BUILDING PROJECT SCOPE DEFINITION USING PROJECT DEFINITION RATING INDEX By Chung-Suk Cho1 and G. Edward Gibson Jr.,2 Members, ASCE ABSTRACT: Poor scope definition is recognized by industry practitioners as one of the leading causes of project failure, adversely affecting projects in the areas of cost, schedule, and operational characteristics. Unfortunately, many owner and contractor organizations do a poor job of adequately defining a project’s scope leading to a poor design basis. A research team constituted by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) has developed the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) to address scope definition in the building sector. The PDRI for buildings is a comprehensive, weighted checklist of 64 scope definition elements presented in a score sheet format. It provides a tool for an individual or project team to objectively evaluate the status of a building project during preproject planning. This paper will discuss the PDRI development process, including input from over 100 industry professionals. Key project scope definition elements will be identified. The PDRI validation procedure, involving over 50 projects, will be discussed. A description of the potential uses of the PDRI and a summary of its benefits to the building construction industry will be outlined. INTRODUCTION Preproject planning is the project phase encompassing all the tasks between project initiation to detailed design. Over the past nine years, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) has funded several research projects focused on preproject planning. Findings from these investigations have dramatically changed the awareness of project management professionals within CII toward the importance of the process and the benefits of early project planning. Research results have shown that greater preproject planning efforts lead to improved performance on industrial projects in the areas of cost, schedule, and operational characteristics (Gibson and Hamilton 1994; CII 1995; Griffith and Gibson 1995; Griffith et al. 1998). Synthesizing these efforts was the development of the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) for industrial projects, a scope definition tool that is widely used by planners in the industrial projects sector. One of the major subprocesses of the preproject planning process is the development of the project scope definition package. Project scope definition is the process by which projects are defined and prepared for execution. It is at this crucial stage where risks associated with the project are analyzed and the specific project execution approach is defined. Success during the detailed design, construction, and start-up phases of a project is highly dependent on the level of effort expended during this scope definition phase (Gibson and Hamilton 1994). Research has shown the importance of preproject planning on capital projects and its influence on project success. Findings of a recent study have proven that higher levels of preproject planning effort can result in significant cost and schedule savings. Specifically, the research study categorized 53 capital facility projects into three different intensities of preproject planning effort and compared total potential cost and schedule performance differences as follows (CII 1994; Hamilton and Gibson 1996): 1 Project Engr., ADP Marshall, 75 Newman Ave., Rumford, RI 02916. Assoc. Prof. and Fluor Centennial Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. E-mail: egibson@mail.utexas. edu Note. Discussion open until May 1, 2002. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on January 9, 2001; revised July 30, 2001. This paper is part of the Journal of Architectural Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 4, December, 2001. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431/01/0004-0115–0125/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 21939. 2 • A 20% cost savings with a high level of preproject planning effort • A 39% schedule savings with a high level of preproject planning effort Because of the significant savings associated with improved project predictability, the study concluded that a complete scope definition prior to project execution is imperative to project success. A more recent CII research study focused on developing a useful tool for measuring the level of project definition at the time the project is authorized for final funding. This new tool, the PDRI for Industrial Projects, is a project management tool that assists in calculating a total score representing the level of project definition. Developed specifically for industrial projects such as refineries, chemical plants, power plants, and heavy manufacturing, the PDRI provides project team members with a structured approach for developing a good scope definition package. The PDRI for Industrial Projects consists of 70 scope definition elements in a weighted checklist format. The 70 elements are divided into three main sections and 15 categories (Gibson and Dumont 1996; Dumont et al. 1997). The project team assessing the level of definition of each of the 70 elements and a score is calculated; the lower the score, the more well defined the project. A score of 200 points or below using this tool was shown to statistically increase the predictability of project