UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION UNION CARBIDE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDStd: 1194 2604 Effective Date: 04/10/2000 Page1 of 15 Union Carbide urges each customer or recipient of this MSDS to study It carefully to become aware of and understand the hazards associated with the product . The reader should consider consulting reference works or individuals who are experts in ventilation, toxicology, and We prevention, as necessary or appropriate to use and understand the data contained in this MSDS . To promote safe handling, each customer or recipient should : 1) Notify Its employees, agents, contractors and others whom it knows or believes will use this material of the information In this MSDS and any other information regarding hazards or safety, 2) Furnish this same hdu oration to each of its customers for the product and 3) Request is customers to notify their employees, customers, and other users of the product of this information . (1 . CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION I 1 .1 IDENTIFICATION Product Name ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS Chemical Name Isopropyl Alcohol Chemical Family Alcohols Formula (CH3)2 CHOH ISOPROPANOL, ANHYDROUS, USP, ISOPROPANOL, ANHYDROUS SEMISynonym CONDUCTOR GRADE, dim ethyl carbinol, 2-Propanol 1 .2 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Union Carbide Corporation 39 Old Ridgebury Road Danbury, CT 06817-0001 (3 we C-&I Hart Compww 311 8 . WACKER DRIVE, SUITE 4700 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 80600 877-ACP-HALL (877-427-4288) 1 .3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 24 hours a day : 1-800-UCC-HELP (1-304-744-3487) Number for non-emergency questions concerning MSDS (732) 563-5522 Additional information on this product may be obtained by calling the Union Carbide Corporation Customer Service Center at 149)0-568-4000 . CopyrightO 2000 . Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology Corporation . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#: 1194 12.COMPOSITION Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Page 2 of 15 INFORMATION Component CAS #Amount (%W/w) 11Isopropend 67-63-0 <= 99.11% 13. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Appearance Transparent colorless Physical State Uquid Odor Slight ethanol/acetone-like Hazards of product WARNINGI FLAMMABLE. CAUSES EYE IRRITATION . MAY CAUSE DIZZINESS AND DROWSINESS . 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Effects of Sinale Acute Overexposure Inhalation High concentrations of vapor may cause central nervous system depression, with weakness, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness . Vapor causes Irritation of the respiratory tract, with coughing and chest discomfort Eye Contact occur . Causes Irritation, experienced as stinging and discomfort or pain . Corneal lr*n may Skin Contact May come minor ktltation wtih itching and possible slight local redness . Prolonged or repeated contact may case detatitng end drying of the skim . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : MSDSt 1194 ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS Date : 04/10/2000 Page 3 of 15 Effective Skin Absorption Exposure to small quantities is not expected to cause adverse health effects . Widespread or prolonged exposure may result in this absorption of hamdui amounts of material, particularly in infants, leading to signs and symptoms as described for swallowing . Swallowing Slightly toxic . May cause dimness, faintness, drowsiness, decreased awareness and responsiveness, lack of coordination, abdominal discomfort, names, vomiting and diarrhea . Chronic. Prolonged or Repeated Overexposure Effects of Repeated Overexposure Prolonged or repeated skin exposure may cause defatlkg of the skin . Other Effects of Overexposure None currently known . Medical Conditions Aaaravated by Exposure Skin contact may aggravate an existing dermatitis. 3.3 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS See Section 12 for Ecological Information . '4.FIRST AID PROCEDURES 4.1 INHALATION Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if not breathing . If breathing s difcult, oxygen maybe given by qualified personnel. Obtain medical attention . 4.2 EYE CONTACT Immediately flush eyes with water and continue washing for several minutes . Remove contact lenses, If wom . Obtain medical attention 4.3 SKIN CONTACT Remove contaminated clothing . Wash skin with soap and water . If Irritation persists or if contact has been prolonged, obtain medical attention . 4.4 SWALLOWING If patient Is fully conscious, give two glasses of water. Induce vomiting . This should be done only by medical or experienced fist-aid personnel . Obtain medical attention . 4.5 NOTES TO PHYSICIAN There s no specific antidote . Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#: 1194 15. Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Page 4 of 15 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES I 5 .1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES Flash Point - Closed Cup : Tag Closed Cup ASTM D 56 12 'C Flash Point - Open Cup: Tag Open Cup ASTM D 1310 17 •C 53'F 63 'F Autoignition Temperature : Notcunentlyava#able . Flammable Limits In Air. Lower 2 .0 %(V) Upper 12.7 %(V) 200 °F 5 .2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Extinguish fires with water spray or apply alcohol-type or al-purpose-type foam by manufacturer's recommended techniques for large fires . Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical media for small fires . 5.3 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA TO AVOID No information currently available . 5A SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers and structures. Use water spray to disperse vapors ; reignition s possible . 5 .5 SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIREFIGHTERS Use self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. 5 .6 UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Vapors form from this product and may travel or be moved by air currents and ignited by plot lights, other flames, smoking . spats, heaters, electrical equipment static discharges or other ignition sources at locations distant from product handing point Vapors from the material may settle in low or confined areas or travel a long distance to an Ignition source and flash back explosively . Static ignition hazard can result from hand"rrg and use . Electrically bond and gound al containers, personnel and equipment before transfer or used material . Special precautions may be necessary to dissipate static electricity for non-co ve containers. Use proper bonding aid grounding during product transfer as described in National Fee Protection Association Document NFPA 77 . Avoid splash filing of containers when handing this flammable liquid because static electricity may be generated . For additional information, please refer to the latest National Paint and CoeWgs Association's (NPCA) °#803 Scientific Circular Generation and Control of Static Electricity' . See Section 8 .3 - Engineering Controls 11 This material may produce a floating fire hazard . Flame may be invisible . Approach fire with caution . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#: 1194 5.7 Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Page 5 of 15 HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS Burning can produce the following products : Carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide . Carbon monoxide is highly toxic if Inhaled . Carbon dome in sufficient concentrations can act as an asphyxiant . 16.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 1 Steps to be taken If Material is Released or Spilled : Extinguish and do not turn on any ignition source urdi the area is determined to be free from fire or explosion hazard . Small spills can be flushed with large amounts of water, larger spills should be collected for disposal. Personal Precautions : Avoid contact with eyes. Wear suitable protective equipment 17. 7.1 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING General Handling Keep away from heat, sparks and flame . Avoid contact with eyes. Keep container closed . Use with adequate ventilation . Vapor forms from this product and may travel or be moved by air currents and ignited by pilot lights, other flames, smoking. sparks, heaters, electrical equipment static discharges or other Ignition sources at locations distant from product handling point and may flash back explosively Wash thoroughly after handling . FOR INDUSTRY USE ONLY. Ventilation General (mechanical) roan ventilation is expected to be satisfactory where this product is stored and handled in dosed equipment Special, local ventilation is needed at points where vapor can be expected to escape to the workplace air . Other Precautions Vapor may settle in low or confined areas, or travel a long distance to an ignition source and flash beck explosively. 7.2 STORAGE Small quantities of peroxides can form on prolonged storage . Exposure to light and/or air significantly increases the rate of peroxide formation . If evaporated to a residue, the mixture of peroxides and isoproparwl may explode when exposed to heat or stock . I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#:1194 Effective Date: 04/10/2000 Page6 of 15 18 .EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 EXPOSURE LIMITS Component Exposure Limits Isopropanol 400 ppm TWAS ACGIH 983 mg/m3 TWAS ACGIH 1230 mg/m3 STEL ACGIH 500 ppm STEL ACGIH 400 ppm TWAS OSHA 980 mg/m3 TWA8 OSHA 1225 mg/m3 STEL OSHA-Vacated 500 ppm STEL OSHA-Vacated Illsapropand Skin Form In the Exposure Linis Chad above, d there is no specific qualifier (La., Aerosol) fisted In the Form Cokmn for a particular lint, the listed link Includes all airborne forms of the substance that can be kteled A 'Yes" h the Skin Cokmn rtes a potential sigmicant conbibutlon to otierai exposure by the cutaneous (ski?) route, Including mucous membranes and the eyes either by contact with vapors or by direct skin canted with the substance. A'Slank' in the Sldn Cokmn iMkates that exposure by the cutaneous (skin) route Is not a potential slgollcant cortnbutor to overall exposure. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTION Respiratory Protection : Use self-contained breathing apparatus In high vapor concentrations. Ventilation : General (mechanical) room ventilation Is expected to be satisfactory where this product is stored and handled in closed equipment Special, local ventilation Is needed at points where vapor can be expected to escape to the workplace air . Eye Protection : Monogoggles Protective Gloves: Plastic Rubber Other Protective Equipment : Eye Bath, Safety Shower I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Effective Dab : 04/10/2000 Page7 of 15 Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDSft :1194 8.3 ENGINEERING CONTROLS PROCESS HAZARD : Sudden release of hot organic chemical vapor or mists from process equipment operating at elevated temperature and pressure, or sudden ingress of air into hot equipment under a vacuum, may result in ignitions without the presence of obvious ignition sources . Published 'autoignltion' or Ignition" temperature values cannot be treated as safe operating temperatures In chemical processes without analysis of the actual process conditions . Any use of this product in elevated-temperature processes should be thoroughly evaluated to establish and maintain safe operating conditions . Further information is available I n a technical bulletin entitled "Ignition Hazards of Organic Chemical Vapor .' (9 . PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Liquid Physical State : Appearance : pH : Transparent colorless Not currently available . Solubility In Water (by weight) : Odor 20 °C 100% Slight ethanolacetone-like Flash Point - Closed Cup: Tag Closed Cup ASTM D 56 12 'C 53 'F Flash Point- Open Cup : Tag Open Cup ASTMD 1310 17 0 C 63 0F Percent Volatiles : 100 Wt% Molecular Weight: 60 .10 g/mol Liquid Density: 20 °C 6 .5475 g/cm3 Boiling Point (760 mmHg) : Freezing Point : 82 .3 'C -127 'F -89 'C Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 0 .787 4.4 kPa Vapor Pressure at 20°C : Vapor Density (air = 1) : 180.1 'F 20 °C / 20 °C 33 mmHg 2 .1 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): 2 .9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS# : 1194 Melting Point: Effective Date : 0411012000 Page 8 of 15 Not applkable . I I10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.1 STABILITYIINSTABILITY Stable Incompatible Materials : Strong owdizing agents . Halogens . Strong inorganic ac ids. Aldelrydes . Halogen compounds. 10 .2 HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION 10.3 INHIBITORSISTABILIZERS Will Not Occur. Not applicable. I11 . TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ACUTE TOXICITY Peroral Rat LD50 = 6 .48 (4 .80 - 8 .76) mUkg Major Signs : unsteady gait prostration, heavy breathing Gross Pathology : lungs and abdominal viscera discolored Percutaneous Rabbit; LD50 = &0 (4.9 -13 .1) mIkg; 24 h occluded . Gross Pathology: lungs, liver, stomach discolored Inhalation I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS# : 1194 Stalk generation of vapor, Rabbit 2 h ; Room temperature Mortality: 4/6 Major Signs : lacntmation, loss of coordination, prostration Gross Pathology: l discolored Inhalation dynamic generation of vapor, Rabbit ; 4 hour= 12000 porn Mortality: 0/12 Major Signs : prostration Gross Pathology: lungs, kidneys and liver discolored Inhalation dynamic generation of vapor, Rabbit ; 8 hour = 12000 ppm Mortality: 8/12 Major Signs : prostration Gross Pathology lungs, kidneys and liver discolored Inhalation dynamic generation of vapor Rabbit ; 8 hour = 8000 ppm Mortality: 0/12 Major Signs : prostration Gross Pathology : lungs, kidneys and liver discolored Inhalation Static generation of vapor Rabbit 4 tour, Room temperature Mortality : 6/8 Major Signs : lacrimatkn, loss of coordination, prostration Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Page 9 of 15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#: 1194 Effective Date : 0411012000 Page10 of 15 Gross Pathology : lungs discolored Inhalation Static generation of vapor ; Rabbit ; 1 h ; Room temperature Mortality: 0/6 Major Signs : laaimation, loss of coordination, prostration Gross Pathology : lungs discolored IRRITATION Skin : Rabbit 24 h uncovered Results : no irritation Eye : Rabbit; 0.02 ml Results : moderate comeal Injury SIGNIFICANT DATA WITH POSSIBLE RELEVANCE TO HUMANS The following is a summary of TSCA Section 4 Test Rule results : Large doses (>800 mg/ig/day) of isopropanol given orally to pregnant rats during the critical period of gestation produced slight decreases in fetal weight These doses also caused evidence of toxicity In the mothers . Oral doses as high as 480 mg/kg/day caused evidence of toxicity In pregnant rabbits but did not produce evidence of embryo or fetal toxicity . Isopropanol did not produce an increased Incidence of malformations (teratogenicily) in either species. An indication of reduced mating performance In 2nd generation male raft was noted at oral doses of 1000 mg/kglday In a two generation reproductive study . Increased neonatal mortality was also seen at doses of 500 mg/Iglday and greater in this study. No evidence of neurotoxic effects was observed in studies specifically designed to assess neurobehaviorial functions in neonatal rats after oral dosing of mothers during gestation and lactation . In an acute vapor Inhalation study, high concentrations of isopropand (1500 ppm and greater) caused a spectrum of transient olFecs Indicative of narcosis . In repeated inhalation exposure studies, high vapor concentrations (5000 ppm) produced an Increase In motor activity in rata first noted after 4 weeks of exposure . The effect was reversible completely resolving within 14 days after 13 weeks of exposure . No evidence of damage to nerve tissue was seen In this study. Lifetime exposure of laboratory animals to high concentrations of isopropanol vapor (greater than 1500 ppm) exacerbated chronic progressive nephropat y commonly seen in aged animals . The relevance of this finding to human health hazard evaluation is unknown . No evidence suggestive of carcinogenic activity was noted in chronic vapor Inhalation studies with isopropand in rats and mice. 112. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12.1 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS#: 1194 Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Page 11 of 15 12.2 ECOTOXICITY Toxicity to Micro-organisms Bacterial Inhibition ; IC50 Result value : 5000 mgA Toxicity to Aquatic Invertebrates Daphnia ; 48 h ; LC50 Result value : 75W mg/I Toxicity to Fish Fathead Minnow, 96 h ; LC50 Result value : 8300 mg/ 12.3 FURTHER INFORMATION Theoretical Oxygen Demand (TROD) - measured : 2 .30 mg/mg Theoretical Oxygen Demand (THOD) - calculated : 2.40 mg/mg Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient -Measured: 0 .14 113 .DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 13 .1 WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Incinerate in a furnace where permitted under Federal, State, and local regulations . Dispose in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, end local environmental regulations . Empty containers should be recycled or disposed of through an approved waste management facility 13 .2 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS At very per. low concentrations In water, this product is biodegradable in a biological wastewater treatment I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS MSDS# :1194 Effective Date : 0411012000 Page12 of 15 Disposal methods identified am for the product as sold. For piper disposal of used materie, an assessment must be completed to determine the piper and pernlsstle waste management options permiss&Se under applicable rules, regulations and/or taws goveinhg your bcedon. 114. TRANSPORT INFORMATION 14.1 U.S. D.O.T. NON-BULK Proper Shipping Name : ISOPROPANOL ID Number : UN1219 Hazard Class : 3 Packing Group : PG ti BULK Proper Shipping Name : ISOPROPANOL ID Number : UN1219 Hazard Class : 3 Packing Group : PG 11 This hfamaton is not intended to convey all specific regulatory or operational regr*ame,Usihfornatlon relating to this product Addeonel bansportatbn system Worn" can be obtained through an hey of the transpoAhg organimtion authorized sales or customerservbe represerdabve. It is the to follow aff applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the transportation of the mWeSL I (15. REGULATORY INFORMATION 15.1 FEDERALINATIONAL K The fellow ng components of this product are specifically listed as hazardous substances In 40 CFR 3024 II (unlisted hazardous substances are not identified) and are present at levels wtuidl could require reporting : Component Acetone Methanol Methyl ethyl ketone Methyl isobutyl ketone CAS # 67-64-1 67-56-1 78-93-3 108-10-1 Amount <= 0 .1000% <= 0.1000% <=0.1000% <= 0.1000% MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS Effective Date: 04/10/2000 MSDS#: 1194 Paqe 13 of 15 SLPERfuND ASDNENTS AND REAUTNORZZATioN Act OF 1988 Tins 10 /EPCRA) SEC nose 302 AND 304 The fdlowkrg components of this product are fisted as extremely hazardous substances in 40 CFR Part 355 and are present at levels which could require reporting and emergency planning : None. SLPERFUND AmENDieeTs AND REAUTNomzATroN ACT of 1986 TmE IN (EPCRA) SECTroN 313 The following components of this product are listed as toxic chemicals in 40 CFR 37265 and are present at levels which could require reporting and customer notification under Section 313 and 40 CFR Part 372 : This product does riot contain toxic chemicalsat levels which require reporting under the statute . SUPERFUND AMBIDtTS AND REAUTNORIZATIDN ACT of 1985 ME III (EPCRA) SEcnows 311 AND 312 Delayed Hazard : Yes Fire Hazard : Yes Immediate Health Hazard : Yes Reactive Hawed : No Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard : No Toxic SussTANCs Comma AcT (TSCA1 All components of this product are on the TSCA Inventory or are exempt from TSCA Inventory requirements . The component of this product Is on the EINECS inventory. CEPA - Do.ta ric SuesTANca LrsT (DSL) The component of this product is on the DSL or is exempt from reporting under the New Substances Nadfication Regulations . 15.2 STATE/LOCAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: MSDS#: 1194 ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS Effective Date : 04/10/2000 Pape 14 of 15 PENNSYLVANIA Q/ fgM AND Commuwmr RMT-To-KNOW ACTT This product a subject to the Worker and Community FW&IoAnow Act The folla" components of this product are at levels which could require Identification In the MSDS: Component CAS # Amount 67-63-0 <=99 .1100% II lsopropanoi --M ., . .4r- •- _ te aY_ . . icyI The following components of this product appear on the Massachusetts Substance list and are present at levels which could require Identification In the MSDS : Component CAS # Amount 67-63-0 <= 99.1100% I I isopropand CALIFORNIA PROPOSn10N 65 (SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 19861 This product contains no listed substances known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, at levels which would require a warning under the statute . CAUFoPNIA SCAQMD RULE 443.1 (SOUTH COAST An QUALrY MANAGEIENT DrnTmcT RULE 443.1 LABELING OF MATERIALS CONTAfIG ORGANIC SOLVENTS) VOC : 785 gfl Vapor pressure 33 mmHg C 20° C This section provides selected mguistory donation on this pmdu d mdz ding ds components. This is not intended to seclude all regulation. His the responsbillty of Nee user to blow and comply wth all applicable ruiss, reguWtlons and laws relating to the product befog used. 116. OTHER INFORMATION 16 .1 AVAILABLE LITERATURE AND BROCHURES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : There may be additional product safety information on this product, which may be obtained by calling your Union Carbide Corporation Sales or Customer Service Contact. 16 .2 SPECIFIC HAZARD RATING SYSTEM HMIS ratings for this product an : H-2 F - 3 R-0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name : ISOPROPANOL ANHYDROUS Effective Date : MSDS#: 1194 Page 15 of 15 NFPA ratings for this product are : H-2 F - 3 04110/2000 R-0 These raflngs are part of specific hazard communk-4itions pmgram(s) era should be dwagerded where individuals are not trained it the use of these hazard rating systems. You should be ir#br w#h ft hazard communication applicable to your workplace . 16.3 RECOMMENDED USES AND RESTRICTIONS FOR INDUSTRY USE ONLY 16.4 REVISION Version: 3 . Revision : 04/10/2000 Most recent revision(s) are noted by the bold, double bars in left-hand margin throughout this document In reviewing, attention should be directed toward Sections : 2,5.6,7.2,15 .1,15.2 16.5 LEGEND TS N/A W/W VOLIVOL NFPA HMIS • F R C T W • A • Trade Secret Not available Weight/Weight Volume/Volume National Fire Protection Association Hazardous Materials Information System Health Fire Reactivity Carcinogenic (For use by Union Carbide plants ; not part of NFPA System) Reproductive Hazard (For use by Union Carbide plants ; not part of NFPA System) Water Reactive Onddizer Asphyxiant Peroxide Former The optnhns expressed here» are those of quaked experts wif/urr Unbn Carbide. We behWts Diet the infommatbn contained hereh is current as of the date of this Material Safety Deft Sheet Since the use of this information and the conditions of the use of the product are riot under the control of Union Carbide, it is the user's obligation to determine conditions of safe use of the product.