-. ',-. ,;,...i,; '­ " . ')' '" .':REPUS1.tc6F tHE Pfnti~INES -' Page 3 of 25 . ;'ai~v~bl~aitAribN'" , . .. MAdALTAffES'DItlVE, INTIU\MUROS' . ,'1oo1MANILA .' . .;. . ' . . .pImScRllJINC1j'UEOOMPrmHHNstVE,ttttLESAND .' G.:trmJlLINFS'(jNSTIIDENTVISAlJNDER'SECi'lON"·.··'(F···.·.) OF ......' ., . . . . . . . ... 9 .' COMMO~TIt'AcrNO. oi3~,ASAM:BNDEI)~;.IN·RELAttON ·TO ~E~ ORDllRNO.·'285iSE:I.UHSOF 2obo . :', WHEtttW;;.:~dh··~i'(jf':Q)lfi~ahweatth.'··ActNo/61$··(Philippirie ' . ImmigtatiotiAct :of' 194ti"asameridett;/proVides, tbafforeigh :nati6rlals departing frornanYPIace olItside'tlie'Pmlippfne$ Wh()im.~·()thefWiSe ·adlniSSible ahd whoqWUifyas sttidentS,tm.der'paragraph(f)tliereof, may be admitted as jjon-imtrugraiftS; . '. .'.' .......•..... ;WllEREAS,Eiectrtiv~~ OtdetNor'2Ss,' seneSof 200d,:prescnoes the amendettguldelineSJ~<Wertihig t~e etitrY;and. Si:ayofforeigirsfudetltSin the Philippines and:th~'establishmetit'o(ian'iriter~ageneyioomfititt:eeort foreign .,; , '.' stUdei1tsforthepllrpos~; -, ,,' .·.WHEREAS(itbesah1¢ EXecti~:~Qraetrest6~tthe autllol'ity for .. collvet"SiQi,l :!tom 'td~vm,acateg6tYitb§ti1at ofa:8ttidefit'Visa'or issuanCe . '6fSpeeia1smdyPe@itIS~prai1tl'atitll()rt~ tlie"BUteatf 6f1mrtrl~tion to 'p~sg aha iicl'offalhipplicatiollSoff6rtH.grtnatiofirus tQr'cohvetsloti from any valid clltegorya&ri.issiontostdd~~fYisa. ..6t for tnelSsuahce of SSP, inclrldingal>plica.nons 'for exte~otft1iere(jf; . . ' . . . . .. •. WilEREA:S;lh~~: fS'lf t1eed~to;,riitlonali~eL;hahti6riize:and'liberalize allrilles~ pro¢edufe§'aiidgUideliJies;itl"t1\e'entiY'aridstali6ffote1ghstiipertts ,,' in stippoh'of ilie'gtNernment's ~po1ii~lft{fatttact;moteforeigfi .students' to ooriletdth,ecQuritry'hy pfuvidirig ~lr'efficiet1taftd effective. sYstem in the processin~f and '.~pptbval of Student Visa' and SSP J?ut.: without compromismg national security'; , . . N(jw,m~01tE,pursu'tlt~tO'BOO~tv~ chapterJ5,8ections 29 and 36(2) ofEXeeufiyeOrder No. 29~/asatdeIid~pfherwiBe·.khdwrtas the ."AdihihiStNitiv"e ·t:6d~"·'61i98t"; 'in rel~ti(jfttoSeCti(,h 3' of CoIIlllionwealth Act No~ 6t3,asafijep:afkl,optetwis~'lfuijWnas. 'the "phll;pjJirlelTfl1nig1'ation . Act '01 1940"; and'~Ekectitiveoroer.No.285j SerieS (if 2()()O, the following . . are nereby ,protnWgiited: " '. " . Page 1 of 10 " " ~ ;,:: ;.. Page 4 of25 .. . ' .'Sectiun 1.r'sdillent't7islt,'~~HOjfrsvs.~i:: ~:'rtlie; exlstin '.' BI . StudehtDeslfls ·h~r~bftefiamed'asStUd~l'itVisa';Sect:ibfi(SVS)\&~a.dedgbya Sectioh' Chief and·. supported by ati'.A$SiStant'aecboli' Cliiefandother admitiistrative and tecIm.l~ staff and ~rSohfierin'Such'ritimbe't~s may be necessary to adequatEllyaaaefficietitlYjletfhtnf itsduties'afidfurictions. 'They shall bedeslgnaled by the Conoi'll:Ssionet ffoffi'exiStffiit'persbfUlel of ' thevat1dus DiVision:S~':$eclfotiS, UnitSantro.ffieespfBrtIfrotigh<~ppt6priate . Persdnnel Ordersll~ffer lJireetiVes'., . . ~The" SVSsn~ll}je'u,fit1et. 'ln~,;;direct"9perntl6tla.r,'~etitltrOr 'alld '. admitiisfranve SrlpetviSi0rttif the IlItftiigratioilJtegulatiotJ.'iDiViSioh (lRO) otati~ other 'Divisiantnat the CommiSsIoner'may H.&eaftefd.esignate. . .... .' ,. -",,:". ,. iSectioti2.DfiHe§;~a1td'Funliti()tls~ "tiJi sVs follo~hg duties',andftfuctions: , , . ; 1. f.tand1tf,rfifi(t'sCt~en'411jrp~Il~tibnsi~f 'f6teign:n~tiona1s. for . . cofivt~tSion'fromTeit1Poi:'a.ljt'Visitot's i.' snall. have' the ViSa (TVV) to student Visa orfor:tl1eiSS~arice ofSpeeiaLSt:1iay Pefflill (SSP)and'feeommel1d . . apprqpI1At,¢'~~o~···.()f:"actibfi~;to tneCQmmissioherot his duly atiVe;,:" .' . . ,.' ......"".' ' .•~. , . '<de$igttatea<'~mn{jnzed;~e' t¢Sent 2.prot!es§~an<!act a.pp1iM~6n~;forexteIiSion ofSttidentVisa and . SSP, ana~oe~PProy~ tlie ~.~ft\e;~~quhlifiectr' .'. '. ',•.... ' . •' '. .. .3. Acereaif1iigIter:'Edticittl0n 1nstihifioIIs'THEIS) to'accepff6reign ,stunents, 'In ': co6tdinatio)i·;1;Wiffr'llit!,'COnltllissiort ;"'bn' ·.Higher Edilca:t1oil'(CfIEO);,: , : : . . >. .' ..... .' '.' . 4. ". itnplenientlippfuVed'Siua~IifVisa c6hVetsionsl1fi4 ~ensiofis; .5. . <Process.' aftaapiJIi6Ve";:'Mgtilaf.~:d()wrtgradirlg of'Studetif Visa ·.··'6; to ::~~i;sj:":~~a'·~tlct'Of1":llPpt{~ahb~'···.:f()f\'~aitce; ·:'reti~l '. and .., cfmcellaliQtf'o·f~Alien,certin~ate.OfJ{~strati(jfi,.tdetltity .Card '. "(ACRI ~rnra) ofStti6efit'VisaiiildSSp'holderli; . .. 70; TJpc1ateauthoritelJ.. stay. a$:"tempotary' Visitor as ... a· . result of'. Studenfy~~'aowngraa.ing:6IH~suan¢etrefiewa.lQf SSp; .'. .. . 8~ . . Ptoc~~{AJIntial Repoi\bfSfn(ft!ftfvis~arld'SS'Pholders; . . . Ikstte~fiilgration'Cleahttice;certificafe(ECC)t{j 'SttidetitviBa and ~St>qo~del'S;" . . . . . . .•. . ,. '. . ;',,' >:.. .• .. 10" Re;:.~p;'SfudertfVu;:riffipHnf·to';a·newpassP6rl or'other travel . • ' 9~' '.> .' .~: .·§~a:~?~~t1~1i=tVlsa and .. SSP app1icatlt~;: Page2QflO 'PCige 50f25 .: ~ .". i3.Moriiiot·fHe;~I(~tlVitiesOff()reiStfstudents; . .' . '14. SubIriifmbnthly report fO·theComi1lissiortE!r, or as often as' tequftecL pfit$ activities; and . .',. ". .' ... . ' . 15•. ProcdSs'otHerttansactions':'alne(tto·afi.drel~tt&t;Witlr:StudentVisa '. '. and:SSP:~n(l pert6rri1 sut!Jt~tnet dutiei(.afid' functions as inay be assigi\eci'liythe CommW~icjn:ef.· . ". '.';>. '" ..•• , .' . '" ' . Section :3..Establishm~nt,ofSV.S-·iJt'-Slib:"P6H:.· offices. -:' SUbject to the stanoahis deterftllfied by'tn~; Conunissionerllifto thehUiriber: . .of accredited. HEIs'§:utli0rized to a.Cc!ept f()~ignsfuaefifs;iitunber of{oreigh ., . sttiaehtssrudYing;~tlieirrespeethje~~f~a-()i '~onsibi1itYa~dsllCh other".' reU~vltnt p'aratneters;. an SVSWilli'auth6iity'fbc peHOM cfbtfdlitiesand': funcfionsib Section 2 "hereof may'oif establiSHed' in 'certain In Sub-Port ; Offices. -. . . .ARTlcUtn S11IDltNTVtSA . Sectlofil.Shldeht vua;.i3Jtt.,e?Sidn;QUd.ltfi~ti()ns.- .To . for <!6hvetslon from 'Tem:ptirtiiyVisit()r~sVisatd tnudent Visa, the foreign natiotlaHthi8t establish!1ilat;:::·· . " . ....... •. . qu~lifY ~ "" "". " l~ He/She is~tlea§feighfeen erg) years ofage; . .,.. ... . . a.He/She hasthe meanssuffiCiehf for hisjher;edtlcaHt:>nartd sUpport in the Philippinesj-,. . ........', ............. , . ' .... ". '. .' . .a.Jte/Sh:~:§eeks tberiMrllitr~Ot:lntry temptltarilyahd solely for the: ." .purpose offdldrtgull t1cdtiiS~ofstudy'h(ghetthan high schb61at a. '. 11fiiVersity;::~semifiary,adl.deftly.l ; college ot sCh.oolaccredited to .'. .... • acceptforeignstudentS byfheBI;.: .•.•........ .' .... . .'. 4. HelShe does. not belong to iinyctass'bfexcludablEfhlld deportable' . foreign nationals tllider Sections 29 and'3'! oftommonwealth Act '. .~No. 613, as amended; and ......"... .'. .' '. .... " .. 5. He/SheiiJjdth~ adnllttmg(~ChObl haVe Sitbfuittedand complied' . .' With' all the doctunenti\iy teqUiremenfttprescflbediil the Checklist . dJ.Docu11tiJ.fitttryReqmreriieffts Jor Coir6erSion ioStudel1t visa'. ..Seeti~ti .'2~~tui1ent ?visf1rjls~ll;ed :1;;11 ."fhilipjnne Foreign"· llegiStWttion.