COURSE SYLLABUS Beginning Spanish 111

Beginning Spanish 111 (Fall 2007)
Augsburg College
Instructor: Heidi Kreutzer
Office Number: OM28
Meeting time / location
Sat. 1:15 – 4:45 pm (OM 26)
Tues. 6:00 – 8:30 pm (OM 26)
Office Phone: (612)330-1082
(This is Anita Fisher’s phone. Leave
a message even if my name is not on the
Home Phone: (952)842-8337
Office hours: I will be available in my office 1 hour before class each Saturday and at least ½ hour
before class on Tuesdays. I can stay after class as well. Feel free to call me at home.
Required Texts:
Dos Mundos 6th ed. (Textbook)
Dos Mundos Cuaderno de Actividades 6th ed. (Workbook and Lab Manual*)
*Dos Mundos CDs
The Dos Mundos CD program is available through the McGraw-Hill
website ( If you buy your book new,
the card bound inside the front cover of the textbook provides a
registration code to access the Premium Content of the website. If you
buy a used copy of Dos Mundos, you may purchase a registration code
on the website for a nominal fee ($7.00 or so).
If you instead wish to purchase the CDs in the bookstore, they cost
about $40.00. Be sure to purchase Set A for use during the trimester. If you
have any questions about the CDs, talk to Laura in the bookstore.
Note: The cds for Paso A – Ch. 4 work in conjunction with your Cuaderno
de Actividades. The listening sections are in the 2nd half of each chapter in
the section entitled “Actividades Auditivas” (with the headset next to it).
The first half of each chapter is the workbook section, which does not
require the use of the CDs.
Recommended Purchases:
Spanish / English dictionary
Recommended Resources: (online learning center) (for practice with verbs) (all sorts of vocab/grammar practice)
Grading: Your grade will be non-competitive and based on the following:
Written tests and quizzes: You will have five chapter tests during the course of the
trimester. You may also have occasional short quizzes (announced ahead of time).
Homework and class participation: Each chapter you will be responsible for completing the
workbook and lab manual pages that correspond to the chapter we are studying. You must turn in
these pages before taking the chapter test with corrections in a different color ink. You will also
be given other homework in class. You will receive full credit for homework if your assignment is
complete and original (i.e. not copied). I do not deduct points for errors in your homework. Late
work receives no credit. However, if you miss a day, you may hand in your homework the
following day. You are also expected to be prepared for class and to participate regularly.
Final Oral Exam: You will have a comprehensive oral final exam at the end of the course.
Grading Scale:
93% - 100%
88% - 92%
83% - 87%
78% - 82%
73% - 77%
68% - 72%
63% - 67%
58% - 62%
under 58%
NOTE: You must receive a 2.0 or higher in this course in order to take Spanish 112.
*Absence Policy: You are allowed 2 absences for any reason (“excused” or “unexcused”) before
attendance will affect your grade. . Each additional absence will lower your final grade by 10%.
Arriving more than 30 minutes late or leaving more than 30 minutes early will count as ½ day absence
**Absence on Test Day: If you are going to miss a test, you must contact me in advance to discuss
arrangements to make up the test. In general, you must make up the test before the next class period and
during my office hour if possible. You are limited to 1 make-up test during the trimester.
This is a schedule of what we will cover day by day this trimester, broken down by date. As you
read through the breakdown of each class, please note that all textbook pages are to be read and
reviewed before that class period if possible. I would also recommend doing the workbook and
lab manual pages that correspond to the textbook.
*Please bring your textbook and workbook to class each day*
Sat., 9/8 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-Paso A
Tues., 9/18 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Paso A
Sat., 9/22 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-Paso B
Tues., 10/2 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Paso B
Sat., 10/6 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-Paso C
Tues., 10/30 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Capítulo 1
Sat., 11/3 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-EXAMEN: Capítulo 1
-Capítulo 2
Tues., 11/13 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Capítulo 2
Sat., 11/17 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-EXAMEN: Capítulo 2
-Capítulos 3/4
Tues., 11/27 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Capítulos 3/4
Tues., 10/16 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.)
-Paso C
Sat., 12/1 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-Capítulos 3/4
-Repaso para el examen final
Sat., 10/20 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-Capítulo 1
Sat., 12/8 (1:15 – 4:45 p.m.)
-EXAMEN: Capítulos 3/4