Transmedia - olshefski

Transmedia -­‐ Defini.on Producers Guild of America (PGA) Transmedia Producer – Official Film Credit • 3 or more narra=ve shorelines in same narra=ve universe • plaAorms: film, tv, short film, broadband, publishing, comics, anima=on, mobile, special venues, dvd/cd-­‐rom, commercial/marke=ng roll outs, any new technology that comes up • narra=ve extensions are NOT the same as repurposing material from one plaAorm for another PlaAorm • strong story taking place in the same universe • one medium is the dominant medium, spine for the others • an honest / long term rela=onship is built with audience around a reciprocal engagement Official: hNp:// Transmedia vs Crossmedia Transmedia vs Crossmedia Transmedia vs Crossmedia Jenkins -­‐ The Origami Unicorn Define the terms "Transmedia" and "Origami Unicorn” The Blair Witch Project Rape of a Na.on hNp:// Marcus Bleasdale – Rape of a Na=on, Book Published in 2010 Rape of a Na.on – Media Storm hNp://­‐of-­‐a-­‐na=on Published in 2008 Unspeakable Things hNp:// Paul O’Connell – Comic Book Ar=st (ReMix) Chris=an Aid’s youth ini=a=ve Ctrl.Alt.Shie connected Beasdale to O’Connell in order to: “Reach a new audience and take a less tradi=onal approach.” Unspeakable Things hNp:// Paul O’Connell – Comic Book Ar=st (ReMix) “I produce things because I get angry about a situa=on and I’ll use any tool to spread aware-­‐ ness,’ says Bleasdale. ‘We have to use these mediums – how else do we reach people outside of the normal magazine and news-­‐ paper demographic?” -­‐ Bleasdale Unspeakable Things hNp:// Paul O’Connell – Comic Book Ar=st (ReMix) Interna.onal Mime Academy hNp:// hNp:// The Dark Knight -­‐ ARG Alternate Reality Game -­‐ is an interac=ve narra=ve that uses the real world as a plaAorm, oeen involving mul=ple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by par=cipants' ideas or ac=ons. hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// Year Long Promo=on that begins in May 2007 and leads up to the Dark Knight’s release in July 2008. Includes: dozens of websites, real life scavenger hunts (cakes, bowling balls), secret cell phones, legi=mate Gotham sites, “jokerized” web sites, free pizza promo=ons, comic con stunts, etc. 42 Entertainment hNp:// NIN – Year Zero hNp:// hNp://
Campaign_=meline_of_the_Year_Zero_alternate_reality_game Concept Album paired with an ARG (February – April 2007) 