YEAR 4 Summer Term AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS Useful information: Welcome: Our themed curriculum topic this term is ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’. The children will be learning about this through a range of topics and subject areas. Our themed curriculum covers the History, Geography, Art and Music aspects of the National Curriculum with a focus on key English and Maths skills. The theme of ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ will focus on developing children’s understanding of the wider world, including human and physical geography, art and music from different countries and how plants and animals adapt to different environments. Subjects including Science, ICT, DT, RE, PSHCE and PE will continue to be taught independently, although cross-curricular links will be made. Our themed curriculum ensures that children are taught the key skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum. In addition, it provides opportunities for pupils to ask questions about what they would like to know, enabling greater engagement in the curriculum and opportunities to stretch and enthuse our children. Planned educational visit We are planning one trip this term to develop children’s understanding of different environments and how animals have adapted to them. Our trip to Kew Gardens will take place this term. PE: Lime have P.E on a Monday and a Tuesday and Pine have P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday each week. Children will be developing their tennis and athletics skills this term so must have a pair of suitable trainers in school to enable them to take part. Please ensure that your child has all items in their PE kit to ensure they can take part fully in each session. Uniform: We want all children to be proud of themselves and being a member of our school. Children should ensure they are dressed smartly at all times in the correct uniform. Girls’ uniform Green sweatshirt with school logo White or green polo shirt with school logo Mid grey skirt or uniform trousers Black, white or grey socks or tights Black flat heeled shoes (laced or buckled: no slip on shoes) Optional items Green cardigan Mid grey shorts Green checked or striped summer dress Boys’ uniform Green sweatshirt with school logo White or green polo shirt with school logo Mid grey uniform trousers Black, white or grey socks Black flat heeled shoes (laced or buckled: no slip on shoes) Optional items Mid grey shorts Jewellery No jewellery other than one gold or silver stud per ear. A watch may be worn. During PE studs must be covered and the watch removed. Please note: Hair that touches the shoulder must be tied back. Communication: If you have anything that you wish to talk to us about please approach us at the end of the day or contact the school office if you would prefer to make an appointment. Theme Overview: Use a range of sources to compare and contrast different world climates. Explain the difference between climate and weather. Investigate how animals are adapted to their environment. Choreograph a dance to form part of a carnival. Explain how our lives are similar and different to children in other parts of the world. Design a 3D umbrella to represent different countries around the world. Use clay to make a Spanish tile. Compose a song using Chinese pentatonic scales. Educational Visits: Plan a summer holiday to a different country or a different part of the UK. Visit the Natural History Museum to look at animals and plants from different countries. Things to do at home: Create an information leaflet about a place you have visited or plan to visit. Include information about the climate, the landscape, the people who live there and what plants and animals you would find. Find out which plants and animals live in Holmer Green. Plant seeds in your garden to create an environment that insects and other animals would like to visit. Find out about food from other cultures. Use ingredients from around the world to cook a new recipe. Keep a recycling diary over time and challenge your family to recycle more. Useful Websites: Literacy Traditional Tales Take One Poet: Benjamin Zephaniah Discussion Explanation Vocabulary building Take One Book: The Firework Maker’s Daughter Books to enjoy: 80 Days around the World: Jules Verne The Butterfly Lion: Michael Morpurgo The Firework Maker’s Daughter: Philip Pullman National Geographic Wild Animal Atlas: National Geographic This Same Sky: A Collection of Poems from Around the World. Things to do at home: Read stories from other cultures and write a book review, detailing how lives in another country may be different to ours. Write a poem about the weather. Create a leaflet explaining how the weather differs in different countries. Create a fact file for a country of your choice, including details of climate, weather, landscape, animals and their habitats. Useful Websites: follow the English link Numeracy Objectives being covered this term Number, place value and negative numbers including reading comparing numbers beyond 1000 and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Mental addition and subtraction including estimating and using inverse operations to check calculations. Written addition and subtraction including adding and subtracting numbers with up to four digits and solving two step word problems. Mental and written multiplication and division including recalling multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12x12 as well as recognising factor pairs. Fractions including counting up and down in hundredths and solve problems which include finding fractions of amounts. Capacity including converting between different units of measure as well as estimating and comparing different measures. Area and perimeter including measuring and calculating both the area and perimeter of a rectilinear figure. Time by converting between analogue and digital and 12 and 24 hour clocks as well as reading the clock to the nearest minute. 2D shapes including identifying different angles and lines of symmetry. Statistics including presenting interpreting data. Numeracy Methods: Things to do at home: Mugs You need a 1 litre measuring jug and a selection of different mugs, cups or beakers. Ask your child to fill a mug with water. Pour the water carefully into the jug. Read the measurement to the nearest 10 millilitres. Write the measurement on a piece of paper. Do this for each mug or cup. Now ask your child to write all the measurements in order Number game 2 Put some dominoes face down. Shuffle them. Each choose a domino. Multiply the two numbers on your domino. Whoever has the biggest answer keeps the two dominoes. The winner is the person with the most dominoes when they have all been used. Dicey division You each need a piece of paper. Each of you should choose five numbers from the list below and write them on your paper. 5 6 8 9 12 15 20 30 40 50 Take turns to roll a dice. If the number you roll divides exactly into one of your numbers, then cross it out, e.g. you roll a 4, it goes into 8, cross out 8. If you roll a 1, miss that go. If you roll a 6 have an extra go. The first to cross out all five of their numbers wins. Useful Websites: has lots of ideas and games to play. help for all children with reading, maths and revision. follow the maths zone link for more challenging problems and puzzles! many interactive maths games and activities Science Learning Overview: States of Matter To compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. Understand how to use a Thermometer to measure temperature change. To know that heating can cause melting and cooling can cause solidifying. Understand evaporation and know that evaporation is faster in warmer conditions. To identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Living things and their habitats To explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. To understand the breadth of variety in flowering plants. To know that animals can be grouped into those with and without backbones. To understand how to use a decision tree to classify or identify an animal. To discuss examples of how changes to habitats affect living things. To reflect on the impact of human activity on the environment. Things to do at home Investigate the plants and animals that live in your garden. Think about what conditions they like. Create an information booklet of the plants and animals in your local area. Help your adult make a cup of tea. Talk about what happens to the sugar. Test materials at home to find which of them dissolve in water. Make chocolate nests. Time how long it takes to melt the chocolate. Useful Websites: