CAMP HESS KRAMER INSTITUTE October 30 – November 1, 2009 Beverly Barr Cumbia Semana……………………..Latin America……………………..1 Esa Einai……………………………..Israel………………………………2 Margot’s Valsen……………………..Norway……………………………4 Mazurca Di Sant’Andieu…………….Italy/France……………………….5 Snoshti Minah, Kate………………….Bulgaria…………………………. 6 Valse de l’Amitie…………………….Quebec……………………………8 Billy Burke Drmes iz Marijanaca…………………Croatia……………………………9 Drmes iz Pokuplja……………………Croatia…………………………...11 Kolo na Jednu Stranu…………………Serbia……………………………12 Logovac………………………………Serbia……………………….……14 Moj Dragane………………………….Croatia…………………………...16 Sremsko Kolo…………………………Serbia……………………………17 Joyce Clyde Al je ljepo……………………………Baranja/Hungary…...…………….19 Harmanlijska Racenica………………Bulgaria………………………….21 Pravo Cepelarsko Horo………………Bulgaria………………………….23 Gary Diggs Balkan Rumba………………………..Romania………………………...25 Baraka………………………………..Israel…………………………….26 David Melech Yisrael………………..Israel…………………………….28 Gang of Four…………………………Contra…………………………...29 Kachol………………………………..Irish/Israel……………………….30 Zarah………………………………….Israel………………………….…31 Richard Duree D’hammerschmiedsg’selln………...….Germany…………….…………32.5 La Cachucha…………………………. Mexican California…………….33 Vals Jota………………………………Mexican California…………….35 Richard Julian Dorset Four Hand Reel……………England…………………………37 Koster C’hoad……………………..Brittany…………………………39 Suzanne Rocca-Butler Galoppa…………………………….Italy…………………………… 41 Haide, Vruta Mea…………………..Romania (Aroman)…………….43 Liljano Mome………………………Bulgaria………………………..45 Valle e Qemalit……………………..Albania………………………...47 Zensko za Raka……………………..Macedonia……………………..49 Lu Sham Beale Street Blues………………...Vintage…………………………..50 Numero Cinco…………………….Latin……………………………..51 One Step Tango…………………..Vintage…………………………..52 Skaters Tango Waltz……………...Vintage…………………………..53 Tango Simple Mixer………………Vintage………………………….54 Tango Simple (Alternate)…………Vintage………………………….55 Loui Tucker Banu Le Ha’Ir Et Ha’Ir………….Israel……………………………...56 Damat Halayi……………………Turkey…………………………….58 Debka Kurdish…………………...Kurdish Communities……………59 Hachol Yizkor……………………Israel……………………………..60 Robin Ddiog……………………..Wales……………………………..63 Zichron Varod……………………Israel……………………………..64 Presented by Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS SYLLABUS beg bk bkwd or bwd CCW cpl(s) ct(s) ctr CW diag ft ftwk fwd H ht L LOD M meas opp pl PDB pos ptr(s) R RLOD sdwd or swd shldr T-pos (arms) tog twd V-pos (hands) W W-pos (hands wt x begin or beginning back backward counter-clockwise couple(s) count center clockwise diagonal ft footwork forward hand(s) height left line of direction man, men, man’s measure opposite place pas de basque position partner(s) right reverse line of direction sideward shoulder arms joined in shoulder hold together toward hands joined down women, woman, women’s hands joined at shldr ht, usually slightly fwd weight across CUMBIA SEMANA Choreographer: Ira Weisburd Music: Fin De Semana. 48 Count. Line Dance. Part I. (R Rocking Chair, R Side Mambo Step; L Rocking Chair, L Side Mambo Step) 1&2& 3&4 5&6&7&8 9-16 Step forward on R, recover back on L, Step back on R, recover forward on L Step R to R, Recover L on L, Step close R to L, hold Repeat Part I. (1-4) with opposite footwork and direction. Repeat Part I. (1-8). Part II. (Side, together, ½ turn R; Side, together, side, touch; Paddle turn to L w/R to face forward again) 1&2& 3&4& 5&6&7&8 Step R to R, Step close L to R, make ½ turn R on R, touch L beside R Step L to L, Step close R to L, Step L to L, touch R beside L Step on R, make 1/8 turn L on L, Step on R, make 1/8 turn L on L, Step on R, make 1/8 turn L on L, Step on R, make 1/8 turn L on L Repeat Part II. (1-8) with opposite footwork & direction. 9-16 Part III. (Double Rocking Chair diagonally to the L corner; Double Rocking Chair diagonally to the R corner; Cross, Cross, Back, Together; Cross, Cross, Back, Together) 1&2& (Facing L forward corner) Step forward on R, recover back on L, Step back on R, recover forward on L Step forward on R, recover back on L, step R to R (to face R forward corner) Repeat Part III. (1-4) with L foot. Step R across L, Step L across R, Step back on R, Step L in place. Repeat Part III. (9-12). 3&4 5&6&7&8 9-12 13-16 REPEAT DANCE. Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 1 ESA EINAI (I Will Raise My Eyes) Dance: Music: Formation: 1-2 3-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-26 27-28 29-32 1-2 3-6 7-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-22 23-24 25-28 29-32 33-34 35-42 43-48 Ira Weisburd 121st Psalm Meter: 4/4 Circle facing center with hands joined. PART I – Face center with hands joined and elbows bent. Step R to R with bent knee, step L behind R. Rpt. 1-2 three more times. Step R to R, turn ½ turn to L with L,R,L and face out of circle. Tcherkessiya R R to R, L to L and pivot to L to face center (17-18), R to R, L behind (19-20) step R to R and pivot to R to face out, step L to L, step R behind L, L to L and pivot to L to face center Sway R,L. R across L, back on L in place. Full turn to Rt. on line of circle with 4 steps beg. with R. REPEAT PART I PART II – Face CCW Step R fwd and hold rising slightly on ball of Rt. foot. Mayim step to Rt. beg. with L across R. Step L across Rt. and hold. Sway R,L, step R across L and face CW, hold. Step back on L and face center, R to R, L across R, hold. R to R and face out, L to L, R behind L, L to L and face center. R to R, L behind Sway R,L and face CW Fwd R,L,R and hold rising slightly on Rt. and raising arms. Step L bwd lowering arms and face center, R to R, L across. Sway R,L. Rpt. 1-8 Rpt. 17-22 REPEAT DANCE REPEAT PART I, PART II – counts 1-32 REPEAT PART I, PART II – cts. 1-6 Move fwd to center with L,R,L raising arms high. Instructions notated by Honey Goldfein Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 2 Esa Enai (I Lift Up My Eyes) Music: Lyrics: ::Esa eynai el heharim Meayin meayin yavo ezri:: Ezri meim Hashem ose shamayim va'arets Shlomo Carlebach Liturgy I lift up my eyes to the hills Whence comes my help? My help is from the Lord, Creator of heaven and earth 3 Margot’s Valsen (Norway) Svein Olav Solli, Borghild Reitan (now Solli) and Margot Sollie introduced this dance at Scandia Camp Mendocino 1997. They said that the dance is quite popular in the Røros area and is referred to there as Margots valsen. I believe this dance is referred to as Kalle P’s vals in Sweden. The dance mixes at the beginning. Dance one time through the dance sequence with your original partner, progress for the next repetition. Pronunciation: MAHR-gohts VAHLS-ehn. Margot is a W’s name. The dance name means Margot’s waltz Music: 3/4 meter Any Scandinavian waltz with 8-measure phrases CD: At the Jonsson’s, Traditional dance tunes from central Sweden. Bands 3 or 4 Formation: Couples in a circle facing LOD/CCW around the dance space Steps and Styling: Inside hands joined at shoulder level. Ballroom, equilateral, or shoulder/shoulder-blade position for closed position waltz. (See “Getting Primed.”) Pattern Meas INTRODUCTION. CD Band 3, 2 meas intro. CD Band 4, no intro or wait 8 meas. DANCE 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-16 Waltz fwd facing LOD, open position, inside hands held shldr level. Turn twd each other to face RLOD, waltz 2 more meas progressing in LOD; end facing ptr, M’s back to ctr. Ptrs waltz twd each other changing place, M passing under W’s R, M’s L arms. End facing each other, M facing the ctr. Waltz changing places, M passing under W’s R, M’s L arms; end with M’s back to ctr. M turns W once CW with inside hands joined. M turns W once CW with outside hands (M L, W R) joined. M comes around his ptr to end with his back to LOD at the end of meas 12. Couple waltz CW with ballroom, shoulder/shoulder-blade, or equilateral hold progressing in LOD. M starts back on L, W fwd on R. Open out at the end to face LOD with inside hands joined Dance repeats until the music ends except that beginning with the second time through the dance, on meas 1-2, M moves fwd to the next W in LOD, while W dances almost on the spot waiting for new ptr to arrive. Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 4 Mazurca Di Sant’Andieu (Italy/France) This dance is a mazurka that originated in the south of France during the Occitan Kingdom and is now danced all over Piedmont. The song to this dance was written by Charloun Rieu, pioneer of the modern provençal literature and poetry, who covered on foot all the Alps to spread the provençal language and to delight with his songs “The Shepherds and The Peasants.” Pronunciation: mah-ZOOR-kah dee SAHNT ahn-DEE-uh Music: 3/4 meter Formation: Couples in large circle facing LOD, W to R of M. M takes W L hand in his L and W R hand in his R placing his R arm at W shoulders. [This is a “varsouvienne”hold with L hands held a little lower than R hands, especially in Fig I.] Steps: Waltz step: Step forward on L slightly to L (ct 1), step on R close to L (ct 2), step forward on L slightly to L (ct 3). Repeat with opposite footwork and direction Meas 16 meas Pattern INTRODUCTION No action. I. CD: Danze Italiane Vol. 2, Band 3 FIGURE I (WALTZ) 1-2 Both beginning with L foot dance 2 Waltz steps fwd in LOD. 3-4 M dances fwd 2 Waltz steps starting with L in LOD, while W turns to R under R arm, with 2 waltz steps. Rejoin L hands. 5-16 Repeat pattern of meas. 1-4 three more times. II. CHORUS (MAZURCA) 1 Step on L foot in front (ct 1), step on R foot back (ct 2), small hop on R (ct3), lifting L leg in front. 2 Men: moving to R and passing behind partner, step on L crossed behind R (ct 1), step on R to R (ct 2), step on L in front of R (ct 3) . Women: moving to L and passing in front of partner, step on L to L (ct 1), step on R close to L (ct 2), step on L to L (ct 3) . 3-4 Repeat pattern of meas 1-2 with opposite footwork and direction. 5-16 Repeat pattern of meas 1-4 three more times. Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 5 SNOSHTI MINAH, KATE (Pirin, Bulgaria) SHIRTO is a very popular dance all over the Pirin mountains. Snoshti minah, Kate is the name of the song Iliana Bozhanova recorded for this dance. At the Laguna Folkdance Festival of 2009, she presented 4 figures, which were variations from different places she had seen people dancing SHIRTO. Rhythm: Music: Formation: 7/8 b – SQQ CD IHB #12 - FIRE, Track 4 mixed lines with hands held basically in W position Introduction – 18 meas. Figure 1 – 4 meas. Meas.1 - facing center 1. Lift on L ft + Step on R ft to R side 2. Step on L ft behind R ft 3. Step on R ft to R side Meas.2 – facing LOD 1. Lift on R ft + Step on L ft across R ft 2. Step on R ft fwd to LOD 3. Step on L ft fwd to LOD Meas.3 – facing center 1. Lift on L ft + Step on R ft to R side 2. Step on L ft across R ft 3. Step on R ft behind L ft Meas.4 – facing center 1. Lift on R ft + Step on L ft next to R ft 2. Step on R ft across L ft 3. Step on L ft behind R ft Arms: In W position Arms: Go down to V position Arms: Go back to W position Figure 2 – Suchi – 4 meas. Meas.1,2 – same as meas.1,2 from Figure 1 Meas.3 – facing center 1. Lift on L ft + Step on R ft across L ft 2. Step on L ft to L side 3. Step on R ft behind L ft Meas.4 – same as Meas.4 from Figure 1 Arms: The same as in Figure 1 Figure 3 – Nazad – 4 meas. Arms: The same as in Figure 1 Meas.1,2 – same as Meas.1,2 from Figure 1 Meas.3 – same as Meas.1, but going bkwd Meas.4 – same as Meas.2, but going fwd-diagonally left 6 Snoshti Minah, Kate -- Continued Figure 4 – Varti – 4 meas. Arms: Only in W position It is the same as Figure 1, but you make full turn right on Meas 3 and dance in place on Meas 4 Sequence: You can dance only one or all the figures in a sequence, depending on the leader’s commands. Notes by Iliana Hristova Bozhanova Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 7 Valse de l’Amitié (French Canada) Adaptation of a French-Canadian waltz mixer by France Bourque-Moreau. Transation: Friendship Waltz Pronunciation: VAHLS duh lah-mee-tee-AY Music: 3/4 meter CD: Yves & France Moreau Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2009, Band 10 Formation: Partners facing each other on a single circle. Pattern Meas 1-8 INTRODUCTION I. 1-2 3-4 Instrumental music. No action. GRAND R AND L Joining R hand with ptr, take one waltz step fwd and one waltz step back. Take two waltz steps fwd moving on to the next person (passing R shldr), presenting L hand. Repeat meas 1-4, starting with L hand. 5-16 Note: Figure 1 is done 4 times (R hand, L hand, R hand, L hand). II. 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-16 SLIDING TO CENTER AND BACK With new ptr, join two hands and take two large sliding steps to the ctr (inside ft). Take two large sliding steps away from ctr (outside ft). Balance (step-lift, step-lift) inside and outside. Let go of hands and do a complete turn to inside circle (three steps). Repeat meas 1-8 in opp direction. Repeat dance from beginning. Presented by Beverly Barr Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 8 DRMES IZ MARIJANACA Slavonija, Croatia Slavonia is the richest agricultural region (known as the bread basket) in Croatia. For this reason, folk traditions have remained unchanged for centuries. The wealth of this region is reflected in the dances, songs and costumes. The village of Marijanci is in northeastern Slavonia (Osijek-Baranja County near the city of Valpovo). Most of the dances in Slavonia surround the musicians, who are in the center of a circle. Musical accompaniment features the bagpipe (gajde) and tambura (samica), or a full tambura orchestra. Slavonian people dance to celebrate any occasion - weddings, harvest, church celebrations, or any other daily occurrence that merits a celebration. TRANSLATION: Shaking dance from the Village of Marijanci PRONUNCIATION: DRR-mesh Eez Mah-ree-ah nuts ah MUSIC: CD: Zeljko Jergan’s “Dance Journey” track #8 FORMATION: Closed circle, alternating M & W. Face ctr with R arm bent and across body at waist, L arm resting on neighbor’s R arm. STEPS: Drmesš #1 (side-close to L & R): Meas 1: Moving sdwd L - step L beside R with bounce (ct 1); close R beside L with bounce (ct 2); bounce on both in place, most of wt on L (ct &). (S, Q, Q) Use opp ftwk when moving sdwd R. Drmesš #2 (sdwd L): Meas 1: Step L to L, leave R in place and bounce on both ft - most of wt on L (ct 1); bounce on both - wt evenly distributed (ct 2); bounce on L most of wt on L (ct &). Meas 2: Step R beside L, bounce on both (ct 1); bounce on both again (ct 2); bounce on both, stamp R heel (ct &). Šaranje (step-hop fwd and bkwd; step-hop in RLOD) STYLE: The drmes (shaking dance) is done flat-footed, with very small steps and movements. Smaller movements are most stylistically correct. The šaranje (step-hop in and out sequence) is done with a down accent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------METER: 2/4 PATTERN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRDUCTION: 1-2 Wait MUSIC ONE: 1-2 FIG. I: SIDE- CLOSE Facing ctr – Step L to L (ct 1); Close R to L (ct 2); Repeat cts 1, 2 9 Drmes iz Marijanaca -- Continued 3-4 Repeat meas 1-2 with opp ftwk and direction 1 FIG. II: SINGLE DRMEŠ (L and R) Do #1 Drmes once to L 2 Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk and direction 3-4 Repeat meas 1-2 1-2 FIG. III: DOUBLE DRMEŠ Do 2 #1 Drmes steps sdwd L 3-4 Repeat meas 1-2 with opp ftwk and direction 5 Do #1 Drmes diag. L fwd, body lean slightly bkwd 6 Do #1 Drmes diag. L bkwd, body lean slightly fwd 7-8 Repeat meas 5-6 with opp ftwk and direction MUSIC TWO: 1 FIG. I: LEAPS Facing ctr - small leap L to L as R moves close to L ankle (ct 1); small leap R to R as L moves close to R ankle (ct 2). 2 Bounce on R as L heel taps fwd on floor(ct 1); bounce on R and tap L heel again(ct &); step on full L ft where it touched (ct 2); step R back to place (ct &). 3-8 Repeat meas 1-2, 3 more times. (4 in all) 1-2 FIG. II: ŠARANJE (STEP-HOP IN RLOD) Facing L (RLOD) - do 2 step-hops fwd, beg L. Turn to face R (LOD) on last hop. 3-4 Facing R (LOD) - do 2 step-hops bkwd, beg L. Turn to face L (RLOD) on last hop. 5-8 Repeat meas 1-4 one more time and face ctr Repeat from the beginning (3 times in all) Dance notes by Zeljko Jergan and Fusae Senzaki Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 10 DRMEŠ IZ POKUPLJA (Croatia) The dance is also called Pokuplje or Posavina. Almost every tamburica orchestra in the homeland as well as in the U.S. plays this shaking-dance melody to demonstrate the virtuosity required of the musicians. It was learned by Billy Burke in the late ‘70’s from Nena Sokþic who was a lead dancer and researcher of Lado for more than 25 years. The dance was presented by Billy at the 1985 Santa Barbara Symposium. PRONUNCIATION: dr-mesh iz POH-kup-ljah RECORD: AMAN LP-102, Side 1, Band 7 FORMATION: A mixed line joined in front basket hold. Line moves to L. Meas Pattern No Introduction 1 FIG. I: WALK Turning lower body slightly L of ctr, but keeping shldrs twd ctr, step R in RLOD (ct 1); reach and step L to L on ball of ft (ct 2). This should produce a smooth walking movement. 2-16 Repeat meas 1 (16 in all). 1 FIG. II: DRMEŠ Facing ctr, in place, step on R (ct 1); hop on R (ct &); land on R (ct 2); step slightly L on L (ct &). 2-16 Repeat meas 1 (16 in all) FIG. III: DRMEŠ VARIANT Beg R, do 4 small light stamping steps on cts 1,&,2,& of every 4th meas of Fig. II. There is no body twist in this Fig. SEQUENCE: 16 meas walk; 16 meas drmeš; 26 meas walk; 16 meas drmeš; 26 meas walk; 16 meas walk Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 11 KOLO NA JEDNU STRANU TRANSLATION One Way Kolo. SOURCE Dance from Vojvodina Srem region, introduced explained and demonstrated by Dobrivoje Putnik. BACKGROUND Dance from Vojvodina region, danced at Serbian gathering (prela, moba) and Patron Saint Day celebrations (Slava). MUSIC Dances of Vojvodina FA-46 – Tambura orchestra of Sonja Marinkovic FORMATION Open circle. (Hands same as Keleruj „kolo“) open circle, or semicircle. Mans hands behind woman’s, women hands on man’s shoulder. Second fast part hands down (V). METER/RHYTHM 4/4 STEPS/STYLE Small quick steps and step-hops. DANCE – MOVEMENT DESCRIPTION Measure Count_________________________________________________________ I. SIDE STEP (strong jiggle on all steps) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 8 Facing center, step sideward R, on Rft. Close and step on Lft, next to Rft. Step on Rft, sideward R. Close and touch Lft, next to the Rft, do not take weight. Suddenly reversing direction, step sideward L on Lft. Suddenly reversing direction again, step sideward R on Rft to continue R. Lft close next to the Rft. Rft take weight, next to the Lft. Step on Lft, in place. 12 Kolo Na Jednu Stranu—Continued II. FASTER WITH “CROSSING” STEPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Facing and moving diag. R, step fwd on Rft, in this direction. & Hop on Rft. 2 Continuing in this direction, step fwd on Lft, in front of Rft. & Hop on Lft. 3 Turning to face center, step on Rft, in place. & Hop on Rft, in place. 4 Facing center and moving backward out of circle, step backward on Lft. & Hop on Lft. “TROKORAK” in place (R-L-R) 1 Facing center, step on Rft in place. 2 Cross and step on Lft, in front of Rft. 3 Step on Rft, in place. & Hop on Rft, in place. “TROKORAK” in place (L-R-L) 1 Facing center, step on Lft in place. 2 Cross and step on Rft, in front of Lft. 3 Step on Lft, in place. & Hop on Lft, in place. Presented by Nikola Krþadinac Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 13 LOGOVAC TRANSLATION “The Spare Horse” SOURCE Dance from Baþka, introduced by Sister Jankovic and explained and demonstrated by Dobrivoje Putnik BACKGROUND Trio dance from Vojvodina. Originally from the Baþka region, but spread throughout Vojvodina and was even known among American Banaüani who danced it up to the 1950s. MUSIC Dances of Vojvodina FA-46 – FKUD Stanko Paunovic orchestra FORMATION One man with two women with one woman on either side of man. Women place the hand nearest the man on his nearest shoulder. They place their outer hands on their outside hips where the man grasps them with his outstretched hands from around in back of their waists. METER/RHYTHM 4/4 STEPS/STYLE Small steps, step-hops DANCE – MOVEMENT DESCRIPTION Measure Count_________________________________________________________ I. BASIC STEP (forward and back), 1 2 3 4 5-8 9-16 1 Facing center, step forward on Rft, & Hop on Rft, in place, 2 Step in front of Rft on Lft, forward, & Hop on Lft, in place, “TROKORAK” in place crossing feet (R-L-R) 1 Facing center, step on Rft in front of Lft. 2 Step on Lft, in place. 3 Step on Rft, in front of Lft in place. & Hop on Rft, in place Repeat action 1-4, opp/ftwk, going backwards, Repeat action 9-16, II. STEP IN PLACE 1 1 & Step on the Rft, in place, Hop on Rft, 14 Logovac -- Continued 2 3-6 7 8 9-16 2 & Step on the Lft, in place, Hop on Lft, Repeat 1-2, four times, “TROKORAK” in place (R-L-R) 1 Facing center, step on Rft in place. 2 Step on Lft, next to the Rft. 3 Step on Rft, in place. & Hop on Rft, in place Repeat action 1-4, opp/ftwk/dir, NOTE. Variations - Teraj, kume, logova, Preko toga korova, Daleko je Meirovica, Gde se kuva kiselica, Još je dalje Sent-Ivan, Gde se ljube svaki dan! 1. W spinning around, men holds one hand, 2. M going around (couple) with W on left first and with W on right, holding hands (polka style). 3. M holding one hand of each W going around man, on front and back (pretzel). SONG WORDS Best man, drive the spare horse, over the weedy fields, it's a long way to Mitrovica, where they make sour wine, and further still to Sent-Ivan, where they make love every day! Metla nogu na potegu, Pa sve vice: "Neüu!" A na kuma namiguje, Da se kola krecu. [The bride] put her foot up on the footboard, And shouted, "I don't want to go!" Then she winked at the best man to, Get the wagon going. Jeli küeri, jel' to taj, Hulja i beüar? Jeste, majko, on je taj, Al' nije beüar! Tell me, daughter, is he the one, That scoundrel, and bachelor? Yes, mother, he's the one, But he's not a bachelor! Presented by Nikola Krþadinac Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 15 MOJ DRAGANE Origin: This dance, when translated means “My Sweetheart,” and is a maiden’s walking dance from Lika, Croatia. Musical accompaniment is the dangubica, a kind of tambura. Source: Zeljko Jergan Style: Heavy, earthy walking steps with a slight sway of the hips during turns. The sway is subtle and should not be overdone. Hands are in V position. On the turns, W have back of wrists on hips, M tuck thumbs into belt. Formation: Traditionally the dance begins with an open circle, and then closes as dance continues. For recreational purposes the dance is done in a closed circle. Rhythm: 6/8 meter Introduction: 4 measures – no action (8 counts) Meas 1-2 3-8 1 2 3-4 5-8 1 2 3-4 5-8 FIG. 1 – walk in RLOD (instrumental) Facing and moving to L, walk L,R,L; step BKWD (rock) on R REPEAT meas 1-2 three more times (4 times total) FIG. 2 – (vocal) Facing and moving to L, walk LR Facing center, step on L as R flicks low in front of L; step on R as L flicks low in front of R Releasing hands, turn once in place to L. L,R,L,R with sways. M thumbs in belt, W hands on hips Rejoin hands – REPEAT meas 1-4, but do NOT rejoin hands at the end. FIG. 3 With hands on hips or in belts, facing and moving to L, walk L,R. Turn to face center, step on L and make a small low circle with R; quickly step on R as L flicks low in front of R. REPEAT meas 3-4 of Fig. 2. REPEAT meas 1-4. Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 16 SREMSKO KOLO TRANSLATION Circle dance from Srem. SOURCE Dance from Srem, introduced by the Jankovic Sisters and explained by Dobrivoje Putnik. BACKGROUND Traditional dance from Srem, danced originally by men only, spread throughout region and is danced at most Serbian events i.e. Weddings and Patron Saint Day celebrations (Slava). Sometimes men dance holding shoulders and women holding hands. MUSIC Dances of Vojvodina FA–46 (FKUD Sonja Marinkovic orchestra) FORMATION Open or closed circle. Hands same as Keleruj in „kolo“ section, or men use the “T” hold and women hold hands separately in “V” position.. METER/RHYTHM 4/4 STEPS/STYLE Small steps with twists and shakes. DANCE – MOVEMENT DESCRIPTION Measure Count_________________________________________________________ I. SMALL STEPS TO THE SIDE 1-4 Facing center, moving gradually sideward to R, four small steps, Rft, Lft close, Rft, Lft shake in front. Repeat measures 1-4 to L, four small steps sideward L, Lft, Rft close, Lft, 5–8 Rft shake in front. Repeat measures 1-8 Repeat measures 1-16 9-16 1-16 II. PIGEON TOE - DOUBLE BOUNCE” (SLOW-QUICK-QUICK) 1 2 3-8 1 2 3 Toes together, push heels out, bending knees slightly, (S) Heels together, bounce in place, (Q) Heels together, bounce in place, (Q) Repeat measure 1-2 three times, (Q) 17 Sremsko Kolo – Continued III. “QUICK PIGEON TOES” 9 1 2 10-16 Toes together heels out, (quick bounce steps). Heels in (quick). Repeat measure 9 seven times. IV. CROSSING STEPS (QUICK-SLOW) 1 2 3 4 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5-8 9-16 Facing center, a quick step sideward R on ball, on Rft, (Q) Cross and step on Lft in front Rft traveling R, (S) A quick step sideward R on ball, on Rft, (Q) Cross and step on Lft in front Rft traveling R, (S) A quick step sideward R on ball, on Rft, (Q) Cross and step on Lft in front Rft traveling R, (S) Step sideward on Rft (Drop) Hold. Repeat measure 1-4 opp/ftwk/dir. Repeat action 1-8 V. CROSS STEPS WITH HOLD 1 2 3 4 5-8 9-16 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Facing center, a quick step sideward R on ball, on Rft, (Q) Cross and step on Lft in front Rft traveling R, (S) A quick step sideward R on ball, on Rft, (Q) Cross and step on Lft in front Rft traveling R, (S) DROP step on Rft, extending Lft in front in air to shake. Continue shaking Lft in air. Continue shaking Lft in air. Repeat measure 1-4 opp/ftwk/dir. Repeat action 1-8 Presented by Billy Burke Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 18 Al je ljepo (Baranja, Hungary) Bosnian Croats (Bošnjaci) migrated to the Hungarian part of the Baranja region near the town of Pécs 3HüXKDWWKHHQGRIWKHth century. Despite the long period of their being among other nationalities, they have survived and kept their speech patterns as well as their wealth of all folk forms, thanks to the village elders. Their rich and unique folk songs reflect daily life of the people - work in the house, in the farmyard, in the field, the joys and the sorrows of everyday life. Željko was researching around the city of Pécs in the summer of 1992. Translation: It is really beautiful (in our area). Pronunciation: ahl YEH lee-yeh-POH CD: Baština Hrvatskog Sela by Otrov, Band 3. Music: 2/4 meter Formation: Closed circle, alternating M and W, facing ctr. Steps and Styling: Walk: L, R …, 2 steps per meas. Grapevine: Moving in RLOD (L); step on L to L (ct 1); step on R behind L (ct &); step on L to L (ct 2) step on R across L (ct &). Buzz to L: Step on L to L on ball of ft (ct1); step R across L (ct &); 2 buzz per meas. Rocking out & in: Shift wt back on R (ct 1); shift wt fwd on L (ct 2). Double bounce on each ft. Earthy walking steps, smooth buzz and grape-vine steps. Hands: Verse 1: Hands joined in V-pos. Verse 2: Escort pos: R arm bent and across body at waist, L arm resting on neighbor’s R arm. Verse 3: Front basket hold Meas Music: 2/4 meter 1 meas Pattern INTRODUCTION I. 1 2-3 4-5 6 7-10 11 12-16 VERSE ONE No action. Hands joined in V-pos. Facing L of ctr and moving RLOD (L) – walk L, R, L, R fwd Facing twd ctr walk out with L and in with R / twice – the circle moves in RLOD (L). Walking Grapevine. Buzz step to L—8 steps. Walking Grapevine. Repeat meas 7-11 one more time. PAUSE (2 meas): 2 walking steps fwd L, R (cts 1,2); sway L, R (cts 1,2). Hands in Escort hold. II. 1-3 4-5 ” VERSE TWO Facing L of ctr and moving RLOD (L), walk L, R, L, R, L, R fwd (total 6 steps). Facing twd ctr rocking out & in: L, R, L, R (double bounce on each ft). 