Electrical and Computer Engineering 06-88-448-01/06-88-590-03: Digital Computer Architecture Course Syllabus - Winter 2016 Dr. Roberto Muscedere, Room 3040 CEI, Ext. 4798 Email: rmusced@uwindsor.ca http://courses.muscedere.com WELCOME Welcome to the course 06-88-448-01/06-88-590-03: Digital Computer Architecture. The Graduate Assistant’s names and contact office hours can be found on the course website (see above). Please see the GAs regarding any questions about the course content. For other issues, please come to room 3040 in the CEI. My office hours are flexible, so please contact me by email to setup an appointment. TIME AND PLACE Lecture Periods: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00pm to 2:20pm in CE2102 Laboratory Period: Fridays from 1:00pm to 3:50pm in CE2105C (laboratories) and CE2102 (tutorials). COURSE CONTENT The material covered in the course is taken primarily from the text (Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface). We will be covering selected material from all the chapters. These topics include Computer Organization and architecture (32 bit); computer abstraction; reduced instruction set; high level to assembler level language 2016/1/21 1/10 v1.1 translation; pipelinable instruction set architectures; speculation and branch prediction; instruction level parallelism; memory hierarchies, and virtual memory; secondary storage and I/O; multithreading, multicore, multiple CPU, and clustering; Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). TEXTBOOKS Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface (4th Edition, Revised) David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy 2011 Morgan Kaufmann ISBN: 0123747503 or 978-0123747501 LEARNING OUTCOME The emphasis in this course is on the understanding advanced digital computer architecture. Index Learning Outcome 1 Understand Computer organization and architecture (32 bit); computer abstraction (1c) 2 Investigate how to measuring computing performance through general metrics (3c) 3 Understand the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) assembly (MIPS) with a simple datapath (1c) 4 Design individual components of RISC processor (4b) 5 Understand hardware arithmetic for integer and floating point (1c) 6 Understand a pipelined datapath and how instruction set design is very crucial to its performance (1c) 7 Investigate the impact of speculation and branch prediction; instruction level parallelism (2d) 8 Understand memory hierarchy, caching controllers, and virtual memory (1c) 2016/1/21 2/10 v1.1 Index Learning Outcome 9 Investigate the performance impact from changes to cache sizes and architectures (2d) 10 Design a cache controller (4b) 11 Understand secondary storage systems, and I/O interfacing (1c) 12 Investigate how the configuration of secondary storage systems can affect I/O performance (3c) 13 Understand multicore, multiprocessor, and cluster configurations (1c) 14 Investigate the challenges of applying multithreading to traditionally sequential algorithms (2d) 15 Investigate how algorithm performance can be improved or degraded with Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) (3c) 16 Understand the roles of assemblers, linkers, and compilers (1c) 17 Utilize assembler and simulator to generate and test code operation (5b) ENGINEERS' CANADA, CANADIAN ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD (CEAB) CRITERIA The CEAB Graduate Attributes Criteria descriptions are obtained from “http:// www.engineerscanada.ca/e/files/report_ceab_08.pdf”. The criteria are intended to provide a broad basis for identifying acceptable undergraduate engineering programs, to prevent over-specialization in curricula, to provide sufficient freedom to accommodate innovation in education, to allow adaptation to different regional factors, and to permit the expression of the institution's individual qualities, ideals, and educational objectives. They are intended to support the continuous improvement of the quality of engineering education. This course will develop the following CEAB Graduate Attributes Criteria via Learning Outcomes: 2016/1/21 3/10 v1.1 CEAB Graduate Attributes Criteria Learning Outcomes 1. A knowledge base for engineering Demonstrated competence in University level mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals, and specialized engineering knowledge appropriate to the program. 1,3,5,6,8, 11,13,16 2. Problem analysis An ability to use appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems in order to reach substantiated conclusions. 7,9,14 3. Investigation An ability to conduct investigations of complex problems by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information in order to reach valid conclusions. 2,12,15 4. Design An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering problems and to design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations. 4,10 5. Use of engineering tools An ability to create, select, apply, adapt, and extend appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools to a range of engineering activities, from simple to complex, with an understanding of the associated limitations. 17 6. Individual and team work An ability to work effectively as a member and leader in teams, preferably in a multi-disciplinary setting. 