Global Services Brochure - Zebra Technologies Corporation

Motorola Global Services
Delivering Optimal Mobility Solutions
Communication flows.. .and the pulse of activity quickens. Your
communications network connects users – whether it be to essential
information and real-time events for better decision making or to compelling
experiences that inform and enrich their daily lives. It carries the very life of
your organization and means to your success. Motorola understands your
business and we can help – by enabling and delivering optimal mobility
solutions that operationalize and further amplify the potential of your network
and end-user devices to make these vital connections.
mobility that incorporates technology architecture
and network operations to optimize performance and
maximize the value of your investments.
No matter what your organization’s mission, your
communications network is critical to its success. Your
end users are on the move, demanding instant access
to people and information. They need communication
that is reliable, secure and always available, whenever
and wherever they need to be in touch.
Motorola Global Services provides you with optimal
solutions that deliver the content and connectivity your
end-users require. We deliver quality and measurable
results leveraging our comprehensive services
portfolio, expert people, and proven processes.
Whether you are a service provider delivering new,
innovative applications to consumers and businesses,
a government organization responding to mission
critical needs or a business enterprise delivering
real-time information to your mobile workforce, our
services can help you. As technologies become
more complex, meeting rising expectations is not
as simple as just adding the right box or upgrading
your software. You need expert advice from an
organization who takes the time to understand
both your technology and business requirements.
You need a comprehensive plan for operationalizing
Motorola designs, deploys, integrates and operates
some of the most successful multi-vendor, multitechnology networks in the world – end-to-end
solutions that include content delivered and enduser devices. In more than 100 countries, we have
delivered solutions for government and public safety
entities, small-to-medium businesses, Fortune 500
global enterprises, and regional and global service
providers of every type of network — from traditional
fixed access, public safety, cable and cellular to
emerging wireless broadband technologies such as
IEEE-based WiMAX and cellular 4G technologies.
Every solution we deliver, from handheld devices
to access and core network technologies, from
network management tools to applications and
service enabling solutions, enhances our uniquely
deep and broad understanding of the challenges your
organization faces every day.
Today, Motorola offers a comprehensive portfolio of
mobility technology services, ranging from advisory
and planning services to deployment and support,
to professional services in focused areas of security,
applications integration and managed services, all to
help you achieve unprecedented levels of operational
performance and efficiency. Our practice-based
approach enables us to leverage best practices
globally and apply deep subject matter expertise with
proven tools, processes and intellectual property.
Our attention to quality and security is steeped
in Motorola’s storied pioneering of Six Sigma and
dedication to best practices frameworks such as
ISO9001, TL9000 and ITIL. We will work with you to
reduce system risks, improve productivity, enhance
operational efficiency, drive revenues and enhance
end user service and security.
Together, we articulate your
strategy, understand your business
priorities and develop an IT mobility
architecture. Next, we help you
design your environment, taking
into consideration multi-technology
and multi-vendor domains with an
emphasis on IP integration and
wireless security.
• A collaborative, right-sized approach with a trusted partner
• Minimize complexity and disruption associated with emerging
technologies and converging architectures
• Learn how to realize your mobility vision with focused execution
• Broad complement of professional learning and certification
We support you with design
and planning, program managed
deployment and integration of
new capabilities, applications,
systems and enhancements using
ISO9001, TL9000 and ITIL standard
approaches. A full complement of
turnkey services assures true end-toend delivery.
• Access to a team of experts who can help you plan, justify,
implement and test innovative, multi-vendor, multi-technology
• Proven capabilities and a disciplined approach in the management
of large and complex projects
• End-to-end service capability for truly turnkey solutions
• Flawless execution with focus on time-to-delivery and time-tooperation
• An environment that helps you deliver versatile, rich and compelling
We help you prepare for and then
put your network to work with
efficient Service Layer solutions,
including end-user applications
and service enablers to enhance
productivity, ensure real-time
information connectivity and deliver
highly personalized media and
content services to end users.
