DCCCD Conference Day Concurrent Sessions

DCCCD Conference Day Concurrent Sessions and
Committee Meetings 2014
At Cedar Valley College
Session Title
10:15 a.m. – 11:05 a.m. Sessions
Shani Suber
Jazz Up Your
Content with Prezi
The attendees will have the opportunity to setup a Prezi account at no
cost. We will learn how to create a new Prezi using various templates.
They will learn how to create new frames, and insert images, videos and
documents into their presentation. Attendees will also learn how to
import their existing Power Point presentations into Prezi. This will be an
exciting, hands-on, and productive session!
Marcia Foil
Understanding The
Culture of Poverty
Many of the students here at Cedar Valley come from a lower
socioeconomic background which research indicates has an individual
culture. Most faculty come from midlevel socioeconomic backgrounds. A
lack of understanding of the culture of poverty can lead to
miscommunication between faculty and students. The purpose of this
session is to help participants become more aware of their own
socioeconomic culture so that the participant can communicate better
with people from other socioeconomic backgrounds.
Barbara Carr,
& Mary Warren
Climate Reality Change
Purpose: Raise awareness of the severity of climate change and motivate
behavioral changes Outcomes: Learn why 400 ppm atmospheric carbon
dioxide is an alarm signal. See recent measurable changes in extreme
weather conditions and events. Learn what steps are being taken to
reduce atmospheric carbon levels by nations and organizations. Take
action individually and in groups to reduce carbon emissions
Jennifer Baggett,
& Charles Kurtz
Strategies &
Techniques for
Engaging Honor
This workshop is for faculty teaching, preparing to teach, or considering
teaching Honors students and administrators interested in Honors. We'll
introduce teaching strategies that engage Honors-capable students and
work collaboratively to determine which strategies might be most
effective in your discipline. We'll begin with background about Honors
programs and National Collegiate Honors Council recommendations, then
present strategies that have resulted in increased engagement, retention,
and transfer to 4-year schools for highly capable and motivated students,
focusing on strategies most successful in community colleges. The
workshop will also include discussion of your ideas and strategies for
Patrick Simpson
Respect: A
Necessity for
This session will examine and discuss the importance of respect between
faculty and student and how respect (or lack thereof) impacts and
influences student engagement, collaborative learning, cooperation
between students and faculty and between students, attitudes of both
faculty and students and communications. This presentation will also will
examine the expectations both students and faculty have for each other
and how respect has evolved in recent years.
Jami Woolley
Student Success
A rubric is an assessment tool created by an instructor to clearly define
student performance expectations for a course project, paper, or other
instructional assessment. Rubrics help students easily identify the
performance levels that determine a specific grade, and instructors who
use well-designed rubrics find grading student work easier and less
subjective. Participants will discover how to classify specific types of
grading rubrics and identify steps to creating and attaching rubrics to
eCampus assignments/assessments that clearly define student
performance expectations.
Susan Long,
& Diane Minger
Introduction to the
Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM) Program is a national benchmark for online course
design, and DCCCD has adopted the QM quality assurance rubric to
ensure high-quality student-centered online course design. In this
session, learn how Quality Matters is implemented at the colleges of the
District. You will hear from the District’s QM Institutional Representative
and a panel of faculty members who have participated in the program as a
faculty developer and/or peer reviewer.
Paul Benson
A History of
American Holidays
This educational and whimsical program will focus on the origin and
development of American holidays from the Colonial Period to Christmas
2013. It will highlight key holidays such as Christmas, Saint Valentine's
Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, and several others. The
presentation will also attempt to answer a number of intriguing questions
about American holidays including: What is the Texas connection with St.
Valentine Day? How and why did a Professor of Oriental Literature in New
York City come to fundamentally change the whole essence of America’s
Christmas celebration? What was behind the creation of Mother's Day?
Simply Swing-Out
Employee Wellness - Learning how to dance with a partner
Dan Rogers
Transforming Lives
& Communities
You know what
happens when we
assume: The
Rocking Chair
Assessment: A
Pathway to
Student Success
The emotional tone of communication in our lives and our communities
often contributes to disconfirming messages and negative responses.
Since we too often become theatrical in our reciprocation of perceived
slights and assumed wrongs this breakout session uses theatrics to
demonstrate the frustrating out-of-control spiraling results of jumping to
conclusions. What happens when we assume? This is brought to life in the
Rocking Chair Conspiracy. If we sincerely want to transform lives &
communities we must learn to never assume.
Institutional assessment is often disconnected from program and course
student learning outcome assessments. Learn how El Centro College’s CT3
Toolkit allows faculty the flexibility to make appropriate choices and
decisions about what to assess, how to assess, and when to assess. The
CT3 Toolkit and Alignment is an organic, authentic and successful
institutional assessment model that directly impacts student success.
