E-mail Contacts EBacc Department: including Geography, History, MFL: Maths Department: English Department: including Drama, Media Studies: Technologies Department: including Engineering, RM, Textiles and Food. Art Department ICT Department Science Department: Guidance Department: including PSHE, Citizenship, Student Voice, Careers and FE/HE transition. PE Department: including Dance: Music Department: Inclusion Department: including SEN, A4A, S2L Alternative Education: KS3 Pastoral Team: Year 7, 8 and 9. KS4 Pastoral Team: Year 10 and 11. Year 11 Standards Booklet ebacc@kepier.com maths@kepier.com english@kepier.com technologies@kepier.com Kepier Routines The times of the Kepier day are: art@kepier.com ICT@kepier.com science@kepier.com guidance@kepier.com 8.25 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 8.50 a.m. 9.40 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 10.50 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 1.10 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 2.50 p.m. pe@kepier.com music@kepier.com inclusiondept@kepier.com ks3@kepier.com ks4@kepier.com Contacting School Learners must be in school Coaching (Lesson 1) Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Morning break Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lunchtime begins Lesson 6 Lesson 7 School day ends Staff you need to know about: Principal: Mrs N. Cooper. Vice-Principals: Mrs. D. Walker and Mr. R. Giles. Senior Pastoral Leaders: Mr S. Bisset, Mr R. Lynn and Mr S. Van Lindon. Year Manager for Year 11: Mr. P. Tait. Welcome from the Principal. If you need to contact Kepier outside of office hours, please leave an answer phone message and we will contact you at our first available opportunity. At Kepier, we believe that every child is entitled to a good education and we promise to offer each individual the personal attention they need to develop, learn and grow. In return we have high expectations from our learners; standards of behaviour, uniform and attitudes to learning are very important to us and we insist that everyone does the best they can to fulfil their potential. Kepier office hours are: 8.00a.m. - 5.00p.m. Monday to Thursday 8.00a.m. - 4.30p.m. Friday. Tel: 0191 5128960 E-mail: info@kepier.com Website: www.kepier.com If you have a concern and need to speak to a member of staff, your first point of contact should be the Department Leader or Year Manager. Please remember that we are a large school and it is not always be possible for you to speak to a member of staff immediately, especially if you telephone during lesson time. If you need to come to Kepier to discuss something serious, it is helpful to telephone beforehand and arrange an appointment. Please report to reception and the administration staff will find the person you have come to see, if they are available. This booklet should give you and your family more detailed information about what to expect when joining Kepier in the academic year 2015-2016. If you have any questions that are not answered in this booklet, then please ask a member of staff, who will be happy to help. With best wishes, Nicola Cooper. Principal. Kepier also have a Facebook page and an app which is available to download and install free from the App Store and Googleplay. We are continuing to develop the app and hope that it will allow parents and carers to remain up to date with all relevant school information. 20 Attendance Apprenticeships Attendance is extremely important to us at Kepier and has an enormous impact on your child’s individual achievement. We believe that every child should aim to have 100% attendance. However, if your child is absent for any reason, we ask that you let us know before 8.25 a.m. on the first day of absence. Please ring the school on: 0191 5128960. Learners are encouraged to look at all options for moving on after school and this also includes apprenticeships. Our Guidance Officer, Ms Watson ,will regularly advertise apprenticeship opportunities to learners in Year 11 and will actively seek out vacancies if a preference is known by an individual learner. There are also a number of opportunities throughout the year for learners to participate in apprenticeship events in school, with businesses and training providers making presentations and taking part in organised events. We operate a Keep Kids Safe system, which means a text will be sent to you if your child is absent and you have not notified the school. The Year Manager will also make a “first day” phone call for any learner who is absent when we have not received a phone call from a parent/carer. When your child returns to school, they must bring a note from a parent/carer, to show their coach, explaining why they were absent. Please use the planner in these circumstances. The Senior Pastoral Leader in charge of attendance is Mr. Bisset. Learners are encouraged to be proactive if an apprenticeship is their chosen career path after school. All learners are asked to create accounts on the national apprenticeship website; this allows them to search and receive alerts and emails relating to the opportunities they are interested in . Examples of these would be hairdressing, engineering, mechanics, joinery, bricklaying, accountancy, childcare and business admin. This is just a small example of the opportunities available. Learners who do not have 95% attendance may not be allowed to participate in some trips/events or visits. Create an account on: www.gov.uk/applyapprenticeship www.connexions-tw.co.uk www.gov.uk/furthereducation-skills/ apprenticeships End of Year Events for Year 11. Key Year 11 Dates 2015-2016 Year 11 photographs: Friday 4th September 2015 Information Evening: Wednesday 14th October 2015. Reward trip: Thursday 17th December 2015. Consultation Evening: Wednesday 3rd February 2016. Intermediate Maths Challenge: Thursday 4th February 2016. Post-16 college visits: Ongoing during the Autumn term. Trial exams: 7th - 12th December 2015 and 29th February - 16th March 2016. GCSE Exams: 2nd May - 1st July 2016 (anticipated dates based on previous years). 