Brad Bradford!

the Beacon
September 2, 2012
Welcome to our new Interim Director of Music Ministries:
Brad Bradford!
Please join us in welcoming Rev. Brad Bradford as our Interim
Director of Music Ministries. Rev. Bradford comes from
Dothan, Alabama and has served local churches as Music and
Worship Pastor since October, 1982. Rev. Bradford and his
wife Rhonda have two adult daughters, Caroline & Allison.
Rev. Bradford holds a Bachelor of Science from Lamar
University with a Music Education major and a Master of Music
from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a
ministry concentration. He brings many years of experience
and enthusiasm to Shalimar UMC and will be with us through
the remainder of 2012 while the Staff Parish Relations
Committee continues reviewing applicants. Rev. Bradford will be working with our Music Ministry in all
areas, including worship services and preparing and directing our Christmas concerts.
One of Rev. Bradford’s philosophies is that: “We approach each Sunday as a "big event." This simply
means we incorporate multiple resources, ministries and people in leading God's people to the throne
each time we meet. While we do major musicals, dramatic productions and the like, we do not view
these as more important than what we do on Sunday.”
Rev. Bradford has a wide array of experience in directing choirs, instrumental groups, wind ensembles,
praise teams, media, technical and drama arts. In addition to Sunday-by-Sunday preparations and
leadership, Rev. Bradford is experienced in providing music and worship leadership experiences for all
ages as well as other "specialty" groups, including graded choirs, youth choirs, college-age praise bands,
senior adult choirs and handbell choirs.
Other areas of ministry in which he has been involved are annual events, outreach events, mission trips,
and other major productions. At Rev. Bradford’s previous church, the media ministry produced a fulllength feature film, "Writing Christmas Cool" which played for 2 weeks at a local movie theater during
Christmas, 2010. This film is a musical and they had the privilege of working with Denver Bierman of
Denver and the Mile High Orchestra in arranging, recording and producing the music for the movie. The
instrumental tracks were recorded in Nashville and Calvary Baptist Church recorded all the vocals on
campus using their technical arts team.
Other events Rev. Bradford has been instrumental in include Vacation Bible School (his “most favorite
week each year”), various concerts and outreach events, Resurrection Celebration Passion Plays, nonseasonal worship events, mission endeavors and local theater productions. Rev. Bradford is also
passionate about missions around the world and has been on mission trips to England, South Wales,
Brazil, Guatemala and Scotland as well as New York, Vermont, Arizona and Texas. His responsibilities
usually include VBS teams, musical presentations, fine arts camps and logistical support.
Staying Connected With our College Students
Many of our church family members are off to college again this year. The Congregational Care
Ministry wants to stay connected to the college students throughout the year. We need your help!
Parents: if you would like for the Congregational Care Team to send cards to your son or daughter
throughout the school year, please send your son or daughter’s name, address (mailing address and
email), and birthday to Janet Niemi Chubb (
If you would like to join the Team who sends cards to the college students, email Janet
Did You Miss Your Photo Opportunity?
If for any reason you have not been able to have your photo taken for the 2012 Church Directory, we
have scheduled an extra day on Tuesday, September 18th, with appointments available both in the
afternoon and evening. As before, you may schedule an appointment on line through or you may call Kim in the Program Director’s office (651-0721, ext. 111) for assistance or
for additional information.
Friendship Club
All interested friends and members of SUMC are invited to attend the next monthly luncheon on
Tuesday, September 11th, 11:30 am in the FLC. Chef Heyward will be serving up one of his delicious
lunches, for which the cost will be $6. The speaker will be Ms. Anna Dyess, the Community Health
Services Coordinator for this area. Ms. Dyess will present an informative and interesting topic on
Florida Injury Prevention Programs for Seniors (FLIPS). Come and join the fellowship. Call the church
office, (651-0721) to make your reservation.
Worship Team Meeting
This meeting will be held Tuesday, September 11th at 6:30 pm in FLC Room 106.
Thank You
To Sara Michaelson & those who provided sandwiches for our weekly Feed the Hungry Program
for the homeless in our area, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church.
A great big thank you! - Yvonne, First Presbyterian Church
Holly Fair
Join the Holly Fair Committee make plans on Tuesday, September 11th at 6:30 pm in FLC Room 211!
Summer Fare Fellowship Dinner
September 5th|Mexican Fiesta
Adults $6.50 / Children 3 - 10 $3 | Max $25 per household
Please make a reservation by noon on Tuesday through the church office and plan to join us between
5:00-6:15 pm on Wednesday.
