AP Human Geography Basic Background Knowledge List Test: Week 1 of School Use any online map to create a study map. Online Quiz or Practice Sites: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072827653/student_view0/interactive_maps.html# http://www.wiley.com/college/kuby/0471701211/mapquizzes/index.html?newwindow=true http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/ http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Geography.htm Countries United States Canada Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile Venezuela Egypt South Africa Nigeria Sudan Somalia China Japan India Russia Iraq Iran Afghanistan Kazakhstan Thailand Vietnam Indonesia Great Britain Saudi Arabia Netherlands Sweden Germany France Spain Italy Switzerland Continents, Bodies of Water, Islands Belgium Czech Republic Slovakia Croatia Greece Turkey Pakistan Singapore Sri Lanka Asia Africa North America South America Antarctica Europe Australia Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic Southern Caribbean Sea Mediterranean Bering Sea Gulf of Mexico Hudson Bay Black Sea Red Sea Baltic Sea Persian Gulf Lake Superior Aral Sea Caspian Sea Nile River Amazon River Yangtze River Mississippi River Congo River Rio Grande River Indus River Tigris River Euphrates River Ganges River Micronesia Madagascar Taiwan Cyprus AP Human Geography Vocabulary Unit I Geography Chapter: 1 Basic Concepts Directions: Below is a list of Chapter 1 Vocabulary Terms. A majority of the terms are in the textbook and a few require the internet. There are many very good AP Human Geo vocabulary websites. To ensure you find the correct definition, in the internet search bar type the term and the words “AP Human Geography.” (search example: culture AP human geography) This will ensure that the definition will have the correct context. Use the format below to make a notecard for each term. A notecard is required for each term. Notecard Format: Vocabulary Term 1. Absolute location 2. Cartography 3. Connections 4. Contagious Diffusion 5. Culture 6. Cultural diffusion 7. Cultural ecology 8. Cultural Landscape 9. Density 10. Diffusion 11. Distance decay 12. Distortion 13. Environmental determinism 14. Expansion diffusion 15. Formal/uniform region 16. Functional/nodal region 17. Geography 18. GIS 19. Globalization 20. GPS 21. Hearth (cultural) 22. Hierarchical diffusion 23. Latitude 24. Location Definition Front Back Example 25. Longitude 26. Map 27. Mental map 28. Meridian 29. Parallel 30. Pattern 31. Place 32. Possibilism 33. Prime Meridian 34. Projection 35. Region 36. Regional Studies 37. Relocation diffusion 38. Remote sensing 39. Map Scale 40. Site 41. Situation 42. Spatial 43. Stimulus diffusion 44. Toponym 45. US Land Ordinance 1785 46. Vernacular region 47. Distribution 48. Local Diversity 49. Township 50. Range