outcome. A sample of 40 projects using the industrial version of the PDRI indicated that those projects scoring below 200 versus those scoring above 200 had: • Average cost savings of 19% versus estimated for design and construction • Schedule reduction by 13% versus estimated for design and construction • Fewer project changes • Increased predictability of operational performance With the success of the PDRI for industrial projects, many building industry planners wanted a similar tool to address scope development of buildings. CII constituted a team and funded a research effort to facilitate this development effort. The rest of this paper will introduce the PDRI for building projects. The primary structure and format of the PDRI and its development will be explained. This will be followed by a brief synopsis of its validation on 33 completed building projects and its use on 20 ongoing projects. The paper will conclude by describing the potential uses of the PDRI and summarizing its benefits to building construction practitioners. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 115 BACKGROUND Planning has long been a subject of discussion in the building industry. Many guides have been developed and much knowledge resides with experienced practitioners (Griffin 1972; Pena 1987; Billings 1993; Preiser 1993; Haviland 1996; Cherry 1999; ASCE 2000). However, early planning in many cases is not performed well in the building industry. Consequently, the building sector suffers from poor or incomplete scope definition, frequently experiencing considerable changes that result in significant cost and schedule overruns (Gibson et al. 1997; Cho et al. 1999; Cho 2000). Because of these problems, there existed a need for a better method of assisting in defining project scope. The building industry is different from the industrial sector in various ways, such as the approach of planning, design, and construction of facilities; the owner’s perspective; the architectural focus; and so on. Nonetheless, there are many similarities. Like the industrial sector, the building industry suffers from poor or incomplete preproject planning. As in the industrial sector, planning in the building industry is a process that needs to have input from a wide variety of individuals and must have significant owner involvement. However, at the time of this study, a quantitative understanding of scope definition issues for buildings had not been well-studied and no tool existed to help with scope definition. As developed, the PDRI for Building Projects is a userfriendly checklist that identifies and precisely describes each critical element in a project scope definition package to assist project managers in understanding the scope of work. It provides a means for an individual or team to evaluate the status of a building project during preproject planning with a score corresponding to project’s overall level of definition. The PDRI helps stakeholders of a project quickly analyze the scope definition package and predict factors that may impact project risk specifically in regard to buildings. (CII 1999; Cho 2000) As illustrated in Fig. 1, the PDRI for building projects is designed for use at varying times during the project’s lifecycle prior to detailed design and development of construction documents. This tool is applicable to multistory or single-story commercial, institutional, or light industrial facilities, such as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Offices Schools (classrooms) Medical facilities Research and laboratory facilities Institutional buildings Stores/shopping centers Dormitories Apartments Hotels/motels Parking structures Warehouses Light assembly/manufacturing Churches FIG. 1. • • • • Airport terminals Recreational/athletic facilities Public assembly/performance halls Industrial control buildings DEVELOPMENT OF PDRI FOR BUILDING PROJECTS Initial development work on the PDRI for building projects began in June 1997 at the University of Texas using the PDRI for Industrial Projects as a basis. This effort included input and review from approximately 30 industry experts, as well as extensive use of literature sources for terminology and key scope element refinement (O’Reilly 1997). The 12 member, CII PDRI for Buildings Research Team, constituted in February 1998, refined and streamlined the list of PDRI elements and their descriptions, starting with the draft of 71 elements to the final draft in December 1998. A complete list of the PDRI’s three sections, 11 categories, and 64 elements is given in Fig. 2. The 64 elements in the PDRI for Building Projects are arranged in a score sheet format and supported by 38 pages of detailed descriptions and checklists. The score sheet is given in Appendix I and will be described in more detail later in this paper. A representative example description for element G1, Equipment List, is given in Fig. 3. Due to limitations of space, the entire list of detailed element descriptions are not included in this document. PDRI Element Weighting The writers knew that the 64 elements within the PDRI were not equally important with respect to their potential impact on overall project success. Therefore, it was decided that the elements needed to be weighted relative to each other to enhance their usefulness as a risk analysis tool. The method chosen to quickly develop reasonable and credible weights for the PDRI elements was to rely on the expertise of a broad range of construction industry practitioners marshaled together in workshops. The weighting development was therefore an inductive process in nature that incorporated expert input into developing final weights. From July 1998 to October 1998, seven weighting workshops were held for this purpose, each lasting four hours. The workshops involved a total of 69 experienced project managers, architects, and engineers with almost 1,500 total collective years of building project expertise to help evaluate and weight the PDRI elements. The participants represented 35 owner and contractor organizations from the building construction sector, consisting of 11 owners and 24 contractors. The participants were volunteers and constituted a convenience sample put together using contacts and acquaintances of the development team. In addition to keeping a balance between owner and contractor organizations, the research team attempted to invite balanced numbers of groups with different educational backgrounds to evaluate and weight the PDRI elements. The 69 workshop participants consisted of 30 individuals with engineering backgrounds, 31 with architectural backgrounds, and Applicability of PDRI in Project Lifecycle, Typical Building Project 116 / JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 FIG. 2. PDRI SECTIONS, Categories, and Elements eight other professionals directly involved in planning building projects (Cho et al. 1999; Cho 2000). Each participant completed a series of documents at the workshops. In addition to personal history, they were initially asked to list and consider a typical project that they had recently worked on for the organization they represented. Each was then asked to assume that he/she was estimating this particular project and evaluating its probability of success based on the level of definition of the 64 elements. The workshop proceeded in order through the 64 elements with each element reviewed and its description read. Assuming that scope development for the project had been completed, the workshop participants were instructed to apply what they felt to be an appropriate cost contingency to each element, given two circumstances—the element was undefined (level of definition 5), or it was completely defined (level of definition 1). The weighting was based on their opinions as to the relative impact that each element has on the overall accuracy of the project’s total installed cost (TIC) estimate. All 64 elements were reviewed in this manner. The workshop concluded with critiques of the scoring methodology and the tool itself. These comments were subsequently evaluated and several minor corrections were made to the score sheet, instructions for use, and element descriptions. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 117 FIG. 3. Example Element Description, G1. Equipment List The raw weights obtained from these workshops were used to develop the final version of the PDRI score sheet. Each participant’s responses at the workshop were individually evaluated and normalized to a maximum of 1,000 points. This was accomplished by adding all values in the ‘‘incomplete or poorly defined’’ column and converting those scores to values relative to one another that added to 1,000 points. A similar method was used to evaluate the elements when they had ‘‘complete definition’’ by normalizing to 70 points (which was chosen to be consistent with the PDRI for industrial projects). Definition levels 2, 3, and 4 were interpolated between the extremes. A single, collective weight was developed for each of five levels of definition of each element based using the mean of the 69 responses. Several statistical tests were then performed to evaluate the responses including simple descriptive statistics, skewness, kurtosis, and variance analyses. In some cases, respondents were removed from the sample because their responses were far different from the overall sample. In the end, 59 of the 69 respondents were used to develop the final weights, and the weighted PDRI score sheet is provided in Appendix I (Cho 2000). An unweighted PDRI score sheet and 38 pages of element descriptions can be found in a separate document entitled Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI), Building Projects (CII 1999). The PDRI score sheet is used to evaluate the level of completeness of the project scope definition at a point in time. Each of the 64 elements is subjectively evaluated by key project stakeholders during preproject planning based on its level of definition versus its corresponding description. Six levels of definition are listed across the top of the PDRI score sheet, creating a matrix with the 64 elements. These six definition levels, including level 0 for not applicable, range from complete definition for level 1 to incomplete or poor definition for 118 / JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 level 5. Depending on how well the element is defined in the scope definition package, the PDRI score sheet user can check the appropriate definition level for a particular element, ranging from being completely defined to incomplete or poor definition. Adding up the individual element evaluations and their corresponding weights yields a single PDRI score for