Children’s Corner
(4 years old-5th grade)
Acolyte Info: Begin wearing your robes again on September 2nd! New acolyte training will also be on
September 2nd at noon in the Sanctuary. The training should take about 30 minutes. Parents, you do
need to be there, please!
Wednesday Evening Bible Classes:
Kidz JAM: for kids in Kinder –1st grade - meets in Courtyard Room 6 from 6pm – 8pm.
Kidz PB&J: for kids in 2nd – 3rd grade - meets in Courtyard Room 7 from 6pm – 8pm.
Kidz BLT: for kids in 4th -5th grade - meets in the Computer lab in the Courtyard from 6pm – 8pm.
Children’s Choir: Sundays at 5:00 pm in the Family Life Center (for all children 4 years of age
through 5th grade).
Fish Factory (for all children 4 years – 5th grade): Starts September 2nd from 6:00–7:00 pm in the
FLC gym- theme: DOJO- practicing the right moves for a successful Christian life. Snack supper at
6:45 pm – cost: $2 per child.
Kidz Nite Out: Friday, September 7th from 6pm–10pm for all kids kinder – 5th grade. The cost is $15
for first child, $10 for second, etc. Please register by emailing Miss Susan no later than August 31!
We will have games & crafts, along with pizza, ice cream & soda. Bring your friends from school!
5ALIVES: for completed 5th graders only. Our first 5ALIVES is scheduled for Friday, September 14th in
the Computer Lab. Join me at 5:00 pm for pizza, games and fun!
Sunday School for ages 4 years – 5th grade: Every Sunday from 9:30am-10:30am in the Courtyard
Thank you so much for all your support in Children’s Ministry! If you have any questions or concerns,
please email or call me. Grace & peace, Miss Susan, cell: 598-6683.
Thank You
On behalf of Shelter House and the women, men and families we serve, I would like to personally
thank you for your generous donations last February and March. It is gifts like yours that enable us to
continue working with victims of domestic violence. Thank you again and you are appreciated!
Sincerely, Roberta Holloway, President, Board of Directors
Sunday Morning Nursery Room Schedule
Nursery has now added a new room for babies beginning August 26!
FLC Room 101 - newborns to 18 months | FLC Room 102 - children 19 months to 24 months
FLC Room 103 - children 25 months and up
Children’s Church has a new room schedule beginning September 9th:
FLC Room 104 - pre-k (4 years - 5 years old) | FLC Room 105 - kindergarten
FLC Room 211 - 1st & 2nd grade
Youth Happenings
where God & teenagers connect
Sunday, September 2nd
9:30-10:30 am- “InsideOut” Sunday School! We want you to be transformed from the inside
out through the Sunday morning classes we offer. We meet together in the Youth Rooms at 9:30 for
announcements and then separate into the different classes being offered.
FUSION 5:00pm-9:30pm – BULLETPROOF YOUTH CONFERENCE @ Emerald Coast Worship
Center FWB. This is an annual local youth conference featuring exiting worship, powerful messages
and life changing experiences. The theme for the conference is “Holy”, teaching this generation to
live out their faith in holiness. We will meet at the church @ 5pm, the conference starts at 6pm and
we will return to the church no later than 9:30pm (remember there is no school on Monday).
Wednesday, September 5th
PULSE Small Group Bible Study, 6:30pm-8pm – Come out for a time of worship, and get plugged
into a small group. This week we will split into small groups and you will be able to spend some
time getting to know each other and the parents/adult workers who will be walking it out with you
on this spiritual journey. From 5:30pm-6:30pm the youth rooms are open upstairs for students to
hang out, do homework, and play video games. At 6:30pm we all meet in the Sanctuary for group
time and break out into small groups till 8pm.
ROCK THE UNIVERSE – Saturday September 8th – The deadline to sign up for this event is Sunday;
we will not be taking any more registration forms after that. It’s filling up fast and there is limited
space available. Forms are available in the FLC Lobby at the Connection Table, church office or at
Fusion youth ministry events.
Preschool still has a few openings
for three-year-olds!
Contact Preschool Director, Karen Jadin
(651-0721, ext. 109).
Altar Flowers
Flower bouquets and single roses are
available on the following Sundays to
recognize loved ones or events:
September 16, 23 (roses only), & 30.
Bouquets: $35.00 each | Roses: $2.50 each
Please contact the church office.