2 Year 11 have a number of end of year events planned to help with the moving on process. Whilst many are designed to be formal and focused on the serious business of continuing education and training, some are about celebrating the time spent at Kepier. These events include; Progress and Achievement Celebration - held in school at the end of Year 11. End of Year Celebration - held in school at the end of Year 11 - traditionally the last day Year 11 attend school as a whole. The Prom - an out of school event, usually held in early July - learners must hit certain criteria to be eligible to attend including attendance, punctuality and attitudes to learning. Our School Motto is “Believe”: Be Excellent Learners. Invest Everything. Value Everyday. 19 Important Dates 2015-2016 Moving On From Kepier Staff training days (INSET) during the school year are: Tuesday 1st September 2015. Friday 9th October 2015. Monday 4th January 2016. Friday 29th April 2016. At the end of Year 11, the time comes to move on from Kepier: there are many options to chose from and we will do our best to guide learners through the whole process. During Year 10, learners will have been given information about available options and also encouraged to research the various provisions in the local area. Kepier will also arrange a number of “Moving On” events which will include visits to many of the local college and sixth forms in the area. Holidays during term-time. Local Colleges and Sixth Forms Assessments and examinations for all year groups now run continuously throughout the year. Choices for colleges, sixth forms and other further education options are usually finalised by Christmas in Year 11. College / Sixth Form Telephone Number E-mail Address Sunderland College 0191 5116000 www.sunderlandcollege.ac.uk Durham Sixth Form Centre 0191 3830708 www.durhamsixthformcentre.org.uk Gateshead College 0191 4900300 www.gateshead.ac.uk East Durham College 0191 5182000 www.eastdurham.ac.uk New College Durham 0191 3754040 www.newcollegedurham.ac.uk Newcastle College 0191 2004000 www.ncl-coll.ac.uk St. Robert of Newminster 0191 5613810 www.strobertofnewminster.co.uk Southmoor Academy 0191 553 7600 www.southmoorschool.co.uk Learners have 13 weeks holiday a year, when they do not attend school. Please book your family holiday during this time. There are discount incentives offered by a number of travel companies for booking holidays during school holiday weeks. Parents must not take a family holiday during the school term. Anyone who takes a holiday during the school term will be marked as an unauthorised absence and further action may follow. Illness whilst at Kepier What does the school do if my child has an accident or is unwell during the school day? Kepier employs a 'first-aider', who is only able to offer basic first aid. If after first aid is administered it is decided that GP or hospital treatment is necessary, we will: Make your child as comfortable as possible. Try to contact you on the telephone numbers you have supplied. Ask you to collect your child and seek further medical advice. Request an ambulance, if the incident is deemed to be serious. Many learners will have a one-to-one interview with a member of staff from Connexions, as well as an interview with our Guidance Officer, Ms Watson where various options will be discussed including college, sixth form and apprenticeships. It is vital for the safety of your child that you provide us with emergency contact telephone numbers and that you inform us immediately if any of these change. You should always make Doctor and Dentist appointments after school unless it is an emergency. If it is unavoidable, appointments made during the school day must be confirmed via an appointment card. Learners should take this to their Year Manager. 18 3 Uniform Useful Study Information All learners now wear the same uniform, which consists of the following: Smart, tailored black trousers (leggings are not appropriate). Plain white polo shirt with a coloured year stripe. Black sweatshirt with the school logo and a coloured year stripe. Year 11 wear grey sweatshirts with the school logo. Sturdy, plain, black leather-type shoes (Flossies, boots and trainers are strictly not permitted). Please note: Skirts are not part of the school uniform. Studying at home is always useful and worthwhile and there are many excellent sites to use: BBC Bitesize www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Biology Mad www.biologymad.com English Biz www.englishbiz.co.uk GCSE www.gcse.com GCSE Maths www.gcse-math.co.uk GCSE Pod www.gcsepod.co.uk/home GCSE Revision 101 www.gcserevision101.wordpress.com Get Revising www.getrevising.co.uk Revision Notes www.revision-notes.co.uk Revision Time www.revisiontime.com Revision World www.revisionworld.co.uk S-Cool www.s-cool.co.uk School History www.schoolhistory.co.uk Skoool www.skoool.co.uk Spanish Revision www.spanishrevision.co.uk Study Maths www.studymaths.co.uk I AM Learning www.iamlearning.co.uk An alternative item of clothing/footwear will be provided to replace any incorrect item of uniform. This must be worn for the duration of the school day and returned to the year office at the end of the school day. Failure to follow the uniform code will result in isolation and contact with home. Learners may wear a watch and one small, plain stud in each ear lobe. Please do not arrange for piercings to coincide with term dates, as students will be asked to remove inappropriate studs in line with our policy. What's NOT allowed Jewellery, fashion accessories, fashion belts, hats, caps, scarves, gloves, jeans, combat trousers, canvas trousers, leggings, jeggings, coloured socks, leg warmers, trainers, Flossies and boots. What is acceptable is ultimately at the discretion of the Principal, Mrs Cooper. No other jewellery is allowed on health and safety grounds. Make-up, including nail varnish and false nails are not allowed. Hair colour must be natural and the style must not be extreme. No Facial Piercings No extreme hair colours Planner Pen Pencil Ruler Calculator Bag No extreme hair cuts No coloured hair bands Podcasts: You can get Podcasts FREE of charge through ITunes. There are both audio and video options covering a huge range of topics. Here are some of the best resources: BBC News Bitesize Science Coffee Break Spanish Guardian News How Stuff Works Is All About Maths National Geographic Podcasts One Minute Mandarin Learners must bring the following essential equipment everyday: Revision Information 4 Here are some of the best resources: Science and the Sea Stuff To Blow Your Mind Stuff You Missed in History Class The Life Scientific Best of Natural History Radio 60 Second Idea to Improve the World Discovery News Just Vocabulary Radiolab 17 P.E. Uniform Kepier P.E. uniform is compulsory for all learners in Years 7 - 11. Red t-shirt with the school logo. Navy tracksuit bottoms with the school logo. Red hooded top with the school logo. Shorts (with the school logo) and sports socks are optional. Sports trainers (Flossies, plimsolls, Vans, Converse or Toms are not acceptable). Under no circumstances are leggings to be worn by any learner. Study Support at Kepier During the Autumn Term, study support will be available for all Year 11 learners within all departments. It is the responsibility of all learners to talk to their class teachers and department leaders about the study support available and manage their own time effectively. In the Spring Term, learners may be guided by Department Leaders to attend more targeted interventions on specific nights. Learners may also be issued with intervention packs which will aim to support them in addressing gaps in their knowledge and understanding for specific subjects. Kepier uniform is exclusively available at Total Sport. You can buy or order in the following ways: Curriculum and Enrichment Activities During the course of each school year, Curriculum and Enrichment activities may be offered to your child: more details will be sent out to Parents, as and when they are available. By post Complete the form with payment by cheque (payable to Total Sport). In-store 14 Hendon Road, Sunderland, SR1 2JD On-line Go to www.totalsport-ne.co.uk Click on Schools / Colleges / Clubs You will find the Kepier badge under "Schools". Place the items of uniform required in your basket and pay with a Debit or Credit card at the secure SagePay checkout. School Forms available from the main school office. For home delivery please add £2.95 per order. School Meals As part of our safeguarding policy, learners in Years 7-10 must remain on site during lunch time. Our caterers provide a wide choice of meals in the dining area. There are a number of food options including; hot meals, pasta, salads and oven baked potatoes, as well as snack type food and fresh fruit. We provide a free chilled and filtered water system in the dining hall for all learners to use. We also provide facilities for those learners who wish to bring a packed lunch. We encourage you to apply for free school meals if you are entitled to do so. An application form is available from Children's Services Finance at the Civic Centre; Telephone: 0191 5611417; you can also collect one from the school reception. If you believe you are eligible, please make sure that you claim the entitlement before the start of the new school year. Parent Portal Parents and Carers may also pay for school meals via our ParentPay facility. This allows you to add credit to your child’s account using credit or debit cards, 24 hours a day, 7-days a week. Kepier now has a smartphone app to help keep you up to date with what is happening in school and make it easier to contact us. Available free from Googleplay and the App Store. 16 5 Planners Progress At the start of every school year learners are provided with a planner. The planner is used to record details of their timetable, when homework is set and when it should be handed in. It is also used to record achievements and to send messages home from time to time. The planners are checked each week by coaches to make sure they have been used correctly. Monitoring progress, target setting and celebrating achievement are very important to us. Each year your child will receive two short progress reports and a longer comprehensive report. You are asked to check and sign the planners each week. We also encouraged you to use the planners to send messages into school. As part of our commitment to working in partnership with you, we ask you to check that homework is being completed when it is set. If you have any concerns please contact the Senior Pastoral Leader, Year Manager or Department Leader who will investigate with individual teachers. There will be an opportunity for you to speak to teachers about your child's progress at an open evening during the academic year. Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) As a school, we get many requests nationally, regionally and locally to fundraise for various charities. 'Kepier Cares' was started to help provide a channel for fund raising within the school. In order to increase community involvement Kepier Cares is expanding to become Parents, Teachers and Friends of Kepier and is in the process of forming a PTFA for the school. The first Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 29th April 2015; at this time the PTFA agreed a constitution and elected key roles to the Association. The key elements of the PTFA structure are: Constitution Members (every parent and carer of a pupil at Kepier is automatically a member of the PTFA, as are Kepier staff). Committee (a team of volunteers elected at the Annual General Meeting to manage the association on behalf of its members). A member of staff will check each learner has a planner as they enter through the school gates each morning. If a learner loses their planner a new one must be bought from the year office at a cost of £3.00. Homework Every learner in Kepier receives homework to reinforce important life skills. Working alone, meeting deadlines and carrying out specific tasks are important skills that will help our learners in adult life. Every learner will have a planner for recording homework. The planner should be used to record specific work set by individual teachers. We want you to take an interest in all aspects of your child's life in the school. Therefore, we would like you to check completed homework and sign the planner. There is a space for comments or questions and the coach will address any issues that may arise. The PTFA aims to raise funds for Kepier and use the money raised for the benefit of the school, individual learners and the community. The PTFA also hopes to strengthen community links with residents, parents, carers, wider family members, local businesses and primary schools. We would welcome further support from parents and carers, so if you would like to help in the running of the PTFA, please get in touch. If your child does not appear to be getting any homework, please contact their Year Manager or Department Leader as soon as possible. On most occasions where there seems to be a lack of homework, it is often because the learner is not writing it down when it is given. The nature of homework may have changed since you were at school. You will recognise some of the homework that your child brings home, but there will also be some examples that will be very different. We do run homework clubs for all learners before and after school. 6 15 Promotion of British Values at Kepier The Government set out their definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. These were reinforced in Sept 2014 due to recent events. These new regulations will sit alongside the requirements of the Equalities Act, which also applies to all types of school. Schools will be expected to focus on, and be able to show, how our work with learners is effective in embedding fundamental British values. We agree with and fully support and promote the Department for Education’s five-part definition of British values: • democracy • the rule of law • individual liberty • mutual respect • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs At Kepier learners will encounter these principles throughout everyday school life. We actively promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through the curriculum, PSHCE lessons, coaching, behaviour policies and extra - curricular activities. The curriculum is mapped in detail across the whole school to ensure we are promoting SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development). Below are some examples of how we promote these values in our school community: 98% of Parents think their children are well looked after at this school. 14 97% of Parents think their children make good progress at this school. 96% of Parents think their children are taught well at this school. 7 Any learner who was on the Behaviour Intervention Plan in the last academic year, will begin the new academic year two stages back from their last position. Electronic Devices Safeguarding Kepier recognises that many Parents want their children to carry mobile phones for safety reasons. However, whilst on the premises mobiles MUST be switched off and kept in a school bag or pocket. Mobile phones must be switched off at the school gates in the morning. They should not be switched on again until learners leave the school premises. You should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of learners. Music devices should not be brought into school. Should there be an emergency, you can contact your child through the main school office. If a learner needs to make an urgent call they should do this via the Year Office. In cases where Kepier has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to significant