19 Al je ljepo—continued 6 7-16 Walking Grapevine. Repeat Fig I, meas 7-14. PAUSE (2 meas): 2 walking steps fwd L, R (cts 1, 2); sway L, R (cts 1, 2). Hands in front basket hold. III. VERSE THREE 1-16 Repeat Fig II. AL JE LJEPO Lyrics Al je ljepo u našime kraju Ej zvje-zde sjaju i cure pjevaju Dikin pendzer u naš pendžer gledi EMSUVWRPPLþHQHVPLMHGDYLþH Presented by Joyce Clyde Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 It’s really beautiful in our area When the stars are shining and girls are singing My sweetheart’s window is across from mine He’s motioning for me to come to him 20 +DUPDQOLMVND5kþHQLFD (Bulgaria) Line UkþHQLFD from the region around Harmanli in Eastern Thrace. Observed by Yves Moreau at folk festival in Haskovo, June 1966. Dance can be done to any basic 8-meas Thracian UkþHQLFD tune. Translation: 5kþHQLFDIURPWKHUHJLRQRI+DUPDQOL Pronunciation: hahr-mahn-LEE-skah ruh-che-NEE-tsah CD: Yves Moreau Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2009, Band 4 Music: 7/8 meter (QQS) Formation: Mixed open circle. Hands in W-pos. Wt on L, face ctr. Styling: Earthy, slight knee bend. Meas 1-16 1 Pattern INTRODUCTION Instrumental music. Start with song. I. BASIC FIGURE Step on R to R, arms move to R at 45-degree angle (ct 1); pause (ct 2); step on L behind R, arms move L to starting pos (ct 3). 2 Repeat meas 1. 3 Step on R in place with marked knee bend (ct 1); transfer wt lightly onto ball of L ft (ct 2); step again on R with marked knee bend (ct 3). 4 Repeat meas 3 with opp ftwk. 5 Large step fwd on R, arms swinging fwd and down (ct 1); L ft begins to cross in front of R (ct 2); slight lift on R (ct 3). 6 Step on L in front of R, arms begin to swing fwd (ct 1); pause (ct 2); slight lift on L bringing arms to W-pos (ct 3). 7-8 Repeat meas 3-4 but moving slightly bkwd 9-12 Repeat meas 5-8. 13 Large step onto R fwd and slightly RLOD, swinging arms fwd (ct 1); arms continue swinging back (ct 2); slight lift onto R (ct 3). 14 Large step onto L still moving in same direction as in meas 13, arms swinging fwd (ct 1); arms continue fwd to W-pos (ct 2); slight lift onto L (ct 3). 15 Let go of neighbors’ hands, pivot CCW to face LOD and take 3 light running steps fwd R, L, R (cts 1,2,3). 16 Continue with three small running steps (L, R, L) in LOD ending up facing ctr again (cts1,2,3). 21 +DUPDQOLMVND5kþHQLFD—continued Note: During meas 15-16, hands are free to perform smooth flowing movements: close fingers and clench fists, palms inward (ct 1); pause (ct 2); open fingers, unclench fist, palms out (ct 3). Repeat dance from beginning. +$50$1/,-6.$5Æý(1,&$/\ULFV (Bulgaria-Trakia) Stojne, Stojne, bjala Stojne Zaljubila bjala Stojna Zaljubila vakâl Ivan 9DNkO,YDQYDNkORYþDU Stojna, fair Stojna Fell in love with dark-eyed Ivan Ivan, the shepherd Dokato se zaljubili Toj pri stado ne otide (2) Stadoto si do obidi While they fell in love Ivan did not go to his flock To look after them ýHRWLGHYDNkO,YDQ Stadoto si do obidi (2) 1DRYþDULKOMDEGDQRVL Ivan finally decided to go take care of his flock and bring bread to his colleagues .XþHWDJRQHSXVQDOL Ne pusnali, zalali go Stadoto si razprâsnalo 2YþDULJR]DUMXNDOL The dogs did not let him in and barked The flock scattered The other shepherds swore at him ýHL]YDGLPHGHQNDYDO Ta zasviri žalno, milno 7DRVPLULNXþHWDWD Ta zavârna sivo stado Ivan took out his kaval and began to play sweetly and sadly He calmed down the dogs And brought back the grey flock Presented by Joyce Clyde Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 22 3UDYRýHSHODUVNR+RUR (Bulgaria) A variation on the basic Pravo Rodopsko Horo from the UHJLRQDURXQGWKHWRZQRIýHSHODUH2EVHUYHG by Yves Moreau at the Rožen Pee Festival in July 1972. The dance has a typical 10-meas structure which is typical of many Rhodope folk songs. The song used here is Pena e seno kosila. Translation: Pravo from WKHUHJLRQRIýHSHODUH. Pronunciation: PRAH-voh cheh-peh-LAHR-skoh hoh-ROH Music: 2/4 meter CD: Yves Moreau Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2009, Band 3 Formation: Mixed open circle. Escort hold: L hand in front of body at belt level, L elbow bent. Hook R arm on R-hand person’s L arm. Dancers should be close to neighbors. Face slightly R of ctr. Wt on L. Styling: Soft and solemn. Meas 1-10 Pattern INTRODUCTION Instrumental music. I. BASIC PATTERN 1 Moving LOD, step on R (ct 1); step on L across R (ct 2). 2 Step on R (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 3 Step on L across R (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 4 Turning to face ctr, take 2 small steps bkwd, R, L (cts 1,2). 5 Step fwd on R (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 6 Step fwd on L (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 7 Step fwd on R, coming up onto ball of R ft (ct 1); bring L ft slightly up behind R calf (ct 2). 8 Take one step bkwd on L (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 9 Take one step bkwd on R (ct 1); pause (ct 2). 10 Take small step on L slightly L (ct 1); pause (ct 2). Dance repeats from beginning. Presented by Joyce Clyde Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 23 Pravo ýHSHODUVNR—continued 35$92ý(3(/$56.2/\ULFV (Bulgaria-Rhodopes) Pena je seno kosila Kosila i sâbirala (2) 6QHMLQRPODGRUDWDMþH Pena was cutting hay Cutting it and gathering it With her young helper 5DWDMþHGXPDQD3HQD 3HQROMRþRUEDGåLMNROMR Kato si seno sâberem Kade štem Peno da legnem? The young helper said to Pena: Hey Pena, my boss... When we’re finished piling hay Where will we lie down to sleep? 3HQDUDWDMþHGXPDãH 5DWDMþHPODGRJOXSDYR Kato si seno sâberem Ti šte da legneš vâr kopa Pena said to her helper: Hey helper, young fool When we’re through working You’ll lie down on top of the pile Ti šte da legneš vâr kopa Je šte da legna pod kopa Dorde sa zora zazori Dvamina šte sa sâberem You’ll lie down on top of the pile And I’ll lie down under the pile By the time dawn comes The two of us will have gathered... 24 Balkan Rumba Novelty dance loosely based on footwork of “Calushari”: men dancing “Calush” (The Little Horse) Source: Daniel Sandu, Albuquerque spring workshop 2006 Meter: 4/4 Style: Loose Formation: Individuals scattered over dance floor. Dancers can simply move right and left, back and forth (basic version, described below), or move in any direction, turning and interacting with other dancers (more interesting version). Introduction: almost eight measures; the cowbell is on the beat; when the bass joins in there are four more measures to go. Meas 1 2 3, 4 Part 1 Moving LOD step R (1); light heel stamp L next to R (2); step L slightly back (&); still moving LOD step R fwd (3); light heel stamp L next to R (4). Repeat prev meas, but facing and moving toward RLOD with opp ftwk Repeat meas 1 and 2 1 2 3, 4 5-8 Part 2 Repeat meas 1, Part 1, beats 1 and 2, (1, 2&); Repeat previous two beats (3, 4&). Repeat meas 1, Part 1. Repeat previous two meas, but with opp ftwk and dir Repeat previous four meas 1 2 3, 4 5-8 1 2 3, 4 Part 3 Moving LOD, knees bent slightly take four small tight steps, RLRL (1&, 2&); Repeat beats 3, 4& of meas 1, part 2 (3, 4&). Repeat meas 2, part 2. Repeat previous two meas, opp ftwk and dir. Repeat previous four meas Part 4 Repeat meas 1, Part 1 Moving RLOD, knees bent slightly take four small tight steps, LRLR (1&, 2&); step L fwd (3); stamp R next to L (4). Repeat previous two meas Notes by Gary Diggs, July 2006 Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 25 Baraka (“Blessing”) Dance: Shmulik Gov-Ari Music: group Sfatayim Formation: line or circle Notes: ‘baraka’ is the Arabic form of bracha – blessing – and is often used as a greeting or wish by Israelis whose families emigrated from Arabic countries. Abbreviations: S = one beat; Q = ½ beat; LOD = line of direction of dance; RLOD = reverse LOD; CW = clockwise; CCW = counterCW; twd = toward; fwd = forward; ftwk = footwork; opp = opposite; dir = direction; L = step left, or just “left”, depending on context; R = step right, right foot, or just “right”; frnt = crosses in front of Intro: 16 measures (2/4 meter) Meas Part A, start by facing LOD, low hand hold where possible 1 2 3 4 5 13 – 16 17 – 32 R, L, moving LOD Facing center, leap sideways R (S); Moving RLOD: side L; R frnt L (QQ) still facing center, side L, close R with wt. (SS) side L; close R with wt; side L; stamp R, no wt, next to L; (QQQQ) fall sideways onto R; rock back sideways onto L (in place); close R to L with wt; (SQQ) still facing center step L across R; stamp R next L, no wt; fall sideways R; (QQS); (Note: the last beat of meas 5 and and first half beat of meas 6 is a left Yemenite) a left Yemenite followed by a stamp of R, no wt, next to L; (QQQQ) twisting towards RLOD but still moving LOD, step R with a bent knee while dragging L with a straight leg; straightening close L, with wt, next to R; (SS) facing LOD, step fwd R; standing very erect, touch L fwd; (SS) step back onto L; bending forward at the waist with straight back, touch R back; (SS) two walking steps in LOD, R, L; (SS) Note: the torso on each beat of meas 9 thru 11 twists slightly (CW, CCW, etc) in opposition (contra-lateral motion) to direction of foot movement, especially on 2nd beat of meas 10 where right shoulder drops down moving LOD, hop L; step fwd R; step fwd L; (QQS) Note: on hop, free R leg is straight and fwd, toe extending downward repeat meas 9 – 12 repeat meas 1 – 16 1 2 3–4 Part B facing LOD, step fwd R; lift L in front of R, slight hop, bent knee, toe down; (SS) back Yemenite, L,R,L; (QQS) facing center, move LOD, grapevine: side R; L behind R; side R; L frnt R; (SSSS) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26 Baraka -- Continued 5 6 7–8 9 10 11 12 13 – 14 15 – 16 1–2 3–4 5–8 9 – 10 11 – 12 13 – 16 still facing center, moving RLOD: R frnt L; side L; R frnt L; (QQS) back yemenite, L,R,L; (QQS) basketball turn: step R twd center, pivoting CCW to face out; L in place; step R going out pivoting back CCW twd center; L in place; (SSSS) starting with R, two debka steps twds center (QQQQ) continue with one R debka step twd center; leap fwd L; stamp R next to L (QQQQ) note: R debka step: bounce on L while touching R heel in front of L toe with R toe extending up; point R toe down as you make small leap onto R in front of L; (QQ) facing center, moving right: side R; L behind: R; side R; stamp L next to R: QQQQ repeat meas 11, opp ftwk and dir three steps away from center: R, L, R; (SSS); leap in place onto L; stamp R next to L; (QQ). Shoulders roll backwards as if doing the back stroke (sans arms) on each step going back, starting with the right shoulder; (SSSS) repeat meas 11 – 12 Part C facing center, side R; L behind R; side R; rock back onto L; (SSSS) still facing center, moving L: step on ball of R across L; side L; repeat previous two steps two more times; end R frnt L; (QQQQQQS); during this meas elbows are held at sides with forearms extended fwd and level, palms up; then palms down; palms up; palms down; (SSSS) repeat meas 1 – 4, except with opp ftwk and dir, but same hand movements R to right; rock back onto L in place; step R in front of L; step L in place; (SSSS); at the same time the right arm extends to the side, palm fwd; swing right arm in an arc in front of chest; bring and place right hand on chest over heart; place left hand on top of right hand; (SSSS) making a full CW turn in place, pivoting on R and on ball of L next to and slightly behind R: step R,L,R,L,R,L,R; (QQQQQQS); arms and hands are as in meas 3 – 4 repeat meas 9 – 12, exept with opp ftwk and dir, but same hand movements Notes: Gary Diggs, October 2009 Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 27 David Melech Yisrael (“David, King of Israel”) Dance: Shmulik Gov-Ari Formation: Circle Learned from Shmulik Gov-Ari at 2009 NM August Camp Counts Part 1, facing CCW, Chassidic hold, own L hand on own L shoulder, palm up and own R hand down on L hand of person in front 1–2 3–4 5–8 9 – 16 17 – 20 21 – 24 25 – 32 33 – 64 Touch R heel fwd, bend L knee slightly, lifting R Repeat 1 – 2 R double step fwd (RLR, qqs) Repeat 1 – 8 with opposite footwork Face center, high hold, lean to R onto R, pause, lean L, pause Grapevine in LOD: start side R, L cross in front R and L Yemenite Repeat 1 – 32 Part 2, facing center to start, high hold 1–2 3–4 5–8 9 – 10 11 – 12 13 – 16 17 – 18 19 – 20 21 – 24 25 – 27 29 – 32 33 – 64 Moving towards center, step R crossing in front of L Continue towards center with step L crossing in front of R Balance fwd onto R, balance back on L, balance fwd on R, pause Stepping L fwd across R (as in 3 – 4), move arms from shoulder level slightly forward and up Stepping R fwd across L, move hands and arms fwd and down Balance fwd onto L, balance back on R, step L back, pause; hands