Weekly Schedule
September 2-September 8, 2012
Sunday, September 2nd
Worship Times
Traditional Services ................... 8 & 11 am
Contemporary Service ................... 9:30 am
Freedom Service ........................ 11:07 am
Sunday School for all ages ................ 9:30 am
College MERGE (ages 18 to 25) .......... 10:00 am
Children’s Choirs ........................... 5:00 pm
Youth Outing ................................ 5:00 pm
Fish Factory Snack Supper ................ 5:45 pm
Fish Factory.................................. 6:00 pm
Monday, September 3rd
Church Office Closed for Labor Day Holiday
Praise Team Rehearsal .................... 5:30 pm
Tuesday, September 4th
Men’s Basketball ............................
Strength Training ...........................
Joy Ringers Bell Choir ......................
Prayer Group ................................
Men’s Disciple Workshop ..................
6:00 am
8:00 am
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Wednesday, September 5th
Splash of Joy 1 ...............................9:30 am
Splash of Joy 2 ...............................9:30 am
Fellowship Dinner ...........................5:00 pm
Orchestra Rehearsal ........................5:30 pm
PULSE-Youth Bible Study ...................5:30 pm
Kidz JAM (Kinder-1st grade) ...............6:00 pm
Kidz PB&J (2nd-3rd grade) .................6:00 pm
Kidz BLT (4th-5th grade) ...................6:00 pm
Rejoice Rehearsal ...........................6:00 pm
Gloryland Rehearsal.........................6:00 pm
Disciple 1 (Hoppenjan) .....................6:00 pm
Christian Friends Group ....................6:00 pm
Men’s Small Group ..........................6:30 pm
Depression Support Group .................6:30 pm
Youth Worship ...............................6:30 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal ...................7:00 pm
Alanon .........................................8:00 pm
Thursday, September 6th
Strength Training ............................8:00 am
MOPS Steering Meeting .....................9:00 am
Friday, September 7th
Playgroup/Uptown Station .................9:30 am
Grief Support Group ...................... 10:00 am
Saturday, September 8th
Youth-Rock the Universe ...................6:00 am
Prayer Group .................................8:00 am
Worship Attendance
August 26th
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:07 am
A Note from Jeff
It is hard to believe that after 9 years, I am saying goodbye to you as Minister of Music. The
opportunities we have shared together glorifying God and blessing others has been an experience
I will always look back on with satisfaction. I desire for the day that God may say to me “Well
done good and faithful servant.”, especially regarding the past 9 years.
No church has shared the personal losses with my family the way you have. The way you
ministered to us during some difficult times will be cherished by us as long as we live. You know
how to be “The Church” when it comes to Reaching, Teaching and Sending others, so let me say
it: “Well done, good and faithful servants.”
I want to thank those with whom I worked with on a daily basis, the church staff including those
within the business office, Administrator, Tony Malini, the church secretaries, custodians,
maintenance workers, Preshool Director, Karen Jadin, Children’s Director, Susan McLain, Youth
Director, Adam Mills, Program Director, Kim Margold, and I dare not forget your pianist and
organist, Lauar Borem and Mary Jo Horner.
I have served with six associate pastors and two senior pastors, but the ones you have now are a
major reason others look at SUMC with envy, because the church appears to have leadership
pointing everyone toward a common goal. Pastors David and Jonathan have shown us all the gifts
and graces the Lord has provided them and they use them with excellence for the glory of God
and His church. Dr. Bryars has been given the lead responsibility of overseeing it all, directing,
encouraging, and correcting when necessary. It has been a great experience serving with your
staff and pastors.
One of my favorite movies is “Tombstone” based on the life of Wyatt Earp. Toward the end of
the movie Wyatt is sitting beside his friend, Doc Holliday, who is dying. Reflecting back on their
lives together, Wyatt proclaims, “All I wanted to do was live a normal life.” Doc’s reply was,
“There’s no such thing as a normal life, there’s just life.” Well, we know Doc was right to a
point. But to you and I, one key word was abundantly missing at the end of his statement. Life in
Christ is life abundant and you have helped me have it during these past 9 years.
Thank you and blessings abundantly in Christ,
Jeff Keeman
Parenting with Love & Leadership
John Rosemond - Mattie Kelly Arts Center | September 9, 2012
$25 General Admission / $45 VIP with Meet & Greet
Come see America's most popular speaker on Parenting issues. John Rosemond has written over 14
best selling parenting books including "Parenting by the Book," which he describes as both a mission
and ministry to bring parents back to the uncomplicated basics of biblical principles that have
guided parents successfully for hundreds of years.
Tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
Mattie Kelley Arts Center
Bayou Books/Niceville
P.S. Gifts/Ft. Walton
Lifeway Christian Store/Destin
Or online through the following link:
Adult Studies for Fall 2012
Monday Night Bible Study will resume at 6:00 pm beginning on September 17 with Ralph
Johnson facilitating Beth Moore’s study “Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of
DISCIPLE 2 - Into the Word Into the World. This 32-week study will be led by Terry Rowe from 68pm beginning on Monday, September 17.
