GE Measurement & Control Pressure Regulators and Pressure Balanced Valves ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗġ ίτΛΏλΨρϋΑΨσήġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ࿒ġ ġ ġ ġ ষ ٽါġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 40 ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ4 525 ߿ ͍ݞ526 ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 5 535C ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ6 500 ߿ͺ·ΙνȜΗġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 7 500-50 ߿ओգͺ·ΙνȜΗ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ8 500-50R ߿ओգͺ·ΙνȜΗġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 9 30 ߿ίτΛΏλΨρϋΑġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ9 ້௺ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 12 ༹͍ݞਹၾນġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 13 ٽġ ġ ġ ါ ιȜΕϋΥȜρϋ͈τΆντȜΗ͉ 100 ාͩͅ ̷̹͈̽̀୭ࠗ͂ୡͬࡶͤȂࢩ̩ڰ̱̤̀ͤ ̳͘ȃ ̭͈ΗυΈͅࠇश̯̞ͦ̀ͥιȜΕϋΥȜρϋ ͈τΆντȜΗ͉ܨȂ΄Αס͍ݞఘဥ͈τΟνȜ ΏϋΈȂΨΛ·ίτΛΏλȂओգ͍ݞυȜΟͻϋΈ ȜΫΑဥ͈Ψσή̳́ȃ̭͉ͦͣࢩ̞ࢥު͈ ဥഷͬΨȜ̱̞̳̀͘ȃ ້௺̜́ͥέͻσΗȜȂΊȜΐȂυȜΟͻϋΈΩ Υσ̯̞̳ͦ̀͘͜ȃ ιȜΕϋΥȜρϋ͉ુͅୋ̠̞͈ࠧ̈́͢ͅۿୋ औ࣐̤̳ͬ̽̀ͤ͘ȃ̷͉ͦୋ͈൚̹ͤͦٸ ̵͈̞̠͇̞̥̳̈́͊̈́ͣ̈́ͣ́͢ͅȃ ࣽȂఉ̩͈τΆντȜΗιȜȜ͉́ϋίσΞ ΑΠ̳̺̫̳̤̯ͬͥ́ͤ̀ͦ͘كȃ ̱̥̱ȂιȜΕϋΥȜρΰ͉τΆντȜΗ͈ڎș ̦ږͅै൲̳̠ͥ͢ͅكஜ͈̀ͅτΆντ ȜΗͬΞΑΠ̱̤̳̀ͤ͘ȃ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Table of Contents Foreword ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 40 Seriesġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 525 and 526 Series 535C Series 500 Series Actuators 500- 50 Differential Pressure Actuators 500- 50R Differential Pressure Actuators 30 Series Pressure Balanced Valves Accessories Dimensions and Weights 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 12 13 Foreword The Masoneilan line of regulators is one of the broadest in the business with over 100 years of design of design and field experience behind each valve. Presented in this catalog is the complete line of Masoneilan pressure regulators for steam, gases and liquids. Included are valves for reducing, back pressure, differential pressure and loading service ; covering most commercial and industrial application. Accessories such as filters, gauges and loading panels are also available. The last thing you want to do is to be saddled with a defective regulator. That’s why we don’t leave our regulator performance to chance. Today, many regulator manufacturers test by sampling-taking a chance that the rest of each batch is O.K. But we at Masoneilan want to know that each of our regulators works when it heads for the job. So we test every regulator before shipment. ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ಕȇུΗυΈ͈ඤယͅັ̞͉̀ထ̩࣬̈́་ࢵ̳̭̦ͥ͂ခ̳ͤ͘ȃ Note : The contents of this brochure may be subject to change without notice. ɟ۟໐͉Ȃ൚২͈ୃ໐ͬঀဥ̱̞̯̀ئȃୃ໐͈ঀဥ͉ै൲ະၻ͞ၠఘჃ̳֦ͤ̈́͂͘ࡔ͈טȃ Use of our genuine or authorized parts for replacement is strongly, Malfunctions or leakages may result without using them. 2 1 యນഎ̈́ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗ Typical Pressure Regulators 3 40 Series Pressure Regulators for Reducing and Back Pressure Applications 40 ߿ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗ τΟνȜΏϋΈ͍ݞΨΛ·ίτΛΏλȜΫΑ 40 ߿τΆντȜΗ͉τΟνȜΏϋΈྌ͉ΨΛ·ίτΛΏλ͈ ϋΠυȜσဥ̱͂̀୭̯̹͈ࠗͦ́͜Ȃව࢛գႁխ̞͉ओգ̦ ̞ࣞȜΫΑȂၠၾ̦ઁ̞̈́ဥഷྌ͉τΟνȜΑΡΠςθ̦ຈါ ̈́ဥഷͅഐ̱̤̳̀ͤ͘ȃܨȂ΄Αס͍ݞఘȜΫΑ̴͈̞ͦ ͜ͅनဥ̧̳́͘ȃ ̭͈ͦͣτΆντȜΗ͉Ȃ΄ΑȂڠاȂΨσή͍ݞୋঞȂอ ഩխ̞͉ڠاίυΓΑ൝͈ࢥު͈̞̹̭ͥ͂ͧͅഐဥ̧̳́͘Ƣ 40 series regulators are designed for control of reduced or back pressure where high inlet pressures, high pressure drops or low flow applications are encountered or where reduced trim options are required. Versions are available for steam, gas or liquid service. These regulators find applications throughout many industries, including the oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper, power generation and chemical processing industries. Model 40C Model 42C ΨΛ·ίτΛΏλτΆνȜΗ Back Pressure Regulator τΟνȜΏϋΈτΆντȜΗ Reducing Regulator ๊֚ॽအ ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ͼġ ġ ୪ġ ġ ࠁġ ၠġ ̱ġ ༷ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ δΟȜऺৗġ General Data Model No. ȇ40CȈτΟνȜΏϋΈ ġ ġ 42CȈΨΛ·ίτΛΏλ Βȇ1/2BȂ3/4BȂˍBȂ11/4BȂ11/2BȂ2B ȇέρϋΐȂΥΐࣺ͙Ȃओࣺ͙ဣ୪ ࢜ȇ40CȈέυȜȆΜȜȆȜίϋ ġ ġ 42CȈέυȜȆΜȜȆ·υȜΒ ġ ȇౢளࣙȂΑΞϋτΑࣙ Sizes Connections Flow Direction Body Material : 40C ; Pressure Reducing 42C ; Back Pressure : 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 11/4”, 11/2”, 2” : Flanged, Threaded, Socket Weld : 40C ; Flow to Open 42C ; Flow to Close : Carbon Steel , Stainless Steel ġ ၠၾ߸ତȝ ڒCv ġ Flow CoefficientsȽRated Cv Diaphragm Material Neoprene Monel Rated Travel Ȫ̉̉ȫ 1.6 1.1 1/8ġ ɦ 0.23 0.15 1/4 0.81 0.54 Nominal Port Size Rated Cv 3/8 1.8 1.2 1/2 2.7 1.8 3/4 4.2 2.8 ɦ42C ߿͈1/8B ́Πςθऺৗ̦SUS316 ͈ાࣣ͉ 0.0017 - 0.034 MPa, 0.014 - 0.105 MPa, 0.069 - 0.24 MPa ͈τϋΐͅࡠ̳ͣͦ͘ȃ ġ ఈ͈τϋΐ͈ાࣣ͉ͅȂࣁاੜၑΠςθ̳ͥͅຈါ̦̜̳ͤ͘ȃ Model 42C with 1/8” orifice in 316 st. steel is available in ranges 0.0017 - 0.034 MPa, 0.014 - 0.105 MPa, 0.069 - 0.24 MPa, only. All other ranges with 1/8” orifice require hardened trim.ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ PressureȪMPaȫ ୭գႁτϋΐġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ գႁȟأഽࡠٮ Pressure Ranges Pressure / Temperature Limits Pressure Range Allowable Pressure Model 27.5 MPa MPa P=280-1.5Ȫt-65ȫ 0.05 0.0017ȡ0.034 Temp.ġ Limit 0.13 0.014ȡ0.105 20 forġ Neoprene 0.31 0.069ȡ0.24 40Cġ andġ 42C Diaphragmġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 40C 0.88 0.17ȡ0.69 2.2 0.485ȡ1.72 10 3.95 1.38ȡ3.10 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ P=46-0.11(t-65) 40C 5.7 2.07ȡ4.48 4.5 ġ ġ ġ ġ 42C 42C 5.25 2.07ȡ4.14 Ƚ28ġ 0ġ ġ ġ ġ 65ġ ġ 100ġ ġ ġ ġ 200ġ 230 ġ ̐ ; Temperature (oC)ġ ව࢛գႁ͍ݞਔսأഽྌ͉ၠఘأഽ͉ષ͈ํսඤ̵̫́̈́ͦ͊̈́ͤͭ͘ȃ 4 The inlet pressure and ambient or fluid temperature must be within the boundaries of graph for the appropriate regulator.ġ 520 Series Pressure Regulators ġ 520 ߿ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗ 525 ߿ ͍ݞ526 ߿͉໙ࢩ̞ίυΓΑ͈գႁଷࢄဥ̱͂̀୭ ̯̹ࠗͦໝजࠁ͈ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΉ̳ȃड͈ࣞෝ ͬอ̠̳ͥ͢ͅܞȂࢹ௮͉ͅඅͅಕփ̱̀୭̯̞̳ࠗͦ̀͘ȃ 500 ߿τΆντȜΗ͉Ψσήུఘ͂τΟνȜΏϋΈȂΨΛ·ί τΛΏλྌ͉ओգဥ̱͂̀୭̯̹ࠗͦͺ·ΙνȜῌ͂ވ ࢹ଼̯̞̳ͦ̀͘ȃ ͺ·ΙνȜῌ͈˓͉̱̀۾βȜΐ̥ͣ˕βȜΐͬ४ ચ̳̞͘ܐȃ The Models 525 and 526 double seated regulators are designed to handle a wide variety of process pressure control applications. Construction features have been carefully selected to provide optimum performance. The 500 Series regulators are designed for use with the actuators for reducing, back pressure and differential pressure applications. Refer to page 7 through 9 for actuator selection. ġ Model 525 ໝजτΟνȜΏϋΈ Double Seated Reducing Model 526 ໝजΨΛ·ίτΛΏλ Double Seated Back Pressure ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ๊֚ॽအ General Dataġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ȇ525ġ ġ ȈτΟνȜΏϋΈ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 525-50 ȈओգτΟνȜΏϋΈ 526 ȈΨΛ·ίτΛΏλȜ 526-50 ȈओգࠁΨΛ·ίτΛΏλ ུġ ఘġ ࠁġ ġ ȇໝजΈυȜήࠁ ġ ڒġ գġ ႁġ ȇASME ·ρΑġ 150Ȃ300Ȃ600 ୪ġ ġ ࠁġ ġ ȇέρϋΐȂΥΐࣺ͙Ȃဣ୪ࠁ Π ς θ ࠁ ેġ ȇΠΛίͺϋΡδΠθ΄ͼΡ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ΟͻΑ·ࠁέρΈ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ έσςͺ͍ݞτΟνȜΑΡΠςθ δ Ο Ȝ ऺ ৗġ ȇౢளࣙȂΑΞϋτΑࣙġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ၠၾ߸ତȝ ڒCv Flow Coefficients Ƚ Rated Cv Nominal Trim Size 1/2 Rated Travel (mm) 1.2 Valve Size 3/4” 2.7 1” 2.7 11/2” 2” 21/2” 3” 4” 6” ɖ 3/4 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 1 2.6 11/4 3.8 9.0 9.0 9.0 14 14 Model No. : 525 ; Pressure Reducing 525-50 ; Differential Pressure Reducing 526 ; Back Pressure 526-50 ; Differential Back Pressure : Double Seated Globe : ASME Class 150, 300, 600 : Flanged, Threaded, Welding : Top and Bottom Guided Disk Type Plug Full Area and Reduced Trim : Carbon Steel , Stainless Steel ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Body Type Ratings Connections Trim Type Body Material 11/2 2 3.8 4.4 Rated Cv 21 21 21 21 36 36 36 36 21/2 4.8 3 5.8 54 54 54 75 75 4 6.4 6 9.4 125 125 280 ɖඅਂॽအ / Special Use ġ ġ ġ ġ 5 535C Series Pressure Regulators The Model 535C pressure regulators are especially designed to provide accurate reduced pressure control of gas, liquid, saturated and superheated steam. They are available in sizes 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 1-1/2” and 2” with full area and reduced trim to handle the Small-to-moderate flow applications not suitable in the conventional full area double-seated regulators and applications where single seat shut-off is required refer to page 7 through 9 for actuator selection. 535C ߿ίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗ 535C ߿͉ܨఘȂסఘȂგܨȂًࡘͅږୃͬܨգ ̳̹ͥ͛ͅ୭̯̹ࠗͦίτΛΏλτΆντȜΉ̳.ȃ ͼΒ͉ 1/2BȂ3/4BȂˍBȂ11/2B ˎ͍ݞB ̦̜ͤȂ̷̸ͦ ͦέσͼΒΠςθ͂ڛഎઁ̞̈́ၠၾͬଷࢄ̳̹͈ͥ͛ τΟνȜΑΡΠςθ̦͂ဥփ̯̞̳ͦ̀͘ȃດ͈ໝजτΆ ντȜΉ͉ະസࣣ̈́ဥഷխ̞͉ౙज༕͈୨̦ຈါ̈́ ဥഷͅनဥ̯̳ͦ͘ȃ ͺ·ΙνȜῊ͈͉̱ͅ۾7βȜΐ̥ͣ9βȜΐͬ४ ચ̳̞͘ܐȃ τΟνȜΏϋΈτΆντȜΗ Reducing Regulator εϋίίτΛΏλτΆντȜΗ Pump Pressure Regulator ๊֚ॽအ General Data ߿ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ȇ535Cġ ġ ȈτΟνȜΏϋΈ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 535C-50 ȈओգτΟνȜΏϋΈ 535C-50RȈओգ߿ΨΛ·ίτΛΏλ ུġ ఘġ ࠁġ ġ ȇౙजΈυȜήࠁ ġ ڒġ գġ ႁġ ȇASME ·ρΑġ 150Ȃ300Ȃ600 ୪ġ ġ ࠁġ ġ ȇέρϋΐȂΥΐࣺ͙Ȃओࣺ͙ဣ୪ࠁ Π ς θ ࠁ ેġ ȇΠΛί΄ͼΡ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ΟͻΑ·ࠁίρΈྌ͉ΣȜΡσࠁίρΈ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ έσςͺ͍ݞτΟνȜΑΡΠςθ ၠġ ̱ġ ༷ġ ࢜ġ ȇέυȜȆΜȜȆȜίϋ δ Ο Ȝ ऺ ৗġ ȇౢளࣙ, ΑΞϋτΑࣙ ; Pressure Reducing : 535C 535C-50 ; Differential Pressure Reducing 535-50R ; Differential Back Pressure Body Type : Single Seated Globe Ratings : ASME Class 150, 300, 600 Connections : Flanged, Threaded, Socket Weld Trim Type : Heavy Duty Top Guided Disk Type Plug or Needle type plug Full Area and Reduced Trim in All Sizes flow Direction : Flow to Open Body Material : Carbon Steel , Stainless Steel Model No. ၠၾ߸ତȝ ڒCv Flow Coefficients Ƚ Rated Cv Nominal Trim Size Orffice Dia. (inch) Rated Travel (mm) Valve Size 1/2” 3/4” 1” 11/2” 2” Mini Trim ; § ; Rated Travel = 4.0mm ɖ; Rated Travel = 6.5mm 1/8 0.1 2.0 3/16 0.1875 3.0 1/4 0.25 3.0 3/8 0.375 3.