Ultrafast Optical Physics II (SoSe 2015) Noah Chang & Franz X. Kärtner, Bldg. 99, Room O3.111 & O3.097 Email & phone: guoqing.chang@cfel.de, 040 8998 6365 franz.kaertner@cfel.de, 040 8998 6350 Office hour: Tuesday, 9-10 am Lectures: Fr 08.30-10.00 SemRm 1 Recitations: Fr 10.30-12.00 SemRm 1 Start: 10.04.2015 Teaching Assistant: Kemal Shafak, Office O3.105, phone 040 8998 -6370, E-mail: kemal.shafak@cfel.de Qian Cao, Office O3.125, phone 040 8998 -6325, E-mail: qian.cao@cfel.de Office hour: Thursday 9:30-11am Course Secretary: Christine Berber O3.095, phone x-6351, E-mail: christine.berber@cfel.de. Class website:http://http://desy.cfel.de/ultrafast_optics_and__x_rays_ division/lecture_notes/summer_semester_2013/ 1 Prerequisites: Ultrafast Optical Physics I or basic course in Electrodynamics Required Text: Class notes will be distributed in class. Requirements: 10 Problem Sets, Term Paper, and Term paper presentation Collaboration on problem sets is encouraged. Grade breakdown: Problem set (30%), Participation (30%), Term paper (40%) Recommended Text: Ultrafast Optics, A. M. Weiner, Hoboken, NJ, Wiley 2009. Additional References: • Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics, H. A. Haus, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1984 • Ultrashort laser pulse phenomena: fundamentals, techniques, and applications on a femtosecond time scale, J.-C. Diels and W. Rudolph, Academic Press, 2006. • Few-Cycle Laser Pulse Generation and Its Applications, Ed. F. X. Kärtner, Topics in Applied Physics Vo. 95, Springer Verlag, 2004. • Principles of Lasers, O. Svelto, Plenum Press, NY, 1998 • Optical Resonance and Two-Level Atoms, L. Allen & J. H. Eberly, J. Wiley, NY, 1975. • Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides on ultrafast optics: http://frog.gatech.edu/lectures.html 2 The metric system We will meet with both small and large numbers in this course. For example, the optical pulses discussed later are incredibly short and the powers and intensities can be incredibly high. Prefixes: Small Milli (m) Micro (µ) Nano (n) Pico (p) Femto (f) Atto (a) Big 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15 10-18 Kilo (k) Mega (M) Giga (G) Tera (T) Peta (P) Exa (E) Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides 10+3 10+6 10+9 10+12 10+15 10+18 Time scale of physical events § Ionization of K electrons 5x10-18 - 10-17s § Shortest event ever created: 67 attosecond (10-18s) x-ray pulse (2012) § Bohr orbit period in hydrogen atom: 150 attoseconds § Single oscillation of 600nm light: 2 fs (10-15s) § Vibrational modes of a molecule: ps (10-12s) timescale § Electron transfer in photosynthesis: ps timescale § Period of phonon vibrations in a solid: ps timescale § Mean time between atomic collisions in ambient air: 0.1 ns (10-9s) § Period of mid-range sound vibrations: ms How to measure a fast event? Birth of ultrafast technology $25,000 bet: Do all four hooves of a running horse ever simultaneously leave the ground? (1872) Leland Stanford Eadweard Muybridge Muybridge's first picture sequence Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides What do we need to probe a fast event? Optical power § The light signal received by the camera film is a train of optical pulse. Shutter open Shutter Shutter open close Shutter Shutter open close Shutter Shutter open close t § We need a FASTER event to freeze the motion. Here the FASTER event is shutter opening and closing. § If we have an optical pulse source, we can record images of a running horse in a dark room. Early history of lasers § 1917: on the quantum theory of radiation – Einstein’s paper § 1954: MASER by Charles Townes (1915—) et al. If you’re a nobel prize winner,Prize and 100in years old, youand can Schawlow § 1958: Charles Townes (Nobel 1964) other winners using harsh words: (Nobel Prizecomment in 1981) conceive basic ideas for a laser. § 1960: LASER coined by Gordon Gould (1920-2005). § 1960: First laser (Ruby) by Maiman § 1961: First HeNe laser, followed by invention of most lasers. § 1977: Gordon Gould awarded the patent for the laser. Optics & Photonics News, 2014 MASER: Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Means of Acquiring Support for Expensive Research) Laser basics: three key elements Back mirror Ip Output mirror gain medium Continuous wave (CW) laser § Gain medium - Enable stimulated emission to produce identical copies of photons - Determine the light wavelength § Pump - Inject power into the gain medium - Achieve population inversion § Resonator cavity - make light wave oscillating to efficiently extract energy stored in the gain medium - Improve directionality and color purity of the light Laser basics: three key elements Back mirror Output mirror Ip gain medium Continuous wave output time Spectrum power power Continuous wave (CW) laser frequency/wavelength Ultrafast laser: the 4th element—mode locker Back mirror Output mirror Ip gain medium Ultrafast laser Ultrashort pulse output Mode locker t Ultrafast laser: the 4th element—mode locker Back mirror Ultrashort pulse output Output mirror Ip Mode locker gain medium Ultrafast laser τ t World shortest pulse: 67 attoseconds. The center wavelength is 20 nm. It is generated by high harmonic generation. SHORTEST PULSE DURATION t 10ps Nd:glass Dye S-P Dye Nd:YLF 1ps CW Dye Color Center 100fs Cr:LiS(C)AF Er:fiber CPM Dye Nd:fiber Cr:YAG 10fs K. Zhao et al., “Tailoring a 67 attosecond pulse through advantageous phase-mismatch,” Opt. Lett. 37, 3891 (2012) Nd:YAG Diode Cr:forsterite w/Compression Ti:sapphire 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 YEAR 1995 2000 2005 Long vs. short pulses of light Longer pulse corresponds to narrower spectrum. power vs. time Spectrum time frequency time frequency Shorter pulse corresponds to broader spectrum. But a light bulb is also broadband. What exactly is required to make an ultrashort pulse? Answer: A Mode-locked Laser Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides Ultrafast laser: the 4th element—mode locker Back mirror Output mirror Ip Ultrashort pulse output Mode locker gain medium Ultrafast laser t τ t Ultrafast laser: the 4th element—mode locker Back mirror Output mirror Ip Ultrashort pulse output Mode locker gain medium Ultrafast laser t τ t Examples of ultrafast solid-state laser media Solid-state laser media have broad bandwidths and are convenient. Two-photon absorption properties of fluorescent proteins M. Drobizhev et al., “Two-photon absorption properties of fluorescent proteins” Nat. Methods 8, 393 (2011). Main workhorse: Ti:sapphire oscillator Typical parameters of a commercial product - Pulse duration: ~100 fs - Pulse energy: 1-10 nJ - Pulse rep-rate: 50-100 MHz - Average power: 300-1000 mW - Center wavelength: tunable in 700-1000 nm. Ultrafast: pump-probe spectroscopy 18 Applications of ultrafast lasers: femtosecond chemistry Prof. Ahmed Zewail from Cal Tech used ultrafast-laser techniques to study how atoms in a molecule move during chemical reactions (1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry). Ultra- accurate: timing distribution Jungwon Kim et al., Nature photonics 2, 733 (2008) 20 Ultra- accurate: fs laser frequency comb Time domain f CEO ⎛ Δ φ ⎞ = f R m o d ⎜ C E ⎟ ⎝ 2 π ⎠ fR = 1 TR 0 Frequency comb has two degrees of freedom: Frequency domain f f = nf R + f CEO Ultra- accurate: fs laser frequency comb C.-H. Li et al., Nature 452, 610 (2008). 22 Ultra- intense: femtosecond laser machining § Sub-micron material processing: Material milling, hole drilling, grid cutting § Surface structuring: Photolithographic mask repair, surface removal or smoothing without imparting any thermal influence into the underneath sub-layers or the substrate § Photonics devices: Machining of optical waveguides in bulk glasses or silica, and inscription of grating structure in fibers § Biomedical devices: Use of femtosecond lasers for stent manufacture or eye surgery § Microfluidics: Microfluidic channels and devices § Displays and solar: Thin-film ablation, solar cell edge isolation Laser processing examples on glass with a 266 nm (UV) ns-laser (left side) and with a 780 nm 100fs laser (right side). L. Lucas and J. Zhang, “Femtosecond laser micromachining: A back-to-basics primer,” Industrial Laser Solutions (2012) Ultra-intense: protection from lightning The pulse induces a conducting path, discharging the cloud charge before lightning can occur. “Lightning control by lasers,” Nat. Photonics 3, 120 (2009) Ultra-intense: extreme light infrastructure (ELI) ELI’s goal is to explore new frontiers in physics, including trying to trigger the breakdown of the vacuum—the fabric of Designs of the three pillars are shown. Top: Hungarian attosecond space-time itself. pillar. Middle: Czech beam-line pillar. Bottom: Romanian photonuclear pillar. J. Hecht,“Photonic frontiers: the extreme light infrastructure: the ELI aims to break down the vacuum,” Laser Focus World (2011) Nonlinear optical microscopy § Intrinsic sectioning ability, making 3D imaging possible. § Longer excitation wavelength, which reduces tissue scattering and allows larger penetration depth. § New contrast mechanisms: N-photon excitation fluorescence, Harmonic generation, Coherent Raman scattering, etc. § Ultrashort pulses as the excitation source – many ultrafast optics technologies can be employed. W. R. Zipfel et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 21,1369(2003). N. G. Norton et al, Nat. Photonics 7, 205 (2013). Three channel OPA (optical parametric amplification) system: what optics lab looks like 20W green light in our lab Topics to cover § Linear and nonlinear pulse propagation: Optical solitons and pulse compression. § Laser dynamics: CW operation, Q-switching, mode locking. § Pulse characterization: Autocorrelation, FROG, SPIDER and 2DSI. § Noise in mode-locked lasers and frequency combs. § Laser amplifiers and optical parametric amplifiers/oscillators. § Mid-infrared sources and terahertz sources § Soft and hard X-ray sources including attosecond pulse generation. 29 Ultrafast lasers emit pulse train 5fs t TR : pulse repetition rate 2.7fs W : pulse energy Pave = W/TR : average power τFWHM : Full Width Half Maximum pulse width Pp : peak power 30 Some physical quantities Average power: Repetition rate: Pulse energy: (Average power = Rep-rate X Pulse energy) Pulse width (duration): Peak power: (Peak power = Pulse energy / duration) (peak) Intensity: If an optical beam with 1 PW peak power is focused to 1um2 area, the peak intensity is 1023 W/cm2. 31 Neglecting the spatial dependence for now, the pulse electric field is given by: Electric field E (t) An ultrashort laser pulse has an intensity and phase vs. time. I (t ) Time [fs] E (t ) ∝ 1 2 Intensity I (t ) exp{i [ω0t − φ (t )]} + c.c. Carrier frequency Phase A sharply peaked function for the intensity yields an ultrashort pulse. The phase tells us the color evolution of the pulse in time. Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides Removing the 1/2, the c.c., and the exponential factor with the carrier frequency yields the complex amplitude, E(t), of the pulse: Electric field E (t) The real and complex pulse amplitudes I (t ) E(t ) ∝ I (t ) exp{−iφ (t )} Time [fs] This removes the rapidly varying part of the pulse electric field and yields a complex quantity, which is actually easier to calculate with. I (t ) is often called the real amplitude, A(t), of the pulse. Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides The Gaussian pulse For almost all calculations, a good first approximation for any ultrashort pulse is the Gaussian pulse (with zero phase). E (t ) = E0 exp ⎡⎣ −(t / τ HW 1/ e ) 2 ⎤⎦ = E0 exp ⎡⎣ −2 ln 2 (t / τ FWHM ) 2 ⎤⎦ = E0 exp ⎡⎣ −1.38(t / τ FWHM ) 2 ⎤⎦ § where τHW1/e is the field half-width-half-maximum, and τFWHM is the intensity full-width-half-maximum. § The intensity is: 2 I (t ) ∝ E0 exp ⎡⎣ −4ln 2(t / τ FWHM ) 2 ⎤⎦ 2 ∝ E0 exp ⎡⎣ −2.76(t / τ FWHM )2 ⎤⎦ Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides The Fourier Transform To think about ultrashort laser pulses, the Fourier Transform is essential. We always perform Fourier transforms on the real or complex pulse electric field, and not the intensity, unless otherwise specified. Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides The frequency-domain electric field § The frequency-domain equivalents of the intensity and phase are the spectrum and spectral phase. § Fourier-transforming the pulse electric field: E (t ) = yields: 1 2 I (t ) exp{i [ω0t − φ (t )]} + c.c. Note that φ and ϕ are different! The frequency-domain electric field has positive- and negative-frequency components. Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides Note that these two terms are not complex conjugates of each other because the FT integral is the same for each! The complex frequency-domain pulse field Since the negative-frequency component contains the same information as the positivefrequency component, we usually neglect it. We also center the pulse on its actual frequency. Carrier Frequency So the most commonly used complex frequency-domain pulse field is: Thus, the frequency-domain electric field also has an intensity and phase. S is the spectrum, and ϕ is the spectral phase. Adapted from Prof. Rick Trebino’s course slides Often Used Pulses Pulse width and spectral width: FWHM 38 Operators used in Maxwell’s Equations 39 Operators used in Maxwell’s Equations 40 Operators used in Maxwell’s Equations 41 Maxwell’s Equations of Isotropic and homogeneous Media Maxwell’s Equations: Differential Form Current due to free charges Ampere’s Law Faraday’s Law Gauss’s Law Free charge density No magnetic charge Material Equations: Bring Life into Maxwell’s Equations Polarization Magnetization 42 Derivation of wave equation Vector Identity: Vacuum speed of light: 43 Derivation of wave equation No free charges, No currents from free charges, Non magnetization Simplified wave equation: Wave in vacuum Source term Laplace operator: ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 Δ=∇ = 2 + 2 + 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z 2 44 Interaction between EM waves and materials 0.5 nm Wavelength of green light is about 500 nm. So the optical wave experiences an effective homogeneous medium, which is characterized by Electric permittivity ε and Magnetic permeability The velocity of light is different from the vacuum speed by a factor called the refractive index Dielectric susceptibility and Helmholtz Equation In a linear medium, dielectric susceptibility is independent of optical field 2 1 + χ (ω ) = n (ω ) Can be complex Refractive Index Medium speed of light (dependent on frequency): 46 Lorentz model of light-atom interaction Important assumptions The atomic core is -- positively charged -- static (heavy, fixed within the crystal lattice) -- with the center of charge at x = 0. The electrons are -- light weight -- elastically bound by a massless spring with spring constant with equilibrium position at x = 0 -- carrying out a damped movement; that is, after removing the force, the movement decreases and finally ends. -- the electron and atomic core form an oscillator with a resonant frequency w0. Juergen Popp et al., Handbook of biophotonics (2012). H. A. Lorentz (1853-1928) Lorentz model: forced electron harmonic oscillator Dipole moment is defined as the product of magnitude of charges and the distance of separation between the charges. Without an applied field, the centers of the negative and the positive charges coincide. The dipole moment is zero. If a field constant in time is applied, the electrons are displaced relative to their position in the absence of an external field. The centers of the positive and negative charges no longer coincide and a static dipole moment is induced. If a time-dependent electric field interacts with the atom, then the electron starts to oscillate around its equilibrium position with the same frequency of the electric field. Such an oscillating dipole moment will emit a new electromagnetic wave. Juergen Popp et al., Handbook of biophotonics (2012). Lorentz model of light-atom interaction When light of frequency w excites an atom with resonant frequency w0: Electric field at atom r E (t ) Electron r xe (t ) Emitted field r E ʹ′(t ) Incident light + = On resonance (ω = ω0) Emitted light Transmitted light Incident Light excites electron oscillation à electron oscillation emits new light at the same frequency à incident light interferes with the new light leading to the transmitted light. The crucial issue is the relative phase of the incident light and this emitted light. For example, if these two waves are ~180° out of phase, the beam will be attenuated. We call this absorption. Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides Forced oscillator and resonance When we apply a periodic force to a natural oscillator (such as a pendulum, spring, swing, or atom), the result is a forced oscillator. Examples: Child on a swing being pushed Periodically pushed pendulum Bridge in wind or an earthquake Electron in a light wave Nucleus in a light wave Tacoma Narrows Bridge oscillating and collapsing because oscillatory winds blew at its resonance frequency. (collapsed under 64 km/h wind conditions the morning of November 7, 1940) The forced oscillator is one of the most important problems in physics. It is the concept of resonance. Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides One more example: child on a swing If you give the swing a push it will swing back and forward. If you just give it one push it will swing back and forth a few times and then come to rest. (That’s because of friction and damping.) To keep the swing moving you have to push again each time the swing reaches the closest point to you. You have to match the frequency of the swing to make it swing high. Course note, MIT 6.007 & http://www.lifeinresonance.com/?page_id=47 The forced oscillator The amplitude and relative phase of the oscillator motion with respect to the input force depend on the frequencies. Let the oscillator’s resonant frequency be ω0, and the forcing frequency be ω. Let the forcing function be a light electric field and the oscillator a (positively charged) nucleus in a molecule. Electric field at nucleus Nucleus Below resonance ω << ω0 Weak vibration. In phase. On resonance ω = ω0 Strong vibration. 90° out of phase. Above resonance ω >> ω0 Weak vibration. 180° out of phase. Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides The forced oscillator The amplitude and relative phase of the oscillator motion with respect to the input force depend on the frequencies. The electron charge is negative, so there’s a 180° phase shift in all cases (compared to the previous slide’s plots). Electric field at electron Electron Below resonance ω << ω0 Weak vibration. 180° out of phase. On resonance ω = ω0 Strong vibration. -90° out of phase. Above resonance ω >> ω0 Weak vibration. In phase. Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides The forced oscillator Electric field at atom Electron Below resonance The amplitude and relative ω << ω0 phase of the oscillator motion with respect to the input force depend on the On frequencies. resonance ω = ω0 Maxwell’s Equations will yield emitted light that’s 90° phaseshifted with respect to the atom’s motion. Above resonance ω >> ω0 Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides Emitted field Weak emission. 90° out of phase. Strong emission. 180° out of phase. Weak emission. -90° out of phase. Interference depends on relative phase When two waves add together with the same complex exponentials, we add the complex amplitudes, E0 + E0'. ~ Constructive interference: 1.0 Destructive interference: 1.0 = 1.2 1.0 -0.2 Laser + -0.2i = = 0.8 time Quadrature phase: ±90° interference: + + 0.2 ~ 1-0.2i time time Slower phase velocity (when accumulated over Adapted from Rick Trebino’s course slides distance) Absorption Dielectric Permittivity: Lorentz model Density (# of atoms per unit volume) Elementary Dipole Lorentz Model: x(t) p (t ) = −e x(t ) x(t ) is much smaller than the wavelength of electric field. Therefore we can neglect the spatial variation of the E field during the motion of the charge. Response to a monochromatic field force mass quality factor frequency of undamped oscillator 57 Real and Imaginary Part of the Susceptibility Ne 2 1 / 2 ωp = ( ) ε 0 m0 Plasma frequency 58 Real and Imaginary Part of the Susceptibility Q=10 Figure 2.3: Real part (dashed line) and imaginary part (solid line) of the susceptibility of the classical oscillator model for the dielectric polarizability 59 In a metal, free electrons between background ions In general: ω < ω p : Metal reflects and for ω > ω p :"transparent" 60 Real and Imaginary Part of the Susceptibility Example: EM-Wave polarized along x-axis and propagation along z-direction: In general: Dispersion relation: kr (ω ) = ω c0 nr (ω ) 61 Sellmeier equations to model refractive index If the frequency is far away from the absorption resonance Ω02 − ω 2 >> 2ω Ω0 Q 2 ω χ~r (ω ) = 2 p 2 Ω0 − ω Normally there are multiple resonant frequencies for the electronic oscillators. It means in general the refractive index will have the form 2 2 ω λ n 2 (ω ) = 1 + ∑ Ai 2 i 2 = 1 + ∑ ai 2 2 Ω − ω λ − λ i i 0 i 62 Absorption and refractive index Vs. wavelength 63 Kramers-Kroenig (K-K) Relation Causality of medium impulse response: χ (t ) = 0, for t <0 K-K relationship between real and imaginary part of susceptibility