-","Foteigt(ha,ti0rtals '.' whose sdVii!¢.~Poid··;fl?J?SPJ; applicafion' fbr .$(tiqent Vi~ was,1ippfuv~J.tritf;isstied;;afthe·Philippine . Foreign SeMce'P9~of theif·coUfitl-Y;6f.()ngiD: or ~egal remrlence, shall, . withih se'Vitl(7), daystrotll date of.'arnw1 in the Philippines{report to the I' I in for.' redistMli61f and processittg"bt;ACRi;;.Card application upon!· .sUbmiM:iori'. and 'compliance (With all the documentIDjf·'reltUiretnents ; prescribea ih the !thebk1iStoJ1Jocurnentdry:'Reti1iirtftne~fS jiJrRegisifation .. a/Foreign Srudei1ts tlJith Consulate-Issued Srud~nfVisd.~. .' " 'Sectfort 3:. ···SfudenlV1Sa ·~fenswrii;'Quatifii!iltipns. .:- 'fO 'qualnyf6r Stud~ntViS'a'exteMioh, theadtiiitUng school'ID1ttf6reign student .' .shalLst.tbwitand CQfuply willi 'alI th(Hi~pllcable a6cfifuenfaty i-eqwremerits prescribed, in the t11t:ecldisti>!DiJCumeliflif1j'Requii-ement5forF:rlenSion.o! Student V i s a J . ' . . ' i:SMtidl1 . 4~vii1iditii oJSb1i1.imtViSa:~:.~ j'he'loreiglistudent's 1,:authonzedIietiod of:$1:ayshall be'c6nMStlilieWlththe lehgth 6fthe course of J stuuy'to 'w~chctJie'sli~has~been:admift~d 1:iy~riigccretlited··~cltQ61.l:rpon ' (!ohv~tsioni thelfiifi~Lva1idity dftfl«Smaertt· Visii'll;'ohc\(i)iyear frdttl' the date bflSsuafic~·wttl1bUtchange>~ .' . .•. .eitendfblffbYfhe. SVSevery One' year ;thE!reafter:;urltilstichtihle::'tll' thefomgnsthdeilfc6mpletes his/lierstudies consistent With the rejjgtlfofthe&11:r5e~ '.. . ' . (1) .ttndl~·.tl:f={!!~~~:~~~~{J~~ti: anotf,ler degree ptogram.. higher thafftHe'tjriginalcoritse contemptatedshall subniita . Cotnftiissloh on' Higli(~i<Edticatibn (CHED} t~learance/ Indotsement,Nati()rial Bureau 6f Il1WSflgafibtr (NBI) 'C!eantfictfaild Nonce of' Adiriis.si6tl:from his/her admitting'~ch6()1 ttr the ·SVSfor'appr()val·and subsequehfptoeessingofSttiderrl: Visa &:t.eiiSion.. .Shifting of coursedr change: (,{:~flch()ol shall:requirepriot CHED Cleatance/lnd6rsemetit. '. Section 6. ""1Joinngrtifl.ifi{£>':bt<-~~t . Visa~ ~ .... 'Upon petition/application by the-'admittittg"Mnool or the'"foreign student and , subject to the submiSsion of all supporting documents: prescribed in the , Checkli!;~ of .Documentary RequireT!ients for, IJdwngra.t!ing of Student , VisCl4~the f6feigh sttid¢nt's Student Visa'shall be uowngraded to TW UPOh confiiftlatloti that he/she;'; >, , ' .. :':, ; ,~"".,,,,"t;.~::,_-.;,,·< '.': ~~'.-/. ~';,'/', i.: _ :.'" ~:/~.<~/, .. I(!.~· ',:':: .->.<. ,~ -.--',_;~ . . ~::.:~ :., "', ~~,' ,-',." .L ~ Gtadhatetl orfin.ishedt1i~c6t.frse· of Sttidyli1the scliool for which h~/sh~ Wasadniitted;..;" / ." ' ; ' . . ,',.. • 2~Fa11ea tc)" :8;lliSfyllie'gMoifiglscholastic 'reqUiremclits of the 'arunittihg'scll6Ql;' " . .>~, .. ~Zr~·':':" '.': " . 3.' Failed to tiniel:fextehd his/pef :Student VIsa; or .4~ HaS llit~tI'ea .$tudeJ.'!t ·Visa~:.·, . . I :2 Ahnd 2,'B! Form{j-Nt-021;;~()..· : j3 Anne<: 3: BI Form V·NI-OO&~O. " Anne/: 4, at tom! Ni.:olQ;.Rev Q. Page.4 of 10 .. Page 7 of25 . '.. Provided th!t/t1iWS\isjnaJtofn~i'p~"Mi{t .. '~ .. '. . 'flpplicafI6rls for .dOWfigtading.·:Qtf6reignstiidefits"whoshallnot'·overstaY"ffiJhi!·country at the~nd orth~ghirited period' ofaiifhonzed.· sHiSi'as .fe!i1parru:y"Visitors, . otherwise,· stith .applications shAll'be ·endorsed· by fheY'S'V$fd:'the Legal. g!~:!:~~:f~~n:;::::;:~:::v:::: illlpl~trtentedWitlllffjf'Petiod ()ftwcf(2Y·iiiofitfisfiotri"d.1~eeipt by the admitting scl:ibol' and/dr'foreign: Sttidefifof',mefto1ioo'of'approVal shall be forfeite.n.Nb 'moutin forrecbnsiderati6tti sH'aU:ofnl.lltiwed.. .,. . . . ,,' .' j , ". ~ ... 'Below eigfif~ei1;(ia)'years6f'agef;:: ( . .:": '. .' . ' .: 2'; Enr611edan(:t::a:dtnittedina floll'"degteecourse; ...,' ' . a.Enrolled a:rid:~amItted itUisl1ciff'course.ofless' tliah:'one (near- . . '4~\Atfaifi~elmteri.1for purpo~s;:bT'mHip1etilig:a'aeg~edoursJ;a~d :5. Enrol1ed!tia'viatitifi 01' tlying'genools f'Qrth~ ptit}icJ§e of cbfupletitlg fhetequi~e£l' fitilnber offlyibg J:lOUfs~" i ." " ~.'., .iU1·'SSPni~Y.lik~WiS~be:isiuea']Ythe~A1iJrt:Co-fitrofOmcets'(ACOsJ ·.I·for applienti6hfiledby;acctediteti' admiftingschooisMtl1iIiti:l¢IT resp~cli\7e areaQ:tfespbriSibility:.. ., .... . . ..... . ·o{ tfi¢~~r1~;~=~~~e~~~~=. ·ino' nj;\..~'· 6)"Mdnths · uw, 'p'rbVidctffurther . ' ,. . ,'tfil1ttOrdbtirses'exce&:lih~gij(2(' . . .... .'. b. . , '. the SSP may:be' extendOO co="tetmihus With, tb.(frem~imhgpeIiotrof th~c()utse_ "' . F()teigffStUo.efifs;lmt61t~/lhse~nffifry~Uelementiliy coUrSes or ithosebeloweigHteeft (is) years of' ag~ie~folled irt'bacn81o{degtee cOurses :shallbeissth~a SSr(')riayeaflybasls::J>:~ iCc" -.~.: • . .,. '. , .... ;5~~5'~ijt'~orrih5~t~~i~·;;,.. · fi "" . < .'. .,,:,... ...... . ~gn~uderitS- who Will be liaineilin; ;j' PhllippjrieSi:fl&:)J; ieaffililg'i!iSUtU'66il Of'localtomPafiyWltliriut compenSatiOh~ .'" . , , Page 80f25 Section 3. Fiffect ofDeparturefrom the Philippines. - An SSP issued shall remain valid for its duration regardless of the number of times the holder thereof departs from and re-enters the country; Provided, that the holder maintains an updated 1VV and ACR I-Card for the duration of . the course of study; Provided further, that the SSP shall not be valid as an . . entry visa for visa-required foreign nationals. ARTICLE IV EXEMPTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, Section t. Exemptions. - The folloWing foreign nationals shall be exempt from securing Student Visa or SSP: 1. Tertiary enrolment in Philippine schools of the spouses and , I unmarried dependent children below twenty-one (21) years old of: 2. ,A permanent foreign resident; b. Foreign nationals with valid working visas under Sections 9(d), 9(g) and 4'7Ca)(2) of Commonwealth Act No. 613, as amended; c. Personnel of foreign diplomatic and consular missions residing in the Philippines;· d. Personnel of duly accredited international organizations , residing in the Philippines; e. Holders of Special Investor's Resident Visa (SIRV) and Special, Retiree's Resident Visa (SRRV); and f. Foreign students coming in the Philippines with 47(a)(2) visas issued pursuant to existing laws, e.g. Pres. Decree No. 2021. This privilege is also extended to the principals who may wish to take advantage of the educational facilities in the country. 2. Children of the above-mentioned admission categories who are already enrolled before their marriage and/or before reaching twenty-one (21) years of age shall be allowed to finish their studies and convert their admission category to that of Student Visa for as long as their principals remain in the country. 