and arms come up, elbows fwd, forearms up, then arms back down Facing LOD and letting go of hands, step sideways R out of center while bringing arms and hands opening to side at chest level continue away from center stepping L across R while crossing arms in front precipitously and snapping fingers Repeat 17 – 20 Turning ¾ CW, step R,L,R, pause, ending facing center Facing center, L back Yemenite, L,R,L Repeat 1 – 32 (omit this repeat first time thru dance) Notes: Gary Diggs, October 2009 Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 28 Gang of Four Dance: Gene Hubert Becket formation (couples facing couples, W on M's right, contra lines) Notes: A contra line consists of two lines facing. The whole set is the set of everyone in both lines; in promenading or circling the whole set think of it as a very oblong circle. Minor sets are sets of four persons (two couples) determined by "hand four-ing" from the top of the whole set. One meas = two counts = two steps (generally). Meas 1–8 9 – 16 17 – 24 25 – 32 Minor sets circle left three quarters; swing your neighbor Guys, your neighbor will be in front of you after you've circled left; After swing, end facing couples LOD around whole set with W on M's right; inactive couples – couples that are at either end of whole set having not had another couple to circle with – become active again by joining in the swing Everyone Promenade the whole set (four counts/steps); W cast down to M below (four counts); and swing that M (eight counts) All join hands, whole set circles left (eight counts) until you are opposite your partner, then Long lines go forward and back (eight counts; four in, four out) W allemande right once and a half (ladies, you allemande with the one your partner swung, the woman to his right, diagonally to your left, important) (eight counts); swing your own (eight counts); At this point, if you are a couple at either end of the whole set without another couple to circle left with, you are inactive for eight counts; then, as noted above, you join in the swing and subsequent promenade, becoming active again. Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 29 Kachol (“Blue”) Dance: Shmulik Gov-Ari Formation: circle, down handhold when possible Note: each part repeats once Meas Part 1 1 facing center, step sideways R, no handhold, arms shoulder height to side; Moving LOD, step L across R as you cross arms in front of chest snapping Fingers; (SS) right Yemenite (QQS) leap in place or slightly back onto L extending R leg fwd toe down; leap in place or slightly back onto R extending L leg fwd toe down; (SS) back left Yemenite; (QQS) still facing center, moving to left: step R across L; step side L; step R across L; (QQS) repeat meas 5, opp ftwk and dir facing LOD, two walking steps: R, L; (SS) facing center, grapevine: side R; L behind R; side R; L in front of R; (QQQQ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Part 2 step R in RLOD pivoting CW to end facing away from center; bounce twice on R; (SQQ); step L in RLOD pivoting CCW to end facing twd center; bounce twice L; (SQQ) moving twd center, step: R, L, R (QQS) moving away from center, step: L, R, L; (SQQ) right Yemenite (QQS) left Yemenite (QQS) basketball turn: step R twd center pivoting CCW to face out; step L in place; step R away from center pivoting CCW to face in; step L in place; (QQQQ) facing center, leap in place onto R kicking L fwd, toe pointed down; leap in place onto L kicking R fwd, toe pointed down; slap R fwd; (QQS) Notes: Gary Diggs, October, 2009 Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 30 Zarah Israeli couple dance Dance: Naftaly Kadosh (learned from Don Schillinger, August Camp 2004) Music: Ze’ev Nechama & Tamir Kalinsky Meter: 4/4 Formation: Couples facing in a circle, man facing out, woman facing in Steps and styling: cha cha; 75% of the time it’s “one, two, cha-cha, cha”. Men and women are always on opposite feet; all “L, R” notation is for leader. Woman’s movement is either opposite or mirror image of man’s throughout dance. The dance is a “getting to know you” dance; first part you don’t touch, second part hold hands; third part you are in each other’s arms. Pattern: Each part repeats; entire dance (minus introduction) repeats verbatim Introduction: 10 measures of music; no action Part 1 in all meas in first part steps are SSQQS; For all turns 360 or more, “wind up” (twist in opp dir of turn) on previous beat; Use arms and upper body freely; no physical contact with partner in Part 1. W generally faces toward and moves with M. On full turns, W always turns opposite (if he turns CW she turns CCW) of M (she doesn’t do the half turns). meas. 1 M: Rock fwd on L (1); back on R (2); 2 turn CCW to face and move toward center, LR,L (3&, 4). W: no half turn (on beat 2). 2 M: Full turn CW, R,L, moving towards center (1,2); RL, R, moving towards center (3&, 4). W: moves to center following ptr, turns CCW. 3 M: Stepping L (toward center), half turn CW to face out (and to face ptr) (1); moving out step R (2); continue moving out with LR, L (3&, 4). W: step in on (1), then back on (2), still facing center (and ptr, no half turn). 4 M: Full turn CW, R, L, moving away from center (1,2); RL, R, facing out and moving away from center (3&, 4). W: moves away from center turning CCW full turn (1, 2); Facing M steps back away from center (3&, 4). Note: in meas 5-8, W mirrors M exactly 5 M: Facing out rock sideways LOD on L, RLOD on R (1, 2); facing and moving RLOD, step LR, L (3&, 4). Begin CCW turn on beat 4. 6 M: Still moving RLOD, complete 1&1/4 CCW turn, R, L, to end facing partner (1, 2); moving RLOD, step side, together, side or RL, R (3&, 4) 7 M: step L over R, turning to face RLOD (1); Rock back (in LOD) onto R to face ptr (2); move in LOD and turn CCW to face LOD, LR, L (3&, 4). 8 M: Moving in LOD, turn 1&1/4 CW to end almost facing ptr. R,L,RL,R (1, 2, 3&, 4) 31 Zarah -- continued Part 2 note: rhythm varies from “SSQQS” (as in part 1) on every measure . meas. 1 M: Facing out and facing ptr, and holding both her hands, step fwd L (1); stepping back towards center on R, lead W fwd around himself to his left and towards center (2); back her towards center, LR, L (3&, 4). W: steps opposite M as she moves around him (CCW) and ends being backed towards center. Note: M, hands joined with W, gives W strong lead (pull) toward center; M&W maintain a strong connection. 2 M: backs her to center. M and W are facing*, he holds both her hands, R, L (1, 2). Back her one more step (3), then Rock back, L, leading her fwd and away from center(4). 3 M: Continues leading her out of center and around himself CW, RL, R (QQS), so that she ends facing in (and him) (1&, 2); facing out (and her) rock fwd and back (L, R) (3, 4). 4 M: Lead her to step fwd toward center as he steps back, L, (1); Moving out, R, L, R, lead her in a full underarm (his left arm, her right) turn CW (2, 3, 4). 5 M: Facing out, holding both her hands, rock sideways LOD onto L (1); rock RLOD onto R (2); moving and facing slightly RLOD, step LR, L (3&, 4). W: mirror M exactly 6 M & W: repeat previous meas but with opposite ftwk and direction. 7&8 M: Still holding her hands, Rock LOD onto L (1); rock RLOD onto R (2); rock back onto L, R next to L, L, all moving sideways LOD while leading W to turn CW under his right arm (3, 4, 1); M&W: repeat previous three beats but opp feet and dir. (2, 3, 4). Part 3 Dance closer. Note: W dances exactly opposite M in Part 3. meas. 1 M: Holding partner in closed position, M facing out: step fwd L; Rock back onto R (2); backing into center, step LR, L (3&, 4). W: opposite of M. 2 M: step sideways in RLOD, “step,close, step,close, R,L,R,L(1,2,3,4); W: mirror M. 3&4 Repeat two previous measures but with opp ftwk and dir. Notes by Gary Diggs, 10-11-05 Presented by Gary Diggs Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 32 D'HAMMERSCHMIEDSG'SELLN (Germany) D'Hammerschmiedsg'selln (duh-HARM-mer-schmeets-gah-zell-en) means "Blacksmith's apprentice." It was introduced at the 1964 University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp by Huig Hofman, a leader in the Belgian folk dance field. RECORDS: Folkraft 148x45B; Folkraft LP-5; Tanz SP 23 053B (slow down). 3/4 meter FORMATION: 4 M in small square anywhere in dance area: Ml face M3; M2 face M4, In modern times, it is often done by cpls: sometimes each M clapping with his ptr; sometimes the 2 M clapping together and the 2 W clapping together. STEPS and STYLING: Clap Pattern (takes 2 meas, or 6 cts, and is so described for clarity): Clap hands on own thighs (ct 1); on own rib cage (ct 2); both hands in front of chest (ct 3); clap R hand with opp (ct 4); clap L hand with opp (ct 5); clap both hands with opp (ct 6). Styling calls for a good knee bend on ct 1 (keep back straight); lean back on cts 2,3; reach fwd, bending at waist, to clap hands with opp on cts 4,5,6. Step-hop (takes 1 meas): A strong step fwd on L (ct 1); hold (ct 2); hop on L, raising R leg fwd with knee bent and sole of ft parallel to floor (ct 3). Step alternates. MUSIC ¾ PATTERN Measures 2 notes and INTRODUCTION No action. 4 meas I.. CLAP PATTERN A 1-16 M1 do Clap Pattern with opp person, beg on ct 1 of meas 1 (8 Clap Patterns). M2 wait 1 meas then do Clap Pattern with opp person, beg on ct 1 of meas 2 (7;1 Clap Patterns). II. STEP-HOPS IN SMALL CIRCLE B 1-8 All join hands and beg L, circle CW with 8 Step-hops, swinging joined hands vigorously in and out (in twd ctr on 1st meas, out from ctr on 2nd meas, etc.). 32.5 9-16 Beg L, circle CCW with 8 Step-hops, swinging hands as before. III. CLAP PATTERN A 1-16 Repeat Fig I. IV. STEP-HOPS WITH RIGHT HAND MILL B 1-8 Form R hand mill (each grasps R wrist of dancer to the L with R hand) and beg L, circle CW with 8 Step-hops. Fist of L hand is on hip. Maintain a good lean away from ctr. 9-16 Form L hand mill and, beg L circle CCW with 8 Step-hops. V. CLAP PATTERN A 1-16 Repeat Fig I. VI. STEP-HOPS IN BIG CIRCLE B 1-8 Dancers in all sets quickly form one big circle around the room and circle CW with 8 Stephops. Beg L and swing hands in and out as before. 9-16 Beg L, all circle CCW with 8 Step-hops Alternate ending I: Originally this dance was traditionally performed by M only and during the final 16 meas they would quickly find a woman sitting on the sidelines and waltz with her. Alternate ending II: When mixed cpls do the dance M waltz last 16 meas with their ptr or they may even steal the other woman. Description revised 1982. Presented by Richard Duree Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 32.75 LA CACHUCHA (Early California) Traditionally the second dance of the fandango, performed by women. A young man may dance it with his intended, following behind her. ‘La Cachucha’ is a form of endearment, meaning “little hat”; the Californios spend most of their days outdoors and the hat was a favored piece of apparel. W dance with a fan in the right hand and hold the skirt with the L hand. R arm and hand use the fan to embellish the dance. Body attitude is elegant, refined and demure. This choreography was arranged for fandango performance. RHYTHM: ¾ Meas Figure 1 2-4 5-8 9-16 1 2 3 4 5-8 9-16 1,2 3,4 5-8 9-16 1 – Side Draw Step R on R ft & flex waist low L, R arm raising fan overhead (c 1); hold (c 2); step on L ft with heel next to R instep & straighten body slightly (c 3). Fan rotates inward and out following R index finger. Repeat movement of Meas 1 three more times; on fourth time, touch L ft slightly fwd without weight. Repeat movement of Meas 1-4 to L on opposite footwork. Waist flexes to R with fan held low R and L hand holding skirt high L. Repeat movement of Meas 1-8. 2 – Diagonal Walk Holding fan in front of chest, walk RLR R fwd diag (c 1-3). Touch ball of L ft L fwd diag & flex waist L fwd (c 1); hold (c 2); step in place on L ft & lift body erect (c 3). Repeat movement of Meas 2 to R. Repeat movement of Meas 2; hold on last beat without weight on L ft. Repeat movement of Meas 1-4, moving bkwd to original place on opposite footwork. Repeat movement of Meas 1-8, moving L fwd diag and back to original place. 3 – Step-Swing & Side-Draw This figure may be danced moving in R & L diagonals downstage or passing around a partner in a face-to-face, back-to-back diamond-shaped figure. Holding fan R side high, step R on R ft (c 1); swing L leg fwd low (c 2); bounce on R ft (c 3); step L on L ft (c 4); swing R leg fwd low (c 5); bounce on L ft (c 6). Step R fwd diag on R ft as in Figure 1 with waist flexed to L (c 1); hold (c 2); step on L ft next to R ft with L heel at R instep (c 3); step R on R ft (c 4); hold (c 5); touch ball of L ft fwd (c 6). Repeat movement of Meas 1-4 with opposite direction and footwork, except in stepclose-step-touch movement, waist is flexed low R as in Figure 1. Repeat movement of Meas 1-8. NOTE: If dancing this figure around a partner, always turn to face partner on Meas 1,2; passing movement on Meas 3,4 will alternate face-to-face moving to R and back-to-back moving to L. 33 LA CACHUCHA Page 2 4 – Balance and Spin 1 Step R on R ft and swing fan to R (c 1); step behind R ft on ball of L ft (c 2); step in place on R ft (c 3). 2 Turn ¼ turn L and step fwd on L ft, bringing fan downward in an arc in front of body (c 1); spin CCW on ball of L ft, swinging fan upward to assist in the spin (c 2); step in place on R ft (c 3). 3 Bring fan to ‘neutral position’ in front of chest & step L on L ft (c 1); hold (c 2); draw R ft to L ft without weight (c 3). 4 Repeat Step-Draw to R. 5-8 Repeat movement of Meas 1-4 on opposite footwork. 