Instructions for Assignment Submission Assignment tek

Instructions for Assignment Submission
Assignment tek djus ds fy;s funsZ'k
This assignment carryies 10 questions in each paper.
çR;sd assignment esa dqy 10 ç'u fn;s x;s gSA
Six questions are compulsary to attempt from each paper.
çR;sd assignment esa 6 ç'u dk gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA
All questions carry 5 marks.
çR;sd ç'u ds fy;s 5 vad fu/kkZfjr fd;s x;s gSA
Answer should not be less than 500 words.
çR;sd ç'u dk gy U;wure 500 'kCnks esa nsuk vfuok;Z gSA
Assignments should be in student’s own handwriting.
fo|kFkhZ }kjk gLrfyf[kr Assignments gh Lohdkj fd;k tkosxkA
Assignment should be submitted on A4 size plain papers.
fo|kFkhZ Assignments gsrq A44 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt dk gh mi;ksx djsAa
Each assignment should be submitted along with given Assignment Submission
çR;sd Assignments ds 'kq:vkr esa Assignment Submission Form yxkuk vfuok;Z gSA
Assignment Submission Form should be properly filled.
Assignment Submission Form iw.kZ:is.k Hkjk gksuk pkfg;sA
Student must get the receiving of the submission slip.
fo|kFkhZ Assignments tek djus dh Receipt vo'; çkIr djsA
Student can solve assignment in either medium ENGLISH or HINDI (Except Language
fo|kFkhZ viuh lqfo/kkuqlkj fgUnh vFkok baxfy’k ek/;e dk pquko dj ldrk gSA ¼Hkk"kk ds assignment
dks NksMdj½
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
egf"kZ osn foKku & izFke
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
iz’u 1
nSfud thou esa xq: ,oa iwtu dk D;k egÙo gS fyf[k;sA
iz’u 2
/;ku D;k gS] Hkkokrhr /;ku D;k gS] eu dk /;ku esa D;k egRo gSA
iz’u 3
osn foKku ds fdrus {ks= gSA izFke nl ds uke fy[kdj ekuo ’kjhj esa budh vfHkO;fDrA
iz’u 4
psruk D;k gS] ,oa fdrus izdkj dh gSA pkSFkh voLFkk dh fo’ks"krk,¡ fyf[k,A
iz’u 5
Hkkokrhr /;ku dh nSfud thou esa D;k mi;ksfxrk gS] le>kb;sA
iz’u 6
;ksx dk vFkZ fy[ksa ,oa fuEu vkluksa ls D;k ykHk gS Hkqtx
a &vklu] gLrikn&vklu] cztklu]
’koklu] fyf[k;sA
iz’u 7
flf) D;k gS] Hkkokrhr /;ku ,oa flf) esa vUrj fyf[k;sA
iz’u 8 ds izdkj fyf[k;s ,oa Ikjk ds {ks= dks le>k;sa tks iw.kZ tkxzfr dk {ks= gSA
iz’u 9
oSfnd izao/ku D;k gS] oSfnd izo/a kku }kjk vkn’kZ usr`Ro lEHko gS\ fyf[k;sA
iz’u 10
oSfnd izao/ku ,oa vk/kqfud izo/ku esa D;k vUrj gS] oSfnd izo/a ku dk ^^lrksxq.k** vk/kkj gS] Li"V
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Fundamentals of Computer And Information Technology
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Draw and explain the block diagram of computer.
Q. 2
Explain generations of computer.
Q. 3
What is the difference between Impact and Non impact printers? Give one
example of each.
Q. 4
Differentiate between RAM and ROM?
Q. 5
Define Operating System? Why it is necessary for a computer.
Q. 6
How multiprocessing is different from multiprogramming.
Q. 7
Explain LAN and WAN with example.
Q. 8
What is the importance of Information technology in modern organization?
Q. 9
Differentiate VGA, SVG and XGA.
Q. 10
What is Internet? Explain about various internet Applications.
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Application Programming in FoxPro
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Explain the utility of following commands:
commands:(i) APPEND (ii)) APPEND BLANK
Q. 2
What is indexing? Explain Command for indexing a file.
Q. 3
What are functions? List the name and use of any 5 data handling functions.
Q. 4
Write a program to input 10 numbers and print the biggest and smallest number.
Q. 5
What is sorting? Explain command to sort a file.
Q. 6
Write use of following functions:
functions:(i) STR ( ) (ii) LEN ( )
Q. 7
What is work area? How different work areas are assigned while handling
multiple file.
Q. 8
What is the main difference between set relation & Join Commands?
Q. 9
What is the utility of multiple file handling in FoxPro?
Q. 10
What is the difference between “@” and “@
GET” Commands. Explain with
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
PC Package
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Explain paragraph formatting steps in MS
Q. 2
What is mail merge? Explain steps of Mail Merge.
Q. 3
Explain cell formatting steps for MS – Excel.
Q. 4
What do you mean by Macros? How macros are deleted from MS-Word?
Q. 5
For replacing a particular word with another word from a file, what steps will you
follow? Explain
Q. 6
Explain steps for creatin
creating chart in MS-Excel.
Q. 7
Create a balance sheet for your centre and explain steps for entering a formula.
Q. 8
What are necessary steps for making a slide in the power point?
Q. 9
Explain MIME protocol.
Q. 10
Write down steps for setting up multiple E-mail
mail accounts on a single machine.
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Financial Accounting With Tally
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Basic Concept of Accounting Financial Statements.
Q. 2
How you will Maintain Company data ?
Q. 3
What do you mean by Invoice? Explain .
Q. 4
How you will use voucher class ?
Q. 5
What do you mean by Trial Balance Account books ?
Q. 6
Explain Reversing journals, optional voucher, and post –dates
dates vouchers.
Q. 7
Explain Stock item behavior using costing and market valuation method.
Q. 8
What do you mean by Zero valued entries .explain with example.
Q. 9
Explain Common Printing options.
Q. 10
Explain the concept of EE-mail.
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Oops And Programming With C++
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
What do mean by OOPs and explain its characteristics ?
Q. 2
What are differences between C and C++?
Q. 3
Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with example.
Q. 4
What is operator over loading? Give example for Binary operator overloading.
Q. 5
Write a program for finding a factorial of a given number
Q. 6
Write a program for swapping of two integers without using third variable.
Q. 7
What is class in C++ and Explain polymorphism ?
Q. 8
What are constructor and destructor f? Explain with example .
Q. 9
Write a program for addition of a complex number (x+iy) by using class.
Q. 10
What is Inheritance? How many types of Inheritance in C++ ?
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Internet And EE- Commerce
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Explain the meaning of Data communication .
Q. 2
Q. 3
What are the features of HTML ?
Q. 4
Explain Macromedia Dream Weaver.
Q. 5
What do you mean by variable, expression and functions in JavaScript?
Q. 6
Write short Notes on
(i) WAN (ii) FTP
Q. 7
Explain the concept of Telnet.
Q. 8
What are advantage and disadvantage of EE-Commerce ?
Q. 9
Describe Electronic payment system.
Q. 10
Explain Internet and EE-business.
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Introduction To Asp.Net & C#
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
Explain Overview of ASP.NET framework.
Q. 2
How you will create a multiform web project
Q. 3
Explain server Side validation.
Q. 4
Explain client Side validation.
Q. 5
Explain Architecture of ADO.NET.
Q. 6
How you will Display data on web form using Data bound controls?
Q. 7
What do you mean by XML? Explain.
Q. 8
What is SOAP?
Q. 9
What is structure of C# program?
Q. 10
How C# is differ from JAVA
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education
July 2011 - June 2012
Advance Diploma in Computer Application ((ADCA)
Paper Code
Paper Name
Oops And Programming With C++
Maximum Marks
Attempt any six questions.
dksbZ 6 ç'uks dk gy djsAa
Q. 1
What do mean by OOPs and explain its characteristics.
Q. 2
What are differences between C and C++?
Q. 3
Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with example.
Q. 4
What is operator over loading? Give example for Binary operator overloading.
Q. 5
Write a program for finding a factorial of a given number.
Q. 6
Write a program for swapping of two integers without using third variable.
Q. 7
What is class in C++ and Explain polymorphism?
Q. 8
What are constructor and destructor f? Explain with example.
Q. 9
Write a program for addition of a complex number (x+iy) by using class.
Q. 10
What is Inheritance? How many types of Inheritance in C++?
| MMYVV |Directorate of Distance Education