The Safe Contact Project Chris Newman Domestic Violence Intervention Project Prevalence of domestic violence • Domestic violence accounted for quarter of all crimes against the person in England and Wales. (2001 British Crime Survey England and Wales, London: Home Office) and for over half of all incidents attended by the RUC in 2001 (police service statistics RUC, Northern Ireland, 2001). • Every year around 150 people (120 women – nearly half of all female murder victims - and 30 men – around 8% of all male murder victims) are killed by a current or former partner. (Flood-Page, C. & Taylor,J. (eds) Crime in England and Wales 2001/2002, London ; Home Office, 2003). Prevalence of domestic violence • The 1992 British Crime Survey reported that in 90% of domestic violence incidents children were in the same or adjacent rooms. Mayhew, P., Aye Maung, N. and Mirrlees-Black, C. (1993) The 1992 British Crime Survey. Home Office Research Study No. 132. London . HMSO. Domestic violence and parental separation • Of the many thousands of incidents of domestic violence against women recorded each year in the British Crime Survey, 36% occurred when the couple were no longer living together. Mirrlees-Black (1999) The 1999 British Crime Survey. Home Office Research Study No. 132. London. HMSO. • Women are most susceptible to homicide by a spouse or partner in the post-separation months. Crawford and Gartner, 1992; Kennedy and Dutton,1989; McNeil, 1987; Sonkin, Martin and Walker, 1985 –see Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide P.Randall Kropp et al(2nd Edition). Domestic violence and children • Research suggests that between 40% to 70% of men who assault their wives or partners are also directly physically or sexually violent to their children or abuse or threaten the children to increase their control over their mother (Edleson 1999, McGee 1997, Pence and Paymar 1990, Holden and Newby 1991, Bowker at al 1988, Stark and Flitcraft 1988, Hester and Pearson 1998, Forman 1995 etc). • Domestic violence features in the lives of 37% of children who are receiving social work interventions and 60% of children on the risk register. (Children in Need Census 2001). Domestic violence and children • In more than one in eight DV incidents the London Metropolitan Police note issues around child contact or residence. Home Office (2001) Understanding and Responding to Hate Crime; DV fact Sheet, London: HMSO. • In 2002 a survey was undertaken by NAPO of the work of CAFCASS in contested residence and contact cases. The study found that out of the 300 cases involved, 77% (230 cases) featured allegations of domestic violence. Domestic violence impacts on children • A review of the available research shows that children who witness violence between their parents have emotional and behavioural difficulties that mirror those of children currently identified as being abused. Carroll, J (1994) The Protection of Children Exposed to Marital Violence. Child Abuse Review. Vol. 3 (1). P. 6 – 14. Hester and Radford Domestic violence and child contact Social Policy Research 100 June 1996 Many professionals in England interpreted the Children Act 1989 in a way which allowed contact with fathers to take precedence over child welfare. Fathers commonly used contact with the children as a route to further abuse the mother. Domestic violence injunctions and policing practice in both countries gave women only limited protection from further abuse. Hester and Radford study Only 7 of the 53 mothers interviewed in England were able - eventually- to arrange contact which did not threaten their own safety and/or their children's well being. Most mothers initially wanted children to see their fathers; contact arrangements broke down because of violence. No evidence to support claims made by many of the professionals interviewed that contact broke down because mothers were 'hostile' to the idea of contact Hester and Radford 1996 Hester and Radford concluded that contact should not be presumed to be in the best interests of the child if there has been domestic violence to the mother HMICA Thematic Inspection 2005 “The perception of a presumption of contact in domestic violence cases is experienced by women as dangerous to themselves and their children” HMICA Thematic Inspection 2005 “In order for the welfare of children to remain paramount, the current emphasis on agreement seeking in the family justice system needs to be recognised as a valuable secondary development, rather than a primary goal” Contact orders 1995 - 2,113 out of 31,506 were refused = 6.7% 2004 -504 out of 70,169 were refused = 0.7% (source – response to question in Parliament - Harriet Harman MP) The Domestic Violence Intervention Project London Probation Area Self-referred Perpetrator services Victim support services Assessment Individual work 32 session structured group programme Structured workshops Support groups ongoing follow up group Safety planning Social Services Children’s services Supervised contact CAFCASS Assessment Therapeutic work Risk assessment for the family courts Perpetrator services Social Services or CAFCASS Assessment