Officer of the Hussars - Theodore Gericault - Shagya

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
March 2011
… ASAV Jumpstart 2010 … ASAV International
foals ...
… ASAV member rides ...
Officer of the Hussars - Theodore Gericault
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 2
ASAV President’s Corner
We have begun
the 2011 season
and it looks
bright for ASAV.
The Board of
Directors has
scheduled most
By Kilian Dill
events for the
year. Our main focus this year will be
promotion and growth.
have been speaking with manufacturers/vendors of endurance & horse
products for either donations or discounted purchases. The plan is to sell
off these items in various raffles at these events. Already we have come to
agreement with the manufacturers of
Easy Boots and endurance gloves.
This fund raising & promotional concept is bound to expand.
Our registry continues to grow at a
phenomenal pace. If we could measure the registry growth in terms of DNA
testing performed, we pass with flying
colors. Our end of the year (2010) bill
from the University of Kentucky for the
DNA testing of our horses in the registration process totaled about $800.
That says it all. The registry continues
to expand.
Once again, ASAV will have a National
Meeting. This will be six years in a row
that ASAV has assembled this event
for its membership. The meeting for
2011 will be at Amara Farms in Morgan Hill , CA. Amara Farms is owned
by Carolyn Tucker and is the home of
Oman. Becky Hart will be our featured
speaker. The California Hussar Regiment will put on a horsemanship display. Also invited to attend are Jeremy
This year we made an effort to bring in Reynolds and Potato Richardson. The
member's dues as early and quickly as event commences on April 29th and
possible and we have succeeded. The ends on Sunday May 1st.
number of renewals by the end of January equals those through the middle
ISG will also consider our application
of last year. Surprisingly, we have
for membership this coming Septemmany new members and we continue ber. The situation looks very promisto bring them into the organization.
We look forward to an excellent recruiting year.
An emphasis this year will be promotion. We had an excellent display/
booth set up at the Pacific Northwest
Endurance Rides meeting this past
January (see story within the newsletter). At that meeting, ASAV also provided PNER with several raffle items,
one being a breeding to Odin PFF.
We also had a presence at the AERC
meeting, where we presented an
award to Kristen Camper. ASAV became a proud Silver Sponsor of AERC;
this gives us name recognition in the
endurance community. Another National meeting ASAV where plans to
obtain a promotional booth is the AHA
Sporthorse nationals. Look for our
booth at this event in Kentucky.
Kilian Dill
ASAV President
NW Director
Inside this issue:
President’s Corner
Endurance News
Hussar Article
O’Bajan Article Addendum
International News
2011 Annual Meeting
CA SCID Update
Membership Stories
Jumpstart Update
In Memory
Jumpstart News Release
Contact ASAV
the office. Lifetime Member, Darlene
Steven felt it was necessary to give up
her duties as Treasurer, stating her
family and farm needed to be her priority. Darlene remains on the BOD as a
founding member of ASAV and we
thank her for her dedication to the organization.
As ASAV continues to grow, it has become necessary to delegate the business of the organization. A Finance
Committee has recently been appointed to create a formal budget for each
Message from the Vice President year and provide an oversight to ensure that everything is running smoothIt seems like yesterday Karla and I
were finishing up the translation of the ly on a current and regular basis. All
O'Bajan article. A few days ago we fine current information, address and fees
tuned another article from our Hungari- are listed on the website.
an friends about the Hungarian Hussars which we think you will really en- Don't forget to nominate your horse in
joy. Now it is March and we are getting the Awards program. We cheer your
performance efforts but cannot reward
ready for the National meeting next
you unless your horse has been enmonth in California. Our membership
tered into the program.
drive gathering renewals and new
members has been productive.
Ride smart!
Valerie Bullock
The Treasury officer has recently
For the last two events of the year, we changed and we welcome lifetime
ASAV Vice President
will try a new fund raising concept. We member, Elisha Morehead who will fill Region 2 BOD
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
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Endurance News
Another great distance riding season for two Shagyas, SA Te Jat
and WineGlass Debonair
tition miles to over 1,300 miles, and he superstar. He just completed his very
has completed every ride he‘s started first 75 miler, came in 6th and the 5
ahead of us were very seasoned horse
and rider teams.
For 2010, Chris and WineGlass Debonair placed as reserve champion in the My story. It took almost a year of many
AERC Heavyweight Division for the
tears from me, numerous meltdowns
Midwest Region, 7th in the Heavy(for both of us), a few too many resweight Division for the Upper Midwest cues from my husband at some trailEndurance and Competitive Rides As- head, my husband saying ―that I needsociation (UMECRA) and 6th in endur- ed to find him another home‖ before he
ance for the Partbred division of the
was able to compete at his first ride.
Arabian Horse Distance Riding Associ- Fortunately for me after a night of cryation (AHDRA).. Debonair achieved a ing, my husband would change his
―Best Condition‖ awards in a limited
mind and he would say ... ―he can stay,
distance event this year.
we will try some more. Not sure if it
was because I looked so terrible from
Finally, Hungarian Bikaver, which we
crying all night or he felt bad for JoJo.
consider--being Hungarian--to be an
honorary Shagya, reached the 2,000
After I brought him home (even though
mile threshold for distance competitive my husband really didn‘t want me to) I
riding this year.
started doing a little digging and discovered much about his history. We
These are wonderful horses that enjoy didn‘t know just how much and for how
being on the trail and challenge of dis- long he had been abused, how many
tance riding.
homes he had been through and who
eventually trained him. We found out
Marty Power and 12 year-old SA Te
he had spent just about a year with the
Jat completed 580 miles this year in
breeders of my older Polish Arabian
distance riding, 520 of which were in
and this is where his luck started to
endurance rides. This brought Te Jat‘s
change, but he still had so much to
total distance riding competition miles
overcome. But they were able to really
to over 3,500. Te Jat received the
tell us about his life.
ASAV award for reaching the 3,000
mile threshold, and that award with the but I wouldn‘t trade Josada for anypicture of Marty and Te Jat is certainly thing in the world. I don‘t think anyone He came from a breeder in the Sisters,
ever plans to ―rescue‖ a horse but here OR area. Absolutely wonderful Polish
a favorite!
I am, 2 years later and have a little
Arabian bloodlines and sold as a stalFor 2010, Marty and SA Te Jat placed
AERC Lifetime miles for Shagyas
5th in the AERC Lightweight Division
for the Midwest Region, 8 in the
No. AERC # Miles
Owner Name
Lightweight Division for the Upper Mid- 1
1,955 MJL
Olivia Monique Vincent
west Endurance and Competitive
1,415 KS Rubin
Katherine Voyer
Rides Association (UMECRA) and 3
in endurance for the Partbred division
1,355 Piatti+/
Rebecca McCarty
Shagya Cross
of the Arabian Horse Distance Riding 4
Association (AHDRA). Te Jat
1,315 Ramona AF
Patricia Betts
achieved two ―Best Condition‖ awards 6
1,240 LC Nobelest
Michael Elias
in endurance this year as well.
1,165 Janos
Stephanie Fine
Chris Power and 7 year-old WineGlass 8
Debonair completed 555 miles this
year in distance riding, 470 of which
were in endurance rides. This brought
Deboniar‘s total distance riding compe-
Potato Richardson
Wineglass Omni Roger Rittenhouse
SMR Garcon
Shagya Cross
Potato Richardson
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 4
Endurance News (cont.)
lion prospect. This is where he would
endure 6 years of hell. From being
twitched (ears and nose) to being loaded with an electric cattle prod, plus I
think they really slapped him around
and I am sure there is so much more
that don‘t know. Then the breeder got
him back. He was a very mean, not
broke or gelded.
They enlisted the help of Jerry & Nancy Buell, of Buell Arabians and Jerry
worked miracles over the next year.
At this point JoJo was doing well and
had been seen by a little neighbor girl
who wanted to buy him, never owning
a horse, let alone an Arabian, plus one
that had been abused, not gelded and
not trained until he was six, they had
their hands full. She was soon diagnosed with Brittle Bone Disease and
could not ride so JoJo spent the next
year reverting back to his old ways in
the pasture. The family knew they
needed to sell him and his tack and
this is where I come into the picture ...
that darn classified ad for the saddle!
I looked at the saddle but not for long,
my attention was on JoJo. We communicated back and fourth with the family
for a few weeks and I had said I would
try and find a home for him. Soon however, he was at our home although I
was still looking for a permanent home,
maybe not looking too hard at this
point. Another few weeks passed when
they brought us his papers and a bill of
band did not want. My husband had
been volunteering at the out check. He
had been talking about us all morning
and how proud he was of us. This gal
told me ... ―I know who your husband is
and I know exactly who you and this
horse are‖ (at this point she did not
know our names), she continued on to
tell me the wonderful things he had
said about JoJo and how far he had
Bandit Springs, July 2009, 30 mile ride
He was a tired little guy.
We started the 2010 season in May
with the 25 mile LD at the Prineville
Ride. Then we did a 50 at the Sunriver
ride in June and he did so well. We
really had our tack, food and electrolytes worked out by then. We rode the
50 at Bandit in July and then we decided to try a slow 75 at Oregon 100 ...
well it wasn‘t too slow. I am so very
proud of my little JoJo. He
was the smallest Arab there
with the biggest heart and at
times set a pace as fast as the
big guys.
I learned that 75 miles is
much more difficult than 50.
