Faculty of Engineering Office of Undergraduate Programmes EG3601 Industrial Attachment Programme IAP REPORT WRITING GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENT Students are required to submit a total of four (4) internship reports and weekly journals. This is not a lab report. Do not disclose confidential information. 1. First Internship Report 1500 to 2500 words. It is due on the Monday of the 8th week. The exact due date is indicated in the Enhancement Programme portal. Contents The first internship progress report should carry details of your internship from Week 1 to 6. Please include details of the orientation programme, the organisational structure, principal activities of the organisation, relationship with your supervisors and colleagues, work description in chronological sequence and each objectives etc. Students are expected to display a broader interest and within the limits set by his status, to gain information and form impressions on various aspects of corporate functions. Activities of particular technical interest, whether or not within a student’s own course should also be described. 2. Second and Third Internship Report 1500 to 2500 words each. The second report should carry details of your internship from Week 7 to Week 12. The third report should carry details of your internship from Week 13 to Week 18. It is due on the Monday of the 14th and 20th week respectively. The exact due date is indicated in the Enhancement Programme portal. 3. Final Internship Report 3500 to 5000 words. It is due 1 month from the end date of the 24th week of internship. The exact due date is indicated in the Enhancement Programme portal. Contents The final internship report should carry details of your internship from Week 19 to 24. In addition to the work description, please detail intellectual contents to highlight your industrial experiences, learning outcomes and sections to sum up the entire internship programme. 4. Report Submission Please ensure each reports are duly endorsed for clearance on the Clearance Form. Submission is via the web-secured Enhancement Programme portal in a PDF format of not more than 5MB. We recommend that you meet your mentor between Week 8 to 10 of your internship. Enhancement Programme Team Email: ugep@nus.edu.sg Fax: 65 6774 2518 Faculty of Engineering Office of Undergraduate Programmes EG3601 Industrial Attachment Programme Grading When a report is uploaded, your mentor will be notified via system-generated emails. Grade of the first internship report may be viewed on the portal. 5. Report Format A well-organized and easily readable report is expected. The grading of the report will be based on the completeness of presentation with evidence of good technical reporting skills. Concise functional style of writing is recommended. Describe all pertinent facts, work experience, and observation without extraneous information. Plan ahead. The information, when still fresh in the mind should be is recorded. i. Please type the report using “Times New Roman” and “10” font size with a 1.5 spacing between lines. ii. The report should not be written in point form. iii. Figures, charts and tables etc may be included when necessary to adequately describe the information. iv. Proper references should be cited. Appendices should contain details that are normally not described in the main text of the report. COVER PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION MAIN TEXT CONCLUSION TRAINING SCHEDULE (1ST REPORT ONLY) References Appendix Student Log Sheet Report Clearance Form Online Student Feedback (FINAL REPORT ONLY) Enhancement Programme Team Email: ugep@nus.edu.sg Fax: 65 6774 2518