Service Ontology Development Tool
102: An Example-Based Machine Translation System
Cian Durrigan, Peter Finegan
Brian Smith, Dermot Ryan
Barry Mc Sweeney, Serah Thomas
Daragh Byrne
Danielle Cullen
Gerard Garrigan, Brian Merriman
Li Le, Li Meng
Maria Flannery
103: BOOOM! A Speech Controlled Music Centre
104: What Lies Beneath
105: 3D Space Combat Game
106: D6 Solution
107: SIBYL: Research Database System
108: Customer Self Service Portal and Automatic Billing Application
109: Fully Functioning Calculator: Comparing and
Contrasting two Programming Paradigms
110: J2ME Quiz Developer
111: Music Spell Checker
112: Online Voting System for the Students’ Union
113: Java Source Code to FlowChart
114: Paint Shop Publisher
115: Robot War Teaching Aid
116: Montessori Teaching Tool
117: System for Managing 3rd/4th Year Projects
118: Robot Wars, A Java Mind Development Kit
119: Mobile Photo Editor
120: Guitar Recording Studio for PC
121: Intelligent Docket Interpretation System
122: Inventory Analysis Tool
123: A Baseline Multilingual Question Answering System
124: Survey Analysis and Graphics Generator
125: Voice Recognition and Text Instant Messenger
126: Guitar Effects Simulation
127: Java Graphical Debugger
128: My Average Face
129: Topic-based Video News Retrieval using Google’s PageRank Algorithm
130: Automated Learning Environment
131: Retail Management System
132: ER1 Robot Navigation
Gerard Morley, Jonathan Keenan
Cathal Callaghan
Shane O’Connor
Niall McCrudden
Colm Noonan
Barry Cunningham
Conor Ó Conghaile
Martina Frain, Aisling Devlin
Brian Branagan, Eric Baneham
Roisín Mc Kenna, Lisa Johnston
Ian Kavanagh
Shane Stack, Trevor O’Brien
Gary Phelan
Ciaran Mulvenna
Caroline McKenna, Marsha Murphy
Eugene Gibney, Andrew Sunderland
Síle Dunbar
Eamon Keegan
Bryan O’Sullivan, Luke J. Rickard
Anne Caulfield
Martin Burns
David Dunleavy, Eoin Brady
Ciaran Reidy
Cathal Mullaney
Cillian O’Ruanaidh, Ian O’Neill
Shane Carroll, Aidan McGowran
Vincent Glennon
Louise O’Nolan
Colin Pitt
Mussa Elsaeid, Abdulhakim Nassir
133: Hidden Strokes: Keystrokes Recorder
134: HeX
135: The Virtual Classroom
136: Nebula: Digital Audio Effects Lab
137: Sharp Sounds
138: Photo Map
139: Robot that Sees and Hears
140: Computer Compents Online
141: Pronunciation Analysis: A CALL Application
142: Distributed Computing Java Screensaver
143: ALT: Adult Literacy Tools
144: Anonymous Project Submission System
145: VChat Voice Chat Room
146: SALY: Statistical Analysis for the LaYman
147: XML Research Database with Web Services
148: Java Virtual School
149: eJUnit
150: A Networked Implementation of Battleship
151: Interactive Travel Log
152: True Speaker Dubbing System
153: Biometrics: Irish Scanning and Authentication
Miriam Cosgrove
Padraic Hallinan
Ciarán Finnegan, Rory O’Dea
Stephen Flynn, Kevin Ryan
Damien Murtagh, Colm Reilly
Paul Drumm, Eoin Brady
Khaled Buzakhar, Mohamed Embashi
Conor McCauley
Sarah O’Neill
Rory O’Hanlon
Edel O Mahony
Mel Foody
Gavin Kearney
Alva Lyons
Darren Flynn, Mark Torpey
Sarah Farrell
Colin Duggan, Brian Foody
Alan O’Neill, Robert O’ Hara
Harry Tormey
Claudia Neri
Gail Park
CCTV Image Analyser and Access System
Joyce O’Hare
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The CCTV industry is facing the prospect of large multimedia archives, in which it may be very difficult to locate specific content. Current CCTV systems require users to search through potentially hours of footage to find events of interest. This project was designed to make full advantage of multimedia data and automatically highlight events of interest to the user, thus considerably reducing the amount of review-time required. The system facilitates fast and efficient CCTV footage manipulation and retrieval, by analysing and rapidly and accurately detecting noteworthy activity using intelligent motion detection.
Administrative event logging then records events for easy historical reference. A key feature of this project is its quick and efficient searching ability, allowing users to query the CCTV footage based on criteria such as time, date, camera or image.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~johare-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Intelligent Playlist Generator
Ivan Ruane
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project explores the possibilities of automatic music classification through signal processing and analysis. The software processes a set of input audio files and collects information about the variation of their frequency content over time. A set of easily indexed numerical values are output, relating to the detected characteristics. Similar sound files therefore have similar values, and this can be used to create playlists of songs that match. The user has the option of using an automatic mode, where the most similar files are listed consecutively, or a guided mode moving from one category to another.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Digital Signal Processing
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~iruane-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
University Portal
Nadine Redmond
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: University Portal was developed as an all-inclusive Website to allow both students and lecturers to carry out their daily tasks effectively. It includes convenient features such as a calendar, notice board, Web mail access, RSS newsfeed and study calculator. These user groups were chosen due to the developer’s familiarity with their needs, but the system is suitable for adaptation to use in other situations. It was developed using BEA’s WebLogic Sever and Portal technologies and, as a result, the finished system is both simple to use and adaptable to user preferences. The system was produced using
Java features including Enterprise Java Beans, Java Server Pages and Java Page Flows.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~nredmo-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Random Number Generator using Alpha-Particle Source
Richard Gerard Ryan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project utilizes Alpha Radiation to create a binary random number. When a piece of radiation, from an Alpha source, hits a diode in a circuit, a current is allowed to flow in the circuit. The alpha source emits the radiation at random intervals.
If the circuit is connected to a counter that regularly alternates between 1 and 0, bit value is recorded when a current flows on the circuit. Thus, a binary random number of any size can be created. The number is then tested against a range of statistical tests which can reject it if the number is not sufficiently “unguessable”. If it is rejected, another number is created. The software can be stored as a C library file making it reusable. Such random numbers can be used as keys in cryptographic and network communications and in statistical sampling.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Embedded Systems
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~rryan-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Equestrian Centre Booking System
Aisling Clinch
Louise Somers
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: An equestrian centre takes bookings for lessons of different grades. The equestrian centre uses a paper-based system of taking bookings and has no computerised system of retaining records of its bookings. The objective of this project was to develop an Equestrian Centre Booking System, both online and offline. The online system was developed using Java Servlets. This allows members to login and make a booking for a lesson. Users can also view and cancel bookings, and view and update their personal details through the Web.
The offline system consists of a Java Swing GUI, which is used for database administration purposes and allows for bookings made in person. The GUI also prints the information from the database to a file for future reference.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~aclinc-cais4/functionalspec.html
Title: Video Summarisation for RTÉ News
Name: Stephen Whitney
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The wealth of information stored in a video file, compounded with the temporal nature of the medium, makes extracting this information a linear, arduous task. By creating links between the semantics of the video data and its representation, automatic video summarisation tools attempt to generate synopses of video data. However, because of the major differences between video categories, these tend to be highly customised applications. This project aims to create a library of generic video summarisation tools, based on video semantics, for use in summarisation engines, and to demonstrate their capabilities in a summarisation tool for RTÉ News. This demonstration tool offers the user two choices on how to build their summary: through a highly customisable engine to produce automatically created summaries, and an interactive, step-by-step summary building process, with an optional demonstration mode to show
Primary Area: the steps taken throughout the process, from the base data to the final product.
Secondary Area: None
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~swhitn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Query Management System
Declan Weir
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This system’s main function is to provide users, who have encountered a problem, with the capability of solving it by providing a central location to log and solve these issues. Within large companies, difficulties can arise if, for example, one person is relying on another (say a team-leader) to find specific information in order for a problem to be solved. If there is a breakdown in the cycle (e.g. the team-leader forgets about the issue), this may result in the worker losing hours, or sometimes longer, working on a project. This application was developed specifically to attempt to solve this information management problem.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dweir-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Cinemob: Cinema Listings for your Mobile Phone
Michelle Graham
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Cinemob was developed to provide a valuable and much-needed service: always-accessible cinema listings on a user’s mobile phone. However, unlike traditional methods, the aim of this application was to store listings in the phone memory, rather than requiring the user to connect to the Web every time they wish to access the listings. Cinemob achieves this using J2ME technology, and comes complete not only with auto-updated cinema listings (done once a week for whichever cinemas are chosen), but also with an updateable movie trivia game, whose questions have been submitted online via a Website. The cinema listings are stored in a database, and the database is refreshed weekly using a Java Web page parser.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Mobile Phones
Wireless Technology
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mgraha-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1: mdbX Project: Migrating Microsoft Access to Open Source Database
Dahai Yu
Name 2: Bo Hu
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: mdbX Project involved building of a Java tool for control of database migration.
The aim was to migrate Microsoft Access database to HSQLDB database, including table, query/view, form and report. It provides a connection port between HSQLDB and OpenOffice.org. Users can view and modify forms and reports from OpenOffice.org. This application migrates all of the tables and relationships between tables to HSQLDB database. The application provides a parser to parse MS Access Jet SQL query to standard SQL query that is acceptable to HSQLDB, and saves them as views format recognized by HSQLDB. The application saves the data (tables, queries) used by forms or reports, and other necessary properties of forms or reports, and builds file formats recognized by OpenOffice.org API.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Eclipse
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dyu-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Mobile Multiplayer Tetris
Daniel Hunt
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is a mobile, multiplayer version of the puzzle game Tetris. It has been developed for use on mobile phones supporting both the Java Runtime
Environment as well as Bluetooth for the multiplayer component. For those without bluetooth-enabled devices, a single player game is available, with the aim of beating the user’s previous best scores. The multiplayer version allows players to compete against each other, with the winner being the “last man standing”.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Mobile Phones
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dhunt-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Online Soccer Management Game
Colm Lynch
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project aimed to develop a Web-based soccer management game akin to that of the successful Championship Manager franchise. Players take control of a Premiership team for the duration of a season and pit their skills against other players over the Internet. Also included is 3D animation so that players can watch the highlights of their games. Artificial Intelligence is used for those teams that are not controlled by real life players. This involves picking the best teams, bidding for other teams’ players, and so forth.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~clynch-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Networked Desktop Search Engine
Sinéad Lyons
Name 2: Donal Ryan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project implements a desktop search engine, with the added feature of facilitating search of multiple desktops linked via a network. The program runs on all linked computers. Each program continuously indexes all files on its computer and stores them in a file for fast searching. When a user types in a search term in one of the programs, it searches for the term in its index file, while also communicating with the programs running on the other computers to instruct them to search for it in their index file. The program returns links to files it believes are relevant to the user. The program is written in Java, using Java
Swing to create the user interface for entering search terms and returning links.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Network Applications
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~slyons-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Secure Instant Messaging incorporating IBE using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Colm Brennan
Name 2: Colum Kelly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is an instant messaging application incorporating Identity Based
Encryption using Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Users can log on as members to a central server. The server coordinates all of the communication between users.
The main part of the project is the development of the encryption security, which surrounds all of the communication between users. The encryption used is the Identity Based Encryption scheme. This scheme does away with the need for certificates, which are used to map public keys to identities, as the user’s identity
(e.g. ‘bob@cullymoechat’) is their public key. Instant messaging applications generally tend to avoid paying much attention to protecting the information being passed in a normal communications channel. A prime example of this is Jabber, the leading open-source instant messaging protocol, which has not yet defined or implemented a security protocol. IBE is a viable solution to securing instant messaging as, without the need for certificates, the speed of encryption and decryption is vastly improved. The goal of this project was to develop a system architecture that would allow the solution to be used as a basis for a JEP (Jabber Extension
Primary Area:
Protocol), and which would outline how IBE can be used to successfully secure Jabber.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cbrenn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Ag Foghlaim Gaeilge le greann
Name 1:
Name 2:
Aimee Hilliard
Neil Dover
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: Ag Foghlaim Gaeilge le greann is a CALL (computer aided language learning) application. It enables students who are starting to learn Irish to get a basic knowledge of the language in a fun and innovative manner. The application is developed in the Smalltalk language of SQUEAK. This project was designed to compliment the current primary school curriculum and, through the use of basic games, to develop in the user a deepened interest in a language that is currently in decline.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ahilli-cais4/functionalspec.html
Title: Easy Chinese
Name 1:
Name 2:
Na Xing
Yuan Shi
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to build an application to assist students learning
Chinese. There are four components: Pinyin Pronunciation, Basic Spoken
Mandarin, Strokes, and Vocabularies. The Pinyin Pronunciation section uses pronunciation descriptions, audio, recording and playback to assist the leaner in achieving the basic Pinyin sounds. The Basic Spoken Mandarin section includes basic dialogs, such as greeting or shopping situations. Some phrases are chosen from dialogs to teach the student word-by-word. For these two sections, students can record their own pronunciation and compare it with the correct one. In the Strokes section, eight forms of strokes are introduced. By studying this section, the student can learn how to compose some simple words using the basic strokes, and also learn the principle of stroke orders. Finally, in the Vocabularies section, some common words are introduced using pictures, thereby enabling the student to easily recognize these simple words. Based on initial feedback from staff in the School of Language and Intercultural
Studies at DCU, this application could potentially be very useful for language students.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~nxing-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Real Time Sales and Management Tool
Conor Anthony Winders
Name 2: Keith Redmond
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
This project involved the design, building and development of a sales and management tool to be used in a real-world organisation. The program offers two levels of access to the company: user and management. Regular user access focuses on the retail aspects of the business, providing the sales representatives with quicker and more accurate access to company stocks and rental details. On top of this, management logins facilitate the generation of company reports and charts over given periods. The .net suite of technologies has been used to develop this system, C# for the interface, VB.net for interaction with the MS Office suite, and ASP.net for the Web functionality.
Primary Area:
The database is a MS SQL Server DB, and the data is managed via SQL and XML.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: Visual Basic
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cwinde-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Online Test Generator
Wael Kamal Eldin
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Automatic Test Generator is a program that automatically generates multiple choice Computer Architecture tests and handles the submission/marking of results. Login is required either by a student or a lecturer. Each client has different functions available. Students have the ability to login, take a test, submit the test, and view previous test results. Lecturers have the ability to login, generate random test questions, store these in a database, send login passwords to students, make tests available to students, correct tests, and store results.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: SQL
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~wkamal-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Just-Write: Automatic Error Evaluation and Correction in SLA
Lindsay Ahearne
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: Just-Write is an interactive Web-based application designed as an aid for students learning basic Spanish. The interface allows the user to input a
Spanish text related to a suggested topic. This text is then evaluated by the system and the results generated are returned in the form of meta-linguistic feedback. The errors evaluated are those identified to be characteristic of levels A1 and A2 in the Common European
Framework. The application provides students with a means of gauging the accuracy of the input and uses statistical feedback to highlight the areas of the language that are most problematic for them. The student can then modify the input in order to reduce the number of errors being made in these areas. The progress of individual students is tracked so that they can monitor the extent of the improvement in their writing skills.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: CGI
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~lahear-cl4/functionalspec.html
Insurance Broker System
Gerard Halligan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is a computer system that will be used in an Insurance Brokers’ office. The system is split into two parts. The first part of the program is the
In-House Broker System (IHBS), which is to be used by the staff. The second part is the
On-Line Quote System (OLQS), which can be used by anybody on-line. The OLQS enables clients or potential clients to instantly obtain motor or household quotes on-line. The product enables the client to automatically receive the quote on-line. The client fills out the quote and, upon completion, they can purchase the quote using a credit card, they can reject the quote, or they can save the quote so they can come back to it later, in which case the quote is recalculated. The IHBS will be used by the employees to add new clients, and to manage existing clients, take quotes (motor/household), manage the accounts and generate reports/ letters for all departments. Letters are automatically filled out using the mail merge feature in
Word, and reports are automatically formatted in Access. The reports have basic calculations done. Behind this system, there is a MSSQL Database running on a MSSQL Server.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Visual Basic
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~Ghalli-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Shamrock: a Web-based Learning Environment
Susan King
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: Shamrock is an integrated Web-based learning environment aimed at 10-12 year old students. Its aims are to provide a fun environment to help students engage with the material presented, to help reduce pressure on teachers by enabling them to track individual student performance, and to allow teachers the flexibility to create their own course, customised to the requirements of their students. Shamrock has three strands: a management system, a storyline, and content creation. The management system includes user registration, user profiles and authentication, course management, content management and delivery, learner profiles and assessments. It also provides interactivity and collaboration through discussion forums and e-mail. A storyline provides the framework within which learning takes place. It is based on a journey, with learning events encountered along the way. Content creation is performed using templates. This enables teachers to upload material without having
Primary Area: any technical programming knowledge and ensures a single, consistent interface.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sking-cae4/functionalspec.html
Text Reading and Processing Tool designed for People with Dyslexia
Laura Carroll
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The design and creation of this text-to-speech program is intended for use by those with dyslexia. The program allows created documents to be re-read to the user, and allows other text to be imported and read aloud. By employing the use of information retrieval techniques, documents can be scanned and the primary contents of each paragraph/chapter can be highlighted, thereby helping to speed up research activities.
Research on how colour is used to improve reading conditions for those with dyslexia is utilised via the provision of variable colour for fonts, background and highlighted text as it is being read aloud, in order to help the reader focus on the text. Variable read-back speeds and user-friendly control buttons also feature in this program.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~lcarro-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Name 3:
Project Administration Tool
Carla Ann Coleman
Daniel Buttle
Padraig O’Rourke
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This application has been designed to handle final year projects for DCU’s
Computer Applications students. At its core is a three-tiered application: the front end is a Webpage, the middle is a Java application, and the backend is a database designed in MySQL. The tool handles several aspects of the administration of final year and third year projects, including maintaining a year-by-year database and statistical information on trends in project type, marking patterns, and so forth.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: SQL
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ccolem-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Image Manipulation Language and Application
Noel Dykes
Name 2: Gordon Keenan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is based in the area of digital imagery. A language and an application have been developed to manipulate digital images using both the
Java advanced imaging API and the Java compiler program, JavaCC. A language of a specified grammar was defined using JavaCC, which automates the above process. The language allows a user to run a batch of commands on one or multiple images. These commands are image manipulation commands such as resize, raster or rotate, as found in the Java advanced imaging API. A front-end
Java Swing application was also developed that allows the user to view an image, run a program of the above defined language and view the results. The user then has the functionality to undo these changes or save the edited image to a file.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Software Development
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ndykes-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Real-time Lip Syncing Facial Animation based on Speech Input
Paul Duffy
Name 2: Jennifer Fay
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
The system simulates lip movement of 3D characters based on real-time audio input provided by the user. A speech recognition engine analyses the user’s voice, detecting visemes as they occur in natural speech. These events and their duration drive an animation system that shapes the character’s lips to match the words spoken. The character is rendered in real time, using techniques such as texture and bump mapping. The project is implemented in
C# for the .Net Framework, using the Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 to develop the speech recognition system. The graphics engine is implemented using CsGL, an open source version of OpenGL for C#. The application allows users to communicate across a network using either streaming audio or a low-bandwidth voice synthesis mode, with characters animating at each user’s computer. From a business context, this project is aimed towards use in online computer gaming and 3D graphics films.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: OpenGL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~pduffy-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Talk Shopper
Name 1:
Name 2:
Andrew Pimlott
Roberto Panza
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: Talk Shopper is an online speech shopping system. The system incorporates speech recognition software to allow the user to interact with the system. A speech prompt is issued to the user via speakers through voice commands and a reply simulates hyperlink calls used in standard Websites. The Website is connected to a database which is used to store information on customers. The reason for undertaking this project is to facilitate and hopefully aid physically disabled persons who are unable to make use of their upper limbs. Another reason for undertaking such a project was for the project designers and developers to explore new and previously unused technologies. The technologies used include database technologies, speech technology, Web development technologies, and the use of diagrammatic tools to provide a graphical representation of the design model of
Primary Area: the system.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~apimlo-cais4/functionalspec.html
Title: Simplex Method Tutorial and Calculator
Name 1:
Name 2:
Katie Duggan
Paul McElroy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project provides a user-friendly system for teaching the Simplex Method, a mathematically-based principle used in Linear Programming. The aim of the Simplex Method is to calculate the minimum cost or maximum profit of a project. The application provides a tutorial and calculator for the method as used in Operations Research, taught as part of DCU’s Computer Applications degree. In the project’s tutorial, the operations are graphically represented with an accompanying narrative, to help the user understand the method. Users can open a previously saved file or create a new one. Users can enter their own values, and the answer is calculated and displayed for printing and viewing. The user can input values and work through their own problems, step by step, to find optimal solutions for them. The calculator then allows the user to deduce further information about the
Primary Area: project from the optimal solution.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~kdugga-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Java 3D Object Viewer
Sun Ning
Name 2: Lindsay Moran
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Java 3D Object Viewer is a tool that takes a target Java program, runs it, and graphically displays the dynamics of this running program at the object level.
The user sees such things as how the objects of their program interact with each other, where objects are created and destroyed, and which objects create other objects. The tool uses the Java Debugging API to connect to a JVM, run the target program, and extract data concerning objects in the running program. The dynamics of the program are then displayed, using 3D Graphics, in a fun and user-friendly manner.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Software Development
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sning-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Space Invaders Xtreme
Kevin O’ Meara
Name 2: Brendan Murphy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The now “retro classic” game Space Invaders is seen by many in both the industry and the game playing public, as one of the key sparks which ignited the explosion in gaming over the past 20 years. Today’s gamers expect realistic gameplay and aesthetically impressive graphics. It is with these vital ingredients that this current remake of the legendary Space Invaders , called
Space Invaders Xtreme , has been developed. This gameplay features: a spaceship which can move around the screen; attacking aliens to shoot at; aliens shooting at the user; constantly flying forward in a 3D terrain; a shield around the ship which is depleted when struck with alien fire; and multiple levels. The game has a networked two player team-gameplay mode. An in-game menu controls options, while a
Primary Area: scoreboard tracks and stores players’ scores.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: OpenGL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~komear-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Scribal Handwriting Recognition
Akshaya Datar
Martin Kelly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: For centuries, there has been an ongoing debate as to whether the Book of
Leinster (1150 AD) was written by one or more scribes. Using a break-through in the technology of image matching, this project aims to bring the issue to conclusion. The project begins with the creation of a corpus of segmented images from specific pages supplied by the Dublin Institute of Advanced
Studies. These images are used as input for binarisation, which involves removing disjointed entities and background impurities, such as inkblots and damage through ageing. The resulting black and white images are suitable for shape matching. This process uses a patented algorithm provided by DCU’s Centre for Digital and
Video Processing, implementing a new technique of image curvature rather than traditional histograms. If more than one person wrote the manuscript, clusters of images with high matching probabilities are expected, otherwise they should be evenly distributed.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~adatar-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Elite Trader J2ME Game
Stephen Lynch
Jonathan Kelly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Elite Trader is a space trading game for mobile phones. It gives users control of a spacecraft, with the aim of gaining profits by buying and selling goods in different planets. Influenced by the classic 80’s game ELITE , this is a 2D version for mobile gaming. For added playability, the game features upgradable options for the user’s ship, such as more powerful weapons and shields. Elite
Trader also includes random battles where the player is forced to defend themselves against rival ships. Combat uses a turn-based system, which is popular in strategy games. The game is designed for MIDP 2.0 compatible
Primary Area: phones and utilises J2ME.
Secondary Area: Mobile Phones
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~slynch-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Process Management and Simulation for the Irish Healthcare Industry
Pádraig Ceallacháin
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The healthcare sector has shown that it has, compared with other sectors, relatively underdeveloped information systems. In this context, the importance of reducing healthcare costs and streamlining workflows, processes and care pathways is ever more recognized. However, despite the importance of process management, currently there are very few guidelines or standards provided for healthcare process management in hospitals. The objective of this project was to outline a framework for designing and evaluating healthcare processes through modelling and simulation. Research primarily focused on Irish methods and experiences, but also focused on the best-case scenarios that have been implemented in other countries. Based on research results, a modelling toolkit named ADONIS was adapted by developing a new Adonis Definition Language
Library to include models to cater for the health industry.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~pceall-cais4/functionalspec.html
GPS Golf Caddy
David Garrigan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The GPS Golf Caddy is a combination of global positioning technology and computer software. By combining the two technologies, a tool was developed that returns a player’s exact location on a golf course in relation to various targets (lakes, trees, greens, etc). The GPS Golf Caddy also indicates to players the type of shot and club to be hit depending on the player’s distance from the various targets on the hole. For this project, a laptop with a GPS receiver attached via a USB cable was used. However, ideally this tool would be run on a PDA with a built-in GPS receiver (or in some cases, a mobile phone).
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Wireless Technology
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dgarri-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Quranic Search
Adeela Khan
Name 2: Aneela Hafeez
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project is a search engine that retrieves a particular query, entered by the user, from the Holy Qur’an. There are three search engines: one that retrieves a particular verse from the Qur’an, another which performs a story search, and the last retrieves certain paragraphs queried. The search engine was coded in Java. A Web page was built in Dreamweaver for the queries entered and the results found. More than one word can be entered and results are found accordingly. Each verse has a translation and transliteration of the original
Arabic format, as not everybody can read and comprehend Arabic. It is anticipated that
Primary Area: many Muslims will utilise this search engine and find it of great benefit.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~akhan-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Anonymising Proxy
Donal Carroll
Name 2: David Gough
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The amount of personal information sent over the Web by unsuspecting users is immense. Companies’ unauthorised harvesting and sharing of user information has resulted in a lack of trust in Internet use among the average user. Even if one willingly submits his/her details to a Website they trust, the details may be bought by or stolen by spammers. Without realising it, the user might be inviting hundreds of daily junk emails offering dubious products. This project is an attempt to solve this problem. The project creates an anonymising proxy that sits between the browser and the Internet and attempts to hide the user’s personal information (name, e-mail address, etc.) from any Websites the user accesses.
The project also investigated the user interface and performance issues that relate to such
Primary Area: software.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dcarro-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Ziris: Wireless Information System
Niamh Cunningham
Name 2: John Dundon
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Ziris is a highly flexible handheld wireless information system, which can be configured easily for different businesses. Plug-in modules are added to the generic client/server application, affording various users with different needs a greater deal of flexibility in specifying a system tailor made for their business requirements. Once the client has been installed onto the handheld device,
XML streams are used to communicate with the server. This allows the client to send and receive business information to any Ziris -enabled server, provided they have password access. Primarily, the system can be used as a wireless stock control and ordering system, but it can be configured to allow the client to view the accounts, send urgent messages to other clients, or view any other files necessary for the business. To demonstrate the flexibility of the system, plug-in modules for two separate businesses, a restaurant and a leisure centre, were developed.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Wireless Technology
Software Development
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Palm Pilot
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ncunni-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Online Cinema Booking System
Mary Lynott
Name 2: Amy Lewis
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The Online Cinema Booking System is a system that allows users to book seats for films online. It enables customers to view films that are on and at what times.
They also can view the layout of the cinema theatre and look at the seat availability. The graphical elements of this project were developed using Adobe
Illustrator. It has several servlet pages linked to the database, which contain embedded HTML and SQL. These are used, for example, for the seat booking form. As this project is a Web page connecting to database, Tomcat has been
Primary Area: used to facilitate the use of Servlets.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mlynot-cais4/functionalspec.html
Inventory Analysis Tool
Yi Zhang
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The Inventory Analysis Tool calculates how much a company would save over a fixed time period on inventory and associated costs. It keeps the inventory level as efficient as possible and also acts as a stock regulatory tool. It has a user-friendly interface on the front end, which reads in the required figures, and a back end, which implements two models. These models are a Deterministic model and a Probabilistic
Model. They perform necessary calculations for Economic Order Quantity, the time gap between orders, back-orders, number of orders per year, total costs, holding costs, purchase costs and ordering costs. The system also generates an inventory analysis report, comparing the pros and cons.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~yzhang-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Visual Tora for Windows
Stephen Devlin
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The objective of this project is to re-develop the Linear Programming aspect of Tora to run under Windows. Linear Programming is used to compute the best possible allocation of resources in businesses. Tora is an MS-DOS application used to compute Operations Research problems.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: ASP.NET
Secondary Technology: Visual Basic
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sdevli-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Enrique Albert
Name 2:
Name 3:
Jorge Cordero-Mendoza
Alfonso Armenta
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: This project aimed to create a secure instant messaging solution, in which organisations have full control of their own instant messaging servers in a secure environment, and which also provides B2B (Business to Business) support by means of SEKIM domains, which can be interconnected. The aim is not only to transfer messages securely using encryption and secure channels, but also to provide a means of non-repudiation and archiving. There are three modules to this project: server, client, and protocol. The server and client focus on message handling and archiving, while the protocol deals with the areas concerning authentication, security and procedures.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Network Applications
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~alberte2/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Search Engine
Cathal Sayers
Name 2: Michael Storey
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is a distributed Web retrieval system to aid online shopping. The database system can be searched for the requested information by taking the results from a number of different Websites. It then creates a ranked list of these results and outputs the information to the user in html format. The used search engines are controlled by different groups so the system uses relevance feedback in order to rank the relevance of the documents. Text mining is also used in order to give the shopper more specific information about the searched product. This saves time for online shoppers as it results in more
Primary Area: efficient searches and reduces the amount of time spent browsing for products.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~csayer-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Virtual Shopping Experience
Orla Flynn
Name 2: Suzanne Butler
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The objective of this project was to set up a virtual Web-based shopping application that would help customers shop online with more ease and also make it a more enjoyable experience. The project involves the development of a Website that can be accessed by both staff and customers via a secure login, and a complete database system of the shop containing all product details such as quantity, price, etc. The central element of the project is a graphical feature of an online 3D store map. The Website allows the customer to search for products using the virtual store map, or a search bar if they otherwise wish, and to add those items to their shopping cart. The customer can also complete his/her online shopping quicker by entering an item or making a shopping list and the 3D map then
Primary Area: highlights the specific areas of the shop where those items are located.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~oflynn-cais4/functionalspec.html
A.I. Premiership Predictor
Sean O’Brien
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project investigates the use of artificial neural networks for predicting probabilistic events in a sporting context. Although this is a less traditional application area for ANN, it has been examined previously with varying degrees of success.
