List of Figures
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope
Chapter Two: Approved Certified Holder Test System
2.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
2.2 Admin Menu Items
2.2.1 Login Page
2.2.2 Admin.’s Menu
2.3 Admin operations
2.3.1 Assign Examinee Paper
2.3.2 Generate Report
2.3.3 Set Questions
2.3.4 Set Paper Type
2.3.5 View Examinee answer archive
2.4 Examinee operations
2.4.1 Confirm Particulars
2.4.2 Take Test
2.4.3 View Results
2.5 Security
2.5.1 Direct Question Bank Access
2.5.2 Linked tables
2.5.3 User application
Chapter Three: Incident Reporting System
3.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
3.2 Menus
3.3 Handling Forms
3.3.1 Enable Data Entry
3.3.2 Refreshing Forms
Chapter Four: Library Loans System
4.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
4.2 New Loan Record
4.2.1 Using Sub Forms
4.2.2 Borrower Friendly Design
4.2.3 Clean Records
4.3 Return of Manual
4.3.1 Design Methods
Chapter Five: Roster Database System
5.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
5.2 Report Viewing Methods
5.2.1 Order by
5.2.2 Group by
5.2.3 Search by
5.3 Keeping track of Last Update
Chapter Six: Approved Certified Holder Database System
6.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
6.2 Manipulating Records
6.3.1 Deleting Single Record
6.3.2 Detecting overdue and prompting
Chapter Seven: Swift Database System
7.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
7.2 Functions
7.2.1 VLookUp
7.2.2 Recording Macros
7.2.3 Removing Spaces and Dashes in the Data
7.2.4 Pivot Tables
7.2.5 Siphoning Data from Commas
Chapter 8: Inventory Bouncing System
8.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
8.2 How it works
8.2.1 Theory and Example
8.2.2 Finding Unmatched Inventory
Chapter 9: Summary and Conclusion
9.1 Summary
9.2 Conclusion
Appendix A: AC Holder Test Screen Shots
Appendix B: Incident Reporting System Screen Shots
Appendix C: Library Loans System Screen Shots
Appendix D: Roster Database System Screen Shots
Appendix E: Swift Database System Screen Shots
Appendix F: Access Bouncing Screen Shots
ST Aerospace Systems is an Aircraft Component Repair Company. Aircraft land on the
runway at an airport nearby and would be towed to the repair hanger in Aerospace
when aircraft repairs are needed.
During my Industrial Attachment in ST Aerospace Systems, I was tasked with
programming applications and maintaining database systems using Microsoft Access
2000 as my major workload.
In this report, the focus would be on the projects I have done using the Microsoft Access
2000 and Excel. The projects mainly deal with Macros, Queries, Forms and Tables. For
the content, it would be about the explanation of how the work was done and the
problems encountered.
Projects involved applications and database systems that were essential to the Quality
Assurance department, Library and company. They would help to improve work process
in terms of quality and job completion rate.
It has been a gratifying Industrial Attachment experience and I have learned a lot during
my 5.5 months of stay. The company has been constantly improving their work
practices and encourages promoting innovative ideas to drive the company towards
world class.
i Acknowledgement
ST Aerospace Systems
Eugene Tan
Quality Assurance Manager
Heng Xiang Xin
Quality Assurance Engineer/Mentor
Hui Win Sun
Quality Assurance Shop Inspector
Edmund Yap
Library Manager
Library Assistant
Victor Foo
Human Resource Manager
Nanyang Technological University
Bertil Schmitt
Industrial Attachment Supervisor
ii List of Figures
Admin Login
Admin Main Menu
Open Employee Data to set paper type
List of Examinee results
Add and edit Questions
Option groups
Inserting pictures into Database
Creating Paper Type
Answer Archive
Employee Particulars
Macro to Start Test
Test Paper
Macros used in Test Paper
Queries used in Test Paper
Confirm End Test Form
Setting Password Protection
Links to the tables from Question Bank.
Altering Startup Procedures
Fig 3.2.1
Menu items
Enabling Data Entry
iii Fig
Copy Values to Hidden Fields
Updating Time Close
Refreshing Form
Creating a sub form
Create a user friendly design
Deleting null values
Design of return technical manual page
Preparing a ‘Order by’ Report
Preparing a ‘Group by’ Report
Macros to prepare for the ‘Group by’ Report
Preparing a ‘Search by’ Report
Fig 5.3.1
Updating Last Update
Snap shot of a form with many entries
Setting button properties in design view
Creating the delete macro
Query Design using totals
Creating forms with Query as Data source
Creating macro to detect expiry and prompt
Example of VLookUp
Example of Setting up VLookUp
Record a Macro
iv Fig
Example of a Pivot Table
Procedure to create Pivot Table
Text to Columns Function
Venn Diagram of Inventory Bouncing
Importing External Data
Creating Find Unmatched Query
Example Table Results of Inventory Bouncing
v Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background
Microsoft Access 2000 is a very efficient application and database system creator
program. It also makes programming easier as most of the projects are created by a
series of mouse clicks instead of the usual way of typing long, countless lines of codes.
The types of application and database systems that can be created by Microsoft Access
2000 are limitless. Some examples include a Library Loans System, Incident Reporting
System, an Online Test, Report Generation System and Employee Database System.
1.2 Purpose
Companies need to upgrade their software system on their own sometimes as relying
everything to a third party company would add to expenditure. Furthermore, third party
companies have to understand the internal work processes before they can create a
flawless program. As such, it would be wise for employees to pick up the skill of
Microsoft Access 2000 allows employees to fulfill this goal as this program makes
programming simple. This in turn would greatly assist them in their tedious work
processes and save lots of man hours.
1.3 Scope
This report will cover some of the projects I have done. The focus would be explaining
how the Macros, Queries, Forms and Tables are done, the problems encountered and
the motivation for certain engineering design structure.
1 Chapter 2: Approved Certified Holder Test
2.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
Technicians need to be qualified to work on certain stuff. In order to do that, they would
need to take certain tests. AC Holder Test is an application created with Microsoft
Access 2000 that helps different groups of technicians to be qualified to do their
respective jobs.
In the past, the examiner would have to prepare questions, set up the examination
venue, mark the papers and generate reports manually. This was a tedious process and
lots of man hours were wasted. With the AC Holder Test application, lots of man hours
would be saved.
The AC Holder Test application consists of three separate parts – examinee, examiner
and question bank. The examinee would only be allowed to take the test. The examiner
can add questions and set paper. The question bank contains all tables.
Examiner would just need to input all questions into the Question Bank as well as set
the Paper Type for all employees. The AC Holder Test application would handle the
paper preparation, mark the papers and generate reports automatically. Examinees can
sit for the test on any computer connected to the network. The question bank would be
removed from the public folder to a private folder after the exam is over for security
This chapter will explain the creation of this whole application, its techniques and its
reason for such a design. The focus would be on the tables, queries, macros and
2 2.2 Admin Menu Items
2.2.1 Login Page
Fig Admin Login
From the ‘Admin Sign in’ form, the ‘Open Admin Main Menu’ macro was assigned to the
‘Log in’ button of which the condition stated that the related fields in ‘Admin Main Menu’
form should have the matching values ‘AdminID’ and ‘AdminPass’ as its record source
from the ‘Admin Login’ table.
In the ‘Admin Main Menu’ form’s ‘On Open’ properties, the ‘Admin Number not found’
macro was set to check a match with the fields in the ‘Admin Sign in’ form. If no match
were found, the ‘Admin Main Menu’ form would be closed.
3 2.2.2 Admin.’s Menu
Fig Admin Main Menu
‘Open Employee Data’ allowed the examiner to set the type of paper the examinee can
take. ‘Open Employee Results Report’ enabled the examiner to view the list of
examinees who passed or failed the test. ‘Open Question Bank’ lets the examiner add
or edit the exam questions. ‘Set Paper Type and Marks’ was for the examiner to create
a new type of paper and to set the marks for right and wrong answers as well as the
marks required to pass the exam. ‘Open Employee Answer Archive’ made sure the
examiner were able to verify that the examinees get the marks they deserved as their
answers were recorded next to their examination questions.
4 2.3 Admin operations
2.3.1 Assign Examinee Paper
Fig Open Employee Data to set paper type
The examiner could easily filter the records according to their fields and quickly assign
the paper types for that group of examinees by pressing the shortcut keys as displayed
in Fig Clicking on the ‘Show all Records’ button would display all records again.