9-16 Repeat movement of Meas 1-8. 1,2 3 4 5-8 9-16 5 – Double Balance & Spin Repeat balance figure of Figure 4 R & L sides, swinging fan R & L in downward arc. Step and spin R as in Figure 4, swinging fan down & up to R to assist in spin. Step R on R ft (c 1); hold (c 2); touch ball of L ft fwd (c 3). Repeat movement of Meas 1-4 on opposite footwork. Repeat movement of Meas 1-8. 6 – Repeat Figure 1 (Side-Draw) NOTE: Finish in pose with free foot pointed forward and fan in front of the chest. Notated by Richard Duree / April, 2006 Presented by Richard Duree Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 34 VALS JOTA (Mexican California) Set dance for couples from the Los Angeles area of Mexican California. Danced with restrained elegance and dignity. Properly danced by the elders, but was danced by younger dancers. Formation: Parallel lines of three or four couples facing three couples, W on M R; hands joined R to R, L to L with L arm on top. If more than one set, at least two sets should be placed end-to-end. Rhythm: Quick 3/4, almost a 3/8 or 6/8 Basic step: A two-step waltz: step fwd L ft with accent (ct 1); step on R ft beside L ft (ct 2); step fwd on L ft (ct 3). Rpt step on opp ftwk. HINT: It matters not which foot begins. Meas Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INTRODUCTION – Bows (8 meas-performed only at beginning of dance) Couples in place without hands joined. No movement. W step twd ctr on R ft & turn ¼ turn L; M turn ¼ turn R to face partner. All step bkwd from ptr on L ft. All bend L knee in formal bow. Shift weight fwd to R ft & join L hands. M leads W to him; W steps fwd on L ft beside M, turning ¼ turn R to face center. Close R ft to L ft & join R hands under L hands. No movement. 1-4 Interlude (4 meas – precedes every figure) 4 Rocking Steps fwd L, back R, fwd L, back R. (NOTE: Interlude proceeds every figure) FIGURE 1 - Cradle A - Advance and Retire 1-4 Cpls move fwd twd opp cpl with 3 basic steps; turn ½ turn twd ptr to face out, W on L. 5-8 Cpls move fwd away from opp cpl & turn 2 twd ptr to face in. 9-16 Cpls rpt figure of meas 1-8. B - Woman Around / Cpls Wheel 1-6 M in place with 6 basic steps; lead W CCW fwd around M & spin CCW in place on Meas 3 & 4; continue to M R side, (Meas 5,6), L arms arched overhead. 7,8 Cpls advance to opp cpl. C - Cradle. 1-4 Release R hands & join with opp person; raise arms high & W move under arms face-to-face to opp W position; lower arms to center of “cradle”. 5-8 Circle CW 6 basic steps. 9-12 Circle CCW 4 basic steps. 13-16 Raise arms; W return to orig position, facing ptr with L hands joined, W face CW, M face CCW in preparation for Grand Chain. D - Grand Chain 1-24 Cpls chain around set begin L hand to return to home position. Each hand change will require two measures. NOTE: The selected recording has three phrases of 8 meas each for the Grand Chain. If a set has 4 couples, home position will be reached after two phrases; join L hands with partner and repeat “Woman Around” figure, ending in Home position. If the set has 6 couples, home position will be reached at the end of the three phrases. 35 Repeat Interlude FIGURE 2 – Link Arms Rpt Fig 1, Part A&B: Advance & Retire, W around M, couples approach opp cpl. All release hands & M turn back-to-back.; link arms in circle, M facing out; W facing in. 1-4 Part C - Turn circle CW. 5-8 Release R elbow & all turn ½ turn CCW in place to reform circle, W facing out; link arms. 9-12 Turn circle CCW. 13-16 Release R elbows; M turn W CCW in varsouviana position to begin Chain. 1-24 Part D - Repeat Chain as in Figure 1. 1-24 FIGURE 3 – Basket 1-24 Rpt Fig 1, Part A&B: Advance & Retire, W around M; couples approach opp cpl. All release hands. 1-4 Part C - M face & join hands across, raise joined hands over W heads and down behind W back; W join hands across and raise joined hands over M heads and down behind M back. This figure should be completed quickly. 5-8 Turn circle CW. 9-12 Couples release hands and reform the basket. 13-16 Turn circle CCW to home position; release Basket and join partners’ L hand in position to begin Grand Chain. 1-24 Part D - Grand Chain Repeat Interlude 1 FIGURE 3 – SERPENTINE (Number of measures will vary) First M leads across circle to pass under opposite couple’s joined hands; release partner’s hand & separate around circle to rejoin hands in original position; all follow to reform circle. 2 Second M leads across circle to pass under opp cpl joined hands; raise hand joined with ptr, turn away from ptr to create arch and lead circle under arch to reform circle. 3 Third M leads across circle to pass under opp cpl joined hands, continues moving fwd until circle has reformed, all facing out; raise L arm & turn ½ turn R to face into circle & lead circle in single file under arch until circle reforms. 4 in Fourth M release hands with partner & begins to lead circle CCW, W turn R and lead circle a series of 4 passes under couples’ joined hands (thread the needle), progressing around the circle always moving CW until circle reforms. Waltz with partner until music ends. NOTE: The leader (el tecolero) may call the figures for Part C: Cradle, Basket or Link Arms. He may also delete one of the Serpentine figures, depending on the size of the circle and the abilities of the dancers. Notated by Richard Duree, 4/05 Presented by Richard Duree Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 36 DORSET FOUR HAND REEL (England) Learned in the mid-1970’s from Mary Judson, English dance specialist to Westwind International Folk Ensemble. Formation: Two couples in a line starting as follows: The two women stand back to back, and each man stands about 6 -8 feet in front of his partner, facing her. If more than one set is to dance, they line up beside each other, rather than end to end or randomly. Structure: Beginning in the position described above, all dancers simultaneously progress around a path resembling a figure eight but with three segments instead of two, ending up on the outside if they started in the center and vice versa. (This “four-hand reel” gives the dance its name.) They then dance a “rant” step in place. This entire process repeats four times with minor variations, after which partners swing. Styling: The most important stylistic element is a “dance walk” characteristic of English Country Dance. It is a light, erect walk with the weight carried slightly forward, and is NOT haughty or affected. The “rant” step is done with a comfortable amount of energy, and should not appear flashy or strained. The Reel: All dancers simultaneously walk the reel pattern as shown below, using the following “rules of the road”: 1 When you meet another person in the CENTER of the set, pass LEFT shoulders (and, if giving hands, give LEFT hands). 2 When you meet another person near EITHER END of the set, pass RIGHT shoulders (and, if giving hands, give RIGHT hands). 3 When you get to either END of the set, walk a curve around to the RIGHT and back into the set, passing RIGHT shoulders with the first person you meet (as per rule No. 2). Walk at a relaxed pace – 2 steps per four-beat measure of music. It takes about 4 four-beat measures of music to get half way around the figure; thus after eight measures (32 beats) each dancer will more or less have returned to his/her starting place. The Reel is given 16 measures of music (64 beats), which would allow the dancers to complete two full circuits, but they do not do this. Instead the dancers do not quite complete the second 37 Dorset Four Hand Reel -- Continued circuit, causing the two couples to switch sides of the set and also causing the men and women to switch so that whichever ones (men or women) began in the center of the set end up on the outside and vice versa. (EXAMPLE: At the beginning of the dance the women are in the center. At the end of the first reel, woman No 1 will be on the outside where man No 2 started, and man No 2 will be in the middle where woman No. 1 started. Likewise woman No 2 will be outside where man No 1 started, and he will be in her original inside position.) This position shift is accomplished by moving a little more slowly the second time around the figure, and perhaps by marking time if you get there too soon. The Rant Step: This dancing-in-place step uses all four beats of the measure, unlike the walking reel. 1 Jump onto both feet, right foot in front, slightly more weight on rear (left) foot. 2 Hop on rear (left) foot, transferring all weight to this foot 3 Transfer weight to front (right) foot, with a small leap in place. 4 Remain on supporting (right), and bring rear (left) foot around ready to use it as front foot for next measure. Next Measure: Same as this one but with opposite footwork (i.e. left is front foot). Subsequent measures alternate between these two. After each reel, the rant step is done in place, and it can also be used in the rapid traveling portions of the dance (3rd and 4th occurrences of the reel.). Sequence: 1 First reel: Walk reel starting with women in center, 16 measures, ending men in center, without giving hands (Melody A) 2 Men rant facing each other 8 measure, as women stand in place (Melody B) 3 Men turn toward partner and both rant 8 measures (Melody B) 4 Second reel: Same as 1 except men start in center, women end in center. Also, give hands to dancers you meet in the reel. 5 Same as 2 but women rant 6 Same as 3 but women turn to face men 7 Third reel: Same as 1 except travel with skipping step or traveling rant step. Do not give hands. Melody A) 8 Same as 2 9 Same as 3 10 Fourth reel: Same as 4 except travel with skipping step or traveling rant step. Give hands to dancers you meet in the reel. 11 Same as 2 but women rant 12 Same as 3 but women turn to face men 13 Swing partners until end of music. Presented by Richard Julian Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 38 KOSTER C’HOAD (Brittany) Koster C’hoad, (pronounced approximately “coaster what”) is a Breton men’s line dance, presented here as taught by Germain Hebert at Stockton, 1993. Formation: Line of any number of dancers, side by side close and holding hands, with elbows at sides and bent about 90 deg. Dance progresses to LEFT, like most line dances from France. The leftmost man (the leader) often holds his shirt near the left shoulder with his (free) left hand. Structure: The dance consists of two steps, each of which is eight beats in length (four measures of the 2/4 music). The steps alternate: Step 1 is done four times, followed by step 2 four times, Step 1 four times, etc. The music consists of melodies that change at the same time as the dance changes from one step to the other. Styling: Although the dance is a little strenuous, the styling should look relatively relaxed. The hops never fully leave the ground and the other steps have even less bounce. In particular, the action of beats 3,4,6, and 7 of Step 2 is snappy, but it should be done so that the upper body bounces as little as possible. Even with relaxed styling, the dance looks harder than it is. STEP 1: (8 beats) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Small leap onto both feet, but with most weight on left foot, moving left. Step onto right foot, scuffing right heel, moving left. Left leg behind right, knee slightly bent. Hop on right, simultaneously touching ground with left toe. (Left foot is to left of you, pointing diagonally left.) Hop on right, this time touching left toe close in front of right foot, turned out (i.e. left ankle points to right). Leap onto left, simultaneously touching ground with right toe. (Right foot is slightly to right of you, pointing diagonally right.) Hop on left, this time touching right toe close in front of left foot, turned out (i.e. right ankle points to left). Leap onto right, simultaneously touching ground with left toe. (Left foot is to left of you, pointing diagonally left.) Same as beat 4 The dancers face at right angle to the direction of motion, except that on beats 1 & 2 they turn slightly in direction they are progressing. Note that Beats 5 & 6 are a mirror image of beats 3 & 4. 39 Koster C’hoad -- Continued STEP 2: (8 beats) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Same as Beat 1 of Step 1. Same as Beat 2 of Step 1 Step onto left foot, knees together, right knee bent 90 deg so right lower leg points straight back. Transfer to right foot by straightening right leg while bending left leg 90 deg both at the waist & at the knee, so that upper left leg points horizontally forward and lower left leg points down. Hop on right leg, keeping left leg in same position. Same as beat 3 Same as beat 4 Same as beat 5 Again, the dancers face at right angle to the direction of motion, except that on beats 1 & 2 they turn slightly in direction they are progressing. Presented by Richard Julian Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 40 Galoppa (Italy) This dance comes from Emilia-Romagna and has a relatively recent origin. Galoppa appeared for the first time in the first half of 19th century as a variation to the polka, called Gallop. Today it can be found in the region of Bologna in the valleys Savena and Reno. Pronunciation: gah-LOHP-pah Music: 6/8 meter, counted 1, 2 Formation: Four couples, one behind the other in a column; couple 1 in front. W to R of M. M takes W L hand in his R hand. Five cpl sets will work, but 6 is too many. Meas CD: Danze Italiane vol. 2, Band 10 Pattern INTRODUCTION None. Start with music. I. 1-16 II. 1-16 III. 1-8 9-16 FIGURE I - Follow the Leader Beg with R, dance 32 walking steps, moving in any direction around the dance floor. All the cpls follow Cpl 1. FIGURE II - Separate and Rejoin Beg with R, Cpl 1 casts off and dance 32 walking steps around the dance floor, all M to L, following M1, and all W to R, following W1, ending again side by side with partner. Head cpl must keep track of one another on the dance floor so that they reform the column of cpls several beats before the end of the phrase to be ready for Fig III. FIGURE III Releasing hands, Cpl 1 dance skipping bwd on the outside of the column of cpls, M1 on M side, W1 on W side, until they meet each other at the bottom of the set, while the other cpls face each other, step a little apart, and form an arch with their raised and joined hands; Cpl 1 dance (walking step can be done here instead of skipping) fwd under arch, until they arrive again in front. Cpl 1 separates again, and dances bwd down the outside of the set, ending at the bottom of the set. Cpl 2 dance the same way, until they end at the bottom of the set. Note: Cpl 2 begins on the start of the meas and even if Cpl 1 has not finished. Repeat dance from beg (Fig I) lead by Cpl 3 and Figure III done by Cpls 3 and 4. Repeat dance (Figs I-III) until the music changes. 