The goal is to correctly guess the outcome (win, loss or draw) of soccer matches in the
English Premier League when provided with some basic information. Essentially, the system is an artificially intelligent tipper endeavouring to achieve a prediction rate comparable to the current litany of well-paid soccer “expert pundits”. More specifically, by comparing the results from the application to tips given by the BBC’s top soccer pundits, the project aims
Primary Area: to show that ANNs can be as successful in this area as the best humans can be.
Artificial Intelligence
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sobrie-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Language Comparison
Eoghan Patton
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project implements a fully-functioning calculator in two different programming language paradigms. It then compares and contrasts the two programming language paradigms that were used, detailing the experience of developing the systems in these two different paradigms.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~epatto-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Java 3D Game: Return to Pluto
Sarah Stafford
Name 2: Joanna Ahlstrom
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The main aim of this project was to create a fully functional game using
Java3D set in a space environment. There are nine levels, each of which represents one of nine planets. The aim of the game is to return to Pluto with all eight orbs from each planet. The game uses the OpenGL-based Java3D API,
Java3D immediate-mode rendering. All models and animations were created using MilkShape3D. The Java3D Game SDK is used to load these models and its animations. At the end of each level, the player must compete against the mother alien of that planet. This alien has a certain amount of A.I., which increases in intensity as the levels progress.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: OpenGL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sstaff-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Web Service Plug-in for Eclipse Platform 3.0
Liyan Zhao
Name 2: YueQiu Ma
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Web Services, as a universal and open technology for heterogeneous software integration, need to have good Open Source tools which allow users to easily and quickly develop applications for them. The aim of this project is to deliver a plugin for the Eclipse Platform, which attempts to mirror the functionalities offered by commercial development environments (IDEs) in the area of Web Services, making use of available Open Source software components where possible. Main functionalities of this plug-in include: browsing, searching and publishing in UDDI registries; WSDL document structure browsing with different levels of abstraction, such as tree structure, xml format or pseudocode; automatic Web service client code generation; and dynamic Web service invocation to the target service end-point.
Open source components used include Apache Axis, UDDI4J and WSDL4J.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Distributed Systems
Software Development
Primary Technology: Eclipse
Secondary Technology: WSDL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~lzhao-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
BACH Software (Be A Composer at Home)
Aisling McDonnell
Name 2: Ronan O’Connor
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is designed to enable amateur composers to write musical notation easily, by analysing and transcribing a piece of music. While most areas of computing have enjoyed tremendous advances in recent times, the progress in music recognition has been slow. Thus there are few applications designed to assist musicians in the process of composition. Many talented musicians throw away hundreds of compositions simply because putting their thoughts onto sheet music seems too time-consuming or too frustrating. This software application does the majority of that work for the musician, greatly reducing the time involved. The user should provide the system with a file of .WAV format to be analysed. The file is then passed into the Fourier Transform engine, which picks out each note and the times associated with them. The data is recorded on a sheet music manuscript.
The user can then edit the manuscript using a sheet music editor. A user can also manually transcribe sheet music using the editor. BACH software therefore allows any musician to “Be
A Composer at Home”.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Digital Signal Processing
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~amcdon-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Stephen Quin
Name 2: Declan Butler
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Biometrics is the science and technology of authentication. A good biometric should be highly unique, not susceptible to change over time, and easily obtainable. Of all of the different human characteristics, the iris satisfies the above criterion the best. When sitting a lab exam, there is a need to authenticate students. The current system in place is time-consuming, as it involves checking student cards and signing attendance sheets. LabIris uses iris recognition to authenticate students. When the student attempts to login, a real-time image of their iris is captured. This iris is then checked against those already stored. If a correct match is found, the student is authenticated. If no match is found, access is denied. An easy-to-use front end using JavaSwing has been developed.
The image of the iris is captured from a high quality CCD camera using JMF. The main image processing and recognition algorithms are developed in MATLAB.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Intelligence Pattern Matching
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~squin-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Implementation of a Wi-Fi Hotspot in Annagh Lodge Hotel
Micheal Scott
Name 2: Barry Wallace
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project deploys a public wireless local area network (WLAN) for guests’ use in a 13 bedroom, Co. Kildare hotel. Guests can now access the Internet from anywhere in the hotel using their laptops. The wireless access points are positioned to allow for maximum signal strength and bandwidth. The hotel has a dedicated server running 24/7 which automatically registers a customer’s laptop on the network. The customer’s usage times and bandwidth statistics are logged. Extensive research has been carried out in the following areas: security issues (access points), traffic load and bandwidth, signal interference, noise level, signal strength, and network topology, including establishing effective WLAN infrastructures based not only on user and security requirements, but also on radio
Primary Area: frequency issues.
Wireless Technology
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mscott-cais4/functionalspec.html
Title: Football Simulation Manager
Name 1:
Name 2:
Kevin Costello
Warren Cleland
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Football Simulation Manager combines the concepts of football simulation games and online fantasy football management. The fantasy football aspect is based on a season of simulated fixtures as opposed to using real-life fixtures to generate ratings for players. The simulated fixture runs with each player modelled as a rule-based agent. The agent’s attributes, the current state of play, and a certain random factor determine its next action. Statistics are recorded on each player’s actions and are used to calculate his rating for the fantasy football game. The users can view a text commentary detailing the major events of the game on a Website developed in PHP. Here, they can register and select their squad of players. The simulation is developed in Java, with Java Swing providing the interface. The interface allows the administrator to run each set of fixtures and to edit
Primary Area: the MySQL database, which contains the data on the football players and users.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~kcoste-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Windows XP Slipstreaming, Automated Setup and Upgrades
Name 1:
Name 2:
Jonathan Mc Namee
Nassir Hussain
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Fresh Windows XP installs are cumbersome and time-consuming, plus it only it installs the default Operating System and a small number of programs, some of which are not needed. This project attempts to remedy this problem. myXP is a win32 application that modifies installation images of Windows XP.
It integrates service packs, patches and other critical updates into the image, so that the image is fully up-to-date when it is installed on a new machine. It also allows users to modify the behaviour of the setup, allowing the user to automate the Windows installation, apply registry updates, add updated drivers, remove unneeded components, and preinstall user programs. This allows a machine to be ready for use as soon as the user sees the logon screen, with all the usual programs already in place. Using this utility, a full Windows reinstallation can be reduced from several
Primary Area: hours to just over twenty minutes.
Software Development
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~jmcnam-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Graphical Interface Theatre Booking System
Eugene Kearns
Name 2: Derek Drennan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project involved development of a graphical interface for a theatre booking system in the Helix at DCU. The system allows users to select their seats from an overview of the theatre and to sample the view from their seat before confirming the booking. It also provides a 2D map of the seating arrangements for the theatre, which can be used to pick seats. Seat bookings require a log-in to allow cancellations and changes, and to provide security.
There is also a facility for non-technical staff to update the site for new shows.
All shows’ details, including ticket transactions, are held on a MySQL database.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: SQL
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ekearn-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Modelling Small Societies: Game Theory
Simon Ward
Name 2: Dara Hoey
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project aims to model certain aspects of a society’s interaction with itself.
Each person is ‘born’ into the society with their own behavioural attributes, and observations are made on the possible correlations between these attributes and a person’s success in the society. In the simulation, the interactions take the form of the Prisoner’s Dilemma (how do I approach someone when I don’t know how they will approach me?). Time goes by, those of like-mind form relationships, sub-groups and hierarchies. They then have children, die off, and observations are made on who succeeds and who struggles.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sward-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
0nline Expense Application (Expense 24-7)
Lisa Finlay
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: Expense 24-7 is an online expense application built exclusively with Java technology. The online application facilitates employees, contract staff and travelling staff in submitting their expense details in a paperless format. Expense 24-7 is an easy-to-use Web-based environment with intuitive screens for the business traveller.
It incorporates accounting, auditing, and management functions. The interface provides all the functionality to enter, submit, route, approve, process, and manage reimbursable business expenses. The application supports the importation of corporate credit card transaction data, with automatic routing of data to a specific cardholder and easy point and click allocation and splitting of transaction data to appropriate expense categories. The development tool used was the Java Studio Creator environment, which is the industry’s only visual development solution based on 100% Java technology standards. The server is Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8, and the database is Pointbase 100%
Java database, JDBC. The languages employed in developing the application are Java
Beans, Servlets, Java Server Faces (jsf), XML, and JSP.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Software Development
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~finlayl2/functionalspec.html
Fanach: Cryptographic Secure Pseudo Randon Number Generator
Name: Gerard Lanigan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Fanach addresses the requirement of strong random numbers for use with all cryptographic packages. Much thought generally goes into the design of encryption algorithms and protocols, but often less consideration is given to the selection of random numbers used to seed them. This, in some instances, has led to an attacker finding it easier to guess the random number than to break the security of the system. While there are numerous cryptographic packages available to the user, there are no stand-alone applications for developers to utilise in order to generate strong random numbers on a Windows platform.
Primary Area:
This project is designed to fill this void, while being easy and intuitive to use.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~glanig-cae4/functionalspec.html
PoachProof: A Plagiarism Detection Application
Michelle Fagan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Plagiarism is the act of reusing another person’s work as one’s own. The objective of this project was to create an application which would aid examiners in their struggle against plagiarism. The application is specific to detecting plagiarism in English language documents. The parsed documents are analysed by a thesaurus program, which changes all known synonyms to a specified instance of the word.
This part of the program detects any “substitution plagiarism”. The detection algorithm then looks for matches in all words containing a minimum number of letters. To finish, the application composes a mathematical calculation of the probability of plagiarism based on
Primary Area: the number of matches. This determines the degree of suspected plagiarism.
Software Development
None Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mfagan-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Really Simple, Smart Syndication
Name: Daniel Doyle
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, is fast becoming the standard method of allowing syndication of content from Websites. RSS requires that each individual client makes a connection to the source XML file, meaning that as it receives greater use as a method of distribution, more people will be making more connections to more sources distributed further and further across the Internet. This approach to distribution could result in servers becoming increasingly slowed by this increase in network traffic. The Really Simple, Smart Syndication project is an attempt to balance the ease of publication and consumption of RSS against the inefficiencies in its usage, by incorporating peer-to-peer networking to distribute these RSS files. Through this approach, a much smaller number of clients will check the source directly and most clients will get their
Primary Area: updates from each other, thereby allowing a much greater distribution of network traffic.
Secondary Area: None
Primary OS: Windows
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ddoyle-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: The Minerva Distance Learning Tool
Name: Brian Mc Donald
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Minerva Distance Learning is an application which allows a teacher to conduct a virtual class with one or more students in any location by communicating across the Web. The suite consists of two separate modules. The server module is used by the teacher/lecturer and holds a database of teaching resources such as html notes and playable drawings with audio. The second module is the client module, which looks similar to the server module, but which is used by students to view class notes and participate in sessions with the teacher. Many student modules can interact with a teacher at any one time, allowing the teacher, in effect, to remotely conduct a class. Both teacher and student modules contain a
“virtual blackboard”, which displays in real-time drawings created on any module participating in
Primary Area: the same session. These drawings are created using input devices such as a graphics tablet.
Secondary Area: Network Applications
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Eclipse
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bmcdon-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Moodle Study Plan Generator
Aaron Smyth
Name 2: Stephen Hayes McCoy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project implements an online study plan generator which is fully integrated with Moodle. The system designs a study timetable based on variables and weights inputted by the user (days available for study, subjects to be studied, hours available, etc). The system also provides users with the facility to organise study groups with fellow users. It can set up an interface to the library room reservation facility which, together with an online events organiser, can be used to book rooms in which these study groups will meet. The system provides users with the ability to create an online portfolio of notes, study notes etc., and takes full advantage of Moodle facilities. The study plan generator is implemented as a
Moodle module, which is an online learning environment currently in use within DCU. This allows easy access for all students, and the developers believe that it has the potential to
Primary Area: be a valuable tool and a useful addition to Moodle.
Secondary Area: Internet
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~asmyth-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Java Voice Controlled Programming Editor
Name: Rory Gallagher
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project investigates the design and development of a Java-based programming editor, the JVCPE – Java Voice Controlled Programming Editor.
This product was designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to be used as a Javabased programming editor. Thus, it includes support for most of the common programming activities such as highlighted keywords, brace matching, and indentation. Of course, there are many other excellent programming editors available (like Textpad or EditPlus) which are designed to suit a wide range of different programming environments such as Java, C, C++, and HTML. The advantage of this new editor, however, is that it not only provides the user with all of the features necessary for creating Java programs (such as highlighted keywords and indentation), but it also offers an alternative means of user interaction, in that the user can interact with the program either by using a keyboard and mouse, or by using a headset.
The product therefore simply offers an alternative, and it is entirely up to the user to decide
Primary Area: on which option to choose from.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~rgalla-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Video Mosaic
Name 1:
Name 2:
Alan Price
Ronan McMahon
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project involved development of a video mosaicing program. Its predecessor, the still image mosaic, is commonplace as many versions exist and it is well documented. The video adaptation is a completely different generation to its forerunner, as now there is not only a visual aspect, but also a time dimension to be taken into consideration. To achieve this goal, the program is constituted from a number of algorithms that have the overall effect of breaking up the image into a grid, obtaining a comparable object for each element of the grid, searching a video database for appropriate substitutes for the original section of the video, and ultimately replacing all sections of the video clip to create the new reconstructed video. The project members feel that, having completed this project, they have gained a better understanding of colour processing and image
Primary Area: manipulation techniques.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~aprice-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Of Mice and Maze: an Educational Game for Learning Smalltalk
Marguerite Fuller
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Of Mice and Maze is an educational game that teaches users basic computing in Smalltalk. It is written using the Squeak programming language and run in its environment. Squeak is an open, highly-portable Smalltalk-80 implementation whose virtual machine is written entirely in Smalltalk, making it easy to debug, analyse, and change. It is a genuine, complete, compact, efficient Smalltalk-80 environment. The game itself is a creative application which combines learning and fun. Users have the option of creating mazes and mice with different properties. Upon completion of the game, the user will have gained enough knowledge of Smalltalk to develop an application using Squeak.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mfulle-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
PALAS: Problems Associated with Language Acquisition and their Solutions
Deirdre Teresa Gilna
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: This application assesses problem areas in a learner’s second language
(Spanish), gives feedback, and implements tasks to improve the learner’s problem areas. Assessment is performed using a cloze test. The problem areas are identified (pronouns, verb types, etc.) and corrected through a combination of teaching, examples (collocations, taken from a corpus) and further testing to determine if the user has acquired the feature that is causing the problem. The user can select the areas to be advised on, as intermediate users may not wish to be advised on advanced areas before mastering all of the intermediate areas. A study sheet is then prepared for the user, containing information on the areas where the user experiences difficulties, and also offers recommendations. The application is Java-based and saves information about different users, in order to enable the user to check their progress, and also to individualize the
Primary Area: user’s learning process.
