--- ........".....,_.... .....--.-. ~~--.~.~ ..~-~~--~-_. .... ross~ Pointe News VOL 44-No Grosse 45 fyi for your information By Tom Greenwood Stick it to 'em Hel e die hlllllpel "tl( kel" we ve "epn but not qlllte undel "tood III thl' elled ldteh '~d\ I\lO to till' N e\\ \VOI!d 01 dpi Whdtevel hdppened to t he old \Iodd 01 del .) And. Tilt' Top Bdndnd ~d~ '>Ted TlII nel fOI PI e~1 dent I I-no\\ \1 ho the Top B,lOdl1d' I". but who'~ 1\x! rr:J! !1t't ' JlI"t klddln~ que,>t IOn \ctlldll\ the le,el"e 1" the ledl Pomte, MlchlQan, Jhursday, November Park Illayor ousted by Heenan Incumbent CIty offlcwl" wel e up~et by challeng el'> m Gro~,>e Pomte P ellk and the Wood" With heavi el them u~udl ballottlllg 111the Tue"ddY, Nov 8 mu I11ClPdl electIOn'> In the Pdl k. vetel dn HepublIc,lIl pal ty polltlelan Palmel Heendl1 ended Incumbent mclYOl Dougla., (;1 ahelm ~ 16 ) e,II" of mUfilelpdl ~el VIce With el 11,11 lOW 160 vote WlIl Incumbent councllmdn Anthonv Spdda Wd'> 411"0 I emoved fl om ofhce Edllottlllg 101 P,llk counClI \Vd'> led by newcomer Veillon Au.,hel man With I 957 vote", followed by 1I1cumbent John PIO.,t With l,B28 vote'> and dl1othel' newcomel, David (; d"klll \Hth I 802 The thl ee wmnel'> dnd the ne\~ ma~ 01 WIll take of bee on Nov 14 Lo,>el ~ III the P,ll k I dce, ~p,lda and John HYdn, I ecelved I.b22 ,1Ild 1404 vote". I e,>petll\cl\ ('It~ 01 IIcldh '>dld dlloul .m IJeI cent of the P,1l k " I ('gl"tl'l ed votel'> e,l"t bdJloh The P,llk" new md)OI Heell,!ll lPdlhed ,It hi' BI'>hop HOdel home 101 Lomment 011 pleltlon l1lghl dttllbuted hi" J 74~1 58~vote up"et to \otel dpplOI,il 01 hl~ "tdnd 4~d 1I1,>t'>Lhool L!o"lng" \dudl die (l1J I enlly belllg Uln,>ldell'<l b~ the EO,ll d of EdlH.'dtlon If It hddn t been 101 the "Lhool I"" ue Heen,!Il "did he "couldn t hd\e come e1o'>e to \llIllllng dgdJl1"t GI elhelm "The '>chool people ledjl~ 1101 ked 101 me Heenan "aid (d ..helm OhVIOU"lv d<'lNtpl! h\ th(' 10"" ",ud he hdd thought "the public \Iould "pe thlough tiw l',1m palgn thdt Heendn 1 dn t"1 ~ Thanks, FYI £j ffi, Hememl)('1 the' Feloll) FI yel ~'I ' Thdt Wd'> the ~tOI) of the t\1 0 elt) chleken'> thdt wel e chcl"ed dnd fHl<llly CdptUI ed b~ eop" 111 the Mdumee Notl e Ddme ,11 ed Id"t ~pptemlJel Well glle",> \\ hdt') I I ecelved a lettel and an dutOgl dphed PIl'tlll ell om the fl yel" Monday mOllllng The lettel I ('de! d'> lollow., Dedi tam/ becu"e of the Phnom enal growth III our fan clubb due 2) OUI dllICcde of ,>Ept 22 III the Gro""e Pomtee N ew~ , we hclve bedn I epreeved froma "weet lIttle old Gel m,lIl} lady,> "oup pot In gl atltude W e enclO'>e Our duthogl dpheD piC t) I e Love The felony Fryel!o p!oplea"e 4glve the ml.,take" we had to use the hunt dnd peck ,>y~tem The lettel was ~Igned \\lth the Imprmt of two chicken feet The accompanymg photo wa~ Mgned "Love to Tom Felony Flyels," and showed two 1 elleved lookmg chlcken~ (I believe one l!oa Rhode I'>lelnd Red) 46 Pages 30 cents 10, 1983 , « • " "*. ~ The scoreboard tells it aU ! x '&4 \ !JP,II('nl h Ih('\ <lIdn I he ,,lId I WI'>h the \1l'll IkendtJ ,I \ !'tel ,Ill 01 mdn~ lOllgl (,'>'>lOn,il dnd '(,l1dtOlldl (dmpd1hll' hdd Op(,1dted ,Ill dggl e,>'>lve, Ill'll OIg,ll1I1N\ (dmpdlgn \Ihl(h begelll ld"t "ummel Ill' (oIH.enlldl('d on till' I"ue' of (illne 101l1n~ ,1nd tlw ,( hool, (ll~ The Wood .. IIlLumlwllt UHHlUll1wn 1"1('dl'1 I( I- I 0\ ddll ,me! \\'1111,1111\\ II-.on lo"t thell ,('.It" to ne\1 com PI " Pc!ul BPdllPl1' dnd 'I ('d Bldl!!dl (' 1\ lull' ,mothl'! lnl'llmlwnt !{ol)('11 '\0\ Ithe \\011 1<' 1'1('<llOn III tlw \\oocl" "",d '}~~{ l( n~t'(i r~-:'I}:t' ~ll~" hl.d th n Hp Hl~'l P +t hI" "tlon.L "\ICPP 01 the deltlOll I L<,ltdm" nelel e\pelted to \\1Il ,0 hdndJl~ Bedllpi (. l-,elwi ,t! mdlld~el 01 Plumblook (,oli Club "did HI' dttllbutNI hi" \1111not to I,,"U(''> "0 mULh d" om' tl emelldou,l\ dledl\ e l'dmThll~n LomnHltee " BKllgdl e ,I dl,tl JLt mdnel~el \llth the ~ollthe(!"t n :\hLhlgdn 'II dn ,pOl tdt IOn \uthOlll \ "dId he \\ d" eJdted Illth hI" foUl \ ote \11110\ PI II1Lumbent WlI,on l'1 it "You hedl the "d\mg e\el ~ vote counh hel e It I'> FoUl vote" You Celn t get much them thdt Well l!o"el Be,mpl e led the \1 Illl1el" 1Il the Wood" \\ Ith I 708 vote" t,lkmg 10 of 12 pi ecmeh. followed b) ;-"'OVlt, ke" I 516 vote" ,lIld Bldlgal e" I l.}] Un"ucLe""ful eanchdate., \\ el e WII.,on, With 1 127 \ ote" 1.0\ eldLe WIth 1052 vole'> dnd Dougld'> l\1111110\\Ith 650 Ld~t ~aturda) wa" ,I good day fOl South High School, a!> the Blue Devil~ deteated cro~s town rival!> (, I os!>e Pointe NOl th 29-6 to ~ecul e a perfect 9-0 !>ea~on recOl d, The South griddel'" actually have an IS-game winning .,tt eak going. .,ince they al~o po~ted a perfect .,eason la~t ) em, The win allow., the local team to advance to the ~tate football pla)'offs .,tat ting thi., Satm day at Bit mingham (,Iove., High School. The Blue Devil's opponent~ will Ill' Detroit Hem) Ford High ~chool. Game time b I p.m, With a little luck. the playel s wiII get .mother chance to call y South footb'llt coach Ru~!> Hepner off on their .,houldel s like they did la~t week. FOl mOle information on the game, see page C.l of the "port., section. Wood" offlcl,I!" "aid 2 565 people went to Ihe poll" dbout 19 pel cent of the elIgIble votel '> The Farms ~1d)OI Jdme., Dll1geman wa" top vote gettel m d "I' \\'<1\ 1 ace fO! foUl councIl "edb m the Fell m" He II tie Jomed dt Clt) offices by )l1cumbent Hall} EchlJn dnd two newcomel s. BI u<'!e Rockwell clnd Mdl) Ann Ghe"qLUel e. who'll pu"h the numbel of women on the council up to thl ee the hlghe"t of any POInte council" Dmgeman. \\ho Wd" elected ma) 01 by hI'" fellow councilmen. eaptUll'<l 1..372 vote~, followed b) Ech 1m ~ 1.228 1\11., Ghe~qulel e '> 1 152 ,lncl Hockwell'~ 1,07B Lo,>el" 111 the F dl m'> I dce were Rick Rut,ll1 WIth 400 vote'> ,llld Mllend Hd~ ndl With 225 ~tel ling GI d hdm who hIed 101 the electlOn but latel wlthdl ew hl', nelme even though It Wd" too Idte to I emove It ft om the b,dloh I eeeived 42.~ \otes Photo by Tom Green",ood F ,\I m" otllcl,d" ",lid 1 737 votel" 01 abollt (ent of tho"e legl"lelccI ca.,t ballot .. 20 pel School closUig'debate heats up By Susan McDonald The 'ichool boal d Monday threatened legal actIOn agam"t a group that accu~ed the trustees of misapproplwtion 111 a flyer WIdely dl~tnbuted 111 the commllmty Was there postage due? Time for yet <lnothel "do you I emember" ~tOl y Do you I em ember the ~tory we ran a month ago about the elderly lady who had her 1982 Cadillac stolen from a local "upermalket parklllg lot') The woman, a fOl mel I eSldent of the Shore5, was on thl" ~Ide of town conductmg bu"me~s. pal t of wtuch was c!ealllng out hel safety depOSIt box Aftel c1ednmg out ~dld bo,. 5he placed common stock cel t1flcate" WOIth $250,000 III the trunk of her Caddy. only to have the car "tolen. Well. there I~ a honor dmong thieves. appa I enlly The Wood~ police I eport the woman ha~ I ecelved hel ~toek" via the US MaIl Appalenlly the thief heald about Ihe bond" and mailed them bdCk to her at her old Shores addres!o The Po"t OffIce fOIwarded the mdll lo hel at hel new home on GI O~'ie Ill' The good" apparently Cdme WI apped III a blown "upNmcll ket bag Police "d) thel e'!o no chance of fll1dmg fll1gel pr1l1ts "1I1ce evel yhody dnd their brothel hd" hdndled the WI appel Incldent,l1l\ the em Wd" nevel lecovel ed Police have Ii'ttll' hopes 01 thdt belllg mailed bdCk The charge of ml~appropn,ltlOn made by the Committee for NeIghborhood Elementary Schools "goe" beyond the bound~ of decency and IS actlOndbly defelmatory:' tru"tee Jon Gandelot "aid The seven boal d member!o voted unanimously to send the commit tee notICe of defamatIOn, the first ~tep m a libel ~Ult The move was made on the eve of the tru~tee,,' vote on -~ plan to reorgamze the school 'iystem Their vote on the plan to clo"e Barnes School, transfer !olxth gl aders to middle "chool and change the Trombly Defer bound ary I~ scheduled for next Monday, Nov 14. at North High Thi., week'!> meeting dt ~outh High was attended by about 300 CItIzens, "orne III 'iUppOI t dnd ~ome opposed to the .,uper lIltendenr" reorgamzatlOn propo~al The meetmg wa" moved ll1to South'~ gymna"lUm becduse a He carne out smokin' and smokin' · · · By Tom Greenwood 1"01 .hm ~Ilnon 11 \~d" .,01 t of ,1 pipe dl edm ('onw Irul' ~lmOl1 o\\ner of the Hili dnd Hili Tohacco Shop,> I e('entl) pl,lced thll d III the '15th Annual \Volld Pipe ~moklllg Conte,>t T\~o otl1el nWl11l1l'l" of the HIll and Hili PlPC ~J11okll1g Club 10 cated In the POll1te pld( ed flr"t and '>I'cond In thl' conte.,l The Idea Iwhll1d the ('ompl'tillon I" to "ee who celn k('ep .1 J ~l am ... of to b,ICCO "moklllg lhf' longc"t Inside C)I\ BU"lI1e"., 1M ('ab1<' TV Lo(',d 4C Cl,I""lflcc! 6A EdltOlI,lh 14B !,'edtlll e Gro ..."e POllllc IOLlB R('dl E,t,lte E'>Lh'\n~(' Letter" to EditOl 6 7 20A 1;)'\ Ohltuane" 16 I/A S('hool1\;ew" I lOB ~oClCtV I :1,12C ~POlt" AccOldmg to SImon. the rule'i every ,>Imple Each conte"tant I" glV('ll the '>ame amount of the offICial tohacco (alway" BUlley). two kitchen mdtche" <lnd ha" one minute to light hi'> pIpe Artel the pipe I" lit the mdtche'> are collected ,Illd the contc~tdnh Cdn do eln) thll1g they \\clnt to keep the tobdCCO gOing a., long a" they don t I ellght aJ The world record (elCrOIdll1g 10 the (;UIllC"" Book of WOIld He, COl" l I'> two hour" "I' mmute" "nd \9 ..,econd,> "et bv ~chwal17 Cl cek Mlch 1 e"ldl'nt Wilham V,lI go Fn '>1 pl,lce III the wOlld (ontc.,t thl" ..,eell Wd" edlned b\ Hoh{,l t Implilllltl fJ om Mt Cll' m('n" \\ ho nur"ed hi" tobacco dlong for one hOUl, 2fl mll1ute" (lnd lfl "econc!'> ~p('ond pldce went to P,IlII ~tl ong ,11"0 of Mt Clemen" who..,e pIPE' went out <It one hour, 19 mm ute'> 22 "econd" . 'Whlle my lime thl" ve,lr Wel" d p<'l"onal he'"t I feel I 'could have ~one longel If Ihl' tobacco h,ldn't heen .,0 dry" "aid Simon When much lalger crowd was el\.pected DaVid Ea"hck, Jr , chail man of the Committee for NeIghbo 'hood Schools _ Recall group, salld he conSidered the board'~ legal step to be "an unauthOrIzed u!oe of tal\. payels' money" "School board5 cannot be libeled or defdmed, ll1dlVlduab can be," Ea~llck. an attorne). .,ald . 'If theY'1 e 'ipendmg school sy"tem money to take actIOn on behalf of an ll1divldual bo,lI d member Ir~ mappropnate' The mlsappropnatIOn chdrge was made 111 a flyer dlstnbuted door-to-doO! and ~tuffed in chIldren's Halloween bags dunng the la~t two weeh It demands an expla~lallon from the board ,1I1d '>upel mtendent on a numbel of I~ ~ues, mc!udmg the need fOI a ~tdff of thl ee persons m the supel intendent'~ office and the additIOn 01 extracurricular program" which have "overburdened' the "chool "yc,tem The flvel !oa,,, "the above cancel ns deal' With •ml~ap prOpllatlOn Jnd ml"management m OUI GJ O'i"e Pomte School Sv., tem " . Ea"lick " 01g,lllIzallOn I" pOl.,ed The City I ncumbenh \Ion ,ill ,lI ound III the Clt v elect lOp to b.egll1 d recdll campdlgn Councllmdn Thon1<l.., YowlgbJood. who \1 d" appomted dgall1~t bOdld membel ~ to vote ~n to fIll d vdcancy 1\\ 0 month~ dgO led the baiJottll1g favol of the "upclllltendent" With 865 vote~ He wa., follo\\ed bv Jeanette Duffield. pi oposab next week who won I etUJ n to office WIth 77i vote'>. dnd meum \1 Ith 6b6 Speakel ~ lined up belund ml bent AI thul Fettel". crophone" dt the Nov 7 meetll1g, Un"ucce""ful ch.dlengel" fOJ counCIl wel e Thom a~ they have at the Id"t dozen "chool boald meetmg~. to dttack d~ GlIthdt. With SOB vote" and Thomd" 0 Hourke \\ ho won 480 \ ote" the "upenntendent., plellh "Haven't you he.lld 9.1 pel cent of) OUI commul1lty when the) ,>a~ ledve our elemental \ '>choo!'> III tact? a.,ked Judv ni own"combe vice chairman of the recdll group She wa~ refen,ll1g to ~ome 6 500 S~I veys the gloup Cll culated 111 \\ hlch 9.3 pel cent of I e~pondent'> ~ald they oppo"ed ~chool c!o"lIlg-, Hel committee hel" been "fOt ced to Ibe ~tl ong Iclngudge becau~e of the mell1\ bllck wall" we have been fdClllg' "he "aId Another cltlzen~ glOUp, the Defel Re.,pon~e Committee, Cdme out 1Il "UppOI t of the pi opo",11 to m?ve "I,th gl ade1., but mdlll tdIlled It'> 0ppo"ltlon to clo"mg ~dl ne" dccordmg to memlll'r Ann Schultz the And. fOl the fli "t tllne (Continued on Pclge 2 \1 ,\ mOl e Iivel) I .Ice III the Clt) which dttl dcted fOUl cdndlddte" W,l'> fO! the $.1.500 d yedl mumclpdl Judge "edt held b) ~tan K.1ZllI The II1cumbent won I e electIon bJ d 22 vote m,ll gm (lvel Geol ge COtlC chlO who hel" "ought the offIce tWICe before The unoffIcldl tally '>howed h.azul \\'llh 481 vote, COtlC chlo \\ Ith 459 I\ldtthew RumOl a With 162 dlld ~tephen Km"ley \\Ith 152 .\ bdllot plOpO",11 thdt "mend" the Cltv chaltel by e~t,d)l1.,hlllg d $1.000 Illmt for pUI cha'>e". that can be m'lde Without COlIllCII ,lpprovdl won dpproval fI om CIty \ otel ", 501 205 Clt) Mdndgel Thomd~ KI e~" bdch '>dld the dmendment WIll I educe ovel head co~h pelmlt tlmel~ plllch,hll1g dnd lequlle Ie.,,, pa pel \\ 01k fOl "upplJel" He "did 1 2/5 \ oter" 01 288 pel cent of Iho"e leg I"tel ed c,lme to the poll,> Tue"da\' Onl\ 20 percent of the CIly votel" Cd"t beilloh III 'the Id~t Il1UlllCIP,11 eleet IOn 111 148 J When the :"e\I' "till unofflcldl \\ ent to pi e"", dl! the 1 e"ult-. \\ el e Adler, Wayde get prison tenus By Mike Andrzejczyk T\\o GI o~"e POll1te Shol e'> mep, were sentenced Fndav to tel ms m fpderal pn'>on fOl 1IIeg,dl) dl,,111 butmg cocaine U S D",tlICt COUlt .Judge .\nnd DIgg" Ta} 101 "entl'nree! K 1m Ad lei, 26. to foUl )e<II" 111 pll"on and Mdrk WeI\ de 26 to thl ('e ,md d h,lI f ~ ed I ~ f01 t hell p,lI t 111 thI' "ale of cO('(l1l1e to U ~ Dlug En fOJcement ,Ig('nh Id'-l ,Jun(' Adlel and W.1..,d(' .1ttend('(l :"JOIth High to~('th~l pld\ mg on the 1£)7:1 ;\;01th footb'lll "(]udd thdt \\ent 90 thdt "('dl the fll.,t tllne 1I1 th<' '>chool" hhlo1\ \\1 ,lI de mdde '>econd t<'dl11 \II'BI COlint\ " Photo by Tom Greenwood fm hI'> pelfolmeinCl' d" eI('fcn"I\1' ,Jim !'.imon, O\~nrr of lIiII :u,d I'nd Aellcl pi <l\ Nl l'OIIWII1<1Cio. Hill Tohacco ~hop" and thi! d ,\dlel L!,Iddu ,IIPel 111 I !l74 \\ htl e placf' lini.,h<>l 111 the ,lath .\nntlal W,I)ele \\ent on to p]d\ ,\1lothel \\'OIlrl Pipt' ~mokin~ ('ont<>.,1. \edl of 'dl "It\ footh,lll 1,('fOl C tohaceo )<, mOl"t<'r It tell(J.., to gl delUdllllg 111 iQ7') Aft PI ,,( hool bUI n longl'l Th<lt., good Thl' !J,Id hoth ""ellt on 10 pO"llion" In fdl111 pal t I" th,lt when It ... 111Ol"I II" I) 01,\ ned COmpdl1le'> ,11.,0 e<l"lel fOl It to go out 'I: ou Both men had plcd ~llllt) to ll'dlly have to concentl ,lte to kl'ep onc of (,lght counh cOI1t.llned III d It ht [Nlel," gldnd ]Ul \ Indll'tllll'nt AccO! dmg to Simon thl" ~ Pel I S uncleI' d pll'd hdrg,lll1lng dgl C(' conte'>t III e~ 68 conte"tdnh fl om ment negotlclted Id"t month \llth l('ontinu('d on Pag<> 21\) froerdl alto! ney" .\ thlle! Ill<ln. K<'I-lJ1 \\'111I,lm" of Cl,l\\"on lecl'l,cd five tel m., of thl ee ,1Ild foUl \ ear.., to lun conclII renth WIIII,Im.., \\(1"found glllll~ b~ ,; IUI\ ~ept 27 of five count'> III Ihe Illdll'l !lWllt III c1udll1g CO!1"pll dC\ to po.,,,I''''' <llId dhtlll1UtC COCdll1C eliding ,1Ile! dbettll1g and dl..,tllhutmg LO(dlJ1e pO""C""101l \\lth mtent 10 <h"tllhutp COCdllW dno mtel "tdte tldn"pOl t,1 t lOll 111 d lei of I d( kl'l el' I I11g ('Ilt ('I pll"C" 27. Willldl11" 1\,1" ,d,o found L:Ullt\ of d II'''''CI ('hdl g(' lJ1c1uded In the ld"t ('ounl of thc gl,md IUI~ 111 dlctll1l'nt ,l""elultln~ I ('''l"tlllg 01 ll11ppdmg ,I (ll ug ('nfOl «,Ilwnt of flcel \11 Ihl ('(' \11]] hcl\l' ,I thl{,(' \('dl pdlO]P p('llod dflel tl1(,11 lell'''''p The l1lght of thell ,Ill e"t \dlel dlHI Wd)e!e met \~Ith fedel dl elgPllh 1I1 W d) de " ShO! epomte elpdl tment dllel fwld te.,ted .1 "mall pOl tlon of the ('OC.1)11e The agent'> \Iel (' then dll peted to a home on UIlI\ el "It\ HOdd 111 nOl the,l"t De tlOlt \\ hei e the\ \\('1 e met In Wil hdm" \\ ho plodllced thl pe qUdl tel" of d kllogl am cf COCdinp dnn cut dnol h('1 qUdl tel ktlogl dm flom dllothpl qUdntlt~ \\l1('n thp ,1I1 I'"t Wd" dnnollnCt'd. ,lll Ihl PC mell tll('d to p"cdpe off I ('('I" "did .\dlel \\,h dll e"tl'd out "Idp t1w IlOIl1l' Wllh,lm" l!,l dhbl'd the gun of olle fedPI al dgPllt ,llld \\ ,I" "hot III the leL!, nnd che"t In ,lllot 11('1 ' \ kllm,ldm of CO(dllll' h \\odh ,dH)UI ShO 000 to $80 1100 \1holc",de I ('onttnUf'!l on P ,lgf' ! \1 Th .. thr('(' m('n \\ PIe ,III (',,-ted leI"t .lUll(' lJ1 ,I 1101Ih(,<I"t [)PtlOlt hOl111' h\ fcdpl ,d ,l~('nh ,l11d ~t Cldll ~h(ll ('" poll<'(' (,lppmg d TIll' Committee fOl \PIL;hbO! ,," month 111\ l'"tlhdllOn lIl..,ol\ lIlL: hood l':lenwnt,ll) School-. dt('u,,('d tlw thl ('(' thl' Bo,lI II of EdllC,ltlOll of 1111" dppl 0Plldt Ion dnd mhmdl1dll(' \('('01 ding to Ih(' lnll!l'tn1l'nt In,l fl) 1'1 (lI"t Ilhllll'e! \(11('1 ,l11d WeI\{!1' 01 <lW"tl cll('d th(' 111 rill thlollghout the ,,('hool dhtll(1 Ilot Pllll'hd..,e ,1n<i' II <l1I'>fcl of cl kilo gl,lm of CO(.11111'flom Flolldd fOt 1Il ,I 11('\1"P'lJ)('l dd .I" \1 d::- I l'pOI t ('d 111 111(' i'oO\ I I""UI' $62 ()()() Correction Page Two-A GROSSE • ~ I • $;rabble • "en'. Thinking of leasing • Can you solve the t puzzle in my window? [ a unique collection of quality games 85 Kercheval :Ii Do",.,,",. Sea Chen. DomaIn. f on-the-Hill "i M.sat. 9'30-5'30; Thurs 't119 LEASING INC. a Mile i 884.1222 o..~ 8e~()(.~" P Ralph FIIZ... 5.1 •• Mgr ""MIl It....... -JUST OPENEO--l IN THE VILLAGE I I J)AJ)~~ VLUil 16900 KERCHEVAL Pointe News n......, lUllS 12..... ,~ lIOIeeed aNa P.... ,... 1lInlt. ...... 11oIt:=...., , 11 UO ,. .,., ......... III I' ... .... d ....1hbecri(II ..... eI .w.lI_ Folo.... '" II ~ 0..... f_a,1IICIIl. T" ......... lor _ oopy II a..ne- an IIlIonclI¥ - J2th 885- 2450 ) I.. ", B1 ADtftM PuWilllen " :K.erdte'al A ,.ealle r.*e, III 6IZ3I PhMl. 182.,,900 20% OFF STATIONERY and WRAPS With This Ad Only OHer Good through Nov, Grosse GI'OIIe STATIONERY • WRAPS • CARDS OFFICE SUPPlI ES ___________________ ,-Grosse Pointe Cily It Gratiot 772.&700 772.2200 I JI '" - ~ All -vwteInI oopy "'llII be In 'Ill Hewl Oftlce It)' " • III T..-My - . Fresh From The Factory! Huge Stock Just Arrived! Classic Penny or Classic Tassel SEBAGO / "/ He came out smokin' looking slightly shocked "ThiS I~ a gentleman's sport. ThInk about it. Have you ever seen a pIpe smoker in a hurry, runlllng around? Can you even thmk of one vIllian in hteratui e or hbtory who was a pIpe smokel'l "We do It becau"e we love "Many women smoke pipe!>, and pipes," he added cIgar~ 100," ~ald SImon, who looks If ever there wa:, a man born to a bll like Hal Lmden "But mostly tobacco, it would seem to be JIm they smoke onl}' m their homes Simon He bought hb fIr!>t pIpe (,I I'd ~ay I've got at least 40 women corn cob) and a tm of Prince AI cu!>tomers here at the ~hop In bert tobacco when he was 14 fact, one of the conte!>tants III thIS While other kIds hung around the year':> world contest did qUIte ball dIamond. pool hall~ or the lib well. Judy Strong, WIfe of the se- rary, SImon would hang ellound cond place fmlshel, kept her pIpe tobacco shops m DetrOit gomg fOl 47 mmute~, and 59 se"I originally w.mted to be <I cond::. She came III 17th" dentist," he :,a id "Then I got WhIle the rules of the conte~t ~Idetracked I !>tarted workIng fOI a man who bought a ~hop, but are "Imple, entel mg the competi(Continued flom Page IA) "chool lJo,l1d cll':>ohedld flOm CIlI- tion I:' even Simpler It'" open to dIdn't know too much Soon I \Va" anyone All you have to do is show domg all the bUylllg and ordelll1g len':> who support the I eOIgumzafor lum By the lIme I wa~ mal up While the ChIcago affair hon HenlY Clay, of the Farm~, ned I had a degree III p~ychology charged a $5 entry fee, most Ulgt-'<i the tru~tee" to '"t,wd VOUl' wOlld and regIOnal contests are and it wa!> tIme to go to WOIk ground " . flee. "My WIle a:,ked Whdl 1 wclnled "Conti dry to whelt ) ou mdY be "We'l every democl atlc'" ~aId to do. All I knew wa:, tobacco and (Continued from Page lA) hearing Glo::."e POlllte dId not 111SImon, With a smIle. And how pIpes, so here I am " Apparently DEA offICIal:' ~dld Artel It IS pre- vent thl:' problem 101 declInmg Simon is domg be~t what he doe~ one tram for the contest? Clay "ald He :,ald pm ed for the ~tl'eet ':>ale,the value emol!mentl," knows best He':, ~mce added Illcrea::.c" to bet\\een $300.000 and pI estlglOu" school dl~t ncb clCIO!>,', Does the smoker put In miles of three other shops to hI:' original Joggmg to build up endurance? $500,000, they added The kIlo- the natlO11 have been forced to Doe!> It call for tears and toil, store m the Pointe grclm :,elzed III the <.ille~t was c1o:,e :,choob I.>ecau::.eof .,hl1l1kmg sweat and muscle? tested a" 86 pel cent put e For hIS effort~ as third place family "Ile!> "Not at all," said Simon fmI!>her, Simon eat ned himself d ACCOldlllg to the DEA, COCdllle, "Sule, II'" more fun to glow "BaSically, you practIce when you $175 DunhIlI Pipe and lots of tothan to ,',hIink, to eldd to faClhtJe~ were It to be rated by Forbe" have lot!> of lelsUl e tIme. At least bacco Next year's world conte!>t MagazlIle, would be the fourth than to take away I thmk you two hours to SIt down m an easy takes place m August and WIll be large!>t mdustl y III the natIOn Co- have acted re,',pon~lblv," he adchaIr where you won't be bother- held at the Strohhaus m DetrOIt . caine ~ales are e:,tlmated to make ded ed LIght up in one mmute and up about one thll d of the nahon'~ What's the secret for keepmg a Ju!>t keep It going You should Supt Brummel'~ plopObub al e IllIcit drug mdu!>try's $75 bIllIon few grams of tobacco gomg for an tI am usmg the offICIal tobacco de~Igned to Improve the effiCiency sales last year hour or more? though " of the system whose enrollment How CiVIlIzed "Personally, I blow gently into St Clall Shore~ officer" were ha:::.dropped by mOl ethan 40 perthe pipe rather than draw," saId a~ked to partIcIpate m the arrests cent smce 1970 There are now And the competitIOn itself Does SImon, smkmg back mto hi!> easy because the department !>upplled 7,500 students attendmg clcl:,se~ in one eyeball his opponents, trying chair. "You feed oxygen to It to the Illitlal mformatlOn leadmg to 15 bUlldmg,'" de::.lgned to hold to gain a psychological edge? keep it lit. Does anyone have a the InVe!>tIgatlOn and arre:,ts, 10,000 Peak enrollment was match?" "My goodness no," ::.a1d Simon, PEA offlcial~ said, 13,500 Gov Jame~ J Blanchard has declal ed the month of November as "!:lecond Chance Heat t Line Month" In recogmtlOn of the many contllbutlOn~ the 01 gamzclt IOn hai> made to hem t pclllent~ at St John Ho~pltal thl ough coun~ellng :,el VIce:" fund-I dl:,mg actIvItIes, clnd concel n dbout the welfm e ot he,ll t pattent" The melJol objective of Second Chance I" to plovlde el gclthel mg place whele II1dlvlduab \',ho have had 01 HI e contempl ltmg hem t :,m gel y can "hUl e thell thought:, elud expellence" Meml.>el" who ,lie fOImel heell t peltJenb, donate thell time allel) mg the fe,lI" ot pie dnd po"t opelatlve patIent'> elt the ho"pltal They VI:'lt peltlent'> and an"wel elny of thell nonmedlccll que"tlOlI~ !:lecond Ch,lI1ce \\cl" 01 gdl1lLCd III 1973 I.>yDI Philip Fellngel. Cell dmc "U1 geon elt St John, who ::.el\\ the "tlOng, P0::.ltlve p::.ychologlcdl DRUMMY • Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Governor cites 'Second Chance' Tbink of ~SQL1JTIQNS[ POINTE effect 01 a VI~lt by a hedled bypa':>:,~urgel y patIent With a I ecent po:,t opel allve patient The club hold!> bl monthly meetIng" In the hO:'plt,l! ':> Petel A Whyte Memollcll Audltollum The~e meet1l1g!>aI e hIghlighted by gue!>t "pedkel" \\ho plovlde membel" \',Ith mfol mdtlOn on he,ll t dl "ea::.e, medlcell ,lI1d "UI glCal tI ecltment, coun':>ehng. dnd m:,lght on VellIOU:'hedlth I el<ited ,',ubJect,', Membel "hlp I" open to cllly Cdl dlOv et"cul <II patlClIl cllld hl,,/IH'I "pou."e 1"01 lIlfOImcltlOll. c,dl the club'" ple~ldellt, Hu""ell S.mtolo at 771 4310 01 St John Ho~pltell cldmll1l"tl cltlOn elt .l4l 3J(){) (Continued from Page lA) around the U S and Canada The competitIOn took place at That Steak Joynt In Chicago's old town and was sponsored by the SOB's (Sons of Bnars> Among the contestants wel e two women Schools Cocaine -q)lu\f~' S____ CUSTOM TAILORING MENS I ~ SAVE LADIES and AL TERATIONS /' rn PI MAJOR AND MINOR 399 Fisher S. of Kercheval ~ M 200/0 to 400/0 off (. Grosse POinte Open Man • Wed ,Fn 10-900 Tues, Thurs ,Sat t' 'f Black or Wine $61.95 t", A Remarkable "'alue I 1', Handsewll tassel loafers for men With genume leather sale Featurmg Sebago's Patented Welt constructIOn for more flexlbrlrty, support, comfort and durabrllty A sImple, elegant look Made m Mame hy skilled craftsmen 10-5 00 Select Group of 885-4983 NEW 1984 BUICK $24921•MO Pwr Wind., Pwr. Seat, Pwr. Dr Locks, Am/Fm Stereo w/Clock, Air, T-Glass, VB Eng , Wood Grain, Defog ,CrUise, Rack AND MORE if * Soc <Ill At> Closed End G"lAC lease ... rty Deposrt + 1 yr f'Iales ¥. MENS SPORT COATS AND OUTERWEAR TH'.'-K /IBO(:T IT! ELeCTRA ESTATE WAGON f NO W_S8.ECJALLY PRICED THROUGH NOVEMBER 26th $720 66 Imllal Payment IncltJdes lSI t.Io DIrect lease GMAC 9 ~ BIRMINGHAM 116 N WOODWARD AVE P'lOfle 642-1965 GROSSE POINTE 17045 KERCHEVAL AVE Phone 884-070 1 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 9:30-5:30 p.m., Th. & Fri, 'ti/9 / '1 f Black or Wine $61.95 A Remarkable Value' I N I) Handleu n beefrollioafers for men ClaSSICstylmg With a f!.enlllne leather sale Featurmf!. Sebago's exclusIVe Patented ll/'elt ConstructIOn for greater jle,(lbrllty, support, comfort and durabrllty Each pair the product of a careful Afame craftsman NIKONEM. SIZes Over 12 Add $2 ;1 YES! WE HAVE AVAILABLE 7 1/1 '0 I. 'l( ,d,hs A BODY ONLY H~S ADDI1lDlillAt SIZES EEE '0 The easlest-to-use., easiest-to-awn Nlkon ever ,~ ? ./, / '::HO,W:~~H""D *$ 7 ~J-J" 5 I WI1'H ANV SUIIUIS "lIKON F(, ~~ " ~ p SINCE < • ".~: Mastercard 882.3670 L' , LUIS lODlTIOlillAl UHR RISAU sldtSss GROSSE POINTE Open Tburrdtry benmgs IOn-ONlY fOISlI UC[PlIQUl CAlIIIIfUS IIII!O'U 1900 KERCHEVAL AT 8T CLAIR ~ ~ ...()~\ t.l"" ~-- ''-' '0' :0... ' Autographing his latest book of cartoons tll 9 Visa ~;::; TARTAN BUTTON-DOWNS "The World According To Carp" Handsome sport shIrts m eIther medIUm or mmiature tartans, A great look with slacks, sweaters or under a blazer. Fine cotton blended WIth polyester a CrISP look WIth no Ironmg. '~({I~ I '~ .. .- to mrure Blue, red, green and camel colormgs provtde a colorful ChrIStmas gIft. 35.00 Meet cartoonist RICHARD GUINDON. Grand Carpmaster . af: Grosse Pointe Book VIllage on: saturday, November 12 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 111'0244 ., 885-0244 KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR 882-8970 \ I • GROSSE POINTE Open ThflrrdtJY EIJenm;:r ',,, 9 00 Open Thursdays 80 F"dilYS until 9 p m .....4•• -- GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE .... _-.-""'---~~--~ ...~. -~------ -~~ .. ~-~-~~ Page Three.A NEWS In the Woods Advanced LUe Support ready worklllg and operdtlllg the ..,~. !>tem. Pattel"on said In.,tcdd of announclIlg the ~y:.tem '" IIlcept IOn III July, the depdl tment dl1d the ho~pltal wanted to WOIk togethel to make :.U1 e It Wd::. I unnll1g "moothly f1l!>t Advanced Life ~upport u...,e::.I adlO commUI1lC<.ltlOn" bel\~een emel gency room doclol., .It the ~t It was not a problem wIth the John and EMT::, tieatlllg the pdt. equipment. but gettmg u':>ed to lent to I elay II1j 01 mdllon "'uch d.., Vital ~Ign::., blood pi e::,~Ule dnd elect I OCdIdlOgl d m~ to lhe doclOI.." who can then Iela) lIl.,tl uctlOn:, LIVIng fOI tl eatment 10 Ihe EMT.., A group of CItlll:'ll~ WOIkmg to new Wayne Commumty develop ,lcceptdnee III the com- SerViCes agency Only about one In ~e\ en cdlb The citizens, member!> of the mumt) f 01 Cl edllOn of a group \\ III Involve the ALS mode. Pdt home fOt mentall~ I elclrded per- Group Home AdVisory Council of tel "on ~ald The ~evel It\ of the III the Grosse Pomte A!>soClatlOn fOI "on!> WII! meet dt 7 30 P m Thur~JUI) Will dlCtd te \\ hethel AL:::' I" Retarded CItizens, u!>ually gather day. N OV 17 u t the Brownell put mto dcllon, he added Middle ~chool llbl ary, 260 Chal- on the second Thursday of each month at the Grosse Pomte CentWood~ votel" hdndll~ pd..,..,ed the fonte Avenue ral LIbrary They wIl! resume that one hdlf mill mCI ed..,e fOI Ihe ..,\ Spedkel \\ 111be Gel aId Provenschedule flfter thl<; month',> meet:,tcm th ..t \\.1'" de"Cllhed \" "t,IIP c:ll, d:: ('("a: of the ~1:lcomb of the ill t by f 01 mel Public ~df et) Oakldnd HeglOndl Center and the ing dll ectol John Ddnkel In 1981 SInce then, the city ha.., been tl dIning Ih pel ::,onl1el dCqUlIl11g HARVEY'S eqUlpment ,1IId gettll1g the nece.., ~alY IJcen..,e., to opeldte the ") "tem WhIle the dpplll,ltlOn \\ d'" lJell1g reviewed b\ d Vd Ilet \ of loc<lI ,lI1d :,tate medic,d dgencle~, the Clt) ploceeded 111 tl<lIning flve Pdld medlc~ and mne bd~IC emer genc) medlcdl teChl1lCldn., The pi Ogl .1m 345 FISHER RD., GROSSE POINTE Involved about 5000 hour.., 01 cia..,..,!oom and clJllIcal tl allllng, 881-0200 polIce and ho~pltdl olflC'wl~ ~ald ANNOUNCES THE ADDITON OF A In addlllOn the Clt) added d bUilding la!>t year behll1d Its PETITE GALLERY OF ORIGINAL ART mUlllclpdl galdge to hou..,e the EMT.., while the\' wel e on 24-hoUl call The city began workmg WIth the eqwpmenl fOI Ihe ALS at the beglllnJng of the 198.384 fl"Cdl By Mike Andrzejczyk Two ~eM.., ago, Wood~ voter!> mCIed~ed thell tax I dte by onehdlf mill to pdy fOI It, a nd now the) hclve It The Clt\ dnd ~t John Ho~pit,ll I ecentl~ dimounced that the Wood-; Advdnced Llle SUPPOlt ambulance ..,elvice h ready to ..,dve live.., The ..,\..,tem hd'" been In limited opel dtlOn "'lI1ee ld..,t .Julj, police officI a Is saId, The emel gency medical techmclans and the hOSpItal have been qwetly te!>tmg and workmg out the bugs 111the commumcatlOns equIpment, the backbone of the servIce As of la~t month, both parties wel e ready to go wIth the ~ystem, Dh ector of Publlc Safety Jack Palter..,on said Group home meeting set Compleat Traveler Pb. -\1 do d~lhldlJOIi ':>Ignificance" Elizaheth Ick Olti.,on, Ill. ",hill' e"e('uthe \VOlk to ..,eelit e dn hl..,tOlICdl ..,lle mdl kel 101 the lJlo" ...e Pomte Wdl \lel1101ldl beg<1ll 111 Febludl \ 01 1981 T\\ 0 \\ eek" dgO the hl..,tollc,d po..,t 10l ~Ite 1'\0 148 \\.1.., 01eclecl nedl the entl dnce of the CIICUldl dll\ e )0dellng liP 10 the -\lgeJ l\I,ll1:,IOn In gold lip Idl"ed leltel'" ..,et dg,Un.,t d fOIe~t gl een bdCkglouIId It "d)" Hu..,"ell -\ AJgel HOll::.e "The l\10011llg'" .. I{u.....,ell A \lgCl JI 1187l The ~oal of the ALS ~)~tem I" to prOVide nece~::'dl y lIfe ~UPPOIt measure~ dt the "cene dnd III the ambulance befol e the pdtlenl reache!> the emel gency room. ho!>pltal offiCial., !>Hld U~mg the radIO and telemetl) commUI1lCd tlOn hnkl:>, doclor~ .IIe able to Ie. commend tl eatment meUi:lUrei> The paramediC" are uble to ad. minister drugi>. perf OJ m II1tllbatlOn!>and admml!>lel mtl aveneou~ flUid!>. and othel 11fe~aVlng tech. Illque:, on order~ from the emel genc) loom doctor FOl pa lient:. expellenclllg hearl trouble:. the paramediC:' are able to transmIt elect! OCllldiogra m:, Art & Dorey Kruse are presefltlY displaying a collection of their Oils, water colors and sculptures at Harveys Compleat Traveler Also on display a,re paintings by Bill House and Russell Bolt, sculptures by Michael Curtis and Dennis Knight-ail accomplished Michigan artists. There IS no better way to support the arts than by a purchase of an anginal work, one that you particularly like, to grace your home or office. or as an unusual, lasting, and beauttful 91ft. if nece.!>sal y. perf 01 m Something for everyone whatever your fauorrte winter sport \IOU /I find exhibits and euer\lthmg you need The most eXCIting winter fashions and the newest deSigns In eqUipment For ~klers a specIal treat The MIchIgan ski patrol gwes tipS on safety FrIday 11th 7 pm to 9 pm Saturday 12th 1 p m to 4 p m 7 p m to 9 p m Sundav 13th 1 p m to 3 p m and there's more the colorful Mini Ice Capade "lce Trazeganza . Frrday 11th 1 p m 4 p m 7 pm Saturday 12th 11 a m and 7 p m Sunday 13th 1 p m 2 30 and 4 p m \ I cm dIO\'l!>lOn, 01 the ddmllu:>tel mg of electllc "hocks to the heal t Police estImate that ALS Will be u!>ed III from 10 to 12 pel cent of the calb the ambulance handle~ PolIce and ho~pltal ofhclab credit a numbel of doctOl:' at both Det rOlt ReceIving and St John ho!>pltals the Cit\' admlnl!>tl atlOn and counCil as i'ell a:, Dr Ann Zimmer of the Woods. fOl the tl alllmg and educatIOn of the public about the :.) stem November 11.13 dilectol, I <;11~ "of ()1\!...tandin~ hi..,!mital Dr..j E.dAu. .mri .1Ilhitl'ltural repOi t of the Ulldel taklllM to hoal d pI e.,idl'nt Fll'd!'r:\lalk H, Weber. look.., on 'Moorings' is an historic site ~eaJ and. J.~,-l...linb the \\' .. 1 'lemoria! :\10"'~1 ("wdelot tUi n., ovel hel l~ll'lIlUIl.l Farms woman robbed by trio A 48 yedl -old Far m., \\Omdn \\ a!> lobbed 01 hel pur~e by lIll ee men whIle :,tdndmg In her front ) ard Thlll ~da) aftel'lloon. Nov .3 .\CCOIding 10 police IepOl h the \\oman dnd hel hu"bdnd had l'etmned from a ,,!tOIt lnp dnd had pdl ked thell Cdl 111thell gdl dge The \\ omtlll !>dld :,he not ICed lhl ee young men walk pa!>t their dnveway, ':>top. retUlI1 and cdJl to her a..,kmg fOl directIOn!> A., ':>he \\d" about to I'e..,pond, the thl ee men charged hel. I unmng acl'o!>!>a nelghbol '.., lawn and grabbed hel pur~e The victlm~ resisted. but were knocked to the glound The three men 1.111 off. cha:"ed bv the VIctim ~ hu~band \\ho \\a~ qlllckly outdl:>tanced T,he t\\ 0 l'e;,ldenl::, "ald they heal d the .,owld of d car I aClllg aWd~ The !>u:,pect:>\\ere descllbed .1:' three black male". 17 to 19 years old, 5 feet 11 II1che~ tdll, 150 pound". \\ Ith ddl k clothe~. mcludlIlg dal k \\ a!;,t length Jackets Fal ms poltce belle\ e lhe thl ee ale le;,pon.,lble fOI dt led..,t t\\O othel Iobbel Ie" and d ..,exutl) d~:,dUIt 111 lhe Clt~ dUIlllg the la..,l month Sat .. November 19th Ha' Ha' Ha' Santa IS com Center be wre to mark vr)llr calendar Bring ~Ollr ChrIStmas list and meet Santa ar 9 30 Salllrdoy mornmg In rhe Cirand COllrt Ing to r.astland November 19l0l :,011of l\lIChlgdl1.., GO\iel nOI Hu"..,ell Algt'1 bUIlt thl" It,llltln Hendl"'..,dl1ce ..,t\ Ie I11dn..,lon In 1910 r\lgel \\.1.., ol1e 01 the loull del" oj the P dck<lId 1\lotOl Co III PdIJ) Chdlle.., A Pldll 01 Ne\\ YOI k de"lgneel thl.., eldbol dte ..,11UctUIe. dnd Ellen ~hlpmdn 01 ~e\\ YOlk ldnd"'caped the gl ound~ The home. ~Itualed on Luke St Cldll \\ a~ I efell ed to d'" "The :\1001lIlg;, Algel 11\ ed hel e unlll hi;' dedth 111 1930 Flam 19.36 to 1948, the hou;,e \\ d;, u~ed b, the DetlOlt Instltule of All'> d bl <inch mu:,eum In 1949 It wa~ deeded to Ihe Gro,,:.e Pomte War Memorial A;,!>oclUtlOn 111memol v of tho~e who ~el ved and died Ii, our nallOn'!> W,Il!>and fOI f,IClhlatmg the educatIOnal, cultural dnd CIVICneed:" of the commumly " a:. \ U1\ hlOn tllld! ..,lgl1lflcdl1le of the tJl'(1<11 eel (Jut dlltec oj dl 'Ihl' died I., no\\ II.,ted III the :\<111011,I Hegl.., tel of HI"IOIICdl PldlP'" Tho..,e I e ...pon"'lble fOI ...eelllg Ihe Idea come to ft UltlOIl mcilide the Wdl l\Iemolldl., ~el \ Ice I.edgue, ddmllll.,tl dll\ e ..,tdff dllel 1;0<0d of dllectOl~, and In PdlllClIldl Ell Zdbeth l\lowel Gdlldelol d mem bet of the bOdld \\ho ;,pedl hedeled the Idea <lI1d ..,<1\\ It th Iough l\Idl k R We bel . e,ccutlve dll ectol of the centel ..,dld \\ hat ..,eb thl.., hll:>tollcal ;,lle apdll fl om othel" I~ that It I':>a 11\ lIlg memOllal ..,elvll1g Ihe commulllly thlough lItel ally thoU..,dnd;, of ac. llVllIe.., annuall) " Park woman sentenced to jail after embezzlement guilty plea By Susan McDonald Carol Walker. of Nottingham Road, was sentenced thIS week to ~erve at least SIX month!> 111 Jail after !>he pled gwlty to em bezzlmg money from a company owned by the family of Gros!>e POInte Park MUl1lclpal Judge Bevelly Grobbel Ml;, Walker 47 w d!>t'lken to Wayne Count)' Ja;1 on i\'londay No';' 7. after her sentence wa~ handed down by Recorder's Court Judge La\l/l'ence D SIlverman In addItion to the Jail term. she was placed on five years probatIOn and was ordered to Jom and regulal'1y attend meet. mgs of Gambler;, Anonymou~ Judge Sl!vel man <11soordel ed Ms Walker to pay I estltutlOn of $37.787 09 by 19R8 If ~he abIdes November 25th so!mds of the WoodlLlnd QllIntet F n}o~ the mel/ou, playing your fOllonte hall day mU~lr 7 p m Penny ~ [ ast Court f \Jtlt MI r Road and Kelly Road In Harper Woooe,. '[ h(: HI"tOI ~tdte 01 \hdllg,ill h..... the \\dl :-'IPInOlldi .1 'Ill "Idlldlllg hl ...tOll(tll ,tlll! by the term:, of probatIOn and mak~s. I e~tltutlOn, Judge SIlver ~lan ..,ald he \\ould ~~':>pend anothel "Ix-month.., JaIl ~entence whIch I:' to be ~el ved at the end of five yea!'" The felony charge agaln..,t l\1I> Walkel alleged thaI ..,he embezzeled more than ~30.000 from the E \V Gorbbel mea t company on Detroit" Ed"lel n Mdl ket dUllllg the one and a half year!> l\Is Wdlker wa;, employed a:. offIce managel thel e The charge:. were mdde Ihl:" !>prmg after the comp~ny began to lIl!>tall a computel accountIIlg ::,ystem and dI~covel ed fund!> wel e mls;,lIlg 1\11':, Walker I e;,lgned from the III m She \Va!>repre~ented III COUll b) Paul C LOllI;,ell. of the fll m RIckel and Eal Ie 26th The delightful Sound of MUSIC performed by the talented Grosse POinte ChJldrens Theatre Penl1~ s fast Court 110m and 2 pm Open dally 10 a m to 9 pm Extended Hours Begin November 25 Sunday 1? noon 10 5 p m 125 stores for your shopping Lonvenu>nce GROSSE Page Four-A POINTE Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Moms are sponsors Ex-addicts, alcoholics visit SH B\ J.lnl' KOrnmell'1 111 the lunlh gl dde SOphOIl1Ol e" tli dl tend Iwo "e-,..,Ion" \llth Ihe Fe)) lll"ll udO!" dlld hdve the op ~pOn"OllJ1~ Ihe foUl th VI"ll 01 the Fl ('edom II om l'11I'1lHt ,,) 1>(' penden(\ lounddllOn \ FCD) l' South" ~lotht'I" Club '1h(' \\ ('pk \1 lroll 01 dt!t'ndlllg the othel t\~U l'!d'''P'' JUIlIOI'" dnd "emOl'> ,d"o ot i\O\ 14 "1\ IIhtludOl" 110m hd I (' IIll' OpllOll 01 dt tendlllg d "e~ 10 que:,tlon,> the IOUllddtloll \1 !lIch h iJd "cd ltl -1011 to get dn"\\('I" Needh'lIll, ;\1.1"'" \\111 "pelHI IOlll d!JOUt ..,ub,ldncl' dllu..,l' On Wedlll'"dd\ l\ov lb, dt 7 30 d<l~" III (,Io"..,e POinte llwetlllg P m III the ,1l1(111011lUI1dn even WIth "Iudpnh dnd pdl ell I-!Ill-, to l1ll'l't dnd ldlk \\llh tlw FCD Begllll1lng \10Ildd\ tIll' FeD III 10 Ilwet ,md 1,lIk With ~tIUCtOI '> ,ill fOIIl1('1 ,l!collOlIe" 01 dl\(1 ,llluenh till' FCD IIhlllll'tOI" AIl('1 d bl wf dlUg dddll'h \Ilil /lweI \\llh lilt 1 ouullLOI1 the ..,tudenh dlld pd fr e"hl1wl1 dlld 'Op11011101(' "tudenh to Jll 0\ HIe IdeW dl mlOI IlldllOIl 101 I ellh 11111 "pill II1to t\IO "epdl dIe the "tudenh dnd 10 ,1Ih\1 <.'1 tlWll hi (lUll" Thl' II III pi oVlde .Ill open eOn«'IIl" dbout '>ub"l,lI1ce ,dJlI..,e dtlllo"phel e 1(1I edch ,,() the) mdY <1'>the\ hdve bepn Ihel (' dlld t ,ilk II eel\ dboul Idea" \\ hlch the\ I1ld\ othel II he IJe dlUlId 01 em '>uftel ed the con"equence" 111 ft onl of The lte~hmen \\111 I('cel\(' the b,lI'l a"..,ed to dhtU,,, olhel" Lllt'l the t\\O glOUp'" \\111 mo't eoncenll dtlOn dtlendlllg loul I ed,..,('mble <'>dll1<'>1dl1d the In ..,e!>"lOn,> olle d dd \ ..,In((.' IhL Illd \\111 then dhCU,," the JOllt:- of them ,II'C lIltlOdueed 10 ,tIUttOl" • \..*f.,l"q l.'''' ,., I.,hl,. UUU! l I,.UJU ~1 Ull t'L I I 1,.11 Uh .... Lucv Soulh\ tedm. tlOlldl dbu..,e gl 0\\ 11 SmIth. challpel,>oll ot newl\ tOI med '>chou] leel" the need fOI 1Il10lI1Id IUllellO)h on '>ul>"tanlt' 101 ..,tudent~ becduM' It hd'> to 'epldenllc Pi OPOItlOn.., ; "We (the Mothet" Club :::,ouu~ ddmull"tl aIm'> dnd ledehel" dnd pat ellt':» leel '>ludent'> ou~ht to know the lJ"k" of dlug dbu,>e IJe 101l' they deCIde whelhel 01 not to ll'>e Ihp..,e dl ug" ' / The FeD lounddllOll b e""entl<ll I~ d 1I011 plobt OlgdllltdtlOn \-\llIch belLe\ e.., III Pi evenl,,11 ve educdtlOn 101 ,ill ~tudenh, p,ll enh dnd ted chel" It upddte:, :,tudent~ and pel I enh on Ihe fdct~ of dl ug dbu..,e and leh them openly dbCU..,~ thell cancel n:, and opllllon" "boul II They abo give adVIce on ho\\ to help fllend'> 01 then Chlldl en \\1.0 ..,llffcl flom chcmlc.l! dep,:!' denc~ 'Little Foxes~auditions open ~ophomOl e Becky ~Ietfe" com mented, "I think It ~ d good AuditIOn,> fOI Glo:,,,e POlnle ce"" 40-4.'>, Blldle Hubbdld. tuntd ,>OUlee of mfol mdtlOl1 fOI ..,tudenh Thedlet .., pi oductlOn of ' The Lit ~()uthel n dl htO(l <it 40 4.'>, Ale,,- ,1I1d II rn<iY ~CUle them, but III d JohJlln ~l'hlllldt. :'I1.D.. \\111 .,peak about caldiac rehabilitation on Tue!lday, Nov. 15.8 p.m. at Bon SecoUl" tie Fo,e.., d LJllJdn Hellmdll <indl d Glddon" dellcdle and \Ieek 01 ~o they'll fOlget dnd \\111 Ho"pital'" .'lClenCl' H,lll 'I Ill' pi ogram i!. pal t of the Friends of Bon ~ecour!> Town Hall for Health communit) cla""lc \\111 be i'>O\ 12 ,md I;l "tlOl1g 1725, Addle, \\1..,<.> J11<ild, be bdCk to Ihen 1101mal dcti\ I educJtion "eliI''' 1>1 ~lhl1lidt \liIl di!>cus!l fisk factor!l leading to heart attack!> and under<,tanding Herci"e from 1 10 ') P rn dt the the<ltel 411'), IJldC'k, Ben)dmll1 Hubbdld, fUlleh.J111ht<ltlOll \rlmi">.,ion i" flee but b) reservation onl). Call GIOl)' Little at :N:!.1520 to make a lie" l'ltudLO, 315 FI'>hel [{odd powel hungl ~ <ind dl,>hone~l, I e"el \ alion PictUi ed i" 1.01 rnzo Bro\-\ ning (light), president. Friends of Bon ~ecoUI", pi e"enling dpprecia. And cancel ned Pdl ent Anne "The Little Foxe.., l~ d bill 405.'>, O!>C<i1 HuLJbdl d, CIuel but Hon gift... to IHI!tiCIIJ,ll1h III the 1983 Town Hall for Health series, They 31 e Ileft to right) Ralph Cu~hing, Bo) Ie ~aId," at led~t II ~ a hant, IJltlllg chi omde 01 d tU111 ",plllele'>.." 4(}".'>5,Leo Huhbm d not :\l.D., Johann ~('hnlldt. 'I.D .. and ~bter Vidolia Segura, C.B.S .. M.D. ~lep 111 the light dll cellOn" of,the cenlul~ ~oulheln [dmll\" too "malt but ~nedky, 1825, lelentle'" delel mmdtLOI1 to "tllke HOI dce Glddon:, "mal t but lo..,e~ OPEN DAilY BUY It Ileh IJ) !Ju"me",> to Hegll1a dedth ~cene, 40-50, Wl1I 10:00-6:00 USED OR BROKEN DIt ectol Michele Karl I'> looklllg !lam Mal :'h<1ll, dl ...tll1gul~hed '. Order Your Thanksgiving Pies Except Sunday GOLD OR SILVER tOl <i I,ll ge tUI n out dt dudltlOll" l'\01 thel n gentleman, ~hrewd, NOWI I She oft el ~ the~e chd 1 dctel de!> 4(}"50, ClI, pI opel bullel, bldek c~ IptlOn" of the fOUl women <illd l\h Kml ddcb that Southel n de ALL HOMEMADE PIES II SI" men \~ho mdke up the COIl upl cenl" <ile d mu:,t to! dll chdl dclTurn Your Jewelry & Old Gold to Cash I. WITH COUPON ~... ~~ I Inllmate • layet1es dl!>hone"l ,llld deeeptl\ e c,I,,1 of el.., with the e ...cept Ion of the LOll' BUYING GOLD AND SILVER I 10% Discount for Senior Citizens • ~ Apparel • Infants & ehalacte", Heglnd Glddon" who 01 WllIldm Mdl"h,l!1 P1ed"e be Anything Marked 10K-14K-IBK ''i' • THANKSGIVING DINNERS FROM $3,95 I 'f t' _ • Sleep Wear Children s Wea wll! do dll~ thing to dchle\ (' ,ue plepmed to <ludltJon with ,weent And Sterling SIlver Friends spomor heart talk _~.:\ ,~~.Jy, /.;,I')I~\ " 500/0 OFF 1 1 REPLACEMENT WINDOW II , Y f,,' t'\ 1 1 ~\ f1' I Always • / /1 •· (V ~I , .-------------------, ILET B.J.'S BAKE FOR YOUI Up To Loungewear • To Size 6X Nursing Gowns Hours Mon-Sat MOE'S Coins & Stamps .' I B.J.'s Need Gold Class Rings 16115 MACK (313) 881-3955 " I$1 50 OFF RESTAURANT •1 16353 E, Warren Ave. Delre,l, MI 48224 885-3979 ------------------_. .. I I I I (' 'l(/<~,~ Lingerie ' Ltd./"ee Rids l~ 18710 MACK AVENUE Gron. • I Polntll Forms "1,6567 co. -=- THINK SPRING SAVE 10% COMING NOVEMBER REPLACEMENT WINDOW SPECIALIST • Storm Windows • Storm Doors ?t-fIii ~ • Aluminum Trim & Siding • Steel Security Doors valley Ildlng inc. 28021 HiTpiT. St. Clair S1!,ns 775-5190 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM An~~~: 1~1 ~" w...-. GIo,II",0""" On next year s prices by ordering bttore JIn, 15, 1 !1M ...,... 'I" t. 22704 HARPER 8T CLAIR.~HORES "'..." .. ... 774-1010 17, 18, 19 & 20 HARPER SPORT SHOP FOUR SEASONS SALES INSTALLATION SERVICE 36th - t~. ~ \ ·~~ ~'r~ ~;; iJ't, - "~ ".l .. ", , p~~~'" ,. ~~~~l_J~~ OUR STARS Will Include KIRKGIBSON ON NOV. 19th 12:00-1:30 p.m. ERIC HIPPLE ON NOV. 17th 6-8 p.m. SUN-LIT SPACES ~OI~1 23 Standard Shapes ~ an d S Izas ~ DEALER BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE ANNIVERSARY SALE GREENHOUSES CREATE LUXURIOUS AUTHORIZED FUN & RELAXING Ingrounds & Portables 5 YEAR WARRANTY Full Lme of Chemicals and Accessories Try It Before You Buy It I CREATIVE SPAS, INC. 2821 ROCHESTER ROAD AT 1-75 • TROY 524-1212 LIOUIDATION SALE MIlT LIQUIDATE EVERYTHING IN STOCK All Items are priced below cost ORIENTAL FURNITURE • VASES PANEL SCREENS • JEWELRY BOXES FOUR SEASONS • SILK SCREENS OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS OIL PAINTINGS ON SILK PAPER ROOM DIVIDER (SCREEN) with jade, coral and mother of pearl reg, price $5,000, NOW $999 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY ONLY 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 15304 E. 8 MILE ROAD (3 Blocks east of Gratiot) 17157 HARPER East of Cadieux Rear of King Tut Jewelry Store, Look for orange doors ... ._. Thursday, November GROSSE 10, 1983 POINTE $ 4 S • su •• ,. Page Five-A NEWS to Cornell v-p visits Pointe which ~upplements the pubhc ~chools' cUl'llculum with ennchment OPPOItumhe~ not aVailable thlOugh eXI~tlllg funding Dr Bal kel b a biochemist who hdh had an active reseal ch progl <lm concemed with the molecular htl uCtUie of cell !>urfaces A ndtlve of England, he went to COlllell a~ dn ector of the DivlhlOn of BIological SCIence" In 1979 Educated at the Umverslty of BlitlSh Columbia (B A , M A ) and the Umvel hlty ot Cahforma at Bel'kley (Ph D III blOcheml~try), he did po~tdoctOlal wOlk at Washmgton Umvel ~Ity and the NatIOnal In~t1tutes of Health He has held fclculty POhth at the Univel.'>lty of Iowa dnd MIChigan state, where he Chdlled the department of blO cheml~tJy DI Bal kel I ecently a~humed the pO~ltJon of vlce-pre"ldent dt COInell HI::. appoIntment comClde" With a newel a m corporate mvolvement With Umvel sity 1 e~eal ch He fclce" the ta~k of leadtOplC mg COI'llell'~ efforts to develop a new I e"ource mIX ot govel nment, J' 0 corporate, ,1l1d pllvate fundmg of The Men'~ Garden Club of .Ie"eetrch Grosse POlllte Will hear Carey Mltchel.'>on, ~upel'1ntendent of grounds at the Country Club of Detroit, who Will outlme the requilements needed for a beautiful A If)..year-old Park reSident with and healthy lawn 250 matches in his pocket was He Will dI~CU~S the ~011 recaught at 6 38 a.m on Sunday, quirement of seedlllg, fertlhzatlOn and watering I eqwred to obtam a Nov 6, settmg a leaf fire in the healthy turf An outline of the BOOblock of Balfour Accordmg to Park police, the procedures required for Fall and Winter care to prevent fungi (such youth had also been spotted by settlllg leaf hres on as snow mold) as well a~ other neighbors diseases and weed control will Saturday, Nov 5. He was released to hiS father's custody and a comalso be d1scus~ed plamt was filed with juvenile auMitchelson received a Bachelor of Science degree in Turf Man- thOrIties Park fire officials report that agement 10 1979 from MichIgan any person who sets fire to any State Umverslty. He gained his experience working Slllce a yong woods, praries or grounds belongboy under the tutorshIp of hiS mg to another, deliberately or not, shall be gullty of a felony. Permitfather who has beeen supervisor ting any fire to spread to the inof grounds for many golf courses Jury or destruction of another perm Michigan. The meetmg IS scheduled for son or property IS also a felony Park police and fire records Thursday, Nov 17 m the Central show that seven leaf fires were Library at 7 30 pm. Visitors are reported last weekend welcome 18328 Mack Avenue-In fine wines the Farms • liquor • - present- "THIS WEEK'S SELL RINGERS" • Prices Effective November 10th, 11th and 12th CLOSED SUN. & CLOSED WED. at J P.M. FULL LINE OF FRESH DRESSED • CAPONS Plan a • DUCKS • GEESE • ROASTING pilgrimage to. . i~ __ .--t~ CHICKENS ~ Village Food Market! L Why Fresh Turkeys For Thanksgiving? Leaf fires are not fwmy say police The Grosse Pointe Academy • VILLAGE.MARKET Robert Barkel, vice-pI e~ldent for Reseal ch and Advanced Study at Cornell UllIverMty, Will Vl~lt Gro~se Pomte on Nov 13 and 14 HIs schedule mclude~ dn addre~!> to the locdl COlnell Alumni glOup as well ~l~ a Vlhlt to ,>clence clahh es at North and South High Schoob. Dr Barkel '!>pI e~entdtJon to the local alumm giOUp, entitled "810 technology, HIgh Technology and the Umvel ~It~," Will take pldce In connectIOn wIth d buffet at 5 pm, Sunday, Nov 13 dt the Loch mODI Countt.y Club He"elVdllon" ale required and rod)' be made through N,!n(y Wdugameln elt 881-0619 Dr Bdl kel \\111 dddl Ch!>11Igh hchool .'>tudent~ on the loplc. "BIO technology Whdt It h Whdt It b Not," on MonddY. Nov 14 HIS hchool appeal,lI1Ce" ,1I e "pon~ol ed by the Gro".'>e Powte FounddtlOn fOI AcademiC Enllchment. dn mdependent, non pi oftt OIgdllllcltlOn La wn care "'or uardeners c....... BECAUSE THEY TASYE BETTER! MARVEL FROZEN GRADE A 4 to 7 LB. AVG. TURKEY BREASTS $1~~ $16! PORK LOIN ROAST 8 $1 !. STUFFED 'PORK CHOPS CORNISH GAME HENS 2~i~l$1~h ROSEN'S CORNED BEEF ALL OF OUR ATLANTIC. OCEAN FISH IS FROM THE FOLEY FISH CO. BOSTON FLAT CUTS) (AU. FRESH BONELESS ROllED ...... SCALLOPS '7.98 w.~ LB..... ~ •• ~ FRESH CENTER CUT MUSSELS (From the Cold Waters of Maine) ~ TYSON 89 -~ ...~~ FRESH t ......... DOZ. ...... ~ NEW BEDFORD SCROD FILLETS UNKW;r ITAllAN OUR OWN GROUND CHUCK Tuesday, November 15, 1983 9:00-10:30 a.m. to 1:30-2:30 p.m. 171 Lake Shore Road-Grosse Pointe Farms For Additional Information: Contact Mrs. Edward McDermott HAMBURGER _ ( ') OFF OFF OFF f If \ · ! \\\1\ /1 Jill~~~\ I [I I 5549 L Height 25" Mfg Sug l,.t S17000 SALE PRICE $9350 \ 'S __ ft 5340-M Height 26\7" ~=~ $13775 J-\ l,,' l,.t $27500 SALE PRICE $20500 SALE PRICE • Gourmet Meats ~ OVEN READY Veal ~k: Parmesan $189 LB 2'h Lb Potme1-O(\; flo ....ored veal po".~~ I'l aU" own \pe< 01 1'01 on ,mott-..,ed With mouo •• Uo (heel" In P'~Bware fray lJ(Jun reedy lor 'he Olf'll" HEAT AND SERVE BREADED Chicken Wingdings SERVE $ $184'25 19~. Limited Quantities OVEN City Chicken All Other StiHel Lamps 20% OFF Mfg. List Price IN STOCK OR ON DISPLAY NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES lean ~~ Electric Co. ' ..ightin,l Galle", 202~4 HARPER AVE. MON.-SAT. 8-5 , l and Supplies RR4.8991 FRI.: Open till 9:00 p.m. thru Dec. 16th Between7&8Mlie HarperWoods READY $298 LB. Cube. of Veal and On A StICk Pint RIGGIO'S The New People in Town with the Best Pizza Around. All NATURAL INGREDIENTS and NO PRESERVATIVES Pork Breast Milano Mom'loted With Ov, R.ody $298 LB. '" 0.,,, Ow ... 'talu,~If1 SpIC" Far The O .... tl ~p~ 01 Mor "ode a"d S.O\Or1 rHJI rl Qlld 6 eCPd.d :;)("''''0'' P'on $2.29 LB. BAYS ENGLISH MUFFINS 67t 6 Pack IIRAn PHilADELPHIA CREAM OiEESE 75t 8 oz. Pk IMPORTED GERMAN BUTTER CHEESE '2.98 LB. MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 2- 1 lb. Loaves '100 Pine Wines "THE FAMILY OF AWARD WINNING WINES" On 1.5 LITER NEW CROP FLOR.IDA FRENCH COLUMBARD or CHENIN BLANC GREEN BEANS AN OUTS TANDING VERMOUTH IMPORTED FANCY CAUFORNIA VALUE!! SWEET OR DRY 1 LITER VERMOUTH SAVE '1.20 OVEN READY BONElESS CHICKEN '3.89 LB. '595 each YOUR COST IS ONLY 10.3< per ounce! OPEN FRIDAYSTILL9:00 p.m. thru DEC. 16th E~aJJ '1 SAVE '2.80 SALEENDSNOV. 19th, 1983 NEW 3Y2 LB. SQUARE OIEESE AND PEPPERONI PIZZA • Cabbage Rolls INCLUDING 19 $24~. LB. --;u;;DY'TOCOOK--SCROD FLORENTINE • VANILLA SWISS ALMOND --~-----~HEA T AND ALL FLAVORS • PEACH • Chocolate CHOCOLATE CHIP ~ "MADE FRESH DAIL Y' A 43QO-L 5 LB. BAG HAAGEN-DAZS ICE CREAM .----- exclUSIVe Height 50" Mfg Sug Mfg Sug :. BELL RINGER '- ~ OSliffel 45% 33% 33% PATTIES 7$69~B. 89 (3 TO A LB. OR 4 TO A LB.) The Academy welcomes students of any race, religion, sex or ethnic origin 886-1221 $1 ~! SAUSAGE sOruFEFElrpORitUiiNNiloAST Early SChool Observation '2.98 ---~iESH -_ ...,. SOLE FILLEIS SAVE '3.80 ON 3 LITER • BlANC DE BLANC • CHABLIS • GRENACHE ROSE' CHENIN BLANC OR FRENCH COLUMBARD "THE WINE THAT CELEBRATES FOOD" BROCCOLI NEW FLOR.IDA GRAPEFRUIT ( REDOR WHITE) FANCY CALIFORNIA BOSe PEARS 59&. 88~ Lg. Bunch 3 for $10 0 59&. Paqe Slx.A Thursday, November · Government by committee? With the mUnicipal elections out of the way, the next major decIsIOn on the Immediate horl2.on .In the Grosse POIntes IS the board of educatton s actIOn on the school closmg Issue whIch IS now scheduled for next Monday. Nov 14. Whatever decIsion the board makes, it is unlikely that IS the last we will hear of the closing Issue In the ImmedIate future The Committee for NeIghborhood Elementary Schoob already ha~ warned that It w1l1 start recall proceedmgs agaInst any board member who votes to close any elementary school or to tran<;fer ~Ixth graders to a mIddle slhool to create a slxth-seventh-eighth grade ~chool III eff eet, thIS group arrogates to itself the right to make deCISIOns that the community prc~~l!n~bly elected the school board to do Under the law. of course, the group has the rIght to try to carry out recall of the board !TIemberb But whether it is the wIse thing to do IS another matter ThiS newspaper doubts that It Ib As In the ease of the state senators facing recall election~ m Oakland and Macomb countle~ later thIS month, the school board members will be accused of haVIng cast a single vote - assumIng the board goes through with It~ expected approval of the latest closing plan - that the recall supporters do not approve of. Yet the board members have been doing what they were elected to do: make decisions about the ~chools that they belIeve are in the best interest~ 01 the entIre community, Nor can the recall committee claim the two candIdates for the board who were elected last sprIng tned to fool the voters. They made no secret of their positIOn on the clOSIng issue but b~t,h Said that they would consider input from cItIzens before makIng their final decision Now the Committee for Neighborhood Elementary Schools says no schools are to be closed and that the board members who vote for such an action or to transfer SIxth grade elementary students Into middle schools Will be recalled Where were those committee people during the electIOn compaign last June? Ii the board's action on Nov 14 precipitates a recall effort, the sponsors will ,require 6,130 votes to put the issue on the ballot. The CommIttee tor Neighborhood Elementary Schools already has presented to the board surveys signed by 6,525 reSidents But even if the proponents succeed In putting the recall to a vote, they are not necessanly assured of victory. The petitions asklllg a vote on a proposal to build a swimming pool in the south end of the district last year obtained more signers than the proposal dId votes when It was put on the ballot BUT ASSUMING THE committee succeeds III its effort and the recall is approved, what Will the committee's next step be" Will It be an attempt to persuade the school board to fire Supt Kenneth Brummel, an actIOn called for by at least one speaker at a recent meeting and demanded by letters to the editor? What other deCISIOns does the committee wish to make on behalf of the CItIzens of the community? Does It Wish the board to act in the future only In response to public opinion polls taken by In terested parties? Nu\\' another committee has been orgamzcd under the name Citlzens to Support the Grosse POInte Board of Education In order to show the community that there IS backing for the board's position. Its spokesman accused the oppoSItion group of intimidation and offered an analysis of recent developments whIch he Said had given the board at least three clues that the voters favor some kInd of consolIdatIOn' the defeat of the SWImming pool proposal, the slIm margin of vIctory for last spring's millage question ;lnd the victones of the two board members favoring school closings last June True, other factors contrIbuted to the outcome of these votes but this committee's Interpretation is not without some validity. Q {i , 10, 1983 I DO~T OROlNAR1~Y von TN LOCAL E~£CTIONS BUT THESE APl NOT YOUn O~DINA~ TIMES. ~ t/IA "- II \ News' views don't reflect public's Prior to that date, sUl'veys of the commumty and abandoned To the Editor: by the Board of Education the Detroit Free Press and the Over the past several DESPITE THE CRITICISMS and the con- months, I have read with conYour editorial of Oct 20, Committee for Neighborhood troversy over the closmg issue, thiS newspaper SIderable concern the editor- aligns your paper firmly be- Elementary Schools, indicated still has confidence in the board and the ials which have appeared in hind the latest proposal of the WIthout doubt that the people superintendent. We hope the board will endorse the Grosse Pointe News re- superintendent. I suggest to of the Grosse POlllte comthe superindentent's latest plan which includes garding the subject of reor- you that your views on thiS munity are opposed to any the closing of Barnes and the transfer of slxth- ganization proposal also do not reflect the school closings. Are you sugof the Grosse grade elementary students to middle schools. Pointe public schools. views of the vast majorIty of gesting that you would deny Even these changes are now controversial but Ini tially , the edi tori als in the community which you re- all of the people who signed we are convinced they are sound moves to sup- support of school reorgamzapresent. I suggest that your the survey of the Committee port the quality education everyone wants for tion made me question for Neighborhood Elementary my analysis of the recommendathe Grosse Pointes. Schools the right to object to own feelings of strong opposi- tions of the Citizens' Advisory And since some people seem to have forgot- tion to any change in the sta- Steering Committee ignores the third proposal? ten a major reason for consideratIOn of school tus quo. I thought, In reading the concern of that committee The people of the Grosse closings, we remind them that enrollment in your editorials, prop- Pointe community have been that your that the reorganization the Grosse Pointe public schools declined again views reflected the position of osal receive strong communtiy ar:oused TheX ~o not agree this fall to 7,517 students, down 289 from last the community and I questIon- support and acceptance WIth your editOrial that It is year and down 6,012 from the peak of 13,529 III ed whether there was reason The people of the Grosse too late to rebut a plan WhICh the 1971-72 school year, If no schools are to be to challenge the proposals. Pomte community are looking was only presented on Oct 10 closed with this kind of a decline, would the from the They do not believe that the However, I found that I was for fair reporting Committee for Neighborhood Elementary school board has the fIght to wrong to questIon my initial Grosse Pointe News. Schools ever favor any reorganizatIOn? plan judgment just as you have We beheve the editorial cri- adopt a reorganizatIOn found that neither the com- ticizmg "those who joined the which is contrary to the WIshes of the community. munity nor the school board battle late and now complain accepted your judgment. because they didn't have time Robert G Buydens You have been' strongly III to express the~r opinfons" Grosse POInte. Shores ,. support of the flrstlam:l the se- unfortunate and not befitting cond proposal for school reor- your newspaper. The latest ganization. Both proposals proposal was not presented to have been soundly rejected by the school board until Oct. 10. To the Editor: Michigan's mandatory seat belt bill stIll faces imposing the $10 fine for violators and permitformidable opposItion in the Legislature but a ting motorcyclists to exempt themselves from My son was out jogging recent state Wide poll financed by the U.S. De- the present helmet use law through Grosse Pointe Shores The most frequently voiced argument is that partment of Transportation showed more than Sunday everung, Oct 23 when two-thirds of Michigan reSidents support a law the law would be another unnecessary governa large brown dog started short term goals. We need a To the Editor: on personal freedom. Yet that would require all drivers and front seat ment mfringement of our chasing after him. My son outThe Quality Education Coali- thorough understanding similar restrictions are imposed on motorists passengers to wear seat belts options. Even when plans are ran the dog after the chase What IS SIgnificant, according to Phil Hasel- when they are asked to obey traffic signs, ob- tion has contmued to study the based on reliable projections went on for more than a block issue of declining enrollment tine. executive director of the Office of High- tain drIvers licenses, or buy lIcense plates When he got home and told and the admirustration's latest for the future, unforeseen fac- us of the incident, we went way Safety Planning, is that support for a seat Since the federal government already requIres tors can quickly undermine proposals to the Board of Edubelt law runs strongly through all segments of cars to be eqUlpped with seat belts, the state their effectIveness. We need to back to see if we could find the cation. These new proposals the state's population. It comes from every age law would merely provide an Incentive for their dog. And we did. It was in raise more questIOns than they be ready for every contingroup and every Illcome category and from city use by requiring punishment of violators And front of 29 Hampton. We then gency We should have clearanswer. We see an ever-widenare Imposed not just for the dwellers, country dwellers, blue collar workers such requirements went to the Grosse POlllte ing credibility gap between the cut criteria based on accurate benefIt of indiVidual drivers and passengers but and whIte collar workers. Shores police station to file a and thorough research. VVe administratIve staff and concomplaint. The Shores police THE SURVEY SHOWED that 668 percent of for the safety of all travelmg the highways. cerned citizens which has need continUed confidence in a sent a car over to the address those polled expressed support That repstrong leadership if we are to diIN VIEW OF THE potential savIngs in life created an unprecedented and found the dog runnIng resented an increase over the 61.8 percent who have support for millages in visiveness throughout the loose. The officer stated that supported such legislatIOn in a similar 1982 poll. and aCCident costs from such legislation and community. the future. the dog belonged to a CirCUIt Overall, a profeSSIOnal marketmg research or- the support it has received from the Michigan The Citizen's AdVisory We are a constituency whose Court ganizatIOn polled 800 Michigan residents in a publIc and a wide range of state organizatIOns, Judge. The officer Committee made a good start telephone survey conducted according to estab- It IS difficult to understand the Legislation's re- in its study of declIning en- educational consciousness has talked to the judge and the been raised. We have serious luctance to pass the seat belt law even for the judge stated that the dog was lished statl.:.tlcal sampling methods rollment. However, members concerns about the educational proposed three-year trial period What are the Opponents 111 the House tned to amend the not VIClOUSbut very playful. system and is effect on what is The officer came back to the legislators afraid of? Perhaps we'll find out the were not able to complete b1l1 to death by addmg proviSIOns permitting their study, Since then, many most precIous to us all: our real nature of the opposition when the bill any adult of 18 or more to obtain an exemption hours of valuaole study have chlldren, our homes and our statIOn without the dog. The for any reason, authorizing a one-year delay in comes up in the House Dec 6. officer suggested that instead been completed by a variety of community Let us work to- of signing a complaint, we concerned citizens These gether should go back and talk to the independent studies conjudge. We declined tinually raised the question of Before an emotIOnal schism While nothing seriously hapcreative alternatives to c10smg Sidetracks crucial educational pened in this incident, the proschools As Just one example. Issues, let us take our time. It has been suggested that the There is no rush. We look to cedure used seems not in the IMC center be relocated to an the Board of Education as our best interest of the jogger but parent for German instruction are deemed necessary. We existing elementary school. elected officials to lead us very good for the dog To the EdItor' We are angered and dlsapMy son has 28 in hIS classafter many There is need to develop a through this difficult period After reading the front page have concluded room, certainly above the Total Master Plan to deal with We urge the board to declare a pomted Seems to be very poor hours of research, that such article on Nov. 3 about Joseph closings are not necessary at ideal class size of 22 to 25, as the problems of declining en- moratorium on this issue and police work Callahan and Ius newly-formed suggested in the reorganizathe elementary level, rollment at all levels We need vote "no" on all three propoJoan M Ireland group of Citizens to Support tion plan. Recent studies by long-range plans as well as sals on Nov 14. Grosse Pomte the Grosse Pointe Board of We are not just mothers or the Excess Space Committee EducatIOn, I am compelled to Genheiwrite once agaIn to voice ny fathers. We are, in many cas- and Ellis, Naeyaert, mer, Associates, both viewed es, professionals, lawyers, concerns and SOCIal Barnes as an excellent facility. I have two children In the doctors, teachers has not workers, who care about our Yet the administration Bal'l1es School distrICt. I am wavered in its preference to children and our community. also the Barnes PTO president close Barnes and has now folPublhh~d W~rkly by "nU'~bo Publl.htr' We are not hysterical and cerand a member of the Excess CLASSIFIED ~EWS DISPLAY the suggestions of not uninformed. We lowed 99 KI-:RClIEV \1. l\Vf:. 882-0294 Space Committee. People such tainly 882-6900 882.3500 shared use. Rumor is it will be Gro.,.,t> Poinlf' Farm.,. Michl,gan 411236 as Mr Callahan (and the have our children's best inter~t <;A'" 'lfr[)O'A1I> JOA"r.F Rl RCAR PIIVlll~"~ Al "r<.nd (I ... 1'0,la •• P.id •• llolr.1t '\Ikhl~.n used as an Instructional Maests at heart and honestly do Gror-.se Pointe News) have 'Wl'i~ ~ I)(1'OR \~~J'i1'A'1' 1'01'1. HI J~IWR II 'il"l 230-40011 'lfA"'GFR terials Center and a center for not feel these changes will impa mted a pICture of those opthe special education teachers JA"~.T \fl. £1 U.R JAN~1' l'ill~ A1'U V ( IIARI K~ OICK<;O'" prove their educatIOn POSIng the school reorganIza~ ~ ,\1'[ RF <;ocl~.n ~ 01 TOil ( IN;SI~ WO.,t P~ R\ ,.,OR \.,.,'''1'11'''1' 'lfA'AGFR Both of these could be housed tion plan as hysterical, unI truly resent people who get in an eXIsting building P~.GG V 0 (O'''OR ,t 1 J Rt\ARO PATROl ~St AI compromlsmg parents, few m on the bandwagon during the 'lfIKt: A"'ORIl- J( IV" AN"t '>It III£RI'" I plead with the board to re.,,\1 ~ ~ I'RO'lfOTIO'l HARRIFT NOI AN (ORt t'l/ 'i1.ANFC numher, who do not want any final stages of a long, tirmg I RF'" JA'If'" Gl It ~'RF" ally consider the purpose of 1'0\1 GRn 'l\I,()OIl ~ RA'I/ 8A< IIA ROGF"R IIAG~ 'i changer-. If you do feel thiS process ~ \ ~ '>IARIF at RCAR and present themour elementary bUIldings, to Ilt R"AJ'~ TTJo' 11111It R way about U", you are so selves as mformed citizens l""t ~ 'i'VlO" educate elementary chIldren, WI Llll R n.<;TO" ('IRCl'I.ATUl:"< wrong We do not oppose £OI1'OR1o\[. CO'l/'i1 I1'A'l/1' There is a great deal of mfor- And I plead with Mr. CallaDAWN HI ARoo chdnge. Just unwarranted ~r,rA'IlA 'll<lHATJ FV matlOn out there and it can not han's new group to research change be consumed in a few short the data. Barnes IS a nice faI have attended numerous RoRFRT G t ()(;,\R weeks clhty and should remam Viable I'IIlU<;IlFR meetmg". publIc hearmg and for the cities of Grosse POInte I, too, believe In fiscal reRobert B. Edgar. Editor and Publisher coffee" With board members sponsiblhty, but Barnes is not Woods and Shores I inVite Mr. (1940-1979) and I, along With many others, \udlt flurr-llILi a partially filled bUilding It Callahan to tour our facility ')f M~mbrr \flrhlgan Pre" I\noclatlon and Natlonal"'~WAp.per A~,oclallon have really trled to research Sharon Masek the facts and attempt to un- has one empty classroom that Grosse Pointe Wood., IS used daily by a volunteer derstand why such closmgs Backing for buckling is .L. .. I Jogging dogs Take time on school closings Letters to Editor Don't close Barnes now Grosse Pointe News (lfrlllatlnM ~ Opinions & letters Page Seven-A Thuffiday, November 10, 1983 Community doesn't want Barnes closed To the Editor: I would first like to com Iiment the Board of Edu tf? and the su 1" t d ca IOn perempen .ent on thte degree of the communitys onslveness e h'b't d 0 the October boa dX 1 \ e at Parcells. I' mee mg at Having so said, however I must strongl th b 'd to reject S~ ~rg~. e oal~ final reco p. d I r,mme s school closmmgme a IOn on f hi s an eyery part o t s recommendatIOn. Th~ most impeachable feature Ie:;the proposed closing of Bar~es School. Without imp':l~nmg the good faith of the CItizens Advisory Steering Commlt.tee, I cannot accept, nor beheve that most reflective citiz.e!ls would accept, the In~lo~ablhty of Its keystone prmciple that every elemen- d tary school must be able to support at least two sections per grade. Though some of the alleged benefits are dubious or elu. sIve, I can a d'mlt t.hat t here may be a few margmal benefits of two sections per grade; (The ~ost tangible - accommodatmg parent or student problems with a particular teacher - seems rather a luxury. In most cases, both sides can and should learn to hve with each other and in the rare, unresolvable instances the parents would or should be willing to have the student change schools.) But I still see a value, indeed an advantage, ill having one or more schools on a different model that IS smaller and more intimate. Or, to put it another way, it is SImply not • Mourad afraid of a recall?