Twinsburg High School Instrumental Department 2013 Marching Season Band Handbook Mr. Ryan Bonitz – Director Mr. Bob Davet, Sr. – Assistant Director Ms. Amanda Look – Drill Team and Majorette Director Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................... Pg. 3 Fight Song & Alma Mater Lyrics .................................................. Pg. 3 Classroom Rules (Posted in class) ................................................ Pg. 4 Twinsburg Band Department Policies ......................................... Pg. 5 Attendance ....................................................................................... Pg. 6 Unexcused Absences ...................................................................... Pg. 6 Grading and Assessment Policies................................................. Pg. 7 Marching Band Policies .................................................................. Pg. 7 Report Times and Preparedness ................................................... Pg. 7 Performance Guidelines ................................................................. Pg. 7 Game Policies................................................................................... Pg. 8 Third Quarter Policies .................................................................... Pg. 8 Bus Policies ...................................................................................... Pg. 9 Section Leader Expectations .......................................................... Pg. 9 Uniform Care and Reminders ..................................................... Pg. 10 Uniform Parts ................................................................................ Pg. 10 Summer Uniform .......................................................................... Pg. 11 Presentation of Uniform ............................................................... Pg. 11 Uniform Inspections ..................................................................... Pg. 11 2013 Marching Band Performances ............................................. Pg.12 Handbook Acknowledgment Form ........................................... Pg. 13 2 Twinsburg High School Band Handbook Welcome and thank you for your participation in the Twinsburg High School Band Program. Being a part of the band program can be fun and fulfilling, and you will be part of a great tradition here in Twinsburg. Our success as an ensemble depends on every person involved (students, teachers, parents, etc.) working together towards the same goal. The information provided in this handbook explains the policies and procedures that will allow us to be at our best for rehearsals and performances. While participation in this ensemble can be a lot of work, you will also find that it can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment. Note: There is a form at the end of this handbook that must be signed by both parent (or guardian) AND student, and returned. Twinsburg High School Alma Mater To our dear Twinsburg High we sing Praises o'er our school will ring Through the years will be our aim To uphold that glorious name. We'll remember in our hearts Honor her when we depart Ever binding is the tie When we sing of Twinsburg High. Twinsburg High School Fight Song Oh when the blue and white team falls in line We're out to win a game another time And for the dear old school we love so well And for the blue and white we'll yell and yell and yell. And when the dear old ball goes up on high We're out to win a touchdown on the sly And for the Twinsburg High school blue and white, Blue and white, fight team, fight! HEY! 3 Classroom rules (as posted in classroom) Mr. Bonitz's Classroom Rules and Expectations No gum, candy, or beverages in the classroom -­‐ water bottles are permitted Arrive to class on time – After the 4th Block begins (12:30pm), you have 5 minutes to be seated and ready to start rehearsal 3 "Tardys" results in an after school detention. Participation is required and expected every time you are in class Be prepared with your materials at the start of class -­‐ instrument, music, and pencil Assemble instrument in a timely manner Be a self-sufficient learner -­‐ if I am working with another section, use that time to practice your own part Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of the band room -­‐ this includes putting materials away after class, and proper treatment of all musical instruments. And of course…. All rules in the Twinsburg High School Handbook will be enforced Consequences: Failure to follow posted class rules will result in the following consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Verbal warning in class Loss of participation points (1-5) a day After school detention with teacher Conference with parents Official referral Note - Consequences may be skipped or repeated as situation merits 4 Twinsburg Band Department Policies The following policies apply to any activity, rehearsal, performance, etc. Cooperation regarding band policies will allow for a more organized, productive, and enjoyable musical experience. 1. Cellular devices are not to be used or interacted with during band events or rehearsals. Students caught using a device will surrender it for the duration of the activity. Devices can be used before rehearsal or at the Director’s discretion. Note: The Twinsburg Student Code of Conduct states that electronic devices should be powered off during school activities. 2. The band room and surrounding areas will be utilized throughout the entire school year. Students are expected to keep areas neat and organized, especially after a band activity. a. Instruments MUST be stored in band lockers when not in use. Student is responsible for maintaining their locker. ALL CASES MUST BE CLOSED AND LATCHED WHEN INSTRUMENT IS STORED. b. Please do not store non-band items in band lockers. Ex. FOOD, textbooks, athletic gear, etc. c. Do not bring backpacks to seat during rehearsal. d. Percussion equipment must be stored and/or covered properly. Nonpercussionists are not permitted to play percussion instruments. 3. Students are not allowed in Director’s office. Please knock before entering. 4. Be prepared to begin rehearsal on time. This includes having all of the correct materials, instrument supplies (extra reeds, etc.), and music in order before rehearsal begins. Once instrument is assembled, begin warming up. 5. Talking and playing are not permitted while the Director is giving instructions or providing explanations. Respect your peers when they speak. 6. Hats are not permitted during indoor rehearsals or activities. 7. Misuse of school property, including instruments and equipment, will be considered vandalism. Damage caused by improper use will cause the student to be financially responsible for repair 8. Please refer to additional sections of this handbook for policies regarding acceptable behavior. 5 Attendance Your attendance during class and at performances has a direct effect on your grade. Band is a participation/performance based course. Attendance is mandatory to all rehearsals and performances unless otherwise noted. Excused Absences Include: • Extreme personal illness with Doctor’s Note (or absence from school) • Family Health emergencies verified by family • Approved Academic conflicts • Required Religious observances (with notice) • Extra-Curricular School conflicts approved by director in advance. • Vacation WITH PARENTS (with two week notice) Unexcused Absences • • • • WORK IS NOT AN EXCUSED ABSENCE – proper planning and advanced notice can prevent a large number of work-related scheduling conflicts. Let employers know about your involvement in the Twinsburg Marching Band and provide them a copy of your schedule as early as possible. Extra copies of our schedule will always be available for this purpose. Oversleeping, poor schedule management, lack of a ride (to or from) practice Vacation WITHOUT parents or without any notice Observation of other school activities Unexcused absences may result in lack of privileges and/or performance participation. If an absence from a performance is unexcused, the student will earn a zero for that performance. Communication with the director is crucial when an absence is known. The director should know about any conflicts at least TWO weeks prior to the event in question. The best method of communication would be via e-mail or through phone contact, preferably by the parent or guardian of the student. Absences that are excused will be subject to a make-up assignment. Note: Even if the director is informed about the conflict with ample time, it does not guarantee that the absence will be approved. 6 Grading and Assessment Policy The student’s grade will be based on Daily Participation Points, Performances, Tests, and Quizzes. Daily Participation Points: Student will receive 5 points per day for classroom rehearsals. If student is prepared for class, on time, participates, and follows classroom rules and school policy, the student will receive all 5 points. Failure to be prepared, tardiness, and inappropriate behavior will result in loss of Daily Participation Points. Performances: All performances are mandatory. As a contributing member of the Twinsburg Music Department, the student’s active participation in band performances is critical to the success of the program. The director will provide the students with performance dates with ample time to make adjustments in schedule. Unlike a written test, performances cannot be made up or reproduced. Additionally, the band is a group activity where students must rehearse and perform in a collaborative fashion: One band, one sound. Tests and Quizzes: These will be either performance-based or written and will take place during the class period. Students will be given prior notice to prepare before most tests or quizzes. Additional help can be provided for any student that wants additional instruction. Audio material from performance exams may be recorded for assessment purposes. Marching Band Policies Report Times and Preparedness Report times (RT’s) will be clearly posted via handouts to students, mailers home to parents, and on various band publications. RT’s will also be posted on the board in the classroom for easy reference. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of these times. Arrive early for RT to allow time to get ready for the event. Note: Attendance for performances will be taken at Report Time. Late arrivals (without cause) may result in a loss of points. Performance Guidelines: • • • • Be early for report times. Come prepared physically and mentally Have equipment and/or materials ready to go before report time. Phones and or handheld electronic devices are NOT to be used during a performance obligation Note: Remember, as a band member you are representing yourself, your family, the band program, the school, and the community – act accordingly. 7 Game Policies 1. Student is responsible for appropriately wearing all of the Twinsburg Band Uniform during performance activities. Uniform must be completely on from the time we arrive at the stadium to the time that we depart. 2. Talking or additional movement is to cease after being called to attention. 3. Stay in formation while marching at a performance. While marching to the cadence, stay in formation until the cadence is stopped and additional information has been given. 4. While in stands, sit with your instrument group. Do not leave stands without permission from the director(s). 5. Electronic playback of music is not permitted in stands. 6. Use the restroom BEFORE we depart for a game (home or away). The next chance to use a restroom will be after halftime (during the third quarter). 7. Public displays of affection (PDA) are not permitted during band activities. Third Quarter Policies During the third quarter of each game, students are permitted to leave the band stand area. This time can be used to purchase food or drink, use the restroom, socialize, etc. Students can also stay in the band stands if they wish. Below are some additional policies. • • • • • Marching band members who leave the stands need to remain in their full uniform (minus Hat and Gloves) during this time. Consider your uniform when making the choice of what food items will be purchased and consumed. Those staying in the stands are permitted to remove their uniform jacket. Students getting food are advised to bring it back to the stands to eat without the jacket on. Students must be back in the stands with 2:00 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. Food containers and waste needs to be disposed of before the 3rd quarter ends. Note: Failure to adhere to any of the policies listed in the handbook may result in the loss of third quarter privileges. 8 Bus Policies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Follow all posted rules on the bus. No food or drink on the bus. Members of the same gender must share a seat. Students are permitted to sign up to a bus of their choosing at the start of the season. They must remain on that bus for the season, but may sit in different seats. All instruments cases need to be clearly marked with student name for easy identification. Large instruments that are stored need to be loaded BEFORE student finds their seat. Note: Student is ALWAYS responsible for one’s own instrument. Complete silence is expected when crossing railroad tracks. Student must ride same bus, both ways. The Director will dismiss students once the bus is unloaded and items are put away in the band room. Section Leader Expectations The section leader’s role is very important to the success of the band program. These individuals must represent all of the positive aspects that are needed for participation in the marching band. Strong musicality, marching fundamentals, responsibility, and the ability to work well with others are all considered when selecting section leaders. Selections are also based on music auditions and the Director’s discretion. Preference is given to upperclassmen, but any member of the band may be qualified. Expectations are below. 1. Must be able to display proper marching fundamentals, explain drill commands, and perform musical selections correctly. 2. Responsible for assisting members of the section with any marching band related questions or issues that they may have. 3. Section leaders report to the Director with any questions or issues that may occur. Section leaders also are responsible for reliably reporting information to groups. 4. Coordinate activities (if one chooses) within the section for team building. 5. The section leader is also responsible for completing the Uniform Inspection for each member of his or her section. More information on Uniform Inspection can be found in the Uniform Care section. After Uniform Inspections, the Director will check all section leaders for proper uniform before departing. 9 Uniform Care and Reminders Each band member will be issued a marching and concert band uniform. It is the responsibility of the students to keep track of all components of the uniform and return it in good condition at the end of the year. If any part of the uniform needs repair it is the student's responsibility to inform one of the BUM’s (Band Uniform Mom). Student is required to keep the uniform clean and pressed. The directors will periodically require the uniforms to be taken for cleaning, but if the student determines it needs to be cleaned more often, then please have it done. Students are to keep shoes, spats, hats and gloves clean. Uniforms will be returned to the High School immediately after the last performance for that season (typically after the Marching Band Concert in December unless we are in the playoffs and after the Fine Arts Fest for Concert Band). Student will be charged for any missing uniform components and for uniforms that are damaged beyond normal wear and tear. Uniform Parts There are many components to the marching uniform, and each one adds to the image that we strive to present as a band. Below is a list of uniform parts. Please note that some of the items listed below may not apply to your student. Uniform Item Item to Purchase or Supplied Purchase - Boosters Purchase Black Marching Shoes Solid Black Socks Note – socks need to be calfheight at lowest Spats (white) Purchase – Boosters White Gloves Purchase – Boosters THS Marching Band Shirt Purchase – Boosters Marching Band Pants Supplied Marching Band Jacket Supplied Rain Coat Supplied Garment Bag Supplied Shako (Marching Hat) Supplied Hat Box Supplied *Percussion Jacket Supplied *Drill Team Outfit Supplied *Majorette Outfit Supplied *Beret Supplied Plume Supplied * - For specific members and sections Associated Cost $27.90 $4.00 $5.75 $1.75/$3.65 $7.00 $100.00 $280.00 $65.00 $17.50 $85.00 $9.00 $50.00 $100.00 $120.00 $8.00 $15.25 10 Summer Uniform For summer performances and events, student will be required to comply with the summer uniform listed below • • • Twinsburg Marching Band Polo – One shirt provided by Boosters Khaki Pants OR Shorts (Director’s discretion) Black Marching Shoes Presentation of Uniform • • • • • • • • Clean, black marching shoes AND CLEAN white spats Black Socks *Twinsburg Marching Band T-Shirt (worn under uniform) All parts of the uniform worn in appropriate fashion (buttons, zippers, clasps) Hair tucked inside hat (long hair must be tied up) White gloves, in good repair Raincoat (if needed) folded and fastened (string, twine, etc.) Exposed jewelry is not to be worn with uniform. Earring studs may be worn pending Director discretion. *If additional clothing is worn under the uniform, please ensure that it is not visible. If uniform or accessories need repaired or replaced, please bring them directly to a BUM. Plan to arrive early if there is a known uniform concern that needs addressed. The sooner it is presented, the quicker it can be resolved. Uniform Inspections Section leaders will conduct a uniform inspection prior to departing RBC (Home games) or the band room (Away games). Students are required to get in to their uniforms quickly and assemble all needed supplies. Section leaders will ensure that the items in the “Presentation of Uniform” section are consistent. It is the student’s responsibility to make themselves available to the Section leader during this time. Section leaders will report any issues to the BUM and/or to the Director. The Director will inspect Section leaders’ uniforms before departing. 11 2013 Marching Band Performances – Subject to Change 2013 Football Season Schedule Week Date Home/Away Opponent 1 2 3 Away Away Home Aurora Nordonia Avon 4 5 Friday, August 30th Fri., September 6th THURSDAY, Sept. 12th Fri., Sept. 20th Fri., Sept. 27th Home Home 6 Fri., October 4th Away 7 8 9 10 Fri., Oct. 11th Fri., Oct. 18th Fri., Oct. 25th Fri., November 1st Away Home Home Away Mentor Garfield Heights North Royalton Strongsville Brunswick Solon Hudson *Report Times (RTs) are subject to change. 2013 Performance Events Date Event Location Report Time Sat. August, 3rd Twins Day Meet at 8:30am Parade Town Square th Sat. Sept. 7 Solon Band Solon High TBA Bash School Sat. Sept. 21st University of The UofA TBA Akron Band Campus Day th Sat. October 5 Hudson Hudson High TBA Parade of School Bands Mon. November 4th THS THS 6:15pm Marching Auditorium Band Concert Report Time* 5:45pm 5:45pm 5:45pm 5:45pm 5:45pm 5:15pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 5:45pm 5:45pm Event Start Time 9:00am Apparel 7:00pm Full Uniform TBA Full Uniform 7:00pm Full Uniform 7:00pm Full Uniform Summer Uniform 12 Handbook Acknowledgement Form 2013 Marching Season Student Name (print) ______________________________________ I have read and understand the policies listed in the Twinsburg High School Instrumental Department Band Handbook. ______________________________ (parent/guardian signature) ________________ Date ______________________________ (student signature) ________________ Date Please sign the above statement and return this page. 13