CPS 2009 Presenters Canadian Population Society, 2009 Annual Meeting PRESENTERS LIST Teresa Abada Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario tabada@uwo.ca Jean-Michael Billette Statistics Canada RDC University of Ottawa jbillett@uottawa.ca Jones Adjei Department of Sociology Queen's University 6jka@queensu.ca Kwame Boadu Office of Statistics and Information: Information, Employment and Immigration, Alberta kwame.boadu@gov.ab.ca Catherine Allan Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division Statistics Canada Catherine.allan@statcan.ca Aneta Bonikowska Statistics Canada Aneta.Bonikowska@statcan.gc.ca Philip Baiden Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario pbaiden@uwo.ca Marsha Brown Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario mbrow87@uwo.ca Roderic Beaujot Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario rbeaujot@uwo.ca Alain Bélanger INRS Université du Québec belanger@ucs.inrs.ca Pascale Beaupré Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division Statistics Canada pascale.beaupre@statcan.ca Danièle Bélanger Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario dbelang@uwo.ca Tina Chui Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division Statistics Canada tina.chui@statcan.gc.ca Nicolas Nii Sekoh Cofie Department of Sociology Queen’s University nicolascofie@yahoo.ca Sean Clouston Department of Sociology McGill University sean.clouston@mcgill.ca Heather Dryburgh Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division Statistics Canada heather.dryburgh@statcan.gc.ca CPS 2009 Presenters Jianqdin (Ching) Du Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario jdu28@uwo.ca Barry Edmonston Department of Sociology University of Victoria be@uvic.ca Amir Erfani Department of Sociology Nipissing University amire@nipissingu.ca Ali Fakih Institute of Applied Economics University of Montreal ali.fakih@hec.ca Marcus Feldman Department of Biology Stanford University marc@charles.stanford.edu Eric Fong Department of Sociology University of Toronto fong@chass.utoronto.ca Georgios Fthenos Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario gfthenos@uwo.ca Laura M. Funk Centre on Aging University of Victoria lmfunk@uvic.ca Alain Gagnon Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario agagnon4@uwo.ca Danielle Gauvreau Department of Sociology and Anthropology Concordia University dgauv@alcor.concordia.ca Amber Gazso Department of Sociology York University agazso@yorku.ca M.V. George Depts of Global Health & Sociology Emory University moolamttomgeorge@yahoo.com Magali Girard Department of Sociology McGill University magali.girard@mail.mcgill.ca Hani A. Guend INRS-Urbanisation, Culture et Société University of Québec hani.guend@ucs.inrs.ca Stephen Obeng Gyimah Department of Sociology Queen's University gyimahs@queensu.ca Michael Haan Department of Sociology University of Alberta mhaan@ualberta.ca Benoît Hébert Senior Research Advisor, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Seniors, Life Course and Disabilities. benoit.hebert@hrsdc-rhdsc.gc.ca CPS 2009 Presenters Jenna Hennebry Department of Sociology Wilfred Laurier University jhennebry@wlu.ca Lisa Kaida Department of Sociology University of Toronto lisa.kaida@utoronto.ca Feng Hou Business and Labour Market Analysis Division Statistics Canada Feng.Hou@statcan.ca John J. Kelly Consultant kellyjohnj@gmail.com René Houle CRISP - RDC University of New Brunswick rhoule@unb.ca Kamrul Islam Department of Sociology University of Alberta mdkamrul@ualberta.ca Jim Jackson Education/Humanities Humber College Jim.Jackson@humber.ca Charles Jones Department of Sociology University of Toronto cjones@utm.utoronto.ca Xiaoyi Jin Institute for Population and Development Studies Xi’an Jiaotong University xiaoyijin@mail.xjtu.edu.cn Rozzet Jurdi Department of Sociology and Social Studies University of Regina Rozzet.Jurdi@uregina.ca Don Kerr Department of Sociology King’s University College at University of Western Ontario dkerr@uwo.ca Ann H. Kim Department of Sociology York University annkim@yorku.ca Nakjung Kim Political Science York University humas@yorku.ca Jean-François Lachance Institut de la Statistique du Quèbec DSSDS jean-francois.lachance@stat.gouv.qc.ca Sylvie Lafortune Government Information and Data Librarian - Laurentian University slafortune@laurentian.ca Benoît Laplante Institut National De La Recherche Scientifique-Urbanisation, Culture Et Société (INRS-UCS) benoit.laplante@ucs.inrs.ca Jacques Ledent Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique - UCS jacques.ledent@ucs.inrs.ca CPS 2009 Presenters Judy Lee Office of Statistics and Information: Information, Employment and Immigration, Alberta osi.support@gov.ab.ca Shuzhuo Li Institute for Population and Development Studies Xi’an Jiaotong University shuzhuo@yahoo.com Guiping Liu Centre on Aging University of Victoria guipingl@uvic.ca Jianye Liu Department of Sociology Lakehead University jianye.liu@lakeheadu.ca Hélène Maheux Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division Statistics Canada Helene.Maheux@statcan.gc.ca Fernando Mata Research Knowledge Transfer Citizenship and Immigration Canada fernado.mata@cic.gc.ca Susan McDaniel Department of Family and Consumer Studies, Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah susan.mcdaniel@ipia.utah.edu Mary A. McGehee Arkansas Department of Health mmcgehee@healthyarkansas.com Hugh Mellon King’s College University of Western Ontario hmellon@uwo.ca Anne Milan Demography Division Statistics Canada anne.milan@statcan.gc.ca Jean-Dominique Morency Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique jean-dominique.Morency@ucs.inrs.ca Susan Mowers Geographic, Statistical and Government Information Centre (Data and Statistics) University of Ottawa susan.mowers@uottawa.ca Tracy Nguyen York University tracy83nguyen@hotmail.com Sherry Olson Department of Geography McGill University olson@geog.mcgill.ca Amélie Quesnel-Vallée McGill University amelie.quesnelvallee@mcgill.ca Margaret J. Penning Department of Sociology and Centre on Aging University of Victoria mpenning@uvic.ca Fernando Rajulton Population Studies Centre University of Western Ontario fernando@uwo.ca Bali Ram Demography Division Statistics Canada bali.ram@statcan.ca CPS 2009 Presenters Zenaida R. Ravanera Population Studies Centre University of Western Ontario ravanera@uwo.ca David A. Swanson Department of Sociology University of California Riverside david.swanson@ucr.edu Muhammad Raza Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario mraza7@uwo.ca Eric Tenkorang Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario etenkora@uwo.ca Unnati Rani Saha Department of Economics & Operations Research Tilburg University, Netherlands u.r.saha@uvt.nl Marc Tremblay Université du Québec à Chicoutimi marc_tremblay@uqac.ca Christoph M. Schimmele Department of Sociology University of Victoria chrissch@uvic.ca Reena Shah Department of Sociology University of Western Ontario rshah45@uwo.ca Jing Shen Department of Sociology University of Toronto jing.shen@utoronto.ca Arthur van Soest Department of Economics & Business Tilburg University avas@uvt.nl Martin Spielauer Statistics Canada Martin.Spielauer@statcan.gc.ca Martine St-Amour UCS, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique martine.st-amour@stat.gouv.qc.ca Hélène Vézina Université du Québec à Chicoutimi helene_vezina@uqac.ca Richard A. Wanner Department of Sociology University of Calgary wanner@ucalgary.ca Yan Wei School of Management Xi’an University of Finance and Economics weiyan365@163.com Michael Wendt Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Michael.Wendt@statcan.ca Gebremariam Woldemicael University of Western Ontario gwoldemi@uwo.ca Zheng Wu Department of Sociology University of Victoria zhengwu@uvic.ca