He did get tired and sore
about half way through in his
rear hocks/hind end but we
did the first 25 miles in 3
hours and had lots of deep
sand so we slowed it down. I
even had my moments of
crankiness. I had a total of 5
vet checks, 3 out checks
Next was the 30 mile LD ride Bandit
Springs. We had a few challenges that
morning, almost pulled before we started but I am to blame. I camped right
near the starting line so he watched
the 100 milers, 80 milers and 50 milers
all leave camp. This sent him into a
huge wild panic attack. We couldn‘t
even tack him up so 20 minutes past
our start time and very colorful language I had decided that I should pull,
but my husband decided that he needEven though his abuse had stopped a ed attitude correction... it worked, I
couple of years before, I don‘t think he think he had gotten so worked up he
was truly rescued until he came into
couldn‘t function. He calmed down
our lives. I believe we rescued his soul. enough for me to throw his tack on, get
on and head down the trail. Out of
May 2009, our first endurance ride,
around 40 riders we came in 20th. He Oregon 100, September 2009, First 50 mile ride
The Prineville Ride. We did the 25 mile had so much energy.
LD and I cried for most of it because I
about 20 miles from camp and 2 in
was so proud of him. I got to the out
August came and we did the 30 mile
camp, I was more organized than I
check and someone asked me how
LD at the Santiam ride. He was so
have ever been. At first I thought the
many rides he had done. They were
hard on me wanting to go, he exhaust- vet check holds were too long but JoJo
amazed to hear this was his first. I
ed me so we tried our first 50 mile ride really needed them and recovered well
even said this is a horse that my husat the Oregon 100 in September 2009. after each one. He took his electrolytes
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 5
Endurance News (cont.)
like a trooper, ate, drank and pooped
really well. There were a few times that
I think he also got a little discouraged
too so we changed it up which also
helped him from getting sore, canter a
bit, walk, then trot and repeat then he
soon caught on and did this himself.
been out on the trails at night.
There were a few times that I think he
also got a little discouraged too so we
changed it up which also helped him
from getting sore, canter a bit, walk,
then trot and repeat then he soon
caught on and did this himself.
them pet him over the fence but he
sure lets me hang all over him. Every
morning my husband takes him out to
the pasture and every morning I ask
him how is JoJo ... and he says ―he is
just perfect!‖
Holly & Les Rouska, Terrebonne, OR
Proud Owners Of Priceless Art, 19 year old Polish
Arabian, Malavasia, 5 year old Shagya Arabian filly
and Josada, 11 year old Polish Arabian ...and I can’t
forget Chief, my husband’s 13 year old Mustang/
Quarter horse.
We went as fast as we could on
our last loop leaving camp at 6:00
pm with just 12.5 miles to go. At
about 7:30 pm I braced myself for Author's note; Josada is a Pb Arabian from Polish
lines. Even though he is not a ShA we thought this
a little rodeo before I turned on
a wonderful story of devotion, courage and
the headlamp but once again he was
commitment. Because of his Polish ancestry and
surprised me. I can just picture
their genetic infusion to the ShA, it speaks to the
same qualities in our breed.
what his expression was from
what I saw of the back of his
years and the tilt of his head ... I
turned it on and he perked his
head up, ears straight forward
Horus Learns Distance
and he looked right down where
by Kilian Dill
the headlamp was shining and
must have thought ... ―wow I can
As darkness was upon us we
walked down a rocky hill until we
hit common trail (part of the loop
back to camp) that we had ridden
2 times before so I felt comfortable trotting in the dark with just
This ride is basically flat so they tend to the small light from the headlamp. The
use the same muscles. Changing pac- last 5 miles I leaned as far forward as I
Kilian and Drena Dill’s horse
es throughout is important. He showed could to get the most light on the
like a champ at all of the vet checks
ground and off we went down the trail.
and I could have even showed for BC
I just kept saying to my boy ―please
Horus is second from the left. Dean is
but I did have a couple of "B" scores
don't fall.‖
riding him. Fall City! Linda, Dory, Dean
on my card so I decided not to and on
and Nikki! Of course I'm there, Fires
Sunday we found out that I had better He may always have concerns with his ears got in the shot!
scores than some of the folks that
mouth, ears and hind end. We use a
came in before me.
hack-a-more, no rear leg straps on his
blanket and no leg wraps on the rear
JoJo was a little tired that Sunday and I legs after a ride. He has had to adjust The Leibgard (palace officers) on Shagyas. They
guarded the Emperor and Empress of Austria/
was a bit sore. I was supposed to start to wearing rear interference boots but Hungary before WWI.
at 6:00 am but they had so many 100
always lets me know at the vet
and 75 milers, they didn't want them to checks how much he hates them
start at the same time so they changed with his stomping. We continue to
the 75 milers to 7:00 am. I knew I
learn and grow together.
would be coming in in the dark so I
Since JoJo came to live with us he
borrowed a headlamp from a fellow
has always been the first to come
rider and held off turning it on until I
in from the pasture to my husabsolutely needed it as we had not
band‘s whistle. Just last week our
practiced with it and neither of us had
neighbor girls said he won‘t let
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 6
Endurance News (cont.)
AERC Convention
March 4-6, 2011
by Kilian Dill
and vendors alike. Attached is a photo
of me speaking with veterinarian
Michael VanNoy. Dr. VanNoy developed APF (Advance Protection FormuThis year‘s AERC convention was held la) that is now marketed throughout the
world. Dr. VanNoy tells riders that the
in Reno, Nevada. ASAV has always
participated in the AERC convention as Dill's horses were the guinea pigs for
the early product formulation, as Mike
far back as I can remember. Once
again, ASAV is a proud Silver Sponsor was our veterinarian in the San Francisco Bay area. I also took the opporof AERC. As a result, we receive a
tunity to visit with additional vendors
number of benefits and were recog(EasyCare, Advanced Biological Connized throughout the event.
cepts, etc.) who pledged to donate
items for the various raffles that ASAV
During the awards banquet, ASAV is
will be holding. I was delighted to learn
always on the schedule to present a
―Shagya Breed Award‖. A plaque (or from vendors and riders that they knew
of ASAV and indicated that we are very
plaques) is presented to a member
active in the endurance field.
earning AERC High Points and High
Mileage. This years winner is Kristen
Camper riding Lily Creek Dancin. Kristen could not attend to accept the
award in person.
AERC awards banquet
The plaque awarded to Kristen Camper
With the exposure, recognition and
experience gained at both the PNER
and AERC National Meetings, ASAV is
poised to participate in several other
meetings throughout the year. These
meetings promise increased publicity
and improved fund raising for ASAV.
The AERC meeting is filled with numerous seminars and vendor shows.
It provides ASAV with an opportunity to
interact and communicate with riders
AERC High Mileage/Point Award
Don't forget to nominate your horse for
the 2011 awards!
Kilian Dill speaking to Dr. Michael VanNoy
Michelle Detmer on SA Tucana
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 7
Endurance News (cont.)
ASAV at the PNER 2011 in Portland, Oregon
by Denis Atam
ASAV participated in the 2011 PNER (Pacific North-West Endurance Riders) Conference from Jan. 21st until Jan. 23rd,
2011, Portland, Oregon as one of ASAV at the PNER 2011 in Portland, Oregon—by Denis Atam:
ASAV participated in the 2011 PNER (Pacific North-West Endurance Riders) Conference from Jan. 21st until Jan. 23rd,
2011, Portland, Oregon as one of the event exhibitors. The ASAV booth attracted a lot of visitors, who inquired about:
- Shagya-Arabians
- ASAV as Organization & Registry in North America & Canada
- Shagya-Arabian Breeders - specifically in the North-West & Canada
- ASAV Jump-Start-Program
- The forthcoming ASAV Annual Meeting end of April in California
- and much more ...
The following brochures & handouts were available at the ASAV booth:
- Overview about Shagyas
- ASAV as Organization for the Registration of Shagyas and
Shagya Outcrosses
- ASAV Publications and previous Newsletters
- ASAV Jump-Start Program 2011
- Shagya Calendars & Pictures
- Other Publications &
ASAV had a large flat-screen monitor, where several slideshows
continuously were shown. The pictures about the National Stud Babolna and the Babolna Shagya-Arabians attracted the highest attention. It was again interesting to see people walking by and stopping to watch the slide show or video and then further
inquiring about the Shagya-Arabians and subsequently ASAV. The ASAV Studbook was available and received also a
lot of attention & kudos. Some of the visitors never had seen a Studbook before.
ASAV received multiple inquiries, where
Shagyas can be found, standing at farms &
ranches of ASAV members & breeders in the
Pacific North-West region. ASAV gave references to related inquires.
As in previous years, we had several people signing up for a membership with ASAV, and several ASAV members renewed their 2011 membership during the event. We received a lot of positive feedback and encouragement.
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 8
Hungarian Hussars in North and South America
Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler#
Gedeon Richter Plc., H-2510 Dorog,
Esztergomi út. 27., Hungary
Zsuzsanna Reményi#
Ilona Zrínyi School,
H-2510 Dorog, Bécsi út. 45., Hungary
Pulaski (Kazimierz Pułaski in Polish) (2,3).
The Hungarian major wrote to Benjamin
Franklin a request: as a professional
soldier, volunteered his services as a
commander and organizer of light
cavalry. Major Kovats was brigadier
general and commander-in-chief of
Washington's cavalry. Those days
Pulaski's cavalry was poorly trained. In
1778, Pulaski proposed a plan for the
formation of a training division of hussars.
Michael Kováts was named colonel
commandant of the legion on April 18,
1778 and he was finally given the
opportunity to train Pulaski's cavalry(3).
immigrants who were in the United States
at this time (mainly immigrants of the
Hungarian War of Independence in
1848), 800 served in the Union Army” (2,3)
Among them were forty officiers of which
seven reached the rank of general(2).
Col. Charles Zágonyi arrived in the USA
The origin of Shagya Arabians is
connected to the history of cavalry. They
are rooted from purebred desert Arabians
more than 200 years ago, resulting from
selective breeding and performance
testing when the Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy needed a superior cavalry On February 2, 1779, the legion marched
to South Carolina to join the forces of
General Benjamin Lincoln. During the
long march smallpox took its toll: only
History is often suprising and
150 soldiers arrived in Charleston. In the
unforeseeable. For illustration some
battle on May 11, 1779 in Charleston,
examples are collected here on
South Carolina, Colonel Michael Kovats
Hungarian hussars (cavalry men) who
lost his life in the war for American
fought for freedom and some of them
independence. He was buried there (2,3).
influenced the history of the cavalry in
In his memeory, the American Hungarian
Federation established a medal(5).
The Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats
Medal of Freedom(4)
Col. Com. Charles Zagonyi (cca. 1863, photographer
Mathew Brady from Ref(7)).
in 1851. After joining the army, General
Fremont appointed Zagonyi to organize
and command an elite unit known as the
Body Guard or the Jesse Fremont Guard
whom he dressed in black velvet.
During the Civil War, Zagonyi and
Tivadar Majthenyi served in the Western
Department of Fremont(2,3). His charge
became known as "Zagonyi's Death
Raid" that occurred “on October 25,
1861, when his force of 300 charged
Springfield, Missouri, riding headlong into
a Confederate ambush. Although out
On 12th April, 1861 Confederate General numbered ten to one, Zagonyi's men
P. G. T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort routed the Confederates and occupied
Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Springfield” (2,3, 6).
Carolina and with this attack the Civil War
Col. Com. Michael Kovats de Fabriczy, painted by
started. It was Lincoln’s War for the ”Camps named after Hungarian officers
Zoltan de Beyne (from Ref )
Union, and against slavery: North against distinguished in the Civil War were:
Camp Asboth, Camp Rombauer, Camp
Michael Kovats de Fabriczy served under
Utassy and Camp Zagonyi. Fort
the direction of the Polish count Casimir Of approximately 4,000 Hungarian
“Colonel Michael Kovats was an
American military hero of foreign birth to
be remembered with the Polish Pulaski,
the German Von Steuben and the French
Lafayette, who believed in the cause of
American independence and were willing
to give their lives to help attain it.”(3)
Under the direction of the French Duke
Lauson, one hundred and forty
Hungarian hussars served during that
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 9
Hungarian Hussars in North and South America (cont.)
Mihalotzy, located in Chattanooga, to Turkey after the capitulation in
Tennessee was named after Colonel Vilagos.
Geza Mihalotzy, who was killed in an
In 1851, he moved to the USA. As the
ambush nearby(3).”
Chief Engineer of New York City he
Commemorati constructed
several buildings. He
ve plaque of
participated in the Civil War (1861-1965)
Gen. Sandor
Asboth in
as a volunteer. He was a military
Keszthely on
commander in September of 1864 when
the house in
he was seriously wounded.
which he was
born (from
Ref. (9))
Alexander (Sandor) Asboth was born in
1811 in Keszthely to a Lutheran family. It
is interesting that his father, Janos
Asboth was a teacher in Georgicon
(Georgikon)(8-10). Georgicon was the first
institution in Europe for the higher
education of agricultural knowledge. It
was established by Count George
Festetics in 1797 whose family was
famous for horse breeding. Even now,
Georgicon is a significant center for the
education of hyppology, stud farming,
sporthorse breeding and riding(11). Janos
knowledge of farming. After 1806 he
was named the agricultural leader of
lands and director as an employee of the
Alexander Asboth studied at the Mining
Academy of Selmecbanya and the
Institutum Geometricum in Pest. He
finished the latter in 1834. Until 1848 he
worked as a Chief Engineer in Buda,
Temesvar and Nagybecskerek. He
participated, for instance, in the building
of the Chain Bridge in Budapest that was
the first bridge in Hungary, and the
regulation of river Lower Danube (AlDuna).
Independence in 1848/49 he participated
in the fights in the southern part of the
country as a captain under the
leadership of Gen. Antal Vetter and later
in the general staff of Gen. George
Klapka. He was promoted to lieutenantcolonel under Minister of War Gen.
Klapka. Lajos Kossuth entrusted him
with the leadership of Military Devision of
the Governing Presidential Office. He
personally escorted Kossuth to his exile
In March of 1966 he was appointed the
ambassador of USA in Argentina, from
October of 1867 he was the ambassador
in Urugvay as well. After his death he
was buried in Buenos Aires in the Old
English Cemetery. On 23rd October,
1990 his mortal remains were transferred
to Arlington National Cemetery.
recruiting committees of the German,
English and French armies found him
inadequate due to his weak build and
poor eyesight(2,14). Arriving in New York
in 1864, he enlisted in the Lincoln
Cavalry in September. He was 18. He
was a part of Sheridan's troopers, in the
First New York Lincoln Cavalry
Company L. He spoke three languages:
German, Hungarian, and French, but
very little English(2,13). He served for
eight months, although he never
participated in any fight(2,14). After he
was demobilized, he became the
employee of the journal “Westliche Post”.
He was almost dismissed but the owners
realized the paper was popular because
of the vivid reports of Joseph Pulitzer.
Signiture of Mr. Joseph
Pulitzer (from Ref. (13))
In 1872, Pulitzer purchased a share in
the Westliche Post and then he merged
the journal with “St. Louis Dispatch” as
“St. Louis Post-Dispatch”. Later he sold it
and bought the famous “New York
World”. Joseph Pulitzer established
modern journalism. Those days the
independence of a newspaper was new.
His basic principle was that “the
journalist should not invent interesting
stories but the journalist should discover
news that are inherently interesting
within themselves”. He offered Columbia
University's president, Seth Low, money
to set up the world's first school of
journalism in 1892(13,14).
Several Hungarian officers participated in
commanding the colored regiments of
the Union Army. Peter Dobozy was one
of them. He was the organizer of the 4th
Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment and
Lieutenant Zimandy of the 4th Colored
Infantry Regiment(2,3). “The Zsulavsky
brothers: Lieutenant Emil Zsulavsky,
Lieutenant Sigismund Zsulavsky all
served in the 82nd Colored Infantry
A unique path of life for a hussar: Joseph
Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Makó as a
son of a Jewish merchant(2,13). He really
longed to be a soldier, but all the
Many people know that the Statue of
Liberty “was a joint effort between
America and France and it was agreed
upon that the American people were to
build the pedestal, and the French
people were responsible for the Statue
and its assembly here in the United
States.(15)” Unfortunatelly, fund raising for
the pedestal was going very slowly.
However, it is not well-known that
Joseph Pulitzer opened up the editorial
pages of his newspaper, “The World” to
support the fund raising effort. “Pulitzer
used his newspaper to criticize both the
rich who had failed to finance the
pedestal construction and the middle
class who were content to rely upon the
wealthy to provide the funds. Pulitzer's
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 10
Hungarian Hussars in North and South America (cont.)
campaign of harsh criticism was Notes
successful in motivating the people of 1As can be seen on the plaque, the name of Col. Janos Czetz is writen also in Armenian because he
had a mixed Armenian, Hungarian and Szekely (i.e. Easter Transylvanian Hungarian) origin.
America to donate.(15)”
In his last WILL, Joseph Pulitzer left a
significan amount of money to his
Foundation and established the wellknown Pulitzer Prize, which is an
American award of much prestige and
nobility, and is offered for excellence in
journalism, musical composition and
literature. The first prizes were awarded
in 1917(13,14).
1) Shasa Gornic, Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler: Fascinated by Horses for a Lifetime – Mihaly
(Michael) Fadlallah el Hedad, ASAV Newsletter, p. 6, Spring, (2010).
2) Jozsef Vecsekloi: Hungarian hussars for the freedom of America (Magyar huszárok
Amerika szabadságáért), Rider Magazine (Lovas Magazin), p. 38, 3, (1985). (in
3) Cleveland State Univeristy: Hungarian Americans and Their Communities of Cleveland,
in Ser.: Cleveland Ethnic Heritage Studies,
Col. Janos Czetz or Czecz. (in Argentina
Coronel D. Juan Fernando Czetz(16,17))
was born 8th of June, 1822 in Gidófalva,
Transylvania. He finished the
Theresianum Military Academy in
Bécsújhely. In 1848 he made lieutenant
and served in the Ministry of War, in the
army of Lazar Meszaros. Later he served
under General Joseph Bem (originally
Józef Zachariasz Bem in Polish) as
interim lieutenant-general. He played a
significant role in organizing the army of
Transylvania. For his merits proved in
the battle in Sibiu (Nagyszeben), on 16th
May, 1849 he was appointed a general.
After the capitulation in Vilagos he left
Hungary. In Hamburg he published his
memoir on Bem‘s fighting in Transylvania. He lived in Paris, Turkey and later in
Switzerland. Here he worked at the railway constructions of Mont Cenis. In
1859, Col. Janos Czetz organized the
first Hungarian legion in Italy. After the
conclusion of peace in Villafranca, he
settled down in Argentina with his
Argentinian wife, J. M. Rosas (who was
the younger cousin of the formal
dictator). There he established a military
cartographic institute. From 1865 he had
significant organizing role in the war
against Paragvay. He established the
Military Academy (Colegio Militar) in
Buenos Aires and he was the director of
this institution for 25 years, until he
retired in 1895. Meanwhile he was the
leader of the water settlement in Ente
Rios region for ten years(16,17).
Col. Czetz was on friendly terms with
Sandor Asbóth. He died in Buenos Aires,
on 6th September, 1904. In 1998 an
commemorative plaque was made by
Yengibarjan Mamikon in Budapest, and
First California Hussar Regiment:
Recipients of The Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom. American
Hungarian Federation (2003 - 2007), retrived on 2011-01-17.
Bethanne Kelly Patrick: Col. Charles Zagonyi, Hungarian Cavalryman Led A DeathDefying Charge Into History
Charles Zagonyi: and
8) Alexander Asboth:
9) Ezra J. Warner: “Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders”, LSU Press, (1964)
10) Biography of Sandor Asboth (in Hungarian):
11) Rider’s life in Keszthely and the short history of the Georgicon Riding School (A
keszthelyi lovasélet és a Georgikon Lovasiskola rövid története) (in Hungrian)
12) Commemorative plaque for Gen. Sandor Asboth (A. S. tábornok emléktábla)
13) Joseph Pulitzer at
14) Sandor Friderikusz: Friderikusz on-line on Pulitzer prize (in Hungrian):
15) History of The Statue of Liberty at
16) Colegio Militar de la Nación Argentina:
17) Life of Janos Czetz:
placed on the house in which Sandor Cavalry in particular owes a debit of
was born.
gratitude to the Hungarian hussars.
ative plaque
of Janos
Czetz in
on the
house in
which he
was born
(from Ref.
As evidenced in this article, the
Hungarian peoples are connected with
cavalry. The New World, a ’melting pot’,
benefited from the
sacrafices of
individuals from many nations during the
Revolutionary and Civil Wars. The US
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 11
O’Bajan Article Addendum
compiled by Denis Atam
ASAV received a lot of positive feedback about the Special Edition Newsletter (Winter 2010/2011), where ASAV
published a comprehensive article,
submitted by Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler
& , Dr. med. vet. Shasa Gornic, about
the O‘Bajan family. Even that a thorough research was made, when the
information was carried together and
subsequently complied, a few – but
minor – inaccuracies occurred, which
however were spotted by our knowledgeable international readers,
amongst we have true Shagya-Arabian
experts. We did not want to miss to
publish the correct information related
to the O‘Bajan article – see below:
 According to the information we
received, the mare 209 Kuhaylan
Zaid was born in 1933. Different
databases/sources have a different
birth year recorded, however it is
believed that the year 1933 is the
correct one.
 The same is true for Kuhaylan Zaid
— his correct birth year should be
 Sultan was not exchanged for
Sven Hedin, it was Koheilan IV
 Aydana‘s sire, Beau and Bajar are
not brothers, because Beau is the
son of Bajar. Pamino and Beau
therefore are half-brothers.
 The foundation of the sire line
(O'Bajan line) took place in Hungary, not in Paris.
 Note: A few of the pictures, which
were used, are lithographs made
by a professional designer. Either
no original pictures existed or the
available pictures could not be
used, because they were protected
by copyright.
In addition we would like to add a few
pictures related the O‘Bajan family,
which we received after the article was
O'Bajan Basa
O’Bajan XXIV
About the authors
Dr. med. vet. Shasa Gornic is both a
veterinarian and a graphic artist. He
was born in 1966 in Cegled, Hungary.
He started to draw intensively at the
age of 6. As he wrote about himself:
My maternal great-grandfather was a
Croatian noble man, a landowner and
stockman who spent his life with
breeding farm animals. After the World
War II he decided to move with his
family – including my grandmother
(born in Gorican, Croatia) – and all his
animals to Hungary. In his chosen
homeland he continued breeding. He
was proud of his beautiful animals,
especially, the traditional Hungarian
gray cattle's and his horses were
prized regularly. It was said about him
by the time of fairs he brought his most
beautiful stallions and mares, cows
and bulls for service to the market. He
fixed such high prices that none ever
wanted to pay for those animals just to
stand there and show how beautiful his
animals were. I still could see the residue of his breed during my early years
and I was deeply impressed by his
Arabian and Nonius-type horses.
My parents told me that I am somehow
the reincarnation of my greatgrandfather: my enthusiasm about
horses and my basic character is very
similar to him. When I was asked at
the age of 4 what I would work I replied "a veterinarian". As I got to know
my grandfather from the family legendry, especially from my mother‘s memories, I feel myself close to him.
Shasa graduated at the University of
Veterinary Science in Budapest (now it
is the Faculty of Veterinary Science of
the Szent István University) in 1990.
Simultaneously he studied at the College of Fine Arts in Budapest and he
graduated as a graphic artist in 1992.
He worked as cartoon graphic artist in
the Studio (called Pannon Studio) of
the famous filmmaker, graphic artist,
book illustrator and politician Mr. Marcell Jankovics until the period that followed the collapse of the previous system. He won some competitions and
also a scholarship to study painting
and graphic art in Italy for a year.
Please allow me to tell you how I fell in About 10 years ago he returned to veterinary science, he started to work in a
love with horses.
Veterinary Hospital in Budapest where
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 12
O’Bajan Article Addendum (cont.)
he specialized himself for the treatment of large ungulate mammals, especially for the traumatology of horses
(surgery). He is not a breeder but the
happy owner of a beautiful Shagya
More about Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler
About Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler :
O‘Bajan XXIV and Karl Hemmers‘ son,
Michael — Austria.
Last but not least a more personal picture, which kindly was shared by Karl
I was born in 1972 in Budapest. I
showed interest in chemistry in my early teenage. In 1990 I was placed second at the National Study Competition
in the section of Chemical Analysts of
Foodstuffs. I graduated at the Faculty
of Chemical Engineering, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics in 1996 (M. Sc.) and I became a
Ph. D. student. I also worked in Erez
Thermoplastic Products, Israel in the
QC lab for about two months in 1995.
In March, 2000 I defended my Licentiate Thesis (a scientific title in Sweden)
at the Lulea University of Technology,
Sweden where I spent 13 months by
the scholarship of the Swedish Institute.
In July, 2000 I obtained BA as a marketing manager at EDE-Hungary
(Collage) in Budapest (it was also a
simultaneous study). In Dec, 2000 I
defended my Ph. D at the Budapest
University of Technology and Economics. I spent few years in the research
area. From 2004 I have been working
in Gedeon Richter Plc. I still participate
in research work. I am a happy mother
of a girl (8 years) and a boy (4 years).
O'Bajan XIII - Dr. Walter Huber taken 1975 in Babolna
Meanwhile my hobby became the historical research of the CVs of some
interesting / considerable people, and
the history of some considerable technical achievements. I also had some
presentation in this area and I also was
prized for a work on such article. Shasa drew my attention to the area of
horse breeding and we started to work
together on the history of Shagya Arabians. He asked me to help in writing a
chapter in a book as I have experience
in publishing.
Jaffar—member O'Bajan family
Owner Zsolt Debreceni
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 13
International News
translated by Irene Noll
SALAZAR S by Betty Finke
At the central licensing of the ZSAA
(Breeding Association for Sport Horses of Arabian Descent) in March 2010
in Hessia, SALAZAR S impressed the
Approval Committee with his wellbalanced and elastic gaits at all paces. He showed an uphill canter and
scope, cleverness and fast forelegs in
free jumping, and stayed cool and
collected throughout. He was praised
as a solid, type stallion with plenty of
bone and good riding horse points:
elegant neck, big sloping shoulder,
harmonious topline, large round quarters and long gaskins. Salazar S
gained the highest number of points
of all 33 stallions presented. On this
occasion the Orgis family was awarded the FN silver medal for many
years of quality breeding.
The dam of Salazar S is the VZAP
premium and Elite mare SAHBEL by
Bajar, who produced 11 wonderful
foals, three of which are now licensed
stallions. Her sire Bajar is held in high
regard by warmblood breeders. We
quote the homepage of Nordhof Studfarm (,
where Bajar was stationed. ―BAJAR
was the most significant ShagyaArabian stallion in Sport Horse breeding. The grey was Shagya-Arabian
European Champion and after Ramzes the most successful Arabian progenitor in sport. Bajar counts as the
best Shagya Arabian in years. There
are 23 approved stallions amongst his
progeny, two of which are used by the
Holstein Breeding Association. With
Ghazzir (ShA), Babel (ShA), Bachus
(out of a Holstein mare), White Girl
(Trak.), highest winning German
Event horse, and Bouqet (AA), Bajar
erected a monument to himself. He
produced many licensed stallions for
Arabian and Warmblood breeding
and also exceptional jumpers who
won €228,022.00 in their lifetimes. His
son Bachus (own winnings:
€58,826.00) is a sought after sire in
Holstein and Belgium (Zangersheide).
Bajar is regarded as an outstanding
horse in Warmblood breeding. This is
in spite of the fact that the ShagyaArabian breed only comprises about
2000 head of breeding stock worldwide. In relation to this, the number of
successful Sport Horses with ShagyaArabian blood is incredibly high.‖
awarded the prize for breeding of the
Ministry for Agriculture.
SALAZAR S by Betty Finke
Two more events of autumn 2010 are
worth mentioning: Salazar S made a
guest appearance at the famous
Trakehner gala evening in Neumuenster and has been re-invited for 2011.
And his presentation for licensing at
the renowned Brandenburg Main
Warmblood Stud of Neustadt/Dosse
was crowned by his approval for Central German Sport Horse breeding.
Salazar S is CA-clear.