Two Weeks To
Student SuccessEarly College High
School Reading
This project was a collaboration between the Brookhaven College QEP and
the Brookhaven College Early College High School. In this workshop, a case
study will be presented of how Brookhaven College utilized the two weeks
in January that ECHS students return to campus, but don't have college
classes, to improve these students' reading skills through reading
immersion workshops conducted during their upcoming college course
scheduled times. Development of this project, successes, considerations
for future semesters and results will be presented as part of this
Deva Arumugam
Anna Masters
Lori De La Cruz,
Ask Big Questions
for Big Solutions
“Ask Big Questions for Big Solutions” will provide faculty with a crossdisciplinary tool for engaging students. By examining everyday objects,
students will gain a well-rounded understanding of their global impacts.
They will learn how they can influence future business operations and
government legislation with critical thinking skills honed by utilizing a
systems approach to decision-making. “Ask Big Questions for Big
Solutions” is based on a framework for strategic sustainability design that
is both enlightening and thought-provoking.
Perla Molina
DCCCD Renewal
Staff Development
That's right!! Another break is available for summer 2014 to eligible
DCCCD employees whereby for using some vacation days, participants
earn at least 1 day of Professional Development. DCCCD Renewal Week
(RW), a unique professional development opportunity designed for and
administered by DCCCD staff, is accepting applications for our return to
Western State Colorado University July 27-Aug 2, 2014 at cost of only
$425. per person (based on double dorm room occupancy). Learning
outcomes to be achieved include group participation activities, staff
development opportunity discussion, RW participant testimonies, Q&A.
Start your journey to Retreat * Refresh * Refocus @ Renewal * Week, by
attending this session and by visiting our DCCCD Renewal Week website,
Cristina Medina
Visual Arts District
Faculty district wide to meet as a forum to discuss pending & imperative
issues regarding visual arts district
Kent Seaver
Not Just Card
Catalogs: College
Libraries and
Career Readiness
This presentation will be PowerPoint driven (Q & A encouraged) with the
assistance of handouts showing data compiled from the North Lake
College (NLCL) Library and Career Readiness Initiative. In response to the
new 2012-2017 Texas Statewide Developmental Education Plan, NLCL has
developed a method to incorporate the necessary Career Readiness
elements required by institutions in addressing first-time-in college (FTIC)
students. NLCL has incorporated career readiness tools, online and
database driven resources and pathways into existing library driven
instruction classes with the purpose of assisting students, as well as the
college as a whole, in achieving student success.
Traci Petteway
Leaders are not
"Born" they are
The "classroom" is to the student as the "locker room" is to the athlete the place to prepare. The "teacher" is to the student as the "coach" is to
the athletes - the person to listen to. The "administration" is to the faculty
as the "stockholders" are to the team - the ones who support and hold it
all together. We all need each other to "lead" in a productive manner but it's a process that you must learn. We are born following the lead of
others and then the initiative is taken to lead....before you know it ....you
are leading by example.....!
David Jimenez,
& Ami Stovall
Making myPortal
Work for Me
After attending this session, attendees will have a better understanding of
productivity features using myPortal such as - programs, tools,
applications that are accessible within the portal, and more....
"Amazing Apps" are super apps covering personal as well as educational
needs. These apps can simplify our job and personal lives by enhancing
our creativity, therefore improving, refining and streaming our already
demanding jobs and lives. These apps include the following categories:
Education, Health and Fitness, lifestyle, navigation, medical, productivity,
utilities, social networking, travel and many more.
Ticiano Alegre
Amazing Apps
Recruiting 101:
Growing Successful
The session will include information for faculty/administrators looking to
build programs, course offerings or new initiatives. It will cover basic
recruiting techniques from how to talk to advising staff, to the best
methods for how to recruit students on campus and ways to work with
your department to build better courses, alternative course offerings as
well as creative strategies to get noticed by students, staff and faculty to
help build buzz and student interest. It will also include a breakout
brainstorming session as well as a Q&A session. Recruiting is a tough job,
so learn to make it work for you!
Ed Bowen
Feedback: Is Yours
The use of technology and the online environment challenge us to rethink feedback and how to make it effective. Feedback helps boost
morale, promote engagement, and encourage faculty-student connection.
Is your feedback effective? Come and share.
Christa Jones
and College ready
with Career
Career Pathways are locally articulated course sequences with our area
ISDs for the purpose to earn college credit IF high school students decide
to pursue their Career Technical program. It is a collaborative initiative
between secondary and post-secondary education to support workforce
readiness and college program completion. The presentation will inform
participants of the benefits and the process of local articulations.