• To the EdItor: In the past fIve months I have attended all of the Board of Education meetings and all of the public hearings concerning school closings and system reorganizations. The Board of Education and Supt. Kenneth Brummel have been very polite and patient in listening to citizens and parents opposing their views. What really bothers me is at the board meeting at Parcells on Oct 10 when Dr. Brummel gave us his last proposal one board member, Roger Mourad, made a grand stand ~play. Mr. Mourad denounced the new proposal with flourish. I truly feel that all the school board members care about our community and school system, but Mr. Mourad would have us believe that he is the only one who shows great concern. Even at the meeting this past Monday night, Mr. Mourad tried to defend citizens against the board, to no avail. It seems to me Mr. Mourad is afraid of recall. That's too bad, He should be more afraid this June when his term's up, and he decides to run again for school board. Robin H. Missant Grosse Pointe Park What~ new on ~r..,E .." II H) Pat ROIl~~cau Book Lovers. will love the gold book malkers topped WIth horses, bIrds, Teddy bears, love, butterflies, au-planes_ and more that are waItmg for your stockmg stuffer gift 11st at TraIl Apothecary . 121 Kercheval The~'1 e prIced $4,50 each rw _,,< -. ~ , • MISS Norton Presents . the all weather coat by Zero Kmg In BrItIsh tan ThiS fam- peart! ous coat WIth ZIp-In hoer and button-off ~ ~torm collar gIves evelY degree of comfort ~ m one coat It's prIced at $195 at Picard-Norton 92 Kercheval 710rlo• • Admired In The Wmdow ,. of Mana Dmon, 11 Kercheval, at e fashIOns by Norma Walters who uses Ultrasuede m newer ways. We lIke her combmatlOn of a cashmere platd pleated skIrt, a satin blouse and Ultt asuede Jdcket You can make your own combmatlOns with hel VitI asuede Skll t~ and ~eparate satin blouses • ~(.? New At Seasons Of Papel strong toy chest boxes and bags are one Advent calendars have gifts and sweets enclosed 115 Kercheval '( ~ ~~(I':JTeddy bear 6'" ~ yatd long ~ \::) • Sturdy Jeans . by RIfle for boys, sizes 4 to 7 and toddiel s come With elastIC Mrij'mnNlr=l r.:m rjj1~rV"H.~r::l w a 1s t S WIth be It loops a t U.;;;;~_t.=J;;;,oW--.;;~=~;..t=:I;;;..;.;L::J-.,;U;,.lJU~L::I~t:=.J 110 Kercheval • _ ~(he --;; , ~\' fl.l-,Ip,)\': Sf Chnstmas Chma IS now on dIsplay at League Shop, 72 Kercheval See the Spode and the Cuthbertson place settmgs and accessory pIeces that make a holiday table so speCIal Why not start a collection for your famIly or for a frIend thIS Chnstma~ • 5tockmg Stuffer SpecIals. Save on a selectIOn of buckle<;, belt s1l IpS, knee socks, aprons and othel fashIOns at BaybellY HIli Clas<;lc~ 115 Kercheval • At The Top of the fashIOn scene are sweater <; For evemng . ..,oft white sweaters ~pal klmg WIth sequm~ . FOl day, bnght fu~chLa or subtle black With gray m a heaVlel kmt Seen at the Green Hou'>e 117 Kercheval B81 683.1 • GIve A Game for ChrL!'>tmas Solutions 85 Kercheval carne.., a WIde vanety of board games mcludmg detectIve games, chess sels, and the very popular TlIvial PUl~Ult 884-1222 Open 9 30 a m to 5 30 P m _ MondAy through Saturday ThUl :-.day unlJl 9 pm Hcnowned Watercolor Plymouth November 6th • ArtI!'>t :"Ilta En~le WIll he at the WILD WINGS Noon untIl 5 p m • At La Strege! BoulLquc Shop ea t1y for ChII..,tma.., and take advantage of the store Wide SALE SUIt-. ..,Iack.." !'>klrt~ and coats are ll~ off .,~eatCl<; and blou,>e:, ate 2O'7r off Some drc..,..,cs al e 1/~ off 63 Kercheval m the Colomal Fedel al BUlldmg For your holL day ..,hoppmg convemence, La Strega'" new hour~ are 10 e! m to 5 30 P m Sunday, rational to close a ~chool m~rely becau~e It fall.s to enJoy th~ margmal benefits of two sectl~ns per grade. In particular, from everythO b t In g I h ave h ear d a?u Barnes and from haVing v.iewed Its o.utsta~ding facihhes for the fIrst time recently at the commumty meeting of Oct. 19, a deciSIOn to clo~e it based upon present or proJected enrollments would be a tragic waste, Because it IS logically reIated to the rationale for closmg Barnes, I would next address the transfer of a group of Defer. students to Trombly, T~ere IS, of course, no quarrel wIth the concern, not to dose Trombly But hke Barnes, Trombly simply need not, be able to support t~o sectIOns per grade to remam a Viable school. Hence, there IS no sufficient reason to transfer students to meet thIs end. Trombly's numbers are well above Barnes' and both are ample to support at least smgle sections for each grade at a class-size level that is not prohibitively low, And, of course, addItional arguments against the particular transfer he in the considerable undesirability of having young children cross Jefferson to school and the resultant social isolation of this small pocket of students, The last main feature of the final recommendation involves moving the sixth grade out of the elementary schools into the middle schools. From the Parcells' help meeting the keenly board cannot but be aware of the grave SuspiCIOn, Widespread in the community, that this move, whatever its educational raison d'etre, will be used as a later justification for further school closings. I am open-minded about the possible advantages of a 6-8 middle school But based upon some of the concerns expressed solely on educational grounds at the Oct. 19 community meeting at Barnes (at which, shamefully, only one board member and no administrative spokesperson appeared), I wonder whether sufficient sounding of knowledgeable elements of the community has been made. I would suggest that to show its good faith on this matter the board should be willing to have further study and input on this issue and vote on it perhaps a year from now Best of all, I feel, would be for the board to articulate in some written form the circumstances necessary to resurrect the school closing issue. I propose the following: • Whenever one or more elementary schools cannot support a single sectIOn, perhaps 18or 20, per grade with a certain minimum number of students (even then, before proposing closings, the magnet school concept and redistricting are two options that should be seriously considered); • Defeat of a school mlllage; • Significant drop in school population well below present projections for declining enrollments through 1987-88. I realize that the board should not be able to bind, and probably could not bmd, any future board through such pronouncement, but an expreSSIOn of a present intent along the above lmes would go a long way toward making any deciSion on 6-8 mIddle schools more palatable. It would also go a long way toward reaching out to the concerns of thIS community which does not relIsh havmg to deal with school clOSIng proposals on an annual basis. The board must appreciate from the Parcells meeting that feehngs run high against Dr. Brummel's fmal recommendatIon It IS, of course, perceived as a prelimInary step to further closmg attempts. I hope the board Will not diVide this community by voting in favor of the final recommendation. There IS no "face savIng" that the board need Indulge In It Will be respected for its responsIveness If it rejects the fmal recommendatIOn as well as the two earlier plans FranCIS L Zebot, Grosse Pointe Park 0000000000000"0" " ~1iliUJ~..) One view from the capitol Insight from the 1980 census By William R. Bryant, Jr. State Representative The census data are alway~ fa~. cmatmg, even If not alwdy" all that en11ghtening Wdyne State ha~ been kmd enough to pi OVIde some analysI~ of the 1980 census fO! the Gros~e Pointes It makes mtel e~ting readmg, ~o I thought I'd share some of It With you For m~tance, 2 pel cent of our Grosse Pomte households are on pubhc aSSistance, and another 2 percent have mcome below pover ty level Viewmg female head:, of household only, a rather alarmmg 19 percent of them are below poverty level mcome Of our senIOrs, 6 percent of households With a member 65 or ovel are below povel ty level Reflectmg the Sizable semol populatIOn, 30 percent of households include someone 65 or over and only 1 percent of tho~e do not receIve ~oclal secunty Hopefully mdlCatmg a SIzeable numbel of extended, multIple generatIOn famIlIes, It IS mterestmg to note the senior citizen popu lation IS 15 percent, whIle as I SaId fully 30 percent of households mclude a ~emor A qUIte large 19 pel cent of households are 1 pel son households, mdlcatll1g a real dangel of lonelll1es~ unle~~ we pay attentIOn to communIty actiVItIes for adult singles SurprI~111gly, only 4 pel cent of household~ ll1 the Pomtes are a female head of household With chIldren Mmor chIldren constitute 25 percent of the population And 87 percent of children lIve 111 two parent hou~ehold~, 9 percent" m ~mgle parent household~ The total populatIOn of all Powtes m 1980 wa" 51,989 of which ovel 1,000 were mmollty group In 9 percent of the homes other than Engll:,h IS ~poken 111 the home, 8 percent of the populatIOn IS foreIgn born Of the total populatIOn. 69 percent were born In Mlchlgdn and 23 percent are from another part of the Country In the Il1come cll1d work area", there arc ~ome partIcularly mtere~tmg fLgure" If you or tho~e outSIde the area th1l1k Gro:,l:le Pomte I!'>the man workmg and the woman at home, thmk dgall1 FOI one thll16 a" we know even mo"t of the wive;, who at e not employed are heaVIly engaged 111 CIVIC and other voluntary dutle<, neal h d,lI ly . . 1'\ \ .....j H)I \ ..... \,~ But dId you realIze that 45 pel cent of all Gro,,!'>e POinte female'> who have mmor children al e 111 the work force? And that doe..,n t count ~ome who mcl)- be III the armed ~ervlce.., Also 45 percent of all femalc.., \ Ill) h.nL hrtn~ More \\l'TL \\l' T <-4 "-l I \\ \I ( f 11... ~511\rR'" hl1\lr\ p,t\ Ihl' \Omllhlllg of \ dllll' 10 \ell 11 10 ( h.Hlt'rhOlI\l' oj l\l'nlhlng hl~hl" hl'dlllllul prlll'\ \\ hL'(hl r II \ OtH \11I,tll 111111or ,In l nlln' letters \lllr.ln\.llllOn\ .IT" I \I.tll ,lnd lontlnlll'nl\,i1 P,I\ l1Il'nl 1\ ll11ml'I!l.IIl' on I hI nght 20A we Sell it to Us! \\ hl'n page educated pel ~on!> constltute~ 25 pel cent, 21 pel cent have some college and 42 percent wele graduated from college Of ~chool age chIldren m 1980, 76 percent attended publIc school and 24 pel cent palochlal or prIvate ~chool The ~tabliity of our neighborhood~ ~hows from the fIgures that 47 pel cent of the populatIOn have lIved at the ~ame address at lea~t 20 years, and 87 percent of the hou~ll1g IS ownel OCCUPied That we al e an older al ea IS ..,hown by the fact 37 percent of our hou~ll1g I~ pre-I940, 22 percent bUIlt in the 40'~ and 27 percent ll1 the 50's, so a rather large 86 percent of all housmg I~ pre-l960 La~tly, and no l:lurpl'lse, we have lot,> of caI:-. Only 4 percent of hou~ehold~ were WIthout a car 31 percent had one car, 48 perdent had two and <lucky teenagers and cal buff~) 17 pel cent had three or more car~ We at e a very Interestll1g commumty But we knew that, <lldn't 16 and over me 111 the \\OIk tOlce countmg chiidl en, ~enlOr cItlzen~' unmal ned, man led WIth and Without childl en, WIdow!>, all females Thol:le are I edlly amazmg fl. gUle~, I thmk, COI thiS ~table, tIa dItlOnal mIddle clas:, commumty Not s urp 1'1 :,mgl y, fa I'm en, con ~titute zelo pel cent of our populatIOn But 49 pel cent of those empl9yed are managel ~ or pi ofes~lOnals Techl11cIan~, sale.., and admIl1l~tl atIve ~upport c1aIm~ 32 percent of tho~e employed Ser VIce IS 8 percent, ~kIlled tl ades 6 percent and machme opel atol;, and laborer" 5 pel cent Of the 40.926 total populatIOn 16 and oveI, 24.560 dre 111 the WOIk fO! ce Showmg the ~tl ong tIe of the Pomte::, WIth downtown DetrOit 45 percent work in the central CIty The medIan hou:-.ehold mcome 111 1980 was $33,490 Only 11 pel cent of those 25 or oldel have not been graduated fL om HIgh School HIgh School nlllh, l'\1 \ fOr"mO\1 hI rl' 1n (r rO"I' L'\(,IIL' II \, dL'T c~R1tRlIO~b IHIl:l'l"l-RUU\AI. \101' hI ",,,,II/III II!'" 1\ 1'01 nfl' ( Ol1ll '1\11 11\ l6 CO. (.ROS~fo. POl/"lfo, M14B2:l0 (.B,I) tm'l-tHl '01'1 "/ ollr;.: 1'1I~1 1\ J I J J 1/ III J /(~ 111 \/lIHIII" GROSSE Page Elght-A POINTE the Omyad Mosque With Its tomb of John the Bapti~t the "street called straight" and Anaias' house ' In Jordan a viSit IS made to the Amphitheatre of .Philadelphia, brimstone IS seen m the tuBs of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Thl!> COI01 shde ple!>entatlon IS a lost city of Petra, of pink rock record of one of the "Journeys to fame IS explored Under!>tandmg" of the Grosse The Bible really became alive Pomte MemOrial Presbyterian for the visitors m Israel, with vi. Church, conducted by Martha KleSits to Masada where the Zealots ly, wife of the Reverend Ray KieWithstood the Roman siege for two ly, recently retired senior mml!>years Quaran where the Dead tel', and DOrl!>Jahnke, Wife of the Sea S~roUs were found, Megiddo church admmistrator Gust famous for its Kmg Solomon'!> Jahnke The purpo!>e of thpse tnp!> stables Jericho Bethlehem I!>to inCI ea!>e participants' underNazareth, the Sea' of GalIlee, Side of Jacob's well and the place llJg IS where Joseph was sold into slaGlo!>"e Pomte tenm!> lovel!> ovel Wimbledon Racquet Club, one- very. In Jerusalem they found the :lO have fOImed a new gloup qualter mile east of 1.94 on Nine many churches commemoratmg Gro!>!>e Pomte Smgles Tenm~ Mile Jesus' hfe and l~st days. and, of Party Thl!> month's pal ty I!>Saturday, course, the statIons of the Via "OUI ~ole pUlpose I!> to play Nov 12 f10m 7 to 11 pm It offel!> Dolorosa , , . "vuJ t~lIl1l;, ,.uJ h<tHl fun," SGY::' ({'pm" for all level .. of playel's The publIc IS mVlted to attend chall man JellY Shulac They are Thele IS a social hour at 7 pm the progra,m N~n.membel!> of lh~ spon~OI ing a tenni!:> party every and play beginS at 8 RefreshGrosse POinte Cmema League Will second S<ltUIday of the month at ments are served The cost IS $8. be charged $1 admiSSIOn S. standmg and knowledge of people and the historical development of Christianity in other lands. In Egypt, pyramids and the Great Sptunx of Giza, the Citadel of Sulah Id.Dm bUilt i~ 1183 A.D and the Mohamed All Alabaster Mosque With its gold decorated top are !>hown A viSit is made to Luxor to see the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings aCl'oss the Nile Lebanon prOVides views of Belrut where the Civil War erupted Just three day!> after the tour left, and the ruins of Baalbek m the Beka!> regIOn. Dama!>cus, with its picturesque bazaar!>, IS photographed as are It. es enms cluh. the ~ d .lOrme Robert C. Linthicum will be the guest !>peaker at the Grosse Pomte Intel"Faith Center for Ra. cial Juslice'!> Thu'd Thun,day Forum Nov 17, In his pi e!>entahon "The Least of These," Dr Linthl~um will dlscu!>!>wily the future of the middle cla!>s depend~ on Its wIlhngness to commit It!>elf to the poor Adult Forum meets Nov. 13 "b There Danger of a MIlItary Coup m the Soviet UnIOn," I!>the tOPiC at the Adult FOIurn to be held at the Glo!>se Pomte UOltarlan ChUlch hbral y on Sunday, Nov 13 from 9 30 to 10 45 a m Speaker for the event Will be Dennis PapaZian, prof ei>!>OI'of History at the Univer!>lty of MI' chlgan Dearbom Campu!> Papazian !>tudled 10 the USSR under an offiCial uS/uSSR e:..ch,mge plO gram The lectul e IS fl ee and adults are welcome. omit 00 81lIy. wellJhls \8 it..January 1, the day nichioan l'el r breaKS away from AT&T 1m alffl08t afraId to PICK It up, 7~T~r ~('- Thursday,November10,1983 Pastor will teU about Jefferson-Chalmers work Ann-chair travelers head for Middle East The Grosse Pointe Cinema Leagu.e will present "Journey To the Middle East" by Dorothea and Ros!> Bush when it meets on Monday, Nov. 14, at 8 p m in the War Memonal's Fne!> Audltol'lum, 32 Lake!>hore Road NEWS What couldnappen? o o o . Dr. Linthicum'!> church IS one of 12 institutIOn!> in the J.effer!>on. Chalmers and Grosse Pomte area wtuch have jomed to form "Peo. pie in Faith UOlted" (PIFU) m 01 del' to respond to the human problems and need!> in the Jeffel!>on-Chalmel s commumty In a rece~l computer !'ankmg of the nahon!> congressIOnal diStricts, the 13th Congres!>lOnal Dlstl'lct m Michigan won the dublOu-" distmction of being !>elected the poore!>t district in the U S Temporal ily on leave from hi!> dutIe!> at Grosse Pomte Wood!> Presbyterian Church, DI Lmthlcum I!>pre!>ently actmg al:>lIlterim dll ectol of the People m Faith UnIted Houi>mg Corpol ation, dedicated to the tl an!>folmatlOn of one of the mo!>l Impovel'l!>hed, abandoned aleai> in the US, to a !>upportIve, !>elf-detel mWIng, hope-filled community Dr. Lmthicum Will explam the hlStOly of the PIFU and de!>cllbe the goals of the new PIFU HOll"mg COI poratlOn The Third ThUii>day FOl'um Will be on Thursday, Nov, 17, from 7.30 to 9:30 p.m. at ~he Grosse POlnte UOlted Methodist Chu~ch, 211 Moro!>s Road, Grosse Pomte Farms: . AdmiSSIOn IS free and l~e public IS mVlted For furl her mfol'malIOn, call 882-6464, Home hit for $180,000 Farms police are investigatmg an $18,000 robbery that occured 10 a Bel anger Road home sometime between 6.30 pm Saturday, Oct 29 and 7 pm Wednesday, Nov 2 Accord ing to the owner of the home, the thieves made off With about $18,000 m jewelry, coms and other valuables Police say entry Into the home was apparently through the basement EXit was made via a Side entrance Reports say the house was completely ransacked A police survey of nearby neighbors had negatIve results exx>d gnef! Whaf If D9fuing happens?~ What If there5 no olal tone ~ °0 o o ,at I (\ .- . .. ,....,.,. ,,-- (~'\ I 'MF o DlK CAIII",j X7DD WITH SO f1 7 TOTAll'.ROGllAM ~ AUTOMATION M NOU" ~ lIKl.... 'lIII1'Il "":,t\. w.,...... , DLTA USA Nt "" ' ' '1. (j) ??l Q o "" o o ~ OfMom? coorse I't works. 1to\d you a\\ a\on9." \ CONVERT to a low. ~oltage "GoldenGlo' yardllghl now • Cosls only about 90e a month to run • Turns Itself on at dusk-oil at dawn SAVES YOU $100 A YEAR ON GAS BILLS! CALL: 967.3311 Fo' Imrnel'1'd/e Sprv,t':f'" COLONIAL LAMPLlG~TERS See What's New at Your Christmas Store! Come feast your eyes on the brst and bnest selecbon of Hallmark Chnstmas merchanchse. the latest, bnghtest Ideas 10 Ornaments, Boxed Cards, GUt Wrap, GUts, Partyware and Decorabons Come to our gala Open House Tuesday. November 15th from 7-9 pm' There'll be lots of fun and surpnses. refreshments and entertauunent Come January 1, you'll still get through to Edna in Engadine or your - mom next door ... as quickly and efficiently as ever. Startlllg Janllat~r 1. 198-t, when ereI' )OU place a loca] or long distance call , If'//hm the lATA III \\ l11ch \ Oll bve, \ OL! You've probahly heard C;) wlll he hllled for that cal'l by ~hc11Igan about the sweeping changes Bell. When ~ou place a cal1 from )Ollr taking place in the telephone IXI'A to ({I/o/hel' IA'I'AIn ~hchigan or industl'); and mayhe you've heen elsewhere, \OU will be bll]ed I)\' another wondering just ho\V they'll affect the long distance carrier Some carrier~ telephone service in your home or in ma~ elect to hare ~hc1l1gan Bell \'our business. include theIr charge~ III the hIli . As a matter of fact, when \'Oll ~llchlgan Bell ~e1l(b ~Oll. Other~ pick up your phone on January 1, you 111a\'not, and w!ll bll] \OU (hreet" may be very surprised to learn that We'll he tellmg ~ou m()n~ abollt . your service h,l~ changed very little. For one thing, you will he ahle to dial I I PI""'od Prm"' ...... m [ATA, and ot her call1llg III forrnatlon your loca] and long distance calls I ~n ... IAn a~ the det:uls till fold • • 1.o""'''ll1 n\ exactl\' as vou did hefore. Ahollt the ~ IItlmll' m So, a~ the e~pre~~101l goe~"not to \VOlT).. 'tbu'll ~till hare ~our phone only iinmediate change will be how your calb ~el\'ice -:b good a~ ever - because we're are hilled That's where IATAs come in \\'orklllg to make the change~ II) ~()Llrphone IA1'AIS a new word to all of liS. It compan~ hetter chang('~ for ~Oll Afier all ~taJ1(l~for" Local Access TI'ansport Area' In Michigan there WIll he five IATAs (which IT'S AT&T WE'RE SEPARATING FROM .., happen to closely approximate our Area NOT YOn Codes - see map) For now, the Important thing ahout LATA~is this: l I... nSCHEI'S BALLMAII 17047 KERCHlYAL In.IM.V..... .. ~1'{{~J:.... II PHONE 182.7790 aNN Men .W.. '~, .. 5cI1 1111S 30 - Thurs .. Fn III 9 RapId.' I \H Facts dOWIl the line. 8e(({/I.\(J row' !e!Lphol!e ImslIl£'ss ollice I" Ims"]' ellgaged III I/oI'll/a! d(~]' !o da]' tel(1)hfJl!l' sm'lc(, lJ/alt£'I'S, we aI'£' j!J'O/'/((lllg /lllS !oll//'el' IIIIIJ/her ((,' a ,lOlfl'( l' /i)}' {/J}Sl('£,I:\' /0 !he (llfl'S/IOIlS )'ou IIlt/]' /U{l'l' a!Jou/ )'Oll/' C!Jtlll(J1II11 /e!(1)/IoJ!1' COIIJ/)tlJll' I I" ,..... He a/'o ,"/!./!,e,{ {/Ia! Olll' lIl/o/'lIla/IOl!t" l/l'I{,\!}((/WI:\ )'Olf Im!ch lIle,\,\(/ges JJI (///(1111 ]'Olfl' !d(IJ/'ol/l'lnll., /0;' rOlfI' lIIol//hI]' I SOO",.5000 @ Michigan Bell GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE Page Nme-A NEWS Is solar heat the answer? This Week , UI Business percent on the first $10,000 spent heatmg often look to solar heatmg This law runs to Jan, 1, 1986 as "the answer" to hIgh heating Solar energy as a home fuel costs instead of merely lookmg to If someone IS 111 a high enough energy source can prOVide long. reducmg other fuel costs tax bracket, the payback period "1 would encourage people to term savmgs to homeowners, but of eight to 10 years can be cut m heatmg from the sun has not use solar heatmg. We offer to help, Hoffman to caught fire among Grosse Pomt- fmance customers to cut gas use, , half, he saId Although some people may McGarvey said ..::,s assist v-p He added he would rather have Three Grosse Pointe houses are thmk addmg solar heating to a NatIOnal Bank of Detlolt has listed WIth the State Energy Ad- customers use solar heatmg to cut house is unattractive to the exterappomted Deborah L. Hoffman of mlmstratlOn as contammg solar gas use so they Will be charged ior, Beyer's front roof contams Gro~~e POHlte Fat m~ d~ d::'~I::,tant heatmg One home had the system less money for gas use and have a window-like collectors enclosed vlce-pl'e~ldent In It~ Ed:>tel n Re- mstalled two years ago and the better chance of bemg able to pay With wooden trtm that can be gIOnal B<U1kmg DIVblOn owner now has no regrets about their bill pamted the color of the roof Two Smce southern states have a vertical pIpes also run along the mvesting $12,000 for a somewhat warmer chmate and more new extravagant active system Side of the house next to the Lodging Assoc. An active system consIsts of a home constructIOn, solar heatin~ IS more prevalent there. But MI- chimney collector, a storage tank, pumps, appoints Kahler chigan still ranks fifth in number controls and a neat extra chon "We had to sacnflce some effiof solar heated mstallatlOns be- ciency for appearance" grate for the fireplace It can heat smce the Michael C, hmd Cahforma, Flonda, Anzona part of the home's water and all' front of the house IS facmg the Kabler, while a passIve system warms and Color ado sun, he ~ald HotelIer, Hotel Beyer saId he suspects ~ost only the all' by the sun shmmg St Regb. ha:> If the less VISible back roof through a wmdow and the home systems m Michigan are passIVe been appomted faced the :>un, the collectors could retammg the warmth Smce Grosse Pomte has so httle to the board of have been raised to directly abRobert Beyer, of Norwood new home constructIOn Beyer said dIrectors of the sorb the sun, he added Road, had the system mstalled by another reason for few solar MIchigan Lodg hiS heatmg and all' conditlOmng He said people in the country, mg ASSOCldtlOn company After lDstallatlOn, hIS homes here IS the expense of placwhere there IS a lot of space, can mg a new system m the old house Kahlel. who company placed advertisements place the collectors onto or closer compared to mstallmg a system holo" oUc:l1 H, ,t,,,h clnd Amellcan In the newspapE:'r for "olar heatmg to the ground but prospective cus- while bUlldmg the house CItizenship, jomed the St RegiS m mstallation, "Most houses in Grosse Pointe tomers were turned off by the Im1982 He IJves In Gros~e Pomte A type of solar heatmg which IS are not Ideally set up to add solar becommg more popular, Beyer tIal cost Fal'ms He said operatmg a system m heating," he Said said, IS for SWlmmmg pools, beGrosse Pomte had advantages and He saId for passive system cause the only time the heat IS Richards elected drawbacks needed IS dUring the hot summer someone can pay as htUe as Bemg in a northern chmate, he $1,000 chapter president Solar heaters (or swimming said, the sun can only heat the all' "It depends how far you want to pools are the most elfJclent type and water a lot when It is clear go," he said "There are so many of solar heaters m Michigan, he Claude A. Richalds has been outSIde Even then, another different ways to do It." said elected pre,c,ident of the MIChigan source of fuel must assist Still, Beyer said man>, positive Overall, Beyer said solar energy chapter of the American A~socla. "When there IS a mce, bnght reasons eXist for mstallmg a syshas not become as popular as he tlOn of Workers for the Bhnd sun, ~ou can do good WIth a sys- tem here thought a few years ago RIchards, a Gros,c,e Pointe Woods tem,' he saId But even WIth a . The tax credIt for mstallmg a The biggest reasons, he saId, resident, has been employed for 14 bflght winter sun, the system system IS slgmflcant. are the lack of sun and more effi.years With the Michigan Commisnee<ls help With all' heating For 1983, state law allows a 10 cient gas furnaces, but the numsIOn for the Bhnd as a business en"The wmter sun IS not as good percent credit on the first $10,000 ber of solar heated "could take because It is lower m the sky," he terprise supervisor for Wayne, Oakoff It depends on what happens spent and five percent on the next land, Macomb and St Clan Coun- added. with other sources of fuel $8,000. The legislation for thiS creA publicatIOn by the Energy ties dit expires after thIS year, but _ Harriet Nolan AdministratiOn called "Solar new legislatIOn, which has passed Most men years ago started and Home Heatmg in Michigan" said stayed in one career, though they most active systems r.roduce up to through the House of Representaworked at different jobs in that 75 percent of a home s heatmg To tives, has been imtlated to extend It must now pass bUIld a system provldmg 100 per- the credits line. Today most men switch octhrough the state senate In the Thursday, Oct 20 iSsue, cent heatmg would be too expenFederally, the tax credit IS 40 cupations three limes, F. Robmson III was IdentIfied as Sive Ron McGarvey, an official from bemg appointed second vIce-preGas Sident of the N ahonal Bank of the Michigan Consolidated Grosse Pointe. Robinson is With Energy Conservation Department, said customers mterestea m solar the NalJonal Bank of DetrOIt Agatha _Christie is the most, translated of all Enghsh authors, next to William Shakespeare All sharks Circle their prey before they stnke, except the Great White It goes straight 111 By Jamie Cook a II Correction ~--cano;iAF.:[SAi.Ei-l ,.M. I Saturday, November 12 7 P.M. .... onIJt Grosse Pointe store onty "ot tn Blrminghaml aft sales ca.h only . . • no check. or credit cards! Limit! one A-1 per family ••. no sates to d.at.rst • only 100 cameras to setl .••.. &Orry, no ,.jneheoks! • no phone or mall orders accepteelf ~ ~, • • • • USE GAS FREE FORAMONTH I, Yea IS of Doing it Right 524-1700 574-1070 N.ar 8 Mil. 3373 South of 12 M,I. ROCHESTER RD. North of 16 Mile TROY WARREN DETROIT ~~~_~355 FISHER RD. - 882 -S 100 Open' ,,1_ Wede/,vr:r '0(l.sIII S30 M,ly. wt4 s""",, I • BRING EXTRA CASH FOR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS I •I. i-~1'?J ~I 1 DELUXE 700 FOOT CORDLESS TELEPHONE DEDICATED AUTO THYRISTOR ELECTRONIC FLASH triP over I 700 feet I bell clIp on hand sel' • works aulomallcally on your canon A-11 • uses' AA' batteries' etl • au tomaliC I ·no cords • range up 10 10 I I . I '2recharg9es ami;1 ~ 9 I :1= •I' I IN A Order Your Holiday Turkey Early All Sizes AFTER ~ING A 80NfLESS SIRLOIN TIP BEEF ROAST CHOICf FRfSH WHOU TENDfR Del Monico STEAKS $1.89Ib $3.98 FRYING CHICKEN LEGS LB 4~ LII FRESH TABOOLEH SALAD - THURS., FRI., SAT. Esskay 8acon, No Sugar, Low Salt .... '1.59 aw BAVARIAN LB S & W COfFEE 89( b~ $3.39 CHEESE $3.98 Stoned Wheats CANADA GINGER DR.Y - TONIC, SODA, ALE, SALT FREE SELTZER , GEISHA MANDARIN ORANGES l1-OZ 100% COlUM81AN 6~ J983 NOUVEAU BEAUJOLAIS ARRIVES NOV. J5TH! Butternut or Pepper CAUFORNIA SNO.WHITE CAULIflOWER $1.59 HEAD UTU $2.49 La Prices in elled unt,1 Nov 16'" •I 2/'1 09 • + Dep DOWNY GET ONE FREEl SUI'AK 3001 AUTO DEDICATED THYRISTOR FlASHI amomatlc 70 feelI I . • covers 28mm leosl 10 53.98 I .1 La ~!!! q 3 Lb. Bag 99< APPLES l 46mm to 62mm I •.allall SIZes colors typesl I . stocking stullers' I BUY ONE ALTER. I.. FA8RIC SOFTENER 9~Z GERMAN OPTICAL GLASS FILTER SALEI A PtCG fl:iI- ~ __ 7t ZOOM LENS FUJI COLOR 100 COLOR FILM PRINT WITH PROCESSING re; [J'1 '1ICIU1It 1KI .. PENTAl AUTOFOCUS POCKET 35.. CAMERA 299 149 7 4 AFTER I .49" • OOl'llontal& vert bounce I ONLY t 26 TO SELL AWFM STEREO CASSETTE RADIO RECORDER ",m'mt' 1 9 9 END COST AFTER USING $40 REBATE END COST USING $40 REBATE AFTER COST USING S40 REBATE I COST AFTER USING $40 REBATE ,;.:;/\ 'R" ONE ~~/ LN-60 60 minute cassette UDXL-II C-60 60 minute cassette 7f1 139 End the muss & fuss of sorting slides, loadl1'l9 projectors, setting up screens & darkening rooms' EnJOyall your home movies by Just popping In a Videocassette In your Video recorder and turnmg on the TV set' r-- W1THCOUPON ONLY--" I FREE VIDEO I I TRANSFERI I IThat's right FREEl We know once I VIdeo transfer service t In anyone 50 foot Iyou tryyou ourII lovenewIt Bnng ISuper 8 or regular Bmm movie or any 30, I OLYattUS XA POCKET35M CAJlEM • rangefmder focusing' • weighs lusl 79 ounces I • self lime, bulll.m' • uses all 35mm fllmsl 99 I 35mm color 99 WITH U SA slides We'll to Video tape for you FREE I Ifor the VIdeo tape -.t:'rn~ ____ only 100 10 lelll IS transfer them all you pay I ..d.r / 1~ • aUlO last number redial 1 • mute bunon for p4'lV3Cyl • compare al $1499' 599 94 99 ONLY 40 TO SELL' till IDIIIIl' ft SANKYO LOW LIGHT SUPER 8 SOUND JASOII.£,.IRE HIGH POWER BINOCULARS .-n $14 II ~':RA Of sllenl movie fllml • zoom lens 1 bUilt-lnl 0VE1I13O ONL y 362 ASST TO SELL 1 MACK AVE STORE ON i Grosse Pointe Woods 20229 Mack Avenue 881-8200 CLOSED SUNDAYS NOT RESPONSIBLE SALE PRICES END 11-16-83. All ITEMS NOT AT ALL STORES. SORRY. NO SALES TO DEALERS! - _ C'Z~:~6R~ CAMERAS! FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL £RROR$. .. - II I I I S10r~99i! I • uses Kodak soond • tlundreds to choose from' • highest quality OptICSI • great for a gill • great for football' One couponEXPIRES Iral1sfer oller per tape purchased_ '. 11-8-83 WARRANT f ~ [.:~: • fOf wall Of desk use! • use II In Ihe backyard I • recharges Ilself' • Government approved' Let us transfer your movies. sl,des, & prrn/s to Bela or VHS tapel ~~ PIECE EXTENSION TELEPHONE! UNIDEN 700 FOOT RANGE DELUXE CORDLESS TELEPHONE Video Transfer Service I i 6012H. 3000 z~I.ket. m~ MAXILL 60 Mill. QUALITY TAPE CASSmES %' • pockel sue greal • Plays AMlFMstefllo I for fhe traveler or skier' • records on cassette' • electrOniCflash bUIIt'In" two giant speakers I runs • u 35mses .2 on9~.!p' • to rolls of FUJIcolor 35mm 24 eXJXlsure color prlnl film wfII • works automallcally on Canon A.1 cameras I • compulef designed opllCSI • multl-coaled' ,«": ~1 -, I ,, i 1 STiR~ I ,, I MACRO f~ r 1tiJre;1Ijj ONE TOUCH END COST 9 AFTER USING $40 REBATE • only 1 000 10 sell' great OXTAIL or LEEK 6~ ~ END COST ~EBATE .. .... ~, ~:'J ~ 80-200II11 Il & Knorr Soups ScpIsh......... •• BELGIAN ENDIVE La SI.IO9 :1' I; • What a deal! It's like Buying your A-1 Program for an incredibly low... ~ PARMS 8vfARJ@T CHOICf <- -40 display in finder! • includes Canon, U.S.A. One Year Limited Warranty! available with optional 35-70mm wide angle-totelephoto normal lens for only $50 additional! • * FREE ESTIMATE * 28707 VAN DYKE ' ;: $249 Canon A-1, with 50mm f1.8 Canon lens .. - . : . • . . ~~ I ·LED digital • 527-1700 Here's the deal: I' Check these great I', Canon A-1 features: I, • six mode exposure control I for any lighting situation! Now It mal sound lIke we r' gOing 10 eXlremes bUllhln1.. aboul't If ..... , ..... erw l ab,olllleh su'!:e lhe I-ormul., \\ III help vou use It\~gas \\t' "h wouldn t make tIllS offer • So nO! only will you sa\c on a whole month s worth of gas heat lh ,s \ ear \ ou II continue to enlo\ lhe Formula s healln~ e(onom\ for vears to ~ome. 14847 GRATIOT '+ lI. Buya Bryant Formula gas furnace, and we'll reimburse you for your highest monthly gas bill. Serving the Pointes Since J 949-34 I I Birmingham 1608 S. Woodward Ave. 540-0191 CLOOED~YS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT & 8U'DAYS QUANTITIES I I GROSSE Page Ten-A =.,t ~ STATE What's On Cable A h~tlng of locell progrelmmlng FARM A INSURANC~ ~(~~ Fred Zelewski NEWMAN STUDIO AGENCY INC. 18538 Mack Avenue at Touraine Crosse Pointe Farms 48236 PRESENTS, 882-9308 , E A SNYDER WatercolOr! POinting, and Monolype, A.dm1U1OI1 by 0PP'O'I1'm.,,' STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON ILLINOIS only Call 824-0800 Mon Thurs 104 We.Hec Securtty Sy~ten)', We protect what )OU trea~ure mmt. • ~. ..... ",9' i Burglary, Fire. Personal Emergency. Direct VOice Command. RadiO Telemetry 200'0 OFF FIRE SYSTEM (Wifed mlo JIJfm wmmunltdtJOn) any Alarm System pUfchased or leased before November 30, 1983 Resldenllal or CommefClal With Donat Alarm Inc, 885-7067 THANK YOU! ,,-/ I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THOSE PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS, INCLUDING THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS, THAT SUPPORTED MY CANDIDACY FOR GROSSE POINTE PARK COUNCIL. SINCERELY, 'VERN AUSHERMAN Paid tor by the A""sherman for Park Council Committee avalldble on Gl o,,~e Pomle Cdble Thul !>day, November 10 • 11 d m _ "Whelt Pllce CommulllcdtlOn~" - An mtel Vle\\ with U ~ Hep John Dmgell on the break up of AT&T dnd how It \\ III affect the dvel Jge homeownel (17) .5 pm _ LOCdl High School SPOlt" - Check C1Jdnnel 8 dnd 17 fOJ '>chedule (17) .6 30 P m - Helnk Luk~ v~ Clime (17) • 7 P m _ People with EI v Stemel - Gue~b ,lie Edmund Ahee Jnd Gu'> Hu,,~o Ilho dl~CW," the Celputhm Kitchen plogrdm (17) • 7 P m _ The ~dvmg WOI d - MedlleitlOn, ,lnd mU~lt flom Ihe "Clip tUI e~ 15) • 7 30 P m _ A VIf:.'W flom d P,lI" Benth II llh Judge Bevelly C Globbel _ (;ue,>t I~ Judgt' John D 0 Hdll WJ~ ne C()unl~ PI o,et utOI COIpal .IlIOn COUIl,el (17) • 8 P m _ Fllldnt.,,1I PI,wnmg' - With Cellilled Filldncidl PI,mnel Mdl gdl et ~oulh\\ oJlh (17) • 8 30 P m -' Joh,mnd GJlbel t Inlel \ Je\\ '> - 1\1dlk Wehel DII et tOI (,Io,>'>e POlllle W,ll MemOlldl (17) .9 pill - The ,Job Sho\\, flom ME~C (171 • 9 .10 P m - Led UI e pi e,enled dt UllIver '>Il~ Llggptl III Ho!Jell And" td'> f!om S.\ D D (~tudel1h \gdlll,>t Dlunk DllvlIlgJ 07) Mond.l), ' The sign of rntelllgence We have over fifteen years experience Imtalllllg c/lMom Westec Security Systems - the finest In resldell1w[ protectIOn natIOnwide 362-3550 Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Study with lung Center For insurance call ,;: POINTE 1'\0\ I'm bel 14 • II ,I III I,','hdl Pllte CommUI1lC.llJOlI'> (17) • 4 10 P m - AmellCdll c'lthoht (5) • 'i I) III «'.lIth 20!Vldeo One (5) .5 :10 pm - Health }<'Jeld - PIe Mell,>lludl ;-'ynulomc till • bP m _ WJ)ne Count~ A Ne\1 Pel,>pettlve - \llth W,l)ne County I<>.ec WlllI,lm LUCd::' (17) • b 30 P m - 'Hedlth 'I"llk" . - Gue~b ,Il c Dr l\i1tchell Acne DI Lee, High Hl'>k Plegndncy. dnd DI Zvlthull~ Arthlo,>coPY (17) • 7 P m - People with EI v ~teJJlel - Gue,l I> Jel r ~ DeGI dlld (,1 o~~e Powte C.lble" neVi genelJI mdnageJ (17) .7 P m _ .. ~teddy GdJJl~ , - New'> Jnd lllfOl meltJOn dbout .Ictlvltle~ .It youl locdl <,choob (9) .7 30 pm _ "SlIlgleSeen ' - An dlleilldtive to ddtlllg ,>elVlte::. (17) • B pm _ "Hu~<, Glbb ell Hdndom - 'f.llk mte, vie", <,t~le ~how \\lth Hu~<, Glbb (17) • B 30 pm - "Whdt PIlLe CommullItdlJOn' (17) Tuesday, November • 11 d m - "Whdt Pnce CommulllcdtlOn~" • 5 30 P m - The Hedlth Field - Women, 15 (17) Work ,1I1d Hedll DI~eel~e (17) • 6 P m - "The PreventIOn F dctOl" - Thl~ film expl.lll1~ lhe Cdu~e~ of pneUmOnld, the wal mng ~Ignl> to be dWdl e of, dnd d new VdCCllle (17) • 6 30 P m - Hdnk Luks v~ Clime (17) • 7 P m _ People With EI v Slemel - Guel>t I~ DdVld Wilb flom the Michigan Humane Soclely (17) .7 pm - The SdVlllg WOld (5) • 7 30 P m - Steady Gdm~ 119) • 8 P m - "FllIanCldl Pldnnmg" (17) • 8 30 pm - "Johelnnd Gllbelt Inlel VleW~ - J,llIel Mueller GI o,~e POlllte News (17) • 9 P m - The Job Show tl7) .9 JOP m _ BOdrd of Education ~ fmal meetlllg on the I ecommendd lIOn of ~chool clo~llIg, (17) • 11 d m • 4 JO P m .5 pm • 5 30 P m • b P m • 6 30 P m • 7 P m _ .7 30 pm Petel Logan Street tl71 • 7 30 P m • BP m • B 30 pm Wedne~day. Novembel 16 "What Price Commumcahons" (17) - American Catholic (5) FaIth 20/Vldeo One (5) - Heellth Field Conti aceptlOn dnd Infel tJhty (17) "Wayne County A New PerspectIve" (17) - Health Talk~ (17) People With Erv Stelllel - See Monda) II~tlJlg (17) _ "Roney Flllanclal ReVieW" - William Honey III and analyze flllanclal Issues and weekly developments on Wall - "Steady Gam~ .. (19) "Rus~ Glbb at Random" 07) - "What Price CommumcatlOns" 07) 970 Lakepointe The Center for Jung Studies Will ~pon!:>ol'd Life Context Inten~lve Journal Work~hop Fn:iay and SalUlday, Nov 11 and 12, at MIllel Hall, Chl'l~t ChUl ch, 61 Glosse POinte Bouleval d The wOlhhop begin!:> Fllday evenmg horn 7 30 to 9 30 P m and Will continue all ddY Saturday flom }()d 10 to 9 P 10 S1'>tel Chll~ llan Koontz, Ph D, profe~~oJ' of Engll~h at Mel cy College of DetI Oil <ind I egl!:>teled Journal con.,ultant Will conduct the wOlk"hop The pi oce~!:>of the WOIkshop expellence endble" II1dlvldu<ils to tit clWthell hve" Into focu" and enI,ll ge their ~pltltudl and Cteatl ve qualttle!:> The non- Judgem entdl, non dwgno"tlc pi oce!:>~I~ cl WclY 01 pel~onally c1allfymg one'~ !Ife "ltudtlOn, delel mining one'~ I e~ource~ ,md decldmg on new fee Ii':>$75 for first time partlci. pant!:> and $65 for prevIous regl!:>trant!:> Thel e IS a 25 percent dl!:>count for college students With cun ent IdentificatIOn cards and to all senIOr Citizens with HEW card~ For further lI1formation, call 8858792 Toastmasters meet Nov. 14 Toa!:>tmaster" internatIOnal Will ho~t Iti':>next meetmg Monday, Nov 14, at 7 30 P 10 m the upper level of the Glos!:>e Pomte Cenl1 al Llbldl)' A~ Pdl t of the meeting, thel'e Will be featured "peakeJ'!:> who"e vel bal communiCatIOn !:>kllls run the gamut, everythmg fJ om begll1nll1g speclkers to al ticulate dll ecllOn~ Thl~ 1'.'01 k"hop I., a pi el eqUl!:>lle COIporate exeeutlve~ A nonplofJt OJ gdmzdtlOn dedi to Proce"" MeditatIOn Inten"lve ,JoUln<i1 WOlk~hop lhdl WlllOt vf c ...ted to helpwg p€'Ople over come thell fear of "peaklllg m pubhc, fel ed m the "pt IIlg Pal tlclpatlOn Toai':>tma.,ter" InternatIOnal also CellJflcate~ al e available from Dldlogue Hou~e A~!:>ocJate!:>The help~ people to develop theIr leader~hlp i':>kJlls The genel al public I" welcome to play cln active lole m the meetmg~, which 31 e held the "econd clnd foUlth Monday of each month FOl mOl e mfolmatlOn, contact Nev Pack at 882 4989 or Pete Speakel dt lhe Fllday, Nov 11 Oberlte!:>en at 527-6984, evemngs meeting of the Grosse Pomte Chaptel of Palent~ Without Partnel~ Will be Nancy Willtams, pubhc relatIOn!:> director fOI the DetI Olt-Wmd"or Tunnel CorporatIOn Nancy Will talk and show the fllm on the "Trench and Tube" method "Meetmg the Hohdays Alone," whICh wa!:>employed to bulld this Will be the tOPiC of a semmar to t emaJ kable engmeering transpor be held fOl smgle parents Nov. 14, tatlOn product Church on The Glosse Pomte Chapter of at Wood!:>Presbytenan Mack Avenue Seminal' leader WIll PWP meets the second and fourth Fl'lday of each month at the be Mmy Meyer, director of the Glo!:>"ePOInte Wat Memonal Cof- Grosse Pomte bl anch of Northeast fee and convelsatlon begin at 7 30 GUidance Center Monthly Smgle Pal ent Seminal S P 10 followed by an orientation of WIll be held at Woods Presbyter new members A general meeting Ian and Memorial Church on alWith gue"t speaker IS scheduled for 8 30 P m An afterglow follows tel natlng months The seminars at the K of C Hall Ten MIle and 31 e being sponsored pnmarily by Little Mdck, St Clall' Shore~, at 10 the two chUi che" , but al e open to the public Future tOPiCS mclude pm "Developing Support Systems" PWP IS a non-pi ofIt, non-seeterIan, educational orgamzatlOn To and "Finances for Singles" Meetmgs begin at 7 p m. With be eligible a person must be the The pal ent of one or more liVing sons coffee, tea and fellowship progl am begms at 7 30 and WIll or daughtel sand smgle Cdll the hotline, 881-5892 for Ill- conclude at 9 p 10 There is a $2 formatIOn on membel ~hlP and eli- donation to help defray expenses For more mform at IOn, call Sue glblhty There al e varied actlvitiei':>fot "mgle parents and then' McKim, 886-8303 or Mary Anne Evans, 882-5330 children PWP meets on Friday Seminars for Single parents "The Vie Tanny 2 for,.1 .Special: . An investment infuture fitness! J J III 2 YEARS FOR THE PRICE OF THE FIRST YEAR ALONE What would you pay for two years of the finest progressive resistance exerCise? Twenty- four months of Indoor sWlmmtng and Jogging, In every kind of weather? Two years of aerobICS, whirlpools and saunas? Right now at VIC Tanny, you could JOInand pay less than you might think Because It's time for our VIC Tanny 2 for 1 SpeCial 2 years of regular membership for the prIce of the first year alone JOin now and look forward to enjoying all our great faCilities, IncludIng racquetball and more, for two full years The VIC Tanny 2 for 1 SpeCial-It's an Investment In future fitness you can't afford to pass upl { / Vic Tanny Health & Racquet Club 20701 Old8 Mile Rd. at Harper-Call ... 772-0005 Open f:l rl m 10 pm f d( "J lilliI''> Mon thr u ~r, h(Ju'" dm) PllulprnE'l1t 8 am m ...V Vilt b p rn Sell dllCI Sun y tlY clull , GROSSE Thursday,November10, 1983 POINTE Page Eleven-A NEWS Residents join new committees The Shore~ recently named I e!>ldents to the FinanCIal De velopment and BeautifIcatIOn Ad, visory committee~ that wel e formed m July The fmanclal development committee I~ chelll ed by Kurt Tech With George Bd~hal <1, Thomas Candler, Wilham Dah ling, EdWald Deeb, Mdl'vyn Ga., kin and Petel Boga!> !>elvmg d'> membel!> PreMdent pro tern C Bradford Lundy, JI ~el ve!> d~ council Iepi e~entatlve The commIttee allow!> I e.'>ldent':> to make tdx-deductlble contrIbutIOn!> to the Village 10 01 del' to bUild a fund to u,',e fOl occ,hlOndl capital Implovement pI ogl am!> The fund would help the vllldge keep down tax I ate.'> dnd ~tay out of long-tel m debt oblIgdtlOn.'>. ac The husband and wife team of Revel end!> GI egory and Margaret COIdmg to vllldge offIcI db The committee al'>o give,:> I e':>l Sammons will join the !>taff of Christ Chw'ch, Gros!>e Pointe. next month as a!>sociate prie!>t!>.the church announced thi'i week. Reverend dent!> an opportunIty to I emembel Gregory has been rector of St. Philip!> Church in Easthampton. Ma!:l!:l., the VIllage In wdb 01 tl u':>b tOl since 1978. He walt educated dt Trinity College and Harvard Divinity e~tate planl1lng~ The BeClutlflCatlOn AdvI':>OIY School and the Epi!>copal Divinity School in Cambridge. The Reverend n Lh",l1 cd b} Hob('] t Mal gell d ill ,U) dlllli:.td.nt .. t St. John'!> Church in !'tIorthhampton, Mil"" , l..UlIIlIlltl"" where she i!> advi!>or to Epi!>copal !>tudenb at Smith College. She wa!> educated at WelIesley College and the Epi!>copal Divinity School. She also worked as a Peace Corp" volunteer in Liberia from 1971 to 1974. She will be a part.time member of the Chri"t Church !:Itaff. Married ministers join Christ Lovba and IS composed 0{ Ruth Truhol, Joyce Blumen~tock, Jane Brock, Damel Young, Nena Dah ling, Ethele Zolad, Pat Nicholl and Mell'1lyn Counen Tru!>tee EIIZdbeth Kuhlman ~erve~ a!>counCil I eple~entCltlve fOi the committee The commIttee WIll a!>!>I!>tthe admInI~tl'atlOn m Improving and mamtmmng the appearance of the ~h01e!> The VIllage council I etamed John GI 1~~lm and A%oc land~cdpe architect!> to develop a land~cape de~lgn pldn for the renovated Village office!> One of the f!1'':>tdutle':> of the commIttee WIll be to WOIk WIth GII:'~lm to Implement the plan, VIllage offIClab ~ald A!>fOI the IenovatlOn of the VIIldge'~ 67 yedl old mumclpal bUlldmg, ShOl e':>offlcwb ~ay the work I., on .,chedule The nece,',~ary ':>tluctm al I epau ~ to the bUlldmg have been m<lde and the ~teel <,tlUclUIe 101 the new addItIOn I~ m place The work I~ expected to be completed by Aplll 1, OfflCldl!> Tennis? Racquetball? Squash? Whatever your game • • . we offer The BEST CLUB On the East Side Special rates for racquetball, squash, senior citizens and corporate memberships for additional Information WIMBLEDON 20250 E. 9 MILE RD. 774-1300 '-Rid MACK AVE. Police pick-up scavengers A local church'~ scavengel hunt went awry last FrIday mght when two men pal tlclpatmg m the hunt were picked up by Woods pollce Officers received a repOl t from a resident saying someone wa~ loading !>omething mto a car at the city's Ghe!>qUlere Park Responding officers pursued and stopped a 1977 Ford statIOn wagon occupIed by a 23-year-Old St Clair Shores man and a 20-year old Woods man Also found in the car was a bale of hay and several sections of fresh sod, reports said When questIOned about the Items, the two men said they were participating 10 a scavenger hunt and showed officers a lbt of the items to be picked up. The list included a parkmg me. tel', boat trailer, hcense plate from a police vehicle, snowmobile, three cats, a Mercedes Benz hood ornament, a polItical sign, an eXit sign from a !>chool, three feet of picket fence, the same book from all GI'o!>se Pomte library branches, a motOrized two-wheeled vehicle, a menu from the Pancake House, a "no park109" sign, two square feet of sod from a police statIOn, a CadIllac hubcap, a road barncade and a bale of hay, according to repol ts The men said they had paid $4 to take part In the hunt The pel sons With the most pomts were to wm all the money, reports said The men told polIce they had ai- 1 eady picked up d polItlcdl ':>Ignm ~t Clall Shores dnd a load bal ncade In the Pal k They added they had 11led to Iemove a license plate from a Gl'Os~e POInte Shores pohce cal', but were unable to get It off, I eports !>ald The two replaced the sod they had removed fI om Ghesqulel e Park and returned the barricade and the pohtIcal sign to the statIon The two told police they would drop off the bale of hay to Its owner the next day 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS Full strength ACTIFED@now available without prescription FREE ............ ,--- ~ RETURN~~ Bonnier Quartet to perform in church The Bess Bonmer Quartet wdl perform in concert at the Grosse Pomte UnItarian Church on Sunday evemng, Nov 13, at 7 p.m The concert wdl feature many of the numbers from a new album by the group. Called "Bess Bonnier Duet to Quartet," the album features jazz piano stylings, along With Dan Jordan on bass, Tom Brown on drums and Gene Park on reed instruments. AdmiSSion is fl In advance, or $9 at the door. Advance tIckets should be ordered by check With a stamped, self-addressed envelope sent to Grosse Pomte UmtarIan Church, Jazz Concert, 17150 Maumee, the CIty, 48230 Seats may also be reserved at $7 each by calhng 881-0420 CopIes of Bess Bonmer's album wIll also be on sale at $9 each 881-8210 OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY. 9-10. SUNDAY 10-6 94c; POSTER WHEN YOU BUY 2 pral-B) $ 6°3 12 Count 100 Count EVERYDAY ADULT TOOTHBRuSHES MYLICON@80 See dlSploy for delad, l,m,I 100 per slore Effective relief for minor aches and pains ANTI-GAS TABLETS 48 Count $ 335 -- ~ 81e:: $142 ~f;I E:lFi\N I i!I!. iMYLANTA. I.t~ IRIN '_~~~OfPAlH -""'n"" I 50 TABLETS 100 TABLETS EVERYDA Y 1 Depend on Depend on swated ~S.A. capsules for relief Sudafed~ 01 W1nlllf cold s Tablets and SAVES100 lor rBllerol winter colds a,,6 KALIL SAVE $100 Rfl/if1ves nasa/ and sinus collf16Stlon for up to 12 1IOIIrIIIrIllHNtdlo."/,,," CongosUOil Mediterranean Pastries a Imported Foods 19872 Kelly Road (7t Mile near Eastland) Harper Woods (313) 527-7240 See mail'ln details 10 our stores 12 oz. liquid PRICE 3,67 1 00. 2.67 From Our Frozen Food Counter , , • Stuffed Squash, Stuffed Cabbage, Rolled Grape Leaves, Meat Pies, Spinach Pies, Kibba Balls, Kibba Tray, Hommos Spread (Chick Peas), Greek Style Spinach Pies. Stop In And See Our Special Gift Trays, Fruit Cakes, And Many Items For Your Party Needs. Pertrax. ,. R SH4MI'OO ::T..;;:' =...-- _ _--_- ------ ... .--_ "'l"'o __ EVERYDAY 100 o$oap Free Aveenobar SAVE $1.00 Wllh Manufacturer's _. lb. ~ 1.38 ~l~OJQ Oc: O' . For Dry Sen,,',ve 3 Sk,n 01:. O,laled 3 a' Med,(oled 3 \I, Re(ommended 50TABLETS $4 _ 0' by Oermololog"ts - 02 I TRY ORAL.B ZENDIUM TIle toothpaste with a dmerence you can felt, l Excedrin~ [ExmA STRENQl141 $320 60 CAPSULES - MlYOAY $355 100 TABLETS EVUYOAY Use only as d"ecled Ollil lb. h&~) 24 TABLETS I 0.1 Analgesic Sleeping Aid FREE $130 $210 Excedrin F!M: Rebale ASPIRIN 2% oz. $1 Reg IUnsc /Fresh CONGESP III ANTI PERSPIAANT DEODORANT 40 / EVERYDAY ROLL'ON ANTI I'£ASPIRANT DEODORANT , Y2 lb. Other Specials Pure Olive Oil Big Alpha $ 7.95 gal. Pure Olive Oil Eltoro $ 8. 95 gal. Imported Feta Cheese $1.89 lb. Kassivi Cheese (Kaskaval) $1.99 Ih. Collosal California Pistachio (~Ih. $17.95 With this Ad Filo Strudel Leaves.. $1.10 Ih. 2.11 225 TABLETS ban@ ROLL-ON 0 lb. 100 TABLETS EVERYDAY bane $314~Z. '" lb. lb. OIIIJ 10 TABLETS $291 60 TABlETS Dandruff Shampoo EVERYDAY lb. YDIII'Iy 1 00•. 100 TABLETS OR 75 CAPSULES Pentrax" 0..;E':;: lb. 3"'1 YOU Pay Only PRICE 82~ The serious Dandruff Shampoo Minimum Sale On Specials One Lb. 3.25 1 00. 2.25 :'''cIAL PfllCI! LEII 1IIfR. CAI" IlI!P'UND-_"_ 40 CAPSULES 100 Tablets *"'""- U!SS MFIl CASH REFUND -_"_ ~:CIAL -_,_ You Ply Onty Oral.B Youth/Child Toothbrushes Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9 a m.-6 p m. For Your Convenience we will be open Sunday 10 a m -3 p.m. Between ThanksgiVing and Christmas Holiday Specials Walnuts $ 2.25 Whole Almonds $ 2.35 Blanched and Slivered $2.89 Pecan Halves $3.39 Glazed Cherries $1.49 Glazed Pineapple Wedges $1.59 Glazed Mixed Fruits 89~ Glazed Citron 95~ ~:CIAL LESS IIIF1l CASH REFUND .1_ 1l1li_ nu~1JiIII sItUU Excedrio4' - j EXT"-' ITRENGTHI $250 40 CAPSULES $7° 60TABlHS ROll ON 1 Y.2 OZ. Reg. or Unsc. MASSENGILL rei ,/ rJ DOUCHE POWDER r ....r J I r 1/ ~ ii, ~ 12 packettes 4 oz. $2°3 , SOLID 2 oz. 166 EVERYDAY 1 I SAVE $1.00 Aquofresh __- ~: 1 ..: 6 ..... ~I~ 640z TWIN PACK EVlIYOAT ""- MossmgII MESSENfllLL Mff)K".AT£D IXXJ(HE MEDICATED DOUCHE TWIN PACK ,. f). $211 }-4' '~ "- EVUYDAY $194 EVERYDAY ", . GROSSE Page Twelve-A '- First thmg a baby lobster has to do after It'S born is hide from Its lfarents All lobsters are canOl- bals POINTE Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Woman gives teeM run for her money First of the great hotel magnates, Cesar Ritz, orlgmated the slogan "The customer IS always right" They tried to take her pur.:.e but A Park resident got into a tug- fled Without It when she resisted of-war for her purse this weekend The woman was reported to be and won Park pohce report that the 51 unharmed year-old woman was leavmg An off-duty Detlolt polIceman Sparky Herbert's Sunday, Nov 6, observmg the incident gave chase at 6 54 P m when she was apbut lo:,t the teen.:. In traffIC Pollee proached in the rear parking lot Ieport they have no ~u:,pects by two males 10 their teen~ ~ uTo Meet Your Health Needs ... ... We Cover The Pointes. " HARKNESS PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE DRUGS 20315 MACK 884-3100 16003 MACK 881-0477 0 PARK CITY Of PHARMACY 15324 E Jefl~rson 822-2580 ~ro.a.a.r 'oint.r 111arm.a MICHIGAN AMENDMENT CODE NO. 7.07 TO GENERAL OFFENSES ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 269 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3 OF THE GENERAL OFFENSES ORDINANCE OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS BEING "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING GENERAL OFFENSES, PROVID ING PENALTIES FOR THE COMMISSION THEREOF. AND RE PEALING ORDINANCE NOS 81, 98, 60 AND '¥l .. THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS ORDAINS Dick Beach receives award Years of Sf'rviN" to South High School and the surrounding communi. ty was officially recognized recenHy when Dick Beacb (ngbt) received an award from Robert Novitke. president of the Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Club, as the most outstanding Key Club Advisor in Michigan. Since his retirement from the Grosse Pointe school system. Beach has devoted thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars of his own to helping the needy throughout the Detroit metro area. • Travel group visits Africa 20791 Mack Aviftul .... Vnllr Gruu '11IItl Woods 881-3985 MACK CATCH THE FALL RUN AT TELLY"S FRESH PICKEREL DINNERS ALL YOU CAN EA T FRIDAYS ONLy$695 • Chicken Divan • Breast of Chicken Parmesan • Chicken Polynesian • London Broil • Teriyaki Beef Brochette • Bay Scallops Ques'nell • Broiled Lake Perch • Road House Style Frog Legs • Jumbo Gulf Shrimp • Golden Rainbow Trout ferent tribes and the Transval, where gold mmes are concentrated The program is offered weekly at the Neighborhood Club, 17150 Waterloo The publIc IS mvited The Neighborhood Club':, Semor Citizen~ World Travel Clu:,s Will head to Africa Wednesday, Nov 16, at 1 30 p.m via the shde~ of Fern and Rip ZWlCkey The ZWlckeys' progl am, titled "Adventure~ In East Africa," Will VISit mo:,t of the land ... In East Africa, mcluding Uganda, Kenya. Tanzama. Zanzibar. Zimbabwe and Mozambique Some of the slght~ seen WIll 10 elude Queen EliZabeth Pm k and the MUlchl~on Falls, the Masl Man Game Re~elve, the Vlctona Falls and the Wangle NatIOnal Ammal Reserve Other slght~ vIsited mclude the TI an.:.kai, home of a million of dJf- Lamaze movie to be shown Cable series on money management On Wednesday, Nov 2. Roney & Co. began a 13 \\eek fmanclal teleVISion program on Grosse Pomte Cable at 7 30 P m "Roney Financial ReView," analyzes current fmanclal news and discusses Issues of progressIve money management Interview segments With Roney specIalists and major bus mess spokespeople highlight specific mvestment opportumtles The show IS hosted by Petel S Logan and Wilham Roney III of Grosse Pomte We also serve daily luncheon specials OPEN: Monday-Saturday 11 A.M.-2 A.M. SUNDAY 5 P.M.-12 PIANO BAR ENTERTIlINMENT FEATURING .JOE ARMIJO EVERY THURS., FRI., & SilT. Cocktail Hour 4-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 5~' Off All Alcoholic Beverages The Lamaze childbIrth mOVIe, "Nan's Class," will be shown free of charge, Friday, Nov 11, at 8 pm at Mount Clemens General Hospital, Conference Room A. No fee or reservation is required The film is presented as a public service of Childbirth Information Service. Inc., a Grosse Pointe non-profit group provldmg Lamaze, early pregnancy, Cesarean and post-partum support classes to expectant couples in eastern suburban Detroit and Macomb county Lamaze classes are fdling now With starting dates corresponding to Wmter and Sprmg "due dates" In Grosse Pointe, St, Clatr Shores, East DetlOlt, Warren, Mt Clemens, Utica and Chesterfield Township For more information, call 731-0277 LE~SE ' \¥h.r. you- get your ienlce. This announcement ISneither an offer to sell nor a SoliCitation of an offer to buy these securities The offer ISmade only by the Prospectus November 4, 1983 Section 1. The General Offenses Ordmance, Ordmance No 185 enacted December 20, 1'¥l! IS hereby amended by revlsmg sectIOn 5 and !>ectlOn 6 of Ch:lpter 3 to read In theIr entIretv as follows section 5 Fireworks (1) Except a!> prOVided 10 sub-sectIOn (2), It shall be unlawful fOl Jny person. firm, partnership. or corporatIOn to offer for sale, eJo.po!>efOl sale, sell, possess, gIve, transport, use, explode or cause to explode, Without a permIt ISSUedpursuant to sectIon 243a of Act No 328 of the PublIc Acls of 1931, as amended, being SectIon 750 243(a) of the MIchIgan Compiled Laws, any of the follOWing (a) A blank cartndge, blank cartrIdge pIstol, toy cannon or toy gun m which explOSives are used, (b) An unmanned balloon which reqwres fire underneath and IS not moored to the ground while aloft, (2) The follOWing articles may be sold, possessed, transported. used or transferred Without pelffilt, prOVided such matena1s have been found to be adequately labeled by the Adffilmstralor of the Hazal dous Substances Act pursuant to Section 2 of Act No 188 of the Public Act~ of 1965, as amended, being Section 286 452 of the Michigan CompIled Laws (a) Flat paper caps contalmng not more explOSive content per cap, 10 packages maximum explOSIve content of cap than 25 of a gram of labeled to mdlCate the (b) Toy pistols. toy cannons, toy canes, toy tnck nOIse makers and toy guns of a type approved by the director of the depal tmellt of state police 111 wluch paper caps as described In subdIVISIOn (a) are used and wluch are so constructed that the hand cannot come In contact With the cap when 10 place for the explOSIOn and which are not deSigned to break apart or be separated so a~ to form a miSSIle by the explOSIOn (c) Sparklers contaming tlOn per sparkler not more than 0125 pounds of burnIng pOl" (d) Fhtter sparklers In paper tubes not exceedmg tel', cone fountams, and cylinder fountams 1/8 lOch 111 dlame. - ,'* . (e) Toy snakes not contaimng mercury, if packed m cardboard boxes With not more than 12 pieces per box for retail sale and If the manufacturer's name and the quantIty contamed m each box are pnnted on the box, and toy smoke deVices My Mati At A CllI,.utiw Rite Wi~ Inlltlllll CrIIII «() Possession, transportation, sale, or use of Signal flares of a type approved by the director of the department of state police and blank cartndges or blank cartridge pistols speCIfIcally for a show or theater, for the tralmng or exlubItmg of dogs, for SIgnal purposes m athletIc sports, and for use by nulltSIy orgamz8 tlOns Contact-JiIII Grace 17677 MACK (g) The sale of fireworks, prOVided they are to be slupped directly out of state pursuant to regulatIOns of the Umted States De partment of TransportatIOn covenng the transportatIOn of explo Slves and other dangerous artICles by motor, raIl, and water 886-1700 SEWER TROUBLE?I System Integrators, Inc. to plOpei It (c) Firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets. roman candles, daygo bombs. bottle rockets, wlusthng chasers, rockets on slIch, 01 other fIreworks of like constructIOn, , (d) Frreworks contammg an explOSive or mflammable compound or a tablet or other deVIce commonly used and sold as flrework~ contammg nitrates, fulffilnates, chlorates, oxalates, sulphlde~ of lead, barIum, anhmony, arsenic, mercury, mtroglycer1Oe, phos phorus, or a compound contammg these or other modern eJo.' ploslves, At Ray Laethem Pontiac ~ toy cane, c.II sectIOn 6 Storage of Fireworks The storage of fireworks IS unlawful except for a retailer who has goods on hand for sale to the pubhc In a supervised display area. Section 2. Except as amended herem, all other prOVISIOns of Ordmance No 7.07, as amended, shall remam m full force and effect 1,350,000 Shares Section 3. This OrdInance shall take effect twenty (20) days after enactment, or upon Its pubhcatlon, whichever IS later Common Stock 116M lIV€R"OIS UN 3 1600 ,SlOoi KERCHEVAL 11& MAPLE RO VA'] '307C &4J 4a80 Richard G. Solak Enacted 10-24-83 Pubh'ihed 11 10-83 CIty Clerk Price $10 Per Share Copies of the Prospectus may be obtolned from the underSigned only In States where the underSigned may legally offer these SeCUritiesIn compliance With the securities laws thereof IOMII ~ SLICED L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN A G BECKER PARIBAS THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION BEAR, STEARNS & CO. IrICOfPO'Q1ed DILLON, READ & CO. INC, ALEX BROWN & SONS BlYTH EASTMAN PAINE WEBBER lnco<PO'O'ed DONALDSON, GOLDMAN, DREXEL BURNHAM lAMBERT LUFKIN & JENRrnE E F HUnON HAMBRfCHT & QUIST & COMPANY PRUDENTIAL.BACHE MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAL MARKETS LEHMAN BROTHERS KUHN LOEB ioco<PO'aled ROBERTSON, COLMAN & STEPHENS SMITH BARNEY, HARRIS UPHAM & CO. SHEARSON/ AMERICAN EXPRESS INC. DEAN WinER REYNOLDS INC. WERTHEIM & CO., INC. roeorporaIed ALLEN & COMPANY MONTGOMERY' SECURITIES F. EBERSTADT& CO , INC. """"PO"""'" OPPENHEIMER & CO , INC MOSELEY, HALLGARTEN, ESTABROOK & WEEDEN INC TUCKER, ANTHONY & R L DAY, INC. ROTHSCHILD INC BACON STIFELNICOLAUS lei N cob.Js • ('~ THECHICAGO BLUNT ELLIS& LOEWI WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY If'\Corj)Ototeod 1f',("()ifpntQ'lf)d CORPORATION PRESCOn, BAll & TURBEN, INC, McDONALD DAIN BOSWORTH 5&"" Inco<PO'aled ARTHURS, LESTRANGE & SHORT & COMPANY h~ irK' R G DICKINSON & CO FREIH POIl,':iIOUII __ HONnDIW E~h~Lg. 5 Site Gal. IIIID Ii GIFT F.OM HA._'S I I S15~ CHERRY FIIISII f TOMATOES &ftt ~'.l' Bunch ORDER IIOW FIIISII .OULT.Y FO. THA_HIVING 1=:: ~ VIA UPS Y2 TURKEYS 1",~~ ALSO AVAILABLE Fresh 8aked Coffee CCJ~esand Donuts Every Friday and Saturday THEOHIO COMPANY , LB. WI SHIP We ,••• ry. ,"_ "911110/"'''' J J. B HILLIARD, W L LYONS,INC LB. LAMB PAIIIES MELOIIS BUIICH ~ S 199 CARROIS ~~S239' .~' ,.\ FRUN 'I 39 '1 '~G9 .OUND ..~,,~--1fIr.. 26L9a. '1.59 APPLE CIDER Inco<p<><aled SecuritIes Sf ~. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO INC. "",,,,pooOled LAZARD FRERES& CO. SACHS & CO, ioco<PO'OIed ~loMCO<Po<"""" I ~ON GROUND CHUCK T.BOIII I I q,'clft"'''' Its l'rieM in -!fee' through NoYIlmlM, 15th. 1983) ----Page Thirteen-I. GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE NEWS -f\l1Q Story Theater comes to town M4RKf:T (f.f'Jrt,R In celelH atulIl ot Chlldl en .., Book Week, the ehl1dl ell" de pm tment of the (;IO""'p POlllte Pubhc Llbl ,II ~ \\ III pi ('"ellt ~10l ~ Thedtel peJ!ollllpd b~ the AdOl .., Allwnce Thedlel COt1lPdll~ • Porterhouse I III ~---..~ II \I ~ I: ~w : £' ~ Q~ The Acto! '" ALliance Theatel Compan) Will come ploductlOl1 of .. ~tOl y Thctltel' to GIO.,.,e POlllte .., thl ee public IIbl a <.olleclJOI1 ,II ~ bldl1eh('" 1#;;$t: of ,\e..,op .., F'lble<' <l11d 11('"\ ~1J t ~dtUl dcl~ No\' *' ;.. 19" COLOR l II II I REMOTE CONTROL I REG $54900 II::'::' •449°Ojj elw (1m/wI w IHeadphones : I WARRANry {CX.9300 READY SHARP : EL-230 ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR VID~J'~APE :. ~. :. : 95 $11 ~ ~. l $4 i I I I~REESEEREVJSCTEIAMLALTMEASKES AMJ Electron •. cs. I I LI 20649 MAC K 882-8540 , ~At I $2460 RRY ?NNSc:r --_. UMITBl 95 I : QUANTiTY WHILE THEY LAST EXP II 1783 I... _-- - ----' HOURS':: ,~'" %ijHfti--. w{'lfiMt~.f ~ I Available Glass Block Sales 778• 6330 ~'r'r' Sat ':'2 QIoac~liBqt <!11yimllCt! Sfuecp <!In. 885.3733 ,FIREPLACE WOOD8TOVE AND OIL FLUE CLEANING CAPS AND SCREENS INSTALLED CP~ObesSlOM~~4gWt~ed g c8qutpped to Qe/tve gJOUIl CUJMdbulllliJlq 'uVeeds DEODORIZING WOOD8URNINQ ACCESSORIES Chimney Sweep Gutld Chimney Sweep GUild J~ 0 280 BURN SAFELY COMPLETELY INSTAllED 10'$3900 a monlh ... , ,~ , . f / ('h": . ~ t J~' l ,t --_..: PANASONIC TOSHIBA AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER m , t , : SUPER : HC''''~ . ~ ( 0 Pre-Assembled • Installation II IJ > ~ • Do-It-Yourself • Spark IgnitIOn qO 000 8TU Furnace • , Year Paris E. Lal)[lr Guarantef' • '0 Year Hf'at Exchange I - "1;\ "~~:: '0 "l'~<. • One Unit • NO MONEY DOWN" II 'ill 1/011'/1/1'\ ~li.~ =- ..,.;;C:' '-- / r '05HIBA-~ "lW ) Ce.%Lff1 vUasle.l COUPON SPECIALS. 'y oj pill 1'1 P1IEVENT CHIMNEY FIRES - 19 f 4. if MEMBER National M"h.gan : ,gPfihFif ,.]N~rlf!Plnjjj~i'j~~ » • ~J -t; ,, ! NO MUS INSURED AM-FM Cassette Player :. .- •••• ould lif...e 10 meet, OU 51gl/(1 Mllellel 22701 WOOD ST. ST, CLAIR SHOAfS AD FOR 30 MOS II .885-2280 Nl/Ill/(Jffe CLIP THIS CAIlI.E I:I: UNISEF U-7 i elm 'OIl1ie Jell'el" f(/hl'1/{1' fX/{1 POI (e1WIl Dol/\ We 393-1711 Open Mon -Frl 7-10 Sat Till 6 i ~"""'I I Gifts 01(//1' 2460 MARKET ST. $44900 II -' PV -1220 I1I Panasonlc I Ir----------.-- .. l •• ---~.J~.--.--.-•...-----.-----.-I Extraordinaire t hOt -. /-p/ I: _. ~ r.'),}') Hem \ K FREE $100.00 Life Membership Club W Purchase of a Video Recorder Ir--------------, .-=( I-:Ijtl III (/ Illllxe CoII,I... DiIW p.m. ,-------------------, What's new "On-the-Hill" U/lII\lwl S895 5 MINUTES FROM REN CEN 1:a.)hlllllc:a..cLI:..bOllllllI'<~I\IIIIIl)iIIllllIIiilllllllli~~""'''''''''Ill4 .....G...ll..n...lm_B.l'othel ~ Tale" 11£'1'(1/ Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Steak 20 oz. 5 pm to 10 pm PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES Theil' I., no eh,ll ge dlld "edtlllg h on a 111"t eome III.,t "el\e bd ~l" A., with In dllthe the<:IlIlul "pellcll gl ammll1g 1'11., plO de 73 Kef( TRY OUR ALL NEW DINNER SPECIALS Rl': Including light Snacks and Special DTink PTices Thl ee Pl.'l 101mdll('e'" .IIe ..,dll' duled tOl ~.ItUldd\ No\' III .It 10 10 d m at Pdl k HI,lI!ch 154\0 Kelcheval, 1,10 pm ,II Wool.h Hldl1('h 20bOO M<1l.k, dllU ,: ,10 p m <It Centld1 Lilli dl \ 10 Kel cheval _ 'stAt/RANt • Surf and Turf • Shrimp ScampI • Soft Shell Crab HAPPY HOUR DAILY 3-6 Thl~ lanl1l~ IIIU"'I('d1 tOI dgp", 5 and up, ha" \\ 011 \\ ail.' dCl. J,lIrll III the Dellolt died ~t01\ Tlwdtel I" ,I collectlOll ot (~llli11l1'" 1"dll \ '1'.lle.., aded by a tloUPp 01 ..,\\ pel to! mel., \\ ho pld\ 111.111\ddipi ent loll''' peoplp dlld dlllmdh '1'l1p) emplo} thedteJ tedllll<jue" \\ Ill( h "lleteh Ill(' 1111dgln<ltloll U"'lI1g only "mdll ('O"tUllW JlH'( e" thl ee eube., two ldddel.., ,1IId .I 11001,1 hoop, the~ .II I' dble to U ('.Ill' ,I \ ,I Ilpt y ot ..,('ltll1g'" t 10111 Ill(' "Pd to ,I humble ('ottdge ,I 101(,,,t d lob bel.., dell dnd .I (ount " P,dd( <.' <dl tI om till' ('OmlJllldtloll ot 11,111,1 tlve dlld I lI1<lgllldt 1\ p d<.llllg i\ Wide Idnge ot t ,1111111.1 I "t01lp" diP pn'"pnt pd '111(' HI 1'1111'11 TowlI MU"leldll'" • Helln\ Ppllll\ "Thp I<'hlwl'llIUll dnd Ill" Witp and 111,111\11101e pdltment. the plogldm I.., mdde po""lble thl ough the "UppOlt the Fllend.., of the (,IO"..,e P01l1teot Pu In the Heart of the Eastern Market Thursday, November 10, 1983 GROSSE Page Fourteen-A POINTE NEWS Seated left to right: Roger P. Mourad. Joan R. Hanpeter. Supt. Kenneth Brummel, Ernest Buechler. Standing left to right: Vincent LoCicero, Catherine Brierly. Dorothy Kennel. Jon B. Gandelot. I, f• : t l THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF EDUCATION Ii,. ~, t ~I' We, the undersigned Citizens.of Grosse Pointe, support the Grosse Pointe Board of Education in its role of providing educational leadership. LOISMelsslver Allan F Melsslver L E Melsslver Carl W Lord Chuck & Judy Slade Camille & Bob Peterson Agnes Barron MarJone Fischer G Bruce Felgtmer Goody Semple Emma P Hutchinson Rachel G Brake Jean C A Carter Joyce Edwards MarJone Hirt M/M Peter C Higbie Walter H Mackey Pam Gladstone Mrs Margaret Elhott Carl Justice Howard R Poppen Shirley Smart Mower H E Vanderbank M 1M SW McMillin Frank J Welcenbach Robert Hawkeley Henry A Cloy Clarence Kanarr Jack M Pettis Don Haigh Ct\nstlne C L1ebbrand Manlyn 0 Keane John W Owens Marylou Coe Ar,ne W Roberts MI M Ramon Bfln\<man Kathy Barrett Joan lawler John J Schonel'berg Jr juliet Hafford Lester M Elliott Lawrence I Ruby Jeanne M Smllt1 Kennard L Jones Malln B Hutchinson G W Knudtson Lf Carter EG Acomb John M Hannan LOUISE Sendelbach Jack Persson H Gordon Tanner Paul Colby Donna King Roy W Voorhees Gall Kaess Bernard W LeMieux PIChard B Marsh Ann Dalby Elolne Feeser William E Keane Jr Bill & Jackl SCott Joan S Owens Ann Rice Patty McCracken Carroll & Joe Ev~a Ann MacDonald Mike MacDonald Kaltiryne E Prost WS Chapman Mary Botten Fran McGregor Dodds Lucy Kenn Mary T Galloway Dorolt1ea S Busl1 Cha~es F Lawler Rosemane H Hannan MJ Rueger M/M Armond Carpentier Bernard Wt1Itley Mary Evelyn Self Robert N Harwood Gall Kozlowski BaSil Johnson Terry Hammond Robert Feeser Elizabeth Wood Alice D Brown Tom Candler Kay Candler Mary A Richards Solly DeSondy Mary Kaya Ferry Susan Loren Tom Rice Lucy Prost AC Docs Tlmolt1y Sfoepker George H Zinn John & Joy Williams Helen S Meyeong Emily Glow Kimberly Grow Howard Hush John Williams Winifred rlnch Lee Miller Audrey Henry LOUIseHoyt Jane Warren John Harwood Martha Speer Frank McHugh II Mane H Murphy Charlotte K Eafon Patricia Haug Edward Haug JoAnn Kel'y James Kelly Caroline A Marston Pal Bowles Gall T Terry Bob & Joan H Goulder Robert E Terry Mrs Caryl M Kerbe' XhOfer [Jeff) Orhon Judltn A Anderson Constance G Kienle Sondra M Kelcourse Michele Gentile Ellzabelt1 B Wi'llams Kathryn W Hush Theodore B Fleming Jr Therese Fleming Clyde L Reed SollIe S Spitzley Theodora W Acomb Richard D Grow Audrey C Ruby CaIt1enne Champion S Sidney Newhouse Nancy Trowern Howard Trowern ~obert Kennel Ruth Collins Mr Wallace P Ernsberger Rlcl)ard C Donovan Mrs Marty M Ernsberger Mr Armand C Kert:Jer Albert K Jacoby Carl D Anderson Charles J Bencle James N Spllos Linda l SImons Sondra Frame Elaine F Reed Boyce M Tope Hamette Slowln Joseph M Callahan Don MacKenZIE' ledyard M tchell Jr Sarah HIli Pharoe & DIcK Welooerg Helen McKnight Helen C Warren MUriel Wengel Harnette G Caruso LOUiseEichenlaub Pot Rousseau Janis Race SylVia Marinos Elizabeth B Henry Sylvlo A Zytkewlck John Zytkew'ck JOhanra Gilbert Ellwyn Gilbert Fred W Adoms Solome Walton Jusltne 0 Kulha Dr & Mrs K R Knoblauch Pefer B Frame Chnstopher Grow Hallne A Callahan Sfu Dow Therese Dow John & Susan Mozena Paul & Suzie Decker Tom & Pat Jeffs Betsy Srhooff Rick & Joan Gordelch Larry & Sue Aske", Peter & Susan 0 Rourkp Jesse R Lowther Carolyn & Vann Fleming Palrlclo Wilsor, Rose Gray Judy Walker Mary Grace Adams Mary Ann Pear Kendra & I any Hardmg Joseph P Thompson BoltJora R Thompson Dorolt1y Newhouse Molly Vermel Jean W Cornelius Manlyn Coonen Emily Moellenng Josephine l Malecek NT HIgbee Peter B Frome Rachel Grow Mrs Laurance Horwood Jarle !lorry Julie & JeremlOh Bourkp C~lstlne B Clay Carol A Cloy Barbara Hawkeley Lindo Johnslon Carol Fitzgerald Sue Snow Mary Steiger r<uth & Frank Zmn Jan W(lght Charles Wright M M John Meehor Mrs Janet Dunn Nancy Malicki Nea, & Dorothy Combs Wesley H Hoffman ,vlliram H Denier Fronk J Siaden Jr r~obert H Pytel! Paid for by Citizens to Support the G.P. Board of Education, 343 Moross Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, 48236 \ . • Page Flfteen.A Thu~day, November GROSSE 10, 1983 [ NEWS ] Ofiituaries • Mrs. Andronekey Johnides Stanley L. Sikora ~1'VI('e..., fOl Mr SIkora. 57, of the WO(xl'> Will be held today, at 9 30 a m .It ~I ,Jodl1 of Al (' ChUll:h He died ~dtUI d<ly Nov 5, 111 Bon Seullu"" Ho""plt.d BOin III l'vhchl~al1 he W<I..,d ..,elf emplo) I'd ,1(('ounLlnl wIth <In of lice on Kell) HOold In 1':.1..,t De IIOlt 1\11 ~lkOld \\.1.., ple..,ldent of lhe Denbv KIWdlll'" Club dnd Wd~ pa"l tl ('d..,U1 el 01 the DeL.l~alle KI1l~hh 01 COIUlllbu.., He \Va...,elbo .In AI lll) \ etel <In of WOlld W.ll II 1\11 SlkOl .I I.., ...,w VIVed bv 1m Wife Ho..,e 1\!,1IH', t\\O ..,Olb "l'v1mk ,Illd Net! thl ee ddUghtPl.., Chel yl \nn :-'1('11.1 dncl Kdthleen LaPlelle, hi'" ,>tep mothel, GI,lce ~IkOl .I ,lIld one "'I...tel Melllolidl (Onlilbutlon,> may be Illolde to till' :\lldllg.1I1 C,!l1(PI So uet) Intel 1lll'llt II III Iw 111 I'IIt OlIvet L('meldl \ All ,lllg('nwnt..., II l.'le hdl1dled by lite Eppen.., V'llldc\1 eghe Funel al Home Hazel I. Willison ~el VI(e., fOI Ml.., Wllh~on. 82. of WIIII..,OIl HO,Hi 111 (;Io ......,e P01l1te :-,hol e... \\ el e held Wedne...,ddY. Nov 9 .It FII""\ Umted l\lethodl..,t CltUl ch ~he died 011 Satul day Nov 5. In hel home . 1\11., WII11...ol1 wa., the Wife of the Idte .John WIIIl.,on. d contldc 101 dnd IllnJdel :-.he I...,""U1vlved by <I ...,on J [)dVld ddughtel Ml l> Glen (I'llell) A Iln) Schneldel : eIght gl dndchlldl en, olle grea t gl and child, dud a ...I.,tel !\lemoll,ll tllbuh:'" mel) be mdde to the FlI...,t Ulllled Methodl~t ChLll eh 24U36. Lrl edtel l\Idck, St Cl,lll ShOl e..., All ,1Ilgement.., wel e h.llldled IJ\ the A H Petel ~ funer,II Home' Intet mel1t \\,a ... ll1 White Chapel Cemetel) Walter B. Grabowski Sel vice.., for:'lll Lil dbow!>kl. 79. of HarV<ll d Road were held Thul ..,dd) '\J ov I )J) the Ver he\det! Funeldl Home dnd 5t CI ~ll e CllUl cll He died l\Iond<l\ Oct 31. III hl~ home r, POINTE .' BOIIl III Pol,md. he I" ..,U1vlved 1)\ hi'" wile. Bellllece. two d,lughtel s, Mr~ Genelve Mortka dlld l'vll~ Clementme Gutowski. ,md two gl andchlldl en Intel ment wa:, III 1\11 Olivet ('emetel) Mrs. Ruth T. Edson Sel vices for Mr~ Johmde..,. 80. of the Park, were held Satuldav. Oct 29, at the Wayne Funeral Home, Detlolt, and A!>:,umptlOn GI eek Orthodox ChUI ch She died ThUlsday, Bon Secol1l!> Ho!>pltal Oct 27. U1 BOl n 111 Constantmople, "he Immigrated to thl!> country 1111920 d~ a 16-year-old bllde She Wol" a life memlJel of the Wo!velll1e Chaptel No 52 of the 01 del of the Ed...,tel n Stal She wa::, abo ,\ membel 01 Ahmo!>e Temple No 63 ol the Ddughtel s of the Nlle. a ,',hlllle olgamzatlOn fol' women 1\1I!> Johmdes I!> ~Ul vlved by two ddughter", Helen Glegg and Vlctolla Johnides, two ::'l:,tel~, one bl othel, four grandehlldl ell ,md one great-gl andchlld Memollal contlibution" may be made to a!>:,umptlOn GI eek 01 thado>- Church Intelment Cemelel) wa., 111 ACddta Poll k Harold E. VanVorhees ServICes for Mr VanVorhee!>, 89, of Vel mer Road, wel e held Satul day, Nov 5, at the Vel' hey den Funel al Home He died Thursday, Nov 3 III Bon Secour~ Hospital Bol'l1 m Indlanapohs, he was d I etired deSign engmeer fOI Genel al Motol!> He was a graduate of Purdue Univer!>lty and was a member of Bruce Post No 1146 of the VFW Mr VanVorhees IS survIved by hi:' wIfe, Marion; a son, GeO! ge C. a daughter, Mrs Km en DaVis-Collins and three grand children Intel ment was 111 Indlanapoll'" Sel v Ice" for MI" Ed.,on, 91. of the POinte, wel e held Wedne"day. Nov 2 1I1 the Vel heyden Funel al Home She died ~ul1dav, Oct 30. III hel home . 1301n III Mmne, "he I etll ed In 1969 a" a .,ecunly bloket and account executive fOI Pmne-Webber MI l> Ed...,on I" ""1lI vlved by one "I"tel Memolldl contllbutlOn., may be m,lde to the MichIgan Heart A,,...,OCIatton CI emeltlOn wa" dt FOl e"t Lawn Cemetel y Wesley S. Thompson Sel VIce., 101 1\11 Thompwn, 73, 01 HawthOine ROdd. well.' held Thllll>da~, Nov. 3. III the A H Pet el:, Funeldl Home He dIed Monda\ ,Oct .n. III Cot tdge Ho"'pltal . Born III DetiOit he wa..., eI Ie. III ed mdthmethlCl> ~upel VI!>OI fOi the Detlolt Pubhe School !>y!>tem 1\11 Thomp:,on I!> "'U1vlved by hi') Wife. Salltd, thlee blothels, c1lllul ell • • • • s595~ Reg. INSTALLED S 1147 Lie. 118,\.0288 rll1\P I GROSSE POINTE ALARM. INC. IiaA 17006MlIckAve. OOAl3630 _._,.- PtIIll.hI1l .... &11U1 48230 oo-r A memorial service for MI!> Harnson, 66, of Beacon~fleld Road, wa~ held Monday. Nov 7 In the Verheyden Funeral Home She died Friday, Nov 4. In Cot tage Hospital Born In Ohio, she is survived by her husband, Everett; a !>on Ed. ward, two daughters, Mr~ Beverly Haron and Mrs. Betty Regtu and !>even grandchildren CI emahon was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. $995 No dlscou/H co,ds hOIlOff;ld ~ I have FREE delivery and GREAT prices! Call Patti at Ram Paper Co. 774-3830 SPECTACULAR MICROWAVE OVEN AND RANGE ,.., Of"''' I Ill .. 1'1 I III I B" I \11.111 Hill "I 1)111111 UIl( IlIlU .. t. 11/'" - "", Ihlltu'r .11111 I I .• III - III I' I rI alld "'al r III 88.9:i III 1I11l1r1l~t.1 /,1("10 \1«.111 nor f. fllerlw (/ "1('(/ I " ed., Fn. (lfI(l .... ul. Tl/1{hl' u",,, I orllht. II 1',," III -1 .. 11 lit S8.9:i J l:i 102 '1~I('k.(()/""1 01 \tJlllfI!!JwlII ,d.'1 f',n!,IlI;': 1fI-lhe-l'w J. 881-0550 .. r 17328 MACK at ST. C~~IR FREE 885-1565 .~/ DELIVERY [i"' ~: THURS .........----..... RI BS Inllllllll"~oU'" ~ ~ ~~ f ~ :\. lEAN AND i~~~~~: J.ulIIIIIUlIIIIII STYLE ORDER YOUR FRESH TURKEYS, GEESE, CROWN ROAST OR OTHER \, 5169 SELECTED CUTS Of MEATS FOR \ THANKSGIVING "1 1, t.W STUFFED ~-'r v a~ CITY CHICKEN FROM rs LEAN PORK & VEAL ':it '2.79 LB. ~ Chiquita ~ ~r BANANAS I 28~ _ ORK CHOPS 5 179LB-e~ LB. CENTER CUT If 'I .89 LB. 5149 LB. Ij NATURAL FRESH !>"$- ~ \" \ APPLE CIDER (~-:.","\CHILI ~ ~ PORK CHOPS ffJ ROASTS COL JOE'S FAMOUS HOME MADE t' ~ NOW! ~ II t"'\ ~.\" ~~:~:kPDRK,'~, '-! BONELESS ROLLED - 4 TO 400 & FRI TILL 8 00 P m 5179 LB. 51.09 Y2 Gal. ' . CALIFORNIA EXTRA FANCY UNCLE SAMS FRESH SPINACH 'r! ,4l ) FROM HY's CIDER MILL H HEAD LETTUCE ~' 10 Oz. CELLO PACK 69C (JUMBO te~ SIZE) 66~EA. I} FREE 16 pc Anchor Hocking Bushel's of Savings RRU•• 'S L IN NOVEMBER! You want copy paper? You want free delivery and good prices? 'Iud \ f'lI'f'Iahlf' hr("ld c. EVERY WEDNESDAY CASH III Oil '-HE durin. IrH'lud«'" ..alad. loaf of fn".,h m i 11('1 (~\G;::~~7:::;'VERBRUGGE'S ;~~~?E:uroi;!\ ::~~r~~. I I have computer paper! at 1Y4 pounds ..,llI. !';l cut h' .lnd I I have copy paper! our '{Je('wl ... LIVE MAINE LOBSTER childl en ~he wa., <11...,0the mothel of the late Fredellck Flomm Arrangement!> WIll be h,mdled by the Verheyden Funel al Home You want computer paper? Mrs. Virginia C. Harrison dlill fII~hl # 1 Contender The Mrs. Elizabeth Fromm AND FIRE EMERGENCY SYSTEM &S t he ElectrOniC 51ran and not hes POLICE AND FIRE depsftment 24 hou r mOllltOrtng PROTECTED throughout Push Button Key Wllh Panic Button Bank FInanCing Ava labte • Acb'o'at W(> fire eXlenrJill~ "edne,d(1l one ~Il>ter and many mere" <llId nephew~ Memol Ial contllbullOnl> mel) be mdde to the MIchigan Beelt l /\..., "OelatlOlI Intel ment Wd'> III Woodld\\ 11 Cemetery ~I vlce~ fOI Mrl> Flomm. 79. lately of the St Jo!>eph Home 101 the Aged, all' Incomplete dnd Will be held latel III the week She dIed Tue.,ddY. Nov 8. 111 ~t John HO~Pltdl 1301n In Hungelry, MI" FlOm 01 wa~ a long tIme I e"ldent 01 the Fal m~ and wa., the Wldo\\ of Chal1e~ Flomm, foundel 01 the Chal1el> Flomm Co ~he \\ <I"" d membel of the St Pdul .1gel '...,dnd ,11.,0 d membel of the ~l Paul Altai Society Mr" Flomm I" "llIvlved b) t\\O !>on!>,Jo~eph dl1d Celli, 10 gl dnd 1 /Jue to popular demand Ovenware Set to the first 50 purchasers GET THESE VALUES WHILE THEY LAST FOUR DAY SALI WID. SAT. ~ T/lPP/lB Complete Cooking Center • Eye-Iavel Microwave oven has 10 cook109 speeds and lap 'N touch I controls Self clean lower oven I • Fluorescent work light I • Digital crock !• mCTRlcSElfOl"":' MODEL 77 4972 S929 SAYE $66 SHARP CAROUSEL (R) MICROWAVE OVENS TURN THE FOOD SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO S349 SAYISSO • • Carousel System rotates food automatIcally • Auto-Touch convement fingertip controls • Vanable Cooking Control Htgh. MedIUm High. Medium Medium low (for defrosllngl and Hold BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANY APPLIANCE ANYWHERE COMPARE BRUNO'S PRICE & SERVICE POLICY! YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! . \ GROSSE Page Sixteen-A SADD Residentlll & c_n:ial Interior & Ixterior pliitlil Quality work It I IIIrpii ,rice • One year larant •• in writing Need Painting? HOFFMAN nJllN-r'AIG Grosse Pomte Locailon "'V ,-~ CO 25% DISCOUNT \. . Listen, dance at Sfl pops cabaret ~ud's O~~ BEAU11FUL ANCHOR BAY by boot or by cor 'I , , ~f YOUR FAVORITE COCKTAILS Studenb dt Pierce Middle School In the Pdlk wllliun d mIle for d tUIkey on Wedne~dny. Nov 16 The occa~lOn l~ Plel ce'!> 12th annual Turkey Tlot, ~pon!>oled by the !>chool'~ phY~lcal educatIOn depal tmenl The event begll1!> on the "chool Jthletlc field at 3 p P1 The Turkey Tlot Will con"l~t of four half mile 1 ace~ One each fOI ~eventh and eighth grade glrb and boy~, and a one-mile Idce open to all ~tudent~ ThanksglVlng tUI key ~ ""III be awal ded to the first two WlI1nel~ m each of the half mile event~. and the top thl ee mder~ TUIkey~ al e donated by the Plel ce PTO In case of bad weather, the Turkey Trot Will take place on Thur!>day, Nov 17 Spectators <lIe inVited to attend Student~ Intel ested In compe tmg should ~lgn up With Sue Snydel 01' Jeny Keith, in the phySical educatlon office There I~ a 25 cent entry fee The Richard PTO hopes to light up Chnstma~ In the Pomtes by .,elhng kit<, and ln~tructlOns for the con~tructlOn of lumlllana Lumll1ana IS dn Old World Spalll~h tl adltlon u~ed to light the path~ for the coming of world peace and tl anqulllty, accordlllg to the PTO Each kit contain!> the mdtel tal fOI the con~tructlon of thl ee lummatla and tn!>tructions and U1 e pnced at $2 50 or three fOl $7 FOI OIdelll1g mfOimatlOn on the ~ale that began la<;t Tue~day, call Jan Wdldell at 881-6822 Pierce PTO holds poinsettia sale The Plelce Middle School PTO \" "p0n"-0I mg ,t pOln!>ettta sale now thlOugh Nov 21 POInsettia plants. With 3 to 5 bloom~. are aVailable m led. plJ1k 01 white dnd ale $3 50 each Thel e Will be free dehvel y in GI o~~e Pomte fOl all OIdels of 10 01 mOl e pldnt~ All 01 deI'S must be pi epald Delivel) date~ al e Dec 1 ,md 14 Planb Cdn be 01 del ed thlough any Plel ce ~tudent, 01 by calling the Plel ce office, 343-2094 Check~ should be made out to the Piel ce PTO Ploceeds from the ~ale Will be used for needed ~chool eqUipment and programs. Val Moran IS chairperson of thiS year'~ ~ale She may be leached aftel 3 30 P m at 884 8765 Tell me about your high gas heating bills ••• SERVICES: NEW BALTIMORE EXIT M-29 planned for Nov. 16 A SADD chapter IS bemg formed at North, ~ponsored by student!> and Tom Teetaert, chau. man of the phYSical education depaltment Announces the availability of speech services in your home. FINE DINING Christmas Pierce Turkey Trot The ~econd pamphlet prOVides three ways to prevent ~omeone from dnving while under the m. fluence of alcohol. They are dnvlnfl your fnend home; havll1g your friend ~pend the night; and calling another fnend or a cab In c1o~mg. Anastas dsked how many students recogmzed the danger!> of drinkmg and dnvmg and If they would help solve the problem When he a!>ked them to rise If they pledged to do some, the entire audience ~tood up lOtI SPEECH PATIIlOGY Adults - $6.50 Children - $4.50 " Richard PTO will light up School NeW's & Notes lime South High School's instrumental musIc department will present Its annual Cabaret Pops concert on Saturday, Nov 12, at 7 30 P m. m the South High School Gymnatorium Featured will be performances of popular mU~IC by the Concert Band, SymphOniC Band and Orchestra The Jazz Band will proVide dancll1g musIc for the remainder of the evening, during which time light refreshments Will be served AdmiSSIOn at the door IS $2 for adults, $1 for students, or $6 for the immediate family (senior citIzens are admitted free) Call 343.2140 for further lI1formatlOn ~ • r"ANKSGIVltI' ~ Make Your Reservations Nowl to North CODles Ana~ta!> added The wolto of SADD I~ "Fnend~ Robert Ana~tas, foundel of Stu- don't let friend~ dnve drunk," dent~ Agam~l Drunk Dllvmg, tea- Anastas !>ald "When you dnnk cher, counselor dnd coach (or 22 and dnve. you challenge death yeal s m Mas~achu~ett<" ~poke at And when you're dead at 17, you North High Tue~day. Oct 25. are dead at 17 .. Ana~ta~ provided each ~tudent ~hm mg With ~ludent~ hl~ conern about dl mkmg and dnvmg. He With two pamphlet~ The ftr~t ex a~ked them to help attack the plamed SADD and it~ goab, which mclude ellmmating the dl unk dnpi oblem by Foundmg a SADD at vel' and !>avlI1glive!>; alertmg high North "You young people have a pro- !>chool fltudents Lo the ddnger!> of dnnking and dnvmg; conductll1g blem," Ana~ta~ ~ald "NatIOnally, alcohol awarene~~ you're dying at the Iate of one an community pro. hour That'~ 8,000 01' 9,000 a yeal " progl am!>, and orgamzmg He aho ~ald that 87 percent of gl am~ to help those who have teenagel ~ dl mk befol e they gra- concern!> about alcohol The pamphlet also contamed the dUdte h om high ~chool The ~ame SADD "Conti act for Life" that numbel al~o tI y dl ug~ 01 mall !>tate~ the teenager Will call home Juana "And then they drive," If the need allse~ for !>afe tt an~portatlOn The pat ent agl ee!> to prOVide that tl ansportahon and dl~CU~~ the ~ituatJOn at a latel 881-7193 With ThIs Ad (Thru February 84) Thursday, November 10, 1983. NEWS Kilthy BilkemilR Not1h Hip ';C, c~ POINTE Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of speech and language disorders. Services a re offered by a Certified Speech and Language Pathologist. 8287 M-29 FAIR HAVEN ~o-W-0NE (3131 725.56029~ f~:O:~::,ONCall Detroit 548-4995 TOM'S FENCE • • • • LICENSED FULLY GUARANTEED 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL All Types of Privacy & security Fences ,, CALL <' FOR FREE ESTIMA TES !c, and I'll tell you how some people saved as much as 20%* with Ameri-Therm@ 774.2045 ; OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY PROFESSIONAL NOVEMBER 13 BY TRAINED, EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS • FIREPLACE • WOOO STOVES • OIL flU CLEANING • CAPS • SCREBtS INSTALLED • CtIilllllY Rt-L1111111 INSURED MEMBERS OF: NATIONAL CHIMNEY GUILD WOOD HEAT ALLIANCE National Fire Protection Assoc. Certified Ventinox Chimney Re-lining Dealer 1Mile between Livernois and Wyoming) (Located on Galli's Meothous ~~~ GM V~~~l;&.. y~~ ~ ~ 885-7290 Po/kIng ~ Lean ~ If. ~~~Ole, ~~ '~ ir/Jiomemade~.1 ~O~~-~ I ,~..~ ,a:."" **"/'~1/1 ...... ~~ * * * ~,.,,...., II"" 1\1\ ,"I" 'USD.A~\ ~\yrr~l- * ~~iI.~'};;.o* ~ 1111 T"/I Lean * t\.'\..~~ ~ 'fill Pnme -~ • .1 .c:~ • : tIlt..~' • .~~ Polish Ham • Corned Beef Turkey Breasts American Salami • Cole Slow .... , Sausage • • liver Cheese • SWISS Cheese • Potalo Salad :~r... ~C; • .. .0 r • Hard Fresh Bakery Bread $ 2 : /terns per: : person,..,.. ,.. 411116~ It 1111111111 .. 11 II 11)U'\- 11m I B.l\ .. 1 " lIullllhon John ~ UfllI It.. 11II III n. IIPI'''Ill.Inl1 I In,,1 n "1111 \.,.mlllll' 11IfI''''or~ III 't1cmhtrl,'r "" JI/un C HARPER WOODS Shot" U~ • }-Jt~ 77" 3241 WARRiN H.~ ~"C; 7<7-4122 Al.dd,n fl.g "C18 "58 '900 1100 ~r.l(t rn< I Il/LII " ~"'hl1liIrT'l1 R("fnjl;tr,ll1N1 J72 5500 M.. , Youns H,g ,,( )8<> \1",r/j'IJ1Jf Expire 11-19-83 8700 ~m"'r H.S Ie Clg 5749Jll6 Be.1 H,g (0 751 2212 HIg "(18 755{)976 I),ul HIll: • C1~ 7'66'00 lmpltt Hl~ .Ie Oil: 759 4900 Bud", Fl"mt Furn .. t(' P,,..,, "1ll.1ll f'l'/(Jllin II \r'/c ('. (/ r Wl 91b8 !tftrty [') (('Iv.n l374983 Ktnwhlrl StrvlCt Ie 5.1" 565068. Krvtl'fT HI~ "A C 526 1037 Prill< Plhg " 'ply 4258510 T rtV,lrr(lW Plbfl. 5233320 Un,red H'~ & Cig 3M 1140 U, S"pply 531 775C 1 ~ r• R.f Htg "A IRV, OIRF( TOR" (Itmen, C"90040 CRosc;r POI*>ITt PARK A H H,~ "Clg 3Z34900 1606 Dtlroll Cae, Rumtt 881 7'000 DI~tl &I: 5<h l"Ibtr~t .. Htfl; 371 30~ fl.mt Fur".«" S271700 L..1 Apphancf' SH 8377000 Hutcr.fllr'l(" 822~33 463-0577 ~ *************************************** Sale :'~~if 226 (RO( KER BLVD Mounr Boll 22050 7773241 5 Hlg '" Cig 527.s800 Crnlury Tunt' In( .78 S020 Robf'rl N ltC"CloUth 366-1140 Crrrl. Bldg "fll~ '86-6781 AS C('I"lrt"ra LB.~ .*********************•••~.~~*********. 00 : c.rI, ........ ""'1}' ~.,7' ;:J , ifhe Wo,.. R. eflamilton CO. f'JNFRAI Contact 'rour n(,.Ir('~t Aml'ri.Th('rm 1I"II'd hl'lo,", for O1or(' nl't,ul ... C;hnre. C.", Hlg "Clg 8383280 Cropsheck Chapelof SAUSAGEI g"" bol1er~ ,lOd ga~ CROSSi POINT[ Cis " HIs 521 1141 H'g "Cis 521 ~-.JIr • A\ .1I1.Ibl(' for ga ... fum,lc(', \\ ,Iter he.lter, 869 J33J C" ~ ,,~iU1h. OLiSHor ~ ITALIAN ~ * B.k" .- ~:C69;;'U2.~3. ~S1.39 ,.. ,~* * "'_ * * '~'M_~~ L .... 5371616 839 fHomemSd6 ~ CITY -,. CLUB ~ CHICKEN~lSTEAKS ~ .SAVES MONEY • Eligible for 15', t,I'( credit • B.I,ed on ,I ,tud, of 400 home"lte" done by the 1':.1,1 OhIO Gd, Comp,ln\ .,orne people ,aved as much a, 2lY, on their g',h he.llmg bl1l, Thl' ~tud, ,bowed an ,IH'r,lge ",Wlng., of 12', Your mdlvld u.11 ,;1\ lng' ma\ ht' higher or lowerdependmg on cllm.lte. 11\109 condlllon, .lOd hom(' m~uldtlOn FAST DETROIT Do1mtl So H!g 5",<: 772.{)400 527 593! A",o H.g "(Ig ; 71~ \(5''' CHUCK ~\$2.99LB ... CHOPS ~ .19L~. Cut&Wrapped£ ~S169~B • 10 II IAU ~ Free ~~~~,. *~* PO Over A Century of Service to the Eastside Communiti~s 1(., ' • Proo,en 10 nllihon, of !')(',It!on" \\orldwlde • Five Ye,lr lmlltt'd \\,lrr,lOtv o.v ••on ol ".'S(o Corpof.t1on LOl ~ "L"~ -~ hookup AMERICAN METAL PRODUCTS CO DETROIT ~~~ *'N.Y. STRiPSI-. ~ GROUND"' , If. ,A\~~ • ReqUire., no ('Iectncdl AMERI- THERM. VENT DAMPER ... Ig h SAFE Cloc;e the hole III \ our TOofwah ,In AnH'rl.l herm Vent Damper The heat ofvour furn.lce (l!X'n, the Ameri-Therm' Vent Damper When Ihe furn.lce lurn, off. Ihe Amer.-Therm. Venl Damper do,e, your furn<lce vent and the warm air you p,lId for ,t.I\' \\ here It ht'long,. m"de your home AI.,h. HI8 '" Cig Galli'. (,'arrie. 100% L.S.D.A. Prime J"eaU Vent D,lmper SIMPLE • Ea" to In,I,11I THE SOLUTION Il"ar In 19005 MACK 1 8/k. S. 01 Moross * ~~~~... You have ,I hole 10 'rour roof The hole) Your furnace vent Every time your furn.lce turn~ off the w,lrm .lIr In your home h qUlckl) 10,t up 10 the furn,lce vent ,md on goe~ the furnace ag.lIn heatmg Ihe ,lIr ,lOd run mng up your gd' bIll When a furnace, bollrr or \\,Iter he<ller ,huI, off. y, drm ,lIr 10 your home h qUick Iv \o,t up the fum.lce \en I Energy e...cape, but vou ,1111 end up p,I' 109 fOri I People W,lIltto ..a VI' ,h much a, the, c,m ,0 T 11'11 them to keep hedl 1O'ldl' wllh ,10 Amen-Therm Vent Damper 775-6600 8-6 TUESDAY thru SATURDAY ~- SWEEPS DIVISION OF CHAS F IRISH CO • INC 1-4 p.m. CALL 862-5400 ~ CHIMNEY fhe 4.rnen:rherrn THE PROBLEM )(01... \1"h.l, '"4 1070 HI. Ie 771 4242 (n Ilhg U. & HI. 7C,Q6l6(1 \ \1,".11 Hlg 756 )144 'S<lnny s H("~mt SV( 7'459\6 Unll,.d ~ntrll:Y S)-ioff'm 7~ Q777 dealer GROSSE Thu~day, November 10, 1983 " U~ drama series adds critical element 7 .1m, dC-CO! dmg to Phil IIp j Ime f , /HC 1 ' ~/ " ~ I i f ~ •, - ,,/ a 1 ~ f ~ i /g, t f~ > ' ~ / -i./ ~ ~1 ~ % ~ 772-6540 ULS Pl,lyel' Howard Fauntl 0)'. far left. ~" 1\E.'\~t. ~Io\\ n., \\ ilh IIH' (':\"1 0.1 "Who r\m I T~i~ Time?" eheal.,,,l hI eak. PictUi ed from left to right .lIeF r,lIIk t 10('1<11<1. Ill'ul! Ho\\ ('I ffidn, Hltd DI ath. HonghE.'. Mal)' Ebelling and (!>eated) Ivand DiTommd.,o Th(' plodu('1101l \\ III pia) :\0\. 10 dt 4 p.m. 11 dlld 12 <it 8 p.m. in the main auditorium ,It 1045 ('001. HOdd. North parents discuss careers Glms r. Cal eel'" and use of the Careel Re~oul'ce Centel at NO! th High School WIll be the :,ub]ect for dl~ CU~"lOn at NOl'th'~ November Pd rent Club DI~cu~~ion Group Thoma" Nell. coun::.elOl at NO! th \\'111 be the featured ~peaker The meetmg Will be held Wed ne!>day. Nov 16. at 1 p m m Room AIOS All NOIth palenh may attend and lem n mOl e <lboul how the centel can benefit thell ~on or daughtel DE~~'STpv CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Salurday & Evening AppOintments C Available 24 Hour Emergency Service 18501 Mack Ave. Grosse 882.9729 POinte FarMS '-i YOUR HOSTS: DOROTHY - PATRICK - SHIRLEY Qfferman&. Tt~~c~:/THE MORGAN (N.Y. STRIP) $6.95 Incl. Soup, Salad - Choice of Potatoes Bread Basket Nov WE SERVE HOMEMADE SOUPS & BAKED PASTA DISHES ASK OUR STAFF ABOUT OUR DAilY SPECIALS In a hurry for lunch? Call ahead and we will have your table set ~ I FINANCIAL ''''l. I,.r StockS. Bonds. \ Mutual Funds. r ... , '" ....r : 3 p.IIl,-6 p.m. .......... ..--.. METROPOLIT AN OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO , INC 7256 Murthum. Warren, Since Deli Offers NACHOS sen-ed with hot sauce Specwl.'i f;very ~~(ln) BASKET OF CRISP TORTILLA CHIPS - with hot sauce GUACAMOLE DIP - with crisp nacho chips CHEESE NACHOS - corn chips topped with melted cheese NACHOS SUPREME - corn chips topped with melted cheese, nnd"TlleHlu) SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON SELECTED CARPETS 1J1artn.a (f;rU.6.6r tlnttttr ARMSTRONG MICHIGAN \1,1\01 ChIc[ 1\"lhlccn of Poilc [)1I1!lcmdn 881-1911 ("lll,H~I1f'1 Lp\\I' (, '>01.,,", HI('h,ud \l.lIldgl'\ pi p'ldl'd ,It thl' of Ihc Hp,,1I1dl \\ ('I (' dppt ')\ I'd ,1' lOIII'('(('d \\1')1' .I' Clerk :\Il'."" \nol e\\ ,1I1d Robell K \Ipplln~ \lcl'tllig \\ hlCh \\ of 1llC' C1o,<'d ~p"lOn dpplO\ed ('11\ I' Tlw \hnlllc, Thl' \llnute, COIIIl,el \\!Jl< h \\ ,I' .I" h('ld on Otlol)('r Iwld 10 1981 r--------- ... ------~ lmn Ii ISAVE Oil ()CtO!>CI 10 )<)lll I ISAVE hundrpd'i 0' dnll,H'i houSph( 1(1 hurl<,pl' Rp, Icoupons I Slamp(>(j spl' ;1(11"'<;'0"1 I 10 at yO>" SEND TO UNITED COUPON I 6427 Wesl CapItol il VP«' 1 hI' ('(1\111<II ddopll'd d I I" 01 UIIOI1 dPPI 0\ Ing I hc 10\\ Ilid of ~a 1\ .11011' ">011 In( \\ 11h ,I h t'l hid of ~:; 'l111){1 101 Ihl' \\ dli'\ \Lnn Hrpl,I('('mcnl PI Ohldm IInlll) Ill(' ""111111\11111\ 1)('\ l'lopnll'1l1 Blo('k (r1dllt Pr ogl ,1m Illl 1I1gtill' hHl 01 ",11\ ,ltOI r & ~on In(' ,1' tl1l' 1111,1110\\ hld<l! t on till toLd h.1'P Ilid pill' ,1I1('ln,lte In thp 101,11 dIllOU111 of "d) II,:; IHl 101 Illr \\',111'1 \1.1111 loop Oil 1>\,11 )..lnp $8 000 of \\!ll<h <Ihl 111dd(!Illfln 10 ('l1hll1«'II.lg ,Inri "dl11l11l'tldtl\C (,0'" ,h,1I1 he' ,hdH'd ('(I Il, Ii h 11\ 1111 IOUI J( 'Idcnh 011 I h ,I I I ,nc' (OUllC II ddopl ul & d I I 'lllllllOIl .. PPIIl\ 1 hI' ( OUI1( II dd"pl (d I I ("OlllJ loti d pr') 0\ Illg «'1 !..1Il (olld ilIOn, fOI Pl'1 TIll I dppll( ,111011 "" 11111 11<11'/1 10 111,1.111 Ihl' ,101 III '1'\\<'1 fill \\1110('1111 rl' Pld(l' \\ 1111111 tlH' I "l.."'hOII' I{O,lli IIlhhl of \\d\ PIVP 01,0'" h' (; ..,OLAK CITY (. It1P HU"I h011 <;,)VE' '110n(, I": rru.r lor pa'iy I-Enclosed 'ood (ll'i and Oll..,t f' 1l10Sl' (1°lal " a )n ,,( CLUB Dme Mllwltukee Wlsco.,sln 53216 I I "I f)r y0U' ...."rtprl V(lU (rlVplorr 'fREE" INFO stamped sell al1dressed envelope Please send lacl .. on lomlng 1he Club IS lettuce, tomato and cheese. . . .. .. .. .. ... . . .. . . ... 1.35 .95 1.30 TACO PLAITER 4 corn tortillas fIlled WIth seasoned ground beef. 2 kinds of shredded cheese. lettuce and tomatoes served with beans and nce .... 3.75 I I I A flour tortilla with beans. seasoned ground beef. lettuce. covered with sh redded cheddar cheese, topped With diced tomatoes. black olives. sour cream and guacamole, served with beans and rice . . .. . . 3.95 I WET BURITO GRANDE - I A mixture of seasoned ground beef, 2 kinds of shredded cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and onions stuffed into a large flour tortilla, covered With enchilada sauce, melted cheese and topped with sour cream, chives and black olives. served With beans and rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.95 I I I I ONLY ON SUNDIY-BRUNCH-10 r~1l' (0111)( II "dopl(d ,I 1("011l1101l 10 10111111 \ ;t'(I'I\( Ih( \111111<1IFln.lII<I,,1 Hl'Illlil fOI FI'( ,d \(dl ('lId('d hllll' iO 19H1 -lIhnlll1NI !>\ COOpPI'&. I \ll1,lI1(i (l'lllfll'd J'lIhll( \«Ollll!.1I1h tOI dl'<U"lIIll ,II d futlltl' ddtr UPOIl pi opel motIOn Illdlh' ,uppOIINI dro Cdll]('<1 Ihr M('(.tlllg <loJourncd ,It 10 I') pill "\\IE'> II 1l1\(,f<:\!A\j \!AYO){ HH'H,\HIl SEASONED BEEF TACO - ground beef, lettuce, cheese, tomato REnIED BEAN TACO - beans. lettuce, cheese and tomato SEASONED BEEF & BEAN TACO - seasoned beef. beans . SUPER TOSTADA- 'lIh1l11!tl'r! FolI()\\lllg d PlIblll III .II 1I1h Oil IIll' n1.ltll') Ihl' ('ouned drlopted Codp \0 7 (Ii \mcndml'nl 10 1!ll' (,I lll'l ,Ii Oficll'p, 0) dlnr'I1(,(, 01dl11d!l('r:'>lo 21m 2.10 3.05 onion and tomatoes same as above plus beef sen-ed wit" hot sauce 21006 MACK, G.P. WOODS :-"OI1P 1.45 3.10 1.70 TACOS CALUMET flOOR COVERING K,H,"" dnd L10\ d \ ~cmple FCI !>('I & MANNINGTON 40% OFF ,II II 00 pm PI (',enl on Boll l\t11 \1,1\ 01 .Jame, H DlI1gf'mdn Counelimen .Jo,eph L Flomm Jaek :\1 Cudhp "'aney .J Wdugdmdll Han y T Eehll11 (,.,111 \11' diced green pepper, NACHOS BEEF SUPREME - VINYL FLOOR CARE PRODUCTS Close Out SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES OCTOBER 24, 1983 to OIdcl 882.9055 MEXICAN ANYONE? MI 48092 1932 Full Catering Facilities So Plan ~o~ For The Holidays (Jume IJinner comPleteCarry,ouIMenuAv~llable Club 500 978-8222 S895 11 00 A M..1 AM FRLOAY &. SATUFjDAY MONDAY - SATURDAY II :30 A.M .• 2:00 A.M •• SUNDAY 10:00 A.M •• 2:00 A.M. 17569 E. WARREN • DETROIT, MICHIGAN • 343.0020 TRIAL IN YOUR OFfiCE CAll ... "-('('epled The Gastronomique ~ FOR A NO OBLIGATION TRY OUR ,"ED' AND UNIQUE Re ..erl'fllion 11 00 AM .12 MIDNIGhT ,MONDAY THRU THURSDAY • RENT. LEASE. PURCHASE B22-0266 honel & DINNER - 6 DAYS A WEEK Sabll LailceC Dealer $59AMONTH SERVING LUNCH 17201 MACK AVENUE PLAIN PAPER A;;';t:,d COPIERS MITADC122 -C-op..... rer FROM and take our order b i ~D':.!~~~r: t <.,_ 1'\ IRAs • Tax Exempt .- ' '... _........... CONSULTANT f I.~ & 12th George S. Freeman • SUNDAY BRUNCH THE PIRATES COVE ~ -NEW OWNERS -NEW MENU -NEW IDEAS l al during a !\leg Deand Nov. f)'f)S VWl£H}OS rAMI~V IflC.. ('11\ -+t\ 22000 GREATER MACK (between 8 & 9 Mile Roads) IICom~ny \\ PI P eJl :J \fake friend~ ~ith the future. Todd). , 9S 21 Mack Av. Groul F'OHlU Woods MI482J6 BUSBI2 0460 RES 886 105' Tho,t' \!>'l'nl .\ho Ptc'l'nl HI pm('t Jl _ - Computerland I gll1n1ng at 7 .30 P m ldll('d ' - I CALL NOW FOR A FREE SEMINARI The ::.eventh dllllUdl Ethmc D1I1 nel ~pon::,ol ed b) the PTO of Pletce MIddle School. WIll be held .It 6 :1O p m tOlllght. Nov 10. 111 the Plel ce g) mlld"llIm Open to the public the EthniC Dmnl'l \\ III fe<ltUl e GI eek. Middle Eu"tel n. FI l'nch. Engh~h. Gel m,ln. ltalldn. 1\1e'\ICdn. PolI"h dnd AmellCdn food All ethmc dl~he~ are pI epm ed ,md ~el ved by pm ent~ of P lei ce "tudel1t~ Ploceed::. from tlckel ::.ale::. Will be u~ed by the PTO to pUt cha~e needed equIpment and supplies fOI the ~chool In addltlOll 10 the fme t nod the evenl Will abo II1clude ~pecldl en tel tall1menl 111 the dudltollum be \\,1' ~ I : I -- Come on in to ComputerLand. See the Apple De Starter System. It includes: • The Apple De Personal Computer-the most popular computer in history. • Disk Drive. The new Apple display monitor. • 80-column card • Demonstration software. Make plans to stop by ComputerLand and see the Apple De Starter System. Deals like this apple don't grown on trees. tiapple! ffi ?i Pierce PTO will host ethnic dinner 111(' \ICC'lIll~ ~ A grand system for under two grand. ~ i ~ J!~ 884-4444 CITY OF ~ rnr:r:~1'?~~y.y' 1I1 Ihe II ild ":>"f' ~~;~mm~~\ ll~~~ ~~I¥~~'--=--- f ~ene:, at e "Colem ,m,' .. God "pel!' dnd "The M,NIue of BedUl) ,1I1d the Bea~L . Pdtl on ~ea~on tlckeh at e ~12 fO! adults and $8 fOl student~ Inul Vidual pel fOI m1lnce~ are $2 ,1I1d $1 50 All ::.how~ die 111 the school audltO!lum ,It L045 Cook Road _ FOI tIcket mfol mdtlOn cdll L LS <il I.=JI 17 I\.prehe\ .. ,--.fr; -- - / / J ~ ~ A ~ l -_ ~-=- - I ** ~ ~ =l' l< ~: )\10""', pl<l)" uthcl l' f ,- ~ dll eelOl ,md dl dmd In..,ll UdOl dt the ~chool Membel" of the Pdtlon .., GIOUp \\111 P<lY a ,,01,111 1('(' fOI IUl1lted I ('.,el ved "edtmg. a "pcudl lectul e ..,elle.., belO1 c edch "how, ,\I1U <III ,lHel glow \\ Ith cd"L ,Uld CIew to "h<lle cuLledl I cJcllon" The lectul e» WIll lIlclude Video t dpe:, 01 v .II IOU., ~tage~ III t he pi 0 ductlOn 01 the CUll cnt pI d) ThlOugh thll-> f 01 Indl !\io"'" hope~ La cm Ich dudlence undel ~tandll1g of Ihe pld) Ibelf and the ::.Iudenh expellence III ,ill d~pech ot pi 0 duct IOn The fll ",I pi oductlOn i'Jov 11 ,lOd 12. dt 8 pm, I::' a KUlt \'on negul JI, dl dmd "Who Am J j hl~ ~ f 1 / f~ 1 -~ --=~~';;lfI r .Page Sevenleen-A NEWS f Se1l~on ticket holdel" 101 Lhe L983.84 UIlIVC1..,lt) Llggetl UPPCl ~chool dlamd "elle" \HII pld) d "peclc.ll I ole 111 the thec.ltel pi og I POINTE CLf<:HK '-'_ - - - .... SAVEl 1.•. -2 P.M. Croissants - Jelly. butter, honey - Sweet Rolls - Muffins - French Toast - Syrup - Sausage Links - Cnspy Bacon - Scrambled Eggs - Hash Browns - Cereal Adults $3.79, Children 8 YeM'S and under $1.79 .... -. _.-.- ..--_1 . ' GROSSE Page Elghteen-A POINTE Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Reach for aworld of flavoc ... ..... H" , ....... 4. t_ ' MERIT Filter L 0 v. rA R - E NR CHE D F , A Ii (\ R The low..tar cigarette that changed smoking. Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health B mg lar . _- 06 mg nicotine C I'hllq\ all per cigareite FTC Report Milr 83 f . , , I • \1 r, In I I~\ ---_.... , ,-,_..,-, -------_ Thursday, November 10, 1983 .......- Page Nlneteen-A Businessmen hold meeting The GlO!>bePOInte Bu~me~s and PI ofe:-'~IOncllA~",oclahon of Mack Avenue WIll hold Il~ .1I1nutll dmner meeting Wedne..,dclY, Nov 16, at lhe GI O~be Pomte Hunt Club, 655 Cook Rond In the Wood.'. OllICe1'6 and lhrector.., 101 1984 \\ III be elected ell the meetmg 1\la) 016 01 thell I Cpl c~enldtlve.., of the GI O~be POllltC~, Wd) ne County E>.ecullve Wlllldm LUCd6 dnd DeIIOlt Mdyor Colemdll Young have been lllvlted 10 UbCU..,"theIr Clt) 'b eonccln~ 101' l\ldck developmenl .lJ1d Implovcmcnt All membel" 01 lhe bU"Lne6~dud pi ofe"..,IOl1dI ,I "..,OCI.lt1011 gue..,h dnd Illcm!-. die \\ ('leome Re..,el \ <ltlOn" <II e I equll cd by Flld<l) Nov II, and can be made by calhng DIck Dunn, 884-8500 The GLObbe Pomte BU~Ine~~ and Pl'ofeb~ional AS~oCldtIOn will abo ~ponsor "Chti~lma~ fOI the Needy" begmnmg Saturday, Nov 19 and running lhlough mId-De. cembCl The pLOgl am begm6 Nov 19 With ~dl1ta Cldu~ dnd hlb Boy Scout helpel6 vlbltmg Mack bu..,me,,"e6 to deltver 50 "Chll!>tm.h Balb" to Pal liclpatmg busl nebbe~ Each Will be 1I16cnbed wIlh the ndme of a needed gift The ball.'. WIll then be dl~played on d II ee In each bU~Ine~~ ~o CUbtomel.., Celnpick up d ball. buy the Item. WIdp It, lIlcludlllg the name of the gilt on the WIdppmg and de po "I! It 111 J gift box In the ~lol'e In 01 del' to pal tLclpdte m thl~ )eal.., plogrdm, bu..,me~be.'. can dell vel 50 bU"'1I1e~6ca Id6 to Mr Vel n',> HdJl De~lgnel~, 20902 Mack, GI o~~e POinte Wood!> 482:l6, by FllddY, Nov 11 - GARBAGE GRINDER? Call EillW\~ a GREAT lAKES '-CHIMNEY PlUMBING&HEATI~C SWEEP Smith speaks toAARP L. Michael Smith, right, vice. prel>ident, corporate development at St. John Hospital, poses with Joseph Staub and Erwin Wood. center, two members of the • Grosse Pointe City chapter of the American Association of Retired Persons, Smith talked to about 125 members of the AARP recently about St. John's modernization program and Medicare's new DRG, or diagnosi., and related groups. SOC eIec tS 0fficers Serv1Ce~ fOI Older CitIzens, held thell annuJI meetmg f,,}S::.'~~~,"~~~A~~~nGa,.. ThUl ~day, Oct 20, at the Grosse 001 f,,.p1 ... In ..... and Wood POll1te CongregatIOnal Chul'ch S'o •• Flu.. 782-8892 Offlcel ~ elected at the meetmg ..... ""'" ""ele MI6 John Schonenburg. pi e~Ident; Dr Mdx Gal dnel. fll st vice plebldenl, Wilham MontgoDISTRIBUTING CO. mery, ~econd VICe-pIeSldent, Howal d Bu!>h, thll'd VIce-presIdent; Cleaning Materials & Equipment Ted Flemll1g, l'ecordmg ~ecre tary; Mr~ Thomas Coulter. cOl'1'espondlng becretal y, and AIthur Bodeau, heasUler WE DELIVER sac pI oVlde~ genel al Infol mahon lInkmg pel ~ons 60 yeal sand older and thell families to a Vdl'lety of commulllly agencies and 6el vices by calltng 882-9600 DnROIT, MI. 41224 16734 E. WARREN The Food and Fllendshlp progi am meet~ dally at 11 a.m. at I Blownell Middle School. 260 Chalfonte The program I~ deSigned to PRIVATE DI::.TECTlVE AGENCY help serve the nutlltLOnal and 60SECURITY GUARD AGENCY CIaI need~ of seniors In a group Jame" E, Klllney setting For more mformation on this, call 882-5699 The Mmor Repairs and Chores program prOVides mmor home re13520 Ha~se pall selVIce to mdlVlduals at least DetrOIt. M I 48212 60 years old who lIve m the al ea LI\:en~cd Bonded and have low to moderate InSpeudl bent,. Festlvdl~. Ems Etc comes To be ehglble, semors BU'lne". Commer"l.d, Industnal mE r PREB~E~:~~S~~~U(DN FREE INSPECIION 17600 lIVEftMOIS • 863 7800 15304 KEftCKEVAl • 822 9070 I7t6 MAPLE ftll • 643 4880 sac, M&M 884-0520 '-;!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!;;;!!!!!!!~!!!!;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ JKS SECURITY, INC. (313) 891 5343 rviLtm)LOCKSMITH, INC. EST I (p,eso~~~Rv~;;~iii~ Y 1912 SECURITY SPECIALl* S OFF Reg. Price of any e, 2000 w i f Sale alld..lD!WJl~tion of One or More Full 1" High'"reCwlty Deadbolts With Solid Brass Security Rings! , OR PTE FAJIMS 881 8603 i ).8~~L?~ MACK ~~'WlrIi...lli!S_"'D_C~I_ PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE 200/0 to 400/0 Off ON ALL FRENCH DESIGNER DRESSES Sale Starts Fri .• Nov. 11, ONE WEEK ONLY MONAMIE LADIES FASHIONS 1406 University West Windsor, Ontario (519) 256-9929 AMERICAN BODY PSYCH Will help you lose weight by using the method athletes use. Hypnosis 10 Stop smoking, Weight, Stress. Personal Problems. 774-1130 Notice t(J Moms: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN .2, 3 or 5 mornl ngs or afternoons per week • Extended care available • Enclosed playground • Pre.School and Kindergarten • Certified Teachers WEE WISDOM MONTESSORI SCHOOL ... spr, <:'rhoal'" Kmd(t''J~''tl.,} 1 6 V.r.s Old 17219 Mack Ave. near Cadieux 881.Q268 BUYING • RLHC (om, • Gold & Sliver • K-Rands • Proof Sets (01115 • (0111 Bars Scrap Estates SELLING ANACS Invt'stment Cams C()n~den!lal Appraisals Teletl~pr Service Na/lonal • at llleeting mu~t own and abo have an Intel est in maintamIng theIr homes Thl~ program'~ numbel IS 884- Photo by Kar\eS1 f"'d 2790 sac I~ a non-profit corporatIOn of re~Idents In Grosse Pointe and Harpel Woods The senior CItIzen offIce at Ferry School, 748 Roslyn Road, can prOVIde more mformatIOn OffIce telephone number I~ 882 9600 and all calls are kept confidential ~~~"","~""~,"~-Y~~~''\.:.~''''~'"~'"~~~~'~-~''~'~~~S::'"'"~'"~'"~'"~'''''~'"~"-~" ~ ~~ IRI5i!l~~iFFEE Mental health centers mark 20 ~ The Best Ground Round in Town! ~"T ~i~il~~fr~E;~ ~~~~~~,~;'~~~inal. gat~ ~~~~~D Mental Health Centers to celebrate Oct 31, as Commumty Mental Health Day in recognition of the 20th anmversary of the federalleglslation that created the community mental health system In announcing the commemoration, Nahonal CouncIl President LUCille Kelley cited the legislation's importance in the shift from mstitutional to commumty based care "The development of the commumty mental health system was a major step to remove the mentally III from the Isolation of mere custodial care of earlier decades to a less restrictive, more humane ReSIdents of the Grosse Pomte treatment setting," she said. "The school dIstnct Will find that an old community mental health system fnend has taken on a new look enables clients..lo remam in their when the- latest editIOn 'of=.,.uElW communities where they can rephasl~" arnves at their homes ceIve support from theIr familIes thI~ week. and friends and maintam jobs The change m the format of whIle they receive the treatment "Em'pha~ls" coupled WIth the pub- they need. licatIOn of the new bi-monthly "We are hopmg that community newsletter "To the POInte" gives mental health centers across the re!>ldents more informatIOn about country use thIS opportumty to intheir !>chools and librartes, ac- crease community awareness of cording to the schooi board ad- their services and promote commimstratlOn mumty mvolvement in theu' proThe new "EmphasI~" IS a more grams," Kelley contmued. "It is colorful, down-sized report Pub- also a time for us to renew our hshed quarterly, each Issue will commitment to the plulosophy of have a dIfferent theme and all the communIty care" stOlle!>. photographs and graphs Community mental health enWill be dIrected to that theme tered a new era m 1963 when The first Issue Will deal WIth the President John F. Kennedy sent a school reorgamzation proposal message to Congress calling for a currently before the Board of "bold new approach" to the probEducation In the commg edItions, lems of mental illness. Congress "EmphaSIS" WIll look at guidance responded by passing the Mental and counseling, middle school and RetardatIOn Facilities and Cornsummer school programs mumty Mental Health Center The new commumtv newsletter, Construction Act of 1963 WhICh the "To the POInte" IS" designed to President signed into law on Oct gIve each resident of the distnct a 31, 1963 The law, which aubnef leport on events, Issues and thol'lzed federal grants for conthinking 10 the school system, ac- struction of public or nonprofIt cording to the adminIstratIOn Un- commumty mental health centers, lIke "EmphaSIS," the newsletter led to the development of more WIll gIve stl alght coverage of dif- than 700 of these agencies ferent actIVItIes and proJects 10 In subsequent legislatIOn Conthe "chool~ gress expanded the federal role "We feel that these publIcations from strictly a "bricks and morbetter fulfill our pledge to the tar" approach to faclhtating commumty that we would keep growth of commumty mental them better 1Oformed about school health centers through funds for matters" 'laId Trustee Catherme staffing and other grants for serBllCrly "We expect 'EmphaSIS' vice delivery The culmmatlOn of to plovlde greater coverage of our thIS legislative approach was the' program .. and goals while 'To the Mental Health Systems Act, pasPointe' wLll help each resident sed In 1980 in response to the reI ecelve news of lhe .,chool system commendatIOns of the PreSIdent's 10 a more timely manner" CommISSIOn on Mental Health Que"tlOns or comments concernThese budgetary reductIOns, InIng "Empha~I~' or "To the POinte" ~hould be addressed to flation and the impact of the reBruce Kefgen at the OffIce of the cessIOn combined to produce fi~upenntendent The number IS nanCial strains WIthin the commumty mental health system :M3 2012 Finest Cocktails in the Grosse Pointe Area FRESH LAKE PERCH DINNER $575 • Thursdays 10 Different , Pomte Farms You are hereby notIfied that the Actual Use Report for Federal Revenue Sharmg ha" been filed With the Stale of MIchIgan according to Federal regulatIOns Thl" report IS mcluded m the Annual Local Unit FI'iCal Report form F 65 <MI,'H Thl'i report I" available for public In !'pectlOn Monday through Friday 8 30 a m to 4 30 pm at the City OffIce, 17147Maumee, Gro'i"e POinte, MIchIgan 482.10 T.W, Kressback City Clerk 11 10-83 Fine Cocktails Open from 11 30 a m 881-5675 2 a m ""{"""'I["" ~ 16711 MACK AVE. at YorkshIre 885.7140 Open Dally 9-8 Sunday 10-2 • "YOUR COMPLETE FOOD & BEVERAGE CENTER" * PACKAGE LIQUOR DEALER * ~~:::: (· . 1983 OUR 35th YEAR r II,..~'"'" Bee" "" New York Style ; CHEESECAKES _" I~ " i tttS from i:lire CheeJecake Honey Bee SPIRAL SLICED C"JI + i I1......$2~99 '-!!:.~~~:~:~.J.:6 HAMS H $6.75 ... PREPARE FOR A FEASTI Leave Your Order for Fresh 'I, Dressed Turkeys for Your Holiday at Yorkshire Market 11 ~r~~ ~r Choice STEAK SALE I PORTERHOUSE. .Jhoppe t Honey Glazed, $3.99 LB. Available In ENTERTAINING MORRELL E-ZCUT HAMS $2.39 LB. Cauliflower Cucumbers CHAMPAGNE LB. SALE ~ RUMP ROAST •.. $2.59 FOR$3.99 STAHL'S BAKERY GROUND CHUCK 3L1S Lg. Head /'~~ -I'.. e" 9_ 5 for9ge Indian RIver Grapefruit Fresh Brussel Sprouts LB. Fresh H Serve Tender FAMILY STEAK •• $2.69 Boneless, Rolled , • • • A DELICIOUS IDEA WORTH LB. LB. ' .L~;:I~~~~~~:"''' ••'''''''' ... T-BONE •••••.. $3.89 SiRLOIN ••...•. $3.79 4 fDr99c&= 7ge quart Now in ~ Progress California's Greatest Champagnes r" \) • I • "NATIONAL BRAND NAME SOFT DRINKS AT DISCOUNT PRICES" MICHIGAN FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING USE REPORTS July I, 1982 - June 30. 1983 Coffees LUIICHES AIID COMPLETE CARftY OUT SEA~ICE 18666 Mack Grosse II (SrnlIlIe'niute G P N International Parking In rear CITY OF GrO'l'le POInte Aca. demy Student CounCIl member.., Laura TIm. ml'l. pre<;Jdenl, .Jenny Standl<;h, vIce preSIdent. Pokey DuPonl, "ecreta rv, "and EJlen Boomer: treasurer, <tlong WIth commIttee head" Reba Uthappa, Steve Sanchez, KeVin Hdye'>, Peler O'Rourke, Meghan Brady, John Stone Sarah Hagg<tlty, Dana Wood. lev, Ehzaheth Roberts, .Joanne Ingrao and Peter McDermott planned and orgamzed the school's traditional UNICEF Carnival on Monday, Oct 31 and Fridays Assorted Sandwiches Available School board adds, revises publications GPA held carnival for UNICEF INO , .... I"~ ~t COKE - TAB - DIET COKE Regular and Caffeine Free SQUIRT • SPRITE DR. PEPPER $5.99 CASE OF 24 ~ LITER BOTILES + DEPOSIT Schools, Churches and Commercial Orders Welcome CARRY-OUT SERVICE AND CONVENIENT FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT Opinions & letters Page Twenty-A Thursday, Plan one was the board's best , , , I u l To the Editor: system as a whole when they Court, 1Il MillIken V Bradley, Oh where, oh where have have already borne the draSti- 418 U.S 717, 1974 reversed a you been, Mr. Calahan and cally dIsproportionate non- Federal DIstrict Court deici. others of the CitIzens to Supshareable burden of lOSIng theIr SlOn which would have compel- port the Grosse Pomte Board neIghborhood school led Grosse POInte, and other of EducatIOn group, whIle all school dIstricts in the tri- the meetlllgs, Board members should research and acknowledge the debt whIch the county area, to cross-dIstrict hard work has been carned on school system would owe to re- busing WIth Detroit. In domg by citizen:,> III Grosse Pointe so the Supreme Court de- who are truly interested dIstrIcted resIdents Board m clared: "Before the boun- qualIty educatIOn? members, alfhough charged and autoWIth advanCIng the good of the darIes of separate All of a sudden, as the bIg nomous school dIStrIcts may day of deCISIOn maklllg by the maJQrJty, cannot accomplish that duty by takll1g advantage of be set aside by consolidatmg school board rapIdly apthe separate ul1lls for remedial proaches, you come out of the the mInority Even If other5 or by Imposing a woodwork, armed WIth "facts" were wlllmg to Ignore the plIght purposes remedy it must hke " we've lost 45 percent of redIstrIcted persons, the cross-district . raCIally of our students" (at the tIme board IS precluded from so do- first be shown that. discriminatorv acts . have th,1t thE' dir...trict'" E'nrollmE'nt Ing been a substantial cause of in- hovered around 14,000 we were Those who oppose school clos- terdlstnct segregatIOn operatmg at 20 percent above Ings should acknowledge that (as) where distrIct hnes have ca pacI ty) and ". the two suffICIent Increase 111 the quality been delIberately drawn on the strong victors in the board of the educatIOn prOVIded and baSIS of race. . (W)Ithout an election were proponants of suffICIent decrease m the cost of mterdistrlct VIOlatIOn and an school closlllgs" (Vmcent provIdmg It mIght JustIfy school interdistnct effect there is no LoCicero ~tated at the Barnes clOSIngs RedIStricted resIdents constitutIOnal wrong calling meetmg on Nov. 1 that he did should admit that their an- for an mter-dl~trIct remedy." not feel hIS vIctory mandated tagonIsm to proposed closmgs is school closmgs Or dId his platin large measure a result of That busing could be Insti- ford state such) etc. theIr bel ief that they are entitled tuted withll1 the school dbtrict Your statement that some to educational faCIlIties wlllch WIthout imperil mg ItS autonomy persons who support the board are as accessIble, as well as ex- does not make busing an at". afraid to go publIc" cellent, as those which other tractIve optIOn It only makes It are IS really the last straw. This IS members of the commumty en- clear that It is an aVaIlable op- a commumty of intelligent JOY If Grosse Pomte IS to pro- tIOn The fact remalllS that people who are free to speak VIde a qualIty educatIOnal sys- people prefer neighborhood up any time they want, for or tem WIthout neIghborhood schools and that they would vas- against an issue To say schools, then buses are neces- tly prefer that theIr tax dollars otherWIse, as you have, IS an sary. be spent to prOVIde a school msult to theIr mtelligence and withIn walklllg distance rather mtegrity. But prOVIding a school transthan for pay for buses to transThe "fact" that you've had portation system IS a very unport students to nonbl I h popular propOSItion, des~ite the neIghborhood zero mpu t ,a t any pu 1 c earschools That mg, decide to become the mItigatIng effects WhICh so beIng so, a reorganizatIOn whIch Standard Bearer for the board domg would have on the inleaves the schools In the and manage to become the equity WhIChschool closings enneighborhood IS more generally front page headline of the tail. Of course buses are unacceptable than one whIch calls Grosse Pointe News, all from popular With those whose confor transportatIOn to another a pOSItion of Ignorance of fact duct IS mfluenced more by theIr and total publIc mvolvement, pocketbooks than by their prlll- neIghborhood IS phenomenal Supt Brummel's origInal clples, those who would condone plan proposed consolIdatIng Deany change which would deGrosse ~~n?:W~~~~ crease theIr taxes regardless of fer, Kerby and Mason elementhe effect of that change on their tary schools WIth PIerce, Brownell and Parcells, adjacent fellow commulllty members. Also opposed to school system mIddle schools. This plan dId buses are those who resent the not appreCIably upset expecta0 tIOns with respect to school proallocatIOn of publIc school , . xlmity, nor dId it affect property mOnIes to providing transporta~it~ dISgust, I a.m ~aymg values, nor did it give rise to the this tIcket for backlOg mto a tion for private and parochial to prOVIde school school students wlthm the dIS- imperatIve diagonal parking space, trICt Even those who would be system transportatIOn because Because of a huge puddle, I no student was redIstricted expected to openly advocate backed into the parkmg place school system buses, those from a school WIthin walkmg to save my shoes - $3 would whose schools are proposed to dIStance to one whIch would re- probably have resoled them I qUIre transportatIOn. be closed and those sympathetic stIll had time on my meter to them whose prInCiples weIgh Perhaps Grosse Pointe Unfortunately, the plan was heaVIer than their pocketbooks, premature with respect to the Woods should take a look at its fail to do so. ThIS failure stems Defer-PIerce consolIdation, the sense of priorities. There were dIrectly from concern that In- Defer populatIOn being too large approXimately SIX tickets istradistnct bussing would con- allow combinatIOn at this time sued in the area at the same stitute the fIrst step down the But Brownell time. It does leave me feeling and Parcells road leading to cross-d Istnct would have accomodated Kerby that I don't want to bother busing. in Grosse POlllte Tho~e who antIcIpate that and Mason students, and Defer shoppmg Woods anymore and I'm sure qualIty would be Improved by could have been closed when ItS The board does nothing to dISothers feel the same way reorganizatIOn ought to be wIl- pel thIS popular paranOIa about populatIOn decreased. Those What are your priorities lmg to f mance the Improvement who opposed thiS plan 'W hen It buses whether because it too from whIch tbey belIeve to be of such suffers under a delusion with re- was fIrst suggested should gIve the revenue generated these stupidly issued tickets or great vallie If they decline to spect to the law regardmg the It consIderatIOn now, If the the business generated at the undertake Improvement if they cIrcumstances parade of hornbles since ISSUed under WhICh a local establishments, even on helve to pay Its true cost, then court can order cross-dlstnct 111 the name of alternative plans a rainy Saturday? the" can hardly expect others, has not already led them to do busing or because the popular The meter maid certainly who prefer the present qualIty mIsconceptIOn runs to the so earned her money, but I wonand convemence, to be WIlling board's advantage when It calWere I at the helm of the ship der if, in the long run, Grosse t () t mance the venture culates the costs of reorganizaof schools, a modIfIed plan one IS Pomte Woods might be ahead tIOn EIther way, the communTho~e who want decreased the course I would chart If such by giving her Saturdays off (osts of course would deSIre to Ity would benefit If the truth a plan were Implemented those and see busmess flourish were known for thIS paranOIa aVOId the expense of providmg who want co~ts reduced would Elizabeth O'Rourke tran..,portatlOn They must un- prevents an honest statement of be satIsfIed by the good faIth efGrosse Pointe City the gneva-nce which redisder..,tand, however, that redISfort to do so whIch the consolIdatricted Illdlviduals and those tricted Illdlvlduals do not WIsh to tIOns represent Those who want sympathetIC to their plight per- Improved qualIty would have prOVide transportation eIther ceive R<'dl..,trIcted residents rigbtly the chance to determIne (''(ped d'>Slstance with the burwhether consolIdation really The UnIted States Supreme den of tl an'iportatlOn from the does advance excellence, WIth the Barnes populatIOn servlI1g as a control Tho!>e who want Editor's note neighborhood schools will have convelllPnt neIghborhood We added thl:- thIrd albeIt dilferent ones page to our OpinIOn.., schools, & Letter.., ~ectlOn thl~ than before PrOVISIOnof transweek 'iO the opInion" portatIOn IS aVOIded, WIth Its atof ..,ome of the d07en.., tendant costs, mconvel1lence of cltlzen~ who have and paranOIa Each segment 01 WII!ten about the the commumty should be conI""ue of ..,chool reO! ganl7atIOn could be tent, for the ~ake Of the school system 111 whIch they all propllnted before the fess, and mfactdohave, such an Board of EducatIOn overwhelmmg Illtere<,t vote ...on the I!>"ue ne\t 10, 1983 Hold off on closing vote The last straw To the EdItor lIa\ II1g ~et out upon the ..,torm) ..,ea~of reorganIzatIOn In ..,Cdleh of the land where Incredsed qualIty and decreased e>'IH.'n..,es dwell, the school buard 110\\ fmd!> Itself captalnI ng the ~hlp entru!>ted to its care bet\\ een the Sevlla of those who threaten to reject mIllage prop(hab If ~chooh are nol closed dncl the CharybdIS of those who thl ('<lten to do so If they are clo-;ed If eIther penl proves as tOl'lllldable 111 fad as It appears to bt' at thl.'>dl!>tance from a mllIdge propo~al \ ote, then the ship I'> llkely to founder Without r Jlld/lllllg, lile quel>l fur qua1JlY u)mc~ to an abrupt halt and the ..,hlp oj :'>chools plunges to the bottom 01 the ~ea The late of the shIp of school~ cloe~ not affect only board members, It affects every member of lhe school dIStrIct The board's re~ponsibllIty IS to <..harl a course to safety, but It <..annot do !>o Without the cooperatIOn of the community CompromIse is called for, not only on the part of the board as It tnes to formulate a plan which I" JaIl' and whIch therefore de~erve,> the !>upport of the commUlllty, but also on the part of eommulllty members who must acknowledge that they live In a communIty composed of dIsparate elements, each as entitled to accommodatIOn of hIS dIvergent opinIOn as the other Tho<,e who approve of clos Illg schools eIther on the as~umpLJon that dOIng so WIll dlmlllish costs or on the assumptIOn that domg ~o WIll advance quallt)-. mll'it be aware that Plther 'end CdOonly be effected bj eXdclJng conSIderable sacrJ1lce~ ! rom redlstncted re'>Ident'i ResIdents 111 areas where ~chools are closed, in addItIOn to bell1g dISappointed in theIr reasonable expectations of ~chool prOXimity and suffenng the dlmul1ItJon of theIr property values would, under any except the ongInal plan proposed by Supt Kenneth Brummel whIch consolrdated adjacent elementarv and mIddle schools, have to prcivlde transportatIOn to the new ~chools Thus If any plan other than plan one were Implemented redIstrIcted residents would lose, and lose and lose yet agam in order to ad\ an<..e the amorphous aim of ImprovIng quality and fund the ..,avlng,> November cept IS not to be (;lIm1l1at~ when the rebultmg sa vmgs IS under 1 percent Havmg lIved III many areas of the US, ~ feel that G.rosse POllltel:'> unIque 111 ItS cItizen lI1tere:.t, Il1volvement and commitment to excellence in pubhc educatiOn Surely, we do not hdve apathy when we feel the futm e educatIOn IS thl eatened WIth the fme educatIOn m) chIldren receIved in the ~v,>tem, I teel compelled to WrIte [hI'" letter and seek to set d~lde the comlllg collIson of in tel e:-.t~ If the boal d accepts Supt Kenneth Brummel's pro- To the Editor' The Nov 14 school board meeting IS fast approaching At this meeting the Board of Education IS to cast 115 vote regarding the proposal for school closings I have the rughest regard for the tremendous Investment of tIme and talent reqUIred by members of the school board Surely they are highly dedIcated CItizens ThIS does not prevent me from exercIsmg my rIght to dIsagree when I feel they may be misgUIded on an issue. Presently only one member of the board has publIcly ~t3t ed that the Will of the people dictates that he oppose school closmgs Contrary to the belief that only well-organized and vocal arents oppose school closing, , like many other CItIzens who do not have chIldren m publIc school, aslo feel that thiS actIon has a negative effect on Grosse Pointe's future schools Our neIghborhood school con- po"al nn Nov 14 WIth emotIOn:'> runnIng hIgh, a coohng off penod IS In order I would hate to see a recall vote and result1l1g alIenation take place WIth a board whIch bm, served bO well m the past Therefore, I urge that the vote be po~tponed or rejected until reason reIgns over emo- f tIOn DIck Campbell GI o~:'>ePOInte Farms Let m.llage vote dictate I T th Ed't . 0 e 1 01 , Now .that everythlllg ha!> been saId, before somethmg IS pOSSIbly done, let's be clear that whatever way members of the Grosse Pomte Board of Education vote on Nov. 14 pertaimng to Barnes School and the fate of sixth graders It WIll in the current commumty chmate be determined by emotIOn, by lack of objectivIty, and most of all, by board members' collective egos The board and superintendent. having read the communIty wrong on two successIve occaslOn:,> , are ~tJlI on very shaky ground tlu~ third tune around When have anv of us been ~atl~fJed WIth a decblOn that is our thll d choice? My strong suggestIon for a :'>ucce~sful :'>olutIOn to the Current chlemma Ib to put a moratOrIum on any deCISIOn until the next mIllage election, and let those results dictate future ~chool orgamzatlOl1 Irene Danowski Gro..,~e POlllte Farms Homecomings draw Raves the Editor: G.Ive me ter mm.d ToSchool Grosse Pointe North High put on a spectacular Saturdays ff Homecoming Parade ~n Saturday, Oct. 15, featurmg an superb job done on the Homecommg festIVItIes and the involvement of the community m helpIng out WIth the students' problems and supportarray of beautiful floats bearIng the Blue DevIls to theIr ing the theme of "The Great eIghth WIn 1II a row and an Outdoors." Eastern Michigan League Students of each organizachampIOnshIp tions and class year P4,t 111 The communIty of Grosse many hours of preparation and POInte also makes the homework on these floats. They did commg weekend what It IS a splendid job and we are very AlumnI of the school come proud of them. I should also back for the breakfast, football mention that the school's game and dance and the fumarchmg band put m many ture alumm watch the parade hours of early .mormng re- pass on KerchevaL hearsals to prOVIde the musA special thanks should go to ical upbeat for this happy the parenb and teachers that event. helped the students throughout I was rather dIsappOInted the week puttlllg together that the Oct. 20 and 27 Issues float~, hostmg pom-pon par~ies of the Grosse Pointe News did and supervlsmg float partIes. not carry a caption of the Many of the~e parents stayed parade. It seems newsworthy up WIth the students makmg to m~ when our ,local students and fluffmg porn-pons until 4 get mvol.v~d WIth a healt~y a m. This was ebpeclally true school SPlflt and share It WIth WIth the parents of the jUnIors, the community Please gIve who kept the construction party them the coverage and pub- gomg untIl 3 30 p.m. !icity they deserve, It's pretty The students and alumnI of exciting stuff! South should be proud of the Judy Englebrecht very successful weekend The Harper Woods entire commumty benefIts To the Editor' from Its success As a junior at South High, I KIp Monahan would like to comment on the Grosse POInte Farms NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 9 AM-2:00 PM Mon,-Sat. 6 a m.-6 p.m. KICKSTAND BIKE SHOP LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS '20 00 DOWN Every 10 Speed and MX Bike NOW ON SALE! ~\)~\ MONGOOSE ~S"4 HEADSTRUM TRYCYCLES 16394 E. WARREN I BLK W 01 E OUTER DRIVE OPEN DAilY 107 MONDAY SATURDAY 882.1001 Monday Another note on la..,t week'.., OpInion pdge. we pi mted a let tel flom Pm k mayOl al candldat£' Palmel Heendn I e..,pondmg to another letter that <lP P('(IIN"l 011 that page ~lI1ce It \Vel.., our 1,I..,t "''''11(' befor(' the mun IClp,d <'I('ctlOn, \H' thought It f,l1l to d110\V H('('neln a chance to I ('"pond to the letter I\nd t h(' ..,dme OPPOI tUnlt., would have been'glant('d to any (.mdld,lte - '"unn W('Donnld Theresa Brennan Kla~sen Gro~,>e POInte Park ------- Letters ~, I The Nf'w<; wf'lcome<; lettf'r<; to \ the editor from our read E'r<;, Lf'tuors <;hould hI' "ignE'd with a namE', addrE'<;<; and 1t'If'phonf' numht'r at which thf' writf'r can be rea('hf'd during the day in casf' there arE' qUf'<;tions. N amf'<; of letter writ('f<; will he withheld undf'r <;pt'cial circumstance<; onl~. A.ddrf'<;s leltn .. to Editor, Groe;<;f' Pointe Nt-we;, 99 Kt'rcht-val, Gro<;<;f' I'ointt' Farms, Mich. 4R236. L....-__ I SUNDA Y COUPON SPECIAL r-----------------I APPLE COBBLERS I lI FILLEDREG. W/APPLES & RAISINS I 39<1: EA I I NOW 3Qe EA. l ------------------, II MochaREG.Torte Cups I 49(; fA I l~---------NOW 3ge EA. JI ---------' J p~~~:y Fine Pastries, Cakes & Tortes WOODEN SHOE 12401 MORANG 521-0828 DETROIT ---- ------- ..1-$---..-U(-----...$-----.--..--.--.~...... ------~~~.~~~~ ............ Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange Feature Page The Second Section I From Another Pointe Of View Section B Thursday, November 10, 1983 " } / / By Jallet Mueller Christmas during the Victorian period was a time of great warmth and beauty. Advance preparations were elaborate. Houses were decked with garlands, wreaths and "kissing balls." Angel-crowned trees were laden with handmade presents. Home entertaining was at its peak, with a lavish, multi-course Christmas dinner and frequent holiday parties. The spirit and charm of Victorian Christmases Past will come alIve in The Pomte a week from tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 18, when the Grosse Pointe Garden Center presents Its annual Eska and Ra'ymon~ Berry Memorial Lecture at 10:30 a.m. in the Grosse Pomte War Memorial's Fries Auditorium. Speaker is Sunny O'Neil, nationally known.authority on Christmas customs who has addressed audIences at the Smithsonian Instit'ution and around the country and comes to Grosse Pointe from a recent lecture tour of England. Her Christmas ideas have been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, House and Garden and Woman's Day magazines. The Washington Post and The New York Times have written about her and her work. Her book, "The Gift of Christmas Past," is in its third printing, and is considered the bible of Victorian Christmas decorating for historic houses. She is the editor of The Flower letter , a newsletter for those interested in flower arranging and floral arts and crafts. In her richly illustrated slide lecture for the Pointe Garden Center, she will describe Victorian holiday traditIons and lore and dISCUSShow to create an authentic American Victorian Christmas with presentday materials. * * * Sunny's "Gift of Christmas Past" will be available, autographed, for purchase after the lecture, to which admission is $3.50 for the general public, free to Garden Center members. There will also be a Victorian Bazaar of handmade gifts and flowering plants. As always, the Berry lecture will be immediately followed by a subscription luncheon in the Fries Crystal Ballroom. Reservations, at $6.50 per person, are required for the luncheon. They may be made by calling the Garden Center, 881-4594,any Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. t Chrisfmas Walk Preview Speaking of Christmas - and not a moment too soon; after all, it IS-almost Thanksgiving, and we all know how fast the countdown to Christmas goes after Turkey Day ... the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club was the setting yesterday morning for a preview of the Detroit Symphony _ Le_agl,1e~.s.._'24Uf An~:Q!,1~1"1JOttdM'~"H6me Totir~ popularly kntiWft ci'S me Clinstmas Walk. (<<?ontinuedon Page 7B) , , Lovely setting for UN C fall benefit . • · Guests will sip and nibble as they browse among a variety of work in a variety of media at Operation LINe's Art and Hors d'Oeuvres Fall Benefit this SaturdaYl Nov. 12, at the Pointe home of Erv Steiner. The party begms at 8 p.m. A $10 per person donation covers fine food, spirits and the opportunity to see what many local and non-local artists have been up to lately. Among the exhibitors are Jerry Crowley (marine watereolors), Joyce Elliston (watercolors), Dori Krusz (bronze sculpture), Jane McKanna (oils and pa:tcls), Gene Pluhar (pot. tery), Bette Prudden (portraits and watercolors), Carol Sinclair (house portraits and pen-and-inks), Julie Strabel (watercolors), -_sh_or_t_an_d_t_o_t_h_e_P_o_~n_t_e_~ 1 Pointers JULIA SCHAFFNER and BONNIE HAWKINS recently completed 16-week intensive training programs at the InstItute for Paralegal Trainmg, Philadelphia, Pa. Ms. SChaffner, who holds a Bachelor of Arts in.Political SCience frt"trMtehigan Jack Summers (photographs) and Al Young (glass art) The artists will be on hand to answer questions about their work, which will be for sale that evening. Chairpersons for the fall benefit are MRS. MICHAEL HEAPHY (right) and MRS. CHARLES BONTEN, pictured above at the doorway to the Steiner home. The party, second in what Operation LINC hopes WIll be an annual series, is open to the public. Reservations may be made by contacting Barb Earl at 88&0634. Funds raised will help LINC continue to Link Individuals with Needs in the Community. State Univer- sity, wUl specialize in Litigation Management. Ms. Hawkins, who received a Bachelor of Arts in History from the Umversity of Michigan in 1982, will speCIalize in Estates and Trusts * * ok MR and MRS EDGAR C NETHERTON, former reSidents of The Shor~ho -B&W live In Howley-in-the-H1J1s, Fla., celebrated their 50th wedding annIversary Oct. 2 with family and frIends at the 8t. Clair Inn, 8t. Clair. The Scott Ingram IS Norman Rockwell's most famous model. He IS also Director of the Dave Grossman DeSigns Norman Rockwell Club and an award-wlnrung Rockwell biographer The LImited EdItIon Norman Rockwell Collectible at left, "Scotty's Surprise", IS adapted from the December 29,1956 cover of the Saturday Everung Post that Scott Ingram modeled for Norman Rockwell ThIS pIece WIll be available for purchase and personal signature only dunng Mr Ingram's personal appearance Nethertons have two children, DAVID C., of Chicago, Ill., and MRS CHARLES RENNY, of 8t Clair; and fIve grandchildren * '" PENOYAR, '" CHRISTOPHER of The Park,. receIved a Doctor of Osteopathy degree from Michlgan State University's College of OsteopathIC Medicine at hooding and commencement ceremonies June High Hopes (fig ). S95 Downhill Racer. $2~ Lush lambswool and angora painted With faux pearls and rhinestones Pure elegance for the holidays and after. V-back sweater In natural-colored lambswool/angora/nylon. S-M-L By L'EAU VIVE, $58 In New Reflections High Hope~, $75 Genna's 29092 Van Dyke (at 12 MIle Road) • Tech PIau Shopping Center 17J-4S4Z Mon -Sat 10-9, Sun 12-5 10 A 1970 graduate of Grosse Pointe South High School, Dr Penoyar holds a Bachelor of Science degree In bIOlogy from the Umversity of Michigan and a masters degree In NurSing from the Lelhard ...school..of Nursmg at Pace University. He will nOW begin 8 one-year internship at MIchIgan Osteopathic Me<:hcal Center In DetrOll. EMBELLISHED SWEATERS Marshall Stoltz. personal frIend of the late Norman Rockwell and Curator of The Norman Rockwell Museum In Ptlliadelphla, ISa world renowned expert and author of the lIfe and works of thIS great Amencan artist He'll be shOWIng his personal slide presentatIon, and tellIng his fascinating anecdotes about the personal experiences he shared WIth Mr Rockwell. Mr Stoltz Will be delighted to autograph any Norman Rockwell Museum coUectible you may have They will also be available for purchase dUrIng thlc; special event Norman Rockwell. S25 1 'fa 6iiiiIt ORDER BY PHONE: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week In Metro DetrOit. call 569-2454 Elsewhere. order toll-free 1-800-233-2000 . l Page Two-S GROSSE POINTE Thursday, NEWS November 10, 1983 Miss Landers wed in East Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Sorenson Florida home for Sorensons 3 DAYS ONLYI 25Of. OFF ALL MERCHANDISE --- Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 17864 MACK GROSSE POINTE ~ Jf 0/~ r~ud db~ a ~a fd 10 to 5'30 ~~ tJ,. ~M ~~~~;um~aM~ ~ .~ O?U-&/a-kL wdI 6e ~ to. tUtUd and ~ YeuP~ .s:t'~ de ra. ea:;ht&ve ~du:'N /() tJtJ a ~ ~£ ckun? ~ g-~ruedJ~. // rued/P Jf/~ en- ()U4' ~ ~ J~ Carrie Lynne Jones, m a puffsleeved dress of beaded satin and a cathedral length vell caught by a beaded headpiece, carrying an arrangement of yellow and red roses with baby's-breath, spoke her marrIage vows to Kevm Charles Sorenson on Saturday, August 20, in Jackson's Trimty Lutheran Church She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald L Jones, of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs Gordon R. Sorenson, of Rivard Boulevard, are the brIdegroom's parents The 4 30 o'clock ceremony at which The Reverend William Gatz presided was followed by a reception at Jackson Community College's Potter's Center. The newlyweds vacationed In Mexico, on the Island of Cozumel off the Yucatan Pemnsula, and are at home in Treasure Island, Fla Honor mald Monica LaTulippe, of Holmes Beach, Fla, and bridesmaids DenIse LaTulIppe, also of Holmes Beach, and Patsy Caverly, of Kalamazoo, college friends of the bride, Constance Jones, of Jackson, the bride's sister, Lynne Jones, of Ioma, their cousin, and Barbara Sorenson CartWrIght, of San FranCISCO, Calif., the brIdegroom's sister, wore lemon yellow dresses styled with puff-sleeved, lace bodices .. Their flowers were red and yellow carnations. Kenneth Sorenson came from Houston, Tex., to act as best man for his brother. Ushers were ChrIS Jones, the brIde's brother, Grosse Pointers Larry Simon, George Ferris and Joe Ferris, college friends of the bridegroom, and Roger Hubbard, of MIamI, Fla The mother of the brIde wore a long, spaghetti-strapped gown of mauve chIffon, With a cape. A braided self-fabric belt accented the brIdegroom's mother's formal length, long-sleeved gown of medIUm blue crepe. Yellow roses formed both mothers' corsages. Merrimack College Chapel, North Andover, Mass., was the setting Saturday, September 10, for the wedding of Elizabeth Rees Landers, daughter of Dr and Mrs. James W Landers, of Sunningdale Drive, and PhilIp James ChrIstian, son of Mr and Mrs. Russell ChristIan, of Georgetown, Mass, and Largo, Fla The Reverend Raymond Jack~on, 0 S.A , preSided at the 3 o'clock ceremony James M Lander~, brothel' of the bnde, and Stephen McLaughlIn, COUSin of the bridegroom, gave readings from the Scnptures The nte~ were followed by a receptIOn and dmnel at the RadiSson Fel ncroft Hotel and COWltry Club, Danver~, Ma!>!> The newlyweds vaca tlOned on Antigua They are at home In Lowell, Ma!:>!> The bllde's gown of lace on dot. ted net fedtul ed a ~oft, !>atm-Imed bodIce With a weddmg band necklme of Bilstol .md Vemse lace Lace formed her thl eequarter length, balloon sleeves Her skIrt was fashIOned of double-layered Silk 01 gandy Her Ivory Illu.\oIOnvell fell from a wreath of Ivory and pink satin flowers, WIth flowmg lace streamers, and she carned a Colomal arrangement of whIte rose!>, pmk rosebuds, baby's-breath, !>tephanotis, varied greens and flOWing ivory rIbbon!:>. Rebecca Porta, who came trom Orlando, Fla., to serve as her SISter's honor attendant, and bridesmaIds Constance Krueger, of Danvers, their cousin, and Sonja Lindblad, of Shrewsbury, Mass, wore floor len~th dresses of magenta QIana. ChIffon capes, gathered blouson style at theIr waists, covered theIr form-flttmg bodices. TheIr skIrts were cut diagonally, with a wrap-around panel effect Their Colomal bouquets of rubrum hhes, miniature carnations, pmk rosebuds, heather and greens were accented WIth rose-colored ribbon streamers Richard J Christian, of Bradenton, Fla h acted a!> best man for his brot er Ushers were two other brothers, Thomas R ChrIStian, of PittsfIeld, Mass, and Raymond J Chrbtlan, of UncasVIlle, Conn Soft chiffon ruffles accented the neckhne of the brIde's mother's floor length, long-sleeved dress of smoky amethyst chiffon over taf- feta, sashed In chiffon and styled WIth a center ruffle flowing from the waIst to encircle the scalloped, front hemline. The brIdegroom's mother selected a full-skIrted gown of seamist crepe, styled with wristgathered chiffon sleeves and a cross-over bodice covermg a matching, form-fIttmg underbodice with narrow shoulder straps The gathered skirt was held at the waist WIth double pipIng of seamist and navy Each mother wore a WrIst corsage of pmk and whIte rosebuds, mimature carnatIons and greens Mabel Carnahan, of Crawford, Neb, the bride's grandmother, In a floor length dress of robm's egg blue overlaid WIth sheer lace, !:>tyled With long, chiffon sleeves, wore a WrIst corsage accenting her gown. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr and Mrs Charle~ Woodbury, of Grosse POinte Woods, and their daughter Shelly, 01 Clarkston, and Mr and Mrs MIles Shurtleff, of Gothenburg, Neb The former MISS Landers, a graduate of Grosse Pointe North High School, receIved her Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Christian Bachelor of SCience degree from Demson UniverSIty, GranVille, OhIO Her husband receIved hiS Bachelor of Art!:> degree from Mell HUdek College dud lu:> Md:>tel's degree In MathematIcs from Harvard Both are now employed as computer engineers by the Raytheon CorporatIOn, Bedford, Mass Designed by Adolfo Regina High ready for square dancers The Regma HIgh School Moth- ers' GuIld Will !:>ponsor a square dance from 8 to 11 p m' thiS Saturday, Nov 12, at the SC!'IO 01 on Kelly Road, Just south of Eight MIle Road In Harper Woods AdmiSSIon IS $10 per couple, mcluding beer, set-ups' and pizza Featured caller WIll be Pete Noll Tickets may be reserved by callIng 526-0220 o_r 371-4237 Large Selection of Fine Furs In Stock Kaq Anos TUTS 19261 Mack (near Moross) next to Woods Theatre 886-7715 .#~9~ Holiday Special Jacobson's MON., TUES., WED ONLY NOV. 14th thru DEC. 7th Ultra Body HOT PERM As Zotos Design FREEDOM PERM REG. $40.00 INClUDING NOW $2500 CUT & STYLING CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTS (Boys ond Grrls Under 10) REG $900 NOW ASIC FOR $600 MARY RAHAIM at DANTE'S 886-3088 J', 19839 MACK, G.P. Woods Private Duty Nursing Care Serving the Grosse Pointes, and the Tn-Counties ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 11 A.M. TO 4 P.M., SELECT MONOGRAMMED HOLIDAY GIFTS Beautiful ideas in 14K gold, sterling sliver, and gold or silver plated metal Many jewelry pieces .. other pleasers such as desk accessories, key chains and blazer buttons Your Leonore Doskow order will arrive before Christmas. Shown: 14K necklace, $75 Gold-plated sterling bracelet, $25; and pm, $35 Prlyat. Hom •• , Ho.pltal. or Nurllng Hom •• • 24 Hr. Service - 7 Days a Week • Full Time or Part Time Coverage • Bonded and Insured 8y RN'., LPN'" Nur •• Ald •• and Live In Companion. Jacobson's 263.0580 ; HUMMEL EXHIBIT See ten of the original drawings that inspired the creation of Hummel figurines Wednesday, November 16, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, November 17, 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Witty, tender or symbolic, each of Ihese charming Original draWings by Sister Maria Innocentla Hummel are delightful. We are proud 10 have them to display from the European archives of Josef Muller Verlag Here also, our collections of musIc boxes, matted prints, bells, wall plaques and other decorative Items In our Store for the Home, $3 to $50 Jacobson's Grosse Pointe Open Thursdays and Fridays untIl 900 pm We will validate your parking ticket Commumty Profssslonal Nursmg Service J " ~ Grosse POinte Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm We Will validate your parking ticket __ ..A... __ ... _" ... -1-r-.---------- ~~~~-_ .. -.~ .. Page Three-j3 Book Review Group to meet ) ~~ " First Celebrity in 30th Pointe series · · · MRS. DENIS A. LUZ (left) and MRS. WALTER V. BERNARD JR. (second from left) look on as singer and actress JANE POWELL joins MRS. JOHN R, SCHNEIDER for lunch at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Ms. Powell opened the 30th season of the Grosse Pointe Celebrity Series. sponsored by the Bon Secours Hospital Assistance League, in early October. Gall Schneider Is general chairman of the lecture programs which continue with a talk by Blll Monroe. anchorman and executive producer of "Meet the Press." this morning. Thursday. Nov. 10. at the Esquire Theatre. Mrs. Luz heads the series' advertising committee with Mrs. William A. Young. Mrs. Bernard and Mrs. Lewis Echlln chair the addressing and malUng committee. GP Historical Society to hear James Cravens The Grosse Pointe Hbtol'lcal SocIety invites all members of the community who would hke to know how to protect and store va. luable family papers. photographs, maps, new!>paper clippings, documents and books to attend a lecture by James Craven!>, Holiday craft for Deeplands Mrs. Robert Schlaff WIll be as. sisted by Mrs. Urban Boresch and Mrs John Malcolm when she en. tertains members of the Deep. lands Garden Club at noon next Monday, Nov. 14. Program for the day is finalization of the club's Christmas project. donating corsages to the League for the Handicapped-GoodwIll Indu!>tl'leb con!>eIvator tor the Bentley LI. guest!> and non.membel h 01 the brary at the Umver!>lty of MIChi- Historical Society, free to members gan. He will !>peak Monday evening, The SocIety welcome!:> new Nov. 14, at 7 30 P m at the members at any tIme MemberHistorical SOcIety's headquarters ships WIll be avaIlable at the CI aIn MonteIth School on Cook Road AdmI!>!>lOnto hIS program I!>$2 for vens lecture. , Harper Woods ~ to host COWltryfair The Harpel' Woods Secondary School Parents Club presents Its mnth annual Chnstma!> country fall' this Friday, Nov. 11, from 6 to 10 p.m and Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10 a m to 4 p m at the Hat'. per Wood!> High School on Beaconsfield near Eastland Over 80 exhibitor!> Will be featured AdmISSIOn Ih free, and food Will be avaIlable. Sitting topic for Questers Mrs Wyman Barrett wIll pI esent a "History of ChaIr Styles," cuvenng French, Enghsh and Amel'lcan chairs through the 18th. 19th and 20th centUl'le!:>, at the Grand MaraiS Chapter of Ques. tel's' meeting tomorrow, Friday, Nov 11, at 9' 30 a m In the Chalfonte Avenue home of Mrb Damel Brown. Gro,sse POinte Memol'lal Church's Book ReView Group meets next Tue!>day, Nov 15, at 1 p m. after a noon lund.eon at the church, to hear DI Rachel Brake review "From Colomah!:>m to World Commumty The Church'!:> Pilgl'lmage" by noted PI ehbytenan mI!:>hlOnaty-churchman John Covently Smith ThI!> autoblOgl clphy detalhng the expenence!> of DI clnd Mrh Smith del>Cl'lbeh the tl an!:>ltlOnthat ha!:> tuken place In the phllo!:>ophy and practice of ml!:>!:>Ionary work around the world Dr BI ake, who ha~ a Doctorate In EducatIOn from the Umver!:>lty of North Coiol ado. I etJred In 1981 u!>a profe!>sor at the Umverblty of Dettolt She also ~el ved as a can~ultant fO! the Wdyne County Intel mediate School Dlstnct She IS :-1nRldel at Memonal Church and chairman of the Outreach Council Reset vatlOn!:> fOI the luncheon may be made by calling 882-5330 VI!:>Itorl>are welcome Child care I!:>avatldble Plan delightful day in St. Clair Shores A luncheon, fashIOn show, card party and ChrIstmas boutique WIll be pl'e!:>ented by the St Clair Shore!:> Branch of the Woman's Nat IOnal Farm and Gat den A!>socIatlOn next ,Tue!>day, Nov. 15, In the ShOIe:. RecreatlOn Center on Jeffel'~on Avenue, between Nme dnd Ten MIle Roads The program begln~ at noon Fa!>hlons, some modeled by branch members, WIll be from Lisbeth's of Bu'mingham. Oregaml boxe!>, pinecone wreaths and other holiday decorations Will be featured In the boutique A quilt, handmade by branch member!> In the Friendship Dahlia pattern, Will be given away during the afternoon Party plannel!> Include Mrs. Pete I BIglin, branch president, of Robert John Road, Mrs ErWin Marz, chail man of the day, Mrs Jame!> Comins, In charge of decoration!>, Mrs John Keyzer, boutique chaIrman, Mr:. Andrew Lovchuk and Mrs Raymond Kaye Tlcketb, at $6 pel' pel son. may be re!>erved b) contacting Irene Smith at 778-5307 ~!yl{prIWr -zt Sftops CHRISTMAS PREVIEW & GRAND OPENING OF 2000 HAIR SALON COLOSSEUM FLOWERS BY KIMBERLY 886-0300 COLOSSEUM 2000 HAIR SALON 881-7252 LE CAFE FRANCAIS 343-0610 ZENAS BOUTIQUE 881-6770 Sunday 20th of November 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 20311 Mack at Lochmoor November A .. et~pn Friday, November 18, 7:00 P.M. Friday Featur .. : Art Saturday Features: Sunday Features: Monday Features: Saturday, November19, 11:00A.M. Sunday,November 20 at Noon pottery. Southwest Indian baskets. antique coverlets. antique Iron banks Melssen porcelains. antique cameos ant,que dolls. including Jumeau. Simon & Halbig. Armand Marseilles, Silver crystal and furniture. Vintage clothing and more and mo'e. rare and Important Royal Doulton figurines. fine porcelainS tn~lqUe English furniture. line Ivory carvings. Pre World War I German and Austrian memorabilia fine Oils watercolors and graphiCS by W Barraud J G Brown A Dawson M Ensor raser. F H Jenshaw. J F Herring. Jr. G Lamdln. M Lyne, M Mey.erhem F Muller J P Pettit J Reynolds. N Rockwell. A Simonetti. H Walton. wessenbruch. W Williams and more ".FINE ORIENTAL RUG FEATURE ON SUNDAY'" NOV 21 - FINE AND RARE BOOKS Michael Lyne (British 1912-l watercolor on paper. "Duke of Feaufort on Badminton Lawn. 61/4" x 12 1/4' ~ /' 11~' *11 Galle cameo glass landscape vase ca 1900 signed. H 20 1/8' ' t\<, -'" .. 4' ~"!\ ' . . '-to ~ '- , /', , y;' ..), } ~r Joshua- ReynoldS (British 1723-1792) all on canvas, Mrs Hugh Glenn Cannon." 29 1/2 x 24 George Lamdln (American 16301896) allan canvas sIQned and dated 1878 Antique Jumeau bisque head talking doll signed H 24 part of fine an. tlque doll feature on Saturday 30 x 20 Dorothy Doughty. Royal Worcester' Golo Crowned Kinglets •• pair. H 7314' Wedgwood Fairyland Lustre compote. Woodland Elves I. D 8 H 53/4 Monumental Royal Daulton Princess Badoura H 20 part of a large selection of Royal Daulton Ilgurlnes on Saturday 409 East Jefferson Avenue DetrOit MIChtg;m 48226 13131963 6255 t.cro~s from the Renaissance Center Certified Fine Art. Auctioneers and Appraisers In Michigan Ohio and the Midwest John Frederick Herring Jr (British d 1907) all on canvas The Farm - Autumn 24 x 36 PrevIew exhibItion begms November 11 through the sale dates Absentee bids honored With credit references C.I.IOlIu" Tile,. will '" • • .. • 00. _1,.kI ,o~ lure"l C.II or write 'or fr •• '1000 I" .... lu... ldoled 101M loll In 1~11.e' • luetion brOchure ... PtlQe Four-B GROSSE POINTE Thursday, NEWS ._J Two exhibitions are currently featured at the DetrOIt Artists Market, located on Randolph Street In Harmony Park In downtown Detroit. Photosensitive, the Lower Gallery Show, features the work of 16 artlsts who incorporate photo.sensitive technology in their art. The 16, chosen by Lucy Bates, exlubltion coordinator, and Mary Denison, art director, are Susan Aaron-Taylor, Robert Bailey, Steve Benson, Ann De La Vergne, David Doubley, Andrea EIS, Nonta Frcka, DIana Gubbay, James Hart, Susan Hirtzel, LoUIS Katz, Joanne Leonard, Kathryn Lucks, Martha MadIgan, MIchael Sarnackl and Jeffery Weinstem TheIr work represents the wide spectrum of creatIvIty pOSSIble by the use of photo-sensItIve processes, from realistIc portraIture to qWlted ceremomal robes made from deSIgns produced through ) PersonalIZed work. of art with the mdlvlduals name fashioned Into the design Select from over 200 designs EASTtAND MALL 521-2460 ~ARPIN FURS ;Fine/Canadian OF WiNdsOR Furs at Very Special Prices . 10, 198 Artists Market offers variety feuM.el!e4 ~ THE PERFECT GIFT ... November .• copYing machIne duplicatIOn Other photograptuc processes represented include chche verre, dye transfer, conceptual, Video, sur. face-managed, senal documenta. tion and x-ray SIX artists who work in other medIa are exhlbltmg in the Upper Gallery's Ritual, Myth and Symbol show Curator Steven Benson, photographer and Cranbrook graduate, sees thIs exhibIt a~ dealing WIth •'the growmg dIStance between two a~pects of perceptlOn. the al chalc, whIch emphasIzes a umfylng quality and contributes to a feelmg of onene~~ WIth the world, and the analytICal grid system of contemporary perceptIon, whIch mVlte~ a sense of separatIOn' , ArtlSt~ featured In RItual, Myth and Symbol are Charles McGee, MIChele Oka Doner Yolanda Sharpe GIlda Snowden, Deanna Sperka and VictOria Stoll ' ... .. •. :: Beautiful Hair .. Make It A Family Tradition . . 181-8470 '. flirha,l.Ja1U'8 (fioiffur,s @REDKEN 20525 MACK. AVENUE A St. James welcome . . . Come see Arpin's fabulous 1983.84 collecuon of fashion furs, experrly crafted Into today's excll1ng new desIgns .. and of course, you are assured of flfle qualJly dnd value when you shop Arpm's. Duty and Sales Tax Refunded Full Premium on American Funds Park In Salon Prescnpllon 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile PAT TIPTON and WIN MARTIN (left and right), who with Margaret Quale are coordinators for "Christmas at Our House," to be presented by the Women of Saint James Lutheran Church on McMillan Road, directly behind "the Hill," next Thursday, Nov. 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., promise a warm welcome and a variety of Christmas decorations, ornaments and gift items at the Saint James holiday faIr. During the past two years, the trio has planned, organized and hosted workshops to stock the faIr's booths and departments. Original waterco. lors, handcrafts, picture frames, wreaths, centerpieces, watches and candlewick pieces will be featured. Luncheon, served by the Saint James Women at a cost of $4 per person, wiU offer dishes from the Saint James Cook Book. Coffee and doughnuts will be available in the morning and afternoon. Center OPEN EVERY EVENING Park Garden Club to meet 484 PeliSSIer Street the Downtown WIndsor. Parking Garage Park at PeliSSier Dally 9 ALL MERONA GIRLS SPORTWEAR Mrs Hillall e Van Hollebeke WIll Ralph McKenney. Mrs Plel re V open her Fror Lake Lane home at Heftier WIll Introduce the speaker, noon next Monday, Nov 14, for Robert A Nitschke, internationally the monthly meetIng of the Gros~e known for hIS very rare old apple Pointe Park Garden Club She WIll and other trees, who WIll present "TI ees of the Past" be aSSIsted by co.hostess Mrs Fur Specialistjor over 57 years 1-519-253-5612 to 5 W, Fn to 9 25% OFF Yachtswomen meet tonight SALE OF HANES TOO", / / MISS J / Yachtswomen gathel tomght, Thw'sday, Nov 10, at 8 p m at the Great Lakes Yacht Club to elect and Install officers for 1984 Hostes~es are Jeanne Green, Sue Dubbs, Bonme Hernan, Ruth Lowmastel and Nona Smith ~ GROSSE POINTE 17045 KERCHEVAL AVE Phone 884-070 1 Hours: Mon., 7ues., Wed., Sat. 9:30-5:30 p.rn Come to our exciting pantyhose sale and THE FINAL 1983 stock up on sheer and , shaped leg fashions ~NN ARBOR.. Classified Allin Barely There, South Pacific and ads Town Taupe _19!83~ANTIQUES Sizes AB,CD get Sheer with reinforced toe, MARKET also in Gently Brown. $2 quick Sheer With sandalfoot. 1 also In Little Color, results. Gently Brown, Grey. 7 f,t Ann Arbor, Michigan Black or White, $2 Margaret Brusher, Manager Controltop With sandalfoot also In Gently Brown. :xw Grey or Black. 260 ,. FEATLRING rJ Light support With sandalfoot. 360 Sale ends Saturday November 19th 300 quallty dealers (all under cover) In the fmest antIques and ~elect collectlble~ Very The AntIque Market IS Not A Flea Market, but a place where anyone can bu~ fiurly pnced <lntlques dnd collectlble~ With a full money back GUARANTEE as to authentlclt\' prOVIded by the antique dealer~ 01 the <;howmana~er ThiS ISthe natIOn's only Antiques Market where all the Item<; are Cdl efully ~creened to ",arrant this guarantee and to assure your bUYing confIdence No fru<;tratlng rln\ Ing flam one dealer and state to another masmuch as 300 ctealer~ are brought together fl om New England. the ea<;t and mIdwest and west to thiS locatIon for your convenience Alway<; ;everal dealer~ •• evel y month \\ho have never shown In the midwest before Another umque feature of the market \<;not havlJ1g the ~ellel ~~et uptheday before whIch may have precluded otherpurchaser<; from havtng equal OPPOItUnltlC~ You WIllfmd much furniture including early country painted and decorated fme perIod Hepple\\hlte Chlppend,l!e and Queen Anne, folk art. textIle<;. ~llver, Canton. porcelainS, glas~ mcl Sand\\olch flint and p<1lt('rn chma speCial collectlOn~. pocket watche~ mlmature lamp<;. <;toneware pewtCI 'patter clock, button, pistol~ and gun~. Jewelry, paper Onentall ug, advertlstng boltlf>~ .11 t gld'" doll, toy, Amellcan Indian baskets, folk art early Oll~ and pnnt<; Importantly Call :: ~/ * 882. 6900 before \\\\' \II"ltlII. Zij/. ':'-.\\ ~ Brlglli Idllli ~ Over 300 Dealers In Quality Antiques & Select Collectibles Guaranteed For Authenticity FREE PARKING - S ~ = ADMISSION $2.00 ( 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road Ext 175 off 1.94 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm We Will validate your parking ticket holiday decor.tN booths I ~1. Noon. NOVEMBER 13 ) = Ion oar lovely ~ ~ Tuesday Jacobson's GIve anti"lS. They ~ appreciate' You'll ~ '1111/1 ,\\\\\"\ ~ ~ ~ "Early Birds" welcome after 5 A.M. THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH EXCEPT NOVEMBER More Detailed LI~tIng~ In the Clas~lfted Ad" under" ... . . ".. . ....:: . . Antlque<;" :. P. ,p , GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE Page Flve.B NEWS Hickey-Brower troth revealed Frear-McKay vows are said A receptIOn at the Grosse Pomte Club followed the wedding of Margaret Leshe McKay and David John Frear Saturday, Octobel 15, In Christ Church Grosse POinte SIX bndebmalds 'and SIX groomsmen attended the couple It wab an ail-whIte weddmg accented wIth four-foot white 'bal loon~ and ma~seb of white roses The newlyweds vacatloned at a pnvate hunting lodge In Grayhng, and Will mdke their home In New York CIty The bnde, daughter of Mrs EdWin Ralph Stroh Jr , of North Deeplandb Road, and Wilham CamelOn McKay, of Houston, Tex, I" a grdduate of UniversIty LIggett School, Pme Manor JUnlor College and the Ulllversity of Michigan She l~ a member of the JUnlor League, and has been employed at Ford Motor, Glas~ DIVISIon iVIt FI edl, ~on of DI and Ml ~ , phoIo by Paul GRell Mr. and Mrs. David J. Frear Robel t George FI edl, of Lothlop Road, wa~ graduated fr om Austm PI ep School Clnd the UllIvel bity of Michigan, where he went on to earn a Master~ degl ee 111 Busmess Admml~tl atlOn He I~ employed by 1'1 dn~WdY COI pOI allon Jolm Grennan claims a bride collar A narrow velvet nbbon wai> bowed at her Waist She carned a bmaU cascade of cymbidIum orchids, With baby'sbreath and tradmg iVY, dnd WOIe baby's-breath in her hall' Honor matron Mrs Ronald Couwher, of Mount Clemens, pm ned a corsage of Sweetheart loseb and soft pink, mmiature carnations to the shoulder of the cap. sleeved bodice of her cocktail length dress of gal net satin Jersey The dress featured a softly gathered skirt TImothy Grennan acted as best man for his brother The bndegroom's mother wore a long-sleeved, street length dress of soft plum crepe Her shoulder corsage was a gardema The newlyweds are at home 10 DetrOIt Debra Dianne Warner and John KeVin Grennan exchanged marnage vow~ before their families at a late afternoon ceremony Monday, October 17, at the Evangel Temple Church of God in Warren The Reverend Harold 0 Dowrung offiCiated at the double nng serVice, The bride's father, Glen Warner, of DetrOIt, hosted a dmner Immediately following the ntes, and friends of the couple JOined the famlhes at a champagne receptIOn at the Hampton Road home of the bridegroom's pareJlts, Mr and Mrs Jack T. Grennan The bride wore an ankle length dress of Ivory lace Cream pearl buttons closed her matchmg, long-sleeved, lace and woven nbbon jacket, styled with a stand-Up Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K Brower, of Winnetka, III , are announcing the engagement of theIr daughter, Mary ElIzabeth, to Bnan Farley Hickey, of Chicago, son of Mr and Mrs, Edward J. Hickey Ill, of Washington Road An Apnl wed. ding is planned The future bride, a graduate of Wheaton College, Norton, Masi> , is studymg for a Mabters degree in Management at Northwestern Umverslty She IS employed by Wilham Blair and Company In ChICago Hel fiance, a !$raduate of Notre Dame UnIversity, IS a vICe preSident of Smith Barney, Harni> Upham & Company Susan Jeffries wed in West Su<;an L Jeffries and The Reverend Dr C George Fitzgerald exchanged marriage VOWbSaturday, October 29, at Old First Presbytenan Church, San Fl anClbCO. Calif. They first met at Old First, where Miss Jeffnes IS an eldel and trustee and Dr Fitzgerald Ib pal'lsh associate The bnde, daughter of Mrs VlrgiOla Jeffnes, of Kercheval Avenue, and the late Dr BenJamm Jeffnes, IS a tax atto! ney fOI Chevron USA (Standard Ot! of California) Dr. Fitzgerald IS director of Climcal Pastoral Care and Education at Pre~byterlan Hospital, San FranCISCO The couple Will contmue to 1 eSide m San FranCISco I To raise 'Dollars for Scholars' ... Planning "Dollars for Scholars." the annual benefit party for. the Grosse Pointe.Woman:s Clut» Scholarship Fund. are (left to right) MRS. JOHN J. KELLY. tIcket and reservations chaIrman. MRS. RALPH F. URSO, co-chairman, MRS. MICHEL A, SKAFF, general chairman. MR~, LAMPTON J. CARDWELL, fashion show chairman, and.MRS. RAYMONI? J. DUFFY. hos.te~~ chairman. Prior to luncheon next Wednesday. Nov. 16, m the Grosse Pomte War Memonal ~ Crystal Ballroom, members and guests are invited to gather at 11:30 a.m, for a social hour around the punch bowl. Grosse Pointe's Maria Dinon will present the fa~hions. from her Kerche:val Avenue store. Tickets for the benefit are $13.50, and may be obtamed by contacting Mr~. Kelly at 881-7683. Short and to the Pointe YOU ARE INVITED TO -.---------------VICTORIA ANN the Alpha Omicron PI URBAN, of Van An mternatlOnal conventwerp Road, attended tlOn In New Orleans, La , June 28 through July 3 She IS a member of the Macomb County Alumnae Chapter and DePauw Umvel slty's Theta Chapter Alpha OmIcron PI, which supports al thntls research as a phllanthloplC project, dunng the COUl:-oe of the conventIOn presented Dr Joseph Bmndo of the LOUISIana State UniverSIty Medical Center With a $10,000 grant to help him contlll ue hIS WOlk at the AOP AI th litiS Research LabOl atory A Holiday Happening on Friday November 18, 1983 10:30 - 12:00 Color me Beautiful Seminar by representatIVes Hamet Isreal Peg Treacy Jhe shops of .. for all those tough nuts to crack on your gift list, Forster's has the answer! * Among pal tlcipants In the Seminar '83 chamber music fOI high school students program at We:,tern MIchIgan Umvel slty thIS summer was JOHN DUNN, a Grosse Pomte South High student, son of the WILLIAM B DUNNS, of UmverSlty Place HiS diVISIOn of semina l' enroll ment was stlmg, hiS ll1btlUment the vlOlm 11:00 - 4:00 Modeling of Holiday Fashions and Make-up Demonstration by Joyce of Walton P,erce Informal Watton.l'i~r,~ 16828 Kercheval. Grosse POlOIe 884 1330 Modeling every Friday' at The Bronze Door 12.'00 to 2:00 (I tI Complimentary gift jirom ,/l'(' (Jd of Jf'alton-Pierce a full service Beauty Salon THOMAS A JUDD, son of ROBERT W JUDD, of The Farms, has earned a Doctor of Veterinar)MedICine degree from Michigan State Umverslty's College of VetellnalY Medlcme Out Lady Sta 1 of the Sea High School gra duate CINDY M CURRAN, daughter of the ROBERT W CUR RANS, of The POinte, has received an Absoclate m SCience degree flom EndIcott College, Beverly, Ma<;<;, whel e ~he wa~ a Dean's List "tudent and ~elved as a member of Phi Theta Kappa, a national ,>cholastlc honor ,>ocletv for two-yea! college~ . enjoy Pre-Christmas Gift and Accessory Sale r/20ft ~/q!?j NOW UNTil DECEMBER 24tn 12200 HALL RO (M-59) 19435 MACK AVENUE Ster/mll HeIghts Grosse POlnle Woods 881.9390 739.5100 BOTH STORES OPEN MON THURS & FRI UNTIL 9 PM Orner Dey< q 10 ro 5 30 nosed Sundav AlI'man JOSEPH W HORNER, a 1975Gros '>e Pomte South High School gl aduate, "on of the CHARLES H HORNERS. of Mc Mil lan Road, hab complet ed baSIC tl alnlng at Lackland All' Force Base. Tex. dnd been a<;<;lgnedto Keesler All Force Ba~, MIS" . fOI ...peclabzed m ...ltuctlOn m the commulllca tlOn., elect 1 OIllC ... "y~ tern" fwld Pdl k 1e"'ldent KATHLEEN CARO LYN KEITH wa" re cently accepted to the 198384 Honol.... Program al thE' Umver",ty of MI""I""'ppl, d "epa rate department that bl mg" together "elected. except IOn a I "tu dent" and dl"t1nguhhed faculty at Ole Mls<; SHARPEN COME TO OUR GERBER KNIFE CLINIC Thursday, November 17, 1.5 p.m., Kitchen Shop, Grosse Pointe Meet Tim Putney Gerber representative who Will be here to sharpen your Gerber blades Bring In your Gerber knives for thiS speCial service and learn the proper at.home care and sharpening techniques that protect them and prolong their use Our complete collection of Gerber Legendary Blades will be on display so that you may add to your set. begin one for a new bride or make a much appreCiated gift selection Jacobson's • Open Thursdays and Friday" lIntll 900 pm We Will validate your parking ticket •• GROSSE 'Page Slx-B ELAINE CATLIN, of Amta Avenue, was named to the Dean's List for the fall, wllltel and !>prmg term.'> at MI. chigan State Umvel slty Dinner - Lunch - Sunday Brunch FEATHEI/, OOWN or WOOL eoMFORTI •• MADI or IICOYIIID Wine Cocktails, Champagnes, Wine, Beer 343.0610 Kimberly Korner 20311 Mack, GP Woods 8EO ,II/UOWS CLEANED & RECOVERED - "'1 172-7554 WHIU aIM. 61t1LLOW YOU WAIT - CO. oooooooooodoooooobbbobbboobobboodobaObbobObaOobbbbbobbd ... :J~e green~OUje on lhe JJill :J)avid Cockel! JJ.air SI'J!iJI Oil 117 ..J<erchellat (jrojje pointe Trip to Paris for Stanleys Karen Bieker wed at home Karen Faith BIeker and FrancI~ Anthony La~kow!okl exch,mged mall'ldge vow~ Satm day. Augu~t 27, m a garden ceremony dt the South Renaud ROdd home of hel pdrent!>, MI dnd 1'111 ~ Robel t W BIeker The Revel end Rudolph Boyce, a cIo!>e fnend of the fam lIy, presIded at the double 11I1g ceremony, which Wd~ followed by a leceptlOn The bIlde\ mid-length dre~~ of whIte lace fedtUl ed d ~weethedl t necklme and '>cdIloped hem She WOIe d f10wel WIedthed, matchmg veil, ,lfid call1ed d bouquet of whIte and yellow Sweethedl I lO~e,>, \\Ith baby',> bledth She Wd~ dttended by hel ~I~tel, 1'111'>Rlclldld Stem, d~ mdtlon 01 honor, dnd by bllde~mmd Janet Edwdl d!> Bolh WOle afternoon dl e!>~e!>of aqua sheel and carned bouquet~ of aqua dalsIe!>. :, ello\\ I o!>e~ dnO while FUJI IIlUI1I:> The blldegl oom, ~on of Edwal d J La~kowskl, of Hdlpel Woods, dnd the Idte 1'111 ~ Ld!>kO\%ki, wa~ d~tended by Domllllc Capobianco a!> be~t man, and by Bruce ReIChmann Pall~, FI dnce, wa~ the VdCdtlOl1 de"tll1dt IOn of 1'111' and 1'111 ~ J Thomd~ Stdnley followmg thell mdllldge ~dtUl dd), Oelobel 22, m S,lInt John'" Epbcopal ChUl ch. Ldl chmont, NY, and d I ecepllOl1 ,It ManU! '>mg bl,md Club 111 R) e, NY Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Laskowski The bllde" mothel '" dltel noon dl e",> Wd'> du,>ty 10,>C 111 (0101 She Lall wJ <Ill VI juJ Out of-town gue"h Included 1\11'> Ale' KI! h.PdtllCk. of Dhdlll ,m, S,ludl Aldbld The newlywed" v.,c<ltlOned 111 nOI thern MIChlgdll They WIll mdke theu home on GI d) ton ROdd !VII~ Stdnley, the fOImel LlI1dd Hl'n1g.'>on, ddughtel of 1'111 ,md 1'111 ~ Donald R Hemg~on ot Ldl chmont W<1'>dttended b, <I "I~ tel, Valelle Hel1lg~on a'> m,ud of honO!. and by bllde~mdld,> MI" Blldn Call Ill'> dnd MI" Gdl) Schneldel John ~t,ll1le), ot ChIC,lgO \\ .I" 1m blothel , be"t mdn The, .II e the "on'> ot DI dnd 1\11'> .J Pedl ~on St,mlev of YOI k"hlle load Steven Geoval1l.'>. l\1lchdel '1'1 e montl and Philip Pool u'>hel ed The Hevel end Geol ge Zdbn"hw II ottlCJated <It the J 0 clock cel emany. d",>,,>ted b) The Revel end Gel .II d DISen~o The couple \\ III I e~lde III M,ll1 hdttan Th e ullde I'> emplo) ed <I'> d~"I,>tdnt to the dl! eetOl of Al b dnd EducdtlOn at Alto.'> de Chavon. a cuItm <II vllldge In the Domllll Cdn Hepubllc, "ponholed by Gulf & We.'>teln Indu,>tIJe~ She wOlk,> out of the New YOlk office Giftorama '83 at Kingswood Guh fJ om mOl ethan 30 speCialty ~hop~ trom around the countl), PUCCI acce~SOlle!> to gourmet food~ to bl~que pOI celam dolls, Will be fedtured at the 13th annual Glftordma m Kmg<;wood School Cranbrook thl~ Saturday, Nov 12, ft om 10 a m to 6 p m and Sun. da), Nov 13, from 10 a m to 5 pm Adl1m~lOn I~ $3, mcludmg parkII1g nedl the ~chool on Lone Pine HOdd m BloomfIeld HIlb Proceed~ fl om GJftorama, sponsored e..lch year by the Kmg!>wood Alumnae A~.'>oClatlOn, go to the ~chool',> '>cholal.'>hlp dnd operatmg fund~ Past presented for Jenny Lind P",t ple'>ldent~ dnd members of the Jenny Lllld Club met reeenUy at the Cloverly Road home of SlglId Koebel to heal two of the club'" foundel~, MI!> Charles Koebel and 1'.11~ Signe KaJ Istl am, I epOl t on the club'~ hlstOlY, and to make pldn~ lor the annual LUCIa Dlllner Dance on Fnday, Dee 2, at the Grosse POinte Yacht Club The pa~t-pl e.'>ldents present included Mrs Koebel and Mrs. verslty thl'> yeal The engagement of JudIth Ann She wa~ .I contlollel fOI two The tOI mel MI.'>hHelllg~on, gl <I- Kdll~tl om, Mrs Carl Johnson, Vanacore and Randy Lee Chrl!>tye.1r~ for the Hygrade PlIntmg dU<lted cum Idude fl om V d~~dl MI s Chm les Brown, Mrs. King offerson has been announced by s Alh ed Hopkins, Carpal atlOn 111 Cdldwell, N J , and College ItI 1981 WIth d Bachelol of Chffol d. 1'111 her pal ent~. 1'111'and Mrs. Jo~eph ~ Hugh CarI~ currently employed d~ a manAI h degl ee ItI Itdhdn and Art HI.'> 1\11 ~ Fred Flom, 1'111 Vanacore, of North Caldwell, N J Mrs agement con~ultant WIth Bam and tOIy, htudled dt SYI dcu~e UI1IVel- ney, MI~ Jo.'>eph Hadley, A spring weddmg IS planned s Wilham Company m Bo~ton 1\1a~,> ~Ity 111 FIOl ence. Italy, durll1g hel Gordon Buehl'lg and 1'111 MI~s Vanacore I ecelved hel 1'111' Chl'l~toffel <,on, '>on of 1'111' JunlOl yea I Hel fathel own~ Berge Bachelor of SCIence degree m FI and MI.'> WIlliam Ch II ,>toffel .'>on, Hel1lg~on',> Lumber Compdny 111 nance, cum laude, from the UIlI Among Northern Anzona UD!verslty of Rhode Island, and a of RIVal d Bouleval d, I~ .I GI o~~e L<lrchmont versltv students who receIved deThe bndegloom, a fOI mel Masters degl ee m Busme.'>s Ad- POInte South HIgh School dlumnu~ grees. at recent ~pring commmlsh atlOn h om Hal yard Ul1I- who 1ecel ved hI~ B acheiol of SCI- ddmll1l.'>t1 dtlve offIcel at Blown mencement ceremonies were ence degree m ChemIcal EnBI othel ~ Halliman & Company, POInters LISA LENORE RYBICgmeelmg, .'>umma cum laude, New YOlk, IS pI e~ently the a~sls KI, Bachelor of Science; and from MIchIgan State Ul1IVer~lty, tant dll ector of the Intem<1tlOnal and hl~ Mastel.'> degl ee 111 BUSI Departn1ent at MelIlll Lynch III PAULA MARIE KASPaR, Bachelor of SCIence III Busmess Adminness Admml.'>tratlOn flom Hal' New YOlk He Iecelved hl~ BacheThe Windsor Light Opel a A~ IstratIOn val d Ul1IVel slty la~t June 101~ degl ee cum laude from Wessoclahon WIll pre.'>ent ~even perteln Mlchlg,lI1 Ul1IVel ~Ity and * He was employed for two yeals formance.'> of "Ann of Green Gaholds a Mastel ~ degl ee 111 Busl DR ARCHIE W. BEDELL, of bie,," at Wmd!>or's Cleary Au- a.'> a techmcal bl and mdn.1gCl by ne~.'> AdmllllstratlOn from the The Farms, has completed condItOrium horn Satm day, Nov 12, the Ploelel and Gdmble Company Columbia Ul1Iver~lty Graduate tmumg education reqwrements to 111 Cmcmnatl, OhIO dnd I~ now. through Sunday. Nov 27 Ticket~ School of BU~lnes.'> retain active membership in the like hl~ fldnce d mdnagement and information may be obtamed HIS fathel 1.'> the I etlred du ector American Academy of FamIly WIth the Boston-based by eontactmg the box office, 519- consultant of Re~eal eh dnd Development at PhysiCIans. the natIOnal associastl ateglC consult1l1g firm of Bam 252-6445, Monday thlough SaturR P Schel el CorporatIOn. Dett OIt tIOn of famIly doctors. and Company day, between noon and 5 pm To present 'Anne of Green Gables' .JJ,.tt f~e Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Spring wedding date is made ij pfeujed to welcome buck (lree"IIOUJe POINTE 881-6833 Wiggs' Upholstery Sale: it's.a"~QYer~tory thats really news! +"'r-~: ~~W~r!* 'I ~ '..- r ...-' I'J! Newspaper Editor to Speak at AAUW luncheon SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 12 NOON LUNCHEON GROSSE POINTE HUNT CLUB 655 COOK ROAD Scott McGehee, the highest ranking woman at the Detroit Free Press, will speak on ber experiences as one of only two female managing editors on a large metropolitan daily newspaper. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Save 25% and more on Henredon upholstered fumiture. If you are Interested In attending, luncheon reservations and payment should be made by Monday. November 14. For further Information call 881-6161 If you Wish to hear the program. but cannOI attend the luncheon. addlllonal seals Will be aVdllable al 1 15 p.m Please 10m us for a lhought provokmg afternoon The most exciting news In home furnishings IS happening nght now Because nght now you can save 25% on Henredon's entire line of upholstered sofas loveseats, sectlonals and chairs And you can select from the entIre Henredon collection of fabnc and color Don't miss your chance to save on fine Henredon upholstered furniture from Woos At saVingSlike these, Irs front-page matenall Exceptional Christmas delivery on selected frames and selected covers' Voluel We ve rol~en one of our rnoderore~ Priced tone on tone selections and reduced rhe price JOOIo one weel~ on~1 It s Scorchguord prore'Cted for SIOln soil and StotlC'eslsronce Full color selection avoiloble Spend your fall at , I ~lil~I' o()lyS9.95~~ w')\~')Q,) Inq ) re netN Thr\) Nov '7 w fob< rs selecled 'S-Jr.>;;,! '0 rob<,c Prl\...iAS IN II vary , Ih (Jvo,lob I tv MoslerCord VlSO WOOS Charge 4080 1elegraph Bioorrheld 644 7370 Rood HAisMI 48013 HoursMan It'!Jrs Fn ~3()'900 lues Wed Sat ~30-530 I ~ I p GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 tA. :-l tR It CJO ~ It ~i-t. ... '" "/O~It.. ,.. ltq..o ";,. <>~ '1'" ,a LAMP PARTS WRIGHTS to Grone ,,, POlt OHlce 885.8839 P S B'mg YO"' lamp Cus/om F,ttmg 10' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dance to the BIG BAND SOUND : : : : : 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month Glen Miller, Harry James, Tommy Dorsey by • : • : CHET BOGAN's 7-pc. ORCHESTRA : • • at • • • • :• THE LIDO o~At~~- :• ... •.•..••.................... • : DIning, Cocktails 24026 E. Jefferson (just north of 9 Mile) ~ : • : ::2F;;:" THRU NOV. 16 .::T!?E: QUILL" Printers - Engravers 18519 MACK at Touraine .. ~1ZJi4M~4j Sat. 10-2 ~~ ~ A Thanksgiving ~ RiveR ~(,Rat) 1337 N River Rd Sf Clair 329.2261 Adults Children 12 and under $4.95 Robert IJ \fIt!' {),r \u (III Weith I IT) ( I. r J TRESSESHAIR STUDIO I j GROSSE POINTE 881 ...4~OO MAIN LIBRARY 111111111111111111 111I111I111111II1111I111Il1111ll11l1111I111 16914 Kercheval Grosse Pointe "ir"n II 111111111111111111111111 CLOSING OUT SALE CHIC EXfR( I<,f ~ lfJ$URE ~f.AR HUGE STOCK REDUCTION 1~\ Shop Early And Don't Forget Anyone The good stuff's ON SALE Buy Now For CHRISTMAS :r=I.~ THE KITCHEN WITCH 20431 MACK AVENUE WE ARE FULLY STOCKED FOR CHRISTMAS! Gift Certificates and Layaway Available 881-4740 MON -SAT 930.500 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111l111111l11111111t1111l1111111111111111111 OPEN M-F 10-6 Sat 10-4 22424 Grutlf Mack Sl C1.lr SllnI IlII 4IOlIO (313) 445-0888 SIMPLY CLASSIC Tradition Each style is available in amethyst, onyx, lapis, coral, jade or turquoise, set in 14 karat gordo Detroit Club Maitre d' Calvin Young promises a splendid traditional repast of hearty roast beef and many accompaniments. International Deke President George Payne will be on hand to address the audience. Remarks drafted by Grosse Pointer R.T. Johnstone will be delivered to the assembly. edmund t. AHEE Jewelers As always, the evening will be marked by singing, rounds of toasts and clouds of post-prandial cigar smoke. Active and alumni members of all Deke chapters are welcome at the black tie optional feast. Undergraduates are admitted free; tariff for alumni is $35. Details and reservations may be obtained from Dave Easlick, 6467555 (days), 343-9123 (after 6 p.m.). 1I(hWJ.l1filll, Ht',lmurlnJ Expres$ and other mOIOr cred~ ca,d$ accepted I' Amencon SlenklewicL ,,/ Now showing at On Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 23, at 6 p.m., alumni and a<;tive members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity WIll gather at the Detroit Club for their ll1th annual banquet. ThIS Omicron Literary AsSOCIation (University of Michigan Deke Alumni Corporation) stag dinner has been a revered tradition since the organization was founded to build the fraternity's mysterious temple, or "Shant," at the Ann Arbor campus in 1873. Bovanan Wames With FrUit Weekly Entree Specials such as Chinese Chicken Carved Ham and Zucchini Provencale EnJOYthe full Chuck Muer Brunch selection plus extra touches such as Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice and Fresh FrUitSoladl Treal your !amlly 10 a Sunday Brunch Chuck Muer Slyle ThisSunday and eYeJYSunday lrom10om lo2pm $8.95 CHRISTMAS IN STAINED GLASS l TUESDAY, NOV. 15, 7:30 pm Since Linda's gone public at the preview, we feel free to let the cat out of the bag. Or perhaps we should say the Sleepy Santa out of the closet; seems that Mrs. Wil. liamson, having promised her husband to cut down on her activities this year, had been hiding all evidence to the contrary (Anns, Andys and Santas) in the sewing room closet - and/raying that Mr. WiUiamson wouldn't take it into his hea to sew on a button when she was not at home! Advance sale tax deductible tickets for the 1983 Walk, at $6 per person for groups of 10 or more, $7 general admission, may be obtained by contacting members of a committee headed by Jean Dalat, East Side ticket and Member ticket chairman, at 886-0098, 822-1257or 881-4838. Tickets will be $8 at the door on Walk days. FROM CATALOGUES 12-5:30 M-F lJlr * * * CHRISTMAS CARDS . ReglOdld Preview partICIpants at the GPYC got a peek at piC. tures of the six architecturally unique homes to be featured. They got to hear some of the music the League's Choraliers will present during the Monday Walk. They listened to commIttee reports, and exclaImed over samples of items from the League's Holiday Craft and Music Box Boutiques Both boutiques will be setting up "Walk through the Woods" branches. Grosse Pointe's Linda Williamson, Music Box Boutique wnw chairman, is also making Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls and Sleepy Santas, by popular demand of last year's DSL Christma<; Walk patrons. • presents "How will raising High School • graduation requirementJ I I affect L.D. studentJ?', This year, the DSL has decIded to try something different Instead of Christmas Walks on successive weekends, in Grosse Pointe and Birmingham-BloomfIeld, there'll be one "Walk through the Woods" on Sunday, Dec. 11, from noon to 5 p.m. and Monday, Dee 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in historic Palmer Woods. 18650 MACK AVE. Tit E C lAss MAR KiT I MACLD Presents (Continued from Page IB) Gift & Lamp Shop Page .Seven.B NEWS From Another Pointe Of View LAMP REPAIR N.II POINTE ••• Baldo & Michael's Salon is proud to announce * Jhe eheeJel ake 20139 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods Shoppe 19873 MACK Grosse POinteWoods 886-4600 882-7921 * * Both the undergraduate and alumni ranks of the fraternity are liberally sprinkled with sons of Grosse Pointe. Undergraduates include U. of M. Chapter President John Hurley, Treasurer Matt Howell. Secretary Mike Bubler, Social Chairman Geor",e McKean, Steward Dick Roland and House Manager Rob Kost. Two New Additions To Their Staff Donna Buback formerly of Jacobsons In additio~ to actives from the Ann Arbor campus, George H. Zinn III, a new member from Bowdoin, will join proud father George H. Zinn Jr. at the banquet table. A crowd of nearly 100 is anticipated. and Suzy Sawyer formerly of Rosewood Please Call For An Appointment 885-2466 - Every member of the staff at Lamia has the same objective - making sure you come back for more. Alumni officers include President David K. Easlick Jr. and board members Marco GaravagUa, John Lambrecht and Ray Ploughma.n. Richard Kost and R.T: Johnstone, Fraternity FoundatIOn trustees, are also POlDters, as is Martin Oetting, a Gilchrist Loan trustee. .............................. N.w Orl•• n. DI.I ••• nd 881-7297 : : CHET BOGAN : and the Wolvenne Jazz Band We are so confident that you will choose lamia as your s.alo~l that .through NoverT\ber, 1983 we are offering any first time client $20.00 off a hair cut and perm or hair cut and high-lighting. Simply present this ad upon completion of your service. , : Every Tuesday 8.30 p m. CQRPOR." • : THE UDO Dining, Cocktails : • • 24026 E Jefferson [LAMIA] • (Just NOT1h of 9 Mile) MEN AND WOMEN 885-2250 22151 Moross I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Moving, Engaged, New Baby?""' Getting Settled Made Simple MUISCHlil 0"0 S HAIR SERVICES Rd 5t Clair Prof Bldg Del, Mlch [?~~UnlCu,l. 100'1' ~M'lIFIU lIflftTMINT 884-1710 1845 Fleetwood Grosse POinte Woods New Town dilemmas lade after a WELCOME cal! As WELCOME WAGON Representative. II s my Job to help you make the most Ql your new .neigh. borhood ShOPPing Areas Community opportun}ties SpeCial attractions Lots of tIpS to save you time and money Plus a basket of gilts for your lamlly j II be listening for your call HELPFUL HINTS for WeddIng. and Engag •• WAGON IITCHI.I, lie. presents its ninth menla loot FREE KITCHEN CLINIC TUESDAY, NOV. 15 7 PM until 9:30 PM featuring Bob Paspas C.K.D. If you're thinking about buildIng, remodeling or Just dreamIng about a new kitchen, you'll enJoy thiS session devoted to baSIC kitchen planning. Reservations necessary no obligatIOns ~~~"Ufqe.~ Groue Poln... . . . . . . . . . .. 51. Cllir Shor \.. New Blby. .. Grosse POinte Woods 884-3700 --- -- - ~ --- - ~-~--~.~_. _. J POINTE VACUUM SPECIAL $Z4.~5 ~61~~ ponAPOWEIl VACUUM Ullra powerlul mini cleaner' Include. all ollo,hmenl. ~I rtl~ . WITH FREE SHAG RAKE • CARS 20227 Mack Avenue 811-561' 181-2221 822-0819 . .....•.... • BOATS • CAMPERS MANY IN STORE UNADVERTISED SPECIALS TU 1-0700 .. 21002 MACK ROAD BETWEEN 8 & </ MI From th(' int('rnational world of Sophia Lor('n . . . a prestige line of eye fashion for tht> lad) who put!'> appearance abov(' otht>r ('o~"ideration!'>. Carefully fillt>d h) our prof('ssionals who put you above all t>1"t>. .12 } pnn f. '(perrem ~en Infl (.rO"i' "oln/en P 19599 Mack Ave. \ s 882-9711 I GROSSE Page Elght-B ~ Y TV YORKSHIRE FREE ESTlM~TES - Park resident CAROL MICHAEL, a 1983 DomInican High School graduate, was accepted fOl the 1983 fall ~eme~tel at Siena Heights College on Carry In Service 778-4050 21115 MACK PEOPLE PLEASIN' , we're going Italiano from now through November 30th, and that means we're serving a whole string of pasta entrees. Choose from unique entrees like Pasta Primavera, Shrimp Casino Pasta nd Llngulne with White or Red Clam Sauce, and more! Every pasta entree Is made •• • fresh dally on the premises In • the authentic Italian way. And each entree comes with a tossed salad and hot homemade bread. • A. .1 ~ AIR LINES • While you'," 'eastlng, ENTER THE ~~ PALMBEACH VACATION GIVEAWAY! It's a week-long trip for two at the fabulous PGA Sheraton Resort. .• eastside f8Rarlegs •, Vernier Rd., across from Eastland Mall Harper woods. 884-2811 W {hudf 1Ifusr/ledDunlnJ;l Amer1Can Expn!l:S and other majOr credit cards accepted rr;.-...------------- ----_-.~ If You Can't Be There to Care ... PMS Is the Next Best rb~~gf If!<,' 1 ,:.... H_Omtl1.C.ij.h{.';,.1'Iursing/rrivate Du,l~ J:'ll!r~llJg()""'-1 "'Homemakmg Services PIWfo M~lolJ():'III\L '\IEDICI\L lolEHVJ( fo.S. ,lIfJII.IIl'd with S:dnt JOhn Ilo"pll,d "!Jl'C J.dI/P" In pro\ 1(lIng pI II dll' dUll 10 home nursmg ,lOci .Iffilldled WI I l{l'~ 24 hour" .I cIdl - M'I l'll d,II" d \H'l'k - wllh RN ,upen 1"1011 Our lllghl\ {jU,lIllll'({ c'lJ]ploll'e~ ,Ire msull'd ,lnd hondl'd 1111\ our "l'lUIII\ dl1d "dll~ldlllon l~ gUdrdnll'ed OUI Sid II \!L'mher" IIlC Jucle HI'~I<,1t'r('d "IlIr<,I'.. to PIOI Idl' \OU \1111] hlghl\ .,kliled nur~rng (',In' lollo\.\mg ~OUI ph'''llI<l1l " pI,II1 of lrL'.Ilnll'nt 1.1('l'nwd 1'1'•.1('(1( ,II '\ur ..('~ 10 pi 11\Ide !t'"" 1 olllplJl dIed nur~lOg C .Ire undl'r thl' gUld.lllll' 01 \OUI I!ll"OIlIlCI phl,lcldn olild ,I Regl"lered \UI \11' I.lll jll'lp '0Il \\Ith 1 The Detroit Edison Glee Club Will perform for Pha~e I, the orgamzation of smgle, young adults, ages 20 through 39, who gather regularly for Sunday evenmg program meetmgs at Grosse POinte Memorial Church, thIS Sunday, Nov 13, at 7 45 p.m The club averages 25 concerts per year, mcludmg a spnng program at Ford AudltOilum Phase I's agenda thiS weekend also Includes a hayride, square dance and buffet dmner Saturday. Nov 12, at Green Acres, 26 Mile Road and Van Dyke Caller Will be Lyle Brabek The buffet fea. tures loast beef and ham, salads. Itahan dIshes and dessert Cost IS $12 per person or \OUI l'l pn dd' 11\ lI1g dll I1ghl pn'pdl.\l1011 hOI11l' hlollth ,lIdeorhnllll'mdkl'l pl'l"ol1.11 Cdrl' pll'dM' (.Ill PMS PI 011""1011,11 21111111 1\1'11\ \ld ;. \1111I.l11'c1 ~~::::::r_l_f:J'_: • II \!L'd 11.11 "('I \ .IIJ)('[ ood" \\ \\ IIh ~dllli .Johll II 1''' \11 41122') IIII'pll,1I __I_)_I_{:O:I'.'.I<:~S:'S.'.I:O:N_' ••W:.J.f.O::C:i\:I_{.F:~::::?:..1.!) .i\:1:_S.' ****************** *!GRAND OPENING i * .pa'nlea •proven method i SPECIAL ! #* #* i SAlE 50'/. t- .patented -guaranteed 1:111F. FREE ******************** ACU-PRESSURE t • t I, ... CAN WORK FOR YOU AS rT HAS \\ORK£D FOR THOUSANDS 21531 HARPER s.c.s. aetween Suite 101 8 .. 9 OPEN MON & FAt 10-5 TUES & THUAS 12-7 SAT 10-100 pm 445-2770 [)f J1JoI~R ...()\t TROll BEAUPRE' STUDIO - 15118 Kercheval 823-0540 OJ(hittleft [!j() eo elt (} for gracious it could be the -best season" of your life featuring: • beautiful surroundings • excellent meals • security -and much more Call: - .- "'"('313j 823-6470 Write: Whittier Towers 48214 415 Burns Dr.,Detroit • • WORSHIP SERVICES Grosse Pointe Woods GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 30 and 11 30 WorshIp 10.30 StUdy Hour Cnb-Toddler Care WE CARE 19950 Mack Avenue (lIaUway belween Morass and Vernier Roads) 1186 4JOO 9 30 A M - EDUCATION HOUR For Adults, Youth and ChJ1dren "IT'S HIM AGAIN!" Dr. Wm. R Phillippe 16 Lakeshore Dr. SUNDA Y 11 A M - DIVINE WORSHIP The Grosse Pointe Congregational and American Baptist Church Ie Ih.r p CHURCH (USA) .< ~ ST. MICHAEL's EPISCOPAL CHURCH ZM1S Sunnmgdale Park Grosse Poin1e Woods 884-4820 8 00 Holy Euchan~l 30 a m Bible Slud} (Nur~ery Available) 1030 am Choral Eucharr~l and <;Prmon Sunday <;chool d m q SUNDA Y SERVICES 9 30 and 11 15 "GRATITUDE' St Luke 17 11 19 Weekday Eueharr~l 9 30 a m Tuesday 9A'vI (Crab Room both Serv } Church School 9 ~ FIHST S\Tl'RDAY R~('tor Rob~rl E ""eUy Dr liO\ H lIlIl,l1<'on It. k ~ "~i1l" J., .I - ~ ,\ ( .. " ~ -:.:W.' ~ 20571 Vernier 8842035 821-3525 a m Church School 10 'lO a m Wor~hlp 9 I~ Rl'v non I.lchll'n(clt 88S~1 PTl nCl p,d serv Ices ') I ~ I rn H"II Fud1 HI\( 11 I ~ J m Mornln~ Prllrr H"h !- u, hJn\( EVENSONG 4 30 P m . I', ( hurl h In.! "'trn" h "I YOLJ ",11",,1 n 0,1 " .,,, Sung b} rhe ChOIr of I,,[ant care prO! Jded \Ien & Boy" Olher senlces - Hol\ EuchdrlSt 5 ~O pm Salurday 8 00 a m - Sunday 9 30 a m - Tuesda) Churc Redeemer United Methodist Church 61 Grosse POinte Blvd. The Episcopal Church Welcomes Grosse Polnle M~~I~~ST CHURCH (/, '''lIan a[ K~rrh~,"1 CHRIST CHURCH ...... I ookmg For Frlend~hlp and Bible Teachmg' "on The Hill" \If PrOVided COME GROW WITH US j il St. Jamp.s utheran Learnmg Centers and Nursery 882.11770 PRESBYTERIAN ::!w t h IIlonl .... I Qllidren's Dial-A-Prayer 882-5330 - 24 hr. Hdrper Wood~ ( art' Lois Nair or 211 Moross Road 886.2363 9 15 FAMILY WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL 11 15 WORSHIP SERVICE H. ~l('rl W Bolev lld\ Ie! R Penn! man St. Paul Ev. '-'.. Lutheran .c1b: Church : W 881-6670 . • Challonte and Lothrop 9 15FAMILY WORSHIP 9 35 SL'NDA Y SCHOOL II 00 WORSHIP Nu r~ery Bot h Serv lces REV ROBERT CURRY Asc;oc Pa~tor First English ~hrist the King Lutheran Church 20338 Mack, GPW 884-5090 Ml< H Q1I,I!'f} \rl"\/II~ --- Exclusive Wallpapers and Fabrics , HO l~ h\'i] ~ Upholstering - Drapery - Bedspreads - Carpeting 1'..,lor l,fOr~~ \1 ""h~ll<'r l'a,lnr RohN1 \ Rim"" Regu.... .... L£ARNHOW ~ Professional Interior Design Service WORSHIP SERVICES 930 & 11 00 a m (Nursery, both Serv ) 9 30 a m Sun SChool 98 i i~~~ S19 * * CtIAltilie. ,-:; \. 1I.'l1-051I THRU NOV. 30th, 1983 ~ SALE INCLUf)ES SPECIAL ORDERS Tlcket~, rangmg m pnce from $9 to $18 for the evemng concerts, $10 to $15 for the mornmg concert. are on sale at the Ford AuditorIUm bo), offIce and all CTC outlets, mcludlng Hudson's MasterCard and VISA charge card customers may order by telephone (567-1400) Group rates are aVaIlable by calling 446-0909 DENA FETTERS, daughter of MR and MRS ALBERT FETTERs. of Notre Dame Avenue, IS the latest member of the Fetters family to jom the Umt ed States Coa~l Guard Dena. a 1983 Glosse POinte South HIgh School graduate. Jomed thiS ~ummel' and 1'0 sta honed at Cape May. N J Her blother ALBERT Jr . ~erve'i on the Coa<;t Guard cuttel Katmal Bay, out of Sault Ste Mane. Mlch -- BAKER Maestro Doratl has selected two Straus~ works which the DSO Will perform for the flrst time - Fantasy from "DIe Frau ohne SChatten," Op 65, and hiS own arrangement of a SUite f10m Del' Rosenkavalier for hIS all. orchestral program, which also mclude~ Salome's Dance from Strauss' Salome and Bartok's Swte from The Miraculous Mandarin I [J-:' ..'!\Aii'"~I~~-T-~ .-J[, HARDEN Conductor Laureate Antal Doratl returns to the DetrOit Symphony Orchestra podium at Ford Audltonum for concerts thiS evenmg, Thursday, Nov 10, at 8 p m and Saturday evenmg, Nov 12, at 8 30 pm, plus a 10 45 a m Coffee Concert Friday mornmg, Nov 11 COIporate sponsor for all thl ee concel t~ I.'>the Genel al Motors CorporatIOn The Grosse Pomte and Macomb County Alumnae of Alpha XI Delta Will get an early start on holiday partYlllg when Arthur and Delores Leshe host a gIft auction at their MerrIweather Road home for members, their husbands and fnends thiS Saturday, Nov 12, at 830pm Each couple IS asked to bring a wrapped gift for the Silent auc. tlOn, plus a plate of favonte hors d'oeuvres to be served WIth ~parkling wme durlllg the evemng Co-hostess Lisa Ralph WIll help prOVide a festive settmg for the party Alpha XI DeUa~ are asked to call 778-0067 for reservatIOns and further IIlformatJon WIth Acupreuure By ACU-SHAP£ l HENREDON KITTINGER Fie KS REED CENTURY Dorati mounts DSO podiwn Gift auction night for Alpha Xi Delta LOSE WEIGHT!! . 250/0 Speech pathologl~ts and occupatiOnal and phySical thel apl~t~ Will be avallable to an~wel questIons dnd pi oVlde mfOl matlOn on whet e the toy~ can be purchased The DetroIt InstItute fO! Chll dren, a TOl ch Dn ve Agency. .'>pecIahzes in the evaluation. diagno~ls, prescnptlon, treatment, tl ammg and re~earch that beneflt phySically and neurologiCally 1mpau'ed youngsters Phase I ready for song night 343-4357 .' ~'A"r'" r6t"~''''J (J.,rr1f.;, Up to OFF Fine Furniture -f4 -r- -? 'fJ' toys for handicapped A Wide variety of commerCially avallable toys and playthmgs for handicapped children wtll be dls. played and demonstI ated at a Chllstmas Toys for Handicapped Children Show, produced by the Therapeutic Actlvltle~ Committee of the Deh Olt In~titute for Chll. dren, next Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 1 to 5 pm at the InstItute, located on Woodward Avenue m Detrolt's Um verslty ICultural Center. Each toy has been selected because of ItS appropnateness for children With vallOUS handicapping condItIOns. Some lequIre Simple adaptations to enable handicapped children to play with them effectIvely. The "how-to" of these adaptatlOlls WIll be demonstrated at the show WhiCh, utlhzmg a display format, proVIdes parents of handicapped youngsters a hands-on OppOltumty to mspect toys and learn their advantages and disadvantages \.\ Itll IOUI per"on,rl gl oOll1lng hdncllJng II heek h,lIr ... \Idlker" lJ]edlC,l1ol \0111 ,, ! Nancy Lenzen, assistant program manager, WXYZ.TV; Martha Richardson, director of Market. mg, Coopel s & Lybrand, Sandra Bunnell, Vice-pI e~ldent, The Berhne Group, Gretchen Snow, dn ector of event~ and publicity, The J L Hud~on Company, Beth So~ ~m. ploducel of WJBK-TV's "P M Magdzme;" Kay Clark, agency dlrectol, John Robed Powel ~ Talent Agency, and Shell Pel elh. dll ectol of pubhc I ela tlOn!>. CddllldC MotOt Car Com p.my The pt ogl am I~ de~Igned fO! be gmnel ~ d<, well d~ pel ~on!>dlready employed In advel tblng and commumcatlOn~ fleld~ Those m ently level pO~ltlOn!>dnd ..,tudent.., al e welcome Ca~h bal ~el vice Will be dVaJldbJe Cdl eel Fan cost I~ $12, mclud ing dmner Re!>ervatlOn!> dre J e qUlred. and mu~t be mdde by tomonow. Fnday, Nov II, by contdctmg Rita Walby at 775-3221 l>elweell ~ d.1lI dlld;) P III "C' 1101111' 1I('.lllh Ald('.. 10 ,1"'.1,,1 pIl'\hlrdtlon 01 null II IOU, Illl'dh dlHI olhl'l l'pl''' 01 p{julpmenl 1I0m('n1dkl'r<, 10 d~"J,,1 \1 \lll hou,ekc'eplng 1.IlJlldl \ oIlHlllll'dl II\('-In (Olllp,lnllln .. C ,Ill h('l'llher.l c1q){'llchng Oil I hI' rll'ed II Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Career Fair for women Where the jobs al e, how to find them, oppOltunitles for advancement and adVice on changmg careet ~ are among the tOPiCS to be addressed by top women executives m the communications fleld~ at the Women's AdvertlSlng Club of DetrOIt's Cat eer Fair begmning at 5 30 P m thiS Monday, Nov 14, at the Sheraton Southfield Hotel The program mclude~ dmnel, to be ~erved at 6 15 pm, and a 7 p m addres~ by Cdrol J Lange Outplacement Con~ultant, Payne Lendman, aftel which Cdreel Fall mmghng WIll contmue at 7 30 pm Broadcd!>t management, marketmg, publtc I elatlOn~, retail promotlOn~, pnnt pI oductlOn, TV Ifllm Ica ble pi oductiOn, talent development and COIpOldte com mumcatlOn~ repl e~entatlve~ Will be on hdnd to meet Cdl eel' F dir gue~b Among tho~e who Will be dlscu..,~mg netwOI kmg and career UPPUllUlUlle::. 111 14 lIeld~ a Ie To feature @ ....... EL:~ ~..., • POINTE <;unclm <,chool q a m Blhle C1a,,*'~ q a m ~ amliy WOl'hlp 10 10 F('lIol'.~hlp I!our II 10 a m WI'd Billie Cla'~ 10 a m Jo~l'ph I' Fabry l'a~lor ~:cl\\arcl BrUning VII ar Ev. Lutheran Church Vermer Roae! at Wl'I1!(ellood Dme Gro,,,e POlnle Wood~ !l!l4.';MO Church School 9 10 a m Church Wor,hl p 9 10 and II am Plul f' Kf'pplf'r PI~tor Wm HplIJlf'''Y. " •• 1 Pillar , ( Dial A Prayer 882-8770 Thuffiday, November , GROSSE 10, 1983 POINTE Page Nine.EJ.. NEWS Questers' topic to be tapestry Set Occupational Health seminar '1 The DetiOlt ASSOCiation of Ocwill speak on medlCal emergert cupatlOnal Health Nurl>e~ wlll cles Ronald L Krome, M D.~ l>pon~or an all-day semlllar, "On FA C A , chief, Emergency Medt III Occal Department, WIll abo make • Mr" Edward HartWick will The Lllle _ Emergenclel> Health Nurl>lI1g," presentatIOn, on Assessment an4 welcome member~ of the Gro~~e c)Jpational Nov 12, at Detrmt ReIntel ventlOn m the Trauma V~POInte Chaptel No 147 of Quel>- Saturday, hm tel" to hel home to mOl I OW. F11- celvmg HOl>pltal and Umverslty The program mcludes a Furthel 1Oformation may be ob; day Nov II, c.lt 10 H m for a pro- Center Medlcal tamed and I egi~tration mad~ ~y, gl .1m, .'Tdpe"tJle::. A Link wlth tour of the Emergency Department. contactmg Jane Campbell Gell>, the PH "t." pi el>ented by Mr" Cad Barba! a Laubl>cher. H N , B S. 823-9333, bet ween 9 a m and , J Kal>z<1.<1GI o,,~e Pointel with a educa tlOn coordlllator, p m hl»to! y In the I C..,tOI.It Ion dnd con- C EN, ..,elvatlOn of fabllc", MI!> Ka",w, all mtcllOl de..,lgnel III New YOIk and DetrOit. I!>prel>l JoAnn Senagore dent of the ~el vice Ledgue at the Glo""e POinte Wat MemO! wi, and ha" dondted hOUl" of tIme to Ie pdll 01 the W,lI Memol wI'" tape" tl Ie.., She I.., ,t1..,0 a membel of the Wmdmlll POInte Chaptel of Que..,. MI dnd MI ~ AntOniO SendgOl e tel.., 01 C,l1vll1 Avenue, have announced 1\11.., M,muel PdPI..,tcl ,md MIl> the engclgement of thell daughter CI) de Heed \\ III c.l..,..,...,tMi!> Har t .JoAnn, to Gregol)' F DeWitt ~on WIck Membcl'" .II e I emmded to ot DI and MJ'!> Rlchdrd DeWitt. bllllg old tdpe"tllc" 01 ..,lImldl Orlno from $136.00 of Bdttle Cl eek The weddmg I" \\eavmg" fOI MI" Kd!>la to I epl,lIlned fOl next Augu"t W. Palm Iead1 .. from $21'.00Vlev.. cind dl"'cu"" Mll>~ Senagol e, a GI o~~e POlllte Ft. Lauderdale from $146.00 Suuth lIlgh Schoo! alumn:'. hold" a Miani from $219 •• Bachelol of SCience degree 111 Ft. Myers from $21'.00 Educdtlon h om Centl al Michigan Unlver~lt)' Hel ~orol'1ty I~ Sigma Tampa from $169.00 Kappa PRICES ARE PER PERSON, ROUND TRIP The Smnt Jo..,eph Cm mehte Hel fldnce, an alumnu.., of GUild of S,unt JOl>eph Home for Pennfleld High School who reAIR AMERICAN, KEY TOURS AND SAMSON TOURS the Aged located on Cadieux ceived hi!> BachelOl of SCience de TAKE ADVANTAGE SOON AND CALL will prel>ent a gl ee 111 BUl>lI1el>!>Admml~tl dtlOn Hadel m Detlolt. fJ om Centl al Mlchlgan Ul1Iver harve"t luncheon dnd CdI'd party "Ity, I~ employed by Michigan next Tuel>day, Nov 15, .It 12 30 NatIOnal Bank m Battle Cleek P m at the Home D0I1<ItlOn I~ $4 100 KERCHEVAL ON THE HILL :' Hl» ft dtel nity ..., Sigma Phi Ep- pel pel"on Re~ervatlOn" may be OPEN MON.-FR!. 9~5 SATURDAY 10 A.M.-1 P.M. made by calhng 8823800 ~llon Miss Senagore to be a bride Harvest card lunch at St. Joseph Home (:om(' 10 and check our new low prices & talk 10 our trained staff about some dietary changes "Good Food For Healthier People" Ongoin~ Natural Food Cooking Classes With A Cl'rlified Macrobiotic Counselor on Slaff. F('al uring Macrobiolic Supplies. COMPAREI Before you diet ... DIET CENTBI-lITE • • • • YEARS AHEAD Balanced Nutrition - U.S.R.D.A. are met. Low Fees Private Counseling FREE Stabiliation • FREE Maintenance LITE YEARS • 1 71.•. -1 ' .•.• 4' .•. Extended Hours -6'.•. II JOSEPH P. PERSE with UPHOLSTERING • Ser'lcmg The Polish Genealogical Society of MIChigan Will feature two out stand10g speakers at ltS annual workshop, running from 10 a m to 3 p m Saturday, Nov 12, at Domb1'Owski Fieldhouse on the campus of St Mary's College, Commerce and 01 chal d Lake Roads, Orchard Lake Dr Lawrence Orton, author and Belle Bli>cayne Charter Chaptel of the American Business Women'.., A»»ocwllOn Will pre!>enl a Hohda\ '83 Fa~hIOn fund ralsel for ~cholaJl>hlp~ on SatUlday, Nov 19, at Browme'i> on-the-Lake III St Clau ShO! es The day begms at 11 30 a m With bl unch Pnzes will be fea tUled, as well as fashlOns from Dei>lgnel Depot and Presldpnt Tuxedos Cash bar l>erVlCe wIll be aVaildble Tlcketl>, at $12 pel pel l>on, mcl) be rei>el'Ved by cdll10g 892-1923 or 893-8400 AHEAD I & DECORATING to the Pointe rrae. PiCK-UP & ~ CASUAL & ae1lVl1ry DECORATIVE Iree estImates VA 2-9660 12339 FABRICS HAYES r liii• , .... <f "If it weren't for Linda, I c~(~,I(~'~':~1 ~i,~~\(~~(,~~~,~t hplp ,holl' lI1d' 01 pi opl, \\ ho pH Il'r 10 il, ( .nul lor ,11hOI11' ,.,II1('r Ih.m In 1Il"IIl! lion "'onw<l.l, homl' hl',lllh < ,HI' 01.1\ hllp \ouor'OI11l'On( \oulml' \\lp l('lh" If)( ,1101111 l' 01 UplohnI1<',ilth ... ii' ( .1tf ~{f\ l( ('''' \ tn~' nllilon ....1('~U{ln~pn\ .It< prO\ldu 01 hOlm 11<',111h <,m \\e pn""I, nur,l" nUN ,1",,1,1111' hO'11<'h<',ll,h wh', hOn1('m,lkl'r, ,lIld <Omp,lIll0n, ()ur" r\ ,,( , hI Ip l'ldl'r!\ p{'Opll \\ ho \\ ,ml 10,1.1\ ,11hOilH 10 m.lII11,lIn Ihl ,r JI1<!I'p"ndl n({ \\I( .11". Iwlp pl'opl( "h" h.1\1' 101lf(-ll'rm 111m "I' (+J I L _ Tht n,lrllt. lho"( ru.o\( ring Ironl .... urgt. r;. ~llld In In\ olh"r, To I, ,UIl rnon UP}OHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES • \OU I--no\\ 774-7070 \OLJ (,lll SlarlS Monday, (.,lIlod,1\' 19900 E 10 Mile, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 lru"t Nov. 14th-Nov. Anniversary Celebration .~( y Refreshments Served 11,1ppy ~avin~,> to you, with our dC,>lgJlcr fabric~ and second~ for your home at 30 to 6()O/O less. Hurry m! KENi'oF:DY 10% off all h.1f 'h. MOlo,,, HOdd. ,llld .JOANNA D MUHHY, ddUghtPI of .JOHN C MllHHA Y a!-.o of Mo 10"" !lodd 1''''' C°I!N[I!~ 21431 MACK Gmo;.se Pomte A/&B B6f 8 775-0078 NdV\ 9 MIle All moln CI tilt 'MITCHELL He (; IHETOI\i .,on of the ,JAMI% 1<: IlmTON~, of Mount VPI non HOdd, ha.., completed I eCI Ult 1I,I1111ng ,It the N,lval Tl,lInmg ('enlel (;, Colt L.lke" 111 A.VE. 1932 S. Telegraph & d,lllgh lPl of MH ,1Ild MH~ \ F E[)WAHD~ of like a profl"t~lonal OLlCO" TEHESA D f<~DWA HDS fabrics in stock! l)('f.orale Gl o~se POInte South Hlgh School gJ aduate LISA WARD, daughtel of MR and MRS WINDSOR WARD, of BaifoUl Road, ha!> been awat ded an Alma Col lege PI e"ldential Scho lat ship on the ba"is of outstanding scholar ship and natIOnal te~t l>COIe~ Regllla HIgh School graduate KAREN SULLIVAN, daughtel of the THO MAS SULLIVANS, of Brys Drive. I» the reci plent of dn Alma Trw, tee HonOl l>Scholm i>hlp a Pel fOI mcmce Scho 1m !>hlp 111 Debate dnd an AchIevement AWaJd In pre Law Both young women al e mem ben, of Alma\ fre!>h man Cia,,!> of 1987 C,\THEHINE A KENNEDY d,lUghtel of MH ,lOd MRS WIL LIAM E KENNEDY of E.l"t .Jeffel.,oll Ave nue ha" been nd med d College ~cholaJ, the hlghe"t IecogmtlOn fOl dCddemlc "chlevement fOI the "pnng telm .It Mlddlebul:' College Named to the Dean" LI"t I\IlddlebUl \ " "e rond hlghe.,t I (.cogm lion fOI dCdclemlr "chlc\ cmenl fOI the "plmg tel m .II e dno thel Kcnne<h d,lughtel BAHBAHA II 19th WtU'1 Bloom/It'd 332-9163 OPEN MONDAY till 9 \ associate professor of History at Oakland Universlty, who recently received the Pohsh American HIStoncal ASsoClatlOn' s Oscar Heleckl Award for hlS work "Polish DetrOIt and the Kolasinski Affall' ," Will address the mormng seSSlOn, speakmg on "ExpanSIOn and Consolidation of the Detroit Polish Community In the 19th Century" Dr VIctor Greene, professor 10 the Department of History at the Umverslty of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, authol of "For God and Country Polish and Llthuaman Ethnic ConscIOusness m America," Will present an aftemoon sltde lecture entitled "Obl>tacle" Old and New, m Recovering Pol~ma's Past. " WOI k~hop regIstration fee IS $15 Lunch IS available at a small addltlOnal cost AdditIOnal informatIOn may be obtamed by contacting the Polish Genealogical Soclety of MIChigan, Burton HIStorical CollectIOn, Detlolt Publlc Llblary, 5201 Woodward Avenue, DetrOIt, M1Ch 48202 ~~&~8~V Short and Ihe Pomles lor 37 years 886.4710 Polish genealogy workshop focus Holiday fashions for Belle Biscayne 63 Kercheval Suite 201E Colonial Federal Bldg. 882-5885 • _ - Greatwoys Travel Corp~ratlon "I11i COUNTY CHRISTMAS FAIR ~ 90 Exhibits ~ i Fn , Nav 11th, 6 p.m -10 p.m. Sat., Nov. 12th, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. lW HARPER WOODS ... tII HIGH SCHOOL ~i~;~t!I 4 anniversary sale* Bed Pillows by Pillowtex Debut, Hollofill) Sale 8.99-10.99 Reg 9.95-12.95 Classic Choice. Quallofill) Sale 12.99-19.99 Reg. 149&-2495 Heirloom, White Goose Down Sale 69.99 Reg 79.95 'Duflng our Anmversary Sale you Will fmd Special Items throughout the srore the~ ~bOthllinens store values on selected SHOPPING HOURS Monday through Wednesday and Saturday 930lm t,I1530pm Thursday and Friday 930lm t,U900pm 16906 Kercheval, "In the Village" Phone: 881-9890 Our sparkling lead crystal is a beautiful reflection on you! . -' ..' .' THRILL TO THAT BUilT. THE LEGEND AN EMPIRE! • In 330 years of loyal servIce to the British Crown, the musIc of the Royal ScottIsh Regi- to • ments has become a legend From Wlterloo to the Crimea, from Ceylon to the Sudan, The Black Watch and The Scots Guards hive inspIred a natIOn and personified the dignity, the 91~ the majeSty that IS Bntaln. Don', miss thiS .... magnificent spectacle of precISIOn and pageantry, also featuring .... 1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps (In Concert Prior to the Performance) •'! November 19th 8:00 P.M. COBO ARENA Tickets Priced at $9.50 & $8.50 Tickets available al the Joe loUiS Arena Box Offrce Hudsons and all eTe Outlets Groups of 25 or more Save $2.00 i- For General In/ormatiDn & Group Sales Call: (313) 567.6000 CHARGE BY PHONE 1313) M.sterCltd 567• 9800 & Vila .: tvIoslerCord VISa WggsChor~ ~ ~l: 4080 Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hils MI48013 644 7370 HouIS Men Thurs Fn 9.30 ~OO Tues wed Sat ~30-530 I , • I • GROSSE Page Ten-B POINTE Thursday, November 10,1983 NEWS Pointer Bridge Girls to meet Mrs WJlliam Kabbush and Mr~ Phlhp Skillman are co-chcurmen of the Pointer Gu'ls' Bl'ldge Club meetmg next Thursday, Nov 17, at 11 a m In the Glosse POinte Wal Memonal'~ Aigel House Cal ds will be played followmg luncheon at 11 30 a m Members unable to attend a Ie a"ked to call 882-6164 01 886-7595 by thb Saturday, Nov 12 Book is topic for Democratic' Women Tuesday Founders' festivity for Sigma Kappas A book review of "The Next Amellcan Flontler" by RIchard B Reich begm~ the \\-01 k of the Gro~se POinte Democi atl(' Wo men'::. DI::,cu~slOn liloup on cam pmgn I~sues for 1984 SU~dn Boyn ton, Dorothy Gemeund and Jam' Grenal'd Will pre~ent the author'" major Idea~ next Tue"day. Nov 15, at a 7 45 P m meetmg III the Buckmghdm Road home ot Helen Glaves lil o~~e POInte Alumnae of ::'Igmd Kappa Will celebrate then Founders' Day next Wedne~day, Nov 16, at 7 30 pm in the Wallen home of Pamala (Mrs John) Ketelhut, whel e a repOl t on State Dav conference activIties Nov. 12 m 'Adl'lan Will follow a special ceremony honOrIng the five "ullHm \\ho founded the sorority 109 years ago at Colby College, Waterville, Me Sigma Kappa IS now the fourth laI'ge~t sorority 10 the Umted States, numbering ovt>r 2,400 members 111Michigan alone, ReservatIOns for the meetmg, wluch also will feature a speaker from the Detroit RehabilitatIOn Institute dl~cussmg gerontology and the special needs of semor CItIzens, mu~t be made by thiS Sunday, Nov 13, by contacting the ho~te::.s at 978-2868. Area Sigma Kappas mterested m Jommg the local chapter are mvlted to contact membership committee members Ruth Saul', 3315812, Delores (Mrs Donald) Llttle£leld, 881-1042, or Maryn (Mrs. John) Horn, 884-3018, for Member couples and guests of the Villagers Dance Oub gathered at furthel information the :oetrmt Boat Oub in the latter part of September for their first dhmer dance of the 1~ season. Among those enjoying the ,Blue Notes' music were BETSY and DICK BOYNTON (above), the club's president couple, and HAZEL and JIM ROSE (left), pictured as they trip the light fantastic after a delicious dinner. The Villagers' next Helen Norwood will present the dhmer dance, to be held in early December at Lochmoor Club, will plOgram, "Flower Arranging for feature music by the Joe Vitale Trio. Some Villagers' memberships the Holidays," at the Greater Detare still available; interested persons may contact the Boyntons at rOit Chrysanthemum Society's 34J..0070or Mn.. Russt>ll Thompson, membership chairman, at 8864454 meetmg thiS Sunday, Nov 13, at 2 p.m III the Commulllty Room of for further information. the Tel-Twelve Malt. Her program I::' free and open to the public. ReICh "pUb hi'> flllger on the lundamentul cause::. of OUI ('con omlc decline the wa\ \\e hdvP OJ gal1lwd OUi ::.elve::. foi WOlk dnd pohtlc~' He pi e~ent::. a pi ogl ,1m fOI tUl'mng Amencd dlOW1d whtle Implovmg aUl quality of hfe A Yote on the lutu! e ndme of the will LOlllt lJdul'- t,pc meetmg, which I~ open to mem bers and to fllends org,ml.ldl!UIl P-ointe Garden Club to 1'IWet Villagers dance in a new year Chrysanthemum Society to meet . .• 4 ~ Cabaret night at Assumption • 'Flom Broadway to Bach," a :cabaret concert mght at Assump'tion Cultural Centel tomorrow, FI IddY, Nov 11, will feature Berme Katz, "the la::.t of the alldl ound plam~ts," and The Grunyon~, the local a capella men's chOl al group With a reputatIOn for lIlvo!vmg the audience at edch pel formance Katz ha'i played everywhere, before DetrOit Symphony audlel1Ce~ and With dance bands, 10 ReservatIOns are requIred for the evenmg, wluch begms at 7 30 p.m With cash bar cocktall~ The concert, at 8 30 pm, will be followed by a meet-the-arttsts afterglow TIckets, at fl per person, may be obtamed by calling 779 6111 committee, promise luncheon tables covered With golden and brown lmen::. centered With bright chrysanthemum plants Bridge playmg Will follow the luncheon which features a special treat a 1980 CulInary OlympiCS Gold Medal wmter as entree Doll Maker~ Guild ~all Occupational Health Nurse corp~ to show and ~ell --0 • ReservatIOns for the DetrOIt AssocIation of OccupatIonal Health ~'Ur'ies' dlOner meetlOg next Thursday, Nov 17, at 6 pm at Penna's Restaurant 111 Warren mu"t be made before thIS Mondav, Nov 14, by contacllOg Jane Ge'l " , R N , days, before 4 pm, at ~1 q333 Meda Johnson, R D, of ~('nrv Ford HOSPital, Will speak on Sport NutritIOn" Holiday workshop for Kappa Deltas East Side Kappa Delta~ meet tomght, ThUlsday, Nov 10. at 7 45 p.m In the Lmcoln Road home of Ml's Arthur Fettel s for a CIeatlve workshop, led by Mrs Donald M1l'lam, on Chnstma~ decorahan~ of all sorts, pel mdlvldual deSire Guests and prospective members are welcome Further mfol mahon may be obtamed and/or resel vahons made by contactmg the ho::. tess at 884-5441 or MI s. John Cushman, 881-6552 Amriversary part)' for Josiah Harmar ~olo recitals and chamber musIc performances The Grunyons' repertOIre range::. from the serious to the romantic to the comic Colony Tow,,, Club to lunch ; Colony Town Club members and gue~t~ gather next Tuesday, Nov. t5, tit 11 30 a m at Lochmoor elub fOl a fall luncheon In keepmg WIth the autumn theme, MI~. Wilham 0 Bradley Jr and Mr::. BI uce Bock~tanz, hostes~e~ of the ddY With a~'>lstance from then' WillIamsburg gal lands Will be fashIOned mto holiday swag!> by members of The POInte Garden Club at the home of Sue RlI~~ell next Monday, Nov 14, at 10 30 a m Luncheon Will be prepal ed by Romalda Goodnow, LOUl~e Owen and Elame Ro~s Over 24,000 squaIe feet of dolls, toys and doll-related Item,> Will be featured at the Michigan Doll Makers GUIld's FIfth Annual Show and Sale thiS Sunday, Nay 13, from 10 a m to 5 p m at the l'vllchlgan State Fair Glounds' Commumty Arts Buildlllg AdmiSsIOn IS $2 50 Susan Mano.., WIll conduct doll appl alsals dt $1 per doll Gro::.~e POInte P dl k.., Genel al JO~lah Hal mar Chdptel, Daugh tel s of the Amellcan RevolutIOn Will celebl CIte the 45th anlll VCI ..,ary of the chdpter" foundmg .saturddY Nov 19 elt a noon lunch eon at the Detlolt Boat Club , Honol ed gue"t ,1Ild "peake .. WII! be Ruth Knlghl, of Hedfold, educated III hel nallve Dell oll elnd France, who hold~ degl ee.., 111 l\Iu "IC, Ldnguage" .11](1 EduCcltloll MI s Kl1Ight, Pl'lllClPell 10 the LI vama Schools until her retirement 111 1981, now wllte~ and ~peak~ to groups about hel ell.ten~ive h <I\- eb and The Society ot Fnend.." of winch ..,he I~ " 111embel Hel tOPiC fOI JO<,lelh IId'll1dl membel ~ clnd gue"tz, v, III be "Quakers, Then and Nm\- ' Gue~ts Will lI1clude 19B'l 84 Ie gents of othel metlopalltdl1 dl ed DAH chaptel ~ Mrc., FI <\nU John son, Colonel .Jo"hud Howal d :\-11'''FI edellck R Hedth Ellz<lbeth Cass; MI.., Robel t L Hen"on EZI d Pal kel, MI ~ Wllll,lm Gdl rett Fort Pontchdl tl dIlL MI'i Raymond H Me~ CI ~ ,John ::'dck ell, MI" GeO! ge Ed..,on LOlll'>d 5t Clem, MI.., Rogel K H,ll tel PlCty HIli, MI ~ 01 \ I.., L Henhe Quakel town, 1\11 c., Hobell Willoughby "<lldh \nn Codll .me and 1'.11" Thoma.., NdlHdllOW Ichweltzer.~Better I W Hqm~~p Real E/tote,lnc. I l",oJ~ames you"can,trust I\INE SPACIOUS ROOMS m thl~ gl acLOUsColorual Includmg 4 bedroom, Spa rush ,tyle famroom and hbrarv 3 natural fll cpl<.1ce~and Hah,;n lead glass <IIe among the quaht:y appomtment, 01) mplc size pool I" ~ 1\)() 000 iF 320) 880.5800 SPECIAL RESIDENCE In the Woods Spotless ranch featuring 2-3 bedrooms, 2th baths, 1ge remodeled kitchen, formal dm mg I'm and FlOrida I'm, 3 natural fireplaces plus elaborately flmshed basement $139,000 (G-303) 886-4200 POPULAR FARMS LOCATION Walk to Farms Pier from thiS wonderful home Three bed rooms plus den new model n kItchen, up,talrs ofhce and basement are mcluded Will rent for $650 a month $79,900 OPEN SUNDA Y 25 163 LAKEVIEW, (F -311) 886-5800 Thlce Fldg.., Cl.J~TOl\l BUILT Quahty IS ou II fll1d 10 thiS beaullful Wood~ ColoOlal Marble SIlls, h.11d\\ ood [loor., l.lrge room ~I/('" Convenlentlv located Ide 1I for f.lmll\ livIng' $127,'j(J() \\ h.lt \ STRONGMAN & ASSOCIATES 881-0800 ,(, 22R I R8&-4200 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF Not too many homes In the area can compare to this stately 4 bedroom, 3th bath Colomal, III Grosse Pte Park FamIly room or den, finished basement With wet bar and much more $119,500 (F 266) 886-5800 ENGLISH TUDOR CHARM Magmflcent Colomal "'Ith mar velous livmg areas a<; large country kItchen With bUilt-m TV, famIly I'm WIth Terrazzo floor and 4 bedroome; Natural fireplace antique stamed gla~<; and many more lovel) feature" are mcluded $99,900 (G 274) 886 4200 r,)<'C1':l'TI()l';,\LLY CLEAN HOME The ownere; take prIde m ttus nice Woods home T\\-o lhree bcdl oom~ fdmlly room, apphances and wmdow treatments are mcluded New offenng for $7l ';(10 Classified 1(; 2,1) \1 \ '\ rlH<,T Ofo'J-'ERING - 2 bedroom .,mgle <;tory nf'"r freeway ,md St John'., Featurec., hvmg loom 11'< ('ar garage, carpetmg, full ha<;ement, ..nd fl'ncl'd )<lrd Only $24000' (,HO,;..,E POl1\oTE WOODS - O",ner ,ays 'I'll and 'I'll 1,Ike land controlct IPrm<;'" ~In 000 do",n II'""', mt('re.,t fedtur('~ 2 bed r OHIO, •.md hal h down<;!aIr., I IJ(>(1roomup ,l,llr, Modern kItchen and hl('('zeway won I la,t' Pill I'rl und('r $60 000, "'(' think It', A HUY' Ha, 1 bpelroome; and 2 hath., plu~ upd<lted k 11<hen full ha"emenl, 2 hVlng room<;, Ilr~r dining room anel hnck ('on.,tructlOn (1o,,' to .,chool~ ,hoppIng "nd tr"n~porta lion f1a~ Mother 10 l;lw "polrtm('nl too' ~4., OW'] 1\ KE~ th" hom(' \l,lth <\ ht'rl,oom" ,('c Illid nom [.1mll~ 100m 4 Cd' gtlrage ,IUd < I1rlo.,pd f, ont porch The 10 x 160 extra 101 I~ IOcludE'd .1 lot lor ol Iiltle In the 1',11k' room Ih.ll oVNlook~ lOVELV (,ROUi'oOS I~ onl:, t~ bE'~mmng' I<:xcltlng I bedroom ranch With liVing room and din. 109 room, modern kitchen, and attached gdr<lge Ha., flre;t floor utlhty room too' "\\lILy f ABSOLUTELY FI\"'TASTIC famll) hou~e \l,Jlh <\ bedroome; 311;, hathe;, f<lmlly loom "nd paneled hbrarv I The ba<;emrnt hac; a I ec loom and the garage I' ,Ittached FIRST OFFERIN(, - Clean and ""ell carrd fOJ home ""Ih room for eXpan.,lOn' ('lo<.,r to <;chool~ ,,-hoppmg and lran~pol! "lion 2 Iwdroom., and hdth downc;talr." ne",er I nof \\o<llN tank and dnvrwa:y 1 C.II g,ll ,Il;(' F.nclo~ed f, ont porch for .,ummel h\mg Spaclou<; <Inri "t BARGAI!'II PRICE undrl $14 000 10 the P<lrk Pnce reduced for lmmedlal(' <,,1\(, -- BUV!'I~ delight' Ha., 4 bedroom<; phI" 2 full b"'h' nrw kltch('n WIth "pph .lnc!., dnd (lI1ll,lC!' onl~ 4 year~ old' ~upel' TWO fo'<\MILY \\Ith hvmg loom dining loom d('n .md 2 heelroom~ do\\ n"I.III" ,,,m(' up 2 n,,1ur,ll fll rpld('(" ~(,P<iI dtr utdl! IP" P,ll 11,111)flm.,hed ha,ement 01\1 apph.lOcP, III c1ud<'d (,ro",,('~ $6:;(\ a month $4000 !lOW'" F\I<"TI1';(, 1\~~lJME~ MOHT(,A<,E' Lol~ of n..tur,d \\ood\\ol k tn thl., fine hnck hungalow' There .Jr(' 3 hed room." a natural flrepl"ce centrdl <lll con dltloOln~, and fml,hed ha.,ement 1,000 "qU<lI'e feet , 88&-4200 I \Dn!':D FF.ATURES 10 tlus Immaculate, one owner home Cuslom bUilt Quahty f('ature., ,., noltUI<IIwood'" OJ k and wool carpetmg $83 900 (F 258) 886-5800 \, L..,rr E B~ THE FIREPLACE m either the gorgeous fa mlly room or 10 the lovely hVlOg room of thl' llf'wl) drcor<lted, 3 bedroom Colomal $88 000 (G 320) 88&-4200 FOUH B!':DROOM C \PE COD home m good area ~f Grosse Pomte Includee; famll:y room natUl al fll(p\oIced h\lng loom 2 full baths and formal dmmg room $78900 \F 276) 88&-5800 \BU'\D"~CE OF CLOSETS & STORAGE SPACE what every family home neede;' Large 'rlnI I "nch \~Ith 2 full bdths, 3 bedrooms. basement and 2 car garage $98900 (G 324) 886-4200 \\ \1 1\ Tn (.HO~~E POINTE SCHOOLS from thJ.<;cheerful and well decorated home NIC('I, IO~oItf'don drep lot on qUIet street Modern kItchen newer carpetmg, central air <.,uperh (ond,llOll Immedlale occupancy $89,900 (F 3(9) 886-5800 Ads ."'10';;'" (1" .\.15) 88&-5800 :'IiBF.\T \BLF. DEAL Two bedroom apartment on fIrst floor Kitchen With all bUilt m~ cu<;tom Ot olp<'''' hrdullfully decorated, ready for occupancy I Land Contract termc; offered $<\~ 500 l get results call 'I OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 882-6900 "k< \ IC\\ (;roo;-,e Pomte fo'arm<; 121)1'>Outh I h 101 d (,ro<.,<;ePOinte Woods \,UI'; I{o<.,('ommon Harper Woods 1101 J today. Clalrwood ~t ('laIr ~horc~ 22411Lavon, St Clair Shor(''' 23.111 FOR All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN OP£N MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 a m -9 p m and 9:30-5,30 SAT and SUN m r r l 1..)) GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE 886.4200 GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE 886.5800 OUT.OF-AREA, CALL TOLL FREE 1-1100-247-5200 ext 33 Fifteen Offices in Four Counties "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" ( , '~Ill),"'1lI(j lENDER GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE Page Eleven-B NEWS Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY & BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE G:r JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5:00! 1689 BROAD~TON E Fclbulou~ bllck coloDlell on d spaClolli> IIee filled lot ( 3 bedlOoms, ndturdl fll epldLe ,tud\ dud thll d flOOI expeln,lOn With heat, electllclt~, and plumbmg already 10 1 I I 765 HOSL YN SPd~IOU~ J bedroom bllck bung,llow featullng 2 full bdth" fdmlly 100m, 2 ndtural fuepldce, fOlm,l! dmmg loom nice lec loom, and 2 Cdl g,lJdgel 4941 ASHLJ<~Y 7 MllejMack .II ed I Convement J bed 100m rdnch r Perfect fOI dn eldedv couple' Pel fect ~tdlle I home too' Stone thlOW d\HIY fI om ~hoppmg dnd t I an~pol tatlOn' Puce I ecent!) I educed I Onh $2lJ,OOO"I 7b6 LAKELAND - Attl dctlve COIOllldl Hou~e WIth 3 bedroom~, 2 bdth~, un~udl Ldlge FamIly Hoom With Natural Fireplace Cathedl al Celhng All I oom~ newly deco [dted and mJny, mdny ext! a~ 1786 OXFORD - Blick Veneel Bungalow With Llvmg Room, Kitchen dnd 2 Bedroom, and Bath ~tllctly a Hdndyman'~ ~pecIaI that might be I eWJrdlllg to the buyer a~ It I> pl1ced belov. the puce of ~ulloundlng hOlli>e~ 93/4% MORTGAGES NOW AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. 430 MADISON GROSSE POINTE FARMS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 853 LAKEPOINTE Unique l bed I oom centel entrance colomal WIth model n kitchen, t I ench dool~, leaded gla,~ and fllll~hed basement I New m~uldtlon I 1133 WHITTIER lmmaculelte 4 bedroom Engh~h colomal featurIng 21/2 bdth~, 3 fireplaces, fanta~ tiC famll) loom contempolalY kitchen, flm~hed rec room, and be~t of all AN EXTRA LARGE LOT'" $138500' 1757 ALINE Chalmmg 3 bedloom bllck ranch WIth 2 natural fneplaces, central air condltJomng, ,un deck and ~wlmmmg pool' 4367 YORKSHIRE GOIgeous 3 bedlOom Cotfteld Cottage I Vel) Idrge rooms, slate roof, flmshed rec 100m, natural fireplace, marble sills, cedal closet, 2 full baths, and low heat' Yours for only $55,900' I r 408 ALTER Move right m to thl~ 6/6 bllck IIlcome w/separates' Extremely clean' Owner consld. elmg all oUel s I Price dra~l1cally I educed' GREAT INVESTMENT' III JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. 886-9030 Offered to settle estate - Somerset - O1armlng brick bungalow featuring ~: bedrooms, 1 bath, newer furnace and roof on lovely treelmed street:: fOI only $64,500 Make offers Owner~ anxlOu~' :: SCUlly & Hendrie, Inc, Real Estate 1036 Berkshire - Charmlllg Colomal, 3 bdrm 2% bath, fam rm 2 car all :: garage beautiful lot Exceptional kitchen only $99,500 TERMS . 881-8310 FARMS McKinley- BEST 4.BEDROOM VALUE IN THE FARMS Located In the.: heart of the Farms, thiS Enghsh style home IS an Ideal famIly home:: It IS situated on an extra Wide lot, features 4 bedrooms, large country:: kitchen with eating area, den and a sceened porch Yhthln walking:: distance of schools and HIli shoppmg An outstandmg value : SINE REALTY . . , IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME TO CALL SINE ... BEST BUY OWNER TRANSFERRED REDUCED TO $69,900 WOW! ':: MADISON. Attractive 3 bedrooms 1lf.!bath Colomal With a paneled famll~: room. Location is ideal - close to schools, shopping and transportation:: linmediate possession Call - See. Buy I Will lease $650 per month \Ii Ith:: option to buy '. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 NOVEMBER 6, 1983 1862PREST WICK GROSSE POINTE WOODS William J. Chamoion & Company OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5:00 1006 BEDFORD _ SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCATION on this stately restored colonia)! Amemties mclude library \Hth fireplace, garden room, remodeled kitchen, third floor bedrooms and bath, four bedrooms and 2% baths and an extra BUILDABLE LOT Now $169,000 1236 YORKSHIRE - MUTSCHLER KITCHEN highlights thiS attrachve 4 bedroom, 21,-'l bath colomal With open third flOOl, newel gutters and downspouts and spacIous lot Pnce reduced to $97,300 19201 RAYMOND - BEST HOUSE FOR THE BEST PRICE, Hus 3 bedroom, Ph bath colomal offer5 a new family loom, remodeled kitchen and convement location near St John's Only $69,900 22944 NEWBERRY ST CLAIR SHORES - WELL MAINTAINED BRICK RANCH Wlth 3 bedrooms, )lh baths, Flonda room, hardwood floors IS ready for Immec!late occupancy $64,500 FIRST OFFERING - IMMACULATE ment clnd FHAiVA tel m, conSidered OFFERED TO SETTLE ESTATE 873 Rivard - Handyman SpeCial Offered to settle estate three bedrooms, Florida room $62,500. BRICK Colomal on large lot - 10 rooms with 5 bedrooms - den - Family room WIth natural fireplace - 2lf.!baths - attached 2lf.!car garage . Recreation room . Ideal for large family NICE FARMS location - Chalfonte &: Moross - 7 room brick. 2 story. 1lf.! baths. 3 bedrooms - family room - kitchen with eatmg area - 2 car garage - side drive. Vacant. Immediate possessIOn Notre Dame - For you who seek convenience ThiS two bedroom condo: featurmg spacIous rooms and ground floor location IS the perfect ang..: wer for those who want the advantages of the Vlliage at lhell: doorstep. Separate basement and carport ST. CLAIR SHORES ranch In DetrOit $27,500 2 bedrooms LOCATED "ON THE HILL" m Grosse Pomte Farms across from Perry Drugs Ch lAND CO,,"PUH - -102 I<ertheval lon ~ SINE REALTY MULTILIST SERVICE FAR MS 0 Ff'l CE 884-7000 BORLAND Member of the Grosse POinte Real Estate Exchange Macomb Boare of Realtors DetrOIt Board of Realtors TENNIS COURT BUNGALOW FIRST OFFERIJIlG ST CLAIR near Maumee, '3 bedroom brick bungalov. With large kItchen 1'2 bath~ and new roof Priced In 10\\ 50 ~ THREE BEDROOM COLONIAL INDOOR POOL, plus LIGHTED TENNIS COURT One of a kmd home Wlth every conceIVable amemty Colomal style home WIth 5 bedroome; library, famJly room (28x25) which connect~ to the heated and aIr conditIOned pool houe;e With a 20x40 pool O"er an acre of magmflcent land FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL BUDGETING? - 4 BEDROOM $89,900 Colomal home 1Il Wmdmlll POInte Sub Features m c1ude 21'2 bathe;, Den updated kitchen, ne\\ roof, newer furnace and close to Trombley SChool SIX others priced from $75,900 to $225000 CONDOMINIUM OPEN SUNDAY TWO IN ONE - Condo convenience plu~ prl VIlCYof a houe;e, pnvlJege, of Grm,~e Pomte Woode; park hvmg room and breakfae;t room VIew of your private and lovely gar den Central air, 2 bedroome;, 1% baths FRENCH Delightful home With turrent one of thl' Farme; moe;t pnvate and lo"ehe.,t e;treets Featllre~ '3 bedroom~ '3 bath~ den, and bnck e;creen terra nce With f1ag~tone ~ ENGLISH TUDOR SLATE ROOF ENGLISH TUDOR - One of the very best homes of Its kmd 10 Grosse POinte Magnificent natural wood, 31h baths, hbrary and sun room, large long terms 11%% assumable mortgage We have 3 others to choose from between $139,000 and 1225,000 INCOME PROPERTY DELUXE IS the word for the two properties on Wmdmlll Pomte Dnve and Neff that we are offering for sale With rents ranging from $695 to $850 per month, you WlII understand why thee;e are very speCial properties and one 10 whIch the owner would be proud to live We have a chOIce of Tudor or Colomal .,tyle both With 3 bedroom~ and t\\O full bathe; 5 total to choose from SEMI-RANCH NEAR STAR OF THE SEA - Shoreham Road semI ranch <;paclOue; 3-4 bedroom home With 2 full baths, rec room 2 car garage INGROUND POOL Brautlful mground pool, 4 bedrooms 21~ bath Colomal With dE'n and famIly room, at tache<! garage + central all', 2 dree;.,mg room'" and lounge for pool Transferred owner offermg affordable price of $134,900 RANCH ~ 1777 Hl;NTINGTON could be your new addree;e; In t984 An attractIVe WE'll me;ulated Colomal Wlth central air paneled rer room and family room, 3 bE'droom~ II/;! bath~ Open Sunday 2-fi IUAlTOlltS 882-5200 ASSOCIATES f 0 EARL KEIM REALTY EDGEWOOD - Ranch Jue;t off Lakeshore Drive one owner deluxe home With 3 bed roome;, 2112 bathe;, kitchen With bUIlt-lOS, beautiful ~ard WIth III ground sprinklers and attached garage 3 others prICed from $79,000 ~ Judy Klmg Duane Lamers Bobble Ligan Paul LocnchlO JIll McBflde Tony Nlarhos Joyce Sanders Bruce SalXlers Nancy Schumaker Dianna M SmIth Tom Steen Bob Tighe ElOISe L Waist> Betty Wyborskl OPEN SUNDAY 884-5700')' CAPE COD Richard E Borland, Sr Elame L BortaIXl Richard E BorlalXl, Jr Helen Connolly MarIlyn ColicchIO Kay Cunmngham Mary de ManJgold Lynda Gibbs Dan Grlesbawn Alfred E Hillenbrand Nancy Hohlfeldt Pat Horne Joanne Horner Peggy Hume Jessica Keatton Buying a home could be your largest single lifetime Investment. It's no Job for an amateur. Consult a local Realtor. They'r. re81 proal Whatever Your Choice We Have The Style SHOREHAM ROAD Edrly Amellcan Cape Cod Three bedroom 2''2 baths, fireplaces In !lv. mg room and family room, nc\\er furnace and centrdl air attached garage Reduced 886-4444 17646 MACK --amM ) -. WM. J Bnck Coloma!;. 3 BEDROOM RANCH - Fatmly room with natural fireplace - New kitchen. New Furnace . Excellent condition . Must be seen central all., open base. Dorothy Healy Evelyne Rupp Mary C Bodkin Diane Kelly Barbara Simpson Margaret Breltenbecher Shirley Kennedy Lee Brunette Tyler Sally Clarke Lorrame Kirchner Jean Wakely Manan Dodge Chene Pme Kathy York Theresa Fiedler Cathy ChampIOn Dillaman, Broker .' CITY GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Colomal - Bnck - 7 rooms - 3 bedrooms - Ilf.! baths. den -Updated kitchen with breakfast area Patio Terms available - Ideal Location BY APPOINTMENT AUDUBON 5 bedl ooms, 3% baths, hbrary, centlal air, $149,000 AUDUBON 5 bedrooms 3h baths, family room, Florida room, 2 car garage, $119,900 BEACONSFIELD 4 family Income, fleXible land contract terms, $114,000 BEACONSFIELD 3 family umt Income, good mvestment, fenced yard, $84,500 BEDFORD 3 bedrooms, 216 baths, family room, breakfast 100m, $99,000 BEDFORD 3 bedl oom~, 11/2 baths, family room, natural woodwork, $79,900 BERKSHIRE 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, faml1y room, central air, sprinkler system, $115,000 CLOVERLY 3 bedrooms, 11;2baths, family room, 2 car garage, central air, $79,000 FISHER 3 bedroom~ + "teenager sUite' , modern kitchen, new deck, $94,900 KERB.x., , 3 ~ms, 1'12baths, study, farody room, maple floors, $109,000. S OXFORD 3 bedrooms, 2"h baths, hbrary, famJly room, sprmkler system, $187,500 PEMBERTON 3 bedloom~, 2112 baths, FlOrIda room, library, leaded glass, $94,900 PEMBERTON 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2lavs, den, famJly room, hardwood floors, $95,000 PROVENCAL 6 bedroom5, 41/2 baths, gdlden room hbrary, pantry, completely remodeled, much • more RADNOR CIRCLE 3 bedroom~, 212 baths, family room, bnck patIO, breakfast room, $144,900 ST PAUL 3 bedrooms, Ph baths, central air, newer carpetmg, $92,000 WARNER 4 bedlOoms, 41'2 bath~, famJly room, hbrary, Circular stall'case, terrdce, much more WHITTIER 4 bedlooms, 21'2bath~, hbraly, family room patIO, $129,900 BY APPOINTMENT PARK 2-5 247 KENWOOD COURT PRIME FARMS LOCATION Beautlfullj deco rated 4 bedroom 2% bath C E Colomal With large Simple as~umptlon mortgage Many charmmg features mcludmg two bay wmdows, delightful garden plus, on the practical Side, a newer roof and furnace, copper piumblllg, electnc air cleaner and lots more $154,000 1097 GRAYTON EXECUTIVE MANSE One of the Park's lovehe~t homes To duplicate today would be many times more than the $199,000 askmg pnce Twelve fabulous rooms With equally fabulous architectural features See It Sunday 607 MIDDLESEX - One of the finest streets III the Pomtes For $1.27500 this spacIOus home offers a large fIrst floor bedroom or famllv room With full bath plus 3 more bedrooms and 2 baths upstairs - Lal ge kttchen With mfty oak cupboards much more 70 VERNIER - Fabulous 1979 Colomal - so near the lake and Grosse Pomte Shores park Simply loaded With custom features, thiS four bedroom home offers qUick occupancy and a large 11"t fixed rate assumable mortgage If you want to enJoy "the good life at home don't miss tbls one $179,000 553 LAKELAND - BEST BUY AT $125,900 Five bedrooms 31'2 bclths large family room With BBQ, hbrary With wet bal, IlIft~ large kitchen and a whole lot more' WOW! Too good to last long Hurr~ Sunda) 25 or call 886-3800 92 MAPLETON IS a lot of house for the money I Great locatIOn <;0 neal the "Hill" shoppmg, hbrary, bus churches, etc AND OFF'ERING 1M MEDIATE POSSESSION TO A FAMILY NEEDING FOlJR BEDROOMS There's even a hbrary and den plus a long term Lmd Contract With 35~ down! Move 10 condition $86,000 [ MANY MORE BY APPOINTMENT ~ PRICE REDUCED Imagme a 3 bedroom brick home III the Gro~,e Pomte SChool district for only $48,5001 Freshly decorated With ne\\er carpet and: draperies Newer energ~ effiCient furnClce, extra m~ulatlOn Jal ge fenc~'<l' lot Ca!l 884-6400for details Hurry' 5 BEDROOMS Carmel Lane CONDOS $350 000 Arthur Cranford Lane Notre Dame $127,500 4 BEDROOMS Middlesex Michaux Ct Wlultler $46000: $76500' 572 000' $345000 HARPER WOODS $124,900 Fleetwood Hunt Club Keno<;ha $83,900 Kenmore $71900 J "IIl('a~tel $74,500 Van'\ntwerp $169900 3 BEDROOMS Hampton Manchee;ter Prre;twlck Sunnmgdale Vermer Circle $5;; 000 S6i -)()() $38 500 $52 {j(JO $41\ ~>OO ~'lOO $88,500 SEVERAL INCOMES FROM $37,700 to $86,500 Call for detalle; TWO GROSSE POINTE OFFICES 20647 MACK AVENUE OpposIte Parcells Middle SChool 884.6400 395 FISHER ROAD Opposite G P South High 886-3800 :_ f GROSSE Page Twelve.B OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 212 KERBY - Lovely three bedroom, 21" bath seml.ranch in the Farms living room and family room Gal age apartment Edsy terms ~ Two natural fireplaces, ALSO FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION . ..... .. •...... 532 Lincoln 17111Maumee.. .. 223 RIViera 510 RIViera . . 19127Rolandale 306 Roosevelt 851 Shoreham 1750Vernier No 8 1138Whittier 85 Woodland Shores $74,900 TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY APPOINTMENT BEAUTIFUL Shores Colorual - The first floor has a large foyer with marble floor, living room with natural fireplace, formal dlrung room, famlly room with natural Clreplace, kitchen and breakfast area, master bedroom and prIVate bath and first floor laundry room The second floor has two bedrooms and a large hie bath Other featul es Include sprinkler systel]), central air, attached garage and large heated greenhouse. A beautifully landscaped yard and a most private location .$110.000 $245,000 $ 53,000 $122,000 $ 83,000 $270,000 $124,500 $139,500 $198,000 $495,000 Thursday, November 10. 1983 NEWS * ~ FIRST OFFERING ~ 2307Allard 1314Bedford 35 Beverly 3914Bishop 1516Blairmoor 19945W Clalrvlew 203 Cloverly 290 Hillcrest . 1585G-52Jefferson 17111Jefferson No 17 625 Lakeshore POINTE .$179,000 .$ 98,500 . $ 47,000 $ 56,900 . $ 59,500 .. $135,900 . . . .. .$110,000 . $ 99,000 $ 99,500 $292,500 WATERFRONT property on Jefferson In Hamson Township Two large homes, boat house, 4 car garage With attached apartment, enclosed gazebo $495,000 Call for details 2D558FAIRWAY LANE - PRICE REDUCED. Overlooking the golf course. Garden room with fireplace, paneled recreation room, breakfast area in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1"h baths, central AC, alarm system, lawn sprinkler system. 178 LOTHROP - Master bedroom and bath on first floor plus 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd floor. Paneled library, family ,room, reo creation room WIth fireplace Cll'cular drive and a large lot GROSSE POINTE FARMS - COLONIAL IN PRIME LOCATION. Outstandmg kitchen and breakfast room, first floor laundry, powder room, master suite With bath on ground floor and two bedrooms upstairs Winding staIrway, marble f1oormg, fmest quolit, hald .. ole, large closets, alarm Sj'S tem, exceptional patio and landscap10g 155 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - In the Farms on the entrance to the Country Club 24-foot paneled family room with fireplace and bar, 4 bedrooms, 31h baths plus maid's room and bath THOROUGH COVERAGE OF GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES 264 LEWISTON EYE-APPEALING FRENCH NORMANDY in excellent Farms location. Priced to allow creative de. corat9rs to spI'ead theIr wings. Lovely turret stairway and other interesting details. Five bedrooms, 3"h baths and family room wIth the right trafftc pattern 16939 JEFFERSON AT NOTRE DAME - HIS • TORIC EARLY FRENCH FARM HOUSE . Here Is a rare opportunity to restore a his. toric Grosse Pointe home to Its orIginal charm. LIbrary, scrClened porch, 2 bed • rooms, Ilh baths Lot can be diVided to prOVide additIOnal build10g site TWO.FAMILY FLAT 464 NEFF - TWO FAMILY FLAT IN PRIME LOCATION NEAR MAUMEE with the spacious rooms. parquet floors and charm unavaIlable In new construction Each umt has a 27.foot IIv10g room, formal dining room, breakfast room,den or third bedroom, 2 baths, plus 2 bedrooms and a bath on 3rd floor Four car garage, land contract terms br assume 8 9% mortgage 76 KERCHEVAL OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 169 STEPHENS - PRIME LOCATION IN THE FARMS. Mt Vernon Colonial With spacIOus room, library, family room, first floor bedroom and bath plus five bedrooms and four baths on second floor, recreation room, four fIreplaces, large lot. TO BUY OR SELL A HOUSE CALL 885.7000 186 FISHER - Newly decorated from top to bottom, plus new carpeting. Garden room, 3 bedrooms, 1"h baths, recreatlon room. Extras Include central AC and appliances ~ foot lot In a super location near schools and shopping. Immediate occupancy IF YOU PREFER THE EASIER MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 01' A CONDOMINIUM, WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF TOWNHOUSES: JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. I I NEW ON THE MARKETI IN THE FARMS _ 4 bedrooms plus fanuly room With fireplace just $68,500! Don't miss this one - low maintenance aluminum Colonial on double lot with attached garage 881.6300. GROSSE POINTE SHORES - OUTSTANDL'IG 4 bedroom, 2"h bath Colomal has 15x20 family room with r1replace, paneled library, gracious marble foyer with circular staircase, attractive, tasteful decor. READY FOR YOU! 884-0600. TERRIFIC TERMS on tlus 5 bedroom Colonial on large lot great for the growing family to s.p-r-e-a-d out! Owner offers 15 yeal' land contract with $25,000 down 881.4200. GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Fine starter Ranch in handy Brownell section at $62,800! 2 bedrooms, Florida room, finished basement, attached garage. 881.6300 HUNT CLUB _ 3 bedroom brick Colonial in MINT condition has updated kitchen with apphances, paneled basement with lav, screened and glassed terrace and a tempting price! 884-0600. IN THE WOODS _ EASY TO OWN 2 bedroom, 1"h bath Colonial offers fantastic land contract assumption! Perfect for that first house at $66,450 864-0600 7'n Bedford U96 Hawthorne 947 Lakeshore 580Lochmoor 373 McKinley 275 Mt Vernon 1825 Roslyn 3 Bdrm 3 Bdrm 3 Bdrm 498 ST CLAIR - Three bedrooms and 3 baths, including master suite with private bath and sitting room (could be 4th bedroom), modern kitchen and breakfast area, powder room, dining room or den with bar. 1m. medIate occupancy. Sue Adetberg Betsy B. Buda Sally C. Cae Mary F Ferber 1 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 3112baths in fabulous Southern Colonial WIth new kitchen. 881-6300. Ranch with famUy room, new kItchen. Pomte schools. 884-0600 Colomalon 102x175site. New decor, central all', MORE! 881-6300 3112baths, family room, more In prestige area of large homes. 884-0600 lYzbath Colonial with, fallllly room, new kitchen. 881.6300 11-2bath Colonial With family room. see picture below! 884-0600 nicely maintaIned Bungalow. Budget price of $6O,ooo! 881.6300 5 Bdrmr; 2 Bdrm 4 Bdrm 4 Bdrm 411 RIVARD - A CHARMING INTERIOR with 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, den WIth fireplace, bu. tler's pantry, lovely screened porch. Priced to allow for decorating. / OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 514 SL CLAIR - JUST REDUCED! A corner unit with private backyard and easily accessible garage. New modern kitchen, newly decorated, refInished floors. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and fIrst floor powder room Land contract immediate occupancy 542 CADIEUX - PRICE REDUCED 1 Near shopping and recently decorated. Five bed. rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, garage, immediate occupancy. Land Contract terms. TOLES & WIlliam E Keane Ann W. Sales James D Standish, III Lois M Toles C. W.Toles ASSOCIATES, INC. REALTORS 885.2000 74 KERCHEVAL SCHULTES REAL ESTATE FIRST OFFERINGS t.o'c~ted on LAKELAND in Grosse POinte CIty ttus authentic German Tudor IS quahty throughout. Over 8,000 square feet of luxury !ivmg, this hne older home boasts of a multitude of bedrooms, baths and sitting rooms, en suite. Totally rennovated from the basement to the third floor, updated kitchen with pantry and breakfast room, heated attached garage, and beautifully maintained grounds On LAKE POINTE, mce 3 bedroom Colonial In Grosse POinte Park, completely remodeled VerY attractive exterior. Owner IS anxious, bring 10 ,all offers $51,900. WE'RE READY TO DEAL! ~ &'" .'*-~. CLASSIC ENGLISH COTSWOLD In secluded scenic setting in low.traffic Park area offers 4 bedrooms, 3th baths, library, terrific kitchen and SO MANY AMENITIES mcludlng Pewablc tile, leaded glass, central 811' - MUCH MORE! 884-0600 GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Very speCial 4 bedroom Colomal built by Cox and Baker in 1965 Excellent floor plan Includes lmpos1Og 2-story marble foyer, large family room With pegged floonng, 1st floor laundry, 27' master sUite With fireplace and more An invitmg price adjustment Just made' 881-6300 MORE SPACE THAN YOU THINK' Four bed. rooms plus a Florida room and updated kitchen m thiS appealing Bungalow on deSirable Hampton Road Very affordable at $66,900 881.6300. 275 MT VERNON - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Popular Farms street and an IMMACULATE 3 bedrooPl, 1!h bath Colomal with' family room, large updated kitchen, energy eHlclent furnace With central all' plus mce extras Now offered at $95,600 884-0600 I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT I COUNTRY LIVING IN THE CITY' Double lot and an umque 4+ bedroom home m the Park With sparkling pool and MANY ADDITIONAL AMENITIES Drastic reduction! 881-4200 HIDDEN LANE _ QUIet Woods locatIOn and a fine 3 bedroom, 11,.2bath step-saver Ranch Family room, large kitchen With bUllt-ms, attached garage 881-6300 . SMASHING VALUE' see thiS mcredlble buy on Bishop Road for only $79,900' Newer Colomal With den and central air 881-4200 for details 881-4200 BALFOUR _ Special 5 bedroom, 31h bath on 80x175' site perfect for entertamlng' Includes 30' family room, musIc room, Ilnd nt>w kitchen WIth every luxury butlt-m plus separate pantry Call 881-4200 for an appomtment to see thIS beauty LOTHROP _ A 3 bedroom Colomal charmer With a VERY SPECIAL KITCHEN, den and a super 14x20' redwood deck for 3-sea~on enJo) ment You II like the price 881 4200 BEST BUY CATEGORY' An attractive well kept Colomal on Bedford offenng 3 bedrooms, Ilh baths, den and paneled games room Immediate occupancy and a pnce that's hard to beat of $88,OOO! CHA~~HARM' CHARM' SpacIous 4 bedroom Park Tudor mcludes gleam10g herringbone hardwood floors and a contemporary gourmet kitchen - blend the best of the old With the new! Choice of tempting terms and pnced at Just $98,000 881.4200 ANITA _ SUPER BUNGALOW offers two large (23x12 and 21xll) bedrooms plus fully updated farm style kitchen, carpeted and paneled basement With wet bar and extra full bath, glas~ terrace, great terms and newly reduced price I 884-0600 LANCASTER _ Harper Woods Bungalow m Grosse Pointe school dlstnct offers 4 bedrooms, family room, updated kitchen $54,900 - compare and save' 881-6300 .... /' _-----(-v.-'-~-".'\l'l~ @ill',,; ~ AUDUBON _ Drastic pnce reduchon on this UNIVERSITY - Terrific GP City location ~or spacious 4 or 5 bedroom colonial tells you this 2850 square foot English Tudor. Intel'1or we won't fool around. We need to sell now! 'spaces include 5 bedrooms and 2 full baths Take a look for yourself and hnd this the plus laundry room on the second floor, pegbest value m this pnce range OPEN SUNged floored foyer, livmg room With natural DAY 2-5 P.M fireplace, large dinmg room with bay AtUNIVERSITY _ Charmmg country decor in tractive brick terrace off kitchen this smart well-located 3 br Ph bath Cape ROLAND - Handsome, compact 3 bedroom Ph Cod Premier area - only 35 single family bath colomal convement to shoppmg and homes avaIlable in Grosse Pointe City schools Kitchen comes With complete Many up-dated features include roof, furapphances and eating space Newer furnace, insulation for carefree low maintenace Seller has C/O nance Sellers very motivated - Will look NEFF - Townhouse duplex owner transferred at all offers Two beautiful slde.by-side 2 bedroom unit DEVONSHIRE - Good price, great assump10 excellent conditIOn, each WIth formal dltion with only $19,000 down on 11 5% mng rooms, liv10g room with fireplaces mortgage Large well decorated 5 bedroom One has all new kitchen, all appliances incolonial With modern country kitchen, cluded LIve In one, rent the other Florida room and family room. Beautiful NOTRE DAME - Bright and shmy redeconatural woodwork and floors, new furnace rated Michigan farmhouse Three bedMany obvious signs of lots of TLC rooms up LIVing room With charming MORAN - Attractive Wilhamsburg decor in built-m bookshelves, formal dining room, thIS delightful 3 bedroom Colonial WIth famdy room, updated kitchen With built-in formal dmmg room, famIly room, and appliances Cheerful yellow exterior With well-planned updated kitchen and breakfast Wide front porch area. Owners are anxious! Over the nver and through the Woods . or the Sbores or the Farms IF YOU NEED A HOUSE, WE'LL HELP YOU FIND IT' BLAIRMOOR - Recently listed, thiS immaeulate newer 2300 square foot colonial features 4 spacIous bedrooms served by 2 full baths on)he 2nd floor With powder room on the first. The kitchen has been remodeled With oak and stained glass paneled cabinets. The family room IS lughhghted by a cozy natural fireplace and pegged oak floors Basement offers finished rec room with wet bar, and complete spa With workout room and sauna OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P M BUCKINGHAM - Stately Tudor reSIdence over 3000 square feet Recently redecorated 5 bedrooms with 3 full baths upstairs Beamed celhng hving room and rec room and hreplaces 10 both as well as the hbrary The kitchen has been updated !!I'd has a breakfast area SEE IT SUNDAY 2-5 P M GHESQUIERE COURT - FleXIble floor plan and quiet locatIOn are two big plusses for thiS custom bwlt one owner story and a half brick reSidence 2 full baths and a mfty bedroom that converts to a famlly room as you WIll Great modern kItchen and Flonda room are also featured SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 1149AUDUBON - 4 or 5 bedrooms 10 Grosse POinte Park, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1401 BLAIRMOOR - Custom Colonial 4 bedrooms 2112baths With the works' 1222BUCKINGHAM - Classic Tudor design completely redecorated and rennovated 262 McKINLEY - Darling 4 bedroom 21~ bath colonial In the heart of the FARMS 1153BEACONSFIELD - 3 bedroom bungalow WIth fresh new look, ready to move In! IIAlIOli GROSSE POINTE FARMS 1$2Kercheval 884.0600 GROSSE POINTE PARK 16610 Mack 881.4200 GHOSSE POINTE WOODS 19790 Mack 881.6300 f UNIVERSITY - Deluxe custom American colonial on 9S'xl50' lot The interior IS elegantly decorated With step-down high vau. lted celhnged liVing room, large family room With brick fireplace and wet bar, gorgeous Mutschler kitchen, first floor laundry The second floor features 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths Master bedroom swte Includes sitting room WIth wet bar, bedroom With natural fireplace and full bath PROVENCAL - French country house of white washed brick unique In the Grosse Pointe area ThiS incredible home of more than 21 rooms exhibits dist10ctlve architectural features, nch panehng, stunning oak and brick inlaid floors and gleaming brass hardware Every room IS different and exCiting and In Incomparable conditIOn KENMORE - Well located 3 bedroom 1"h bath colomal With pleasant pastel decor KItchen has eating space, den has separate heater Seated on extra deep lot Wlthm walkmg distllnce of playground ROSLYN - Under $40,000 m the Woods Three bedroom ranch With new gutters and down spouts, patio privacy fence Allee Boyer Schulte'! Realtor Sally Horton Cindy KerWin William M8'lhlnl PallIa Moore • 881-8900 710 NOTRE DAME Dmah Murphy Marianne Pl'dr Sue Seward Charle~ Trowbridge Mike Zembrzuski GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 LOCATION Nottmgham G P P Liltlestone G P W Damman H W Damman H W Hollywood H W PRICE 57,500 81,500 83,000 57,500 32,900 3/1 3/15 4/2 3/1 3/1 LOCHMOOR GREAT VALUE - Beautiful, executlve Ranch 10 move 10 conditIOn New furnace, new central au, new kitchen, new spnnklmg ~ystem Three very large bedloom!>, two full baths, hbrary, family room, double lot, patio and more Located III the Farm!> thl!> home I!>Ideal for the mo!>t dlscllmlnatmg purcha!>el ftft~J.ffY fM: <~W)~ ~~ ~~VJ\I '" , - ,~"" ~ ;>J;-;J I+',;) 'V f ~ :1- ~ fj ~ ~ A i.-r"lII '11ml .• 1 iE;(--.;-~-- ~~; Ii\. ' ~ ;I; " OWNER TRANSFERRED hom trus lovely 3 bedroom, Ph bath colomal ThiS home featUl es a large famIly room, recent decorating and Improvements on electrical, roof and carpet Truly a home only to be appreciated by seemg 460 Moran, pnced to sell 10 the 70's 76,900 79,900 86,900 92,500 134,900 129,000 133,000 193,000 225,000 129,500 BR/BATH 2/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 2-211-1 4/2'~ 5/31'l 5/ (1/2 4/3'/z FEATURES Updated kItchen, extra large famIly rm, a!>sumabJe mtg Olarmmg, well maintained home w/farruly room Prime 10cdllOn, !>paclOus den, carpeted rec loom Cui de !>ac locatIOn, large as!>umable mortgage Just Reduced I 5/5 Brick Income, .,ep utlhtlc!>, fireplaces Elegant C E Colomal Great Land Contract term~ Authentic Eng!l'>h, bedutlful nat1U'al woodwork, fam rm Unique ContempoldlJ', famIly loom w/flrepldce Elegant home, I emodeled and I edecorated Prime commercIal office wllh parkmg Park ColonwJ qUdllly throughout, Family rm & library OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Youngblood Realty IfIC. ;mAf!lPf~};;" ~ ~V!?y~ )j~d~ GREAT :'ELECTION - C,HEAT !,'INANCINC, - Ce.tllU.,tod<l) to dlScu!>!>yow hoU!>mg needs We cun (,1l11yh<1l'(, ,orne o[fe; lng!> open to tl ade m!> and l<llld wntl <let pi ogJ dm., (JIve u., d call ~ p;,- "'-"»~ ~ L "¥. I, , f, " <" L';?,jj::J ~ ........."" .~,~~ '11 • ~ ". ~. *'*- "'~br> PRICE $ 73,900 72 MolOs!> - 2017 Hunt Club - 2016 Fleet\\ood 20817 MACK AVE. AT HAWTHORNE ~ . OPEN 2 - 5 SUNDAY 20715 Damman H W 20220 Damman H W 209.33 Hollywood H W 1365 ',,",hillier G P P 21707 BenJamm S C S ~ ~ Page Thirteen-B ~.' NEWS LOCATION Fleetwood Hunt Club Huntmgton Maple Lane Rivard Balfo1U' Pembelton Moro~~ LakeshOl e Dr Mack Avenue Audubon FEATURES Move ill condition, ample kitchen, very good fmancmg Attractive colomal With fanuly rm, updated kitchen Custom bmlt, 4 bdrm, 2 bath Very large lot, attached garage Large bWlgalow, 25 car aU garage, fireplace New alum Siding & furn G P S'Chool~ 10% simple assump BR/BA ~r21. POINTE -0J~ ',?'~: A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to buy a 4 bedloom centel entrance colo mal m Grosse POinte CIty for undel $90,000 Family loom, updated kitchen and fll!>t floor lavatory are Just a few of the features of tlus Rivard Bouleval d home Reallstlc prlcmg should m!>U1e a qUick sale ~ ~ S~ -~ fj5)j(lT ~-j 1".,_ J.:/lI ~t 20439 MACK AVENUE Grosse POinte Woods &,~,g'~~~ I /~ "llllprt> 886-8710 tn' Had,," .~alf'.,. alltl f'ri,'wl,,. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 42 S. DUVAL - Grosse POlllte Shores Bwlt m 1981 Four bedroom Cape Cod offellllg family room, ItbralY, fIrst f1001 laundry room, 31(2 baths, open basement Jenn-Alre Island cookmg center WhIrlpool tub m master bedroom Central aIr Ceramic tile foyer 3 car atached garage ELMSLEIGH - Near CadIeux off Lakeshore Brand new. stilI under constructIOn Four bedroom. 4 full baths. 2 half baths, Iibi alY, family room With wet bar, vaulted celhng Jenn Au'e lange Master bedroom With bdy wmdow overlooklllg the lake plu" JacuzzI Two flleplaces Flr!>l flool laundry 3 car attached garage FIRST OFFERING LIVE ON THE LAKE 10 one of the 2 delightful dpartments attached to tlus charmmg gift shop Rent out the other apartment and enJoy the challange of owmng your own bUSiness on tlus seawaJled Island paradise ThiS package deal has great potential and all wlthm 1 hour from Grosse Pomte BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE 1142 NOITINGHAM Lots of space In thiS four bedroom, two arid one half bath home with sun loom, formal dining room, IIvmg loom With fireplace Newer electrIcal, furnace and roof Just add your decoratlve touches! 20283 LANCASTER PrIced below appraised value for fast sale, tlus three bedroom bungalow features updated kItchen, large IIvmg room WIth nat1U'al fIreplace, screened terrace and large garage SItuated on lovely well mamtamed street m Harper Woods Priced at $49,900 THIS CHARMING three bedroom ranch With family room and evelY faCIlity has to be seen mSlde to be apprecIated It IS located m Harper Woods With Grosse Pomte schools and PrIced for a qwck "ale WORLD RENOWNED ARCHITECT Eero Saarrinen deSigned tlus top quality contemporary hoU!>e for the famIly of the present owner Situated on three beautIfully landscaped lots, the house has been lovmgly mamtamed You must see It to apprelcate It FIve bedrooms and four and one half baths In the Farms lJ I•. CUSTOM COLONIAL situated on a secluded cui-de sac Just off LAKESHORE RD 10 the Farms Complete as can be It has five bedrooms, four and one half baths, country kItchen Wlth a green house, family room and hbrary The sellers are motivated FIRST OFFERING - Charmmg ranch on Hawthorne Road. 3 bedrooms Central aIr Updated kItchen NICE YARD BALFOUR ROAD - Price reduced. 5 bedroom 31h bath Colomal on l00x175 lot KItchen has bwlt-ms Den Screened porch 2 car att garage BALFOUR ROAD - 3 or 4 bedroom 21h bath Colomal Library and sun room PatIO With gas grIll Central air l00x175 lot and 2 car attached garage BALLANTYNE ROAD - Great Shores locatIOn 3 bedroom tn level with 3 full baths 37 foot family room With fIreplace Terrace Good storage area 2 car attached garage BELANGER - near Kerby school 3 bedroom 2 bath reSIdence (1st floor master bedroom and bath) Large step-down family room WIth beamed cellmg Modern kitchen With ceramic floor Oversized 21f,z car garage Deck With gas grill BELLE MEADE - Price reduced on thiS custom Colomal m the Shores Family room With fireplace and bar surrounded by screened 10 deck overlookmg beautiful yard First floor laundry 3 large bedroom<;. 2 full baths and 21avs Flmshed basement CE"ntral aIr 3 car attached garage BERKSHIRE ROAD - Pnce reduced English Tudor WIth central all' 26 foot famIly room plus a library 4 bedrooms on 2nd floor 1 bedroom on 3rd 31h bath!> Paneled rec room DEVONSHIRE near ~t Paul spaclou'> En gllsh 29 fool IIvmg room and 19 foot dmmg room LIbrary Summer garden room 5 family bedrooms and 31h baths plu<; 2 maIds rooms and bath over 2 car attached garage Rec room HAMPTON ROAD - In the Shore~ 4 bedroom 21f,z bath Colomal FamIly kitchen WIth laundry faclIIlJe<; FamIly room WIth fireplace and ad)ommg 19 foot aclJvltle~ room Rec room 2 car all garage Central all' IUD _II.W __ ~_ "111 83 Kercheval Colomal Bungalow Colomal Colorual Colomal Bungalow Ranch 3 Bdl'm 2 Bdl m 4 Bdl m 3 Bdl m 3 Bdrm 3 Bdrm 2 Bdrm U "lit/ /,011 ....(',\ I(';Ih i'IInt:i"nlio,," l_IIM lnc. 886-3400 ill t: /Wol' It. CentJal air, lec rm gar:lge and dl'lve\\ay on private street ExpansIOn attiC, could be 2 bedrooms Updated kItchen Newer home, 21h baths, famIly room, central air, sharp FI eshly pamted mtel'lor Garage With heated room attached Ilk baths, family room WIth fIreplace, updated kitchen Family room, 112 baths, walk-thru 4th bedroom Rec room 1st flool' laWldry, tiled basement Flol1da room Central all' BY APPOINTMENT Lincoln Lochmoor Somerset Sunmngdale Vermer Hampton Kenosha Vermer Sloan Eng Tudor Ranch Income Colonial Duplex Ranch Ranch Condo Condo Family rm, new 100f LandscapIng, carpetmg Rec room, 3 bedrooms 4 Bdrms, family room, dlmng loom, 3 baths. large lot, near Lakeshore Both unitS Identical 2 lalge bedrooms SePdl ate Utlhtles New kit" floor . 5 Bdrms, 31f.!baths, 3 fireplaces. FlorIda rm LIbrary, large lot Both umts IdentIcal Alum tnm and 100f 2 years old separate basements Harper Woods, G P schools Needs some work, Simple assumptIOn Harper Woods NIce starter home or for relJrees $32,500 BerkshIre Condomlru um's 1Ir.! baths, end umt on second floor Harper Woods On the fIrst floor Price reduced to sell Owner anxIOus TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES 884.6200 TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES NEW OFFERING TOWNHOUSE LOCATION, "Heart of the Farms" on a secluded and prestigIOus street Elegant from the profeSSIonally cared for grounds to the spaCIOUSand lovely house Features format dmmg room, paneled library, famIly rO(lm. bedroom and full bath + lavon first floor Second floor has 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths Add to thiS sprinkler and security!» <;tems, rec room and attached 3 car garage OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. 420 RIVARD NO monthly mamtenance fees All appliances and wmdow treatments are mcluded m tlus very Illce umt There IS a formal dmmg room. kItchen Wlth eatrng area + pantry Second floor ha~ 4 bedroom<; ,md 2 full baths ThIrd floor has 2 bedrooms With a full bath Hardwood oak floor~ thru out and ha!> recenlly been pamted NEW OFFERING - Well mamtamed '3 bedroom home I'.llh formal dIning room, Flonda room and f1mshed rec room Included Central all <;elf ~torlllg ,torm~ and <;creens, dIshwasher. dl<;posal. carpel and drape<; $.'39500 PARK BEDFORD -Impeccably kept colomal \\olth '3bedroom'> 21'l hath, and 2 car garage There I!>central mI'. 2 fIreplaces and more formal dlnmg room fa mlly room FOR ONLY $122,000 TROMBLEY - Colomal near Park and '>chool<; Thl~ home l~ In great condition famIly room to enJo) It'<; many feature., rnclud(' ') bedroom ...plu'> a hedroom/etc and 2 half baths, libraI'}' and 2 car ,Illached garage and offer., a large on 3rd floor, 3 full CITY WASHINGTON - A blend of the "old' th(' "new' and It ,WO:\DEHFUl Ldrge hVlllg room formal dmlng room, ne\\o effICient kitchen mormng room hbrdr) /gilrden loom 5 bedroom<; and 4 baths 2ND FLOOR laundry room and mdny f'xtra'o - A MUST ~I-:E I OTHER AREAS Avenue GBm -m.'IOlftN ft /('" HAR VARD ROAD Ilh story reSidence 2 bed rooms and bath on 1st 2 bedrooms, sewing room and bath on 2nd Enclosed porch Rec room 2 car att garage HARVARD ROAD. 4 bedroom 21h bath Colomal near Kercheval Den New drIveway 5 year old furnace 55 foot lot $80,000 KERBY ROAD - near Kercheval 4 bedroom 21h bath Colomal on BOxl60 lot WIth Circular dflve Rec room With fireplace Breezeway to 2112car garage and storage room. Central air MERRIWEATHER ROAD - Center hall Colomal. Modern kitchen Mud room (poSSible 1st floor laundry) 3 bedrooms and 21h baths plus large room over 2 car attached garage Rec room Private brick courtyard MORAN ROAD - price reduced Delightful 3 bedroom 2% bath Colonial Newly decorated Updated kItchen Den Rec room Wlth fIreplace New gas furnace 2 car garage PROVENCAL ROAD - EXCIting English Manse on tOOx542 lot Large paneled foyer Step down livmg room Paneled library Wlth fireplace Modern kitchen 6 bedrooms 5 baths Apartment over attached garage Newer furnaces and central alr PROVENCAL ROAD - Bwlt m 1964 by Mlcou 4 bedroom 41h bath Colomal 20xl7 hbrary With fireplace Elevator Separate stairs to 2 bedroom apartment 3 car attached garage Central air STEPHENS ROAD - 5 bedroom 41f.!bath Colomal bUllt III 1959 on 160'(175 lot Paneled hbrary WIth fIreplace and paneled family room Wlth fireplace and bar Maids room and bath on 1st Finished basement 3 car at! garage THREE MILE DRIVE - Fre<;hly decorated Colomal LIbraI'} WIth glas<; enclosed book~helves and fIreplace Den 2 bedrooms, bath. laundry room. 2 lav<; and hobby room on 1st 3 bedrooms 2 baths on 2nd 3 car attached garage $129,000 VERNIER ROAD - Near North High 4 bed room re'oldence Updated kitchen Attached garage $67,500 WILLOW LANE - Very <;ecluded Farms loca tlOn New England Farm Colomal 5 famIly bedroom~ and 3'-'2 bath<; plus 2 mald<; rooms and bilth Den 21x20 heated garden room "'lth bar Central all' Surrounded by \\oater on 2 <;Ide<; In St Clair Shore<; 3 bedroom 2'k bath Colomal built m 1978 LIVing room and family room over lookmg the lake Library I<;t floor laundry ALSO OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1340 Vermer 2041 Stanhope 1341 Audubon 1928 PreslWlck 19250 Raymond 2100 Lochmoor 21455 Llttlestone OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1114 Bedford - 4 bedroom Colomal Fam Room & 3rd floor 61 Hawthorne - 4 l>edroom Enghsh Llhrary & aU garage HARPER WOODS - On Danbur) Lane. a umque sl r('('t reflectmg Wilham.,burg flavor 2'12 bath~, famIly room, modern kitchen With bUllt m" and many new Improvements excellent condItIOn ONLY $92,000 4 bedrooms Home IS;~ PORT AUSTIN t7,') fL of "dnd) be,\ch on he<1l1tlful Llkc Huron Yf'ar round home lcoated m Broken Rock'> .,ubdlvl<;lOn Feature., 4 hedroom'> ~lIn room and much more Only 2''l hours from DetrOIt area Please cdll for complete d('!aLl,> . TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES 884.6200 Feature Page Fourteen-B T~ursday, November 10, 1983 fl*tnfe Ele~(lflt Elltillg Counter Points by Pat Rousseau Thanbgl II AIR. four ~tm~ A ..election of recipe!> from lhe fOJthcommg lo\\-calorie. low-chole..telOl- dnd penny-wi!.e - cookbook II, Th, Ia G1e) Howal d and Hell'na'Dc>Witt Hoth featuring, thi!, \H'('k, i-IWEET POTATO TREATS. Vlng Sunshine Special Four nights and five day~. $185 per person at the Phoenix Registry Resort Thanksgiving Buffet, complimentary tenni:, and spa PattI of Mr Q ratel'> it Call Mr Q Travel 886-0500. Three Day~ Only Sale Thurl>cmy. Fncmy and Saturda) - NOiember 10. 11 and 12 ~~ at M/( helle\ Piau' oflen, }()u 2:> 0/, off all fa~hlOn~ Illdudzng .,u~t." I>epa- PL\IT rate~, ~ueate/!" bloul>el>, wool and 'ilk dn',<,e, nlu, (I ,{'Ier/lnn nf nrre""nne~ ]7R64 M(J( k Al e'Hi~, 886-000] 'Open Tuel>dayb through Satw &1)' •., S I:tlmulld I' \hl'e Je\l ell'l ~ i, read} for Chi btmd~ \Hth d gIOlIOU~lolJectloll of penddllh. hi acelet,>, lIel'klacel>.eal ring~ for Ihl' \lomen III .}OUI life ,11'0 an excellent '>election of wdtche~ fill mell ,lnd women 20U9 MdCk dt Oxford . Open until 8 p f III Ild'I)' Kllb-tbOO * Olsons take a California break . . '" In The GIft Department. of the Pharmacy you'll find beautlfully crafted ratIve acces~ories mcluding hurrIcanes et~ of wood base~, wood framed mIrrors er and Ive~ wmter scenes. Notre Dame wood decowith a vanwith Curfl- * Pearll> for all reasons and for all seasons are tn good ta . ,te 'speclQlly when __ ......-_ they come from Tony Cueter of ~ BZJ'outene . Grosse Powte's B I) ~ ~~ I:lI~ fine Jeweler Stop at Bljouterle, 20445 Mack Auenue . Open 10 a m. to 5'30 pm. 886-2050 .. Ed l\Iah~zewskl. . ..howed u~ a beautiful Pande Cameron hdnd-mdde I ug from India, ju~t part of the brand new collectIOn of .11 I'd fUg'>.It 214.15Mack. During the Sale }ou can save 25'7< off impOi tl'd dnd dome ..tic I ug, in ,tock and 20'7< oIT~pecial 01 der~ -......0;=__- .. ii6 5510 ," 1 .~ The Early Pre-Holiday Sale At The Pointe Fashions . offers you a savings of 25% off fall suits, daytime and cocktail dresses Hurry to 15112 Kercheval for the best selection 822-2818. '" * -4< The Nl'we,t In Jogglllg Wear or just for leisure ,mdl t looking ~weat~uits and ~hiltl>in darling de. ..Ign, 11kI'Tedd} bear!>,unicorns or duch. A great , gift Idea but }ou'J1 need one for yourself too! See them at the Mole Hole .. Kercheval at St. Clair and Tower 200 - nenal~sance Center. ~ ~ ~ .. Mutschler KItchens ... IS holdIng Its Ninth Free KItchen ClInIC, November 15 from 7 p.m. to 9:30 pm. No oblIgatIOns Reservations necessary for thIS popular ~emInar. Call Mutschler Kitchens ... 8843700 . 20227 Mack Avenue Durzng The Bed, Bath & Lznens Flrst Annwersary Sale saue 20% off Bloomfleld and Beau Ideal custom bedspreads, acceSSOrles and ,uu\n& lnens U)lndow treatments Order now In tIme for Chrzstmas at 16906 Kercheval Open Thursday~ and Fndays untzt 9 p.m .. 881-9890. the ~~ d ~~ I" be store -4< * ~hop E,lrl) and take advantage of Wright's Gift and Lolmp~hop', free la} away plan Select collector plates, Hummel figulllle'>, :'\ormdn Rockwell de~ign~and many more gift items at 1!l6'iO\lack Avenue.. FI ee parking next to the building. It's Rocker Time .. at White's Old House. They make a lasting ChrIstmas gift. Choose maple or oak wooden rockers or upholstered rockers at 26717 LIttle Mack. Closed Mondays Open Thursdays and Fridays until 9 p.m .. 776-6230 * * l\9J\~ . ~{3E1U.... y Come Jom us to celebrate our Chrzstmas Open House and the Grand OpenIng oj the Colo~eum 2000, Suncmy, Novemoer 20, 11 (l m to 4 pm, Mack at Lochmoor . 886-0300. (oml' ~I'I' KI'I('heVdl, * * THE WORKS. wl"re officially open.. * 16900 * Blna Canna Sewmg Machmes .. from SWltzer. land. top of the hne, are on speCial SALE pnced $949 at DeSigner's Touch . 19841 Mack Avenue 885-0094. * ,. ,. Ot er Stock On Dlscontznued Carpet Sample~ 27 ,.16" are $) emh. 18' x27" are $2 each at Calumet Floor ('0/ (,lIn/{ 21006 Mack At'cnue between Hampton and RIl\/\ll R81-191] TRESSES Tl l'''l'~ k 11\ \101 JEAN and OZZIE OLSON (center) have just returned to The Pointe after their annual "California break." a v if..it to La C05>ta and Beverly Hills where they hosted their annual dinner party for California friend!> and transplanted Detroit area friends now living there. Among those attending the party at the Beverly Hilton were RICARDO MONTALBAN and his wife, the former GEOR. GIANA YOUNG (Loretta Young's sister), flanking the Olsons in the picture above, along with Pollyanna Young Hermann, another of Loretta's sisters. two son!) of Ozzie's late friend John (Duke) Wayne, Patrick Wayne and Michael Wayne with his wife, Gretchen, Fred MacMurray and his wife, former actress June Haver, Astronaut Scott Carpenter and his wife, Maria, Jack Ellis and his wife. former actress Mona Freeman, Baron Hilton. president of Hilton Hotels, and his wife. Marilyn, former Grosse Pointe residents Maxine (Mrs. Robert T.) Keller and Ross and Barbara Sutherland, and Ozzie and Jean's son. Chris. and his wife, Anne, formerly of The Pointe, now residing in California, plus former OIsonite Eagle race driver Dan Gurney and his wife, Evy. and Grosse Pointers Navarre and Sylvia Bennett. Slovakia focus for November Ethnic Sunday !:llovakld I., the .,ubJect of .I :\0\ ~undd~ pi CgI am .It the Intel ndtlOndl In"tltute 01 1\let lopolttdn Detioll loc-dted on Kl.,t KlIlJ~ ~tll'et .It ,John H dct]dCt>nt to the D<'lI OIt In.,tltllte 01 AI h III Detloll ., L'nIVel.,It\ ICUJtlll ,iI Centel The pIOgldln .,tdll'- dt :2 pm dnd WIll fe.itUl (' .I "hde pi e.,enl .I tlOn of <II tll.ich co.,tume" ,md 20 Ethmc phot Ogl dph., fl om ~Iov .I kId ....l()\ dk d,lI1clIlg b) the Sdll" .. n Folk En"el1llJle'~ ddult and Jumol tloupe" ,Illd "dll1ple" of Slovak ClIl"lne I dngll1g 11om Hdlll~k) ~kdPlhIO\ ("weet c,lbbdge With noodle") to H\baci Salad lei cold lJ"h dl"h) ,III' pi epdl ed b~ mem bel" of ~t" C\ III and MethodlU" Chm ch He"l'I\dtlOn" .Ill' lequlled, a~ Ft. Wayne meeting for Louisa St. Clair OPTION lb Parker Brothers new double-.'>lded word game wlth tWlce the challenge 1ft> at the School Bell 17904 Mack Avepue. (,hn~tma~ In MainI'd (,Ia" I'xrlu~lvl'ly at Hall "tUdlO, 16'114Kf'rchl'Vdl. Cu~tomlzl'd ,tained gla"" "Thl' (,I~~~ 'far Kit " Excf'lIent valuf''' In qualit) \lork Dz Wlllldm PheonI\.. CUldto! greeted membel ~ of the Daughtel ~ of the Amellcdn He voJutlOn '" LOlll"" St Clall Chaptel <It the FOI t W,,\ ne MJlltdl \ Mu.,eum In mld-Octobel The pzogldm opened With .,tdte con fel ence I epOlt., dnd .In dddl e~" IJ~ NOI'<lh M Mal'tm mdndgel. COI pOI dte Mfclll~. MIchIgan Bell Telephone Comp.lIl) M~ 1'11.11 tin de~cllbed the change'> thdl v,zll follow dl"b'lIld Lng of the m.lIl) umt<. no\\ known a~ the Bell S} ~lem. not Lng thdl whether one o\\n~ one'~ phone 01 lease~ It WIll mclke a dIfference III blllmg and ~ervlce av,lIldble In the fulul e The 1I1tel I eldled .,elVICe., now give mdn) ft ee lJeneflt~ \\hlch \HI! not be av,ul,1111e Without price "he olberved FollOWing luncheon. the chaplel as~embled to dedlcale a ~ug,1I maple II ee In honol of 1'111., Robelt 0 Al tner fOI mel con.,el vallOn chall mdn and I egent (1958-60) Offtclat1l1g .It the cel e. mony wel e MI.., Geol ge T Ed"on the CUll ent 1 egent MI ~ l\h ron B 1\Iountz. chapla1l1 Mr~ L~ Ie 1\[ Recld1l1g, con"el'vatlon chdlrman and Dr Pheol11\. Among tho~e 111 attendance \\ el e Mr~ M,n"well E Hunt. the DAB ., vice pl'e"ident genel al 1'111" George F R) ckmdn vIce chall man Con~tltutlOn Week. and Ml's Robelt W Saw) el .JI' MlChlgan .,econd vice I egent Abo pl'e'ient \\ele the 1\1('" dame., .John KleJll FI edellc Grand Marais Club to meet Hindley Hal old S Conn. C'lIlton FLn!>tcI\\ald. John H Erwm. B Thornd" We~ hmg III. Frank S CI,II k. CI) de F Kell. Rolhn J Tuttle ,John Kuhl1 JI . CorneiJu~ G Eg,m. Kenneth J Brown, Ed \\dld D DeVille Alvlll G Bu~sell, Chdlle., M'lI ehe"~dull dnd Mat y DOloth\, Kell\ dnd the Mlsse~ ,Jo..,ephine E . Ben~on EIOI"e 0 (,ocld,lI d ,md An.,on Syke., The ne\.t dCtlVIt) III a bu~y ~ea..,on fOI local Delld G,lmmd~ I~ nn evemng meetlllg tomoll OW. Fnd,ly i\0\ 11 ,It 7 ,lO pm .It MI ~ G,II\ COWdn., Font,ma Ldne honle Glo.,,,e Pomte NOl th HIgh ~chooJ" Thedtle NOIth \\111 pel101 m .It 8 pm. pre."entlllg e\. cel pt" flom ,m upcomll1g pi oduc tlon of Nell ~Imon ~ "Stat Sp,lIlgled Gill Delld G,lIUm,l" ld"t ye.lI concluded dl1d new ,}edl began la."t ApI II ,it .I Foundel:. Dd} Celeb I .IlIOn at the Gl o~:.e POll1te Hunt Club dUllI1g \\ hlch 198:~-84offlcer~ \\ el e lI1.,tdlled Pre~ldent dnd vlCeple.,ldenl. le.,pect/vely. ,He Ph\lh" Il'vh., .John) O"lel and Ann 1:\1'1" Dd\ Id) Bd\.tel TI ea~U1 er I~ DOlOt h\ CO\\ an COil e"pondlng ,1I1d recol dmg "('CI etdlle" re.,pectlvely al e Peg 1:\11" Rlchdld) Lllldvedt and Chi I"tllle (1\11" DavId) BUlt Re commenddtlOn., and pubhclt~ ('h<lll men I e"pectlvel) .II e :\ dnc\ 1l\1", Leon,1I d) SmIth ,mrl J,m tl\h" Thoma..,) Coulter l\l., P .IIllCld Fed 1nle\ "el ve" .I.., I"mHellelllc delegdte ',Jan (:'vII~ Ch,lIl(',,) In.,le~ \1.1" 111 ch,nge of \'1"lon ~CI ('enlllg of Cd o".,e POlllte pi e "choolel" whIch concluded \e.,I('1 d,1\ Wedne"dd\. Nov 9 1\lell""d 11\11, GeOJ gel Mdghlel"e I" the glOUp" \\d\" ,lIld medII'> c11dlJ mdl1 ~pe(,ld I h01101" dUIlllg Ihe lunch eon pi Ogl ,ml \\ (,l1t to 1\1,11g,lI et ,;\11" ;\[lItol1) Buegel. \\ho Ie ('('IV('c! the Cdhle \\\ald fOJ oul "ldndll1g conlllhutloll" 10 Dell ,I C,dmmd dnel to 1\ILldel\'11 Coe 1\11" Chdll(',,) Cumml..,kc\ who \\,1" gl\C'n .I ,pecld) '1\\,il d fOJ MOMS'TOY ATTIC can right nO\l offl'f \OU d \lldl' '1'11'('tlonof II'..all' to)~ from laltll" and dl'\l'lopml'nlal to\~ (',lr.., trll('I-~. I drt~ :1nd ('rafh. kilchl'n 'I't~ ,,"d doll" through " 1'11'l'tronl(,g,fml'~ :1111Of, Off Our ,pl'rlal ,. ~. 1\ rl'~all' ,hop ha~ ma", gll'olt to, ~ no ~ .\~ , \ 10ngN ;l\,Hlahll' el'l'\lherl' Tue~d~~~ \1iIIY", 4"il,.r~+~ thlough "aturda" - 111 am 10 'i P m ~ 1.\ ' 016f:diEa~t \\-alfl'n !lR2 ,611 ~:OV1:" (;Io..,..,e POinte South Cla~s Of 1978 WIll be hoJdlt1g Ib fIve year reUnion at the Grosse Pointe W,t1 MemoJ'lal. Tue!'>day, December ?:7. 7 p.m For mOl e informatIOn call Lynn Mabarak. Office - 559H500 He~ldence - 885- 1801 * F,omp<,c()\ Hazr And Skm Salon 882-2.550 specwhzes 1I0Jl<la\ r ook ('ll'atlVI' h:111hralding ('all \ngl').1 \1101 KIll 4'i00 ,II Trl'''l'~ "dir -"Iudioin thl' Villolgf' 16'1t41\1'1rhf'v,11 In por pIer< In/{ * "pelce I~ hnl1ted TIcket!> .It S5 general d(hnt~"lOn. $4 fOI Inteilld tlonal In~lJtute member~. nUl) be obt.llned In eontdctJng L~ nne FoIl') -Bogg." 871 8600. bet\l een 8 JU ,I m dnd 5 p m l\lond'l\ fhlOugh Flldd~ Futul e Ethmc ~Undd) pi ogl .Im" .It the Intel natlOn.1I Ir1'>tltute \\ III focu., 011 J<lpdn ,Jeln 22 ,1I1d Oll Af Ilea Feb 26 Slate Ketchum Group meeting The ElIzabeth Ketchum GIOUp of Gro:.~e Powte l\Iemolldl ChUl ch meet~ tomoll ow. Fllda) . Nov II. at I p m ltl the chUi ch lounge Ho~te.,., I~ Mr~ GeO! ge L Lo\\ I~ MI~~ Rulh CUIlI., \1111give the devotlOn~ Round of activities for Delta Ganunas :\Iembel ~ of 11](' GI ,l11d :\I.ll dh BI anch of the Wom,m" ;\;dtlOn,il F,lIm dnd G,lIden A""ocldllOn \\111 meet fOI lUI1('heon .It noon ;\Ion dd\ No\ 14 .II the hom(' of \11" .\llhUJ ~chmldt \\ ho \\ III he .1",,1'led 1)\ :\11" Don V ,lIle\ ,1l1ct l\h" WlllJ,im Cole . The hU"lIw"" pOltlon of th(' pi 0 gl elm \\ 111 b(' f 0110\\ ('(j In .I ",li (' of (,Olll met Good Ie" d II ,ll1ged 1)\ 1\11" Vmc('nt Le\\l" Chdllllldn 01 the club" \\ 01\" ,l11d nW,lI1" com nwm!J('1 "hIp mlll('(' ~,d(' pi o«('('d" II III .Iug Ph\ lIh O"lel ,lIld \nn B'l\.tel m('n! the club" N!IlCdtiOlldl plO ,Iltendpd th(' Dpltd Gdmmd Pro wcl fund \ 1I1ce r (',tll('1 "hI School .It ;\led KIlI-l'itllJ flrtlflN Keller PholO • dowblook Hall III mId Aplll pm tl clpatlllg III ~emlllaJ'" WOIk~hop~ dnd n I eVJe\\ of the yedl ~ conti I but IOn., to Cd mpu~. commul1lt) <ll1d fJ dtellllt~ SIght con~el vdtion and <lid to the bltnd I~ Deltd Gammd ~ nat 1011a I phIlanthropy, among the Glos.,e Pomte Alumnde A~~oclatlOn'::, :.pecl<l1 contllbutlOn::" III dddltlOn to volunlal Y VI"1011 "creen 1l1g of ple ::,choolei ..." I'> dId to the Br,ulle Fund Chlldl en ~ Ho~pltcll Dep,lItmenl of Ophthalmolog~ dl1d the Detl Olt ~} mphon) Orche.,tl a fOl tlckeb fOl the blmd The gLOUp" ne\\ ~ea I began 111 September. \\ Ith ,I kickoff meetlllg dnd bl unch 111 Ph) III" O.,ler " Col ol1lal COlli I home Hdndmade gIft<. cldfl'> food., dnd .,peclal ..,eIVICe.,. dondted b~ and ductlOned off to membel" WIll be featul ed .It the Annu.d Chrhtma., AUCtlO11 Mondm, Dee 12 ,It 9 <I m at the home of PI I., cIII" M,lIt\.,\ on Gldnd J\,l,u .II" Boulev dl d' . Act IVlt Ie, J11 the ne\\ \ ed I Illelude a cdl1dlewlcklllg C'ldft de mon"tldtlOn 1\I0ndd\ ,J,1Il 9 <It I pm .II !\II" Bd\.'lel" H,IJ "<lrd HOdd home d nd .In e\ eJ1lng meel Illg III Felli U<ll\ .I., well <I" Ihe 1984 Foundel" D'1\ CelebldllOn to he held III l\ldl'ch' plu" the dnnudl Deltd Gammd cockldll pdl t~ ~cheduJeel fOI Flldd) evel1lng ;\1.1\ 11 The ~ed"OI1 conclude" \\]th .I pool p,lI t~ fOJ loe,li collcgldn" ,ll1d n('\\ I~ gl ddudtpd Delld Gdm111d" on ~,Ihll dd\ .June 16 Flll thel III fOImatlOll 011 the loedl .I""Ocldtlon 01 tll1\ of Ih dcll\ltle" m<l\ be ohldlll'eel b\ contdct1l1g \nn Bd\ leI ,It 8860118 A FOCUS program for Alpha Mu DKG Barl)('t1e Bnlclldk plCqc!ent \\ III cOl1duct t h(' hU"II1C''''' POI t Ion 01 Ihe ,\Iphd Mu Chdpt(,1 of DC'lld Kdppa C;dmma " FOCC~ nwctmg ne\.l Mond,]\ i\0\ 14 .It 4 P m dl POUp,1Id ~chool ~e\\ l11('mb('I" of lhe hOl1ol ,II \ "OCI('t\ fOI \\0111('11 eduCcltOJ" \,,111 bC' cho"pn ..fl('1 \\ hlch FI,II1('e" FI ench. Latll <l (;Iegol). M,lIgdlP! ~('hl11l(lt E"lhel Mel(i! um dnd ,J,II1(, ('ohh('1 "III I epOlI on "What h ImpOltdl11 to Me' Bell \ ])UI kin \\ III he the ho~te"'" , J ~\H"et potatoe ... and yam.., are Ilwlllbel, of the Morning GIOJy 1<\lIl1il). The) a m b actuall) grown on" in Thc>Tropic.,. but common u~c>'hd~ m'lde It~ meaning inter. change,lhle \\ith that of the ~\\eet pot,ltO. \\ hich I., believed to hdve 01 igindl("d in the tI opic!o of South \111('11(',1 FOI hl'"t nlltl'itive valne, ...weet potatoe., .,hould be boiled 01 baked \\ ith the ~kin~ on, then thinly peeled and pi epared as de~it ed. CalOJie." One baked. avel age Hi!. CamH"d. one cup - 216. :\ut! ient...: Car bohvdrate. Vitamin ,\, B-comple\. . .,Odium, pota~.,ium, c,i1ciUIll, hon. coppel. Sugge!>led ~e<l...oning.,: MarjOlam. mmt, nutmeg. cinnamon. ginger. ~e~ame ~eeds. citru!> peel, nut .., citl u., juice~, IIIown ~ugal . * APRICOT * SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs sweet potatoes 1/z lb. drIed apricots Water 3/4 cup brown sugar 3 Tbsp margarme 1 tsp grated orange peel 1'4 cup chopped walnuts Cook ..,weet potatoe!> in boiling \\ aiel until tender. Cool, peel and cut into thick ~lice~. Bal ely covel dpl icot... with watel ; !>immel until tendel . Dillin well. I e!>erving I .. cup liquid. Ld)el ~weel potatoes and dpl icot .. into 1O\.6\.2-inch baking di"h, ",pl'inkling each layer of apricot.., '\lth brown ~ugal'. Mix Ihe re.,el ved dPl1cot liquid, mal gdrine llnd OI11ngepeel <lndpOUIover potatoe~. Bake at .liS" fOJ 45 minutes. ba~ting two 01 thl ee time~ with liquid in baking dbh. SPI inkle with nut'> llnd bllke 5 minute!> longe1. ;\Illke ...8 ...erving!>. Calorie .. pel' !>erving about 254. Chole!>tcrol O. V \HIA TION: bub!>titute !>liced. unpeeled 01 angel> llnd OJ,lOge juice tOI llp11cot, and llpl icot juice in I eripe llbove. * SWEETS AND APPLES 3 cups thinly shced, unpared apples 1 can (l Ib ) whole sweet potatoes, dramed and halved lengthWIse 2 Tbsp. margarIne 1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar 2 Tbsp honey 1'4 tsp ground cinnamon All ange apple ..lice!> and .,weet potatoe" in ~hallow I-qual I ca!>!>e1ole. In smdll !>auceplln ovel medium heat, combine margarine. IIIown sugal. honey llnd cinnamon. Heat mh.tUl'e to boiling. pour over cll ...,el'ole. Bake lit :l5lJ'lloout:1O minute!>, 01' until apple ... are tender. Ba!olteocca!>ionall). Mllkes 4 !>erving..,. C<llolie.. pel ~el ving about 2,15. Cholp"tel'ol O. * THANKSGIVING SWEET POTATOES 3 medium sweet potatoes cup evaporated skImmed mIlk 14 cup brown sugar, packed 1/8 tsp salt (optIOnal) 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 Tbsp margarine 2 egg whItes. stiffly beaten 14 cup walnuts, chopped 12 Put ",\cel potatoe .. in saucppan \\ Ilh enough \\atl'!' to about half coVI'I. CO\l'I p,lIl and boil !>wcetpota10(' .. until tl'ndC"l, about :10minutes. Dillin, cook and peel. Ma'ih pota10C".., \\ ith a fOl k, IhC"n\\ ith an electl ic mhl'l 01 lal ge ...poon; b£'at in milk, hlo\\n ~ugal, ...alt. nutmeg dnd m.lI gal inC".Fold in egg whites .111dnut". Turll into grea ..ed. I.quart hakin~ di ..h. Bake at ,1511'about ao minute .., 01 until heated through 'Iake~ -1 ~C"I\ing... CaIOlII''' p(,1 "I'I ving about 248. Cholr ..lelol 0 CANDIED SWEET POTATOES with BRANDY CUp marganne CUp packed brown sugar 1/3 cup hrandy 14 tsp salt 1/2 1'2 3 cans (17-18 OZ ) sweet potatoes. dramed \I("lt mal gal ine In larg£' ...kill C"t. Mil in "ugal, br.lI1dy and "alt until ..ugaJ dl'-~olve", Add potatoC",,; "tir 10\1hC"aluntil potatoes arC"well glaz("d .md hC"atE'dthrough, Make .. 12 "("Iving ... Calol ir .. PE'I'"'E'J'vingabout 252. CholE'"t£'!'ol O. OVN Sports & classifieds Section C Thursday, November 10, 1983 On to the playoffs. "I'm kind of hopmg that the experience we got in the playoffs last year, WIth our 30 seruors who were there, IS gomg to carryover to this game That, plus our preparation this week, will tell the story," Hepner saId Monday "Henry Ford IS a very talented football team They've got an All-State tight end who plays on defense Our scouts saw them play Saturday and they've got a lot of formatlOn~, a lot of team speed We'll have to be ready." The Blue DevIls were ready last Saturday, when they opened up a tight ballgame and scored 20 second half point::. tu ::,poll NOl th High's bid for a spot in the playoffs The Norsemen were hopmg that a victory over South and in the courts, (where they had received an Injunction to stop the nammg of playoff teams until a bonus pomt questIOn was settled) would give them a berth In post-season play By Peggy O'Connor South High football fans have it all planned out An excited South supporter let everybody leaving the site of last Saturday's 29-6 Blue DeVil wm over cros&town rival North know that the Blue Devils were just two "" vlctones away from a spot in the Class A football fmals at the Pontiac SlIver dome .~ • ...,. o'eo..... Bits and pieces . . . But coach Russ Hepner knows better than to make his Thanksglvmg weekend plans thIS early He's the man who sets his sights on simple goals like finishing over 500 and WInning an Eastern MIchigan League champIOnshIp and lets the big ones, like state championships, take care of themselves. The Blue DeVils got their winnmg season Oct. 8 They grabbed that EML title Oct 29. And by beating North and earning a spot m the regional playlifs against DetrOIt Henry Ford at BirmingSOUTH SCORED on ItS first ham Groves this Saturday, Nav. 12, Hepner's Blue Devils are one possession when John McDonald step closer to letting things take took It in from the 1 followmg a (Continued on Page 3C) care of themselves . • A kid who showed up for South varsity hockey tryouts at the Grosse Pointe Community Rink last week is a dead ringer for Denis Potvin, All-Star defenseman for the Stanley Cup champion New York Islanders. South coach Tim Zimmerman wouldn't mind it a bit if the kid played like the high school version of Potvin. • I can hardly walt for the fIrst North-South key game. Speaking of North versus South ... varsity • • hoc- • Why can't every game on the North and South football schedules be as exciting as the annual North-South matchup even when the game ends up with a lopsided score, like last week? (Probably because North and South are worlds better than teams like Anchor Bay and Roseville Brablec, two of the Norsemen and Blue Devils' less-than-memorable opponents of recent seasons.) • I missed Paul Hawk and Fred Schultz . • I like how the North and South bands play together half-time of the big rivalry game. NOVEMBER SNOW SALE at • South won the half-time tug-of-war, too. (Even the North tug-of-war participant with the green face couldn't do much against South.) • Last Hepner's Saturday's win over the Norsemen lOOth coaching victory at South . • It was still a good football game; difference. was Photo by Tom Greenwood Russ even with a 23-point North fans went wild when senior Tim Monahan grabbed a South punt and went all the way to put the Norsemen on the board in last Saturday's traditional North-South game. Unfortunately, that was just about all North fans had to cheer about as South won, 29-6, its eighth victory in 15 meetings with North. South goes on to the playoffs against Detroit Henry Ford this Saturday, Nov. 12, at 1 p.m. at Birmingham Groves High School. • How about Friday night football in Grosse Pointe? North coach Frank Sumbera wouldn't mind it. And why not? University Liggett School plays its home games on Friday afternoons and many local teams play Friday night football. It's conducive to drawing better crowds, Sumbera says, since most local football fans like their high school football on Friday, college games on Saturday and pro fare on Sunday. The only problem, of course, is money - for lights. And money for football lights is not exactly numero uno on the schools' list of expenditures, if you catch my drift. But picture this: North vs. South under the lights with 5,000 people in attendance. A little chilly, night football in November, but a classy setting for a.great trH4itionaJ rlY~r)1. don't you think? • .t",.J <Continued on Page .3C) l\Illchlgan State Umverslty semor center • GUN REPAIRS • ORDERS TAKEN ON NEW & USED GUNS • AMMO & RELOADING COMPONENTS IN STOCK In the Rear of Calumel Floor Covering 21006 MACK ti DON'T MISS I , 884-5660 20947 MACK AVENUE Element. All Labor. Adj. Belts, Clean Battery Set Timing and Clean Top of Motor, , Check Choke Operation. ~ I ------------~\~ _ (5 I I I LI Wednesday, Novemher Don G0 01.y34 Deddline~ for thiS I~~ue only are i:S300 20903 HARPER at the 1.94/VERNIER (8 MILE) EXIT FRt. 