• A compelling portfolio of end-to-end solutions integrated from
content to network to devices for all access technologies
• A collaborative, end-user centric approach
• A modular framework for reusability, scalability and incremental
• Reduced complexity of managing the multiple partners in the value
• Solutions for the demanding telecom and public safety
• Application hosting for efficient rollout, quick ROI and lower risk
We care for your network and
devices - from basic repair and
support, to management and
operations, to leveraging advanced
network and end-user information
analytics as we focus on delivering
peak performance, both technical
and operational, to maximize the
efficiency and security of your
existing networks and mobility
• Increased capacity, availability and security for your network and
• Optimized performance of your mobility solution
• Reduced dropped calls and increased quality of service
• Enhanced delivery of new services and applications
• Improved user satisfaction, productivity and responsiveness
• Lower total cost of ownership (TCO)
• Peace of mind from consistent, comprehensive global service and
We offer measurable out-tasking,
outsourcing and hosting options
for your network operation and
management of devices. We can
deliver the entire end-to-end lifecycle
scope of services to design and
build, deploy and integrate, then
manage, maintain and operate your
network for you in an ongoing effort
with measured performance and
• Gain access to world-class capabilities and resources
• Free up resources, focus on your core mission
• Increase speed to market
• Launch new technologies with confidence
• Reduce TCO, better predict and control operating costs
• Share risks with a proven, trusted partner
Figure 1: Motorola Global Services Offerings
Motorola Global Services collaborates with you
to meet the needs of your business and your end
users. We deliver solutions built on subject matter
expert-based practices that span all aspects of your
end-to-end network, extending to user devices
(Figure 1).
New services mean new revenue streams — and
new challenges for planning, integrating and
supporting your network. Motorola’s multi-vendor,
multi-technology service portfolio provides a robust
framework that can assist with making the best
decisions to fit your unique needs and those of
your end users. We deliver fully integrated and
customizable mobility and media solutions to deliver
personalized, rich media experiences to individual
We can help you navigate the complex technology
decisions that can impact your business. We can
help you improve the performance, capacity, quality
and cost of operating voice and data networks, while
creating an environment that lets you launch new
applications quickly and cost-effectively, and manage
them efficiently and with flexibility.
for government and public sector organizations.
First-response organizations around the world
trust Motorola to deliver technology that’s second
nature — seamlessly connecting users to real-time
information and allowing them to focus on their
missions, not the technology. Trust us to securely
design, integrate, support, operate and manage your
critical communications networks.
We will work with you in a flexible manner that is
appropriate to meet your needs and goals — ultimate
control always remains with you.
To realize the full potential of enterprise mobility, you
need an experienced and highly skilled organization
that knows and understands the challenges of
mobility — and your industry. Motorola Global
Services and our extended channel partner network
makes End-to-End Enterprise Mobility a reality.
We have expertise in all access networks, whether
Regardless of whether you are deploying a wireless
wireless (i.e. CDMA, GSM/UMTS, iDEN , WiMAX,
LAN infrastructure, RFID technology, or a specific
LTE, WiFi) or wireline (i.e. GPON, HFC, CMTS), as well
Motorola offering such as Wireless IPS or Mobility
as the compelling multimedia applications you need to
Services Platform (MSP), you can count on the
attract and retain subscribers. We deliver all the End-toexpertise you need to develop and implement
End solution components required to deliver seamless
enterprise mobility solutions that are designed
services — devices, multiple access network solutions
from the ground up to deliver maximum return
from wireline and wireless access networks, IP Core
on investment. We can deliver the full lifecycle
network, applications and applications management
complement of services – from design, deployment,
solutions, consumer premise equipment, and a
integration, to ongoing maintenance and operation
portfolio of end-to-end network services to ensure
of your communications function to reduce your
secure and efficient operations.
financial risks and simultaneously improving your
access to new technologies and technical expertise.
Our global support infrastructure helps ensure that
all elements of the solution continue to work at peak
Reliability and quality are not merely important
performance levels with the security you need to
— they are vital. For over 75 years, Motorola has
been a global leader in communications for state and protect sensitive customer information. Count on
Motorola’s proven expertise to help you realize the
local government, public safety and public service
full value you’re your investment in mobility. Connect
entities. We have integrated public safety networks
the right information to the right people at the right
across both geographic and technology boundaries,
providing improved reach, performance and reliability time, regardless of location or circumstance and
all the while confident that your enterprise mobility
at the same time.
solution will perform reliably and securely.
Our long-standing industry partnerships and expertise
have helped make us the premier vendor of end-toend voice and data applications delivery solutions
ENSURE defense and mitigation of
threats to network and end-user assets
“If someone is trying to sell me
wireless data services and they go five
minutes without talking about security,
availability and reliability, then they don’t
make it to the sixth minute.”
