Vanguard University School for Professional Studies BUSINESS MATH ONLINE MATH #106 Student Guide TF 04/12 Trish Fisher Business Math Online Syllabus Page 1 of 5 MATH 106 Business Math Online Professor Contact Information Name: Email: Phone: Office Hours: Professor Trish Fisher 714-556-3610 ext 6304 Summer hours are by appointment – email to make appointment Professor Bio Trish Fisher is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business & Management and Chair of Business in the School for Professional Studies. Professor Fisher holds both a baccalaureate and a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Massachusetts and an M.B.A. in strategic planning and marketing from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Professor Fisher brings both corporate and academic experience to her role at the university. She is a Procter & Gamble-trained marketer and marketing/management consultant whose passions include strategic planning, branding, and the adult learner market. She has experience in developing and executing growth strategies for leading Fortune 500 companies in the health and beauty care, pet care, and food services industries as well as non-profits in the government and education sectors. Her client list includes Kal Kan Pet Foods, a division of M&M Mars, Breyers® Ice Cream, the City of Richmond, Michigan, and Texas Folklife Resources. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course applies the principles and practices of mathematics to everyday business problems and situations. The course prepares students to understand the mathematical and business concepts in number sets, problem solving, ratios and proportions, percentages, business measurements, insurance, simple and compound interest, installment loans, consumer credit, and depreciation. The course includes a brief overview of number sense and algebra concepts in its overall design to introduce students to common mathematical skills necessary for courses in business. (Meets Natural Science/Math requirement) LEARNING OUTCOMES At the conclusion of this class, students will learn to: 1. understand mathematical principals involving business measurements, insurance, and depreciation, 2. use inductive and deductive reasoning to draw logical conclusions, 3. categorize and manipulate large quantities of data, providing the essential tools to organize, interpret and analyze such data, 4. participate in a variety of mathematical topics and problem solving skills that relate to aspects of everyday life, 5. acquire a solid understanding of number sense and critical algebra concepts, and 6. develop and use critical thinking skills through finding solutions to real-world situations. comprehend and manipulate problems in proportion and percentage TEXTS AND MATERIALS Required text and calculator: * Tuttle, M.D. (2001). Practical Business Math: An Applications Approach Brief Edition (8th Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0130256609. * Calculator with basic mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root and memory/storage key) Trish Fisher Business Math Online Syllabus Page 2 of 5 COURSE POLICIES Class participation Class participation in the online course is evaluated by participation in the discussion forums. Students are expected to post thoughtful responses to the discussion board prompts. Participation is evaluated according to quality of participation and meeting minimum word count. Students who fail to participate in the first two weeks of the course will be automatically dropped. Late Work, Grading and Late Point Policy Student grades are determined using the formula noted in the Grading section. All assigned work is due as noted in this guide and on the course website. Students have one week to complete the assignments for each chapter. If there are extreme circumstances that preclude the student from submitting work on time, the instructor should be notified prior to missing the deadline. Extreme or unusual circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If an assignment is accepted after the due date, a point deduction will be assessed. Academic Dishonesty Work submitted must be the independent work of the student concerned. Plagiarism or copy of another’s work without proper acknowledgement is not permitted. It is also, not permissible to copy a former student’s work and submit it as your own. Copying answers from the text is not permitted. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero for that assignment, and the University policy on cheating will be followed. Disability Services For students with documented medical or psychological disabilities, please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services to request reasonable accommodations. The Coordinator of Disability Services is located in the Counseling Center on the second floor of the Scott Academic Center and can be reached at extension 4489 or by email at For students with a documented learning disability who would like to request appropriate accommodations, please contact the Director of Learning Skills, located upstairs in Scott Academic Center at extension 2540 or by email at Diversity Statement The School for Professional Studies intends to foster a Christ-centered community that promotes appreciation and respect for individuals, enhances the potential of all members, and values differences in gender, race, abilities, and generation. As such, we endeavor to communicate with honesty, to speak with encouraging and edifying words, and to create a safe environment in our classes and interactions. STUDENT EVALUATION Assignments are listed in the course outline. Students are expected to read the listed definitions, terms, laws, formulas, theorems and/or properties in each of the required sections as assigned in the reading assignments. Completed assignments are due on the week that they are assigned. Each assignment will be graded and posted in the grade book. Assignments/homework Students must read through each specified assignment and complete the assigned problems. Students will be graded on completion and accuracy of each assignment. Trish Fisher Business Math Online Syllabus Page 3 of 5 Weekly Assignments Week Chapter Skill Problems 1 7 #1-55 Business Application Problems #3-30 multiples of 3 2 9 #10-55 multiples of 5 #5, 10, 18, 21 3 10 #9, 12, 16-20, 41, 47 #9, 11, 15, 21 4 13 #3-6, 12, 15 5 14 6 15 7 16 #11-19, 46-48, 62-65, 68-71, 78-79 #3-15 multiples of 3, and 30, 33, 34-36, 55-60 Midterm exam this week #1-4, 11-14, 211-22, 36-45, 62-65 #15-28, 41-50 8 #1-9 #1-4, 6, 9 Discussion Forum Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday Initial Post by Thursday, 2 responses by Sunday #13-17 Final Exam this week Weekly Discussion Forums Discussion Posts: Students are required to respond to weekly discussion questions. Each student will upload one discussion post by Thursday night of each week. Each of the posts must be a minimum of 200 words. Discussion Responses: Students are also required to respond to two different posts each week by Sunday evening at the close of the week. Response posts (30-50 words) should be thoughtful comments that further the discussion. The discussion forum is an opportunity for students to thoughtfully, substantively, and critically engage the material and the discussion questions. Weekly Quizzes Regular review of mathematical, logical, and business concepts is critical in the development and understanding of the subject matter. Weekly quizzes are timed and must be completed by Sunday night. Exams A mid-term exam will be given Week Five and a Final Exam in Week Eight. Grading Students may refer to the University’s Student Handbook for details on the grading system. The following criteria will be used in determining the student’s grade: Assignment/Grading Assignments/Homework Participation/Discussion Forum Weekly Quizzes Mid-term Exam Final Exam Total Trish Fisher Percentage 15% 10% 25% 25% 25% 100% Business Math Online Syllabus Date Due Weeks 1-8 Weeks 1-8 Weeks 1,2,3,4,6,7 Week 5 Week 8 Page 4 of 5 Trish Fisher Percentages Grade Significance GPA 93-100% A Exceptional 4.00 90-92.9% A- 3.67 87-89.9% B+ 3.33 83-86.9% B 80-82.9% B- 2.67 77-79.9% C+ 2.33 73-76.9% C 70-72.9% C- 1.67 67-69.9% D+ 1.33 63-66.9% D 60-62.9% D- 00-59.9% F Above Average Average Below Average 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.67 Failure Business Math Online Syllabus 0.00 Page 5 of 5