the project, which can range from 70 to 1,000. The lower the total PDRI score, the better the project scope definition. Higher weights signify that certain elements within the scope package lack adequate definition and should be reexamined prior to construction documents development. ANALYSES Analyzing Weighted PDRI The three sections and 11 categories of the PDRI were sorted in order of importance as shown in Table 1. The weight column corresponds to a summation of all definition level 5 values for that category or section. In other words, if all elements in that section or category were incomplete or undefined, these would be the scores. Section II, Basis of Design, and Section I, Basis of Project Decision, in combination, comprise 841 points, or approximately 84% of a potential of 1,000 points. This indicates the significance of having a sound basis of design and project decision prepared in the project scope definition package during the preproject planning phase, as identified by the workshop panelists. It also signifies the importance of owner input and active participation of critical owner stakeholders during the planning stage of a project. The category weights sorted in hierarchical order of importance indicate that Categories A and E were deemed as the most important of the 11 categories, receiving 376 of the 1,000 total points. A list of 10 TABLE 1. PDRI Section and Category Weights Section Weights Section II Basis of Design I Basis of Project Decision III Execution Approach Total TABLE 2. 428 413 159 1,000 Category Weight A Business Strategy E Building Programming 214 162 C Project Requirements F Building/Project Design Parameters D Site Information B Owner Philosophies K Project Control L Project Execution Plan G Equipment H Procurement Strategy J Deliverables Total 131 122 108 68 63 60 36 25 11 1,000 Ten Highest Weighted PDRI Elements Element designator A1 A5 A7 A2 C6 A3 C2 C3 A6 F2 Category Weights Weight Element Weight Building Use Facility Requirements Site Selection Considerations Business Justification Project Cost Estimate Business Plan Project Design Criteria Evaluation of Existing Facilities Future Expansion/Alteration Considerations Architectural Design 44 31 28 27 27 26 24 24 22 22 highest weighted elements in descending order is shown in Table 2. These 10 elements total 275 points, or approximately 28%, of the 1,000 total points. (Each element has a corresponding detailed description which is not given here.) The 10 highest weighted elements can be regarded as the most important elements in the project scope definition package and, if poorly or incompletely defined during early project planning, will have the greatest negative impact on project performance. If a project team lacks the time for preproject planning prior to the development of construction document and construction, these elements are the critical few that should be considered. Oftentimes, there is a tendency in the construction industry to skip several steps in the scope definition process in an attempt to reduce overall project cycle time. This may be due to several reasons, such as lack of necessary expertise within the organization, demand for the end product, or an unwillingness to commit the funds required for complete scope definition. If this happens, at least those critical few elements defined in Table 2 should be considered during preproject planning in order to meet the project objectives and reduce risk. PDRI VALIDATION Although the weights obtained for PDRI elements were based upon the expertise of experienced project managers, architects, and engineers, the tool needed to be tested on actual projects to verify its capabilities and value. In order to establish an unbiased, reliable validation data sample from an analytical and statistical standpoint, a number of both successful and unsuccessful projects were used for the validation. The primary goal of the validation process was to correlate PDRI scores with projects measured in terms of cost performance, schedule performance, change orders, and customer satisfaction. A mail survey was used to collect quantitative and historical project data as well as ‘‘level of definition’’ PDRI el- ement status at the beginning of construction document (CD) development. These data were used to build profiles of the sample and to assess the PDRI with regard to project success. The PDRI for Building Projects was tested on a total of 33 completed projects varying in size from a final cost of $0.9 million to $200 million, as shown in Table 3. The sample was a nonrandom sample from 10 organizations, with the PDRI scored ‘‘after-the-fact.’’ These projects represented approximately $899.5 million in total constructed cost with a $26.8 million average. Using an unweighted PDRI score sheet, the validation questionnaire respondents were asked to rate how well developed each of the 64 elements were at the time the project was ready to begin development of construction documents. This use of an unweighted scoresheet minimized the tendency of element weights to influence the evaluation process. Respondents indicated their choice for each element by placing a check mark in the box corresponding to the appropriate level of definition on a scale ranging from 0 to 5. When the questionnaire was returned, the writers converted this series of checks into a final project score. The PDRI scores for 33 sample projects ranged from 74 to 648 (from a possible range of 70 to 1,000) with a mean value of 203 and a median of 202. Among 33 sample projects, 16 projects scored below 200 and remaining 17 scored above 200. The survey questionnaire captured detailed project information such as schedule, cost, changes, financial and investment information, operating information, and customer satisfaction (Cho 2000). The writers realize that project planning data used in the sample were collected by relying on the respondent’s subjective recollections and, therefore, could be subject to biases. However, given the level of industry input in the tool development phase and the sample size, the results are adequate to TABLE 3. Project number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 PDRI Validation Projects Type of project Estimated cost (million $) PDRI score Office Recreational/athletic facility Office Warehouse Recreational/athletic facility Stores/shopping center Office Office Research/laboratory facility Research/laboratory facility Research/laboratory facility Industrial control building Office Office Government border station Government border station Courthouse Store/shopping center Fire station Retail/car dealership School School Research/laboratory facility Office Research/laboratory facility Seismic protection Warehouse Office School Institutional building Recreational/athletic facility Public assembly/performance Office Totals $10.0 $32.6 $34.8 $45.9 $122.5 $200.0 $10.2 $8.7 $0.9 $0.9 $43.4 $25 $8.7 $14.1 $4.2 $1.7 $132.9 $1.8 $1.6 $1.6 $23.1 $23.0 $3.3 $13.4 $9.7 $16.1 $25.7 $6.4 $13.2 $18.1 $24.2 $18.2 $3.6 $899.5 256 96 164 203 285 460 141 130 208 202 204 126 240 223 172 95 238 233 218 158 102 139 149 648 202 188 151 74 160 205 238 165 216 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 119 provide an initial tool validation, pending further study in the future. Project Performance Analyses Using Target PDRI Score In order to determine a PDRI score that distinguishes successful and unsuccessful projects, several different PDRI sample segregation points (e.g., 150, 200, and 210) were used to test the mean performance differences. Using these segregation points, mean values of project performance variables were compared at a 95% confidence level. The writers found statistically significant mean differences on several performance variables when the segregation point of 200 was used. The authors consistently observed a statistically significant difference in performance between the projects scoring above TABLE 4. Summary of Cost, Schedule, and Change Order Performance for PDRI Validation Projects Using 200 Point Cutoff 200 and the projects scoring below 200 prior to development of construction documents, as shown in Table 4. Performance is the mean percentage change in actual cost (contingency not included) and schedule performance as compared with that estimated prior to development of construction documents (CDs). The reported change order value represents the cost increase/decrease during design and construction due to change orders as an absolute value. The validation projects scoring below 200 outperformed those scoring above 200 in three important design/construction outcome areas: cost performance, schedule performance, and the relative value of change orders as compared with the authorized cost. In addition to cost and schedule differences, the projects scoring less than 200 performed better financially, had fewer numbers of change orders, had less turbulence related to design size changes during CD development and construction, and were generally rated more successful on average than projects scoring higher than 200. Additional performance data are summarized in Table 5. PDRI Score Performance Cost Schedule Change orders <200 >200 Difference 1% above budget 2% behind schedule 7% of budget (N = 16) 6% above budget 12% behind schedule 10% of budget (N = 17) 5% 10% 3% TABLE 5. Summary of Other Performance Data for PDRI Validation Projects Using 200 Point Cutoff PDRI Score Performance <200 >200 Average PDRI score Average number of change orders Financial performance (scale of 1–5) Average percent design size and design size changes During CD development or constructiona Project success (scale of 1–5) 138 58 3.4 100.1 264 95 3.2 99.1 3 4.9 (N = 16) 7 4.2 (N = 17) PDRI Validation Using In-Progress Projects While the validation process as discussed was performed on complete projects, the PDRI was also used by the writers and research team members on current, ongoing projects in a group setting to observe its effectiveness in helping teams complete preproject planning activities. It was used on a total of 20 projects at different stages of planning, as outlined in Table 6. In each case, the PDRI gave project team members a viable platform to discuss project-specific issues and helped identify critical planning problems on every project. Examples of problems identified included site-specific issues such as flood plain encroachment, fire water pressure shortfalls, traffic flow problems, permitting surprises, and setback problems. Example building problems identified included poor equipment lists, inadequate space planning, undersized utilities, code violations, and so on. These problems were identified at a point in the project when