The examiner could also use the search fields, which would highlight the search result
in the respective fields to find the targeted record quickly.
5 2.3.2 Generate Report
Fig List of Examinee results
There were two ways to create a report. One way was creating the report via report
wizard; the other was setting the data source of the report to the designated query or
table and placing the fields manually.
6 2.3.3 Set Questions
Fig Add and edit Questions
The examiner could add or edit questions with its correct answers. The bottom right of
the form had an option group which inserted an assigned value when the corresponding
radio button was selected into the table with the corresponding field.
7 Fig Option groups
The ‘create option group’ button was clicked and dragged out to the desired size onto
the form. An option group wizard automatically appeared and the parameters were
keyed in to suit the situation.
Fig Inserting pictures into Database
Microsoft Excel would not accept pictures, as the fields did not have the appropriate
ability to store pictures. Microsoft Access 2000 had the ability to accept pictures due to
the availability of the OLE object format.
8 The diagram box was right clicked on and ‘insert object’ was selected. Since this box
was linked to a field in the table whose format was OLE object, it could also accept
video clips. For inserting images, ‘Bitmap Image’ was chosen. With the diagram box still
in edit mode, ‘paste from’ option was selected from the ‘edit’ menu and an image in ‘jpg’
format was selected from a folder.
2.3.4 Set Paper Type
Fig Creating Paper Type
This form allowed the examiner to create a new paper type as well as set the
corresponding fields as shown in Fig
2.3.5 View Examinee answer archive
Fig Answer Archive
This table allowed the examiner to verify examinees grades according to the answers
they gave to the questions they had.
9 2.4 Examinee operations
2.4.1 Confirm Particulars
Fig Employee Particulars
When the examinee logs in, the ‘employee pretest particulars’ form would display all the
particulars of that particular examinee only. This was due to the conditions set in the
‘Open Employee pretest Particulars’ macro. [Emp_no] referred to the text field in the
‘employee pretest particulars’ form and [Text21] referred to the text field in the
‘Employee Sign in’ form. If a matching employee number was not found, the ‘employee
pretest particulars’ form would be closed by the ‘Employee number not found’ macro.
10 Fig Macro to Start Test
When the ‘Start Test’ button was clicked on, the ‘StartTest’ macro would be executed.
The paper would then be set up accordingly with a count down timer. Basically, the
questions would be copied from the ‘Questions’ table to the ‘Employees answer’ table,
then the extra questions would be deleted. After that, the questions would be
randomized for the next examinee.
11 2.4.2 Take Test
Fig Test Paper
In Design View, ‘=Format([Date],"Medium Date")’ was typed in the ‘Date’ field,
‘=[Forms]![Employee pretest particulars]![Text52]’ was typed into the ‘Start Time’ field,
‘=Format(Time(),"Medium Time")’ was typed in the ‘CurrentTime’ field,
‘=DateDiff("n",[Text109],[Text111])’ was typed in the ‘Time Remaining’ field and
‘=DateAdd("h",1,[Text115])’ was typed in the ‘End Time’ field to give the desired results
as seen in Fig
Screen refresh was done every minute since there were no text fields in the form where
user would type for more than a minute. The ‘End Test’ button would take the examinee
to the ‘Confirm End Test’ form. This enabled examinees to be sure that they were ready
to end the test. The option group on the left input data into the ‘ownanswer’ field of the
‘Employees Answer’ table.
12 Fig Macros used in Test Paper
‘GoTo Next Record’ macro was assigned to the ‘Next’ button. This would allow the
message to appear when the last question was reached. The ‘GoTo Previous Record’
macro was assigned to the ‘Previous’ button to prevent an error message from
occurring when the question number ‘0’ was not found. [Text117] referred to the ‘Time
The ‘CalculateAward’ macro was set in the ‘On Exit’ property of the option group which
belonged to a sub form with record source linked to a table and not a query. Since the
main form’s record source was linked to a query, option groups would not work on the
main form.
13 Fig Queries used in Test Paper
Fig showed an update query used in the ‘Test Paper’ form. Marks were awarded
according to the examinees response to the question.
14 2.4.3 View Results
Fig Confirm End Test Form
The ‘Confirm End’ button was clicked and a ‘Are you sure?’ message box was displayed.
When the ‘Cancel’ button was pressed, the macro would stop. However, if the ‘OK’
button was clicked on, the macro would continue to execute to the next line. The ‘Insert
Score Query’ would sum up the marks and the next two queries would update a pass or
fail status accordingly. Lastly, the result page would be displayed to the examinee.
15 2.5 Security
2.5.1 Direct Question Bank Access
Fig Setting Password Protection
The Question Bank should be password protected so that no examinees could steal the
questions freely. The file had to be opened exclusively first before setting the password
16 2.5.2 Linked tables
Fig Links to the tables from Question Bank
The links were created so that when the question bank was taken out from the folder,
the AC Holder Test application would not allow anyone to take a test at any point in time.
This would prevent any attempt to hack into the question bank when no administrator
was attending to the application.
17 2.5.3 User application
Fig Altering Startup Procedures
If no user should be allowed to touch any other options or menus while using the
application, the startup option settings should be changed. All check boxes were
unchecked to prevent any alteration to the application by any user. One word of caution
though; there would be no turning back once the options were set and they cannot be
undone as the ‘tools’ menu would disappear. It would be necessary to create a backup
of the application before proceeding with the change.
18 Chapter 3: Incident Reporting System
3.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
Employees sometimes discover some problems in the workplace and they need to
inform the proper authorities to solve the problem. Record keeping would be important
for archiving to assist in analytical purposes.
The Incident Reporting System would allow employees to key in any incident that
requires attention and a team would be created to solve the problem. At the end of the
month when the problem is solved, the associated employees would close the incident
case. Incentives would be given to the associated employees and his team for a good
job done.
The administrator would be able to generate open cased and close cased incident
reports via a click of a button. Open cased reports would show which incident is still
being solved. Close cased reports would show the solutions implemented to solve the
With this system in place, companies could strive to reduce customer complains,
accidents and auditor findings. It would also raise environmental awareness, safer
working conditions as well as preservation of the company’s image.
This chapter discusses the special implementations of the applications and how to
handle them. Its special focus is on the double field technique and the on form
updating/refreshing techniques.
19 3.2 Menus
Fig 3.2.1 Menu items
Administrator would be required to login as employees should not have access to the
20 3.3 Handling Forms
3.3.1 Enable Data Entry
Fig Enabling Data Entry
Since Microsoft Access 2000 forms immediately register the data into the tables when
the data was keyed into the text field. There were two ways to enable data entry only
when it was required.
Fig Copy Values to Hidden Fields
21 One was to set the property value of the form to enable addition of data when a button
was clicked on. The other was to copy the values from unbound fields to the fields that
linked to the tables that were hidden when a button was clicked on.
3.3.2 Refreshing Forms
Fig Updating Time Close
22 Updating a form on the spot requires some refreshing mechanism. The question was
when to refresh the form. If refreshing of form were done every minute interval, the user
would not have enough time to type a paragraph for more than a minute as the
paragraph would disappear from the text field.
Fig Refreshing Form
Fig showed how the refreshing macro was done. It was set in the ‘after update’
property of the ‘implementations’ text field. After the user clicked on the ‘close incident’
button. The refreshing macro would also be executed.
23 Chapter 4: Library Loans System
4.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
Technicians would need to borrow the required technical manuals before they are able
to proceed with their aircraft part repair job.
During the borrowing phase, the Library Loans System would be able to display a list of
manuals being borrowed by the borrower when he keys in his employee number. Next,
he would key in the technical manual number and it would be added to the list.
When the technical manuals were returned to the library, the librarian would key in the
technical manual number into the system. The system would display a list of manuals
returned for that day as verification. If the manuals were not found in the list, there
would be a prompt.
In the past, borrowers would have to write his particulars into a log book of loans every
time he loans a technical manual which would be a hassle when searching for the
record if the need arises. Furthermore, it would be impractical to keep folders of
hardcopy records for archiving as it would be space consuming.
