Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Tutorial on Staff Performance Contracting By: Directorate of Performance Contracting and Appraisal (DiPCA) JKUAT Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Staff Performance Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Performance Appraisal at JKUAT JKUAT undertakes Staff Performance Appraisal using the modified 360 Degree Feedback System that is integrated with Performance Contracting. The system takes into account not only personal attributes of the individual but also their delivery of negotiated and agreed targets. This makes it possible to clearly measure the contribution of individual members of staff to the overall performance of the University. There are two instruments used in the appraisal of all staff in the University. The first instrument (F-2-70-13-1) is used by the Departmental evaluation committee, a peer, an employee working below rank of appraisee, customer and self to award scores on personal attributes. This part is coordinated by the Human resource manager and shall carry 50% score which is broken down as shown below. In the case of teaching staff, the customer score is obtained from the student lecturer evaluation coordinated by DAQA. Figure 1: Staff performance appraisal in the modified 360-degree system 3 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation SELF (5) PEERS (10) SURBODNATE (10) COMMITTEE (10) CUSTOMER (15) Performance Contract (50) The second instrument (F-2-53-1-1) is used to assess staff on the basis of negotiated and agreed targets by the members of staff and their Heads of Department. This is coordinated by DIPCA and shall carry 50% score. This second instrument is the subject of this tutorial. Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Evaluation of Performance Performance evaluation is the culmination of the process of performance contracting and is carried out at the end of the Contract (after 30th June). The evaluation based on the performance contract shall contribute to 50% of the Performance Appraisal for the staff member during the Contract Period. Performance evaluation is performed to establish the measurement of the extent to which a member of staff achieves negotiated performance targets. It is grounded on a few fundamental principles: It entails comparison of achievement to targets. The achievement score is based on evidence provided. Every indicator is assessed on the basis of targets, weights and units of measurement and notes provided in the performance contract (F-2-53-11). After confirmation of achievements with respect to targets scores are computed using a formula that is discussed below. Computation of Scores Computation of score is conducted in three steps as follows: I. Calculate raw score: II. III. Weighted score: multiply the raw score by their weight Composite score: add the weighted scores of all targets 4 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Calculation of raw score: Calculation of the raw score is based on the Actual Achievement (A) as it relates to the Target (T). For each indicator, a raw score shall be assigned based on percentage as follows: S.No Achievement Raw Score 1 More than 125% of the Target 2 Less than 125 % of the Target (a) 1 + [((A/T)-0.25)/0.25] (b) 5 A = Actual achievement; T= Target achievement Where maximum Achievement is 100% of Target (i.e. target cannot be exceeded) 1 + [((A/T)-0.20)/0.20] (c) Table 1: Methodology for calculating the raw score of any achievement The maximum raw score in this system is 5 for each indicator. There are three scenarios that may occur: a) Any achievement that is 25% beyond the set target, i.e. if Actual Achievement/ Target (i.e. A/T) is 125% or more, the outright maximum score of 5 is given. This applies for indicators whose achievement can exceed 100%. b) If achievement can exceed 100% and the achievement is below 125% of target, the equation marked as (b) is applied. In this scenario it can be seen an achievement of 125% yields a raw score of 1 + [((125/100)-0.25)/0.25] = 5 and 100% yields a raw score of 1 + [((100/100)-0.25)/0.25] = 4. c) For Indicators where achievement beyond 100% is not feasible, the equation marked as (c) is applied. In this scenario it can be seen an achievement of 100% yields a raw score of 1 + [((100/100)-0.20)/0.20] = 5. In the example carried over from Tutorial 2 the raw score is calculated by applying the appropriate case scenario. 