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M .... for your convenience 2~ DI~pl.l)Advertmng d Frill IV NO\~m"'r lH al 4 P M for ~erond non and "'porr~ "'N Monoay Nr>\emhN 21 a' 11 am (r>r (,enN.d Ne~'\ ( 11",(,eO Deadline Mondw NovemhN 21 a, 12 noon Ne ... < [)~.olln< ~ pm F"o,y Nr>\~mher Hl I I I " SUI 5Tftnllftl ~ ~ ~'IIl\nUI M.d Orlnk I 5' , , , , _.; o! - EXPIRES' (hiPI 1 , 3-83' """""",,;. i-----GET I I hilt " I EXPIRIES ,,~ --GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL -----. 'ail •• I 'e for IlSS£t'lll't'linE I I TWO aulll 1." 2 .rllers of fr .... col. Slaw or potato .al." : I II : I Z 1II•• s of ell ips I 2 L.rle Drinks • .II ! ExPIRES 11-3-131 L.. --------------------_. POLICY ceo: · --UI ACQUAINTED SPECIAL -----, ~1I5SfMIlV linE .. SlInDW/Ctt 5t10"f : BUY ANY PARTY SU. I . 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Sunday 12.5 Mon.-Thurs. 11-9 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11-10 p.m. ~~S8nD~JCIt lUjij .~ Grosse Pointe WOOds Open Monday-Fnday'10-9. __ --~SS£('niLY , Replaced I Here .20778 MACK 885-5122 &801LIR5 ~ Waren MlUer Ski Movie Tickets Available November 23rd - Ford AUditorium Call Ahead for Carry-Out Orders ~ • I of , FURNACES and Air Cleaner Cables, Check and - Grosse Pointe saw actIOn on the' Spartan special team squad in MSU's 21-11 loss to Ohio State Oct 22. MSU's startmg center last season, off-season InJunes to Stockwell enabled Mark Napolitan to take over the flrst-strmg dulles A sprained ankle kept Stockwell out of action early thiS year Stockwell is recogmzed by Spartan offenSive lme coach Buck Nystrom as "a team leader that gives no percent," the university Said 885-4670 INCLUDES: Replace Spark Plugs, PCV Valve __ fd;.~.. GROSSE POINTE WOODS MON.FRI 16-7, SAT 10-6 ._ . 20 70 OFF and Goggles ENGINE TUNE UP _ .: ,';Wi , PRE-SEASON , 'SKI APPAREL SALE' , Also Gloves Ol J0TlJ[ _l1li t ~'~- 'OUR fM. ~ ""!IIIt 881-5000 G PW ~ "'METRO. , , SKI & SPORTS " QUALITY GAS GRILLS AND WOOD STOVES Stockwelll Ken • • Fits on fireplace hearth • 100% cast iron • Glass door standard • Burns wood or coal • Affordable price ~Ib~:nl~r Stockwell back. inaction Grosse Pointe Gunshop This J~ Stove Makes a Fireplace Beautiful & Efficient I We're watching for snow but until the snow comes we're offering 10% OFF with this ad on any adult or junIor ski jacket except ROFFEE or ca. ACQUAINTED SPECIAL ;• 50 I • LIMIT 6,CARRV'- ----I ISSfl'llllfunf IlnDWI(" OUTONLV I CIlII Ahead For Carry-Out Orders I ... 885-5122 II ~ ~ v I I ----~-------------~f Ex,1fIlQ HOV 3 1913 I Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE Thursday, November 10, 1983. NEWS . ... • •r . SAT., NOV. 12 9.11PM CBS (B CenlrallMountal(]) 8T05 JANE FONDA LILY TOMLIN DOLLY PARTON , Bond age action as 007 IS trapped In a runaway helicopter stalked In Ihe snow of the Alps and flung to the sharks In the Mediterranean usually with a young lovely along for com panl' Lots of fun with Roger Moore as the Inpeturbable Bfliish Secret Service agent STEPHEN COLLINS WAYNE ROGERS PAUL SORVINO TESS HARPER CHIEFS ParI I My~tery drama wlth Heslon as Hugh Holmes banker clnd founding father 01 fictional Delano From 1920 through the 1960 s the town grows and prospers but what no one knows IS that for decades young hllch hikers pasSing through Delano on their way further south never made It to their destinations Over the year') three oollce chief" stumble upon the griSly Crimes 9.11PM NBC (8 Central/Mountain) MARTIN SHEEN BLAIR BROWN JOHN SHEA E G MARSHALL GERALDINE FITZGERALD VINCENT GARDENIA CHARLES BROWN WED., NOV. 16 9.11PM CBS (8CentraIIMountaln) CHIEFS ConclUSIon SAT., NOV. 19 8:30-11PM CBS (7 30Cent IMf ) MON., NOV. 14 911PM NBC SUN., NOV. 13 PEOPLE DONALD MON., NOV. 21 SUTHERlAND 9.11PM NBC r8Cenlral/Mountaln) KENNEDY Pdrl /I r ~ ~ MARY TYLER ... "....... I I I I MOORE I TIMGrHY I HUTTON 9 TO 5 Jane Fonda Lily Tomlin and SUN., NOV. 13 8-10PM CBS (7 Cenlral/Mountaln) ~I' ...~ .~ -'-~ _: 9.. I • ~~. L:.l ,. r"'1 • - jIo -~._~~- ... ," LLOYD BRIDGES PETER GRAVES LESLIE NIELSEN ROBERT STACK ROBERT HAYS JULIE HAGERTY KAREEN ABO U L-JABBAR ETHEL MERMAN AIRPLANE! The ullimate SPOOl of alrhne disaster films Includes such perennials as Ihe ex pilot forced to take the controls Ihe seasoned exec • ullve who musf 'lalkl'l1,rn In the ....~If'glng nun and Ihe-'sl~K child being transported for a life saving opera tlon A box ottlce smash 01 cheerful lunacy and hllaflous take ofts I ORDINARY PEOPLE Uscar wlnnln~ 111m about members of an upper mid die class IllinOIS family largely Ignorant of their own vulnerability who try !o come to grips With a tragiC loss and conquer Ihelr IndIVIdual pain and Isolallon Donald Sutherland Mary Tyler Moore and Besl Support Ing Actor Tlmcthy Hutton In the dlrl;C tonal debut 01 Robert Redford (also an Oscar) A taut drama TUES., NOV. 22 911PM CBS (8CentraI/Mountaln) THE HUNTER Steve McOueen s last movie hurrah and probably not Ihe one for which he would like to be re membered With Eli Wallach Kathryn Harrold Ben Johnson LeVar Burton and TrdCYWalter 9.11PM NBC (8 Central'Mounlaln) KENNEDY ConclUSion E.:,;e~ SUN., NOV. 20 _/. 8.1015PM ABC (7 Centra IIMountain) THE DAY AFTER A starkly realistiC stomach turning view of nuclear at lack on the Unlled Siales and whal the effects might be on the average Citizen far removed from political ofl91nS or reasoning Jason Robards Jobelh Williams Steven Guttenberg John Lithgow Jnd John Cullum Be yond Imagining reeling In a rain of lerror Parental dlscrellon adVised FRI., NOV. 11 9.11PM ABC (8 Central/Mountain) 4'30.6.30PM NBC (330 Cent IMt SPORTSWORLD Live coverage SUN, N . i 12:30PM.? NBC '(11 30AM Ct IMt) NFL Regional telecasts starling at 1PM NYT San Diego at SI LOUIS Baltimore at Miami Los Angeles at Buffalo Cleveland at New England Houston at Cmcmnatl 4PM NYT Kansas City at Dallas Seattle at Denver 12'30PM.? CBS (11 30AMCt IMt) NFL Regional telecasts slartmg at 1PM NYT Chicago at Tampa Bay New Jersey at Philadelphia DetrOit at Green Bay Minnesota at PIttsburgh (7 Central/Mountain) l,,.~ .J, - \ \ ~ ~ San FranCISco at Atlanta Washington at Anaheim ..",, "!iiij ",~, TUES., NOV. 15 ~ ~ "-' ':il!!I ROGER MOORE FOR YOUR EYES ONLY 14. 14 2.3O.? NBC (1 30Centrai/Mount ) COLLEGE BASKETBALL The Hall of Fame Tip Off ClaSSIC between Houston and North Carolina Stale at SprIngfield Massachusetts 4PM NYT 9-11:45PM ABC (8 Central/Mountain) CHARLTON HESTON KEITH CARRADINE BILLY DEE WILLIAMS VICTORIA TENNANT BRAD DAVIS 4PM NYT Denver at Los Angeles 123OPM.? CBS (11 30AMCt IMI) NFL Regional telecasts startmg at 1PM NVT Philadelphia al Chicago Green Bay at Minnesota Tampa Bay at Cleveland DetrOit at Houston 4PM NYT Dallas al San Diego Washington at New Jersey New Orleans at San FranCISco MON., ~ ~- lPM NYT Sealtle at St LOUIS Miami at New England Buffalo at New York ClnCUlnatl al Kansas City 2PM NYT Pittsburgh at Ballimore 9PM.? ABC (8CentraIIMounlam) PRO FOOTBALL Anaheim Rams al Atlanta Falcons SAT., NOV. 19 MOMMIE DEAREST Faye Dunaway pulls out all the stops as actress Joan Crawford In d film based upon Ihe besl seller by her oldest daughter Christina who learns Ihe value of wooden coal hangers Walt for Tina , bring me the aXE:! I It II raise your hair while you roll on the floor In Idughler ThiS might Just become a camp clas SIC but lei s hope not Dolly Parton as members of Ihe work force Nho dream of geltlng even with their chaUVinist boss (Dabney Cole man) and find lhat dreams can come true Elizabeth Wilson and Ihe great Sterling Hayden 12:30PM.? NBC (11 30AMCt IMt) NFL Regional telecasts starling at KENNEDY Pari I The glory of John F r<ennedy s Camelo! Years gives way to the tragedy and nightmare In I Dallas Sheen heads a distinguished I cast as one 01Ameflca s mas I charls matlc young leaders wIth Ms Brown as Jdckle Shea as RFK and Brown as Marlin Luther King Jr (8 Cenlral/Mountaln) ORDINARY \ SAT., NOV 12 4-5:30PM NBC (3 Central/Mountain) SPORTSWORLD live coverace MON., NOV. 21 9PM.? ABC (BCenlraI/Mounta,n) PRO FOOTBALL The soon to-be lor mer New York Jets Journey 10 Ihe deep South to do battle Wllh the resurgent New Orleans Saints Non stop '1183 CON DONOIAN ASSCJC'ATES INC S NEIL FUJITA DESIGN Kent III 2 mg "tar;' 0 3 mg nicotine. Kent 12 mg "tar;' 0 9 mg nicotine, av per cigarette, FTC Report Mar 1983 Kent Golden Lights 8 mg "tar;' 0 7 mg nicotine av per cigarette by FTC Method .' Taste you can count on. Low tar Lights II II Ultra KF..N'f "'" ., Golden Ijgl1ts KEN"r ," , \ 11\' Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. \ • \' I'''' \,~ GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 POINTE Page Three-C NEWS Star wins tennis title Sports Week (Continued from Page IC) Another 5>ucces5>ful season has been completed by Our Lady Star of the Sea'5> var5>lty temus team as Star netter5> took the Inter. sectIOnal dlvl5>lOntitle of the Catholic High School League With a 6-0 reCOld The team'~ overall record In dual m<ltche~ fOI the year wa.!>7-3 In the Cla~~ C D regional tournament at Detlolt Country Day, Sta I' tied for fourth place WIth the Academy of Sacred Heart behind . • "Don't look now, but boys' varsity basketball season is Umvel ~Ity LIggett, Country Day Just around the corner. and Almont Leadll1g the team at No I sin• My biggest surpl'lse: the impreSSive operations of gle~ Wd" Lee Ann Seymour Her Grosse Pointe's grade school sports programs. I'm always ~ed"on I ecord of W-2 mcluded the amazed at the way these fifth, sIxth, seventh and eighth - / /f No 1 "tngle" flight wm m the graders handle themselves In competItion. St. Paul, St. /, ,:,outhlake InVitatIOnal TournaClare, Star of the Sea, Parcells, PIerce and Brownell ment on Sept 17 MIchelle Pack Photo by Josh Schmidt schools always seem to field very competitive teams in The Univel'!lity Liggett School !ltate Class B-C !loccer champions include, from left to l'ighl, (fl'ont row) had a flOe "ea"on at No 2 singles every sport With a 9 4 mal k Playmg a strong Walter Connolly, Rob Healy, Tony Malcoun, Steve Vreeken, Dan Bowen. Rick Robert!l. Johanne!l Homan, gdme <It No :l 5>mgles, Mary Jo Steve Eberhardt; (back row) Phil MacKethan, Rob Wood, Kirk Haggarty. Jeff Lucas, John Birgbauel', Jim , M~ybe that's why coaches lIke Sumbera and South's V,ll<lm had R '-('(l"Oll total of 10-4 Lamln echt. Ralph Hucllic. Hal uld Colb)', J.ulle~ l\lcMilIdll. BI jdll Dd~jtl. Bill l\lcFeel)' and <.od<.h D.J.\.id gll'b ba~ketball coach At Devine were so happy WIth theIr No 4 ..,mgle~ player Alexandra Backhurst. freshman teams this season ElIbn flm"hed Lhe "eason at 9-5 and Stat'~ No 1 double5> team of • St Clare, by the way, is even better than I thought. In Tel esa Schmtzel dnd Sandy Dethe Nov. 3 column, I gave the Falcons' five-year volleyball VIne worked well together to comrecord. Coach Larry Hines did a little research and found plete a "ucce~~ful 5>ea5>onat 9-5 out that from 1973 to the present, S1. Clare volleyball wmmng number one and two POSl championllhlp is more gratIfymg The Umverslty Liggett School Cathy CarlinO and Kathy Ellbri squads have racked up a won-loss mark of 245-23 lions 10 thell pool5> Semi llnal varSIty soccel' team completed a than la5>t year's" played No 2 double5>, wJnmng Amazing. play took place at 2 15 P m WIth 5>even matche5> and 105>mgone At On Nov 2, at ULS' athletIC fantastIc season by defeating Richland Gull Lake, 3-2, in the awatds program, the Most Valua- ULS vs Ann Arbor Pioneer (ULS the No 3 double5> positIOn, Ann • I don't know if anybody else cares, but I'm glad that and GreenhIlls vs state championship Class B-C fin- ble Player award went to team Winning) Schulte and Gwen Bauer ended Gr<?sse Pointe Cable TV IS part of the cable TV package of the Sacred Heart als in Flint Nov 5 The win gave captain Dan Bowen. Coach Back- Academy the 5>ea5>onWith an overall record which will carry University of Detroit basketball games (ASH wmmng) hurst described him as "a tre. the Kmghts an unprecedented of 4-4 Amy Abram 5>ubstituted fOl' this. Winter, according to the universIty. <And I'm not just At 3 30 P m., the champIOnship mendously posItIve force, a motIsecond consecutIve state chammjured players m five matches, saymg that because I'm an alumna who still owes the lUlivator, and a true leader - the one game, conslstmg of two 15-mmute wmning three of them pionship, accomplIshed In the player we could least afford to perIOds, was played between ULS v~r&ity money, or anything hke that.) U of D has been larger school bracket! ,:,tal'~ JV tenms team spent the and the Academy of the Sacred The tempo of the game was set lose" The Most Improved award pIcked to finish near the top of its Midwestern City Confer5>ea5>onworking hard even though early as ULS' Rick Roberts took a went to second-year player Hag- Heart At the conclUSIOn of reg ence and Titan basketball might just be the best sport on Rick Robert5> ended the ular play and at the end of a It 5>uffered I05>sesto Gro5>se Pointe pass from Johanne~ Homan and garty local television thiS season. North JV, DetrOlt Country Day JV five-minute overtime, the score season as the team's top scorer scored just minutes into play. Gull was 0-0 The teams then went IOto and St Paul. WIth 22 goals and 12 a!osists. • Frank Sumbera take heart: only 150days untIl North's Lake came back four mmutes a stroke-off FIve girls were selater with a beautIful goal by allvarSIty baseball season opens OUI' Lady Star of the Sea JV stateI' Chl'ls Keenan. The Kmghts Field hockey season ends lected by each coach to shoot on players Include Amy Abram, the opposing goalie Each team then pres5ed the attack, domlSarah Wlkenczy, Karla Rendz, Although only 10 Michigan had alternate players step for- Andrea ErIckson, Katie Gebeck, nating the midfield and creating schools contmue to partIcipate m ward. Nancy Geol'gi of ULS numerous scoring opportunities Shefl Jursek, Katie Cure, the very popular team sport of scored first, followed by a score R05>anne Paglia and Michelle Mo(Continued from Page IC) pa5>~to Arnold, North's Joe Wel- With four minutes to go m the held hockey, it IS a very demandby ASH WIth the score tied, the ran ing, highly skilled game that is drive from the Blue Devtl 30 that denbach wrapped himself all over half, fullback Kirk Haggarty last stroker, a ULS player, Amy saw Brian Rathsbul'g and RICk AlnoLd and was called for interscored his first goal of the season played throughout the United Raslmas stepped forward With Lee Ann Seymour was elected to Waugaman break off long run5> fel ence With a fir!>t and goal at and gave ULS a 2-1 halftime lead. states at the secondary, college tenSIOn at Its highest peak With the All Catholic tenms team, With Dale Graham's extra pOInt wa5> the 14. McDonald took the ball, Although the Knights were only and club level With state and naher hIghly skIlled, powerful flick, MIChelle Pack. Mary Jo Yacklin, good and South led, 7-0 ~qU11med through the defense and able to score twice, the team con- tional tournaments fmalizmg the Amy SCot ed, winning the tournaTeresa Schnitzer and Sandy Degave South a 22-6 advantage trolled the game with 18 shots on season. ment for ULS for the thIrd year VIne wInning honorable mentIon South's drive to lltart the second . goal and eight corner kicks The Umverslty Liggett School quarter failed and the Blue Devil~ Sever?l ,of North quart~rback In the second half, after a score- varsity held hockey team compunted North's Tim Monahan Bmgaman s pa5>ses ~ere I~ and less 15 mmutes, Homan again pleted the 1983 season at 8-3-1 grabbed the ball at his own 45, out of the hands of hiS receivers, slipped a pass to Roberts who Play was against the mne MichEd Stepaniak was recently bon Depal'tment staff provided made a great move to the SidelIne frustratIn~ North's attempts ~o SCOl'ed Liggett's third goal. The Igan league schools and three awarded the Wayne County Golf probatIOn sel'Vlces to Grosse and scampered 55 yards for the get back mto the game South s cushIOn did not last for long Just OhIO schools. ChampIOnship Trophy by Chief Pomte MUnIcipal Courts for many touchdown The extra point was Ste,,:e Reynolds added to that frustwo mInutes later Keenan retahaULS captured the league chamWayne County CirCUit Court years. won both medal and match no good and South still led, 7-6 h atlOn when he blew through the ted with Gull Lake's second go 1 pIOnship for the 10th straIght year Judge Rlchal'd D Dunn Stepanhonors this year offen~e and sacked Bmgaman M I hid d a The Blue DeVils failed to take oments ater t e ea an the The success of the ULS team was lak, whose Wayne County Proba11 ........... advantage of ,eve'a] ,conng ARNOLD INTERCEPT~ame '!iPe'lfed~.-be,,,, ... due to the unified skille<l teamchances in the secoaq.. \iarter.<- Bmgaman pasll a~Qth"tfa eopal(r~ wfleDttobettS:w~-gl~ii' work of Amy Rasimas, co'~tilln, ~~;;'f~1f: ;~J.~ most notably when 8QtJ~ .. i'eeo~ ~¥fill; fIrst and 10. n the So - is second yellow"SI:i;q,," W the KatIe ThiOOdeau'4lco-captain, Amy vered a George Kasza fumble ree consecutIve rushes atIle for rough pla:Y,"forcin~hls Ottaway, Nancy Georgi, Lisa Van South couldn't move the ball and McDonald brought the ball to the removal from the game For the Dellen, Andra Hirt, Marge BarRathsburg punted the DevIls out North 19 and on fourth down and last 20 minutes of the game the ron, Suzy Thibodeau, Angela of trouble, with Jim Corbett down- 2, Wilhamson hit Arnold who fell Knights could only field 10 pl~yers Navarro, Susan Edwards, Mary mg the ball at the North 5 On mt~ t~e end zone for the Blue De- to Gull Lake's 11. Hoyos, Anne Ciaffone,' Barry third down and eight from the 5 VI~,SflJ.lal score With the play mostly in Llg- Hamilton, Debby Lubera, South's defense pounced on North . I thlO~ that halfback pass ~r?m gett's end, the defense resisted at- Michelle Stief and Ruth McCrary. quarterback ChriS Bingaman for Rathsbul g to ~rnold was defmttetack after attack Goalie Jeff LuThe season ended Oct 29 with the two-pomt safety to give South ly a turmng pOint. Up until t~en, I cas, fullbacks Haggarty, Dan an InvitatlOnal Tournament held a 9-6 lead. felt we had had opportumtles t,~ Bowen, JamIe McMillan, Harold at the Kingswood School The move ahe.ad further than 9-6, Colby and Steve Vreeken, mId- teams were divided into two pools North threatened Just before Hepner Said fielders Rob Healy Rob Wood and for morning games, With Ann halftime when Kasza got 13 yards North's Frank Sumbera had to Walter Connolly,' and forward Arbor Pioneer, ULS, Academy of on a draw play m a thIrd and 14 substitute for fullback Fred Homan, refused to crack and the the Sacred Heart, and Greenhills situation North coach Frank Schultz and taIlback Cednc Patminutes ran out ULS clinched its Sumbera decided to go for the mon, that, plus effects of North's second state htle in as many WEIGHT fll'st down on foul'th down, but the struggle WIth the state athletic years • WATCHERS Fro sled Treat handoff to Wheatley didn't get the commission, aIded the NorseThe state tournament began & Desserts fIrst down yardage. men's downfall Oct. 15 with 30 schools 10 the B-C Lo Cal Menu South broke the game open in "We played pretty well South IS class. ULS defeated Ll:ltheran s.tllor Cillifena RISTAURANT the third quarter when Rathsburg Just a very good team. With bur N~rth, 2-1, Royal Oa~ Shrme,. 4-0, Dlacounl 10% 885-1802 hIt splIt end Jim Arnold WIth a Injury problems, we Just couldn't BIshop Foley, 2-1 10 overtime, ..... 1IlW 12 50 17410 MACK AT ST CUlt 1 D.m.-10 p.m. 57-yard halfback optIon play Al overcome them to match as good Detl'OIt Country Day School, 1-0, nold Just beat Norseman Brent a leam a~ South," Sumbera said. and C?kemos, 5-4, In overtime gAILV gINNER Roose to the pass Graham's kick SenIOI' halfback -McDonald ULS .f1ms?ed WIth a 14-2-2 record SPECIALS. gave South a 16-6 lead WIth 4 59 ha!o played well filling in for inKmghts 7?ach DaVid Backhurst $3.88 left In the quarter Jured fullback Paul Hawk And remarked, ThIS team had some11 •.•. II 11 p, •. that" "omethl S th' H thIng very special Call It heart, Quarterback J?hn WillIamson hope: he'll c~~tm~~ t~ d~~n~~ desire, will, tenacity - they had it! HOMEMADE was successful WIth hiS handoffs South's quest to remam m th There were no superstars It was SOUP DAILY to Waugaman and McDonald. esla off Icture e truly a team effort In the sense WE ARE FAMOUS peclally to start the fomth qua ..- P y P that It was totally unexpected at for OUR DESSERTS I tel'. Then, on a thIl'd down and 19 It couldn't hUlt the begInnmg of the season, thIS . • One thing they should do with the computerized state hlg~ school football playoff ranking system: change it. Lots of.tImes, 8-1 teams make it into the playoffs ahead of teams wIth bet~~r records, Just because they fimsh on top of a geographic region <which might contaIn a group of weaker team.s). Add .that to the mess that is the rule covering forfeiture, WhIChNorth found out does not cover situations concerning bonus points awarded in case of forfeiture and you've got more than one inequity in the playoff system. / 'Qassy' ULS wins soccer title On t0 the p layoifFS Stepaniak honored ,,<>us ,MOle Sports on Back Page RAM'S HORN THE GREEN ROOM IS '11, NOW ]>t.;KIN PAVILION 3177 E. Jefferson CH1~!SE ~MERICAN DISHES j~t , oJ MING NOVEMBER 17, 18, 19" 20 HARPER SPORT SHOP 36th OPEN ANNIVERSARY GOI~DEN SALE BUDDHA FeatUring the very fonest rn Cantonese d'she6 For luncheons and Donners. plus exotIC Cocktails Finest Chinese-Ameli can Food Banquet FaCIlities - Recently Remodeled Monday HawaII Cocktail lounge - Happy Hour Mon -FII 3-6 P m Open Man Thurs 11 ami 2591510 a m Fn & SaT 11 a m 2 a m Sun noon 1 a m 259.1511 - Carr out Service thru Thursday Friday 11 am. Saturday 12 noon Sunday 12 noon COCKTAIL Near •••••••••I ••••••••• I I I I I I NOW•• WIIEB. IlllAKB $89.95 New P<ld<." ~h()('<.,. Tum Rotor" 8.: Drum<., Mdellh( P<ld<.,ExLra • Amem • I elllcl 11Mil V lInport~. mufflers brakes-,hocks I J ~-----", WI DmOfT DETROIT II I I I Saturday, November 12 =I Detroit VB Edmonton Featuring NHL's Most Valuable Player Wayne Gretzky • I 25016 Gratiot 16930 E 'Mlrren • 779.5870 885.4362 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I COMPLETE Cony Out ServICe 881-6010 \ \ '1 \ )"'. 'J'af:';' l.r~'i-:.it~ *<'. "~. ,.. ~t! ..... ~- .1" Will Include KIRKGIBSON • • Parktng - ~ OUR STARS • I LOUNGE Ample 16340 Harper I i 7.ilffy :I • ( ell''' ~-----~ i • (111!1l,Hk Wh'''lC~'r 11 Q m - 11 pm 12 p m. . 12 P m - 11 pm 7:30 FOR TICKETS Charge by phone 567.9800 Group discounts 567-6000 All CTC Outlets ON NOV. 19th 12:00-1:30 p.m. ERIC HIPPLE ON NOV. 17th 6-8 p.m. 17157 HARPER East of Cadieux , .... , . ;s -.: q • ... 4 'S 4 • Q2 Call 882.6900 Classified ads 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS COSTOM ~ WOODWORK Quahty carpentry with a PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE FOR WOMEN personal touch Ornamental Swedish, Deep Muscle, woodwork, home ImproveReflexology ment, kItchen deslgnmg In Nutrltlonal Counsehng wood or FormIca Portfolio Holistic Weight Loss Samples and references Call Judy At 882-3856 available upon request Free estImates Bruno WANTED, $3,000 for 90 days, Trentacost, 754-6508 - ---- , Will pay back $3,500 Have $12,000 secured collater dlto RENT A COOK -I'll cook for put up Gros~e Powte res your dmner, offIce party, or Ident 88&-6180 any specIal occasion Rea. sonable Excellent referLEARN the art of astrolog\ In ences 881-8089 a ba~c 10 week course '$15 enrollment fee LimIted en SENIOR LADIES rollment Astlologlcal EnJoy hfe and don't lIve charts and readings aVdl1 alone or with relatives able Call Michael Wmrlch, W~ offer gracIOus IIVlhg 885-1522 for the yOWlg at heart Call for brochure, 625PSYCHIC Q173, 62:>-55t;3 CO:'iSL'L T.'"TIO:'iS Benefit .1 from the combined ablhlle, of 2 psychtcs during a private reading d umque gIft Idea' COLOR CODING PARTIES - Home or Club for functions 4 theme selecFUN AND FASHION tIOns or readings Gredt for • Cost $25 Includes, showersT Academy of PsychiC and • ProfeSSIOnal drapmg • Make-up analysIS Sptntual PerceptIOns, Inc H HlNTZEN • Color swatches Licensed 884-9311 CALL 371-9432 -------- GROSSE POINTE area For Appointment Police officer Will watch your home while you are away 885-1961 BALLOONS HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS For all occasions for as little as $10 - delivery available Buya dozen or buy a gross. A GREAT way to cele. brate 882-4968 JIM'S CHIMNEY SCREEN SERVICE Bnng your house up to code and keep unwanted arumals out CALL ANYTIME 881-2477 886-5870 PRICE IS RIGHT I Will be grdnted, no mdtter how difficult It mdy be Then promJ~e to pub1J!>htill, pray el a~ ~n as your fdVOIhd' been granted D B UNIVEH~ITY of Mlchtgan v;, OhIO football 2 tlcket<; for !>ate,88&-2574 NOVENA TO ~'T JUDE Apostle and Marlyr great 111 virtue, rich In ml racles, kinsman of Chnst, Interceb 501' of all who Invoke your aid In time of need, I pI ay to you to use your great God given power to aid me In my urgent pehtlOn In I eturn, I promise to make your name known Pray for u~ who ask for your aid, St Jude ~ay J Our Fa lhers, 3 Hatl Marys, 3 Glanas ThIs Novena hds never been known to fatl, Say No vena for 9 day~ THANK YOU St Jude for favor granted DB - -- --- CAMBRIDGE Diet, large, fresh suppty Weekly meet II1gS,Thursdays Speedy de hvelyavatlable 882-6332 AREA PHOTOGRAPHERS! ProfeSSIOnal photo procesSing, proofmg, extracolol pnnts, e;tats and reprOs Complete copy service and eolor slIdes Custom black/ white, mdttlng and metal prints Outstandmg quahty frames and prices at East. ~Ide's newest profes~lOndl photo lab Creative Color Services 885-8919 ~Ml6cfiai:Jp,tot\-a;J1~ rIM,' <lOUft~qropular bwtOCaY,llChPlstmas, ding gifts Lectures, readlllgs at pa rtles 6215 hi -- ----- IRWIN OLIVER PHOTOGRAPHY BRINGS YOU A SPECIAL OFFERING FOR THE HOLIDAYS FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN YOUR HOME Natural surroundings give each photograph warmth How many tlmes have you seen photographs taken In studiOS With back drops and drops that fail to bring out an indiVidual In my photographs, we Will diScover a family umqueness not found In studIO sltua. tions • Quahty Work • Reasonable Pnces • Delivery by Christmas For Details and Appomtments Call 882-5180 BEFORE 2 PM BABY McMAHON lilT'S A GIRL" Congratulations Tucker & Judy - THE HILLIERS - - for wedtand 885. --- RE'3UMES - ONE day sel vice 15 years expellence Call Renee at 77&-4467,any time ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED one or many Private collector Will pay any reasonable price 644-7312 PERSONAL Checkbook balancmg, small busmess or personal bookkeepmg Free Imtlal consultatIOn, delivery InformatIOn or appomtment 773-5825evemngs ASTROLOGIST Personal forecastmg a specialty Popular for Christmas & Birthday Gifts EntertainIng at cocktail parties etc 885-6215after 6 00 P m "BE A STAR!" Have your weddmg ceremony. and receptIOn videotaped In full color and sound CALL MEMORIES VIDEO 758-2875 YOUR HOME, a work of art Framed pen and IIlk water color of your home, busllless orboat By Carol A Smclalr B8&-8468 CALLIGRAPHY by KIm InVitatIOns, poems, etc , If you have an Idea let<; dl<; cuss It 824 2672 PLAN AHEAD! The Thanksgiving Issue, Thur<;day, November 24, WIllbe dehver('d for purchase at all stands on Wedne<;day, November 2.'Jrd Classified Deadline INDEX TO CLASSU 1ED OFFERED .1 1A. 111 1C ID 2 2A. 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G l 4 4A 4B 4C 5 iliA. hvedilv<- wlthnllt il<-kml' vnm "'%h, aftel tturd day you Will 58 - 10 home, Change 2-ENTERTAINMENT 1 PRA YER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy SpInt, you who make me !>ee evel ythlng dnd who ,howl, me the way to I each my Ideal, You who give me the Dlvme Gift to forgive and forget the WIong thai I'> done to me, dOOyou who dl'C m dll Ilbldnt'C~ of my Ide Wllh Me 1,10 tru!>,hort dl1llogue Wdnl to thdnk you fOi everyttung and cOnfu monee mOI'Cthdt I never wdnl to be <;epaldted from you no mdltel how gredt the matel Idl de~1Ie, mdY be I wdnl to be "'llh you dnd my loved one;, m JOUI perpetual glory Amen Thdnk JOU fOl \OUl' love to wdldsme,mdm\ loved one;, PIay Uu~prd} ei 3 eon~ecu ---- Page F.our-C Thursday, <lndavailable S.C 6 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 6G 6H 6J 6K 7 7 A. 78 7C 7D 8 IA. 8B ac 9 10 lOA lOB 11 11A 11 B llC 11D 11 E 11 F 11 G 11 H 12 12A. 12B 12C legal Nollce PersanJls Secretarial Scrv Ice PubliC SJlc Obltua"es EntertaInment Mu"c EducatiOn Tuto""9 and EducaTion Hobby Instruction Camp, AThlct,c Instruction SchoJh Com ore,c~"t Core Lost and Fuulld Ht I,.> WonTed G, "era I 1elr War ted Come,t,c Servllc> to bchonge Hcuse S,ttmg Se" ICes SituatiOn Wanted c. tun' nn f)nmp"tl('" EmplJyment Agency Cate"ng For Rent Unfurnished For Rent Furnished Rooms for R"nt Oft,CC for Rent VacatlOn Rentals Garage fo, Rent Share liVing Quarters STore Lease For Rent or Salr Hall, for Rent Storage Space Wanted to Rent Room Wanted Room and Boord Wa"led Garage Wonted Slaroge Space Wanted ArtIcles for Sale MUSical Instrument> Antiques for Sale Off,ce EqUlpment Articles Wanted Snowmobile for Sale Motorcycles fa' Sale Trucks for Sale Cars for Sale Cor Repair Cars Wonted to Buy Boats and Motors Boot Repair Boat Dockage and Storage Traders and Campers Mobde Homes Airplanes Suburban Ac'eage Suburban Home VocatIOn Properly Forms for Sale 1A-PERSONALS lake and River Property CommerCiol Property Northern Properly Real EstaTe Lots for Sale Cemeter\ Properly Land Conlroct> For Sole or Leo<e Reol E,ToIe War>ted Luis War>leJ VocatIOn or ~uburuar> PrGperty WonTed 14C R~al Estate E~char>Je 1S BU':::dnt:",> Qpportunllle') 16 Pel, tor S:::Ie 16A Hur,:, lor Sale 16B Pet (or oumlng 16C Pet Boardlr>g 16D Adopt A Pel f.'rmtH1l') onrl FI1(1ro ...... lf1q 2~ General SerY,ce 20A Corper LaYing 20B Ref"gerotlon and Air C,ndll,onl"g Repa" 20C Chimney and Fireplace Rtpolr 200 Lo~k\mlths 20E Insulation 20F Washer ~nd Dryer Repair 20G Gloss M,rror Service 20H Floor Sanding 21 MOVing 211' P,ana ~ervlce 21 B Sewing Machone 21C Electrical Service 21 D TV and RadiO RepOlr 21 E Storms and Screen> 21 F Home Improvement 21 G Roofing ServICe 21 H CJrpet CleanIng 21.1 POinting, Cecorallng 21 J Wall Washing 21K Wmdow Wa,h,ng 21L Tile Work 21 M Sewer Service 21 N Asphalt Work 210 Cement and 8r1c~ ""ark 21 P Warerprooftng 21Q Plaster Work 21 R Furn,ture Repal( 215 CarpenTer 21 T Plumbing and Heating 21 U Janitor Service 21 V Sdverplottng 21 W Dressmaking and TClloring 21 X Drape"es 21 Y SWimming Pools 21 Z Snuw Removal 'Jnc.J LandscapIng 1A-PERSONALS NOVENA TO ST JUDE FEED Your bram, Improve Apo<;tle and Martyr great 111 your memory, detOXify and VII tue, lIch In mIracles, metabohze your body With a , l(ln~man of Chrl~t, II1terces- ., n~t\J..r1ltl,lI)tftrentoed-1...QtuEl I'Jjsl$tildl altllwl\o' 4IW1ke1 yout oO~%'l!lt ~$<Miael '0 did In rtme of need I pray to , -DlsfHblttorshiJV available 160 tb use your-great God 77&-4585 •.L". given power to aid me m my PRA YER TO THE UIgent petitIOn In I eturn, I HOLY SPIRIT promise to make your name known PI ay fOI us who ask Holy SPirit, you who make me see everythmg and wh!> for your ald', St Jude say 3 shows me the way to reach OUI Fathel~, 3 Hall Mal ys, 3 my Ideal. You who give me GIOrld~ ThiS Novend has the Dlvme Gift to forgive nevel been known to fall and forget the wrong that IS ~dY Novend fOi 9 ddys done to me and you who are Th,mk You St Jude for favol m all mstances of my lJfe granted E P With me, I, In thiS short dlaSACRED Heart of Jesus, logue want to thank you for Immaculate Heart of Mary everythmg and confn m St Anthony, thank you for once more tha t I never want favore; I ecelved R B to be separated from you no ---------matter how gl eat the maHI, I'm a good lookmg young tenal deSires may be I man IIvlllg m Hal per want to be With you and my Woods, who IS Interested III loved ones In your perpetual haVing a lastmg relatIOn glory Amen ship With a prelty woman With d nice f1gUle, between Thank You for your love to the dge!> of 23 29 A woman wards me and my loved ones Pray thiS prayer 3 5'6" and under. who enJoye; conseclltlve days WIthout hfe. I eads and participates askmg your Wish, after In sport.; or exerCises, be tturd day your Wish WIll be cau<;e If you do we have granted. no matter how. thmge; III common diffIcult t m be Then Life I!>gra nd when }ou feel I ay good about yoU! self and pi omlse to publish thle; prayer as e;oona<;your favor what you can dccompllsh have been granted WI~h but lhl<; one element of my g te d C L__H life Ie; ml;,,,mg and want to _~~n COilect thl, situatIOn I m mtelhgent humourou<;, RESUMES by Lynn Profes slOnally composed & IBM "ncere, and a man With type written Phone for apgood common sen<;e work pOlntment 29&-1032 Illg non.,moker, occasIOnal drinker dod God fearing 18-SECRETARIAL pCI.,on SERVICE If \OU "'ould call me at 8813.127and a<;k for Ralph and leave} OUIndme and phone TYPING, word procese;lng, numbcl pleae;e resumes, $350 a page ~ additIOnal ongmals No DRIVf'\oG Scrvlce, need tary S C S 772-2809 tran"pol t <IlIOn to doctore; ,0cl,1I engagement, "hop Complete ping ctc, (Gem ge) 778WORD PROCESSING <)604 Reports CL \<'~IC 76 Trump:. Motor RepetItive Lettere; }dcht dvmlahle fOI charter Envelopes In E-'t L.llIde rda IE>FlOrida Dle;<;ertatlons ,II (',l December I thru April Ma nlLe;cnpt <; 1'i ,lnd O('IIOlt area May 15 Techmcal EquatlOne; to ~cptcmbel 1 Day, and Tables '" l'€k cml"c<- Call 88~4510 WORDSINUMBERS PROCESSING CORP DEADBOLT LOCKS 6319860 In.,lall('d dt dl,count price, B84-WORD Lork" I cpalred and chdng ed to different key, Wmdow TYPING/word processing lork, <lnd .,tee1 grlll<; me;tal resume ... term papers, re led porte;, repetitive letters (,EHALD C (,ILBOE Reasonable, 8825541 l\!.l,ter Lock<;mlth RE.'iUMES, these~ term pap791 4182 er<; report", repetitIVe let ters WORD PROCESSING 35mm DUPLICATES Competitive pnc('<;/quallty TITLE SLIDES "'ork 'i21 3.100 QUIck turn around Pick up and delivery 2-ENTERT AINMENT In<;l~t ProductIon 885-5287 "THE COMEDY - MAGIC OF GARY THISON: RETIRE-:O BU<;lnf><;<;man, a~ "een on P M Magazllle rrofe<;'lOnal phone e;ervlce Adult~ children PflV:lte man\ ye<lr, cxperlence partlee;, banquete; Reason (rom my home or your of able flce Rcfer('nce" 77&-3720 twP I Monday - 12 Noon No exceptions! One Issue only. PIANO Styllnge; entertain menl prOVided for all occaslOne; 8856215 after 6 00 pm 4-HELP WANTED GENERAL LOST Black ,md white Collte IF YOU seww~lI, but con~lder yourself a non.professlOnal Lost since October 9th Any and would like to make informatIOn call 882-2644 or extra money for the hoh. 874-3311 <ext 222) --days. bUSIness woman reo PIANO Styling!>, old favonte~ MISSING Kitten, white With qUires servICes of a seam. fOI all oced~lOn~ 685 6215 ~mall dal k markmg Please stless 880-1792 letuln to 1156 Malyland CHHISTMAS MUSIC - VOCd CHUR-cil- j3~ltoo.. Mo';-da-ys 82~8069 lI,t dnd plclm"t now bookmg and Wednesdays only 3 fOI holJdd\ entelt,lInmenl MISSING Young grey tiger p m 10 30 P m Call 882. 8855058 0'1 8842018 evcn kitten, Malyland Kelche 5330 II1g;, val drea 824-8069 - ~------- B-ARTENDERS -andWartLO~'T November 3rd from resses, experienced only 2A-MUSIC , pal king lot, Marter Road Apply m person Monday, EDUCATION ~mall female dog, reddish 11/14 between 1 p m 6 p m brown - black, mixed cocker Wooden NH:kel Saloon, and poodle NEEDS MEDI t5163 East 10 Mile WOODS MUSIC CAL ATTENTION RE ----------LIVE.IN comparuon for elder. STUDIO WARD 772-7942 Iy lady Light housekeepmg GUITAR, PIANO, THEORY LOST Lady ~ Illlg Mo References reqUired 881HOME or STUDIO 10<;<;iHolandale $100 Ie 1022 --2w.l3 illdc.k \\,,11d 343-0757 AIDES, $3 35 hour Hard Call weekdays - -- -- worker, dependable St 881-2920 881.5880 I ADULT Male red cat With one CUlled up eal Lost Octobel Anne's NurSing, 6232 CadPIANO teacher With degree 30th, vlclnlly Mack/Haw Ieux-Harper has opelllngs for begmnlng thOi ne, Woods, 88&-2596 fiN's needed~1l shtnSSt or advanced students Ex. - -- ----Anne's Nursmg home, 6232 pelJenced In claSSICal, pop, FOUND - Seve! n!p1 est wICk Cadieux. Harper ragtime, and jall 343-9314 al ea Loved ble dnd lost GI ey and white housecat, rNTERIOR deSign Macomb PRIVATE LE~SONS In dedawed, neuteled, 34 County, medIUm to upper PIANO, VOICE, ORGAN. yedl s, cannot keep Please retail, profeSSIOnal backUmvel ~Ity MUSIC Educa. It~getllng cold andhe needs ground, pleasant surroundtlon degree 30 years exd wal m home 8B6 5084 Ings, good earmngs potenpenence MIs Junkel, 823tial Send resume to Box 1721 D 26, Grosse POinte News, 4-HELP WANTED 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe GENERAL CONCERT ARTS MUSIC Farms, MlCh 48236. School, private musIc 10-1' Stl uctlOn, by appointment SITTER Needed y~)Urhome or PERSON for manufacturers inSide order desk Position only Quahfled, exper. mme, fol' 1 ChIld, 4Vzyeals, reqwres typing and phone lenced (acuity 15412 A Tuesdays,885-8570,5d m-3 skills 1 mde east of RenMack Ave, Grosse POinte p m _ Cen Salary and excellent Park <between Nottingham BABYSITTER FOl 1 chtld, fringe benefits Send reand Somerset) 88&-6242 my home, Tuesday, Thurs. sume to Grosse Pointe VJol1n/V~I:1 ~ l~tJUctJon day, Fllday. lIght houseNews, 99 Kercheval, Box Suzuki or TI adltlOnaJ keeping, dinners. mature D-45, Grosse POinte Farms, ~uzukl A~socldtes of GI ea person preferred Refer MI 48236. tel DetlOit 548-6290. 644 ence~ 885-2938 after 6 p m CREDIT ANALYST 0707 ASSISTANT COok--- Itahan for commercIal bank, one food ExperIenced salad PIANO LESSONS- Qualified year related experience pel son, days Waltress/walpreferred Related degree teacher, my home 882-7772 tel, bal tenders. part tune required. Only career orMaintenance work, evenIented achievers need ap28- TUTORING AND mgs Downtown al ea Send ply Send resume to PerEDUCATION I esume to Box No T.26, sOMel Dept, P 0 Box-689, Grosse POinte News, 99 Warren. Mi 48090 Equal Kel cheval, Glosse POinte TUTORING Opportunity Employer Fal ms, 4B236 ALL SUBJECTS AMATEUR photographer GRADES 1 THRU 12 COOKS & wanted for party DecemPROFESSIONAL FACULTY ber 17th, please call B8GWAITRESSES F,xperlenced only Apply be. 0688 WE CAN HELP tween 2-4, Tuesday through GROSSE POINTE MUST BE 18, WllImg to work Friday at St Nick's HanLEARNING CENTER schedule inclUding days gal, DetlOit City Allport 63 Kercheval on the H1I1 mghts and weekends Start: No phone calls 343-0836 343-0836 ---- ----ing pay $3 35 hOur Apply at TELLER Mr C's Deh, 16830, East ~~.l!.1ftJ~mti'~IA11 ~~nhll)Y;AFIT~1IMe,q iT j 'Warren I '': subjects, adults.chHd~en. ....oe.nLfued...le.achers ..D:IIYI posl110l1'iS-ol>ei'l AfoUr o{flce,l 'NEED ResponSible bab;sltlocated In Grosse POinte on evenmg ~~ __ ~~ ter, 5days a week 6 am - 8 Notre Dame near Kerche am From6a m -4p m No SCIENCE and math all levels, val POSitIOn offers public school days Morang/RoxGrosse Pomte referencescontact, WIthexcellent workbury area. 83!}'6874 after 4 Call Steve, 885-6074 Ing conditIOns and competipm ---- --- -- -tIve salary and benefIts MATH/PhYSICS TutOring Candidates must have a FREE TRAINING Algebra thru Calculu~ good math aptitude and lIght SChweitzer Real Estate-Bethlghschool thl u college typing ability Part-tIme poter Homes and Gardens IS PhY~lc!> GeOige 778 9604 sItion reqUIres full days of pleased to announce a free work Monday - Fridays and pre-hcense tralrung course 2F-SCHOOLS other days to be dIscussed <Asmall charge for materCall manager at 882-7697or Ials ) Call George Smale at apply In person 10 a m to 3 the St Clair Shores Sales JACK & JILL pm Office at 777-4940fordetalls First Federal of Michigan DROP IN CENTER ]n the 80's Go With the THURSDAYS, 11 3~3 30 633 Notre Dame leader of the Industry I Grosse POinte 881-3011 824-8008 LUNCH room Supervisor, 2% An Equal Opportwuty hours, day In a large hllclh Employer school cafetena. SUperviS3-LOST AND BOOKKEEPER must be Ing students This position FOUND able to prepal e Journals, requires good Judgment and ----------general ledgel, finanCial the ability to work effectiveFOUND black and whtte kltstatement<;, payroll, payroll ly with staff and students ten - Vermer-Wedgewood tax I eturns, reply to Box $4.42, hour Call the Grosse ared 882-7610 P15, Gro~se POinte News, 99 -----------Pointe Pubhc School sysKercheval, Grosse POinte LOST Large ~hlte male cat tem,343-2017 Falms 48236 WIth black tal., black spot on - -- -- ---- - ~ hedt Collar With tags, an WAITRESSES applications SHARP Sales clel k - part e;ers to "Doolittle" Vlclmly bemg taken for future open. time cae;h experl~ce Ings In eastSide bar, mght of Wa~burn-Charlevolx, nece<;sal y Ren Cen 259 club Cocktail experience 331 882:> Please come 1655 home preferred Call 372-2055, 11-3 -INVESTMENTS SALES -or 881-9379, ~ 10 P m FOUND e;mall btack dog Appro~lmately ~6 monlhs Leadmg finanCial institutIOn COOK needed for limited has hmlted opemngs for m. old Playful and very affee MeXICan menu In eastsl(lp vestment sales representatlOnate Loves kids If bar Call 372-2055, 11-3 or tives Unlimited prospects 881 9379 ~10 P m }ou're lookmg for a dog why Complete tramlng course not give thle; little guy a WIth salary and commiSSIOn DRIVE~ - Operungs availchance? 881 3887 programs Very high 10- --able, all hours open Need LOST Gl ey and whIte male come potential Call Vmce good driving record. ~pp'~y_ cat \'H'lmty of Windmill Ashley, 77!}'6222for a confilJet\Ji2etl 1-3 p m 15501 Mack'i POlllte, Hailoween mght dentIal mlervlew ~_at Not~gh!~ .• Front pa\\, declawed 331 IDS MARKETING CORP 05111 Equal opportulllty employer BEAUTY OPERATOR, EastMiF Iand area, 24 years same 10FOUND - Male BOUVier, calIOn Make $300-$400 hlack, Ea<;1 Warren/Outer IF YOU ARE RETIRED weekly, Blue Cross Some Dnve ar('a Call 88&-2673 OR HAVE BEEN OUT clientele preferred 371.6645 OF THE JOB MARKET LOST - Left pa,e;port ca<;e on or 465-6646 WHY NOT Jewelr} counter at Kree;gc's "DISCOVER TODAY'S Kercheval and St ClaJr AMWAY Reward If returnPrl to 1309 BOOTH RENTAL AND BETTER THAN EVER" ~omer,et G ro""e POlllte POSITION AVAILABLE Call for the whole story Park 48230 AT MARILYN 82~2200 JOSEPHS OF LOST Rlack tat green e} e, GROSSE POINTE <;mall 'WhIle ,pot on front of LOSE 1().29pounds In 30 days, BEAUTY SALON neck 2 pdwe; declawed ht and earn extra mcome 882-2239 t('r box I rained Afrmd of 8819191 Children and dog" Loe;t near Harpcl Wood, Veterinary on Harper o\ve nedr Park Cree;t Motel Rewarrl $500 If found Call 882-0131 >T~~ If you lose me or find me SECURITIES TRADER A Callforma mve"tment company needs an expenencrd trader In Governments and Mortgage hacked ,~erUrJtlee; Salary to ~IX flguree; plue; bonus They ",,111 pay for relocatIOn and out fee EXPLORE BY TELEPHONE 882-2910 l'lew CrcdJI Card<;r Nobocly Refue;ed I AI'iOVL<;a/Mae;tercard Call ~687 &XX> Ext C-1626 Fee ReqlJlred 10, 1983 MAGIC SHOWS - AvaJldble for birthday pal tle~ bolO queb, your ~oLlal affans Call Jlln Shdnnon, 88.'}.6699 12D 12E 12f 13 llA 13B 13C IlD 14 14A 14B 19 3-LOST AND FOUND November We'll run your ad FREE" 882-6900 HAMILTON RECRUITERS, INC. 19959 VERNIER ROAD HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN 48225 881.5126 ~ .... _ .... _4_$ GROSSE Thu~day, November 10, 1983 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED GENERAL GENERAL LEGAL secretary for down. town office, experienced or will train Individual with good tYPing and appearance.963-7755 WOMAN m our home to sit for our 2 ctuldren, ages 3 and 6, 8. 3().5:30, Monday thru Fnday. Must have own trans. portatlon. Call 886-9674 ACCOUNTS receivable book. keeper, responSIble for Med. Icare billing at human services agency located near Jefferson and East Grand Blvd reqwres know. ledge of bookkeepmg, typlng, and 3-party relm. bursement. approxImately 8 hours per week Some extra hours monthly Apply in person at 1423 Field or call Judie, 924-7860,between 8.30 a m.-. p m An Equal OpportwlIty Employer ANNUITY broker, Insurance license or WIlltrain Must be articulate, well-dressed and dISCIplined Earmngs un limited Call 882-0726 Saturday only Ask for Mr Mullen EXPERIENCED barmaId wanted NIghts Apply "Your Place Lounge," 17326 E Warren 881-4850 SEEKING PERSONAL ADVISOR With management skIlls to provIde counsel on specific areas of my practice. Fa. miharity with establishing fee structures, former ex. Perience m management. Particularly WIth a service-type business, and abi!ity to analyze finanCIal statements helpful Of speclal mterest to early retirees who want to work a few hours each week and have much management experience to share Please detaJ! previous work experience and send to: Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236, Box S-49 BABYSITTER needed, 3 p m. to 6'30, Monday through Friday, 7 and 9 year old, transportation necessary. light housekeeping, must have references. 565-9850 OPENINGS available for energetic sales associates m Grosse Pointe residentIal real estate fIrm. Excellent income projections, good on-the-job traIning, generous commission split, pleasant working environ. ment All mquiries confl. dential. Call Mrs Schultes, 881-8900. ASSISTANT WANTED for' busy public relations and. fund raising consultant workout of her Grosse Pointe home. Must be accurate tyPist and have some .. fund raIsing experience (professional or volunteer); l2-20hours per week; salary $7.50, hour. Call 881-9316between 12.00 noon and 5:00 pm. MATURE woman wanted for lower teen child care. Private home on premises (Northville). Dulles conSIst of chauffeuring, light hou. sekeeping, etc. Must have references. Please reply to: Box P-25, Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse .' Pointe Farms, Mich. 48236 " ., " SlITER for 2 boys. ages 2 and , 5 Monday thru Fnday, 7:30 to 5: 30. TransportatIOn needed. Call 884-5427 '. CASHIEftS wanted full tlme afternoons or evenings $4 per hour, call or come in after6p m. Italian Grinder, RenaIssance Center 5680550. I /WANTED Women With knowledge of typmg, filing, record keepmg, show room , sales, familiar With home mtenor desigrung neat and learns quickly, no others need apply 776-3038 FRENCH Teacher - For child, In home lessons, must have genuine warmth with children. 14 MllefHarper area ~9841. FREE CLASSES Schweitzer Real EstatefBet. ter Homes and Gardens wants to help you get sta~. ed m the real estate busI' ness, free pre.IIcense clas. ses now available (small matenals charge) Grosse POinte Farms, Grosse Pointe Woods, offices are hlnng Call today for confl, dentlal mtervlew WIth the leader m the Industry Dennis Andrus, group vlcepresident 886-4200 SOMEONE to help edlt- and type new hterary publica. tlOn Part or full time On Harper near VernIer Wnte Wordsworth Box 8539 De. trolt. 48224 TYPIST Established Local CPA FIrm seeks statIstical typist Must have pnor expenenCf in CPA OUlce, full or part time 963-5101. WANTED - Litho stripper WALLPAPERING, painting. with camera experience No job too small. Free estl. Goin, Away? Experlenced 259-1995. mates. Dave - -"0810. care for home, 1MlU, llIanu: BUS DrIver part time. High eervinl GI"ONe Poinle ana PARTY SERVING school graduate. Valid St. Clair Shores area. CoI- Two female grad students chauffers license, one year lele ,racluates, nOllsmok. would like to make your experience driVing van Or ers, area residents. Rea. holiday parties a success. bus Good salary, excellent sonable rates baled 011 Indl. Excellent references. ll82fringe benefits. Wayne vidualneeda. WiUalso aerve 1013; 886-0609. County Association for The at parties Call 775-8704 or I WILL fix It! Reasonable, re.1.7•. Retarded. 83t-3144. ferences, reliable. Alan WHEN VACATION IS NEAR, An Equal Opportwuty 881-8734; B8S-9213 Local reo RElJEFSQUADISHERE! Employer sident FLORAL Designer - part. PROFESSIONAL woman for bOle 2 or 3 days a week, ex. PAINTING, carpenter work, l~ and short term house. perlence preferred. 884. hou&es,garages,smaUjobs, SlUing. Bonded plus refer. 0183 repairs Best prIces Pete, ences 83~5907. 882-2795. DENTAL Assistant, part --time, prefer surgICal experI-81TUA T10H EXPERIENCED nurse's lence send resume to Gros. WANTED aide desires position full or se Pointe News, 99 Kerche. ---------part time. No live-ins val, Grosse Pointe Farms, YOUNG lady wIshes day 771.3751, 296-1167 MichIgan 48236, Box No work. Dependable, reliable, UCENSED Day care m my D-32. responsible. With refer. home Over 10 years experRETAIL Management poSI. ences. lI21r6125. ience. references, infants tlon available. Please call FEMALE, 25, 7 years experwelcomed 882-4738 between 9 am. 5 p m. 372ience, available to live lovGUTTER clearong. cleaned, 1200 ing care to elderly or handl' flushed, inspected. repaIrCAMERA Store needs cacapped person. Excellent ed storms replaced, odd mera sales persons with references. 488-4834. jobs. John - 112Z--7421. __ outgomg personality and an HOUSEKEEPER, live-In, 5 mdepthknowledgeof35mm days. Box F.75, Grosse COLLEGE Student desues SLR cameras. Applicants Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, odd jobs 774-8579. must be able to work full Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi. hme includmg all evenings 48236. 5A-SITUAnON and weekends. Call Studio DOME9nC Camera at 881-6200 Ask for LADY wishes housecleaning, David Temes to apply for _ha_ve_ref_ere_n_ce5_._923-_04_5_1_ this position IRONING Done In my home CARING at DOING (European Style). Also, CAMERA Store needs photcr IS OUR MOno home style hors d'oeuvres finishing sales persons who include' meat pies, stuffed can work either full time in. • LIVE INS k grape leaves, spaghetti sacluding evenings and wee • AlDES lad, fru.lt pies . 716-8371. ends, or afternoons and • KN's at LPN', evenings, starting at 12noon A LADY expenenced wishes and weekends. Applicants to do housework in the With prior photographic For Home Health Care Grosse Pointe area Call knowledge definitely preAt Its Best Call after 6 p m. 372-2392. ferred Outgoing per--~------- ..... 'MED-STAFF sonality and a smile are job YOUNG Christian women 557-2505 seeking housekeepIng jobs. essentials If you feel you References available, 824are qualified, call Studio - DOMESTIC CLEANING 2953. Camera at 881-6200 and ask EXPERIENCED, for David Ternes. ABLE TO clean your home or RELIABLE office in 1"h hours Depen. FAMILY OWNED FOOD Pdt rep an coun er DOMESTIC CLEANING dable, thorough. Three per. work, downtown resson crew will clean to your taurant, some experience SERVICE satisfactIOn. Excellent renecessary. Martha, after 2 AT REASONABLE COSTS ferences in your area Call PLEASE CALL: 5671515 p.m. . 77&-0323 for estimate. Karen - 682BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2132, Chrissy - 681.7517 mfllnt, part.time, early afPROFESSIONAL MOVERS EXPERIENCED Mother ternoon, Monday through 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE Daughter team will clean Thursday References. FAMILY BUSINESS your home or office. JoAnn 343-0598 PIANO-APPLIANCES lI82-lI624 • . INSURED, LOW RATES GRILL Cook, full time, apply m.4S43 YOUNG Lady deSIres domeswithin - Lounge in The tic work, references. 882Woods, 20513 Mack, 11 a.m. FIVE Years experienced 6679 to 2 p.m. housekeeper . looking for AMBITIOUS self-motivated cleaning ofrices for even. EXPERIENCED Home Health Aide wishes part people can earn $50,000 plus, ings.774-5146. time work 821-2132 or lI23first year. Sales-manage. EXPERIENCED NURSES' 6116 ment health and nutritional aides available. Reasonable products, 881-4011. rates. Fraser Asency. State WILL Clean homes, offices, licensed and bonded. 213basements, day, afternoon TYPI~, ,bill~ng,- bookkeep; 17.17_, or evenmg cleaning. 771. 1118, Jlocid ,,-9ridnc atmos6744. phere. Send resume to: ONE-GIRL office, booidte.eP." Grosse Pointe War Memoing, secretarial, payroll, bll- LADY Wishes house work in rial. Business office. 32 ling. Experienced. Call Jo, Grosse Pointe or St. ClaIr Lakeshore Drive. Grosse 258-4741. Shores, references 881Pointe Farms, 41236. No EXPERIENCED Mother 3848. telephone calls accepted. with licensed home in the LADY desires housecleaning BARTENDER-Barmaid, ex"Park" will care for your position. Every other penenced only. Call bechild. Full or part Ume, all Thursday. Friday. Refertween 9 a m - 11 a.m. only. ages. Reasonable rates. ences. After 6 p.m., 77lHl59 886-2160 References available S23FEMALE needs ironing, 4124. laundry or cleaning. Em4A-HELP WANTED ployment Thursdays, curHOUSE A MESS? DOMESTIC rent references. 925-7151. No Time? Call AELlEFSQUADtI -~---~~-- THE WE SPECIALIZE in the placement of professional domestlc and nursing personnel: Housekeepers Cooks - Couples - Child Care - Day Work - Maids - Home Health Care. Live In or Out. Please call HOUSE-KE-TEEAS Let OUr Crew Come In 6: Do All of Your General Clean- Ing - Windows at Ovens Too! !Ask About Our Carpet Cleaning Service. Excellent References. Gift Certificate Available. Call Olris: GOLL PERSONNEL AGENCY 565-4300 $5 00 Off With This Ad 106 Kercheval Grosse Pomte Farms PRiVAie NURSING Around the clock In home, hospital or nursing home. RN's, LPN's, Aides, companions, male attendants, live-ins. Screened and bonded 24hour service. Licensed nurses for Insur. 882-2928 State Licensed and Bonded (fRbSS"E POINTE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ance cases. 885-4576 service. Needs experienced Cooks, Nannies, Maids, Housekeepers, Gardeners, Chauffeurs, Butlers. Coueles. Nurse Aiaes. Compam~ and Day Workers tor pri. vate homes. 18514 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Farms TU 4-3110 DEPENDABLE, reliable, conscientious adults, baby. sitters available. hourly. daUY,ovennte,weekendsin rour home. For more Information, call1M-611O. BABYSITTING SERVICE AGENCY HOUSEKEEPER/Some cook. mg, live-In For single workmg person Grosse Pointe area Other help employed References reqwred. 2961890 Call1l2Z--4589 I HAN'OYMAN -""&niPi~e repairs. exter!or and mterior, attics, painting, roofing, etc References. G. Lozada. "2130. n.., 822-.-s. IRONING and washIng European style cooking Includes meat pies, stuffed grape leaves, Tlmboli salad, etc. 77&-8371. MATURE, responsible woman available to babySIt Full time only Harper-Cad. ieux area. 882-1451. HOUSECLEANING done by mature reliable person Years of experience. Call Carol. 77&-7859. 5C-CATERtNQ CATERED delights now serving the Pointes. Be a guest at your own party Hors d'ouevres, vegetable basket creatIOns. party trays Complete party planning assistance. Call 293-6299and schedule your holiday party today! ... set 755-9230 'RE'TIRrD HANl>YMAN' ...J LIVE-IN to care for elderly I Minor repairs. carpentry. woman needing light assiselectrical, plumbing, brolance St Clair Shores. Be- I ken windows and sallb \.ord ferences required 465-5359 repl8\.ed, etl .. Reasonable. after 6 pm! RefereD\.eIJ 112-«751. , GOVERNMENT JOBS $16,559 . $5O,S53fyear Now Il!IUICES Hlnng Your area Call1105SE 88HOOO, ext R.16216. FEE REQUIRED - -- - -- -- DUTCH couple available for MEDICAL Assistant for FIsnhouseslttmg In Grosse Polner Bldg, and eastside of. te for 6 months Research flce, part tIme with Jl('sslble fellow. Available immed. full time. InQu.lre, 87s.0756. lately .• 1.• 1$, TWO English ladies desire to clean your home. Excellent references. Call 7772806. serVIng the Grosse Pointe area since It5$ Care of CHILDREN and the MARIE'S Catering: Intema. tional Cuisine, Hor's ELDERLY. By the hour 24 d'oeuvres buffets, dinners, hour rates avaIlable. office openings and meet. LICENSED ~ ings, 16U295. NEED SOMETmNG moved? Two Pointe residents will RENT A COOK for your spemove or remove large or cial occasion. Reasonable. Excellent references. .1. small quantities of furnlture, applIances, pianos or what have you Call for free estimate 343-0411. or 822IA-8lTUATION 2208 _ LIGHT Housekeeper, bl' weekly, Harper.Whlttier area, references. G Kageff, 527~15 WANTED Live-in house. keeper for care of9 year old POSSible retired teacher, cooking capabilities an as- DOMESTIC wanted, 4 days a week,3hoursperday.Cook. Ing and hght housework for elderly lady. References. LADY desires day work, Grosse Pointe references. Call 921-5304. POINTE Al\.EA NURSES iO years reliable vice. Wall~perlnl. paint. log and mlKeUaneoua repain. Tn-21Z1 DOIIESTIC IT'S EASY TO mRE GOOD HELP! Household Teams • Dependable • Affordable • EffiCient Treat yourself and your home FREE ESTIMATES TWO Mature women desire housecleaning. Excellent Grosse Pointe references. 445-1158. - .- ~~',....4 ....-.--.-...+- ....... ---.-- ...................... 8I6-Tm A Division of Giant Janitonal Service Inc. ...... Page Ftve-C UNFURNISHED KELLY north of Moross, 3 bedroom home. Carpeting, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, freshly painted, INVESTMENT $350. After 6 p.m 119-0241. PROPERTY DUPLEX - Kelly/Whittier, 2 bedroom, dining room, ga. MANAGED? rage, recently decorated, IT'S REASONABLE AND EFFICIENT! Immediate occupancy. $325 FOR DETAILS CALL plus security 756-7066 EAST DetroIt - 3 bedroom Colonial plus garage WIth or DILLON WithOut a pphances , carpet. PROPERTY ed,leaselerms ~month, MANAGEMENT plus depoSIt. No pets For 881-4147 Information, 773-6815 GROSSE Pomte St Clair near SMALL 2 bedroom carriage Kercheval, 2 bedroom. house In Grosse Pomte City lower flat. stove and refrlnear Lake, city parks, and gerator Included. $400 per Jefferson bus Unfurmshed month plus ullhties. Apph. or furmshed Available Ncr cation and security depoSIt vember25th $300permonth reqwred Call 225-3146 be. plus utilitIes $300 secunty tween 9 a m and 5 p m References. 884-3078 Monday thru Friday only GROSSE Pointe CIty, 2 bed. TWO Bedroom condo apart. room upper, new carpetmg, ment, m Schu.ltz Estates. new pamt, modern kitchen, 09 Mlle-Garfleld area) All storage room, carport. ex. a pplia nCt'c;, drapes, lau~ry cellent condlhon $410. plus hook.ups, car port. qUIet. security depoSIt. 881-2806. clean $390 plus utIlities EASTLAND Area - 2 bed. 286-4101 after 6 p m room home. No lease B84- EFFICIENCY Condo m. 2280. cludes utilities except elec. BISHOP _ Upper flat, retrJcity or phone, 9520 Whitdecorated, carpet, mcludes tier 357-1316 stove, refrigerator, $230per AREA _ Gratiot and 7 Mile 2 month 881.2445 bedroom house, 3 persons or SEVEN Mile/Gratiot _ 14209 less, must be working, $250 a month 15050 Lmnhurst Falrcrest, spacIOUS, secure 5 room, $225 month. Se- TWO Bedroom Duplex - E. Curlty 886-7117 WarrenfOuter Drive. Ga. C' I d. rage hardwood floors and SUNSET Irc e con 0 ca~ting. New Iutchen and mInIUm, 13 and Harper, bath. $335 plus gas and elecleast not necessal1', 2 bed. m, cal' tric.567.2333 9 a.m .. 5 p.m rooms, utility roo , central aar, refri- ~ORRENT ~AINT &-FOA RENT WHY NOT CONSIDER HAVING YOUR port, ----r---....--- ...... ---..-...-------- NEWS ~RENT UNFURNISHED IIIWICU ':4::e-.....:::H::OU:::S::E;:SI;;.;II;:NQ;;:::1 tRAN-K-' S-H-a~-n-dy-m-.-nler- , ; , : POINTE HOUle. i iiMQ 4C q __ ON THE LAKE UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED COZY three bedroom house on Neff Fully carpeted. gar. age. Available December 1st, _ plus securities and utilities References 885. 0590 GROSSE Pointe Park. one bedroom apartment All ut. ilitles Including air, stove, refrigerator. Near trans. portatlOn, $250 plus seeur. Ity.881-3296. _ RENT With option Lakepom. te near Jefferson, lower flat 5 rooms and bath Side dnve and garage, floors reo fuushed, newly decorated ~ per month Mabarak 881.0001 PRIME Grosse Pomte locatlOn,795St Clair, upper flat 2 bedrooms,largelIvmg and dllung room, natural wood. work, stove. refrigerator. garage $425 per month, plus securIty deposlt 88286B5 ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom ap. artment, I 94- Wll1ttler :.Ire.. Heat, refrigerator. stove. carpetIng, large closets, laundry room facllities $285 per month. immediate occupancy Call after 5 p m for app£untment 263-6436 731-9030 GROSSE Pointe Farms, 6 room farm house Carpeted, 2 blocks from Farms park Ideal for adults. No pets $450 Available January 1 791.0071. . THREE bedroom DetrOIt house Block to 1.94, ~Irect to downtown DetrOIt Or Tr N St J h H oy ear 0 n O,Spltal, 1l,2 baths, Side drive. 1 storage shed, nice nelgh- gerator, range, per month securlty depoSIt. No pets 881.2755 ALTER, effiCiency apartment. utilIties, stove, refngerator included Refer. ences $175 331-4677 or 8843883 ll012 ROXBURY,3bedrOODl, fImshed basement, h replace, garage, fenced yard $375 a month plus secunty 777-6852 TROMBLEV--:-for the dlscnmmating tenant LiVing room, dinIng room. Ph baths, 2 bedrooms. den, kitchen and breakfast nook, basement. 2 car garage, stove and reo fngerator. custom drapes 882-1206 after 6 p m --------- - - --~-- - GROSSE Pomte area 5 room upper $200 per month Ask for George, 777 4940. after 5 527-9419 -- -- ~ -- RANCH condo (Warren. 12 Mlle. Schoenherr) 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, famIly room, 2 car attached garage, pallO, central air, $725 plu!. security Ask for Frank ~1clIu gh. 884- 0600 --- FOUR room upper, separate entrance Elmdale and Hayes Stove and refngerator, $195per month No utIl. Illes Security, 11k months 77~8195 -- - ------- UPPER flat, one bedroom. Mack-Moro!.s area 19181 Chester Shown Saturday, 12 hi 5 882-1144 GROSSE Pointe city Newly carpeted, clean, 2 bedroom flat All apphances, one bJockfrom Village 822-0790 ----- CLEAN and cozy upper apartment Located 10 Grosse POinte Park, $300 month plus security deposit A vallable November 12th B8S-3545 WALK to Village, spacious rooms, 2 bedrooms, heat in. cluded. fIreplace, garage, $550 John S Goodman. Inc 88&3060 BEDFORD. Warren, 2 bed. room upper flat Carpeted, apphances, garage $275 plus securIty 882-4136 or 886-6711 WINDMILL Pointe . $650 borhood, $395 884-6096 I $700 thl ease or mon y,upper WAYBURN, newly decorat. flat. LIving room, natural ed, carpeted, 2 bedroom MACK-Somerset - 2 bedfireplace. dining room, na. lower, $250 AvaIlable 11f15 room lower, $260 plus sec tural fireplace, dining 822-2303 urity depoSIt. No uhhhes room, 'L' kitchen, Florida 885-6896 room, 3 bedrooms, 11k TWO bedroom lower flat on baths, garage, gas forced Wayburn, Grosse Pointe M 1 b d WHITTI ER an or , e air heat, central air condl' Park, Grosse Pointe school, room bath, liVing, kItchen, tl'oni~ and basement park passes. Newly dec. dimng' area $325 includes ed t Imm iate occupancy. orat, new carpe mg heat ~nd water and parklng 870 LAKESHORE _ large Open Sunday 2-4, or can area. Avallable November brick ranch. 3 bedrooms, 3 469-3438, 1049 Wayburn 4th, 9550 Whittler. 823-5838 d baths, family room, en, 3 DEVONSHIRE, Mack De. 5067 CHATSWORTH, half SUPER NICe - 2 bedroom car garage, boat well. $3,500 troit 3 bedroom lower, fire. block from Warren Lovely. lower, m qwet DetrOit area per month place, $300 security requlr. 2 bedroom lower, stove, reo separate basement, kitchen PALMS-QUEEN ed.881'2653. fngerator, garage. $275 plus With appliances $250 per 886-4444 utllitles and secunty After month plus utihties Se. THREE bedroom Colomal, 6 p m 885-0122. curity monthly lease re- NEFF ROAD: Available~an(Farms) Furnished or un qwred. ~4710 uary 1st 3 bedroom lower, fumished,881-7808; 884-7489 grosse pointe city, shorter fireplace, natural woodafter 6 p m term, one bedroom com. HOUSE.Beaconsfield bework, all appliances, inclltd. promise rental. appliances tween Mack and Warren ing washer and dryer and HALF duplex on Kelly, off anne parker, tu~4415. References and secuTlty dishwasher. New furnace, Moross 2-3 bedrooms, can depoSit required. $275 plus garage Call 446.8414 or Paul,823-3967. THREE bedroom bnck Colon t I't 882-""60 lal In Woods Drapes, car u I lies.... 886-7124. NO'M'INGHAM ~ear Warren, peting throughout natura EASTLAND.7 Mile - Grahot 5 room fiat WIth stove and f p.! t r'ef i area. Luxurious, qwet ter. CAVAUER MANOR ~ re.uige.ra\Qt,_ .. , ga~g~. aceW:s:~~a2 race garden apartment, one 24575 KElL Y ~menti:Very g~ ~ fenced, y.;J;.d bedroom, $275 52].2225 or EASTLAND AREA hon. One or two persons with patio $600 per month 75]-2854. Luxurious modern 2 bedonly. $225 a month Includes 835-4852 room OPEN House - 8 Mile/Kelly house aApartl~ent or Town-t GRheOSSat. E888-6pOI.ln02te' Park, 2 bed. 2 BEDR~OM Cololmal on area, Detrolt 16052 East. PP lances, carpe , M th L k t burn. Applications -being central air, pool. carport room upper, stove, refTig. errlwea er arge I. taken November 12, 13, 10 Near 10 Mile Road. From erator, laundry facillties. chen,den,2cargarage,$700 $350 plus se$385. 44~2428; 961-7411. Fresh clean e<l15 882-6711 month plus ~ecurlty 1 year p a. m .' 2 , ...... . lease Avallable Nov I, cunty EIGHT MILE.GRATIOT, 5 VERNIER, Mack area. 2 bed. 1983 THREE bedroom bTlckTudor room upper, heat included, room upper, stove, retTlgwith appliances, air $315. erator, fireplace, garage, 2 bedroom Ranch on the Lake Bishop, (near Grosse DETROIT ON STRASBURG. basement, no pets $400 Family room Indoor pool POlDte). Available De3 bedroom Colonial, finish884-3619. Available to May 1984 cember 1st Insulated No edbasement,formaldining, GROSSE Pointe Park, 3 bedHIGBIE MAXON, INC. couple newgarageJ}lhbaths,$350. room brick home with gar886-3400 Pets. ResponsIble NEAR CADI~UX-HARPER, deslred References 839upper and lower apart. age, porch, washer, dryer, HOUSE in Park, 4 bedrooms. 4936 ments, $265, $275, heat indisposal,refrigerator,stove 2 baths, lawn care, snow ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom cluded and basement. $450 a mono removal, $1,100 or if owner lower m beautiful Detroit For others not listed call La. tho Call 882-0020. 9-5 retains basement apartneighborhood Stove. reVon's Rental and Property ALTER Road. 3 bedroom duo ment, $850, 6 month lease frigerator, gara~e, drapes, Management, 773-2m5. plex, bath plus lav, carpet. conSIdered 824-4584 fIreplace. Secunty deposit GROSSE Pomte Woods, 3 beding, stove, refngerator for BEACONSFIELD. Warren 5 No pets. $265 per month room house, new carpet and $325.882-0028 room upper With heat, 922-5737 or 425-6853 paint, immediate occupan. 792 TROMBLEY _ Grosse adults preferred 5ecunty WOODS, 3 bedroom buncy, $575. Shorewood, E.R. Pointe Park - 3 bedrooms, 2 deposlt $'n5 'n3-4304. galow, one block from lake Brown. 886-8710 baths, carpeted, nice condi. GROSSE Pointe Park, Way. Occupancy November 1st TWO bedroom lower flat on lion, central aIr, 2 car ga. burn 2 bedroom flat WIth 884-4812 Bedford near Mack; appllrage. 331-6882. partial basement, modern HA YES - Houston Whittier ances, heat, and water in- GROSSE Pomte Farms, qUIkitchen, $260 plus secunty area Lower flat, 2 bed. eluded; new carpeting, $360 et, convenIent street, 3 bed. deposit 794-4005 room, clean, carpeting, per month, available Norooms, 1l,2 baths, family GROSSE Pomte, 781 St Clair appliances, heat lOeluded, vember 13, 881-5472 after 6 room. $65O/month Lovely 2 bedroom lower 7~7096. p.m. DANAHER, BAER, Near Village Fully carpetACROSS from St. John Hospl- NOTTINGHAM, upper one WILSON &; STROH' ed WIth all appliances $450 tal. Excellent for hospital bedroom, $235. Share utll. 885-7000 Lease, plus utilities 882employee Attractive duplties 884-3559. BEACONSFIELD, below Jef. 4988 lex 2 bedroom, full base- NOTTINGHAM....... ferson Upper 2 bedrooms, FIVE room upper flat, very ment, gas heat. newly deccr ' 1 .,.,..room appliances, basement, se. upper $280 heat I'ncluded clean, 7 MJle.Gratiot Ideal rated Secunty Realty S42" curity depOSit reqUIred 3900. 882-7989. 542-3349evenIngs for older couple or lady se. 1528 BRYS, three bedroom, curity depoSIt. Call after 6 CADIEUXfMack - 5 room one bath home. large kit. BEACONSFIELD - South p.m 885-3592 upper Appliances, carpet, chen, $425 month "4076. of Jefferson. Nice 2 bedroom OUTER Dr. Warren,custom drapes, $250 per month plus upper WIth appliances, $325 2 bedroom brick home, flreutilities 37~9722 ONE bedroom upper flat. per month plus security place, basement, garage, Houston.Whittler. Cbal824-8601 $375 References, security C bed S SUPER lean 3 room t mers. AP:fuances, heat, . Clair Shores ranch Utility water an garage $225 LARGE2bedroomapartment 771.3751 room, fenced yard, carvort, 839-0068. on Neff, fireplace, den EAST Warren, Outer Dr. $425 plus secunty. 293-3952 Beautiful, with laundry faarea 2 bedroom unit, $280 GROSSE Pointe Park area CADIEUX-Chandler Park C1lities. $500 mOllthly Bob, monthly Ask for Mark Drive area 1 bedroom ap816-0835 886-5805 ' Two-1 bedroom apart. artment. Carpeted, ap. . ments, applIances All utIli phpances, heat mcluded, CONDOMINIUM, 2 bedroom, NOVEMBER One ties, security references $275 a month Call after 5 qUiet, pretty cul.de-sac month only' One bedroom $275. 52&-6459or 884-8906 pm 3e05S4 $500 includes heat, hot waor StudiO $150 East Outer GRATIOT. 7 Mile 5 room low ter. 211-1265 Dnve.Gratiot Area Clean, - 3 BEDROOM upper unit on II k b Id L er, heat Included, $325 per Neff Rd LIving room, fire- TWO bedroom upper, Grosse we ept UI mg eave month, 823-6542 place, dining room, modern Pointe area $265 Bob, ~ _ mess~~e ~~ ~1~ _ MACK, Nottingham, 2 bed kitchen, garage. $SOOmonth 0135 __ HARPER. Whittier area. 3 room upper, carpeted, replus security Immediate FOUR bedroom condo, large bedroom bnck Colonial, na. ferences Call between 1-8 occupancy with fireplace $62S monthtural fireplace, sCreened In p m $240 343-0152 HIGBIE MAXON INC. ly Bob, -.0835 back porch, 2 car garage, GROSSE Pointe House - 3 _3400 ALL Utilities _ r~rated, 882-44i'7 or 885-8532 bedrooms, dining room, WOODS large 1bedroom apartment ALTER AT JEFFERSON den, garage, mlDutes to 3 BEDROOMS Houston.Chalmers area Prestigious 4 story elevator school, shopping, transpor ALL APPLIANCES $235 83t-9406. bUlldmg, luxury aparttaUon, freshly decoratedj 2189 HOLLYWOOD GROSSE POINTE ments WIth large rooms, new carpeting, natura $410 0 d t be woodwork, $375 plus utih. 661.t393 MOVING CO ne an wo drooms tIes, liberal landlords WHITTIER-Outer Drive Reasonable Rates References and secunty Maryland 331-3230; 881 Beautiful English Tudor, Reliable Service requ1Ted 4977 upper 2 bedroom apart. Free Estimates Walker.Alklre Realty ~iJ: ,lj~_~.t:t::f~ge, -special GROSSE Pointe, Maryland, 4 ment Carpeted, gas heat room upper, $2n5 Includes You pay your own utUlties'l heat, 527.0960 after 6 p m Available November 1$, LOWER Flat.3bedrooms, Rich, 7~5501, or I stove, refrigerator and one - -------___ car garage No pets $32S- ST. CLAIR near Olarlevoix, month Secunty depoSIt and lovely 2 bedroom ranch references required home, with porch and at. HIGBIE MAXON tached garage. $4SO. au886-3400 9112 after 5 p.m ~..