Focus on this chapter would be on the user friendliness design. The application would
allow technicians amateur in using a computer to be able to use the system easily. All
the technicians need to do to borrow technical manuals would be via a click of a mouse
button and using a scanner to scan his employee pass and technical manual barcode.
For returning manuals, a click of a mouse button and scanning of the technical manual
barcode would be required.
24 4.2 New Loan Record
4.2.1 Using Sub Forms
Sub forms were used when they had a different data source from the main form but
have a matching field. For example, an employee borrowed a few books and had to be
displayed as a list on the sub form.
Fig Create a sub form
The method was to link the two forms by Child Fields and Master Fields. These would
be automatically set when dragging a form to the main form. The form that was being
dragged into the main form becomes the sub form. For example, employee number was
matched between the two forms. If the main form displayed that particular employee,
the sub form would show that particular employee previous loan records.
25 4.2.2 Borrower Friendly Design
Fig Create a user friendly design
User friendliness design could be challenging to an extent when users had no training of
how to use the program. However, a little and short instruction should be able to help
users use the program. In Fig, ‘Loan Another’ allowed users to loan another
technical manual without having to scan in his employee number again.
Arranging the tab order was the key to involve user friendliness. When the user scan his
employee pass, he would need to scan the technical manual barcode as the cursor
automatically move to the next field.
The unbound field could be hidden from user view and be used as a buffer to store the
employee number for use later on when the user borrows another technical manual.
26 4.2.3 Clean Records
Fig Deleting null values
Borrowers sometimes made a mistake and a blank record as inserted into the table. It
would be necessary to create a macro that cleans up the null data.
4.3 Return of Manual
4.3.1 Design Methods
There were many ways to design this page. One was to allow employees to scan the
technical manual barcode and a confirmation page was displayed. However, with the
confirmation page, it was not sufficient enough to inform the user that the technical
manual was returned. As such, a list of returned manuals for him would be displayed to
the user instead.
27 Fig Design of return technical manual page
Since the standard way of returning books to a library was that the borrower only
needed to return the books to the counter. A displayed list of returned technical manuals
for the day would be sufficient for the librarian, as the borrower’s pass was not needed
to return books.
28 Chapter 5: Roster Database System
5.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
It is important to have all employee details to be kept into a database for generating
several other databases that serve different purposes. This main database should be
closely guarded to prevent confidential data from being leaked out but at the same time,
allowing data to be updated to several other databases that share the same information.
For example, the Library Loans System and the AC Holder Test required some of the
employee’s details. If there were any update in the main database (Roster Database
System), all other databases would need to automatically share the same update.
Manually changing all other databases’ data would be a hassle and would not be
practical. However, this would also mean a risk in confidential data being leaked out due
to the existence of separate departments with no proper authorization.
One solution would be to get the employee’s consent for their data to be used across
databases owned by other departments so they would not need to always provide their
particulars every time.
The administrator would be able to key in all particulars of an employee and generate all
kinds of reports, with data categorized or grouped, for all employees as well as for
individual employees.
This chapter would focus on the different types of report generation styles and
techniques, each for a different purpose.
29 5.2 Report Viewing Methods
5.2.1 Order by
Fig Preparing a ‘Order by’ Report
Firstly, the query was created first to give the result output list with the ascending stamp
number set. Next, the report was created with the result query as the data source. In the
third step, the macro was created to allow the report to be opened when being activated.
Lastly, the ‘On Click’ property of the created button was set to run the selected macro
when the button was clicked.
30 5.2.2 Group by
Fig Preparing a ‘Group by’ Report
Sometimes, a report would be needed based on a particular category, say ‘Electrical
Dept’ for example. On the form, a combo box would need to be created. The drop list
would contain the different departments to select from.
The ‘On Click’ property of the button was set with a macro to make the combo box
appear when the button was clicked and disappear when the button was clicked again.
This function might prove useful to prevent the screen from filling up with too many
things at one go.
31 Fig Macros to prepare for the ‘Group by’ Report
Fig showed how the macros were created. For the top macro, visibility was set
to true for the combo box with the condition that its visibility status was false and the
macros would be stopped. If the combo box visibility status were initially true, then the
visibility of the combo box would be set to false.
The bottom macro in Fig would open the report with the condition that the results
shown in the report would be the records with the selected department from the combo
32 5.2.3 Search by
Fig Preparing a ‘Search by’ Report
A list of data could be tedious to key into the combo box. As such, the list of data could
be extracted from the table. The figure numbered ‘1’ in Fig showed that the row
source type selected was ‘Table/Query’ and the row source field was ‘SELECT
Roster.Stamp_no FROM Roster ORDER BY Roster.Stamp_no;’. However, this
appeared only after the button with the three dots was clicked on and some query
settings were made as shown in the figure numbered ‘2’ in Fig
33 5.3 Keeping track of Last Update
Fig 5.3.1 Updating Last Update
When the ‘Save Record’ button was clicked on, it would activate a macro to execute the
‘Update Last Update Query’ query. This in turn would update the date in a table and
would be used at the bottom of the report where its data source would be taken from a
query; in this case it was the ‘Roster Category Query sort by Stamp’.
34 Chapter 6: Approved Certified Holder Database System
6.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
All technicians would have a long career path ahead of them. Therefore, they would
want to have some form of job security and self achievement. In order to sustain their
position, they would need to undergo training. As such, it would be important to plan
their training schedule to upgrade their skills for more important and tougher jobs.
Keeping track of all personnel qualifications and their training progress could be quite a
tedious task. This system would be able to automatically execute these tasks and
prompt the administrator accordingly.
The administrator would key in the required employees’ particulars and the system
would operate automatically to assign employees to their training program and to keep
track of their progress. This system would also allow the administrator to check expiry of
an employee’s certification or quarantine employees to disband them from training
temporarily. At the end of the year, the administrator would generate the reports via a
click of the button.
At the moment in time though, the Training Database System was not integrated with
the AC Holder Database System as they were both situated in different departments
and not authorized to be integrated with each other yet. The Training Database System
would keep track of employee’s training program. The AC Holder Database System
would keep track of employee’s certifications.
This chapter focuses on the manipulation of a single record and the prompting when an
expiry date is reached.
35 6.2 Manipulating Records
6.3.1 Deleting Single Record
On a form, every entry would sometimes need to be individually deleted.
Fig Snap shot of a form with many entries
A button should be created on the form at each record at design level.
Fig Setting button properties in design view
A macro was assigned to the button’s ‘On Click’ property.
36 Fig Creating the delete macro
Fig showed how the delete macro was created. The record was selected first
and then deleted.
6.3.2 Detecting overdue and prompting
Fig Query Design using totals
A query was created to count the number of employees who were in the ‘stpExpDate’
query table of which ‘no. of days to expiry’ was 0 or less. The query result returned a
value, which would be use for detection purpose.
37 Fig Creating forms with Query as Data source
The form’s data source pointed to the query ‘CountOfExpiringStamps’ was created so
the macro would be able to detect the name of the text field ‘CountOfstpNo’.
Fig Creating macro to detect expiry and prompt
This macro was set in the ‘On Load’ property in the main form. When the macro was
activated. ‘CountOfExpiringStamps’ form was loaded carrying a value in the text field
named ‘CountOfstpNo’. A message box would prompt ‘Expiry of Stamps Detected’
when condition of ‘[CountOfstpNo]>0’ was met. The form was then closed without being
opened as the macro was not set in the ‘On Open’ property in the main form.
38 Chapter 7: Swift Database System
7.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
A price gauge would be needed to charge the customers for aircraft parts repair. Swift
Database System would serve that purpose of quoting a perfect price for the customer
to pay for the repair service. This System was done using Microsoft Excel.
Lots of relevant data were to be gathered to justify the price. Statistics were generated
in the form of pivot tables to decide the charging price. As such, bouncing related fields
across tables, conjuring up formulas in fields and automatic generation of the pivot
tables were required for results to process efficiently.
The technician would need to key in the data into certain fields and buttons would need
to be created so when they are being clicked on, it would activate certain macros.
Macros in excel were different from the macros used in Microsoft Access 2000. In Excel,
macros would require record of your actions whereas in Access, the appropriate
functions would need to be chosen with the mouse.
Although this system can be done by Microsoft Access 2000, the employees were
already used to using Microsoft Excel. It would take quite a period of time and some
difficulty to train all employees in Microsoft Access 2000 as some employees are either
too busy with their current work load or simply unreceptive to differences from their
current practices.
This chapter concentrates on the VLookUp techniques for bouncing purposes, the
recording and activation of macros and certain formulas to manipulate data in fields.
39 7.2 Functions
7.2.1 VLookUp
VLookUp in Microsoft Excel was used to match data between two or more fields.
Fig Example of VLookUp
Fig showed two tables consisting of 3 columns each. The first columns of each
table were the list of inventory. The second column was all ‘ yes’ data for the VLookUp
field to copy the data from when there was a match.
The two tables were bounced against each other for matched data. The third column
consisted of VLookUp fields where the VLookUp formula resided. A ‘yes’ indicated a
match was found whereas a ‘N/A’ indicated a no match found.
40 Fig Example of Setting up VLookUp
Look up value was E2, which meant the data in column E, row 2 was to be matched
with table array A1: B5. In the table array field, ‘A1: B5’ meant ‘from column A, row 1 to
column B, row 5’. A1: B5 could be replaced by A: B, which meant column A and B.
Column index was 2, which indicated the corresponding value of the field in column 2 of
the table array would be copied to the G2 field when there was a match. Explanation of
range lookup was as described on Fig
41 7.2.2 Recording Macros
To create a macro in Excel, the only way would be to record a macro.
Fig Record a Macro
After a task has been completed (for example, the deletion of a pivot table), stop
recording the macro and save the macro. This macro could be later assigned to a
custom created button or assigned immediately to a shortcut key.
As the user’s actions were recorded, Excel interpreted them into Visual Basic codes.
However, there was one downside of this function. When I assigned the macro to a
button created on a worksheet, actions that were required on another worksheet to
delete a pivot table would not work out and an error message was prompted.
42 7.2.3 Removing Spaces and Dashes in the Data
It was sometimes difficult to manipulate the data in the field to a certain format. When
there was no option for these special formatting, there would be a need to use formulas
and techniques.
Removing spaces
The method to remove all spaces in any fields was to highlight the selected fields and
press ‘ctrl-h’ (find and replace function). Fill in the ‘Find’ field with a spacebar and do not
fill anything in the ‘Replace’ field.
For example, before executing the method, the data in the field was ‘a b c’. After
executing the method, the data in the field was ‘abc’. This would be a better method
than going through field by field to remove the space in between letters.
Removing Dashes
The formula for removing any numbers after the dash was:
LEN( ) returned the length of the data in the field. SUBSTITUTE(A: A, “-”,””) substituted
“-” with “” from column A to column A. LEFT(‘X’, ‘Y’) returned ‘Y’ number of letters from
the word ‘X’ starting from the left.
For example, a field in column A contained the data ‘456-789’. A field in column B
contained the formula and the result of ‘456’ was displayed.
43 7.2.4 Pivot Tables
Fig Example of a Pivot Table
A pivot table could count the number of times a data from a field appeared
corresponding to the data from another field. It could also show sum or average.
Fig Procedure to create Pivot Table
Fields from the table were selected for display on the Pivot Table as shown in Fig
44 7.2.5 Siphoning Data from Commas
Fig Text to Columns Function
The fixed width option allowed dividing the data where as the user wishes. The
delimited option allowed dividing the data only at specific places as shown in Fig
45 Chapter 8: Inventory Bouncing System
8.1 Background, Purpose and Scope
Inventory checking was one of the frequented triggered jobs in the company. It was a
practice where two or more lists of data were bounced against each other for a list of
unmatched data. For example, a list of missing technical manuals was needed to be
generated for a report and this would be done by bouncing the system’s inventory
against the existing physical inventory.
Microsoft Access 2000 was the program to use to serve this purpose perfectly. Besides
using Microsoft Access 2000 to execute this job, this exercise could be done by
Microsoft Excel’s VLookUp function too.
Although Microsoft Excel’s VLookUp allowed inventory bouncing, achieving the output
result required some extra setup with the VLookUp and filtering function every time. The
result produced was not the same as the Microsoft Access 2000 inventory bouncing
method where a list of unmatched data was generated by the Unmatched Query
Sometimes, looking for similarities between two or more lists of data would be required.
As such, executing the matched query would be appropriate in this case. In Microsoft
Access 2000, executing the unmatched query would be required for the second time.
For Example, between the system’s inventory and the missing technical manual’s list.
This chapter explains how to execute inventory bouncing using Microsoft Access 2000.
The focus would be on the theory, finding unmatched and matched query.
47 8.2 How it works
8.2.1 Theory and Example
Let us use an example of library inventory check.
Fig Venn Diagram of Inventory Bouncing
‘System’s Library Inventory’ referred to the technical manuals that were registered into
the system. ‘Scanned Library Inventory’ referred to the physical technical manuals on
the shelves that were scanned into an excel file. When the ‘System’s Library Inventory’
was bounced against ‘Scanned Library Inventory’ using the ‘Find Unmatched Query’ in
Microsoft Access 2000, the result list produced was the area marked ‘Missing Library
Inventory’ as shown in Fig
When ‘Scanned Library Inventory’ was bounced against ‘System’s Library Inventory’
using the ‘Find Unmatched Query’ in Microsoft Access 2000, the result list produced
was the area marked ‘Scanned Library Inventory not registered in System’. To attain the
result of the area marked ‘Not Missing Library Inventory’, ‘System’s Library Inventory’
was bounced against ‘Missing Library Inventory’ using the ‘Find Unmatched Query’ in
Microsoft Access 2000.
48 8.2.2 Finding Unmatched Inventory
Fig Importing External Data
The first step was to import the two tables from excel as the employees were used to
keying data into excel. When the tables were imported, it was essential that the first row
contained the names of the fields for convenience in the bouncing process.
Fig Creating Find Unmatched Query
When executing the ‘Find Unmatched Query’, the first table selected would be bounced
against the selected second table with at least one matching field.
49 Fig Example Table Results of Inventory Bouncing
The top two tables in Fig were bounced against one another two produce two
different resulting query tables as shown at the bottom in Fig
50 Chapter 9: Summary and Conclusion
9.1 Summary
Each of these applications we have covered so far were created using Microsoft Access
2000. Microsoft Excel could be used together with Microsoft Access to complement
each other’s functionality.
AC Holder Test allowed technicians to sit for their test electronically. The system would
automatically generate the papers, mark the papers and generate the results report.
Furthermore, the AC Holder Database System kept track of the trainee’s training
progress and their qualifications.
Library Loans System kept track of the loaning out of technical manuals as technicians
borrow and return them to the library. The Inventory Bouncing System made sure that
missing technical manuals would be located and returned to its rightful location.
Incident Reporting System allowed employees to highlight any incidents that require
attention discovered in the surrounding environment and build a team to solve them.
Lastly, the Swift Database System helped to determine the quoting price for a customer.
Database Systems that had an employee table was linked to the Roster Database
System’s employee table which contained all employee data. We had also looked into
the important uses of macros and queries that drive the application processes. The
security features that the Microsoft Access 2000 had were also implemented to prevent
accidental modification to the database system.
51 9.2 Conclusion
We have seen the usefulness of Microsoft Access 2000. There is no doubt future
programs like this would be more efficient.
It is possible to create applications like an Online Test with Microsoft Access 2000.
Examinees take the test from different computers and their answers as well as scores
are archived into the database file in another part of the network.
Macros and queries play a big part of the process which drives the application. As such,
an application like an Online Test can be built solely on the use of Macros with no need
to write lots of long codes.
However, if the need arises to convert the Macros to codes, Microsoft Access 2000 can
fulfill this function. Moreover, the software is built by the Visual Basic programming
language. This would allow the application to be integrated with other programs
whenever required.
Applications such as the Online Test allow many man hours to be saved. In the past,
examiners would have to manually prepare the paper questions, mark paper by paper
and tabulate reports. With the present technology, generating random questions for
each individual, automatic marking and report generation with a click of a button is
nothing more of a mere hassle.
The future does not stop here. Newer and more powerful programs would allow
commoners to program their own applications with greater ease than before.
52 References
Microsoft Access 2000 – T.T. Flynn
Access Macros & Switchboards - Wayne Wilmeth
Microsoft Excel 2000 – Philip A. Koneman
Microsoft Access Database Programming -
Access Macros & Database Utilities -