3. Spouses and children of personnel of· foreign· diplomatic and consular missions and duly accredited international organizations located in the Philippine who desire to remain in the Philippines to enrol for the first time or finish their studies higher than high school and qualify under prescribed regulations, shall be allowed to convert their admission category to that of Student Visa in accordance with the applicable procedure, in the event their principals lose their admission category as Foreign Government Page 60f 10 :~ ' - ... ' page 9 of25 , Offi~ial.' TheprlvIlegeis also ~'extefid~d;i-ib---'tn~;prlfthlPal~;~B6'ln;lY .WiSh'to take advantage (lEthe'edUcational facilifies of'theooutitljfi _:.:~, .:;,/t' ' , ,-'~SectiJn 2.] R~&iJllbtiS~~"6i:iclio&~?~t1i;~¥il~ffis'a~credit~d by the FeBetatibn,"Oiltci7editing AgehCi~'dfllieP;hilippitles'(FMP) or With the equivruernaccremfation by'the C:fiED--abd tlieSI'shall: 'be;aftthorlZedto 'admitforeigll's1:udeffts. - -­ -' , : ~o 8cl)ool Sl1~{ae<:ep.t'any<tor~igh~li~onal-t?~erti"b~:~t;iu(b'w him/her to commence 'to -sfiUly WIthout',a valit1lyissued StudeI1t-:Vwa or- SSP. No foreign rlatib.n~- sfulU; enrol or:cotfim~h:oollls/hefstu(ljr:ili\leSs'helshe is , .,- , , validlyissue'daStudefU:Visa orSSPi" .' -', :Jrrlt,.;;S;~1_~~i~'~:d: i ,_aesi~hate(Faufhorizedfep~eIitaove~,:,::,< I _i _-, - , i"lif, -, - - ; .~ ,t ,,' "1) " .;;. C', ' " -' - ~'; .~;., ;.< \ ;A~~lickfiJ~:~¥~tlct,i1~~~~k~!~,,~:®td~p~:y~a¥d;·r~8;isftation· of ' Wt-srud~fitsWiU\:Studertt Yisa"~ll~Oy'PFsP-§hall'ljtffil¢c;1:With the ofan;'Bf1;t1b~Porl Offi~ewhlChlias"J1ftisdiCtionof'tne 16Cafiolf of the " , adnlittiIig~cl1oo1/tnc~ase, the coneem~d, IiI SuWPorlotnoo'ha§rto ACR. 1­ ,C;1rdbiQmetnes 'ca.ptmintfacilif:y, applieati(}n§ maybe filoo'Wifll'theSVS,or ' :' the nearest BfSrll.}ipotl: OfficeWithsuclifacility..-, -, ." "'o:2.'i1~1iJa~','iJt~~~I6k~r": j ',,'" ,',. , ­ ,'l~~bi:~~tnd:~~~jextension i of SSP shaU'betiled'Withthe,SVS":otany BI' Sti}J"'Poi't "Qffice'Whichhas Junsmcltohpf ilie tOCAtiot1of the adttii~tfg stmocil-wiffi orwltlidilt ACR J­ -. Card biometrics capttinng facility. ";,,, " I: 3. ,A1>p1iEafitlIi~'fofdoWn~dirif6tSftidehtViS~fshall~be;fiied only·' Witl1fheSVS. '",>' , .. , $, ' , ' stu<le~t!il~·~f~{+!~~~~i~i.s~;,~~~rl!~ represehtatiVei days " fileJheappropnate:~a,p1i~tiohffWitliitfJiff.eeh; (is) 'frofu'thedatedf"'lssuatlce dftht('t!ertmciite'J)f~Al!cepumcelNotice 4dtnissiori1}yth6:athrlitt:ingscl1{)o1i~,~",,<,"r'\', , ' ; ' c , . , .. ', . .;':. " ';,.. of '. Page 10 of 25 I I' . Section 3. Processing Procedures. - The SVS and concerned BI Sub-Port Offices shall strictly'observe and comply With the procedures in the processing ofthe applications under this Circular as provided in Annex "6" hereof. Section 4. Period to Complete'Transactions. - All applications for issuance; extension, registration and downgrading ofStudertt Visa must be completed by the SVS and Sub-Port Offices within seven (7) and ten (10) working days, respectively, from receipt thereof, ,while SSP applications must be completed within five (5) working days from receipt thereof . regardless where filed. , , Any unjustifiable delay in the processing of transactions attributable to any BI personnel shall be administratively dealt with accordingly. Section 5. Duties of the School's Duly Authorized Representative. - '1'he admitting school's duly'authorized representative, who must. be a regular employee thereof, shall exclusively assist and/or represent .the foreign students in the filing and processing of their applications with the BI. The foreign students shall directly communicate with the admitting school and must comply with its institutional requirements. . The SVS and ACOs shall process only those applications that are filed by the admitting school, through its duly authorized representative~ ARTICLE VI FEFS Section 1. }:tees. - The fees prescribed in the Schedule of Fees attached as Annex "'7" hereof shall be assessed and paid in full upon the filing of each application under this Circular. Section 2. Other Fees. - Other applicable fees not specified in the preceding Section shall be collected based on existing prescribed rates. i I ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1. Completeness Rule. - No application covered by this Circular shall be processed by the SVS and ACOs unless all the prescribed documentary requirements are submitted by the admitting school and the applicant foreign national. ,Page 8 of 10 . ..';. .j~iSec8(jn~~;~'<~liJit.,.~;;Wi~~1~V~;'r5J~W~ird~s~hl~r~fu~ritatioh 6I thert'pplicilble OHl~t,~all appHCatiOlfs/pentioIf~:·1iI1p.er:lliis·Citcular 'shall .·be tdlllsmitf~(rb •svs to the· Yet1ficatforr~(F't!omp1iiiilice DiVision. (VeO) forpost~{l et exit?ffng'rti1~s'~a.Ji{rtegm~fi()I1st,~, '. . . . ... . 1 ; .' .' , .:;8~flort .3.1~hhd:iJr~'~ ~::C6",',"" ." ;~\vftK~1hl~r2ggeh~;Clmfuittee •. I on FOreignSrutients'(tACFS) Memoranotiltt Ordet;:Nik'ili)seli'es 6f12()06, ....~ . . " ..... . ". .... ' . . ' . ' ... '. ". . . ..' . . the. atith0ntjft'Y8.ceeptJbteignstndenffofahy scl1a~lfoiitid't(j l1~e'Violated .:?tfai)e4!:9~,t!Iply'}ylVtth~,PtoVjsi0t.!,.gr¥~~ " 'or~et,~O~;,'~85'tSefies ,of 2000' i14"lmpleruentitig Guidelihes"'IDia~;. '. 'tilari~'ts1iMF:,:aft~t'dtie invesH ':~floif~Cdhtltitite(lbY'Bl . anajb~i~cHttD;"Y~~)SfiPJe&,tb?clndmati6hl . . tevooa~Ofi~d1ot'''afine. o'f'Fffty Thc1~riaP~~()~·,(Phlf"50ioOd~otiJ.AnY . fOl'eign~ studentfouhd"to have enwUedwifhoufaPProptiafe$tudertt Visa Or ssp '$haUbet!hart(!tl(afine of 1WeritY'l1ioUSafia;:pesos~{Plip.~d,oOO:oo) and sp!lSect'u@i1f "rlatio,p~. . '/ '~'. ',' . ".;~, .' ·;Mt~t dtie mvestigatl(}~bY;BI~'me;iftitegoirtk:~nC!tioilSmay'JiK~wise' be 'imJ;)fiSed'upofulny ~Chool Of foreign 'national wlIoviolatMany:'ptovlslon'of thI"S ·Ci:.•~c·•U1il~a't·.·· '. o '..' :';;~~'" .1,' . .,. ,,"c . ·(T~~.hAl'mkBt:;shaltprepare~iinupaiited1iSt·bt'§ikh'!S(!iiijci1S (Deli~~J~ijWJ~:t:!~~'M~~~~t~:t~~: at t~gUlar" ·ihteW~s~~rh~'SYS~sliallfUrD.islithtf~Bt;D~p~ijinerif'~rif;}?oreitnAffairs . i' (DFA}'afid. lheNiitibrial 'InielligertC,e:'Coordi118tmg' Agetl~! (MfCA.l with ;. 'cdpn~shfsaidlist~~ich'slia1tli1tewise,}jelxjstea irdlle Bl's dffiHal:Website. . :.~., " : ..... .. Section:s; ~~j)PI~;t:Oj.y')i.p1fti~~n (jJ'E~dfJif Order. No~ 8e:t-te5 .oJ :299b~Itsltnpl,~~ti1t(j'tilitilelm.~~ ailod-Other i'EXiSting ApplifCiBleRUle,s. an1l~~egulatlotlS. 4 Matfers,·not covered '. i bytliis Citetiblt·shall~govetnedbYllte provisfdt1.§of Executive Otd~r No. 128S, Series:~:of 2oo9~ 'itsJIhplement~ Guidelin.es8fidhthet existing applicabl~fti1es ahCl:tegtilanollS:' i ':!85~ j . ,. • " '_'._ '~"::_~:,- '~:~ __" : r . . (' _ . 'Page90f10 n . . ~.'. 'Y. Page 12 of 25 i Section 6. Repealing Clause. - All circulars, orders, memoranda and other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby. repealed and/or modified accordingly. Section 7. FJTectivity and Implementation. . . . This Order shall take effect after publication in a newspaper of general.circulation.and shall be implemented OIl all applications covered by this Circular commencing in School Year 2015-2016. . Let a copy of this Circular be furnished to the Office of the National Administrative Register (GNAR), U.P•. Law Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. City of Manila, Philippines. 