Name: Courtney Todd
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Graduation: May 2010
Company: Texas Teaching Fellows, Dallas, Texas
Title: Teacher
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
Courtney visited the Career Center after attending a workshop in which she learned, among other things, the importance of meeting with a
Liberal Arts Career Advisor regarding post-graduation plans. Courtney states, “I received tons of resume help and the process was well
managed. I was given advice and resource materials on career direction and options to make an informed decision.” When asked about the
best and worst part of the career-search process, Courtney asserted: “The worst part was that I did not know where to start or how to utilize
a communications degree before I visited the Career Center. The best part of the process was realizing what I wanted to do after
considerable thought. It paid off to have a direction.” Courtney advises students to “go to the Career Center as early as possible even if you
do not know what to ask.”
Name: Leah Preston
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Graduation: May 2010
Company: USAA, San Antonio, Texas (Fortune 100)
Title: Bank Originations
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
Leah visited the Career Center four months prior to beginning her full-time career with USAA. Leah made an appointment with a Liberal Arts
Career Advisor during which time she perfected her resume and was informed of both the Book of Lists in the Career Center library and the
importance of registering on in terms of connecting with employers and learning of career opportunities. In addition, Leah
began networking with former students through and utilized the interview preparation video on successful interviewing
before she met with USAA. Leah stated, “The Career Center and its resources have really helped me feel prepared and confident. I got the
job!” Leah advises students, “Get started early, make an appointment with the Career Center and finalize your resume at a minimum of two
semesters before you graduate. Go to all of the career fairs.”
Leah’s favorite quote: “Success is always preceded by hard work.”
Name: Rebecca Pappas
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Graduation: May 2010
Company: Insight Global, Houston, Texas (Fortune 100)
Title: Sales Account Manager
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
Rebecca shared her overwhelming excitement in landing a career through with Insight Global located in Houston, Texas. “My
plan A was to attend law school, and then I decided this was not the path I wanted to pursue. I visited the Career Center and met with a
Liberal Arts Graduate Student Advisor who provided me with a step-by-step approach to tackling the career search. I uploaded my resume
onto and checked for jobs everyday. The best part of the process was that the Career Center Liberal Arts Advisors are
accessible. My advice to current students is to follow the steps and helpful guidance from the Career Center, apply the steps and be
confident.” Rebecca’s favorite quote: “Your aspirations can become a reality if you have the determination to pursue them.”
209 Koldus Building । 845-5139
Name: Mariagracia Vizcaino
Major: Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Graduation: August 2011
Company: Merrill Lynch/Bank of America (Fortune 50)
Title: Intern-Summer 2010
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
The internship at Merrill Lynch consists of 10 interns who will work directly with both corporate financing and cash and liability management.
In addition, the interns assist in marketing for the Business Financial Services. “I applied for the internship with Merrill Lynch through, researched the company in depth, completed a phone interview and other necessary paperwork and was given an offer. I
took all the materials given to me by the Career Center and organized a plan. The best part of the internship process was getting the call
from Merrill Lynch after applying for many opportunities. The search process can be overwhelming and is a lot of work. My advice is anytime
you have free time use it to pursue an internship. Talk to people, network, get your resume posted on Hireaggies and keep current on new
opportunities by checking your Hireaggies account daily.”
Name: Stephanie Richter
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Graduation: December 2010
Company: Four Seasons Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (Fortune 100)
Title: Public Relations Intern-Summer 2010
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
Stephanie began an online endeavor to find sales and marketing internships in the hospitality industry. “I contacted many Four Seasons hotels
to inquire on internship opportunities, both within and outside of the Texas market. A call to the Boston location yielded an opportunity to
interview with the Director of Sales for a potential Sales and Marketing position, but the competition was fierce. Although, I was not offered
the position, I impressed the Director of Sales and was guided to a position in Public Relations. When I interviewed for the Public Relations
internship, I discovered the Director’s brother was an Aggie. This was a great connection. I got the internship! My advice to fellow students is
to meet with the Career Center Liberal Arts Advisor and get the ball rolling. If I had not gone to the Career Center, I feel confident that I
would have not obtained an internship. You can not be afraid of hard work. Be persistent. If it is what you want to do, you have to be willing
to work hard. Think about the search in small steps and set yourself apart. Start early and don’t discount anything. Keep your options open.”
Name: Susan Barr
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Graduation: May 2011
Company: CRC Public Relations, Washington, D.C.
Title: Public Relations Intern-Summer 2010
Willingness to mentor current students: Yes
Susan will be participating in the Institute on Political Journalism and working directly with Public Relations firms in Washington, D.C. that
focus on politics, entertainment and business. Susan found this position through an email sent out to the Liberal Arts student population.
Susan made an appointment with the Career Center to perfect her resume and met with a Liberal Arts Career Advisor to gather advice on
how to proceed in order to optimize skills and abilities to present to CRC. Susan states, “I would not have known about with
a database of full-time and internship positions, employer profiles and the ability to apply directly to company recruiting teams. My approach
was to make a list of what I wanted from an internship, the industry of interest and ask if it would have the capability to go full-time upon
graduation. Public Relations firms hire based on project requirements, so you must be patient. My advice to students is to use the Career
Center, get the formula and follow the steps. The Career Center educates and assists you in your career search. You are not alone.”
209 Koldus Building । 845-5139