



What we will be learning.

The following activities have been designed to further your child’s learning at home. The activities are suitable for all pupils in Year 5/6


During this half term we will be looking at narrative text. The children will write character descriptions, letters and setting descriptions. The children will have lots of opportunities to think about how different characters are feeling through drama activities; the children will take part in freeze frames, conscience alley and debates.

Our writing will link closely to the book ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies. Guided reading will be structured around a range of non-fiction and fiction texts .’ When reading with your child please talk to them about the types of writing they are reading. Also discuss the purpose of the writing and why it has been used.

Children will carry out spelling and grammar activities everyday; both the spelling lists and activities will link to a spelling rule or grammatical theme. Please see the attached sheet to support your child with their spelling; play bingo or word searc h using the spelling lists for your child’s year group. This half term we will begin having handwriting lessons twice a week; we are following the cursive script technique.

Here are some interactive websites for you to look at with your child:




The areas we are covering in Maths this half term are:

Place value – reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers to 10 000 000. Rounding any whole number to the nearest 10 000 000, 1 000 000, 100 000, 10 000, 1000, 100 and 10. Reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers with up to 3 decimal places.

Addition and subtraction - solving multi step problems. Performing mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers

Geometry 3D shape – identifying 3D shapes from 2D representations. Building 3D shapes.

Mental multiplication and division – performing mental calculations with mixed operations and large numbers. Multiplying and dividing whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and


Statistics – interpreting and constructing line graphs. Interpreting pie charts. Calculating and interpreting the mean as an average.

Please continue to practise the Times Tables from 1 -12 and their related division facts e.g. 6 x 4 = 24,

24 ÷ 6 =4.

See attached sheet ‘Targets for pupils in Y5 or Y6’ for some examples to use with your child. Here are some interactive websites for you to look at with your child:



Foundation Subjects

Science – Living things and their habitats – The children will describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals. They will give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. The children will discover that living things can be grouped into microorganisms, plants and animals, vertebrates can be grouped as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, invertebrates can be grouped as snails and slugs, worms, spiders and insects and plants can be grouped as flowering plants (incl. trees and grasses) and non-flowering plants (such as ferns and mosses).

History – The Indus Valley - The children will look at the achievements of one of the earliest civilizations they will discover where and when the first civilizations appeared in History. The children will research what life was like during that period of History.

Geography – Investigating coasts and rivers – The children will look at the water cycle and locate major rivers and coast lines in the UK using an atlas.

For R.E the children will look at Rules for living, during art they will study an artist that paints landscapes and will recreate landscape pictures.
