
Coming in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Congregational Resources. . . . . .
Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gather ’Round Bible curriculum
Vacation Bible school 2013. . .
Also for children . . . . . . . .
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bible curriculum for adults. . .
Thematic studies . . . . . . . . . .
Devotionals and periodicals. . . . .
Worship and music . . . . . . . . .
Worship bulletins. . . . . . . . . .
Bible resources . . . . . . . . . . .
Close to Home pamphlets . . . . .
DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Music CDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cookbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Devotional and inspirational. . . . . . .
Family and relationships . . . . . . . . .
Children and youth. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Biography and autobiography . . . . . .
Amish and Old Order Mennonite . . . .
Church history . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theology and ethics. . . . . . . . . . . .
Biblical studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Peace and justice . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Church life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Church membership—Mennonite beliefs
Stewardship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Distributed Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Pricing subject to change without notice.
Coming in 2013
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Coming in 2013
Mennonite Girls Can Cook Celebrations
Lovella Schellenberg, Judy Wiebe, Marg Bartel, Anneliese Friesen,
Bev Klassen, Julie Klassen, Betty Reimer, Ellen Bayles, Kathy McLellan,
Charlotte Penner
Shirley Hershey Showalter
Due May 2013
208 pages. Hard. 978-0-8361-9675-7. $24.99.
Life is a gift from God, so why not celebrate? The bestselling authors of
Mennonite Girls Can Cook take their talents to a new level in this Celebrations cookbook. From mouthwatering mini-muffins and a decadent soufflé
to campers’ stew and grilled lattice-topped apples, here you’ll find recipes
that honor all the occasions of life.
Join the girls around a brunch table celebrating a child’s birth, cooking
over a campfire with the family, or bringing food to those who need a little
tender loving care. Filled with beautiful photos, devotional reflections, and
personal stories, this book is much more than recipes—it’s a companion for
your life’s journey.
Key Features
• Sequel to the bestselling cookbook, Mennonite Girls Can Cook.
• Thousands follow the Mennonite Girls daily at www.MennoniteGirls, where each day they post a new recipe or meditation.
“You don’t need to be Mennonite to cook this food and eat it. Mennonite
Girls Can Cook has great photos that accompany each recipe and a lot of
comfort food. I’m getting hungry now!”
—Sophie Lui, morning news anchor for Global BC
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World
Due Fall 2013
280 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9626-9. $15.99.
Little Shirley Hershey, named for a movie star, grew up with her nose
pressed to the window of the glittering world. Three locations shaped her—a
family farm, a country school, and Lititz Mennonite Church. She later
became a college president and then a foundation executive, but the rosycheeked, barefoot farm girl never quite disappeared.
As Willa Cather said, “Most of the basic material a writer works with is
acquired before the age of fifteen.” This childhood memoir tells the story of
a girl who might have left the church but found another way.
Key Features
• Thoughtful and reflective stories about growing up in a Mennonite
home in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
• Includes an appendix, “Why I am (still) Mennonite.”
• Foreword by Parker Palmer.
“Shirley Showalter normalizes for non-Mennonites what life was like for
farmer families of the Mennonite religious persuasion in the 1950s and ’60s.
Readers feel we’ve lived alongside her and cherish the life she had. I feel we
would have been friends then, if only geography had smiled upon us.”
William Stott, professor of American civilization,
the University of Texas-Austin
Coming in 2013
Sacred Pauses
Spiritual Practices for Personal Renewal
April Yamasaki
Due February 2013
177 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9685-6. $16.99.
In a fast-paced world full of distractions, spiritual practice can help us
become more centered—more in touch with ourselves and others, more in
touch with the world around us, more in touch with God. Sacred Pauses is
an introduction to this more centered way of life.
The author, a pastor in British Columbia, begins with her own longing for
personal renewal. What would it take to feel renewed every day? Instead of
waiting for a vacation to smooth out the tensions of life, instead of waiting
until the end of the week to shed our weariness, what if we could take time
out every day? Live a renewed life every day? Be refreshed by God every day?
Sacred Pauses offers simple ways for readers to do just that. Each chapter explores a different spiritual practice—from the classic disciplines of Scripture
reading and prayer to other creative approaches such as paying attention,
making music, and having fun. With plenty of stories from real life and
ideas to try, this book is personal and practical. Its flexible format is appropriate for personal use or in a group, every day or any time.
Coming in 2013
For God and Country (In That Order)
Logan Mehl-Laituri
Due Fall 2013
250 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9630-6. $14.99.
The call to arms has often thrust devoted Christians into a dilemma: they
want to be responsible citizens who obey their government and love their
country, yet they worship a God who loves all people, including enemies.
Throughout history, Christians have responded in various ways—some by
renouncing violence and military participation, and some by seeking to
serve in the military in a godly way.
In this volume of photos and text, Iraq veteran Logan Mehl-Laituri creates an almanac of soldier saints and patriot pacifists from the front lines of
church history. Both politically relevant and theologically provocative, this
field manual seeks to recapture the hearts and minds of Christians trapped
between conflicting loyalties to faith and citizenship.
Key Features
• Author of critically acclaimed Reborn on the Fourth of July: The Challenge of Faith, Patriotism and Conscience (a Publishers Weekly starred
review in June 2012).
• Profiles include Martin of Tours, Julia Ward Howe, Desmond Doss,
the Hofer Brothers, and more.
Key Features
• Introduces 18 spiritual practices.
• Author uses personal illustrations to weave God and Scripture into
daily life.
• Can be flexibly used for both personal and group study.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Courageous Women of the Bible
Revolutionary Christian Citizenship
Linda Gehman Peachey
John Howard Yoder
John C. Nugent, Branson Parler, and Andy Alexis-Baker, editors
Due May 2013
80 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9726-6. $8.99.
What would it have been like for Hagar, feeling alone and mistreated in the
desert before she experienced God’s provision? Or for the midwives Siphrah
and Puah, who deceived the Egyptian authorities based on their fear of
God? In this study examining a cast of unsung biblical heroes, participants
will delve into how certain women of the Bible acted with amazing courage.
Their stories serve as models for doing the right thing and acting with faith.
Courageous Women of the Bible, commissioned by Mennonite Women
Canada and Mennonite Women USA, is recommended for women’s gatherings, Sunday school groups, retreats, or individual reading and inspiration.
Twelve sessions profile courageous women in the Old and New Testaments.
Session topics include revering God, challenging injustice, making difficult
choices, speaking truth, keeping faith, taking risks, and befriending Jesus,
among others.
Coming in 2013
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Due Spring 2013
150 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9688-7. $15.99.
Too many believers today have lost a sense of their true home in God’s
alternative society. Revolutionary Christian Citizenship is about following
the apostle Paul’s call to be “ambassadors for Christ.” It is about living now
in light of the world to come. It is about being “exiles and strangers” whose
ambition is not merely to survive but to sow seeds of God’s peace.
In this volume of addresses and articles—many unpublished to this point—
Yoder is more accessible and practical than in some of his better-known
theological works. He equips us to represent Christ faithfully to all sectors
of the world in which we live. Read this book to learn how the lordship of
Christ applies to every aspect of life. Learn how to wage peace in a world of
war and to bridge the gap between faith and politics.
Second volume in the Challenge to the Church series, a collection of John
Howard Yoder’s writings and addresses formatted and edited for a new
Coming in 2013
For a Church to Come
Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry
Peter C. Blum
Steve Heinrichs, editor
Due April 2013
200 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9682-5. $21.99.
Due Spring 2013
150 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9689-4. $17.99.
Taking a cue from one of the most (in)famous postmodern thinkers,
Friedrich Nietzsche, the essays in this book put forth “experiments” in
thought rather than arguments for fixed conclusions. Blum brings John
Howard Yoder to the same table with Nietzsche, Michel Foucault, and
Jacques Derrida, and provides a provocative glimpse of what the resulting
conversation might look like.
How can North Americans come to terms with the lamentable clash between indigenous and settler cultures, faiths, and attitudes toward creation?
Showcasing a variety of voices—both traditional and Christian, native and
non-native—Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry offers up alternative histories, radical theologies, and poetic, life-giving memories that can unsettle our souls
and work toward reconciliation.
As Anne Lamott and others have recently insisted, faith is not the opposite
of doubt, but of certainty. Blum’s essays explore some of our commonly
held ways of talking about knowledge, meaning, commitment, and action. He suggests that some postmodern theoretical work, often dismissed
or assumed to be anti-Christian, is well worth bringing into contemporary
Anabaptist-Mennonite conversations about discipleship and corporate life.
This book is intended for all who are interested in healing historical wounds
of racism, stolen land, and cultural exploitation. Essays on land use, creation, history, and faith appear among poems and reflections by people
across ethnic and religious divides. The writers do not always agree—in fact,
some are bound to raise readers’ defenses. But they represent the hard truths
that we must hear before reconciliation can come.
Part of the Polyglossia series, this book is intended for conversation among
academics, ministers, and laypersons regarding knowledge, beliefs, and practices of the Christian faith.
Key Features
• Includes essays by Tomson Highway, George “Tink” Tinker, Lawrence
Hart, Waziyatawin, Sallie McFague, and Jennifer Harvey.
Experiments in Postmodern Theory
and Anabaptist Thought
Coming in 2013
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Conversations on Creation,
Land Justice, and Life Together
Coming in 2013
Coming in 2013
Radical Jesus
Claiming Faith
Sandra Sauder and Paul Buhle, editors
Due May 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9699-3. $36.99.
A Graphic History of Faith
Due Fall 2013
150 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9621-4. $24.99.
Radical Jesus is arguably the first modern effort to convey through comic art
the meaning of Jesus and his social message, not just in his own time, but
also in the Radical Reformation, recent centuries, and in our current times.
Telling the story of the committed minority who carried on Jesus’ work
through the centuries, Radical Jesus interprets why this history is important
in dealing with modern society’s overwhelming problems in global conflict,
economics, politics, and the environment.
The book combines the artistic talents of Sabrina Jones, Gary Dumm,
and Nick Thorkelson, in a part black-and-white, part color presentation.
Readers of comic art books will find Radical Jesus uniquely appealing and
intriguing. Young readers drawn to spirituality from any direction will find
it accessible, humane, and in most parts, new.
Youth Discover the Confession of Faith
Claiming Faith invites youth and their leaders to embrace the basic beliefs
and practices of Mennonites. Insightful and engaging, this print and video
study contains dynamic personal stories, reflections, and discussion starters.
Ten sessions center on Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, applying the teachings to personal situations and life decisions.
Key Features
• Each session is written by a different writer from Mennonite Church
Canada or Mennonite Church USA.
• Topics include sin and salvation, baptism, the church in mission, the
church’s relation to government and society, peace and nonresistance,
and more.
Key Features
• Three different artistic styles from acclaimed illustrators Sabrina Jones,
Gary Dumm, and Nick Thorkelson fill out this compelling comic.
• Presents stories of faith in action—from Jesus to the early Anabaptists
to modern stories—in a way never seen before.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Coming in 2013
Fifty Shades of Grace
Stories of Inspiration and Promise
God’s Story, Our Story
Revised edition
Michele Hershberger
Due May 2013.
200 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9786-0. $12.99
Due Summer 2013
166 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9693-1. $12.99.
Fifty Shades of Grace: Stories of Inspiration and Promise is a collection of inspiring stories about experiencing God’s grace in the midst of everyday life.
Each of the 50 stories will uplift readers with profound stories about life and
faith. This book explores what grace looks like in action—even in a world
jaded by violence and resentment—and how it can triumph over great tragedy with mercy and hope.
This revised edition explores the elements of Christian faith and life for
those considering baptism or church membership. God’s Story, Our Story
addresses all the essential issues of faith through an engaging survey of the
biblical story and how God continues to work among us.
Key Features
• Stories of tragedy, grief, adversity, and the amazing persons who have
overcome them.
• Fifty Christian writers share their own stories of grace and inspiration.
• Suitable for groups or individuals.
“There’s something about having children that creates a particular vulnerability in us. This little person is your heart, all that love and affection
bubbling out to the surface. But the frightening part is that all this is out
free in the world, most times just out of reach of your protective hand of
Author Michele Hershberger invites readers into the conversation and asks
them to consider how their own stories connect with God’s story. Includes
helpful definitions and background material. Suitable for group and individual study. Leaders use with Making Disciples.
Key Features
• Resource for faith exploration, including those considering baptism
and church membership.
• Over 10,000 copies sold since originally released in 2003.
—Jenn Esbenshade, in Fifty Shades of Grace
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Coming in 2013
Together in the Work of the Lord
The Amish
Nate Yoder
John A. Hostetler
Revised by Steven M. Nolt and Ann E. Hostetler
A History of the Conservative Mennonite Conference
Due Fall 2013
425 pages. Hard. 978-0-8361-9505-7. $34.99.
In November 1910 a group of Conservative Amish Mennonite ministers
gathered in Michigan to support each other in the mission of the church.
Together in the Work of the Lord chronicles the growth of the Conservative
Mennonite Conference from those beginnings into a network of congregations that seeks to be evangelical in theology and witness, yet also rooted in
The book does not gloss over the struggles that accompanied the conference as it faced the pressures of cultural assimilation, denominationalism,
and extremism (both liberal and conservative). At the same time, it presents
exhilarating accounts of people called to reach out and establish the church,
whether in Kentucky, or Ecuador, or just across the street.
Commissioned for the centennial of the CMC, this is the 47th volume in
the Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History series.
Third edition
Due February 2013
48 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9562-0. $8.99.
This new edition of The Amish updates a classic resource with rich, full-color
photos portraying Amish life today. Hostetler’s clear explanations of Amish
lifestyle and beliefs are brought up to date by his daughter, Ann Hostetler,
and Steven M. Nolt, a history professor with expertise on the Amish.
Topics include Amish roots and values, worship, family and community,
food and hospitality, bonnets and broadbrims, and many more.
“A delightfully written, yet authoritative, brief account of the folk culture of
one of America’s most interesting small minority groups. The Amish should
do much to engender a fuller and more sympathetic understanding of the
Amish way of life.”
—George P. Murdock, Yale University
Key Features
• Over 770,000 copies sold since the original publication in 1952.
• A solid resource for accurately representing Amish faith and daily
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Coming in 2013
Dig In
Willard M. Swartley
13 Scriptures to Help Us Know the Way
Due March 2013
800 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9667-2. $34.99.
Due June 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9708-2. $36.99.
The gospel of John’s “from above” orientation transforms our human “from
below” assumptions and habits. It draws us into union with God and into
unity with one another. It communicates who Jesus is, in both intimate and
profound dimensions. The book of John shapes Christian identity, invigorates worship, and implants eternal hope.
Building on the practice of early Anabaptists to discern the Scriptures
together instead of individually, Dig In focuses more on personal encounter
with the texts than on scholarly study. It asks participants to dig in to their
context and experiences as a lens for interpretation. The 13 sessions include
video segments with personal stories about how people across the church
have been affected by and interpret these Scripture texts.
“John’s gospel defies description,” marvels Swartley, professor emeritus
at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. “It soars like the eagle, links
heaven and earth, and both comforts and convicts the human heart. Its
Christology is rich, with a plethora of titles for Jesus—even the divine eternal I AM.”
Though commentaries on the book of John abound, this volume follows
the unique Believers Church Bible Commentary series format, providing sections on The Text in Biblical Context and The Text in the Life of
the Church. According to Swartley, this format serves well “the interests of
seminary as well as other graduate students, and pastors especially.”
This group study comes out of two Mennonite Church efforts to engage
Scripture, “Year of the Bible” (Mennonite Church USA) and “Being a Faithful Church” (Mennonite Church Canada). Each of the 13 texts chosen has
special meaning for Mennonites.
Key Features
• Video and print curriculum for adults.
• Brings together voices and perspectives from across Mennonite
Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada on key Scriptures.
Find more Believers Church Bible Commentary titles at www.Menno
Key Features
• Released in time for this year’s Holy Week and Easter lectionary cycles.
• Believers Church Bible Commentaries have sold over 50,761copies
since 1986.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
Creating a Scene in Corinth
A Simulation
Reta Halteman Finger and George D. McClain
Due Summer 2013
Paper. 978-0-8361-9711-2. $17.99.
Creating a Scene imaginatively draws readers into Chloe’s house church,
which has just received a letter from their church planter, the apostle Paul.
Using group simulation, the book brings to life scholarly research on how
the gospel penetrated the Roman Empire. As participants role-play early
believers and debate with each other, they gain new insights and will never
read 1 Corinthians the same way again.