5 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) The following steps are applied in calculating the raw score: 1. 2. The performance contract is recalled to obtain the targets and weights. The achievement in the Annual (4th Quarter) Report as confirmed by the HoD is used together with the corresponding target and weight to calculate the raw score. Remember, all quarterly reports must be submitted promptly and are used to monitor the progressive achievement. Units Performance Indicator Weight Target 1 1 Practicals conducted No. 3 2 Budgets for teaching materials prepared No. 1 3 3 Practical assessment administered % 2 100 4 Departmental equipment maintained % 2 100 5 Inventory of laboratory reagents and consumables maintained % 1 100 6 Incident/ occurrence records maintained % 1 100 TOTAL WEIGHT 63 10 Table 2: Contract matrix Performance Indicator Units Weight Target 2 Achieved 1 Practicals conducted No. 3 63 2 Budgets for teaching materials prepared No. 1 3 3 3 Practical assessment administered % 2 100 100 4 Departmental equipment maintained % 2 100 95 5 Inventory of laboratory reagents and consumables maintained % 1 100 100 6 Incident/ occurrence records maintained % 1 100 85 TOTAL WEIGHT 75 10 Table 3: Annual (4th Quarter) Report 6 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract 3. Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Using the appropriate formula for each indicator, the raw score calculated. For example, indicator 1 is of case (b) type and the raw score is computed as 1 + [((75/63)-0.25)/0.25] = 4.8 OR 1 + [((119/100)-0.25)/0.25] = 4.8 . Indicator 2 is of case (c) type and the raw score is computed as 1 + [((100/100)-0.20)/0.20] = 5. The case (c) formula also applies to indicators 3 to 6 in this particular example. Performance Indicator % Achieved 1 Practicals conducted Budgets for teaching 119 100* Practical assessment 100* Departmental equipment 95* 2 materials prepared 3 administered 4 maintained 5 6 Inventory of laboratory reagents and consumables maintained Incident/ occurrence records maintained 100* 85* Weight Raw Score Weighted Score 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 4.8 5.0 = 3 x 4.8 4 14.3 = 1 x 5.0 5.0 5.0 = 2 x 5.0 10.0 = 2 x 4.8 9.5 = 1 x 5.0 5.0 = 1 x 4.3 4.3 4.8 5.0 4.3 10 Composite Score 5 48.1 * Case (c) Table 4: Evaluation of performance Computation of weighted score: 4. A weighted score for each indicator is computed by multiplying the raw score by the agreed weight of the indicator. Computation of composite score: 5. A composite score for all indicators is computed by adding the weighted scores of all targets. The score of 48.1 obtained in this example implies 48.1/50 as the performance evaluation of this member of staff. See a different example in the next page. 7 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Performance Indicator Units 1 Cleaning Schedule prepared Date 3 July 5th 2015 2 3 4 5 % No. % % 2 2 2 1 10 100 4 100 100 Target Achieved Desks and tables dusted Cobwebs removed Mail delivered on time Mail register updated TOTAL WEIGHT Weight Target Table 5(a): Contract Matrix Units Performance Indicator 1 Cleaning Schedule prepared Date 3 July 5th 2015 July 5th 2015 % 2 100 100 Number 2 4 2 % % 2 1 100 100 90 80 2 Desks and tables dusted 3 Cobwebs removed Weight 4 Mail delivered on time 5 Mail register updated TOTAL WEIGHT 10 Table 5(b): Report Performance Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 % Achieved Weight Raw Score Cleaning Schedule prepared Dusting of desks and tables Removal of cobwebs Mail delivered on time Mail register updated daily 100* 100* 50 90 80 Composite Score 3 2 2 2 1 10 5 5 2 3.6 3.2 Weighted Score = 3 x 5.0 = 2 x 5.0 = 2 x 2.0 = 2 x 3.6 = 1 x 3.2 15.0 10.0 4.0 7.2 3.2 39.4 * Case (c) Table 5(c): Evaluation of Performance 8 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Evaluation of the performance contract is coordinated by the Directorate of Performance Contracting and Appraisal (DiPCA) . It contributes 50% of the overall staff appraisal. 