– Chief Information Security Officer
Global Financial Services Company
ENVISION optimal mobility solutions
Motorola collaborates with you to articulate your strategy,
understand your business priorities and develop an IT
mobility architecture. Next, we help you design your
environment, taking into consideration multi-technology
and multi-vendor domains with an emphasis on IP
integration and wireless security.
Failing to plan is equivalent to planning to fail. Regardless of where you
are in the lifecycle of your network and your business operations, you
need a forward-looking business and technology architectural blueprint to
be successful. Strategic Mobility Services offerings are vital elements in
Motorola’s commitment to a collaborative approach in delivering mobility
solutions. Our broad experience in multi-vendor and multi-technology
environments allows us to address security and convergence at the network,
operations, services and device layers, helping organizations to better
strategize, design, and plan an optimal mobility solution– resulting in efficient
implementation and minimized disruption to your business.
Motorola Services’ collaborative approach will navigate you through the
complexities and technology decisions as we help you shape and then realize
your mobility vision. Key category offerings are:
• Advisory Services
Helping you remove the barriers necessary to successfully deploy
broadband and mobility solutions via mobility strategy development,
solution architecting, IP network design and road mapping
• Security Services
Helping you assess, identify, manage and mitigate your environment’s
operational risks relative to the use of broadband and mobility solutions
• Advanced Learning and Certification Services
Develops your organization’s technical knowledge, skills and expertise to
enable maximum readiness and operational benefit
• Mapping Services
Solutions for integration with location based applications and RF planning
tools through highly accurate, precision-based digital mapping services
and assets.
The convergence of cellular, wireline, wireless
broadband and other IP-enabled networks presents
significant opportunities as well as fundamental
security challenges for service provider, enterprise
and government organizations. Motorola Wireless
Security Services help customers in all market
segments identify and mitigate internal and
external security risks that threaten the business,
operational and productivity benefits of fixed-mobile
Our “holistic” approach to network security
optimizes the people, processes, policies and
technology that touch the network. Based on
decades of experience in the design, integration
and deployment of secure, mission-critical RF
communications systems, Motorola is uniquely
qualified in today’s combined complexities of RF and
IP networking. Based on Motorola certified security
reference architectures, we can provide defensein-depth assessments and solutions tailored to
meet customers’ unique business and operational
requirements. Additionally, Motorola’s Security
Operations Center (SOC) offers 24x7 network
monitoring, incident detection, response and
remediation services for network service providers,
government and enterprise customers.
We help you with:
• Examining protected assets, determining the
threat level and performing a risk analysis
• Assessing the technical risks and the likelihood of
an internal or external attack
• Determining the potential cost of recovery
• Setting priority and investment levels for each
critical asset
• Developing security policy and procedures for your
• Monitoring your network for peak performance and
ENABLE new technologies and efficient
deployment of networks
ENRICH end-user’s experiences with rapid application
creation, delivery and management
Motorola serves as a single point-ofaccountability for design, deployment
and integration of all solution elements
in a multi-technology, multi-vendor
People want to share sights and sounds, access to the
Internet, media content and vital business information
from everywhere.
Effective network planning means anticipating
migration challenges and potential risks for your
communications network. Motorola’s Integration
Services enable you to simplify the ever-increasing
complexity of deploying new networks and devices
as well as implementing new elements on existing
networks. Motorola can help you navigate your
convergence initiatives as wireless Enterprise and
Public Safety networks can be integrated with
cellular networks, extending reach across old
boundaries and providing operational redundancy
at the same time. Motorola is actively leading the
development of industry standards, and with that indepth knowledge we know how to navigate complex
new technologies to help you design, deploy and
integrate a network that meets your objectives today
and in the future.
Simplify the complexity of
deploying new technologies
Our experience enables us to develop solutions
and plans that give you intelligent growth strategies
and proven, best-in-class solutions. Together, we’ll
develop a plan that supports application and vendor
interoperability as well as network scalability to address
future growth demands. Our Integration Services
portfolio offers a full suite of design, deployment,
program management and turnkey services to enable
efficient deployment of network elements.
For service providers, governments and businesses,
Motorola Integration Services offer:
• Access to a team of experts who can help you
plan, justify, implement and test innovative, multivendor, multi-technology solutions
• Proven capabilities and a disciplined approach in
the management of large and complex projects
• Certified Program Manager Professionals managing
projects to the triple constraints of cost, schedule,
and scope
• Design, deployment and integration approaches
that follow Motorola’s pioneering of Six Sigma
quality and adhere to best practices frameworks
such as ISO9001, TL9000 and ITIL
• End-to-end service capability for truly turnkey
Voice may still be the king of mobile applications, but it no longer rules
alone. People want to share sights and sounds, take along key data from
their desktops, and access the Internet — everywhere they go.
No single entity can deliver all the pieces necessary for mobile data services.
The open market environment of the “metered IP pipe” has created an
ecosystem of collaborators — suppliers, application developers, content
providers and aggregators, hosting services vendors and customers. Manage
this environment through an effective Service Layer while enabling the agility
to address changing needs of different user segments, and you can reduce
your costs, improve
Enable the agility
information flow or
grow revenue through
to address changing needs
competitive differentiation.
of different user segments
Motorola enables exciting mobile experiences through a combination of
access agnostic Motorola Service Delivery Framework components,
professional services, innovative technology and applications, and relationships
with necessary ecosystem stakeholders and channel partners. Key solution
categories are Mobile Entertainment and Mobile TV, Mobile Commerce,
Personal and Social, and Mobile Enterprise.
In addition to our Service Delivery Framework, Motorola offers customers
differentiating service capability with a broad portfolio of enabling solutions
and services such as Service Delivery Platform (SDP), multi-media messaging,
presence, Location Based Services, Network Efficiency Solutions, Intelligent
Charging and OSS/BSS Solutions.
Professional services capabilities and deep understanding of end-user profiles
are the core competencies of all the application solutions deployed by Motorola.
Motorola Global Services brings unique expertise in application business modeling
and advisory services, network optimization for application readiness, platform
migration, integration of mobile application solutions, application performance
certification and hosting services. We have the global reach necessary to source
rich data content and applications from all corners of the world, and the global
scale required to integrate and manage complex data ecosystems.
For service providers, governments and businesses, Motorola Applications
Services deliver:
• A compelling portfolio of end-to-end solutions integrated from content to
network to devices for all access technologies
• An end-user centric, collaborative approach to help you meet global
differences in end-users’ unique needs
• A modular service delivery platform designed for reusability, scalability and
incremental investments
• Reduced complexity of managing the infrastructure and multiple partners in
the value chain
• Solutions designed and optimized for the demanding telecom and public
safety environments
• Application hosting services for fast time-to-market, quick ROI and lower risk
• An environment that helps you to deliver versatile,
compelling and productive services
ENHANCE operational excellence
ENSURE peak system performance
With our innovative enabling tools, insightful analysis
and experience with multi-vendor, multi-technology
networks, you can set a new standard for the quality
of your mobility solution.
To make the most of your opportunities, you need to make the most of
your resources. Motorola’s comprehensive Support Services can help
reduce your total cost of ownership and ensure service availability, while
helping you cost-effectively deliver new network capabilities. The base set
of Support Services offers a global service and support infrastructure that
encompasses technical support, product repair, web and localized support
services options, and emergency response. Services designed specifically
for operationally supporting and maintaining your mobility and media
solutions include preventive and corrective maintenance, remote monitoring,
spares management, software upgrade services and operations consultancy.
Technical Training Services offers a four phased solutions approach to
keeping your workforce highly trained and knowledgeable. The global
reach of Motorola’s Network Operations Centers (NOC) allows for trained
professionals to monitor and respond in a timely manner to your network’s
most pressing needs. Every tool or technology used by our services team
has been tested, refined and proven in real-world situations.
Our extended Support Services portfolio helps you efficiently manage your
network and services as well as proactively optimize network performance.
Network and Operations Management Services offer network and service
layer management, device management, configuration management,
host resource monitoring, OSS solutions, and interconnect billing and
partnership management. Performance Services leverage insights into
end-user utilization and help you proactively optimize your radio access,
core and transmission networks before you roll out new applications and
services. We’ll help you assess your current and future operational needs,
then recommend
and help implement
Reduce your total cost of ownership
improvements in
and ensure service availability,
network performance
geared to meet those
while helping to cost-effectively
needs, all based on
deliver new network capabilities
clearly identified metrics
and key performance
indicators. With our innovative enabling tools, insightful analysis based
on real time user-based data, and experience with multi-vendor, multitechnology networks, you can set a new standard for your network’s quality.
For service providers, governments, and businesses, Motorola Support
Services offer:
• Increased network capacity and availability
Our Managed Services can be
delivered as individual elements, or as
a complete transformational package
that will allow you to realize maximum
efficiencies across your organization.
