International Business and Emerging Markets

International Business and Emerging Markets
1) Awarding Institution: University of Edinburgh
2) Teaching Institution: University of Edinburgh
3) Programme accredited by:
4) Final Award: MSc in International Business and Emerging Markets
5) Programme Title: MSc in International Business and Emerging Markets
6) UCAS Code:
Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s): Masters Awards in Business and Management
7) Postholder with overall responsibility for QA Dr Susan Carpenter
Date of production/revision: March 2008
Educational aims of programme:
The programme aims:
This programme provides a unique opportunity for students who, with diverse educational
backgrounds / working experience, want to pursue careers as business consultants,
investment analysts and managers in the broad arena of international business especially
relating to emerging markets; for students from emerging economies who wish to bring
themselves up to speed with contemporary thinking on corporate strategy including crosscultural management, technology innovation, financial management and economics, as
well as the business environment and public policies concerning development in general. It
is aimed first at the challenges posed by the phenomenon of globalisation and the
conflicting trends of convergence and divergence in the outlook of international business
and second at the specific challenges posed for rapidly developing emerging economies.
To lead students to acquire substantive knowledge drawing upon diverse perspectives and
disciplines, and gain the analytical ability to develop a continuing understanding of the
challenges international business is facing and for an appreciation of the complex issues in
relation to business strategy for both multinational enterprises (MNEs) and firms in
emerging economies.
To promote advanced multidisciplinary study, catering for outstanding students with
diverse backgrounds and strengths (both from within the UK and overseas), by offering a
range of relevant options drawing upon existing, complementary programmes.
To provide a personalised training environment allowing students to build on their existing
knowledge framework and further develop expertise in a particular area of their own
To help students develop the transferable skills in research design and analysis and, in
particular, life-long learning skills needed for professional careers.
10) Programme Outcomes:
The International Business and Emerging Markets programme draws on a wide range of base
disciplines and focuses on the intellectual challenges posed by the rapid development of
technology and the phenomenon of globalisation. The programme will help students to build
upon their existing knowledge framework and develop and demonstrate knowledge and
understanding in the following areas:
(a) Knowledge and understanding
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:
Demonstrate an understanding of pressing key issues relating to the competitiveness
of international business which are directly derived from technology capabilities,
managerial skills, wealth of resources, and business strategies; an awareness of the
volatility and uncertainty involved in international business and the influences of the
changing landscape of global politics, technology development, distribution of wealth,
ownership of resources and regulatory regimes in individual nation states and
international institutions.
Develop a knowledge framework which encompasses diverse perspectives and
disciplines to understand the complexity of international business; and for an
appreciation of the differences of individual nation states, including emerging markets
such as China, India, South American and African countries and other transitional
economies, in terms of their changing business environments and business practices.
Demonstrate an understanding of various interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
research approaches and techniques and how they may be applied to research into the
complex issues surrounding international business.
Learning / teaching through a combination of courses relating to general knowledge of
international business, finance and trade, as well as the business environment and
management in emerging markets, especially large emerging economies such as China and
Students will demonstrate their knowledge in their dissertation, their assessed essays and
other knowledge tests, as well as their non-assessed participation in class discussions and
seminar presentations.
(b) Intellectual skills
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:
• Demonstrate ability to acquire and analyse data and information, to evaluate their
relevance and validity, and to synthesise a range of information sources needed to
develop a sophisticated understanding of a novel and rapidly changing international
and national context.
• Demonstrate a critical awareness of discipline-based concepts and approaches to
analyse contemporary international business and emerging market related issues.
• Exhibit creativity in the application of knowledge to analyse complex issues
surrounding international business in general and national differences in particular.
• Demonstrate a reflexive understanding of the practical application of this knowledge
including a critical awareness of the implications for practice including corporate
strategy, government policy and international regulatory regimes.
• Demonstrate a practical understanding of how established approaches to research and
enquiry are used to develop and interpret knowledge, in international business and
emerging markets.
Learning / teaching through a combination of approaches and methods from business and
management studies and research skills.
Students will demonstrate their skills in their dissertation, their assessed essays and class
(c) Professional/subject-specific/practical skills
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:
• Demonstrate skills in interdisciplinary analysis, drawing upon different empirical
sources, analytical perspectives and disciplines
• Demonstrate an ability to acquire and apply specialist knowledge relating to the
study area of their choosing, deploying concepts and sources incisively and with
• Demonstrate ability to conduct research into international business and
management issues which may relate to a specific emerging market or a sector,
that require familiarity with a range of data, research sources and appropriate
methodologies, and for such to inform the overall learning process
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills in assessed essays and non-assessed
class discussions, and seminar presentations, as well as in their final dissertation.
