the nature of caretaker speech in disciplining children found in the

Submitted to
Graduate Program of Language Study
of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Master Degree of Language Study of English
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S 200120067
Graduate Program of Language Study
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Penelitian ini terutama ditujukan untuk mengetahui bahasa pengasuh ditemukan
di Finck Keluarga Ditemukan di Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis bentuk bahasa, menganalisis jenis
fungsi bahasa, dan pesan yang terkandung dalam bahasa pengasuh ditemukan di
Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis bentuk bahasa, dan
menganalisa jenis fungsi bahasa, dan menganalisa fungsi pesan dalam Finck
Keluarga ditemukan di Nanny 911 reality show episode 1. Dalam pengumpulan
data, peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori
Huberman dan Miles. Penelitian yang bahasa pengasuh lebih menggunakan
ekspresi dari kalimat-kalimat seperti "hadiah untuk perilaku yang baik" dan "kata
sederhana". Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 7 bentuk ekspresi, 8
bentuk tipe kalimat dibagi 2 klasifikasi yang tertinggi dari ekspresi 32,35%
konsekuensi logis dan kalimat tertinggi adalah 11,54% tentang kalimat imperatif.
Mengingat hasil di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahasa pengasuh adalah
pilihan yang baik untuk mengendalikan atau mendisiplinkan anak.
Kata Kunci: bahasa pengasuh, menertibkan anak, dan penerapan mengajar
bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak
This study is mainly intended to find out the nature of caretaker speech found in
the Finck Family Found in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. The objectives of
this research are to analyze type of language form, analyze type of language
function, and message contained in caretaker speech found in Nanny 911 Reality
Show Episode 1. This study is qualitative research which involves approach
analysis. The objectives of this research are to analyze the type of language form,
and to analyze the type of language function, and to analyze the message
function in the Finck Family found in Nanny 911 reality show episode 1. In
collecting the data, the researcher uses documentation expert. The data are
analyzed using Huberman and Miles theory. The study in this research, the
caretaker uses expression more than sentence for example “reward for good
behavior” and “simple word”. The result showed that there are 7 form of
expressions, 8 form of type sentences divided 2 classifications which the highest
of expression is 32,35% about logical consequences and the highest of sentence
is 11,54% about imperative sentence. Considering the result above, it can be
concluded that caretaker speech is good choice to controlling or disciplining
Key words: caretaker speech, disciplining children, teaching English to young
Language is usually given from adults to children. Parents are usually
charmed by their infant’s development from being stranded to being free (e.g.
swarming, walking, running, drinking and eating by him/her, etc.). However, the
most predictable instant for a mother usually ‘the first words’ uttered by the
child. Like most these children do, language interests the highest attention when
it is wrong. According to Ma. ET. ALL, (2011:209), Infant-directed speech (IDS),
compared with adult-directed speech (ADS), is characterized by a slower rate, a
higher fundamental frequency, greater pitch variations, longer pauses, repetitive
intonational structures, and shorter sentences.
Children usually study to concept language from those around them. Until
about the age three, children incline to study to grow their language by modeling
the speech of their parents, but from that time on, peers have cumulative effect
as models for language development in children. It is easy to detect that, when
adults and older children interrelate with younger children, they incline to
change their language to develop communication with younger children, and this
changed/modified language is called caretaker speech. Moreover Adult across
cultures speak to infants in a specific infant-directed manner. Adena, Hannon,
Erin. E. (2011:19).
Caretaker Speech is a speech style a lot used by adults and big children
when talking to infants or young children and “mother” speech was simpler and
more redundant than their normal speech Snow (in Philip, Juliet. R, 1973:182)
and is branded by shortened sentences, easy grammar, controlled vocabulary,
slow speech with many repetitions, little and reduplicative words, such as doggy,
elevated pitch and exaggerated pitch variation, and many utterances ending in
questions with a rising tone (some more?, go walked?). Also called CDS or child
directed speech, motherless (untruthfully, because it is not limited to mothers)
and BT or baby talk (confusingly, because it is used by adults).
According to Fauziati, (2011: 114), caretaker speech is a sort of speech
that children receive when they are still very young. Caretaker speech is also
often referred to as motherese, caregiver speech, adult to child language (ACL)
and child directed speech (CDS). In this CDS, ‘motherese’ Ferguson (in Adena,
Hannon, E. Erin, 2011:19) or ‘parentese’, the segmental structure is deformed in
favor of the exaggerated prosodic structure, yielding the highly musical
properties of this ‘sing-song’ language form . Fernald, Papousek and Papousek (in
Dominey, 2004:123).
According Fernald ( in Schachner, Adena, Hannon, Erin. E. 2011:19) states
that an adult’s style of interaction upon meeting an infant could serve as an
accurate cue for selection of appropriate social partners.
Yule (2006: 150) argues that caregiver speech (also called caretaker
speech or motherese) is the characteristically simplified speech style adopted by
someone who spends a lot of time interacting with a young child. Salient
features of caregiver speech are frequent use of questions, often using
exaggerated intonation, extra loudness and a slower tempo with longer pauses.
Moreover Whyatt (1994) stated that caretaker speech is simple; redundant;
contains many questions and imperatives; its pitch is higher and has an
exaggerated intonation pattern.
According to Fauziati (2011: 116) caretaker speech tends to use short
sentence and simple structure; the vocabulary used is simple and restricted;
some words are phonologically simplified by the duplication of syllable; and
generally use a slower tempo and repeat or rephrase what the children say.
Mother is characterized by short utterances, repetition, high rates of imperatives
and interrogatives. Herrera, Shepherd and Reissland (2003:30).
Caretaker speech can also find in The Fink Family in Nanny 911 Reality
show Episode 1. Nanny 911 come from the television program Little Angels
Reality Show, in which American families with uncontrollable children are
changed by British Nannies, with one who served for the regal family. Some
plans used by Nanny 911 observes the family subtleties in order to control a
suitable plan of action for changing the kids' behavior, and then discussing what
needs to be done. The residue of the week shows the plan being implemented,
along with the parents' reactions (which can be quite negative, especially when
the Nanny mentions how the parents' actions have caused in the problem). At
the end of the week, the Nanny generally compliments the family for the
changed behavior. The last part shows the family receiving a considerable skill
from the Nanny (such as a new home.
After watching Nanny 911 Reality Show, the writer is inquisitive to
observe the caretaker speech in Nanny 911 Reality Show because the adult’s
speech used by caretaker to children in this video very attract to dig which the
language is simply, use the low intonation, and children’s interaction with adults
gives children a possibility to get information from the adults about the form, the
syntax, the semantics, and the pragmatic functions of particular linguistic items.
Clark, 2003 (in Salehuddin:2012). So the writer interested to observe this video
and writes research entitled The Nature of Caretaker Speech in Disciplining Found
in The Finck Family In Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1 and Its Implication
English Teaching to Young Learners. The researcher conducted the present study
to investigate the following research questions:
1. What are the types of language forms of the caretaker speech in the
Finck Family in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1?
2. What are the types of language functions of the caretaker speech in
the Finck Family in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1?
3. What are the messages of the caretaker speech in the Finck Family in
Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1?
The object is the video of The Finck Family found in Nanny 911 reality
show episode 1. This study is qualitative research which involves approach
analysis. The objectives of this research are to analyze the type of language
forms, and to analyze the type of language functions, and to analyze the message
function in The Finck Family Found in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. In
collecting the data, the researcher uses documentation excerpt. The data are
analyzed using Huberman and miles theory. In collecting data, the researcher
uses documentation excerpt. The writer uses note taking technique in collecting
the data which involves the following steps : (1) Searching the video of in Finck
Family in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episodes 1 from youtube. (2) Watching the
video to understand its story. (3) Writing the transcripts taken by the video Finck
Family in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episodes 1. (4) Documentation in excerpt.
After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data with data
excerpt. Data excerpt is a form of analysis that sharpens, short, focuses, discards,
and organizes data in such a way that ‘final’ conclusion can be documenting and
verified (Huberman and miles, 1994:11).
The researcher reveals the research findings and its discussions to solve the
problem statements as mentioned in introduction. The findings of the research
to describe about type of language form, type of language function, and the
message contained within each type of language function.
1. The type of language form
In this research shows the expressions and sentences from the caretakers. The type
of language forms are reward for good behavior, logical consequences, positive
discipline method, natural consequences, be consistent, establishing ground rules,
model for good behavior and he form of sentences consists 2 they are classification
sentence by type and classification sentence by number of full prediction. The writer
found 5 forms of expression, 8 form of type sentences divided 2 classifications, and
The type of sentences divided into 2 classifications the first it from its type and
second one is from the number of full prediction. The writer finds 35 sentences from
the first classification, they are 5 declarative sentences with 44,11%, 12 interrogative
sentences with 35,29%, 5 imperative sentences with 14,70%, 2 exclamatory
sentences 5,88%. The sentence from second classification, the writer finds 13, they
are 24 simple sentence with 80%, 3 compound sentence with 10%, 2 complex
sentence with 6,67 %, 1 compound-complex sentence with 3,33%.
2. The Types of Language Function
In the currents research, the writer analyzes the type of language function. The
writer finds several types of language functions based on theory of speech act in
pragmatic approach. The writer finds 10 types of language function, they are,
commanding, asking, promising, thinking, informing, asserting, wonderment,
amazement, and proudness. From the several type above, the writer finds 10
questioning with 30,30 %, 3 informing with 9,09%, 5 commanding with 15,15%, 4
wonderment with 12,12%, 4 asserting with 12,12 %, 1 thanking with 3,03 %, 2
proudness with 6,06%, 1 Amazement with 3,03%, and the last 2 promising with
3. The messages contained within each caretaker to children
In this research, the writer analyzes the messages contained within each
caretaker to children. Message contained here means that in each type of
language function that the writer found from the data explicitly has a moral
message or implied meaning. For example, giving discipline to children, giving
rules to children, giving advice to children, giving a better example, using
indoor voice, giving positive reinforcement works to children, teaching to
share thing to others.
The writer classified each message such as 1. Teaching to disciplining children
consists a) teaching with use consequences; b) giving praise for positive
behavior. 2) Teaching the rules to children, such as: a) no whine; b) hands are
not for hitting; c) be consistent. 3) giving advice to children such in
commanding type consist of giving advice to children and teaching to children
The ability in pedagogical implication, teacher must have certain ability when
they do teaching learning process, such as:
1. The suitable materials in classroom
In teaching English an teacher must prepare the suitable materials for
young learners where the materials must be fun and interest to teaching
English such as storybooks, games, song because the materials are useful for
children in develop their language and vocabulary.
In teaching English a teacher uses the suitable material such as:
a. Song
Song can be used as a useful aid in the learning of vocabulary and
pronunciation. Fauziati (2010:28).
b. Games
Games can be useful medium for teaching foreign language to children
which can be modificated by lyrics of the song while learning a language.
Fauziati (2010:97)
2. Teacher Talk.
Teacher responsibility is not only starting to teach the student about
English but also to make the children can understand what the teacher says.
In teaching English to young learner, teacher must be smart in using language
such as more naturally and slowly in order children can understand easily
especially in kindergarten. For example “this is a table” when pointing to the
According to Fauziati (2010: 198), Teacher Talk in teaching English to
young learners should show the following modifications such as 1) teacher’s
language a teacher must be slower, more frequent and longer; 2) teacher
must use more declarative statement than questions; 3) teacher may selfrepeat more frequently.
The other example is teacher use a name by touching him/her. Teacher
must choose the right words and sentences to make the children easily
understand the teacher. It will be more effective for the teacher to talk about
children is daily activity at home or at school or playing their favorite game at
particular moment. So that, using simple language, and natural words is good
choice for teaching the children.
3. The suitable activities in teaching learning process
In the classroom activities in learning English, teacher must give high
motivation to make the English classes become enjoyable. An activity in
learning English is very helpful for children in developing their language skill.
There are some activities for developing children language such as:
a. Activities by toys, animals, or dolls.
The teacher can give activity to children by using toys and ask the children
to “tell and show” about it. With “show and tell” presentation children can
introduce their toys in English. (Kang Sun, 2006:5)
b. Activities by using a story
The teacher can give activity to children by a story which children tell
about children family, holiday, and etc. (Bachelor, 2006:21)
"The activities should be simple enough for the children to understand what is
expected of them. The task should be inside their abilities: it needs to be
achievable but at the same time sufficiently stimulating for them to feel
satisfied with their work". (Philips, 1997, p.7)
4. The media used by teacher in teaching English to young learners
In teacher in teaching English is very difficult especially in kindergarten.
Therefore, teacher needs some media to teach English in order to be more
effective and easier in teaching English. There are some media to teach
English especially in kindergarten such as:
a. Games
Games can be used to play and media in teaching English to young learner in
development in language children. Games are effective ways for teaching
language. (Fauziati, 2010:97).
b. Pictures
As stated by Fauziati, 2010:97. Pictures can be used to produce positive
attitude toward English, and motivation in teaching foreign language to
children. It can be used to improve language the children.
c. Cartoon movie
Based on Herrera (2010:3). Cartoon movie is one of the media to support
teaching in learning process. It can improve language skill and vocabulary.
The media above can be used by teachers in teaching the children, because the
media is very important in helping teacher to develop children especially
children’s language children who difficulty in speaking English. The media is
teacher’s professional equipment.
Having children involved in creating the visuals that are related to the lesson
helps engage student in teaching learning process by introducing the to context
as well as to relevant vocabulary item. Students are more likely to feel interested
and invested in the lesson and will probably take better care of the materials
(Moon, 2000)
From data Analysis of video Nanny 911, so the writer can be concluded
that caretaker speech is very important for parents because caretaker is very
useful for parents in controlling children in order to disciplining children to be
better where caretaker always use easy word, using gesture or body language,
and use expressions make children can easy to understand. The writer is also find
the other conclusion based on research finding, they are:
Firstly in language forms, based on research finding use the language
forms are very important because it consists of expressions and sentences,
where the expressions here such as giving rewards, which children will be happy
when caretaker gives the rewards. In the expressions can be showed by “logical
consequences” with 32,35% is higher than the other expression because this
expression more effective in control children to be discipline. Besides of
expressions, there are also sentences. Sentence here is part of language form
which caretaker always use when children are difficult to control. The sentence is
Imperative with 29,11% is higher than the other sentences.
Secondly in Language functions here uses theory of speech act. It is model
which utterance produced by caretaker such as commanding, asking, promising,
disagreement, amazement.
Commanding is higher 17, 14% than the other
Thirdly messages functions is most important which each message has a
moral message implied meaning when caretaker speak to children such as 1)
disciplining children as follow: a) teaching with use consequences; b) giving
praise for positive behavior. 2) Teaching the rules to children as follow: a) no
whining; b) hands are not for hitting; c) be consistent. 3) Giving advice to children
based on type of language function as follow: a) Giving advice to children; b)
Teaching to children. These messages are good choice in order to children to be
From the summary above, it can be concluded that using easy word, simple
sentence, using body language or gesture, give good reward to children are
good choice used by the caretaker to children in disciplining children and in order
to student to understand.
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