We and the children are very fond of
Salazar. He is sweet and easy to handle, quiet and obedient. At shows he
has shown no nerves at all when confronted with fire, flapping banners and
mock sword fights. He‘s a really cool
SALAZAR S by Bild-Report Wagner
The sire of Salazar S is SHAGAN, an
international champion, advanced
jumper, marathon and hunting crack.
He has four licensed sons, several
premium daughters and spread between Brandenburg and Bulgaria
many excellent get. His progeny has
size, bone, correct conformation, exceptional gaits and can jump. Shagan
is CA-clear.
In August 2010 Salazar S completed
his ZSAA stallion performance trials
in Kreuth, South Germany. He was
trained and ridden by our 17 year old
daughter Vivien. He gained the second highest number of points in this
tough test and was best Shagya. On
this occasion the Orgis family was
Carriage Update from Germany
—Family Anton Straub (compiled
& translated by Denis Atam)
The following are photos from a traditional carriage event at the
Starnberger See, as part of a noble
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 14
International News (cont.)
hunting society. Participants came
from Italy, Switzerland, France, and
Poland, just to name a few of the countries represented.
The distance was 17 km (approx. 11
miles). The course took us through a
national forest using wonderful trails
along the Starnberger See (Lake) at a
reasonable fast trot.
In order to participate and have a
chance to win the competition, it is imperative that every detail is accurate
and as authentic as possible —> see
the fur of the fox at the back … however, in this particular case, an imitation
fox fur was used as a real one would
have gone too far.
decisions when breeding in order to
avoid breeding two carrier animals together. These conditions and SCID are
recessive conditions which means that
horses carrying one gene are not
affected. Mating two carrier animals
together can result in 25% affected
foals, 50% carriers and 25% clear (non
-carrier) offspring.
The Board feels it is important for
members to utilize the availability of
these tests in order to avoid producing
affected foals. Although testing will
cost money it is a small amount in
comparison with the cost of a dead
foal. Carrier animals will not be discriminated against in any way, there is
nothing wrong with them and providing
other carriers are not mated to them no
affected foals will be born. Many members have already commenced testing
their herds, some have requested that
the results be available online for other
members to view and this service will
soon be available.
Foals conceived from two parents
which are tested clear (non-carrier) for
LFS will be assumed to be clear by the
Society and will not require testing for
The bridal couple enjoyed the fantastic LFS providing the
ride from the church in Maria Thann to Society is in receipt of the LFS test
the castle/palace Syrgenstein.
results for the parents. The same will
apply if both parents are clear for SCID
or CA.
About 10,000 visitors and spectators
were at the event. Our Shagyas did not
show any sign of being nervous.
The Arabian registry is now man- All test results submitted to the Society
dating tests in Australia
will be treated confidentially unless the
reprinted from the The Arabian
owner of the horse at the time of test-
Horse Society Ltd.
The Board has become increasing
concerned at the number of Lavender
Foal (LFS) and Cerebellar Abiotrophy
(CA) Arabians. Apart from the considerable expense to members who lose
these foals there is the emotional
heartache as well. DNA testing is now
available in order to determine the carrier status of horses, this testing can
assist members in making informed
ing authorizes the results to be published on the online studbook.
All the screening tests are DNA tests,
done using hair samples.
SCID testing – at the moment this can
only be done in USA or Holland
( but the Board
are again examining the patent preventing the test being performed in
Australia LFS testing – this is being
done at many laboratories around the
world including Holland, Elizabeth
Macarthur (Sydney)
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 15
International News (cont.)
(brendon.o' tion to stand at stud that year.
and as from end November University
of Queensland (organize through the
Society in the same way as normal
DNA typing) CA testing – this is being
done at many laboratories around the
world including Holland and as
from early next year University of
Queensland. To date, the test has
been indirect but a better test
has been developed which will be
commercially available early in 2011
and this will be utilized by Uni of Qld
Testing Arabians in Australia
In an attempt to encourage members
to test horses at the time of registration there will be a discount offered on
DNA if LFS &/or CA testing is done at
the same time as the DNA for
registration. The fee for LFS is $60 &
CA $60 at Uni of Qld, the normal DNA
fee is $70 but this will be reduced to
$60 if LFS &/or CA is performed at the
same time.
As from 1st August 2011
 All Purebred Arabian mares to be
used in Embryo Transfer or Ovum
Transfer programs must have their
SCID, LFS & CA test results on
file with the Society before they
will be approved for use in such a
program. Carrier mares will still be
issued with an ET permit.
 All Purebred Arabian foals born
using frozen semen (Australian or
Overseas) will require testing for
SCID, LFS & CA prior to registration with results submitted to the
Society. Carrier animals will still be
 All Purebred Arabian Stallions/
Colts to be nominated for use at
stud for the first time in Australia
will require testing for SCID, LFS
& CA prior to approval of nomination with results submitted to the
Society. Carrier animals will still be
approved for use at stud.
 Any Stallion/Colt whose owner
authorizes publication of the SCID,
CA & LFS results on the online
studbook will receive free nomina-
News from South-America
(Venezuela & Columbia) – from
Gertrud von Fedak (Oct. 2010) –
translated by Denis Atam:
horse flu surprised us and we had to
treat all our horses with vitamin C
shots and a few even with antibiotics.
Fortunately a girl studying veterinary
medicine stopped by – her name is
Mariela and she helped us tremendously. She was working very hard. In
addition she took over the organization
during the part of the event,
when the horses were shown –
everything went perfect. Elisabeth Mendez, who is my assistant, prepared a nice brochure
and took care of all aspects of
the business during the show.
Now you are probably asking –
what was the outcome & result
of our horse sales event?
We were able to sell six of our
horses and we were really
pleased with the results, especially under consideration of
the weak economic situation
we have in Venezuela. It is quite an
Dear friends,
investment together with the recurring
costs to keep a horse these days. ToI‘d like to tell you how yesterday‘s
day‘s buyers are well aware of those
horse sales event went. It was a rainy facts. In May 2011 we are planning to
day to begin with – everything grey. At organize another horse sales show.
around 10 am the sky cleared and the My plan is to keep only horses to be
remaining day turned into a wonderful used for carriage in order to be used
sunny day until the evening, when we for Ivis (my husband‘s) hotel operation
had an exciting rain storm again. Dur- (Mission). In addition I‘d like to keep
ing the day there was a calm and
three mares of good quality to enjoy &
steady wind, which was pleasant to
continue breeding great Shagyaenjoy. The last tasks were completed Arabians.
such as the installation of microphones
& the PA-system, the tables, a bar
All the best to my dearest friends!
where drinks such as whisky, beer and Saludos
rum were offered. In addition we had
Gertrud von Fedak
small platters of appetizers, which
were passed around. A few of the interested buyers came a long way in
order to attend the event. When we
started the show at 2 pm, all horses
Shagya/Lipizzaner Horse Tour –
were shown together – this was an
Eastern Europe 2010
exciting moment for every horse enby Chris Evans
thusiast. We spend a lot of time & effort to ―polish‖ our horses during the
last weeks, in order to present them in This past August my family and I took
a three week vacation to explore the
the best possible way. Our grooms
homeland of our Shagyas. Every locaincluding myself, cleaned our horses
tion had its own charm and none of the
every day prior to the event. Unfortustays were long enough!
nately two days before the show the
Page 16
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
International News (cont.)
Reluctant to leave the equine paradise
at Babolna the next stop was still eagerly anticipated. Budapest is an impressive, beautiful city that has an intriguing mystique. The Palace setting on
the hill overlooking the Danube must
be one of Europe‘s greatest. Gellert
Hill is just south of the Palace with the
best views of the city. Gellert spa with
the thermal waters is located here and
there are many other springs/spas
around the city. Some of these baths
The city of Vienna, is to us, the most
and pools date from the times of Turkbeautiful city in the world. And the
ish rule, and have the ancient exotic
Spanish Riding School is the epitome charm you would imagine. One could
of an equestrian interest destination.
spend at least a week and be thorTherefore while we landed in Vienna,
oughly engrossed by the Hungarian
this special place was to be the grand capital but we had to move on after
finale, not the introduction. Our first
three days. Within an hour of Budastop was Bratislava, just across the
pest we had a pleasant morning and
border in Slovakia, an hour away. This early afternoon at the Kisber stud of
medieval city was enchanting and ex- Andrea Janaszik, seeing her horses in
tremely pedestrian friendly with cobble- training and strolling in her spacious
stone streets and superb cafes, bars
pastures, visiting with friendly foals and
and restaurants.
broodmares. Hungarian hospitality at
its best !
From here we drove under 3 hours to
see the riding and training facility at
Topolcianky. The site is in a well manicured garden park. Visitors can watch
either in the riding hall or outdoor arena where trainers work with Warmbloods, Lipizzaner's, Shagyas and the
Hucul, a pony native to the Carpathians.
Gyor is on the way and is an excellent
place to stay from which Babolna is
less than 30 minutes away. The variety
and quality of restaurants is superb
with shopping and quaint streets reserved for pedestrian traffic only. We
reached Babolna and checked in to the
Imperial Hotel, situated right in the
center of the Stud Yard . The accommodation was of elegant quality and
meals are available a short walk
through the beautiful grounds and then
across the street next to the Museum.
Guests are welcome to walk through
the stallion and training barns. The
broodmares and their foals have pasture and loafing barn that is a 15 minute walk from the Hotel.
We had too brief a stay along the
shores of Lake Balaton, the largest
freshwater lake in Europe - one of the
prime vacation areas. Crossing the
border into Croatia the terrain becomes hilly and picturesque all the way
to Zagreb. While not as overwhelmingly impressive as Budapest, Zagreb is
an enchanting city to walk with great
bars, cafes and dining. We unfortunately missed the Shagya Stud farm
near Cadjavica in the Croatian area of
Slavonia, but its great to know that
Shagyas are still being bred in the original "homeland" of the famous Shagya
stallion Lapis. We will make Cadjavica
a must see on the next occasion.
