From the office of the…
SRA Health Sciences Caucus
Members of the Student Representative Assembly
SRA Health Sciences
SRA 14M Report
January 20, 2015
Dear Assembly,
Before announcements and updates, Yishi and I would like to wish all those involved
with the Presidential elections of 2015 the best of luck! This is always a very exciting
time of year as it really brings out student enthusiasm, highlighting the passion the
student body has for the MSU and University.
Within the first week back, Yishi and I had a meeting to touch base, review the goals set
for the caucus in the beginning of the year as well as the individual goals we ran on for
SRA. During this meeting we also set the Health Sci SRA office hours, scheduled every
Tuesday from 12:30 – 1:30 in our student home base, “The Lounge.” We have seen a lot
of activity from our constituents via facebook and Learnlink, so we look forward to having
more face to face interactions as well.
A few projects Yishi and I look forward to completing this semester mainly fall under the
category of bringing awareness of what the MSU has to offer to the Health Sci students.
To achieve this we plan on tackling it from two platforms; online and a physical
representation of the MSU in the student home base. We will be creating a space in the
student lounge dedicated to showing what the MSU provides in terms of services to the
students. On this board we will be showcasing each services logo and potentially
pamphlets (dependent on space). We hope that by bringing this into the lounge the
students will be more aware of how the things they most likely use on a day to day basis
is actually provided by the MSU. Since this board will most likely be short on space,
inhibiting us from going into more detail about each service, we have decided to run a
short program over Learnlink called “A Service A Day.” Each day or week (to be
decided) we will post a blurb and further details about a specific MSU service. By
providing more details, we hope to not only bring awareness, but also educate and
encourage the use of more MSU services among our constituents.
In addition to this, Yishi and I are also looking at doing a few brief class talks to first,
second, and third years (no group fourth year classes) to inform them of the upcoming
presidential elections and health care referendum vote taking place this month. These
talks will inform the students where they can locate more information to make a more
educated vote.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact Alexa
and/or Yishi at, or,, or post on the SRA Health
Sciences page.
SRA Health Sciences Caucus
McMaster Students Union