=. 343-0481 sea . 88&-0920 NEFF _ A completely remodeled, newly decorat. ed townhouse duplex for the executive and hiS wtfe who now have the freedom to come an<! go Two bedrooms, 2." baths, hVing room With fireplace, dining room, small den, eating space In kItchen Master bedroom 21' x 13' With loads of closets, 2-car garage, separate dnve $675 per month plus utillues. ~---~-~--r~----" __ ""~~~~ __~~"""" __._'-- '_DW '_4~......... GROSSE Page Six-C &-FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ..,••'",..., IC-OFFICE 8A--FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR RENT - POINTE Thursday, November 10, 1983 :~ NEWS ID-VACAnON 8D-VACATION RENTALS 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE RENTALS &.-ART1CLES FOR SALE r-ART1CLES FOR SAL. T RA VERSE CIty - TastefulMARCO Island condomlOlum 'FtJRNITURE Wholesale DIS- MOVING SALE - DIsplay ly furmshed and decorated 3 kitchen and vanity cabinets tributors of Michigan, AAA' ConsIgn men or Buy - decorator furnished, 2,200 on month to month baSls All bedroom, 2full bath cottage Other related mIscellan"Wholesale Direct To. ROSEVILLE sq ft ,~ound floor, dIrect uttlltles mcluded. Common on Duck Lake Carpeting eous Quality cabinets Inc You" I Selhng all new mer.! Across from access to pool, JaCUZZI, receptIOn area. In Grosse throughout, fireplace, color MACOMB MALL 16392 Harper Ave chandlse In Original carsauna, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 881-8002 Pomte Farms on Mack Av 20331 MACK $240 monthly 331 0518 Completely furnished one tv, garage Near 3 major tons 2 piece mattress sets" washer, dryer, trash mashenue LEAF BLOWER Yardman 5 THREE BEDROOM duplex, bedroom and kitchenettes ski areas, deer hunting, tWin $59, full $79, queen $99, er, mIcrowave, cable TV hp jet sweeper excellent Grosse Pomte Park . Mack CI.OSS country skllng, carpeting, stove, refrlgera. We pay all ullllties Small mattress sofa sleepers $119, bunk Call 885-7664 condition Used Just once near Cadieux CommercIal snowmobIling Weekends, lor OU Cadieux, $270 securIty deposit No Pets. beds complete $88 7 piece sets ~ Serta ~ off TWin, $275 921-6590; 6 00 P m bUilding Approxlmatel) monthly, security depoSlt All sleepmg rooms start at weekly, monthly 771-8078 SIESTA Key~ne-w co~do $145. II, $185. Queen, ~25. hving rooms $239, decora1080 sq ft Paneled walls I eferences., ~1-~_73___ $58 a week Shown dally beach Side October thru tIve lamps from $14.88, 5 GREMLIN 4 watt p'ractice Kin~, $325 All fIrst quality P ALM Beach 2 bedroom Drop ceIling $630 month Dea er warehouse clear. February 778-1956 or 884piece wood dinettes $159, amplifier, like new, reason COLONIAL 10 prime Park IGfrom 9 a m condo for rent BeautIful HIGBIE MAXON INC 5955. ance 268-2854 or 371-5400 $800 pits now $375. Open to, able Call after 5, 881-8550 cation 3 bedrooms, 21h ~-244~ _ vIew of golfcourse and mter 886-3400 the public, dealers and instI. coa!>tal, pool, tenms, sauna baths, famtly room, formal APARTMENT, one large LAUDERDALE BY SEA tutlOnal sales welcome J. & F. FIREWOOD Near ocean and shoppmg. dining room and 2 car garbedroom 9 Mile-Jefferson Oceanfront Townhouse, 2 M EDICAL SUite 18501 Name brands, Serta, etc I SEASONED OAK AND MAPLE 274-4198 Evenings 561age Stove, fnge, dlshwash. area December 1st-June bedrooms, prIvate beach, Mack Ave, Grosse POinte 9451Buffalo, Hamtramck (l $57 per face cord 1368 er washer/dryer, carpe1st Completely furmshed pool, monthly or season Farms, 650 sq ft $700 block nQrth of Holbrook, 1 Tax and Dehvery Included lmg, wmdow treatments, 773-5452 after 6 HARBOR Springs - Hohday 963-3123 or 884-7944. monthly negotiable 882block east of Conant), 875central aIr, 2 fireplaces QuantIty DIscount Available tudeaway condo Sleeps 8, 9729 7166 Telegraph (2 blocks Same Fine Quahty and ServIce ResponsIble tenant wanted to 8B-ROOMS FLORIDA. Ilh baths, near slopes, 886- SARASOTA, south of 6 Mtle), 532-4060 At Last Years Prices' rent upper flat In Grosse Meadows Condo, 2 bed8924 FOR RENT 6I)-VACAT1ON Monday through Saturday, -------"--POinte Park 2 bedrooms, FRANK 882-6910 rooms, 2 baths, pool, golf, JOHN 757-4885 RENTALS 10.8, Sunday, 12.5 14460 Richey Adults only 2 P bath, hVlng room, referHOUSTON WhittIer tenms Call 882-2287 Gratiot (2 bloc!ss north of 7 bedl oom, 2 bath, furmshed ---- - - - - Mile Rd ) 521.3500 Monday ences requIred $35<Wmonth Lakepomte area, $225 HARBOR SPRINGS house Available January HUTCHINSON Island/OceAPPRAISALS TAPPAN & ASSOC ~6200 monthly Includes all Lovely year rouna home through Saturday, 10.8, FREE CONSULTATION 15th thru Apnl 15th 978 ana II 2 bedroom, 2 bath 10909 Grand RIver (corner • ALTER. CHARLEVOIX uttlltles, use of washer and 2400 sleeps 6-8 Make your skIIng oceanfront condo Luxurious of Oakman) 934-6900. Mon. Grosse Pomte Side, attractIve dryer Completely pn vate reservations early decor 881-1032, 885-2394 LONGBOAT Key/FlorIda on day through Saturday, 10-7. largeone.bedroom or studio 527-2466, Barbara 882-25!n the Gulf of MeXICO, luxury POINTES 4575 DIXIe Hw) , W3terford apaliJll~lll:>, ~lOO-$2lCl, in ' 6E-GARAGE condominium Avallablefor Township (3 mIles west of EXPERIENCED SERVICE IN MARCO ISLAND South Seas cludes applIances and u- 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT ImmedIate occupancy, long Telegraph) 674-4121 MonESTATE SALES condo on the beach 2 bed lIhlles 331-7852 FOR RENT or short term lease Call day day through Saturday 10-8 room, 2 bath, newly decor. HOUSEHOLD SALES time VAl-1295 evenings and TWO Car garage, $20 per BEACONSFIELD First block Sunday 12-5 CredIt cards ated, weekly.monthly Call Saturdays 772-9323 month 8116-7141 off Mack In Detroit 2 bedGROSSE POINTE PARK and checks accepted DelIafter 5 30 652-2237 room upper flat Natural Jefferson, east, 15324, corner POMPANO Beach ExclUSIve GARAGE space for rent. _ very aVaIlable MARCO ISLAND beautiful 2 fireplace and applIances. of Nottingham 600 feet oceanfront condo combedroom, 2 bath penthouse Ideal for boat, car, or GARAGE Sale - Household $250 per month. $300 seNew carpetmg, paneling, pletely beautifully rurcondo. All amemtles, cable trailer 881-8437 Items, toys, mlsc Thurscunty 885-5196 picture Window office 823nlshed Available January, TV, washer, dryer Private --- -- - 0385 day.Saturday, 11 a m -4 April Weekly, monthly ALTER. WindmIll Pointe ---- ------------beach, pools, tenms, boat 6F-5HARE LIVING p m 20278 Old Homestead. 885-2844 area newly decorated, 2 OFFICE 22xl0 carpeted, air docks, 24 hour security QUARTERS Block belund Harper Woods bedr~m lower with appll. condltlomng, parkIng In ONE ITEM OR WHOLE ESTATES Days 372-3456, after 6 p m, CONDOMINIUM, 10 minutes CIty Hall ances Garage, basement rear, located on service and weekends, 884-6848 from Boyne and Otsego ST CLAIR Shores home to BEDROOM Furmture Triple Oriental Rugs • Fine Crystal and Porcestorage room $350, plus dnve of 1-94 m Harper AvaIlable for X-Mas week LOVELY Ne,w condo for rent, share Two non-smoking dresser, bachelor chest, lain • Fine Paintings. Sterling, Jewel. utilltles, secunty deposit __W~ !82-2774 and otherhmes thru season completely furmshed, 2 adults have rune rooms, all vanity and mirror, double ry, Collectibles • Fine Antique Furni. 2 bedroom, loft, 2 bath, m3585 WANTED, professional firm appliances. Near shopping bedroom, 2 bath AvaIlable bed; dining room furniture: ture. newly decorated 882-4403 KENSINGTON - Southampwants to share existing of$200 monthly mcludes utihnow thru January 14th Mahogany table and 4 ton avatlable January 1st, fice space and secretary Swimming, golf and tennis ties 773-7837 chairs and Hepplewhite buf. NORTH Fort Myers - 2 bedPLEASE CALL OR WRITE 2 bedroom lower, fIreplace, Need room fQr 3 individuals Call after 5.30 884-7510 fet $325 Miscellaneous HOUSEMATE Wanted! Deroom, 2'h bath townhouse gar age, washer, dryer, Prefer Grosse POinte, St mahogany tables and tea pendable woman to share 3 across street from golf extra large hvmgroom-dm ClaIr Shores, East DetroIt LAUDERDALE, By the Sea, cart 527-2925 course Everything supbedroom home m qwet East ocean front, 2 bedroom conmg room, security lIghtIng area. 778-8876 409 E. JEFFERSON phed. $950 per month. 881SIde neighborhood Call SALE do, completely furmshed, Fall housecleamng $350 a month plus half the DETROIT, 48226 882-6512 or 343-9237 before 9 avaIlable for December 4977 tIme. We have furmture, DISPLAY ROOMS heat 885-4290 pm 886-0661 glassware, household misHARBOR SPRINGS FOR 349 ST CLAIR - newly cellaneous and toddler VENICE FLORIDA - Just Three bedroom condo- HOMES TO SHARE, EASTdecorated upper flat, 2 bed. clothing Frlday.saturday PRODUCT LINES south of Sarasota, 1 bedmIniUm, sleeps 10, sWImSIDE DETROIT AND rooms, eat-m lntchen, hvmg 9-2 348 McMillan. No pre(GROSSE POINTE) room condo, right on the mmg pool, lighted tenms SUBURBS. FOR MORE room, dinmg room, fireHOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION sales Gulf. Pool, sleeps 4, avaIlabcourts INFORMATION CALL LA. rooms that place, screened porch. At- Large, private SALES COMPANY le November 22-December Days-886-6922 VON'S, 773-2035. have just been redecorat~ , tached garage $550 per AVAILABLE FOR APPRAISALS COLOR T.V.'S 31th 884-1587 E~emngs.885-4142 __ Will gIve a flne setting to month No pets. 882-6299 AND EST ATE SALES ROOMMATE wanted to share FROM $125 adequately display your HUTCHINSON Island - Island upper 3 bedroom flat, HILTON HEAD Villa EnJoy a HUGE SELECTION MT. CLEMENS product Reasonably pnced Dunes Condo and Country eastside Chuck, 774-1777, • Reconditioned beautIful autumn, near Our shop IS located at: 141 K - FLORAL Club North of Palm Beach, 885-7076 beach and pool, on golf DILLION BUILDING • Guaranteed 15115 CharleVOIX luxury oceanfront condo Luxunous modern 2 bedroom course Sleeps 6 8116-9234 • Delivered and set-up 881-4147 Grosse Pointe Park FEMALE Wanted to share WIth 180' vIew of ocean and townhouse, 11h baths, We repair all makes applIances, carpeted, nver. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 CLEARWATER-Florida. upper 2 bedroom. La~e 2 Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3 000 SQUARE teet retail Kaleidoscope TV fenced, private yard. Car. flat Bedford $160 mont y pools, sauna, racquet ball, bedroom, 2 bath luxury 'space available, "Kerche10.00am to4.00p.m Showroom LocatIOn lennis, private goff course, port, $345 463-4482,961-7411 8M-7645 Condo on the beach 477. val on The Hill" area. 27951 Harper (North of 11 beautifully fumlshed, $2,500 8981 Call us at 331-3486dUring bUSiness hours to arrange for RG. EDGAR OUTER Drive-Chalmers SG-STORE Mile), St. ClaIr Shores. a month - less for longer special appointments. REAL ESTATE area 5 room flat, carpeted, HUTCHINSON Island 774-9300 LEASE lease 689-3443 refrigerator, stove, garage, ocean front condo, 2 bed88&0010 $$ FORTVs $190, no pets, 527-8151. room, 2 baths, furmshed, LAUREN CHAPMAN POMPANO Beach Condo , NEEDING REPAIR pool, tennis. 553-3471, 3,000 SQUARE feet retail JILL WILLIAMS oceanfront, 2 bedroom, 2 NOTTINGHAM _ Outer COLONIAL NORTH MINK COAT - Lovely na. space available, "Ker. 1-6ll5-~29 bath available November , CHARLES KLINGENSMiTH DrIve area Modernized New office building at 11~ tural ARCTURS (LIght cheval on..:D1e Hill" area. Decem~r and,season. 646- , upper income, onerb!!d\ Mile and Harper, 500-1,300 1 I B e\ge), Islze 14, excellent II Wefea,tu1;e.,a selection.of anhqu~e , R.G. EDGAl\ used fUJl"~ aad t Beach/440 )'Wm, appliances ruUY~IJT."'1U~e ~.h'W ,1lODdi.tierJ ... I, ~~"'r' "Ifjtr;l , CLEARWATER "cbllaiHOII'J'Sacrifice '175• < • REAL ESTATE West. 2 bedroom, 2 bath acCel:sO~~: 4 peted, heat alla Igara8'~ Jlli. c8,!iPeting; janitor, near ,CLEARWATER 2434 or 521-.4033, ,... 886-eOl0 Beach 440 luxUry condo on Gulf. 861$295, 1168-3434;8-5, ask for expressway Immediate West. Gulf front luxury 2 1714. Mike, or 881.5881 after 6 occupancy. GOING RESALE Shop, Harbedroom 2 bath condo per/Nottmgham area. $240 pm 881-6436 na-0120 Pool, be~ch, walking dIS- SOUTH SEAS - Marco Isper month. Heat included. land, Flonda. 2 bedroom, 2 tance to shops and restauUPPER Flat; 7 Mile-Gratiot, COLONIAL EAST 839-8033, 725-7109 bath condo. Completely rants 553-4104. 2bedroom,$225,onemonths 9 Mile - Harper, 350-1,250 furnished, cable TV, balsecurIty 881-7970. Square feet, aIr con. CONDOMINIUM, beautiful, cony overlooks Clam Bay, 6K-5TORAGE on Siesta Key, Sarasota, 2 LOWER Flat - 7 Mlle-Gra. dltIoned, partItioned ofwalk to beach, tenms, pool SPACE bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, tlOt, 3 bedroom, dining flces ImmedIate occu261-0947. tennis, available Novemroom $275, one month sepancy, carpetingLJ~mtor, HUTCHINSON Island OCeana CLEAN mSlde storage boats, ber, December, January cunty. 881.7970 near x-way_ 881-M;iti, 778cars, RV's, negotiable, by 1- beautifully furntshed, 4th 778-7287. the foot, near Port Huron. NICE 2 bedroom - Haverhill 0120 floor, 2 bedroom ConEverongs, 324-2477 dOmIroum. Only yards from and Warren Modern kit- MARYLAND, Just off Jeffer- FORT Myers Beach - Flori. da. Gulf front effiCiency ocean. Rental by the month chen. ApplIances, garage. son across from Grosse if available January 3rd after January 1st. Photos 7-WANTED $275 plus securIty. 362-1066. Poi~te Park mWlicipal of TO RENT through 17th. 881-5728 avallable 884-2983. SPACIOUS One Bedroom !ices, two room storefront , apartment, carpeted, ap440 square feet, restroom , ST PETERSBURG ClearwaBOYNE Country, completely ProfeSSIonal EUROPEAN ter. New, Gulfront pentpliances $290 monthly inheat furnished, $200 pe r furnIshed, all electric, 2 tier couple - 2 school aged childhouse 3 bedroom, 3 bath , eludes heal, water Grosse month plus security deposit chalet Upper tier, 4 bedren seeks small home, carfuUy furmshed, 2 week Pointe area 882-9549 or ~5892. room, 2 shower baths, kit nage house or apartment In mInimum 882-3097 chen, livmg room, dimng Grosse PomtE" Will prOVide 886-9770 EASTLAND AREA, 8 rm room, ftreplace, lower tIer 1 FORT Myers Beach beach good care and mamtenance CHATSWORTH, 2 bedroom swte, Immed. poss, , 3 bedroom, 2 shower bath 2x2 h", $15. house, 4 bedroom, 3 bath , Excellent reference. 831- ~.~ lower, refngerator, stove, kitchen, hvmg room, dIrong full kitchen, full laundry 0864 evenings. ROSEVILLE, Gratiot-I 2 $215 plus secunty deposit room, ftreplace Ski re room, avaIlable Decembe r Mile, several suites; up t 0 939-2043 profeSSIOnal servatlons now be 109 ac - RESPONSIBLE and January 313-886-36690r 2,500 ft. (SIngle, non-smokmg) recepted 425-8933. 602-947-8622, Ask for Jule SIX MILE - Grabot Idealfor tIree deSIres quarters in single working person. One FARMS, On the Hill 2n d CHALET near Knubs Kno b PETOSKEY HARBOR Pointes or Shores area Prebedroom, kItchen, living floor; large rm ; Windows SPRINGS and Boyne Highlands, firefer live. in condo, home or room, very clean and quiet Club Condonlln place, s10 specIal m4103 , LakeSide carriage house in exchange Private entrance. Laundry HARPER WOODS, 2 sma II lums. Holiday and ski re 823-5615. for limIted supervIsory secroom, heat included, $200 swtes, Immed poss servatlOns now bemg taken urity and custodial aSSlgnMARCO ISLAND evenmgs - 88&0583 on luxury 2 and 3 bedroom ments plus moderat "The Prmce" a beautiful lux Please call for detaIls, UnIts and 3 bedroom town ASHLAND (off Jefferson) monthly rental fee. Cal I ~. e ury Condo (apt 1(04), on th Vlrgmla S Jeffries houses Only mInutes away FIve room lower, stove, re362-2967 If no answer call Gulf, on the Beach 2 bed 882-0899 from Boyne Highlands fngerator, carpeted, fire. Realtor 882-2061 room, 2 bath, all amenitie s Nubs Nob skI areas and place, very clean Workmg PRIME Northeast including all utihtles $2,500 Detro It A MATURE, non-drmking, cross country traIls. Week adults, $275 a month Infor one month, $1,500 pe r area - near Grosse Pomte ends, week, monthly or sea . non-smokIng, Single, proeludes heat Secunty de. Climc or office Approx month from December 1st sonal rentals LakeSIde feSSIOnal woman presently posit 1.748-9943. Imately 2,000 sQ.ullr e May 1st. Call 881-6402, 0 r Club, 453 East Lake St , PelIVing In Grosse Pomte WIth 882-4593, ask for Ted. feet Ideal for medical, rea I. IDEAL for mature couple, 1 toskey, Mlch 616-347.3572, no SOCial diseases and not d ty or beauty ShOr Goo bedroom, no utIhtles, $190 a 616-347-7690 promIscuous deSIres to rent KIAWAH Island, South CarGs lease terms With al utili tIe month, $190 depOSIt 885. 2 or 3 large rooms In the Ima or Flonda Keys one 0 r --GAYLORD-mcluded 885-1220 Pointes (Farms prefer9058 two bedroom Chatterton , BeautIfully furnIshed new red) Can be furnished (un. --OPPOSITE EASTLAND 141 Chfton Boulevard three bedroom, three bath furntshed preferred) Can 6A-FOR RENT OPAL PLAZA Bmhamton, N Y 13903 condominIum WIth fire . be 2nd or 3rd floor With or 18301 EAST 8 MILE RD FURNISHED l( 607) 722-4806 place, garage, convenient to WIthOUt kitchen or kitchen 6 Room ProfesSlonal SUIte PRESENTED BY -HuTCHINSON IsLAND ~ major skI area, cross FURNISHED Upper with ~ prIvileges WrIte to box 950 Square Feet , FlOrIda, SpacIOUS, luxury country, available week bedrooms, famIly room Heat & Air Conditlomng In - W-42 Grosse Pomte News furmshed condo Ocean ends, weekly. monthly $55O-month plus utlllties 99Kercheval, Grosse POinte cluded front, all facilities Reason Comfortably accommodates SIX month lease begmrong 777-4646 Farms. 48236 I. able rates win conSIder se SIX H R ALLEN, 961-8080, November 20tb No pets hng 882-4900, 751-5588 Monday thru Friday, 9 WM J CHAMPION & CO -8-ART1CLES CONCOURSE EAST am -6p m INDIAN River PlantatIon ~5700 FOR SALE -----BUILDING Hutchmson Island. Stuar t ~lCHAWAYE - 7 Miles 20811 Kelly Rd SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th 2 , NoTTINGHAM ~ Allnew de Flonda Brand new 2x South of Gay:ord Golf, ten. -GRANDFATHER MEDICAL SUITES cor' 3 bedroom, 1~ bath condo on second falrwa Y. ms, clubhouse, pool, play CLOCKS AVAILABLE Full resort facllltles ava IIEnglish fully furnished ground, 3 lakes, saIlboats , y, Available for 6 month rental able January, Februar WhIle In stock, 30% to 50% off 700 sq ft 7 rooms paddle-boats, much more 422 UNIVERSITY PLACE at $5.10month 884-0600 March, Apnl now avallabl e Large selectIOn Dealer 1650 sq ft 8 lrg rooms Beautiful 4 bedroom home , clearance 268-2854 or 371 881-5600 between 9 . 5 P m JOHNSTONE & sleeps 12, 2 baths, fully - - ------Convemently located, ful I 5400 JOHNSTONE eqUIpped, kitchen With MARCO ISLAND - luxury 2 service sUites loaded With GROSSE POINTE , dishwasher, fireplace, TV bedroom, 2 bath condo HUNGARIAN FAIR. extras, m attractive bldg GROSSE POinte Park upper stereo 885-3211 Pools, tennIS courts, beac h MAGYAR VASAR one bedroom apartment 885.0111 882-1232 HUNGARIAN VERO BEACH Comfortable furm'>hed $245, unfurOlshed 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. REFORMED CHURCH $225 Heat and hot water In CHALET- near-Boyne M-t large cottage, ocean fron 9901 Allen Road cludE"d Very mce Secunty tage, near the moorings fIreplace, color TV, aval I. Allen Park, MI depo'>lt and lea<;e requIred HAMPTON SQUARE Available January 15th to able skI seac;on, holiday s February 15th, $2,000 882BUILDING 773-4055, evenmg ~0431 Nov 12th, 9 a m -9 p m 882-9236 22811 Mack Ave Nov 13th, 1 P m -8 p m 9362 Many collectibles mcludmg chOIce antique furmture, chma, crystal and acARfo:A - 7 Mile and Haye<; 2 MARCO Shores Country Clu b $2,500 Cash Pnzes 2 bedrooms, $55 per week Condo New 2 bedroom, , cessol ies. There IS somethmg for everyone m this one. Don't miss It SCHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalet CONCOURSE EAST To Be GIVen Away , 14800 Eastwood bath Lease UnfurnIshed by week or weekend, fully BUILDING Hunganan Foods, Imports, $45O/month 882-1232 eqUIpped Ski and sWim 20811 Kelly Rd -- - - - - - Crafts, Christmas BouATTENTION EXECUTIVE Call Betsy, 581-4350 or 44~ FLORIDA - Port St LuCIe In tique, Baked Goods, Transfers One and two ABSOLUTELY - NO PRIOR SALES 21~ evenmgs OFFICE SPACE Stuart ared New furnIshed bedroom apartments, deLuncheon, Dinner, BmAVAILABLE condo for rent 2 bedrooms , BONIT A Beach condomm corator furnIshed Lmens, gG-Ml1honau"e Party and 2 baths Completely fur COMPETITIVE RATES lum - 2 bedroom, 2 baths dIShes, utensils $26 per day, games for children SALE CONDUCTED BY KLINGENSMITH, nIshed WIth everythIng new on Gulf Fully furnished mInimum one month WeekCOME AND HAVE 885-0111 _ CHAPMAN AND WILLIAMS ly rates $250 per week Pool, club house, tenm s Rates available in or out 0f A FUN DAY 469-1075 evenmgs 75~ 1459 season 781-9555 SIX MILE . Gratiot area, 5 room lower, natural ftre. place, $185 monthly FIve room upper, heat mcluded MOTEL MOROCCO fURS.~D 1 OR more rooms at $175 each liE'S MX~rtrNG--;nd- ORT KATHRYN OF THE oJ" -------- .... ~ 776-2196 FINE ART OBJECTS CASH ON CONSIGNMENT DuMOUCH ELLE'S 963.6255 I / . ~~:~:~'&..:*:~t&-:e~ -------- Save. .. AND give yourself time to ~ enjoy a Happy Holiday Season. ~ ~ 1:/.0• - ... a-.1'\ Do you have 18,800 friends? You will ~ you send Christmas greetings by"'. advertising in the Classified Christmas ~X Page of the Grosse Pointe News_ Use .1-1 your family photograph or one of our ~~ Christmas motifs. With photograph: y~\..(' 2x3lh", $25. With Christmas Motif: .~ ~ .-s--c - ~ ~ •• ~ ~~ Call the Grosse Pointe News Classified Advertising Dept., to place your Christmas Ad by December 7th and give your. self a Holiday break! . O~ 882-6900 J1.~ ~ - fj. tJ.~rl V .A~ )-l"':.Y'. jf~ ~p''' 4~~%;.t~~*.~.e:\~ ESTATE SALE HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION SAL~S GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 I-ART1CLES FOR SALE I-ART1CLES FOR SALE 8-ART1CLES FOR SALE POINTE I-ART1CLES FOR SALE 8-ART1CLES FOR SALE ANOTHER GARAGE Sale .165 Vendome Lots of ffilSC and goodies, HARTZ chlldrens clothing size 1()'16, HOUSEHOLD SALE down Jackets, coats, ski 881 WASHINGTON ROAD boots, skates and much GROSSE POINTE CITY more Saturday, November Between CharlevoIX 12, 1().3_0_nl __y _ and Chalfonte MUST SELL immediately, MUST Sell Immediately one Fnday & Saturday loveseat $150 After 6 p m. PORTABLE outdoor sign, lJ. couch $200 After 6 p m. 10 a m to 4 pm 884-0849 ghted 4x8, on stand With let864-0849 ters Never used Cost over FURS ~ e-xc-e-ll-en-t-c-o-n-dl-tl--o-n; This lovely home contams a $600 Sell $Z75. Can dellver whole house estate sale If Persian lamb Jacket With SEASONED 759-1240,626-7023. you are looking for hIgh mink collar Tourmaline FIREWOOD quality Colomal furniture, BUNK BEDS, $30 Trundle mink coat 88~2924 decorative Items, lamps bed, $30; 8 piece liVing room All Oak or Birch and dlrong accessOries, this group, $250, 3bedroom sets, MOVING Sale - Saturday, Sunday, Nov 12-13, 9 00. is the sale for you $23? each, With bedding, 4 978.0858 5 00 Baby cnb, desk, TV, We are featurmg an antlque drawer chest, $25; new mat. stereo, clothes, aquanum, green velvet WING CHAIR, tress sets, $50 m wrapper, weight bench, curtains, a Martha Washmgton chaIr, HOUSEHOLD queen set, $75; FISher sterseveral HERITAGE END bookcases, etc Cheap - 1302 eo umt, cost $500, sacflflce and TABLES, a pine hall chest LakepOlnte, at Vernor ll23$100.759-1240,626-7023 EST ATE SALES and ffilrror, a pair of blue --._3891. Conducted by "K" DINING Room set, modern and beige caned tub chairs, DUNCAN PHYFE mahogany a maple dmette table and 4 D~nJsh Table, 6 chairs, Servicmg Wayne, chma cabinet, buffet,table, chairs, a KINDELL cherry china cabinet, and table Oakland and dmmg room chairs, (Will wood TWIN BEDROOM pads, $445. 771-2330 days, Macomb Counties separate) SET that 1&beautiful, maple 778-3148mghts 574-3029 Kay 247-0361 bedroom furmture, a child's AUTOMOBILE OWNERS chlffl'robe, a lovely CHERAnn 771-0197 SINGLE Bed and dresser As low ab $31 quarterly, RY SERVER, a cherry dlS (Provincial); 2 green velvet buys baSIC automobile m. play shelf, a mahogany dmchairs, walnut captams ta surance, 881.2376 Ing table and five shield back ble, With 2 chaIrs, 3 speed chairs, a trunk and much bike, 775-0382 by appoint. more USED lJObK~ - Bought, ment We also have a charming 3 sold Fiction, non-fiction Free offers, no obligation SHELFTINYCURIO,anold BASEMENT Sale - Open Sat Hardcovers, paperback appraisals furmshed 12 from 2-5 "L" desk and lighted globe, a cherry three noop 'W 6 P m Tues. thru entire estates also deSlred small metal desk, office sectIon entertaInment cenSat. BOOKTIQUE, 15243 chairs, games table WIth JOHN KING ter, assorted porch furro Mack Ave, between Lakechairs, small stereo-speakture, a carved wooden gtlt pointe and Beaconsfield 961-0622 ers, end tables, misc items ~2265 nurror, a paI'r of leather of. • Clip and save this ad • Size 12 blouses 570 Pear flCe chairs, a set of fancy TV Tree, Grosse POinte Woods tables, etc We also have hand-pamtCHIPPENDALE Mahogany ed china, a setof Heisey Breakfront (Beveled glass RICHIE'S USED APPLIANCES goblets, loads of bone china, - doors). Matching round 100% GUARANTEED krock-knacks and cups and dmm~room table with leaf, 16626E. WARREN saucers, framed prints, 54" diameter, ball and claw 885-0079 dishes, sllverplate, linens, feet Carved ribbon backed an older Smger In a wooden chairs, (2 host, 2 Side case, lots of italian pottery chairs), $2,200 (Will separand more ate) Oriental rugs, Karastan, 100% wool, 9x15 and The basement and garage are full of assorted workbench 9x12, excellent conditIOn, AZAR1S GALLERY tools, metal storage draw$500 each ers, tons of lawn tools InOne or the largest selections of Onental rugs 574-3029 cluding a Lawnboy, motorat minimum prices Ized leaf sweeper, hoses, MOVING Sale air condition. 251 E. MERRILL,. BIRMINGHAM several big ladders, lots of er, Window van, roaster oven, rough sawn black Xmas items, books, records 644-73 fl walnut lumber, color TV, and much more. other household items, good Treat yourself to the best m quahty bargainS 450 Maifurmture and accessories at DOLLS BY CAROL - N - JOY son, (7 Mile-Mack) Saturtruly bargam pnces QUALITY ANTI QUE. LOOK PORCELAIN DOLLS day, 1()'4pm No pre.sales. Buggies, Cribs and Cradles TWO lovely smaller chande- I'll hand out numbered tickets Accessories and Restoration starting at 8 a m Friday to hers, 4 casual chairs, portaestabhsh your place In hne "NEW" AT THE ARTISTIC TOUCH ble humidtfer, antique maat 10 a m opening hogany rocker, 881-4169 20083 Mack Avenue 884-5144 Please call the HOTLINE INDEPENDENT Distributor for directions or details of home and small building 886-8982 security system. Call for SALES CONDUCTED BY free demonstratIOn and m. formatIOn after 5 p.m 882SUSAN HARTZ 2274 ~ ,,886.-8982 , :8 FOQT,bar).n &QPd QOJ14i,tI.on ..Ii~ob::r u ..1 i ~twoodea,.loOtmtoa')h4-la(), , ••• ES1!Al'E SAnE ••• , birdcage oa: stand '4'ith maConducted. tln,&!oppe of hogany base - $30. 774-5538 Antique Trader SUSAN HARTZ 21805 Van Dyke YOUR SPECIAL LARGE INSULATED dog at 81h Mile/Warren POSSESSIONS 886.8982 houses, custom made, $50 Daily 10-5 p.m. ARE MY each. Miscellaneous furniGrosse Pointe City SPECIAL CONCrAN Fine used furmture, antiture, 331-0986. ques, objects of art and LADIES 3 speed bike and accessories. Beautiful bedmen's 5 speed bike, $100 room, dining room sets, 886-0341 sofas, chairs, tables, desks, bookcasE'S, lamps, TRADITIONAL 90" sofa - exL. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES rrurrors, glass, porcelains, cellent condition Call after pamtings, bronzes, many 4 p m 881-6379 HOUSEHOLD ESTATE Oriental vases, Ivones, CHAIN Saw, new, in box, $75 LIQUIDATION SALES ClOIsonne, Jade Lawn sweeper, $29 Sharp You are welcome vacuum. 20 gallon - $31. 21(4 APPRAISALS H P electnc motors $50 NEW Brass shelves, $175; ANTIQUES -/ BOUGHT AND SOLD Jacobsen 17" snowblower lamp, $45, hall console, $82 SCM portable manual • PROFESSIONAL, BUT PERSONAL SERVICE leaded glass doors, $250, typewriter $38 2 louvered couch, 2 rust chairs, $400; • TRAINED,PERSONNEL doors, 32", $42 2 French new end tables, $250 for doors - lo-lIght, 65", $95 both; oak dming set, 6 chairs 771-1170 Emenee child's electnc and chma cabinet, $750, organ with bench - $38 • INITIAL CONSULTATION-NO CHARGE wood coat rack, $60; new Kingslze gold bedspread brass plated bed $300 and $22 884-1031 after 5 p.m ffilscellaneous Call after 3, ~9822 LIVING Room swte - couch, 2 chairs, 3 tables, 2 lamps, ESTATE SALE excellent condition, 7726101 FARMBROOK 4982 Between Chester & Chandler SIX LADIES and SIX men's Park Dr rings 14 kt. gold With diaFnday, November 11th, 1()'5 monds and ladles 14kt gold Saturday, November 12th, 10-3 bracelet. 885-2648. CONDUCTED BY Entire contents of home must besold Twin beds, dressers, DINING Room - antique oak Jacobean, 4 chans, table chests, end tables, matching extends to 96" ,buffet. Excel. Damsh chairs, mahogany dining table With 6 chairs, lent condition, $1,200 OrienTV, lamps, lmens, Silver, 569-2929 tal rug - caucaSIan, reds and 562-1387 blues, 6'4"xl0', $500 Pennglassware, small apsylvama House wmg back pllances, tools, garden blue, $150 Four raised panItems, fde cabmets, Chnsteled doors, $75 each 882mas decorations and a mul9'.m htudeof other nuscellaneous household items plus profes PANASONIC Telephone an. slOnal womens clotlung, SIze Appraisers, Auctioneers swerlng machme with re16, shoes size 11, and lamb mote control, late model, House Sales jacket and coat hke new $150 885-7019after 6pm. Appraisal for Insurance, Estate Tax, THOMASVlLLETrundlebedmatchmg student hutch . Family Distribution, UqU/datlOn. NEW apartment Size stoves, desk With plate glass top and chOIce of colors 1year war. Sales of Personal Property: chair, $250 882-1009 ranty 885-0079 Tag sales at the Home MAPLE Dmette table With 4 DISHWASHER, portable $50 or by Auction at our Galleries chairs . ~ ~8512 Mattress-box spnngs, tWin. 280 North Woodward Avenue Hoover rug and floor c1e. GARAGE Sale - 621 Moorland, aner Hoover vacuum Woods, Saturday. 10-2 Birmingham, Michigan 48011 cleaner Fish aquarium Furmture, clothing, mlsc (313) 646-4560 With pump, small electncal household Pre sale Fnday apphances, sleepmg bags, 4-6 pm mtercom, TV, 9", 5 speed QUILT - Queen KmgSlze, bike, Ice skates aaz.5844 multi colored predoffilnately ---------A LARGE selechon - Like yellows, checkered square new Schwinn bfcydes, ll8&.l pattern 776-5666 1968, 822-4130 GARAGEsA~lractor,Jeaf mutcher combmatlOn and CUSTOM lots of household mlscel PICTURE FRAMING laneous. 153 Tourame (cor Frammg needed by Chnst ner of Kercheval) mas should be brought III now ArtIStiC Touch, 20083 LEATH-ER like black couch end table. 2lamps. fireplace Mack Avenue tools, household mlscel. 884-5144 laneous 864-4294 -- - - --.. FRIGIDAIRE washer, rapId FLEA MARKET dry 1,000, ecxellent condl saturday, Nov 12 tlOn, $145 ~0079 10 am 5 pm ROTisSERIE~swtcases.el MT CALVARY ectnc fan, vacuum cleaner, blender, rockmg horse, LUTHERAN !o>CHOOL lamp, bathroom smk, med17100Chalmel s seymour Icme cabmet, canning jars, DetrOIt. 48205 restaurant plates 8lJS.I049 HEALTHINSlJRANCE For all afes Premiums beglO at $28 1 per month John E Pierce &: Associates, Inc. 884-4750 FLEA MARKET EVERY TUESDA Y ALCOMOS CASTLE NINE MILE BETWEEN MACK AND HARPER 773.0591 WE BUY BOOKS IN YOUR HOME ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED & INSURANCE Household Estate Sales LILLY M. AND COMPANY jtalker & 18005, NEWS Jfnr. l HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION SALES Page Seven-C I-ART1CLES 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ART1CLES FOR SALE FOR SALE SOLID oak refmished large D 33 O'REILLY & DAVIS, Ft office desk, $100 885-8343 Wayne, Ind good early fur ADMIRAL 2 door refrigeraruture El 5 CAMELOT AN tor, works great, $135 885TIQUES, Blfmmgham. Ml present English & European anti 0079 A PRICED ESTATE SALE ques F29 CHRISTINE E REMINGTON 1100 automatlc Saturday, Novembel 12th WRIGHT, Port Huron, MI shotgun, new, never fired 10 a m - 4 P m DRINKING STEINS, Mett 30" barrel, full choke 882422 UNIVERSITY PLACE lach, military, glass, char. 1496 GROSSE POINTE acter, stoneware C~~ SALES Rey samples child BARBARA PARKER, HeLUXUriOUShome furmshlngs, ren's c1otlung, accessOries , lena, OhIO general Ime fme porcelam&, cry&tal and stuffed ammals, come Cll 1 CAROLYN MESSIN antique furmture ChrIstmas shop Saturday , GER, Manon, OhIO general ABSOLUTELY, NO PRIOR November 12th, 11 a m to 3 line FEATURING AD SALES p m 776 Lorame, Grosse VERTISING, PAPER & STORM-Dool~,7x-80'~O BLOOMFIELD Hills-moVing POI te City POST CARDS D3 HIRSCHWooden door With glass m !>ale Large collectIOn of EIMER, E19 Gifford, E23 sert~, 293/4" x 79 5/8" Tu Enghsh, French and Orlen G E SIDE-by-slde refrlgera Beckley, F21 Kmght, F38 5-8696 Call between 11 a m tal anhque& 18th Century for frost.free, like new , Atkinson, F45 Vmson 6p m drop front New Hamp&hlre $Z75 885-0079 AMERICAN INDIAN A13 desk knee hole desk , RANGE hoodb With built-m MOVING SALE-=1617 Brys, &Ideboard, &erver, .:han Amencan Horse, E36 Goetz, fans, most colors available Grosse Pomte Woods, No delJers, 18th and 19th Cen F1DeHays ARCHITEC $25 885-0079 vembel 12, 13, 10 am5 tury tab1e& and chairs TURAL D3 Hlrschelmer, ~---------pm Two &ofas, loveseat, porcelain, gla&s. &l1ver APARTMENT size dryer. no D27 Merwms, F16 Barry, coffee table, end table, I ush brass and much more, also last canopy Row 1#7Leffler volt, works great, $85 885seated chau!> (3) Leather McGUire octogonal glass ART DECO A211Ba&&ll ART 0079 chair, stel eo, table lamps, top dining table and 8 ----GLASS A4 Valenta, A9 SidHENREDON gold velvet sofa , dens BANKS E 35 Dersey tWin beds, mdttre!>&e&, box chairs Upnght Grand 100" long, 2 matchmg chair s BOOKS E12 Stout. E20 springs, double bed. mat. piano, outdoor furniture and marble coHee taole , tress, box &prlng, dl e&ser and ml&cellaneou~ hOUbe Walsh, E30 Wooten, E36 quality furmture 886-2166 Black and whIte TV, 19" hold Items Friday, Satur Goetz Refernce books A21 Woeller BRASS buffmg & color TV, 13" color porta day, Sunday, November RECLINER chair, earth topohshmg E12 Stout BUT- ' ble T V Gun cabinet, kit. 11th, 12th and 13th 9-5 4627 nes, couch also earth tone , chen eqwpment, Includmg Sunmn~dale Dflve, Bloom TER STAMPS & PRINTS $100 for both, 824-7184 electncal (blender, Norelco field Hills, south off Long B25 Vreeland, Cl Bonk & FOUR Ethan Allen Queen drip coffee maker, toaster) Lake Rd , East of Tele Spencer CANTON & cmAnne Side chairs, $100each ; NEST EXPORT A4 Valenta, Sewing machme, clock ragraph blue loveseat, $125, porce C12 Forshee, F46 Hagerty dJos, wrought lion plant T-I-C-K-E-T--Q-U-O-T-A-S--D--O lau) base chandeher With 5 CHAIR canemg & reedmg, stand, tropical fish stand STATE TROOPERS HAVE hurricane lamps, $425 884A29 Sunthelmer CHANLady's clothmg sizes 1()'12 THEM? It sometimes 7023 DELIERS & LAMPS E8 Miscellaneow> seems t h at way, b ut w h en Tvce. E 12Stout, E27 Harper. BABY Matlless, nevel used, you VISit the ColOnial Shop FISHER stereo receiver With E34 Pliska, C16#7 Green built-in 8 track recorder , $20 Infant's clotlung 10413 this week, you'll know fo r CHRISTMAS everywhere excellent condition, $175 Somer&et, DetrOit 882-1807 sure that MISS Kitty and mcl, C8Dumas earlydecora885-0079 Wacky Jack have quotas on lions CLOCKS C5 Martmes, BABY Clothes, 2 cribs, walkthe amolUlt of unusual, ex LADIES coat, mmk collar , D9 Queen, E22 Clark DE-' er, SWing, ".0fold bed Best ofcltmg, an t'Iques, gt'ft s, an d SIze 16, 6 pelt red fox fur fer 372-.no5 COYS AS Tracey, B20 collectibles they have scarf, ladies dresses, SlZe Dlckmson mcl ~oose, C17 FIVE Piece white bedroom broughtmlotheJolnt Andno 16, plus ml "cellaneous KelloS~, C5#7 Mont{;omery set WIth mirror, $150. Freematter how many they nab , Very reasonable 886-fil80. DOLLS A12 Poley, A22 Bowzer chest, $150, green couch, they're always on t'du'ol for Ie, D31 Hall, F1 DeHays $50 Green reclmer, $25 more Among the Imeup 0 f GERIATRIC wheel chair, 4 prong cane, folding walker FLOW BLUE A25 Keefer Apartment size white gas treats they've caught red (over 50 patterns, partial &: 755-2146 stove $50 After 5 p m 881handed for you are even complete sets), A26 Kuehnle, 3796 more Fiesta Ware, some 25" COLOR TV, great pic . FOLK ART A 29 Sunthetmer, HILL J-2 sound or recording green GeorgIan depresSion ture, $135 885-0079 C13 Delach, D3 Hirshelmer, ed glass, another beautiful bone board, 24x8x2, us tWice, GARAGE sale, sponsored by D15 Covent, D23 Mally, D24 chma cup and saucer collec 773-2760 ft 6 ed h MlChigan Chamber Orches ne cas, a er tlOn mcludmg two by Shelly , Erickson. FRAMES CI4A t tra Guild Charlevoix a Schaldenbrand FURNIp m a pair of Heisey candle Uroversity Friday, Satur TURE everywhere mcl, set BLUISH Green sofa and sticks, an assortment of oc day, November 11, 12, 10 Detroit chaIrs B29 Wright chair, good condition $50 cupled Japan figurines, a a m ..4p.m GAME BOARDS D3 Hlrsch822.8578 beautiful pattern glass elmer, D23 Mally. GLASS STEREO receiver with bwlt GIRLS' white bedroom set punch bowl, a dlscontmued mcl flmt cut & Pressed A4' m cassette recorder, 8 track and desk, twm bed, very Royal Doulton figurine, a Valenta, F7 Pengra, F34 and turntable With speak reasonable 775-4533 Weller vase, a hand-pamted Spencer, E4 Bombel <perers, $150 885-0079. cased Fenton Vase, an elec NEW Broyhill sofa, oyster co tric blue Cr aquelle glass fumes) HISTORICAL BLUE WHITE Circular couch, $100 , B29 Weight, cup-sa ucer N Y lor,84" 343-0472 pitcher, a large selection 0 f miscellaneous other furm . City hall, also canary mug CHEVY 4x4 Rally wheels, 4 books on antlques and col ture for sale. 824-4584. Washington & Lafayette;' 8xl5 With beauty tflms and lectmg (These make per C~ Fonhee HOOKED centers $250/offer. 779-2856 fect Christmas giftS), 1m TV. stands, new m the box , RUGS A10 Erickson, A35 from $6 to $10. 885-0079 WICKER Furmture _ white, 2 ported metal pohshes, Sun Snyder, CI0 Weber, C23 RidchaIrs, one sofa New bergs glass cleaner, nifty G.E HEAVY duty washer , dle IRON early wrought excellent condition $150 Wedgewood blue prmt cush ChrIstmas postcards, and fireplace tools &: hardware so much more It's all at the 88510079 IOns and pillows $450 884Colomal Shop, 2S'7(J1I'Jeffe. B17Mossing IRONSTONE. d-3731.11 0<. 'd' . • ,-'cl~ I rson near 10 Mlle. MoItday i PINE'-'Gpt) Ieablrre~ .' wi\l6b . I A24 A'mlbruster, A25 Keef, sfandJdveseatl tWng' cial:Jl . er, - -B19 Frederick Mo.hNG SALE. - Eve;y ,Jsaturday, 1~ -,~. ,-71y0439 " unet' .' sage. Crochet bea JEWELRY A27 Galbraith, thing must go' Fn day Your Mastercard and Visa spread, antiques, TUl.9350 A35 Snyder, C34 Dalton: November 11th, Saturday, are welcome, and don't 823-5749 LACES, LINENS, HOME. November 12th, 9-5 1350 forget, we buy and apSPUN, VINTAGE CLOTHThree Mile _pr_a_ls_e_, _too_' _ ANTIQUES And collectible : ING, C19 Townsend, C4 fron bed, Art Deco light fixCOUCH, 6 fl, green-camel, MINK - Gray, and white 0/4 Steed.May, D12 Brushaber, tures, jewelry glass, china , excellent condItion, $150; length wrap around, With El0 Dillon, Fl DeHays. Irons, bottles, stamps, and Stratolounger, gold, $80 6 Gray leather trim $400 or MILITARIA Last tent Row I more, from many years ac . ft artifiCial ChrIStmas tree best offer 649-1403 after 6 *7 Spencer PAINTINGS, cumulation, Friday, SaturWith stand, (pme) $25, 5 ft pm. PRINTS, GRAPHICS A14 day, 12509East Outer Drive artifiCial Cnnstmas tree ----------French, C32 Keily, D23 With stand. (pme), includ- 45" SCREEN G E console, 5 Rear Entrance 9AM-5PM Mally, E15 Camelot, E26 mg ornaments and hghts. years old, ongmally $3,000 POOL Table, 8'x4', 7/8,' slate Ht>rron,E36 Goetz, E38 sac$30 371-2390 $700 886-0892 h ockl Cl#2 Gaab PHOTObed, Belgium balls, ques , cover, wall rack, automatIc SERVEL Gas refrigerator, INVALID GRAPHIC, STEREOS, ball return, excellent congood condition, Lowboy EQUIPMENT DAGUERREOTYPES, ditIon, $495 ~0389 after 6 $100 Etegere, $100 Lawn- Sta,lr glide _track 10' With 3W CAMERAS D24 Erickson, pm D26 Cornish F16 Patterson, spreader 774-3266 extenSIOn, includes seat F21 K~ight. pocket USED Snow blower - Jacob$800 And electric bft chair - 13" BLACK, White TV, $40 WATCHES F21 Krught, F33 Cross country ski package, sen super blitz 20, 2 stage,S Ideal for arthritic person Gorsuch PRINT &: TYPE (mcluding women's boots h p Briggs Statton engine, $200or best offers Call Mrs CASES F5 Broadfield' size 8) $50 259-8970 excellent condition $425 Morgan 881-7511 QUILTS everywhere 881-7185 BASEMENT Sale 1236 FREEZER, Umted Upright QUIMPER F46 Hagerty' CommerCial Like new 30" Ironrlte automatic Ironer Yorkshire November 11th SAMPLERS AZ7Gallbraith, $500 Used twin bed. $20 With chair, $25 886-3667 and 12th 10 a m - 4 p.m A35 Snyder SEWING 779-9161 after 6 p m. -RUMMAGE SALE Furniture, chlldren's ITEMS C34 Dalton, collec. clothes, toys, Iceskates and TWO Sofas - 1 yellow silk--;l tion 200-300 tatting shuttles, 4FAMtLIES-FurmtW'e, an. much more some unusual. SILVER A4 nubby beige, like nw Beautlques, clothing, fabric, ---------tiful Imported cuno cab met . Valenta, A26 Kuehnle, C5 misc November 12, 13, II) TYCOHOTramset 2engmes, 885-6724 MartInes, C12 Forshee 5 0 9 G tIot 2 transformers, track, moda m to pm, 13 I ra els, $40 Tram table with m. SHAKER AS Tracey 10,000 B T U. air COndItIoner, Avenue/6 Mile area SPONGEWARE, SPAT. stalled track $40 Boy's 20" $50; 884-5869 after 5 PM TER, STONEWARE, A5 G E Self-cleaning double bIke, wide tires $20 886Tracey, B20 DlCkmson, B21 SNOW blower, 5 h p, Yardoven, rotisserie, meat probe, 1328 sensor burner, white, excel- ------Koppes, C23 Riddle, D3 man 2 stage 24" Wide, 7" lent condition Hobart com- ITALIAN PrOVinCial table Hlrschelmer D24 Potchen chute, 5 speed forward, 2 th h merclal meat slicer, WhIrlWi 6 c airs, chma cabinet, (over 150 pcs): drinking reverse, never used $525 $650 776-1573 STEINS Mettlach, military, 521-6131. pool trash masher, whIte, . glass, character, stoneware portableorbwH-m 293-0626 MINK Stole Tourmohne, per. FRIGIDAIRE washer-dryer F29WRIGHT TOOLS B17 COMPLETELlVmgroomsetfect condition Also, oak combo, space saver model, MosSlng, C1 Bonk & SpenFlexsteel sofa and chair, buffet 777.2001 evemngs excellent condition, $165 cer. TOYS &: CHILDRENS cocktatl and end tables, 2 and weekends 885-0079 everywhere WINDOWS sWlvel rockers, lamps, 885- BLAZERS, .slacks, Coulottes, KENMORE 30" range, exbeveled & stanJed D27 Mer6703 skirts, blouses, sweaters, cellent condItion, $130 wins, FI7 Barry, last tent -- - slack and dress swts, day. 885-0079 row I #6 Leffler, C16 #7 BLUE PRINTS time and cocktail dresses, Green WOODENWARE Cl RESUMES sizes 16.18 Some never A NN ARBOR ANTIQUES Bonk & Spencer. E6 Nelson, LAMINATING worn. 776-9542 MARKET, Sunday NovemF3 Frederick Admission ID SIZE 50~ NEW Almoncfllppllances ber 13, "YOUR INVITA. $200 1 8 h x 11- $1 00 G E Side by Side reo TION TO CHRISTMAS GARAGE Sale, Saturday 9-4, BLUEPRINTS frlger ator Ifreezer, 19 6 ANTIQUES SHOPPING" Washer, furniture, toys, QUICK PRINTING cubiC feet $500, Ro~r gas featuring everything for clothes, much more, 479 Christmas, WIth many INSTANT COPIES range $150, or best offer Lmcoln booths decorated for SCRATCH PAD - ~ LB 8818437 Chnstmas, 5055 Ann ArborMUST Sell Tappan electriC WEDDk~CU~J~TIONS CHILDRENScIOthlng, bikeS, Saline Road, 1-94 via EXit stove, Zenith TV, 2 WindOW PHOTOSTATS, NEGS hkenew, gJrl's SIZe 10, boy's 175, 300 dealers all under all' condItioners, stanchIon RUBBER STAMPS SIze 14,824-0848 cover, everythmg guaranposts, Sears 10" radial saw, OPEN MONDAY THRU CHR ;STMAS dishes holly-de. teed for authentiCity, 8am. green upholstered occasSATURDAY 9-5 P M sign service for 10 mcludes 4pm "Early Birds" welcome IOnal chair 1 463-4172, 757. at 5 am" FEATURING POINTE PRINTING plates, cups. saucers, de. 2162 DEALERS NEW TO THE 15201KERCHEVAL sert dishes, used once $125 SEARS -Kenmore -electric MARKET B13 MICHAEL at Lakepomte 521.2280 double oven, gold tone, TRAPP, Chfton, OhiO good Grosse Pomte Park 822-7100 A-NTIQUE furmture,- needs self-cleanmg, very good country In pamt, B15 'fIN reflmshlng, tools, mlsc condition, 885-0698 PIE BIRD ANTIQUES - Rod WANTED-Gray -~ft~asuede Utlhty trailer $165 Satur. Halstead, HIllsdale, Mlchi. SALESMAN'S Samples ~ new wraparound skirt as seen In day 8-2,771 Lmcoln gan back after several years cookbooks, craft, gardemng c;ale last summer ~ ANTIQUE 9 piece sol~d oak absence B17 RON MOSand handyman books Perdmmg room set With carved SING, Perrysburg, OhIO fect Christmas gofts ChlldTYPEWRITERS - Manual fJoy/ers, sacrJflce $1,500 country furmture In pme, rens and adult clothes, toys. portable Smith Corona Gal776-5615, 445-1071 early wrought Iron fireplace Bat machme Paneling. aXle twelve and Olivetti CHERRY-Dmlng room set. tools &: hardware, very early tools, lawnmo .....er. miscelUnderwood 21 Scnpt Also table, 4 chairs and buffet tools mcl Conestoga B20 laneous Saturday only. 9-1. c;tereo and 2 speakers B82$450, 882-0473 ' CARLA DICKINSON, St 974 North Renaud (between 8738 Johns, Mlch also back after _!,alr~-!y_an~ Wedg~y.~ood) ---- - - -- - --- TWO End -table; $20~ coffee several years absence with SEASONED firewood, $55 table$15,2matchmgchalrs GREAT SALE - Rugs An good smalls, toys, decoys face cord Wllh delivery With ottoman $50 each 884t1que Couch, Lamp". Coats, mcI goose, stoneware, bas521 5050 2606, 294-1954 Clothes and much more kets B22 SUSAN AIREY, DISCOUNTED VITAMINS OLD homes and estimates PLATES B mg -& Crondahl WesterVille, OhiO early AND Diet Plans 4t83 Bal. searched electrOnically for Chnstmas, 1969, 1972, 1973, country B28 PERKINS at four, Friday and Saturday. lost and hIdden valuables 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 885BUEHLER, Dexter, MI 11.4 Call John Stendel, 881-3051 2924 jl'eneral hne MINK coat, full length, $300; sofa, crushed velvet, $150,, sofa bed, $125, color TV, 25' , console, $85; color TV, 21' console, remote control , $200;round kitchen set , wood, $85, dishwasher , portable, $95, shower doors , $50, padded &Wlvel rocker , $55, coffee table, round With stack tables, $50, collector plate -Roosevelt and Pres Idents _ Pewter With &tand $50, offICe chairs, typewrl ter With ca&e $35 8812619 - - f:L~~~ , ______ -.J I .. +""->;4,. Page Eight-C I8-ANTIQUES I-ART1CLES FOR SALE FOR SAlE Loveseats - cut vrl- FOR SALE LARGE SELECfION of reo coDdiUOIled SCHWINN bi. vet, Uke new, $75 each, one Thomas eleetnc organ With bench - $200, one kingsize headboard, $50 521-0319 EARLY American pine, frame sofa with removable cushions In earthtone plaid, excellent conditIOn 885- J.e. WYNO'S Antique & Collectible Show WestSide Roma Hall SUnday, November 13th '1:1777Schoolcraft at Inkster, LIVOnia 9 a m to 4 p m Free admiSSIOn Over 100 dealers Glass Repair by MARl JC WYNO'S ~cles. Reasona~!3rtces illage Cyclery 57.' PHILCO 30" range with selfcleanm~en, hke new, $165.885. Seasoned Northern Hardwood Split or RoWl<! 0698 Delivered - $o\S UTTON Microwave, 15 mm2&4-9725 or 55121 ute timer, 3 weeks old, 2 year war .mty $175 882- "'ONTEMPORAR Y Dwwg 6904. table, room set, glass 36x60" And 4 hllhback SUPER 8 sound movie outfit chairs All With oa tnm Yashlca 51).XL camera, $375, or best offer 882-0066 Elmo ST.600 M prOjector Like new Best offer, great NORMAN Rockwell Litho. Christmas gift 882-2529 graphs . "The Racer" $2,100, framed "The ConDINING Room set - beautivent IOn" $2,400 fr amed fully deSigned Jacobean885-1162 Style solid walnut mcludes ----duna cabmet, buffet, table BRAND New Industnal sewwith leaves to seat 12, 6 Illg machme, asking $500, chairs, excellent conmtlOn 885-4811 Cira 1930's, $1,800 881-6419 VERY Ornate carved French WHIRLPOOL Washer & china cabinet and server, Dryer - ~10l0 ~~lW <Some gold tnm) French desk and commode, lady's MATCHING End tables desk, kidney shaped, mahlT Vamty chair, hVlOg room gany Large walnut desk, chair, all fruit wood, nusc 4'x6', secretary, bookcases, Items Everungs 823-0074 VlCtorlan roclong chair. CHAPMAN Chandeher, sohd 57~3029 brass, excellent condition, retail $1.300 Reasonable of- WALNUT Droplea( dllling fers conSIdered 821-1526 room table With 2 leaves, 6 caned seat chairs, $850 WANTED BUYING SWORDS GUNS, DAGGERS 774-9651 ~0764 772-2253 KENNARY KAGE ANTIQUES Open Wednesday, Thursday, Fndav, 12-4 pm Saturday, 9 a m to 4 pm WE BUY AND SELL Cadieux at E Wal ren 882-4396 MANCHESTER ANTIQUE MALL Excellent selectIOn of dlop leaf tables m walnut, cherry, ash and birch ill E M,UlI, Mclllch~:>tel \20 nunutes Southwest of Ann Arbor) Open 7 days, 1()'5 423-9357 - SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 777.7232 G.E. 20" apartment range, $75. 88fr0079. siz e ATARI 2600, like new 14 cartridges including Pac-Man, Space Invaders, BasJ.c PrlT grammmg, 4 joy sticks, 4 paddles, basic programming controllers, $250 or best offer 881-9'178 KENMORE automatic dry er, works great, $95 885- RANCH Mink, excellent condition, size 10, 776-8621 0079 mornings only. GORGEOUS Chinese scu 1ptured rug. lI'xlI', hk e 8A-MUSICAL new. 823-5000 between 11 INSTRUMENTS a m -[I pm. KENMORE automati c OLD VIOLIN. InSIde marked , washer, excellent cond iStr adlv a rJ u s "Antonius Cremonensis Facieba t tion $95 885-0079 Anno 1728" 882-4469. BEAUTIFUL dining room table With 2 self-storin g EVERETT baby grand (1934) leaves, pads, and 6 chairs , with bench, excellent cond 1$500 Matching corne r tion. Moving, must sell cupboard, $300, slant top $2,900 or best offer Befor e, 4.~ p m. - 343-2203, after 8 desk with ball and cIa w pm - 776-2866 feet and chair, $300. 8864092 or 44&-3100 0, LESLIEs~aker-ModeI71 walnut, 35 fool cable $500 WALNUT dining room tab Ie 881-(1440. and 5 chairs, 2 leave s $325 881-1271 FRIGIDAIRE heavy dut y PIANOS WANTED dryer, WIth automatic sen TOP CASH PAID sor dry $160 885-0079 ALL REDECORATING - Cryst al and brass chandelier an d white Wicker chandehe r, 885-7467 after 4 MICROWA VE Convectlo n oven, PanasonJc model N 0 NE9830. new Still in crate RetaJls over $700 Askin g $350 884-9145 MINK COAT. Tourmalin e natural beige, rare qualit y size 11).12- Ladles Sf Lau rent tan raincoat SIZe 10 Mens Burberry rain coat Size 44 Call 882-8738 CHRIST-MAS Bazaar. Fait h Community Church.J. 20500 Moross, near l-lH, ronday , November 11th, &-9, Slllur day, November 12th, 11).4 - - POOL Table-=-SlateregUlation size All accessones Indud ed 884-5872 -DOlL-APPRAISALS ANTIQUES OR COLLECfIBLES SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM 757.5568 FIREWOOD -- season;d Allen James 72&-4598 AI1 wood ordered now. no pnce change next year $50 face AT ONCEI 541-6116 Drums, gUitars, band-stn ng Instruments 8833 V an Dyke. 921-4814;44 Hours 12 noon - 'i P m - -- ------ PIANOS WANiED ~RANDS, Spmets, Consol and Small U~~hts TOP PRI PAID VE 7.0506 ,,' STEINWAY 6'foot 4" "A el. Model 1925, Ebony, exc lent condition (517) 32 17281 HAMMOND, Horgan, pr fesslonal console styl e, With seperate Hammon d speaker, excellent cond Ition, $2,000 881.1332 - - --------- - HAMMOND Organ dolphl n model 9800 $850 884-9529. ELECTRIC GUlbran~'lon 0rgan Walnut cabinet Exce 1lent con<lItion Cost $2,500, sell $1,:m _2827 UP, POINTE Ic-oFFICE EQUIPMENT DESKS, chairs, IBM typewnter, ditto copy machine, metal table Call 777-4646 .-AATICLES WANTED XOTIC Dancer needs top to toe tasteful attire Vintage 1900 to 1940 Lingerie, furs, feathers, c1othmg, accessones Call Mrs. T 867-2384, 3 P ~~l..~ --_ GAS STOVES WANTED $$ TOP DOLLAR PAID $$ 885-0079 ---- CASH FOR KIDS CLOTHES EXCELLENT CONDITION VERY CLEAN, BETI'ER BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 Bnng In Monday, Tuesday or Thursdav. 10-4 pm ON HANGERS PLEASE liE'S RESALE 20331 Mack .. • Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS 11-cARS FOR SALE 11~S FOR SALE Iln6 CAMARO 350 VI, 4 bar. 1.1 MERCURY Cougar. excellent conditlon. New tires, reI, mint condition, show 41,000 miles, alrn cruise, room paint job, Firestone tilt, power steering, rear SS Radial tires, appliance defroster, $5,7'00 "1306. mags, Kenwood AM.FM stereo cassette, sun rOOf, um CHEVY Malibu - runs: complete alarm system good, $350. 824-0644. 54,000 miles. Used in sum1m TORONADO Diesel28 mer only $4,000. Serious mpg, all power, wire buyers only. Bob 527.5708. wheels, crwse, rear WIndow 1981 HORIZON 4 door, 4 defogger, AM/FM stereo, speed, air, crwse, tint, ve. $5,900 872-4620 days, 88&lour mterior, rear defroster, 7414 evenings. 3Ompg, 34,000 mUes. Asking 19110- 4 door, Lmcoln town $4,000. 882-_ car, dark jade metal1980 PONTIAC Phoenix - 4 lic/matching velour Indoor hatchback, Vll, autoterior. Loaded, only 20,000 matic, power steering, miles, evemngs only 881power brakes, air, tape 6481. deck, $4,200. 886-1342 even1979 LeSABRE Limited, lOgS 57,000 miles, air, stereo, MONARCH, 1977, automatic, 881-9713 or 44&-4466days power steering, brakes, air, DATSUN 210- hght blue, 4 no rust, hke new, $2,350, 19110 door, 5 speed Very good 882-9767. condition, new tires, new 980 OLDS Delta 88 Royale. brakes 962-8671 25,000 miles; power steer1979BMW ~l-service record, m~, brakes and door locks, one owner, sun roof, crwse, air conditioningl V-I,! Blaupunkt, air, $6,500 or AMI FM stereo radio, vinyl offer 822-2326 top, new tires. Excellent coridition $5,995. After 5:~ 1977 VOLARE - automatiC, and weekends, 882-8090 ~wer steering - brakes, AM/FM tape, good trans1982LN-7, every available opportation $1,000. 77&-4119 tiOn 8,000 miles, black, showroom cQndi.tion. ~,700. 1974AUSTIN Martin 4 door, 882-3164. immaculate condition, gas saver, garage kept, made in 1982SEVILLE Elegante. DieEngland, Florida car, no sel astro roof, CB, touring rust, $1,200 or reasonable ofsuspension transferable fer. Call 372-0649 between 4 warranty, llkenew, $17,000. p.m .. 8 p.m. only. 882-8844 or 839-5800. 11-eAR1 FOR SALI 11-eARS FOR SALE 1976 CORVETTE, excellent cond1tion, low miles, t.tops and moon roof, aluminum wheels. 772-:1)14. uno CAR parts: Cougar left door, Opel Manta left front fender, Maverck/Pinto wheel covers, new 13" spoked wheel covers, 14" 4 poly tires cheap! "8614. 1979 CHRYSLER Newport, door, excellent condition, $4,200 884-2167 1980 CADILLAC Coupe de VUle, beige, leather, very sharp, one owner, always garaged 884-1t35 1974 PINTO No rust, California car, $875. 3729884, 521-1927 1978 MUSTANG - V-6, four speed, power steering, power brakes, AM/FM, runs good. No rust, asking $2,800 372-8901. 1979 HONDA Accord LX - 4 door, real clean, factory air, must be seen, $2,800 firm 1978 TOYOTA Celica GT, Call 372-0649 between 4 p.m beauty! 5 speed, air, power - 8 p.m. only. brakes, power steering, 1979 DATSUN, 280ZX, 2+2, rear defrost, light tan with G.L Edition, all options, sport stnpe. $3,600. 644-3410, mint condition, excellent 649-4755after 6. tires, factory !>poke mags, runs perlect Well cared for 1975 CORDOBA, good condihon Must sell $1,200 or best $6,795. or offer 771-0190. offer after 5 p.m. 881-3796. 1974 CUTLASS runs well, clean, rust, nules, $700 77&- 1976MALIBU ClasSIC, 2 door, blue, best offer 882-5250 2702 One owner 1970 BUICK Electra $225 1972300 SEL 4 5 leather , stamRuns good 886-8919. less ~teel exhaust. new tires, loaded $6,850 885- 1978 SEVILLE - triple yel6543 low, leather, loaded, 35,000 miles, 885-3329. 1983Z-28,lowmtleage,loaded, 521-3313. 1977 CUTLASS. Excellent , condition, low mileage, 1976 MERCURY Monarch AM-FM, air, $2,600 or best. Low mileage, automatic, 881-97$2. • power, good condition, $1,100. Days - 882-4127, after 1976MARK IV very good con6 pm. 44&-2533 dition, some rust. One 1978 GHIA Mustang - red, excellent body, sunroof, new transmiSSion, 6 cylinder, 53,668 miles $3,200best offer 776-1973 owner Best offer Mornings 884-5189 1981MUSTANG, 2 door power steering/brakes, great con. ditlon.,CalI 776-M39, or 8815174. A GREAT car at a great 1982FORD Escort L - 4 door, price! 1981 BUICK Electra gray with red mterior, diesel. ~,200 or best 8841978 DODGE Challenger, 17,000 miles, automatic, BGlM. power steeringfbrakesf GRUB STREET power steering, AM/FM, windows/mirrors, AM/ rear wiper and defroster, A BOOKERY FM 8 track, cloth m. FOR 1979 MUSTANG AM.FM air conditioning, $5,495 17194East Warren, terior, low mues, $3,000. cassette, air, 4-speed, ~0769 days, 886-0505even. near Cadieux 882-3993, 77+2454 evenings CLASSIFIED ADS 2-door, 58,000 miles. Good ings. Detroit, MichIgan 1982COUGAR GS, navy blue, condition, $3,000, 881-3145 882-7143 CALL 882-6900 1979CAMARO Berlinetta, one after 5 with dark blue interior, owner original 42,000 miles. powef steering/brakes, 1976 LINCOLN Contmental Wanted to Buy Mint. 882-5558. CADILLAC CIMARRON, AM/FM. 4 door, excellent Mach IV Cartier edition. Holland & Holland, Boss, 1983, red, 5 speed, sunroof, condition ~,450. 881-4518. Absolutely beautiful, body 1975 CHEVY Vega 64,000 Purdy tilt wheel, cruise, Cadillac miles 4-speed, body in good 1956 CHEVY, 4 door, runs, in showroom condition Parker, Wmchester, LC executive, 11,800 miles, shape $600 823-3388. Has all the extras. Asking Smith, Fox needs brakes, $850. Diana $11,100. Mint condition. $3,900 884-9458. Can be CORDOBA 1983, celan, 5,000 Grlffm & Howe, Inc 886- 5991. " 881-2314 after 6 p m. seen at 21838 Van K, Established 1924 mdes 881-6246between 5 - 7 MUST sell! 1980 4-door VW (Woods). 589 Broadway, NY, NY 10012 1978 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, pm. Rabbi!~ air conditloning, good COndition, good run(212) 966-5323 1982 HONDA Accord, 2 1979 LTD. Wagon - fully AM/FM, au~omatic, new rung. $3,000. 792-1958. TOP MONEY PAID door, stereo, 5 speed loaded, hghted door locks, tires, brakes', shocks, alter. Former Gun DIVISion, 1983 CADILLAC COU2.e de $6,400 or offer. 824-2482, C.B., air, left shocks, low nator, ~~tery hoses, excelAbercrombie &r: Fitch Ville Cabriolet. Fully . 44&-7467. miles, like new, $4,995. 77~ lent condition. 823-6868. equipped. 445-2704; ~732(). 1130. 1959 WILLY'S Jeep, red WIth COLLECTOR would like to 1979 SUBARU Deluxe, 1981 PONTIAC Grand Prix, soft black top, new tires, 1974 PLYMOUTH Satellite buy U.S and foreign stamps AM/FM, rear, defroster, W 29,000 miles, all extras. carpeted interior, radio, good running V-8, $3SO, 8814-speed, like new $2,450 and U S coins 469-0906. $6,800. 751-5838 after 6 p.m, runs well, good condition 9765 after 4:30. 527-0781. Best offer. 886-8968. 1ln4 B.M.W. 2002, top condi. 1977 PONTIAC low mileage, 1ln5 DODP~ Charger - suntlOn, best offer, 1-662-9732, 1977 PONTIAC Grand Safan WILL purchase and pump excellent condition, 884roof, stereo, power seat. car can be seen 10 Grosse from your tank station wagon. Has all op2290 s/windows, excellent condiPointe anytime. tions, extremely depend882-9420 tion, lI86-t437. 1982CAMARO,4Speed, V-6, 17 able car, good condition, 1977 PONTIAC Astra wagon, 1977DODGE Aspen - 4 door, options, m}lst sell. 881-~987 P,408. 1185-3815. SHOTGUNS and rifles want~. air, good condition. $1,300 . liW1tblue, $1,200. firm Call MONTE Carlo, 1978, 38,000 - Parker, Fox, Smith, Wm885-3019 1966 OLDSMOBILE CUtlass, alier 5, 1185-7156. nules. Excellent conditlon. chester and others Private 78,000 miles, body fair, 1980 MAZDA 626 - excellent $4,000. 882-4678 after 6 p.m PONTIAC, 1977, Ventura, 2 collector 478-5315 $250. 8IM-3559. condition, 5 speed, AM.FM door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 1978 MERCURY Cougar stereo, plus many extras, low miles ,litUe rust, perlect 1977 DATSUN 286-Z, excelANTIQUE OR COLLECTXR7, Bill Blass edition. Full transportation for winter, lent condition, 59,000 miles, $4,250. 886-6188 Call afte~ 6 IBLE DOLLS SUCH AS power, excellent condition, p.m $1,100. 771-8953. sunroof, black interior, air, MADAME ALEXANDER, 886-5917 two. tone paint, beautiful BARBIE, ETC 1983 CHARGER, 2.2, black/ 1975 VAUANT - 6 cylinder, car, $5,000. 882-7092. Iln2 NOVA - Very clean, see gold stripes, 7,600 miles, air, 53,000 actual mUes, 21 mpg, 757-5568 at Midas muffler. Warren at automatic, custom stereo, well maintained, great 1983 PONTIAC 6,000. Gray, Cadieux $1,950 loaded, beautiful car, aprear louvers, $7,500. 77~4144 shape. Asking $1,750 885WE BUY AND SELL COLor 979-8780. proximately 9,000 miles, 1979 CAMARO Z.28 T-tops, 0003. LECTIBLE PLATES, FImoonroof, 881-4817. power steering/brakes, air, 1lnOOPAL wagon, stick, new GURINES, HUMMELS, 1978 FORD Window van $4,700 or best, 884-9117 DOLLS AND PRECIOUS Automatic, air, cruise, 1976 BUICK Electra Limited clutch and transmission, MOMENTS 771-8405. Excellent condition, low 1974 '4 door Plymouth, sate. AM.FM tape deck, $4,650. $350 or best offer, 882-4469. mileage. No rust 778-5452 777-4065 Ihte, 10 top condition WIth ROYAL Doultons, Hummels, low mileage, no rust. $1,200 BUICK 1980 Regal Limited, after 6. 1983BMW 533-i. black with red SteUben, and other hne lady's car, garage kept, low Also for sale are 4 D78-14 FINEST quality Japanese leather interior. 14,000 1983 CELEBRITY, collectibles. miles, many extras excel. power snow tires in excellent conand Chmese IVOrIeS, DuMouchelle's Art Galleries nules, loaded. Call Mr. Is. steering, power brakes, lent condition, $5,175. 779dition. 881-3588 mail, 881-620010 a.m.-S p.m ClOisonne, porcelain 18th 963-6255 4780. _ AM.FM stereo, loaded. Century Georgian sterling Monday through Friday. Fury 1976 4 Must sell 779-9186; 771-0329, PLYMOUTH WANTED Rmestone JewelGlass, lamps, clocks, plus door, V-8, automatiC, air, ask for Joe. 1982 MONTE Carlo power ry All costume Jewelry, CARS - TRUCKS many fme antique accesAM-FM, power steering, steering.brakes, air, stereo also garnets VA3-4888, 772ELDORADO 1980 Diesel, hke new - used sories. By appOintment, power brakes, vinyl top, cassette. After 6 p.m. lI821155 new, 29,000 miles, leather, 345-4411 MARY BODKIN 43,000 miles Beauty inside 7024 loaded, $8,850. 886-1471. AL LONG FORD and out. $1,250 821-9558 WANTED Small size sofa bed, KENJ.IAAY KAGE •.1 13711E. 8 Mile good condition, please 8lI5- 1ln8 MGB - excellent contll. 1974 FORD Country Squire, 9 PONTIAC Ventura, 1972, tlon Asking $4,000, after 5 at Schoenherr 4805 passenger station wagon, 1 ANTIQUES needs some work, $400 or pm 751-5717, ~17sa. owner, good condition. best offer. Lmcoln ContiOpen. Wednesday, Thursday, 777-2700 WANTED Girl's <21 or 3T) 63,000 miles, loaded, call 9 nental, 1974, excellent conWInter dress coat 886-2004 1979 CHEVY Caprice Classic Friday, 12-4 p m a.m .• 5 P m 881-0660 loaded, excellent condition, dition, 54,000 actual, $2,800. Saturday, 9 am -4 p.m WANTED Royal Jackson low miles, must see. 88&- 1967 G T O. 400 - 4 barrel, 886-7546. FLEA MARKET 1240 chma - by private party blue, southern car, very 1977CORDOBA, power steerEVERY SATURDAY Any amount 468-M53 good condition, $2,000 Or SUNBIRD 1979- 4 cylinder, 4 ing, power brakes, air, good WE BUY AND SELL best offer. 891-0457. speed, power steering, steel WANTED Old bed sheets, condition, $1,900 or best ofCadieux at E. Warren belted whitewall tires, any sIZe up to one dollar fer, 371-1359. 1981 FORD LTD Country 882-4396 AM.FM cassette stereo, each 886-3537 Squire station wagon, load1982GRAND Marquis Formal rear defogger, very clean. ed with options, like new roof, alummum wheels $3,300 772-2360 10~TORCVCLES condition, low miles, best Loaded, 446-4637, <days), FORSALE offer 882-9548. 1983 LINCOLN, 4,000 miles. 1920's thru 1960's eras 886-4057 (evenings) Call 540-6900. Costume jewelry, beaded and 1979 HONDA Civic, 4 speed, 1977 SUZUKI 250 traJl bike AMC Hornet Sport - about, sequenced dresses, skirts, AM-FM stereo cassette; 1983 MERCEDES 380 SEC, 1,200 miles $699 881-9355 Iln5, onginal owner As IS sweaters and tops Fancy new clutch, brakes and 12,000 miles Call 540-6900. $750 or best 882-5531. moh81r and cashmere swea. more, very good condition, 118's,98's AND 1ln2 CHEVY Impala - air, ters, shoes, purses and 11-eARS 1975DODGE SWinger onginal must sell, $2,800 or best, CUTLASSES IN STOCK power steeringl power FOR SALE belts Good condition 1IIJ2.55OlI. owner, air, sunroof, new brakes, stereo, new tires, 172-2200 Highest prices paid. Tempo battery, new brakes 8841974 THUNDERBIRD, good runs good. $450. 815-4734. 1983 FIREBIRD SE, t.tops, StudiO 544-8146; 883-3842 0962 runrungcondltion, many oppower seats, power locks, 1981 CHEVETTE - 2 door, tions, has some body rust power wmdows, tilt, cruise, DENLEY'S hatchback, 4 speed, low $700. 77'9-4287. cassette, 305, V-8 every miles, excellent condition. ANTIQUES other ophon 11,000 mdes. 1975 MU!rrANG II - hatch$3,200 77~4514 Furmture, clocks, Decoys, $11,300 372-0738 back, V-6, automatiC, new toy, and pnmltlves 27112 urn COUPE de Ville Cadillac, all season tires, Ziebarted, 1979 IMPALA statIOn wagon, Harper, between 10 and 11, very good condition, $4,200 rear defogger, AM-FM casV-8, air conditIOning, 9-5 Monday through Fnday After 4 p m m-24M. sette Must be seen to be apcrUise, tilt, power door Call first for Saturday preciated. 88frOO97 Ul'la, locks Very clean 52,000 LINCOLN Continental hours 772-9385 town car, dark blue cab- 1175 CAMARO Rally Sport, nules $3,450 372-0738 WE BUY AND SELL rOilet roof, hgM blue power steering, brakes, atr, 1975 CHRYSLER New EXPtRES 11-30.63 metallic body Excellent 354 barrel, 4 speed, new Yorker Not running $200 condition, fully loaded, orig. MISCELLANEOUS Antique shocks, exhaust, uses regu773-8692 after 4 p m lnal owner. $5,IlOO or best of. furniture - dresser, secre lar gas, good condition, Fully loaded, VB, power tary, chair, milk can After 19fi'7CHEW-lmpal-a ,-8-c-y-h-n fer. 1184-0475 $2,500 • best After 6 p m der Very good runmng con- VW Bug 1966 - hke new, low 4 p m 885-2131 lIM-2970. Windows, locks, cassette ditIOn 884-4066 mileage, mechanically tape, much more Stock 1.0 CUTLASS Brougham, sound, 88S-89lI9. No 3375 FURNITURE reflrushed, re- 1975 MERCEDES Benz, 300D 28,000 miles, excellent conall power, good condition paired, stnpped, any type dition, aU power plus 4451979 TRANS AM - TA 66, 4 MONTHLY Call 468-3551 after 4 of canmg Free estimates, 2310 after 6 p m weekends speed, 4 wheel disc, WS6, 474-8953 AM/FM cassette, CB, air, 1974 MERCEDES 240D ~ air, 1179 OLDS Cutlass Supreme tilt, delay wipers, stored. automatic, dark blue, extra - 2 door, air, AM.FM ste. AN'I'IQUE clock repaIrs, all ~,500 firm 777-3914. clean 882-7584 reo, rustproofed, 6 cylinder styles and maKes plus FUlly loaded, AM/FM stereo cassette ETR radiO, V8,1h only 37,000 miles, showroom newer clocks 822-3859 I-ART1CLIS I-ART1CLES landau top, all power, much condition. $5,150 or best ofWANTED WANTED fer. 751-1336 more Stock No 3076. IiIONTHL Y COUNTRY & FORMAL FURNITURE & 1113 CHRYSLER LeBaron ACCESSORIES "48 rnonltlly plyfMnta lit ••fIIl. ........ t wtth zet'O down 3,500 miles, 2.2 engine, 2 ptu. MOUrIty, IIcenM tr8mlt" Ilnd Ia •. door, wtite-maroon velour PRIEBE, SCHMIDT & purchased for cash (I' awailed interior Air, cruise, elec. HANN estates also desireQ'in home OOnIuItatiolll. tric rear defogger, AM-FM 5046 W Michigan Ave JOHN KING stereo, tape deck, rust. Between 1-94 and US-23 proofed $9,000 11 a m - 10 on Highway 12- YpSilanti 961-0622 p.m. '77'&-5701. 434-0060 • Cllp and Save this ad • 1981 CHEVY Caprice Classic 4-doordiesel,loaded. Excel. lent condition, new tires. Must sell, $4,000. Call weekdays. 9-5. 77'9-5900. FUEL Oil ----------- SEE RAY CAMPISE WANTED DRUMMY OLDS NOW AT SELLING OUT 30/70% - '" 881-8082 BEAUTIFUL Antique carved oak buffet With fretwork carvmg, large oval mirror EASTSIDE bookseller desireb With Wide bevel, set of 6 oak signed llmtted editions, fme press back chairs With Illustrated chtldren's literacaned seats, excellent con ture, art, photography, dltion, 48" round oak table Americana Detroit, CiVil With claw feet and leaves, 2 War Occult, Avant Garde ash wardrobes LIt., mlhtary county hisMATERIALS UNLIMITED tones, phIlosophy and 2 West Michigan Ave worthwhile books for collecYpsilanti, MlCh tIOns m all categories Cash Open Monday thru Sunday paid and Immediate re10 a m -5 p m moval 1-483-6980 - TWO S",weJ rocker, (air conmUon Needs paddmg good for bo\"S room 1 large, leaf raker~ good betund nding NEW _never used adJustable mo",-er 821-3092 mornlllgs fold 109 walker, cast $75. or e\'erungs Will sell for $35 or make ofLIVING Room sofa, 2 chairs, fer 8ll6- 2596 living room drapes, pots, ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE MODEL 9500phonemate tele. AMERICAN LEGION HALL pans, dishes, sllvereare, phone recorder complete 1026 6th Street utensils 44&-9833 with remote control and Port Huron, Michigan HOME sale silver service, tape umt m hke new condiSaturday, November 12, 1()'8 Fostoria glassware, antition Reasonable call 839pm ques, art, craft, tables, Sunday, November 13, 10 6 5458. lamps, plants, baby scale, pm FURNITURE Sale. Some anmuch more. Some very nice tiques, 5 piece bedroom set, 11742 AdnusslOn - 5O~ with Uus ad gifts. Christmas Plan to spend the day chairs, tables, lamps, bar, Mobetween Whitehill Free map at Show hstllig 18 china cabinet 882-0203 rang-Whittier, no Pre-sales Antique shops open m area saturday, 11).4 BEDROOM SET, complete ANTIQUE Show and Sale Or<double); $200; also, anlT BABY chard Mall. West Bloomther double bed complete, field, November 17th - 20th FURNITURE $75. n7-4065. Dunng Mall hours EQUIPMENT MEN'S Leather 0/4 coat, gold, qwlt lined, llke new, $250, AU ~ Retail Price A Premier Event Reed jackets, long, blue , Youth bed, cribs, electric feed. $100; short-maroon $75; ing dishes, umbrollers, OlOE INN good condition, 526-77'!1. standard strollers, 4 styles of ANTIQUE SHQ\N changing tables, scales, DINING Room Set, C1930 Gerry backpacks, chrome $600, large table, 6 chairs , buffet, china cabinet, 41n. highchair, youth chair, boosDEARBORN INN ter seats, SWlngs, port-a9050, 9 a m - 5, 676-367 5 20301 Oakwood Blvd beds, Johnny Jump Ups, after 6 p.m. Across from Greenfield mesh or wood playpens, car G E , avocado, portable, de Village seats, sterilizers, lamps, inluxe butcher block top load (ant seats, botUes, walkers, NOV. 18, 19, 20 I erd1shwasher. Only used 0n •ti.lbs;"boUnc1ng seafs and FRI , SAT, 12-10, SUN 12-6 hohdays. $175. 