Men’s Study Group will continue to meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm with Stan Akins as
group leader. New members are always welcome to come and join in!
Financial Peace University – Enroll in the Financial Peace University class that begins September
13th from 6:00-8:00 pm and take back control of your finances. Go to for
more information or speak to leader Jeff Watson. Class membership and course materials are
$95.00 for a kit for each family.
Splash of Joy #1 will gather again on Wednesday, August 22 at 9:30 am. Sara Michaelson will
lead this women’s class in a study of the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, from Kelly Minter. If
you have questions or want to reserve a book, please contact Sara (863-9722,
Splash of Joy #2 is going to take "a thirst-quenching look at Philippians" in the study Enjoy with
Tianne Moon. They also meet Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 am beginning September 5th and
ending October 10th. Contact Cathie Buckman (613-6414, if you have
any questions or wish to reserve a book.
Pastor’s Class will resume on September 12 from 6:00-7:00 pm with Dr. Bryars leading a 3-week
course on Spiritual Gifts called Network. Rev. Hart will follow this on Wednesdays in October
with his study of the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy.
Alpha - this class will be led by Pastor Hoppenjan and will begin in October. Please contact David
with any questions (651-0721,
Sign-up sheets are available in the FLC Lobby. Most classes have childcare available or upon
request. There may be fees or materials costs for some classes. For more information or to
sign up for any class in advance, contact the church office (651-0721) or speak to the class
Sharing & Caring
Remember to bring your food items to donate to Sharing & Caring on Sunday, September 2nd!
All donations are greatly appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the Narthex and FLC.
Suggested items: peanut butter, pork & beans, beef stew, cereal, corn, green beans, carrots,
canned fruit, tuna fish, canned meats, jelly, macaroni & cheese, grits, rice, beans, fruit juice,
spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, powdered milk, baby food and formula.
1 Old Ferry Road / P.O. Box 795
Shalimar, FL 32579
(850) 651-0721
Serving Sunday, September 2nd
Acolytes ............................... 8:00 Nicole Kiser
...................................... 11:00 Tristan Hinzie
Altar Preparer ............................... Jill Dickey
Communion Preparer .......... 8:00 Kathie Sheperd
.............................. 11:00 Vivien Hollingsworth
Communion Server ................ 8:00 Janet Chubb
............................................. Nancy Johnson
................................... 11:00 Bob & Carol Bell
Counters .......... 8:00 Tom Alexander, Ned Calvert
................... 9:30 Becky McMillin, Norma Eliason
.............................. 11:00 Duke Pope, Bob Bell
...................... 11:07 Nancy O’Brien, Scott Smith
Flower Delivery ....................... Corrine Richter
Greeters ......... 8:00 Nancy Johnson, Cheryl Brown
............................... 9:30 Billy & Lynn Mayfield
............. 11:00 Elaine Richardson, Eleanor Arnold
Pew Care ............................... Joyce Loughrige
Sanctuary Sound System ......... 8:00 Bill McBroom
.................. 9:30 Glen Klein, 11:00 Bill McBroom
Ushers ................. 8:00 John & Sharon Patterson
...........................Don Schambeau, Jon Sheperd
..............................9:30 Duke & Norma Eliason
........................ 11:00 Bob Estep, Ross Hamilton
............................. Chuck Shoff, Roger Spencer
Westwood Driver ........................ Charley Dyess
After Hours Emergency
Pastoral Assistance:
Dr. Larry Bryars
Rev. David Hoppenjan
Rev. Jonathan Hart
We are called to serve you. By the nature of
our calling, we often are not in the office, but
are at a hospital, convalescent facility or
visiting someone confined in their home, etc. If
you wish to see us at the church office you may
best accomplish that by calling the church
office at 651-0721 so that we can set a time to
be there for you.
Church Office Hours:
8 am - 4 pm Mon – Thurs / 8 am - Noon Friday
To add someone to the prayer chain please contact
the church office at 651-0721 or After hours, you may call Betty McLain at
862-4497. A written copy of our church family’s
prayer concerns is available each Sunday in the
Narthex, or you may request to receive it via e-mail.
Shalimar UMC • P.O. Box 795 • Shalimar, Florida 32579 • (850) 651-0721 • Fax: (850) 651-2494
Email: • Web Site: • Facebook: ShalimarUMC
Lead Pastor: Dr. Larry Bryars ● Executive Pastor: Rev. David Hoppenjan
Pastor of Discipleship: Rev. Jonathan Hart