Secondary Area: Other
Primary OS: Windows
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dgilna-cl4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Unsupervised Video Segmentation
Oliver Smyth
Name 2: Sean De Burca
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This system performs unsupervised segmentation on short video clips, where the segmentation of frames is done not independently, but in the context of neighbouring frames. This firstly involves extracting all of the individual frames from a video clip. Unsupervised segmentation is then performed on each of the individual frames. This is initially done independent of the preceding and following frames. The image is segmented into regions based on colour and texture. The resulting frames are appended back together into their original video sequence using a jpeg-to-video tool. The project then attempted to determine the visual ‘coherence’ or ‘jumpiness’ of the resulting video. This was completed for a number of test video sequences, varying the segmentation frame rate and contrasting the frame rate (every frame, second frame, third frame, etc.) against the coherence. The algorithm developed by DCU’s Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP) was then extended in order to take into account the previous and the following frames. This means that the segmentation is done in the context of neighbouring frames. This results in
Primary Area: improved coherence between frames and reduces ‘jumpiness’ in the overall video.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~osmyth-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: 2D Adventure Game for J2ME Devices
Name 1:
Name 2:
Matthew Finucane
Ronan Murphy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: Mobile gaming has exploded in popularity in recent times, as more sophisticated mobile devices, or ‘Smartphones’, become commonplace.
This project is a 2D platform adventure game for mobile phones. The main character in the game is Ero, a character who encounters A.I.-controlled enemies on his journey. The game is designed from the ground up to be portable, so that it can run on any J2ME-compliant device (it has the micro
Java virtual machine installed). The game was developed using the Java WTK
Primary Area: development kit.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Mobile Phones
Secondary OS: Multi-platform
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mfinuc-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Linear Programming Tutor
Ronan Larkin
Name 2: Brian Mc Guinness
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to develop a user-friendly system to teach the Simplex method for solving Linear Programming problems. Linear programming is a mathematical method for solving optimisation tasks. It is frequently used to minimise costs or to maximise profit in manufacturing, transportation, petro-chemical, and agri-food industries. The Linear
Programming Tutor is an educational system that supports students in solving linear programming problems with the simplex method. It achieves this by offering a comprehensive training environment that encompasses interactive menus, online examples, downloadable tutorials, and an automated problem-solving tool. The entire application is based around a central Webpage for ease of access from any location with
Internet connectivity, and was developed in flash and HTML to enhance user friendliness.
The Problem-solving tool was developed using Java applets and Java AWT Components.
The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a single location that contains all the resources required to learn the Simplex Method.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~rlarki-cais4/functionalspec.html
James Monaghan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is a 3D multi-player first person shooter video game. It allows up to four players (consisting of either real players or AI bot characters) to play simultaneously, and is written in C++ utilising directX for inputs and graphics.
The game allows multiple weapons of varying details such as weight, strength, and range.
There is also a choice of levels in which to combat, a choice of characters from which to
Primary Area: select, and ability to customise games for time limits, point wins, or weapon specifics.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~jmonag-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Virtual Greyhound Trainer
Una Mary Kehoe
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project is to allow users to create a greyhound, train it, race it, and see how different conditions affect the greyhound’s behaviour. The dog learns from its previous training and races, but it also depends on what the user inputs, such as what food or exercise it receives. The project attempts to simulate real world conditions and the output is a close representation of what would occur in the real world.
Some conditions, unfortunately, cannot be accounted for, such as a greyhound falling, fighting, or other outside influences. The project is based on JAVA, MySQL and SWING.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ukehoe-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Bar Stock Exchange
Alan Collins
Name 2: Dermot Daly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project is a stock exchange system for use in a bar, which operates on the simple laws of supply and demand, keeping track of the amount of each drink being sold. When a particular drink (for example, Heineken) is being purchased regularly, the price of Heineken will steadily begin to rise. The same rule is applied to drink that is not in demand, such that if nobody is buying
Budweiser, for example, the price of Budweiser begins to decline – it’s as simple as that!
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~acolli-cais4/functionalspec.html
Ottenga: An RSS Aggregator
Laura Egar
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: Ottenga is an aggregator of RSS and ATOM feeds. RSS (Rich Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format that allows Web developers to describe and syndicate Website content. Using RSS files allows developers to create a data feed that supplies headlines, links, and article summaries from a Website.
An aggregator can then collect these headlines, links and article summaries for a user. RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification, as published on the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) Website. There are several versions of RSS. Ottenga handles RSS1.0 and RSS2.0 and Atom feeds. Atom is a recent standard for aggregating Weblog content.
The Ottenga GUI is written in Java Swing. The parsers (SAX and DOM) are written in Java.
Primary Area:
As Ottenga is written in Java, it will run on platforms with the JRE installed.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Software Development
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~legar-cae4/functionalspec.html
Title: Bluetooth over IP for Mobile Phones
Name 1:
Name 2:
Michael Dowling
Michael McHugh
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project implements data transfer from one Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone to another, via an IP network. This data can be text documents, media files, or voice conversations. It consists of a SymbianOS-based client application running on each phone, which connects to a PC over Bluetooth, operating as an access node. The data is transferred from the client to the access node, which sends it over IP to the access node associated with the other phone.
Clients are automatically registered on a central system as soon as they connect to an access node. This central system is a J2EE server which tracks all the phones currently connected, and maps the phone numbers to IP addresses. This allows users to
Primary Area: communicate with each other using just their existing phone numbers.
Mobile Phones
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mdowli-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: An Automatic Phonetic Transcriber for Connemara Irish
Name: Catherine O’ Byrne
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: This Phonetic Transcriber takes as input Irish text and then outputs the words’ phonetic transcription, corresponding to the pronunciation used in the
Connemara dialect. The system uses a small phonetic lexicon along with a set of Letter-to-
Sound (LTS) rules. The majority of the transcription process is carried out by these rules.
This system is suitable for use in an Irish Text-To-Speech synthesiser, where it can perform the orthographic-to-phonetic transcription. It can also be used for educational purposes, as a pronunciation aid to anyone learning Connemara Irish. The development of this system was concentrated on producing a set of LTS rules from sparse data, with these rules achieving optimal levels of accuracy. This involved an experimental and evaluative process investigating various methods of LTS rule construction using only a small amount of data.
Development of the system therefore also resulted in some strong conclusions in this field of research. This project has both functional and research validity.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Natural Language Processing
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cobyrn-cl4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Family Tree Generator
Darren O’Hagan
Name 2: Lisa Carroll
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This family tree generator project is a Web-based application that can structure and display a person’s family in an ordered manner, thereby making it easier for people to get a visual idea of the structure of their family down through the generations. The user has access to tools which help them to build and maintain their family tree. The Website’s main emphasis is “user- friendliness” and it therefore provides a user-friendly environment with tools to upload images of family members, add new members, create a list of people associated with a particular person (including details on the persons historical background), and link different sections of the family tree together. The Website uses image-mapping technology to give the user the ability to create a link to an individual’s
Website by clicking on that person in a group photo on another part of the site. The image map component offers the application another method through which users can locate
Primary Area: members in family tree.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: ASP.NET
Secondary Technology: Perl
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dohaga-cais4/functionalspec.html
Calculator in Two Different Programming Language Paradigms
Vincent Redmond
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to implement a fully functional calculator in two different programming language paradigms. The languages chosen were Java
(an Object-Oriented paradigm) and C (a Procedural paradigm). In addition to the implementation of both calculators, a comparative analysis of the Object-Oriented and Procedural paradigms was carried out. The developer’s experiences and findings in creating the application in these two different programming language paradigms were then documented.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: C/C++
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~vredmo-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Declan O’Reilly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: JobConnect is an online job recruitment facility, which allows job candidates to submit relevant details of work for which they are looking, as well as allowing them to take a psychometric test. The system enables employers to efficiently search through potential job candidates using a user-driven search facility or, alternatively, using a keyword search option. In addition, PHP’s GD library is used to provide employers with statistics regarding candidates in graphical format. A login facility with appropriate user levels for both employers and job candidates is also provided, as well as encryption of all login passwords.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~doreil-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
A 3D First-Person Shooter Game
Peter Kehoe
Name 2: Eoin Conway
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project implements a 3D first person shooter videogame in C++ and
DirectX. The focus of this project is in three areas: 3D graphics, which can be divided into the tasks of scene management and subsequent rendering; physical modelling, which resolves interactions in the game world in a believable way by detecting collisions between game objects and calculating collision response; and Artificial Intelligence, which is employed in the provision of computer controlled opponents in the game. The game is similar in style to games like Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament , whereby the player is placed in
Primary Area: an environment where they must shoot their opponents and avoid being shot themselves.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~pkehoe-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Graphical Interface Theatre Booking System
Mark Brady
Name 2: Patrice Browne
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project consists of an online theatre booking system – with a difference.
The usual facilities to choose a particular show and book and pay for the same online are included. In addition to this, the user can see a graphical representation of the theatre hall layout with available seats. The user can book a particular seat by selecting it and then proceed to give credit card details.
There is a 3D facility, whereby the user can see how the stage looks from his/ her chosen seat. SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphics) were used for the graphical representation of the floor plan, and Javascript added interactivity by showing which seats were available after accessing an XML file containing the booking details for the date in question. The XML was generated from an Oracle database, which stored all the necessary
Primary Area: information. For the 3D facility, Java 3D was used.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mbrady-cais4/functionalspec.html
A Helicopter Simulation Using Multimodal Interfaces
Orla McCormack
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project investigates the powers of multimodal interfaces through a helicopter simulation. There is a 3D helicopter on a fixed flight path through a
3D world. The helicopter’s flight path can be put off course due to a force being applied to it, such as wind in the real world. These forces are experienced through three multimodal interfaces, namely graphics, force feedback and sound. Graphically, it can be seen that the helicopter’s direction has changed. The sound of the helicopter alters due to the wind and helicopter direction. The force can also be experienced through touch using a force feedback joystick or mouse.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: OpenGL
Secondary Technology: C/C++
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~omccor-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Electronic Voting System
Tomás Ó Hógáin
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This Electronic Voting System is designed to implement the Proportional
Representation (PR) system of voting. Along with storing and counting the votes electronically, the project solves a number of security problems. The system provides a paper trail, which allows a manual count of votes, in case of disagreement regarding the result. The system is developed using the Python scripting language.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~tohoga-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Fingerprint Recognition System
Sinead O’Neill
Name 2: Mary Levis
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Today, there is a greater need than ever for security, not only to combat crime but also as authorisation and identification purposes within companies that require strict security systems. Fingerprints are perhaps the primary means of personal identification, although there are many other unique characteristics of an individual that can be used. Fingerprints cannot be forged or shared, so they are considered more reliable for person recognition than keys or a password.
The objective of this project was to implement an Automatic Fingerprint
Recognition System, a solution for searching and comparing fingerprints. This system identifies a person by comparing and analysing the characteristics of the print captured at access to a pre-registered template stored in a database. This comparison is based on a number of characteristic points (minutiae) of the fingerprint. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows as well as the minutiae points. Fingerprints are classified into three classes, namely whorl, loop and arch. The
Primary Area: application is coded in Java 2.0 with the use of Java’s API imaging library.
Intelligence Pattern Matching
Secondary Area: Security
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~soneil-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Instant Communication
Ji Zhou
Name 2: Bingjie Li
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Instant messaging (IM) is a network application which allows real-time message exchange among users. IM is an increasingly popular method for communicating over the Internet, and the number of enterprise IM users is predicted to almost double by 2008 from the estimated 364 million current users. Therefore, it is important to understand how it works. Instant
Communication is an IM application which is based on a database-server-client architecture in a network, and it provides a friendly user interface to allow message transfer between users through a running server, and file transferring
Primary Area: by peer-to-peer method among users.
Network Applications
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~zhouj2/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Graphical On-line Seating Booking System for a Football Stadium
John O’Connell
Name 2: Sean Bennett
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The main idea behind this project was to create an on-line booking system for people wishing to book tickets to a soccer, Gaelic football or hurling match.
Using 3D studio max, a graphical representation of the football stadium is presented to the user. The user selects an area in which they want to sit and they then have the ability to select an option, which gives them an interactive view of the pitch from where they will be seated. After choosing their desired seat, the user books their seat by entering their personal information and credit card details into the relevant fields. All information regarding the user is stored in a database. To signify a seat booking, the colour of the seat in the graphical representation then changes colour.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~joconn-cais4/functionalspec.html
Comparison of Two Different Programming Language Paradigms
David O’Connor
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project compares and contrasts two programming language paradigms
– in this case, Java and C (Object Oriented and Procedural, respectively). This involves developing a fully-working calculator in both languages, and creating a Graphical
User Interface for both so that a computer-illiterate user can manipulate each of them.
When the development stage of the project was completed, a report was written which details the experience of working with both languages, and also gives an idea of the similarities and differences between programming in two different paradigms.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: C/C++
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~doconn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
XML File Editor
Keith John Nixon
Name 2: Kevin Maloney
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project was developed to provide xml users with an easy-to-use user interface for creating xml files from scratch. The user creates the required structure consisting of nodes and attributes. The user then populates the file with data, and they can manage the content and structure of the file as they see fit, by deleting or updating the file with new nodes and data. Finally, they can generate an automatic html representation of the xml file, which they can then use howsoever they wish. The aim of this project is to alleviate the cumbersome activity associated with handwriting xml files.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~knixon-cais4/functionalspec.html
Employee Resource System
Charlie Patton
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This system is designed for a company or organisation to make working life easier for its employees. Using the system, employees can communicate with each other over a network. The system facilitates the access and transferring of files.
Communication is enabled using text messages, text conversations, Web-cams and audio conversations. Several other features exist to aid the working environment.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cpatto-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Comparing Programming Paradigms
Stephen O’Neill
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project investigated the differences and similarities between the objectoriented programming paradigm and the procedural programming paradigm.
The comparisons were made by developing two fully-functional calculators in the two different programming language paradigms. C was used as the procedural programming language and Java was used as the object-oriented programming language. A report comparing and contrasting the programming paradigms used, and detailing the experiences of developing the calculator in these two different paradigms, has been written. The project was developed on a Windows platform.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sonei-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
DesignER: An ER/EER Modelling CASE Tool
Alan Mc Kernan
Name 2: Kevin Mc Guinness
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: DesignER is a graphical tool for designing database ER/EER schemas.
The project developers noticed a niche in the market for a free database design tool, which is straightforward to use, yet highly functional. It allows a user to easily add elements to a diagram such and entities, attributes and relationships, which can be edited, saved for later use, or printed. The application provides forward engineering functionality to produce SQL statements. Other functionality includes is the ability to export the diagram to several image formats. DesignER is built in Java, and file storage is accomplished using XML, so that the application is completely platform independent. The attractive and easy-to-use
GUI is designed in Java Swing.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~amcker-CACSSE4/functionalspec.html
Pronominal Anaphora Resolution on Unrestricted Text
Padraig Oliver
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: This project is a translation of the Lappin and Leass (1994) anaphora resolution algorithm, in a similar fashion to that of Preiss (2003). Pronominal anaphors in unrestricted text are resolved using knowledge based on the grammatical and semantic attributes of possible antecedents. The robust Cahill et al. (2004) probabilistic parser, trained on over 49,000 sentences in the Penn-II Treebank, is used to create parsetree representations of the input sentences. It also annotates the trees with LFG F-Structure information which is used as the input to the Lappin and Leass Algorithm. This system is more beneficial than Preiss’ due to the wider coverage of sentences which are annotated in LFG F-Structure by the Cahill Parser. Semantic attribute factors, such as noun gender information, are also included in the algorithm increasing the number of salience factors.