41 Galoppa—continued V. FIGURE V (TRESCA) - Finale Cpls space themselves freely about the floor, facing ptr, without holding hands. Dancers move together fwd and back (M beg with fwd movement), on a CCW elliptical trajectory, keeping the same distance between themselves, and flirting and inviting the ptr to follow. The ellipse also shifts slowly CCW around the dance floor. Steps can be walking or skipping, with other improvisational figures possible. M can crouch forward a little, especially on the fwd movements. Sequence can end with M stepping with L ft crossing in front of R and making a complete turn quickly to L to end facing ptr. Presented by Suzanne Rocca-Butler Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 42 HAIDE, VRUTA MEA Aromân Having a 7/16 rhythm it reminds the basic pattern of “Corlu” which is a general Aromanian hora. The words of the accompanying song speak about the advice given by a young boy to his sweetheart to follow him in marriage. “Haide, vruta mea” means “come with me, my sweetheart.” The dance has 3 parts, each with 16 meas. Pronunciation: HI-deh VROO-tah ME-ah Formation: mixed open circle with hands in V-pos Rhythm: 7/16, counted as 3+2+2 Videotape: Lia and Theodor Vasilescu, 25 Romanian Folk Dances 8 PATTERN Meas INTRODUCTION: 16 meas. No action. 1 2 3 4 5-16 5-17 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9-16 PART A Facing ctr and moving in LOD to the side, step on R (cts 1,2,3); step on L across R (cts 4,5); step on R behind L (ct 6,7). Facing ctr and moving RLOD, step on L (cts 1,2,3); R is raised fwd with knee slightly bent (cts 4,5,6,7). Facing diag R of ctr and moving in LOD, step on R (cts 1,2,3); step on L across R (cts 4,5); step on R (cts 6,7). Step on L across R (cts 1,2,3); leap on L across R while R is raised with knee bent behind L (cts 4,5,6,7). Repeat meas 1-4 three times. PART B Facing and moving in LOD, large step on R (cts 1,2,3); step on L (cts 4,5); step on R next to L (cts 6,7). Large step on L (cts 1,2,3); step on L (cts 4,5); step on L next to R (cts 6,7). Repeat meas 1-2. Facing ctr, step on R to R (cts 1,2,3); raise L with knee slightly bent (cts 4,5,6,7). Facing diag L of ctr and moving in RLOD, step on L (cts 1,2,3); hop on L (cts 4,5); step on R across L (cts 6,7). Repeat meas 6. Step on L to L (cts 1,2,3); touch R next to L (cts 4,5,6,7). Repeat meas 1-8. 43 Haide, Vruta Mea – Continued 1 2 3 4 5-8 9 10 11-12 13-16 PART C Facing diag L of ctr, large bouncing step on R across L (cts 1,2,3); hop on R while L is raised behind R with knee slightly bent (cts 4,5,6,7). Facing diag L of ctr and moving bkwd, large step on L (cts 1,2,3); hop on L while R is raised fwd with knee slightly bent (cts 4,5,6,7). Step on R next to L (cts 1,2,3); step on L across R (cts 4,5,6,7). Step on R behind L (cts 1,2,3); hop on R while L is raised fwd with knee slightly bent (cts 4,5,6,7). Repeat meas 1-4 with opp ftwk and direction. Facing diag L of ctr and moving fwd, large step on R (cts 1,2,3); step on L next to R (cts 4,5); step on R next to L (cts 6,7). Facing diag L of ctr and moving bkwd on this direction, large step on L (cts 1,2,3); step on R next to L (cts 4,5); step on L next to R (cts 6,7). Repeat meas 3-4. Repeat meas 9-12 with opp ftwk and direction. Presented by Suzanne Rocca-Butler Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 44 Liljano Mome (Bulgaria) A variation of the popular Širto type of dance common throughout the Pirin-Macedonia region of %XOJDULD7KLVYHUVLRQZDVLQWURGXFHGE\%HOþR6WDQHYIURPVarna. Pronunciation: lee-LYAH-noh MOH-meh Music: 7/8 meter (SQQ) Formation: Mixed open circle; hands in W-pos; face LOD, wt on L. Styling: Light and proud. CD: Yves Moreau Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2009, Band 9 Meas 1-8 Pattern INTRODUCTION Instrumental music. Start with song. I. BASIC PATTERN 1 2 3 4 5-16 Moving LOD, step on R (ct 1); step on L (ct 2); step on R (ct 3). Step on L (ct 1); step on R (ct 2); step on L (ct 3). Still facing LOD, step back on R (ct 1); step back on L (ct 2); step back on R (ct 3). Facing ctr, step on L (ct 1); step on R in front of L, bringing arms down (ct 2); step on L in place (ct 3). Note: steps moving bkwd are smaller than ones moving fwd. Repeat meas 1-4 three more times (4 total), arms coming back up to W-pos to start the figure. II. VARIATION 1-2 3 4 5-8 Repeat Fig I, meas 1-2. Facing L of ctr, step on R (ct 1); facing ctr, step on L (ct 2); step on R behind L (ct 3). Repeat Fig I, meas 4. Note: steps moving to L are smaller than ones moving to the R. Repeat meas 1-4. Dance repeats from beginning, arms in W-pos. Presented by Suzanne Rocca-Butler Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 45 Liljano Mome—continued LILJANO MOME Lyrics (Bulgaria-Pirin) // Liljano mome, Liljano ja stani rano pri zori (2) libeto si pregârni // Liljana, young lady get up early at dawn and give your sweetheart a hug // Ne e izlezla, Liljana naj izlezla majka i Ljuti si kletvi kâlneše i na Georgi dumaše // Liljana didn’t come out but her mother did instead and she moaned and said to Georgi: // Idi si, Georgi, idi si Liljana bolna legnala i ne može da stane // Go home, Georgi Liljana is sick in bed and cannot get up // Ne mi go laži, mamo ma ja sam si Georgi ljubila (2) za nego ke se ožena // Don’t lie to him, mama I’ve fallen in love with Georgi and will marry him ! 46 Valle e Qemalit (Albania) An Albanian performance-style dance Lee Otterholt learned from Ben Koopmanschaap. Pronunciation: VAH-leh ay kchay-MAH-lee Music: 4/4 meter CD: Balkan and Beyond – Stockton 2009, Band 3 Formation: Long line facing slightly R of ctr. Palm-to-palm, hands high, elbows straight and locked. (If this handhold is too tiresome, a high handhold might be acceptable.) Styling: Heroic, masculine. Meas Pattern 1-4 INTRODUCTION No action. REFRAIN 1 Facing slightly R of ctr and moving to R, take a large step on R (ct 1); slowly bring L leg up in a large arc in front (ct 2); step on the L (ct 3); step on R (ct &); step on L (ct 4). Step on R (ct 1); step on L (ct &); step on R (ct 2); turning to face ctr, take a large step on L twd ctr (ct 3); take a large step on R away from ctr (ct 4). Still facing ctr and dancing in place, leap onto L, kicking R ft up under body (ct 1); briefly touch heel of R twd ctr (ct 2); bending the knee, quickly bring it up to R (ct &); moving to the L, step on R (ct 3); step on L (ct &); step on R (ct 4). Turning to face ctr: step on L to L (ct 1); step on R twd ctr (ct 2); step on L away from ctr (ct 3); touch heel of R ft twd ctr (ct 4). 2 3 4 I. 1 2 3 4 INTO THE CENTER - EAGLE Facing and moving twd ctr, high up on balls of feet, step on R twd ctr (ct 1); step on L behind R (ct &); step on R twd ctr (ct 2); twist lower body (but not upper body) to R to step on L crossed in front of R (ct 3); twist lower body (but not upper body) to L to step on R across in front of L (ct 4); repeat cts 1,&,2 with opp ftwk (cts 5,&,6). (The music for the first figure has a six-count phrase here.) Turning to face slightly R of ctr, leap diag to R (diag away from ctr) onto R (ct 1); repeat with opp ftwk and direction (ct 2); take a large step diag L twd ctr on R (ct 3); turning to face R, bring L ft up and around in front and hold it there (ct 4). Continuing to face slightly R of ctr, briefly touch heel of L ft in front (ct 1); brush L ft bkwd (ct 2); lift R heel from floor, raising L heel behind body (ct &); moving diag to L, away from ctr, step back on L (ct 3); step back on R (ct &); step back on L (ct 4); step on R to R (ct &). Continuing to face slightly R of ctr, and now moving to R, step on L across in front of R (ct 1); hold (ct 2); step on R to R (ct &); step on L, crossed in front of R (ct 3); step on R ft to R (ct &); step on L ft, crossed in front of R (ct 4). 47 Valle e Qemalit—continued II. BICYCLING LEGS 1 2 3 4 Facing diag R and moving R, step on R (ct 1); make a large “reverse bicycle movement” (first fwd, then up, then back to beside opp knee, then down) (ct 2); walk three steps L,R,L (ct 3,&,4); turn sharply to face L (ct &). Continuing to move (now bkwd) to R, step on R (ct 1); step on L (ct 2); step on R, bending R knee deeply and keeping ball of L ft on floor (ct 3); straighten R knee slightly (not completely), continuing to keep ball of L ft on floor (ct 4). Facing and moving to the L, step on L (ct 1); step on R (ct &); step on L (ct 2); begin bringing R leg straight fwd, almost parallel to floor and leap on to R, kicking up L ft under you (ct 3); large step on L (ct 4); turn to face ctr (ct &). Facing ctr, take a large step on R twd ctr (ct 1); take a large step on L away from ctr (ct 2); touch heel of R ft twd ctr (ct 3); touch heel of R ft diag to R (ct 4). INTERMEZZO (once in the middle, once at the end) 1 Turning to face R, leap onto R to R (ct 1); turning to face slightly L of ctr, bring L ft around in a CCW movement near floor and step on L twd ctr (ct 2); touch heel of R ft diag L, crossed in front of L (ct 3); touch heel of R ft twd ctr (ct 4). (Dance ends on ct 3.) Sequence: (Singing starts) (Singing) (Singing starts) (Singing) (Singing starts) (Singing) (Singing starts) (Singing) Introduction (No movement) Refrain First figure Second figure Refrain First figure Second figure Refrain First figure Second figure Intermezzo Refrain First figure Second figure Intermezzo (Stops on ct 3. Hold.) Presented by Suzanne Rocca-Butler Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 48 Žensko za raka (Macedonia) A women’s dance from Western Macedonia with a 12-measure pattern. Originally taught by Saško Anastasov. Translation: Women’s dance using hand hold. Pronunciation: ZHEHN-skoh zah RAH-kah Music: 2/4 meter CD: Yves Moreau Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2009, Band 5 Formation: Open circle. Face R of ctr, wt on L. Hands joined in W-pos. Styling: Slight knee bend; soft down-up movement of the body. Meas Pattern 1-8 INTRODUCTION No special introduction. Use the first 8 meas of music as an intro. I. BASIC FIGURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Facing and traveling LOD, step on R (ct 1); light lift on R raising L leg (ct 2). Repeat meas 1, starting with L. Two walking steps in LOD, R, L (cts 1,2). Facing ctr, step on R (ct 1); raise L ft, knee slightly bent (ct 2). Facing ctr, step fwd on L (ct 1); raise R ft behind L calf (ct 2). Still facing ctr, step on R to R (ct 1); step on L across R (ct 2). Step on R (ct 1); raise L ft (ct 2). Facing ctr, step fwd on L (ct 1); raise R ft behind L calf (ct 2). Facing ctr, step back on R (ct 1); raise L (ct 2). Facing & traveling RLOD, step on L (ct 1); step on R across L (ct 2). Facing ctr, step on L to L (ct 1); step on R behind L ft (ct 2). Facing ctr, step on L to L (ct 1); raise R ft, bending knee (ct 2). Repeat dance from beginning. In the final repetition, on meas 12, ct 2, slap R fwd. Presented by Suzanne Rocca-Butler Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 - November 1, 2009 49 BEALE STREET BLUES (Vintage) ORIGIN: RHYTHM: MUSIC: FORMATION: STEPS: NOTATIONS: Richard Powers taught this sequence dance in the 1990 Stockton Folk Dance Camp and in the 1994 Idyllwild Camp. 2/4 meter R. Power – 1990 Stockton tape or 1994 Idyllwild tape. Couples in a large circle, facing LOD in Skaters' position: ML, WR, joined L hs diagonally L and joined R hs at W's R side. Partner same steps. American one-step tango: one step per beat. M=man, W=woman, LOD=line of direction, RLOD=reversed line of direction, CW=clockwise, L=left or L foot, R=right or right foot; hs=hands, fwd=forward, ct=count, q= quick. ____________________________________________________________________ Figure Beats Pattern ____________________________________________________________________ Castle Schottische FIG.1: 1-8 FIG.2: 1-8 Both starting R, two-step diagonal R and two-step diagonal left and four single steps fwd R, fwd L, etc. Partners facing, M inside and W outside, keep L hs joined. Two-step to the R and then two-step to L changing hs to R joined. Circle CW to change places ending facing LOD, with 3 steps (RLR) and L touch without weight. Repeat mirror image of above with M starting on the R of W but with 4 step CCW turn (LRLR) ending the last R step with weight. Skater's Tango FIG.1: 1-16 FIG.2: 1-8 Mistletoe Hesitation & Mirror Histletoe Hesitation Ocho: Both start with L fwd on ct. 1, then qR sweep cross front and qL side on ct 2, R back on ct 3, qL cross front and qR close on ct 4. Repeat cts 1 & 2 but end cts 7 and 8 with R back and L back with weight. Choreography and dance directions Copyright © 1990 Richard Powers R&S’d and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 50 NUMERO CINCO (Latin) ORIGIN: Henry "Buzz" Glass created this recreation dance and presented it in the 1966 Stockton Folk Dance Camp. He drew from social and folk dances from the rumba, the danzón and the Jarabe. According to Wikipedia, the danzón was a sequence dance with a set of figures, first described in Cuba and becoming very popular in Mexico and the jarabe was a traditional form of mariachi, noted for the mixture of meters within one song, e.g., Jarabe Tapatío (from Guadalajara, Jalisco) or simply jarabe, aka the Mexican Hat Dance. RHYTHM: 4/4 meter MUSIC: Numero Cinco, Tijuana Brass. FORMATION: Couples in a large circle, with ballroom hold and M facing out. STYLE: To add the high Cuban style, move to one side setting each foot down from toe to whole foot accompanied by rotation of the hip. NOTATIONS: M=man, W=woman, LOD=line of direction, L=left or L foot, R=right or right foot; hs=hands, fwd=forward, ct=count, q= quick, s=slow. ______________________________________________________________________ Figure Beats Pattern ______________________________________________________________________ W mirror footwork throughout. INTRODUCTION Wait 2 measures and then M step in place qL, qR, sL and mirror. FIG.1: 1-8 Box: M qL to L side (ct 1), qR close to L (ct 2), sL fwd (cts 3, 4). qR to R side (ct 5), qL close to R (ct 6), sR back (cts 7, 8). 