www.co-ax.com 3-HPI-1 32 3-HPI-2 32 valve type with pilot valve data sheet E8.20-04/2015 pressure reduction valve type HPI-1 32 HPI-2 32 control valve manuel pressure range RUL¿FH connection function externally controlled PN 0-100 bar DN 32 mm thread manual stepless pressure regulation B 1A Above stated body materials refer to the valve port connections that get in contact with the media only! design externally controlled with spring return body materials brass ཱི ཱ ི ུ ཱུ valve seat metal on metal seal materials PU, NBR JHQHUDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV details needed for main valve ŶRUL¿FH Ŷport Ŷpressure regulating range ŶÀRZUDWH Ŷmedia Ŷmedia temperature Ŷambient temperature details needed for pneumatic actuation Ŷnominal voltage Ŷtype of protection Ŷactuation pressure range min/max ports function pressure regulation range ÀRZUDWH media abrasive media ÀRZGLUHFWLRQ settling time media temperature ambient temperature approvals mounting ZHLJKW additional equipment HPI-1 HPI-2 bar m³/h threads G 1 1/2 threads G 1 1/2 stepless regulation HPI-1 5-40 max. 24,3 gaseous - liquid - highly viscous contaminated AÖB ms °C °C as marked HPI-1 < 200 0 to +60 0 to +50 kg HPI-1 15,1 HOHFWULFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV nominal voltage SRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ protection energized duty rating connection optional additional equipment max. temperature explosion proof The valves‘ technical design is based on media and application requirements. This can lead to deviations from the general VSHFL¿FDWLRQVVKRZQRQWKHGDWDVKHHWZLWK regards to the design, sealing materials and characteristics. options HPI-2 5-100 HPI-2 < 400 mounting bracket HPI-2 16,2 options Un Un DC AC IP65 (P54) ED DC 24 V special voltage upon request special voltage upon request AC 230 V 50 Hz 2,5 W 4,8 W pick up 11,0 VA holding 8,5 VA acc. DIN 40050 100% plug acc. DIN EN 175301-803 form B, 3 positions x90° / wire diameter 6-8 mm M12x1 connector acc. DESINA connector acc. VDMA iluminated plug with varistor media 60°C ambient 50°C E Ex e II T5 nominal voltage Un '&9: AC 230 V 50 Hz 2,90 W power consumption SQHXPDWLFVSHFL¿FDWLRQV actuation pressure range compressed air control actuator ports FPM bar 1 options see actuation pressure-diagram DIN ISO 8573-1 grade of compressed air quality 5/4/3 preferably 3/2 way pilot valve during low pressure circulation mode G 1/8 ,IRUGHURUDSSOLFDWLRQVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDUH incomplete or imprecise there exists a risk of an incorrect technical design of the valve for the required application. As a consequence, the physical and / or chemical properties of the materials or seals used, may not be suitable for the intended application. ŶVSHFL¿FDWLRQVQRWKLJKOLJKWHGDUHVWDQGDUG VSHFL¿FDWLRQVKLJKOLJKWHGLQJUH\DUHRSWLRQDO POOHU FRD[ DJ *RWWIULHG0OOHU6WU ' )RUFKWHQEHUJ *HUPDQ\ IRQ ID[ (PDLO LQIR#FRD[FRP type HPI-1 32 0 vent bore $ * $ FD (to disassamble the fuse tubing) 6: % % type HPI-2 32 * $ $ FD (to disassamble the fuse tubing) 0 vent bore 6: % % actuation pressure-diagram HPI-2 32 control pressure [bar] Ö control pressure [bar] Ö HPI-1 32 10 9 8 7 actuation pressure needed 6 5 4 3 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 media pressure [bar] Ö actuation pressure needed 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 media pressure [bar] Ö P O O H U F R D [ V K D O O U H W D L Q W K H U L J K W V W R W K H V H G R F X P H Q W V 0 R G L I L F D W L R Q V W R W K H G R F X P H Q W V D U H V W U L F W O \ S U R K L E L W H G 5LJKWV UHVHUYHG WR PDNH WHFKQLFDO DOWHUDWLRQV 1RW UHVSRQVLEOH IRU SULQWLQJ HUURUV 'HWDLOOHG GUDZLQJV FDQ EH REWDLQHG XSRQ UHTXHVW