KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY MANASA GANGOTHRI MYSORE-570006 DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MSc in Information Technology NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before you answer. 1. Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of your answer of each subject. 2. You should answer all Questions under each paper. 3. You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper. 4. Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected. 5. After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put them in a cover and send it to the address given below (Preferably in a long book). 6. Assignment cover should be super scribed by “Assignment for MSc-Information Technology –Third-Semester” and write your Roll number and Name. 7. Your assignment should reach to: Chairperson, Department of Studies in Information Technology, Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangothri, Mysore-570006. 8. Assignments should reach us on or before April 30th 2014 The assignments received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further extension is allowed. Also browse the website www.ksoumysore.edu.in for further details(Timetable for contact program will be hosted shortly). 9. Assignment sent to any other address of the University will not be valued. 10. The students are ADVICED TO KEEP A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENTS with them and submit it in case the University demands the same. Note: Test will be conducted for TEN marks during the contact program for all the subjects. MSIT 113: COMPUTER NETWORKS 1. Briefly explain the functions of different layers in OSI model. 2. Explain IPv4 datagram. 3. Explain process to process communication. 4. Explain RTP pocket format. MSIT 114: OOPS WITH JAVA 1. What is object oriented programming? Explain its key concepts. 2. Explain Garbage collection in detail and mention its use? 3. Explain overloading methods in java. 4. Explain about Multiple threads in detail. MSIT 115: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 1. What is a Software Process Model? Explain its requirement in software development 2. Explain different project estimation techniques. 3. Compare and contrast analysis and design of software activities 4. Differentiate between code review and code testing MSIT 116B: E-COMMERCE 1. Explain various types of e-commerce models. 2. Explain the life cycle of Site building from Page to Stage with neat diagram. 3. What is Electronic Payment Media? Explain different Methods of Payment Media. 4. Explain Internet Marketing Techniques. MSIT 116C: DATA MINING/DATA WAREHOUSING 1. Explain process of building Data Warehouses. 2. How do you mine frequent patterns without candidate generation? 3. Explain SPADE algorithm. 4. Write short notes on fuzzy theory and its applications. MSIT 117: COMPUTER NETWORKS PRACTICALS 1. Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16bit) 2. Write a Program to implement Leaky Bucket MSIT 118: OOPS WITH JAVA PRACTICALS 1. Write a program to implement bank transaction 2. Write a program to implement Multilevel inheritance in Java