839-1556 more. AdmiSSIOn $350 USA Buildings - agncul MOMS' TOY ATI'IC tural-commercial, full fac A Toy Resale Shop EXCltmg, NatIOnally tory warranty, all steel 882-7631 16637E Warren Acclaimed Show clear span, smallest build 36 Exhibitors, 17 States mg 30 x 40 x 10, largest 70 x DOUBLE Comforter, pillow cases, sheets, bed ruffle, 135 x 16. 30, 40, 50, 60 f t WIdths m vanous length!> curtains, pmk, used, $40. Featuring an outstanding selection of the finest an. Call 24 hours 1-800-482-4242 lm-6672 tlques of the 18th and 19th ExtenSion 540 Must se II ANTIQUE Hand carved century (or the discerning cheap Immed.Jately, WIlld e blanket chest, china cabinet, collector liver to bwldmg site dresser and mirror, gateleg BEA UTIFUL antique Smger table and miscellaneous. SEARS Coldspot, 2 doo r sewing machine With ~3609 frost-free WIth ice maker , wooden cabinet and brass like new, $245 B8S-0079 GAS Log Glowfire, 24" VAR, ornaments. Best offer. like new, $65, lI82-4425 775-4396 MOVING SALE cord , ,,=, • GROSSE l-AR'nCla THREE • DRUMMYOLDS * 9•~ 10 )/ FINANCING GMAC DIRECT LEASE NEW '84 98 Regency Brougham $27496 NEW'84 Toronado Brougham ~ 28752 I BOOKS/USED AND RARE ASK FOR RAY CAMPISE DRUMMYOLDS n2.2200 I -~- • )4 ... .... , 12D-LAKE AND RIVER PROPERTY mi I ---- - ---- 1980 MUSTANG hatchbdck, 4 speed, good conditIOn, $3,500 881-1174 1977 PONTIAC BonneVille Green, power steermg, power brakes, AMlFM ra. dio, all', hlt wheel, power locks, wmdow defroster, low miles, excellent conditIOn. nl-9343 - BUSINESS and INVESTMENT PROPERTIES ExclUSIvely SALES - LEASES EXCHANGES VIrginIa S Jeffries, Realtor 882-0899 TECH Crescent Development, 9,000 Square Feet, 2 stores, warehouse, partially 1977 JEEP Fenegade New rented, holdmg for user. brakes and headwork, deInvestor, very near both pendable, $2,500 firm 884tech centers, very good 9580. condition, some refrlgerat AUTdMOBILE owners - As ed eqUIpment Included, low as $31 quarterly, buys pnced nght, pays for Itself basjc automobIle Illsur. Owner 881-8498 ance 881-2376. PRIME Northeast area CIERA 1982 Brougham near Grosse Pomte and 1-94 2-door Power steering expl essway, 6 umt bUlldmg, cnllse, tJ1twheel, air, power 5 umts produce over $1,100 lock power WIndow, electriC per month IIIcome WIth a trunk lock, stereo, tape 2,000 square foot u~el umt deck, pulse Wiper, tint winSUitable for medical cllmc, dow, rear defogger 884office or beauty shop 1773 FleXIble Land Contract 1977 CHRYSLER New terms 885-1220 -- Yorker, gold, excellent con. --------dltlon, wife's car, 50,000 GROSSE POINTE PARK 12-two bedroom umts, no miles, gold velour interIOr vacancy, remodeled, Land $2,500. 882-3812. Contract terms Good IIIvestment return 11B-CARS WANTED SCHULTES REAL ESTATE TO BUY 881-8900 ---- I' 13--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TOP $ $ $ $ FOil ;yOur Junk.,q~, Unwanted Cat", ••)1,. ~ULL AUTO PARTS a,l'Pm 894-4488 JUNK OR wrecked cars and trucks Top dollar paid -'E6-4529 or 777=!3~ _ 'NJp Dollar paId for your used car trade-IO Bill 372-9884, ~21-1927 11e-BOATS AND MOTORS 18038 MACK, Grosse Pomte ~It~ . 1 floor ofhce bwl9wg, 3,570 sg.,uare feet A"'t1'b'ftices '()reil1ed. 'Sid&'lot'uiCTli'Helf: L8}\ltCorltr8.ettei'ms", ., 15015E 7 MIle - 1,900 square foot rented offIce with ad jacent parking lot Near Hayes. $37,900 YOUNGBLOOD REAL TY 886-1000 OUTER DRIVE - Warren Ave Bulldmg WIth 1,950 sq ft , new carpet, roof, aIr conditioner, electncal. lav SpacIous 1 bedroom apartment on 2nd floor TAPPAN & ASSOC 884-6200 --------- 26' SKIFF Craft Sport GROSSE POlllte offIce bUild109 near the Village 3 levels Fisherman, 1982, flybridge, of offices fully renovated 111 Dual stations, loaded, hke and out 2150 square feel new, 100hours, 824-3546 Parkmg for 10 cars Beautifully decorated for the pro 1941CHRIS Craft ClaSSIC ExfesslOnal 881-4200 cellent condItIOn. must see to appreciate, $4,500 979JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE 1920 11F- TRAILERS AND CAMPERS HAULMARK TI aller-l year old. 7' x 14" WIth Side door. surge brake, $2,000 774 1130 FOR RENT GROSSE POlllte Park Storefront ApproXimately 20 by 35 for rent, $150 plus security depoSit Good location CROWN REALTY 821 6501 UTILITY Trailer Cole mens versa.trauer, haul It 12F-NORTHERN yourself Cords of wood, col PROPERTY lege movmg; garage sales, campers, <f() It yourselfers GAYLORD 920 Ib capacIty Spare tIre HUNTERS DELIGHT $325,331-196'1. 2 bedroom furmshed cablll at Ranger Lake. Land Con. 4x8 UTILITY trader. WIred tract $12,000. near state almost new tires, $165 886land 1914 80 acres surrounded by state land. excellent deer hunt. 12~VACAT10N mg. Land Contract, $39,900 PROPERTY 11 9 acre horse farm, beautiful 3 bedroom home With fIreplace In master bedLAKE Okeechobee Flonda room. $69,500 Double WIde mobIle home For InformatIOn Call on large lot. 2 bedrooms. 2 Bob Brabb full baths, all appliances Ill. 517732-6464 or 517-732-9274 , eludes washer, dryer. car Gla<;ser Real Estate Inc pet, drapes. 'icreened porch, cafoj)ort, a fantastic 13-REAL ESTATE retirement ,Or vacation FOR SALE home for ohly $32,500 821 !766 ~v~tung~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS 4 SCHUSS Mountam chalet, 4 Woods Lane Atlractlve, bedroom bnck Colomal, bedrooms, 2% baths, fully approximately 2.800 square furlllshed, largest. hIghest feet, 3'h baths. hardwood lot III area SWIm, golf, skI floors, wet plaster. spIral IW9uced tO$69.500 445-21lk) stal rway, closets galore. --,"t- - -~ :- -- -Owner mu,;t sell Call today PORT Rfche~ • FlOrida. for appollltment lUXUriOUs on canal CENTURY 21 Furmshed 2 hedrooms. 2 ALEARDI bath,; carporl complete 7n 7510 club Faclhtle,;, $59,500 8:~-8800 8~1.4679 . * 11A-cAR REPAIR JI TRANSMISSION EASTSIDE 16301 MA<;K at 3 MI , •••• OA8 Till WORK GUAUNTEIO •••• 5959 GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1727 Anita. :\ !Jpdr(){)m "tory. many pxtrac;. appliann>" included By Ownpr. 8R2-4..14..1 days. RH6-36S2 pVPl1inq". . )1'1 OPEN SUNDA.V 2-5 2!4i4 • 4 POINTE 13-ftEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 4 4 " NEWS 13--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Page Nlne-G 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNEH - BeautIful con l':IGHT Umt apdrtment bUIldOWNEH~ An"lOu" - 4200 DETROIT domJruum Prime location. Audubon Blick Tudor, St Be<lutlful 2+2 bedroom brick mg, $22.800 GIO"" Cdll for M Clalr Shore!>, a.,!>umable FOn QU ICK ~ALE Clm e P dmh 3 bedroom'>, brochure 774-0962 Income Separate furnace., L.llld ContI act 2 bedl oom,;. !r.16UIIIVel.,ltv III GI n.,.,e f,1I1111yI nom, new electn <lnd utlhtle., All Jpphdn(e., GHO~~l'~ POINT!': ~HOHES utility loom. drape.> IIIclud POllllc' City (,II. new fUI ndce, ncw [Il eplace, central all' HUll y SP<lCIOU.,.(u.,tom. 3 bedr oom eo Mu~t SacrIfice 776-5155 ...tOI ,lIId ...u cen... hdl d Ch .II mlng, I I)(' d loom IJIlL'k tall today on tlu~ Jnve.,tOJ" I aneh. 4th bedloom 01 IJ01 371 2992 after 6 p m COIOIII,II nev. ('.II petllll(. wood £lool". 2 (.II g,lIdgC, "pecl .II Hedu ced (5906) bldlY. fJmJly loom, full kItchen I e( loom dlld I oof fllll.,hcd ba"ement extl a lot CADIEUX MACK - BlIck d.,k fOl BJI b Penne(ouk h<l.,ement Lovely ....edllded hungalow 2 bearoom~. at All 1m ge lot city C('11Ifl<'<I No III okel'" 881-9752 7774940 Y..lld. With mglound ...wlm tiC. ndtul dl fllcplace. re Open ~unddY 2-5 p m J\~ lrHO~"E POinte Pdlk Mdry SCHWEITZIm mlllg pool (redtlOn loom, galdge ~UME dt $b5.000 1,IIId J oedl oom bllLk. new HEAL ESTATE 45 ~OUTH EDGf>~WOOD all ve $2'5.000 L<!nd Con STIEBER REALTY hdth . .,.dedllve,21Izcal g,l BE'I TIm HOMES AND BY OWNJ-:H 884-28bl $14 900 8228Mb t I <!(t Tel m.> Ownel 294 C,AHDEN~ 77.>-4lJOO l..lge , HAH PEH Wood., - 2 beth oom 42.lb OPEN ~undd) 2-5 19215 Ho., ~HOHEPOINTf>: Londom 14.15'J'HHEE MILE ,Ilunllnum bllng,1I0\I, tv.o BY OWNF.H No Hedltol., 3 wmmon 2 bedroom I dn(h Huum 2 bedl oom In (,j e DOCTOH~. Idwyel'> du_oun .,lor~ gdldge. fenced ydrd bedloom brick <;:olonldl . .,tyle 12 duplex ~hweltlel POlllte Wood ... Flont Ulllt t,lII\<' ~ou mu.,t .,ee thl., fd I<ll'ge k IIehen flm"hed cent I,d .III. lowel level 881913J bulou., 4 bedloom COIOl1ldl BEAUTIFUL hd.,ement With hm IIIce .,Ile 5 bedloom fdmll) loom. Ilh bath... 2'''l 1IIIh offl(e .,ulle dl!.Khed lot $39 900 ,172 2'509 778 hll(k (OIOnldl In be.,t De 1'WO Holt, 9 Mile dnd jpflel C<JIgardge. IIItelcom cen lJnbelll'vdbly pI Iced <It tlUit ,lied N,ltuldlfllepldU' 0648 COIl 7 ,Ind 5 I (JOIn... bll' k d II <II v<lcuum ...) .,tem. recent ~ $129000 Open ~un dy 3-5 upddted 77&-1657 fOJmdl dmlllg loom. pUr ....'1' ('LAIH SIlOHE~ II fUIn<l(e dnd loof $74 000 pm 01 b~ appointment fe ....,IlJlldlly upddled kitchen Mile 11.11 pel .l bedloom 886 4383 ,dlel 6 FIRST OFFERING Woodue.,t Hedlt~ 885-1715 3 FIOlldd loom mu ...t .,ee IHlck I dnch III bath., 2 4 $44 000 Cdll Cdl olyn 01 Do GHO"~E POINTl<: PAHK CADII<:UX W,lIlendled-)Ifl g,lI ,Ig(' ne" I (JO[ tllm ex BABCOCK CO OP APTS I een Hedl F..,ldle one. 296Audubon .,paclOu" 5bedl oom ,tOI Y bll(k bung,dov.. pd It tl d.> fllll.,hed bd.,emenl, Harpel Woods - Wildwood 0010 Tudol Llbl oil y. Flolldd ly fIlII~hed Up~t..lll"', good between Harper.Mack, 5'4" A<;...umptlOn - Ldnd loom 1full .I nd 2 h,df bdtlh cOlldltlOn 977 1688 Conti ,Ilt ,1\ ..llldble $55.400 lalge 2 bedroom, fIrst floor. CADIEUX MOldng Aled o\lllel 88287b!J 7780120 own wa~her, dryer 2 fll epl,lcc~ bedutlfully CLEAN I bedl oom bll(k dnd attl aLllve .1 bed I oom bll(k Opal at Warren.Mack. 2 bedl,lIId"(dped. well m.,uldtea ,l1umlllUm 111m home III Engh.,h COIOllldl EXLellent \ LhedlJlle,,( ~"4' fllhUIUlIg ru(e I~<l~t lJellOlt ...UUdIVI I oorn. V~IY dean conditIOn Mu.,t ...ell he.,t 01 11,\!\Pt:n \\'ouJe, Condo bedloom applldnCe., C W BABCOCK AND SONS dt $119,000 ,IOn $44,500 FOI dppolnt fel Conventlondl MOIlgdge c1edn Mu"t .,ee. Immediate 777-3310 STIEBER REALTY ment 7715915 01 Ldnd ContldLt .1410726 occupancy 886-9057 I evenmg., 77'>-4900 By OWNER _ 794 Cantel OWNER - 3 bedl oom~ 'I 161b HUNTINGTON Glo" ...e lJUly Glo" ...ePolllteWood., 566 BAHHlNC,TON. (,HOS~E POINTE PARK baths, fdmlly room. gl een Pomte Wood ...bll(k I dnch, I 4 bedloom !J11(k Colomal Beaullfull) mdmt,lIned dnd decorated English Colomal hou~e attached to klt(hen bedroom., 2 bdUI., 2 cal at \~Ith .,tudy !lvlngl oom. dill LIVlllg 100m. fOImal dmlllg loom, beautiful updated 200 Ldkevlew 88'>-7890 tdched g,lI Jge famJ1~ IIIg 100m. fdmll) loom, kIt kllchen 4 bedroom". flI t floDl AND basement fam 821-6500 loom \\el1 l,lI1d.,c"ped lot (hen, fll epldce, fll ...t flool AHCHITECT O\~ned Engll~h t Ily loom Ledded gld., wllldow~ Bright. cheerful TOM McDONALD & SONS man~ e"tla .... Open ....unda) IdundlY. 21l bJth~ 2 Cdl dt Tudol, 3 bedroom .... }I2 room~ New roof eleclrlc garage door, beautiful 3rd GENERATION 2-4 1"01 fUlthel II1fol ma tdched gdldge UIlIVClslty bdth~ central all. 2 flrepld --tlOn, cdll LIggett .11eiJ QUiet COUIt land!>capmg I block flom Wmdmlll POInte Park ces, updated kitchen dnd FOR SALE, Buckmgham be WEISS REALTY v.alk tOdll.,choob, open Sa $79,900 mOle 886-7807 4393 Ken tween Mack dnd Warlen 3 8825900 tUlday ~unday I pm 105 BY APPOINTMENT 499-3593 .,lOgton bedroom brick, 2 car gal p m or ,Ippollltment BBB BY OWNER NO BROKERS age $16,000 884-3559 OPEN ~unddY 2 5. 22010 MM 2612 MUST Sell - movmg 4190 ,. ----tel. St Clall ShOl e~. one of a Bedford $41 000 Brick In NOTTINGHAM, 5/4 mcome, kmd I anch \\Ith wdool pool A RARE FIND III NO!theln MAKE THIS A CHRISTMAS HOME come - '>-5. cdrpeted fIre brick, excellent condItIOn, $5,000 as.,umptlOn Cod Wdlren 2 famIly mcome, 2 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL place formal dlOmg room. $19,000 884-3559 Mal k Monaghan. S(hWelt bedl oom~ each IImt. ~epa OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 ga~ heat. garage Rent., BARLOW "'2 bedroom brIck lei 886-5800 I ate utilitIes and fUIndces over $500 month Owner 925 BARHINGTON, GROSSE POINTE PARK tt $18 - Mlllute~ to the Tech Centel h 8812592 : ~~~~;lOn a IC , BY OWNEH, spacIOus one E,e(utlve COIOllldl on St Colomal. 4 large bedroom.>, master bedroom on mam __ _ _ _ - -- -- bedloom condo With ldke Clall Shores fme~t canal 5 FISHER - Cozy Enghsh flool. large hVlIIg room, formal dmmg room, large Do you enJoy entertamwg? view Cal peted. dll dppll bedl oom~. 3'12bath~. family Bungalow fedturmg 2 flreJr kItchen WIth famIly room. 3 baths, entire house ThIs IS a wonderful home fO! ance.> all ('al POIt Excel loom, flrepldce, centI al aIr. lace~. updated kItchen, Iemodeled Land Contract terms avaIlable Must pOpplllg corn III the fll ep lent condItIOn Pool club [II &tClOOIlaundry. walk out beautIfully fml&hed base~ee to apPI eCldte. call between 8 am8 p m lace or a formal Sit down house Immechate posses basement Ldnd Contrdct ment set In English Pub 823 5971 By Owner Price reduced dmner Only a stroll to pn slOn A"kmg $48000 8B5 Term~ style vatelakeflontpalkatendof 5454 __ B F CHAMBERLAIN 1323 KENSINGTON. GROSSE POINTE PARK FARMS COLONIAL - EnJOy street located nicest area of LEXINGTOr\. 2 bedloom 771-8900 3 good &IZedbedrooms. Ph OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 the Shores PrIced at bnck t anch. attached gal 1004 6 LA-KEPOINTE _ 2 baths. many newer feature~ ~ $89,900 (A-234) age. Florldd loom gas heat fdmlly flat WIth extl a lot such a,; furnace. easy-care Can you beheve It Grosse 100x150' lot Lake acees" ~lde dllve and 5 car brick sldlllg paneled FamJly loom Truly a family home r POlllte schools and priced at --.!.-35!-7844'771 ~316 g,lI age!> Lo\\ er flat vdcant. $34,900 Alummum 213 bed ST CLAIR. led bnck 2 ,;tory Land ContI dCt tel ms Low LAKEFRONT CONDO room bungalow wlth 21 H VlCtollan Itdhanate home dO\1n P.l~ ment Mabardk Bright 2 bedl oom Ranch loIivmg room and combmed bUIlt III 1869 Solid brIck 8610000 cated 1II Harrison. pleasutlhty/famJly room Yel> wallsoverafootlhlck Good GROSSE POINTE SHORES antly decorated, famJly there's even a garage condItIOn 5 bedrooms up. 1 Cu"tom ranch, foyer. l!vlllg room with fireplace III Clean and neat but seller,; d own IIuge ponu..1 0 U)tl Id g~ loom. dllllllg room. fdmlly basement Ownel IS ready ,have outgrown home (H WIth 5 aCIe~. asklllg $69,900 loom gal den loom. fIrst to talk "Turkey' I Old house charm - Move-m ConditIOn Space for gracI209) IISe L C addltlOnal.lcreage ClOOI laundl y 211z bath 3 ous entertallllllg 01 actIve famIly hfe, 560 sq. ft famIly INDIAN VILLAGE - Albeit Better take a look tlus IS a available bedl oom,;. 884-3349 room additIOn. cherry paneled with skylights and fireKahn GeorgIan Colomal real beauty located III NORTH CHANNEL HEAL1 Y pldce. cenll <II.111, enel gy efhclent. hvmg room With fIreGrosse POInte Woods 794-9231 3 BEDROOM Blick Idnch quahty thru out, 5 spacIOus Priced at an affordable IIdl pel C.ldleux SdcllfIce, place. formal dmmg 100m, large master bedroom plus 2 bedroom,;. 512 baths 4 fIrep,,$47,900 PerfecIUO;I~\fst OPEN SUNDAY 25 2167 $22.000 ca.,h Rent $380 d Idces Locat,ect on ,U:QquOls mOIl' beQrooms, ~,'Iz,bf}~~p,bnc~,p"tJP"/jOxl60 lot With 2 time hom,e~ iWm8 IS I !I'B~Ufiall' 'cliM:JTlifi~I'1 hed , ,mp»\J"\\ ,3_~1 __2f,l9_, B_81_-?4i\~, III the Hedl ('of IndMn VII \~1g~,p;tnl"~.,#A},iW,,H~Y~1 9PflI~~_LJ , , U:d ' U'JP~nolJdtrg>aI~~ ~'onel ~-lage 'df'a~~h front, natural fIreplace. up, GROSSE POInte Woods, 3 Must bE.> seen GROSSE POiNTE . dated kitchen Great bedroom brIck ranch,od na-d Sellers are leavlllg kItchen Call 882-2936for Appomtment REAL ESTATE CO apphances Call today m nelghboJ<; By Ownel 885 tural fIreplace, I em ele 882-0087 213) 1822 throughout, no basement, --------CITY OF GROSSE POINTE Wmter IS commg I Put a log on OPEN "2 _ 5 SUNDA Y $50~OO3~3 O~7 after'6 p _m COUNTRY Estate - beautithe fIre and snuggle up m 21224 ROBIN COURT ~CHOENHERR. 7 MIle area, ful 4 bedroom brick ranch your very own home bUIlt 11 Mile/Harper a I ed AttrdC 2 bedroom aiumlllum ';Ided on 31;2acres. 2'/2 baths, full for present owner III 1950on live 3 bedloom brick I anch bungalow. move III condl walk-out basement, large 100 ft lot BrIck With model'll kItchen. 2~2 car tlOn $17900 88'>-2408. 521 pole barn Make offer Call alumlllum trIm WIth atgal age, hm<;hed basement 7895 LOUlse. Sanka Real Estate 727-2772or 46'>-0340 tached 12x12 breezewa) and Be..lutlfully Idnd,;cdped Beacon HIli FII ,;t offellng by -garage Ju~t north of 11 MJle LJnd Conll act 1f'1 m ,lV,llld ownel WIll ram<;burg ColoGORGEOUS 2 fdmlly on 1 and Jefferson Asklllg ble $55900 IIIdl 4 bedl oom." 2 2 baths. Grayton Great terms 1m $59,900 (GP 224) Re,ll E.,tate l\I.lIket dlll actlvel~ decorated mediate occupancy, hre Lake home - thl~ J<;a fOlced 445 l.lOO LleJn No III okel., Senous place, poSSIble tlul d aparlsale ApprOXImately $8.000 REDUCED OVEH $5.000 mqUlI e ...anI) l29-7205, 886ment WIll take offer 11'14'7c FOR FASTEST SALE &142 HANDLOS mortgage Located Ju.,l SpolJe ...~ 3 bedroom brIck north of 12Mile Road Could ranch featunng a !latul al BY OWNER be great Investment for fll eplace III hVlllg loom full 790 UNIVERSITY PLACE rIght party finIshed ba<;ement With Well mamtamed four hedroom, 1'2 bath Colomal Be the fIrst to see thls custom fll epl,lce, garage. "Ituated on a WIder lot, Glos,;e Alummum "Ided and m.,ulated Large IIvmg room, bUIlt 1,250sq ft ,3 bedl oom POInte <;chools take key., .It dmmg room, sewmg room Natural woodwork and brick ranch Fllllshed fll eplace Excellent locatIOn for &chools and VII basement WIth bar and lav closlllg Ownel \\111 lage OPEN SUNDA Y 1-4 Lots of extra feature.> Call negotiate. Lnnd ContI act telm,; 881 6920 for details and appOIntment Located III newel a I ea of (W 203) GI o.,.,e Pomte Woods. 3 bed CENTURY 21 room brick lanch country, i NEW OFFERING GOLDMARK ';Ize kItchen. ddJdcent 2126 LOCHMOOR, GROSSE POINTE WOODS __ 296-~10_ _ fnmily 100ln WIth nalurdl OPEN SUNDA Y 2 TO 5 ST CLAIR fireplace ]12 bath on malll 4 bedroom country e<;tate floor. dttached gar,lge l'oUl bedl ooms, tl',O full bath,; 24-foot famIly room. large located on Belle RiveI' 3 cal owner Will help fmdllce flm,;hed and ca rpeted basement. modern kItchen, hv. attached garage, 2'h baths. Charmmg 1 bedloom, m,lln mg room WIth natural fIreplace, dmmg loom WIth fireplace. famIly room tance fIee nlllch newer up bay wmdow newel' furnace and water heater Move $118.000 d'lted klt(hen pdl tlOned In con<htlOn and PRICED TO SELL at $71.900 No 4 bedroom coloma! hou<;e 2 ba<;ement. det.lched gnl blokeI''' plea.,e 881 <)408 fireplaces, form a I dllllllg age O\'dler ,m>, IOU., room, 2'h baths. 1mge lot. a Walkll1g dl.,t,lIIce to ~l John'., custom home throughout ho"pltal Like ke~., at clo<;$149,000 Ing on thJ~ ,I hedl oom bllck GROSSE POINTE SHORES GERALD M EMIG bungalow natural lIre BY OWNER AGENCY place b,hemenl 2 C,lI CLASSIC FARM COLONIAL 212 S ThIrd Street detnched g,lI agc ST CLAIR CENTURY 21 Loc<lted 1'2 block from Lake,;hore drive. on an aUrac 329-2230, Evenmg<; 129-6254 UNIQUE tIVf'!y landscaped 150 " 80 lot Offering the follow lIIg features GROSSE POINTE WOODS 778-4900 SADDLE LANE CALL ANYTI"1fo: \ful,;chler kItchen panelled dmlng room WIth fireplace Beautiful four bedroom ColoBY OWNF:H ,lIld bUIll m gnll BeJutlful !Ivlllg room with par mal, family room, fJrep Countn 1"lench lanch over quC'd Clool. 14 X 18 Lord ,md BUInham solanum/ lace, first floor laundry. 2112 lookjn~ :-'01 thC'rn MiChl gl eenhou.'>e Flr"t floOl powder 1'00m Attached gar bath. fll1lshed basement. g,ln ... mo ...t pi P ...lIglou, golf age With electriC door opener Up';tmr~. four bed central air, 21;'2attached dnd coun!n club 1 h('(l loom., 'lOd two bath,; garage 9='14% flllanclllg room 2 fuil bdth, "01<11 ASKING $156,900 STIEBER REALTY ("mlly <;unloom off kllchrn OPEN SUNDAY 3 6 pm 775-4900 \\11thfll epla('e Manye'\cell 61 ROSLYN ROAD tlOnal fe,tlure ... Vle\\ of LAKESHORE VIllage. 2 bed HovnE' .J11r1 Knub" Knoh 8fl2 room energy effICient condommlUm on de'>lreable <)12<l01' llil~'i2f} li7li2 MOVING OUT OF STATE Ed,;el Ford Ct off .Jeffer INCOME fOi ~,de - $19 <j()() 01 ,;on ThJ<; redecorated Ulllt he,;t o((rl !IoC'\\IfUI nacC'. AND PRICED TO SELL mclude<; drapes. central air \\ell m ...ul.lted n('\,I) $78,900 and appliance,; ImmedIate decorated Mu<;l ...ee 881 occupancy 882-5770 MOl PETOSKEY CondominIum BY OWNER 4177 Audubon 1974 J£:EP CJ.5, 6 cyhndel, downtown at Marina on Three bedroom Colomal, power steering, completely Bear River 3 bedroom, 2 2'h baths, den, 2 flrepla(e." restored and detaIled, re bath, fireplace, appliances, fInIshed basement 882-7610 d/whIte, show quality, garage Real bargam, price or 882-6219 $4,750 Call for honest description 777-1015 I'ed uc ed f or qUlc k sa Ie B y TODAY'S BEST owner 884-0788 1968 MUSTA-NG -ConvertIble --BUYS black body WIth Parchment LAKE St ClaIr Vacantlot,80 GROSSE POINTE top and mtenor, ovel $5,200 foot frontage by 800 foot Illve&led, $4,20001' best offer deep, near IS Jefferson, GROSSE POINTE PAHK Call m6450, between 8 30 very private $109,000 New lIstmg Three bedroom 5, ask for Jim or 885 1349 Owner, 772 1620 or 881 7382 smgle, new carpelmg, full ba!>ement, gas heJt, .>Ide after 6 p m ALGONAC on Conner RIver dllve, 2 Cdl gdrage. prlccd 1979 DE VILLE 74,000 mIles and canal lot, 2 story older to !>eJl, $32.000 ed.,y term~ $7,000 884-6101 home 5 bedroom!> up Sun. GROSSE POINTE PARK porch up, has spectacular New LI&tlOg Commelcldl 1982 CADILLAC wo-od, view It Needs work A~klllg b Id t I Brougham D'elegance _ UI lIIg apPloxlma e ~ $79,900 11% Land Contract 4000 fill b ty 9,800 miles, Silver-grey III , squale ee . WI eu terms' t f d h t I' side and out, wire wheels cer I Ie . w a a pI Ice NORTH CHANNEL REA LTY $39,000, telm., LIke new, $15,900 or best 526-3473 794-9231 GROSSE POINTE PARK New Lu"tlllg. 5/5. 2fdmlly Clat. OLDSMOBILE CutTas", 12E-COMMERCIAL 2 ga& furnace." !>Idedrive, 2 Silver, 4 door, $1,195, good PROPERTY car garage. new roof, new conditIOn, 63,000 mIles, 882alumlllum ~Idlllg. priced to 6309 -------- --- --GROSSE POINTE .>ell at $37,000 Ea~y term~ 1967MUSTANG, 49.000 miles, KERCHEVAL MARINE CITY AREA good condition, restoreable CommeH.lal bwldmg for sale \\'OIkUlg {dllll fVI "dIe AlJ $1,475 Arter 6 p m 881 3301 3000 sq it dIVIded mto 4 reproximately 30 ael e~ Fdl m -----tail umts On-site parkmg TRANSPORTATION !>peclal, hou~e 149 yeal& old but for 18 cars 50' of frontage 1973 Chevy Caprice, $350 great conditIon Twobaln~ next to popular restaurant 821-9218 chIcken coop. corn cllb gUlage, It's a beauty $98. $137,000 Terms 1976 MUSTANG 4 cylinder. 500, term& dvailable TOLES & ASSOCIATES 60,000 miles, great condl CROWN REALTY 885-2000 lion, $1,40001'offer 886-5114 Fleet .. GROSSE Thursday, November 10, 1983 11-eARS FOR SALE , 54 PRICE REDUCED rn., o.,... I -'~~;..~~~r~~ WANTED BUYING SWORDS GUNS, DAGGERS 774-9651 WHY NOT CONSIDER RENTfNG YOUR PROPERTY? AND HAVE IT MANAGED IT'S A GOOD MOVE' DILLON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 88J..4147 6676<) NEFF Hoad [}tlpl('x completely refurbl,;hed 3 bedroom<; each 21'2 hath., each g<lrage ne\\ furna(e., OpE'n~unday 2to4 886-llBgq NEW HOME cm H r (,10',',(' 1'01T1t(, f: <~, m., 27i KE\;WOOJ) PI IC(' dr<1'ot1(',11 hi , rducpd \1\ offpr<; ('on"'Hle, pd VOH i\PPOI!IoTME;\<T 7'120216 OPEN C;lJNTM Y 2 OJ I' \1 .rIM ('LAHK BtJI1 (lEI{ New England Colomal 1409 Harvard po.,.,lble 11('(, L,lIIo Contract 882 9044 AFTER 6 00 P M OPEN SUNDA Y 2-5 (;ro, ...E'POlllte Fnrm, C<lpe Cod on cui de ...dC .,een on 1lJ!l1Hou.,e Tour 1<j8()Wlh,on 20 '<26 cathedral celhng hvmg room WIth flr('place and Paladlan wmdow greenhou,;e Jenn All' stove 1st noor bed. n,lIIce garden Dmmg room With ha) \\mdow and flreplaco Ilhr.lrY Kllchen famll~ room \...th Window gre<>nho\l"e .Ieen AIr .,tove ht noor hed room and bath 21<1rgpbedroom ...and bath Up.,!dlr,; AI.,() brpezewa) bl eukfa ...t deck pille paneled ha ...ement recre<ltlOn loom a nd bar Step'> to Kerby ~hool FOH APPOINTME:':IT CALL 882 6384 -----...-..~._----..-....----------. GROSSE Page Ten-C 13-ftEAL 15-BUSINESS OPPORTtJNmES ESTATE FOR SALE 2G-Ge..ERAL SERVICE POINTE Thursday, NEWS IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT cle,lIed <lnd COMPLE'rE PIANO !>ervlce LETO BUILQING CO HOMEOWNERS' ConSider WANTED, $3,000 for !lO days, GUTTER~ BARKER WIll pay back $3,500 Have cle,med New!Judle'!> Flee SINCE 1911 these examples of insurCONTRACTORS Tuning, rebUilding reflrush e.,tln1dte C,ill 824 4311 $12,000 secured coUateroll to CUSTOM BUILDING ance protection on your mg Member Plano Techm ModermzallOn • Alterations • put up Grosse Pomte re!>. REMODELING home Only $167 per year for AdditIOns • Family Rooms clans Gwld Zt'Ch Bo~!>ner REC ROOMS $60,000 $218 for $80,000, $293 Ident 88&-6180 20A-CAf4PET • Kitchens & Recreahon 7317707 KITCHENS for '100,000 Thomas Insur. LAYING Area!> 8823222 ance Agency. Eastland Cen- 16-PETS JAMES BARKER PIANO TUNING dnd I epdlr ter 881-2376 FOR SALE 886-5044 CARPET LAYING 109 Work gUdl anteed HADLEY HOME NEW AND OLD GROSSE POinte City - 907 Member AF!\I Edll'dl d Fill. • Attics & Porch Enclosures Beautlful IMPROVEMENT Stdtr!, Colipeted Shifted Umverslty Brick, 3 bed. COCKER Spamel!>ke 465~ • AdditIOns and Kitchens buff 2 males. 10 week~ RepdJl !>of All T) pe., room, fireplace, deck, 2 car INC. • Commercial BUlldmgs 21B-SEWING ChampIOn sired AKC !>hol" ALSO garage, new furnace, city COMPLETE REMODELING Cute as a button $200 839MACHINE CAHPETING VINYL certs completed, $66,000 ~ERVICE JIM SUnON 4481, 921-1240 HARDWOOD Kllchens Baths 881-7970 ---1677 Brys Dnve Sample!> Shall n In AdditIOn!>Porche!> COMPLETE tune up $12 95 EIGHT Month old kitten. TU 4-2942 TU 2-2436 Your Home All make., all dge., All Attlc/Rec Rooms 1810 ALLARD, (Woods) Cus male, dark grey wlIh black BOB TRUDEL Pdll!> !>toe!-ed 8857437 Aluminum Siding/Trim tom bwlt bungalow, 3 bed .,tnpes, wlute fdce. the!>t KAISER 7747590 dol)!>,294 5896 cve~ Gulter!>/Down Spouts rooms, Ph baths, fireplace, PdWS Aftel 6 p m 1 21e-ELECTRICAL ~torm Wmdow!>/Door!> newly decorated, central CONSTRUCTION 794-5327 JEHRY'S CARPET Rooflng/Shmgles/Hot Tar all', fmlshed basement Call SERVICE Complete Home Remodeling SEHVICE ANIMAL HO~PITAL Aluminum Sldmg and 882-1409 after 6 p m or and Repairs All carpentry; A I.Jttle black male dbandon In.,t,III,lIlOn - Hep,llI" dll Gutter Cleamng weekends Plumbmg, roofmg, cement, ed puppy would welcome kind, In home ."i1e., Fences/Repollrs of all kinds WADE'S ELECTRIC Windows, doors, Insulation, gentle, lOVingdim!> Poor ht \\dlehou.,e PIIU~!> (hel 20 13A-LOTS Licensed and In!>ured wather.proofmg, security, COMPANY, tie baby needed lot!>of Cdre \ I' 01 '" ex pen ence FOR SALE 886 0520 reSidential, snow removal, , 776-3604 but he's dOing flOe now He INCORPORATED AND MORE! 6 years exJust needs d fanlll) Pled!>e EXPERIENCED bUIld In oIP 20B-REFRIGERATION FAST 24 HOUR perience m Grosse Pomtes VACANT RESIDENTIAL ca II 8ll2- 8660 pllolllce lll~tdJlel dbo co un and DetrOIt For Free Est!. AND AIR CONPROPERTY SERVICE tel top', .Jelln AIT ,md mil' FREE to good 1'''1''(' t\\ n fe IIltll~::. Call. busmess DiTiONING REPAIR 50 foot frontage on reSIdentlal lowave Abo complete 884-9500 male calico !-Illen". !>I!>ter.,. 343-5008,after 5, 884-1138 street in the Park 175 feet home Iepolll!> Dependable 4 month!> old FI dn. 774-3025 HIClIIJo" ~ dpphdllle ,('I \ Ill'. deep Cash or Land Con. COLVILLE leh,lble, fdmlly man LI after 5 JO VOCCIA center Sel vKe on dll mdJor ----- tract terms cen.,ed AI,m 779-3306 ELECTRIC CO. BEAUTIFUL Cat. affectIOn. applldnle!> IO(YI, gUdl an!ee CONSTRUCTION R.G. EDGAR & ASSOCIATES ate lap-siller, good hdblt!>, Range .... DI) ers, SerVice, ~OO79 DOUGLAS SHAW CO.,INC, needs lovmg home Due to Doorbell., HOME HENOVATIONS 88&6010 • AddItions 20C-CHIMNEY AND allergIC chIldren 774-1667 VIOLATIONS Complete Remodellllg Ser • Dormers FtREPLACE FA~T EMERGENCY , GROSSI: POINTE SHORES- TINY blac!- kIllen, reoldy for vice!> QUdllty Finl!>ned • Garages REPAIR ~ERVICE near the Lake lOVing ne"" home Call Colipenh)' Gro.,,,e POlllte • Kitchens 100ft frontage Susan Hartz olt 886-8982 01 774-9110 Refelence~ • Fireplaces FIREPLACE, wood !>tove!> LtC Terms see her at Hartz Household Sdtl!>fdctlOn GUdl anteed Brick and Cement work 011flue cleamng Caps <lnd PALMS-QUEEN Sale at 881 Washmgton on S & J ELECfRIC Bank fmancmg available '>creens lIl.,talled In!>ured 885-5253 Fnday or Saturday, 10 Resldenllal Commercial Compfete 886-4444 no mes!>. Profe!>slOnal Ma" am -4 p m No Job Too Small Home Modermzation ter S\\ eep Coachhght 885.2930 .m-2816 773.1105 NEW-dog hoUSe. medium size MERRIWEATHER HIli, ADDITIONS. DECKS Chllnne) Sweep Compan\ Reasonable 739-7305 Grosse POinte Farms. 75 x 885.3733 BATHROOMS RETIRED MAST~R erectYII QUALITY HOME Improve-------- 169, 882.1400 KITCHENS clan Licensed VIOlatIOns I ments - Drywalling, PamtShl-Tzu male - 2 years old. WINDOWS PORCHES BURN ""ood !>afely thl!> !>ea Services lIlcreased Also mg. CeramiC Tiling and papers, shots, $150 firm GROSSE POINTE PARK. COMMERCIAL son Your chImney and "mall lObs TU 5-2966 Carpentry No job too small, Call Lounce aftel 5 p m Size 100x85 corner of Cad REMODELING flrebox need!> the care of a At lowest prices. call Mike 884-8735 leu.x and Jefferson 886-3598 21D-TV AND plOfe ...SlOnal Cleaned and LICENSED & INSURED 774-4514 RADIO REPAIR Inspected With no me,,!> no '" A FENCED wooded lot. »-GENERAL GUY DeBOER dust Insured ~624 772-3446 173x107. corner Woodlolnd SERVICE TOMA J&J CHIMNEY SWEEP Place and lake !>Ideof Jef AMJ ELECTRONICS CONSTRUCTION 773-1444 ferson Clt) Quamt. seclud o N G CONSTRUCTION CO TV !>teleo sales and ser. ed street. W111bwld to swt COMPLETE HOME Masonry repairs, chimneys, CHIMNEYS Fu epldles \1(1' Free e!>tlmdte!> Tom Gallagher Builder IMPROVEMENT patios, porches Speclahzll1g lepalred ,llld new Cup!> Polnasonlc To!>hlba Au. 882-7453 m Fieldstone fireplaces LI.,creen., tu(k pOinting Call • Vmyl Wmdows tho riled !>en Ice. 20649 censed 839 9459 776-4529. 777 8352 • KItchens, Baths Mack Grosse POinte THREE Mile Dr - 2nd lot off • Porches. Additions Wood!> Monda)'-Fnday HANDYMAN With truck Jefferson Irregular size 20E~NSULAnON Fully LIcensed - Insured 9-7 Saturday 9-5 682-8540 Clean basements. garages. 250 foot deep. Grosse Pointe etc Any hauling. odd Jobs City-Sycamores Choice JOHN RUNEY - 296-5642 Bob • 885-6227 COLOR TV. H[.Fl, STEREO building sites available INSULATION 885-6264 ffiGBIE MAXON lNC Blown 10 88&-3400 MICHIGAN Door Mall1ten ANTENNAS AttiC" & SIdewalls N. RIVER RD _ Zoned limitance InstallatIOn and Ie Free Energy Audits TV REPAIR - Free home es. ed commercial, 1 ~cu-:e on pairs Commercial and re or;,. LTILlTY FIN:\!':CIl\G tlmate With e\ery Job Work Clinton River Good for of. sldentlal Garage doors ToXlc Foam Extraction guaranteed 882-0595 electnc openers. ent ry Formaldehyde Testmg flee, Cond 0, etc. d F t t EIGHT Mile Rd _ 80x120 oors ree es Ima es ALL POINTES CONST CO 21F-HOME CommerCial will bUIld to _Ot_a_rJ_cs_-28_6-_65_25 _ 886-3537 IMPROVEMENT suit, LC terms LOCKSMITH 20F-WASHER AND SCHULTES REAL ESTATE Discount rates on dead bolt mDRYER REPAIR 881.8900 ROWL stallatlons }o'rom $2995 to CARPENTRY $3995 Lock & Labor mclud 1 J( _ I ed r1U1 \ ~"II.I!'hb'lMni\' 8atbr~~1IT}p,)I ~-co~S'fRUG.f~N_ CO ,.ftl(ushed BaseJllen\s I , :~I:Marte61;IG ~ W_ IWflsh.l:1'A <I~LY~, AI,'il)washE;r, , ,\ I..... • ~~:3i~t ,.." I ) Tnm Mouldmgs and ranges repaIred All Ail types of moderruzabon. CEMETERY LOTS LICENSED.lnsured bwlder Generdl Home Repalr'i makes NO SERVICE .AddltlOns I Forest Lawn- 2 Graves. SecRepaIr and rebwld cracked QUALITY WORKMANSHIP CHARGE If repaired Guar • Kltcfiens tion 8 - Lot 17 - South Half and buckeled basement AT REASONABLE RATES JOANNA WESTERN anteed parts and service Must sell $275 each Free walls also mstall wood burn 521-5589 839-930/ *Baths WINDOW SHADES Speclallzmg In GE Ken use of monument. 881-7195 .Rec Rooms mg stoves City of Grosse PAl,NT SHUYT E.AS BUro,OS more and WhIrlpool prod KAUFMAr..N *Roofmg and salmg Pomte references 772-3223. FORMICA KITCHEN SIOR".. DOORS AND '11"'00","$ ucts 14-REAL ESTATE *Replacement WIndows COUNTER TOPS & HANDYMAN Sel vices Spe. PERSONALIZED WANTED ALL WORK 100% VANITIES clahzmg m carpentl1'. and SERVICE SINCE 1965 GUARANTEED CORIAN & CABINETS formlca work 882-4827 George Stults CASH FOR HOMES FREE ESTIMATES LICensed • Bonded • In885-1762 EDW VAN OSTAEYEN SERVING AREA 45 YEARS 16-PETS sured RICHIE'S Appliance Service FOR SALE 839-0424, 465-7152 STIEBER REALTY FREE ESTIMATES SALES AND SERVICE Center - service on all major 15011 KERCHEVAL appliances 1000/.; guaran775-4900 HAU MAINTENANCE East 01 Aile' • 1n the P.r. TU 5.8000 tee We have a complete hne ALL WOMEN CREW (..10$.0 ,\4on".)'.$ If you lose me of new and used parts lI85• Pallltmg • Paperhanglllg • FINANCING AVAILABLE 15-BUSINESS or find me ... 0079 Mmor Repairs. Plastennb OPPORTUNITI ES • Clealllng • Home Mamte. 20H-FLOOR nance Indoor and outdoor. SANDING Semor CItizen Discount • SHIPS STORE Call for free estimates Complete marine supply for KELM 881-5999 the salling buff on Great A Division of Cox and Bal<,er Floor sandmg. refmlshmg, old Lakes finest salling harbor floors a speCialty Expert 21e-ELECTRICAL SO' x 60' modern shore side Innovative new Ideas for m stam 535-7256 SERVICE building with spectacular complete interior and exterior second floor owners reSi. PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand dents. Complete inventory mg and flmshmg Speclahz remodelirQ. SENTRY ELECTRIC CO Owner retinng wIll finance 109 m dark "tammg Call for GOEBEL REAL TV HESIDENTIAL & We'll run your ad free e~tlmate W Abraham. 517-724-6412 COMMERCIAL 19591 Mack Avenue 979-1502 FREE II WIRINlj - LIGHTING POBox 115 Greenbush, MI GlOsse Pointe Woods, 884.7088 24 HOUHS 8829616 48738 882-6900 G & G FLOOR CO LICENSED - INSURED Floor sandmg profe<;slOnally done Dark stammg and fm 16D-ADOPT IshIng All work guaranteed A PET Free e511mates References "NEEDS 8850257 LICENSED SINCE ELECTRICAL FLOOR SANDING !>tammg CONTRACTOR 1909" Free e~tlmate!-. workman Hlghe.,t quallt) La"" e"t shIp guaranteed. call Jim RUSTIC STOCKADE pnle., Free e'itlmatcs Hick!> 382 5323 CHAIN LINK - VINYL MASTER ELECTRIC ASSOCiation COLORED.GALVANIZED 21-MOVING 97S-7625 or 87<)9518 COMMERCIAL - M U SCHUSTER CO THE HOUSE MECHANIC HOME REPAIRS • Carpentry • Pamllng • Mmor Plumbing • Minor Eledllcal CRAFTED • Kitchen!> • Rec Room!> • Bathroom!> • AdditIOn!> • Porch Conver!>lOn., REMODELiNG MODERN IZATION ALL WORK PERSONALL Y PERFORMED MIKE SCHUSTER. 882 4J25 FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED & INSURED if~Lll;Q\ id:~T1t3~Pfri~;lpo..tr I ORA' TOP 885-1798 BAKERcONCEPTS SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES FENCING Anti-Cruelty \ 921-6282 13569 Joseph Campau HarnlramCl' :\llCALLl::\l ~IOVI:\G lorn pan~ Model n trutk rlnel eqlllpment E'>lolhh.,heel 111 21F-HOME 1918- }o'ulh lI1,ured AI.,o IMPROVEMENT plano l;peClllh.,t., 776-7898 10 a m to 4 p m Mond<ty t~"Otjqh Sa'lJrday RELIABLE POINTE re.,1 dent With movmg van Will move large or "mdn qu,mtl' No ah~' hours hf'lp as yet Ve'pr,nar elr :, dilyS 1/2 day Sat We keep dogs as lor q as pOSSible Frnanced only by donations Rrrr rrr bel animals rn your ......ill 100' tH" 1j\,'>L'RED Roo 88Z. 191\8 Volunteer help wanted Pet food and car labels welcomed For mformatlon call Mary \ ..~ '** \~ / ---- PHOFES-<.,10'lAL mo\('r., 10 )eaN expellenec Fdmll\ bu.,lne" Plano ,lppll dnee., In"llreel 10"" r die, 777 454.1 891-7188 The Oakland Humane Society located In I~ t.-! Wayne County ~C :)-~ __ ,s a non profit pr \lately '>funded by donation t'u',ar ( '(JC fly 'o,,'rr '9 a NO DESTROY poliCy has many r.omrl(<,e; doqs and cats for arlop'lon The Shetter IS located at 19601 Mt Elllo" near 7 Mile Road DetrOit 48234 Phone 892 7822 Hours 11 00 a m to 500 p m .,.: SEVENDAYSAV,rrK • _' Donat,ors Wel«" (Cill I' and Doq loon ((/l.rJOne; \i. , "'.::/7 ~ helpful solie 'led 'W()lun!f'( rs ar(>1) Thank you for helping those who can not help themselves' • ~fi.. ~~ ,f."~ (,RO<.,..,Jo:POlII,TE MOVIM, co POInie re'lrJenh "'Ill move or remo\e Irllge or .,m,dl qU<lntllle., of furmtuIl' dp pllolnce., \>I<lno.,- or \~h..1 hd\e \OU C,111fOI f, ('e e,11 mate' 141 0481 or 11222208 Oper<lted h\ .Iohn ~!(,Inll1g er ~ •- • MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - 10-403 HAlPER THINKING OF REMODELING? DON'T TAKE A CHANCECALL A PROFESSIONAL • & REMODELING BUILDING CONTRACTORS FOR OVER 27 YEARS • UCENSED & INSURED • DESIGN SERVICE ADDITIONS • DORMERS REC ROOMS CUSTOM KITCHENS BATHROOMS PORCH ENClOSURES CUSTOM GARAGES REPlACEMENT AND GREENHOUSE WINDOWS GU'ITERS and DOWNSPOUT~ Gutters cleaned ,md flu!>h~d Ne"" and Repair Work Licensed dnd Insured ADVANCE MAINTENANCE 17319Ea!>l Wan en 884 9512 Commercldl Re.,ldentlal Yem round ~erVIl.'e ShIngle!> ,md Repau ~ WOIk (:uaranteed In.,ured 81163245 -- -- -- ------ GU'ITERS Cleaned. roofs re pdlred In!>ured. exper- • lenced I ea!>onolhle refer. • ence!> SenIOr DI!>COuntSea- • ver's 882-0000 CONST co COMPLETE REMODELING Easy FinanCing AvaIlable SPECIALIZING IN .Kllchens - Baths Rec Rooms and AdditIOns 7736986 Roofmg, Cdulkmg, Weather!>lnppmg. Repair., LICE;-';SI:D I;-';SVnI:D 778 102B - *INSULATION RILEY AND DUFFY ROOFING Sh IOgle!> dnd flat loof!> .,peclallzlng m roof repair!' LICENSED IN~URED 885-5189 331-1716 886-3537 F ALL SAVER Roof!>and gut terl> save 100/< Tear off !>peclallsts We wJ!1 put a shmgle eater on your roof for $35 a square Flats or Shingles References. free estimate!> 245.0507 any I MODERNIZATION M.T. CHARGOT BUILDING CO. PERSONALLY DESIGNED • Kitchens - AttiCS • Basements - Porches • Bathrooms - Rec Rooms Outdoor deck environments CUSTOM CRAFTED • Cabmets - Formica • Wood workmg - trim work • Replacement Wmdows • Interior - ExterIOr Doors FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED GENERAL HOME REPAIR Free Estimates - 882-6842 lime' , PROFESSIONAL gutter ser. vice Sldlllg and trim, root repairs Rea!>onable Re liable I do my own work LICENSED & INSURED . JOHN WILLIAMS 885-5813 T J GUTTER Service In stdlled cleaned repaired Cleamng speCial 10% diScount to all customers Free estimate!> Call l'ed, EASTLAND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 823-1625 Sldmg, trim. roofmg. !>eam less gutters. storm doors and Windows. rallmgs alummum shutters. porch en closures Free courteous es. timates Ofhce/Showroom 29315 Harper S C S 774-0460 ROOF, GUTIERS CLEANED Flushed and roofs lIlspected, for as little as $10 EstImates free 882-4968 EXPERT REPAIRS GUTTERS ROOFING SMALL JOBS K BUILDING CO. DC KELLY BUILDER • Quality Remodeling • Anderson Heplacement Wmdows & I)oors Additions of all t)'l?;l;s • ~~Garages' '"'' ,oT I• 774-9651 I 882-3463 & INSURED ALUMINUM and vmyl sldmg, t.rim, gutters, roofing, storm Windows and doors Free estimates. 886-2186. 21G-ROOFING SERVICE A.R C Home In.provement Roofmg, gutters. alummum trim, Windows. doors pamt mg. plastering, msurance work 371-0366 PAQUIN ROOFING SPECIALISTS IN FLAT ROOFS LICENSED - INSURED 839-7534 r ,t E G ROOFING" ~W'tOQf repairs, flat roofs, aluml , num gutters $2 per ft In slalled Storm wmdows.' trim Free estimates Re . ferences 839-4193 SUNCO I HOT TAR SPBCIAL • Commercial • Industrial • ReSidential .30 Years E:..penence • LIcensed 5127 East 8 Mile Rd II 759-5112 IT'S NEVER TOO LATE FOR ReroofIng, tear-offs, roof and chimney repair Roof vents Installed Seruor cItizen discounts Free estimates, msured and expenenced 881-9173 P J GUTTERS & ROOFING Installed, cleaned, repaired Freeestlmates Reasonable rates Semor citizen dls, count 331.8717 , ROOFING, reroofing, tearoffs, roof vents, storm Win dows, doors, awrungs, shut ters Gutters, sldmg and tnm 886-2186 ROOF LEAK -. • JOHN D SIMON BLOWN-IN OR BLANKET TOXICFoam ExlractlOn Formaldehyde Te!>tmg Cement Work - Dnveways Waterproofmg Garages *Complete Wmdow and Uoor Contractol LICENSED REPAIR SPECIALISTS FREE ESTIMATES Roof Leaks Guaranteed 20 Yrs ElCperience CAlllILL 112-5539 ROOFING RepairS and reroofing Aluminum trIm and gut ters Father and Sons Bob Isham Dale Isham 526-0666 FREE ESTIMATES ---- ---------- SLATE -TILE REPAIRS - GUTTERS 35 YRS EXPERIENCE After 6 P M 882-7322 A.F. WITTSTOCK 21H-eARPET CLEANING DALE Barr. Carpet clealllng uphol~tery c1eanlllg wm dow cleamng 2nd Genera tlOn 527.810'; Free E~tl mate., Gutter clealllng hard""ood floor" paste waxed OOK - 30 ~ear~ expenence .,leam cleaning carpet and furlllture B~ Wilbur, Doug and Glenn Carler Call i/8 1680 21G~00F1NG SERVICE OFFICES REMODfLED COMMERCIAL REMODEliNG QUALITY DOESN'T COST, IT PAYS' lngll. • Flat. Siall • Shakl • Guttlrs. Siding PIA:-'O SFHVlCE<., - Tunmg .Inri I ('\>dlr QU<llifleelle( h Ol( loin FleXible hour., Rea .,ondo]!' rate., 881 8276 • CASHAN ROOFING HOT ROOFS 21A-PIANO SERVICE ~,J•." (~ - RESIDENTIAL PET PENS SNOW FENCE ROOFS and DECKS ALL POINTES ... 10, 1983 21G-ROOFING SERVICE 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 21F---HOME . IMPROVEMENT 21A-PIANO SERVICE November 122-0100 - -Prompt he ...... - , \ Thursday, November 10, 1963 l1K-CARPET 211-PAINTIHG, DECORAnNG CLEANING PROFESSIONAL CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING at REASONABLE RATES We use Von Schrader@ dry foam extraction equipment • Deep Soil Removal • Fast DrYing • Leaves no resOillng residue For Free estimate call Dlstmctlve Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners 839.5155 Ask for Tom Barrese SatisfactIOn Guaranteed DECORATING GROSSE POINTE CONTRACTORS INTERIOR EXTERIOR CUSTOM PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING EXPERT ANTIQUING 20 years profeSSIonal experience 885-8155 MATT FLETCHER 4151 BuckIngh~m 886 6102 MICHAEL'S PAINTING & REFINISHING Intenor-ExterlOr SerVICE' PaInting antIqumg and varOishIng, stnppmg and staining Complete kitchen reflnISlung Free Estimates - 885-3230 CARPET SPECIALISTS • Steam ExtractIOn • Shampoo • Spot and Stain Removal • Upholstery Cleaning • at affordable pnces • • • • • • 882-0688 SPECrAL 2 ROO1\1S cleaned, 3rd room cleaned FREE INTERIORS BY DON & LYNN Husband-Wife Team Wallpapermg Pamtlng MetIculous Insured Over 20 Years ExperIence 527-5560 GROSSE POINTE PAINTER'S, INC. D CARPET CLEANING CO PaintIng - interior exterIor, paperchanglng and panelling Free eslJmates cheerfully given Licensed and Insured 882-9234 SHAMPOO & steam extraction, spot & stam removal, free estimates, lowest prIces In the Pomtes 773-0525 SHORESIDE Caipet Clean PAINTING, wall washIng, lng, professIOnal carpet ElmerT LaBadie 882-2064 cleamng Work guaranteed AND exterIor Fully Insured Free EstI- INTERIOR palntmg and paperhangIng mates Call 775-,rt50, 24 hours Reasonable rates. 30 years experience Ray Barnow 21J-PAlN11NG sky, 372-2392 after 6 p m DECORATING WOOD REFINISHING 21I-PAl NTtNO, QUALITY PAINTING SERVICE K-CARPET CLEANING COMPANY 294-1602 GROSSE I PROFESSIONAL PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES INSURED MIchael Satmary Jr PAINTERS SERVED EUROPEAN APPRENTICESHl P Intenor-ExterIOr wallpaperIng SpecIalIZIng In repair 109 damaged plaster, drywall and cracks, peeling pamt, wmdow puttymg and caulking, also pamtmg alummum Siding All work and matenal guaranteed Reasonable Grosse POinte references Free Estl. mates Call John anytime, 776-9439 INTERIOR, exterIor PalOt. mg, wall waslung, pla"ter. 109, "tammg Heterence", licensed Free estImate" 839-4193 PATRIOT PAINTERS Custom InterIors Excellent references upon request Remember, call the people who pamt to "Pointes" 882-3387 STEVE'S PAINTING InterIOr & Exterior Patching & PlasterIng WallpaperIng, Wmdow Puttying, caulkmg Good work - Free EstImates Reasonable PrICes senior CitIzens 10% Off Call Steve anytIme 365-5635 21~WALL INTERIOR-EXTERIOR STRIP STAIN VARNISH WASHING repairs on Duplicate EXisting FInish Or WallpaperIng, peelIng paInt, cracks, damColors to Match aged plaster Window glaz- K-MAlNTENANCE Company KItchen cabinets, bathroom Ing and caulking Profesvamtles, rec.famlly room wall waslung, floor clelUUng SIOnal work With references paneling, doors, trim and and waXIng Free estimates at lowest cost All labor and moldIngs 882-0688 matenal guaranteed LIcensed Insured CALL MIKE ANYTIME Glfuskg POINTE fueman References Free EstImates Will do wall washmg. 821PRESTIGE PAINTING CO 772-0123 2984 DAVID ROLEWIC,Z 296-7386 778-5025 "PAINTING, wallpaperIng Wall washing, It'S gutt.er and wall washing SeDlor c1earung time! Guaranteed R.C. MOWBRAY Assoc. cItizen discount Jan 884 Call Kevin 882-8188 Award winning one man 8757, Kathy 773-9589 " painting and decorating 21K-WiNDOW show No obllgahon, estiWASHING mates, prices you can lIve CUSTOM PAINTING WALL COVERING WIth. Interior and exterIor G OLMIN RAY CHARRON Call 331-3230. WINDOW CLEANING FREE ESTIMATES 791-2431 SERViCE PAINTING - Intenor, exterFREE ESTIMATES Ior, homes, garages, etc COMPLETE PAINTING WE ARE INSURED Free estImafes 12 years AND DECORATING experience 521-7471 INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 372-3022 Russell Painters EstaWallpapermg - Reasonable D W,INDOW CLEANI~G CO. REFERENC~, ,1,1 I. ~ • blished 1925 GlaZIng, paperhangmg 77+.1130 ALPH ROTH , . '~. '--MIKE'SPAII'il1'rNG r r ~c~ WOODROW BUTLER Intenor, extenot'. wallpaperes In the Pointes Painter, professional demg, mlno .. ~epaIrS. patch 294-1602 773-0525 corator Residenlial Ing. plastering Free estiCommerCial - PrIvate Es. mates Reasonable and ho- K-WINDOW cleamng comtates Free estImates nest References Call any pany Storms, screens, gut867-8685 871-7318 time European 777-8081 ters, alummum cleaned InMILAN'S PAINTING _ Intersured Free Estimates BUCHANAN & CO. lOr, exterIOr, stucco, WIndow 882-0688 GROSSE POINTERS caulkmg, wallpaper Instal- A OK WINDOW CLEANERS. SERVING THE POINTES latIOn and In home sales of Service on storms and SINCE 1!172 many patterns Free est!screens Also domestic • Wallpaper al'd removal mates Call anytime MIlan, housecleamng Free estl• PaInt.mg <Int and Ext) • Staining and varmshlng 759-5099 mates Monthly rates 77s" • Plaster repaIr GIOVANNI SACCO 1690or 773-9838 • Texture ceilings and walls DECORATING SERVICE GROSSE POINTE fireman LICENSED INSURED Painting, wallpapering stamWIll do wmdow washmg 886-4374 mg, wallpaper removal, 821-2984 patchmg, caulkmg. Insured WALLPAPER and licensed Italtan Jour- DALE Barr Wmdow c1eanmg, carpet cleaning, upholneyman REMOVAL stery cleanmg, 2nd Genera. 978-2448 264-7579 BY JEFF tlon 527-8105. Free Esti.The First and Original mate Gutter cleaning, hard WALLPAPERI NG .Full TIme not Part Time wood floors paste waxed The Best Paperhanger .16 Years Expenence WINDOW washing, gutter H1 Town .Low Rates cleaning, painting. Guar"BECAUSE ALL I DO IS ,Insured, Free estlm ates anteed. Call Kevin 882-8188 HANG PAPER" Also offerlnj custom pamtmg, Intenor and extenor 15 Years In the busmess WINDOWS and eaves m5235 775-2W:l Call Ron for your cleaned 774-8579 ProfeSSIOnal EstImate WALLPAPERING . r 497-5766 WHITEY'S $9 SINGLE ROLL • 10 Years Experience • Custom Plastermg • Pamtlng • • • • - 526-5766 PAINTING, wallpaper, 8579 wall washing, low rates 774- A. HAMPSON RESIDENTIAL CUSTOM PAINTING Paperhangtng, glaZing, wood finishing, 40 Years ExperIence Free Estimates St Clair Shores 771 9687 BAVARIAN PAINTING Il\'TERIOR/EXTERIOR Over 34 years experIence Satisfaction Guaranteed Wall Papering InterIor Pamtmg Reasonable Pnces Good Work Call - no 10~too small 774-0414 QU ALITY IOterIor/extenor palntmg and repair Experienced reasonable Insured Gutters cleaned seaver's, ~oooo FALL PAINTING SPECIAL Any small room $25 Medium size $35 Large, $50 Also Fall cleanup and eavestrough cleamng 881 4432 JB Painting, pre-holiday discounts on mtenor work. Good references John 8227421 PAINiINCf, wailwaslung and paperhangIng 774-8579 - -- --- LlN'S PERFECT paperIng Wallpapenng done With a personal touch Free est! mates, S242117 - 781-3519 - .~<):" , ~~ 21L-T1LE WORK TONY'S Ascot Tile - 778-2266 Bathrooms, kItchens, foyers marble Free estImates Licensed CERAMIC TILE - New and remodehng Baths, kitchens and foyers, shower pans repaired Call Rick at 521-3434 Pamtlng • Plaster Repair. Wallcovermg Fully Insured - Courteou~ ~rvlce Grosse Pomte, East Area Profes~lOnals f=REE ESTIMATES 245-9263 OR 526-7494 \ . AND BRICK WORK A.R. CODDENS CEMENT CONTRACTOR Family business for 55 years .New and repair work _No Job too small .Drlveways and porches our spe Cl alt y .Patios .Oumneys .Waterprooflng .VlOlatlons repaired CALL ANY TIME 886-5565 BRICK WORK Small Jobs, tuck pomtmg, clumney, por. ches, VIOlatIOns repalrt'd. Reasonable 886-5565 CALANDRA CONSTRUCTION • Garage raIsmg & framing • Cement dnveways • Porches, luck pomtmg Quality m matenal and workmanslup LIcensed & Insured JOSEPH 468-7069 CHAS. F. JEFFREY MASON CONTRACTOR LICENSED. INSURED • Brick • Block. Stone • Cement Work • Waterproofmg • Tuck Pomtmg • PatIOs of any kind PORCHES AND ALL BRICK WORK A SPECIALTY 882-1800 CAPIZZO CONST. ALL TYPES OF CEMENT, BRICK AND BLOCK WORK LICENSED INSURED TONY 885-0612 T&M CONSTRUCTION NEWS Page Eleven-C,. 21T-PLUMBING 21Q-PLASTER WORK SUPERIOR PLASTERING AND PAINTING COMPANY Cement-Stucco Repair PlasterIng and drywall reo pair Intenor and extenor pamtmg. Guaranteed work Insured Call Tom - 885-6991 PLASTER contractor, repair work, free estimates Prompt service J Man. lacl, 778-4357, 465-4150 PLASTERING and pamtmg, quality work guaranteed Prompt service, references, free estimates LA6-0734. PLAS1 FRING and Drywall _~~ Squlrel>~57-~7.:..... _ PLASTERING Free estimates, Paul Mcintyre low rates 445-0247 21R-J:URNtTURE REPAIR FURNITURE refuushed. repaired. strIpped, any type of canIng Free estImates 474-8953or, 345-6258 D &: L MASON Contractors bnck and block, fireplace and repaIr. 77+.9032 PROOFING COD DENS CONSTRUCTION ESTABLISHED 1924 All types of basement waterproofing 7 years guarantee. References 1IlI6-5565 CAPIZZO CONST. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING 10 YEAR GUARANTEE LICENSED INSURED TONY 885-0612 CHARLESF JEFFREY 8il2-11lOO - Basement WaterproofIng - Underpin footJngs • Cracked or caved'ln walls .10year guarantee Licensee Insur BRICK WORK PORCHES, PATIOS - New or rebUIlt, tuck POinting, bnck replacement, caulk. lng, pOInt sealer With HI.TEX chImney repairs and rebuilt Over 31 years experience Donald Mc Eachern 52&-5646 BRICK, stone, block, concrete, brick patios, chlm. neys, fireplaces Desen<k!r, 822-1201 CONSTRUCTION Basement waterproofIng 10 year guarantee Insured 774-4896 343-0528 J W. KLEINER Basement waterproofmg All work guaranteed LICENSED TU 2-0717 WATERPROOFING LIcensed Insured ReferBRICK REPAIRS and nE'\\ ences Guaranteed Get our chimneys. porches. Clre pnce last 293-6130 places, tuck pOInting Call 776-4529,777-8352 21o-PLASTER ALTERATIONS - Modernization, all bUilding needs, rough to fInish in all trades TU 2-0717 0034 J FRANK R. WEIR PLUMBING, HEATING, SEWERS AND DRAINS 801 LER SPECIALISTS SPRINKLER REPAIRS 885~7711 ~IKERCHEVAL,FARMS Smce 1925 Keith Danielson Ucensed Master Plumber 21u-JANITOR SERVICE OFFICE cleaning done by Grosse Pomte policeman and WIfe, excellent refer. AAL 1mt 21W-DRESSMAKINQ AND TAILORING "IRED OF your fit? Excellent alterations and sewing. Before 5 p.m Call 886-1524 , ALTERATIONS. Reasonable rates Call 7n-5514 or 8820577, ask for' Rltl. ~ "ALTERATIONS by Mrs. B. 293-0726 SEAMSTRESS - Custom sewing, bridal wear, alterations, call after 5 p m. 881- 9259. 21X-DRAPERIES CUSTOM draperIes lInd sheers Quality work at lowest prices Free estimates. Free mstallatlon . Many sample books Pat772-5+10 CARPENTER work, panel. ing. PartItions, shelving, doors, kitchens, cellmgs, repaIrs Small jobs 8822795 SMALL Jobs, carpentry repatrs, cabinets, locks by retiree QualIty workman. slu p 824- 2853. CUSTOM Draperies, curtains, sheers. Complete interIor decorating service 527-6656 LICENSED 772-3446 Z1Z-uHDSCAPING 21T-PlUMBING AND HEATlNG MURPHY'S LANDSCAPING , TONY The Master Plumber (Son of EmIl) No JOb too small New and repaIrs, VIOlations 293-3181 Don't get snowed under - Industrial.ReSldentIal. commerCIal, snowplow109 • Contract available on a seasonal baSIS • On call 24 hours EARLY BIRD SNOW REMOVAL SPECIAL 200/<OFF FIREWOOD DELIVERED PLUMBING REPAIRS & SEWER CLEANING Reasonable Rates For AU MIKE POTIER ED PAGEL tiC Retired Llc Master 882.1558 or -882-1393 VIKING HEATING CO FURNACES - BOILERS PARTS &I SERVICE ALL MAKES 24 HOURS 882-9616 'J RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 21T--PLUM~NG ALL HARDWOOD $50 F ACE CORD JIM MURPHY 885-9179 TRIMMING, removal, sprayIng, reeding and stump removal Free Estlmat~s Complete tree service Call Flemmg Tree Service, 774&460 QU ALITY L~ndscaplng Clean. up. trlmmmg, maIOtenance Insured, reasonab Ie. references Sent or Discount, Seaver's. 8820000 AND HIATING ANDERSEN PLUMBING, SENIOR • DESIGN SERVICE • CONSTRUCTION SERVICE CAL,L FOR APPOINTMENT THREE C'S LANDSCAPING 757-5330 SNOW PLOWING $140 PER SEASON LANDSCAPE GARDENING MOST DRIVES Ilh" OR MORE GREAT LAKES LANDSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL De~lgn, Lon"lruL lIOn plantmg PRUN ING 'Iawn ,md garden mamtenanl e Gro<,.<,e POinte re~ldenl BOB NFVI"UX Evenmgs 884 0536 885-0502 SHRUB TRIMMING COMPLETE WORK Reasonable rates, quality ser vICe Call Tom 776 4429 or 882.0195 HOWARDS TREE SERVICE SEWER CLEANING CITIZEN DISCOUNT 372-0580 D LANDSCAPING COMPANY • • • • Sprmg Fall Clean Up CUllmg Hedge TrImming Ed~ml{ Lowest PrIces Around • Free Estimates. 773 0525 294 1602 SOD REMOVAL REPLACEMENT. POINTER LANDSCAPING 885-1. • tree removal • stump removal .trimmmg .loppmg • cablIng • storm damage Fully Insured, free estImates COMPLETE Fall cleanup Fmal cut Reasonable rates Call Martm's Lawn .ServICe 526-8946 Free Es. " t1mates . SNOW Removalor commerCial 758-6949 MAC'S SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete yard work, shrub and tree trimming, etc Reasonable rates, quality service Call Tom 7764429 or 882-0195 BOB SCHOMER TREE SERVICE EXPERT Alterations Speedy, profeSSional. Refer- • Tree removal ences Grosse POInte • Trimming • ToppIng Woods 881-8484. • Stump removal SEAMSTRESS, alterations . Grosse Pomte ReSident INSURED LICENSED weddmgs. dressmakmg, home decor, tallormg. 13 881-8526 years experience References 881-8645 "CUSTOM Interiors By MarIon" SpeCializing in drapenes/curtalns Com. plete mtenor decorating service 5Z7~ CUSTOM DRAPERIES Qualily work, reasonable pnces WIde selections of fabrics AUhems hand sewn. DISCOunts on rods. shades and bUnds 971-2691 GUY DE BOER PLOWING 3REAT Lake" Land.,cdpmg DRAIN SERViCE $25 and Snow Removal company 1" now o[fel 109 !>pecJdl 7 DAYS rate" on "Seu:.onal . and 531-9671 "Pre Time" .,now removul agreement:> Call today fOI CARPENTER - small and free e"lImdte" large JObs, 32 years exper. 885-0502 Ience Free estimates LIcensed 527-6856 MAC'S TREE AND ence, WORK CFMFNT CONTRACTOR CFMFNT BRICK STONF PLASTERING And Drywall Patios walke;, por. hes, steps repairs Texturing and Flag~tone repair stucco Insured Pete Tu"k pomtmg. pah.hmg Taormina, ~2967 Asphalt pah.hlng and <;eaTIng QUALITY r»lastering cracks SPECIALIZING IN ehrnlOated Tailored reo pairs 30 years GrQsse SMALL JOBS Pointe references. Frell FRFF FSTIMATFS estimates, Jim Blackwell LICFNSFD 821.7051, If no answer, 294- PLUMBING and HEATING Licensed Master Plumber SEWER CLEANING, SPRINKLER REPAIR, EYe Grosse POInte Woods 886-3897 839-3063 885-4624 21P-WATER 80B OUBE Hand stripping, rehnishing and repairs of wooden furmture 20 years experience Free pick-Up and delIvery ',oI":(\ 884-7139 882-0029 FURNITURE RESTORING 21S-CARPENTER PERSONALIZED LANDSCAPE DESIGNING * Yearly rate!> *Prompt service SPECIALIZING IN *ucensed • KItchens • Bathrooms *Insured • Laundry room and Viola . *2" of !>nowor more tIOns • Old and new work $t80 per !>eason Free Estimates POINTER LANDSCAPING BIll, Master Plumber 885.1900 (Son or Emil> EXPERT ANTIQUE repairs, refmlshm~, re.gluemg "By Tony sertich" 521-1998 FURNITURE Restoration stnppmg, finishing, reglue, repai r dents, scratches removed Robert Schwark, 949-1336 21Z-LANDSCAPING Z1Z--l.ANDSCAPING SNOW EMIL THE PLUMBER BOB's UPHOLSTRY -25% olf already low pnces Local references 772 9326, Bob McVey CFMFNTCONTRACTOR FRANK B WILLIAMS, LI• Cement work, all kinds censed bUilder. Specializing _ PorLhes-bIO\.k-step work In home up-dating and all • Basement waterproofmg mmor or major repairs Guaranteed Porch enclosures, doors ado' RFASONABLF PRICFS justed, bookshelves in77+.4896 343-0528 stalled, paneling, new coun. ter tops, vanitIes Code vioGRAZIO latIons corrected For cour~ CONSTRUCTION teous expert assistance in _ Cement drives, floors, imprOVing your home in any area, please call me at 881patios 0790 • Old garages raised and renewed • New garage doors and re- ALBERT D. THOMAS frammg INC. • New garages bUilt CONTRACTORS, INC FamIly operated since 1962 Licensed and Insured We are general contractors. One call takes care of all 774-3020 772-1771 ~ 'l~./ql r.Tr ..... your building-remodelIng problems, large or small A.L. STREMERSCH CEMENT CONTRACTOR TU 2-0628 Cement DrIveways QU ALITY Carpentry and Formica work, New or rePatIos Bnck.work faced, CommercialBasement Waterproofing ReSIdentIal Store fIxtures, Steps dIsplays also counters, Tuck POInting kItchens, vamtIes, rec rooms, hang doors All reCustom Wood Decks pairs and finish work 16 Free Estimates years experience Free esSPECIAL ON tImates VitO Sapienza SMALL JOBS AND 774-8933 REPAIR WORK AND HEATlNO HAYES Heating & RefrigeratIOn. pre-season speCial CERAMIC TILt - New aDd AMERICAN Water-Proofmg, Furnace cleaned, Inspected remodeling Free estimates seven year guarantee Free and adjust for maximum Licensed Very reasonaWe estrmates Licensed. ConeffiCiency 772-3293(Tony). traclor ('1111~n4Q?7 Gas $29 95 Oil $39 95 T & M 775-0479 21O-CEMENT AND J.W. KLEINER .Intenor 21O-CEMENT POINTE reSidential 7517117 HendrIes Snow Removal. No Job too large or small, 24 hour servIce 881-5594 DAN'S LAWN MAINTENANCE * Fall Clean up * Power Rakmg * TrImming 771>-3858 I DO ALL WORK MYSELF SNOW REMOVAL GREEN THUMB B3~7033 36~7129 FOR CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 882-6900 U'J THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAYBE PURCHASED FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. (Stores are listed by streets and from DetrOIt on through the Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods and St Clair Shores) DOWNTOWN: Ren-Cen, Calumet Tobacco and Gilt Shop, mam level, near 100Tower. Ren-Cen, 500 Tobacco shop, tower 500 JEFFERSON AVE: Park Pharmacy, Nottmgham and Jefferson Village Wme Shop, Beaconsfield and Jefferson MAUMEE: Bon 8ecours HOSPital, Cadieux and Maumee, Schettler Drugs, Fisher and Maumee KERCHEVAL gift shop AVE.: Art's Party Store, Wayburn and Kercheval Revco Drugs, "In The Village" Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Dame and Kercheval Grosse Pomte Book Village, on Kercheval, between Notre Dame and Cadieux GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 Kercheval Perry Drugs on the Hill Trail Apothecary on the Hill Cottage HospItal GIft Shop, MUIr and Kercheval MulIers Mkt between Beaconsfield & LakepoInte CHARLEVOIX: Lou's Party Store, LakepoInte and Charlevoix MACK AVE.: Devonslure Drug, DevonshIre and Mack Yorkslllre Market, Yorkshire and Mack Parkies Party Store, St ClaIr and Mack Alger Party Store, St ClaIr and Mack Rand's Pharmacy, McMillan and Mack Arbor Drugs, 7 Mile and Mack SI. John Hospital, Moross near Mack, Gilt Shop and The Nook Merit Woods Pharmacy, Bournemouth and Mack Harkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and Mack Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack Mr C's Dell, Ridgemont and Mack Bob's Drug Store, Roslyn and Mack EAST WARREN AVE.: The Wme Basket, Outer DrIve and E. Warren Mr C's, Grayton and E Warren 7/Eleven, East Warren between Cadieux and Balduck Park Mr C's Dell, Morang &: Kelly EAST DETROIT: Ment Book Center, 22425 Kelly near 9 Mile Road ST. CLAIR SHORES: Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon (81h Mile) Manor Pharmacy, Greater Mack and Red Maple Lane The Book Store, on Mack, south of 9 Mile Perry Drugs, oU Marter and Jefferson Lake Pharmacy, E 9 Mile between Mack and Jefferson Perry Drugs, Shores Shoppmg Center, 13 Mile and Harper Shores Canteen on Jefferson, near 13 Mile New Horizon Book Shop, Little Mack and 13 Mile HARPER WOODS: Pa~kcrest Party Store, Parkcrest and Harper Hunter Pharmacy, Counlry Club and Harper Kaycee Drugs, Bournemouth and Harper The Tinder Box, Eastland Shopping Center, Aisle 7 ..p.,., ... GROSSE Page Twelve-C POINTE -----p_ ...-...p-p-.-.-p Thursday, November 10, 1983 NEWS Center Ice in the GPHA Midget A Marlies , , ') ~ scoreless as goalie Marc Orsmi shut out the Oilers Playing well were Weid, MIchael Coello, Andrew Bond and Ray Jewell on defense; the checking line of Bobby Beltz, Robert Bourdeau and Brian Kroenke, and Johnny Deacon, Patrick Bond and Brian Klernicki on offense The Bruins are coached by Gary Weid and Bob Morris and sponsored by Ken Meade of Pomte Dodge The Grosse Pointe Marlboro Midget A hockey club contmftes to play well. In the tough Adray League, bestmg Trenton, 6-0, Nov. 6 The Marlies scored m every perIod WIth Joe Sullivan leading the way With two goals and MIke BI ykabkl nettmg three assIsts Peter Guzzardo started the scor. mg when he tipped m a centering Pd!>!> midway through the first penod Jim Barr and Brykalski :-.et up the goal With a pair of bedutlful pa!>ses Sullivan scored the !>econd POInte goal when he converted pas!>es from Chns Vahcevlc and Joe Amore John Hlr!>chfleld flmshed off a Cll..,P "'et of pa!>!>esfrom hnemates Guzzal do and Brykalskl and rocketed home a 25-foot slapshot Enck blal>ted a slapper from the bluehne to put the Marlies up. 4-0 BI ykabkl set that goal up Sulh. Vdll Ilm::,hed ou lhe ~econd penod l>col1ng WIth a slick, single-handed effort after stealing the puck from the Trenton defense Tom Ugval completed the Marhe attack by beating the goalie from close m after takmg passes from Vahcevlc and Amore put hIm In the clear Grosse Pointe continue!> its !>chedule with three league games this week (Editor's note The Martie summary publIshed in the Nav. 3 l&f>Ueshould have noted that the Marlies won the see-saw contest over Llvoma, 5-4. The winning goal came With three minutes left when Jerry Little redIrected a Sulhvan slapshot past the Livonia goahe ) Pee Wee The Black Hawks' unbeaten streak continued with a 6-2 wm over the Rangers Hawk goals came from Michael Anway, Nathamel Cook, Ryan MeIer, Chns Leimbach and JImmy Andary ASSists went to Meier, Ryan Scofield, Steve Wesley, Cook and Mark Waterman Weid and Andy Brewer played well on defen!>e. GoalIe Johnny Romme held the R,ulgel::' off the scoreboard untIl the last 30 seconds of the game. when Adam MacDonald and Hendrie combined for two goals Hertel, Czerwinski and Scofield played well for the Hawks; Berube dId a good Job m the nets for the Rangers The Bandits faced the Fraser Bulldogs Nov 5, coming up with a 4-2, vIctory. Warson had two goals for the Bandits, wIth Sliwinski and Kuna each scorIng a goal Assists went to Crane, Frederickson, MIchalik and Watson The game was tied at 2-2 going mto the third period, but the strong BandIts managed to come up with the wm The line of Patrick O'Brien, Casl> and Stefan Teltge. provided plenty of excitement dunng the Bandits' three-game streak. sup plymg heavy forechecklllg and fine pO!:>ltlOnalplay The Art Van Kings opened theIr regular season WIth an 8-2 victory over the GPD Blue Dragons EvllaslO Covacha opened the scormg In the fIrst penod; Pete Morgan followed WIth an unassIsted goal Sebastian Yofre assIsted on Covacha's goal Tony Marl put the Blue Dragon!> on the board early In the second South's EML champion girls' cross country team in<'llldl"d, from left to right. (front row) Kristie Wedding, penod Covacha and M J. MOl I 1::. Erika Hernquist, Sue Sparling. Mary Beth Hicks, Shannon Burns. Beth Brockie; (middle row) MIchele then scored for the Kings With Sweetman. Linda Gaglio. Heather Kolodziej. Toby Otto Danielle Varga, Nancy Solterisch, Kathy Keller; Bobby Rahatm, Yofre and Morns (back row) Holly Elliott. Renuka Uthappa. Julie Cunningham. Kerry Bruce, Karen Campbell, Kathy Masdrawmg assists Third period play saw Danny Bomblch, MIke Ugval toianni, Tricia Pos!>elius and coach Steve Zaranek. and Enc Klsf>kalt score; Morgan assistmg Newcomer Pat Brennan scored an unassisted goal for the chanplOnshlp WIth a 19-38 time, These runners included overall Grosse Pointe South's girls' Dragons. Paul Meglar got the WIn whlle teammates Uthappa, CunchampIOn sophomore Nancy Solcross country team capped off a In the nets for the Kmgs ningham and Ott all fImshed 10 very l>uccessful season WIth ItS tensch, Jumors Renuka Uthappa and JulIe Cunningham, and soph- the top 15 to earn medals fifth straIght Eastern Michigan Squirt House In the JV race, South dominated League championship. The girls omores Damelle Varga and Toby with four runners m the top 10, The Clock Restaurant Huskies Ott. South also had the first seven also qualIfIed for the state fmals and USA faced off in their SquIrt JUnIor varisty runners through the including a first place fmish by for the fourth consecutIve year Varga, a third place fimsh by House opening game, With the ftnish line, led by sophomore South went undefeated m league KolodzieJ, a fifth place fmish by HuskIes taking an 8-1 vIctory competition and finished with a Heather KolodzieJ freshman Shannon Burns and a USA opened the scoring midway At the state reglOnals at Metro 7-1 record overall In the E M L. ninth place finish by freshman through the first period on Ricei's Beach Oct 29, South placed se. champIOnshIp meet, South had Mary Beth Hicks unassisted goal which got past cond behind North as both teams five girls earn All-League honors At the state finals Nov. 6, South goaltender Bnan Denms. The (top seven are all-league) which qualified for the state finals. Solfinished 20th out of 27 teams. Huskies came to life with backterisch captured the regIOnal tied a record South set last year to-back goals from Morreale to end the first penod. USA held off the Huskies until when he scored from a scramble the 6:58 mark of the second penod After a scoreless second penod, The Grosse P010te Bantam AA when Morreale struck agam for the Blues put the game away 10 10 front of the net Rob Klfsch Blues had a two-win week in Little the period's only score. The Hus- Caesars Hockey League play re- the third when Rob Klfsch con- made It 2-0 after taking a pass kies scored four more in the third from Frank. good passes from Rob cently. topping Warren, 3-0, and verted period on goals by Morreale, Ne- Waterford, 3-0. Koehler and Grant Patterson som, Lorenzini and Pesegna As. The Blues put the game out of Steady goaltending by Matt DenAgainst Warren, the Blues sistmg on the goals were Nesom, reach when Patterson and KU'sch struck first late in the opemng pe- nis resulted In his first shutout Okray, Morreale, Smith, Bufalmo combmed on a breakout play and riod when Ken Frank converted a The Blues then traveled to passed the puck to Yangouyian, and Bogos. pass from Chns Yangouytan Bob Bloomfield Hills to face the Wa- who scored Defensemen Bob AlAlcott blasted a shot from the Pee Wee House terford Rangers who w~re unde- cott, DaVId Johnson, Jeff Lacca point after takIng a pass from The USA Olympians edged the Tim Bohan to put the Blues up 2-0 feated in league play. Patterson and Pahl Zinn played well 10 front Sabres, 3-2. in their first meetmg of goaltender Dennis put the Blues on top m a hurry after one period of the year South girls win EML title Squirt A The Squirt A Bandits have posted three straight victories and continue to dominate Little Caesar's Travel Hockey League play. The Bandits took an 8-4 Win over Southgate, Oct. 2:l as Mark Sliwinski posted a three-goal hat tnck and assisted on another goal. Other goal scorers were Brad Warezak (two), Todd FrederIckson. Bob Cass and Michael Kuna Pee Wee Bruins Assists went to David Auld, KeVin Watson, In hard-skating competition, the Frederickson, Kuna (two each), Warezak and Gro!>se Pointe Pee Wee A Bruins downed the Alpha Oilers, 4-1 The Andrew VanDeweghe. Jason Hall Oilers opened the scoring, but and Dustin Kolodge split goalBruin Mark Greblk answered 11 tending chores The Westworld Stingers gave !>econds later on a pass from the Bandits a tough battle oct. 29, NICky Leone Peter Donaldson then tipped a Jason Weid shot into but Grosse Pomte came away with the 3-1 victory as Hall made sethe net to close out the first period veral game-saving saves m goal. scormg Brtan Crane, VanDeweghe, SCott The second perIod was the Pointe's as Leone opened with a Berger and Brian Michalik played goal; Donaldson assisting. With 21 well on defense Goal scorers for the Bandits seconds left in the period, Grebik were Watson, Crane and Kuna; scored a short-handed goal; Leone Warezak added an al>sist assisting The third penod was Bantam Blues take two wins • / MAHER Gives You A Real Price That OH WHAT A FEELING! Looks Like Magic 1913 NEW YORKER 5th AVE. 4 DR. Silver, air, cruise, stereo WE AT RINKE TOYOTA ARE COMMITTED TO QUALITY SERVICE AND DEPENDABILITY, Part of a farnl/!J of dealers serving the Grosse Poil'ltes since 1917 lull pwr, leather LIKE NEW, ONLY 7,662 miles 11171ASPEN 2 DR. Custom yellow, V-top. air, 6 cyl stereo and tape A ONE OWNER 8EAlITY! ••.....•. $3,695 CHEAPER! 1981 RELIANT CUSTOM 2 DR. Red, air, stereo. cruise, aulo, power 19,172 CAREFUllY DRIVEN MILES EX. CELLENT CONDITIONI ••••••..••••..•••.••.•. $5,795 1982 LeBARON MEDALLION 4 DR. Gold, V-top, air, extras, stereo and casselle, pwr Wind and door locks AND MOREl JUST 13,657 MILES 58.395 1981 OlDS DELTA ROYALE 4 DR. Blue, V.top air, cruise, pwr wind, 101501 extras VERY CLEAN. LOW MILES! .,....................... . ..••.. $6,995 e' e P The 1984's ARE HEREAND WE'RE DEALING IF YOUR LAST PRICE WASN'T FROM MAHER CHEVROLET then you're probably paying too mUCh. uWe'li Beat Any Deal ... From Any Dealer ... Periodl" , RINKE TOYOTA ",""lIO DetrOIt s only EastSIde Dealer VANDYKE AT 101/2 MILE tQl FIRST CLASS CAR, • FIRST CLASS DEAlER NEW '83 CITATION CPE. MA~TEfZ Plk~hsIT~' "",t I "if $6392 12.9% ~~ 4 cyl ,4 spd., 4 cyl., p.s., fW <. A 1111I ,-\<. cloth mt., Stk # P b , cloth int., 1111 maroon 430220 '82 VETTES Stk #430356 SPECIAL I~ STOCK at SImilar savmgs .. .,. ,....ITATI01\l.~ ~ DrIVe a good deal home, from . OGER INKE 1-896 at VBIl Dylce Open Men & Ttul tj 900 RSE,=~~~lI758:;800 \.H _,..__ ''NI.~~ .. lIttal ....... e.......... J .. _ .. _~I .. - - WE LEASE GMVEHICLES '83 CLOSE OUTI HUGE SAVINGS ON VAN CONVERSIONS 30 VAN CONVERSIONS EDITION 1 to choose IN STOCK 20 CHEVETTES IN STOCK at SImIlar savmgs