of: • Risk •Victim vulnerability •Child/ren Victim support services Children’s services Supervised Contact LCD guidelines for good practice on parental contact in cases where there is domestic violence (April 2002) In deciding the issue of contact the court is asked to consider domestic violence and in particular: • the effects of the domestic violence on the resident parent and children • the history of domestic violence • the motivation for seeking contact • ‘victim empathy’, attitude to past violence & capacity to change In deciding the issue of contact the court is asked to consider domestic violence and in particular: • the risk to the children if contact is ordered • the wishes and feelings of the child • whether to make treatment for the abuser a condition of future contact or seek advice in assessing the risk of harm to the child • whether or not conditions or nonmolestation orders should be made and whether contact should be supervised Risk assessment for the family courts Perpetrator services Social Services or CAFCASS Assessment of: • Risk •Victim vulnerability •Child/ren Victim support services Children’s services Supervised Contact The Primary or Predominant Aggressor? (or ‘primary perpetrator’) The person who: Uses the higher level of violence, Has an established history of violence in the relationship, Who represents the more serious ongoing threat of violence. Look at: the level of injury the history of violence Which party represents an ongoing threat (who is afraid of who) (Guidance on investigating domestic violence produced for Association of Chief Police Officers in 2004) Risk Assessment …the formal application of instruments to assess the likelihood that intimate partner violence will be repeated and escalated. The term is synonymous with dangerousness assessment and encompasses lethality assessment, the use of instruments specifically developed to identify potentially lethal situations. Risk Assessment Two approaches Identification of risk factors – on basis that increase in number of factors and increased intensity raises risk Use of risk assessment instruments/scales e.g. DAS, SARA Risk Assessment Caveats regarding the use of risk assessment instruments. Research on prediction of repeat domestic violence is in its infancy (Weisz, Tolman & Saunders 2000). Roehl and Guerin (2000, p. 172) note that ‘…data on reliability, validity, and predictive accuracy of risk assessment are scarce.’ Risk Assessment Caveats regarding the use of risk assessment instruments. The use of risk assessment scores by professionals should not be a substitute for listening to women (Websdale 2000a). It is important to remember that the true goal of the evaluator is to prevent violence, not predict it. Risk assessment is one part of risk management process General Risk Factors History of domestic violence – crossing a boundary once makes it easier to crosssevere againviolence, •Used with injuries requiring medical treatment •Used strangulation •Used or threatened to use a weapon •Threatened to kill his partner •Was violent when she was pregnant •Used sexual violence, such as rape •Assaulted other family members, including children •Violence is becoming more frequent •Violence is becoming more severe Attitudes about the violence Circumstances History of psychological disorders •Severely blaming his partner •Severely minimising or denying the violence •Lacking remorse •Having traditional attitudes about male dominance •Lacking empathy for the victim •Fantasising about killing her or wreaking severe violence on her •Not recognising the risk •Having no motivation to change •Being unwilling to take part in a perpetrator programme •Currently has access to the partner •Partner is trying to leave or has recently left •Currently isolated from support systems •Step children in family • Psychotic disorders. Note that psychotic persons who kill often have active symptoms such as command hallucinations Antisocial personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, a psychopathic personality or beliefs of persecution by others General Risk Factors Current or recent life stresses Mental state Other relevant behaviour •Severe abuse in the perpetrator’s family of origin •Unemployment •Homelessness •Bereavement •Poverty •Equivalent life stresses •A feeling that he has nothing to lose – the ‘fuckit’ factor •High levels of anger and hostility •High levels of hostility to his partner in particular •Depression •Suicidal depression •Generally low mental functioning •Obsessive jealousy of his partner •Obsessive control of his partner •Obsessive thinking about his partner following separation •Current substance misuse – notably of alcohol or drugs (uppers) – especially where it has exacerbated the severity of the violence in the past •Generalised aggression, both inside and outside the home. This may not be present in cultures that show little tolerance for public violence •Recent or current suicide risk or threats of suicide Vulnerability factors for women (Calvin Bell, Safer Families, Plymouth) Developmental and Demographic Factors variable vulnerability marker 1. Population