From Zagreb driving West to the Adriatic an extremely modern highway literally cuts through the southern extension of the Alps. Countless tunnels,
some over 3 kilometers long, finally
bring you out from the mountains with
a breathtaking view over the Adriatic
Sea at Rijeka. Just a short drive
around the bay gets you to the sophisticated town of Opatija, surely one of
the Mediterranean‘s jewels, yet largely
unknown to North Americans. The best
comparison might be a ―mini Monaco‖.
From the beaches, lined with bars and
cafes, our Villa was a kilometer walk
up the mountainside through almost
tropical gardens and pathways between elegant homes. Great walk
down – not so much fun going up……
but what a view ! And by sheer luck, a
meal on the Main street along the
beaches was simply one of the most
delicious ever ! With local red wine that
I could only wish was available back
home……. (Novigrad Merlot…. if you
can ever find it, let me know where!).
Back to horses, the original home of
the Lipizzaner is an hours drive to the
North West at Lipica. Originally founded to produce the excellent horses for
the Austro Hungarian Empire, Lipica
later came under Yugoslav rule and
was probably saved from ―extinction‖
by President Tito. More recently. as
Yugoslavia broke up, Lipica came to
be under Slovenia. Although in a differ-
Page 17
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
International News (cont.)
ent country Lipica has continued to be
the source for outcross blood for the
Austrian stud. Additionally it has replenished the supply of mares for Austria after disease outbreaks decimated
the herds at Piber. Interestingly, many
Shagya lines go back to Lipizzaner's
as both breeds were developed almost
simultaneously Under AustroHungarian direction.
While 30 years ago we were able to
rent Lipizzaners for breathtaking gallops into the mountains, now visitors
are only able to reserve riding lessons.
Both Justin and Stephanie had an
hours lesson booked, and it was no
picnic. They asked for something more
suitable to their extensive riding experience and they both came back in a
sweat ! Riding two stallions that have
been used in past dressage demonstrations they had the thrill of a lifetime.
the Spanish Riding School. Again tours
are possible along with free choice
walking to see the stallion barn and
early training facilities. Many broodmares are nearby although many are
out of view in summer, high on mountain pastures.
In conclusion this ―horse tour‖ was a
superb cultural tour for all of us. I
would recommend it to any horse lover...and to any non horse person as
well. Leave out the Studs and the trip
and locations are still sensational.
Back to our starting point, Vienna is
Comprising a circle in the countries of
simply one of the most incredible cities Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia,
in the world with Imperial palaces in- Slovenia and back to Austria, only the
cluding the Belvedere, Schonbrunn
foray to Topolcianky strays from the
and the Hofburg which also houses the basic ―circle‖. All included the odomeWinter Riding Hall of the Spanish Rid- ter showed 2000 kilometers. Accoming School. The architecture includes
modation for 5 people averaged 100
the Baroque, Gothic and still present
dollars per night. Only the Adriatic Villa
are signs of former Turkish dominance. was more expensive but we all need a
The list of sites to see include the
―treat‖ sometime!
Opera House, the City Hall, St. Stephens cathedral and so much more.
As a horseman, seeing the historical
The pedestrian street Graben takes
stud farms and riding schools of Eastone down the center of all this splenern Europe is very satisfying. Many
dor and then just around the corner is breeds originated or developed in this
the arched entrance to the Hofburg.
corner of Europe so whether one is
Here the traffic is stopped regularly so dedicated to the Shagya, the Lipizzanthat uniformed grooms can safely lead er, the Arabian or even the Byerley
their immaculate charges across the
Turk (captured at the siege of Buda) of
street from the Stallburg (stables) to
Thoroughbred origins, our visit was to
their waiting riders in the Winter Riding the home of much equine history. To
Hall, home of the famous performanc- see the continued breeding, training
and appreciation of these treasured
animals is rewarding and gives
hope for the continuance in a
world too often neglecting living
Nearby the town of Trieste, now
"occupied" by the Italians since the end
of World War II, can be an easy excursion as its literally ―down the hill‖ along
the coast, only a 10 minute drive from
the Stud.
After visiting the immense Postojna
caves and the Medieval castle Predjama, we drove through endless fields of
grapes, going North, and re-enter Austria. The traditional old Austrian town of
Graz was the base from which we
planned to see the Lipizzaner Stud at
Piber. With the end of the Austro Hungarian Empire, this was the location
selected to continue the breeding of
the Lipizzaner for the exclusive use of
chocolate Sacher Torte.
Training occurs most days so the
horse enthusiast can spend hours at
Morning Training mesmerized by what
they witness below the palatial chandeliers in the Riding School. For breaks,
or for lunch after the ―classes‖, you
can sit in the outdoor courtyard sipping
Viennese coffee and the sinful double
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 18
ASAV 2011 Annual Meeting - Sponsored by Amara Farms and Carolyn Tucker
the U.S. in 2010.
Becky is a three time World Champion
Endurance Rider with more than
20,000 career miles. She has won two
U.S. National Championships, two
AERC National Championships, two
Race of Champions and two Tevis
Cups plus several best conditions including approximately 65 first place
and 45 best condition awards on the
same horse! She will speak about the
World Equestrian Games and preparing and competing in endurance. This
will be a casual presentation with time
for personal questions.
Six Annual ASAV Meeting - April 30
in Morgan Hill, CA (just south of
San Jose)
It will be a fun day of Hungarian food
and festivities including ASAV meetings and socials during the weekend.
If you‘re interested, call Carolyn, at
Amara Farms in Morgan Hill, (408)
779-6555 or check out the ASAV web
site at
Theme for the day is the ―Hungarian
Heritage‖ bred into our Shagyas over
several generations.
ASAV is the only registry dedicated
exclusively to the ANGLO SHAGYA.
Also, tentatively planned is a demonstration by Crescendo‘s Trainer on
laying a horse down and working the
Frank Bakonyi will give a talk lasso rope . The Hussar horses ALL
and the First California Hus- had to know how to do this...they
sar Regiment will give a ridwould lay down an entire raiding party
ing demonstration - with 8 to in the tall grass and the as the enemy
10 mounted horses. All hors- approached they would get up and
es and riders will
be in full costume!
The Hussar horses include four
Oman offspring.
Highlights include:
Becky Hart will
give a
talk about
her position as
the Chef
for the
U.S. Endurance
team during the
first ever
held in
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 19
CA SCID Update
CA SCID Update
The following was inadvertently omitted from the spring newsletter. We do
our best to accurately incorporate the
stories from our members into the
newsletter but sometimes we miss the
mark. Our apologies from the newsletter staff.
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 07:24:11 -0700
[updated– Tues, 8 Mar 2011]
Subject: Re: CA update for ASAV
I have just about negated myself out in
reference to those that think the testing
is not valid for Shagyas.
Since August 2010, the VGL laboratory at UC Davis, California under Dr.
Cecilia Penedo and her assistant Dr.
Leah Brault, has identified the causative mutation for CA which moves the
former marker based screening test to
a more fully developed DNA test. Their
findings were published in January
2011 and have been posted at the
VGL website and the AHA Arabian
Foundation website.
In the past there have been questions
about the accuracy of the indirect
marker scanning test. As compared to
the new DNA test now in use, the older
test had an accuracy of 97%. The
identified DNA causative mutation has
been included amongst the markers
used by UC Davis since September
2009. All samples submitted prior to
that date have already been retested
free of charge and the owners notified
of any change in status if applicable.
All laboratories affiliated with UC Davis
are now using the DNA test for CA. Dr.
Distl at Hannover University who had
been conducting his own independent
testing is also now using the recently
identified mutation for the DNA test for
CA and their CA status will be published.
Owners of breeding mares are encourSeveral laboratories in both the USA
aged to test voluntarily.
and Europe have already formulated
All DNA testing has to be done on partheir own in-house testing with the new
entage verified DNA samples to
CA direct DNA test: Vetgen in the USA
ensure that the results
and Dr. Van Haeringen VHL lab in the
are unequivocally related to the corNetherlands. F.O.A.L. also offers a
rect horse
combination SCID-CA test at a discounted price.
German Registry VZAP (19 April
The existence of CA has been proven 2010):
to be in the Shagya bloodlines. Volun- On the 19th of April the following message was posted on the German Aratary testing should be encouraged by
bian Horse Registry and Society webthe Shagya Registry. As a minimum
requirement all Arabian blooded
breeding horses should be required to At the members meeting of the VZAP
on the 17.04.2010 in Bad Hersfeld it
have a CA DNA Test prior to acwas concluded that with immediate
ceptance for siring/producing foals
which are to be registered as Shagyas, effect, all new proposed breeding stalapplicable also to the use of transport- lions and mares are to be tested for
CA (Cerebellar Abiotrophy). Already
ed semen both residential and importregistered breeding mares and staled. This will avoid further introduction
lions, must submit a test result before
of CA carrier lines into the Shagya
31.12.2011. The test results of albreed. Now that the definitive DNA
ready tested horses are recognized.
Test is available, all breedable
Shagyas should be tested within a givSwiss Registry (27 March 2010):
en time limit.
5.2. Cerebellar abiotrophy test (CA
test) From 1.1.2011 every Swiss
Here are outlines of three different yet
Studbook registered stallion that is
similar time frames for CA testing as
used for breeding must submit the
designated by various Purebred Arabiresults of a CA-test. The test is
an Registries:
done by the studbook.