First-century Corinthians were just as human as church people today. They
did not consider Paul’s letters authoritative Scripture when he wrote them,
so lively group discussion and debate are encouraged. This method of Bible
study works for many levels, from youth groups to Sunday school classes, or
in college and seminary courses. “Besides, it’s just plain fun!” writes coauthor Finger.
Key Features
• Unique group Bible study and discussion resource.
• Participants use role-playing to discover new meaning and insight
from Scripture.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Coming in 2013
With the Word
A Bible Study and Devotional Guide
for Groups and Individuals
We draw closer to God when we spend time with the Word. This Bible
study and devotional series explores specific books of the Bible from an
Anabaptist perspective. Each session takes adult groups or individuals
through study, discussion, and reflection before ending with seven short
devotionals. Leader suggestions are included for use in a group setting. Find
more titles at
Key Features
• Bible study and devotional series for adults.
• Eight easy-to-use and understand sessions.
With the Word
Acts (8 sessions)
2013. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9694-8. $9.99.
With the Word
John (8 sessions)
2013. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9695-5. $9.99.
Coming in 2013
Kids Can Club
Kids Can Club is a series of all-in-one, flexible resources for children’s clubs, midweek, Sunday night, camp, or other settings. Each week’s session includes “Kids Cluster,” a time for
gathering, singing, and Bible memory review; “Kids Talk,” with a Bible story, reflection, and
conversation starters on the weekly theme; “Kids Create,” with hands-on crafts and response
activities; and “Kids Move,” featuring games that relate to the theme. Also included are suggestions for opening and closing time, snacks, and more. Geared to children in grades 1 to
5, the materials are easily adapted to kindergarten or junior youth. Each study includes 10
Key Features
• Activity-based format with four crafts and four games in each session.
• Flexible children’s resources suitable for grades 1–5.
Kids Can Catch the Love
Kids Can Know the Way
Due March 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9697-9. $19.99.
Due March 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9696-2. $19.99.
Kids Can Catch the Love helps kids explore
God’s love. Stories from the Old Testament
illustrate God’s love for humanity and the
ways people show their love for God. Even
when it’s difficult, the characters remain
faithful to the God they love because they
know God loves them. Kids will see that
just as God loved and cared for those in the
stories, God loves and cares for us.
Kids Can Know the Way shows children the
way of Jesus as they learn about people he
met and hear stories he told. Jesus demonstrated how to have a relationship with a
loving God. Using his examples, kids will
learn how they, too, can know God and live
Jesus’ way. Everyone can know the way of
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Curriculum: Gather Round
Curriculum: Gather Round
cu rriculum
Bible-based curriculum that nurtures
children, youth, and families in becoming
followers of Jesus.
With Gather ’Round, children, youth, and
their families experience the whole Bible.
Gather ’Round is Bible story-based, and
connects church, home, and community. It
is teacher-friendly and adaptable to diverse
Student books help each age group relate to the Bible story in a way they understand and
enjoy. Order one per student and extras for visitors.
Teacher’s guides include step-by-step guidance and flexible ideas to make teaching easy.
Optional tips and resources allow teachers to “go deeper” whenever they wish. Order one
per teacher.
Resource packs are essential in each session, and guide learning through the quarter. Posters,
games, cut-aparts, and more provide support to teachers and make learning fun for children.
Order one per group.
Ages 3 & 4
Grades 3, 4, 5
Student Book:
My Bible Storybook
Student Book: Grow
Teacher’s Guide
Resource Pack
Grades 1 & 2
Student Book:
Good News Reader
Teacher’s Guide
Resource Pack
Lively songs selected to use
with Gather ’Round sessions, appropriate for all ages
throughout the year. Order
one per group.
Student Book: Call
Gather ’Round Bible Curriculum
Annual Music CD
Junior Youth
Grades 6, 7, 8
Teacher’s Guide
Resource Pack
Grades K–5
Teacher’s Guide
Resource Pack
Creative faith resources for
families to use together at
home. Order one per church,
and copy or email as needed.
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Youth Leader’s Guide:
Introduction, six-page sessions, and eight reproducible
student pages.
*Gather ’Round materials are new each
quarter. Pricing subject to change.
Find Bible outlines, sample sessions, and more
information at
“We’ve hoped and prayed for curricula that would lay a
foundation in childhood that will still serve as students
come of age. I’m grateful that Gather ‘Round is a creative
leader in this needed approach. I’m so glad to have finally
discovered them.”
—Brian McLaren, author and speaker
Student Book: Order according to the ages of the children
in your group.
Good News Reader (grades
K–2) or Grow (grades 3–5).
(Fall, Winter, Spring)
Together (Summer)
Teacher’s Guide
Resource Pack
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Curriculum: Vacation Bible School
Curriculum: Also for Children
Vacation Bible School 2013
Also for children
Breathe It In
Wee Wonder
2012. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9668-9.
Boxed set: $134.99.
Items also available separately.
2010. Curriculum.
God Gives Life
Sharing God’s Love with Twos
Breathe It In invites children in early childhood through
grade 5 to discover the life-giving breath of God! Through
Bible stories of breath and wind, children will explore how
God’s own breath was used to create people, and how the
wind of the Spirit helped the young church to grow. As they
participate in lively worship, music, Bible memory, and creative response activities, children will understand that God
is the giver of life and is present with us.
Breathe It In is organized around five daily
themes, adaptable to a traditional vacation Bible
school program or to a 12-session midweek or
club plan. Each theme introduces a new Bible
story through worship, singing, and drama. After
hearing the story, children participate in activities and responses to help them create deeper
understandings and connections with the overall
Daily Bible texts and faith focus
Day 1
The all-in-one boxed set includes everything
needed for planning and preparation: two copies
of all leaders’ guides, and one copy of every classroom, promotional, and student resource. All
items also available separately. Order extra leaders’ guides, CDs, and posters for each classroom,
and one student book for each child.
Day 4
Genesis 1:30; 2:4-9; God shares
breath with humanity.
Day 2
Ezekiel 37:1-10; God can transform
desperate situations.
Day 3
Matthew 14:22-33; God is with us
during difficult times.
Use the sessions interchangeably or consecutively throughout the year, and include Bible stories, songs, pictures, and
take-home activity cards. The boxed set includes one copy
of all items needed: Leader’s Guide, Bible Story Picture
Sheet, Music CD, and one each of the 12 Bible Activity Card packets.
Bible Activity Card packets include five copies of each session’s card, enough for five children; extra card packets sold separately. The Leader’s Guide, Bible Story Picture Sheet, and
Music CD are reusable.
Boxed Set
Matthew 7:24-27; God provides a
solid foundation.
Leader’s Guide
Paper. 978-0-8361-9501-9
Acts 2:1-6, 38-42; God sends the
Spirit to grow the church.
Kids Can Club
Day 5
“We love the solidness of MennoMedia’s vacation Bible school materials. We’ve been using
Mennonite-produced materials for six years and we don’t even look at anything else.”
—Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia
This 52-week curriculum introduces two- and three-yearold children to God’s love through songs, action rhymes,
Bible stories, and responsive play. Twelve age-appropriate
modules include topics such as We Come to Church, God
Made the World, Jesus Is Born, and God Is with Us.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Bible Activity Cards
Music CD
Bible Story Picture Sheet
Kids Can Club is a series of all-in-one, flexible resources for
children’s clubs, midweek, Sunday night, camp or other settings. Each week’s session includes “Kids Cluster,” a time for
gathering, singing, and Bible memory review; “Kids Talk,”
with a Bible story, reflection, and conversation starters on
the weekly theme; “Kids Create,” with hands-on crafts and
response activities; and “Kids Move,” featuring games that
relate to the theme. Also included are suggestions for opening and closing time, snacks, and more. Geared to children
in grades 1–5. Materials are suitable for a variety of settings,
and easily adapted to kindergarten or junior youth. Each
study includes 10 sessions.
Kids Can Catch the Love
Kids Can Know the Way
Due March 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9697-9. $19.99.
Due March 2013
Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9696-2. $19.99.
Helps kids explore God’s love for humanity and the ways people show their love for
Shows children the way of Jesus as they
learn about people he met and hear stories
he told.
Curriculum: Also for Children
Curriculum: Youth
Kids Can Live Upside-Down
Kids Can Be Blessed
2012. Curriculum. 978-0836-1962-3-8.
2011. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9561-3.
Children will learn that Jesus calls us to live
“upside-down,” as we serve others, accept
God’s forgiveness, worship God sincerely,
and love our enemies.
Using Jesus’ words as the example, children
will learn how to put the Beatitudes into
Kids Can Get It Right
2010. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9528-6.
2012. Curriculum. 978-0836-1962-7-6.
Helps kids understand how to live in right
relationships with each other and with God.
Also explores how values build character
and how to be inspired by the faithfulness
of God’s people in the Old Testament.
Kids Can Build Bridges
2011. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9560-6.
Kids Can Make Peace
Children will learn how they can live peacefully with creation, self, God, and others,
with Jesus as their example.
Kids Can Dig the Bible
2010. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9529-3.
Children will learn how the Bible is put together, and that its messages are important
for us today.
As they take an imaginary journey around
the world, children will discover that people
everywhere have similarities and differences,
and be inspired by the ways in which people
worship God.
Quick ’n Easy Bible Plans (download)
Flexible Sessions for Children K–6
$4.99 each
Need great ideas for clubs, midweek,
Sunday night, or retreats? Browse over
20 easy-to-use, downloadable sessions for
children! Each session includes a Bible focus
and activities for about one hour. Online at
Rhythms of Peace DVD
2006. DVD. 1-877736-88-0.
Stories and songs about peace.
Captivating mix of music,
fiction, and mini-features
for 8- to 11-year-olds and their families.
Discussion guide.
Fun Bible Skits
Ready-to-Go Scripts &
Activities for Kids &
David M. Morrow
Three volumes, each containing 24 short reproducible scripts based on
Old and New Testament stories, and one
Christmas play. Tips for discussion and
activities offer flexible options for children’s
clubs, midweek, retreats, camp, Sunday
school, worship, or other church groups.
Fun Bible Skits 1
2005. 978-0-8361-9322-0. $23.99.
Fun Bible Skits 2
2006. 978-0-8361-9345-9. $23.99.
Fun Bible Skits 3
2007. 978-0-8361-9383-1. $23.99.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Claiming Faith
Youth Discover the
Confession of Faith
Due May 2013
978-0-8361-9699-3. $36.99.
Claiming Faith invites youth and their leaders to embrace the basic beliefs and practices
of Mennonites. Insightful and engaging,
this print and video study contains dynamic
personal stories, reflections, and discussion
starters. Ten sessions center on Confession of
Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, applying
the teachings to personal situations and life
Each session is written by a different writer
from Mennonite Church Canada or Mennonite Church USA. Topics include sin and
salvation, baptism, the church in mission,
the church’s relation to government and
society, peace and nonresistance, and more.
A Guidebook for Youth
Service Trips
Krista Dutt
2009. 978-0-8361-9488-3.
Guide youth to merge their work with
God’s work in the world! Seven biblically
based sessions help you lead youth in preparation, on-site reflection, and follow-up as
they participate in a service trip. Includes
reproducible handouts.
Fast Lane Bible Studies
for Junior Youth
$7.99 each
Junior youth have a lot coming at them—fast. Fast Lane
Bible Studies address issues facing junior
youth in a way that is fun for them. Each
study contains five sessions with flexible
teaching plans, active learning, and reproducible student materials. Perfect for junior
high clubs, midweek, and retreat groups.
Geared to grades 6–8. Online at www
Generation Why Bible
Studies for High School
Youth (download)
$12.99 each
Generation Why Bible Studies
help high school youth apply the Bible to
real life. Each downloadable leader’s guide
includes five or six sessions each, with readymade teaching plans and reproducible student pages. Geared to youth group, retreats,
midweek, or small group study. Online at
Decide for Peace
A Guide for Personal Bible
Study and Reflection on
Conscientious Objection
1999. 978-08730-3307-7.
Bible study and journaling workbook for
high school youth or adults grappling with
the issue of conscientious objection. For
individual use, mentoring, or group study.
Includes a four-session leader’s guide.
Tent of Meeting
A 25-Day Adventure
with God
Julie Ellison White
2004. 978-08361-9283-4.
Youth will learn to know God by entering into a “tent of meeting,” a sacred space
where they can practice spiritual disciplines
that have enriched the lives of Christians for
centuries. The guided journal format invites
youth to personal faith learning.
Leader’s edition
2004. 978-08361-9282-7. $9.99.
Includes all the content of the youth journal, with tips for guiding group sessions.
Beyond Me
Grounding Youth Ministry
in God’s Story
Wendell J. Loewen
2008. 978-0-8361-9403-6.
Inspiration to help youth workers guide
youth beyond the consumerism and alienation of today’s culture, to God’s culture of
community, discipleship, and compassion.
Curriculum: Bible curriculum for adults
Curriculum: Bible curriculum for adults
Bible Curriculum for Adults
Estudios Biblicos para Adultos (download)
Estudios Bíblicos para Adultos es un cursillo en lengua española, traducido por un profesional, del currículo Anabautista/Menonita Adult Bible Study. El estudio trata de la
Biblia entera, en calendario de seis años. Los autores son
un grupo intercultural de pastores, profesores, maestros, y
líderes menonitas de los EE.UU. y del Canadá. El cursillo es
útil para las clases de escuela dominical y otros grupos de estudio bíblico. El guía del estudiante presenta en cada lección
un cuentecillo de comienzo, lecturas devocionales diarias, el
texto bíblico, comentario sobre ello, y aplicación. El guía del
maestro ofrece un plan de enseñanza para cada sesión, con
preguntas para discusión y otras actividades. Se permite que
la congregación saque cuántas fotocopias que necesite.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study provides in-depth, challenging Bible study
from an Anabaptist-Mennonite perspective, written by an
intercultural group of pastors, teachers, professors, and leaders across Canada and the United States. Sessions include
daily Bible readings, resources for additional study, and free
downloadable resources.
Beyond the Present Time
Spring 2013
How can we anticipate the future with hope? A biblical
Timothy Darling—student
Norma B. Duerksen—teacher
God’s People Worship
Summer 2013
A challenging, “beyond worship wars” study of worship
from Old Testament prophets and the early church.
Michael R. Zehr—student
Karen Jantzi—teacher
First Things
Fall 2013
A refreshing, contemporary application of familiar Old
Testament creation texts.
Dan Epp-Tiessen—student
Eleanor Snyder—teacher
Jesus and the Just Reign of God
Winter 2013–14
Quarter titles, books of the Bible, themes, writers
FALL 2013
WINTER 13–14
First Things
Jesus and the
Just Reign of God
Jesus and the
The People of God
Set Priorities
Genesis, Exodus,
Psalm 104
Luke, James
Biblical survey
Haggai, Romans,
1, 2 Corinthians
Theme: Creation
Theme: Justice
Theme: Tradition
Dan Epp-Tiessen
Eleanor Snyder
Leo Hartshorn
Leo Hartshorn
Leonard Beechy
Kathleen Kern
Heidi Unruh
Alma Ovalle
What does justice mean to Jesus? A study of Luke and
Leo Hartshorn—student & teacher
Adult Bible Study (student edition)
$6.50/$5.60 bulk*
Adult Bible Study Online
Adult Bible Study Large Print
Includes all of the student content in an
enlarged format.
$8.75/$7.20 bulk*
Adult Bible Study Teacher
This weekly article, written just prior
to the date of the lesson, connects the
weekly Scripture to current events in
the church and the world. Also available
online are reproducible teaching aids.
Free at
Includes all of the material found in Adult
Bible Study student edition plus leader’s
notes for insight, discussion, and class
$9.90/$8.75 bulk*
* Bulk pricing: 5 or more to one address. Pricing subject to change.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
thematic studies
thematic studies
Thematic Studies
Creating a Scene
in Corinth
A Simulation
With the Word
A Bible Study and Devotional Guide for
Groups or Individuals
Dig In
13 Scriptures to
Help Us Know
the Way
Reta Halteman Finger
and George D. McClain
Due Summer 2013
$9.99 each
We draw closer to God when we spend time with the
Word. This new Bible study and devotional series explores
specific books of the Bible from an Anabaptist perspective.
Each session takes groups or individuals through study,
discussion, and reflection before ending with seven short
devotionals. Also included are leader suggestions if used in a
group setting.
Due June 2013
Creating a Scene
imaginatively draws
readers into Chloe’s house church, which
has just received a letter from their church
planter, the apostle Paul. Using group
simulation, the book brings to life scholarly
research on how the gospel penetrated the
Roman Empire. As participants role-play
early believers and debate with each other,
they gain new insights and will never read 1
Corinthians the same way again.
Building on the
practice of early Anabaptists to discern the
Scriptures together instead of individually,
Dig In focuses more on personal encounter
with the texts than on scholarly study. It
asks participants to dig in to their context
and experiences as a lens for interpretation.
The 13 sessions include video segments with
personal stories about how people across the
church have been affected by and interpret
these Scripture texts.
First-century Corinthians were just as human as church people today. They did not
consider Paul’s letters authoritative Scripture
when he wrote them, so lively group discussion and debate are encouraged. This method
of Bible study works for many levels, from
youth groups to Sunday school classes, or in
college and seminary courses. “Besides, it’s
just plain fun!” writes coauthor Finger.
This group study comes out of two Mennonite Church efforts to engage Scripture,
“Year of the Bible” (Mennonite Church
USA) and “Being a Faithful Church” (Mennonite Church Canada). Each of the 13
texts chosen has special meaning for Mennonites.
Real Life. Real Families.
Listen & Talk Series 1
2012. Curriculum. 978-0-8361-9664-1.
$34.99 Print (study guide and CD)
$19.99 Download (PDF study guide and MP3 audio files)
$9.99 Participant Guide
Each family is as unique as the individuals who make it up. Yet all
families face challenges, and sometimes even serious problems. This
faith-based curriculum will help participants learn from the real-life
experiences of others, and encourage them to address family needs in healthy ways.
Recommended for small groups, Sunday school, or parenting classes, each of these 12 sessions focuses on a different issue facing families. Ready-to-go curriculum includes a study
guide—with Bible texts, prayers, discussion, and activities to draw participants into each
topic—and an audio CD, featuring interviews for each session with people who have either
faced the issue themselves or who are experts on the issue. Topics include marriage, early
parenthood, keeping mealtime, parenting after divorce, media issues, kids and alcohol, and
more. A Shaping Families curriculum.
With the Word: Acts (8 sessions)
With the Word: Isaiah (8 sessions)
2013. Curriculum. 978-08361-9694-8.
2012. Curriculum. 978-08361-9641-2.
With the Word: John (8 sessions)
With the Word: Psalms (10 sessions)
2013. Curriculum. 978-08361-9695-5.
2011. Curriculum. 978-08361-9570-5.
With the Word: Matthew (8 sessions)
With the Word: Luke (8 sessions)
2012. Curriculum. 978-08361-9639-9.
2011. Curriculum. 978-08361-9571-2.
Body and Soul
Healthy Sexuality and the People of God
2010. Curriculum.
Helps congregations discuss four basic themes related to
sexuality: our bodies and how we see them; our human need
for intimacy in relationships; the place of genital-sexual
expression; and the ultimate “holy desire” that is at the
foundation of our relationships with God and with others.
Purchase one boxed set per congregation. Purchase copies of
the parents’ guide for each family, and copies of the tween
student book for each 10- to 13-year-old.
Boxed Set
978-0-8361-9551-4. $49.99.
Coordinator’s Guide
978-0-8361-9500-2. $9.99.
Worship Leader’s Guide
978-0-8361-9545-3. $14.99.
Adult Study Leader’s Guide
978-0-8361-9546-0. $14.99.
Youth Study Leader’s Guide
Nurturing Healthy
Sexuality at Home
(Parents’ At-Home Guide)
978-0-8361-9548-4. $8.99.
Purchase one copy for each family.
Created by God
Tweens, Faith, and Human Sexuality
(for ages 10–13)
978-1-426700-40-8. $7.50.
Purchase one copy for
each child age 10–13.
978-0-8361-9547-7. $14.99.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
thematic studies
Good Ground
Letting the Word Take Root
$10.95 each
Good Ground is a flexible,
interactive Bible study series
for Sunday school or other
adult groups. Studies include six sessions
each. Leader’s tips follow each session. Price
includes permission to photocopy for use
by the purchasing congregation. Online at
For Women:
Courageous Women of
See pg. 8
the Bible
Linda Gehman Peachey
Due May 2013
80 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9726-6. $8.99.
What would it have been
like for Hagar, feeling alone and mistreated
in the desert before she experienced God’s
provision? Or for the midwives Siphrah and
Puah, who deceived the Egyptian authorities based on their fear of God? These 12
sessions examine a cast of unsung biblical
women, who are models for doing the right
thing and acting with faith.
thematic studies
Second Mile (download)
A Peace Journey for
What does it mean to go the
second mile? Eight downloadable studies—each with four
to seven sessions—offer a biblical perspective on topics of peace and encourage participants to become more active followers of
Jesus in their homes, communities, and in
the world. Download individual sessions for
$6.99 each, or all sessions available for each
topic as a set, for $34.99. Online at www
Let Justice Roll Down
Women Engaging
the World
Rebecca Seiling
2012. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9624-5. $8.99.
In the prophetic books of the
Bible, we hear a steady drumbeat: return to
God’s ways, remember who you are, seek
justice. The calls are persistent, and include
harsh words of coming judgment. Amos,
whose name means “burden bearer,” carried
a message of warning to the Israelite people.
Twelve sessions.
Wonderfully Made
Women, Faith,
and Self-Care
Your Treasure, Your Heart
Women and the
Stewardship of Money
Terri J. Plank Brenneman
2011. Curriculum.
978-08361-9574-3. $8.99.
Patricia Burdette
2008. Curriculum.
978-08361-9404-3. $8.99.
Seek Peace and Pursue It
Women, Faith,
and Family Care
Freely You Have
Received, Freely Give
Women and the
Stewardship of Gifts
Elizabeth Soto Albrecht
2010. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9520-0. $8.99.
For the Beauty
of the Earth
Women, Faith,
and Creation Care
Susan Classen
2007. Curriculum.
978-08361-9388-6. $8.99.
Faith exploration
Exploring the Way of Christ
Via is for those who are new
to the church and who may
know nothing of the Bible or
of Christian faith. Eight sessions introduce people to the
basics of Christian faith from an Anabaptist
perspective, in the context of a supportive
group of other discoverers. Materials are
adaptable to youth or adult individuals or
groups, as a pre-catechism or newcomer’s
course, and are presented in both English and Spanish. Purchase one leader’s
guide (includes accompanying DVD), and
enough participant books (includes personal
journaling activities) for each member of
your group.
Leader’s Guide
2008. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9472-2. $19.99.
Participant Book
2008. Curriculum.
978-08361-9483-8. $6.99.
Spanish Leader’s Guide
2008. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9498-2. $19.99.
Spanish Participant Book
2008. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9499-9. $6.99.
MennoMedia Study Shelf
Many books from MennoMedia can be
used for more than individual inspiration—they’re great for Christian education classes, small groups, and book clubs
too! Order five or more copies of any
Herald Press title and save 25%.
Making Disciples
Baptism and Church
April Yamasaki
2003. Curriculum.
978-08361-9671-9. $11.99.
Helps pastors and other leaders invite,
instruct, baptize, and follow up with new
members. Includes an adaptable 10-session
study plan linked with God’s Story, Our Story
and to Confession of Faith in a Mennonite
God’s Story, Our Story
Revised edition
Michele Hershberger
Due Summer 2013
166 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9693-1. $12.99.
For those considering baptism or church
membership, this book addresses essential
issues of Christian faith through an engaging survey of the biblical story, and sidebars
containing real conversations from believers
of all ages. Suitable for group and individual
study. Leaders use with Making Disciples.
Being God’s People
Embracing Christian
Faith from a Mennonite
Ervin R. Stutzman
Thirteen lessons for new believers.
Student Guide
1998. Curriculum. 978-08361-9456-2. $6.99.
Leader’s Guide
1998. Curriculum. 978-08361-9455-5.
Study guides are also available for a number of titles. Find more information at:
Patty Friesen
2009. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9496-8. $8.99.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Devotionals and Periodicals
De votionals and
Daily Devotional Readings
Rejoice! is a daily devotional magazine offering encouragement for individuals, families, and groups. Each day’s entry
includes a Scripture reading, a short inspirational message,
and a prayer of response. A prayer guide with requests representing Mennonite mission workers, schools, and church
agencies is included at the back. Published quarterly. Also
available for download at
Annual individual subscription:
Annual bulk subscription:
Stories of Faith and Promise
Inspirational monthly magazine with stories of faith for
daily Christian life. Includes regular columns on food,
peace, humor, and resources for faithful living.
Annual individual subscription:
Annual bulk subscription:
Equipping the Missional Congregation
For all congregational leaders, with stories from Mennonite
congregations, articles on key issues in the church, worship
resources, and more.
Annual individual subscription:
Annual bulk subscription:
All subscribers are provided with access to electronic (Word)
files of the seasonal worship resources.
* Five or more copies to one address. Call for group or quarterly rates.
Pricing subject to change.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Worship and Music
Worship and Music
Words for Worship 2
Diane Zaerr Brenneman, editor
2009. 338 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9473-9. $4.99.
A collection of prayers,
litanies, and other elements
for worship throughout the
church year.
Words for Worship
Arlene M. Mark
1995. 240 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9037-3. $18.99.
Youth Worship Source
Sarah Kathleen Johnson
2009. Curriculum.
978-0-8361-9470-8. $29.99.
Invite youth into the life of
your church with this innovative collection
of resources designed to teach them about
worship and guide them to lead creative,
meaningful worship experiences. Leader’s
guide with photocopiable handouts and
brief topical modules for easy planning.
Proclamation by Design
The Visual Arts in Worship
Karmen Krahn and Leslie James
2008. 144 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9402-9. $6.00.
Preparing Sunday Dinner
A Collaborative Approach
to Worship and Preaching
Marlene Kropf, Rebecca Slough,
and June Alliman Yoder
2006. 480 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9321-3. $18.99.
A Mennonite Voice
Marlene Kropf and Kenneth
2001. 176 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9152-3. $14.99.
Nurturing Spirit through
The Legacy of Mary K. Oyer
2006. DVD. 1-877736-89-9.
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Pew Edition
1992. 904 pages. Hard.
978-0-8361-8001-5. $14.95.
Large Print Edition
(soft cover)
1992. 904 pages. Soft cover.
978-0-8361-8002-2. $19.95.
Large Print Spiral Edition
(soft cover; lay-flat design)
1992. 904 pages. Soft cover.
978-0-8361-8048-0. $24.99.
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Accompaniment Handbook
1992. 430 pages. Spiral.
978-0-8361-8007-7. $39.95.
Includes accompaniment for many of the
hymns in Hymnal: A Worship Book, as well
as resources and ideas for leading singing.
Hymnal: A Worship Book
1996. 752 pages. Hard.
978-0-87178-388-2. $39.95.
Helpful background on the
origin of each hymn and
worship resource and brief
biographies of the authors and composers.
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Vinyl Cover
1998. 978-0-8361-804-6.
Sturdy blue vinyl cover fits
over Hymnal: A Worship Book
pew edition, with the same design printed
in silver.
worship and music; worship bulletins
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Self-stick ivory stock with
two-color graphic, “In Our
Music God Is Glorified.”
Packets of 25 available in the
following formats:
In Memory of Presented to Property of In Honor of bible resources; close to home christian care pamphlets
Resources to Home
My Bible Reading Chart
100 Favorite Verses for
978-08361-8009-1. $4.99.
978-08361-8010-7. $4.99.
978-08361-8011-4. $4.99.
978-08361-8017-6. $4.99.
2006. 978-08361-9357-2.
Ages 6–9.
Sing the Journey
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Supplement I
Dig into the Bible
A Reading Chart
2006. 978-08361-9358-9.
2005. 174 pages. Spiral.
978-0-8361-9300-8. $9.99.
Ages 10–13.
Sing the Journey
Accompaniment Packet
2005. 978-0-8361-9302-2.
Sing the Story
Hymnal: A Worship Book
Supplement II
2007. 208 pages. Spiral.
978-0-8361-9369-5. $9.99.
Sing the Story
Accompaniment Packet
Vivid images and biblical texts selected
especially for use with Mennonite congregations. Optional printed backs include worship resources created in coordination with
Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite
Church Canada.
Price per hundred: $6.80
Read the Book
A Reading Record for the
Whole Bible
2006. 978-08361-9360-2.
Ages 14–19.
Close to Home pamphlets bring together
therapy, Christian faith, and congregational
support for those facing personal issues that
are hard to talk about.
$.75 each. Topics include pornography,
depression, teenage pregnancy, self-harm,
acquaintance rape, dementia, child abuse,
extreme anxiety, infertility, and many others. See
home for a list of topics available.
Find denominational brochures and other
ministerial and church resources at www
Pricing subject to change without notice.
2007. 978-0-8361-9380-0.
With Heart and Hands
Arrangements for Piano
from Sing the Journey
and Sing the Story
Encounter the Word
A Reading Record for the
Whole Bible
2006. 978-08361-9359-6.
James E. Clemens, composer
2007. 56 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9372-5. $12.99.
Church and Sunday
School Hymnal
1902. Hard.
978-0-8361-1110-1. $17.99.
Church Hymnal
1927. Hard.
978-0-8361-1106-4. $17.99.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
bible Resources; Close to home christian care pamphlets
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
peace & Justice; social issues
Peace & Justice
2012. DVD.
$24.99. 58 minutes
with downloadable
discussion guide.
American Dan Terry
and his family spent
nearly 40 years devoted to the people, the
culture, and the landscapes of Afghanistan.
Tragically, in August 2010, Dan was among
10 humanitarian aid workers killed in
Weaving Life tells how Dan wove relationships, joy, partnership, and understanding
into his work in Afghanistan—inviting
viewers into stories of how Dan and his
family confronted assumptions, discarded
platitudes, and relentlessly pursued authentic relationships.
Pax Service
An Alternative to War
2008 DVD.
Waging Peace
Muslim and Christian
2011 DVD.
small group study resources; youth; mennonite identity
Social Issues
Embracing Aging
Families Facing Change
2007 DVD.
Fierce Goodbye
Living in the Shadow of
2004 DVD. 1-877736-74-0
Finding Hope in
Families Living with
2007 DVD. 1-877736-92-9
Hunger No More
Faces Behind the Facts
2004 DVD.
Journey toward
Stories of families and individuals dealing with anger
and forgiveness in the face of
death. 58 minutes. Discussion guide.
2001 DVD. 1-877736-71-6
The Long Road Back
Ex-Offenders’ Struggle for
Small Group Study Resources
Beyond the News series
All titles include a study guide.
The Death Penalty
72 minutes.
2006 DVD.
Facing Death
34 minutes plus bonus materials.
2006 DVD.
55 minutes.
2006 DVD.
Parenting Adolescents
Eight discussion segments. 55
2006 DVD.
Six discussion segments. 25
2006 DVD.
Sexual Abuse
Shadow Voices
Finding Hope in Mental
2006 DVD.
For senior high youth and
adults only. 23 minutes.
TV Violence
63 minutes
Bridge to Forgiveness
2001 DVD.
Featuring Ted & Lee
Don’t Sit on Your Stuff
2002 DVD.
Peace DVD
2005 DVD. 1-877736-84-8
Additional copies of DVD
$5.00 USD/$5.75 CAD each.
2009 DVD. 1-877736-96-1
2005 DVD.
2006 DVD.
Featuring Ted & Lee
Vocation! Vocation!
2003 DVD.
Mennonite Identity
*The Amish
Back Roads to Heaven
Donald B. Kraybill, PhD and
Steve Nolt, PhD
Produced by Buller Films
LLC. 46 minutes. English
2007 DVD.
978-0-9773650-2-9. $22.95
*The Amish
A People of Preservation
54 minutes. By John Ruth
with Burton Buller.
2006 DVD.
*The Amish
How They Survive
Produced by Buller films
LLC. English subtitles. 49
2005 DVD. 0-9773650-0-X
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
mennonite identity; biblical drama
Cloud of Witnesses
2008 DVD. (Produced on VHS
in 1996–97.)
Nurturing Spirit
through Song
The Legacy of Mary K. Oyer
82 minutes.
2006 DVD. 1-877736-89-9
*The Radicals
1 hour 39 minutes.
1990 DVD.
Who Are the
2010 DVD.
Biblical Drama
A Ted & Co. Production
*Advent, Acts, and
68 minutes.
2010 DVD.
A Ted & Co. Production
*Creation, Chaos, and
57 minutes.
2010 DVD.
A Ted & Co. Production
Dysfunction, and Destiny
66 minutes.
2010 DVD.
Featuring Ted & Lee
80 minutes.
2007 DVD.
A Ted & Co. Production
75 minutes.
2001 DVD.
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
mennonite hour cds
mennonite hour cds; music for worship; hymnal masterworks
A Cappella Mennonite
Hour Music
Remastered from the original recordings
produced between 1950 and 1978.
Mennonite Hour CDs
18 Most
Loved Hymns
Based on an extensive survey taken
by The Mennonite
Hour radio program and made into a 1962
album. Eighteen songs, including “How
Great Thou Art;” “The Old Rugged Cross;”
and “My God and I.”
A Cappella
Second Edition
Classic mix of
Christmas hymns
and carols. Seven new songs included on
this second edition including the perennial favorite, “The Star and the Wiseman.”
Thirty songs, including “Joy to the World;”
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing;” and “O
Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”
“People to whom I’ve given the CDs appreciate the quality singing as much as I have.”
—N. J.
Abide with Me
Hymns of Comfort
and Hope
2007 CD. 661740-04552-4
All Nature Sings
Hymns and Anthems
of God’s Creation
2008 CD. 661740-04553-1
$12.95 Breathe on Me,
Breath of God
A musical journey of The
Mennonite Hour men’s
quartets 1950–1967
2010 CD. 661740-04556-2
Easter Hallelujah!
2003 CD. 661740-04544-9
Singing in the Spirit
Folk Hymns and Spirituals
Men’s ensemble
2006 2-CD set.
Songs of Inspiration
1999 CD. 661740-04536-4
A Symphony of Hymns
Favorite Hymns
1998 CD. 661740-04534-0
2005 CD. 661740-04550-0
30 Men Sing
Good News!
A Celebration
of the Gospel
Men’s quartet
2000 CD. 661740-04540-1
Hallelujah! Amen!
1997 CD. 661740-04532-6
1998 CD. 661740-04519-7
Music for Worship
Sing the Journey CD
Kenneth Nafziger and the
Journey Musicians
2005 CD. 661740-09326-6
Hymnal Masterworks
Organ and Instruments
Shirley Sprunger King and the
Deknatel Consort from Bethel
1996 CD. 661740-03308-8
Christmas Sampler
Various Artists
1997 CD. 661740-33248-8
Let All Who Thirst
Hymns for Piano
Lucia Unrau (performer) and
Peter Terry (arranger)
2000 CD. 661740-03427-6
Songs to Live By II
Passing on Hymns
of the Faith
2000 CD. 661740-04295-0
Sing the Journey 2 CD
Hymns of Rejoicing
1999 CD. 661740-04538-8
Kenneth Nafziger, director
2006 CD. 661740-09353-2
Sing the Story CD
Classic Hymns
of Revival & Mission
2009 CD. 661740-04555-5
Includes a bonus CD of three
original radio programs.
Magnify the Lord
Kenneth Nafziger and the Story
2007 CD. 978-9-8361-9377-0
Sing the Story 2 CD
Kenneth Nafziger, director
2008 CD. 978-0-8361-9431-9
Men’s quartet, ladies’ sextet/
triple trio
2003 CD. 661740-04557-9
Sing Them Over Again
2005 CD. 661740-04548-7
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
devotional and inspirational
See pg. 4
Mennonite Girls
Can Cook Celebrations
Lovella Schellenberg, Judy
Wiebe, Marg Bartel, Anneliese
Friesen, Bev Klassen, Julie
Klassen, Betty Reimer, Ellen
Bayles, Kathy McLellan,
Charlotte Penner
Due May 2013
208 pages. Hard.
978-0-8361-9675-7. $24.99
Mennonite Girls
Can Cook*
Lovella Schellenberg, Judy
Wiebe, Marg Bartel, Anneliese
Friesen, Bev Klassen, Julie
Klassen, Betty Reimer, Ellen
Bayles, Kathy McLellan,
Charlotte Penner
2011. 208 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9553-8
Saving the Seasons*
How to Can, Freeze,
or Dry Almost Anything
Mary Clemens Meyer and
Susanna Meyer
2010. 208 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9512-5
Simply in Season*
Expanded Edition
Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen
2009. 352 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9494-4
Simply in
Children’s Cookbook
Mark Beach and Julie Kauffman
2006. 80 pages.
Doris Janzen Longacre
Upated 2011. 332 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9263-6
Extending the Table
Joetta Handrich Schlabach
with recipe editor Kristina Mast
1991. 336 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9264-3
Spiral. 978-0-8361-3561-9
Mennonite Community
Mary Emma Showalter
1950. 494 pages.
Comb. 978-0-8361-3625-8
Mennonite CountryStyle Recipes and
Kitchen Secrets
The Prize Collection of a
Shenandoah Valley Cook
Esther H. Shank
1987. 680 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3697-5
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Devotional and
See pg. 6
Devotions for
Deeper Living
Cindy Massanari
2012. 192 pages.
This book, rooted in Scripture and prayer,
looks at a variety of issues important to
youth who want to grow in relationship
with God. Woven through more than 100
meditations is the guarantee of God’s unconditional love and acceptance, the assurance that each young person is a worthwhile
creation, and the challenge to courageously
grow in faith.
All the topics covered in the book were suggested by youth themselves in the author’s
Sunday school classes, which she has taught
for 17 years straight, and at a national youth
convention. Another aspect that makes this
book unique is that each topical section
includes specific suggestions for “living it
“Cindy dares each of us to love ourselves,
to gather the courage to claim for ourselves
the radical identity of God’s beloved daughters and sons. In our day, nothing takes
more bravery.”
—Michele Hershberger,
author of God’s Story, Our Story
Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
Sacred Pauses
Spiritual Practices for
Personal Renewal
April Yamasaki
Due February 2013
177 pages. Paper.
Setting the Agenda
Meditations for the
Organization’s Soul
Edgar Stoesz and Rick M. Stiffney
2011. 220 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9556-9
Day by Day These
Things We Pray
Uncovering Ancient
Rhythms of Prayer
Arthur Boers
2010. 240 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9530-9
Take Our Moments
and Our Days
An Anabaptist Prayer
Book Ordinary Time
Arthur Paul Boers, Barbara
Nelson Gingerich, Eleanor
Kreider, John D. Rempel, and
Mary H. Schertz, compilers
Third edition 2010. 432 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9374-9
Take Our Moments
and Our Days
An Anabaptist Prayer Book
Advent through Pentecost
(Volume 2)
Arthur Paul Boers, Barbara
Nelson Gingerich, Eleanor
Kreider, John D. Rempel, and
Mary H. Schertz, compilers
2010. 928 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9449-4
devotional and inspirational; family and relationships
The Joy Factor
Jep Hostetler
2007. 100 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9364-0
101 Devotionals
with Children
June Galle Krehbiel
1999. 176 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9117-2
Prayer Book for
Earnest Christians
A Spiritually Rich
Anabaptist Resource
Leonard Gross, translator
1996. 152 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9044-1
Praying with the
Marlene Kropf and Eddy Hall,
1994. 176 pages.
Paper. 978-0-87303-246-6
See pg. 14
Fifty Shades of Grace
Stories of Inspiration
and Promise
Due May 2013. 200 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9786-0
family and relationships
Family and Relationships
Seven Things
Children Need
John M. Drescher
2012. 127 pages.
This is a revised
edition of a Herald
Press classic that has
sold over 125,000
copies. It has been translated into nearly 20
languages. The author discusses seven of the
most basic needs of the growing child: significance, security, acceptance, love, praise,
discipline, and God. This is a practical,
personal, down-to-earth book for people
who care about children as persons.
“Practical, realistic, and nontechnical.”
—Family Life magazine
“A good start or review for any parent.”
—Christianity Today magazine
Whatever Happened
to Dinner?
Recipes and Reflections
for Family Mealtime
Melodie M. Davis
2010. 242 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9549-1
Under Construction
Reframing Men’s
Gareth Brandt
2009. 226 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9502-6
Lasting Marriage
The Owners’ Manual
Harvey Yoder
2007. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9354-1
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Grief and Love
in the Shadow
of Dementia
Grief and Sexuality
Life after Losing a Spouse
Rachel Nafziger Hartzler
2006. 244 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9340-4
Ginnie Horst
2012. 272 pages.
A Healing Grief
Walking with Your
Friend through Loss
Sara Wengerd
2002. 75 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9198-1
Please Pass
the Faith
The Art of Spiritual
Elsie H. R. Rempel
2012. 134 pages.
By 2030, almost
one-third of North
Americans will be over age 65. How will
this affect the church? Author Elsie Rempel believes that the swelling ranks of new
seniors represent a huge spiritual resource.
In Please Pass the Faith she draws from real
life and from Christian formation experts in
helping seniors and other adults foster relationships with children and youth. She also
offers practical ideas for integrating children
and youth into church life—all the while
nurturing one’s own spiritual life as an elder.
“This book is a delightful medley of theories, stories, and personal experiences that
Elsie Rempel uses to impart her wisdom
about how grandparents (whether biological or honorary) can pass on the faith. And
in the process, seniors will discover that
their faith can in turn be shaped by the
young people in their lives.”
—David M. Csinos,
author of Children’s Ministry That Fits
Ginnie Horst Burkholder shares from the
heart about caring for a spouse who is
slowly slipping away to Lewy body dementia (LBD). Burkholder’s memoir reveals how
she handles the constant challenges through
humor, love, commitment, and faith. At the
same time, she does not gloss over the loss,
pain, and loneliness on this emotional roller
coaster ride that invaded her marriage and
family following her husband’s diagnosis.
The book is about the gritty and glorious
substances of life—how illness and health,
faith and doubt, grief and acceptance all
flow together in the river of change. It leads
each of us to a greater awareness of our own
life experiences.
Study questions are included. They are not
only a tool for understanding dementia and
the role of caregivers, but can bring greater
self-awareness to every person’s life experience.
“The author’s description of ongoing grieving is what I feel but could not put into
—Linda Koutoufas, Chesapeake, Virginia
Fierce Goodbye
Living in the
Shadow of Suicide
G. Lloyd and Gwendolyn Carr
2004. 168 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9267-4
Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
family and relationships; children and youth
Reinventing Aging
Shirley Yoder Brubaker, editor
2003. 208 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9247-6
children and youth
Children And Youth
Children Ages 4 to 8
An Amish
Ingrid Hess
2012. 32 pages.
Reinventing Aging DVD
DVD. 661740-09258-0
Getting Home
before Dark
Stories of Wisdom
for All Ages
Peter J. Dyck
2000. 272 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9135-6
MennoMedia Study Shelf
Many books from MennoMedia can be
used for more than individual inspiration—they’re great for Christian education classes, small groups, and book clubs
too! Order five or more copies of any Herald Press title and save 25%.
Study guides are also available for a number of titles. Find more information at:
A is for Amish; B is
for barn raising; C
is for church. Amish people are known for
their old-fashioned customs and dress. But
who are they, really—and what can they
teach us about faith and life?
In this delightful and whimsical full-color
book, author and illustrator Ingrid Hess
offers an entertaining yet informative
introduction to Amish faith and life. In a
style that will capture the imaginations of
children and adults alike, Hess takes readers
behind the scenes and invites them to think
about living out faith in new ways.
“Delightful illustrations and simple, respectful prose—a lovely book!”
—Steven M. Nolt, author of A History of
the Amish
“A fascinating glimpse of Amish life.”
—Donald B. Kraybill,
author of The Riddle of Amish Culture
Aaron J. Ratzlaff
2011. 32 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9509-5
Sensing Peace
Suzana E. Yoder
Rachel Hoffman-Bayles,
2010. 32 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9515-6
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Skippack School
Sleep in Peace
Written and illustrated
by Marguerite de
1999. 88 pages.
Ingrid Hess
2007. 40 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9381-7
With his German family, Eli crosses the
Atlantic on The Charming Nancy. From
Philadelphia, oxen pull their wagon into
Penn’s Woods, where they make their new
home in the Skippack area. Eli loves outdoor work and play, but Mom says he must
go to school. Though Eli expects the teacher
to be cross, Master Christopher Dock is
kind, firm, and patient.
Henner’s Lydia
Written and illustrated
by Marguerite de
1998. 72 pages.
Illustrated Bible
Eve B. MacMaster
2006. 498 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9344-2
Walking with Jesus
Mary Clemens Meyer
1992. 88 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3574-9
Thee, Hannah!
Marguerite de Angeli
2000. 112 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9106-6
Yonie Wondernose
Marguerite de Angeli
A Caldecott Honor Book
Lydia, a young Amish girl, lives on a farm
near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. All summer
long she has worked on a small hooked mat,
her first “piece” that must be finished before
she can go to market with her father. In
spite of her best efforts, Lydia is much more
interested in the wagon coming down the
road; in the stories Granny tells; in stopping
at Cousin Lavina’s, who is making apple
butter; in holding the new baby at Cousin
Kate’s; and even in chasing Nate’s runaway
1997. 48 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9351-0
Will Lydia finish this mat so that she can go
to market? Find out in this picture storybook for young readers.
Rebecca Seiling and Cindy Snider
2009. 32 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9478-4
Winner of the 1999 Silver Angel Award
from Religion in Media.
Walk in Peace
Ingrid Hess
2009. 44 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9469-2
Rachel, a Hutterite Girl
Rachel Maendel
1999. 48 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9119-6
*Don’t Be Afraid
Stories of Christians in
Times of Trouble
Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
children and youth
Ages 9 to 14
Lucille Travis
2009. 168 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9484-5
Lucille Travis
1991. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3546-6
Plant a Seed of Peace
Illustrated Stories
of Peacemakers
Rebecca Seiling
Brooke Rothshank, illustrator
2007. 116 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9397-8
children and youth
Michael Faraday, Father
of Electronics
Charles Ludwig
1978. 224 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3479-7
On Fire for Christ
Stories of Anabaptist
Dave and Neta Jackson
1989. 184 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3503-9
When Lightning Strikes
Hugh Alan Smith
2001. 180 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9164-6
Coals of Fire
Elizabeth H. Bauman
1954. 128 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1957-2
Elisabeth and
the Windmill
Esther Bender
Book 3 in the Lemon Tree
2003. 104 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9204-9
Henry’s Red Sea
Barbara Smucker
1955. 108 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1372-3
Louise A. Vernon’s Religious
Heritage Series
The Beggars’ Bible
(John Wycliffe)
1971. 136 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1732-5
The Bible Smuggler
(William Tyndale)
1967. 144 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1557-4
Doctor in Rags
1973. 146 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1698-4
A Heart Strangely
(John Wesley)
1975. 126 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1769-1
Ink on His Fingers
(Johann Gutenberg)
1972. 128 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1673-1
Key to the Prison
(George Fox)
1968. 144 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1813-1
The King’s Book
(King James Bible)
The Man Who
Laid the Egg
1977. 118 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1828-5
Night Preacher
(Menno Simons)
1969. 134 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1774-5
Peter and the Pilgrims
(The Separatists)
1963. 128 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9226-1
The Secret Church
1967. 128 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1783-7
in Church
(Martin Luther)
1967. 136 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1740-0
Louise A. Vernon’s Religious
Heritage series
978-0-8361-9232-2. $102.00
Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
1980. 128 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1933-6
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
The Fugitive
Menno Simons
Now available as audiobooks
Myron S. Augsburger
2008. 398 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9409-8
A Widow Among
the Amish
Tobias of the
A true story of
tangled strands in
faith, family, and
Ervin R. Stutzman
2012 CD.
2007. 350 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9412-8. $5.00
Also available as a download.
Ervin R. Stutzman
2012 CD.
2001. 352 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9170-7. $15.99
Also available as a download.
Emma Stutzman’s Amish life was abruptly
altered when she learned about her husband’s sudden and tragic death. Now a
single parent, Emma must figure out how to
respond to the pressures of modernization
and the pull of mainstream culture. Will
she regain her strength as a woman after so
much stress and tragedy in her married life?
How will she lead her children to faith in
the Amish Mennonite church without their
Tobias of the Amish presents an intimate
look at the life of Tobias J. Stutzman,
an ambitious Amish entrepreneur. From
installing electric lights in his woodworking
shop to questioning the church’s refusal of
cars, Tobe continually pushes the boundaries of his Amish faith community. But as
Tobe’s ideas for inventions come up against
delays, his growing debt to fellow church
members raises the stakes. Can the Amish
church support Tobe’s grandiose dreams?
Journey into the world of Emma: A Widow
Among the Amish and follow this true-life
story of a woman left to raise six young children on her own after her world collapsed.
Ervin R. Stutzman, the youngest son of
Emma, paints a fictionalized but ultimately
true story of his mother’s daily struggle to
provide for her children and be faithful to
God. This intimate portrait is a sequel to
Tobias of the Amish.
Follow the real-life journey of Tobias J.
Stutzman from Amish communities in
Oklahoma, through Kansas, and on to
Iowa. Experience repeated heartache, triumph, and tragedy along the way as author
Ervin R. Stutzman, youngest son of Tobias,
paints this fictionalized but ultimately true
story of his father’s life.
Read by the author. Complete and unabridged. 8 compact discs (10 hours, 7
“Emma is a son’s love story for his mother.
It is also a keenly observed, at times
self-conscious, thick description of Amish
folkways and the domestic ordering of life
in an Amish community.”
Read by the author. Complete and unabridged. 8 compact discs (9 hours, 28
“Ervin Stutzman writes with empathy and
respect, acknowledging the strengths of the
man he never knew.”
—Katie Funk Wiebe, author of
The Storekeeper’s Daughter
and You Never Gave Me a Name
—Kimberly D. Schmidt, editor,
Strangers at Home: Amish
and Mennonite Women in History
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Rosanna of the Amish
The Restored Text
Joseph W. Yoder
Julia Spicher Kasdorf,
2008. 358 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9408-1
Rosanna of the Amish
Joseph W. Yoder
Centennial edition 1995
320 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9018-2
Beyond Mist
Blue Mountains
Carrie Bender
2003. 200 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9165-3
Crossings of Promise
Calm before the Storm
Janice L. Dick
2002. 368 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9201-8
No Strange Fire
Ted Wojtasik
1996. 400 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9041-0
Pilgrim Aflame
Myron S. Augsburger
2005. 288 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1840-7
$10.99 USD
A Treasured Friendship
Carrie Bender
Book 4 in the Miriam’s
Journal series
1996. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9033-5
MennoMedia Study Shelf
Many books from MennoMedia can be
used for more than individual inspiration—they’re great for Christian education classes, small groups, and book clubs
too! Order five or more copies of any Herald Press title and save 25%.
Study guides are also available for a number of titles. Find more information at:
Eye of the Storm
Janice L. Dick
2003. 398 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9253-7
Out of the Storm
Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
Janice L. Dick
2004. 380 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9271-1
biography and autobiography
Biography and
Laughter Is
Sacred Space
The Not-So-Typical
Journey of a
Mennonite Actor
Ted Swartz
2012. 280 pages.
Ted Swartz and his Ted & Company
TheaterWorks are known for bringing zany
humor to Bible stories, often pushing the
envelope on issues of faith and social justice.
In this engaging memoir, follow Swartz as
he traces his call to be an actor and comedian from a traditional Mennonite upbringing to his decision in seminary to pursue
acting rather than pastoral ministry. Journey
into the friendship that led to the formation of the popular acting duo Ted & Lee.
This uniquely honest backstage tour of an
artist’s life and mind combines side-splitting
reminiscences, heart-rending accounts of
loss, and touching stories of restored faith
and love.
“In the pages of this book, Ted is vulnerable
and honest again. If you jump in, I promise
you’ll be glad you did.”
—Bart Campolo, neighborhood minister
and Middle East peace activist
“Laughter Is Sacred Space is even funnier
than Mennonite in a Little Black Dress—an
authentic and profound snapshot of what it
means to grow up and live Mennonite.”
—Howard Zehr, professor of restorative
justice, Eastern Mennonite University
biography and autobiography; church history
See pg. 70
Making Friends
among the Taliban
A Peacemaker’s Journey
in Afghanistan
Levi Miller
Third edition 2004. 64 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3582-4
Jonathan P. Larson
2012. 130 pages. Paper.
978-08361-9665-8. $11.99
Audio Download. 978-08361-9687-0
Plain and Amish
An Alternative to
Modern Pessimism
Up from the Rubble
Peter and Elfrieda Dyck
1991. 384 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3559-6
Bernd G. Längin
1994. 416 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3665-4
Real People
Amish and Mennonites
in Lancaster County,
Amish and Old Order
See pg. 17
A. Martha Denlinger
Revised 1993. 96 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3616-6
The Amish
John A. Hostetler
Third edition
Due February 2013. 48 pages.
Paper. 978-08361-9562-0
Who Are the
Amish, Brethren, Hutterites,
and Mennonites
The Amish
Why They Enchant Us
Donald B. Kraybill
2003. 48 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9242-1
Donald B. Kraybill
2003. 48 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9241-4
The Amish in
Their Own Words
Brad Igou
1999. 400 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9123-3
A Legacy of the West
Nickel Mines Amish School
John L. Ruth
Updated for the fifth
Updated 2011. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9573-6
Our People
The Amish and
Mennonites of Ohio
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Church History
See pg. 16
Together in the
Work of the Lord
A History of the
Conservative Mennonite
Nate Yoder
Due Summer 2013
425 pages. Hard.
978-0-8361-9505-7. $34.99
Through Fire
and Water
An Overview of
Mennonite History
Harry Loewen and
Steven M. Nolt
Revised by Steven M. Nolt
Revised 2010. 336 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9506-4
Like a Mustard Seed
Mennonites in Paraguay
Edgar Stoesz
2008. 312 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9420-3
Becoming Anabaptist
The Origin and Significance
of Sixteenth-Century
J. Denny Weaver
Second edition 2005. 274
Paper. 978-0-8361-3434-6
The Anabaptist Vision
Harold S. Bender
1944. 48 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1305-1
The Complete Writings
of Menno Simons
J. C. Wenger, editor, and Leonard
Verduin, translator
1956. 1,090 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9522-4
*Anabaptist Timeline II
Also available in Spanish and
2009. Foldout.
church history
Classics of the Radical
*The Legacy of
Michael Sattler
John Howard Yoder, translator
and editor
Volume 1
1973. 194 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1187-3
*The Writings of
Pilgram Marpeck
William Klassen and Walter
Volume 2
1978. 612 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1205-4
in Outline
Selected Primary Sources
Walter Klaassen, translator
Volume 3
1981. 360 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1241-2
*The Sources of
Swiss Anabaptism
Edited by Leland Harder
Volume 4
1985. 816 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1251-1
*Balthasar Hubmaier
Theologian of Anabaptism
H. Wayne Pipkin and John
Howard Yoder, editors
Volume 5
1989. 608 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3103-1
*The Writings
of Dirk Philips
C. J. Dyck, William E. Keeney, and
Alvin J. Beachy, editors
Volume 6
church history; theology and ethics
*The Anabaptist
Writings of David Joris,
Gary K. Waite, editor
Volume 7
1993. 352 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-3113-0
Studies in Anabaptist and
Mennonite History Series
An Introduction to
Mennonite History
A Popular History of
the Anabaptists and
the Mennonites
Cornelius J. Dyck
Revised third edition 1993.
*The Essential
Fifteen Tracts by Andreas
Bodenstein (Carlstadt)
from Karlstadt
456 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3620-3
E. J. Furcha, translator and editor
*The Life and Thought
of Michael Sattler
Volume 8
C. Arnold Snyder
Volume 27
1995. 452 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-3116-1
*Peter Riedemann’s
Hutterite Confession
of Faith
John J. Friesen, translator
Volume 9
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Lloyd Pietersen
2012. Paper.
1984. 264 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1264-1
The Naked Anabaptist
The Bare Essentials
of a Radical Faith
A Life of Dissent
and Conformity
Stuart Murray
2010. 192 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9517-0
Anabautismo al
Basicas de una Fe
*From Nonresistance
to Justice
The Transformation of
Mennonite Church Peace
Rhetoric, 1908–2008
War, Peace, and
A Classic Statement of a
Mennonite Peace Position
in Faith and Practice
1992. 702 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-3111-6
Reading the Bible
After Christendom
2008. 424 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9423-4
1951. 308 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3086-7
1958. 424 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9511-8
Steve Heinrichs, editor
Due Spring 2013
150 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9689-4. $17.99
Volume 44
Guy F. Hershberger Classics
The Mennonite Church
in the Second World War
The Way of the Cross in
Human Relations
Buffalo Shout,
Salmon Cry
Conversations on Creation,
Land Justice, and Life
Walter Klaassen and William
1999. 272 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3122-2
Fifth edition 2010. 384 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9503-3
See pg. 11
Stuart Murray;
translated by Mauricio
2012. 192 pages.
Ervin R. Stutzman
Volume 46
2011. 600 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-9508-8
Theology and Ethics
See pg. 10
For a Church to Come
Experiments in
Postmodern Theory and
Anabaptist Thought
Peter C. Blum
Due April 2013
200 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9682-5. $21.99
Anabaptist Christians have been around for
almost 500 years. But what does Anabaptism look like when not clothed in Mennonite or Amish traditions? Stuart Murray
peels back the layers to reveal the core
components of Anabaptism—and what
they mean for faith in his context and ours.
It’s a way of following Jesus that challenges,
disturbs, and inspires, summoning us to
wholehearted discipleship and worship.
Now available in Spanish.
theology and ethics
Sexuality: God’s Gift
Anne Krabill Hershberger, editor
Second Edition 2010.
318 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9514-9
Jesus Matters
Good News for the
Twenty-First Century
James R. Krabill and David W.
Shenk, editors
2009. 260 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9448-7
Power and Practices
John Howard Yoder
Jeremy M. Bergen and Anthony
G. Siegrist, editors
2009. 188 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9447-0
All Right Now
Finding Consensus on
Ethical Questions
theology and ethics
Beyond the Law
Living the Sermon
on the Mount
Philip K. Clemens
2007. 224 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9361-9
Neglected Voices
Peace in the Old Testament
Slavery, Sabbath, War,
and Women
Case Issues in Biblical
Blessed Are the Pacifists
The Beatitudes
and Just War Theory
Willard M. Swartley
1983. 368 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3330-1
Thomas Trzyna
2006. 136 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9346-6
At Peace and Unafraid
Public Order, Security, and
the Wisdom of the Cross
Duane K. Friesen and Gerald W.
2005. 456 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9308-4
Reasoning Together
A Conversation on
Rethinking Holy Land
A Study in Salvation
Biblical Interpretation and
Moral Discernment
Willard M. Swartley
2003. 248 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9245-2
Marlin Jeschke
2005. 172 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9317-6
*Doctrines of the Bible
Daniel Kauffman, editor
1928. 640 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3645-6
Polyglossia: Radical
Reformation Theologies
A Precarious Peace
Yoderian Explorations
on Theology, Knowledge,
and Identity
Chris K. Huebner
Volume 1
2006. 252 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9341-1
The Purple Crown
The Politics of Martyrdom
Tripp York
Volume 2
2007. 200 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9393-0
Surprises of the
Christian Way
David W. Shenk
2000. 256 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9133-2
The Upside-Down
Donald B. Kraybill
Updated 2011. 320 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9513-2
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
John Howard Yoder Series
Radical Christian
John Howard Yoder
John C. Nugent, Andy
Alexis-Baker, Branson
Parler, editors
2012. Paper.
A. James Reimer
2003. 108 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9246-9
David A. Leiter
2007. 188 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9385-5
Timothy J. Geddert
2008. 230 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9418-0
Ted Grimsrud and Mark Thiessen
2008. 318 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9430-2
The Dogmatic
The Dynamics
of Christian Belief
Here, finally, is a
collection of John Howard Yoder’s writings
for the rest of us—practical, yet as provocative as ever. Yoder pulls no punches as he
speaks of the Christian’s call to a life that is
drastically different from the pattern of this
world. He raises issues that we often choose
not to speak about in polite company, for
fear of embarrassment at our failure to take
them seriously. Discover Yoder’s invitation
to walk the narrow path of the cross, and to
open ourselves to transformation through
the renewing of our minds.
These early essays and speeches from Anabaptism’s most famous theologian—many
previously unpublished—are formatted and
edited in a fresh presentation for Christians
First volume in the Challenge to the
Church series.
“A good introduction to Yoder for those
who have not yet encountered, or have felt
intimidated by, The Politics of Jesus.”
—Scot McKnight, professor of
New Testament, Northern Seminary
“How desperately we need to hear and
internalize the insights of this spiritual
—Greg Boyd, pastor, Woodland Hills
Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
See pg. 9
Revolutionary Christian
John Howard Yoder
John C. Nugent, Branson Parler,
and Andy Alexis-Baker, editors
Due Spring 2013
150 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9688-7. $15.99
theology and ethics
Things Hold
John Howard
Yoder’s Trinitarian
Theology of
Branson L. Parler
2012. 264 pages.
As an Anabaptist, John Howard Yoder is
often depicted as Christ-centered in his theology but with a creation-deficient approach
to culture. In this clearly reasoned study,
Branson Parler argues that Yoder advocates a Trinitarian theology of culture that
upholds the continuity between God’s work
in creation and in redemption. For Yoder,
Jesus’ humanity makes him directly relevant
to culture while Jesus’ divinity connects him
directly to creation. Yoder’s writings, says
Parler, affirm that Jesus restores and reestablishes the politics of creation.
In Things Hold Together, Parler joins a growing number of writers from outside Anabaptist or Mennonite traditions who are finding
resonance with Yoder, one of the leading
theologians of the 20th century.
“Parler’s portrait of Yoder’s understanding of Christ and culture reveals the gross
distortions of many previous portrayals.
However, this informative book does much
more: it shows Yoder to be offering the
Christian community a way into the future
that embodies love and service while providing a clear witness to the gospel.”
—Mark Thiessen Nation, author of John
Howard Yoder: Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions
theology and ethics
*The End of Sacrifice
The Capital Punishment
Writings of John
Howard Yoder
The Jewish-Christian
Schism Revisited
John Nugent, editor
Paper. 978-0-8361-9464-7
Michael G. Cartwright and Peter
Ochs, editors
2009. 300 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9475-3
Body Politics
Five Practices of the
Christian Community
before the Watching World
The Varieties and
Shortcomings of
Religious Pacifism
2001. 90 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9160-8
Christ and the Powers
Hendrik Berkhof
John Howard Yoder, translator
1977. 80 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1820-9
Revised third edition 1992
192 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3586-2
The Original
Essays on Christian
Second edition 2003
The Christian Witness
to the State
192 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1812-4
92 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9209-4
The Royal Priesthood
Essays Ecclesiological
and Ecumenical
Second edition 2002
A Declaration on Peace
In God’s People the World’s
Renewal Has Begun
Douglas Gwyn, George
Hunsinger, Eugene F. Roop, and
John Howard Yoder, editors
1991. 112 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3541-1
Discipleship as Political
2003. 70 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9255-1
MennoMedia Study Shelf
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First published in 1994
1998. 396 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9114-1
The Schleitheim
John Howard Yoder, editor and
1977. 32 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1831-5
What Would You Do?
Expanded edition 1992
144 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3603-6
He Came
Preaching Peace
1985. 146 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3395-0
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
biblical studies
biblical studies
Biblical Studies
Believers Church Bible Commentary
The Believers Church Bible Commentary (BCBC) is a cooperative project of Brethren in
Christ Church, Brethren Church, Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Brethren Church,
Mennonite Church USA, and Mennonite Church Canada. Available for download from
Logos Bible Software at Many also available on Kindle at amazon
Studies available:
Gordon H. Matties
2012. 528 pages. Paper. 978-0-8361-9567-5. $29.99
In an age of fear and insecurity, in which ethnic nationalism continues to give rise to conflict and war, we dare not avoid critical engagement with biblical texts that have been used to justify colonialism,
conquest, occupation, and ethnic cleansing. Building on the idea
of Scripture as dialogue partner, Gordon Matties advocates for the
book of Joshua even as he engages in a difficult conversation with it.
In his commentary, the 25th volume in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series,
Matties calls for “an openness to the unexpected” in the book of Joshua. He suggests that
reading Joshua carefully will open windows into how and why we read Scripture at all.
“Gordon Matties approaches the book of Joshua, which has been used to justify some
of the most reprehensible behavior in Western history, precisely the way a peace church
scholar should—staring it square in the face.”
—Daniel Smith-Christopher, professor of theological studies,
Loyola Marymount University
Ruth, Jonah, Esther
Eugene F. Roop.