7. Communication skills An ability to communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large. Such abilities include reading, writing, speaking and listening, and the ability to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and to give and effectively respond to clear instructions. 8. Professionalism An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the professional engineer in society, especially the primary role of protection of the public and the public interest. 2016/1/21 4/10 v1.1 9. Impact of engineering on society and the environment An ability to analyse social and environmental aspects of engineering activities. Such abilities include an understanding of the interactions that engineering has with the economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society; the uncertainties in the prediction of such interactions; and the concepts of sustainable design and development and environmental stewardship. 10. Ethics and equity An ability to apply professional ethics, accountability, and equity. 11. Economics and project management An ability to appropriately incorporate economics and business practices including project, risk and change management into the practice of engineering, and to understand their limitations. 12. Life-long learning An ability to identify and to address their own educational needs in a changing world, sufficiently to maintain their competence and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. CEAB HOURS Subject Areas Accreditation Units One hour of lecture (corresponding to 50 minutes of activity) = 1AU One hour of laboratory or scheduled tutorial = 0.5 AU Mathematics 0 Natural Sciences 0 Engineering Science 75% Engineering Design 25% Complementary Studies 2016/1/21 0 5/10 v1.1 EVALUATION METHODS Percent of Final Grade Due Date Related Learning Outcomes Labs/Projects 30 April 1st 1-17 Midterm Exam 30 Week of February 22nd or 29th 1-7 Final Exam 40 April 14th at 12:00pm 8-17 Method of Evaluation If a student does not write the mid-term examination and provides a reason acceptable (medical note, etc.) to the Office of the Associate Dean of Engineering, their final examination will be worth 60% instead of 30%. FINAL GRADE ASSIGNMENT The sum of the above marks will be rounded to the nearest integer and reported to the University’s Registrar. Do your best throughout the course and do not assume that “I now have enough marks to pass”. EXAMINATIONS It is important to follow the instructions that are given for each exam. Remember to place ONLY your STUDENT ID number on the back of your exam booklets. It is also important to return any question sheets with your completed exams. If these sheets are not returned or if the exams that are not properly identified in accordance with the given instructions, your exam will not be marked. QUIZ/EXAMINATION PROCEDURES • Prior to finding a seat for an examination, the students must place all of their belongs not related to examination writing at the front of the room. This includes bookbags, coats, purses, cell phones/pagers (turn them OFF), study notes, etc. • It is recommended that you take only pens, pencils and a calculator to your seat. • Eating, drinking or smoking is not allowed during an examination. Please leave these items at the front of the room. 2016/1/21 6/10 v1.1 • Once a seat is found, the student must have their STUDENT ID card visible at all times. • Any students who is more then 30 minutes late to an examination will not be allowed to write. • Write your answers in the examination booklet provided. Do not write or bring in any additional papers or booklets. You may only write on the question sheet when instructed to do so. • You may only communicate with the instructor or invigilators during the examination. Doing so with anyone else will be considered cheating and appropriate action will be taken. • If you feel some other student(s) are cheating in anyway, you may write a note which will ensure your anonymity, and pass it on to the instructor or invigilators so that the problem can be dealt with. • Once your exam is finished, raise your hand and your paper will be collected. Do not leave your seat. • If you choose to continue writing past the schedule time for the examination, you will be subject to grade penalties. • In order for your paper to be evaluated you must show your STUDENT ID or a valid Drivers License. Without this identification your paper will not be evaluated. Do not assume the instructor or other invigilators will know your identity or can vouch for you. • If you finish your exam prior to 30 minutes from the beginning of the exam, you will not be allowed to leave until that time. • In the event that a fire alarm disrupts an exam session, students are to leave their exam papers and proceed to be evacuated from the building, and wait outside for instructions from the instructor or invigilators. • The instructor reserves the right to void the results of the exam and substitute a new test of greater difficulty during the next class period. CALCULATORS Only Faculty approved calculators may be used during any examinations. In case of uncertainty, contact the Associate Dean's office for further information. PERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES (CELLPHONES, PAGERS, ETC.) Any type of personal communication device is strictly prohibited during any quiz/ examination. Please disable and leave these devices with your other personal belongings in the front of the room prior to the quiz/examination. 