19 MAY 2015 NGTJimmigmemocicstudentvisa Page iO of 10 81 FORM V,.NI~005-Rev 0 ' • ·GO~V~R.$'.ON· TQ,.. .,DI$;.J'r VI,$A ,"'"" ","" ':,",'.' ":rhh. dqcu'!"!Et[lt lJ1ay 'G~EN,EitAL N'5T;~VC I . :c:e.. "'re> be te~~~ T·I O N S , ' ~ rJ ~g4 FO~SAl.E~ ": :;·l . /,l! /;," 'J: ':'1\NNEX'''i'' ': ,:"'1:'!'; To avoid ~I,fmmilry di:ifri~$~l/dela.y In thep~e~lng, Qf your application/ll~tition.' ,'" . " ..JlI~as& be adviud ()f~;~ fyl!OWhig: '. '~ ' . ' ' ':~' Enler (egibly all the infon'natiOfl required into write "N/A", Doootle!al/eany i!f:ni , 1 t~~apPtopriate spacel:!cir;:the'f~ffn:.lf the information requlrscfis not a~lic\i.kle. Jrease'?; , blly1~~: ;Y?!;l~anfl""'j3fs,rnu$1 be II] Eng:llS/l and till ehtr1~s mf!Stbe In; CAPIl,;ALLETrI=Rl:) iusl~ :~~ Engllsl) CharacterSonl~.' ',',' ::',-,l'l::">,:',,,.,,', " """".A"';'" " : ' , "':::':',~:'~( :'>~',c':';:' f ',' The C~m$ofidated GelieralAppJicatioll Fci~(¢GAf) lJIu$1 be:: Scccmp!isheCliril.wo,(2) .oRlqlrilALcopie~:The~ffifc;qRY I>h~1I tie} .' submit!ed together. withatl,thed9C\imen~ft9rtaining Ip this. QPPJicmiop,and.Jl1e,seoor)deopr,islptei:J~tld t:QCapp!lcatki.ri o(Aiieo·i,.. C~ifJCate of Registration Identity Card (A~BI~C<lfd)to:l:le subrilittedin .Iii. ~IJ'lNmil-,efold£,7t.; ',";;" ··\:~·!i;;'··~Tj: ,';;:"~.. " .• '."', f' .' .' ,'i" , All doCuments requiredfof submission must be,compliedwith; EUTanged In the 9rder a~listed [t.lh.eChSc!<!islo( Documerll!'ry:;;~ Requlr~menl$ (CDR), oomP.i!edi(l a,l~I=>lze. 8*.x 1", in.)folder ar:lIt~,r;~submltte\i 'M.tblnJ~e m'El~c~b~Pf1~rlw:!.lfappr.~ahle.'·i . All. s~n statements or afficiaVit,smust . and ~1y~riZed;.'. >':<'"> . •. . ...... ::;;;'~', ".; .:;i> ,: .' ~i"r':;i, ."~' . All civil registry dOCUfllents issoocj,jn lh. ines (te. Birth GI'?(tI~ca~e;·Matriag\:lC!!l;Iiljcate,DE$tp.OertlIjC!'lte, et(i)mus1be.)) original and Issued by ~he.phillpplneSt~tl&tlciiAuthority(P~);· . ':".. """:'.;.;(;,.;" ~;:",!j~" '<"·' .. T·'~,}, .. '''} .•f ,,;f , All foreign documenlsmustbe 0 ' " enHcated·by the. Philippine Fpi'eiOIl Sen(k;ePost(FSP), wtllch;has jUris~ictltlll over '0' the ple¥:e of i$suani::e.~ or by th.e ' . ,Qf, For:ejgn.Affaj~s(I?t;.At.if;iO~id do~rneill)$, i~sllad~ by ,th~I~1 Emq!illlSy 'i~ th~'. ,;;; Philippines. with Engn~htran~latl?n ,Writtej} 1110 olber.foreign languag~>iS: ,,~ A>' ....., c > c " \ >:~"". ' . ' : ' : '\. " If the ~ppncallon is flied by an aiJlhotized rePf8sentative, attach a PhI1~ooopy of the Bures", of Irrirnigtat10Q (81) AC.credi~atic!li .. ;~ .' Identifitiation (ID) Cectifi~~e or !"in,pri9il'Jal,.$~al. P~er i1fA ' ) :mr'J:ACI:!;;.,Witl:i.:apl;lot~pY9Lai.valk!"j~ . govem(nent~issu8d 10 pfattO,l11ey"jn·~, \ :,~~ i . ; . " ' ; . . . '. ;\~;:'U:·:>/~~';;) . j;~:;" \\:r' ;'J:;:~' ;i~.~\ : J i .~) The original vand passport Qfllle appiiQ1nt,fTlMst . .s~bmifledtblfjeentfal ~~l1Iil}g uniqCRl) ~fl>olln~l()r c;.1J(j~~fr9n~ine~:, Officer f9r scanning. Th.ert~a~~ft it shall,be re.tQrneq.::; '~<.", .'~ ~ ~. ;i: . 7;. t' !l;.~,;(~~,,~~;::?> .~~::: '.".(',,-. !"~A';"~~' .. ·-·~'ir ~:";'::.~.~~ ..··~.:·/·~.l < <'(. ",~:; '. ~, '-'~~'~ :.....,}. '. ;t~ .CHECKLIST OF 'OOCUMENTARY R~9UIREM~N+;~F6Bco;;g~sl~N.·td§T3ii~~rvlsf·.·· '•• 1,\ .'t .. '. :2 1 ·.P/~~se~ilc~ri#uliythe ,bQ~,$.~~~~/!n~tnicti~lt~·~~(.!,l/;Y '. ";' ..'. .: X2.· '. b~tore pro~eedlngwitlJth.f) t;omPle~,pnQfthe. 9o.c;umeiJtaryreqIJJ('!'m~t$.V·,}·,'t . ..... ' . .C; ..' ;:~~:~~~~q~:~~~~~r:h~,~~~r~~:;;:~~~~~~ht,;0f:<~~Q~rj,ze~ r~€~~~~,~~ti;~~.~ffe:';~~~jtt~n\~~.school',,~~ .' =-12. D~ly accomplished.CGAF (81 F9tm;,CGAF~003-RevQ); '7!<"<"",' . ' . ' .. . '.' ,: -13. Photocopy of Passport pagel' b~aringthe bio-page, lat~t .~drni$SionV(ith~valid,authQri?!!l4~~y:andl;i.Yrl!ia\l. of't Q~arantine(BOQ),stamp;: ,. . . ....."'.<:': ".•..... ""':~. ,:,:.",~ .. :;""?'.;;!: . • •. .' ....~. Notice of ACl;:eptance of tl')eappl!cariJbearing a.clear jinpress~(lof the. schqol's omcia] t;lJ'ys~::).I:r·< .'.\.' . . . ~.. ..•... Endorsemenfaddressed 10 tl'le ComlTllssioner JrQm the ~ch9Ql,fg[the ,conve.r:l>looj){ ttitj,l3PPJ!c?rtf~"!?tattis, sigrled . 0 · . . ;,' ,>, ., '. ~~~~c!:~/~~1i~~U~~fo;'Admiss~.~n .:1\ cPm~i~Si9Q·~.OOHighef:~dlJGa;;~r(6.~~'b}1 ,¢a~.e ot;,r: ftcim in .... .. . . . . . .' ii, :J7. CliED Endor~ementfor transfer (iI(ld,shiftiOQ ofcour:se. if~ppliGablf;l; . ... ..' . \ , . :J8. N$lionaJ BureauofJnvestigat,ioq (N~I}CIE!al'?n~~; jf.appl,ca.YQn]~,~leg .stx.(61f1)pn!hsorrootEl;!'rOm the ~~te.of fitst .• ;, . :J6. M~djcine/Dentistry;· artivalfnthe'Phnippii1es;'~'· ,..,' '," "..... :. " . . . ." .,::~.:--,,:./.'r,\ . ':.. "',,~".;'.;...:.... ...... :J9. P~otocopyof BlschQOI~coredit$t!6nJQo.f .he,reglst.r~r. or~,c,:!:JpQl rept6$~rita~i~~;a!Jd '.. :J10. 8![Clearance Certificate, ... ;/~) ..... ·[::""':",~t.·r,;·~(~·,;,~,·i ':'> ;.: ',,', .. ' ., :,,:'1~ :tudent Visa Section Evaluator: ;ignature ~ver Printed Name .:, . BI FORM V-NI.o021-Rev 0, This document may be rf~Bu1:icPb~§ is NOTFORSAlE 'REGISTRATION OF A FOREIGN STUDENT WITH CONSULATE.:ISSUED STUDENT VISA ANNEX "~" G ENE R A LIN S TR U C T ION S To avoid summary dismissalldelay in the processing of your appllcatio",petition, .please be advised of the following: E,'nter legibly all the information required into the appropriate spaces on the form. If the information required is not applicable, please write"N/A". Do not leave any item blank. Your answers must be in English and all entries must be i~ CAPITAL LETTERS using English characters only. . . All documents required for submission must be complied with, arranged in.;the order as listed in the Checklist of Qocumentary Requirements (CDR), compiled in a legal size (8% x 14 in.) folder and shall be submitted within the. prescribed period, if applicable. Otherwise, your application or petition shall not be accepted. If! the .application is filed by an authorized representative, attach a photocopy of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) AGcreditation Identification (10) Certificate or an original Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for EACH applicant with a p~otocopy of a valid government-issued lD of attorney-in-fact . T)1e original valid passport of the applicant must be submitted to the Central Receiving Unit {CRU} personnel or c¢mcerned frontline officer for scanning. Thereafter, it shall be returned. ' CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF CONSULATE-ISSUED STUDENT VISA Please read carefully the above-stated Genera//nstructions before proceeding with the completion of the documentary requirements. ~ 1.,Joint letter request addressed to.the Commissioner from the applicant and authorized school : irepresentative using the school letterhead with dry seal for the issuance of Immigration Control ! :J 2. (Ie) number; Duly accomplished CGAF (BI Form CGAF-003-Rev 0); ::J 3. Photocopy of passport pages showing the bio-page, latest admission stamp and Bureau of : Quarantine (BOO) stamp; and . ~~. Notice of Acceptance from the School Registrar. ro be filled out by Authorized 81 Personnel Only} CERTIFICATION' This is to certify that the documents submitted in support of the application of _---."._ _"...,---,..---",..--_ (Name of Applicant) are complete and in accordance with the provided checklist. ~--------------------- ;tudent Visa Section Evaluator: ;igflature over Printed Name Date lot~: Submission of additional supporting documents may be required by the Bureau for further verification and evaluation of application, 81 FORM V.NI-006-Rev 0 'EXTE'NSION OF STUDENT VISA Page 15 of 25 This document may be reproduced and is NOT FOR SALE ANNEXUg" GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS To avoid summary dismissal/delay In the processing of your application/petition, please be advised of the following: , Enter legibly all the infonnatlon required into th~ appropriate spaces on the form. If the i,nformation required is not applicable, please write uN/A". Do not leave any item blank.. Your answers must be in English and al! entries must be in CAPITAL LEITERS using English characters only. The Consolidated General Application Form (CGAF) must be accomplished in two (2) ORIGINAL copies. The f!l'st copy shall be submitted together with all the documents pertaining to this application and the second copy is intended for application of Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-Card) to be submiHed in a separate folder. AU documents required for submission must be complied with, arranged, in the. order as listed in the ChecklisLof Dqcumentary Requirements (CDR). complied in a legal size (B;4 x 14 in.) folder and shall be submitted within th~ prescribed period, if applicable. All sworn statements.or affidavits must be original and duly notarized,. All civil registry docllments issued in the Philippines (i.e. Birth Certificate, Marriage CertifiCate. Death Certificate, etc.) must be original and issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). I}U foreign documents must be original and authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (FSP). which lias jurisdiction over the place of issuance, or by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) if said document is issued by the local Embassy in the Philippines, with English translation jfwritten in other foreign language. If the application is filed bV an authorized representative, attach a photocopy of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) Accreditation Identification (10) Certificate or an original Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for EACH applicant with a photocopy of a valid government-issued 10 of attomey~jn-fact The onginal valid passport of the applicant must be submitted to the Central Receiving Unit (CRUl personnel or concerned frontline officer for scanning. Thereafter, it shall be returned. CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTENSION OF STUDENT VISA Please read carefully the above stated Generellnstructlons before proceeding with the completion of the documentary requirements. ::J 1, Joint letter request addressed to the . Commissioner from the applicant and the authoriz:ed representative of the petitioning school, stating that the applicant qualifies for the application with the school letterhead and dry seal; :;12., Duly accomplished CGAF (81 Form CGAF-003-Rev OJ; ~ 3. 1 Photocopy of passport bio-page, visa implementation page and latest admission with valid authorized stay; Copy of Latest Transcript of Records or Certificate of Grades for two (2) previous semesters; Honorable Dismissal or Certificate of Transfer from previous school, in case of transfer; Commission on Higher Education (CHED) endorsement, In case of shifting of course and/or transfer D,t school; 7. Photocopy of BI school accreditation ID of the registrar or the school representative; 8. 81 Clearance Certificate; and 9. Original or certified true copy of Bu(eau of Quarantine Medical Clearance, if applicant is a national of any of the countries listed under Annex UN of Immigration Operations Order No. SBM-14-059-A who arrived in the Philippines on or after June 2014. ::J 4. :::J 5. :::J 6. "0 be filled out by AUthorized BI Personnet Only] CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the documents submitted in support of the application of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'­ (Name ofApplicant) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are complete and in accordance with the provided checklist. !otudent Visa Section Evaluator: ~ignature Date over Printed Name ole; Submission of additional supporting document::! may be required by the Bureau for furtller verification and evaluation of applicallon, Webslt..: www-immigration.gov,ph E-mail: xinfo@imrnl!ll1llfOl1.gov.ph . BI FORM NI:.o20.Rev 0 'DOVV~IGRADING OF STUDENT VISA , , . Page 16 of 25 This documern may ba reprdl:luced and is NOT FOR SA1.E ANNEX""" G ENE R A LIN S T RU C T ION S To avoid summary dismissal/delay in the processing of your application/petition, please be advised of the following: · E~ter legibly all the information required into the appropriate spaces on the form. If the information required is not 8p,plicable, please write uN/A:', Do not leave any item blank. Your answers must be in English arid all entries must be iniCAPITAL LEITERS using English characters only, , AI, documents required for submission must be complied with, arranged in the order qS listed in the Checklist of D9cumentary Requirements (CDR), compiled in a legal size (8% x 14 in,) folder and shall be submitted within the pr:escribed period, ff applicable, Otherwise, your application or petition shall not be accepted. · If ; the application is filed by an authorized representative. attach a photocopy of the Bureau,onmmigration(BI) At!:creditation Identification (10) Certificate or an original Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for EACH applicant with a pllotocopv of a valid government-issued 10 of attorney-in-fact. · T~e original valid passport of the applicant mllst be submitted to the Central Receiving Unit (CRU) personnel or cancerned fronUine officer for scanning. Thereafter, it shallba returned~ CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR DOWNGRADING OF STUDENT VISA i , Please read carefully the above-stated General instructions before proceeding with the completion of the documentary requlrfl'ments. J 1. letter ::J 2. ::J 3. 4. $. J fO . 6. request addressed to the Commissioner from the applicant or authorized scheol representative stating the reason{s) for downgrading and the date of intended departure; Accomplished'CGAF (BI Foim CGAF-003-Rev 0); Copy of latest Transcript of Records or Certificate of Grades; School Clearance; Photocopy of passport bie-page, visa implementation page and the pages bearing the latest admission, departure and valid authorized stay; and . National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance. ' be filled out by Authorized BI Personnel Orily1 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the documents submitted in support of the application of _--:-:-,--.........,..."..-.,.,..--,,-_ (Nam9 of Applicant) _-+___________ are complete and in accordance with the provided checklist. audent Visa Section Evaluator: ;ignature over Printed Name Date . I ote:: sJbmission of additional supporting documents may be required by the Bureau for further verificallon and evaluatfOll of application. Page 17 of 25 BI'FORM P-001-Rev 0 This document may be reproduced~!lnd is NOT FOR SALE SPECIAL STUDY PERMIT (SSP) GENER,AL ANNEX "5" INSTRUCTIONS To avoid summary dismissal/delay In the processing of your application/petition, please be advised of the following: ;1. Enter legibly all the information required into the appropriate spaces on the form. If the information required is not applicable. please write "NlA". Do not leave any item blank. ,Your answers must be in English and aU entries must be inCAPITAL LETTERS using English characters only. . 12. The Consolidated General Application Form (CGAF) must be accomplished in two (2) ORIGINAL copies. The first copy shall be submitted together with all the documents pertaining"to this application and the second copy is intended for application of Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-Card) to be submitted ' in a separate folder. 13. All documents required for submission must be complied with. arranged in the order as listed In the Checklist of Documentary Requirements (CDR), compiled in a legal size (8% x 14 in.) folder and shall be submitted within the prescribed period, if applicable. :4. AU sworn statements or affidavits must be original and duly notarized. ' . 1 i5. All civil registry documents issued in the P~ilipplnes (I.e. Birth Certificate. Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate, etc.) must be original and issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). . . 6. All foreign documents must be original and authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (FSP), which has jurisdiction over the place of issuance, or by the Department of Foreign Affairs (OFA) if said document is· issued by the local Embassy in the Philippines. with English translation if wriHen in other foreign language. '7. If the application is filed by an authorized representative. attach a photocopy of the Bureau of Immigration (81) Accreditation Identification (lD) Certificate or an original SpeCial Power of Attorney (SPA) for EACH applicant with a photocopy of a valid govemment-issued ID of attorney~jn~fact. . ;8. The original valid passport of the applicant must be submitted to the Central Receiving Unit (CRU) personnel or concerned frontline officer for scanning. Thereafter. it shall be returned. CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL STUDY PERMIT (SSP) Please read carefully the above st1ilted GenerallnstructiQns before proceeding witll the completion of the documentary requirements. 1. Letter request addressed to the Commissioner from the representative of the petitioning school; , o D i 2. Duly accomplished CGAF (BI Form CGAF-003-Rev 0). If the applicant is a minor. it shall be Signed by the . parent or the legal guardian; 3. Photocopy of passport bia-page and latest admission with vaM authorized stay: 4. Certificate of Acceptance iSSUE3d by the learning institution accredited by the Bureau of Immigration to accept foreign students, indicating the number of months (length of study) of the teclmicallvocational, special and/or primary or secondary level courses for applicants below 18 years of age; 5. Photocopy of 61 school accreditation 10 of the registrar or school representative; . 6; National Bureau of Investigatlon (NBI) Clearance, in case of flying schools; . 7. BI Clearance Certificate. . . oo ,D . [{To be filled out by Authorized BI Personnel Only1 CERTIFICATION , This is to certify that the documents submitted in support of the application of._ _ _-::-:_-..,._".,--.."...._ (Name ofapplicanl) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are complete in accordancewilh the above checkflst. Student Visa Section Evaluator: : Signature over Printed Name Date ; Nole: SubmissIOn of additional supporting dOGtlmenlll may Ile required by tile Bureau ror further verification and evaluation or application. Page 18 of 25 ANNEX "6" APPLICATION PROCESSING· PROCEDUREs AND GmDELINES 1. For Conversion from 1VY to Student Visa: Step 1 2 ·3 4 S f---­ 6 7 Filed at HI Sub-Port Offices with . ACR I-Card Facility Receiving of applications for Student VlSa conversion and issuance ofACR I­ Card bl the Receivin.g Officer. . The Receiving Officer shall examine the completeness of the applications -an:d all the supporting documents submitted based on the Checklist of Documentary Requirements. If incomplete, the applications shall be returned to the admit!mg school's duly authorized representative. Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) for the visa and ACR I..:card fees by the Assessor. The admitting school representative shall be required to validate the accuracy of the entries in the OPS. '. Payment·of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly authorized Collecting Officer. Personal appearance by the applicant on the scheduled. date for biometric;s data capturing. Evaluation and recommendation of action to be takeri on the applications by .the Evaluating! Reviewing Officer. Approval/Disapproval of the visa and Transmittal of the records of visa and ACR I-Card applications by the ACR I-Card applications, . together Conunissioner or his duly designated with the recommendation, to the SVS. authorized representative. Filed at SVS ! If approved: 8 ACR I-Card processing. blocking and . printing. Notice to the admitting school of the Approval/Disapproval of the visa and ACR I-Card applications by the action taken on the applications. Commissioner or his duly designated authorized representative. If approved: ACR I-Card processing and blocking and printing through the SVS. Transmittal by the SVS to the HI SubIfapproved: Transmittal of the applicant's original· Port Office of the action taken on the passport by the admitting school's applications. duly authorized representative to the 9 SVS. IfDisapproved; Notation in the system of the disaEProval. End oftransaction. I Page lof6 Page 19 of 25 10 Implementation of the approved Visa in the system and passport by the Implementation Officer. Simultaneous release of applicant's passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting sChool's duly authorized representative. End oftransaction. 11 ~-~- If approved: .... Transmittal ofthe applicant's original. passport by the admitting school's duly authorized representative to the HI Sub-Port Office. IfDisapproved: Notation in. the system of the disapproval. End oftransaction. Implementation of the approved visa in the system and passport by the Implementation Officer. SimultaneouS release of applicant's passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting school's duly .authorized representap.ve. End oftransaction. 12 13 2. Notice to the admitting school of the action taken on the applications. For Extension of Student Visa: Step 1 2 3 r- 4 5 6 Fued at Any BI Sub-Port Office with or Without ACR I-Card Facility Receiving of applications for Student Visa extension and renewal of ACR 1­ c:ard b~ the Re~eiving Officer. . The Receiving Officer shall examine the completeness of the applications and all the supporting documents submitted based on the Checklist of Documentary Requirements. If incornpl~te, the applications shall be returned to the admitting school's duly authorized representative. Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) fot the visa and ACR I-Card fees by the Assessor. The admitting School representative shall be required to . validate the accuracy ofthe entries in the OPS. Payment of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly authorized Collecting Officer. Evaluation and recommendation of action to be.taken on the applications by the Evaluating/ Reviewing Officer. . . Approval/Disapproval of the visa and Transmittal of the records of viSa and ACR I-Card applications by the ACR I-Card applications, together Commissioner or his duly designated with the recommendation, to the SVS. authorized representative. Filed at SVS .. If approved: 7 ACR I-Card processing, blocking and printing. Notice to the admitting school of the Approval/Disapproval of the visa and ACR I-Card applications by the action taken on the applicatinns. Commissioner or his duly designated authorized representative. Ifapproved: ACR I-Card processing and blocking. and printing through the SVS. Page2of6 Page 20 of 25 8 9 10 Ifapproved: Transmittal by the svs to the BI SubTransmittal of the applicant's original Port Offiee of the action taken on the passport by the admitting sebool's applications. duly authorized representative to the SVS. . IfDisapproved: Notation in the system of the disapproval. End 0/ transaction. Implementation of the approved visa Notice to theadnlltting school of the in the system and passport by the action taken on the applications. ImJ21ementation Officer. Simultaneous release of applicant's If approved: passport and ACR I-Card to the Transmittal of the applicant's original admitting sebool's duly authorized passport by the admitting school's representative. End oftransaction. duly authorized representative to the BI Sub-Port Office. 11 . , 12 IfDisapproved: .Notation in the system of the . disapproval. End Qf transaction. .Implementation of the approved visa in the system and passport by the ImJ2lementation Officer. Simultaneous release of applicant's passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting school's duly authorized representative. End ottransa~on. ~ 3. For Registration of Foreign students with Student Visa Issued. by Philippine Foreign Service Post (PFSP): Step FiledatSVS Filed at BI Sub-Port Offices with ACR I-Card Facility Receiving of applications for visa registration and iSsuance ofACR I-Card by 1 the Receiving Officer. . The Receiving Officer shall examine the completeness of the applications and all the supporting documents submitted based. all the Checklist of :2 Documentary Requirements. H incomplete, the applications shall be returned l--_~~-+-=to the admitting school's duly authorized representative. (. Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) for the visa and ACR I-Card'---'.-:fe-es--i by the Assessor. The admitting school representative shall be required to 3 ~~-._ validate the accuracy of the entries in the OPS. Payment of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly authorized Collecting 4 Officer. Personal appearance by the applicant on the scheduled date for biometrics 5 data captUJing. 1----..f~(a~)cC,A~CR I-Card:;=~p-ro-c-ess-l~'n"-g-,~b'-lo-ckin"·;:--g""T"=Tr:-ans-Illl·---;r·ttal---c;;-o-f:---.th;-e--re-"-o-rds,..-----cOf-:;-i and printing. . applications of. registration of visa (b) Registration and assignment of and ACR I-Card to the SVS. 6 Immigration Control Number and implementation of the visa in the system. Page~ofG Page 21 of25 7 Notice to the admitting school for the (a)ACR .I-Card . processing and blocking and printing through submission of applicant's original SVS. passport. (b) Registration and assignment of Immigration.Control Number and implementation of the visa in the svStem by SVS. S 9 Transmittal of the applicant's original passport by the admitting school's duly authorized representative to the SVS. Simultaneom; release of applicant's passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting school's duly authorized represen~ative. End oftransaction. 10 -~ 11 .. ~-. . . Transmittal by the.SVS to theBI SubPort Office of the action taken on the applications. Notice to the admitting school for the subIllission of applicant's original passport. .Transmittal of the applicant's original passport by the admitting school's duly authorized representative to the BI Sub-Port Office. Simultaneous Telease of applicaD.t'S . passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting schoors duly authorized representative. End Qf transaction . 4. For Issuance of SSP: Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Filed at Any BI SulrPort Office with or Without ACR I-Card Facility Receiving of applications for issuance of &<)P and ACR I-Card by the Receiving Officer. The Receiving Officer shall examine the completeness of the applications and all the supporting documents submitted based on the Checklist 0 f Documentary Requirements. If incomplete, the applications shall beretumed to the admittin~ school's du~ autho~ed representative. Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) for the SSP and ACR I-Card £ees by the Assessor. The admitting school representative shall be required t o validate the accuracy of the entries in the OPS. Payment of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly a1.ithorlzed Collecting FiledatSVS I Officer~ Evaluation and recommendation of action to be taken on the applications b the Evaluating/ Reviewing Officer. Approval/Disapproval of the application for issuance of SSP by the SVS Chief. or BI Sub-Port Office Alien Control Officer. as the case may be. Notice to the admitting school of the Notice to the admitting school of the action taken on the application. action taken on the application. If approved: If approved: ACR I-Card processing, blocking and Notice to the SVS of the SSP issuance for the purpose of ACR I-Qwd printing. issuance. _. - Page4of6 . .. , Page 22 of 25 ifapproved: ACR I-Cacl processing, blocking and Transmittal of the applicant's original printing through SVS. passport by, the admitting school's 8 duly authorized representative to. the SVS. JfDisapproved: : I 9 10 - Notation in the system, of the. disapproval.ILnd01 transaction. Implementation of the approved SSP ,Transmittal by the SVS to the BISulr. in the system and passport by the Port Office of the applieant's ACR 1­ Implementation Officer. Card. Simultaneous release, of applicant's Ifapproved: passport andACR I-Card to 'the Transmittal of the applicant's original admitting school's duly authorized passport by the admitting school's representative. End oftransaction. duly authorized representative to the BI Sub-Port Office. IfDisapproved: ~- 11 12 Notation in the system, of ,the disal?Qroval. End oitransactiOil. Implementation of the approved SSP in the system and passport by the Implementation Officer. Simultaneous ,release of, applicant's passport and ACR I-Card to the admitting school's duly authorized representative. End 01 transaction. 5. For Extension of SSP: Fiied at SVS or Any BI Sub-Port Office with or without ACR I-card Facility Receiving of application for extension of SSP by the Receiving Officer. 1 The ReceiviIig Officer shall examine the completeness the application atid all the supporting documents, submitted based on the Checklist of 2 Documentary Requirements. If incomplete, the application shall be returned to the admitting school's duly authorized re~resentative. Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) for the SSP fees by the Assessor. The admitting school representative shall be requiredto validate the accuracy 3 of the entries in~~~----~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the OPS. ;--.-_. Payment of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly authorized Collecting . 4 Officer. Evalu;c;.a-ti'-o-n-an---Cd;-r-ec-omm--e-n-'dc-at-:io-n-o-=-fa-c-tl=-o-n to be taken on the application by 5 the Evaluating! Reviewing Officer. I---~--I-==-='-:~~~!!-::.===T~~=~;;;--.....-----o:-----,~~--,;;-=::-,-~,,---=-_~= Approval/Disapproval of the application for extension of SSP by the SVS 6 Chief or BI Sub-Port Office Alien Control Officer, as the case may be. 2. Notice to the admitting school of the action taken, on the application. Step of If approved:· 8 Transmittal of the applicant's original passport by the admitting school's duly authorized representative to the SVS or BI Sub-Port Office Alien Control Officer, as the case maybe. IfDisapproved: '---___l-N_otation in the system of the disapproval. End oi!!'..ansaction. PageSof6 . , Page 23 of 25 Implementation of the approved SSP in the system and passport by the Implementation Officer. Simultaneous release of applicant's passport to the admitting school's duly authorized representative. EruLoftransaction. 9 10 6. For Downgrading Student Visa: --=, Step 1 Filed at SVS Only . Receiving of applications for downgrading of Student VISa to lVV, cancellation of ACR I-Card and Emigration Clearance Certificate (Ree) by.the Receiving Officer. . . The Receiving Officer shall examine the completeness of the applications and all the supporting documents submitted b aged on the Checklist of Documentary Requirements. If incomplete, the applications shall be returned to the admi!ting school's dull authorized representative. (a) Issuance of the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) by the Assessor. The admitting school representative shall be required to validate the accuracy ofthe entries in the OPS. (b) Cancel ap1!licant's ACR I-Card. Pay;ment of the amount stated in the OPS to the duly authorized Collecting Officer. Evaluation/review and preparation of the recommended Downgrading Order by the Evaluating/Reviewing Officer. Approval/Disapproval of the, Downgrading Order by the cOmmissioner or his duly designated authorized representative. Implementation of the Order in the ~assport and systern. . Release of passport, ECC and copy of Downgradi!lg Order toa~ ;Jicant. rI 3 4 5 _ 6 .. _,~7 8 -000­ Page 6 offi Page 24 of 25 ANNEX "7" SCHEDUl.E OF FEES 1. For Conversion to Student Visa: Amount Assessed Items .Miscellaneous Fees: Application Fee ~.£lementation Fee . Legal Research Fee (in PH PeSos) 2,000.00 1,000.00 70.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 '-- r----­ F~ceFee . Certificate Fee YlsaFee I~ CRTV, CRTS2 CRTfand CRPE FeeS ;-_ ACR (Adult) Fee Head Tax Lane Fees: Application Certificate ACRI-Card . - - . Total + ACRI-Card Fee lAOO.oo !,ooo.oo -~- 250.00 1&press 500.00 500.00 500.00 9,720.00 U.s.$50 .00 (convertible to PH Pesos based on the current exchange_~ 2. For Extension of Student Visa: Assessed Items Amount (in PH Pesos) Miscellaneous Fees: , Extension Fee .--~-4,000.00 Implementation Fee _---------t-~---~---l,·.<-o~o-o-;-o---to Legal Research Fee Certificate Fee 20.00 . 500.00 ~~La~n~e~F~e~es~:~_______________+_------------~~~~ I' Applica=ti~o~n_______________ +-____________1~,0_O~O_.0_0~ Certificate _________I_ _- '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=QO__O.:QQ... ;-- ACR I-Card 1,000.00 ~~~~==~-----------~---1_------------~~~~Total 8,020.00 l-+~A:.:;;C=R::-':I=---::::Ca-r-d"F;:;;-e-e------- ---t-----------:U:::::."":;;S;-:;.$ 100.00 [convertible to PH Pesos based ~__~~~~--~--------------~_~-onthec~ntexchanger~ Late Filing of Extension: 1 ~~M~o=ti~on==fo~r~&~~~o~n~si~d~er~a~ti~o~n~F~e~e-------r------ ___________~5~0_~~_ _ Legal Research Fee Late Extension Fee 10.00 500.00 (per month) Pageiof2 .. ,,' j > ," Page 25 of 25 3 .. For Downgrading of Student Visa: Amount (in PH Pesos) Assessed Items' 1-:=-='" Miscellaneous Fees: . r-- Motion for Reconsideration Fee . Update Fee 1----­ Application Fee Legal Research Fee Certificate Fee ECCFee ~ress Lane Fees: Application , Certificate ECC Total -- 500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 30.00 .500•00 710.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 6,240.00 4. For Issuance and Extension of SSP: Amount Assessed Items (in PH Pesos) . :Miscellaneous f'ees: ~ppli~tion Fee 2,000.00 1,000.00 40.00 200.00 500.00 Implementation Fee Legal Research Fee Service Fee Certificate Fee Exp:ress Lane .Fees: Application Certificate ACRI-Card Total + ACR I-Card Fee .. 500.00 500.00 500.00 5,240.00 U.s.$ 50.00 -~--. -~-- [convertible to PH Pesos based on the current exchange rate -000­ Page 20t 2