HIV/AIDS Study Guide

Study Guide
Vocabulary Review
Fill in the blanks below with the best choice from the word bank. Feel free to use your topic guide.
Developing Countries
Blood Transfusion
Immune System
Mother-to-child Transmission
Mortality Rate
Sub-Saharan Africa
Multilateral Organization
1. The _________________________ is the human body’s defense system against disease.
2. The HIV/AIDS ____________________ is a serious health problem facing most nations.
3. One way to contract HIV is through ____________________________________, which occurs during
pregnancy or soon after birth.
4. The Global Fund is an example of a _______________________________________ because it partners with
governments, civil society, business, and communities in need.
5. HIV/AIDS is considered an ______________________disease because it can be spread from one person to
6. Some people contracted HIV/AIDS through a ___________________________ because the blood they
received for health reasons was infected with the virus.
7. Many people affected with HIV/AIDS have trouble receiving treatment because they live in ___________
areas, close to farms but far away from clinics and hospitals.
8. Countries of ____________________________________, African countries south of the Sahara Desert, have
the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS cases worldwide.
9. ___________ was the first drug introduced to fight HIV/AIDS, but was only successful for reducing the risk of
mother-to-child transfusion.
10. ___________________________________ need help to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic from multilateral
organizations because they don’t have access to funding, healthcare, and education.
11. The _________________________ from HIV/AIDS in the developed world is very low because they have
access to medication.
12. ____________ medication slows the progress of HIV/AIDS.
13. One way to prevent HIV/AIDS infection is to _______________ from sex.
Short Answer / Multiple Choice
Answer the following questions either in 1-3 sentences or by choosing the best answer. The answers to the
following questions can be found in the topic guide.
Section I: Statement of the Problem
1. What is Millennium Development Goal 6?
a. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
b. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases
c. Improve Maternal Health
d. Promote gender equality and empower women
2. What are some of the obstacles facing the developing world in preventing and treating HIV/AIDS?
Section II: History of the Issue
1. What is the most common way for people in Eastern Europe to contract HIV/AIDS?
a. Mother-to-child
b. Sexually
c. Injecting drug use
d. Blood Transfusions
2. Which of the following is(are) a way to reduce the risk of catching HIV/AIDS?
a. Screening blood supplies before transfusions
b. Abstaining from sex
c. Needle exchange programs
d. All of the Above
3. How does the HIV virus affect the human body? What happens to a human body when the HIV virus
becomes AIDS?
Section III: Discussion of the Problem
1. What area of the world does 2/3 of the HIV-positive population live?
a. Sub-Saharan Africa
b. Eastern Europe
c. Central America
d. Western Europe
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why the HIV/AIDS epidemic is so hard to fix?
a. Weak healthcare systems
b. No multilateral organizations and/or non-governmental organization willing to help
c. Lack of funding and accessibility
d. Political and cultural obstacles
3. Describe how a nation’s economy suffers if many people in the country have HIV/AIDS?
Section IV: Past International Actions
1. What did UN Security Council Resolution 1308 say about the HIV/AIDS epidemic?
a. It only affected small communities and thus, was not an important issue
b. HIV creates social instability and national emergencies
c. If the spread of HIV is not stopped, it could start an international war
d. It does not affect UN peacekeeping personnel at all
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 priorities?
a. Treatment
b. Prevention
c. Advertising
d. Increased funding
3. What do the UN’s past international resolutions on HIV/AIDS have in common with each other?