The owner declares in writing that he
The Netherlands (28 May 2010):
agrees with the publication of the
The in-house test at the Van
Haeringen genetics laboratory is now
costs are for the owner.
available; the following mandatory acFor breeding mares testing is voluntary
tions are in effect:
but highly recommended.
All newborn foals will be tested for CA
and SCID at the same time DNA
Offspring from CA-free parents need
parentage verification is done. The
not be tested.
results will be permanently entered Once the CA-test is available from
in the horses' passport for life.
the laboratory that performs the
All new breeding stallions will be man- SZAP DNA parentage verification,
datory tested for CA (and SCID but all foals that are tested for DNA parthis was already mandatory) and
entage will be CA tested at the same
carriers will not receive a breeding
The owner declares in writing that he
agrees with the publication of the
All currently existing breeding stallions
will not be granted an extension on
their license until they are tested for The costs are for the owner.
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 20
CA SCID Update (cont.)
The particular test needs to be confirmed by the appropriate laboratory.
The confirmation is obtained by the
SZAP Studbook.
CA-test for stallions:
The CA test for Swiss breeding stallions will be mandatory from the 1st
of January 2011, however, it is recommended to test as soon as possible.
Since virtually all of the stallions have
a reserve sample existing in our lab,
no hair sample is needed.
The test will be performed with existing
reserve samples. This eliminates the
veterinary costs.
Tests must however be ordered
through the SZAP stud book.
CA-test for foals
The CA test is offered through our laboratory since the 3rd of February
2010 in cooperation with UC Davis,
University of California.
Therefore, all newborn foals born in
2010 will be tested.
The test is done simultaneously with
the DNA parentage testing and by
automatic order of the stud book.
CA-test for breeding mares
For mares a voluntary CA-test is recommended.
Since for virtually all of the Swiss registered mares a reserve sample is kept
in our laboratory, no hair sample is
The test is made on the basis of the
existing reserve sample. This eliminates the Veterinary costs.
The test must be ordered through the
SZAP stud book.
Descendants of CA-free parents need
not be tested.
Obviously it is cheaper to test one
mare than all of her offspring,
Surely with the above ground work
done, the Shagya Registry should be
able to take steps forward towards CA
testing. The validity of the present test-
ing obviously is not the real reason for
not testing.
Lisa Goodwin-Campiglio
clear. But it is now possible to identify
both affected and carrier animals with
the aid of the indirect DNA-marker
The following is a translation by Irene
Noll of a mass circular distributed in
2010 by the VZAP, Germany:
This test is offered by the following
German laboratories:
LAB 1: Veterinary College Hannover
Buenteweg 2, 30559 Hannover
Information on CA-Testing for ownTel:0511-95360
ers of breeding stock registered
and/or to be registered with the
sociation of Breeders of the Arabian Contact: Prof. Dr. Ottmar Distl
horse (VZAP, Germany)
Tel:0511-826-8875 or 0511-953-8875
According to the motion passed at the
annual general meeting of the VZAP
LAB 2: GeneControl Grub GmbH
on 17th April 2010, all newly registered Senator-Gerauer-Strasse 23,
and/or re-registered breeding stock
85586 Grub
must be tested for cerebellar abiotroTel.:089-9441969-0
phy (CA) as from 2010. Those horses
Fax: 089-9441969-501
which are already registered must also
be tested and the results must be submitted by 31st December 2011.
In laboratory 1 (Veterinary College
Hanover) the test results contribute to
Cerebellar Abiotrophy of the horse is a further investigation of this illness in
genetically transmittable neurological
defect in purebred Arabians most prob- In laboratory 2 (GeneControl) the test
ably of autosomal recessive nature i.e.: is carried out in co-operation with a
both sexes can be affected and both
partner laboratory in the USA..
sire and dam must be carriers for the
disease to manifest in the offspring.
Sample taking and/or logistics should
Shortly after birth, affected foals apbe arranged in detail with the laboratopear quite normal but after a few
ry chosen. The breeder and/or stallion
weeks or months they begin to show
the first symptoms of the onset of
owner is in all cases requested to sign
nerve cell deterioration in the cerebel- the result in order to corroborate the
lum. Affected foals display an array of match of sample to horse.
motoric disturbances to varying degrees, including dizziness, ataxia,
head tremor (increasing, for example,
PLEASE NOTE that the registering
when the foal wants to drink or eat),
process (including provision of foal
hyperactivity, difficulty with getting up
and/or backing up. There may also be papers) may be held up if a copy of the
test results is missing. We do not respatial coordination problems, including collisions with objects or other
ceive results directly from the laboratohorses. Because of their limited useful- ries. You must send them in to us as
ness and because of the heightened
soon as they are there.
risk of accidental injuries, affected animals have to be euthanized sooner or
later, irrespective of the course of the
illness. The exact genetic cause of the
clinical symptoms is at present un-
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 21
From Our Members
A Cougar in Indiana
by Michelle Detmer
What do you think? If someone would
have told me a week ago, that they
thought there was a cougar in Switzerland County, Indiana, I would have
thought they were absurd, but....
I went out to feed the horses Friday
night as usual. It was just before dark.
About 5:30-40pm. I had fed all the
horses. Then, I filled a bit of water in a
bucket for Blue to drink. He wasn't in
the barn with me so I called for him. He
came running in but wouldn't drink. He
was shaking and whimpering. Making
a noise like he was trying to talk to me.
He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He
went back to the door and looked out
towards the woods behind the baler
shed. I got worried because I never
seen him this scared before.
ing the screaming noise. It could have
been running away from the screaming
noise. But then again, it didn't look like
it was running scared. Just easily loping along. It came to the point where I
could get a full side view of it and it
looked like a big coyote. It had a long
tail. I looked for my dog. Normally,
when I would see a coyote out in the
field like this Blue would go and chase
it off into the woods. But Blue wasn't
behind me any more. He was up by
Juanita's barn apartment watching
from a distance. The animal came to
where it was directly across from me in
the field just behind those blue barrels
I have out there. (they are blown over
now.) It turned and faced me than laid
down. Or crouched down. It was nearly
dark and hard to tell. Even so I could
tell it was staring right at me. I was
afraid to move. But I eventually took a
step over towards the barn door and
started hitting it and hollering "get!" It
eventually stood up. And loped off to
the left and towards the woods. Not
like it was scared of me but more annoyed of my noise and presence. I
finally figured it was safe and went
back in the house.
made me even more afraid to go out
alone in the dark now. And this summer/spring/fall I had been doing some
late evening and almost night like riding through my woods just to get a ride
in after Allen would get home from
work through the week. I think I will still
do it but look UP in the trees more and
be more watchful.
What do you think?
Texting for the Horse Person
OOH - Out of Hay
LAS - Lost a Shoe
FOMHL - Fell Off My Horse Laughing
FTC -- Forgot the carrots
MIHA -- Mare's in heat, again
LWW -- Lesson Went Well
MSMBO - Mud Sucked My Boot Off
HIMB - Hay in My Bra
PIHH - Poop Induced Half Halt
UD - Unplanned Dismount
I was hoping it wasn't a person. So I
MMM - Master Manure Mucker
hollered, "Who's out there?" To my
OOM - Out of Money
surprised I was answered back with
MHTS - More horses than sense
the most blood curling, demonic
BAHHFDP - Bought another horse,
scream I had ever heard. And it soundhusband filed divorce papers
ed close. Just between the woods and
GBBF - Got board bill, fainted
the shed. The horses all put there
GFBF - Got farrier bill, fainted
heads up and turned around. The dog Still trying not to believe it was a couHRHCF - Husband realized horse
was still shaking. And I was looking for gar. But there were three things that
costs, fainted
a place to hide. I thought I could run
stuck out at me making me believe it
SLH - Smell like horse
into the tack room of my horse trailer
couldn't have been anything else. Peo- HTNHFH -Hiding the new horse from
and lock it from the inside.
ple say coyotes can make a scream.
First off, I've heard coyotes yelp and
- Will work for new saddle
I didn't hear any movement. So I just
holler and all the noise they make and AROGC - Arena rained out - going
stood there. I thought for sure it was
it's scary but it never sounded like this!
some mad, crazy person. I yelled
Blue has never been afraid of coyotes SSB - saddle sore butt
again, as meanly as I could, "Get out and he always chases them off. This
ALIGAR -At least I got a ribbon
of here!" It screamed back again.
he was afraid of and had the chance to NLT - No lesson today
Sounding as if it was even closer. I
chase it off but instead cowered away.
have never heard a scream like this in Secondly, I know bobcats can make a R2R - Ready to ride
my 35 years of life. It was so ear pierc- human like scream. But I'm pretty sure HGR - Have a great ride!
ingly loud, long and mean! Half human, the animal I saw in the field was the
half animal, all demon. My heart was in one that did the screaming and it had a
my throat and I was scared to death.
long tail. Bobcats have a short stubby
But I thought if it was an animal comtail and are smaller than what I seen.
ing at me I needed to make a lot of
And third, it laid down or crouched
noise. So I started kicking the big barn down and stared at me. I don't believe
door and hollering, etc. Then I seen an a coyote would do that.
animal loping across the field from the
direction I heard the screams. I wasn't Hopefully I'll never see it again. But it's
sure at first that it was what was mak-
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 22
ASAV Jumpstart Program Update…
My True Companion
by SW Daniel
. . . Over the Rainbow Bridge
Dante LCR x
RH Scarlette Onfire
He is becoming quite the young man
and is smart, sweet, and starting to
think highly of himself !
Christy Johnson
Aerial (Hungarian Bravo x Arriva Carolyn Tucker )
May 1987 to March 2011
When I think of Aerial, I remember that
I hardly ever trained her much, she
always seemed to understand what
was needed and did it mostly on her
own. All the other horses loved her
and she had a gentle way with them.
She was a beautiful mare, a good
mother and would always show off
herself and her babies to the people
that came to visit.
With Jacqueline Debets and son
Enjoying the sun
Farewell Dear Friend
The following equine souls recently
crossed over the rainbow bridge. Our
hearts go to their ‗person‘ and all who
knew and loved them.
SA Zubenelgenubi - Daunna Sellers
January 1983 to March 2011
Zube was the first horse I ever
bred. He is not a Shagya (had never
heard of the breed at that time) but
Arabian with 1/16 Tennessee Walker
via his mom, Jubanisab. In his early
years, he and Elisha were out winning
county fairs and Arabian classes. During his later years he was the schoolmaster with a penchant for licorice
treats. Here Zube, Elisha Morehead
and Katy Meyer (his rider) are showing
walk trot lead line in 2009.
Page 24
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
ASAV 2011 Jumpstart News Release
The American Shagya Arabian Verband, INC. Jump Start 2011, is a continuation of the successful Jump Start Program of the preceding years, which ASAV offers to its members and mare owners as a promotional plan to invigorate the
Shagya Arabian breeding program in North America. This promotion will rejuvenate a national Shagya horse
breeding program and further create a fund raising campaign for ASAV.
The owners of purebred Arabian Mares, Thoroughbred and Warm Blood mares should be interested in an outcross to
a Shagya stallion, as the breed has a centuries old record of producing sport horses that have won FEI events and
Shagya blood can be found in many stud books around the world. The Anglo Shagya cross is particularly appealing
to those seeking a hunter/jumper with great talent and the conformation of the Thoroughbred, but the mind of a
breed known for its quiet, calm demeanor. These are the many advantages of incorporating Shagya blood into a
sport horse breeding program. ASAV has a registry book for the Anglo Shagya, a cross that is the exact same breeding
as RAMZES, the progenitor of the “R” line, illustrious in dressage and grand prix jumper lines. His dam was a
purebred Shagya,”Jordi”!
The purebred Arabian mare owner will be interested in producing a half-Arabian sport horse eligible for the AHA Sport
Horse classes and at the same time producing a foal that is taller, has more substantial bone and has exceptional gaits.
These foals may also be eligible for purebred Shagya registrations.
*Oman was licensed for breeding by the ISR after completing the 100
day test in the U.S. and his breeding can be found in many U.S. horses.
In the past few years, a number of Shagya purebred stallions have been
imported from Europe and the breed numbers are finally on the rise in the
The Shagya is an excellent choice for anyone desiring a mount that is
versatile and will excel in many disciplines. It has the ability to succeed in
dressage or jumping and if one wants to simply hack out on the trails, one
could not have a better companion, that the noble and loyal Shagya ArabiThe desired agility, hardiness, stamina and frugality of the Bedouin
an. They are simply amazing horses, unique among the horse world and
horse, as well as its Arabian type, beauty and amiable character was kept. that is confirmed by anyone who is fortunate enough to own their
However, the Shagya has improved sport horse qualities: increased bone, SHAGYA!
a longer more sloping pelvis, prominent withers, improved coupling and a
better top line. Shagyas are not just large Arabians, nor are they imitation Warmbloods! Shagyas must be seen to appreciate their elegant
and free-flowing movement, coupled with their proud, yet steady, down to
earth, workmanlike temperament. They have charisma and animation, but
are very calm and not flighty. They are so eager to learn that it is a pleasure to train them, as they normally attempt whatever they are asked to do.
The year was 1789! The Austria-Hungarian monarchy desired an elite
horse that would be useful as a cavalry mount. This ideal horse would be
prepotent for its type, and thus could be used to improve other native
breeds. This new war horse was created by crossing quality mares with
desert Arabian stallions, mainly from Syria. And what a success! The so
called Araberrasse Horse, later known as the Shagya Arabian breed
was born. They are definitely a breed and NOT a strain of the purebred
Arabian, as recognized by WAHO.
The commanders of the state stud farms were able to select breeding
stock from superior mares and stallions and even these prospects were
subjected to rigid testing. Mares and stallions had to pass 480 mile rides
in ten days across plains, forests and mountains. Most stallions sire 90
foals or more, before even being considered as chief stallions. The army
took the less desirable horses for their remount horses.
Eventually stud farms such as the Babolna State Stud in Hungary, defined the Shayga‘s sport horse qualities and genetic strength through
effective culling. During the 1930‘s the Hungarians bred as many as 3000
Shagyas annually and they were known as the elite horse of Europe.
Judicious line breeding and out crossing to purebred Arabians about every
four or five generations assures genetic predictability.
This rigorous selection, coupled with the progeny testing, produced a
classic genetic prepotency that is still holding true to this day. The stud
books have survived for MORE than 200 years. The breed was severely
depleted during WWII but is now beginning a comeback. A purebred
Shagya gelding, HURGARES, WON THE 100 MILE 2006 WEG ENDURANCE RACE IN A TIME OF SEVEN HOURS. Endurance riders are recognizing the this breed for it‘s prowess, and many are appearing in international endurance records. Even with only a 4000 world-wide population, the breed has an excellent record in competitive events, including the
European Warmblood 100 day stallion test! In 1982, the Shagya stallion,
Koyano, by Neron, actually won a 100 day test, as did Nasrullah, the
sire of the Lily Creek import stallion, *DANTE.
Shayga Stallion
Mare owners can find the JUMP START booklet with photographs of the stallions being offered by going to:
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 25
Kublai Khan
Amurath Saskia
Dahoman XXXIX
352 Mersuch XX-5
Licensed 2006, Stallion Performance 2007
Born: 2002, Measurements: 158/187/19.5 cm
Breeding fee: € 500.00
Breeder and owner: Kathrin Maltzahn
Kabu-Khan (CA-clear)
Kabu-Khan is an attractive, masculine example of the Shagya-Arabian breed, displaying
charm, Arabian type and sporting inclination.
He passed his character test with ―well bal© Irene Noll anced, safe‖ and was ridden in his performance trials by a thirteen-year-old. His sire,
Kublai Khan, was German licensing winner in 1999, reserve in his performance trials in 2000 and was
awarded the FN gold medal. His dam has a much sought after outcross pedigree. Both sire and dam are
bay. Kabu-Khan is experienced in sport and has been competed by children. His foals are noble, charming
and true to type.
Shagya-Araber-Gestuet Eichenhof,
Lindenstr. 11a, D-14662 Wutzetz, Germany – ¾ of an hour from Berlin-Tegel airport
Tel.: 0049 33235 21635 or 0049 172 9329091
email: /
Shagya-Arabian Elite Stallion "ODIN" from Austria
Gray, 16 h (161 cm), approved (Koerung) 2002 in Stadl Paura, Perf.Test (HLP) 2003 in Stadl Paura with 114.1 pt.
2008 - International Champion in Topolcianky
2010 - Reserve European Champion in Stadl Paura with 9.09 pt.
Received highest score of all participating horses at the show with
type 3x 10 , head 3x 10 pt.
(O Bajan)
(O Bajan)
O Bajar
Koheilan IV
Koheilan IV-15
334 Tobrok-29
He is a flawless, tall stallion with a lot of type and excellent movements (walk 3x 9 pt., trot 2x 9 & 1 x 8 pt. in Stadl
Paura). He did excel in dressage (lateral movements, counter canter, excellent extended trot) and is a very good natured
and easy to handle riding stallion. Well behaved and good manners with the farrier, easy to load and haul.
Price: 14,000 Euro
Eng. MEINDL Rudolf
Tel: 0043/676/319861
American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter
Page 26
ASAV Contact Information/Board of Directors:
ASAV Corporate Mailing Address:
ASAV - American Shagya Arabian Verband 15918 Porter Road Verona, KY 41092, USA
ASAV Registrar:
ASAV - American Shagya Arabian Verband 15918 Porter Road Verona, KY 41092, USA
ASAV Membership Services:
ASAV - American Shagya Arabian Verband 95 Maple Drive Waverly Hall, GA 31831 USA
ASAV Treasurer:
ASAV - American Shagya Arabian Verband 15918 Porter Road Verona, KY 41092, USA
ASAV Newsletter Submissions:
Kilian Dill
Valerie Bullock
BOD Founding Member:
Daunna Sellers
BOD Founding Member:
Darlene Steven
BOD at Large (International
Denis Atam
Regional Directors:*
(information about regions below)
Region 1 North:
Donna Coss
Region 2 South:
Valerie Bullock
Region 3 Pacific:
Region 4 West:
Kilian Dill
Carolyn Tucker
Membership Chair:
Promotions Editor:
Newsletter Editor:
Karen Bish
Daunna Sellers
Elisha Moorehead
Valerie Bullock
Donna Coss
NL Committee
Denis Atam
Breeding Committee:
Kesleigh Lehman
Daunna Sellers
Irmi Atam
Darlene Steven
Kilian Dill
Region 1 North:
New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Maine, Connecticut , Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan ,Rhode Island, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, Massachusetts, District of Columbia
Region 2 South:
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, West Virginia
Region 3 Pacific:
Washington, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Oregon, Nebraska, Idaho, Canada*
Region 4 West:
California, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii Kansas Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri
Canada: Chris Evans is the Canadian Liaison to the ASAV BOD