Participants will learn how locally articulated programs support student
recruitment and completion of CTE programs. In addition to informing
about the program, we will also demonstrate the currently articulated
programs, discuss opportunities for recruitment, explain our tracking
system and provide access to extensive online resources related to the
program. Attendees will be able to identify articulated programs, access
articulation agreements, learn how to participate in future alignment
meetings, process student requests for articulated college credit, and
advise students on program completion and specialized scholarship
& John Cothran
PC Virtualization at
El Centro College
The purpose of this session is to share with others how and why El Centro
is moving to PC Virtualization as opposed to continuing to purchase
individual PCs as has been done in years past. We will discuss the benefits
of this technology to the classroom, how its versatility is superior to
individual PCs, and the benefits from a management point of view as well
as financial benefits to the college.
Zoltan Szabo
Learning 2 Drive
As educators and citizens, it is our responsibility to understand the effects
of the virtual world on our community in the information age. Learning
outcomes: - Understand responsible computing ( home, work, social
media ) - Know available technologies and how to use them - Define the
positive side of technology - Understand basic technology evaluations Feel comfortable recommending technology to young adults - Understand
cyber citizenship
Laura Morlando
Stress Free
Transformation to
Positively Impact
You & Your
Community with
Most people love the idea of transformation and making a difference in
their communities. However, we often approach transformation and
community involvement as a total life changing challenge that is too big,
too complicated and too time consuming to start right now. So putting
this beloved idea into action is relegated to "the some day" plan, where
"some day" seems to never come. The biggest key to transformation is
not to consider why or how to do it, but instead to realize why not now
and why not me. Unlocking this simple realization is the key to making a
positive impact on you and your community and is as easy as 3 simple
Ollivettee Hill
Quantitative &
Skills: Numbers
Are Just The
“QUERES (Quantitative and Empirical Reasoning Skills): Numbers Are Just
the Beginning" examines an instrument for assessing CORE Quantitative
and Empirical Reasoning Skills based on the American Association of
Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Quantitative Literacy Value Rubric. We
will present the first results from a test group which has used the
assessment instrument. The ultimate goal is to be able to access CORE
Quantitative and Empirical Reasoning Skills at the campus-wide level,
across all disciplines. Participants will get the opportunity to participate in
a sample assessment.
Becki Williams,
& Geoff Leigh
Why You Need an
ePortfolio & How
to get One FREE!
Did you know that … • ePortfolios are much more than a repository for
assignments to be assessed for THECB and SACSCOC? • ePortfolios can
FOSTER LEARNING, enable users to make connections between formal
and informal learning experiences, and provide learners the visible
evidence they need to integrate multiple learning experiences? •
ePortfolios are not just for students? Faculty and Administrators can
benefit from creating and maintaining multiple ePortfolios. • 20,000+
DCCCD students have 3 year Foliotek ePortfolio accounts? • 400+ DCCCD
faculty have Foliotek faculty accounts? • the DCCCD has not yet realized
many of the benefits that ePortfolios afford? This session will showcase a
variety of DCCCD faculty and student ePortfolios. Interested participants
will receive free Foliotek accounts.
Ashley Finley
Using Rubrics to
Create Dialogue,
Collaboration and
Building off information from the general session, this interactive
breakout session will engage participants in a closer examination of the
VALUE rubrics. We will discuss how the set of sixteen national rubrics are
intended to be applied to student work in order to measure learning over
time and to connect student’s learning experiences across courses and
disciplines. Examples from various campuses will be integrated to help
provide ground-level perspectives of how the rubrics can be used to foster
meaningful assessment and promote faculty engagement. Emphasis will
also be given to examples from institutions, both two and four-year, that
have used rubric data to help guide the process improvement on
campuses. Time will be reserved for exploration of participants’ questions
and applications to their own campus contexts.
Joseph Santos,
& Brian Hall
Active Shooter
Defense Course
With Active Shooter events becoming more prevalent in today's
educational institutions, this course is meant to assist in preparing the
attendee with knowledge and tactics to assist in combating this threat.
This course is to prepare the faculty, staff, and students with proven "best
practices," that covers the following: Attack Cycle, Threat Mitigation Cycle,
Active Shooter case studies, Physiological Response to Stress, the "RUN,
HIDE, FIGHT" response model, basic self-defense techniques, and law
enforcement response protocols.
Journey To
Success Team,
& Paul McCarthy
Keep'em Once &
You've Got'em
More Completers It's Everybody's
Are you an awesome faculty member or administrator, but despite your
best efforts some students still need additional help or fall off track? Did
you know that you have access to technology that will allow you to alert
college officials of students who need additional help with their
educational endeavors and your at-risk students? Did you know you can
further enhance completion/graduation rates using JTS 1,2,3 steps? This
session will provide you with information on the Journey to Success
program at your college and how you can use it to assist your students. By
attending this session you will understand how the Journey to Success
program assist students at each of the 7 colleges and Dallas Colleges
Online using JTS 1,2,3 steps.
