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Comparing and contrasting poems
William Shakespeare
When icicles hang by the wall,
And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,
And Tom bears logs into the hall,
And milk comes frozen home in pail,
When blood is nipp’d and ways be foul,
Then nightly sings the staring owl,
Tu-whit, tu-who a merry note,
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
When all aloud the wind doth blow,
And coughing drowns the parson‘s saw,
And birds sit brooding in the snow,
And Marian’s nose looks red and raw,
When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,
Then nightly sings the staring owl,
Tu-whit, tu-who a merry note,
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
© 2008
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Comparing and contrasting poems
Name: ........................................................................... Date: ......................................
LO: .................................................................................................................................
What images of winter does Shakespeare portray?
How does Shakespeare build up an image of coldness?
What Old English language is used?
Describe the rhyming pattern of this poem.
© 2008
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Comparing and contrasting poems
Robert Louis Stevenson
Summer fading, winter comes-Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs,
Window robins, winter rooks,
And the picture story-books.
Water now is turned to stone
Nurse and I can walk upon;
Still we find the flowing brooks
In the picture story-books.
All the pretty things put by,
Wait upon the children’s eye,
Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks,
In the picture story-books.
We may see how all things are
Seas and cities, near and far,
And the flying fairies' looks,
In the picture story-books.
How am I to sing your praise,
Happy chimney-corner days,
Sitting safe in nursery nooks,
Reading picture story-books?
© 2008
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Comparing and contrasting poems
Name: ........................................................................... Date: ......................................
LO: .................................................................................................................................
What images of winter does Stevenson portray?
How does Stevenson build up an image of coldness?
What language features are used? Give examples.
Describe the rhyming pattern of this poem.
© 2008
Page 4 of 5
Comparing and contrasting poems
Name: ........................................................................... Date: ......................................
LO: .................................................................................................................................
Reviewing poems with the same theme
What similarities do these poems show?
How do these poems differ?
Which poem do you think creates the best mood of Winter and why?
What is your favourite line from each poem and why?
Which poem do you think is more effective? Why?
Which poem do you prefer and why?
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