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Cv = 0.016(0.174” Dia. 5.5mm Travel) Cv = 0.025(0.1875” Dia. 4.5mm Travel) 1/2 0.5 5.5 Rated Cv 3.5 § 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3/4 0.75 4.5 1 0.812 5.0 11/2 1.25 5.5 2 1.625 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 11.0 ɖ 15 15 27 Cv = 0.06 (0.1875” Dia. 4.0mm Travel)ġ Cv = 0.11 (0.250” Dia. 4.0mm Travel) ಕȫ̭͈τΆντȜΉ๊͈֚എ̈́डఱओգ͉880 kPa ̳́ȃ̷ͦոષ͈ओգ͈ાࣣ͉২̤ͅ࿚̵ࣣ̞̯ئȃ NoteȈOn this style regulator, pressure drop is usually limited to 880kPa. For applications requiring higher pressure drops, consult manufacturer. 6 Actuators ͺ·ΙνȜΗ ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͉τΟνȜΏϋΈȂΨΛ·ίτΛΏ λ͍ݞओգȜΫᾼచ̱̀Ȃ500 ߿τΆντȜΗ͂ ழ̵͙ࣣͩ̀ঀဥ̳̠ͥ͢ͅ୭̯̞̳ࠗͦ̀͘ȃ ষ͈ນ̽̀͢ͅȂܛབ̳ͥဥഷͅచ̱̀ͺ·ΙνȜ Η͂Ψσή͈ழ̵̧ࣣ̳ͬ́͘ȃ ဥഷ Function ͺ·ΙνȜΗ Actuator Reducing Spring Diaphragm-Direct Back Pressure Spring Diaphragm-Direct Differential, Reducing Differential-Direct DifferentialȂ Back Pressure Differential-Direct Differential-Reverse The actuators are designed for use with 500 Series regulators for reducing, back pressure and differential pressure applications. The following table indicates the combinations available to provide the desired function. Ψσήࠁ Valve type Double Seated Single Seated Double Seated Double Seated Single Seated Double Seated Single Seated ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ τΆντȜΗ߿ Regulator Model No. ġ 525 ġ 535C ġ 526 ġ 525-50 ġ 535C-50 ġ 526-50 ġ 535C-50R ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ΑίςϋΈΘͼμέρθͺ·ΙνȜΗ 500 ߿τΆντȜΗ͈අಭ͉ၠఘأഽ̞̯̈́ͦͅޣגΑίς ϋΈΘͼμέρθͺ·ΙνȜῌ̜̳ͤ͘ȃͼυϋ༞ ޑΥίτϋΘͼμέρθ̽̀͢ͅΑθȜΆळ̈́ै൲ ̦ږ༗̯̳ͦ͘ȃ Spring Diaphragm Actuators 500 Series regulators feature a spring-diaphragm actuator which is not affected by the fluid temperature. Nylon reinforced neoprene diaphragms permit smooth, sensitive operation. ġ ġ ġ ġ 500 ߿ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͈୭գႁτϋΐ Pressure Ranges of 500 Series Actuators Case Size 31/2 4 5 11 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Pressure Range MPa ġ 0.690ȡ1.140 ġ 0.380ȡ0.725 ġ 0.140ȡ0.415 ġ 0.100ȡ0.170 0.048ȡ0.130 ġ 0.034ȡ0.083 ġ 0.010ȡ0.041 ġ 0.0034~0.014 Allow. Diff. Pressure MPa 1.75 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.28 0.28 0.28 7 500-50 ߿ओգဥͺ·ΙνȜΗ 500-50 ߿ओգτΆντȜΗ͉̜ͥܖգႁ͂ ͈ओգ֚ͬͅ༗̻̹̞ဥഷͅঀဥ̱̳͘ȃ యນഎ̈́ͺίςΉȜΏοῧ̱͉̀ߐܨ൲͈ εϋί͈ഫգႁͬܖ͈գႁոષ͈̜ͥ୭ ͅଷࢄ̳ͥဥഷȂխ̞͉ΏȜςϋΈգͬϋί τΛ͈ΉȜΑգႁոષ͈̜ͥ୭̯̹ͦͅ ༗̾ϋίτΛαͺςϋΈΏȜςϋΈȜΫ Α̦̜̳̈́̓ͤ͘ȃ ೩գဥΉȜΑ Low Pressure Case 500-50 Series Differential Pressure Actuators 500-50 Series differential pressure regulators are used for maintaining one pressure in excess of another (reference) pressure by an adjustable amount. Typical applications include regulating the delivery pressure of a steam-driven pump at a predetermined value above a reference pressure; and for compressor bearing sealing service, where the sealing pressure must be maintained at a desired value above casing pressure. యນഎ̈́৾ັ̫ Typical Installation ࣞգဥΉȜΑ High Pressure Case 500-50 ߿ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͈୭գႁτϋΐ Pressure Ranges of 500-50 Series Actuators Case Size Low Pressure Case Pressure Range 0.895~1.140 31/2 4 5 unit : MPa 0.585~0.930 High Pressure Case Allow. Diff. Pressure 1.75 Pressure Range Max. Static Pressure 3.5 10.3 *0.895~2.280 **1.340~2.280 Ƚ Ƚ **0.895~1.380 Ƚ Ƚ 0.310~0.930 0.310~0.620 1.75 0.115~0.345 0.083~0.345 3.0 0.048~0.105 3.0 1.75 0.140~0.380 2.0 0.048~0.140 1.75 0.021~0.069 2.0 0.021~0.055 1.75 Ƚ Ƚ ə ; Max. Static Pressure is 1.75MPa ġ **͈͉ΨΛ·ίτΛΏλȜΫᾼഐဥ̳ͥȃ ġ *͈͉τΟνȜΏϋΈȜΫᾼ͈͙ഐဥ̳ͥȃ Values of ** are applied for Model back pressure application. Values of * are applied for Model reducing pressure application only. 8 Allow. Diff. Pressure 6.9 4.15 Actuators 500-50R ߿ओգဥͺ·ΙνȜΗ 500-50R ߿ओգτΆντȜΗ͉ 500-50 ߿൳အͅ ̜ͥܖգႁ͂༆͈գႁ͈͂ओգͬଷࢄ̳͈ͥ͜ ̳̦́Ȃͺ·ΙνȜΗ͈ै൲͈͙̦։̳̈́ͤ͘ȃ 500-50 ߿͈ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͉ΑίςϋΈ̽̀͢ͅ ΑΞθ̧ͬ֨ષ̬̞͈̀ͥͅచ̱̀Ȃ̭͈ 500-50R ߿͈ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͉ΑίςϋΈ͈ႁ̽̀͢ͅΑ Ξθͬ؋̱̳̬͘ئȃ 535C ߿τΆντȜΗ͉ΠΛί΄ͼΡ͈ౙज༕̜́ ̹ͥ͛δΟȜͬഢ̱̀ै൲ͬ་ࢵ̵̧͈́ͭ͘ ́Ȃ̭͈ैݙ൲ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͂ழ̵͙ࣣͩ̀ΨΛ ·ίτΛΏλȜΫᾼঀဥ̱̳͘ȃ 500-50R Series Differential Pressure Actuators 500-50R Series differential pressure regulators are used for maintaining one pressure in excess of another pressure same as 500-50 Series regulators, however, only actuator action is different. 500-50 Series actuators pull up the stem by the spring, and 500-50R Series actuators push down the stem by the spring force. Model 535C bodies are not invertible because of the top guiding single seated valve, therefore, these reverse actuators are used for back pressure application using with the Model 535C body. ġ ೩գΉȜΑ LOW Pressure Case ࣞգΉȜΑ High Pressure Case ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 500-50R ߿ͺ·ΙνȜΗ͈୭գႁτϋΐ Pressure Ranges of 500-50R Series Actuators Unit : MPa Low Pressure Case Case Size Pressure Range 0.895~1.140 31/2 4 0.585~0.930 High Pressure Case Allow. Diff. and Static Press. 1.75 Ƚ Ƚ 0.310~0.620 1.75 0.115~0.345 5 0.048~0.140 0.021~0.055 Pressure Range 1.340~2.280 0.895~1.380 0.310~0.930 0.083~0.345 0.048~0.105 0.140~0.380 1.75 0.021~0.069 Ƚ Allow. Diff. Pressure 3.0 Max. Static Pressure 10.3 3.0 2.5 6.9 2.0 4.15 Ƚ Ƚ 9 30 Series Pressure Balanced Valves 30 ߿ίτΛΏλΨρϋΑΨσή 30 ߿͈գࡘ͍ݞգΨρϋΑࠁ༕͉ೄ൲ࠁ͈ߗܨ كুႁଷࢄ༕̜̳́ͤ͘ȃࢹ௮͉ࣞယၾ͈ໝज࣑ ࠁ͈༕ུఘͬঀဥ̱Ȃ͕͈͂ͭ̓ুႁգႁଷࢄ༕ͅခ ̠ͥ̈́͢୯Υΐྌ͉ΑίςϋΈͬঀ̴ͩͅ୭തͬ ୭̳̹͈ͥ͛ߗͬܨ၌ဥ̱̳͘ȃ̭͈كգႁͬঀ ဥ̳̭ͥ͂ͤ͢ͅΑίςϋΈ̜̹̠̽̈́͢ͅࢋओͬ ̲̭̩ͥ͂̈́͜Ȃુͅୃ̈́ږଷࢄ̳̭̦ͬͥ͂́ ̧̳͘ȃࢵͅȂၗ̹ͦպ౾̥ͣুႁ༕ͅచ̱̀୭գ ႁͬା̧̳́͘ȃ 30 ߿ুႁ༕͉΄ΑΨȜȂ΄ΑϋΐϋȂδͼρ൝ͅ ͥීၳ͈̠̈́͢ 65Ɏྐ͈أഽ͍ݞ೩գȜΫΑဥͅ ୭̯̤̳ࠗͦ̀ͤ͘ȃུ༕͉ͅࡘգྌ͉գଷࢄ༕̦ ခ̳ͤ͘ȃΘͼͺέρθΉȜΑ͉ଷࢄ̳ͥίυΓΑգ ႁ͂كգႁ͈̦͂ 1 చˍȂ1 చ 2Ȃ2 చ 1 ͈͈̦͜ ୋैخෝ̳́ȃ كգႁ͉ષ໐͈ΘͼͺέρθΉȜᾼ୪̱Ȃଷࢄ ̳ͥίυΓΑգႁ͉ࡘգȜΫΑ͈ાࣣ͉༕ئၠۯ ͤ͢ȂգȜΫΑ͈ાࣣ͉༕ષၠئͤ͢ۯ໐͈Θ ͼͺέρθΉȜᾼ୪̱̳͘ȃ 30 Series Pressure Balanced Valves 30 Series back pressure and reducing balanced valves are direct operating, air loaded, pressure regulators. The design features a high capacity, double seated, balanced main valve and utilizes an air signal (or loading pressure) from an air set or control panel to establish a set point in place of the adjusting screw and spring found in most pressure regulators. The use of a loading pressure provides for very accurate control by eliminating the droop (error) associated with a spring and provides the capability for changing the set pressure on the regulator from a remote position. 