This assigns additional weight to antecedents that match in gender to the anaphor. The performance of this system is measured on the anaphorically resolved 2,400 sentence initial segment of the BNC, the same as was used by Preiss (2003).
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Natural Language Processing
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: Prolog
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~polive-cl4/functionalspec.html
Implementing and Comparing a Calculator in Two Different Language Paradigms
Aoife McNamara
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to compare and contrast two different programming language paradigms through the implementation of a fullyfunctioning calculator. A report was produced detailing the experiences of developing the system in these two different paradigms. The programming languages chosen were Java and Perl.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Perl
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~amcnam-cais4/functionalspec.html
Alan White
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project documents the development of two calculators, each one written in a different programming language paradigm. The two languages that are utilised are Java, which is Object-Orientated, and C, which is Procedural. Both calculators are identical in functionality and graphical interface. The difference is in the architecture used in the development of the two calculators. After both calculators were implemented, a report was drawn up to compare and contrast the two programming language paradigms used.
This report also details all experiences in the developmental process of the aforementioned calculators.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: JavaScript
Secondary Technology: C#
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~awhite-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Simulating the Evolution of Single Cell Organisms
Conor Fahy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This model consists of single cell organisms which move around a virtual world and compete for limited food resources. Different organisms have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, some creatures have the ability to produce their own energy but are very vulnerable to attack, while others are strong and top of the food chain but are unable to move. These organisms, over time, start to cooperate by sharing their strengths to compensate for their individual weaknesses. The organisms evolve by
Darwinian evolution, and complex, multi-cellular organisms emerge.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Artificial Intelligence
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cfahy-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Generic Grid Computing Framework
Darren Mullarkey
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project involves the development of a generic grid-computing platform that can be made available to assist the distribution, execution, and management of Grid applications. Grid computing has the design goal of solving problems too big for any single computer by instead using a large number of volunteer, networked computers. This is in contrast with traditional distributed computing, where the problems being solved are generally inherently distributed. This grid-computing platform has the effect of virtualising the available computing resources of each node on the grid into one resource that is available to all applications deployed on the platform. The nature of each specific grid task, whether it be calculating Mersenne primes or weather system simulation,
Primary Area: is not relevant to the platform.
Distributed Systems
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SOAP
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dmulla-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Health Care Management Tool: A Modern Approach
Ross Young
Name 2: Brian Stokes
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project aimed to develop a health care information system for hospitals that runs on a Palm Device. The Palm Device communicates with a server, where all the information is stored. The idea is to provide hospital staff with a mobile user-friendly device to automate many of the time-consuming manual administrative tasks that presently take up so much valuable time in the area of patient care. As part of the information system, a Bed-Management Tool was also implemented, which allows staff to manage all the hospital beds, enter the expected leave date of a patient, and update the system when the patient actually vacates the hospital. A total count of available beds and their locations within the hospital is readily accessible by staff throughout the working day, so as to accommodate patients in
Primary Area: need of a bed.
Software Development
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Palm Pilot
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: ASP.NET
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ryoung-cais4/functionalspec.html
Labelling Documents with Metadata using Information Extraction Techniques
Jacqueline Maher
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: This project works with a set of documents (TV news files) to explore techniques for robust and accurate labelling of these documents with a set of labels (the metadata). These labels give information so as to describe the event/story in the news file. The project involves using many information extraction techniques, based on multiple levels of natural language analysis, such as named entity recognition, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis (parsing) and anaphora resolution, among others.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Natural Language Processing
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~jmaher-cl4/functionalspec.html
Intranet Database Access
William Langan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: In this project, some water quality data is held on an MS Access Database.
European Community regulations require that information is made available to consumers in relation to various matters including water quality, exempted supplies, departures granted, precautionary measures and remedial action in the case of noncompliant supplies. These publishing requirements are typical today throughout the
European Union. Therefore, there is broad scope for developing this project in a manner that enables it to work with systems from other European governments. Essentially, the project intends to implement a Web interface to this data, which will satisfy the European
Union publishing requirements. This project could be expanded in the future to cater for the case where all similar databases might be accessed as a virtual federated database.
Therefore, the project attempts to make the solution as “future proof” as possible.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: ASP.NET
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~wlanga-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
BPEL Builder
Cian Durrigan
Name 2: Peter Finegan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: Business Process Execution (BPE) language describes a business process and how the Web services in that process are related and interact. This is the latest work flow technology developed by IBM for Web services. This project contains a user interface for the building of business processes, using BPEL to allow developers to easily re-engineer their process to business requirements. The interface contains excellent features allowing for the easy building of new BPEL services with user interaction. These features include drag and drop, XPath, and numerous other features. The development of BPEL is supported by the
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), which is taken from existing Web
Services. The project attempts to incorporate different types of Web services in order to demonstrate the tool’s full capability.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Eclipse
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cdurri-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
PuzzleCon 3D
Brian Smith
Name 2: Dermot Ryan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to develop a single- and two-player game. The game involves players trying to beat a relatively simple three dimensional puzzle in order to achieve the highest score. In a single-player game, the user can upload his/her score to a Website to see how they do against other players. To score points, the user must make a continuous line around the base of the cylinder, using the shapes provided. The game ends when the pieces reach the top of the cylinder. In the two-player game, which is played across a network using a client-server architecture, the player with the highest score wins. These two player scores are not uploaded to the score Website, as the objective is to beat the other player’s score. The puzzle’s graphics are displayed in 3D.
A player status bar is also displayed on the screen, and this informs the player of his/her overall progress. This shows the score, level, number of lines, and the next piece which will be dropped into the screen. It also shows the colour distribution of the pieces on the board.
The project was programmed using C++ and the OpenGL graphics libraries.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: OpenGL
Secondary Technology: C/C++
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bsmith-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Panicking Fleeing Victims 2.0
Barry Mc Sweeney
Name 2: Serah Thomas
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: PFV2 is a tool designed for architects to graphically simulate the evacuation of panicking people fleeing from a Scenario. The user can design a scenario, for example, a building, train, plane or concert with the Scenario Design Tool
(SDT). The user can then run this scenario in the simulator, where they can see how people move to evacuate the scenario. After the simulator has run the scenario, the user may view the results in the results area. The user is able to analyse data such as how long people took to evacuate an area, and their health. The user can compare these results to results of different scenarios, or the same scenario with modifications. It is from these results that the user can see the effect of adding extra doors or designing the scenario differently, and improve the building’s design
Primary Area: to make the egress as efficient as possible.
Artificial Intelligence
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bmcswe-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Fuse Application: Project and People Management
Daragh Byrne
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening)
Abstract: The Fuse application is a solution to people and project management for an organisation. The application, developed using mySQL, PHP and Macromedia
Flash, is Web-delivered with a rich user interface. It uses platform-independent technologies to ensure any organisation, regardless of setup, could potentially deploy it. The application has several key areas which include: management of projects and tasks related to projects; recording of leave, illness and training; recording of timesheets; management of contacts; and reporting on key dates and milestones. The integration of these day-to-day tasks is provided by an effective tool featuring a standardised, intuitive and user-friendly interface, a
Primary Area: single logon to access the application, and shared data throughout the application’s modules.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Flash
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dbyrne-cae4/functionalspec.html
Classification of Texts according to Author Gender
Danielle Cullen
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: The aim of this project was to create an automated text categorisation system, which can tell whether a given text was written by a male or female author.
The algorithms that now exist for identifying the author of a text rely on the fact that writers unconsciously use linguistic devices to produce their text. Therefore, the system uses statistical analysis to search a large corpus of male and female-authored documents and pinpoint different features of male and female language. These features include stylistic markers such as n-grams of parts-of-speech and punctuation marks. Automated methods, which include the use of a learning algorithm, are then used to reduce the number of features that are actually used in order to classify the documents. This type of stylometric language analysis has proved useful when investigators are trying to assess and identify offenders by analysing statements, assessing threats and investigating false allegations.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Natural Language Processing
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dculle-cl4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Vocal Analysing System
Gerard Garrigan
Name 2: Brian Merriman
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The objective of this project was to develop an application to help a singer with their vocal line for a song. A backing track is recorded (eg. piano, guitar, etc.). This track is then played back while the singer sings over it into the microphone. A bar at the bottom of the screen running in real-time tells the singer if they are flat/sharp or in key. The wave patterns of the backing track and vocal line are also displayed. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) feature of digital signal processing (DSP) is used to process the signals to calculate the key of the music and the voice. Both signals are then compared. The results
Primary Area: are displayed on screen and a report can be generated.
Digital Signal Processing
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ggarri-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
OWL-S Semantic Web Service Ontology Development Tool
Li Le
Name 2: Li Meng
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: By taking a Web service WSDL input file, and any other missing parts that need to be taken from users, through the Eclipse SWT user interface, the
OWL-S developer tool automatically builds OWL-S classes that are used to describe the three sub-ontology of any Web service. The three OWL-S ontology files are supposed only to be interpreted by machine to enable service discovery, invocation and composition automatically. The mission for the system developed was to achieve an easy-to-use tool that can handle rapid ontology building and validation in an easy and transparent manner. What is meant here by “in an easy and transparent manner” is that Web service developers can use the tool to automatically generate OWL-S classes, which semantically describe a Web service, without the necessity to learn the underlying OWL-S constructs and syntax. Use of such a tool will popularise and promote the application of semantic Web technology.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: XML
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~lli-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
An Example-Based Machine Translation System
Maria Flannery
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: Bilingual corpora retrieved from the European Parliament Website is used to train this EBMT system. The system uses the Marker Hypothesis and Named-
Entity Recognition to aid the alignment of sentences and sub-sentential segments. The
English or German sentence inputted by the user is segmented. The system then refers to the previously aligned segments in order to retrieve the best possible translations of these new segments. The target segments are finally recombined to output the sentence
Primary Area: translation. The system is operated through a Web-based user interface.
Natural Language Processing
Secondary Area: None
Primary OS: Windows
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mflann-cl4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
BOOOM! A Speech Controlled Music Centre
Gerard Morley
Name 2: Jonathan Keenan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The idea behind this project is to allow visually-impaired people to use a music centre on a PC. The aim is to provide a music centre that is easy to use and offers everything that would be expected from a music centre, i.e. music ripping capability, artist information retrieval, playing and searching for music.
It is anticipated that the system will be used by young children, the elderly, or anyone else who does not have a high degree of computer literacy. The user controls the centre by speaking the relevant commands e.g. play, stop, etc. The speech recognition part of the project is handled by the Microsoft Speech SDK and XML grammar files. Automation of the grammar files is achieved using CDDB information. The playing and burning of music is developed using C# in conjunction with the LAME encoder.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C#
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~gmorle-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
What Lies Beneath
Cathal Callaghan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to investigate, contrast and design a number of steganographic techniques used for embedding/hiding data within several common media formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG). The application allows the user to encrypt/ decrypt (using AES or DES encryption), compress or decompress (using Winzip or Huffman coding), and ultimately embed/extract a file within or from a cover image. The resultant image must appear identical to the original.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: HTML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ccalla-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
3D Space Combat Game
Shane O’ Connor
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to create and develop a 3D space combat game up to games industry standard. The project involves creating a virtual solar system that includes a sun, planets, moons, asteroids, space stations and enemy ships.
Planet surfaces are created using fractal generation on the fly. The game uses Object
Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (OGRE) for its backbone. OGRE is a scene-oriented flexible 3D engine written in C++. It supports Direct3D and OpenGL.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: OpenGL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~soconn-cacase4/functionalspec.html
D6 Solution
Niall McCrudden
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project aims to address the problems facing students and lecturers of
8086 assembly language programming. The student is presented with a graphical user interface for entering programs and viewing output. Register and memory locations are updated appropriately as a program executes. The lecturer mode allows exercises to be set for students. Completed exercises may then be sent across the network where they will be corrected automatically, with the mark being submitted to the course database. The system should provide a simple and easy way to write programs, and a visually appealing approach to understanding code execution.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mccrudn2/functionalspec.html
SIBYL: Research Database System
Colm Noonan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The SIBYL Research Database System is a Web application that facilitates research within the Faculty of Engineering and Computing at DCU. Each registered lecturer in the Faculty has a portal page from which all their personal and relevant research information (i.e. grants, patents, publications and research students) can be easily accessed, queried and updated from the oracle XML database. SIBYL also provides a flexible research query tool (incorporating XSL and XSLT technologies) that allows the Dean of the Faculty to view statistical information regarding Faculty grants,
Primary Area: patents, publications and Ph.D. students.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: XML
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dnoona-cais4/functionalspec.html
Customer Self Service Portal and Automatic Billing Application
Barry Cunningham
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The scope of this project is to develop an automatic billing system and a customer self-service portal for Savenet Solutions’ new online Internet backup service. Savenet Solutions is a new start-up company that will be offering a new service to allow small businesses and home users to backup up their data over the Internet.
This project is split into two sections: section one is the customer self-service portal, and section two is a Web-based application to facilitate billing runs, and to track unpaid invoices. The customer self-service portal page is a secure, encrypted, password protected and personalised Web portal, where existing customers can purchase the product and change any of their account details. The Web-based application is created to interface with an encrypted Microsoft Access database over the Internet and to also interface with the company’s financial software package. The technologies used in developing the application were a Microsoft Access database, ASP (Active Server Pages) and Java scripts. An http SSL
Primary Area:
(Secure Socket Layer) connection is used to access the database over the Internet.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: ASP.NET
Secondary Technology: JavaScript
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bcunni-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Fully Functioning Calculator: Comparing and Contrasting
Two Programming Paradigms
Name: Conor Ó Conghaile
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The purpose of this project was to implement a fully-functioning calculator in two different programming language paradigms. The calculators have been developed using an object-oriented language, Java, and a procedural language, C. On completion of both calculators, a report was composed comparing and contrasting the two programming language paradigms. This report contains the developer’s experiences of developing the calculator in both C and Java.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: C/C++
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cocong-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
J2ME Quiz Developer
Martina Frain
Name 2: Aisling Devlin
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The J2ME Quiz Developer is a Java application that creates downloadable user-designed J2ME quizzes for mobile phones. This tool allows the user to input questions and graphics to create personalised J2ME quiz games. The application provides the option to create different types of quizzes of varying lengths and structure, and incorporates many J2ME multimedia elements to make the quizzes fully interactive. The source for this idea came from the project members’ observation that there was a lack of mind-stimulating games for mobile phones. The intended use is for fun and educational purposes, but the application could be extended to become a business/marketing tool. The program is designed to be intuitive, easy-to-use and allow anyone with access to a computer to create fully customised quizzes for their Java-enabled phone.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Mobile Phones
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mfrain-caccse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Music Spell Checker
Brian Branagan
Eric Baneham
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The idea of this project was to work with ID3 tags on mp3 files in order to correct the many flaws that exist as a result of people swapping files across the
Internet. It is common for a music file to be mislabelled, misspelled, or have the tags mixed up. This can make searching for tracks very difficult for the user.
This system reads through the tags in the user’s library and analyses the flaws and misspellings, offering alternatives or corrections along the way. To achieve this, it is necessary to access an online database to cross reference incorrect tags along with other searches to make sure the relevant tags are as complete as possible.
When flaws are identified, the corrections are made by the program upon confirmation from the user. This system was written in Python, which allowed multiplatform compatibility.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bbrana-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Online Voting System for the Students’ Union
Roisín Mc Kenna
Lisa Johnston
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This online voting system for DCU’s Students’ Union is a secure alternative to the current voting system. The system consists of a Students’ Union tool for creating the voting Website and a tool for registering and authenticating voters. When a student registers, a digital certificate is created for them. This certificate is stored on a removable disk and is password protected. Users are authenticated by presenting their digital certificates when logging on to the voting Website. SSL, the Secure Socket Layer protocol, is used to ensure the safe transfer of votes. Student votes are stored randomly in an Oracle database to prevent traceability. There is a lot of scepticism surrounding online voting, such as lack of authentication, security and confidentiality. This system attempts to solve these problems by
Primary Area: using a strict security policy.
Secondary Area: Security
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~rmcken-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Java Source Code to FlowChart
Ian Kavanagh
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: This project is a Java application that automatically generates a flowchart from
Java source code. Its intended purpose is to aid novice programmers in gaining a better understanding of the logic of their Java programs. The application is comprised of a number of subsections, including a parser to carry out syntactic analysis on the source code, a charter to draw the resulting flowchart, and a skeleton debugger, using JPDA, that allows the user to step through their code. Synchronisation is provided between code and chart, in that a mouse click on the chart highlights the relevant part of the code.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ikavan-cae4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Paint Shop Publisher
Shane Stack
Name 2: Trevor O’Brien
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: There has been a significant growth in the sale of digital cameras, and a corresponding rise in the area of digital photography, over the past few years. With these changes occurring, it makes sense that new and improved software must be developed to accommodate people using this equipment.
Many tools already exist to deal with the storing and/or manipulation of the images taken from these cameras – tools such as Paint Shop Pro and certain other Adobe products. Unfortunately, none of these software programs allow any kind of access to the Internet for uploading images. Instead, users must upload them using a different application, such as an ftp client, for example, and the idea for this project stemmed from this very problem. With PaintShop Publisher , the user can manipulate and change their images using a variety complex and simple operations at the touch of a button. After changing the images, the user simply saves them, logs onto the FTP side of the application, and uploads their images to any Web space they wish while still using the
Primary Area:
PaintShop Publisher application.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sstack-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Robot War Teaching Aid
Gary Phelan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: This project involves the production of a computer application which can be used as both a Java language teaching tool, by students learning Java and lecturers teaching it, and also as an exciting video game. Because of the close association between programming and mechanical robotics, the basic idea behind the application is to use Java programming to control a virtual mechanical robot within a graphics environment or video game, to do battle with another virtual robot. This other virtual robot may be a robot belonging to the application itself or it may be another user’s programmed robot.
Battles between robots are similar to those on the BBC TV series Robot Wars , which gained great popularity among younger people. The intention is that the application will help make the learning of basic Java programming principles fun, and therefore maintain a student or individual’s interest in the learning of Java programming.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: OpenGL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~gphela-cae4/functionalspec.html
Montessori Teaching Tool
Ciaran Mulvenna
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project involves building an interactive learning tool to teach something like maths to young children using Montessori techniques. The young children can also familiarise themselves with computers, which they will need for later life. The tool has a graphics engine and sounds so it is easier to capture the children’s attention.
A programming language called Squeak was used to develop the tool. Squeak is a open, highly-portable Smalltalk-80 implementation whose virtual machine is written entirely in
Smalltalk. Users of the tool are expected to interact with the image on the screen.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cmulve-cais4/functionalspec.html
Title: System for Managing 3rd/4th Year Projects
Name 1:
Name 2:
Caroline McKenna
Marsha Murphy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to build a system to manage all aspects of third and fourth year projects. At the moment, all aspects of third and fourth year projects are submitted manually. This system, however, allows electronic submission of all information regarding the projects. The system has a number of uses for staff and students, such as a means of submitting both project proposals from students and grades by staff, electronically. Each is processed and stored in a central database. A database is maintained to keep a record of the status of all projects, such as the project description, names of supervisors, and date received. The system contains a progress log for each project group and its supervisors, including contact details. A database is maintained from year to year so that each group can be compared and trends in marks, etc. can be deduced. The main part of the project is the construction of a timetabling system for the demonstrations, scheduling
Primary Area: not just students, but supervisors and examiners also.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cmcken-cais4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Robot Wars, a Java Mind Development Kit
Eugene Gibney
Andrew Sunderland
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Students who enter a programming environment can sometimes be overwhelmed by the amount of new concepts and basic ideas required to proceed. The aim of this project was to make it more interesting to learn programming techniques. The system can be used by both beginners and advanced programmers alike. The aim is to develop a mind that ‘plugs’ into a graphical world, takes control of a robot, and competes against other robots in a simulated combat. The system includes a full API for developers to use, as well as predefined minds to test creations against. The user minds are put in an arena and engage in real-time combat where the best mind wins. This can appeal to beginner programmers who wish to see immediate and interesting results to their
Primary Area: programming, while more advanced programmers can enjoy the competitive aspect of it.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~egibne-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Mobile Photo Editor
Síle Dunbar
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Although increasing numbers of people are purchasing mobile phones with cameras, few of these have a photo editor. This means that photos must be transferred to a PC or laptop for editing. The Mobile Photo Editor is an application, which was developed for installation on Symbian OS Series 60 smart phones. Firstly, the image processing methods were developed using Matlab. These were then compiled into C code to be used to build a C++ photo editor application using the Symbian SDK. The photo editor can then be deployed to compatible mobile phones. Encompassed within the tool are several image-editing functions such as de-blurring, brightening and crop. The main advantage of this tool is that it increases portability as photos can be edited on the camera and are instantly ready for printing or forwarding.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Digital Signal Processing
Mobile Phones
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sdunba-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Guitar Recording Studio for PC
Eamon Keegan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: In the world of music it is vitally important to be able to record. Being able to tune an instrument is also essential. This project provides a recording studio which allows the user to easily record themselves playing their chosen instrument and/or singing. They can then customise their work and choose to save or discard it. The studio also includes a guitar tuner which allows the user to accurately tune their guitar to a variety of different tunings. Being able to tune the instrument and record music using the same software is ideal and efficient, because it saves the user from having to switch between different hardware and software in order to complete a recording.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Digital Signal Processing
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ekeega-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Intelligent Docket Interpretation System
Bryan O’Sullivan
Name 2: Luke J. Rickard
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The idea for this project originated from experience gained while working in a bookmaker. The bookmakers, Paddy Power Plc, are to introduce a new computerised system to all their shops in the near future. This new system will automate the entire process of accepting, settling and determining the payouts of all bets. It has been reported that this system will lack the ability to interpret the information written on the betting slips. This information will be manually inputted into the system. It is this problem that this current project solves. The aim of the project was to design and build a docket recognition application. The application would be an element of the new system for processing bets, currently being incorporated into bookmakers. This particular element enables the system to interpret the information written on the docket using intelligent pattern matching techniques.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Intelligence Pattern Matching
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~bosull-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Inventory Analysis Tool
Anne Caulfield
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project developed an educational tool to facilitate students of DCU’s
CA427 module in Operations Research. It goes through the steps involved in calculating the Basic Order Quantity (EOQ) model used in inventory analysis. Designed to educate, this tool allows the user to input different scenarios. The Graphical User Interface
(GUI) then guides the user to the correct answer. A simple example is given for the user to follow and, by the end, to hopefully understand. The program is fully coded in Java.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~acaulf-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
A Baseline Multilingual Question Answering System
Martin Burns
Programme: B.Sc. in Applied Computational Linguistics
Abstract: The importance of natural language processing in computing has been growing steadily for many years now. Question answering is a subfield of natural language processing. The aim of a Question Answering system is to respond to a user’s natural language query with one or a list of concise and accurate answers from the system’s data collections. The project is the creation of a system that takes an English question and returns a ranked list of possible answers from three languages: English,
French, and German. The system achieves this using basic IR and MT technology combined with detailed candidate document analysis. Another issue dealt with is the correction of the corrupted French and German translations. The system is trained on sample English factbased queries that are taken from TREC 8 (Text Retrieval Conference) question corpora, the
Primary Area: first TREC to have a Question Answering track.
Natural Language Processing
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Perl
Secondary Technology: CGI www.computing.dcu.ie/~mburns-cl4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Survey Analysis and Graphics Generator
David Dunleavy
Name 2: Eoin Brady
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: This project is an interactive Web-based application that is primarily concerned with conducting market research online through the completion of questionnaires. Answers are generated over the Web and the final outcome is a graphical display, based on the statistical information obtained from the questionnaire after a set target has been reached. Customers are notified about the completion of their set questionnaires and final results via e-mail.
The application is comprised of a three-tier architecture: a front-end consisting of Website, a middle-tier which handles the graphical generation, and a back end database which holds the information and data gained. Information/data is stored in MySQL
Primary Area: databases, and in turn is converted into graphs and charts.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~ddunle-cais4/functionalspec.html
Voice Recognition and Text Instant Messenger
Ciaran Reidy
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Communication via Instant Messenger over the Web has quickly become one of the Internet’s “killer applications”. This is confirmed by the popularity of
AOL’s Instant Messenger (AIM) and also Yahoo Chat! This project implements a network instant messenger in Java with a variety of speech synthesis and voice recognition tools.
This allows visually impaired users to make use of this communication medium where other main-stream applications lack the functionality they require. Users communicate with the program using Voice Commands as the primary input, and all application processes are dictated to the user through synthesized speech, so that they can navigate the application with ease. Users also have their conversations read to them as they type in order to check
Primary Area: for typos as well as synthesizing any incoming text from another user.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~creidy-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Guitar Effects Simulation
Name: Cathal Mullaney
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project simulates a number of common guitar effects typically produced by dedicated circuits. The effects are generated using a number of Digital
Signal Processing techniques. Most computers today come equipped with an on-board sound card. This project allows a user to sample a continuous time signal, such as an electric guitar, to a discrete time signal and to store it as a sequence of numbers via the sound card’s Digital to Analogue converter. The user can then replay the sample, compress and store the sample, or pass the sample through a number of filters. The project uses
Finite Impulse Response (FIR), Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and High/Low bandpass filters to manipulate the sample and generate a number of common special effects. This allows the familiar volume, pitch, time-delay and wah-wah effects be easily applied in real
Primary Area: time or post production.
Digital Signal Processing
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cmulla-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Java Graphical Debugger
Cillian O’Ruanaidh
Ian O’Neill
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This debugger provides a clear graphical representation of what is going on inside a Java program while it is running, illustrating objects, variables, and the interactions between the two. This gives users a clear view of how their program is executing, what path it takes through the code, and it can therefore show where problems stem from if they occur. The system uses the Java
Debugger Interface (JDI), a part of the Java Platform Debugger Architecture
(JPDA). The JDI provides access to a running virtual machine’s state, allowing retrieval of the current states of classes, arrays, variables and objects from the virtual machine. Using this, the program builds up a graphical representation of the state a program. The debugger also gives the user control of the virtual machine’s execution, allowing
Primary Area: the setting of breakpoints in code, stepping through code and notification of exceptions.
Software Development
Secondary Area: Educational
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~coruan-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
My Average Face
Shane Carroll
Name 2: Aidan McGowran
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is a face recognition system which investigates the use of video clips as an input as opposed to the standard use of images. The software analyses a video clip and extracts an average face. This average face is compared against a database of known faces to attempt identification of the input face. A set of faces comprises similar patterns, such as eyes, noses, ears and the relative distance between these features. These patterns can be extracted from images using a process known as Principal Component
Analysis. These extracted patterns can be stored as Eigenfaces. Eigenfaces allow the comparison of faces against one another to identify faces and enable a virtual
Primary Area: reconstruction of a face, using the components from known faces.
Secondary Area: Multimedia
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~scarro-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Topic-based Video News Retrieval using Google’s PageRank Algorithm
Vincent Glennon
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project merges Físchlár, an online news retrieval system developed in DCU, with the Pagerank algorithm developed by Google. The project investigates any possible benefits of including a Pagerank measure with the standard keyword searching used by Físchlár to improve the quality for a user. A user then has access to the next most interesting related story instead of a related keyword story. The underlying index structure of this application supports the addition, updating and removal of thousands of documents from the index and provides speedy query turnaround time.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~vglenn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Automated Learning Environment
Louise O’Nolan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project is an Automated Learning Environment (ALE) designed for the purpose of teaching programming to students of computing online. It combines two technologies, Lab Tutor Feedback System (LTFS) and RoboProf, into one multi-faceted teaching tool that can manage and assign students and tutors to computer bays, run online labs and examinations that may be marked instantly, and allows server-side compilation and secure running of students’ Java code submissions. Once set up, a course may be run year after year without intervention by a lecturer by specifying user import parameters and the date each year when this should take place. A.L.E. makes use of the following technologies: Java Servlets, LDAP (authentication) and MySQL.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: JSP/Servlets
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~lonola-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Retail Management System
Colin Pitt
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: In order to run a successful retail business, it is essential to have a system in place to monitor stock levels, handle accounts (both sales and purchases), create invoices, and handle the day-to-day needs of the business. The aim of this project was to create a user-friendly interface, making it as easy-to-use and efficient as possible.
The solution covers all aspects of business automation for retailers, ranging from goods inward to point-of-sale, with all elements of inventory and accounts management in between. The project is coded using Java and relies on an SQL database to store all the necessary details. There is also a facility to order replacement/regular stock items, which
Primary Area: are flagged in the POS system.
Software Development
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cpitt-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
ER1 Robot Navigation
Mussa Elsaeid
Abdulhakim Nassir
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The ER1 Robot Navigation project develops a programming environment to allow interaction with the robot. The robot program must be capable of navigating around a real environment. The ER1 is a robot, which is effectively a laptop with wheels, which can move and turn. It has a video a camera, a microphone, a speaker, and can be connected to an ad-hoc wireless network.
In order to navigate the robot, the robot must be able to avoid any obstacles that may get in its way. The robot is epitomised, therefore, to recognize objects within its surroundings and be able to respond to any circumstances. The robot’s world is limited to the post-grad area of the School of Computing, and the usefulness of the application could be to see if a lecturer is in his office (go down corridor, stop outside his door, take picture and email it to me), and then to go and ask another lecturer if he/she
Primary Area: is ready to go for a cup of coffee, etc.
Artificial Intelligence
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Wireless Technology
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~melsae-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Hidden Strokes: Keystrokes Recorder
Miriam Cosgrove
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Information Systems)
Abstract: Hidden Strokes is intended for interception and recording in a file of everything that is entered from the keyboard. Hidden Strokes is able to present the recorded data graphically, fixing exactly every event in chronological order. This application is implemented using C++ with a GUI developed using Java. Once any of the users log on, the application starts up and is constantly running. Hidden Strokes captures all keyboard touches during that session and immediately writes them to the log file. All keystrokes recorded are encrypted. In order for the administrator to check the latest activities, the keystrokes recorded in the files must be decrypted, by reversing the encryption method used. Hidden Strokes has a very intuitive and friendly user interface, making it easy for all people to use, even those who do not have a huge amount of experience with computers.
It comes equipped with password protection to prevent unauthorised persons from viewing
Primary Area: the recorded information.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~mcosgr-cais4/functionalspec.html
Padraic Hallinan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: HeX is a Digital/Personal Video Recorder (DVR/PVR). It is written in Python and uses XML for the menu system. At its core, HeX has the ability to record
TV and store it digitally to watch at a later date. It is essentially a Digital VCR. It offers higher quality recordings and the quality doesn’t degrade over time. HeX can playback other forms of media also, from computer video files to audio files, to displaying images. It allows scheduling of recordings and recurring recordings to take place without any user interaction required, after the initial setup. It is controlled fully by remote control. It is designed for
Linux but all libraries associated with it are available on a variety of systems, thus giving
Primary Area:
HeX cross-platform functionality.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Multi-platform
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~phalli-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
The Virtual Classroom
Name 2:
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Ciarán Finnegan
Rory O’Dea
The Virtual Classroom is a long-distance teaching application that provides an interactive online environment for teachers to conduct a class. The main concept is to allow two or more people (i.e. students and a teacher) to log onto a Web page and communicate in real time. This involves two main programs interacting with each other in a Client/Server architecture – an Applet and a
Servlet. The teacher and students access the Virtual Classroom via an Applet, which is loaded in their Web browser, when they log onto the corresponding
Web page. Each Applet is then connected to a central Servlet responsible for the communication and synchronisation of the classroom environment.
Therefore, when the teacher types a sentence or draws on the whiteboard in their Applet, for example, this information is sent to the central Servlet. From here, the Servlet broadcasts these changes to all other Applets. There are numerous areas which would benefit from the use of the Virtual Classroom: communities in isolated areas could gain from
Primary Area: its ability to share teaching resources; in universities, guest speakers could use it to deliver lectures remotely and for large groups, its interactive presentation abilities could be used to enhance tutorials. The application was structured using strict object oriented techniques and written in Java. It makes use of Java Applets and Servlets, HTML, JSP and network programming.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Software Development
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cfinne/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2: Kevin Ryan
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Nebula: Digital Audio Effects Lab
Stephen Flynn
With the rapid growing interest in home production and the continual falling cost of professional audio equipment, more and more people are making music on their computers at a fraction of the cost of years gone by. Inspired by tools developed by such companies as Digidesign, Syntrillium and Steinberg, Nebula delivers an essential set of audio processors for the modern-day home producer. The main objective of Nebula is to provide an application that promotes musical creativity.
Nebula allows home recording enthusiasts, or anyone with a general level of interest in digital audio, to capture and edit performances in real time, through the use of general audio processors and psychoacoustic effects. Although implemented entirely in the digital realm, Nebula bases its design around the conceptualised signal chain architecture found in many of today’s hardware-based recording studios.
Nebula’s components are also reminiscent of the classic studio outboard analogue design.
Nebula serves as an intuitive starting point for aspiring sound engineers, before graduating
Primary Area: to full-scale multi-track production environments.
Digital Signal Processing
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Other
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sflynn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Sharp Sounds
Damien Murtagh
Name 2: Colm Reilly
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Sharp Sounds is an Optical Musical Recognition (OMR) tool. OMR is the recognition and classification of all of the components that make up a scanned sheet music image. The project takes as input a scanned image of a sheet music piece and processes the image into the ABC textual notation. Sharp
Sounds then plays the music as a synthesised midi file. The image processing is performed using a variety of different object recognition techniques. Users have the option to add various effects to the generated file.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Intelligence Pattern Matching
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~dmurta-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Name 2:
Photo Map
Paul Drumm
Eoin Brady
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: When one attempts to recall a past event, location is one of the strongest memory cues. Recent technological advancements, such as GPS and cellular technology, have made it possible to annotate digital photographs with the exact coordinates where each photo was taken. This location information can be helpful in organizing and presenting personal image collections, which otherwise generally end up being loosely organised into folders on people’s hard drives. This project attempts to solve this management problem by displaying the user’s digital photo collection on an interactive world map (provided by
Microsoft Mappoint’s Web service) based on the location information in which they were taken. This project also provides many functions commonly found in the latest tools for organizing a user’s digital photo collection (i.e. photo resizing, slideshow, publish photo
Primary Area: online, and searching based on numerous criteria).
Software Development
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: Eclipse
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~pdrumm-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
Robot that Sees and Hears
Khaled Buzakhar
Name 2: Mohamed Embashi
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The aim of this project was to create a vehicle with a camera attached to it, to navigate around a world (prepared environment). The robot to be used is a Lego MindStorms and the camera is a Web camera which acts as the eyes of the robot. The world that is built for the robot to navigate around consists of different coloured blocks. The robot is given a task, or list of instructions, to complete and then the robot’s progress around the world is observed. For example, if the robot is told to search for a red block, the robot then looks around the world for a red block. When it sees it, the robot moves forward towards that block and stops in front of it, or carries out a specific task. The robot can also recognise different voice commands through speech processing. The robot has no intelligence of
Primary Area: its own but is told what to do as a result of image processing in the programme.
Software Development
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: C/C++
Secondary Technology: Visual Basic
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~kbuzak-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: Computer Compents Online
Name: Conor McCauley
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: In any successful retail business, an efficient management system must be in place to inter-slice the company’s stock, customers and suppliers. The aim of this project was to develop such a system with a friendly user interface and quick access to required information. Separate interfaces for administration and warehouse users are provided. The system, coded in Java, and supported by an SQL database, includes features such as sales analysis, Website management and automated invoicing. A Website was also created using JSP technology for customers to purchase the products online. The system is
Primary Area: a complete solution for all aspects of business automation for retailers.
Software Development
Secondary Area: None
Primary OS: Windows
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cmccau-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Pronunciation Analysis: A CALL Application
Sarah O’Neill
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Correct pronunciation is a significant element in mastering any foreign language. This computer-aided language learning (CALL) system focuses on emphasising this point with regard to French. Aimed at both French students of English and
English-speaking students of French, the system accepts utterances and assesses to which language their pronunciation is closer. As results are provided on a phone level basis, the student can identify exactly where their pronunciation is awry.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sone-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Distributed Computing Java Screensaver
Rory O’Hanlon
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: This project is a distributed computing Java application developed using J2EE technology. The aim of the application is to take advantage of the Internet as a resource and use it for solving large problems involving CPU intensive calculations. The application includes a Web server and a thin client application for the Java screensaver that can be downloaded from the server. The application presents itself as a standard screensaver which, when active, performs batches of calculations hidden from the user.
Large problems can then be solved by distributing small parts of the problem to each client.
Individual solutions are returned to the server and combined to give the overall solution to the problem. The application uses Java servlets, JSP, JAX-RPC, Java Beans, SOAP and XML.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Distributed Systems
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: JSP/Servlets
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~rohanl-cae4/functionalspec.html
ALT: Adult Literacy Tools
Edel O Mahony
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Adult Literacy Tools (ALT) was developed in response to the continuing need for literacy material. It utilises the newest technologies to create a visually appealing learning environment complete with fun, interactive lessons for both tutors searching for relevant material and those wishing to improve their level of literacy.
The tool is accessible on many platforms and conforms to W3 standards.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Primary Technology: XML
Secondary Technology: Flash
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~eomaho-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Anonymous Project Submission System
Mel Foody
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: The notion of a “virtual campus”, where research, learning and tuition are all done on-line, is now a reality for many people. This project facilitates the
“virtual campus” by enabling on-line submission of course-work and project material. The system takes advantage of the possibilities of electronic submission by implementing a protocol which, while binding the student’s identity to their submission, ensures that their identity is not revealed (or deducible) until such time as marks have been published and the student wishes to retrieve their mark. In order to retrieve their mark, the protocol demands that the student must reveal their identity to the system. The system is implemented in Java using a client/server architecture, together with a MySQL database on the server side.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Network Applications
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~foodym2/functionalspec.html
Title: VChat Voice Chat Room
Name: Gavin Kearney
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Textual Internet chat rooms have become commonplace. Many of these chat rooms are identical and can be very boring. For this reason, the project developer decided to create a real-time voice Internet chat room. People can enter the room and talk in real time, much like a telephone conversation. There are limits, of course, which are not found in telephone systems. These arise due to the number of people in the room. Obviously, if only two people are talking, then there is no problem, but when ten people all want to talk at the same time, a new and very serious problem arises. If everybody talks at the same time, it will just sound like noise, so there has to be a way of controlling people’s speech. This was the developer’s main obstacle, for which a queuing system was used to overcome. Users request a time slice in which to talk in and then are notified of when to talk.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Network Applications
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~gkearn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Title: SALY: Statistical Analysis for the LaYman
Name: Alva Lyons
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The Trading Department of any Bookmakers firm plays an integral role in the firm’s development. A Trading Manager is responsible for monitoring company liabilities at each racetrack everyday. The Trading Manager requires a detailed form analysis for each race. This information includes views on the statistical probability of each horse winning a particular race. For this project, a working model of a Trading Department has been created. The main purpose of the project was to develop an application that would compile odds for the day’s races each morning based on a horse’s form and opposition.
The odds are then automatically modified as bets are placed throughout the day. In addition, an online bet settler has been developed to allow the Trading Department to check-settle bets that are running up at high liability. In order to assist the Trading Manager with this task, the program supplies him/her with a statistical form containing information
Primary Area: on bets that exceed Trading Principles.
Secondary Area: Databases
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: SQL
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~alyons-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
XML Research Database with Web Services
Darren Flynn
Name 2: Mark Torpey
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project develops a research database for the School of Computing, from which a staff member’s Curriculum Vitae can be compiled. The database is accessed via a three-tier service-oriented architecture known as Web services.
The top layer is an interface for user interaction with the Web services. The interface is implemented using Java Server Pages. The middle layer is where the Web services’ processing takes place, and the bottom layer is the eXist native XML database. The eXist native XML database has a Web interface to store research information and provides a highly flexible query interface with a reporting system. The database is deployed over a grid architecture, which increases power and
Primary Area: lowers the operating costs.
Distributed Systems
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: XML
Secondary Technology: WSDL www.computing.dcu.ie/~dflynn-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Java Virtual School
Sarah Farrell
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: The goal of this project was to create a highly flexible and interactive Virtual
Learning Environment using Java, Servlets, HTML, XML and the Internet.
Primarily the system is aimed at university level but, due to its flexibility, it can easily be incorporated into existing systems and used by companies interested in distributed learning or training. The system has a three-tier architecture, composed of Web-based front end,
Java Servlets as the middle tier, and an XML-enabled database back-end. To allow for HTML processing, the built-in renderer HTMLEditorKit was used. A library, virtual lectures, real-time chat facility (workshop) and a discussion forum are included. Lectures are organised on a calendar basis, each containing a video clip, corresponding notes and notepad. While students can attend at their leisure, they are expected to keep up-to-date with the subject
Primary Area: matter for each week, which is discussed at the workshop.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: None
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: XML
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~sfarre-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1: eJUnit
Colin Duggan
Name 2: Brian Foody
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: Test-driven development (TDD) is an evolutionary approach to development, whereby the developer must first write a test that fails before he/she writes new functional code. The point of TDD is to drive out the functionality that the software actually needs, rather than what the programmer thinks it probably ought to have. Writing the test before one writes the code focuses the development process on delivering only what is absolutely necessary. In the large, this means that the system developed does exactly what it needs to do and no more. This project aims to incorporate this new approach by using
Java’s latest technology, JUnit, to develop a testing tool to support the teaching of Oracle and JDBC to students. It also aims to act as a testing tool to support development in the
Interoperable Systems Group at DCU. The application is Web-based and provides an online test generator which aims to encourage the use of TDD.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Software Development
Network Applications
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cdugga-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Name 1:
A Networked Implementation of Battleship
Alan O’Neill
Name 2: Robert O’Hara
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project implements a computerised/networked version of the battleship game in a Java environment. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) was designed and implemented using Java Swing. Players see and interact with this GUI.
The GUI is responsible for updating the game board based on the information it receives from the players. The network connections are handled and maintained using Java Socket programming. In a two-player game, when one player makes a move, the move is sent across the network and mirrored on the other player’s machine. This keeps both interfaces synchronised (both players know what moves they have made themselves and what moves their opponents have made). An AI player was also developed to allow one-player games. This AI player is
Primary Area: given pre-programmed instructions on how to make decisions and moves.
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS: Unix/Linux
Primary Technology: Java
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~aoneil-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Interactive Travel Log
Harry Tormey
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project uses EXIF data, GPS logs and user input to associate picture galleries with geographic locations. In simple terms: the program generates maps that allow users to click on certain points and see pictures associated with that position.
Users can also search for pictures in a number of ways such as: by location keyword, tags, or through an Ajax framework (XMLHTTPRequest) picture interface. This program is, where possible, an object orientated, template based Web application written in php 5.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~htorme-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
True Speaker Dubbing System
Claudia Neri
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Computer Science/Software Engineering)
Abstract: This project investigates the results of AV synthesis using data recorded in
Italian to synthesize English text input. It employs diphone synthesis using the
Festival Speech Synthesis System for the audio synthesis and Windows Media Encoder for the video. Timings for the diphones are extracted using HTK forced alignment.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Digital Signal Processing
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: None
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~cneri-cacsse4/functionalspec.html
Biometrics: Iris Scanning and Authentication
Gail Park
Programme: B.Sc. in Computer Applications (Evening Degree)
Abstract: This project implements iris scanning as a form of biometric authentication.
Biometric security is now a trusted means of secure identity authentication and verification within industry. In recent years biometric security has been adopted for use in passports, airport security and physical access systems. The human iris is one of most reliable forms of biometric security available; this is due to the individual uniqueness of each iris which remains the same for the duration of a person’s life. The image is processed through several stages; segmentation eliminates noise caused by eyelashes and eyelids; canny edge detection and hough transform are used to find the inner and outer circles of the iris; normalisation eliminates photo angles, distance from camera or magnification.
Feature encoding then generates a unique 2048 bit code which represents each iris; this is then compared to previously stored codes as a mean of authentication. MATLAB is the main development tool.
Primary Area:
Secondary Area:
Primary OS:
Secondary OS:
Primary Technology: Other
Secondary Technology: Java
URL: www.computing.dcu.ie/~gpark-cae4/functionalspec.html
Taking Students on INTRA Work Placement
Relevant work experience through DCU’s INTRA (INtegrated TRaining) programme is a central feature of education at DCU and an integral part of most the University’s undergraduate degree programmes.
Students from the B.Sc. in Computer Applications are required to complete a six month INTRA placement at the end of third year, from April to September inclusive.
Why Hire a Student?