they could be addressed with minimal disruption and cost. Specific observations include the following: a Denotes number of projects with design size changes out of subsample. TABLE 6. Project number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • The PDRI can be used effectively more than once during project planning. In-Progress PDRI Validation Projects Description Estimated size (million $) Dormitory R and D laboratory Dormitory renovation Student union Distribution center addition Hotel renovation Manufacturing planta Manufacturing/assembly plant Manufacturing plant Manufacturing/assembly plant Manufacturing/assembly plant Child care center Medical research Corporate campus Hangar upgrade Emergency backup power generation building Upgrade chill water building Upgrade computer room Office complex Dining hall renovation Total $52 3 13 7 2 12 62 144 57 60 TBD 1 37 120 3 4 3 0.2 34 13 $627 a PDRI used to plan ‘‘building’’ portion of projects 7–11. 120 / JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 Project phase used After program development At the end of design development After schematic design After program and after design development During CD development During CD development Midway through planning, during design development Early in planning, prior to program Late in planning, prior to CD development Late in planning, prior to CD development Early in planning, prior to program Midway through CD development of design/build project During design development Fast track, late in design development; site work had commenced Midway through design development Just prior to detailed design Midway through design development Just prior to detailed design Just prior to detailed design During design development • The tool provides an excellent mechanism to identify specific problems and assign actions. • Using the tool is an excellent way to align a project team. • The PDRI is effective even when used very early in the planning process. Individual planners can use the tool at this point to identify potential problems and to organize their work effort. • A facilitator provides a neutral party to help maintain consistency when scoring projects. • The team or individual scoring the project should focus on the scoring process, rather than the final score, in order to honestly identify deficiencies. HOW TO USE PDRI Ideally, the project team gets together to conduct a PDRI evaluation at various points during preproject planning. Experience has shown that the scoring process works best in a team environment with a neutral facilitator familiar with the process. This facilitator provides objective feedback to the team and controls the pace of the meeting. If this arrangement is not possible, an alternate approach is to have key individuals evaluate the project separately, then evaluate it together and reach a consensus. Even an individual using the PDRI as a checklist can provide an effective method for project evaluation (CII 1999). The PDRI can be easily integrated into the early planning process when project scope is developed and verified. Specifically, the PDRI can help improve completion of the five major subprocesses of preproject planning (scope management): initiation, scope planning, scope definition, scope verification, and scope change control (PMI 1996; Dumont et al. 1997): • Initiation: The PDRI can help define the overall project requirements for developing and assembling the project team. It can help all stakeholders involved in the project understand scope definition requirements and objectives. The PDRI also can be used in developing a baseline for understanding the current level of project definition of the building. • Scope Planning: The PDRI can help the project team determine which elements are the most critical in the building project scope package. The hierarchy of PDRI sections, categories, and elements can form the basis of a work breakdown structure (WBS) for proper scope planning. The PDRI also assists in developing project milestones, standardizing terminology, and communication among project participants. The ultimate results of scope planning will be a scope management plan and a scope statement. • Scope Definition: The PDRI provides a structured approach to project scope definition for building projects. Detailed element descriptions in a checklist format help ensure that each appropriate element is adequately addressed. The PDRI can be used to score the completeness of the project scope package during the planning process in order to measure progress, assess risk, and redirect future effort. It also can assist in assigning work responsibilities to the scope definition WBS. If the organization has well-documented preproject planning procedures and standards in place, many of the elements may be partially defined when project planning begins. An organization may want to standardize many of the PDRI elements as much as possible to improve cycle time of planning activities. • Scope Verification: PDRI scores reflect the quality and completeness of the project scope package from the project participant’s perspective. Analysis of these scores can facilitate risk assessment by highlighting the building project’s weak areas. It can provide a benchmark for comparison against the performance of past projects in order to predict the probability of future success. Project evaluation can be conducted by both owners and contractors either separately or together to ensure a fair assessment and a consensus among all stakeholders. The detailed element descriptions in the tool provide an objective basis for discussion regarding the need for additional information in the scope package. This is important because often facility owners are not aware of the level of definition necessary for contractors to successfully complete the project. Finally, it can be used as one indicator in making the decision whether to authorize the project to move forward with development of construction documents and construction. • Scope Change Control: When used effectively, the PDRI forces good, written scope definition. Therefore, when scope changes occur, the affected areas can be identified more easily. The PDRI allows the project team to refocus effort during project execution on any elements that were not well defined early on and take appropriate action to improve their definition. It also provides a basis for ‘‘lessons learned’’ during future endeavors. CONCLUSIONS The PDRI is a scope development tool that applies to buildings such as institutional, offices, light manufacturing, medical facilities, etc., in the project size range of $1–50 million and has been effectively used on larger as well as smaller projects. It is an effective tool that allows a planning team to assess the probability of achieving project objectives during preproject planning. It can be used as: • A checklist that a project team can use for determining the necessary steps to follow in defining the project scope • A listing of standardized scope definition terminology throughout the building construction sector • An industry standard for rating the completeness of the project scope definition package to facilitate risk assessment and prediction of escalation, potential for disputes, etc. • A means to monitor progress at various stages during the front end planning effort • A tool that aids in communication and alignment between owners and design contractors by highlighting poorly defined areas in a scope definition package • A means for project team participants to reconcile differences using a common basis for project evaluation • A training tool for organizations and individuals throughout the industry • A benchmarking tool for organizations to use in evaluating completion of scope definition versus the performance of past projects, both within their organization and externally, in order to predict the probability of success on future projects The PDRI can assist owners, developers, designers, and contractors. Facility owners, developers, and lending institutions can use it as an assessment tool for establishing a comfort level at which they are willing to move forward on projects. Designers and constructors can use it as a means of negotiating with owners in identifying poorly defined project scope definition elements and to develop a written, detailed basis for design. The planning process is inherently iterative in nature and any changes that occur in assumptions or planning parameters need to be resolved with earlier planning decisions. The PDRI provides a forum for all project participants to communicate JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 121 and reconcile differences using an objective tool as a common basis for project scope evaluation. The PDRI target score (200 points) may not be as important as the team’s progress over time in resolving issues that harbor risk. It should be noted APPENDIX I. that the PDRI along does not ensure project success, but should be coupled with sound business planning, alignment, and good project execution to greatly improve the probability of meeting or exceeding project objectives. PDRI FOR BUILDINGS SCORE SHEET, WEIGHTED 122 / JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 123 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES The writers would like to thank CII and the members of the CII PDRI for Building Projects Research Team for supporting this research investigation. Without their assistance, this work would not have been possible. Chung-Suk Cho was formerly a graduate student in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). (2000). Quality in the constructed project—a guide for owners, designers, and constructors, 2nd Ed., Reston, Va. Billings, K. (1993). 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F., Gibson, G. E., Hamilton, M. R., Tortora, A. L., and Wilson, C. T. (1999). ‘‘Project success index for capital facility construction projects.’’ J. Perf. Constr. Fac., ASCE, 13(1), 39–45. Haviland, D., ed. (1996). The architect’s handbook of professional practice. Volume 2: The project, American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C. O’Reilly, A. (1997). ‘‘Project definition rating index for buildings.’’ MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex. Pena, W. (1987). Problem seeking: an architectural programming primer, 3rd Ed., AIA Press, Washington, D.C. Preiser, W. F. E. (1993). Professional practice in facility programming, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Project Management Institute (PMI). (1996). A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Upper Darby, Pa. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING / DECEMBER 2001 / 125