30 Series regulators are designed for low pressure service at temperatures up to 65°C, such as fuel to gas burners, gas engines, boilers, etc. They may be used as reducing or back pressure regulators. Diaphragm case configurations are available which provides a ratio of loading pressure to controlled process pressure of 1 to 1, 1 to 2, or 2 to 1. The loading pressure is piped to the upper diaphragm case and controlled pressure is piped from either the downstream line for reducing service or the upstream line for back pressure service to the bottom diaphragm case. 30R Series Body Model 30-4 Model 30-3 30-3 ͉֚ཿ͈Θͼͺέρθ͈ࢹ௮́Ȃكգႁ͂ଷࢄգႁ͂ ͈ͬ 1 చ 1 ̱̳͘ͅȃଷࢄգႁ̦كգႁ͂ίρΈȂΑΞ θȂΘͼͺέρθίτȜΠ൝͈ਹၾͅջ̽̀อ̳ͥႁͬح ̢̹͈͂͜൝̱̩̹̈́̽শͅΨσή͉ΨρϋΑ̱̳͘ȃ No. 30-3 has single diaphragm construction which provides a 1 to 1 ratio between air loading pressure and controlled pressure. When the controlled pressure equals the loading pressure, plus the force exerted by weight of the plug, stem and diaphragm plates, the valve is considered balanced. 30-6 ͉ඵཿ͈൳༹̲͈Θͼμέρθ̦ခͥո ͉ٸ30-3 ͂ ൳̲̳́ȃ̭͈ࢹ௮͉ئ໐͈Θͼμέρθ̦෫అ̱̹ાࣣȂ ك౾ͬఅ̱̞̠̈́͢༗ࢌ̱̤̳̀ͤ͘ȃ No. 30-6 is similar to No. 30-3 but contains two equally sized diaphragms. This construction provides protection to the loading system against contamination in the event of leakage by the lower diaphragm. 30-3RȂ30-6R ̷̸͉ͦͦ 30-3Ȃ30-6 ͅచ̳ͥգȜΫΑဥ ͈͈̳́͜ȃ No. 30-3R ; 30-6R are the back pressure versions of the No. 30-3 and 30-6. 30-4 ͉ඵཿ͈Θͼͺέρθ͈ࢹ௮́كգႁ͈͂ͬ 1 చ 2 ̱̳͘ͅȃ ଷࢄգႁ̦ƥكգႁ͂ίρΈȂΑΞθȂΘͼͺέρθίτȜ Π൝͈ਹၾͅջ̽̀อ̳ͥႁͬˎ̢͈͈̹͜ح̹̈́̽ͅ শͅΨσή͉ΨρϋΑ̱̳͘Ƣġ ˎཿ͈Θͼͺέρθࢹ௮ͅ ջͤ෫అশ͈ك౾͈అͬཡ̞̤̳́ͤ͘Ƣ No. 30-4 has two diaphragms sized to provide a 1 to 2 ratio between air loading and controlled pressure. When the controlled pressure is approximately twice the loading pressure, plus the force exerted by the weight of the plug, stem and diaphragm plates, the valve is considered balanced. Protection against contamination of the loading system in the even of leakage is provided by the two diaphragm construction. No. 30-4R is the back pressure version of the No. 30-4. 10 30-4R ͉ 30-4 ͅచ̳ͥգȜΫΑဥ͈͈̳́͜ȃ 30-5 ͉ఱ̧̈́Θͼͺέρθ̯͂̈́Θͼͺέρθ̦̽̈́ͅݙ ̞̀ͥո ͉ٸ30-4 ͂൳̲́Ȃكգႁ͂ଷࢄգႁ͈͂ͬ 2 చ 1 ̱̳͘ͅȃଷࢄգႁ̦كգႁ͂ίρΈȂΑΞθȂΘͼ ͺέρθίτȜΠ൝͈ਹၾͅջ̽̀อ̳ͥႁ̢͈̹ͬ͜ح ˍ ͈ /ˎ̹̈́̽ͅশͅΨσή͉ΨρϋΑ̱̳͘ȃ 30-5R ͉ 30-5 ͅచ̳ͥգȜΫΑဥ͈͈̳́͜ȃ ैġ ൲ ࡘգ༕Ȫ30-3Ȃ30-4Ȃ30-5Ȃ30-6ȫ ଷࢄ̳ͥίυΓΑգႁ͈௩ͅحջͤΨσῄ͉̲༷ͥ࢜Ȃ చͅଷࢄգႁ̦ࡘઁ̱̹ાࣣ͉Ψσή͉ै༷̩࢜ͅٳ൲̱ ̳͘ȃ كգႁͬ་ࢵ̳̭ͥ͂ͤ͢ͅଷࢄ̳ͥίυΓΑգႁ̷͉ͦ ͅ؊̲̹գႁͅ་̳̱͘اȃ գ༕Ȫ30-3RȂ30-4RȂ30-5RȂ30-6Rȫ ଷࢄ̳ͥίυΓΑգႁ͈௩ͅحջͤΨσῄ͉༷̩࢜ٳȂ చͅଷࢄգႁ̦ࡘઁ̱̹ાࣣ͉Ψσῄ͉̲༷ͥ࢜ै൲̱ ̳͘ȃكգႁͬ་ࢵ̳̭ͥ͂ͅջͤଷࢄ̳ͥίυΓΑգႁ ̷͉ͦͅ؊̲̹գႁͅ་̳̱͘اȃ No. 30-5 is similar to No. 30-4 except that the large and small diaphragms are transposed to provide a 2 to1 ratio between loading and controlled pressure. When the controlled pressure is approximately one-half of the loading pressure, plus the force exerted by the weight of the plug, stem and diaphragm plates, the valve is considered balanced. No. 30-5R is the back pressure version of the No. 30-5. Operation Reducing Valves (No. 30-3 ; 30-4 ; 30-5 ; 30-6) An increase in the controlled process pressure tends to close the valve. Conversely, a decrease in the controlled process pressure tends to open the valve. A change in the loading pressure will result in a corresponding change in the controlled process pressure. Back Pressure Valves ( No. 30-3R; 30-4 ; 0-5R; 30-6R ) An increase in the controlled process pressure tends to open the valve. Conversely, a decrease in the controlled process pressure tends to close the valve. A change in the loading pressure will result in a corresponding change in