harm, neglect, ill-treatment or other forms of abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow SSCB (Sunderland Safeguarding Children Board) child protection procedures and inform Children's Services, Social Care of their concern. The designated safeguarding lead responsible for child protection at Kepier is Vice Principal, Mrs D. Walker. Kepier accepts no responsibility for the loss or theft of mobile phones or other electronic devices. Anyone learner found to be using a mobile phone or other electronic devices at Kepier will have them confiscated and placed in the safe. An appropriate adult will then be contacted by the Year Manager and asked to collect the item from reception; providing you assure us we will not see the item back in school. Otherwise they will be returned to learners at the end of the half term. Jewellery will also be confiscated. 8 Our School Motto is “Believe”: Be Excellent Learners. Invest Everything. Value Everyday. 13 Rewards System Out of School Hours Kepier offers a range of opportunities to learners before and after school, as we believe that extra-curricular activities are as important as formal lessons. We encourage learners to join the wide variety of breakfast and after school clubs within school such as games club and homework club. We also run numerous sporting activities such as trampolining, netball and cheerleading to name but a few. We have very successful teams in many sports, ranging from girls and boys football, to rugby, netball and tennis. There are also opportunities to take an active part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, which many of our current learners do. Rewards will be issued at various trigger points throughout the year and include certificates, canteen vouchers, and visits. Many Kepier learners have learnt how to ski on our frequent trips to France, or have participated in outdoor pursuits at Derwent Hill. Other regular study visits take place to Keswick, Germany, Italy and Spain. Charging Policy Complaints Procedure You will not be charged for compulsory school activities. Sometimes, however, we will organise extra events which we cannot finance from the school budget. Misunderstandings do occasionally happen. Usually these are because parents/carers and teachers do not have access to the same information. Our governors have adopted a policy which states that no charge will be made for: If you have a concern about any aspect of the school, come and talk to us about it. Please telephone and make an appointment. It is best to contact the Year Manager in the first instance. Telephone: 0191 5128960. Any compulsory school activity within school hours. Anything necessary for a public examination. Materials and ingredients for things made in school, which learners or parents do not want to keep. However, we may ask you to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of: Voluntary activities, which may happen during the school day. Voluntary activities, which may happen out of school hours. We expect learners to take responsibility for their own progress and be able to identify ways to continuously improve. Learners will be allocated a set number of points at the start of the academic year and are expected to keep them. If you are not satisfied, you can obtain the formal complaints policy from the school website or by contacting the Governance manager as shown below: Ms. Judith Forster Governance Manager Kepier Academy Dairy Lane Houghton-le-Spring Tyne & Wear DH4 5BH j.forster@kepier.com School Trips In order to be eligible to attend trips away from school, learners will need to have at least 95% attendance and must lose no more than 40 points. Forthcoming Events. Year 7 Energiser Event: A half day-workshop (3 hours) to immerse students in the energy topic. This will focus on energy, a design and make solar powered car and information on engineering careers. Discover Engineering at Nissan: Investigating what Nissan do, the manufacturing process and careers. Also the chance to take a tour of the factory. Junior Maths Challenge: Celebrating Success Evenings: Sanctions for Poor Behaviour Failure to demonstrate positive attitudes to learning will result in the following sanctions: Stage 1 Class teacher monitors behaviour (recorded on the school system). Stage 2 Sanction with class teacher (15 minute detention or work task). Stage 3 Department intervention timetable (relocation): detention for 20 minutes in the Time Out Room after school. Department leader monitors Stage 3 incidents (intervenes when necessary) and informs parents/carers. Stage 4 Sent to Time Out Room: 45 minute detention in canteen after school. If appropriate, pastoral team return learner to lesson. Year team to inform parents/carers. Year team to monitor stage 4 incidents. Extreme/Serious Incidents Examples of serious incidents which result in extreme sanctions: Ø Physical violence. Ø Swearing or using insulting language. Ø Behaving in a manner dangerous to others. The Pastoral team will contact home and the learner may be excluded from Kepier. 12 Our School Motto is “Believe”: Be Excellent Learners. Invest Everything. Value Everyday. In addition Kepier runs one hour detentions after school in line with our Behaviour Intervention Plan. The behaviour policy can be found on the school website. Parents/carers will be informed by text message if their child has a detention. 9 10 11 92% of Parents think that Kepier responds well to any concerns raised.