2016/1/21 7/10 v1.1 LECTURES Students should seize the opportunity to share and discuss information in lectures, labs, and tutorials as attendance is critical to student success. Courses are designed to move swiftly and efficiently. Although all the lectures and labs are posted online, a student should contact the instructor prior to missing a lecture or a GA prior to missing a lab so that the impact of missing the session will be known in advance. Students are encouraged to utilize office hours as much as possible to ask questions or to resolve any issues with the course material. Emails will generally be responded to within 24 hours from Monday to Friday. Only emails sent from a “uwindsor.ca” email address will be responded to. Emails should be sent with courtesy using a salutation (e.g., Hello Dr. Name), an informative subject line, a body, and a closing with your name (e.g., Best regards, Name) and an easy form of identification such as your SID. Any excessive talking, noises or other inappropriate behaviour by students can disrupt the lecture and disadvantage those present. Thus, any student(s) engaging in disruptive behaviour, as deemed by the instructor, will be required to leave the lecture room and possibly withdraw from the course. The use of technology during lectures and tutorials is limited to resources associated with this course, such as lecture notes and simulation tools. Social media and general web surfing are never acceptable uses of technology during class, and consequently distracts other students. If a situation arises where communication by e-mail or mobile phone is needed, please respect all present in the lecture and leave the classroom to attend to the matter, and return once it is resolved. Your co-operation in this matter will be appreciated. STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHING (SET) The Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) forms will be distributed during one of the last four lectures (in April 2016); the actual date will be given as that time approaches. Please attend as this is your opportunity to provide feedback to the University regarding the course as well as the instructor. FIRE ALARMS Activating a fire alarm (during an exam) is a serious offence. The Criminal Code of Canada dictates that initiating a false alarm is a criminal offence. Such an offence could result in a criminal record, a large fine, as well as disciplinary action under the University of Windsor Bylaw 31 where serious consequences would be likely. A 2016/1/21 8/10 v1.1 criminal record will affect your eligibility for the Iron Ring, and may preclude you from becoming a registered professional engineer. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY All incidents of academic dishonesty will be documented with the Associate Dean of Engineering - Academic where University procedures will be followed. Such incidents may include, but are not limited to: submission of assignments other than your own, receiving or sharing prior knowledge of test questions, sharing or receiving information during a test by any means (including electronic), possession of any electronic device (including cell phones) during a test except for an approved calculator, sharing or receiving knowledge of a test with students who have not yet written the test, sharing a calculator or formula sheet during the test, using a solutions manual to prepare submitted assignments. Plagiarism is the act of copying, reproducing or paraphrasing portions of someone else's published or unpublished material (from any source, including the internet), without proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism applies to all intellectual endeavours: creation and presentation of music, drawings, designs, dance, photography and other artistic and technical works. In the case of oral presentations, the use of material that is not one's own, without proper acknowledgment or attribution, constitutes plagiarism, and hence academic dishonesty. (Students have the responsibility to learn and use the conventions of documentation as accepted in their area of study.) See “Windsor Bylaw 31: Student Affairs and Integrity” at “http://www.uwindsor.ca/ senate” for more information. USE OF OFFICIAL PLAGIARISM-DETECTION SERVICES The university approved plagiarism detection services will not be used in this course as the assignments and reports will be of a highly technical nature. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR Students are encouraged to discuss any disabilities, including questions, and concerns regarding disabilities, with the course instructor. Let's plan a comfortable and productive learning experience for everyone. The following services are also 2016/1/21 9/10 v1.1 available to students: Student disability services: http://www.uwindsor.ca/disability Skills to enhance personal success (S.T.E.P.S.): http://www.uwindsor.ca/lifeline/steps-skills-to-enhance-personal-success Student counseling centre: http://www.uwindsor.ca/scc Academic advising centre: http://www.uwindsor.ca/advising 2016/1/21 10/10 v1.1