base-rate aged under 25 years; low educational achievement 2. Direct experience of abuse in childhood experience of abusive or harsh parenting as a child 3. Exposure to violent parental role model exposure to violence between parents or caregivers in childhood 4. Prior sexual or physical abuse experience of physical or sexual abuse in a prior adult relationship 5. Disability disability because of physical, sensory or cognitive impairment 6. Pregnancy pregnant and post-partum mothers (especially in adolescence) 7. Substance misuse misuse of alcohol and/or illegal drugs 8. Mental health significant mental health difficulties, especially self-harming and parasuicide 9. Prostitution involvement in prostitution Vulnerability factors for women Environmental factors variable vulnerability marker 10. Poverty low income including being in receipt of state benefit 11. Quality of housing low quality accommodation including council or housing association tenure 12. Overcrowding more occupants in the household than the number of habitable rooms 13. Social isolation isolation from her community, extended family or other social support networks 14. Ethnic minority ethnic minority background likely to result in barriers to support services because of language difficulties or discrimination Vulnerability factors for women Relationship factors variable vulnerability marker 15. Co-habitation co-habiting relationship (as opposed to being married) 16. Financial dependence lack of independent income or male partner earns more than 75% of the couple’s income 17. Other power imbalances gap in strength or age, class, social, educational or occupational status 18. Young children having young children in the home, especially aged under five years 19. Step-children having children in the home who are not the man’s biological offspring, especially if the couple are not married 20. Repeated separations history of repeated separations and reconciliations 21. Ongoing conflict differences in parenting styles; ongoing or unresolved marital conflict especially over the future of the relationship Anger management as a response to DV? Anger management’ suggests that the client has difficulty controlling anger. But: • Selectivity of victim • Selective level of severity • Instrumental, controlling nature of DV • Also implicit blame of victim “I just lose it when she winds me up, she pushes my buttons”. Anger management: AM is usually a short-term skills-based intervention But - need to address deep seated belief systems and/or emotional developmental legacies. Therefore focus on the underlying emotion and cognitions at the time of an assault rather than solely focusing on control of the mislabelled anger. Outcome studies suggest that violence/ abuse elimination occurs from reconstructing clients’ entrenched belief systems and assumptions about masculinity and its perceived entitlements, and enhancing victim empathy and co-operative decision-making rather than from the management or control of anger. (Healey et al 1998) Couples work, mediation? • The victim is unlikely to feel free to speak freely • and may be punished with physical violence or other abuse for speaking out of turn The power and control model of an abusive relationship A model of an equal and non-controlling relationship Elements of domestic violence perpetrator programmes • Increase awareness of physiological, mental and emotional signs of build up to violence. • Develop critical awareness of attitudes and beliefs that support use of violence. • Increase empathy for victims • Increase awareness of effects of domestic violence upon children • Widen definition of abuse, set it in context of power and control • Teach and practice alternative behaviour. Safety implications of perpetrator programmes for (ex)partners or referring agencies They lie about attendance and suspension He may use the programme material to criticise his partner’s behaviour He may lie about what happens in the group He may use his attendance as a bargaining tool His attendance influences behaviour of others…. the decision- making Safety implications of perpetrator programmes for (ex)partners or referring agencies and most importantly – May create unrealistic perpetrator will change. expectations that the Objectives of the Women’s Support Service • To give information about the Domestic Violence Prevention Programme and assist women in having realistic expectations • Safety planning with women and children who are in dangerous situations • Supporting her in identifying resources she could use increase her control over her own and her children’s lives • Emotional support and groupwork to facilitate her personal and social understanding of the abuse she has experienced Assessing programme quality See Guidelines from Respect ( The National Association for Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes and Associated Support Services) Interventions with abusive fathers • As part of a perpetrator programme • ‘Ordinary’ father’s groups • ‘Caring dads’ programme – specific issues are the development of empathy – over and above techniques for discipline Contacts