You already know what a complex combination of
capabilities is required to run your network — and
so do we. We also understand that your focus is
increasingly shifting from your technology/network to
your end-users. As a world leader in multiple wireless
and broadband technologies, multi-vendor network
integration and operational support, Motorola has been
developing services to ensure your success since the
industry began.
Your focus is increasingly shifting
from your technology/network
to your end-users
Motorola’s Managed Services offers you flexible
business models, providing out-tasking and
outsourcing options as well as innovative build,
operate and managed network services to meet
individual and customized business requirements.
Motorola can manage the lifecycle of your system,
from design to deployment and operation of new
technologies as they become available, so you
and your users have access to the latest features
and functionality. Motorola supplies the expertise,
technical innovation and global network operations
centers with proactive monitoring capabilities to
ensure the availability and performance of your
network and devices. Jointly defined with you,
measurable service level agreements (SLAs) and
key performance indicators (KPIs) give you the
confidence of relying on an accountable partner.
Motorola is now managing over 125 customer
networks worldwide, demonstrating its
commitment to providing operational excellence
to its service provider, enterprise, and missioncritical government customers. We offer a range
of services, independent of the supplier of your
network equipment, backed by industry-leading
tools and processes, and with differentiated levels of
performance to meet every need.
For service providers, governments and businesses,
Motorola Managed Services lets you:
• Optimized performance for your mobility solution
• Reduced dropped calls
• Gain access to world-class capabilities and
• Increased quality of service
• Enhanced delivery of new services and applications
• Free up resources, focus on your core mission
• Improved user satisfaction and utilization
• Rely on a trusted managed services provider for
assured service availability and performance
• Lower total cost of ownership
• Increase speed to market
• Launch new services with confidence
• Reduce total cost of ownership, better predict and
control operating costs
Motorola’s in-depth and first-hand knowledge of
mobility – communications processes, technologies
and integrated solutions is invaluable. We have
more than 75 years of experience in designing,
building, maintaining and managing large, complex
mobile networks. Our 6,500 Motorola Services
professionals and over 8,000 world-class partners
and certified subcontractors, have the support of
a global network of R&D centers and test labs, as
well as Motorola service and support centers at
local, regional and national levels. Few organizations
claim to offer such a complete range of professional
services within the communications industry. Even
fewer are prepared to deliver.
Service providers, governments, enterprises
and consumers use Motorola world-class mobile
handsets, two-way radios and handheld mobile
computers. In addition to our well-known presence
in wireless communication, broadband service
providers leverage our experience in digital video,
high-speed data, transport infrastructure, conditional
access and consumer premise equipment to deliver
a “connected home” experience to their subscribers.
From the first handheld laser bar code scanner to
today’s advanced data capture options, we’ve led
in defining enterprise mobility, keeping your on-themove workforce connected. We pioneered digital
television, including the development of the world’s
first all-digital, high-definition television (HDTV)
system, and today, Motorola leads the world in cable
modem and digital video set-top shipments. Proven
solutions deployed throughout the world — that’s
the Motorola heritage.
share a single, simple commitment — deliver optimal
solutions, made operational with attention to quality
and measurable against key metrics.
You define your business goals and expectations.
We provide a service benchmark that defines best
practices and offers a metric against which our
performance can be judged. At every stage, we
keep you informed of the status of your service
delivery, your network performance and overall
network health. This consultative, results-oriented
approach allows us to work closely with you to
identify your requirements and frame a solution
that best meets your needs. Motorola’s services
help make communications technologies relevant to
your individualized needs in the markets you serve,
delivering business results and not just technology
Motorola Global Services offers a comprehensive
portfolio that addresses the challenges you
face in today’s rapidly evolving communications
environment. From Mobility and Security Advisory
services, to Network Performance Optimization,
to End to End Network & Applications Integration.
From basic Technical Support to full Managed
Services, our experienced services teams can
help define and deploy the right solution for your
organization. Whether you need improved return on
investment, greater reliability, or a tailored solution
that provides your organization a sustainable edge in
the marketplace, Motorola Global Services has the
right combination of innovation, experience, process
discipline and resources to take you where you want
to go.
To learn more about how Motorola Global Services
can help you take your network — and your
We know that our experience and technical expertise organization — to the next level of performance,
are valuable only if they are put to effective use within call your Motorola representative or go to:
your organization and the people that you serve.
That’s why all Motorola Global Services professionals
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product
or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2008. All rights reserved.