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Advanced Placement 2007 Educational Resources for Advanced High School Academics ONLINE LEARNING CENTRES Current Online Activities to enhance student and teacher learning. www.mhhe.com/brookerbiology www.mhhe.com/chang and then choose Chemistry 9th Edition www.mhhe.com/palmer10 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCIENCE Anatomy and Physiology Biology Environmental Science Marine Biology Geology Chemistry Astronomy Physics 2 5 10 11 11 12 15 15 MATH Calculus Statistics Advanced Mathematics 17 19 21 SOCIAL STUDIES United States History World History European History Human Geography Political Science Economics Psychology Sociology Philosophy 24 25 27 29 30 30 32 33 34 LANGUAGE ARTS Literature Composition and Grammar Readers Reading Speech/Communication Humanities 36 38 40 42 43 43 WORLD LANGUAGES Beginning Spanish Intermediate Spanish Spanish Readers Beginning French Intermediate French German Italian Japanese 44 45 46 48 49 50 50 51 ART & MUSIC Theater and Film Art History Art Fundamentals Art Appreciation Music Theory/Harmony Music Appreciation 52 54 54 55 56 56 HEALTH Athletic Training Health Fitness and Wellness 58 59 59 BUSINESS Accounting Marketing Business 61 62 63 PLEASE NOTE For current information and pricing, please contact your local sales representative or McGraw-Hill Ryerson Customer Service at 1-800-565-5758. For more McGraw-Hill Ryerson products, please refer to our catalogues: Reinforced Binding Canadian Title • • • • • Art and Music Business Computer Education English Family Studies • Health and Physical Education • Mathematics • Social Studies • Technology • • • • • World Languages Advanced Placement Jamestown Education SRA/Open Court The Wright Group * P re - A P, A P, a n d A d v a n c e d P l a c e m e n t P ro g r a m a re re g i s t e re d t r a d e m a r k s o f t h e C o l l e g e E n t r a n c e E x a m i n a t i o n B o a rd , w h i c h w a s n o t i n v o l v e d i n t h e p ro d u c t i o n o f a n d d o e s n o t e n d o r s e t h e s e p ro d u c t s . SCIENCE Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy of a Successful Course The Ultimate Digital Study and Teaching Tool Anatomy & Physiology Revealed 1st Edition, 2006 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO Using actual cadaver photographs blended together with a state-of-the-art layering technique, Anatomy & Physiology Revealed allows students to partake in an interactive dissection of a human cadaver. Students can literally peel away layers of the human body to reveal structures beneath the surface. Structures can be pinned and labeled, just like in a real dissection lab. Each labeled structure is accompanied by detailed information and an audio pronunciation. Dissection images can be captured and saved. Anatomy & Physiology Revealed is a unique multimedia study aid designed to help students learn and review human anatomy using cadaver specimens. Key features that will maximize study time and improve grades are detailed below! Features • ANIMATION: Compelling animations demonstrate muscle actions, clarify anatomical relationships, or explain difficult concepts. • IMAGING: Labeled x-ray, MRI, and CAT scan images are available for many of the anatomical structures. • SELF-TEST: Challenging quizzes allow students to test their ability to identify anatomical structures in a timed practical exam format. WEBSITE: aprevealed.com SCHOOL PRICE Complete Series (CD-ROMs 1-4) 0-07-321553-8 Volume 1, Skeletal & Muscular System CD-ROM 0-07-312323-4 Volume 2, Nervous System CD-ROM 0-07-312321-8 Volume 3, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Lymphatic Systems CD-ROM 0-07-321550-3 Volume 4, Digestive, Endocrine, Urinary, & Reproductive Systems CD-ROM 0-07-321551-1 Workbook (Broyles) 0-07-340354-7 2 ❇ • Anatomy & Physiology Revealed offers THE MOST EFFICIENT self-testing program out there. The results page offers students a list of what they got wrong along with links back into the program for study (and quick links back to the results page!). This allows students to quickly narrow down what they need to study instead of studying the same things over and over again. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Ninth Edition, 2006 SHIER • BUTLER • LEWIS Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology assumes no prior science knowledge and supports core topics with clinical applications, making difficult concepts relevant to students. The unparalleled teaching system is highly effective in providing students with a solid understanding of the important concepts in anatomy and physiology. New to this edition • Added current coverage of stem cells throughout. • Genetics coverage: Molecular in Chapter 4, Mendelian in Chapter 20 • Cell differentiation—stem and progenitor cells, with great new art. • Updated vignette on Dolly’s death and subsequent cloning efforts. • Many New Vignettes such as: “Stem Cells Restore Sight, But Not Vision” (man who lost vision as 3-year-old regains sight thanks to stem cells) • Added information on stents and statins, stem cells to heal heart attacks • Total rewrite of section on USDA food pyramid and stress on a diet rich in carbohydrates, in response to evidence from millions of people who lost weight on low carb diets. • Added body mass index so students can calculate it Features • Clinical Connections are integrated at the end of several chapters to “pull the concepts together.” • “Check Your Recall” Review Questions • “Facts of Life” tidbits have been sprinkled throughout the text • Digital Content Manager: This instructor CD includes all 400 images of line art and 150 instructional photos from the text. It also includes all of the 100 tables in the text, PLUS an Active Art Library (which includes 50 pieces), Animations Library (this includes 30 full-color animations), PowerPoint Lectures, Black & White art (great for handouts), Labeled and Unlabeled Art, and much more! Laboratory Manual for Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology WEBSITE: mhhe.com/shieress9 Text (High School Binding), 640 pp. ∞ Laboratory Manual, 384 pp. Text and Laboratory Manual Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Digital Content Manager CD-ROM Transparencies (400) Student Study Guide Human Anatomy Atlas MediaPhys 3.0 CD-ROM Web-Based Cat Dissection Annual Editions: Nursing 06/07 SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-320481-1 ❇ 0-07-285287-9 ❇ 0-07-322546-0 ❇ 0-07-253966-6 ❇ 0-07-253963-1 0-07-253964-X 0-07-285288-7 0-07-302841-X 0-07-294582-6 0-07-232157-1 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-232157-1 ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2012 MARTIN ISBN 0-07-285287-9 This full-color manual is designed for students with minimal backgrounds in science who are pursuing careers in allied health fields. Designed to support the ninth edition of Hole’s Essentials of Human A&P by Shier, Butler, and Lewis, this manual contains 49 laboratory exercises and reports, which are integrated closely to the textbook. Exercises are planned to illustrate and review the anatomical and physiological facts and principles presented in the text and to help students investigate some of these ideas in greater detail. MediaPhys 3.0 CD-ROM ISBN 0-07-294582-6 McGraw-Hill is proud to introduce MediaPhys 3.0, the most comprehensive physiology study tool available. MediaPhys is a multimedia educational CD-ROM that offers crossplatform compatibility (Windows or Macintosh systems). This dynamic program offers 16 complete modules featuring detailed explanations, highquality illustrations, and animations to provide students with a thorough introduction into the world of physiology. MediaPhys is filled with interactive activities and quizzes to help reinforce physiology concepts that are often difficult to understand. Now students can learn and study on their own while using a powerful tool that challenges them to succeed! Web-Based Cat Dissection Review for Human Anatomy and Physiology ISBN 0-07-232157-1 This new web-based dissection program identifies approximately 600 different anatomical structures. Sound profiles provide pronunciations for each of these 600 terms. Also featured on the site are 100 high-resolution photographs. By clicking anywhere on the structures of the cat, an information frame will then provide the name of the structure, as well as a smaller image that highlights and puts the structure in its human anatomical context. In addition, approximately 30 QuickTime® movies demonstrate joint movements. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 3 SCIENCE Anatomy and Physiology (continued) Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology Eleventh Edition, 2007 SHIER • BUTLER • LEWIS Used at hundreds of schools across the country for decades, Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology is considered to be the premiere “fundamentals” text on the market. It is a comprehensive investigation of the structure and function of the human body. FEATURES • Outstanding Pedagogical Program Features: Understanding Words, Chapter Objectives, Review Questions, and Critical Thinking Questions assist students in their overall understanding of the material presented. InnerConnections, multi-purpose illustrations found at the ends of systems chapters, conceptually link the highlighted body system to every other system, reinforcing the dynamic interactions of groups of organs. These graphic representations review chapter concepts, make connections, and stress the “big picture” in learning and applying the concepts and facts of anatomy and physiology. Reconnect symbols enable students to easily refer to material presented in earlier chapters that they will need to make sure they have mastered in order to understand the next concept to be introduced. • New Art: Visual learners will appreciate the number of illustrations in this text (about 800 total figures). Hole’s art is focused on the main concepts by using concise labeling methodology that keeps students from getting bogged down with excessive detail. Difficult concepts are broken down into easy-to-understand illustrations. • Applied/Clinical Content: Hole’s clinical content applies “situational analysis” and “personal relevance” to draw students into the materials and help them learn A&P in the context of situations they may face in their future careers. Hole uses a balanced approach to in-text applications by including new technology or experiments, changes in organ structure and function, and disease-related clinical material. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/shier11 SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 1088 pp. ∞ Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Digital Content Manager CD-ROM Transparencies (900) Laboratory Manual Student Study Guide Art Notebook Annual Editions: Nursing 06/07 0-07-325699-4 ❇ 0-07-282959-1 ❇ 0-07-282954-0 0-07-282955-9 0-07-282957-5 0-07-282956-7 0-07-321170-2 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-351541-8 ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2013 4 Laboratory Manual for Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology MARTIN ISBN 0-07-282957-5 This best-selling laboratory manual has been updated. The new edition of this effective manual is organized into units that correlate directly with the text and include new art to match Hole’s eleventh edition. New to this Edition • New Terms Key available with labeling exercises. • Updated art from Hole’s eleventh edition text. • Instructors can download the Instructors Manual and other materials at: www.mhhe.com/labcentral Features • Critical Thinking applications are included within most of the laboratory exercises to enhance valuable critical thinking skills. • The cat reference plates are incorporated within the appropriate system of dissection. All cat dissection figures are in full color. • The laboratory manual begins with a lab on the Scientific Method and Measurements. • Many new color photographs and line art replace the black and white figures of the skull, muscles, sheep brain, eye dissection, and reflexes. More color is incorporated throughout the manual. • A “Materials Needed” section is located at the beginning of each laboratory exercise to enable greater ease in laboratory preparations. • A section entitled “Study Skills for Anatomy and Physiology” is located in the front material, and was written by students in a human anatomy and physiology course. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE Biology Inquiry Into Life The Living World Eleventh Edition, 2006 MADER Fourth Edition, 2006 JOHNSON Inquiry into Life is the ideal way for your students to learn biology. The text covers the whole field of basic biology and emphasizes the application of this knowledge to human concerns. Along with this approach, concepts and principles are stressed rather than detailed, high-level scientific data and terminology. Integrated closely with the text is an Online Learning Center where comprehensive Web support is offered for teachers and students. The Online Learning Center provides animations, virtual labs, online quizzing, PowerPoint® lecture outlines, text images for presentations, and other tools that help make teaching a little easier and learning a lot more fun. This text is written in an informal, friendly way that engages as well as teaches. At every stage, students learn how things work and why things happen the way they do rather than stressing detailed information and merely naming parts or giving definitions. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/maderinquiry11 SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 832 pp. ∞ Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Digital Content Manager CD-ROM Transparencies (700) Student Study Guide Interactive Student CD-ROM Art Notebook 0-07-320477-3 ❇ 0-07-242204-1 ❇ 0-07-242210-6 0-07-242209-2 0-07-242203-3 0-07-302561-5 0-07-310685-2 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2012 Essentials of the Living World WEBSITE: mhhe.com/tlw4 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 832 pp. Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Student Study Guide Interactive Student CD-ROM 0-07-299986-1 ❇ 0-07-281800-X 0-07-281799-2 ❇ ❇ 0-07-297662-4 ❇ Second Edition, 2008 JOHNSON • LOSOS This Essentials version of George Johnson’s textbook, The Living World is often considered to be a student favorite. Dr. Johnson has written this textbook from the ground up to be an engaging and accessible learning tool with an emphasis on “how things work and why things happen the way they do”. The strength of the second edition is the integration of many tools that are designed to inspire both students and instructors. The multi-media package for the new edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional textbook to include high interest video clips and animations of key biological concepts. New to this edition NEW FEATURE! Inquiry and Analysis—This new feature appears at the end of all chapters and is intended to help students with developing their skills in analyzing and interpreting data. Reorganized Table of Contents—In response to the comments of our reviewers, the Table of Contents for the 2nd edition will contain more, but shorter chapters than the 1st edition. Art Tie-Ins—Throughout the text, descriptions of the art have been incorporated into the text discussion. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/tlwessentials2 SCHOOL PRICE Text Digital Content Manager CD-ROM Interactive Student CD-ROM Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Student Study Guide How to Study Science Biology Digitized Video Clips ITR CD Interactive Student SSG ARIS 0-07-330935-4 ❇ 0-07-328226-X ❇ 0-07-328224-3 ❇ 0-07-328223-5 0-07-328227-8 0-07-234693-0 0-07-312155-X 0-07-328223-5 0-07-328224-3 0-07-328227-8 0-07-328225-1 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 5 SCIENCE Biology (continued) Biology A NEW Text for a New Generation! First Edition, 2008 BROOKER • WIDMAIER • GRAHAM • STILING BIOLOGY, written by Dr. Rob Brooker, Dr. Eric Widmaier, Dr. Linda Graham, and Dr. Peter Stiling; is the next step in majors biology. In addition to being active researchers and experienced writers, the author team has taught majors biology for years. The goal in launching a new text is to offer something better—a comprehensive, modern text featuring an evolutionary focus with an emphasis on scientific inquiry. Take a few moments to learn more about the many different ways this text is the next step in biology. Features Experimentation Hypothesis testing and discovery based science are at the core in Biology. In addition to an experimental focus throughout the entire text, every chapter has a Feature Investigation that describes the scientific process from beginning to end. These illustrations will help students understand how biological principles emerge from experimentation. Evolutionary Perspective The study of evolutionary processes provides a foundation for understanding biology and is emphasized throughout the text. Genomes & Proteomes sections in each chapter are just one example. This unique feature relates recent findings on the genetics and biochemical composition of living organism to evolution and basic biological principles. Modern Content Science is a moving target. Although the content and organization of Biology is not a dramatic departure from other books, the authors have added modern content that will better prepare students for future careers in biology. Striking examples include: WEBSITE: brookerbiology.com SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 1488 pp. ∞ Transparencies ITR CD ARIS Presentation Center T/A Biology ARIS Student Studyguide Biological Investigations Lab Manual Biology Laboratory Manual 0-07-334983-6 0-07-295657-7 0-07-295658-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-295659-3 0-07-295660-7 0-07-299588-2 ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-299287-5 0-07-299522-X ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2014 • Chapter 6 of the Cell Biology Unit explores cell biology at the level of “systems biology” in which the cell is viewed as a group of interacting parts. This allows students to understand how the parts of a cell work together. • The Genetics Unit takes a “molecular first” approach so that students will first understand what a gene is, and then consider how genes affect the traits of organisms. • The Evolution Unit often takes a molecular perspective, and highlights cladistic methods to generate evolutionary relationships. This approach connects evolution at the molecular level and at the level of organisms in their native environments. • The Diversity Unit has incorporated the newest information regarding evolutionary relationships among modern species. The connection between evolutionary innovation and reproductive success allows students to appreciate why organisms have certain types of traits. • In the Plant Biology Unit, a much more modern connection has been made between plant structure, function and genetics. Recent information from Arabidopsis is often discussed. • Each chapter in the Animal Biology Unit ends with a section on the modern Impact on Human Health, including the molecular basis of many diseases. In addition, Neuroscience is covered as a mini-Unit of its own, with three complete chapters incorporating some of the most recent information in this exciting area of biology. • The Ecology Unit also incorporates an evolutionary theme and has an expanded discussion of species interactions. This approach provides students with a deeper understanding of evolutionary adaptations that organisms have. 360 Degree Development Plan ensures the most current and accurate text ever published for this course. This plan includes: 7 Developmental Focus Groups Each unit was extensively reviewed and critiqued by experts in the field from across the country to make sure the development of this textbook met the needs of instructors/students. 6 6 Freelance Developmental Editors—A monumental undertaking to bring in a large staff of developmental editors to make sure the content was accurate, concise, and well connected between the other authors and it’s important illustration program. Steps Taken to Assure Accuracy • • • • 11 Accuracy Checkers 3 Photo Consultants Board of Consultants for Textbook Board of Consultants for Media * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE BIOLOGY BROOKER • WIDMAIER • GRAHAM • STILING Chemistry information is refined into only two chapters—providing appropriate chemistry background for biology students without excess details. This unique chapter relates cell biology at the systems biology level. This unique chapter is not found in other texts— includes coverage of the extracellular matrix, cell junctions, and tissues. Brooker Biology is the only text to begin with molecular genetics instead of Mendelian inheritance patterns. 75% of reviewers preferred this modern approach. Microbe and plant diversity is presented in an environmental context (which includes human health impacts) to emphasize the importance of this material to all biology students. 1 An Introduction to Biology UNIT I CHEMISTRY 2 The Chemical Basis of Life I:Atoms,Molecules,and Water 3 The Chemical Basis of Life II:Organic Molecules UNIT II CELL 4 General Features of Cells 5 Membrane Structure and Transport 6 Systems Biology of Cell Organization 7 Enzymes,Metabolism,and Cellular Respiration 8 Photosynthesis9Cell Communication and Regulation of the Cell Cycle 10 Multicellularity UNIT III GENETICS 11 Nucleic Acid Structure and DNA Replication 12 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level 13 Gene Regulation 14 Mutation,DNA Repair,and Cancer 15 Eukaryotic Chromosomes,Mitosis,and Meiosis 16 Simple Patterns of Inheritance 17 Complex Patterns of Inheritance 18 Genetics of Bacteria and Viruses 19 Developmental Genetics 20 Genetic Technology 21 Genomes,Proteomes,and Bioinformatics UNIT IV EVOLUTION 22 Origin and History of Life 23 An Introduction to Evolution 24 Population Genetics 25 Origin of Species 26 Taxonomy and Systematics UNIT V DIVERSITY 27 The Bacteria and Archaea 28 Protists 29 The Kingdom Fungi 30 Plants and the Conquest of Land 31 The Diversity of Modern Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 32 An Introduction to Animal Diversity 33 The Invertebrates 34 The VertebratesUNIT VI PLANTS 35 An Introduction to Flowering Plants 36 Flowering Plants:Behavior 37 Flowering Plants:Nutrition 38 Flowering Plants:Transport 39 Flowering Plants:Reproduction and Development UNIT VII ANIMALS 40 Introduction to Animal Form and Function 41 Nutrition,Digestion,and Absorption 42 Control of Energy Balance,Metabolic Rate,and Body Temperature 43 Neuroscience I:Cells of the Nervous System 44 Neuroscience II:Evolution and Function of the Brain and Nervous Systems 45 Neuroscience III:Sensory Systems 46 The Muscular-Skeletal System and Locomotion 47 Circulatory Systems 48 Respiratory Systems 49 Excretory Systems and Salt and Water Balance 50 Endocrine Systems 51 Animal Reproduction 52 Animal Development 53 Defense Mechanisms of the Body UNIT VIII ECOLOGY 54 An Introduction to Ecology and Biomes 55 Behavioral Ecology 56 Population Ecology 57 Species Interactions 58 Community Ecology 59 Ecosystems Ecology 60 Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Learning System Visual Outline Starting with a simple outline at the beginning of each chapter, the authors focused on presenting the crucial topics in a clear and easy to follow manner. Emphasis is on critical thinking and active learning by constantly returning to how science is done and through several pedagogical devices including the Biological Inquiry Questions which appear often in figure legends throughout the text. Each chapter ends with a thorough review section which returns to the outline and emphasizes higher level learning through multiple question types. Visuals are key to learning and teaching. The art in Biology is easy to follow, particularly for concepts that have multiple steps. Students can look at the art and understand the concept, without having to refer to the text. You will notice a strong sense of realism and three-dimensionality in the art providing a significant “wow” factor to inspire better students. This unique overview chapter relates the structure and growth of plants to their overall functions, providinga chapter that can stand alone or be used as an introduction to the unit. This unique chapter provides information on plant hormones and responses in the context of looking at these as plant behavior. The exciting field of neuroscience is highlighted in three consecutive chapters that capture the modern direction of this expanding subject. This unique chapter provides comprehensive coverage of the ways that populations of species interact with each other. Media: Teaching and Learning With Technology Biology is accompanied by a vast array of electronic teaching and learning tools. The authors focused on creating new student content that is built upon learning outcomes and assessing student performance. The team has also created an unprecedented array of presentation and course management tools to enable instructors to enhance their lectures and manage their classrooms more effectively. Finally, we at McGraw-Hill are committed to offering several electronic book and customized print options to best fit your needs * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 7 SCIENCE Biology (continued) Biology Seventh Edition, 2005 RAVEN • JOHNSON • LOSOS • SINGER The seventh edition of Biology mirrors the dramatic changes that are taking place in the study of biology today. Take a close look at any unit in this new edition, and you’ll find that the book has become more molecular in nature, just as biology has. In particular, you’ll notice significant updates in cell biology and development, areas where biology has made enormous strides. It is distinguished by other texts by its emphasis on natural selection and the evolutionary process that explains biodiversity. Two new authors—Losos and Singer—have joined the author team and have made a significant impact on many segments of the book. New chapters include “Genomes;” “Cell Biology” and “Medicine;” and “Evolution of Genomes and Development.” New to this Edition Evolution and Ecology. Jonathan Losos has revised the Evolution and Ecology sections of the text, bringing more everyday experimental science into the discussion. Professor Losos has placed the Ecology and Behavior section at the end of the text, after Diversity and Physiology, where these chapters are more often taught. Plant Biology. Susan Singer has revised the plant biology chapters. The plant biology sections have benefited from a new approach where plant development takes center stage. A plant developmental biologist, Professor Singer has placed the traditional discussions of evolutionary influences on plant form and function into a developmental context. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/raven7 SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 1238 pp. ∞ 0-07-321186-9 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual ∞ 0-07-325676-5 Advanced Placement Instructor Resource CD (with Instructor Manual and ComputerTest Bank) ∞ 0-07-325678-1 Biology Laboratory Manual 0-07-255287-5 Text and Laboratory Manual 0-07-322545-2 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-243746-4 Digital Content CD-ROM 0-07-243748-0 Transparencies (1300) 0-07-243750-2 Biological Investigations Lab Manual 0-07-255285-9 Student Study Guide 0-07-322134-1 Interactive Student CD-ROM 0-07-297838-4 iLabs Version 2.0 CD & Workbook 0-07-285012-4 Essential Study Partner CD-ROM 2.0 for General and Human Biology 0-07-286310-2 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2012 New Edition Text (High School Binding) 0-07-334982-8 8 Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Manual for Biology Teachers BY KIM FOGLIA AND STUART BROWN ISBN 0-07-325676-5 Developed specifically to aid you in your Advanced Placement Biology course, this robust teaching resource corresponds with Raven, Johnson, Losos, and Singer’s Biology, 7th Edition. Each chapter of the Instructor’s Manual includes objectives, key terms, concept reviews, AP strategy and approach sections, concept maps, student misconceptions and common pitfalls, activities, lab suggestions, and web resources. Each chapter also includes sample multiple-choice and free-response questions similar to questions on the AP Exam. Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM with EZ Test Computerized Test Bank for Biology TEST QUESTIONS BY ANN GRADY ISBN 0-07-325678-1 The computerized test bank to accompany Biology, 7th Edition, by Raven, Johnson, Losos, and Singer has also been adapted specifically for Advanced Placement courses. Multiple-choice questions have been written with five possible answer choices, paralleling the structure used on the AP Exam. Many questions refer to figures, diagrams, and data sets. Free-response questions are also included for each chapter. Biology Laboratory Manual Seventh Edition, 2005 VODOPICH • MOORE ISBN 0-07-255287-5 The computerized test bank to accompany Biology, 7th Edition, by Raven, Johnson, Losos, and Singer has also been adapted specifically for Advanced Placement courses. Multiplechoice questions have been written with five possible answer choices, paralleling the structure used on the AP Exam. Many questions refer to figures, diagrams, and data sets. Free-response questions are also included for each chapter. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE Biology Ninth Edition, 2007 MADER Biology is now a tightly knit text that covers the concepts and principles of biology from the structure and function of the cell to the organization of the biosphere. It draws upon the entire world of living things to bring out an evolutionary theme that is introduced from the start. The concept of evolution is necessary to understanding the unity and diversity of life, and serves as a background for the study of ecological principles. Modern ecological problems, including the biodiversity crisis, are stressed throughout the text. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated content based on reviewer suggestions. • Approximately 50 new animations of key biological processes. FEATURES • Completely new and enhanced art and photo program: Artwork and photos appear directly adjacent (same two page spread) to associated text description for maximum usefulness to students. Multi-level perspective figures combine macroscopic (e.g. section of intestine) and microscopic (micrograph slide of intestinal tissue) images to help students better understand biology. Process figures break down cellular processes into a series of smaller steps and organize them in an easy-to-follow format. • Boxed readings present applied material in areas such as ecology, health, and science. Bioethical Issue topics end many chapters and help students consider important areas of concern such as pesticides, environmental activism, and stem cell research. Connecting the Concepts boxes appear at the end of each chapter and establish connections between the concepts of the chapter and other concepts throughout the book. • The accompanying Online Learning Center serves as a comprehensive study tool for students and location for a vast array of teaching resources for instructors. Online Learning Center content includes sample quiz questions, learning objectives, flashcards, art labeling exercises, and access to current articles and research. Advanced Placement* Biology Instructor’s Manual WEBSITE: mhhe.com/maderbiology9 SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 1024 pp. ∞ 0-07-325839-3 Advanced Placement Instructor Resource CD ∞ 0-07-325843-1 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual 0-07-325840-7 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM ∞ 0-07-296753-6 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM 0-07-295427-2 Transparencies 0-07-296752-8 Laboratory Manual 0-07-298955-6 Student Study Guide 0-07-297671-3 Interactive Student CD 0-07-326525-X How to Study Science 0-07-234693-0 Digital Content Manager DVD 0-07-326197-1 ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2013 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SARA (SALLY) DEMOTT ISBN 0-07-325840-7 The Advanced Placement Instructor’s Manual is a complete resource for teaching an Advanced Placement Biology course. Each chapter of the instructor’s manual includes chapter overviews, correlations to the AP themes and topic outline, a pacing guide, homework assignments, lecture and discussion suggestions, “common student mistakes,” lab assignments, and sample multiple-choice and free-response questions. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM with Computerized Test Bank ❇ The computerized test bank to accompany Biology, 9th Edition, by Sylvia S. Mader has been adapted specifically for Advanced Placement courses. The multiple-choice section includes fact-based, conceptual, and image-based questions. Five choices are provided for each multiple-choice question. Each chapter also includes free-response questions requiring the student to demonstrate reasoning and analytical skills. The Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM also includes the AP Instructor’s Manual. TEST QUESTIONS BY DAVID HYINK ISBN 0-07-296753-6 Laboratory Manual for Biology Eighth Edition, 2004 MADER ISBN 0-07-298955-6 This laboratory manual is best known for its ability to help students develop critical and creative reasoning skills in investigating science. Dr. Mader provides step-by-step procedures and hands-on activities to help students learn the concepts of biology. This manual covers the entire field of general biology. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 9 SCIENCE Biology Environmental Science (continued) McGraw-Hill’s ARIS (Assessment, Review, and Instruction System) is an electronic homework and course management system designed for greater flexibility, power, and ease of use than any other system. Whether you are looking for a “ready-to-use, straight-out-of-the-box” system or one you can customize to fit your specific course needs, ARIS is your smart solution. Flexibility • Choose pre-built assignments or create your own custom content. • Administer and share course sections with peers. • Integrate ARIS with third-party course management systems. Power • Assign problems, videos, and other learning aids as homework. • Provide students with immediate feedback. • Know exactly where your students stand with robust gradebook reporting. Ease of use • Save yourself and your students time and stress by enjoying the industry’s most intuitive user interface for electronic homework. • Take advantage of McGraw-Hillhosted training sessions before and after you set up your course. • Contact our team of ARIS specialists or reference our online technical support 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Visit aris.mhhe.com for more information 5 Steps to a 5: AP Biology Environmental Science Second Edition ©2007 ANESTIS First Canadian Edition, © 2005 CUNNINGHAM • WOODWORTH • SAIGO • BAILEY With updated information on essays, and new free-response questions, this guide preps students for this new format better than any other test prep book on the market. Features: • Crucial information on how AP tests are developed and graded. The environment knows no borders. Environmental Science illustrates just that, but with local case studies, coverage, challenges and policies. The organization of the text reflects trends across Canada in Environmental Science. Environmental Science has a unique balance between science and issues. Table of Contents WEBSITE: Part I: How to Use This Book Part II: What You Need to Know About the AP Biology Exam Part III: Comprehensive Review Chapter 1. Chemistry Chapter 2. Cells Chapter 3. Respiration Chapter 4. Photosynthesis Chapter 5. Cell Division Chapter 6. Heredity Chapter 7. Molecular Genetics Chapter 8. Evolution Chapter 9. Taxonomy & Classification Chapter 10. Plants Chapter 11. Human Physiology Chapter 12. Human Reproduction Chapter 13. Behavioral Ecology & Ethology Chapter 14. Ecology in Further Detail Chapter 15. Laboratory Re view Practice Exams Chapter 16: Free-Response Review Part IV: Practice Makes Perfect! APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBSITES GLOSSARY mcgrawhill.ca/college/cunningham SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Hardcover, 640 pgs) Instructor’s CD ROM 0-07-091664-0 ❇ 0-07-093257-3 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (Softcover) 10 0-07-147630-X ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE Marine Biology Geology Environmental Science Marine Biology A Study of Interrelationships Tenth Edition, 2006 ENGER • SMITH Sixth Edition, 2007 CASTRO • HUBER Physical Geology and the Environment Environmental Science focuses on concepts and presents topics with a practical optimism that clearly defines both problems and possible solutions. The approach and reading level cover the basic concepts without overloading students with too much detail. Major issues are identified and appropriate examples are given. The text covers the popular topics of ethics, law and policy, energy, and pollution in addition to the traditional biological and physical subjects. The Digital Content Manager CD-ROM features all of the line art, photographs, and tables from the text, along with animations, additional photographs, base maps, and active art pieces. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/enger10e SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 528 pp. ∞ 0-07-320480-3 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-286675-6 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM 0-07-286678-0 Transparencies (100) 0-07-286677-2 Interactive World Issues CD-ROM Set 0-07-255648-X Exploring Environmental Solutions 0-07-297744-2 Annual Editions: Environment 06/07 0-07-351542-6 Sources: Notable Selections in Environmental Studies, 2/e 0-07-303186-0 Student Atlas of Environment Issues 0-697-36520-4 Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Controversial Environmental Issues, 12/e 0-07-351442-X ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ NEW TO THIS EDITION • New Eye on Science boxes have been added to each chapter. These boxes reflect current scientific research and technology in the field of marine biology. Sample topics include: ocean observing systems, deep-ocean drilling, female mimicry in cuttlefishes, restoration of seagrass beds, search for the giant squid, etc. • A fold-out map of the world’s oceans has been added to the back of the text. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/castrohuber6e SCHOOL PRICE ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2012 Marine Biology features a global, non-regional perspective. That the world’s oceans and seas function as a vast, integrated system is one of the most important messages of this book. One aspect of this global approach is the deliberate inclusion of examples from many different regions and ecosystems, so as many students as possible will find something relevant to their local areas. A dynamic textspecific, password protected Online Learning Center web site features quizzing, hot links, Do-It-Yourself Summaries, Sample Syllabi, regional case studies, lab exercises, aquarium and field guides, video footage, and more! For example, “See It in Motion” video clips for each chapter are available via the Castro/Huber Online Learning Center website. These underwater clips feature video footage of marine animals and their behavior. These 15-20 second video clips are full-color and taken from locations that span the globe. Text (High School BInding), 480 pp. ∞ 0-07-325838-5 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-313597-6 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM 0-07-313600-X Transparencies (75) 0-07-313599-2 Digital Zoology 2.0 CD-ROM with Workbook 0-07-256481-4 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2013 First Canadian Edition, © 2007 PLUMMER • MCGEARY • CARLSON • EYLES • EYLES Geology holds a special place in Canada due to the country’s extremely varied landscape, its rich history, and the importance of natural resources to the Canadian economy. The second Canadian edition of Physical Geology & the Environment is designed for Canadian students and instructors, incorporating the rich geology of Canada with elaborate examples throughout the text, as well as an entire chapter focusing on the geological history of Canada. Because the discipline of geology holds vital importance in the economic, social, and political realms of Canada, detailed references to Canadian examples have been updated and incorporated into this new edition. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Physical Geology and the Environment. Chapter 2: Plate Tectonics Chapter 3: Earthquakes Chapter 4: the Earth’s Interior Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements and Minerals Chapter 6: Igneous Rocks, Intrusive Activity, and the Origin of Igneous Rocks Chapter 7: Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks Chapter 8: Weathering and Soil Chapter 9: Weathering and Soil Chapter 10: Metamorphism, Metamorphic Rocks, and Hydrothermal Rocks Chapter 11: Geologic Structures Chapter 12: Geologic Resources Chapter 13: Mass Wasting Chapter 14: Streams and Floods Chapter 15: Groundwater Chapter 16: Glaciers, Glaciation and Permafrost Chapter 17: Deserts and Wind Action Chapter 18: Coasts and Oceans Chapter 19: Time and Geology Chapter 20: Geological History of Canada WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/olc/plummer SCHOOL PRICE Softcover Text 0-07-095633-2 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 11 SCIENCE Chemistry Chemistry Ninth Edition, 2007 CHANG This best-selling textbook takes a traditional approach to chemistry. Chemistry features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies. This text continues to strike a balance between theory and application by incorporating real examples and helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity. The textbook is a foundation for the unparalleled, effective technology that is integrated throughout. The multimedia for this edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional book. Features • ARIS is a complete electronic homework program that contains assignments directly tied to text-specific materials. Edit questions and algorithms, import content, and create announcements and due dates for assignments. • Special Problems are challenging problems at the end of each chapter. All problems continue to be categorized into various topics and difficulty levels. • Chemistry Mystery essays prompt students’ problem-solving skills and chemical understanding of concepts to solve the mystery. • Revised worked examples give students more help in the step-by-step process. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/chang SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding) ∞ 0-07-326827-5 Annotated Instructor Edition 0-07-326762-7 AP Achiever (AP Exam Preparation Guide) ∞ 0-07-328659-1 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual ∞ 0-07-328658-3 Digital Content Manager (DVD) 0-07-326263-3 Digital Content Manager (CD-ROM) 0-07-298070-2 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-298069-9 Transparencies 0-07-298065-6 Student Study Guide 0-07-298062-1 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-298061-3 Student Chemistry Lab Notebook (spiral bound) 0-07-322834-6 Student Chemistry Lab Notebook (top bound) 0-07-295285-7 Study Cards 0-07-298064-8 Chemistry at Work (WIN) 0-07-295630-5 Chemistry at Work (MAC) 0-07-295629-1 Understanding Chemistry 0-07-255553-X WebAssign 2-Semester Access Card 0-07-284996-7 WebAssign 1-Semester Access Card TBD ChemSkill Builder Online V.2 (Student Edition with password booklet) 0-07-302562-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ AP Achiever for Chemistry ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide ❇ Specifically designed to help your Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and in achieving a high score on the AP Exam, this three-part guide works together with the time-honored text Chemistry, 9th Edition, by Raymond Chang to provide your students with: • An introduction to the Chemistry Advanced Placement Course and Exam, including tips on essay writing for the free-response portion of the Exam. • Concepts, skills, and summaries that reinforce key material. Each chapter also includes “Take Note” sections to guide students through the most important information most likely featured on the AP Exam, as well as practice multiple-choice and essay questions with explanations. • Two complete practice exams parallel the AP Chemistry Exam in terms of question type, and number of questions. Each practice exam is also similar to the AP Exam with regard to content, style, and format, and it includes answers and thorough explanations for your students. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-254992-0 Contains detailed solutions and explanations for all even-numbered problems in the main text. The manual also includes a detailed discussion of different types of problems and approaches to solving chemical problems and tutorial solutions for many of the end-of-chapter problems in the text, along with strategies for solving them. Student Study Guide 0-07-254993-9 This valuable ancillary contains material to help the student recognize their learning style, how to read, classify and create problem solving list, and practice problem-solving skills. Chang Animations Eleven new animations have been added to the current twenty-eight animations. CAROL MURPHREE AND REEN GIBB ISBN 0-07-328659-1 AP* Instructor’s Manual MARIAN DEWANE ISBN 0-07-328658-3 Developed specifically to help you manage your AP course using Chang’s Chemistry, 9th Edition, this comprehensive resource includes: chapter overviews, detailed chapter discussions, “Math Skills”, suggested problems, suggested labs and demonstrations, and numerous figures and illustrations. 12 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE McGraw-Hill’s ARIS General Chemistry Fundamentals of Chemistry The Essential Concepts Fifth Edition, 2008 CHANG Fifth Edition, 2007 GOLDBERG General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts includes all the core topics that are necessary for a solid foundation in general chemistry without sacrificing depth, clarity, or rigor. This edition features new macro to micro art, 11 new animations correlated to the text, and the addition of handsketched, worked examples that are unique to the author’s texts. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts is 200 to 300 pages shorter than traditional textbooks. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/chang SCHOOL PRICE Text Annotated Instructor Edition Digital Content Manager DVD Instructor Testing and Resource CD Workbook with Solutions (Assessment, Review, and Instruction System) is an electronic homework and course management system designed for greater flexibility, power, and ease of use than any other system. Whether you are looking for a “ready-to-use, straight-out-of-the-box” system or one you can customize to fit your specific course needs, ARIS is your smart solution. 0-07-304851-8 ❇ 0-07-304857-7 ❇ 0-07-304856-9 ❇ 0-07-304855-0 0-07-304852-6 ❇ ❇ As an introduction to the fundamentals of chemistry, Fundamentals of Chemistry is well suited for students who need help with mathematical manipulations, as well as reading and writing scientific material. Problem sets throughout the text help students actively learn the process of solving the problems, thus better comprehending the subject matter. Fundamentals of Chemistry also contains boxed readings to relate subject matter to the real world and uses analogies to show that chemistry problems are not significantly different from everyday problems. A chapter on electrochemistry provides students with more detailed coverage of this topic so they are well-prepared for future courses. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/goldberg5 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 736 pp. 0-07-322104-X How to Study Science 0-07-234693-0 Fundamentals of Chemistry with ARIS Instructor Access Kit 0-07-326769-4 Digital Content Manager (DVD) 0-07-326824-0 Digital Content Manager (CD-ROM) 0-07-322841-9 Instructor Testing Resource CD 0-07-322839-7 Online Learning Center 0-07-322840-0 Laboratory Exercises for Preparatory Chemistry 0-07-326116-5 Transparencies 0-07-322842-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Flexibility • Choose pre-built assignments or create your own custom content. • Administer and share course sections with peers. • Integrate ARIS with third-party course management systems. Power • Assign problems, videos, and other learning aids as homework. • Provide students with immediate feedback. • Know exactly where your students stand with robust gradebook reporting. Ease of use • Save yourself and your students time and stress by enjoying the industry’s most intuitive user interface for electronic homework. • Take advantage of McGraw-Hillhosted training sessions before and after you set up your course. • Contact our team of ARIS specialists or reference our online technical support 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Visit aris.mhhe.com for more information ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 13 SCIENCE Chemistry (continued) Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change Fourth Edition, 2006 SILBERBERG Five Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations: Chemistry 2004 LANGLEY For the more than one million students taking the AP exams each year. Features • Boxed quotes offering advice from students who have aced the exams and from AP teachers and college professors • Sample tests that closely simulate real exams • Review material based on the contents of the most recent tests • Icons highlighting important facts, vocabulary, and frequently asked questions • Websites and links to valuable Online test resources, along with author e-mail addresses for students with follow-up questions • Authors who are either AP course instructors or exam developers SCHOOL PRICE Five Steps to a 5: Chemistry 0-07-141275-1 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1216 pp. ∞ 0-07-310169-9 Annotated Instructor Edition 0-07-296439-1 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual ∞ 0-07-325681-1 Instructor Teaching and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-301086-3 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM 0-07-297599-7 Transparencies (300) 0-07-297595-4 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-282843-9 Student Study Guide 0-07-282844-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ This dynamic text offers a logical and unique approach to problem solving, ground-breaking visualization of atomic/molecular interactions, and essential connections between chemical principles and real-world processes. The Online Learning Center, a book-specific Web site, offers excellent tools for both teacher and student. Many problems relate to daily life and to practical aspects of chemistry. This text offers three types of problems: Concept Review Questions test students’ general understanding of key ideas in the chapter. Skill-Building Exercises are written in pairs, with one of each pair answered in the back of the book. These exercises begin simply and increase gradually in difficulty. Problems in Context apply the skills learned to interesting scenarios and examples. These three types of problems, which are keyed by chapter section, are followed by a group of Comprehensive Problems that are presented in any order, include problems from every section, and often call on concepts and skills learned in earlier chapters. ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2012 Advanced Placement* Chemistry Instructor’s Manual MARIAN DEWANE ISBN 0-07-325681-1 The Advanced Placement Instructor’s Manual is a complete resource for teaching your Advanced Placement Chemistry course. This comprehensive resource includes: chapter overviews, chapter outlines with questions, detailed chapter discussions, “Math Skills”, suggested problems, suggested labs and demonstrations, and numerous figures and illustrations. This AP-specific Instructor’s Manual was prepared by Marian Dewane who currently serves as the AP Chemistry Content Advisor. She has been a College Board Consultant since 1994 and has taught AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and AP Environmental Science; she has also earned her National Board Certification in chemistry. 14 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SCIENCE Astronomy Explorations Astronomy An Introduction to Astronomy Fourth Edition, 2006 ARNY Journey to the Cosmic Frontier Fourth Edition, 2006 FIX This text is designed for the introductory astronomy course. It has a clean, clear writing style, using analogies comparing astronomical events and phenomena with everyday examples for easy understanding. Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy is built on the foundation of its well-known writing style, accuracy, and emphasis on current information and this edition continues to offer a complete technology/new media support package. This introductory astronomy text offers a balanced presentation and unprecedented visual appeal for students. Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier provides a complete description of current astronomical knowledge, which is not too technical, but still is able to communicate the quantitative nature of physical science. The historical development of astronomy is emphasized to show that astronomy, like other sciences, advances through the efforts of many scientists, and to show how present ideas have been developed. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/arny Text (hardcover), 640 pp. Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Transparencies (80) Digital Content Manager CD-ROM WEBSITE: mhhe.com/fix SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-304079-7 ❇ 0-07-301161-4 0-07-301160-6 ❇ ❇ 0-07-301162-2 ❇ Text (hardcover), 768 pp. Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Digital Content Manager CD-ROM SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-304078-9 ❇ 0-07-299182-8 ❇ 0-07-299185-2 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 15 SCIENCE Physics The Physics of Everyday Phenomenon College Physics Second Edition, 2007 GIAMBATTISTA, ET AL. College Physics was developed from the notes and experiences of authors sitting next to students in study labs explaining physical principles on a daily basis. The authors found that students were able to grasp principles much more easily, completely, and remember those principles if they were discussed within the context of something students were already familiar with and could relate. The Conceptual Framework approach was developed and all physics concepts are presented to students in such a fashion. Every example includes strategy, solution, discussion, and practice problem (with answer at end-of-chapter). Care is taken to make sure that students are equipped with tools to solve problems and that they do not just memorize steps to solve that one example problem. Features • Problem Sets: Great care was taken by both the authors and the contributors to include variety to the end-of-chapter problem sets. • Review & Synthesis: Eight Review & Synthesis sections appear throughout the text, following groups of related chapters. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/grr A Conceptual Introduction to Physics Fifth Edition, 2007 GRIFFITH The Physics of Everyday Phenomenon introduces the basic concepts of physics using examples of common occurrences. Beginning students benefit from the large number of student aids and the reduced math content. Teachers appreciate the organization of the material and the wealth of pedagogical tools. Instead of traditional titles for each section, leading questions introduce the material. Chapter exercises continue to offer students practice in applying the concepts presented. Additional Everyday Phenomenon boxes throughout the text analyze common phenomena in more detail to promote a better understanding of everyday events in students’ lives. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/griffith SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Laboratory Manual in Conceptual Physics Digital Content Manager (DVD) 0-07-325315-4 ❇ 0-07-312724-8 ❇ 0-69-715834-9 ❇ 0-07-328180-8 ❇ Five Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations: Physics 2005 JACOBS • SCHULMAN Designed to coincide with the most current AP exams, this exciting new series contains several advanced features that sets it above all competitors. Tailored to three types of students, this flexible study guide is structured around an ingenious FiveStep Plan: 1. Developing a study plan 2. Building knowledge 3. Honing test-taking skills 4. Refining strategies 5. Fostering confidence Features • A “month-by-month” approach and “calendar countdown” approach for the more structured student. • “Basic training” approach for the student who leaves studying to the last minute • Sample tests that closely simulate real exams • Review material based on the contents of the most recent tests SCHOOL PRICE Text 0-07-143713-4 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1216 pp. Instructor Resource Guide Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Digital Content Manager CD-ROM Printed Test Bank Student Solutions Manual 16 0-07-322274-7 0-07-299955-1 ❇ ❇ 0-07-299956-X ❇ 0-07-299958-6 0-07-299954-3 0-07-304954-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca MATH Calculus Calculus Table of Contents Third Edition, 2007 SMITH • MINTON Students who have used Smith/Minton's Calculus say it was easier to read than any other math book they've used. That testimony underscores the success of the authors' approach, which combines the best elements of reform with the most reliable aspects of mainstream calculus teaching, resulting in a motivating, challenging book. Smith/Minton's Calculus also provides exceptional, reality-based applications that appeal to students' interests and demonstrate the elegance of math in the world around us. Now packaged with MathZone, Calculus offers the latest technology as well. Preliminaries 1 Limits and Continuity 2 Differentiation 3 Applications of Differentiation 4 Integration 5 Applications of the Definite Integral 6 Integration Techniques 7 First Order Differential Equations 8 Infinite Series 9 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates 10 Vectors and the Geometry of Space 11 Vector-Valued Functions 12 Functions of Several Variables and Differentiation 13 Multiple Integrals 14 Vector Calculus 15 Second Order Differential Equations Features: • A new organization placing all transcendental functions early in the book and consolidating the introduction to L'Hôpital's Rule in a single section WEBSITE: mhhe.com/smithminton • More concisely written explanations in every chapter SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 1472 pp. with MathZone ∞ 0-07-327657-x Advanced Placement Resourse Guide ∞ 0-07-330869-2 Instructor Solutions Manual 0-07-321325-X MathZone Bind-in Card 10 pack 0-07-328889-6 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-286962-3 Video DVDs 0-07-312476-1 Student Study Guide 0-07-312474-5 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-286957-7 Calculus: Multivariable, 480 pp. with MathZone 0-07-321532-5 Student Solutions Manual, Multivariable 0-07-286967-4 Calculus: Single Variable, 864 pp. with MathZone 0-07-321531-7 Student Solutions Manual, Single Variable 0-07-286969-0 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ • Many new exercises (for a total of 7,000 throughout the book) that require additional rigor not found in the 2nd edition • New exploratory exercises in every section that challenge students to synthesize key concepts to solve intriguing projects • New commentaries (“Beyond Formulas”) that encourage students to think mathematically beyond the procedures they learn • New counterpoints to the historical notes, “Today in Mathematics,” that stress the contemporary dynamism of mathematical research and applications, connecting past contributions to the present • An enhanced discussion of differential equations and additional applications of vector calculus • Video lectures located on the Online Learning Centre ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2013 Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Resource Guide to accompany Smith/Minton: Calculus, Third Edition PREPARED BY GAIL DUERING THOMAS, LARRY PETERSON, AND MARY THOMAS ISBN 0-07-330869-2 Specifically designed to help you make the most of your time and focus your AP students on mastering core areas on which they will be tested on AP Exam, this valuable resource includes: • Correlations to AP topics • Calculus AB/BC vocabulary • Section Notes for Calculus AB • Section Notes for Calculus BC • Correlations to Calculus Concept Videos • Student Learning Activities • Teacher’s Instruction Notes • Ten sample AP Multiple-Choice Questions per chapter for AB and BC topics • Three to four sample AP Free-Response Questions for AB and BC Topics per chapter • Detailed solutions for Multiple Choice Questions • Detailed solutions of Free Response Questions * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 17 MATH Calculus (continued) 3D Calculus Concepts Videos 25 unique videos—each containing three segments—help students understand key calculus concepts through the use of 3D animation and a mathematics instructor. The concepts covered were chosen after careful consultation with calculus instructors around the country and include areas that have proven to be most difficult for students to understand. These videos offer a visual opportunity to illustrate concepts in a way that cannot be duplicated on a blackboard. Concept Video Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Limits of Functions Measurements of Change Differentiating Functions Modeling with Derivatives Relations and Change in Two and Three Dimensions 6. Theorems About Functions 7. Curves, Lines, and Limits: Tools from Calculus 8. Tools to Describe Functions 9. Graphing with the Calculus 10. Optimization: Using Derivatives 11. Introducing Integration: Finding Areas 12. Integration: Connections to the Derivative 13. Physical Measurements: Going Beyond Traditional Geometries 14. Differential Equations: The Language of Change 15. Sequences and Series: Taking the Sum Ad Infinitum 16. Parametric Equations: When the Curve is Not a Function 17. Polar Coordinates: When the Curve is Circular 18. Understanding Vectors and the Geometry of Space 19. Choosing the Vector Model: VectorValued Functions 20. Extending the Calculus to Functions of Several Variables 21. Going to the Extremities: Extreme Values of Multivariable Functions 22. Multiple Integration 23. Vector Fields and Line Integrals 24. Vector Calculus I 25. Vector Calculus II MathZone is a complete online tutorial and course management system for mathematics and statistics, designed for greater ease of use than any other system. MathZone's powerful feature sets include tutorials and algorithmic exercise for students to practice and for instructors to assign. MathZone combines book-specific practice and tutorial content with automatic, online assessment. You can utilize MathZone’s algorithmic capabilities to generate multiple versions of assignments and quizzes, edit the problems and exercises we’ve provided, or create your own. MathZone’s automatic gradebook function makes tracking student progress a snap. The gradebook is compatible with WebCT, Blackboard, and Excel®. In addition, students have access to a large number of tutorial assets including lecture videos, calculator guides, e-professors, pdf textbook pages, access to an online calculator, and practice problems. Visit www.mathzone.com 18 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca MATH Statistics 5 Steps to a 5: AP Calculus AB/BC Calculus Concepts and Connections First Edition, 2006 SMITH • MINTON Elementary Statistics A Brief Version Third Edition, © 2006 BLUMAN Second Edition, © 2007 MA This textbook places a strong emphasis on developing students' conceptual understanding and on building connections between key calculus topics and their relevance for the real world. It is written for the average student who is mostly unfamiliar with the subject and who requires significant motivation. It follows a relatively standard order of presentation, with early coverage of transcendentals, and integrates thought-provoking applications, examples, and exercises throughout. The AP AB/BC calculus exams have the largest enrollment of any AP exam. This new edition of the AB/BC guide has been expanded to cover both the AB and BC calculus tests and includes key updates on all the material covered in the latest revision of the exams. • More than 225,000 students take the Calculus AB/BC exams annually Table of Contents Table of Contents WEBSITE: mhhe.com/bluman SCHOOL PRICE What You Need to Know About Calculus AB &BC What You Need to Know About the Calc AB and BC Exams Comprehensive Review Practice Exams Appendices Preliminaries 1 Limits and Continuity 2 Differentiation 3 Applications of Differentiation 4 Integration 5 Applications of the Definite Integral 6 Differential Equations 7 Infinite Series 8 Vectors and the Geometry of Space 9 Vector-Valued Functions 10 Functions of Several Variables and Differentiation 11 Multiple Integrals 12 Vector Calculus Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version, 3rd edition, is written for general beginning statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The book uses a nontheoretical approach, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples step-by-step. Student Text (Softcover, 672 pages) 0-07-297621-7 ❇ Math for the Anxious and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-288584-X ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student Solutions 0-07-147629-6 ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/smithminton SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1280 pp. with MathZone 0-07-301607-1 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-283097-2 Instructor Solutions Manual for Single Variable 0-07-303042-2 Instructor Solutions Manual for Multivariable 0-07-319393-3 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-283094-8 Student Study Guide 0-07-303041-4 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 19 MATH Statistics (continued) Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach Sixth Edition, 2007 BLUMAN Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach is for general beginning statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples and step-by-step instructions. This edition places more emphasis on conceptual understanding and understanding results. This edition also features increased emphasis on Excel, MINITAB, and the TI-83 Plus and TI 84-Plus graphing calculators, computing technologies commonly used in such courses. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/bluman SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding), 848 pp. ∞ Annotated Instructor Edition Instructor Testing & Resource CD-ROM Instructor Solutions Manual Video Lecture Series on DVD Excel Manual Minitab Manual Student Solutions Manual Student Study Guide TI-83 & TI-83 Plus Calculator Manual 0-07-327160-8 ❇ 0-07-310368-3 ❇ 0-07-310373-X 0-07-310369-1 ❇ ❇ 0-07-321504-X 0-07-310377-2 0-07-310374-8 0-07-304827-5 0-07-304826-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-310376-4 ❇ New to this Edition • Many elements in the book were updated based on newer, real data. New “Speaking of Statistics”, “Critical Thinking Challenges”, “Statistics Today”, and worked examples were added to this edition. • 300 new exercises most based on actual data were added to the book. Students are motivated by seeing statistics applied to the real world, as they learn to work with "messy" numbers (rather than data contrived for easy computation). Additionally, many exercises were rewritten asking students to interpret the results they just found. These questions help students focus on what a result means rather than simply finding a result. • A new feature, “Applying the Concepts” was added to each section and appears prior to each exercise set. The purpose of the feature is to reinforce the concepts. They give the student an opportunity to think about the concepts and apply them to hypothetical examples and scenarios similar to those found in newspapers, magazines, on news programs, etc. Most contain open-ended questions that require critical thinking and interpretation. “Applying the Concepts” can be used for homework assignments or used as topics for in-class discussion or group work. Table of Contents 1 The Nature of Probability and Statistics 2 Frequency Distributions and Graphs 3 Data Description 4 Probability and Counting Rules 5 Discrete Probability Distributions 6 The Normal Distribution 7 Confidence Intervals and Sample Size 8 Hypothesis Testing 9 Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Two Variances, and Two Proportions 10 Correlation and Regression 11 Other Chi-Square Tests 12 Analysis of Variance 13 Nonparametric Statistics 14 Sampling and Simulation ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2013 20 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca MATH Advanced Mathematics Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Sixth Edition, 2007 ROSEN This text is designed for students preparing for future coursework in areas such as math, computer science, and engineering. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications has become a best-seller largely due to how effectively it addresses the main portion of the discrete market, which is typically characterized as the mid- to upper-level in rigor. The strength of this book’s approach has been the effective balance of theory with relevant applications, as well as the overall comprehensive nature of the topic coverage. Table of Contents 1 The Foundations: Logic and Proof, Sets, and Functions 2 The Fundamentals: Algorithms, the Integers, and Matrices 3 Mathematical Reasoning, Induction, and Recursion 4 Counting 5 Discrete Probability 6 Advanced Counting Techniques 7 Relations 8 Graphs 9 Trees 10 Boolean Algebra 11 Modeling Computation WEBSITE: mhhe.com/rosen SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 928 pp. with MathZone Instructor Resource Guide Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Student Solutions Guide 0-07-322972-5 ❇ 0-07-310781-6 ❇ 0-07-310782-4 0-07-310779-4 ❇ ❇ Algebra for College Students College Algebra Graphs and Models Second Edition, 2005 BARNETT Fourth Edition, 2006 DUGOPOLSKI This text is designed to provide students with the algebra background needed for further college-level mathematics courses. The unifying theme is the development of the skills necessary for solving equations and inequalities, followed by the application of those skills to solving applied problems. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/dugopolski SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 96 pp. with MathZone 0-07-301929-1 Annotated Instructor Edition with MathZone Instructor Kit 0-07-312396-X Instructor Solutions Manual 0-07-302251-9 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-302253-5 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-293484-0 College Algebra: Graphs and Models covers the topics for a typical college algebra course. It is the shortest in the Barnett series with its eight chapters and no trigonometry material. All the problem sets in this text, as in all of the books of this series, are labelled A, B, or C to indicate increasing levels of difficulty. Similarly, many solved examples provide graphical solutions side-by-side with algebraic solutions in all the books of this series. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Algebra for College Students First Edition, 2004 MILLER • O’NEILL This text is an insightful text written by teachers who have first-hand experience with developmental mathematics. Devoting an entire chapter to functions, students experience greater success when they encounter other function-related topics in later chapters, such as polynomial functions, quadratic functions, radical functions, and others. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/miller_oneill Table of Contents 1 Functions, Graphs, and Models 2 Modeling with Linear and Quadratic Functions 3 Polynomial and Rational Functions 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5 Modeling with Linear Systems 6 Matrices and Determinants 7 Sequences, Induction, and Probability 8 Additional Topics in Analytic Geometry WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 848 pp. with MathZone Instructor Solutions Manual Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Video Series Student Solutions Manual 0-07-292235-4 0-07-285902-4 ❇ ❇ 0-07-285904-0 0-07-285905-9 0-07-285901-6 ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1072 pp. with MathZone Instructor Solutions Manual Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM Student Solutions Manual 0-07-301612-8 ❇ 0-07-288057-0 ❇ 0-07-288059-7 0-07-295035-8 ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 21 MATH Advanced Mathematics College Algebra with Trigonometry Graphs and Models First Edition, 2005 BARNETT This book offers everything from College Algebra: Graphs and Models plus three middle chapters that focus on trigonometry. This text presents trigonometry first from a right-triangle approach and then from the unit-circle approach. (continued) Precalculus College Algebra Graphs and Models Second Edition, 2005 BARNETT Eighth Edition, 2008 BARNETT, ET AL. This edition includes a greater emphasis on graphing technology, more modeling applications, and expanded coverage of regression. This book differs from College Algebra with Trigonometry: Graphs and Models in that it presents trigonometry first from a unit circle approach. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Functions, Graphs, and Models 2 Modeling with Linear and Quadratic Functions 3 Polynomial and Rational Functions 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5 Trigonometric Functions 6 Trigonometric Identities and Conditional Equations 7 Additional Topics in Trigonometry 8 Modeling with Linear Systems 9 Matrices and Determinants 10 Sequences, Induction, and Probability 11 Additional Topics in Analytic Geometry 1 Functions, Graphs, and Models 2 Modeling with Linear and Quadratic Functions 3 Polynomial and Rational Functions 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5 Trigonometric Functions 6 Trigonometric Identities and Conditional Equations 7 Additional Topics in Trigonometry 8 Modeling with Linear Systems 9 Matrices and Determinants 10 Sequences, Induction, and Probability 11 Additional Topics in Analytic Geometry WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1120 pp. with MathZone 0-07-292231-1 Instructor Solutions Manual 0-07-291701-6 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM 0-07-291702-4 Video Series 0-07-311210-0 Student Solutions Manual 0-07-291700-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1120 pp. with MathZone Instructor Solutions Manual Instructor Testing Resource CD-ROM Video Series Student Solutions Manual 0-07-292233-8 0-07-285907-5 ❇ ❇ 0-07-285908-3 0-07-285925-3 0-07-285906-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ The College Algebra series is designed to give students a solid grounding in precalculus topics in a user-friendly manner. The series emphasizes computational skills, ideas, and problem solving rather than theory. Explore/Discuss boxes integrated throughout each text encourage students to think critically about mathematical concepts. All worked examples are followed by Matched Problems for reinforcement. Technology Connections illustrate how concepts that were previously explained in an algebraic context may also be solved using a graphing calculator. Students are always shown the underlying algebraic methods first so that they do not become calculator-dependent. In addition, each text in the series contains an abundance of exercises and a wide variety of real-world applications illustrating how math is useful. Table of Contents Basic Algebraic Operations 1 Equations and Inequalities 2 Graphs 3 Functions 4 Polynomials and Rational Function 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 6 Additional Topics in Analytical Geometry 7 Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Matrices 8 Sequences and Series WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 832 pp. 22 0-07-286738-8 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca MATH College Algebra with Trigonometry Trigonometry First Edition, 2008 COBURN This trigonometry text is written in a friendly and an easy-to-understand manner in order to help students understand the concepts presented. This feature combined with ample examples, a broad range of exercises, and engaging real-world applications, give the student the right tools to succeed. There are specific features and exercise problems to incorporate graphing calculator technology for those interested. However, the material is presented in a way so that it may be skipped for those not utilizing technology. Precalculus Functions and Graphs Sixth Edition, 2008 BARNETT, ET AL. Eighth Edition, 2008 BARNETT, ET AL. The College Algebra series is designed to give students a solid grounding in precalculus topics in a user-friendly manner. College Algebra with Trigonometry contains the same content as College Algebra along with three chapters of trigonometry. Technology Connections illustrate how concepts that were previously explained in an algebraic context may also be solved using a graphing calculator. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 An Introduction to Trigonometry 2 Trigonometric Graphs and Models 3 Trig Identities: Their Purpose, Place, and Application 4 Trigonometric Equations 5 Applications of Trigonometry 6 Conic Sections and Polar Coordinates Basic Algebraic Operations 1 Equations and Inequalities 2 Graphs 3 Functions 4 Polynomials and Rational Function 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 6 Trigonometric Functions 7 Trigonometric Identities and Conditional Equations 8 Additional Topics in Trigonometry 9 Additional Topics in Analytical Geometry 10 Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Matrices 11 Sequences and Series WEBSITE: mhhe.com/coburn SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 320 pages Instructor Edition Student Solutions Manual Instructor Resource Manual Instructor Teaching and Resource CD DVD MathZone 0-07-291005-4 0-07-313704-9 0-07-291766-0 ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-330791-2 ❇ 0-07-330792-0 0-07-330794-7 0-07-330793-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 1056 pp. 0-07-286740-X The College Algebra series is designed to give students a solid grounding in precalculus topics in a user-friendly manner. Precalculus: Functions and Graphs differs from College Algebra with Trigonometry in that Precalculus starts at a higher level, placing intermediate algebra review in the appendix. It also starts trigonometry with the unit circle and circular functions. Technology Connections illustrate how concepts that were previously explained in an algebraic context may also be solved using a graphing calculator. Table of Contents Basic Algebraic Operations 1 Equations and Inequalities 2 Graphs 3 Functions 4 Polynomials and Rational Function 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 6 Trigonometric Functions 7 Trigonometric Identities and Conditional Equations 8 Additional Topics in Trigonometry 9 Additional Topics in Analytical Geometry 10 Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Matrices 11 Sequences and Series WEBSITE: mhhe.com/barnett SCHOOL PRICE ❇ Text (hardcover), 1056 pp. 0-07-286739-6 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 23 SOCIAL STUDIES United States History American History: A Survey Twelfth Edition, 2007 BRINKLEY Highly-respected for its impeccable scholarship and elegant writing style, American History: A Survey provides students and instructors with a comprehensive account of the American past in which no single approach or theme predominates. From its first edition, this text has included a scrupulous account of American political and diplomatic history. Today, however, the book explores areas of history such as social, cultural, urban, racial and ethnic history, more history of the West and South, environmental history, and the history of women and gender. In addition, American history has not evolved in a vacuum, but as part of a larger global world. This text places American history into that global context, making connections for students who live in an ever-expanding world themselves. Features • Reliability: Alan Brinkley’s attention to historical scholarship, awareness of students’ needs, and elegant prose style drives this book to its place among the best-sellers in the field. • Versatility: This book has adapted to the changing emphasis in history scholarship throughout its long and distinguished life. • Where Historians Disagree Essays: This series of essays sprinkled throughout the text provide students with a sense of how the evolving nature of historical scholarship informs our present-day interpretations. • Patterns of Popular Culture Boxes show popular culture throughout history with an emphasis on visual presentation (primarily photographs). WEBSITE: mhhe.com/brinkley12ap SCHOOL PRICE Complete Text (High School Binding), 1152 pp. ∞ 0-07-328047-X AP Achiever (AP Exam Preparation Guide) ∞ 0-07-325660-9 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) ∞ 0-07-312497-4 Advanced Placement Instructor Resource CD-ROM with Computer Test Bank ∞ 0-07-329346-6 Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM 0-07-312504-0 Volume 1: To 1877 with PowerWeb and Primary Source Investigator 0-07-325505-X Volume 2: Since 1865 with PowerWeb and Primary Source Investigator 0-07-333163-5 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-312500-8 Transparencies 0-07-312499-0 Student Study Guide Volume 1 0-07-312493-1 Student Study Guide Volume 2 0-07-312495-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ New Content • First four chapters thoroughly revised drawing clearer connections between the history of the British colonies in North America and the larger, global context of migration and settlement, also known as the emergence of an “Atlantic World”. • Essays titled “America and the World” places events of American History in a global context. • Expanded coverage of science and technology as important forces in American history. • New final chapter bringing recent history up to date, including the tumultuous events of September 11 and its aftermath. • Extensive new material on environmental history, particularly in chapters 12, 18, 21, 22, 29, 30, 32, and 34. • One new “Patterns of Popular Culture” essay in Chapter 26 on comic books. ❇ ❇ ❇ AP* Achiever for American History Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide ❇ JASON GEORGE AND JERALD BROWN ISBN 0-07-325660-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Specifically designed to help your Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and in achieving a high score on the AP Exam, this three-part guide works together with the core text American History: A Survey, 12th Edition, to provide your students with: • An introduction to the American History Advanced Placement Course and Exam, including tips on essay writing for the free-response section of the Exam. • A discussion of the AP Themes within the chapter, a chapter summary, as well as practice multiple-choice, free-response and document-based questions with detailed answers in every chapter. • Two complete practice exams parallel the AP American History Exam in terms of question type and number of questions. Each practice exam is also similar to the AP Exam with regard to content, style, and format, and it includes thorough explanations for your students. ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 24 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SOCIAL STUDIES World History 5 Steps to a 5: US History World Civilizations 2007 ARMSTRONG Sources, Images, and Interpretations Fourth Edition, 2006 SHERMAN, ET AL. This guide is structured around an ingenious Five-Step Plan. The first step is to develop a study plan, the second builds knowledge, the third and fourth hone test-taking skills and strategies, and the fifth fosters the confidence students need to ace the tests. This flexible study tool is also tailored to three types of students. For the more structured student there is a “Month-byMonth” approach that follows the school year and a “Calendar Countdown” approach that begins with the new year. For students who leave studying to the last minute “Basic Training” covers the basics in just four weeks. Features • Sample tests that closely simulate real exams • Websites and links to valuable Online test resources, along with author e-mail addresses for students with follow-up questions SCHOOL PRICE Text, 2004, 288 pgs 0-07-147631-8 Through the anthology of primary, secondary, and visual sources included in this comprehensive two-volume text, students can learn how historians have used evidence to interpret what has happened in the past—from ancient times to the present. Built around the most wide-ranging and regionally balanced selection of readings available, both volumes feature a strong mixture of sources on women’s history and social history—topics that frequently go unexplored in world history classes. A regional and chronological organization and a topical table of contents help make these texts accessible to both teachers and students. Each volume uses documents, photos, charts, commentaries, guides, and questions to add rich texture to the history of each topic and region. SCHOOL PRICE Volume I (softcover), 384 pp. Volume II (softcover), 400 pp. 0-07-312759-0 ❇ 0-07-313338-8 ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 25 SOCIAL STUDIES World History (continued) Traditions & Encounters A Global Perspective Third Edition, 2006 BENTLEY • ZIEGLER Over a million students at thousands of schools have learned about world history with the best-selling book for the course, Traditions and Encounters. The text is unique in its approach. It covers the world as a whole, examining the formations and development of the world’s major societies (“traditions”), and exploring cross-cultural interactions and exchanges that have been some of the most effective agents of change in history (“encounters”). In addition, the authors tell a coherent story of the past that is not weighed down by too much detail, enabling teachers to incorporate additional readings. The third edition is accompanied by the Primary Source Investigator CD, offering an easy and affordable way for teachers to get students working with primary sources. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/bentley3 SCHOOL PRICE Combined Text (High School Binding) with Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM, 1248 pp. ∞ 0-07-327897-1 AP Achiever (AP Exam Preparation Guide) ∞ 0-07-329211-7 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) ∞ 0-07-325674-9 Advanced Placement Instructor Resource CD-ROM with Computer Test Bank ∞ 0-07-301398-6 Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM 0-07-312348-X Volume 1: From Beginnings to 1500 (softcover) 0-07-319566-9 Volume 2: From 1500 to the Present (softcover) 0-07-319568-5 Volume A (From the Beginnings to 1500) 0-07-319569-3 Volume B (From 1000 to 1800) 0-07-319571-5 Volume C (From 1750 to the Present) 0-07-319572-3 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-301399-4 Transparencies 0-07-301393-5 Study Guide, Volume 1 0-07-301394-3 Study Guide, Volume 2 0-07-301395-1 World History Map Atlas 0-07-239211-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2014 26 Features • “Contexts and Connections” essays appear in approximately every other chapter, highlighting historical subjects with interesting links across eras, such as The Indian Invention of "Arabic" Numerals in chapter 9 and The Holy Herb Nicotine in chapter 25. • Chapter 36 is titled “Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America”. This chapter brings together significant information found in other chapters in the previous edition, and also provides several new sections of important information on Africa and Latin America. • The material on the Russian empire, formerly found in chapter 29, is now incorporated into other chapters (especially Chapters 23 and 24), placed more fully in the context of other expanding powers of the era. • What was Chapter 36, “An Age of Anxiety”, has been divided into two chapters. A shorter Chapter 35 focuses on economic and political turmoil in the West in the decades following World War I, including the rise of the Nazis in Germany, the fascists in Italy, and Soviet communism under Lenin and Stalin. • Each of the primary source excerpts, “Sources from the Past”, now ends with a thoughtprovoking question to prod the reader to contextualize and think critically about the key issues raised in the document. AP* Achiever for World History Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide DIXIE JOHNSON GRUPE AND SIGRID S. REYNOLDS ISBN 0-07-329211-7 Working together with Traditions & Encounters, 3rd Edition, the AP Achiever for World History provides your students with additional mastery tips for success on the AP Exam. Features include: • A thorough explanation of course expectations, exam parameters, and preparation suggestions to help your students maximize studies and time. • Model Essays, as well as ideas on how to approach, plan, and organize each type of essay, and detailed analyses, prepare your students for the three different types of freeresponse questions—comparative, change over time, and document-based essay questions. • Each section of the chapter review identifies the appropriate AP course themes to help you put each period or society into a larger framework. • Two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers help students gear up for your final test day. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SOCIAL STUDIES European History The Western Experience with Primary Source Investigator and PowerWeb Ninth Edition, 2007 MORTIMER CHAMBERS, BARBARA HANAWALT, THEODORE RABB, ISSER WOLOCH, RAYMOND GREW, AND LISA TIERSTEN In an age when so many people only look forward, The Western Experience combines new and traditional approaches to the past that, combined with an interpretive approach, challenge, stimulate, and engage students. The approach is appealing to those who want students to analyze assumptions and use critical-thinking skills. The themes of social structure, the body politic, organization of production and the impact of technology, evolution of the family and changing gender roles, war, religion, and cultural expression are laid out at the beginning of each chapter in the form of a color-coded grid that students will find easy to follow throughout the narrative. New Content • More globally oriented coverage includes newly updated Chapter 26 on Imperialism. • Length is reduces and updates for current content are included. New Pedagogy • New chapter timelines • New key terms • New map captions WEBSITE: mhhe.com/chambers SCHOOL PRICE Combined Text (hardcover), 1280 pp. 0-07-333165-1 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) 0-07-325666-8 Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1500 (softcover), 704 pp. 0-07-325999-3 Volume 2: From 1500 to the Present (softcover), 672 pp. 0-07-326000-2 Volume A (From the Beginnings to 1000) 0-07-326124-6 Volume B (From 1000 to 1800) 0-07-325084-8 Volume C (From 1750 to the Present) 0-07-326002-9 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-320953-8 Study Guide, Volume 1 0-07-325087-2 Study Guide, Volume 2 0-07-325083-X ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Proven Features • Sophisticated yet accessible approach of the authors has been a hallmark of the book from its inception. • Coverage of cultural history, with a careful balance between high culture and popular culture, as well as intellectual history is included. • Thematic coverage provides a unique flexibility to teachers who wish to organize the material in a different fashion than the authors have done. • “Interpretive Approach” challenges students, spurs discussion and debate, and employs the use of critical thinking. • Stellar art history and mapping program, with substantial explanatory captions, reinforces the emphasis on cultural history and geography. • The lavish map and illustration program provides visual sources to aid students in learning. The carefully chosen art program with its long explanatory captions provides a strong art history element to the text. • Unique epilogue invites students to learn more about the larger context of the study and methodology of history. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Manual for European History GORDON MORK ISBN 0-07-325666-8 Specifically designed to aid you in preparation for your Advanced Placement European History course, this teacher’s resource provides chapter summaries, possible pitfalls, references to past exams, and resources that can be effectively used in teaching your AP course. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 27 SOCIAL STUDIES European History (continued) A History of the Modern World Tenth Edition, 2007 PALMER• COLTON • KRAMER Conceived and written as a history of the modern world rather than a truncated Western civilization book, this text is one of the most highly praised history texts ever published. It has been adopted at more than 1000 schools and has been translated into six languages. This edition includes two color inserts highlighting fine art, additional pedagogy to guide students through challenging material, and full, up-to-date inclusion of current events. The text is packaged with PowerWeb, a dynamic course-specific supplement that engages your students in three levels of resource materials and provides a true avenue to extend learning. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/palmer10 SCHOOL PRICE Combined Text (hardcover), 1248 pp. ∞ 0-07-325720-6 AP Achiever (AP Exam Preparation Guide) ∞ 0-07-325672-2 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) ∞ 0-07-325671-4 Advanced Placement Map Insert (10 pack) ∞ 0-07-329653-8 Volume I: To 1815 (softcover) 0-07-325502-5 Volume II: Since 1815 (softcover) 0-07-325503-3 Transparencies 0-07-310746-8 Student Study Guide 0-07-327041-5 Insructor’s Resource CD with CAB 0-07-310750-6 ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 ❇ ❇ ❇ Features • A History of the Modern World remains one of the most highly praised texts ever published, as well as the book by which many contemporary college historians were introduced to the study of history. • PowerWeb available with every copy. PowerWeb is an online interactive component with current events articles, web research links, Northern Lights access, study tips, and interactive exercises. Learn more at http://www.mhhe.com/powerweb. • Over 140 photos have been added to this volume. Art is now integrated throughout the book rather than clustered in photo essays as in previous editions. • Appendices have been streamlined and revised to focus on rulers and regimes. • A four-color photo gallery insert highlights fine art from the period and a 4-color map on end papers make this edition more visually dynamic. • All maps have been revised for readability and clarity, and several new maps have been added to this volume. • Marginal notes throughout each chapter outline key terms, leaders, and events to help students understand dense or complicated material. • A website includes emailable map analysis exercises, key term flashcards, interactive timelines, Online research activities, chapter summaries, and critical thought questions. • 250 overhead transparencies, both maps and fine art, accompany the book. AP Achiever for European History Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide CHRIS FREILER ISBN 0-07-325672-2 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Specifically designed to help your Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and in achieving a high score on the AP Exam, this three-part guide works together with the core text History of the Modern World, Tenth Edition, to provide your students with: • A thorough explanation of course expectations, exam parameters, preparation suggestions, as well as comprehensive tips on writing essays for the document-based and free-response section of the Exam, all to help your students maximize studies and time. • Each chapter includes a thorough content review and “Heads Up!” and “Sidebar” sections designed to connect important topics, clarify common misunderstandings, or add important information to assist in preparation for the exam. This book covers standard political, diplomatic, economic, and intellectual trends, but also makes a special effort to incorporate essential social and cultural history that is increasingly emphasized on the exam. Multiple-choice, document based questions and free-response questions with detailed answers are included for each chapter. • Two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and sample essays help students gear up for your final test day. Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Manual LOUISE FORSYTHE ISBN 0-07-325671-4 Specifically designed to aid you in preparing for your advanced placement course, each chapter of this robust teacher’s resource includes a brief chapter overview, chronological chart, student activities, chapter summary with framing questions, discussion of point of view analysis of one or two documents from the Online Learning Center, sample multiple-choice questions and essay questions similar to AP EH Exam essay questions used in past years. Historiographical issues are discussed as appropriate. 28 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SOCIAL STUDIES Human Geography Western Civilization Table of Contents Sources, Images, and Interpretations, Seventh Edition, © 2008 SHERMAN This collection of primary, secondary, and visual sources for the Western Civilization survey course provides a broad introduction to the materials historians use, the interpretations historians make, and thousands of years of Western civilization. Its broad selection of documents, photographs, maps, and charts, and its full array of accompanying commentaries— drawn from a balanced spectrum of perspectives and approaches—offer valuable insight into the work of historians and provide the context that helps students understand the texts’ full historical significance. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/shermansources7 SCHOOL PRICE Volume 1, Chapters 1-17 (256 pages, Softcover) 0-07-328475-0 ❇ Volume 2, Chapters 16-30 (256 pages, Softcover) 0-07-328474-2 ❇ Part 1: Civilizations of the Ancient World 1 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East 2 The Emergence of Greek Civilization 3 Classical and Hellenistic Greece 4 The Rise of Rome 5 The Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity Part 2: The Middle Ages 6 The Early Middle Ages 7 The Medieval East 8 The High Middle Ages: The Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries 9 The High Middle Ages: The Crusades and the East 10 The High Middle Ages: The Thirteenth Century 11 The Late Middle Ages Part 3: The Renaissance, Reformation, and Expansion 12 The Renaissance 13 The Reformation 14 Overseas Expansion and New Politics Part 4: The Early Modern Period 15 War and Revolution: 1560-1660 16 Aristocracy and Absolutism in the Seventeenth Century 17 The Scientific Revolution 18 Politics and Society in the Ancien Regime 19 The Enlightenment Part 5: The Nineteenth Century 20 The French Revolution 21 The Age of Napoleon 22 Industrialization and Social Change 23 Reaction, Reform, Revolution, and Romanticism: 1815-1848 24 The National State, Nationalism, and Imperialism: 1850-1914 25 Culture, Thought, and Society: 18501914 Human Geography Ninth Edition, 2007 FELLMANN, ET AL. This text introduces students to the scope and excitement of human geography while making clear the relevance of its content to their lives and roles as citizens of an increasingly interrelated world community. The book focuses on culture, society, human activity from a geographic perspective and a thorough and wellintegrated coverage of gender roles in society and culture. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/fellmann9e SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 576 pp. 0-07-322271-2 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM 0-07-313645-X Discovery Channel™ Video Series (DVD) 0-07-352541-3 Transparencies (150) 0-07-313644-1 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-313646-8 Annual Editions: Developing World 07/08 0-07-351624-4 Annual Editions: Geography 06/07 0-07-354567-8 Annual Editions: Global Issues 07/08 0-07-339728-8 Student Atlas: World Geography, 5/e 0-07-352757-2 Taking Sides: Global Issues, 4/e 0-07-352724-6 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Part 6: The Twentieth Century: 1914 to the Present 26 War and Revolution: 1914-1920 27 Democracy, Depression, and Instability: The 1920s and 1930s 28 Communism, Fascism, and Authoritarianism 29 World War II and the Postwar World 30 The Present in Perspective * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 29 SOCIAL STUDIES Political Science Economics Power & Choice Five Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations: Macroeconomics and Microeconomics An Introduction to Political Science Tenth Edition, 2007 SHIVELY This concise comparative introduction to the major concepts and themes of political science engages students with concrete examples of analysis without overwhelming them with details. New Features: • Increased emphasis on Canada, with a new example section of Canadian political parties. • Reduced detail on structures of organizations in order to expand treatment of politics within those organizations. • Extensively revised approach to American liberalism and American conservatism. • New sections on state-building and writing constitutions; on religion and political culture; and on consensus-based parliamentarism as contrasted with majoritarianism. Essentials of Economics First Edition, 2007 BRUE • MCCONNELL 2005 DODGE Designed to coincide with the most current AP exams, this exciting new series contains several advanced features that sets it above all competitors. Tailored to three types of students, this flexible study guide is structured around an ingenious Five-Step Plan: 1. Developing a study plan 2. Building knowledge 3. Honing test-taking skills 4. Refining strategies 5. Fostering confidence Building on the tremendous success of their best-selling Principles of Economics text, the authors have written a onesemester text to provide a fresh alternative. This new 18-chapter text will appeal to everyone teaching a one-semester introductory course. Its patient, substantive treatment of microeconomics and macroeconomics includes up-to-date motivating examples. An Online Learning Center includes Instructor Manual, Weblinks, PowerPoint® Presentations, and more for the teacher. Student quizzes for each chapter, Web links, and access to the Solman videos customized the match of the content of this text are also available. WEBSITE: www.brueonline.com SCHOOL PRICE Text 0-07-143712-6 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text Student Study Guide Instructor Resource CD Testbank I WEBSITE: mhhe.com/shively10 0-07-301967-4 0-07-320263-0 0-07-320261-4 0-07-320260-6 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) 30 0-07-310678-X ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SOCIAL STUDIES Economics Seventeenth Edition, 2008 MCCONNELL • BRUE Known for clarity, patience, balanced, and step-by-step presentation of basic economic concepts, Economics continues to define textbook excellence. DiscoverEcon software, brandnew videos or DVDs that teach economic concepts in a fun and engaging way, and more, are all in one convenient package. The Instructor CD contains an Instructor Manual, Test Bank 1, Computerized Test Bank 1, and PowerPoint® presentations. New to this Edition • Two-Path Macro: Realizing that different teachers teach macro in different ways, the authors have extensively reorganized and revised Chapters 9, 10, and 11 to provide two alternative paths through the macro. This way, instructors who focus exclusively on Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model can now more easily skip the Aggregate Expenditure (Keynesian) model than before, while those who teach both the AD/AS and AE models can continue to do so in a logical manner. • Contemporary Discussions and Examples: Discussions of many new or extended topics, including: The economics of the war on terrorism, China’s rapidly emerging economy, corporate financial and accounting misconduct, the explosion of demand for DVD players, DVDs, and digital cameras, new marginal income tax brackets. • “Consider This” Vignettes: New to the book are 32 analogies, examples, or stories that help drive home central economic ideas in a student-oriented, real-world manner. • Revised Demand and Supply Chapter and Elasticity Chapter • Three Bonus Web Chapters: The three chapters are available free of charge at our website, www.mcconnell17.com. The three web chapters include “The Economics of Developing Economies” (39 Web) and “Transition Economies: Russia and China” (40 Web), and “Applications and Extensions of Supply and Demand.” MICROECONOMICS MACROECONOMICS Eleventh Canadian Edition, 2007 MCCONNELL • BRUE • BARBIERO The clear writing, currency of material, examples and coverage of current events ensure that Microeconomics and Macroeconomics appeal to students. WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/olc/mcconnell SCHOOL PRICE Microeconomics text (Softcover) 516 pgs 0-07-096009-7 ❇ Macroeconomics text (Softcover) 504 pgs 0-07-096008-9 ❇ Instructor’s CD ROM to accompany Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 0-07-096111-5 ❇ WEBSITE: mcconnell17.com SCHOOL PRICE Economics (High School Binding) ∞ Macroeconomics Split Macroeconomics Study Guide Microeconomics Split Microeconomics Study Guide DiscoverEcon with Paul Solman Videos Instructor Manual Instructor Resource CD Test Bank I Test Bank II Test Bank III Paul Solman Videos (DVD) Student Study Guide 0-07-329392-X 0-07-327308-2 ❇ ❇ 0-07-327320-1 0-07-327309-0 ❇ ❇ 0-07-327322-8 ❇ 0-07-327317-1 0-07-327311-2 0-07-721658-X 0-07-721659-8 0-07-327314-7 0-07-327315-5 0-07-329140-4 0-07-327312-0 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2014 MICROECONOMICS CONTENTS MACROECONOMICS CONTENTS PART 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS AND THE ECONOMY 1. Limits, Alternatives, and Choices 2. The Market System and the Circular Flow 3. Demand and Supply and Market Equilibrium PART 2 MICROECONOMICS OF PRODUCT MARKETS 4. Extensions of Demand and Supply Analysis and the Efficiency of Markets 5. Consumer Choice and Utility Maximization 6. The Organization and Costs of Production 7. Perfect Competition 8. Monopoly 9. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 10.Competition Policy and Regulation PART 3 MICROECONOMICS OF FACTOR MARKETS 11.The Demand for Factors of Production 12.Wage Determination 13.Rent, Interest and Profit 14.Income Inequality, Poverty and Discrimination PART 4 MICROECONOMICS OF GOVERNMENT AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 15.Government and Market Failure 16.Public Choice Theory and Economics of Taxation 17.International Trade Index Glossary PART 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS AND THE ECONOMY 1. Limits, Alternatives, and Choices 2. The Market System and the Circular Flow 3. Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium PART 2 MACROECONOMIC MEASUREMENTS AND BASIC CONCEPTS 4. Measuring the Economy's Output 5. Introduction to Economic Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation 6. The Basic Macroeconomic Relationship PART 3 MACROECONOMIC MODELS AND FISCAL POLICY 7. The Aggregate Expenditures Model 8. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 9. Fiscal Policy, Deficits, Surpluses and Debt PART 4 MONEY, BANKING AND MONETARY POLICY 10.Money and Banking 11.Money Creation 12.The Bank of Canada, Interest Rates and Monetary Policy PART 5 THE LONG-RUN AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 13.Long-Run Macroeconomic Adjustments 14.Economic Growth PART 6 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND THE WORLD ECONOMY 15.International Trade 16.Exchange Rates, Balance of Payments Glossary Index * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 31 SOCIAL STUDIES Psychology Psychology The Science of Mind and Behavior Third Edition, 2007 PASSER • SMITH This textbook reflects the experiences of Michael Passer and Ronald Smith as faculty who have taught the introductory psychology course. Four goals have influenced their writing of this text and make it ideal for AP Psychology: 1) to show students that the world of behavior is fascinating; 2) to help students think critically and analytically about behavior, dispelling common myths; 3) to convey the intellectual excitement of studying behavior with scientific rigor; and 4) to apply knowledge obtained from scientific inquiry to real-world problems. New to this edition are the division of the subjects of Intelligence and Language into two separate chapters plus an overall revision incorporating cutting edge research in a multiplicity of psychological areas. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/passer3 SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding) ∞ 0-07-326947-6 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) ∞ 0-07-328841-1 Instructor Manual 0-07-321415-9 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-329048-3 Study Guide 0-07-321414-0 Introduction to Psychology Overhead Transparencies 0-07-231918-6 In-Class Activities Manual 0-07-238431-X Annual Editions: Psychology 07/08 0-07-351629-5 Taking Sides: Psychological Issues 0-07-354558-9 Sources: Notable Selections in Psychology 4/e 0-07-340404-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ Advanced Placement* Instructor’s Manual for Psychology MINTER Designed specifically for your AP Psychology course, each chapter of this resource provides a Pacing Guide, correlations to the Advanced Placement guidelines and National Standards for High School Teachers of Psychology guidelines, a Chapter Overview, Chapter Section Notes for the AP Teacher, Student Activities, Demonstrations, and Lecture Enhancement Materials, an Evaluation and Assessment of Student Learning section, Sample AP Essay and Multiple Choice Questions, and handouts to be used with your AP students. The AP Instructor’s Manual was prepared by Katherine (Kay) Minter of Westwood High School. Kay was awarded The College Board’s Special Recognition Award for AP Psychology and was Westwood High School’s "Teacher of the Year" in 20002001. An experienced AP Reader, she is also a College Board Consultant in Psychology and has led multiple workshops and summer institutes in five states. She currently serves a six-state region as Southwestern Regional Coordinator for the American Psychological Association’s Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS). ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Advanced Placement Instructor Manual (Print) ∞ 0-07-328841-1 ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 Psychology An Introduction Ninth Edition, 2007 LAHEY Engaging writing on a foundation of solid scholarship helps students master the basics of psychology. Psychology: An Introduction’s proven learning system is more effective than ever in this revision, thanks to a streamlined and functional visual design. Applications of basic concepts throughout the text help students retain what they learn by demonstrating psychology’s relevance to their own lives. Fully integrated coverage of culture and diversity promotes an inclusive learning experience for all. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/lahey9e SCHOOL PRICE Text (High School Binding) ∞ 0-07-325844-X In-Class Activities Manual 0-07-238431-X Introduction to Psychology Overhead Transparencies 0-07-231918-6 DVD + CD Media Resources 0-07-293885-4 VHS + CD Media Resources 0-07-293884-6 Student Study Guide 0-07-325137-2 Practice Tests 0-07-322730-7 Revised Instructor Resource CD 0-07-329100-5 TLC A (MP Plus Study Guide) 0-07-343127-3 TLC B (MP Plus Study Guide & Taking Sides) 0-07-343562-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 32 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SOCIAL STUDIES Sociology Psychology Understanding Psychology Sociology Frontiers and Applications Tenth Edition, 2007 SCHAEFER Second Canadian Edition, © 2005 PASSER • SMITH • ATKINSON • MITCHELL • MUIR Eighth Edition, 2008 FELDMAN With an emphasis on practical applications, this best seller exposes students to the content and promise of psychology in a way that brings to life both the basic concepts and the latest research. This extensive revision introduces a flexible modular organization while retaining its clear, concise, student-friendly writing style. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/feldmanup8 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 800 pp. 0-07-353193-6 Instructor Resource CD-ROM (Instructor Manual, Testbank, PowerPoint®) 0-07-295459-0 Student Study Guide 0-07-330723-8 Beginning with the view that behaviour can be studied at psychological, biological, and environmental levels, the text employs a variety of pedagogical elements to emphasize the relationship between theoretical and applied science; to promote analytic and critical thinking, while fostering an understanding of scientific principles and methods. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/schaefer10 WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/college/passer SCHOOL PRICE ❇ SCHOOL PRICE ❇ ❇ Three basic premises guide this highly successful introductory text—first, that theory and research must be both comprehensive and clear; second, that the text must show how sociology is relevant both to the study of society and to students’ lives; and third, the text can play a valuable role in teaching critical thinking skills. Text (Hardcover, 840 pages) 0-07-093976-4 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues 0-07-354558-9 Sources: Notable Selections in Psychology 0-07-340404-7 In-Class Activities Manual for Introductory Psychology 0-07-238431-X In-Psych CD-ROM 0-07-256334-6 DVD + CD Media Resources for Teaching Psychology 0-07-293885-4 VHS + CD Media Resources for Teaching Psychology 0-07-293884-6 Text (hardcover) with CD-ROM Student Study Guide Instructor Resource CD 0-07-320950-3 0-07-312576-8 0-07-312575-X ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 33 SOCIAL STUDIES Sociology (continued) Sociology A Brief Introduction, Second Edition Second Canadian Edition SCHAEFER • HAALAND Sociology: A Brief Introduction is a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation that teaches students how to think critically about society and their own lives from a range of sociological perspectives. Combining balanced coverage of theory with current research findings, examples and issues of interest to Canadian students, distinctive social policy sections, and an integrated learning system of pedagogical features and support materials for students and instructors, this text will help students develop a sociological imagination. Philosophy Student Atlas Global Studies The Student Atlas series combines full color maps and data sets to introduce students to the importance of the connections between geography and other areas of study such as world politics, environmental issues, and economic development. These thematic atlases give students a clear picture of the recent agricultural, industrial, demographic, environmental, economic, and political changes in every world region. Global Studies is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world. Each Global Studies volume includes an annotated listing of World Wide Web sites. SCHOOL PRICE WEBSITE: mhcls.com/atlas SCHOOL PRICE Anthropology Economic Development Environmental Issues World Geography, 4/e World Politics, 7/e WEBSITE: mhcls.com/globalstudies 0-07-288985-3 0-697-36515-8 0-697-36520-4 0-07-352757-2 0-07-340146-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ WESBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/college/schaefer Africa, 11/e 0-07-337992-1 China, 11/e 0-07-319872-2 Europe, 9/e 0-07-319874-9 India and South Asia, 8/e 0-07-337971-9 Islam and the Muslim World 0-07-352772-6 Japan and the Pacific Rim, 9/e 0-07-337990-5 Latin America, 12/e 0-07-340406-3 Russia, The Eurasian Republics, and Central/Eastern Europe, 11/e 0-07-337989-1 The Middle East, 11/e 0-07-340405-5 The World at a Glance 0-07-340408-X ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (Softcover) 528 pgs 0-07-093977-2 Reel Society Interactive Movie CD-ROM Version 2.0 0-07-299663-3 ❇ ❇ The Elements of Moral Philosophy Fifth Edition, 2007 RACHELS Firmly established as the standard text for undergraduate courses in ethics, this concise, lively book combines clear explanations of the main theories of ethics with discussions of interesting examples. Topics covered include famine relief, homosexuality, and the treatment of animals. This text’s versatility allows it be widely used not only in ethical theory courses, but also in applied ethics courses of all kinds. SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 240 pp. 34 0-07-312547-4 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca SOCIAL STUDIES Annual Editions Taking Sides McGraw-Hill/Dushkin McGraw-Hill/Dushkin Annual Editions are designed to provide convenient, low-cost access to a wide range of current, carefully selected articles from some of the most important magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Taking Sides series provide students with well-developed, carefully considered, and sharply opposed viewpoints on major enduring issues. Each volume provides background introductions and postscript summaries to each issue. The pro and con essays speak for themselves. www.mhcls.com/annualeditions www.mhcls.com/takingsides Annual Editions titles are supported by the student Website which contains study tips and links to related sites. Taking Sides titles are supported by the student website. SCHOOL PRICE Anthropology, 06/07, 29/e Anthropology Instructor’s Manual Comparative Politics, 07/08, 25/e Comparative Politics Instructor’s Manual Developing World, 07/08, 17/e Developing World Instructor’s Manual Geography, 06/07, 21/e Geography Instructor’s Manual Global Issues, 06/07, 22/e Global Issues Instructor’s Manual Health, 07/08, 28/e Health Instructor’s Manual Human Development, 07/08, 35/e Human Development Instructor’s Manual Mass Media, 07/08, 14/e Mass Media Instructor’s Manual Psychology, 07/08, 37/e Psychology Instructor’s Manual Sociology, 07/08, 36/e Sociology Instructor’s Manual Urban Society, 07/08, 13/e Urban Society Instructor’s Manual Violence and Terrorism, 07/08, 10/e Violence and Terrorism Instructor’s Manual Western Civilization, Vol. 1, 06/07, 14/e Western Civilization, Vol 1 Instructor’s Manual Western Civilization, Vol. 2, 06/07, 14/e Western Civilization, Vol. 2 Instructor’s Manual World History, Vol. 1, 07/08, 9/e World History, Vol. 1 Instructor’s Manual World History, Vol. 2, 07/08, 9/e World History, Vol. 2 Instructor’s Manual World Politics, 07/08, 28/e World Politics Instructor’s Manual 0-07-351627-9 0-07-329823-9 0-07-351628-7 0-07-330339-9 0-07-351624-4 0-07-327981-1 0-07-354567-8 0-07-320963-5 0-07-351603-1 0-07-330982-6 0-07-351621-X 0-07-327775-4 0-07-351615-5 0-07-327551-4 0-07-331672-5 0-07-331693-8 0-07-351629-5 0-07-330340-2 0-07-339733-4 0-07-325762-1 0-07-339743-1 0-07-331970-8 0-07-351619-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-327626-X 0-07-351623-6 ❇ ❇ 0-07-327964-1 0-07-351622-8 ❇ ❇ 0-07-327906-4 0-07-339740-7 0-07-331802-7 0-07-352846-3 0-07-331711-X 0-07-339744-X 0-07-334168-1 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE NEW! Adolescence, Canadian Authors Adolescence Instructor’s Manual American History Since 1945, 2/e American History Since 1945 Instructor’s Manual American History, Volume 1, 11/e American History, Volume 1 Instructor’s Manual American History, Volume 2, 12/e American History, Volume 2 Instructor’s Manual Drugs & Society, 7/e Drugs & Society Instructor’s Manual Economic Issues, 13/e Environmental Issues, 12/e Environmental Issues Instructor’s Manual Global Issues, 4/e Global Issues Instructor’s Manual Mass Media and Society, 9/e Mass Media and Society Instructor’s Manual Political Issues, 15/e Political Issues Instructor’s Manual Psychological Issues, 14/e Psychological Issues Instructor’s Manual Race and Ethnicity, 6/e Race and Ethnicity Instructor’s Manual Social Issues, 14/e Social Issues Instructor’s Manual Western Civilization, 1/e, 400 pages Western Civilization Instructor’s Manual World Civilizations (I & II), 2/e World Civilizations Instructor’s Manual World History, Volume 1, 3/e World History, Volume 1 Instructor’s Manual World History, Volume 2, 2/e World History, Volume 2 Instructor’s Manual World Politics, 13/e World Politics Instructor’s Manual 0-07-351508-6 0-07-328373-8 0-07-282821-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-282822-6 0-07-352723-8 ❇ ❇ 0-07-330344-5 0-07-352722-X ❇ ❇ 0-07-330343-7 0-07-351511-6 0-07-334836-8 0-07-352725-4 0-07-351443-8 0-07-335687-5 0-07-352724-6 0-07-330345-3 0-07-351502-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-326917-4 0-07-351514-0 0-07-336541-6 0-07-354558-9 0-07-320188-X 0-07-351506-X 0-07-327463-1 0-07-339716-4 0-07-331697-0 0-07-237155-2 0-07-237156-0 0-07-303195-X 0-07-303250-6 0-07-351499-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-326704-X 0-07-351492-6 ❇ ❇ 0-07-322323-9 0-07-339720-2 0-07-334149-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 35 LANGUAGE ARTS Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama Sixth Edition, 2007 DIYANNI Literature features student-centered approaches to literature—from experience to interpretation to evaluation—and an emphasis on making connections between texts and thinking critically about literature. Known for its clear presentation of the formal elements of literature and literature analysis, this anthology effectively balances classic, modern, and contemporary works across the three major genres, blending well-known writers with a diverse gathering of newer, international figures. This literary breadth is supplemented by extensive coverage of writing about literature, making this book an excellent text for introduction to literature courses as well as literature-based composition courses. FEATURES • Emphasis on Critical Thinking: The introduction explains the importance of thinking critically and helps develop strategies that promote thinking critically about literature. The critical thinking component is reinforced in Questions for Critical Thinking and Writing that appear throughout the text, for works in every genre. • Chapters on Envisioning Literature: Each genre features visual chapters that show how artists visually interpret that genre. • Unique! Chapter on Literary Nonfiction: A chapter on literary nonfiction asks students to compare the similarities of important autobiographical nonfiction with the fiction elsewhere in Part 1: Fiction. Chapter 6: Literary Nonfiction includes work by such exciting contemporary authors as Rick Bragg, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Mary Karr, Chang-Rae Lee, James McBride, and Zadie Smith. • Writers in Context: Nine writers are featured in context: Poe, O'Connor, and Cisneros in fiction; Dickinson, Frost, and Hughes in poetry; and Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Ibsen in drama. These writers are presented in their full social and historical context. • Critical Theory: Chapters 33 and 34 introduce students to the fundamental concerns and perspective of literary criticism and include important critical writing throughout history, from Plato through David Henry Hwang. • Student Papers: Student papers can be found throughout the text to provide a wealth of examples of the different ways of writing about each genre. • Guide to Research and MLA Documentation: Chapter 32 offers a complete guide to writing a research paper, including how to evaluate and document sources. • ARIEL CD-ROM: Containing 28 interactive author casebooks (biographies, interactive texts, timelines, and bibliographies related to a single writer) and including a collection of readings of poems, dramatizations of stories, and brief video lectures by McGraw-Hill authors and other experts, A.R.I.E.L. is an ideal multimedia complement to DiYanni's text. Complete cross-references in the text indicate which authors are featured on A.R.I.E.L. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/diyanni SCHOOL PRICE Text, 2333 pp. with ARIEL∞ 0-07-327896-3 Advanced Placement Instructor Manual ∞ 0-07-325691-9 ARIEL: A Reader's Interactive Exploration of Literature 0-07-293361-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 36 Instructor’s Manual for Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition Teachers BY KATHLEEN PUHR AND JAMIESON SPENCER ISBN 0-07-325691-9 Developed specifically for Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition courses using Literature, Sixth Edition by Robert DiYanni, This robust resource offers insight to help you strategically plan your AP curriculum. The Teaching Strategies chapter offers suggestions for working with students of differing ability levels, reading analytically, analytical writing, teaching research, and essential literary terms and allusions. The authors provide detailed information about the AP Exam including test-taking strategies, a discussion of the types and characteristics of questions, and crafting AP type questions with students. The manual also provides thorough coverage of each genre and offers discussion strategies, in-class activities and writing assignments. * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca LANGUAGE ARTS The American Tradition in Literature Eleventh Edition, 2007 PERKINS • PERKINS For the first time, an American literature anthology that provides students and instructors with a premier electronic support program! The American Tradition in Literature brings to its eleventh edition a multimedia CD?ROM (ARIEL American) packaged free with every copy, an unparalleled Web site with resources for students, and a rich instructor’s resource center Literature Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama Second Edition, 2008 DIYANNI Like its larger counterpart, the compact Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama features student-centered approaches to the three genres of literature—fiction, poetry, and drama. It also features a three-part pedagogy that presents each genre in light of a reader’s experience, interpretation, and evaluation. New additions include 15 short stories, over 80 poems, and two plays. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/diyanni SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) with CD-ROM 0-07-325212-3 ❇ New to this edition ARIEL: A Reader’s Interactive Exploration of American Literature (ARIEL American) CDROM. This integrated multimedia resource enriches students’ experience of American literature with casebooks on 28 American writers, video, music, readings of poems and stories, dozens of images, illustrated timelines, interactive exercises, and more! Crosscurrents. The new Crosscurrents sections offer thematically grouped selections to introduce students to important movements and moments shaping American literature. Crosscurrents sections are enhanced on the ARIEL American CD-ROM with multimedia slideshows, audio narration, and links to thought-provoking questions and illuminating comments. Enriched Cultural Program. Complementing the four-color insert showing important works of American fine art, new visuals—meaningful photos, historical illustrations, frontispieces to first editions, and photographs that capture the cultural moment—are included throughout the texts and include thought-provoking captions that provide cultural context and amplify the authors’ commentary on literature. Features An Organization Emphasizing Literary and Cultural Movements. Although within each division the arrangement is generally chronological, departures from this scheme highlight the ways in which authors are related to one another and help students understand the ways in which writers reflect regional influences, social forces, dominant ideas, historical events, and changing aesthetic values. Reliable and Accessible Scholarship. Long respected for its scholarship and accessibility, The American Tradition in Literature continues to provide the background so central to student understanding. Biographical headnotes on new authors have been carefully crafted to provide an overview without attempting to forward any one reading or perspective. The historical introductions, headnotes, and footnotes have been scrupulously checked and updated. Revisions of the general bibliography at the end of each volume ensure its continued usefulness. Literature in Context. To help students find their bearings in an unfamiliar cultural landscape, The American Tradition in Literature continues to offer informative introductions to the historical, social, and cultural contexts in which the literature of the period was produced and timelines to place literary works in their historical context. Illustrations— historical photographs, frontispieces to first editions, author portraits, and works of fine art—together with song lyrics also enrich the context. 5 Steps to a 5 AP English Literature Second Edition • © 2007 RANKIN • MURPHY The revised and updated 5 Steps to a 5: AP English Literature gives students the tools to analyze complex texts. Writing prompts and samples show students how to attack tough essay questions SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (256 pages) 0-07-147632-6 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/perkins SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) with CD-ROM ∞ 0-07-328122-0 ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until 7/31/2013 ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 37 LANGUAGE ARTS Composition and Grammar Literature (continued) Responding to Literature Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays Fifth Edition, 2006 STANFORD This text is designed to be used in any literature anthology, introduction to literature, or literature-based composition courses. It contains sections on the short story, plays, poetry, and the novel, as well as sections on film, writing a research paper, and other types of literature-based composition. The book is full of exercises and contains numerous student sample essays. New features of this edition include: over 50 NEW selections, Then and Now Photo Essays, a new theme of technology and ethics, an in-depth consideration of four American poets (Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Billy Collins, and Rita Dove), “Art and Poetry” as a separate chapter, a focus on film as a dramatic genre, and new Web Connections Questions connecting students to a host of web resources. English Skills College Writing Skills Eighth Edition, 2006 LANGAN Sixth Edition, 2005 LANGAN A rhetoric/workbook designed for basic skills writing courses that focus on the paragraph, featuring the author’s popular clear explanations and his wide range of motivating activities and assignments that reinforce the four cornerstones of all good writing: unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. Each of the 45 chapters in College Writing Skills features the author’s renowned clear writing style and wide range of writing assignments and activities that reinforce the four essentials of good writing: unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/langan WEBSITE: mhhe.com/langan SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 624 pp. with CD-ROM 0-07-321041-2 Annotated Instructor Edition 0-07-328526-9 Ten Skills You Really Need to Succeed in College 0-07-281955-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 608 pp. with User Guide/ Student CD-ROM 0-07-299626-9 Annotated Instructor Edition/ Student CD/Instructor Resource CD/ User Guide 0-07-305311-2 ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/stanford5 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 1248 pp. with CD-ROM 0-07-326865-8 Ways In: Approaches to Reading and Writing about Literature and Film 0-07-251290-3 ARIEL: A Reader’s Interactive Exploration of Literature 0-07-293361-5 38 ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca LANGUAGE ARTS The Student Writer English Skills with Readings Third Canadian Edition, © 2005 JOHN LANGAN, ATLANTIC CAPE COMMUNITY COLLEGE • SHARON WINSTANLEY, SENECA COLLEGE English Skills with Readings, 3rd Canadian Edition, continues to feature motivating activities that reinforce the four bases of effective writing: Unity, Support, Coherence, and Sentence Skills. Table of Contents Section 1 - The Basic Principles of Effective Writing Section 2 - Paragraph Development Section 3 - Essay Development Section 4 - Sentence Skills: Grammar, Mechanics, Punctuation, Word Use, and Practice Section 5 Reading Selections College Writing Skills with Readings Editor and Critic Seventh Edition, 2008 CLOUSE This textbook with readings helps students discover their own writing process, and at the same time, helps them understand the qualities of effective writing. Numerous strategies are presented for idea generation, organizing, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading within the context of rhetorical modes as patterns for thought. SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-312481-8 College Writing Skills with Readings, Fourth Canadian Edition, will help students master the traditional five paragraph essay and variations to this essay structure. Nearly 200 activities and tests are included. Table of Contents WEBSITE: mhhe.com/studentwriter Text (softcover), 624 pp. with Catalyst Fourth Canadian Edition, © 2005 JOHN LANGAN, ATLANTIC CAPE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND SHARON WINSTANLEY, SENECA COLLEGE ❇ Part 1: Essay Writing Part 2: Patterns of Essay Development Part 3: Special Skills Part 4: Handbook of Sentence Skills: Grammar, Mechanics, Punctuation Part 5: Readings for Writing WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/college/langan SCHOOL PRICE Student text (Softcover, 592 pages) 0-07-089164-8 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student text (Softcover, 624 pages) 0-07-087733-5 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 39 LANGUAGE ARTS Readers Composition and Grammar (continued) The Gregg Reference Manual English Brushup Fourth Edition, 2007 LANGAN • GOLDSTEIN Seventh Canadian Edition, © 2006 This quick and practical guide to grammar, punctuation, and usage skills contains important features that distinguish it from other grammar workbooks. The student introduction includes an overview of the writing process, along with examples and practice. The text's three-part format highlights the 16 most vital grammar skills up front, leaving the rest of the text for secondary topics and additional grammar activities. A self-teaching approach enables students to see exactly what they need to brush up on, and gives them focused examples and practice exercises to speed them to mastery. The manageable size and short, well-organized chapters give students just the coverage they need. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/langan SCHOOL PRICE Text, 272 pp. Annotated Instructor Edition Read, Reason, Write 0-07-312376-5 ❇ 0-07-312377-3 ❇ The Gregg Reference Manual is the definitive source for grammar, style, and usage of the English language for Canadian students. The text is very userfriendly with its quick-reference tabbed sections, an easy-to-search index, and an intuitive design. Gregg is an invaluable resource not only for students taking the office administration course, but for use in the workplace as well. Table of Contents Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Part 12 13 14 15 16 17 Part 18 19 20 1: Grammar, Usage, and Style Punctuation: Major Marks Punctuation: Other Marks Capitalization Numbers Abbreviations Plurals and Possessives Spelling Compound Words Word Division Grammar Usage 2: Techniques and Formats Office Applications Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Reports and Manuscripts Notes and Bibliographies Tables Other Business Documents 3: References Forms of Address Glossary of Grammatical Terms Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms SCHOOL PRICE Student text (Softcover, 576 pages) 0-07-087737-8 ❇ Eighth Edition, 2008 SEYLER This text presents clear instruction in critical reading and analysis, argument, and research techniques, along with a collection of current and incisive readings appropriate for practicing these techniques. Free access to Catalyst: A Tool for Writing and Researching is a powerful writer’s resource that offers online grammar support, diagnostic skills checks, Bibliomaker software that formats source information in the MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, and COS documentation styles, and more. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/seyler SCHOOL PRICE Text 0-07-353320-3 ❇ 75 Readings An Anthology Tenth Edition, 2007 BUSCEMI • SMITH 75 Readings offers an outstanding collection of the most popular essays for first-year writing. The readings represent a wide variety of authors, disciplines, issues, and interests, and at an affordable price, this text offers an excellent value for students. A chapter is dedicated to mixing modes and helping students understand how to combine patterns of writing to best achieve their writing goals. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/75 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 448 pp. 40 0-07-312513-X * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca ❇ LANGUAGE ARTS Motives for Writing The Act of Writing The Short Prose Reader Fifth Edition, 2006 MILLER Seventh Canadian Edition, © 2006 CONRAD Eleventh Edition, 2006 MULLER • WIENER This collection of primarily contemporary readings is organized around the various rhetorical purposes that motivate writers. Including detailed guides to writing motives such as analyzing texts, analyzing images, and writing arguments, this text provides a rhetorically grounded approach to academic writing and research. The Act of Writing is a classic Canadian text that is known for its ability to interest students and generate discussion. This book offers a range of difficulty to meet the needs of your students. This rhetorically organized, student-friendly reader includes short essays on a range of topics. Substantial and engaging, these selections– usually 1-3 pages in length– allow teachers plenty of flexibility, including the option of assigning several essays for a class session. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/motives SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 576 pp. with Catalyst 0-07-322154-6 ❇ Patterns for a Purpose A Rhetorical Reader Fourth Edition, 2006 CLOUSE This stunning four-color, modes-based reader helps students identify and employ the rhetorical patterns. With an emphasis on blending the patterns, this text encourages their use as strategies to help writers achieve their purposes for writing. Table of Contents Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: Narration Example Description Cause and Effect Comparison and Contrast Analogy and Related Devices Classification Process Analysis Argumentation and Persuasion SCHOOL PRICE Student text (Softcover, 368 pages) 0-07-095227-2 ❇ FEATURES • Material on interpreting images is located in the chapter on reading critically. Images in the “From Seeing to Writing” sections throughout allow students additional ways of exploring rhetorical strategies. • Powered by Catalyst, this text provides click paths that direct students to special online resources, such as interactive writing tutors for each of the modes. Other features include an online grade book and course management utilities, peer review capability, and tutorials in visual rhetoric and document design. • Selections address a wide variety of issues, themes, and perspective including the World Trade Center attacks and global warming. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/shortprose SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 608 pp. with Catalyst WEBSITE: mhhe.com/patterns 0-07-321039-0 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 712 pp. with Catalyst 0-07-321037-4 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 41 LANGUAGE ARTS Readers Reading (continued) 75 Readings Plus The McGraw-Hill Reader Canadian Edition © 2005 Buscemi • Smith Issues Across the Disciplines Ninth Edition, 2006 MULLER This rhetorically arranged reader provides a fully integrated apparatus, as well as a balanced collection of classic and contemporary essays. Features • New Canadian and International Content – A good mix of well-known writers such as Margaret Atwood and Marshall McLuhan; however, many selections are from up-and-coming authors. • Canadian Cultural Diversity Reflected • Every chapter contains an introduction to each rhetorical mode, an essayist biography, questions for discussion, suggestions for short writing, and suggestions for sustained writing. Eighth Edition, 2007 LANGAN Addressing the continuing interest in liberal arts issues, interdisciplinary themes, multicultural perspectives, and critical thinking, The McGraw-Hill Reader provides students with a full range of quality prose works spanning various ages, cultures, and subjects. New to this Edition • New Part 1, An Overview of College Writing: This new three chapter sequence introduces students to critical reading, writing, and research with an emphasis on argumentation. • New Part 2, Issues Across the Disciplines: Three new chapters-on Media and Popular Culture, Literature and the Arts, and Health and Medicine–expand the coverage of academic disciplines to 11 chapters on the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and professions. Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Narration Description Process Analysis Definition Division and Classification Comparison and Contrast Illustration Cause and Effect Analogy Argument and Persuasion • Integrated Technology Resources: Powered by Catalyst, these integrated references give students access to special online resources such as interactive tutorials on outlining and avoiding plagiarism. SCHOOL PRICE Student text (Softcover, 480 pages) 0-07-097132-3 ❇ Reading and Study Skills • 40 new selections. Fresh essays on topics of current and enduring interest such as literature, religion, medicine, biotechnology, globalization and terrorism will elicit effective student writing. • A four-color insert for Literature and the Arts: this insert encourages students to respond comparatively to visual and written texts. By focusing on a wide range of reading and study skills required in the academic world, this text gives teachers the flexibility to address student needs that might otherwise require several texts. The highly versatile organization divides topics into focused, self-contained modules that can be covered in any order. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/langan SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) with Student CD-ROM 0-07-328843-8 Annotated Instructor Edition 0-07-328509-9 Third Edition , 2007 MATHER • MCCARTHY Designed to help students become jazzed about reading, this introductory-tointermediate reading text provides motivating and engaging readings selected to grab students’ attention. The theme of jazz encourages a positive, exciting, personally involved approach to reading. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/mather SCHOOL PRICE SCHOOL PRICE 42 0-07-321038-2 ❇ Reading and All That Jazz WEBSITE: mhhe.com/mhreader Text (softcover), 792 pp. ❇ ❇ Text (softcover), 608 pp. Annotated Instructor Edition 0-07-296281-X ❇ 0-07-296283-6 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca LANGUAGE ARTS Speech/ Communication Humanities The Art of Public Speaking The Humanistic Tradition The Western Humanities Ninth Edition, 2007 LUCAS Fifth Edition, 2007 FIERO © 2008 MATTHEWS, PLATT The Art of Public Speaking is the leading text in speech. Now we've created the new 4.0 version of the Lucas Learning Tools Suite to offer even more tools and study options to fit the active lifestyles and diverse learning/teaching styles of today's students and teachers. This text introduces the global humanities in a manner that clearly shows the relationship between the culture of the past and life in the present. It examines the arts and ideas of the West in relation to those of other world cultures. Chronologically organized, The Western Humanities presents the cultural achievements of western civilization-art, music, history, literature, theater, film and the other arts-within their historical context. By examining the historical and material conditions that influenced the form and content of the arts and literature the authors provide students a deeper understanding of the meaning of cultural works and a broader basis for appreciating the humanities. Hundreds of illustrations appear throughout the text, "Personal Perspectives" boxes bring to life the events of the day, and brief sections at the end of each chapter describe the cultural legacy of the era discussed. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/fiero WEBSITE: mhhe.com/lucas SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) with Learning Tools Suite 0-07-322865-6 Annotated Instructor Edition with CDs 5.0, Audio CD Set, and Topic Finder 0-07-322203-8 ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Volume 1: Prehistory to the Early Modern World, (softcover), 192 pp. 0-07-325224-7 Volume 2: The Early Modern World to Present (softcover), 192 pp. 0-07-291014-3 Instructor Resource Manual 0-07-238844-7 Test Bank (Win/Mac) 0-07-291008-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/mp5 SCHOOL PRICE Communication Works Landmarks in Humanities Ninth Edition, 2008 GAMBLE • GAMBLE First Edition, 2006 FIERO Written for the introductory communication course, this text presents communication principles, interpersonal communication, and public speaking in an engaging and highly interactive manner. In chronological sequence, this text highlights the most notable monuments of the human imagination--those works of art and architecture, literature, philosophy, and music that have been foremost in shaping the world’s cultures. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/gamble9 0-07-329702-X 0-07-313619-0 ❇ 0-07-313639-5 ❇ 0-07-313640-9 ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/fiero1 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) with CD-ROM 4.0 Student Text Readings in the Western Humanities, Volume 1 Readings in the Western Humanities, Volume 2 Readings in the Western Humanities, ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) with Core Concepts DVD/CD-ROM 0-07-320726-8 Instructor Resource CD 0-07-299551-3 Audio CD-ROM 0-07-302299-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 43 WORLD LANGUAGE Beginning Spanish A otro nivel: Intermediate Spanish Student Edition First Edition, 2007 PEREZ-GIRONES This new communication-oriented program stresses the importance of culture and openended conversation, while offering a review and expansion of language structures appropriate for intermediate students of Spanish. A otro nivel offers thought-provoking activities that naturally elicit spontaneous and meaningful responses and provides students with valuable information about the Spanishspeaking world while helping them reflect on their own culture, mores, and values. Features • A solid grammar component stresses the cyclical nature of learning a language, helping students to see linguistic patterns. • The in-depth cultural content presents students with information that exposes them to a diversified view of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking countries, including the United States. • An abundance of authentic readings is included, among them whole and excerpted newspaper and magazine articles, essays by important writers or political figures, as well as short stories and poetry. A otro nivel contains a wealth of activities that promote open-ended conversation, several with authentic visual components. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/aotronivel SCHOOL PRICE Instructor’s Edition 0-07-296670-X Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (IRCD) 0-07-296672-6 Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-296673-4 Video 0-07-296680-7 Quia Online Workbook Lab Manual 0-07-331377-7 Student Edition 0-07-297199-1 Student Audio CD Program 0-07-297200-9 Adopter’s Audio CD Program 0-07-297067-7 Student CD-ROM Program 0-07-297201-7 Institutional CD-ROM Program 0-07-297494-X 44 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Five Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations: Spanish 2002 LAVOIE Designed to coincide with the most current AP exams, this exciting new series contains several advanced features that sets it above all competitors. Features • A “month-by-month” approach and “calendar countdown” approach for the more structured student. • “Basic training” approach for the student who leaves studying to the last minute • Sample tests that closely simulate real exams • Review material based on the contents of the most recent tests Table of Contents I How to use this book II An Introduction to the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Examination III Comprehensive Review and Practice 1 Exam Section I, Part A Listening Comprehensive 2 Exam Section I, Part B Reading Comprehension: Modified Close Passages 3 Exam Section I, Part C Reading Comprehension: Error Recognition 4 Exam Section I, Part D Reading comprehension: Longer Passages 5 Exam Section II, Part A Written Expression: Close Passages 6 Exam Section II, Part A Written Expression: Sentence Fill-ins 7 Exam Section II, Part A Written Expression: Essays 8 Exam Section II, Part B Speaking: Picture Sequences 9 Exam Section II, Part B Speaking: DirectedResponse Questions Puntos de partida An Invitation to Spanish Seventh Edition, 2005 KNORRE, ET AL. Puntos de partida continues to provide the solid foundation in communicative language development. This edition includes “An Introduction to Literary Masterpieces,” in which renowned authors from different countries are profiled in each chapter, accompanied by brief extracts from one of their works. An interactive CD-ROM provides students with exciting activities that practice vocabulary and grammar, develop cultural awareness, and practice all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/puntos7 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) 0-07-295644-5 Instructor Edition 0-07-295130-3 Instructor Manual and Resource Kit 0-07-295126-5 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-295125-7 Test Bank 0-07-295123-0 Test Generator 0-07-295141-9 Transparencies 0-07-295137-0 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 student CD-ROMs) 0-07-301798-1 Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-297068-5 Audioscript 0-07-295124-9 Video on CD 0-07-298867-3 Video 0-07-295142-7 Online Laboratory Manual 0-07-295136-2 Laboratory Manual 0-07-295128-1 Student Audio CD Program Part A for Lab Manual 0-07-297203-3 Student Audio CD Program Part B for Lab Manual 0-07-297204-1 Student CD-ROM for Text 0-07-297205-X ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover) 0-07-137716-6 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca WORLD LANGUAGE Intermediate Spanish ¿Qué tal? Dos mundos An Introductory Course Seventh Edition, 2007 DORWICK, ET AL. Punto y aparte Sixth Edition, 2006 TERRELL, ET AL. Spanish in Review/Moving Toward Fluency Third Edition, 2007 FOSTER, ET AL. A long-time favorite of teachers desiring a four-skills approach in a briefer book, ¿Qué tal? combines a broad variety of materials and activities, exceptionally clear grammar presentations, and consistent organization. The popular four-part chapter structure helps students manage the material without being overwhelmed and makes lesson planning easier for teachers. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/quetal7 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 544 pp. 0-07-320942-2 Video on CD Pre-pack 0-07-320943-0 Instructor Manual and Resource Kit 0-07-328535-8 Instructor Edition 0-07-320799-3 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-320889-2 Testing Program 0-07-320782-9 Transparencies 0-07-320796-9 Adopters Audio CD Program 0-07-320909-0 Institutional CD-ROM Program 0-07-320910-4 Quia Online Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 1 0-07-320804-3 Quia Online Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 2 0-07-320805-1 Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 1 0-07-320798-5 Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 2 0-07-320784-5 Student CD-ROM 0-07-320946-5 Student Audio CD Program Part 1 0-07-320944-9 Student Audio CD Program Part 2 0-07-320945-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Based on the Natural Approach, Dos mundos stresses the use of engaging activities and interesting readings in a natural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. In this comprehension-based approach to learning language, the development of communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and grammar practice at the service of communication. The text is designed so that class time can be devoted to exposing students to Spanish through creative activities and readings, allowing grammar explanations and exercises to be studied outside the classroom. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/dosmundos6 This best-selling intermediate level Spanish textbook was widely embraced by the market when it first published in 1999, ushering in a new approach to instruction. The unique methodology, which emphasizes seven communicative goals (metas comunicativas) has been praised by teachers and students as an original way to review and refine language development at the intermediate level. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/puntoyaparte SCHOOL PRICE SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 640 pp. 0-07-304607-8 Instructor Edition 0-07-303093-7 Instructor Manual 0-07-303092-9 Instructor Resource CD 0-07-303095-3 Instructor Resource Kit 0-07-303094-5 Test Bank/Audioscript 0-07-304538-1 Test Program Prepack (Test Bank/Audioscript/ Test Bank Audio CDs) 0-07-304538-1 Electronic Testing Program with Audio CD 0-07-304539-X Audioscript 0-07-303089-9 Video Program on CD 0-07-310304-7 Video Program 0-07-304722-8 Combined Online Quia Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-304045-2 Combined Workbook/ Lab Manual 0-07-303091-0 Workbook/Lab Manual Part A 0-07-303084-8 Workbook/Lab Manual Part B 0-07-303085-6 Student Audio CD Program Part A for Lab Manual 0-07-304608-6 Student Audio CD Program Part B for Lab Manual 0-07-304609-4 Student CD-ROM for Text 0-07-304908-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Text (hardcover), 320 pp. 0-07-325499-1 Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-321293-8 Instructor Edition 0-07-321196-6 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-321294-6 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-321199-0 Online Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-321198-2 Student CD-ROM for Text 0-07-321343-8 Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-321188-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 45 WORLD LANGUAGE Spanish Readers The Storyteller’s Series of Readers for Students of Spanish Volume 1: Viajes fantásticos Volume 2: Ladrón de la mente Second Edition, 2000 MUÑOZ For every teacher who has looked in vain for an interesting story told in simple Spanish, here is The Storyteller’s Series of Readers for Students of Spanish. Written by respected author Elías Miguel Muñoz, these inviting and inexpensive paperbacks are simple, but not simplistic. Here are interesting stories told simply and well, which beginning and intermediate students can—and will—read and enjoy. SCHOOL PRICE Volume 1: Viajes fantásticos (softcover), 144 pp. 0-07-231009-X Volume 2: Ladrón de la mente (softcover), 144 pp. 0-07-232617-4 ❇ ❇ REPASO: A Spanish Grammar Review Worktext El cuento hispánico Second Edition, 2007 GORDON • STILLMAN This short-fiction collection introduces the intermediate Spanish student to major writers from both Spain and Latin America, including, among others, Ana María Matute, Horacio Quiroga, Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, and Sandra Cisneros. The short, complete works are intended to be read in one sitting. Seventh Edition, 2008 MULLEN • GARGANIGO McGraw-Hill World Languages is pleased to include Repaso (which was originally published by the National Textbook Company) among our titles for the Intermediate Spanish course. This single volume textbook, now in its second edition, provides a comprehensive grammar review. Ideal as a stand-alone text for intermediate grammar review courses or used in conjunction with a separate literary or cultural reader, Repaso reviews and refines students’ knowledge of Spanish grammar; it is also suitable as a grammar reference for students at all levels. Features • Grammar explanations are clear, concise, and easy to understand. The presentations encourage students to see grammar as stepping-stone and tool for communication. • Examples are derived from everyday usage, often in the form of conversation exchanges. • Thematic vocabulary boxes linked to activities provide a review of words common to most introductory and intermediate Spanish textbooks and present additional vocabulary that empowers learns to express themselves on a range of topics. • A review of numbers, telling time, and dates is consolidated in an easily referenced appendix. A wide variety of language developmental exercises, such as vocabulary study and strategy building, accompany the readings. Features • The Contexto cultural sections appear in Spanish throughout the text, preceding each story and providing additional sociopolitical, historical, and cultural information. • En grupos, a new partner/group activity appearing at the end of each chapter, promotes student interaction. • Well-focused explanations of literary concepts allow students to begin to analyze literary texts. SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 240 pp. 0-07-351311-3 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 496 pp. 46 0-07-353436-6 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca WORLD LANGUAGE Gramática española Análisis y práctica Third Edition, 2008 KING • SUÑER This advanced Spanish grammar text, written with a strong linguistic perspective, is intended both for upper level grammar courses as well as for introductory courses in Spanish linguistics. It focuses in particular on those rules of the Spanish language that explain syntax and its components, especially those that are traditionally difficult for students of Spanish. The flexible organization of the text allows the teacher to cover chapters (and material within chapters) in a manner that best serves the curricular objectives. In addition, the combination of mechanical and creative activities provides students opportunities to polish and master the finer points of the language. Features • An extensive linguistic focus provides a solid foundation for advanced Spanish grammar study. • Exercises are integrated into the text. • Lists of suggested readings at the end of each chapter lead students to additional information on Spanish syntax. • A glossary at the end of the text provides definitions of linguistic ad grammatical terminology. ¡De viva voz! Cofre literario First Edition, 2001 THOMAS Iniciación a la literatura hispánica First Edition, 2003 RAMOS, ET AL. ¡De viva voz! Is an exciting Spanish conversation text that focuses on the development of oral communication while providing a review of key grammatical structures in a very approachable and “non-threatening” manner. Through creative exercises, brief summaries of grammar, and a carefully sequenced chapter structure, ¡De viva voz! helps teachers realize their principal goal in a conversation course: to see their students engaged in conversation in Spanish and improving their level of oral proficiency on a daily basis. Serving as an introduction to Hispanic literature, Cofre literario is the ideal anthology for intermediate-level students who are just embarking on their study of literary classics. This graded reader organizes literary selections into three principal sections (etapas), each of which contains five or six texts. SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 176 pp. Instructor Manual 0-07-249367-4 0-07-253044-8 ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text, 320 pp. with Audio CD 0-07-243739-1 Text, 320 pp. with Audiocassette 0-07-243738-3 Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-233389-8 Adopter Audiocassette Program (Audioscript/Audiocassettes for Lab Manual) 0-07-233388-X Student Audiocassette Program for Text 0-07-233385-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 368 pp. 0-07-351313-X ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 47 WORLD LANGUAGE Beginning French Débuts Vis-à-vis Beginning French Rendez-vous An Introduction to French Second Edition, 2007 SISKIN • WILLIAMS • FIELD Fourth Edition, © 2008 AMON • MUYSKENS • HADLEY An Invitation to French Sixth Edition, 2002 MUYSKENS • HADLEY An innovative film-based program that is designed to motivate and inspire beginning French students. Based on the film, Le Chemin du retour, Débuts is a completely integrated program for the first-year French course. The fourth edition of Vis-à-vis continues the excitement of the innovative third edition with an expanded emphasis on the Francophone world. The new Blog section (which appears in the middle of each chapter) features contemporary language and French and Francophone culture presented in the personal blogs of four characters with different Francophone backgrounds, followed by commentaries by French-speakers from all over the world. The Bienvenue dans le monde francophone feature that recurs after every four chapters in the textbook has been broadened to include Louisiana, Morocco, Switzerland, and Tahiti. A beautiful new contemporary design gives Vis-à-vis an appealing look, inspired by real-life personal blogs that are unique and visually stunning. The sixteen chapters of Vis-à-vis are divided into four lessons, each easily located through a color-coded tabbing system, along with the central cultural spread. Vocabulary, grammar, cultural material, and skill-building activities are grouped into distinct and regular lessons for optimum ease of use. The balanced four-skills approach facilitates student learning. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/debuts SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 576 pp. 0-07-322867-2 Instructor Edition 0-07-322867-2 Instructor Manual 0-07-321909-6 Test Bank 0-07-321919-3 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-322870-2 Adopters Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-322470-7 Audioscript 0-07-322470-7 Filmscript 0-07-321908-8 Le Chemin Du Retour Film DVD 0-07-321916-9 Quia Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 1 0-07-321903-7 Quia Workbook/Lab Manual Volume 2 0-07-321904-5 Workbook/Lab Manual Part 1 0-07-321912-6 Workbook/Lab Manual Part 2 0-07-321911-8 Student Audio CD Program Part 1 for Lab Manual 0-07-322868-0 Student Audio CD Program Part 2 for Lab Manual 0-07-322869-9 Student CD-ROM for Text 0-07-325217-4 48 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student Text 0-07-353542-7 Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-328946-9 ❇ ❇ Rendez-vous integrates essential grammar with imaginative communicative activities and cultural information. Stressing listening, speaking, reading, and writing within a real-world French context, this text is well suited for proficiency- and skills-oriented classes. Chapter themes provide a cultural context for language learning. Interactive, personalized exercises provide practice with grammar structures and encourage individual expression. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/rendezvous SCHOOL PRICE Text with CD-ROM 0-07-249928-1 Text (hardcover), 608 pp. with Audiocassette 0-07-249609-6 Instructor Edition 0-07-249023-3 Instructor Manual 0-07-249021-7 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-249810-2 Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-249715-7 Adopter Audiocassettes Program (Audioscript/Audiocassettes for Lab Manual) 0-07-249716-5 Video 0-07-249027-6 Lab Manual 0-07-249025-X Workbook 0-07-249024-1 Student Audio CD Part 1 for Lab Manual 0-07-249807-2 Studio Audio CD Part 2 for Lab Manual 0-07-283144-8 Student Audiocassette Part 1 0-07-249808-0 Student CD-ROM 0-07-249809-9 Listening Comprehension Audio CD for Text 0-07-249029-2 Listening Comprehension Audiocassette 0-07-249026-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca WORLD LANGUAGE Intermediate French Deux mondes Collage Ensuite A Communicative Approach Fifth Edition, 2005 TERRELL, ET AL. Fifth Edition, 2001 BAKER, ET AL. Cours intermédiaire de francais Fourth Edition, 2003 THOMPSON • HIRSCH This introductory French text emphasizes communicative proficiency. The method, called the Natural Approach, stresses the use of activities in a natural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. The materials are comprehension-based; comprehension (listening and reading) is viewed as a prerequisite to production (speaking and writing). Grammar explanations and exercises are only aids to learning, not the main part of each chapter. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/deuxmondes5 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 544 pp. 0-07-297187-8 Instructor Edition 0-07-295932-0 Instructor Manual 0-07-295935-5 Instructor Resource Kit 0-07-295934-7 Electronic Testing Program (Audio CD) 0-07-296991-1 Testing Program (with Testing Audio CD) 0-07-296990-3 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-297119-3 Adopter’s Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-296992-X Video 0-07-295937-1 Online Workbook/ Laboratory Manual 0-07-295942-8 Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-295933-9 Student Audio CD Program for Lab Manual 0-07-327167-5 Student CD-ROM for Text 0-07-297118-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ This edition consists of three volumes— a grammar review, a cultural reader, and a literary reader—that are coordinated by theme and by language, chapter by chapter across all three books. The result is a flexible program. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/collage Grammar Text (softcover), 320 pp. Literature Text (softcover), 264 pp. Culture Text (softcover), 240 pp. Instructor Manual Literary and contemporary authentic readings form the heart of each chapter of this single-volume, intermediate French program. The readings serve as the basis for vocabulary development, grammar, and communicative activities. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/ensuite SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-234398-2 ❇ 0-07-234400-8 ❇ 0-07-234401-6 0-07-242148-7 ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 408 pp. Instructor Edition Instructor Manual/ Testing Program 0-07-240260-1 0-07-249281-3 ❇ ❇ 0-07-249277-5 ❇ Vagabondages littéraires Initiation à la literature d´expression francais First Edition, 1996 CARPENTER, ET AL. Vagabondages littéraires is a creative graded reader for immediate to advanced French literature courses. The selections include complete and unabridged works by both men and women, as well as by authors from many different Francophone cultures. Pre-reading materials are designed to provide students with just enough information to prepare them for the selection without overwhelming them with detail. SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 256 pp. Instructor Manual 0-07-011444-7 0-07-011455-2 ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 49 WORLD LANGUAGE German Italian Kontakte Prego A Communicative Approach Fifth Edition, 2005 TERRELL, ET AL. Seventh Edition, © 2008 LAZZARINO • DINI • PECCIANTI This best-selling German text is based on and inspired by the Natural Approach. Students learn German through communicative contexts with an emphasis on the four skills as well as cultural competence. Grammar functions as an aid to language learning, rather than as an end in itself. The abundance of interesting activities and readings in Kontakte ensure that students are exposed to rich language input, critical to language acquisition. ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/prego7 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) 0-07-295643-7 Instructor Edition 0-07-287973-4 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-287982-3 Instructor Manual, Video Guide, and Transparency Masters 0-07-287976-9 Institutional CD-ROM Pkg (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-295074-9 Adopter Audio CD Program 50 This best-selling beginning Italian text offers a four-skills and communicative introduction to Italian language and culture. The text provides communicative activities and streamlined vocabulary and grammar presentations coupled with revised and expanded cultural material. The seventh edition also updates the cultural content and brightens up the readings and dialogues with beautiful new illustrations and photographs. New to this edition • All new vocabulary sections in every chapter with full-color illustrations encourage visual learners and give all students a more nuanced understanding of key words in Italian. • Revised grammar presentations use colorcoded charts and visuals to provide clear and concise student-friendly explanations. • A new feature, Curiosità, gives students expanded reading practice and further exposure to Italian culture and history. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/kontakte5 (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual Audioscript Video Picture File Workbook/Laboratory Manual Student CD-ROM for Text In giro per l´ltalia An Invitation to Italian ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-294999-6 0-07-287983-1 0-07-285389-1 0-07-287975-0 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-287977-7 0-07-295072-2 ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Softcover, 464 pages) Quia Online Laboratory Manual Laboratory Manual Quia Online Workbook Workbook DVD Audio CDs Part B Audio CDs Part A Instructor's Edition Instructor's Resource Guide and Testbank 0-07-353526-5 ❇ 0-07-326678-7 0-07-326669-8 0-07-326677-9 0-07-326676-0 0-07-326674-4 0-07-326664-7 0-07-326663-9 0-07-353526-5 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-326668-X ❇ A Brief Introduction to Italian Second Edition, 2006 LAZZARINO, ET AL. This brief version of the best-selling beginning Italian text Prego! is perfectly designed for those programs that are interested in a successful four-skills and communicative introduction to Italian language and culture but whose curriculum necessitates a concise text. The text features an innovative four-part chapter structure that facilitates lesson planning and study. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/ingiro2e SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 416 pp. 0-07-319419-0 Instructor Edition 0-07-319229-5 Instructor Resource Guide/ Testing Program with Testing Audio CD 0-07-319298-8 Electronic Testing Program with Audio CD 0-07-319299-6 Institutional CD Package (20 Student CD-ROMs) 0-07-319316-X Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-319308-9 Video on CD 0-07-301597-0 Online Workbook/ Lab Manual 0-07-319253-8 Workbook/Lab Manual 0-07-319230-9 Student Audio CD Program for Lab Manual 0-07-319300-3 Interactive CD-ROM for Text 0-07-319309-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca WORLD LANGUAGE Japanese In viaggio Yookoso! Yookoso! Moving Toward Fluency in Italian First Edition, 2003 OLSON • EDWARDS • FOERSTER An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese Third Edition, 2006 TOHSAKU Continuing with Contemporary Japanese Third Edition, 2006 TOHSAKU Yookoso! Continuing with Contemporary Japanes is the first volume of a two-volume series for beginning Japanese courses. Based on modern principles of second-language acquisition, Yookoso! was the first beginning Japanese text to integrate the teaching of all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and offer a full complement of ancillary materials. In this text, grammar is treated as a tool for developing the ability to communicate in Japanese, rather than the focal point. The rich illustration program— including photographs, line drawings, and realia—provides an attractive context for language learning. Yookoso! Continuing with Contemporary Japanese is the second volume of a two-volume series for beginning Japanese courses. Based on modern principles of second-language acquisition, Yookoso! was the first beginning Japanese text to integrate the teaching of all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and offer a full complement of ancillary materials. In this text, grammar is treated as a tool for developing the ability to communicate in Japanese, rather than the focal point. The rich illustration program— including photographs, line drawings, and realia—provides an attractive context for language learning. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/yookoso3 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/yookoso3 The idea for In viaggio, meaning “traveling,” draws upon extensive work with oral proficiency and training. As the name suggests, with In viaggio, students continue moving forward in their study of Italian, traveling throughout the regions of Italy and exploring Italian culture throughout the world via the abundant cultural material in the text. In viaggio focuses on and recycles seven major communicative functions: describing, comparing, reacting and recommending, narrating in the past, expressing likes and dislikes, hypothesizing, and talking about the future. What is unique about this approach and these materials is the idea of narrowing the focus of instruction to seven communicative functions, all of which appear in every chapter from the very first day of the course. SCHOOL PRICE SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 344 pp. 0-07-240264-4 Instructor Manual/ Testing Program 0-07-248989-8 Adopter Audio CD Program (Audioscript/Audio CDs for Lab Manual) 0-07-249390-9 Workbook/Lab Manual Part A 0-07-241474-X Workbook/Lab Manual Part B 0-07-286699-3 Student Audio CD Part A for Lab Manual 0-07-249606-1 Student Audio CD Part B for Lab Manual 0-07-287825-8 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ Text (hardcover) with access card Workbook/Lab Manual Video Institutional CD-ROM Program Student Audio CD Program Student CD-ROM Program Adopter’s Audio CD Program 0-07-297120-7 0-07-249302-X 0-07-072338-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ 0-07-298084-2 ❇ 0-07-297186-X ❇ 0-07-293673-8 ❇ 0-07-297021-9 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) with access card Workbook/Lab Manual Institutional CD-ROM Program Student Audio CD Program Student CD-ROM Program 0-07-297496-6 0-07-249339-9 ❇ ❇ 0-07-298247-0 ❇ 0-07-297497-4 ❇ 0-07-293674-6 ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 51 ART & MUSIC Theater and Film Theater The Theater Experience The Lively Art Sixth Edition, 2008 WILSON • GOLDFARB Tenth Edition, 2007 WILSON Created for theater appreciation courses that cover both history and elements, this text remains a comprehensive introductory theater text that incorporates an introduction to the audience’s experience of theater, an investigation of the elements of theater, and a study of the important developments in history. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/livelyart6 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), with CD-ROM Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-351411-X ❇ 0-07-287220-9 ❇ A continual best-seller, this is the introduction-to-theater-appreciation text that emphasizes the experience of participating in and attending the theater. The part openers have been expanded to provide a rich, interdisciplinary introduction to theater elements. Photos have been included to remind students of the theater elements that they may come across in everyday life. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/te10 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 512 pp. 0-07-312555-5 Instructor Resource CD-ROM (Instructor Manual, Test Bank, and Computerized Test Bank) 0-07-312556-3 ❇ This introduction to film appreciation uses contemporary and popular American movies to help students develop critical skills in the analysis and evaluation of film. By suggesting what to look for and how to look for it, the text challenges students to sharpen their powers of observation, establish habits of perceptive watching, and discover complex aspects of film art that will further enhance their enjoyment of watching films. The text-specific tutorial CD-ROM helps clarify and reinforce specific concepts addressed in the text with the use of film clips (one per chapter), a corresponding commentary for each film clip, and a quiz for students to test their understanding of the material. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/awf7 Seventh Edition, 2006 COHEN This lively introduction to theatre offers equal measures of appreciation of theatrical arts, history of performance, and descriptions of the collaborative theatrical crafts. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/cohen7 SCHOOL PRICE 52 Seventh Edition, 2008 BOGGS • PETRIE ❇ Theatre Text (Softcover), 608 pp. with Enjoy the Play! Enjoy the Play! Text (softcover), 32 pp. Instructor Resource CD-ROM Theatre, Brief Text (softcover), 448 pp. with Enjoy the Play! The Art of Watching Film 0-07-319906-0 ❇ 0-07-297506-7 ❇ 0-07-297508-3 ❇ 0-07-319907-9 ❇ Theatrical Design and Production SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 592 pp. with CD-ROM 0-07-331028-X ❇ Fifth Edition, 2005 GILLETTE This is a comprehensive survey of the technical and design aspects of play production, including scene design and construction, lighting, sound, costume, and makeup. Health and safety precautions for the backstage crew appear throughout in boxes labeled “Safety Tips,” and “Design Inspiration” shows how professional designers create the desired look. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/tdap5 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 608 pp. 0-07-256262-5 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca ART & MUSIC Film Art Living Theatre An Introduction Anthology of Living Theater A History © 2008 BORDWELL • THOMPSON Third Edition, © 2008 WILSON • GOLDFARB Fifth Edition, © 2008 WILSON • GOLDFARB Film Art has been the most respected introduction to the analysis of cinema. While continuing to provide the best introduction to the fundamentals of serious film study, the eighth edition has been extensively re-designed in full color greatly enhancing the text's visual appeal and overall accessibility to today's students. Throughout the text, all images presented are frame enlargements as opposed to production stills or advertising photos. Supported by a text-specific CD-ROM with video clips, an Instructor's Manual, and text-specific website. Living Theatre: A History conveys the excitement and variety of theatre throughout time, as well as the dynamic way in which our interpretation of theatre history is informed by contemporary scholarship. Rather than presenting readers with a mere catalogue of historical facts and figures, it sets each period in context through an exploration of the social, political and economic conditions of the day, creating a vivid study of the developments in theatre during that time. Table of Contents 1: Film Art and Filmmaking Putting Films on Screen 2: Film Form The Signficance of Film Form Narrative as a Formal System 3: Film Style The Short: Mise-en-Scene The Shot: Cinematography The Relation of Shot to Shot: Editing Sound in the Cinema Style as a Formal System 4: Types of Films Film Genres Documentary, Experimental, and Animated Films Part 5: Critical Analysis of Films Introduction: Writing a Critical Analysis of Film 11 Sample Analyses Part 6: Art and Film History 12 Film Art and History Introduction Part 1: Early Theatre 1 Greek Theatre 2 Roman Theatre 3 Early Asian Theatre 4 Medieval Theatre in Europe Part 2: Theatres of the Renaissance 5 The Theatre of the Italian Renaissance 6 The Theatre of the English Renaissance 7 The Theatre of the Spanish Golden Age 8 French Neoclassical Theatre Part 3: Theatre from 1660 TO 1875 9 The Theatre of the English Restoration 10 Theatre in the Eighteenth Century 11 Theatre from 1800 to 1875 Part 4: Modern Theatre 12 Theatre from 1875 to 1915 13 Theatre from 1915 to 1945 14 Theatre from 1945 to 1975 15 Contemporary American Theatre: 1975 to the Present 16 Global Theatres Pronunciation Guide Glossary: Theatrical Terms Selected Bibliography Index WEBSITE: mhhe.com/filmart7 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/livingtheatre5 Table of Contents Part 1 Part 2 3 Part 4 5 6 7 8 Part 9 10 SCHOOL PRICE Text (Softcover) with CD-ROM Tutorial 0-07-331027-1 ❇ This anthology of 18 plays offers a convenient and affordable alternative to ordering individual play scripts, with the additional benefit of a general introduction and headnotes. Table of Contents How to Read a Play Where and When the Play Takes Place: The Setting and Circumstances Who the Participants Are: The Characters What Kind of Play It Is: Categories and Genres How the Play Unfolds: Action and Theme The Play Begins The Play Progresses The Theme The Conclusion The Anthology of Plays Sophocles, Antigone, trans: Peter D. Arnott Lysistrata, trans: Douglass Parker Plautus, The Menaechmus Brothers, trans. and ed: E.F.Watling Abraham and Isaac adapted by the editors Kwanami Kiyotsugu, Sotoba Komachi, trans. Arthur Waley William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed. and with notes by Tucker Brooke and Jack Randall Crawford Moliere, Tartuffe, trans. Richard Wilbur Susanna Centlivre, The Busy Body Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House, trans. Eva Le Gallienne Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard, trans. Constance Garnett August Strindberg, A Dream Play, trans. Walter Johnson Bertolt Brecht, The Good Woman of Setzuan trans. Eric Bentley and Maja Apelman Tennessee Williams, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Samuel Beckett, Krapp's Last Tape Charles Ludlam, The Mystery of Irma Vep August Wilson, Joe Turner's Come and Gone Caryl Chuchill, Far Away John Leguizamo, Excerpts from Freak SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Hardcover) 0-07-351412-8 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student text 0-07-351413-6 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 53 ART & MUSIC Art History Art Fundamentals Art Across Time Third Edition, 2007 ADAMS Broadening the scope of this popular onevolume A History of Western Art, “Windows in the World” sections are integrated throughout the text to address the art, artists, and cultures of societies all over the world. Furthermore, the number of artists and artworks discussed is expanded to provide a fuller picture of western art for a full-year course. Maps, timelines, “Materials and Methods” boxes, literary excerpts, and artist biographies offer a multidimensional look at each period. A Core Concepts CD-ROM, packaged free with this edition, offers students an interactive tutorial in the elements and techniques of art, as well as review aids and quizzes to help them better master the text material. A History of Western Art Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice Fourth Edition, © 2008 ADAMS Tenth Edition, 2006 OCVIRK, ET AL. Appropriate for historically-focused art appreciation classes, A History of Western Art offers an exciting new CD-ROM, additional colour plates, and a number of new features. Focusing on the Western canon of art history, the text presents a compelling chronological narrative from prehistory to the present. A new non-Western supplement, World Views: Topics in NonWestern Art, addresses specific areas of non-Western art and augments the Western chronology by illustrating moments of thematic relationships and cross-cultural contact. Art Fundamentals, the original text that set the standard for introduction to art courses across the country, has guided generations of students through the essential elements of art as well as the rich and varied history of their uses. The tenth edition expands the wealth of related study materials available to students and teachers by offering a student CD-ROM, Core Concepts of Art, which together with the Online Learning Center reinforces the principles and elements of design with practical exercises, self-guided tutorials, interactive examples, and suggested student projects. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/hwa4 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/artfundamentals10 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/artacrosstime3 SCHOOL PRICE SCHOOL PRICE Complete Text (hardcover), with Core Concepts CD-ROM 3.0 0-07-296979-2 Volume 1 (softcover), 560 pp. with Core Concepts CD-ROM 3.0 0-07-296972-5 Volume 2 (softcover), with Core Concepts CD-ROM 3.0 0-07-296974-1 Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-296528-2 54 Complete Text with Core Concepts CD-ROM Study Guide 0-07-352646-0 0-07-282727-0 ❇ ❇ SCHOOL Text (softcover) with Core PRICE Concepts CD-ROM 3.0 0-07-287871-1 ❇ Slide Set 0-07-286235-1 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca ART & MUSIC Art Appreciation Creative Drawing Designed for a course in Drawing 1, Drawing Concepts, or Creative Drawing, this text emphasizes critical thinking in conjunction with fundamental techniques. High quality, large format black and white and color pictures help illustrate key concepts and principles. Integrated exercises are interspersed throughout the text with a list of materials, instructions, and illustrations. SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 288 pp. Living with Art Drawing from Observation Second Edition, 2003 SMAGULA 0-07-248282-6 ❇ Eighth Edition, 2008 GETLEIN First Edition, 2002 CURTIS Perceptual drawing, in which one renders the physical world as it appears to the observed, is the focus of this text for introductory drawing with over 500 illustrations. Fine art drawings and paintings from a broad historical range complement an inspiring portfolio of student work. Drawing from Observation begins with the fundamentals—holding a drawing tool; positioning oneself and one’s work; making sensitive and expressive marks. It introduces intuitive and analytical gesture and builds on this foundation with techniques of gradually increasing complexity. By the end, students should have the skills to accurately render anything they see, including irregular forms and objects in one-, two-, and three-point perspective. Living with Art helps students develop an appreciation of art by offering a clear and comprehensive introduction to the visual arts from several perspectives: themes and purposes of art; the vocabulary of art; individual art media; and the history of art. This text is rich with illustrations drawn from a wide range of artistic cultures and time periods. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/lwa8 SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 608 pp. 0-07-319076-4 ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/curtis SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 336 pp. 0-07-241024-8 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 55 ART & MUSIC Music Theory/ Harmony (continued) Music First! An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Music and Music Readings Fifth Edition, 2007 WHITE Music First! takes a hands-on approach to learning the fundamentals of music theory and composition. This “learn-by-doing” approach reinforces theoretical principles through practice and will enliven any fundamentals course. Theory for Today’s Musician Tonal Harmony Fifth Edition, 2004 KOSTKA • PAYNE First Edition, 2007 TUREK This text focuses on the core elements of the theory curriculum in a single-volume format. Two sets of companion CD recordings, one set to accompany the text and the second to accompany the workbook, offers students a huge collection of music. Each recording is performed using the instruments mentioned in the text. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/tonalharmony5 WEBSITE: mhhe.com/musicfirst Text (softcover), 320 pp. with Audio CD and Keyboard Foldout Music Appreciation SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-327500-X ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 688 pp.∞ Instructor Manual Workbook with Workbook and Finale CD-ROM Audio CD 0-07-321947-9 0-07-285263-1 Audio CD 0-07-291896-9 0-07-285262-3 Years of classroom experience and a thoughtful reappraisal of the skills needed in today’s musical world are reflected in this unique project that merges traditional topics such as part writing (pared and prioritized in light of current practice) and harmony (diatonic, chromatic, neotonal and atonal) with less traditional topics such as counterpoint and musical process, and with non-traditional topics such as popularbased song writing and harmonic principles in jazz and the blues. In search of familiar examples, popular, jazz, TV, and film-score examples were chosen for their durability and interest. ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/theory1 SCHOOL ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2010 56 PRICE Text (hardcover) with Music Examples CD-ROM 0-07-319783-1 ❇ Instructor Manual 0-07-304373-7 ❇ Workbook with CD-ROM 0-07-319784-X ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca ART & MUSIC Music: An Appreciation The World of Music Ninth Edition, 2008 KAMIEN Sixth Edition, 2007 WILLOUGHBY This is the leading book for an introduction-to-music course. It is widely used because of the clear presentation of musical elements, the vivid depiction of music history, the carefully chosen musical examples, the detailed and informative listening outlines, and the unsurpassed supplements package. The text provides an approach to perceptive listening and an introduction to musical elements, forms, and stylistic periods. Its discussions of composers’ lives, individual styles, and representative works aim not merely to impart facts but to stimulate curiosity and enthusiasm. The World of Music offers a diverse and entertaining recordings package and an approach that emphasizes the progressive development of listening skills. Students are introduced to music elements through simpler music styles and familiar recordings and gradually build up to the most rigorous forms of Western music. The music they’ll study includes everything from Afro-pop to Zydeco, along with a thorough introduction to Western Classics. Music: The Art of Listening WEBSITE: mhhe.com/willoughby SCHOOL PRICE WEBSITE: mhhe.com/kamien9 SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover), 776 pp.∞ with CD-ROM 0-07-352656-8 ❇ Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-284487-6 ❇ 8 CD Basic Set 0-07-328496-3 ❇ 4 CD Brief Set 0-07-326545-4 ❇ Multimedia Companion 4.5 0-07-296658-0 ❇ Opera Clips DVD 0-07-295028-5 ❇ BRIEF VERSION AVAILABLE Text, Brief Edition (softcover), 480 pp. with Multimedia Companion CD-ROM 5.0 0-07-304388-5 ❇ Text with CD-ROM and 4 Audio CD Set 0-07-336602-1 ❇ Annotated Instructor Edition with CD-ROM 5.0 0-07-310867-7 ❇ Instructor Resource CD-ROM 0-07-296660-2 ❇ 4 Audio CD Set 0-07-332636-4 ❇ Multimedia Companion CD-ROM 5.0 0-07-296658-0 ❇ Student Study Guide 0-07-721153-7 ❇ Text (softcover), 416 pp. Instructor Resource Manual 3 Audio CD Set 0-07-312700-0 ❇ 0-07-312702-7 0-07-312701-9 ❇ ❇ Seventh Edition, 2008 FERRIS Music: The Art of Listening is a practical, concise textbook for the beginning student of music history and appreciation, written in language readily understandable by a student with no previous music experience. Throughout the text, music is presented in its broad cultural and historical context. Text (softcover) with CD-ROM Instructor Manual Test Bank (Mac/Win) Audio CDs SCHOOL PRICE 0-07-312213-0 0-07-249136-1 0-07-249137-X 0-07-312715-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ∞ Inventory availability guaranteed until July 31, 2011 * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 57 HEALTH Athletic Training Arnheim’s Principles of Athletic Training: a Competency-Based Approach Twelfth Edition, 2006 PRENTICE This comprehensive market-leading text emphasizes the prevention and management of athletic injuries and remains the only text to cover all aspects of the profession of athletic training. A valuable resource in seeking professional certification, it also provides practical, career-oriented content for students in athletic training, sports medicine, physical education, physical therapy, and coaching. eSims 2.0 is a web-based subscription for the simulation section of the certification exam and can be purchased every year online. WENBSITE: mhhe.com/prentice12e Athletic Training: An Introduction to Professional Practice Essentials of Athletic Injury Management First Edition, 2006 PRENTICE Seventh Edition, 2008 PRENTICE Focusing on basic principles in the care and prevention of athletic injuries, this text was developed especially for introductory courses. This edition is packaged with the Dynamic Human 2.0 CD-ROM—an excellent reference that reinforces the anatomy presented in the text through the use of full color graphics and animation. Features include separate chapters on bloodborne pathogens; young athletes; and legal liability and insurance. Critical Thinking Exercises in each chapter enhance student learning and solutions are listed at the end of each chapter. Lists of relevant Web sites are at the end of appropriate chapters. eSims 2.0 is a web-based subscription for the simulation section of the certification exam and can be purchased every year online. Athletic Training is a much condensed version of the classic text Arnheim’s Principles of Athletic Training. Providing only those chapters that would effectively introduce the athletic training student to professional practice, it is designed for instructors who do not wish to cover the applications of athletic training in their first class. For those who are following the new curriculum requirements, the text introduces the athletic training student to the dynamic trends of the profession, while still providing a valuable resource for those eventually seeking professional certification. eSims 2.0 is a webbased subscription for the simulation section of the certification exam and can be purchased every year online. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/prentice1e SCHOOL PRICE Text with eSims 2.0 (hardcover), 1056 pp. 0-07-313890-8 Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM (Course Integration Guide/ Computerized Test Bank/PowerPoint®) 0-07-297110-X 58 ❇ SCHOOL PRICE WEBSITE: mhhe.com/prentice7e SCHOOL PRICE ❇ Text (NASTA hardcover), 640 pp. with e-Sims 2.0 0-07-328481-5 ❇ Text with eSims 2.0 (hardcover), 352 pp. Instructor Testing and Resource CD-ROM (Computerized Test Bank/Instructor Manual/PowerPoint® ) 0-07-319905-2 ❇ 0-07-319563-4 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca HEALTH Health Fitness and Wellness Focus on Health Fit and Well Second Canadian Edition, © 2006 HAHN • PAYNE • GALLANT • FLETCHER First Canadian Edition, © 2007 FAHEY • WONG The text integrates coverage of health care services within the discussion of personal health issues such as fitness, chronic conditions, and substance abuse. Extensive technology is also integrated into the text through Online Learning Centre boxes, HealthQuest Activities, and “Health on the Web” boxes. New Features • Additional material added on psychological The text provides comprehensive advice on wellness-related behaviour and practicing a healthier way of life, coverage of healthrelated fitness and nutrition. New Features • Canadian content and examples, coverage • • • • health, suicide intervention and electroconvulsive theory in Chapter 2— Achieving Psychological Wellness. More information on costs and benefits of stress in Chapter 3—Managing Stress Additional material added on making better fast food choices in Chapter 5— Understanding Nutrition and Health. Canada’s Physical Activity Guide added to Chapter 4—Becoming Physically Fit. More information added on Canadian Health Care system (i.e., new Canadian Public Health Agency) in Chapter 11— Preventing Infectious Diseases. Table of Contents Part Part Part Part Part Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: The Mind The Body Substance Abuse and Addiction Preventing Disease The Life Cycle Consumer and Safety Issues Concepts of Fitness and Wellness of Canada’s Food Guide has been included, along with Canada’s Physical Activity Guide and physical fitness testing, Canadian programs such as CAHPERD. • Lab Activities and Hands on Self Assessments—these appear at the end of every chapter and are useful for students to determine their current level of wellness and create plans for making positive changes in their lifestyle. The Using Your Results sections guide students in setting goals and moving forward based on the results of the assessments. • Extensive pedagogy and self-assessment tools that promote behaviour change, including a Behaviour Change Workbook at the back of the text extensive pedagogical tools including Take Charge boxes and Motivation for Change sections that provide advice and strategies for beginning a behaviour change strategy program and maintaining healthy habits over time. A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach Seventh Edition, © 2008 CORBIN • WELK • CORBIN • WELK Concepts of Fitness & Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach provides readers with self-management skills necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle. SCHOOL PRICE Text (Softcover, 544 pages) 0-07-352359-3 Instructor Media DVD with Course Integrator Guide, Computerized Testbank, PowerPoint and Image Bank 0-07-326601-9 Wellness Worksheets 0-07-328253-7 ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Softcover, 480 pages) 0-07-087753-X ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Softcover, 560 pages) 0-07-087736-X ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 59 HEALTH Fitness and Wellness (continued) Wellness A Wellness Way of Life Concepts and Applications with PowerWeb Sixth Edition, © 2006 ANSPAUGH • HAMRICK • ROSATO This text uses the foundations of the wellness movement, responsibility for oneself, behavior change and risk reduction, and health-care consumer awareness, to introduce students to the content needed for today’s wellness courses. Offering balanced coverage of fitness and wellness topics, the sixth edition is also accompanied by an Online Learning Center, a new version of the HealthQuest CD-ROM, and more! with Exercise Band Manual of Structural Kinesiology Seventh Edition, © 2008 ROBBINS • POWERS • BURGESS Sixteenth Edition, © 2007 THOMPSON • FLOYD This text emphasizes a lifetime of active wellness and the individual’s responsibility for achieving a healthy life, giving students practical information on how to make the decisions that will affect their well-being. The authors’ style is friendly and informal, and the presentation of the material is accessible to all kinds of readers. Topics covered include all aspects of fitness, nutrition, weight management, stress management, heart health, and substance use and abuse. This book provides a straightforward look at human anatomy and its relation to movement. The text identifies specific muscles and muscle groups and describes exercises for strengthening and developing those muscles. Table of Contents SCHOOL PRICE Student Edition (Softcover, 608 pages) 0-07-313881-9 Wellness Worksheets 0-07-297649-7 Instructor Resource CD with Computerized Test Bank, Course Integrator Guide & PowerPoints 0-07-297271-8 Resource Presentation Manager for Wellness: Concepts and Applications 0-07-304676-0 1 2 3 ❇ ❇ 4 5 6 7 ❇ ❇ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Understanding Wellness Changing Behavior Developing and Assessing Physical Fitness Maximizing Cardiorespiratory Fitness Developing Flexibility and Muscular Fitness Exploring Special Exercise Considerations Preventing Common Injuries and Caring for the Lower Back Maximizing Heart Health Coping With Stress Eating for Wellness Achieving a Healthy Weight Preventing Cancer Understanding Substance Abuse and Addictive Behavior Preventing Sexually Transmitted Disease Exploring Lifetime Wellness Issues Table of Contents Preface 1 Foundations of Structural Kinesiology 2 Neuromuscular Fundamentals 3 Basic Biomechanical Factors and Concepts 4 The Shoulder Girdle 5 The Shoulder Joint 6 The Elbow and Radioulnar Joints 7 The Wrist and Hand Joints 8 Muscular Analysis of Upper Extremity Exercises 9 The Hip Joint and Pelvic Girdle 10 The Knee Joint 11 The Ankle and Foot Joints 12 The Trunk and Spinal Column 13 Muscular Analysis of Trunk and Lower Extremity Exercises Appendix/Worksheets/Glossary/Credits/Index WEBSITE: mhhe.com/Floyd16e SCHOOL PRICE Student Text with PowerWeb (416 pages, Softcover) 0-07-302873-8 ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/robbins7e SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (softcover) 60 0-07-329387-3 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca BUSINESS Accounting College Accounting Fundamental Accounting Principles Eleventh Edition, 2007 PRICE • HADDOCK • BROCK College Accounting helps students build the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the business world today. This book includes features like Thinking Critically Questions, International Insights, About Accounting, Computers in Accounting, and a comprehensive selfreview complete with answers. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/price11e Twelfth Edition, © 2007 LARSON • JENSEN Features: • Student Success Cycle—highlights key • • SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) (Chaps. 1-32), 1248 pp. 0-07-322936-9 Text (Chaps. 1-25) 0-07-322937-7 Text (Chaps. 1-13) 0-07-322938-5 Solutions Manual (Chaps. 1-32) 0-07-303048-1 Solutions Manual (Chaps. 1-13) 0-07-303046-5 Carol Yacht General Ledger Software 0-07-319683-5 Actions Video Practice Set 0-07-319684-3 Home Team Advantage Practice Set 0-07-319685-1 Study Guide and Working Papers (Chaps. 1-13) 0-07-320348-3 Study Guide and Working Papers (Chaps. 1-32) 0-07-303059-7 Study Guide and Working Papers (Chaps. 1-25) 0-07-303058-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ • • steps toward understanding and critically evaluating the information. Student Success Centre—completely redesigned and redeveloped Critical Thinking Challenge Exercises are designed to help students develop the skills related to questioning. Analysis Component has been added to each mid- and end-of-chapter demonstration problem, promoting critical thinking. New Critical Thinking Mini Cases give students the opportunity to apply critical thinking skills to concepts learned in the chapter. ❇ ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/studentsuccess/FAP ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ SCHOOL PRICE Volume 1 (Softcover, 672 pages) Volume 2 (Softcover, 554 pages) Volume 3 (Softcover, 480 pages) Working Papers, Volume 1 Working Papers, Volume 2 Instructor's CD-ROM, Volume 1, 2, 3, PowerPoint Slides and Computerized Testbank 0-07-095171-3 ❇ 0-07-095172-1 ❇ 0-07-095173-X ❇ 0-07-095348-1 ❇ 0-07-095356-2 ❇ 0-07-095351-1 ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 61 BUSINESS Marketing Marketing: THE CORE Marketing Marketing Second Edition, 2007 KERIN • HARTLEY • RUDELIUS Fourteenth Edition, 2007 ETZEL • WALKER • STANTON Sixth Canadian Edition, © 2006 CRANE • KERIN • HARTLEY • BERKOWITZ • RUDELIUS MARKETING: THE CORE, 2/e by Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley, and Rudelius continues the tradition of cutting-edge content and student-friendliness set by Marketing 8/e, but in a shorter, more accessible package. The Core distills Marketing’s 22 chapters down to 18, leaving instructors just the content they need to cover the essentials of marketing. Instructors using The Core also benefit from a full-sized supplements package that surpasses anything offered by the competition, while students will appreciate the easy-toread paperback format that’s equally kind to both the eyes and the pocketbook. Marketing by Etzel, Walker and Stanton continues to be a popular, low-cost, paperback option in the Principles of Marketing market. This text incorporates technology, and features in-text and boxed examples that highlight global issues, technology, ethics, and applied decision making, chapter opening cases, and partending cases. Other marketing themes integrated throughout the text include critical and current themes such as global marketing, customer relationship management, small business and entrepreneurship. Features: • Assessment Ready—The 2nd edition makes it even easier to quantify the achievements of your students. There is a clear connection between the Concept Checks and the Learning Objectives and the test bank questions are tied directly to the book via page numbers and Learning Objectives. • Reallocation of Material—Without sacrificing content and keeping the overall text length the same, chapters have been shortened as necessary to accommodate new Learning Objectives, Chapters in Review, and Build Your Own Marketing Plan activities. The point of doing so goes along with the authors’ quest to promote a less lecture-based and a more active learning approach. WEBSITE: mhhe.com/etzel14e SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 736 pp. 0-07-325289-1 Instructor Resource CD-ROM (PowerPoint®/Computerized Test Bank/Test Bank/ Instructor Manual) 0-07-301636-5 Videos 0-07-301637-3 ❇ ❇ ❇ Features: • Over 50% of the boxes and video cases are new to this edition, including new Canadian video clips featuring companies such as AdFarm and Red Bull energy drinks. • Assessment-ready Elements. Learning objectives and Chapter in Review summaries are better integrated to help instructors and programs address growing interest in assessment and assurance-of-learning. • High-engagement Style. An easy-toread, high-involvement, interactive writing style that engages students through active learning techniques, timely and interesting examples, and challenging applications. • Personalized Marketing. A vivid and accurate description of businesses, marketing professionals, and entrepreneurs—through cases, exercises, and testimonials—that allows students to "personalize " marketing and identify possible career interests and role models. SCHOOL PRICE Student Edition PowerPoint® Slides 0-07-093986-1 ❇ 0-07-095121-7 ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/kevin SCHOOL PRICE Text (softcover), 400 pp. Instructor’s Resource Guide Test Bank Vol 1 & 2 Instructor’s CD-ROM Video Case Studies DVD Format 62 0-07-321574-0 0-07-299990-X 0-07-321611-9 0-07-321271-7 0-07-299992-6 0-07-320213-4 ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca BUSINESS Business Business Communications Third Canadian Edition, © 2007 LOCKER • KACZMAREK • BRAUN Features: • Conference Board of Canada's Employability Skills—These prove to students that what they are learning in class is directly related to what they need to know to enter in the workforce. • PAIBOC—This unique learning framework (purpose, audience, information, benefits, objections, context) encourages critical thinking and reinforces skill development. • Modular Layout—Instructors can easily focus on specific skills and have flexibility for shorter courses. WEBSITE: mcgrawhill.ca/olc/locker SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Softcover, 656 pages) 0-07-095826-2 Instructor’s CD-ROM 0-07-098379-8 International Business Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour ❇ The Challenge of Global Competition, with CESIM and OLC access card Eleventh Edition, 2008 BALL Second Canadian Edition, © 2007 KREITNER • KINICKI • COLE This Second Canadian edition has been designed to promote active learning, integrating student friendly material with invaluable experience. Unique and engaging features of the text are combined with an integrated tool kit for mastering organizational behaviour and tackling exams. Mixing and matching of chapters in various combinations is possible to create optimum teaching and learning experiences. This text gives instructors additional time for other class activities; it fits the model for shorter texts that can be enhanced through exercises and class discussion. The accompanying Online Learning Centre includes additional material for student: chapter quizzes, CBC video streaming and exercises, an audio glossary, cases and exercises, selfassessment activities, and interactive modules that encourage hands-on learning. International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, by Ball, McCulloch, Frantz, Geringer, and Minor continues to be the most objective and thorough treatment of International Business available for students. Enriched with maps, photos, and the most up-to-date world data, this text boasts the collective expertise of five authors with firsthand international business experience, specializing in international management, finance, law, global strategy, and marketing—a claim no other text can make. Only Ball, McCulloch, Frantz, Geringer, and Minor can offer a complete view of International Business as diverse as the backgrounds of business students. SCHOOL PRICE Text (hardcover) Instructor Resource CD 0-07-334688-8 0-07-327734-7 ❇ ❇ WEBSITE: mhhe.com/kreitner SCHOOL PRICE Student Text (Softcover, 400 pages) 0-07-087695-9 Instructor's Resource CD-ROM (including Instructor's Resource Manual, Computerized Test Bank, and PowerPoint Presentations) 0-07-095037-7 CBC Videos 0-07-095036-9 ❇ ❇ ❇ * For current prices or to place an order, please call toll-free 1-800-565-5758 or contact us at our website: www.mcgrawhill.ca 63 SALES INFORMATION Head Office McGraw-Hill Ryerson 300 Water Street, Whitby, ON L1N 9B6 (905) 430-5000 Toll Free 1-877-961-4747 Fax: (905) 430-5194 Western Region Regional Sales Manager: Russ Breakey (604) 855-3445 Toll Free 1-888-793-7706 ext 4070 Fax (604) 855-5996 russb@mcgrawhill.ca BC School Districts: Abbotsford SD, Chilliwack SD, Fraser-Cascade SD, Mission SD British Columbia Sales Representatives: Maria Boublil (604) 944-8040 Toll Free 1-888-793-7706 ext 4014 Fax (604) 944-8068 mariab@mcgrawhill.ca Yukon, and BC 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