6. Once DiPCA has computed the evaluation score for the member of staff, the score is forwarded to the Human Resource Manager for compilation with the other sections of staff appraisal as shown below: SCORE SOURCE OF SCORE STAFF CATEGORY Awarded Max Evaluation on Values and Staff Competency SECTION II ALL 8.5 10 Peer Evaluation SECTION III ALL 7 10 Evaluation by Employees below Rank SECTION IV ALL 8 10 Self Assessment SECTION V ALL 4.8 5 SECTION VI NONTEACHING 11 15 48.1 50 87.4 100 EVALUATION MEASURE Customer Assessment (For NonTeaching Staff Student/Lecturer Evaluation (For Teaching Staff) DAQA TEACHING Score for Performance Contract DIPCA ALL OVERALL SCORE Table 6: Evaluation of Performance 7. The Human Resource Manager receives scores from the various sections and computes the overall scores for each staff. The score forwarded by the Directorate of Performance Contracting and Appraisal (DiPCA) is highlighted in Table. %. A member of staff who does not sign a performance contract or fails to submit quarterly reports automatically gets a score of zero for performance contract section and is therefore disadvantaged in the overall score. 9 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) The sections referred to as Section I, II, through to VI are found in form F-2-7013-1 that deals with personal attributes of the individual. This part is coordinated by the Human Resource Manager and carries a total score of 50%. The two parts of the appraisal system are thus combined by the Human Resource Manager to give a staff member’s overall appraisal score out of 100. 8. The Human Resource Manager assigns a performance grade based on the overall score as follows: OVERALL SCORE RANGE (%) 85 – 100 70 – 84 50 – 69 40 – 49 0 - 39 GRADE Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Table 7: Performance grades In the example provided above, the overall score of 87.4 falls in the Excellent category. Using the steps provided herein. A member of staff should be able to perform his own self-evaluation. Integration of performance contracting into the 360-degree appraisal system increases objectivity of the appraisal system through use of measurable targets. It also enables linking appraisal to the mandate of the University and responsibilities of the University staff. 10 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Parties involved in Performance Appraisal 1) Appraisee (Individual Staff) Prepares, negotiates and signs performance contract with HOD Undertakes activities Prepares and submits reports Maintains evidence of activities and achievement Nominates appraisers 2) Head of Department Coordinates performance appraisal in their departments 3) Departmental Committees Conducts performance appraisal at the Department 4) DiPCA Coordinates individual staff performance contracts Receives and consolidates staff performance scores and forwards to the HR Department Sensitize staff on performance contracting and appraisal 5) Directorate of Quality Assurance Coordinates student lecturer evaluation 6) Human Resources Department Coordinates evaluation of personal attributes Consolidates appraisal scores For more information on the Staff Evaluation at JKUAT download the JKUAT Performance Appraisal Guidelines WI-2-53-1-1 from the DiPCA website You may access this page from the JKUAT homepage sidebar and select Information for Staff > Performance Contract & Appraisal. Alternatively under the menu “About JKUAT” select Directorates & Offices > Directorate of Performance Contracting and Appraisal. The document is found under Downloads and Resources > Staff Performance Appraisal Forms > Appraisal Guidelines. 11 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Concluding Remarks on the Performance Contracting Process Performance contracting: Does not replace terms of service of employees; Does not lead to punishment or dismissal; Should be negotiated; Enhances service delivery and accountability of JKUAT; Helps staff in their personal development. Performance Contracting complements existing systems at JKUAT It does not change the working arrangements in the Departments; HODs may still assign staff additional duties (not covered by the contract) from time to time Staff should make sure they prepare contracts which they will negotiate and sign with their HODs at the beginning of each FinancialYear (July/August) 12 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Tutorial 3: Evaluation of Performance Contract Ref: JKU/2/053/030/1(91) Visit DIPCA in Case of Any Query For further information, welcome to our offices in DiPCA House, next to Fundilima Sacco (Fedha House) in JKUAT, Main Campus. Contacts: Direct line: 020-2675850 Mobile: 0724944014 (Director) VoIP Extension lines: 1052-1059 Email: Website: 13 JKUAT is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified │ Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation