Did the project achieve its goals and objectives? Cliff Hague What was TiF aiming to do? TiF will investigate the concepts of attractiveness, image and identity, further involve citizens and make them more aware of design in places and spaces. We will investigate these aspects in perspective of immigration and business development.” (TiF project application). TiF’s objective 1 “To raise awareness among policy makers and citizens about regional attractivity and potential and show how the different regions and municipalities are scored based on objective criteria, in transnational comparison. (An Attractivity Barometer).” Achievement of objective 1 Analysis of Attractiveness done for Germany, Norway, Poland and Sweden. What of the other partners? Raising awareness? 10 8 6 4 2 0 Policy makers Citizens TiF’s objective 2 “To elaborate a number of scenarios with focus on urban design and regional attractivity and generate a toolbox for regional scenario planning through sharing of expertise and best practices.” Achievement of objective 2 Workshop in Potsdam. Scenario planning guidelines were produced. Work of ESPON PURR project in Vidzeme added value to scenarios work. Scenarios - how successful? Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I Scenarios “Transforming the scenarios into movies has attracted great attention from government.” “Scenarios fed into the new master plan for the town.” “The scenarios were posted on the internet and citizens could comment”. TiF Objective 3 “To create a number of marketing packages with new narratives for the regions, and launch story telling initiatives based on transnational guidelines and linked to the BSR strategy. The new narratives should be used for regional branding and drivers for change.” Achievement of Objective 3 Workshop in Valmeira. Guidelines were produced. Success in creating new marketing Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I Changing the brand “The TiF project was the first time we had thought about regional branding”. “From: Lots of industrial jobs and low unemployment, but dull. To: Still lots of industrial jobs and low unemployment, but not as dull as before.” Success in story telling initiatives Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I Linking to BSR strategy Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I Who was involved in new narratives? Numbers Cultural workers Journalists Local government Artists/filmmakers/writers Business NGOs Success of TiF in regeneration of public spaces? Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I TiF Objective 4 To establish and publish a collection of selected highlights as part of the new narratives and make them available through the Internet as a "roadmap to rural BSR highlights". The material is there but the “Roadmap” is not visible on the TiF website. TiF Objective 5 To develop action plans for facelifting town centers through investments and a specific technical documentation for a pilot model called "Interactive Public Spaces" which will be implemented in 3 towns during the project extension stage. Overall impact Rating Poltical attitudes Officials' attitudes Public attitudes Business attitudes Physical environment How well did TiF meet your expectations? Rating 10 8 6 Rating 4 2 0 A B C D E F G H I Obstacles Old attitudes / cultural differences Change of project partners Small budget Time Successes Taught us to think differently Involvement of experts Co-operation and new ideas Better inter-authority co-operation Long term impact of scenario work Lasting impact on development of strategic planning. Conclusions Based on 9 partners: Some very strong endorsements and levels of success. Really innovative work. Reached politicians, and in some cases the public. Roadmap and attractivity work incomplete? Typology of economic development policy & practice related to governance Market delivers Economic efficiency Development state: strong, centralized. Smart, integrated planning and regulation The project state: hollowed governments & private partners Market fails Development despite the state Environment / social inclusion Well done everyone