the controlled process pressure. ġ ၠၾ߸ତȝ ڒCv ġ Flow Coefficients Ƚ Rated Cv 1/2” 3/4” Valve Size 1” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” Rated Cv 2.7 8 11 24 45 65 100 180 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Specifications ດॽအ ུġ ġ ୪ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ίġ ఘġ ࠁġ ȇໝजΈυȜή༕ ġ ͼġ ġ Βȇ1/2BȂ3/4BȂ1BȂ11/2BȂ2BȂ21/2BȂ3BȂ4B ġ ġ ġ ġ ȇ1/2Bȡ2BȽΥΐࣺ͙Ȃ3/4Bȡ4BȽέρϋΐ ġ ġ ġ ġ ڒȇΥΐࣺ͙ȽASMEġ ·ρΑ 600 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ έρϋΐȽASMEġ ·ρΑ 150Ȃ300 ġ ġ ġ (ಕ)ȇJIS ܰ͜ڒୋै̱̳͘ȃ ġ ρġ ġ ΈȇΟͻΑ·ࠁໝजΠΛίͺϋΡδΠθ΄ͼΡ (ಕ)ȇP εȜΠྌ͉ V εȜΠ͈ίρΈ͜අਂဥഷͅ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ చ̱̀ୋै౿̱̳͘ȃ ΘͼμέρθΉȜΑȇࣙୋ Θͼμέρθ ȇͼυϋ༞ޑΥίτϋ أഽ ڒȇडఱ 65Ɏ Bodyġ Type Sizes Connections Ratings : Double Seated Globe : 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 11/2”, 2”, 21/2”, 3”, 4” : 1/2”~2” ; Threaded, 3/4”~4” ; Flanged : Threaded ; ASME Class 600 Flanged ; ASME Class 150, 300 Trim : Stainless Steel seat rings and disk double seated top and bottom guided plug (Note) : Parabolic plug and V-port plug available on special application Diaphragm Case : Carbon Steel Diaphragms : Nylon reinforced neoprene Temperature : 65°C max. գႁڒȇ ࡘգȜΫΑȽ ව࢛डఱգႁ͉༕ུఘऺৗ͍ݞ୪ܰͅڒచ̳ͥ ASME ܰ ͅڒջ̽̀ࠨ̯̳ͦ͘ȃুႁ༕͈ෝ̳͖ͅݞͬޣגະ ࣑ႁ̦ఱ̧̩̞̈́ͣ̈́အͅ༕͈ओգͬဲ̢̠ͥ͢ͅಕ փ̵̱̫ͬ̈́ͦ͊̈́ͤͭ͘ȃ 1)ව࢛գႁ̦ 1.4MPa ոષ͈ાࣣ͉২̤ͅ࿚̵ࣣ̳̞͘ܐƢ 2)ଷࢄգႁ͈डఱ͉২ͅࢄ࿚̵ࣣ̞̯ئȃġ ġ ġ Pressure : Reducing Ƚ Maximum inlet pressure is governed by the ASME rating for the particular body material and endġ configuration. Care must be taken to insure the pressure dropġ acrossġ the valve is not so great as to causeġ a force unbalance which will interfere with the function of the regulator. 1) For inlet pressure above 1.4MPa, consult the factory. 2) Maximum reduced pressure, consult the factory. գȜΫΑȽ ව࢛࢛͍ݞգႁ͈डఱ͉২ͅࢄ࿚̵ࣣ̞̯ئƢ Back PressureȽ Maximum inlet and downstream pressure, consult the factory. ɘडఱଷࢄգႁଷࡠ͉২ͅࢄ࿚̵ࣣ̞̯ئƢ ɘMaximum Overall Pressure Limits, consult the factory. ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 11 ້௺ Accessories ܨȜΫΑ͈ાࣣ͉ͅȂτΆντȜΗ͉ͺ·ΙνȜΗ ̦̠ͥ̈́͢ͅͅئନ̢ັ̫̳͘ȃ̷̠̳̭ͥ͂̽̀͢ͅΘͼ μέρθ͉ާੀକ̽̀͢ͅ༗ࢌ̯̭̳ͦͥ͂̈́ͤ͘ͅȃ̷ͦ ո͈ٸાࣣ͉Ȃഐ୨̈́Ψςͺͬ୭̫ͥຈါ̦̜̳ͤ͘ȃ On steam service, the regulators should be installed with the actuator down so that the diaphragm will be protected by a condensate barrier. If installed otherwise, an adequate condensate barrier must be incorporated. ΏȜσεΛΠ ၠఘ͈أഽ̦ 100Ɏ಼̢ͬͥဥഷͅ 500Ȃ500-50R ΏςȜΒ͈ τΆντȜΗͬঀဥ̳ͥાࣣ͉ͅȂ͈ࣞأၠఘ̦Θͼμέρ θ̭ͦͥ͂ͬͅཡ̪̹͛ͅȂئ͈̠̈́͢ΏȜσεΛΠͬ ୭̫̳͘ȃࣞأၠఘ͈գႁ͉ΏȜσεΛΠ͈ಎ́ુ͈أΏȜ σ͈סգႁͅ౾̧̢۟ͣͦ̀Θͼμέρθͅ൵̥̳ͦ͘ȃ ΏȜσεΛΠͬ୭̧̫͉ͥ͂ͅȂεΛΠඤ໐ȂΘͼμέρθ ඤ͍ݞ൵գ͉ۯΏȜσ̞̯ئ̱̹̀ྖ́סȃ ୭ࠗգႁȇġ 3.5 MPaG ऺġ ġ ৗȇġ STPT 370,ġ ːB Sch.4 Seal Pot In case of 500, 500-50R series regulators are used for the fluid of high temperature over 100Ɏ, Seal Pot will be installed below drawing to prevent the fluid from contacting with the diaphragm. The fluid used as medium in the Seal Pot is led to the diaphragm instead of the fluid of high temperature. Design Pressure ; 3.5 MPaG Material ; JIS STPT 370, 4” Sch.40 ΞέυϋΘͼͺέρθίυΞ·Η ίυΓΑၠఘ̦ດΘͼμέρθͅచ̱̀ࢡ̱̩̞̈́͘ાࣣ ͉ͅȂΘͼμέρθ͈ષͅΞέυϋୋ͈ΘͼμέρθȆίυ Ξ·Η̱̳ͬ͘ȃ̭ͦͤ͢ͅȂၠఘ͉ೄ୪Θͼμέρθ ̭̦̩ͦͥ͂̈́ͅΘͼμέρθ͈ྵͬಿ̩༗̻̳͘ȃ Teflon Diaphragm Protectors Teflon diaphragm protectors are available for applications where the process fluid and standard diaphragm are not compatible. Teflon protector will be put onto the diaphragm for long life to prevent the diaphragm from contacting with the fluid directly. Seal Pot ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT 12 ༹͍ݞৗၾນ Dimensions and Weights 40C ߿ ͍ݞ42C ߿ ġ Model 40C and 42Cġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ unitȈ̉̉ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Range ; 0.0017㹼0.034 MPa Appro. Weight ; 45kg Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Range ; 0.014㹼0.105 MPa 0.069㹼0.24 MPa Appro.Weight ; 40kg Ranges ; 0.17㹼0.69 MPa 0.485㹼1.72 MPa 1.38㹼3.10 MPa 2.07㹼4.48 MPa 2.07㹼4.20 MPa Appro. Weight ; 35kg Dimensionsġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ unitȈmm A2ġ ġ Flanged Valve ASME Aˍ RangesȈ 0.014 ȡ 0.105 Size Class Threaded RangesȈ 0.17ȡ 0.69, 1.38ȡ3.10 (MPa) 0.485ȡ1.72, 2.07ȡ4.48 2.07ȡ4.20 (MPa) 0.069 ȡ 0.24 1/2”ġ ȡ1” 184 273 314 ȡ600 162 273 ȡ600 Ƚ 314 11/2”ȡ2” ȡ300 Ƚ Ƚ 346 ȡ600 Ƚ Ƚ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 13 ⾲グᑍἲཬࡧ㉁㔞ࡣཧ⪃⏝࡛ࡍࠋ/ Dimensions, Weights noted throughout text are reference only. ༹͍ݞৗၾນ Dimensions and Weights Modes 525 and 526 ġ Dimensions Ratings Valve Size ASME JIS 150 10 300 20 3/4” 600 40 150 10 1” 300 20 600 40 150 10 11/2” 300 20 600 40 150 10 2” 300 20 21/2” 3” 4” 600 150 300 600 150 300 600 150 300 600 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 Flanged 184 194 206 184 197 210 222 235 251 254 267 286 276 292 311 298 317 337 352 368 394 A Threaded 153 Welding 210 109 unit ; mm H St’d Ex. 138 246 153 210 109 138 246 203 251 132 152 269 235 286 148 181 286 B Net Body Weights Actuator not included unit;kg Valve Size Ƚ 311 160 192 297 Ƚ 337 194 231 326 Ƚ 394 203 235 343 3/4” 1” 11/2” 2” 21/2” 3” 4” ASME Class 150, 300 600 15 16 22 30 41 55 77 16 17 24 36 47 67 109 ġ Model 535C Dimensions Ratings Valve Size ASME JIS 150 10 3/4” 300 20 600 40 150 10 300 20 1” 600 40 150 10 11/2” 300 20 600 40 150 10 2” 300 20 600 40 Flanged 184 194 206 184 197 210 222 235 251 254 267 286 unit ; mm H St’d Ex. A Threaded Welding 210 210 65 140 255 210 210 65 140 255 251 251 78 140 255 286 286 B 89 140 255 ⾲グᑍἲཬࡧ㉁㔞ࡣཧ⪃⏝࡛ࡍࠋ/ Dimensions, Weights noted throughout text are reference only. 14 Net Body Weights Actuator not included unit;kg Valve Size 3/4” 1” 11/2” 2” ASME Class 150, 300 600 15 16 15 16 22 24 26 29 ͺ·ΙνȜΗ Actuatorsġ ġ ġ ġ unitȈ̉̉ or kg ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT With Adaptor of Rc3/8xRc1/2 or 3/8NPTx1/2NPT With Adaptor of Rc3/8xRc1/2 or 3/8NPTx1/2NPT Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT ນ༹ܱ͍ݞৗၾ͉४ࣉဥ̳́ȃ ġ Dimensions , Weights noted throughout text are reference only. 15 ༹͍ݞৗၾນ Dimensions and Weights ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ unit ; mm 30-4 ߿ίτΛΏλΨρϋΑΨσήġ ġ ġ ġ ġ Model 30-4 Pressure Balanced Valvesġ ġ ġ ນ༹ܱ͍ݞৗၾ͉४ࣉဥ̳́ȃ Dimensions noted throughout text are reference only. Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT Rc1/2 or 1/2NPT E Valve Size 3/4” 1” 11/2” 2” 3” 4” Ratings ASME JIS 150 10 300 20 150 10 300 20 150 10 300 20 150 10 300 20 10 150 300 20 150 10 300 20 A B C D E G 184 194 184 197 222 235 254 267 298 317 352 368 109 292 381 124 75 109 292 381 124 75 132 305 381 137 75 148 335 381 167 96 194 392 445 205 102 203 401 445 214 102 PN: FTP2013-CA018 Rev. 2 (06/2014) Bulletin No. E_Regulators_BY5010JE Rev. E