9-16 Exchange: Keeping leading hs joined, M qL back away, qR in place, sL fwd to banjo position with partner. Circle with partner to exchange places with qR, qL and sR close in ballroom hold. FIG.1r: 17-32 Repeat FIG.1 to return M from facing center to facing out. FIG.2: 1-16 FIG.2r: 17-32 FIG.3: Sideways along LOD (s-s-q-q-s): sL to L, sR close, qL apart; qR close, sL apart; sR close, sL apart, qR close, qL apart, sR close. Repeat FIG.2. 1-16 Heel-Toe-Toe: Partners apart face to face. ML heel fwd (ct 1), R toe (ct 2) in place, L toe beside R (ct 3) and repeat with mirror footwork. Repeat cts 1-6. In cts 13-16, stamp qL, qR, qL and hold. FIG.3r: 1-16 Repeat FIG.3 with opposite footwork. M starting with R heel. As a mixer, every one moves L one place with FIG.3r. Source: Folk Dance Camp – 1966. R&S’d and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 51 ONE-STEP TANGO (Vintage) ORIGIN: RHYTHM: MUSIC: FORMATION: STEPS: NOTATIONS: Richard Powers taught it in one of the Vintage Ballroom workshops in 1990's, arranging a number of figures to music. 2/4 meter Any tango music, with 8-bar phrases. Couples in a large circle, starting in semi-open ballroom hold with joint hands pointing LOD. American one-step tango: one step per beat. M=man, W=woman, LOD=line of direction, RLOD=reversed line of direction, CW=clockwise, L=left foot, R=right foot; 1st foot=ML & WR, 2nd foot= MR & WL. ____________________________________________________________________ Figure Beats Pattern ____________________________________________________________________ FIG.1: 1-8 Promenade: Couple tango walk 4 steps in LOD, W flare to turn facing RLOD on the 4th step. M backs and W walks 4 steps in RLOD FIG.2: 1-8 Pomander turn: In an almost banjo position (M right shoulder overlapping with W right shoulder) with sufficient room between the partners to dance eye to eye, circle L in 8 steps to end up M on the inside of the large circle facing partner. FIG.3: 1-8 Grapevine: M starts with L to L side, then R step back, L side, R forward while W starts with R to R side, then L step forward, R side, L back. (Hint: turn the body so that the steps are taken without the legs in pretzel formation). Repeat the grapevine steps. FIG.4: 1-8 Draw: Facing partners along the large circle in scorpion position (joint hands held curved overhead while looking down at the trailing leg), both 1st foot take a side step LOD, and draw the 2nd foot along LOD until the heel touches the 1st foot. Repeat 2 more times. On the 7th beat, stamp the 2nd foot. On the 8th beat, both look in LOD. Reconstruction & Dance Instruction Copyright © 1988 Richard Powers Notes and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 52 SKATER'S TANGO/WALTZ (Vintage) ORIGIN: RHYTHM: MUSIC: FORMATION: STEPS: NOTATIONS: Richard Powers taught this sequence dance in the 1990 Stockton Folk Dance Camp and in one of the Vintage Ballroom workshops in the 1990's. 2/4 meter Any tango or fast (~200 bpm) waltz, with 8-bar phrases. Couples in a large circle, facing LOD in Skaters' position: ML, WR, joint L hs diagonally L and joint R hs at W's R side. Partner same steps. American one-step tango: one step per beat. M=man, W=woman, LOD=line of direction, RLOD=reversed line of direction, CW=clockwise, L=left or L foot, R=right or right foot; hs=hands, fwd=forward, ct=count, q= quick. ____________________________________________________________________ Figure Beats Pattern ____________________________________________________________________ FIG.1: 1-8 Mistletoe Hesitation: Couple tango walk 4 steps in LOD, both starting L. Check with L on ct 5; two q steps back R, L close on ct 6; R fwd and individual half-turn CW on ct 7; L step back on ct 8. Change hand holds to mirror Skaters' position (W on L). FIG.2: 1-8 Mirror Mistletoe Hesitation: Walk in RLOD, both starting R, and CCW turn to face LOD. FIG.3: 1-16 El Ocho: Both start with L fwd on ct. 1, then qR sweep cross front and qL side on ct 2, R back on ct 3, qL cross front and qR close on ct 4. Repeat twice. The last time, end cts 15 and 16 with R back and L draw to a close without weight. Choreography & Dance Instruction Copyright © 1984 Richard Powers R&S'd and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 53 TANGO SIMPLE (traditional mode of notation) (A Vintage Ballroom Mixer) ORIGIN: RHYTHM: MUSIC: FORMATION: STEPS: NOTATIONS: Richard Powers brought back the tango mixer with the idea of simple party dances for everyone from Paris to the 2009 San Diego Vintage Dance Week on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. Some minor changes have been made. 2/4 meter Any tango music, preferable with 8-bar phrases. Couples in a large circle, starting in ballroom hold with M facing LOD. American one-step tango: one step per beat. M=man, W=woman, LOD=line of direction, RLOD=reversed line of direction, CW=clockwise, L=left foot, R=right foot. ____________________________________________________________________ Measure (2/4) Pattern ____________________________________________________________________ 1-2 M backs W in 3 steps in LOD and the couple makes a CW quarter turn in step 4 so that ML and WR are ready to step sideways in LOD. 3-4 Grapevine: M starts with L to L side, then R step back, L side, R forward while W starts with R to R side, then L step forward, R side, L back. (Hint: turn the body so that the steps are taken without the legs in pretzel formation). 5-6 In the Yale (almost banjo) position (M right shoulder overlapping with W right shoulder) with sufficient room between the partners to dance eye to eye, circle L in 3 steps to end up M on the outside of the large circle face facing RLOD and W on the inside facing LOD. In step 4, the partners bid farewell and proceed towards their respective new partners. 7-8 In 4 steps, M walks alone in RLOD to meet the next W walking in LOD and both circle left to the beginning ballroom position. Choreography Copyright © 2009 Richard Powers Notes and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 54 TANGO SIMPLE (alternate mode of notation) (A Vintage Ballroom Mixer) ORIGIN: RHYTHM: MUSIC: FORMATION: STEPS: NOTATIONS: Richard Powers brought back the tango mixer with the idea of simple party dances for everyone from Paris to the 2009 San Diego Vintage Dance Week on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. Some minor changes have been made. 2/4 meter Any tango music, preferable with 8-bar phrases. Couples in a large circle, starting in ballroom hold with M facing LOD. American one-step tango: one step per beat. W=woman, M=man, LOD=line of direction, RLOD=reversed line of direction, CW=clockwise, L=left foot, R=right foot. ____________________________________________________________________ Measure (2/4) Pattern ____________________________________________________________________ 1-2 W backs up LOD in 3 steps with M in tow and the couple makes a CW quarter turn in step 4 so that ML and WR are ready to step sideways in LOD. 3-4 Grapevine: W starts with R to R side, then L step forward, R side, L back while M starts with L to L side, then R step back, L side, R forward. (Hint: turn the body so that the steps are taken without the legs in pretzel formation). 5-6 In the Yale (almost banjo) position (W right shoulder overlapping with M right shoulder) with sufficient room between the partners to dance eye to eye, circle L in 3 steps to end up with W on the inside of the large circle face facing RLOD and M on the outside facing LOD. In step 4, the partners bid farewell and proceed towards their respective new partners. 7-8 In 4 steps, W walks alone in LOD to meet the next M walking in RLOD and both circle left to the beginning ballroom position. Choreography Copyright © 2009 Richard Powers Notes and errata by Lu Sham, 10/2009 Presented by Lu Sham Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 55 BANU LE HA’IR ET HA’IR (Israel) This circle dance was choreographed in 2007 by Victor Gabai. Victor Gabai is better known for his romantic couple dances, so this dance is a big departure from the norm for him. The music is funky hip-hop and is very popular with younger Israelis. Pronunciation: BAH-nu leh hah-EER eht hah-EER Translation: We Came to Light up the City Formation: Circle of dancers facing center. Hands move freely at sides. Meas 4/4 meter Introduction Begin the dance with the lyrics Pattern I. Same pattern to R and L, plus half-circles. 1 4-8 Jump lightly onto both feet, but take weight onto R (ct 1); hold (ct 2). Hands are raised overhead with elbows slightly bent, fingers splayed. Step on L behind R (ct 3); step in place on R (ct 4). Repeat meas 1 with opp ftwk and direction. Dance in a small half-circle (roughly 12:00 around to 6:00): Step on R diagonally R and pivot slightly to R to face CCW (ct 1); step on L in front of R (ct 2). Continue with 3 steps beg with R (cts 3, &, 4) making an arc to the R to end facing ctr. During this meas arms are moving freely at sides. Repeat meas 1-4 with opp ftwk and direction, but end facing CCW. II. Moving CCW with kicks and modified Yemenite steps. Arms swing freely at sides. 1 3-4 Kick R fwd while bouncing in place on L (ct 1); step fwd onto R (ct &); kick L fwd while bouncing in place on R (ct 2); step fwd on to L (ct &). Repeat cts 1-2 (cts 3-4) for a total of 4 kick-steps. Modified Yemenite step: Jump in place on both feet (ct 1); transfer wt to L while kicking R across in front of L (ct 2); step on R across L (ct 3). Hold (ct 4). Repeat ct 1-2 with opp ftwk and direciton. Repeat meas 1-2, continuing to move CCW. III. Circle into ctr, clap, return to edge of circle; kick-steps and Yemenites 1 Two steps (R-L) while turning in place to R (cts 1, 2); three steps (R-L-R) moving twd center (cts 3, &, 4). End with R shoulder twd ctr and clap hands twd ctr (ct &). Two steps (L-R) while turning 1/2 turn to L (cts 1, 2); three steps (L-R-L) moving away from center twd L shoulder (ct 3, &, 4). End facing CCW Kick R fwd while bouncing in place on L (ct 1); step fwd onto R (ct &); kick L fwd while bouncing in place on R (ct 2). Facing ctr, R Yemenite: step on R to R (ct 3); step on L to L but slightly bkwd (ct &); step on R in front of L (ct 4). Repeat meas 3 with opp ftwk and direction: two kick-steps plus a L Yemenitestep. Repeat 1-4. 56 2 3 2 2 3 4 5-8 Banu Le Ha’ir Et Ha’ir – continued IV Into center and backing out. 1 Facing ctr, two steps (R-L) moving fwd twd ctr (ct 1, 2). Step fwd onto R (ct 3); step bwd in place onto L (ct &), step bwd onto R (ct 4). Two steps backing up (L-R), moving bkwd away from ctr (ct 1, 2). Step bwd onto L (ct 3); step fwd in place onto R (ct &); step fwd onto L (ct 4). 2 Dance is done three times. Then repeat IV once more, during which time the music gradually fades out. Last beat: step R foot slightly fwd while extending arms to the side and diagonally down, palms down. Translation of lyrics of the first time through the dance: WE CAME TO WAKE UP THE CITY We came to wake up the city from Haifa to Cairo Everyone can sing Together we'll make the wall drop The rumor in the streets is that we have a hit The local stuff’s ahead of the international. From Casablanca to Jamaica they align with us. Why wait? Accept it now! Everyone from shore to shore and from sea to sea. The world is so-so small. Where the cold flowed, the rhythm is hot. Say a word and we're here. You don't need a ticket There's no one screening at the door. Here everyone's a guest of honor There's always room for more. Give me more, give me more. Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 57 DAMAT HALAYI (Edirne, Turkey) I learned this dance from Denise Heenan. She told us that this dance was among those danced by a group of young dancers who greeted the Trakya 2008 tour buses after crossing the border into Turkey from Greece. Since the tour members and the dancers did not speak each other’s language, the dancers wrote down the name of the dance. Later one of the zourna musicians helped write the dance description. They saw this danced several times at the festive gatherings in Edirne, Turkey. There is one pattern to this dance which has several variations as the tempo increases. On youtube there are other variations, and some with shoulder hold. Pronunciation: dah-MAHT ha-LAH-yee Formation: Open circle. While performed with a ‘pinkie’ hand hold joined in W pos, informal video of the dance shows hands in W position and hands in V position. Arms are not rigid, but bounce slightly during the dance. Meas 4/4 meter Introduction No action. Dance starts with the drum beats. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pattern Moving CCW, step R (ct 1), L (ct 2), R (ct 3), touch L next to R (ct 4). Repeat meas 1 with opposite footwork and direction. Repeat meas 1. Repeat meas 2. Step R to R (ct 1), touch L next to R (ct 2). Step L to L (ct 3), touch R next to L (ct 4). Repeat meas 5. With weight on L, touch R fwd (ct 1), R to side (ct 2), close R to L (ct 3), hold (ct 4). Bending at the waist and gradually raising to full height, clap 5 times (cts 1, &,2, &, 3). Variations: As the music gets faster, the steps become runs, and the touches become lifts and/or kicks. Measure 7 can be seen done with jumps, or jumping into place on the last count. Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 58 DEBKA (Kurdish Communities) I learned this dance from Katherine St. John, an international folk dancer who is a specialist in Middle Eastern dance and culture. She said this dance is done throughout the Kurdish communities in the various Middle Eastern countries where Kurds reside – Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and elsewhere, including some European countries and the United States. While lines are typically segregated in the Middle East, men and women are more likely to dance together in Europe and the U.S. Pronunciation: DEHB-kah Formation: Open circle. Hands are joined, with upper arms touching or nearly touching, arms bent at the elbow, and lower arms linked. Meas 2/4 meter Introduction Dancers starts at will, as they join the line. 1 2 Pattern Facing center, rock fwd on L slightly in front of R (ct 1); bend the L knee slightly (ct 2). Facing center, rock bkwd on R slightly to R (ct 1); bounce in place on R (ct 2). These foot movements are accompanied by a slightly undulation of the body from hips to shoulders, bending slightly forward in meas 1 and becoming erect on meas 2. Shoulders rise and fall slightly with the steps. This introductory section is done while the dancers gather and join the line on the left end. At the leader’s signal, the dance begins. Take one prepartory step in place on L on meas 2, ct 2 so that the R foot is free to begin the dance. Leader faces CCW, bringing his/her L hand into the small of the back while continuing to hold the hand of the dancer next in line. R arm is straight and held diagonally forward and down. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Facing and moving CCW, step fwd on R (ct 1); bend R knee slightly while bending the L knee and bringing the L heel up and behind (ct 2). Repeat meas 1 with opposite footwork, continuing to move CCW. Repeat meas 1 Face center and place the L foot fwd without weight (ct 1); and hold (ct 2). Arms are brought in front of the body, parallel or nearly-parallel to the ground. Step on L in place (ct 1); kick the R fwd while bouncing on L in place (ct 2). Bounce on L in place (ct 1) while swinging the R across in front of L (touching toe to ground or near to ground); kick the R fwd while bouncing on L in place (ct 2). Repeat meas 6. Repeat meas 6. L arm bends and tucks to small of back to begin dance. Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 59 HACHOL YIZKOR (Israel) This circle dance was choreographed in 2009 by Gadi Biton, one of Israel’s most prolific and talented dance leaders and choreographers. Gadi runs weekly dance sessions in Israel attended by 700-800 dancers, as as well as marathon dance festivals where over 1000 dance from 8:00 PM until dawn. Pronunciation: Ha-HOHL yeez-KHOR Translation: The Sand Will Remember Formation: Circle of dancers facing and moving CCW. Hands are joined in V pos when possible. Meas 4/4 meter Introduction Begin the dance with the lyrics Pattern I. Walking, grapevine, turns 1 2 Walk three steps fwd beg with R (ct 1, 2, 3); hold on ct 4. Step L fwd crossing slightly in front of R (ct 1), hold (ct 2); step on R fwd crossing slightly in front of L (ct 3); hold (ct 4). Repeat meas 1-2 with opp ftwk moving CCW. Facing center, step on R to R, (ct 1); step on L behind R (ct 2); step on R to R (ct 3); drop handhold and pivot 1/2 to R on R to face away from center (ct 4). Rejoin hands. Facing away from ctr, step on L to L (ct 1); step on R behind L (ct 2); step on L to L and turn 1/4 to face CW (ct3); swing R in an arc fwd, to R, and behind, using the movement to turn 1/2 to face CCW (ct 4). Rejoin hands. Grapevine moving CCW: step on R to R (ct 1), step L in front of R (ct 2); R to R (ct 3); step on L behind R (ct 4). Turn R with three steps (R-L-R) cts 1-3; step on L in front of R (ct 4) Rejoin hands. Facing center, sway on R to R (ct 1); sway L on L (ct 2). Begin a grapevine moving CW: step on R in front of L (ct 3); step on L to L (ct 4). Continue the grapevine step: step on R behind L (ct 1); step on L to L (ct 2); step on R in front of L (ct 3) step on L to L (ct 4). Release handhold. Full turn R with three steps beg with R to R (cts 1, 2, 3); hold on ct 4. End facing center. Turn 1¼ L with three steps (cts 1, 2, 3) beg with L to L; hold on ct 4. End with R shoulder twd ctr. 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II. Moving toward center and back out. 1 Step on R to R (ct 1); step on L behind R (ct 2); step on R to R (ct 3). During this ftwk, slowly raise R arm from across body at waist level in an arc in front of face to fully extended above head. On ct 4, pivot 1/2 to R so that L shoulder is twd ctr. Repeat meas 1, with opposite ftwk and arm movement, moving twd ctr but HOLD and DO NOT pivot on ct 4. Remain with L shoulder twd ctr. 60 2 Hachol Yizkor – continued 3 4 5-8 Step on R in front of L (ct 1); step in place on L (ct 2); sway on R to R (ct 3); hold on ct. 4. R arm follows movement of R ft. Full turn L with three steps beg with L (cts 1, 2, 3), in place, ending with R shoulder pointing away from ctr. Repeat ftwk and arm movements of meas 1-4, but move generally away from ctr. End facing CCW and rejoin hands down in V pos. III. Modified grapevine CCW and finger snaps. 1 Step fwd on R (ct 1); step fwd on L and pivot 1/2 to face CW (ct 2). Step bkwd on R (ct 3); step bkwd on L (ct 4). Step bkwd on R while snapping fingers to R (ct 1); hold on ct 2; step bkwd on L while snapping finger to L [right hand above left] (ct 3); pivot 1/2 to R fo face CCW (ct 4). Repeat meas 1-2 Facing center, sway on R to R (ct 1), sway back onto L in place (ct 2); touch R next to L and snap fingers in front of chest; hold (ct 4). 2 3-4 5 Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 61 Hachol Yizkor – continued HACHOL YIZKOR THE SAND WILL REMEMBER Hachol yizkor et hagalim aval laketzef ein zocher zulat hahem asher avru im ru'ach laiyla meacher mizichronam hu leolam lo yimachek. The sand will remember the waves But the foam – will not be remembered, Besides by those who passed with the late night wind. From their memory it will never be erased. Hakol yashuv el hametzulot zulat haketzef halavan. nerot halayla daachu hayedidut, haahava haneurim shebau peta el sofam. All will return to the depths of the sea Except the white foam. The candles of the night died out, The friendship, the love, The youth, that came to an abrupt end. Kamohu gam al sof libam ratat az mashehu chiver ve'hem rashmu betoch hachol kshehayareach haover heyir pitom panim zarot u'schok rafe. On the beaches of their hearts too, Quivered then something pale And they drew in the sand When the passing moon Suddenly lit a distant face and a faint laugh Hakol yashuv el hametzulot zulat haketzef halavan. nerot halayla daachu hayedidut, haahava haneurim shebau peta el sofam. All will return to the depths of the sea Except the white foam. The candles of the night died out, The friendship, the love, The youth, that came to an abrupt end. Hiyu sham kunchiot reikot Shenahamu kina shel yam Ubit almin al hagvaot Ushnaiym shechalfu dumam Bein hachatzav vehak'varim vehashikma. There were empty shells there That roared the lament of the sea. And a cemetery on the hills, And two that passed in silence, Between the flowers and the graves and the sycamore. Hakol yashuv el hametzulot zulat haketzef halavan. nerot halayla daachu hayedidut, haahava haneurim shebau peta el sofam. All will return to the depths of the sea Except the white foam. The candles of the night died out, The friendship, the love, The youth, that came to an abrupt end. 62 ROBIN DDIOG (Wales) A Welsh circle dance I learned from Marianne Taylor. I found a syllabus for a dance camp in 1952 led by the Hermans that shows Robin Ddiog being presented that year. Pronunciation: RAH-bihn thee-AWG Formation: Open circle. Hands are joined in V pos. Meas 2/4 meter Introduction No action. One long note and one short note. 1 2-3 4 5-6 7-8 9 10 11-12 13-14 Pattern Facing and moving CCW, walk two steps CCW, R (ct 1); L (ct 2) Repeat meas 1 twice. Step on R fwd and turn slightly to L to face center (ct 1); step on L in place (ct 2). Turn to the R in place with four small steps: cts 1, 2, 1, 2. End facing center. Stamping pattern in place: R (ct 1), L (ct 2), R (ct &), L (ct 1), R (ct &), L (ct 2). Facing center, step on L in place (ct 1); swing R foot up and across in front of L (ct 2). Repeat meas 9 with opp ftwk and direction. Repeat meas 9-10 Repeat stamping patter in 7-8. Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 63 ZICHRON VAROD (Israel) This partner dance was choreographed in 2009 by Elad Shtamer, and is his first choroegraphy. In his early 20s, Elad represents the next generation of Israeli dancers and choreographers. He is also a “second-generation dancer,” being the son of Eli Shtamer who has been teaching dance classes and organizing dance events in Northern Israel for over 30 years. Even if you never have the opportunity to do this particular dance again, you can borrow from it for your repertoire of freestyle waltz movements. Pronunciation: zeeh-ROHN va-ROHD Translation: Rosy Memory Formation: Couples arranged in circles around the dance floor, all moving generally CCW. Begin standing side by side, with L shoulder to ctr. Inside hands joined in V pos Notes: M and W use opp ftwk throughout dance. Movements are fluid and flow into each other, i.e. a rotation that cannot be fully completed during one waltz can be finished during the next. Meas 3/4 meter Introduction 16 meas. Begin the dance with the lyrics. Pattern I. Waltz fwd, W turns, waltz together. 1 One waltz step fwd CCW, beg with outside foot. Free arms open wide to the side and each faces slightly away from each other (W to R, M to L). M uses 1 waltz to turn 1/2 to R and stepping in front of W while assisting W to turn L with her waltz steps under joined (M’s R, W’s L) hands. W ends facing CCW; M faces CW. Join free hands (M’s L, W’s R) in V pos. M waltzes bkwd while W waltz fwd. Maintaining the handhold, rotate as a couple 1/2 rotation CW using1 waltz step. While rotating, couple also drifts CCW along the line of the dance. When M is again facing CCW, he releases W’s R hand and both face CCW side by side as in the beg. Repeat meas 1-2. Take ballroom position. Two waltz steps making one rotation CW together. At the end of the two waltz steps, face CCW again and take inside handhold as at the beg. 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 II CHORUS: Waltz fwd, back, turn, waltz in place (“Woah-oh-oh”) 1 2 Waltz fwd, bringing both arms up and fwd head height. Waltz in place: Step bkwd (ct 1); step in place with two small steps (cts 2, 3) while turning 1/4 to face parnter. Drop inside handhold and touch palms of outside hands (M’s L, W’s R) fwd. Using the pressure of the joined hands to assist, turn individually fwd turning 1¼ with 1 waltz step. End side-by-side with inside hands joined in V pos, facing CCW. 1 waltz step in place. 64 3 4 Zichron Varod – continued 5-6 7-8 Repeat Part II, meas 1-2, except join M’s L W’s R hands and take ballroom pos. Repeat Part I, meas 3-4 III. Waltz around each other, wrapping, unwrapping, and waltzing 1 2 Repeat Part I, meas 1 W uses 1 waltz to move behind M to his L side. M uses 1 waltz step to move infront of W to his R (M and W have switched places). M assists the W’s movement by guiding her behind him by raising his R hand over and behind his head. Join inside hands in V pos. Waltz fwd side-by-side beg with inside ft Using 1 waltz step, M guides W in front of him to his R side by raising joined hands and allowing her to step sideways. W waltzes to her R in front of M. M’s R hand, W’s L hand join in front of W’s waist (“wrap” position). Maintains this arm position while rotating in place one full rotation CW (W dances bkwd, M dances fwd). While dancing 1 waltz step M “unwraps” the W by raising his L hand (still joined with her R) and allowing W to turn R. M waltzes in place. Both hands remain joined. Release M’s R, W’s L hand and take ballroom postion. Two waltz steps making one rotation CW together. At the end of the two waltz steps, face CCW again and take inside handhold. 3 4 5 6 7-8 Sequence: I, I, CHORUS, III, III, CHORUS; I, I, CHORUS, III, III, CHORUS Presented by Loui Tucker Camp Hess Kramer Institute October 30 – November 1, 2009 65