1987. 352 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-3443-8. $24.99
Eugene F. Roop
2002. 304 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9199-8
Douglas B. Miller
2010. 300 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9491-3
James H. Waltner
2006. 836 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9337-4
Ivan D. Friesen
2008. 480 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9440-1
John W. Miller
2004. 352 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9292-6
Elmer A. Martens
1986. 328 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3405-6
Waldemar Janzen
2000. 512 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9134-9
Terry L. Brensinger
2000. 272 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9104-2
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
1&2 Timothy, Titus
Millard C. Lind
1996. 416 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9016-8
Chalmer E. Faw
1993. 336 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3631-9
Paul M. Zehr
2009. 450 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9492-0
1&2 Peter, Jude
Paul M. Lederach
1994. 328 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3663-0
John E. Toews
2004. 464 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9277-3
Hosea, Amos
2 Corinthians
Erland Waltner, 1 Peter
J. Daryl Charles, 2 Peter and
1999. 336 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9118-9
Allen R. Guenther
1998. 434 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9072-4
V. George Shillington
1998. 312 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9073-1
Richard B. Gardner
1991. 448 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3555-8
Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld
2002. 424 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9167-7
Colossians, Philemon
Timothy J. Geddert
2001. 456 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9140-0
Ernest D. Martin
1993. 344 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3621-0
1&2 Thessalonians
See pg. 18
Willard M. Swartley
Due March 2013
800 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9667-2. $34.99
1, 2, 3 John
J. E. McDermond
2011. 346 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9555-2
John R. Yeatts
2003. 524 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9208-7
Believers Church Bible
Commentary Series Set
24 volumes
Jacob W. Elias
1995. 400 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3698-2
biblical studies; peace and justice
Remember the Future
The Pastoral Theology of
Paul the Apostle
Jacob W. Elias
2006. 540 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9323-7
How to Understand
the Bible
David Ewert
2000. 240 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9115-8
A Parsing Guide to the
Greek New Testament
Nathan E. Han
1971. 496 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3693-7
MennoMedia Study Shelf
Many books from MennoMedia can be
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too! Order five or more copies of any Herald Press title and save 25%.
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Many Herald Press titles are
available as ebooks. Find a list at
peace and justice
Peace and Justice
Weaving Life
Making Friends
among the
A Peacemaker’s
Journey in
Jonathan P. Larson
2012. 130 pages.
Also available as an ebook.
In a remote valley north of Kabul in August
2010, American peacemaker Dan Terry
and nine other aid workers were attacked
and killed in an event that made worldwide
headlines. Why would one man take his
family, follow faith and calling into the
political and religious maelstrom of Afghanistan, and—through years of war and
strife—believe he could make a difference?
In Making Friends among the Taliban, childhood friend Jonathan Larson retraces Dan’s
nearly 40 years in Afghanistan and, through
interviews and eyewitness accounts, relays
Dan’s incredible way of daily living. Facing
famine, poverty, prison, and rifle muzzles—
and across three decades of kings, the Red
Army, warlords, the Taliban, and the American-led coalition—Dan found improbable
friendships across the front lines of conflict
and inspired small Afghan communities to
find a better way of life. This inspirational
narrative of Dan’s life and friendships offers
a model for living authentically wherever we
“Larson spins an elegant and exhilarating
tale of heroism, love, recklessness, and altruism played out against one of the world’s
oldest cultures and the longest-running U.S.
—Publishers Weekly starred review
2012. DVD.
Also available as a
American Dan Terry
and his family spent
nearly 40 years devoted to the people, the
culture, and the landscapes of Afghanistan.
Tragically, in August 2010, Dan was among
10 humanitarian aid workers killed in
Weaving Life tells how Dan wove relationships, joy, partnership, and understanding
into his work in Afghanistan—inviting
viewers into stories of how Dan and his
family confronted assumptions, discarded
platitudes, and relentlessly pursued authentic relationships.
Weaving Life was produced by Eastern
Mennonite University film students who
were intrigued by Dan’s commitment and
humility. Their responses to his life story are
interspersed throughout the documentary in
interviews, artwork, and video journals.
“Weaving Life captures the imagination by
inviting viewers into a real-time experience
of transformation. As an evocative depiction
of visual and oral imagery, this work of art
memorably imprints itself on our souls and
helps define who we all are as humans.”
—Dr. Carolyn Stauffer, professor who
spent 17 years in Middle East
See pg. 7
For God and Country
(In That Order)
Logan Mehl-Laituri
Due Fall 2013
250 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9630-6. $14.99.
See pg. 12
Radical Jesus
A Graphic History of Faith
Sandra Sauder and Paul Buhle,
Due Fall 2013
150 pages. Paper.
978-0-8361-9621-4. $24.99
Tongue Screws and
Poems, Stories, and
Essays Inspired by
the Martyrs Mirror
Kirsten Eve Beachy, editor
2010. 312 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9519-4
I Am Not a
Social Activist
Making Jesus the Agenda
Ronald J. Sider
2008. 214 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9396-1
Getting in the Way
Stories from Christian
Peacemaker Teams
Tricia Gates Brown, editor
2005. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9248-3
Changing Paradigms
Punishment and
Restorative Discipline
Paul Redekop
2007. 296 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9387-9
Changing Lenses
A New Focus for
Crime and Justice
Howard Zehr
Third edition 2005
292 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3512-1
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
peace and justice; church life
Enter the River
Jody Miller Shearer
1994. 216 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-3660-9
Set Free
A Journey Toward Solidarity
Against Racism
Tobin Miller Shearer, Regina
Shands Stoltzfus, and Iris
2001. 168 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9157-8
The Journey Toward
John Paul Lederach
1999. 208 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9082-3
Let’s Talk
Communication Skills and
Conflict Transformation
Barry C. Bartel
1999. 80 pages.
Paper. 978-0-87303-340-4
Making Peace
with Conflict
Carolyn Schrock-Shenk and
Lawrence Ressler, editors
1999. 200 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9127-1
Martyrs Mirror
Thieleman J. van Braght
1938. 1,158 pages.
Hard. 978-0-8361-1390-7
Leather Gift Edition
church life
Yahweh Is a Warrior
The Theology of Warfare in
Ancient Israel
Millard C. Lind
1980. 248 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-1233-7
Church Life
The Power
of All
Building a
Sian and Stuart
Murray Williams
2012. 184 pages.
Whenever renewal occurs, everyone in the
church is drawn into involvement in the
church’s mission. But within a generation
or two, vitality wanes and ministry is left
to religious specialists. In The Power of All,
renewal leaders Stuart and Sian Murray
Williams confront this thought-provoking
dilemma by asking: how can a New Testament model help empower and renew the
church in today’s post-Christian society?
Follow the authors as they outline how early
churches were multivoiced, valued the gifts
of all, and expected that the Holy Spirit
would speak through all members of the
community. Discover the growth and opportunities that occur when we nurture the
wider community’s spiritual talents.
“The multivoiced church is an antidote to
the boredom many experience in church,
and also to the growing irregularity of
attendance . . . An important book for
all churches at this time of liminality and
Please Pass
the Faith
The Art of Spiritual
Winds of
the Spirit
A Profile of
Churches in the
Global South
Elsie H. R. Rempel
2012. 134 pages.
By 2030, almost
one-third of North
Americans will be over age 65. How will
this affect the church? Author Elsie Rempel believes that the swelling ranks of new
seniors represent a huge spiritual resource.
In Please Pass the Faith she draws from real
life and from Christian formation experts in
helping seniors and other adults foster relationships with children and youth. She also
offers practical ideas for integrating children
and youth into church life—all the while
nurturing one’s own spiritual life as an elder.
“This book is a delightful medley of theories, stories, and personal experiences that
Elsie Rempel uses to impart her wisdom
about how grandparents (whether biological or honorary) can pass on the faith. And
in the process, seniors will discover that
their faith can in turn be shaped by the
young people in their lives.”
—David M. Csinos, author of
Children’s Ministry That Fits
Conrad Kanagy,
Tilahun Beyene, and
Richard Showalter
2012. Paper.
This groundbreaking study asserts that the
Anabaptist churches of the Global South
have more in common with Christian communities of the first three centuries than
with today’s North American and European
churches who identify with Anabaptists.
With data from 18,000 church members
in 10 countries, they show how historical
patterns of renewal are repeating themselves
today in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
The study does more than crunch statistics;
it probes the sources and nature of the renewal and growth. And it pushes readers to
ask what these trends can teach the church
of the North in its own quest for faithfulness and vitality.
“Winds of the Spirit should prompt the
Mennonite church in North America to reassess its place within the larger movement
of God’s Spirit in the world. I recommend it
—John D. Roth, professor of history,
Goshen College, and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism
“Winds of the Spirit reminds us that Anabaptists in the South have much to teach
us about how to reshape and revitalize Anabaptism in the North.”
—Juan Francisco Martínez, associate
provost for diversity and international
programs, Fuller Theological Seminary
—Anne Wilkinson-Hayes,
acting director of ministries,
Baptist Union of Victoria, Australia
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
church life; church membership—Mennonite beliefs
Go to Church,
Change the
Community as
Gerald J. Mast
2012. 192 pages.
In a time when many are questioning the
relevance of the church to their spiritual
journeys, this book asserts that “going to
church”—not just personal virtue or ethics—is at the heart of Christian vocation.
Drawing on Anabaptist life and conviction,
Mast presents Christ’s call to all believers to
be the church, whether gathered for worship
or scattered for service.
By exploring such practices as baptism,
communion, singing, and group discernment, he asks us to consider how participation in the life of the church shapes our
daily witness—how “going to church”
transforms “going to work” in the world
that God loves.
Widening the Circle
Experiments in
Christian Discipleship
Joanna Shenk, editor
2011. 225 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9619-1
Worship and Mission
After Christendom
Alan Kreider and Eleanor Kreider
2011. 328 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9554-5
$19.99 USD/$22.99 CAD
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and Eleanor Kreider
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and Practice
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1, 2, 3 John................................................... 69
1&2 Peter, Jude............................................. 69
1&2 Thessalonians........................................ 69
1&2 Timothy, Titus...................................... 69
2 Corinthians................................................ 69
101 Devotionals with Children..................... 52
Acts............................................................... 69
Adult Bible Study.......................................... 30
Advent, Acts, and Apocalypse DVD.............. 44
Albrecht, Elizabeth Soto
Seek Peace and Pursue It............................ 34
All Right Now............................................... 64
Amish Alphabet, An...................................... 54
Amish in Their Own Words, The.................. 60
Amish, The.............................................. 17, 60
Amish, The
A People of Preservation DVD.................. 43
Back Roads to Heaven DVD..................... 43
How They Survive DVD........................... 43
Why They Enchant Us.............................. 60
Anabaptism in Outline.................................. 62
Anabaptists Meeting Muslims....................... 77
Anabaptist Timeline II.................................. 61
Anabaptist Vision, The.................................. 61
Anabaptist Writings of David Joris, The........ 62
Anabautismo al Desnudo........................ 63, 79
At Peace and Unafraid................................... 64
Augsburger, Myron S.
Fugitive: Menno Simons, The.................... 59
Pilgrim Aflame........................................... 59
Bair, Ray and Lillian Bair
God’s Managers......................................... 76
Balmer, Bruce H.
Meeting Our Multifaith Neighbors............ 77
Balthasar Hubmaier....................................... 62
Bartel, Barry C.
Let’s Talk................................................... 72
Bauman, Elizabeth H.
Coals of Fire.............................................. 56
Beach, Mark and Julie Kauffman
Simply in Season Children’s Cookbook...... 50
Beachy, Kirsten Eve, editor
Tongue Screws and Testimonies................. 71
Becoming Anabaptist.................................... 61
Beggars’ Bible, The........................................ 57
Beginning the Christian Life......................... 75
Beginning the Christian Life Teacher’s Guide
.................................................................. 75
Being God’s People........................................ 35
Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice............ 74
Believers Church Bible Commentary Series Set
.................................................................. 69
Bender, Carrie
Beyond Mist Blue Mountains.................... 59
Treasured Friendship, A............................. 59
Bender, Esther
Elisabeth and the Windmill....................... 56
Bender, Harold S.
Anabaptist Vision, The.............................. 61
Bergen, Jeremy M. and Anthony G. Siegrist,
Power and Practices................................... 64
Berkhof, Hendrik
Christ and the Powers................................ 66
Beyond Me.............................................. 29, 75
Beyond Mist Blue Mountains........................ 59
Beyond the Law............................................ 64
Beyond the News DVD Series
Facing Death............................................. 43
Money....................................................... 43
Parenting Adolescents................................ 43
Racism....................................................... 43
Sexual Abuse.............................................. 43
The Death Penalty..................................... 43
TV Violence.............................................. 43
Bible Smuggler, The...................................... 57
Blessed Are the Pacifists................................. 64
Blum, Peter C.
For a Church to Come......................... 10, 63
Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering
World.......................................................... 5
Body and Soul............................................... 33
Body Politics................................................. 66
Boers, Arthur
Day by Day These Things We Pray............ 51
Boers, Arthur Paul, Barbara Nelson
Gingerich, Eleanor Kreider, John D.
Rempel, and Mary H. Schertz, compilers
Take Our Moments and Our Days............ 51
Take Our Moments and Our Days
(Volume 2)................................................ 51
Brandt, Gareth
Under Construction.................................. 52
Breeze, Cindy Massanari
Dive: Devotions for Deeper Living............ 51
Brenneman, Diane Zaerr, editor
Words for Worship 2................................. 37
Brenneman, Terri J. Plank
Wonderfully Made ...................................... 4
Brensinger, Terry L.
Judges........................................................ 68
Bridge to Forgiveness DVD........................... 43
Brown, Tricia Gates, editor
Getting in the Way.................................... 71
Brubaker, Shirley Yoder, editor
Reinventing Aging..................................... 54
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry..................... 11, 63
Burdette, Patricia
Your Treasure, Your Heart.......................... 34
Burkholder, Ginnie Horst
Relentless Goodbye.................................... 53
Calm before the Storm.................................. 59
Cambiando de Lente..................................... 79
Carr, G. Lloyd and Gwendolyn Carr
Fierce Goodbye.......................................... 53
Cartwright, Michael G. and Peter Ochs,
Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited, The..... 67
Changing Lenses........................................... 71
Changing Paradigms..................................... 71
Charles, J. Daryl and Erland Waltner
1&2 Peter, Jude......................................... 69
Chenlo, Mauricio, translator
Anabautismo al Desnudo..................... 63, 79
Children’s Illustrated Bible............................ 55
Christ and the Powers................................... 66
Christians Meeting Muslims Series, The........ 77
Christian View of Hospitality, A.................... 76
Christian Witness to the State, The............... 66
Church and Sunday School Hymnal............. 38
Church Hymnal............................................ 38
Church Planting............................................ 78
Claiming Faith: Youth Discover the Confession
of Faith.......................................... 13, 29, 75
Classen, Susan
Freely You Have Received, Freely Give....... 34
Clemens, James E.
With Heart and Hands.............................. 38
Clemens, Philip K.
Beyond the Law......................................... 64
Close to Home Christian Care Pamphlets..... 39
Cloud of Witnesses DVD.............................. 44
Coals of Fire.................................................. 56
Colossians, Philemon.................................... 69
Complete Writings of Menno Simons, The... 61
Confesión de Fe en una Perspectiva Menonita
.................................................................. 79
Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective
.................................................................. 75
Courageous Women of the Bible............... 8, 34
Creating a Scene in Corinth.................... 20, 32
Creating Communities of the Kingdom........ 78
Creation, Chaos, and Covenant DVD........... 44
Dancing Through Thistles in Bare Feet.......... 75
Daniel........................................................... 69
Dark Night, The............................................ 76
Davis, Melodie M.
Whatever Happened to Dinner?................ 52
Day by Day These Things We Pray................ 51
de Angeli, Marguerite
Henner’s Lydia........................................... 55
Skippack School........................................ 55
Thee, Hannah!........................................... 55
Yonie Wondernose..................................... 55
Decide for Peace............................................ 29
Declaration on Peace, A................................ 66
deLeon-Hartshorn, Iris, Tobin Miller Shearer
and Regina Shands Stoltzfus
Set Free...................................................... 72
Deliverance, Dysfunction, and Destiny DVD
.................................................................. 44
Denlinger, A. Martha
Real People................................................ 61
Dick, Janice L.
Calm before the Storm.............................. 59
Eye of the Storm........................................ 59
Out of the Storm....................................... 59
Dig In..................................................... 19, 32
Dig into the Bible......................................... 39
Discipleship as Political Responsibility.......... 66
Dive: Devotions for Deeper Living................ 51
Doctor in Rags.............................................. 57
Doctrines of the Bible................................... 64
Dogmatic Imagination, The.......................... 65
Don’t Be Afraid............................................. 55
Don’t Sit on Your Stuff DVD........................ 43
DoveTale DVD............................................. 44
Drescher, John M.
Seven Things Children Need....................... 2
Driver, John
Images of the Church in Mission............... 78
Dutt, Krista
Merge: A Guidebook for Youth Service Trips
.................................................................. 29
Dyck, C. J., William E. Keeney, and Alvin J.
Beachy, editors
Writings of Dirk Philips, The..................... 62
Dyck, Cornelius J.
Introduction to Mennonite History, An..... 63
Dyck, Peter and Elfrieda Dyck
Up from the Rubble.................................. 60
Dyck, Peter J.
Getting Home before Dark........................ 54
Ecclesiastes.................................................... 68
Elias, Jacob W.
1&2 Thessalonians..................................... 69
Remember the Future................................... 70
Elisabeth and the Windmill........................... 56
Embracing Aging DVD................................. 42
Emma: A Widow Among the Amish............. 58
Encounter the Word...................................... 39
End of Sacrifice, The..................................... 66
Engaging Anabaptism................................... 76
English Teaching as Christian Mission........... 78
Enter the River.............................................. 72
Ephesians...................................................... 69
Essential Carlstadt, The................................. 62
Ewert, David
How to Understand the Bible.................... 70
Exodus.......................................................... 68
Extending the Table....................................... 50
Eye of the Storm............................................ 59
Ezekiel........................................................... 69
Fast Lane Bible Studies.................................. 29
Faw, Chalmer E.
Acts........................................................... 69
Fierce Goodbye............................................. 53
Fierce Goodbye DVD................................... 42
Finding Hope in Recovery DVD................... 42
Finding Our Way Home............................... 78
Finger, Reta Halteman and George D.
Creating a Scene in Corinth................ 20, 32
Firstfruits Living............................................ 76
Fish-Eyes DVD............................................. 44
For a Church to Come............................ 10, 63
Forgiveness: A Legacy of the West Nickel
Mines Amish School.................................. 60
For God and Country (In That Order)...... 7, 71
Forming Christian Habits in Post-Christendom
.................................................................. 74
For the Beauty of the Earth........................... 34
Freely You Have Received, Freely Give.......... 34
Friesen, Duane K. and Gerald W. Schlabach
At Peace and Unafraid............................... 64
Friesen, Ivan D.
Isaiah......................................................... 68
Friesen, John J., translator
Peter Riedemann’s Hutterite Confession of
Faith.......................................................... 62
Friesen, Patty
For the Beauty of the Earth........................ 34
From Nonresistance to Justice....................... 63
Fugitive: Menno Simons, The....................... 59
Fun Bible Skits.............................................. 28
Furcha, E. J., translator and editor
Essential Carlstadt, The............................. 62
Gardner, Richard B.
Matthew.................................................... 69
Gather ’Round Bible Curriculum.................. 24
Geddert, Timothy J.
All Right Now........................................... 64
Mark......................................................... 69
Generation Why Bible Studies...................... 29
Genesis.......................................................... 68
Gentle Wind of God, A................................. 77
Getting Home before Dark........................... 54
Getting in the Way........................................ 71
Global Gods.................................................. 78
God’s Call to Mission.................................... 78
God’s Managers............................................. 76
God’s Story, Our Story...................... 15, 35, 75
Good Ground Bible Studies.......................... 34
Go to Church, Change the World................. 74
Grief and Sexuality........................................ 53
Grimsrud, Ted and Mark Thiessen Nation
Reasoning Together................................... 64
Gross, Leonard, translator
Prayer Book for Earnest Christians............ 52
Guenther, Allen R.
Hosea, Amos............................................. 69
Gwyn, Douglas, George Hunsinger, Eugene
F. Roop, and John Howard Yoder, editors
Declaration on Peace, A............................. 66
Haile, Ahmed Ali and David W. Shenk
Teatime in Mogadishu............................... 77
Han, Nathan E.
Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament,
A............................................................... 70
Harder, Gary
Dancing Through Thistles in Bare Feet...... 75
Harder, Jeannette
Let the Children Come.............................. 75
Harder, Leland, editor
Sources of Swiss Anabaptism, The.............. 62
Hartzler, Rachel Nafziger
Grief and Sexuality.................................... 53
Healing Grief, A............................................ 53
Heart Strangely Warmed, A........................... 57
He Came Preaching Peace............................. 66
Heinrichs, Steve, editor
Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry.................. 11, 63
Henner’s Lydia.............................................. 55
Henry’s Red Sea............................................ 56
Hershberger, Anne Krabill, editor
Sexuality: God’s Gift.................................. 64
Hershberger, Guy F.
Mennonite Church in the Second World
War, The.................................................... 62
War, Peace, and Nonresistance................... 62
Way of the Cross in Human Relations, The
.................................................................. 62
Hershberger, Michele
Christian View of Hospitality, A................ 76
God’s Story, Our Story................... 15, 35, 75
Hess, Ingrid
Amish Alphabet, An.................................. 54
Sleep in Peace............................................ 55
Walk in Peace............................................ 55
High Price for Abundant Living, A............... 76
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Hockman-Wert, Cathleen and Mary Beth
Simply in Season (Expanded Edition)........ 50
Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and
Moral Discernment................................... 64
Hosea, Amos................................................. 69
Hostetler, Jep
Joy Factor, The........................................... 52
Hostetler, John A.
Amish, The.......................................... 17, 60
Howard Zehr
Cambiando de Lente................................. 79
How to Understand the Bible........................ 70
Huebner, Chris K.
Precarious Peace, A.................................... 65
Hunger No More DVD................................ 42
Hymnal: A Worship Book............................. 37
Accompaniment Handbook....................... 37
Bookplates................................................. 38
Companion............................................... 37
Cover......................................................... 37
Large Print Edition.................................... 37
Pew Edition............................................... 37
Hymnal Masterworks
Christmas Sampler CD.............................. 47
Let All Who Thirst CD.............................. 47
Organ and Instruments CD....................... 47
Songs to Live By II CD............................. 47
I Am Not a Social Activist............................. 71
Igou, Brad
Amish in Their Own Words, The............... 60
Images of the Church in Mission................... 78
Ink on His Fingers......................................... 57
Introduction to Mennonite History, An........ 63
Isaiah............................................................. 68
Jackson, Dave and Neta
On Fire for Christ...................................... 56
James, Leslie and Karmen Krahn
Proclamation by Design............................. 37
Janzen, Waldemar
Exodus....................................................... 68
Jeremiah........................................................ 68
Jeschke, Marlin
Rethinking Holy Land............................... 64
Jesus Matters................................................. 64
Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited, The......... 67
John........................................................ 18, 69
John D. Roth Trilogy.................................... 74
Johnson, Sarah Kathleen
Youth Worship Source Book...................... 37
Joshua........................................................... 68
Journeys of the Muslim Nation and the
Christian Church....................................... 77
Journey toward Forgiveness DVD................. 42
Journey Toward Reconciliation, The.............. 72
Joy Factor, The.............................................. 52
Judges............................................................ 68
Kaethler, Andy Brubacher and Bob Yoder,
Youth Ministry at a Crossroads.................. 75
Kanagy, Conrad, Tilahun Beyene, and
Richard Showalter
Winds of the Spirit.................................... 73
Kateregga, Badru D. and David W. Shenk
Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, A..... 77
Kauffman, Daniel, editor
Doctrines of the Bible................................ 64
Kauffman, Julie and Mark Beach
Simply in Season Children’s Cookbook...... 50
Kehrber, Sarah, content editor
Mennonite Handbook, The....................... 74
Key to the Prison........................................... 57
Kids Can Be Blessed...................................... 28
Kids Can Build Bridges................................. 28
Kids Can Catch the Love........................ 22, 27
Kids Can Dig the Bible................................. 28
Kids Can Get It Right................................... 28
Kids Can Know the Way......................... 22, 27
Kids Can Live Upside-Down......................... 28
Kids Can Make Peace.................................... 28
Klaassen, Walter and William Klassen
Marpeck: A Life of Dissent and Conformity
.................................................................. 63
Klaassen, Walter, translator
Anabaptism in Outline.............................. 62
Klassen, William and Walter Klaassen
Writings of Pilgram Marpeck, The............. 62
Krabill, James and Stuart Murray, editors
Forming Christian Habits in PostChristendom............................................. 74
Krabill, James R. and David W. Shenk,
Jesus Matters.............................................. 64
Krabill, James R., David W. Shenk, and
Linford Stutzman, editors
Anabaptists Meeting Muslims.................... 77
Krabill, Russell
Beginning the Christian Life...................... 75
Beginning the Christian Life Teacher’s Guide
.................................................................. 75
Krahn, Karmen and Leslie James
Proclamation by Design 37
Kraybill, Donald B.
Amish: Why They Enchant Us, The........... 60
Upside-Down Kingdom, The.................... 65
Who Are the Anabaptists?.......................... 61
Krehbiel, June Galle
101 Devotionals with Children 52
Kreider, Alan
Worship and Mission After Christendom
.................................................................. 74
Kreider, Eleanor
Worship and Mission After Christendom
.................................................................. 74
Kropf, Marlene and Eddy Hall, editors
Praying with the Anabaptists..................... 52
Kropf, Marlene and Kenneth Nafziger
Singing: A Mennonite Voice...................... 37
Kropf, Marlene, Rebecca Slough, and June
Alliman Yoder
Preparing Sunday Dinner.......................... 37
Längin, Bernd G.
Plain and Amish........................................ 61
Larson, Jonathan P.
Making Friends among the Taliban...... 60, 70
Lasting Marriage........................................... 52
Laughter Is Sacred Space............................... 60
Leader........................................................... 36
Lederach, John Paul
Journey Toward Reconciliation, The.......... 72
Lederach, Paul M.
Daniel....................................................... 69
Legacy of Michael Sattler, The....................... 62
Leiter, David A.
Neglected Voices........................................ 64
Let Justice Roll Down................................... 34
Let’s Talk....................................................... 72
Let the Children Come................................. 75
Life and Thought of Michael Sattler, The...... 63
Like a Mustard Seed...................................... 61
Lind, Mary Beth and Cathleen HockmanWert
Simply in Season (Expanded Edition)........ 50
Lind, Millard C.
Ezekiel....................................................... 69
Yahweh Is a Warrior................................... 72
Living More with Less (Revised).................... 76
Loewen, Harry and Steven M. Nolt
Through Fire and Water............................. 61
Loewen, Wendell J.
Beyond Me.......................................... 29, 75
Longacre, Doris Janzen
Living More with Less (Revised)................ 76
More-with-Less Cookbook (Updated
Edition)..................................................... 50
Long Road Back, The DVD.......................... 42
Louise A. Vernon’s Religious Heritage Series
.................................................................. 57
Ludwig, Charles
Michael Faraday, Father of Electronics....... 56
MacMaster, Eve B.
Children’s Illustrated Bible......................... 55
MacMaster, Richard K. with Donald R.
Gentle Wind of God, A............................. 77
Maendel, Rachel
Rachel, a Hutterite Girl............................. 55
Making Disciples..................................... 35, 75
Making Friends among the Taliban......... 60, 70
Making Peace with Conflict.......................... 72
Man Who Laid the Egg, The......................... 57
Mark............................................................. 69
Mark, Arlene M.
Words for Worship.................................... 37
Marpeck: A Life of Dissent and Conformity
.................................................................. 63
Martens, Elmer A.
Jeremiah.................................................... 68
Martin, Ernest D.
Colossians, Philemon................................. 69
Martyrs Mirror.............................................. 72
Mast, Gerald J.
Go to Church, Change the World............. 74
Matthew........................................................ 69
Matties, Gordon H.
Joshua........................................................ 68
McClain, George D. and Reta Halteman
Creating a Scene in Corinth................ 20, 32
McDermond, J. E.
1, 2, 3 John................................................ 69
Meeting Our Multifaith Neighbors............... 77
Mehl-Laituri, Logan
For God and Country (In That Order)
.............................................................. 7, 71
Mennonite Church in the Second World War,
The............................................................ 62
Mennonite Community Cookbook............... 50
Mennonite Confession of Faith (1963)......... 75
Mennonite Country-Style Recipes................. 50
Mennonite Girls Can Cook........................... 50
Mennonite Girls Can Cook Celebrations
.............................................................. 4, 50
Mennonite Handbook, The........................... 74
Mennonite Hour Music
18 Most Loved Hymns CD....................... 46
30 Men Sing CD....................................... 47
Abide With Me CD................................... 46
A Cappella Christmas, Second Edition CD
.................................................................. 46
All Nature Sings CD.................................. 46
A Symphony of Hymns CD...................... 47
Breathe on Me, Breath of God CD............ 46
Easter Hallelujah! CD................................ 46
Favorite Hymns CD.................................. 46
Good News! CD........................................ 46
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Hallelujah! Amen! CD............................... 46
Hymns of Rejoicing CD............................ 46
Invitation CD............................................ 46
Magnify the Lord CD................................ 46
Singing in the Spirit CD............................ 47
Sing Them Over Again CD....................... 46
Songs of Inspiration CD............................ 47
Merge: A Guidebook for Youth Service Trips
.................................................................. 29
Meyer, Mary Clemens
Walking with Jesus..................................... 55
Meyer, Mary Clemens and Susanna Meyer
Saving the Seasons..................................... 50
Michael Faraday, Father of Electronics........... 56
Miller, Douglas B.
Ecclesiastes................................................ 68
Miller, John W.
Proverbs..................................................... 68
Miller, Levi
Our People................................................ 61
Miller, Lynn A.
Firstfruits Living........................................ 76
Viviendo las Primicias................................ 79
More-with-Less Cookbook (Updated Edition)
.................................................................. 50
Morrow, David M.
Fun Bible Skits.......................................... 28
Murray, Stuart
Anabautismo al Desnudo..................... 63, 79
Church Planting........................................ 78
Naked Anabaptist, The.............................. 63
Planting Churches in the 21st Century...... 77
Murray Williams, Sian and Stuart
Power of All, The....................................... 72
Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, A......... 77
My Bible Reading Chart................................ 39
Nafziger, Kenneth and Marlene Kropf
Singing: A Mennonite Voice...................... 37
Nafziger, Kenneth, director
Sing the Journey 2 CD.............................. 47
Sing the Journey CD................................. 47
Sing the Story 2 CD.................................. 47
Sing the Story CD..................................... 47
Naked Anabaptist, The.................................. 63
Nation, Mark Thiessen and Ted Grimsrud
Reasoning Together................................... 64
Neglected Voices........................................... 64
Neufeld, Hugo and Doreen Neufeld
North End Lives, The................................ 77
Neufeld, Thomas R. Yoder
Ephesians................................................... 69
Nevertheless.................................................. 67
Noe, Killian
Finding Our Way Home 78
Nolt, Steven M. and Harry Loewen
Through Fire and Water............................. 61
North End Lives, The.................................... 77
No Strange Fire............................................. 59
Nugent, John C., Branson Parler, and Andy
Alexis-Baker, editors
Radical Christian Discipleship................... 65
Revolutionary Christian Citizenship...... 9, 65
Nugent, John, editor
End of Sacrifice, The.................................. 66
Nurturing Spirit through Song DVD...... 37, 44
On Fire for Christ......................................... 56
On the Way with Jesus.................................. 77
Original Revolution, The............................... 67
Our People.................................................... 61
Out of the Storm........................................... 59
Parler, Branson L.
Things Hold Together................................ 66
Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, A
.................................................................. 70
Pax Service DVD.......................................... 42
Peace DVD................................................... 43
Peachey, Linda Gehman
Courageous Women of the Bible........... 8, 34
Peter and the Pilgrims................................... 57
Peter Riedemann’s Hutterite Confession of
Faith.......................................................... 62
Pietersen, Lloyd
Reading the Bible After Christendom........ 63
Pilgrim Aflame.............................................. 59
Pipkin, H. Wayne and John Howard Yoder,
Balthasar Hubmaier................................... 62
Plain and Amish............................................ 61
Plant a Seed of Peace..................................... 56
Planting Churches in the 21st Century......... 77
Please Pass the Faith................................ 53, 73
Power and Practices....................................... 64
Power of All, The........................................... 72
Practices: Mennonite Worship and Witness... 74
Practicing Truth............................................ 78
Prayer Book for Earnest Christians................ 52
Praying with the Anabaptists......................... 52
Precarious Peace, A........................................ 65
Preparing Sunday Dinner.............................. 37
Proclamation by Design................................ 37
Proverbs........................................................ 68
Psalms........................................................... 68
Purple Crown, The........................................ 65
Purpose......................................................... 36
Quick ’n Easy Bible Plans.............................. 28
Quills............................................................ 54
Sacred Pauses............................................. 6, 51
Sauder, Sandra and Paul Buhle, editors
Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith
.................................................................. 12
Saving the Seasons......................................... 50
Schellenberg, Lovella, Anneliese Friesen,
Judy Wiebe, Betty Reimer, Bev Klassen,
Charlotte Penner, Ellen Bayles, Julie
Klassen, Kathy McLellan, and Marg Bartel
Mennonite Girls Can Cook....................... 50
Mennonite Girls Can Cook Celebrations
.............................................................. 4, 50
Schlabach, Gerald W. and Duane K. Friesen
At Peace and Unafraid............................... 64
Schlabach, Joetta Handrich
Extending the Table................................... 50
Schleitheim Confession, The......................... 67
Schrock, Daniel P.
Dark Night, The........................................ 76
Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn and Lawrence
Ressler, editors
Making Peace with Conflict....................... 72
Second Mile.................................................. 34
Secret Church, The........................................ 57
Seek Peace and Pursue It................................ 34
Seiling, Rebecca
Let Justice Roll Down................................ 34
Plant a Seed of Peace.................................. 56
Seiling, Rebecca and Cindy Snider
Don’t Be Afraid.......................................... 55
Sensing Peace................................................ 54
Set Free......................................................... 72
Setting the Agenda........................................ 51
Seven Things Children Need......................... 52
Sexuality: God’s Gift..................................... 64
Shadow Voices DVD..................................... 42
Shank, Esther H.
Mennonite Country-Style Recipes............. 50
Shearer, Jody Miller
Enter the River.......................................... 72
Shearer, Tobin Miller, Regina Shands
Stoltzfus, and Iris deLeon-Hartshorn
Set Free...................................................... 72
Shenk, David W.
Global Gods.............................................. 78
God’s Call to Mission................................ 78
Journeys of the Muslim Nation and the
Christian Church....................................... 77
Surprises of the Christian Way................... 65
Shenk, David W. and Ahmed Ali Haile
Teatime in Mogadishu............................... 77
Shenk, David W. and Badru D. Kateregga
Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, A..... 77
Shenk, David W. and Ervin R. Stutzman
Creating Communities of the Kingdom.... 78
Rachel, a Hutterite Girl................................. 55
Radical Christian Discipleship....................... 65
Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith...... 12
Radicals, The DVD....................................... 44
Ratzlaff, Aaron J.
Quills........................................................ 54
Reading the Bible After Christendom............ 63
Read the Book............................................... 39
Real Life. Real Families................................. 32
Real People.................................................... 61
Reasoning Together....................................... 64
Redekop, Paul
Changing Paradigms.................................. 71
Reimer, A. James
Dogmatic Imagination, The....................... 65
Reinventing Aging......................................... 54
Reinventing Aging DVD............................... 54
Rejoice!......................................................... 36
Relentless Goodbye....................................... 53
Remember the Future................................... 70
Rempel, Elsie H. R.
Please Pass the Faith............................. 53, 73
Rempel, Henry
High Price for Abundant Living, A............ 76
Rethinking Holy Land.................................. 64
Revelation..................................................... 69
Revolutionary Christian Citizenship................ 9
Rhythms of Peace DVD................................ 28
Romans......................................................... 69
Roop, Eugene F.
Genesis...................................................... 68
Ruth, Jonah, Esther....................................... 68
Rosanna of the Amish................................... 59
Rosanna of the Amish, The Restored Text..... 59
Roth, John D.
Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice........ 74
Practices: Mennonite Worship and Witness
.................................................................. 74
Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be....... 74
Teaching That Transforms.......................... 75
Roth, John D., editor
Engaging Anabaptism................................ 76
Royal Priesthood, The................................... 67
Ruth, John
Forgiveness: A Legacy of the West Nickel
Mines Amish School.................................. 60
Ruth, Jonah, Esther....................................... 68
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
Shenk, Joanna, editor
Widening the Circle.................................. 74
Shillington, V. George
2 Corinthians............................................ 69
Showalter, Mary Emma
Mennonite Community Cookbook........... 50
Showalter, Richard
On the Way with Jesus............................... 77
Showalter, Richard and Jewel Showalter
Silk Road Pilgrimage, A................................. 77
Showalter, Shirley Hershey
Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering
World.......................................................... 5
Sider, Ronald J.
I Am Not a Social Activist......................... 71
Silk Road Pilgrimage, A................................. 77
Simply in Season Children’s Cookbook......... 50
Simply in Season (Expanded Edition)........... 50
Singing: A Mennonite Voice.......................... 37
Sing the Journey............................................ 38
Accompaniment Packet............................. 38
Sing the Journey 2 CD.................................. 47
Sing the Journey CD..................................... 47
Sing the Story................................................ 38
Sing the Story 2 CD...................................... 47
Sing the Story CD......................................... 47
Skippack School............................................ 55
Slavery, Sabbath, War, and Women............... 65
Sleep in Peace................................................ 55
Slough, Rebecca June Alliman Yoder, and
Marlene Kropf
Preparing Sunday Dinner.......................... 37
Smith, Hugh Alan
When Lightning Strikes............................. 56
Smucker, Barbara
Henry’s Red Sea......................................... 56
Snider, Cindy and Rebecca Seiling
Don’t Be Afraid.......................................... 55
Snow, Don
English Teaching as Christian Mission....... 78
Snyder, C. Arnold
Life and Thought of Michael Sattler, The... 63
Sources of Swiss Anabaptism, The................. 62
Springs of Living Water 76
Stiffney, Rick M. and Edgar Stoesz
Setting the Agenda..................................... 51
Stoesz, Edgar
Like a Mustard Seed.................................. 61
Stoesz, Edgar and Rick M. Stiffney
Setting the Agenda..................................... 51
Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be........... 74
Stuckey, Anne
Training Ministry Teams............................ 76
Stutzman, Ervin R.
Being God’s People.................................... 35
Emma: A Widow Among the Amish......... 58
From Nonresistance to Justice.................... 63
Tobias of the Amish................................... 58
Stutzman, Ervin R. and David W. Shenk
Creating Communities of the Kingdom.... 78
Stutzman, Linford and David W. Shenk,
Practicing Truth......................................... 78
Surprises of the Christian Way...................... 65
Swartley, Willard M.
Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and
Moral Discernment................................... 64
John..................................................... 18, 69
Slavery, Sabbath, War, and Women............ 65
Swartz, Ted
Laughter Is Sacred Space............................ 60
Take Our Moments and Our Days................ 51
Take Our Moments and Our Days (Volume 2)
.................................................................. 51
Teaching That Transforms............................. 75
Teatime in Mogadishu................................... 77
Ted & Company
Advent, Acts, and Apocalypse DVD.......... 44
Bridge to Forgiveness DVD....................... 43
Creation, Chaos, and Covenant DVD....... 44
Deliverance, Dysfunction, and Destiny
DVD......................................................... 44
Don’t Sit On Your Stuff DVD................... 43
DoveTale DVD......................................... 44
Fish-Eyes DVD.......................................... 44
Vocation! Vocation! Vocation! DVD.......... 43
Tent of Meeting...................................... 29, 76
Thee, Hannah!............................................... 55
Things Hold Together................................... 66
Thomas, Marlin E., editor
Transforming Conflict in Your Church...... 76
Through Fire and Water................................ 61
Thunderstorm in Church.............................. 57
Timna........................................................... 56
Tirzah........................................................... 56
Tobias of the Amish...................................... 58
Toews, John E.
Romans..................................................... 69
Together in the Work of the Lord............ 16, 61
Tongue Screws and Testimonies..................... 71
Training Ministry Teams............................... 76
Transforming Conflict in Your Church.......... 76
Travis, Lucille
Timna........................................................ 56
Tirzah........................................................ 56
Treasured Friendship, A................................. 59
Trzyna, Thomas
Blessed Are the Pacifists............................. 64
Under Construction...................................... 52
Up from the Rubble...................................... 60
Upside-Down Kingdom, The........................ 65
Vacation Bible School 2013: Breathe It In..... 26
van Braght, Thieleman J.
Martyrs Mirror.......................................... 72
Via: Exploring the Way of Christ.................. 35
Viviendo las Primicias................................... 79
Vocation! Vocation! Vocation! DVD.............. 43
Waging Peace DVD...................................... 42
Waite, Gary K, editor
Anabaptist Writings of David Joris, The..... 62
Walking with Jesus........................................ 55
Walk in Peace................................................ 55
Waltner, Erland and J. Daryl Charles
1&2 Peter, Jude......................................... 69
Waltner, James H.
Psalms 68
War, Peace, and Nonresistance....................... 62
Way of the Cross in Human Relations, The... 62
Weaver, J. Denny
Becoming Anabaptist................................. 61
Weaver-Zercher, Valerie, editor
Living More with Less (Revised)................ 76
Weaving Life DVD................................. 42, 71
Wee Wonder................................................. 27
Wengerd, Sara
Healing Grief, A........................................ 53
Wenger, J. C.
What Mennonites Believe.......................... 75
Wenger, J. C., editor
Complete Writings of Menno Simons, The
.................................................................. 61
Whatever Happened to Dinner?.................... 52
What Mennonites Believe............................. 75
What Would You Do?................................... 67
When Lightning Strikes................................ 56
White, Julie Ellison
Tent of Meeting................................... 29, 76
Who Are the Anabaptists?............................. 61
Who Are the Mennonites? DVD................... 44
Widening the Circle...................................... 74
Winds of the Spirit........................................ 73
With Heart and Hands................................. 38
With the Word
Acts..................................................... 21, 33
Isaiah......................................................... 33
John..................................................... 21, 33
Luke.......................................................... 33
Matthew.................................................... 33
Psalms........................................................ 33
Wojtasik, Ted
No Strange Fire.......................................... 59
Wonderfully Made........................................ 34
Words for Worship........................................ 37
Words for Worship 2..................................... 37
Worship and Mission After Christendom...... 74
Worship Bulletins.......................................... 38
Writings of Dirk Philips, The........................ 62
Writings of Pilgram Marpeck, The................. 62
Yahweh Is a Warrior...................................... 72
Yamasaki, April
Making Disciples....................................... 35
Sacred Pauses......................................... 6, 51
Yeatts, John R.
Revelation.................................................. 69
Yoder, Harvey
Lasting Marriage........................................ 52
Yoder, John Howard
Discipleship as Political Responsibility....... 66
He Came Preaching Peace.......................... 66
Nevertheless............................................... 67
Original Revolution, The........................... 67
Power and Practices................................... 64
Radical Christian Discipleship................... 65
Revolutionary Christian Citizenship...... 9, 65
Royal Priesthood, The................................ 67
What Would You Do?................................ 67
Yoder, John Howard, editor/translator
Christ and the Powers................................ 66
Schleitheim Confession, The...................... 67
Yoder, John Howard, translator and editor
Legacy of Michael Sattler, The................... 62
Yoder, Joseph W.
Rosanna of the Amish................................ 59
Rosanna of the Amish, The Restored Text
.................................................................. 59
Yoder, June Alliman, Marlene Kropf, and
Rebecca Slough
Preparing Sunday Dinner.......................... 37
Yoder, Nate
Together in the Work of the Lord........ 16, 61
Yoder, Suzana E.
Sensing Peace............................................. 54
Yonie Wondernose......................................... 55
York, Tripp
Purple Crown, The.................................... 65
Young, David S.
Spirits of Living Water............................... 76
Your Treasure, Your Heart.............................. 34
Youth Ministry at a Crossroads...................... 75
Youth Worship Source Book.......................... 37
Zehr, Howard
Changing Lenses........................................ 71
Zehr, Paul M.
1&2 Timothy, Titus................................... 69
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
SmallTall Music
God’s Love Is for
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2003 CD.
Can’t Keep Quiet!
Songs of Faith
for Small and Tall
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2005 CD.
My Money Talks
Songs for Worship
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2012 CD.
*Violence Renounced
René Girard, Biblical
Studies, and Peacemaking
Willard M. Swartley, editor
René Girard, response
2000. 344 pages.
Paper. 978-0-9665-0215-2
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2007 CD.
*What Does the Bible
Really Say About Hell?
Wrestling with the
Traditional View
My Money Talks
Songs for Worship
Randy Klassen
2001. 164 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3802-7
Bryan Moyer Suderman,
arranged by Charlene Nafziger
2008 72 pages.
Spiral. 978-0-9809-9261-8
A New Heart
Songs of Faith
for Small and Tall
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2009 CD.
Detectives of Divinity
Songs of Faith
for Small and Tall
Bryan Moyer Suderman
2011 CD.
New World Coming
A SmallTall Music
compilation 2002–2012
*Crowned With
Glory and Honor
Human Rights in the
Biblical Tradition
Christopher D Marshall
2002. 160 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3804-1
*Borders and Bridges
Mennonite Witness in a
Religiously Diverse World
Peter Dula and Alain Epp Weaver
2007. 188 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3846-1
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
*Mutual Treasure
Seeking Better Ways
for Christians and
Culture to Converse
Michael King and Harold Heie,
2009. 206 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3857-7
*Roots and Branches
A Narrative History of the
Amish and Mennonites in
Southeast United States,
Martin W. Lehman
2010. 308 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3869-0
*A Table of Sharing
Mennonite Central
Committee and the
Expanding Networks of
Mennonite Identity
Alain Epp Weaver, editor
2011. 434 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3878-2
*The Jesus Factor in
Justice and Peacemaking
Theological Postings,
Volume 1
*Present Tense
A Mennonite Spirituality
Gordon Houser
2011. 174 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3890-4
Institute of
Mennonite Studies
*Through the
Eyes of Another
Intercultural Reading
of the Bible
Hans de Wit, Louis Jonker,
Marleen Kool, and Daniel
Schipani, editors
2004. 532 pages.
Paper. 978-0-9362-7336-5
*Take This Word to Heart
The Shema in Torah
and Gospel
Perry B. Yoder
2005. 134 pages.
Paper. 978-0-9362-7338-9
*Even the
Demons Submit
Continuing Jesus’ Ministry
of Deliverance
C. Norman Kraus
2011. 126 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3883-6
Loren L. Johns and James R.
Krabill, editors
2006. 214 pages.
Paper. 978-0-9362-7340-2
*God’s Healing Strategy
An Introduction to the
Bible’s Main Themes
*Mediation in
Pastoral Care
Ted Grimsrud
Revised edition. 2011.
124 pages.
Paper. 978-1-9310-3882-9
Lies Brussee-Van Der Zee and
Annelies Klinefelter-Koopmans
2012. 137 pages.
Paper. 978-0-9362-7346-4
*According to the
Grace Given to Her
The Ministry of Emma
Sommers Richards
Mission Network
7 Students Talk About Service
16 Tongue Screws and Testimony
James R. Krabill and Stuart W. Showalter
Alan Kreider
James E Horsch, John D Rempel,
Eldon Nafziger, editors
2013. 161 pages.
Paper. 0-9362-7350-X
Globe Shaped Mission Bank
8 A New Day in Mission
Irene Weaver Reflects on
Her Century of Ministry
17 No Purse, No Bag, No Sandals
A Profile of Mennonite Church Planters,
Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Conrad L. Kanagy
9 The Patagonia Story
Congregations in Argentina and Illinois
Link “Arm-in-Arm” for Mission
18 What is an Anabaptist Christian?
Missio Dei Series
$3.95 each
Living Stewardship Series
Time Warped
First Century Time
Stewardship for 21st
Century Living
Delbert Erb and Linda Shelly
Steve Ganger
2004. 184 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9286-5
Money Mania
Mastering the Allure of
Mark L. Vincent
2005. 152 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9311-4
Talent Show
Your Faith in Full Color
Bob Lichty
2005. 192 pages.
Paper. 978-0-8361-9319-9
Calvin E. Shenk
2 Does Your Church
“Smell” Like Mission?
Reflections on Becoming
a Missional Church
James R. Krabill
3 From Kansas to Kenedougou . . .
And Back Again
Donna Kampen Entz
4 Peace Church, Mission
Church: Friends or Foes?
Alan Kreider
19 Immigration and the Bible
10 Together in Mission
Core Beliefs, Values and Commitments
of Mennonite Mission Network
M. Daniel Carroll R.
Matthew Krabill and David Stutzman, editors
11 What I Learned from
the African Church
Twenty-Two Students Reflect
on a Life-Changing Experience
James R. Kraybill, editor
12 Together Sharing All
of Christ With all of Creation
Ryan Miller and Ann Graham Price, editors
13 On Becoming a
Missional Church in Japan
Michael J. Sherrill
14 Bike Movement
A Mennonite Young Adult
Perspective on Church
Alicia Horst and Tim Showalter, editors
6 Purpose Driven Mennonites
Peter Graber
20 New Anabaptist Voices
15 Digging for Treasure
in Your Own Backyard
Reflections on Missional
Experiments in the Netherlands
5 Money and Mission
A Discernment Guide for Congregations
1 Understanding Islam
A Christian Reflection on the
Faith of Our Muslim Neighbors
Palmer Becker
Jackie Wyse
Craig Pelkey-Landes
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535
USA: 1-800-245-7894 • Canada: 1-800-631-6535