Greg Williams,
& Tameka
DCCCD Foster Care
Initiative - Past,
Now & Foster a
In order to improve the enrollment and retention rate of students aged
out of foster care, DCCCD Foster Care Initiative program reaches out to
communities to establish a collaboration of supporting systems
throughout the district. The presentation provides an understanding of
foster care students’ academic trend as well as the opportunities for
higher education. The participants will gain knowledge of DCCCD Foster
Care Initiative program and of the need and work to create the Advocacy
Groups in the communities and at our seven colleges. The presentation
hopes to result in our dedication to fostering foster care students’
academic success.
Michael Chong
How to Transform
yourself to
The purpose of the session is to help attendees balance their personal
lives in the areas of health, finances, and relationships so they can
positively impact students. A happy home life translates into a happy work
life. Thus, it's our students and our community who benefit when we
transform ourselves first!
Portal Adoption
& Georgeann
myPortal Genius
Bar & Workshop
myPortal is the communication method of choice for the future! And it’s
available now! Haven’t verified yet? Need help publishing content on
myPortal? Want to request a Team Site, but don’t know how? Get one-onone assistance from myPortal experts in this hands-on genius
bar/workshop. Already know what you want to do, but haven’t been able
to get around to it? This session offers the perfect opportunity to work on
your sites, with the added benefit of having experts waiting to help you on
Kyle Barron,
Kassi Buck,
& Jonathan
QEP Insights from
Eastfield College
Participants in this session will learn about Eastfield College's QEP model,
its successes and lessons learned, and participate in an idea exchange with
colleagues across the district on the topics of learning communities and
the first year experience.
11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Sessions
Dionel Waters
Engaging The
College Student
While Informing
Your Instruction
When teaching college students it is imperative to keep them engaged
through multiple checks for understanding. Not only should your college
students stay engaged, instructors can use this opportunity to inform their
instruction. The purpose of this session is to provide the audience with
engaging checks for understanding techniques, as well as ways in which
instructors can utilize these quick formative assessments to inform their
instruction. Participants will also be presented with lesson planning and
sequencing ideas that will assist with pacing and instructional delivery.
Kandice Dension
Benefits Workshop
Come and learn about the many different retirement benefits offered to
you through DCCCCD. When am I eligible to retire? Will I receive Social
Security? Do I have access to a 401k plan? These questions and many
more will be answered.
Chuck McCarter,
& Lillian BoneryBouchillon,
Jackie Fagan
Parent University
This session is based on a proposal to create a successful Parent University
Program partnering with Cedar Valley College Continuing Education
Department that can become a model for strengthening the all-important
connection between Early College High Schools and student families and
provide an opportunity for 1st generation families to begin their college
experience and studies. In launching a Parent University the strategy
should be clear and direct: We train you to become your student’s
academic coaches. We prepare you to more effectively motivate, nurture
and referee your Early College Student’s college life. We provide you an
opportunity to enrich your own college experience.
Delryn Fleming,
& Charlie
Assignments for
Does including the Written Communication Core Objective in your course
seem like adding more material to an already over-burdened curriculum?
Does developing Written Communication assessments feel unfamiliar,
even uncomfortable? In this short workshop, you will learn techniques to:
1) create a writing assignment that helps you measure existing learning
outcomes and 2) use a rubric to reduce grading time and provide quality
assessment and feedback.
David Wood
Students with
Disabilities in
Online Courses
This presentation offers methods to provide for equal access to course
content for all students including students with disabilities. The Americans
with Disabilities Act dictates that we make our services accessible, this
presentation gives a general overview on how we can move forward in
achieving accessibility compliance.
Melinda Imthurn
The Pitch Perfect
Professor: How to
use & care for your
voice for a lifetime
of lecturing
As professional voice users, professors must use and maintain their voices
well in order to be successful in the classroom. The demands teaching
places on the voice are great, and an understanding of how the voice
functions and how to care for it is helpful in maintaining a healthy voice
throughout a teaching career. This session will cover the basics of vocal
production, how to best use your speaking voice, how to care for your
voice, and will also address specific vocal challenges that face some of the
attendees. After attending the session, you will better understand how to
use and care for your voice to maintain vocal health throughout your
Phillip Ortiz
Is The Visiting
Scholar's Program
The purpose of this presentation is to review the findings of a quantitative
study which compared the gender and ethnicity between Visiting Scholars
who gained full-time faculty employment in the DCCCD and those who did
not. The results and implications of these findings will be discussed in
detail along with recommendations for the future of the Visiting Scholars
program in the DCCCD.
Join this panel discussion by faculty members involved in the Ready to Use
program. Ready to Use templates are complete courses created by the
LeCroy Center along with DCCCD faculty that are available to the faculty at
the colleges of the DCCCD. Each course template is a collaboration of
faculty members at the colleges, instructional designers and the
production staff at LeCroy. We call these courses Ready to Use because all
you have to do is put in a welcome message, your syllabus and course
dates and you are ready to teach. The courses are viewable on different
systems including mobile devices. The courses are full of rich multi-media
content, engaging interactive activities, and pools of questions or alreadyprepared tests. The courses were designed using the Quality Matters
Rubric to ensure each course is aligned, student-centered, engaging and
easy for students to navigate.
Properly planned and constructed rubrics are an effective form of
assessments. However, recent surveys show this form of assessment is
seldom used in eCampus. With increasingly large classroom sizes, faculty
are constantly being challenged to provide effective feedback for contentbased student learning outcomes as well as program and institutional
outcomes. Learn how to develop and deploy eCampus rubrics for easier
assessment by using and modifying Value Rubrics for Content Specific
student learning outcomes and institutional level outcomes like the Core
Objective requirements. In this presentation, participants will learn the
benefits of using rubrics, the skills to develop effective rubrics, the
method to do simple data analysis, and the best practices in rubric
Susan Long
Ready To Use
Deva Arumugam
eCampus Rubrics
for Easier
& Reporting
Lisa Jackson,
& Luke Story
Socratic Method
In his book The Habit of Thought, Michael Strong says, "The act of creating
a culture of learning in most classrooms is similar to trying to light wet
firewood in the rain.” The Socratic Method is a strategy that can help
instructors ignite the spark of critical thinking, leading to more effective
oral and written communication among all their students, regardless of
the students' level of academic preparedness or cultural background.
Andrew Deibert,
& Erum Shaikh
Passion and
“Citizenship is a tough occupation which obliges the citizen to make his
own informed opinion and stand by it.” - Martha Gellhorn. Calling our
students to become responsible citizens is part of the educational process,
so how do we integrate it into our instruction? Looking for ways to
incorporate social responsibility in your classroom and unsure on how to
get started? Hear about easy and successful projects that have impacted
students as well as benefited the community. Attendees will receive a
social responsibility starter kit filled with ideas, resources and examples.
Thom D.
3 Little Words:
Message, Recall,
Failure and How to
Avoid Them
E-mail can build or destroy the reputation of a person or even a college.
Far too many e-mails are sent, and many that are miss their mark due to
typos, misinterpretations and/or other problems. Attend this highly
collaborative, marginally humorous workshop if you'd like to understand
email from a college president's expectations and perspective. Attendees
will sharpen their e-mail crafting skills through discussion and “eyes-on”
study of real e-mails sent and received by the presenter. Prerequisite:
familiarity with e-mail and imperfection in the workplace.
Laura Morlando
Transformation to
Grow you and your
We all agree that leadership differs from management. We all have a
leader inside of us and many of us already hold leadership positions. So
how do we grow as a leader to create a legacy of empowerment in others
without sacrificing our career, our personal time and our families? Laura
Morlando The Stress Commando knows personally how to maximize a
desire to make a difference with the obligations in our lives. As an
entrepreneur, caregiver, wife and leader, Laura has learned to harness the
power of professional associations and the journey of leadership to grow
herself and her community in 3 easy steps
Christa Jones
Take Your
Curriculum Abroad
The purpose of this presentation is to inform about the process and
timeline for any Field or Study Abroad courses. Attendees will be
introduced to extensive resources and forms to make field/study abroad
courses a manageable option for any credit program. The Office of
International Education will demonstrate how to project expenses and
revenue; develop a prospectus and proposal; promote the courses and
adhere to all district process and procedures. Attendees will also learn
from the Office of Risk Management how to keep students and staff safe
and secure. Let us show you where to find all the resources and maximize
the support for your future field/study abroad opportunities.
Judith Dumont,
Sarah Sheldon
The Viral
Underground: A
Guerilla Marketing
Strategy to
Promote Program
In this modern age where social networking and smart technology reign
king, learn how DEEP (Developmental Education Empowerment Project)
at Eastfield College in Dallas, Texas is infiltrating students’ technology
hubs to promote college readiness and the completion agenda through
viral marketing. While some viral videos play off of campy themes such as
math phobia and self-regulation, others are a call to action to inspire
students to break through developmental education and into college
credit. Viral links from these videos generated over 1,000 hits, reaching
students through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Blackboard,
campus websites, and email blasts.
Portal Adoption
& Georgeann
myPortal Genius
Bar & Workshop
myPortal is the communication method of choice for the future! And it’s
available now! Haven’t verified yet? Need help publishing content on
myPortal? Want to request a Team Site, but don’t know how? Get one-onone assistance from myPortal experts in this hands-on genius
bar/workshop. Already know what you want to do, but haven’t been able
to get around to it? This session offers the perfect opportunity to work on
your sites, with the added benefit of having experts waiting to help you on
Holly McGowanRomero,
& Rebekah RiosHarris
Literate Lives
Research shows that students who reflect on their own experiences with
literacy are better able to understand their attitudes and perceptions
toward reading and writing and use this knowledge to advance their
learning experiences. Come to this session to learn about creating digital
and written projects and portfolios centered on the theme of literacy.
Participants will see examples, receive handouts, and discuss how literacy
history affects the personal lives and communities of our students.
Ron Carriveau
Reporting Results
with the ThreeLevel Model
This workshop shows how to calculate a direct measure of student
attainment of learning outcomes (without the use of grades) using results
from MC and constructed response tests, and how to report attainment at
three outcome levels and then linking to program and institutional levels,
all with an emphasis on the importance of test item validity.
Ashley Finley
Using Rubrics to
Create Dialogue,
Collaboration and
Building off information from the general session, this interactive
breakout session will engage participants in a closer examination of the
VALUE rubrics. We will discuss how the set of sixteen national rubrics are
intended to be applied to student work in order to measure learning over
time and to connect student’s learning experiences across courses and
disciplines. Examples from various campuses will be integrated to help
provide ground-level perspectives of how the rubrics can be used to foster
meaningful assessment and promote faculty engagement. Emphasis will
also be given to examples from institutions, both two and four-year, that
have used rubric data to help guide the process improvement on
campuses. Time will be reserved for exploration of participants’ questions
and applications to their own campus contexts.
Velma Hargis
TSI Updates Also
Impact Dual Credit
The purpose of this presentation is to equip participants with new state
requirements as outlined by the THECB concerning TSI impact on Dual
Credit. This will allow staff to be able to implement the new requirements
within written documents along with intake procedures.
Sheryl Lumbley
The Anatomy &
Physiology of a
Choice Question
Do you use multiple choice questions? Have you ever had formal training
in writing good questions? This session will focus on writing better exam
questions by presenting the best practices for construction of multiple
choice questions. This session makes suggestions on how to use the Point
Biserial correlation to confirm the validity of each test item and how to
use these statistics to tweak a question to improve its performance on
future exams.
Dana Corbin
eMagic: How to
Access District
Via DCCCD Libraries, students, faculty, and staff can access thousands of
ebooks from anywhere. Titles range from instructional materials to fiction.
Although free, the steps to access District ebooks vary by provider and
device. For example, some allow access on stand-alone ebook readers and
mobile devices. Other ebook providers offer access differently. We will
show you how to download and read ebooks from any DCCCD vendor.
Yes! You Have A
Getting students to write can be a challenge. How do you engage students
in the writing process so that they write coherent essays that reflect their
own voices? Move students from plagiarizing to connecting ideas and
language of their own. Capitalize on the TMI factor (Too Much
Information) and get students thinking and writing!
Zoltan Szabo
Learning 2 Drive
As educators and citizens, it is our responsibility to understand the effects
of the virtual world on our community in the information age. Learning
outcomes: - Understand responsible computing ( home, work, social
media ) - Know available technologies and how to use them - Define the
positive side of technology - Understand basic technology evaluations Feel comfortable recommending technology to young adults - Understand
cyber citizenship
& John Cothran
PC Virtualization at
El Centro College
The purpose of this session is to share with others how and why El Centro
is moving to PC Virtualization as opposed to continuing to purchase
individual PCs as has been done in years past. We will discuss the benefits
of this technology to the classroom, how its versatility is superior to
individual PCs, and the benefits from a management point of view as well
as financial benefits to the college.
& Mike Panahi
Thinking, Talking &
Using Technology
in Math
Classrooms to
increase the
in Hybrid and
Online Math
Traditional math education software has tended to be built using closed
systems with a bare minimum of computation capabilities, but with
blending homework with technology student will use computational
engine and help them to learn mathematics. We will provide the data
which indicate 18% increase in retention in hybird and online math
& Adam Boynton
Textbook Rental
Program: Follett's
IncludED Solution
This session is for faculty and administrators interested in Follett’s
IncludED proposed option available to drive student success and ensure
all students are prepared with course materials on first day of class.
Session will also cover best practices and procedures for a successful text
rental program.
David Jimenez,
& Ami Stovall
Making myPortal
Work for Me
After attending this session, attendees will have a better understanding of
productivity features using myPortal such as - programs, tools, and
applications that are accessible within the portal - the links that are
accessible within the portal - making use of shared and personal
documents - managing bookmarks, and more....
Ticiano Alegre
Amazing Apps
"Amazing Apps" are super apps covering personal as well as educational
needs. These apps can simplify our job and personal lives by enhancing
our creativity, therefore, improving, refining and streaming our already
demanding jobs and lives. These apps include the following categories:
Education, Health and Fitness, lifestyle, navigation, medical, productivity,
utilities, social networking, travel and many more.
& Terah Coffman
Climate Change is
the Question, but
what are the
A Web-based ‘Climate Science Toolkit,’ designed to integrate the
fundamental science that regulates the Earth’s climate, has been
developed by the American Chemical Society for use by educators and the
public. This presentation, tailored for Community College Faculty
audiences, shows how the Toolkit addresses such questions as: Evidence
that Earth is Warming? What is the atmospheric greenhouse effect? How
are a warming Earth and increased greenhouse gases related? Have
human activities contributed to Earth’s greenhouse gases? What are
feedbacks in the climate system? How are oceans affected by the Earth’s
energy imbalance and by increasing atmospheric CO2 levels?
Ed Bowen
Sharpening The
Sword: BrainBased
Learning Strategies
How is neuroscience research challenging our teaching strategies? Why do
neuromyths abound? What do you need to know? Interested? Come,
discuss, explore, share, and learn about this important topic.
1:30 p.m. –2:20 p.m. Sessions
Michael Iachetta
The Art of
Teaching &
Participants will learn how to promote active learning in their classes by
facilitating small and large group conversations. The facilitator will
demonstrate and share techniques that encourage students to listen to
one another, elaborate on the contributions of others, agree or disagree
with one another in a civil and productive manner, give reasons for their
opinions, cite evidence to support their opinions, and address challenges
to their opinions. Students who participate in learning through
conversation develop skills they can use for the rest of their lives, and
often discover a love of learning that provides an incentive to complete
their degrees and become lifelong learners.
Ulises Figueroa
Gilman, Boren &
MVC Enhancing
Student Learning
International experience is critically important in the educational and
career development of all students in general and in particular for those
of our DCCCD. Attending personnel who is involved in the advising and
suggestion of courses to students will be provided with information about
scholarships to help students achieve their educational goals by attending
MVC lead programs in Spain this coming summer 2014 in particular and
courses abroad with focuses not only on language but in STEM in general.
This session will help you provide information about other financial help
beyond the regular Financial Aid and Pell Grants.
Carol Frisby
Tips & Tricks for
Faculty: Online
Databases Not Just
For Students
Doing Research
The purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate the library resources
available to the faculty to use in their professional career as well as with
their students either online or face-to-face classes. If the faculty can lead
the students to the proper resources on this level, the students will have a
greater chance of succeeding either now or in their future endeavors in a
four-year university or beyond. **Note: This is the last time I will give this
presentation, so this is the last chance to participate in this workshop.
Carol Kent
Learning Power:
To Learn
Richland College 2013 Quality Enhancement Plan is “Learning to Learn:
Developing Learning Power.” As determined by the faculty-led QEP team,
the Richland College QEP integrates one goal - to foster in our students
the traits of the lifelong learner; one Dimension of Learning Power Changing and Learning; and one student learning outcome - Students will
demonstrate their capacity to change and learn through effort and the
intentional practice of thinking. The purpose of this presentation is to
provide an overview of Learning Power and will focus on the concept of
Changing and Learning through the use of Thinking Routines.
Jon Tarell,
& Michael
The Road Home:
From Combat to
College & Beyond
Help to transition Veterans to civilian life
Erin Alkhaolany
The Digital
Classroom: A New
Transforming a traditional classroom setting into a dynamic classroom is
as easy as the click of a mouse! Join the conversation and learn some
innovative digital techniques and resources for both students and
Arumugam, &
Teresa Isbell
Data, Data & More
Data: How to
Information for
Level Outcome
Quality Enhancement Plans are Institutional Level Outcome Assessment
initiatives. Through the QEP implementation, ECC has discovered how to
do an across-the-curriculum assessment, data collection, collation and
analysis technique that makes sense and is meaningful for faculty and
students. Through parallel alignments of institutional assessment
measures to program and course assessment measures, data and data
driven decisions directly impact teaching and learning.
Simply Swing-Out
Employee Wellness - Learning how to Dance with
a partner
David Jimenez,
& Ami Stovall
Making myPortal
Work for Me
After attending this session, attendees will have a better understanding of
productivity features using myPortal such as - programs, tools, and
applications that are accessible within the portal - the links that are
accessible within the portal - making use of shared and personal
documents - managing bookmarks, and more....
Anna Mays
Student Success at
Cedar Valley
The Impact of
Texas Completes
Cedar Valley College (CVC) is the lead college for the Dallas County
Community College District Texas Completes team. This team worked this
past year to identify key District policies and procedures that would
promote student success and completion of certificates and degrees.
Rather than create new committees, the team has worked with existing
groups that are implementing broad-based systemic change efforts to
dramatically improve student success and completion.. At the conclusion
of this session, participants will be able to describe how Cedar Valley
College and the DCCCD Texas Completes team has: • Reinvented college
readiness activities to focus entering students on early planning for
admission and financial aid application, pre-assessment preparation
activities prior to the new Texas Success Initiative (TSI) assessment, new
student orientation and early registration. • Redesigned the academic
advising model to focus on teaching students specific skills to plan their
academic pathway from connection with the college, entry into their first
year, progress in their program of study and completion of a certificate or
degree. • Integrated career planning, program of study and financial
literacy information into Human Development and EDUC 1300 courses. •
Provided full-time and adjunct faculty training and professional
development on strategies to improve completion and academic advising
within the classroom. • Developed new procedures for identifying
potential completers and graduating students to increase the number of
awarded certificates and Associate degrees The session will also include
commentary on the impact on students from student leaders at Cedar
Valley College.