(d) Transferable skills
By the end of the course, students will be expected to:
• Be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
• Be able to advance reasoned and factually supported arguments in written work and
oral presentation
• Have acquired lifelong learning skills and personal development so as to be able to
work with self-direction
• Information search using different media, eg. Internet and libraries
• Skills in time management and planning work
Students will demonstrate their ability to conduct a piece of independent research through
the completion of their dissertation as well as through assessed essays and non-assessed
class and seminar performances.
11) Programme Structure and Features:
The programme consists of seven taught courses plus a dissertation: three core courses including a
research method course and four options which can be selected from a range of optional courses to
meet the needs of students with diverse backgrounds, experience and interests. The dissertation will
be on an aspect of international business development and management relating to emerging markets,
such as China, India or Brazil.
1.Core courses :
International Business and Emerging Markets
Corporate Strategy
Methods of Research
Two of the following three courses to be selected
International Business and Trade
Accounting and Financial Management
The Transition to a Modern Economy
2.Optional courses: Select at least 30 credits worth of courses from
Advertising Management
Case studies – Business Management in China and India
Courses listed below contain 20 credits each, otherwise indicated individually.
Corporate finance in Emerging Markets
Economic and Financial Issues in Emerging Markets
Financial Analysis #
Global Financial Markets and Emerging Economies #
Global Strategy and Management
Japan as a Model for Emerging Markets
Managing across cultures
Providing and Managing Public Services
Management of R&D and Product Innovation
Performance, Measurement and Financial Management
Selected Emeging Issues in Finance and Investment
Wealth and Competitiveness of Nations
Outward Investment from Emerging Markets
The Changing Business Environment in China
Africa and International Politics* (semester 2)
Information Policy: international and comparative perspectives* TBA
Notes: * Courses offered by the Graduate School of Social and Political Studies;
** Exceptionally, suitably qualified students may undertake another postgraduate course
within the university not listed here with the approval of the programme director.
# Accounting and Financial Management is a pre-requisite for these courses.
Note not all optional courses may run in any one year.
3. Assessment:
Core courses: an essay (4000 words) or a project work, 100%
Optional courses: normally an essay (3000-4000 words) or course analysis, examination, project, as
required on any individual courses, 100%.
Dissertation: a 15,000 (approximately) words thesis, 100%
The pass mark will be 50 per cent
Entry requirements:
A good honours degree, or an equivalent qualification in any subject.
Mode of study:
Available full time (over 12 months) or part time (over 24 months) and non-graduating students.
4. Specifically designed features:
A wide range of optional courses
A modularised course structure
Personalised programme
Diverse perspectives and disciplines
Real-world empirical sources for management teaching and learning
International Business is a broad and complex area, encompassing both international issues and diverse
national business characteristics and settings; and addressing economics, politics, technology, legal
systems and social structure, culture and traditions. Given the range of relevant expertise, and the lack
of a single accepted framework, the course is geared to providing an integrative understanding and a
flexible approach to study which will enable students to acquire expertise related to their experience,
their interests and their intended career trajectory.
This programme is also purposely designed to cater for demand from a market which is diverse,
constantly changing and increasingly competitive. The course is built around core research strengths
and existing offerings within MSE, and at the same time, is able to draw upon available resources in
different fields.
The educational philosophy is to provide a personalised training environment allowing students to build
on their existing knowledge framework and further develop expertise in particular areas of their own
choosing. Students will be assigned a study advisor at the outset who will assist them in the design of a
suitable and effective plan of advanced study, emphasising their career development and taking
advantage of the top-calibre academic facilities within and beyond the School.
12) Other items:
Students on the programme will benefit from the substantial expertise at the University of Edinburgh in
International Business related fields relating to emerging markets, such as China, South Asian and African
The programme will be charged at a premium fee of £11,000.
Students will have access to libraries in the Universities of Edinburgh which hold a wide range of material
on China, India and Africa.
More detailed information can be obtained from Dr. Susan Carpenter, Room 224, William Robertson
Building, 50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JY, Scotland, United Kingdom. E-mail: