William Clark Biography

William Clark Biography
William Clark is President, CEO, Chairman of the Board and co-founder of ClarkMXR, Inc., a commercial manufacturer of ultrafast pulse lasers and workstations for the
scientific and industrial market. Dr. Clark obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from Worchester
Polytechnic Institute in 1972. The first commercial ultrafast colliding-pulse, modelocked (CPM) dye laser was sold by the first company he started - Clark Instrumentation,
Inc.(CII) in 1987.
Clark-MXR, Inc. has had a string of firsts within the ultrafast field, including the first
commercial self-modelocked Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator, the first commercial
autocorrelator, the first commercial Ti:Sapphire Chirped Pulse Amplifier the first
commercial ultrafast laser-based micromachining workstation and the first commercial
transient absorption pump/probe spectrometer (TAPPS.) The company recently
introduced a compact and robust, 20 Watt ultrashort plse oscillator/amplifier system
based on Yb-doped fiber. Clark-MXR, also provides contract development and
production services using its ultrashort pulse source technology to structure materials on
the micron and sub-micron scale.
Dr. Clark has served on the Board of Directors of Translume, Inc., another company
he co-founded in 2000. He presently serves on the Board of Directors and Executive
Committee of the Laser Institute of America and was the LIA’s President in 2005.