This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at the College of DuPage for students transferring with a major in Economics to one of Illinois’ public universities. It is assumed that students will be working with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in selecting their courses. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer university to verify requirements and transfer of courses. This guide considered only courses relevant to transferring with a major in Economics. This guide does not consider other courses that might be required at the transfer institution. The information was obtained from the web site of the universities for the academic year 2012-2013. Students are strongly encouraged to review the home page for the Department of Economics from several public and private institutions. Resources on these sites include information on undergraduate careers in Economics and FAQ (frequently asked questions). Information is provide for the following: Chicago State University Eastern Illinois University Illinois State University Northeastern Illinois University Northern Illinois University Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Southern Illinois University at Carbondale University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Springfield University of Illinois at Chicago Western Illinois University (Governors State University does not have a program in Economics) CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Geography, Sociology, Economics and Anthropology 321 Williams Science Center Chicago, Illinois 60628 TEL: (773) -995-2186 Department of Economics home page for undergraduate majors Economics requirements from college catalogue Chicago State University College of DuPage ECON 1010: Principles of Economics I: Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 1020: Principles of Economics II: Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy MATH 2200: Linear Algebra MATH 2245: Linear Algebra MATH 1400: Basic Calculus Check whether MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences is equivalent 3 credit hours in additional mathematics or computer science selected with approval of department 9 credit hours in business selected with approval of department Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Department of Economics Charleston, Illinois 61920 Coleman Hall 600 Lincoln Avenue TEL: (217) 581-5429 Department of Economics home page for undergraduate majors Eastern Illinois University Department of Economics home page College of DuPage ECN 2801G: Principles of Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECN 2802G: Principles of Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECN 3971: Statistics Applied to Economics I or MAT 3701: Probability & Statistics I or BUS 2810: Business Statistics I or other equivalent course subject to Economics Department approval Check whether MATH 1635: Statistics is equivalent MAT 1441G: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I or MAT 2110G: Brief Calculus with Applications MATH: 2120G: Finite Mathematics or MATH: 2550: Introduction to Linear Algebra MATH 2231: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I or MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences MATH 1533: Finite Mathematics or MATH 2245: Linear Algebra Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Economics Stevenson Hall 425 TEL: (309) 438-8625 page for undergraduate studies Normal, Illinois 61790 Department of Economics home Department of Economics home page Illinois State University College of DuPage ECON 105: Principles of Economics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy and ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy * ECON 138: Economic Reasoning Using Statistics MAT 121: Introduction to Calculus for Business and Social Science or MAT 145: Calculus I Check with department whether MATH: 1635: Statistics will be accepted as equivalent MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences or MATH 2231: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I * ECONO 2200: Principles of Economics at College of DuPage is not equivalent to Illinois State University’s ECON 105. COD’s ECONO 2200 is a three credit course for non economics majors. ISU’s ECON 105 is a four credit course. All graduates of the College of Arts (which included Economics) must satisfy a foreign language graduation requirement. The requirement may be met by completion of three years of one foreign language in high school or completion of the second semesters or higher of college-level foreign language with a grade of passing. While not a requirement, the following two courses are suggested: ACC 131: Financial Accounting ACCOU 1140: Financial Accounting ACC 132: Managerial Accounting ACCOU 1150: Managerial Accounting Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Department of Economics 5500 North St. Louis Avenue Room 346 Chicago, Illinois TEL: (773) 442-5690 Bernard Brommel Hall Department of Economics home page Northeastern Illinois University College of DuPage ECON 215: Principle of Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 217: Principle of Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 220: Business and Economics Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics MATH 165: Finite Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences MATH 1533: Finite Mathematics MATH 163: Mathematical Modeling with Elementary Functions for Business Check whether MATH:2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences is equivalent Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Department of Economics TEL: (815) 753-1031 Zulauf Hall 515 DeKalb, IL 60115 Department of Economics home page home page for undergraduate studies Northern Illinois University B.A. and B.S. Degrees: Department of Economics College of DuPage ECON 260: Principles of Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 261: Principles of Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy B.S. Degree: Option One or Option Two Option One: MATH 210: Finite Mathematics MATH 1533: Finite Mathematics MATH 211: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences STAT 301: Elementary Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics CSCI 210: Elementary Programming or CSCI 230: Computer Programming for Fortran Option Two MATH 229: Calculus I CIS 2480: Fortran for Scientific Programming Applications MATH 2231: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I MATH 230: Calculus II MATH 2232: Calculus and Analytical Geometry II STAT 350: Introduction to Probability and Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics (OVER) Northern Illinois University College of DuPage B. A. Degree:* STAT 208: Basic Statistics or STAT 301: Elementary Statistics or UBUS 223: Introduction to Business Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics MATH 1635: Statistics * Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree must demonstrate competence in a foreign language equivalent to that attained in two years of college instruction. Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY – CARBONDALE Dept. of Economics Farner Hall 4121 1000 Farner Drive Carbondale, IL Tel: (618)-536-7746 629091 Department of Economics home page Department of Economics home page for undergraduate majors Southern Illinois University – Carbondale College of DuPage Econ 240: Introduction to Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 241: Introduction to Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy Five College of Liberal Arts electives chosen in consultation with major advisors Contact Economics Department for freshman/ sophomore recommended/required mathematics and statistics courses. Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. (OVER) Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are c SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY – EDWARDSVILLE Department of Business and Economics Alumni Hall Edwardsville, Illinois 62026 TEL: (618) 650-2542 Room 3129 Department of Economics and Business home page Department of Economics home page for undergraduate majors Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville College of DuPage ECON 111: Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 112: Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy MS 250: Mathematical Methods for Business Analysis Check whether MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences is equivalent MS 251: Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions Check whether MATH 1635: Statistics is equivalent Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (0VER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS – CHICAGO Department of Economics 725 University Hall (UH) Chicago, Illinois Tel: (312) 996-2683 Department of Economics home page home page for undergraduate majors Department of Economics University of Illinois – Chicago College of DuPage ECON 120: Principles of Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 121: Principles of Macroeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy MATH 160: Finite Mathematics for Business* MATH 1533: Finite Mathematics MATH 180: Calculus I * MATH 2221: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I ECON 270: Statistics for Economics Check with Department whether MATH 1635: Statistics is equivalent *The U of I – Chicago is in the process of changing mathematics requirements, effective fall 2014. Check web site for updated requirements. Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS – SPRINGFIELD Economics Department University Hall 4049 College of Business and Management University of Illinois at Springfield One University Plaza, MS UHB 4049 Springfield, Illinois 62703 TEL:(217) 206-7174 Department of Economics home page for undergraduate majors University of Illinois – Springfield College of DuPage ACC 211: Introduction to Financial Accounting ACCOU 1140: Financial Accounting ACC 212: Introduction to Managerial Accounting ACCOU 1150: Managerial Accounting ECO 201: Introduction to Microeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECO 202: Introduction to Macroeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECO 213: Statistics for Business and Economics MATH 1635: Statistics MAT 113: Business Calculus (recommended) or MAT 114: Finite Math MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Science or MATH 1533: Finite Mathematics A behavior science course (e.g. Psychology, Sociology) Refer to COD course listing Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS – URBANA Department of Economics 214 David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory Urbana, Illinois 61801 econ@illinois.ed TEL: (217) 333 -0120 Department of Economics home page home page for undergraduate majors Department of Economics Degree requirements for an undergraduate degree in Economics micsRequirements52611.pdf worksheet requirements for major in Economics University of Illinois – UC College of DuPage ECON 102: Micro Principles ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 103: Macro Principles ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 202: Economic Statistics I MATH 1635: Statistics * MATH 220: Calculus or MATH 221: Calculus I: MATH 2231: Calculus and Analytical Geometry I MATH 231: Calculus II MATH 2232: Calculus and Analytical Geometry II *U of I gives credit for either ECON 202 or STAT 100: Statistics. COD has no equivalent to ECON 202 but COD’s MATH 1635 is equivalent to U of I’s STAT 100. COD’s ECONO 2000: Principle of Economics is not equivalent to U of I’s ECON 101: Introduction to Economics. ECON 101 at the University of Illinois is a four credit course equivalent to their ECON 102 and 103. COD’s ECONO 2000 is a three credit course and is not equivalent to our ECONO 2201 and ECONO 2202. (OVER) Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics. WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Economics and Decision Sciences Stipes Hall 430 Macomb, IL 61455 TEL: (309) 298-1153 1 University Drive Bachelor of Arts home page for undergraduate majors in Economics Department of Economics and Decision Sciences home page Western Illinois University College of DuPage ECON 231: Principles of Microeconomics ECONO 2201: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy ECON 232: Principles of Microeconomics ECONO 2202: Microeconomics and the Global Economy STAT 171: Elementary Statistics MATH 1635: Elementary Statistics MATH 137: Applied Calculus I MATH 2134: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences Students planning to purse an advanced degree in Economics are encouraged to seek advisement from a full time member of the Economics faculty in selecting mathematics courses. (OVER) This information serves as a guide for the selection of courses at COD for a student transferring with a major in Economics to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for contacting the transfer institution to verify requirements and transfer of courses. Students are encouraged to work with a full time member of the Economics and/or Counseling faculty in planning their selection of courses at the College of DuPage. Additional Resources: American Economics Association’s Economics for College Students Occupational Handbook for Economists from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Check out the home page of the Department of Economics at several four-year institutions. These sites provide valuable information for Economics majors, regardless of the transfer institution. Among the information provided on many of these sites are career resources in the field of Economics