Ed Bowen
Exploring The
Future of
Technology and
An interactive conversation that explores how technology's culture drives
our perceptions of learning, studying, and core teaching values.
Zoltan Szabo
Learning 2 Drive
As educators and citizens, it is our responsibility to understand the effects
of the virtual world on our community in the information age. Learning
outcomes: - Understand responsible computing ( home, work, social
media ) - Know available technologies and how to use them - Define the
positive side of technology - Understand basic technology evaluations Feel comfortable recommending technology to young adults - Understand
cyber citizenship
Ron Carriveau
Response Test
Using Rubrics to
Create Dialogue,
Collaboration and
This workshop covers guidelines for writing different types of constructed
response test items with a focus on extended responses, types of rubrics
(holistic and analytic), developing analytic rubric proficiency descriptors,
and setting rubric score cut points.
Building off information from the general session, this interactive
breakout session will engage participants in a closer examination of the
VALUE rubrics. We will discuss how the set of sixteen national rubrics are
intended to be applied to student work in order to measure learning over
time and to connect student’s learning experiences across courses and
disciplines. Examples from various campuses will be integrated to help
provide ground-level perspectives of how the rubrics can be used to foster
meaningful assessment and promote faculty engagement. Emphasis will
also be given to examples from institutions, both two and four-year, that
have used rubric data to help guide the process improvement on
campuses. Time will be reserved for exploration of participants’ questions
and applications to their own campus contexts.
Boccalandro, &
Let's Integrate
As colleges are being redesigned and retrofitted in greener ways, many
institutions are using these projects as hands-on learning opportunities for
students. These so-called “living laboratories” merge academics and
campus facilities management to provide students with real-world skills
and, for the institution, a path to meet its sustainability goals. The
purpose of this session is to share the experience of CVC. And then have a
discussion on what it is being done in other colleges, generating ideas on
how to move forward and integrate employees, faculty and students on
the journey to being sustainable while creating a “living sustainability lab”.
Portal Adoption
& Georgeann
myPortal Genius
Bar & Workshop
myPortal is the communication method of choice for the future! And it’s
available now! Haven’t verified yet? Need help publishing content on
myPortal? Want to request a Team Site, but don’t know how? Get one-onone assistance from myPortal experts in this hands-on genius
bar/workshop. Already know what you want to do, but haven’t been able
to get around to it? This session offers the perfect opportunity to work on
your sites, with the added benefit of having experts waiting to help you on
Garth Clayton
Sizing Up Potential
Nonprofit Partners
with Guidestar:
The Basics
For years now, the name of the game has been "collaboration." Funders
(and many others) aim to make the most of their money by supporting
partnerships. The purposes of this session are to help participants uncover
nonprofit resources that help them fulfill their college's mission--in
sponsored programs or otherwise--and to analyze these resources to
assess potential nonprofit partners. We will briefly review a short list of
"easy" indicators, and then we will walk through a free online resource,
Guidestar, to find and size up some nonprofits. For the purpose of this
presentation, so we can avoid critiquing our neighbors, we will look at
nonprofits outside of Texas.
Ashley Finley
Discipline Meetings 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Cultural Studies
Developmental Writing
Education 1300
Education (TECA)
Environmental Science
Foreign Languages
Human Development
Math/Developmental Math
Physical Science/Geology
Reading/Developmental Reading
Speech Communication
Program Meetings 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
Auto Body Tech and Auto Tech-Diesel and Heavy Equipment/Engine
Bus Admin, Bus Office Systems and Support, Small Business Academy and Management
Child Development
Commercial Building Energy Performance, Residential Building Performance
Commercial Music
Computer related programs and Multimedia Technology
Conflict Management
Construction Tech., Electrical Tech,, Welding Tech.
Criminal Justice
Digital Forensics
Digital Imaging Technology
Distance/Online Learning and Education-Related Degrees
Electronics-related programs, Electronics/Computer technology
Emergency Medical Services and paramedics
Engineering Emphasis Degrees and Engineering Technology
Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, and Marketing Careers
Fire Protection Technology
Food and Hospitality Institute
Geographic Information Systems Technology
Interior Design
Logistics Technology and International Business and Trade
Medical/Nursing related programs
Mortgage Banking
Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Manufacturing, and Mechatronics Tech
Radiologic Sciences
Real Estate
Social Work
Substance Abuse Counseling
Teaching Degrees
Travel, Exposition and Meeting Management
Veterinary Technology