Personnel: Director of Music-1 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC REPORTS TO: SENIOR PASTOR DESCRIPTION In accordance with our Constitution and Mission Statement, the Director of Music leads or coordinates the music ministries of St. Paul’s, to enrich worship, grow people, and partner with other ministries. This is a part-time position; however, due to different levels of musical activity throughout the church year, the time requirement per week will be flexible. QUALIFICATIONS The Director of Music must have a strong music background and be familiar with church music, both traditional and contemporary. The Director of Music will have the ability to lead, direct, promote, coordinate, and recruit for the various musical expressions at St. Paul’s, as well as a willingness to work with other ministries of this congregation to support our common mission. S/he should be comfortable working with people of all ages and abilities. S/he should have a strong faith and a commitment to a meaningful worship experience. Bachelors or higher degree from an accredited institution. Knowledge of Lutheran doctrine and ability to apply. Well organized; possess good communications skills. Certification under St. Paul’s Youth Protection Policy. RESPONSIBILITIES Programs Direct, or be responsible for, rehearsals and presentations at regular, seasonal, and special worship services for various choirs: Worship Team, Jubilant Bells, Kingdom Choir, Early Praise, St. Paul’s Singers, Voice of the Spirit, Sunday School Singers, for example. Provide musical leadership for the Sunday School Openings. Coordinate and lead the Vacation Bible School music. Schedule and rehearse special music, choral or instrumental groups, for Sunday morning worship service, and special worship services like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc. Planning and supervising duties Plan, research, and locate special music for all groups. Provide appropriate music selections in keeping with the church year and appropriate for worship in the Lutheran church. Make reasonable attempts to provide music (choir/instrumental) for all worship services. Participate in selecting the hymns for the traditional, contemporary, and special worship services such as baptisms, installations, and new ministries. Participate in planning, writing, and creating the contemporary, traditional, and special worship services. Be available as a consultant for weddings, funerals and other worship events. Attend Worship and Music committee meetings and staff meetings. Personnel: Director of Music-2 Administrative functions and program development Be responsible for working within the budget. Administer the music licensing contracts in an accurate and timely fashion. Maintain the musical instruments including the organ, pianos, keyboard, and bells. Participate in worship planning meetings and other congregational planning events. Establish a database with names of contact persons and resources to be used for special music opportunities. Research and develop new music ministries at St. Paul’s as well as outreach to other congregations as opportunities arise. Support and coordinate the activities of any volunteer directors. Serve as music consultant for Rejoicing Spirits. Actively seek out persons to provide special music for the worship services. Actively seek out and recruit talented members of the congregation to become active musically. Join other staff and leadership in building up and furthering all ministries of our congregation. Staff relationships and communication Provide music schedules to the Senior Pastor, Organist, and Administrative Director in a timely fashion. Provide information as needed for the contemporary, traditional, and special worship services to office staff and proof read all bulletins weekly. Coordinate scheduling with the various choirs, groups, and musicians, organist, accompanists, paid and volunteer musicians. Meet with the Senior Pastor regularly for planning and coordination. Notify all music staff of changes in liturgy, responses, psalm tones, settings, etc. Submit monthly newsletter articles as appropriate. The Director of Music is to be directly supervised by the Senior Pastor. The Director of Music supervises all other music staff. The Mutual Ministry Committee supports the Directory of Music in Human Resources and support roles. The Director of Music is accountable to the Congregation Council as the final authority. Professional Development Seek continued growth by participating in professional development classes, workshops, and/or conferences as budget and time permits. Other Information Amount of Time/When Ministry is Accomplished Thirty hours per week, with a freedom to apply that time flexibly as fits the ministry opportunities and responsibilities. A portion of this time should be regularly scheduled office hours at St. Paul’s, and weekly responsibilities include Sunday mornings. Vacation time is provided as outlined in the St. Paul’s Vacation Policy (below). Personnel: Director of Music Personnel: Director of Music-3 Review and Evaluation Initial reviews will be conducted after three, and then six, months of employment, to clarify expectations and provide support and direction and to establish mutual goals. After the initial 6 month period, formal annual reviews will be conducted. Additionally, periodic informal reviews will be conducted every 6 months Training Provided Initial orientation and direction by the (Senior) Pastor. Readings and suggested workshops, with a continuing education allowance provided. Support Provided Encouragement, support and resources from the (Senior) Pastor. Support and encouragement from the Mutual Ministry Committee. Support and encouragement from the Congregation Council Administrative support from our support staff. Mutual prayers. St Paul’s Staff Vacation Policy If you are hired prior to July 1, you are eligible to receive one week’s vacation during the current calendar year. (After July 1, you do not receive vacation until the next calendar year.) Once you have completed your first year of service, you are eligible for two weeks paid vacation. As your service grows, you become eligible for more vacation, as this schedule shows: With this many years of service 1-4 5-9 10+ You’re entitled to this many weeks a year 2 3 4 One week’s vacation is equivalent to your normal hours worked. All time off must be approved prior by your direct report. You are responsible for arranging for any necessary coverage during vacation periods. Please note: Because of the life of the church, there are certain times during the year when time off will not be allowed. REV. 8/6/13