Every year, employers in Ireland and overseas hire more than 800 students from DCU for an INTRA placement. Ranging in size from the largest multinational, to the sole trader start up, these employers are convinced of the merits of choosing DCU students and come back to INTRA year after year. INTRA provides the following opportunities for an employer:
provides a supply of highly motivated young people who have proven that they can make a real contribution.
provides an opportunity to evaluate and train possible future employees.
frees existing staff from time-consuming but essential tasks.
allows relief or assistance during seasonal peak work loads.
permits new projects to be undertaken.
develops existing staff by providing mentoring opportunities.
raises awareness of your company and products/services on campus.
provides an ideal opportunity for employers and academics to establish long-term relationships and the potential for working together on projects.
provides an opportunity for involvement in the development of graduates with the required key skills essential to the Irish economy.
helps to promote and re-inforce a lifelong learning culture within an organisation through the establishment of strong links with a third level institution.
Student Knowledge and Aptitudes
The objective of the B.Sc. in Computer Applications degree is to produce qualified computing professionals who:
Have a capacity to adapt, change and keep abreast of new developments
Have a sound understanding of computer hardware, software engineering and computer programming
Have a sound understanding of the techniques of systems analysis and design and of quantitative methods
Are thoroughly familiar with the use of computer technology in various administrative systems, in manufacturing systems and in management decision making
Have a sufficient understanding of the ideas underlying areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing.
Work Areas
Students from the B.Sc. in Computer Applications have the ability to work in many computing roles, some of which are listed below:
Systems management
Modifying existing packages and producing new ones
Computerising of service records on statistical systems
Analysing computer systems
Training personnel in the use of new programmes
Preparing workshops for users
Developing database systems
Student Availability and Further Information
Students are available for interview from early October. Enquiries should be directed to Maria McCarthy in the
Office of Innovation and Business Relations at tel: +353 (0)1 700 8040 or email: maria.mccarthy@dcu.ie.
Full details of the DCU INTRA programme are available at: www.dcu.ie/intra
Employing Graduates of the B.Sc. in Computer Applications
DCU’s Careers Service offers a comprehensive service for companies wishing to employ graduates of the
B.Sc. in Computer Applications and the University’s eighty other programmes. Among the services offered are:
Advertise a vacancy online, which will be seen by up to 1,000 students and graduates per week.
Participation in our annual Employer Recruitment and Postgraduate Information Fair, which allows companies to meet up to 2,000 talented DCU students and graduates on campus in October.
Visiting Employer Programme: To recruit competent, highly-educated DCU students and graduates from relevant courses, you may wish to make presentations on campus or even conduct interviews here. The Careers Service runs a Visiting Employers Program and presentations given by companies are very well attended.
Raising company profile on campus: through E-mail facility direct into specific programmes and classes. DCU Careers Service will undertake to e-mail company information on vacancies of relevance to DCU students and graduates directly into the mail accounts of the appropriate students for a set charge/fee per e-mail.
To learn more about how DCU Careers Service can assist you in recruiting high calibre graduates, visit www.dcu.ie/students/careers or contact Muireann Ní Dhuigneáin, Head of Careers Service, at tel: +353 (0)1 700 5162 or email: muireann.nidhuigneain@dcu.ie.
Collaboration on Undergraduate Projects
An interesting way in which companies can raise their profile among graduating students is by putting forward projects which students can work on as part of their course. Companies are also invited to provide in-house support for projects undertaken by students, or to provide financial support for projects assigned to students. There are several benefits to the company, not least of which is the opportunity to get valuable research undertaken that might not be possible within the company due to company commitments. If you are interested in finding out more about possible collaboration with students of the B.Sc. in Computer Applications, contact Howard Duncan at tel: +353 (0)1 700 5639 or email: howard.duncan@computing.dcu.ie.
B.Sc. in Computer Applications: Course Outline
The B.Sc. in Computer Applications is Ireland’s most popular computing degree. It prepares students for a professional career in computing and information technology and gives students an in-depth knowledge of software engineering and information systems and the practical skills to apply this knowledge effectively.
Among the topics covered are Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Web Design, Multimedia Technology and
Computer Graphics – all interesting subjects which are highly relevant in today’s high-tech world.
Programme Structure
The B.Sc. in Computer Applications is delivered over four years on a full-time basis. During the first year students take core introductory software and hardware modules, as well as optional modules in areas such as marketing, physics, electronics, languages, or further computing topics. The opportunity to study some non-computing subjects allows students to broaden their knowledge and to apply their skills in a greater variety of environments.
From second year onwards students follow one of two streams: Software Engineering or Information
Systems. As the first year of the degree is common, students can familiarise themselves with both options before deciding which kind of computing degree is right for them.
Software Engineering: This equips students with the necessary skills to create software and invent new ways of using it. Examples of software include Web browsers such as Internet Explorer, computer games, accounts packages for managing financial information, and the controllers inside mobile phones. Software engineers typically find work in computing, electronics and specialised software companies.
Information Systems: This is concerned with how organisations can best use computing technology to allow people to work together, and to enable companies to compete in the marketplace. It involves learning how to analyse business needs and develop applications that best meet them. Most information systems graduates actually work outside the IT sector in banks, insurance companies, manufacturing firms, logistics companies and the health industry.
There is a strong emphasis on practical work on both streams of the programme, and this allows students to develop employment-enhancing skills in areas such as team-working and problem-solving. Students spend six months on work placement during third year. This placement, or INTRA programme, integrates academic study with closely related jobs. It gives students an understanding of the professional and practical business world, and helps them to stand out in the graduate employment market.
Students complete major projects in both their third and fourth years. These projects, completed individually or in small groups, provide an opportunity for students to put into practice the software development techniques that they have studied in class. This booklet describes projects completed by students on the final year of the degree. An annual display of the students’ work acts as a showcase of their talents to the industrial and business communities. It also allows potential employers to experience the high standard and broad range of the development work carried out by students on the course.
Career Prospects
With computing technology playing a growing role in all sectors of society, graduates of the B.Sc. in
Computer Applications work as software professionals in a range of industries, from leading edge IT companies to more traditional finance, government and engineering organisations. Graduates have found employment in Ireland and abroad with companies such as AIB, Accenture, BEA Systems, Compaq,
Enterprise Ireland, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Irish Life, Microsoft, O2, RTÉ, Sun Microsystems and Xilinx.
In addition, many are heading up their own companies designing new products while others have pursued further studies leading to careers in research.
The programme enables access to postgraduate study in a large variety of interesting fields, including innovative courses in Bioinformatics, Security & Forensic Computing, and Electronic Commerce offered by DCU.
Career prospects remain bright for computing graduates. Indeed, the Government’s recent Fourth Report on Future Skills Needs estimates that by 2009, there will be a shortfall of over 2,000 computing graduates needed to sustain Irish industry.
Further Information
Detailed information on this course, including information on modules offered, is available at www.dcu.ie/computing. The School of Computing has prepared a DVD, IT4U, which gives students a real insight into what it’s really like to study computing at third level. It describes the range of employment opportunities available to graduates, while interviews with current students, recent graduates, academics and industry experts will tell you all you need to know about life as a computing student and the exciting career paths which graduates can follow. To request a copy of this DVD, email Laura Grehan at laura.
grehan@dcu.ie or tel: +353 (0) 1 700 8608.
View Computer Applications Projects at DCU Open Day
DCU Open Day takes place each year on the third Saturday in November. Talks on each of the University’s undergraduate degrees are held throughout the day, and prospective students can meet with lecturers, current students and recent graduates. At the School of Computing, visitors have the opportunity to view some of the projects completed by the previous year’s Computer Applications students. You can therefore see some of the interesting projects contained in this booklet at Open Day 2005.
The School of Computing at Dublin City University has earned a strong reputation for excellence in research and teaching. In addition to its flagship B.Sc. in Computer Applications degree, the School offers a range of innovative taught programmes aimed at producing graduates with the professional and personal skills most sought after in the Information Economy. The School also enjoys a lively, supportive environment for research in many areas of computing, with its numerous Ph.D. and M.Sc. research students producing work of significance at both national and international level.
Postgraduate Taught Programmes
The following programmes are delivered on a one-year full-time basis, unless otherwise stated. All are subsidised; as a result, the annual fee is reduced significantly for most EU students.
M.Sc. in Bioinformatics (Computing or Life Sciences)
Jointly offered by the School of Computing and School of Biotechnology, this programme is designed to produce graduates with the inter-disciplinary skills required to prosper in the expanding bioinformatics and biotechnology sectors. With an industry-oriented focus and major fee support for most E.U. students, the
M.Sc. in Bioinformatics is the only programme in the Republic of Ireland to have at its core the integration of the life science and computing aspects of this exciting new discipline. The programme features a common core curriculum with two distinct streams, Computing and Life Sciences, to appeal to both kinds of specialist.
M.Sc. in Security & Forensic Computing
In recent years, technologically-competent criminals have been increasingly exploiting the use of new technologies in the commission of crime. The investigation of such crime has led to the emergence of a new field of specialisation termed “forensic computing”, which involves the detection, storage, analysis and exhibition of digital evidence in a legally admissible manner. The M.Sc. in Security & Forensic Computing equips graduates to carry out this sophisticated technical work, while also exploring effective methods which may be used in the prevention of such crime. With excellent graduate employment prospects and major fee support for most E.U. students, DCU is the only university in Ireland to offer a taught Masters programme in this expanding area.
M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce (Technical or Business)
Companies of all sizes and backgrounds are continually finding innovative applications for e-commerce, with new ways to develop, promote, distribute, sell and source products and services of all kinds. One of the key features of e-business, from a skills perspective, is that it predominantly requires professionals with a mix of different skill types. This Masters programme, which is jointly offered by the School of Computing and DCU Business School, is designed to produce graduates with the multi-faceted skills required to operate successfully in this exciting and dynamic industry. It has two distinct concentrations, Business and
Technical, to appeal to both kinds of specialist. With major fee support for most EU students and a strong practical focus, the programme has a wealth of attractive features for both recent graduates and those wishing to update their skills through full-time study.
M.Sc. in Software Engineering
The School of Computing is introducing a new one-year full-time M.Sc. in Software Engineering in October
2005. The programme will equip software engineers with the cutting-edge skills to produce high quality software and systems that deliver value to business and the economy. Course participants will be exposed to the latest ideas and best practices in industry. They will develop their analytical, creative and critical faculties and acquire new techniques, methods and ideas. Students will also develop an awareness of the professional responsibilities associated with being a member of the software engineering profession.
Graduates will therefore be fully equipped to advance their career in a fast-changing industry.
Graduate Diploma/M.Sc. in Information Technology
The Graduate Diploma in Information Technology is an in-depth skills conversion course aimed at those who wish to pursue a career in the Information Technology field but whose primary qualification lies in an area outside IT. It attracts graduates from a wide range of disciplines, including the arts, engineering, education and science, and provides students with an excellent grounding in IT and its related disciplines.
Alongside excellent employment prospects, the course also offers major funding support to most EU students, and a strong practical focus aimed at developing graduates with the kind of personal and professional skills most sought after in the Information Economy. Additionally, graduates who achieve an overall distinction may enter DCU’s M.Sc. in Information Technology programme.
European M.Sc. in Business Informatics
Due to be launched in October 2005, the European M.Sc. in Business Informatics will equip graduates of computer science and comparable disciplines with an in-depth understanding of the business applications of information and communications technology (ICT), and how it interacts with business strategy, both within an Irish and a European context. Over the course of the programme, students will learn how to frame a successful information strategy for business, and how to develop it with the use of ICT. They will also acquire an appreciation of the main cultural issues impacting on business operations in European markets. Students will spend three months following completion of their taught modules working on a major practical project abroad, thus exposing them first-hand to international business information systems theory and practice. This international focus will make graduates particularly sought-after in an increasingly global ICT marketplace.
For further information on the above programmes, visit: www.dcu.ie/computing.
Research in DCU School of Computing
DCU School of Computing enjoys a vibrant research community. It currently has over eighty postgraduate research students and a wide range of funded projects at national and international level. The School houses part of the Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP), the National Centre for Language
Technology (NCLT), and the Biocomputation arm of the National Institute of Cellular Biotechnology (NICB).
Research is funded by national and international agencies including Science Foundation Ireland;
Enterprise Ireland; the Higher Education Authority; the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and
Technology; Teagasc; Bord Iascaigh Mhara; the Department of Education and Science; and the E.U. Sixth
Framework Programme.
The School enjoys close links with industry, and this is evidenced in the significant number of research collaborations it has forged with companies such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, Xerox, Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs and Ericsson.
Research in the School of Computing is classified into four groups:
Information Management
The Information Management Group has four major themes: Database Engineering and Interoperable
Systems, Information System Engineering, Educational Technologies, and Digital Multimedia (incorporating the Centre for Digital Video Processing).
The Database Engineering and Interoperable Systems researchers develop formal and informal models for constructing database systems, and construct interoperable layers between heterogeneous information systems. Information System Engineering research focuses on models and methodologies for increasing the value of data in information-intensive and networked economies. Educational Technologies research is currently focused on the improvement of the use of ICT in higher education through Action Research.
In the area of Digital Multimedia, the Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP) researches and develops techniques and tools to automatically analyse and index digital video information, and allow content-based operations such as browsing, searching, and summarisation.
For further information, visit: www.computing.dcu.ie/research/information.html
Dependable Systems
The focus of the Dependable Systems Group is the development of reliable and secure software. This encompasses a number of different approaches to ensuring the dependability of software, from the softer approaches through software development methods and software project management, to more formal approaches through refinement, verification and automatic program construction.
For further information, visit: www.computing.dcu.ie/research/dependable.html
Language and Intelligence
The Language and Intelligence group, with currently over twenty research students, is primarily involved in research into and development of applications in two main areas:
Speech and Language Processing, including Machine Translation, Speech Processing, Computational
Models of Semantics, Treebanks, Formal Syntax, Digital Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted Language
Learning, Probabilistic Natural Language Processing and Parsing.
Artificial Intelligence, including Artificial Minds, Computational Models of Cognition, Knowledge
Representation, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, The Origins of Intelligence, Neural
Networks and Autonomous Agents.
The group takes active part in the National Centre for Language Technology’s weekly seminar series in
DCU, and co-hosts the Dublin Computational Linguistics Seminar series.
For further information, visit: www.computing.dcu.ie/research/language.html
Modelling and Scientific Computing
Modelling and Scientific Computing is a highly-active interdisciplinary research group with wide-ranging mathematical, statistical and computational modelling expertise. The over-arching focus of the group is on computational models and methods in exploring the natural and artificial world through solutions to problems, which, because of their complexity, are intractable by conventional methods. Complex systems arise in many fields, e.g. physics, biology, chemistry, finance, socio-economic phenomena, eco-and other hybrid sciences, to name just a few.
Major sub-groups in ModSci. at the current time include:
Biocomputation (with research on Bio-systems modelling, Bioinformatics, Biometrics and Patten
Financial and Socioeconomic Modelling (including projects in Econophysics, statistics of Accounting, and multivariate techniques in Finance); and
Substantive sub-group in Intelligence and Complexity (Models of disease, Bio-diversity and AI – for bio and artificial systems). The Intelligence and Complexity sub-group also link to the Language and
Intelligence group in the School.
For further information, visit: www.computing.dcu.ie/research/modelling.html
For further information, please contact:
School of Computing
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
Tel: +353 (0)1 700 8980
Email: DC121@computing.dcu.ie
Web: www.dcu.ie/computing