Henry George HARRIS (1814

Henry George HARRIS (1814-1867)
Marriage Register Covent Garden St Paul, Westminster
No.288 Nathaniel Harris of the parish of St Luke Chelsea… bachelor and Millicent Maltwood of this parish, spinster, were married… Church by
Licence, this first day of August 1812… in the presence of Charlotte Wrench and John Smith
Baptism Register St Marylebone, Westminster
No. 1441 Nathaniel Charles Harris
born 21 Nov 1813
No. 1442 Henry George Harris
born 26 May 1814
baptised 11 Jul 1815 son of Nathaniel & Melicent Harris, St Marylebone, Trade
baptised 11 Jul 1815 son of Nathaniel & Melicent Harris, St Marylebone, Trade
Bishop’s Transcript of Baptism Register Westminster St Martin in the Fields, Westminster
No.547 Nathaniel Charles Harris, baptised 11 Dec 1816 , son of Nathaniel and Millicent Harris of 16 Bedford Court, Gentleman
Baptism Register Shaftesbury Holy Trinity, Dorset
No.427 Mellicent Augusta Harris, baptised 26 Oct 1826, daughter of Nathaniel & Mellicent Harris, Innkeeper, Shaston
London Gazette 18 May 1827
Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against Nathaniel Harris, of Shaftsbury, in the County of Dorset, Innkeeper,
Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission
named, or the major part of them, on the 6 , 7 and 29 days of June next, at Eleven o’Clock in the Forenoon on each of the said days, at the
Grosvenor Arms Inn, in Shaftesbury aforesaid, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects, when and where the Creditors
are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to
finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt,
or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr Edmund
Walker, 26, Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, London, or to Mr John Kingston Galpine, Attorney at Law, Blandford, Dorset.
London Gazette 02 Oct 1827
The Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date the 17 day of April 1827, awarded and issued forth against Nathaniel Harris, of
Shaftesbury, in the County of Dorset, innkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 8 day of November next, at Eleven o’Clock in the
Forenoon, at the Grosvenor Arms Inn, in Shaftesbury aforesaid, in order to Audit the Accounts of the Assignees of the estates and effects of the
said Bankrupt under the said Commission.
Contact: Dawn Chambers
Last updated 15 July 2012
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London Gazette 23 Oct 1827
Whereas the acting Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Nathaniel Harris, of Shaftesbury, in the County
of Dorset, Innkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right Hon. John Singleton Lord Lyndhurst, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain,
that the said Nathaniel Harris hath in all things conformed himself according to the directions of the Act of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts;
This is to give notice, that, by virtue of an Act passed in the sixth year of His present Majesty’s reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed
as the said Act directs, unless cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the 13 day of November next.
London Gazette 05 Jan 1836 The Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors
Nathaniel Charles Harris (sued as Nathaniel Harris the younger), heretofore of No.2, Little-Charles-Street, Westminster, Middlesex, then of No.10
Hercules-Buildings, Lambeth, Surrey, then of No.13 Edmund-Place, Aldersgate-Street, London, afterwards of No.33 Robert-Street, Hoxton NewTown, Middlesex, then of No.34 Bedford-Street, Covent-Garden, then of No.5 Northumberland-Street, Strand, then of No.14 Wells-Street, FalconSquare, Aldersgate-Street, London, Commission Agent, then of No.9 Bear-Street, Leicester-Square, Assistant to a Tavern Keeper, then of No.3
Tavistock-Court, Covent-Garden, then of No.23 Southampton-Street, Strand, Middlesex, then of No.73 Stamford-Street, Blackfriars-Road, Surrey,
at the same time carrying on business at No.27 Castle-Street, Falcon-Square and No.27 Saint Mary Axe, both in the City of London, as a Bottled
Ale and Beer Merchant, and late of No.3 Mount Gardens, Lambeth, Surrey, out of business.
1841 Census Palace N. Road, Lambeth Church First, Lambeth, Surrey
Wine merchant
Melicent HARRIS
Harriett HARRIS
5 months
Margaret EVES
not born in the parish
not born in the parish
not born in the parish
not born in the parish
not born in the parish
not born in the parish
born in the parish
Marriage Register Millbrook Parish Church, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Marriage by license 29 Mar 1843. Witnesses: Millicent Augusta Harris and Richard Barber.
Henry George Harris, of full age, bachelor, accountant of Lambeth, son of Nathanial Harris, wine merchant.
Elizabeth Drake, of full age, spinster of Millbrook, dau of John Drake, no occupation given.
Baptism Register St George the Martyr, Southwark
No.2225 Milicent Eliza Harris, baptised 16 Jun 1844, dau of Henry George and Elizabeth Harris of West Square, Gent.
Contact: Dawn Chambers
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Bishop’s Transcript of Baptism Register Chiswick St Nicholas, Middlesex
No.88 Harriet Mercy Harris, born 11 Jan 1846, baptised 30 Aug 1846, dau of Henry George and Elizabeth Harris of Chiswick, Gentleman
No.92 Henry Gildrake Harris, born 01 Mar 1847, baptised 03 Oct 1847, son of Henry George and Elizabeth Harris of Chiswick, Waterproofer
1851 Census 528 Oxford St, St George Bloomsbury, Finsbury, Middlesex
Head 36yrs
Articled clerk to attorney
Elizabeth HARRIS
Milicent HARRIS
Harriet M. HARRIS
At home
Alfred B. HARRIS
At home
George F. HARRIS
7 months
At home
Sister 10yrs
b Marylebone, Middlesex
b Greenwich, Kent
b Southwark, Middlesex
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Chelsea, Middlesex
b Hayes, Middlesex
b Westminster, Middlesex
Bishop’s Transcript of Baptism Register Westminster St Martin in the Fields, Westminster
No.53 Alfred Bransby Harris, born 02 Jan 1849, baptised 14 Feb 1851, son of Henry George and Elizabeth Harris of Oxford St, Gentleman
No.54 George Francis Harris, born 09 Aug 1850, baptised 14 Feb 1851, son of Henry George and Elizabeth Harris of Oxford St, Gentleman
Bishop’s Transcript of Nunhead Cemetery, Linden Grove Burial Register
No.6421 Alfred Bransby Harris, aged 5yrs 8 months, of 4 Oval Cottages, Kensington, was buried 04 Oct 1854
1861 Census 4 Bartlett Ridge, St Andrew Holborn, Middlesex
Henry George HARRIS Head 45yrs
Articled clerks solicitor
Elizabeth HARRIS
Milicent Eliza HARRIS Dau
Scholar [unmarried]
Harriet Mercy HARRIS Dau
Scholar [unmarried]
Arthur Bransby HARRIS Son
b London
b Greenwich, Kent
b Lambeth, Surrey
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Hayes, Middlesex
FreeBMD Death Registration
Arthur Bransby Cooper Harris, Jun Qt 1864 Uxbridge, Middlesex
Contact: Dawn Chambers
Last updated 15 July 2012
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Prerogative Court of Canterbury Probate 8 Jun 1867
The Will of Henry George Harris late of 231 Camberwell-road Camberwell in the County of Surrey to a Solicitor deceased who died 14 May 1867
at 231 Camberwell-road aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Milicent Augusta Harris of 11 St. Mark’s-road Kennington in
the County aforesaid Spinster and William Edward Follit of 47 Manor-road Wadworth in the County aforesaid Accountant the Executors. Effects
under £100.
1871 Census 6 Langton Place, Vassall Road, St Mark, Lambeth, London
Millicent E. HARRIS
Head 27yrs
Harriet M. HARRIS
Sister 25yrs
Brother 23yrs
Solicitor’s clerk
Brother 20yrs
Solicitor’s Gent clerk
Arthur B. C. HARRIS
Brother 13yrs
b Lambeth, Surrey
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Hayes, Middlesex
b Hayes, Middlesex
National Probate Calendar 1873
14 November. The Will of Richard Baily late of Rose Villa Terrace-road Calthorpe-road Banbury in the County of Oxford Tailor and Draper who
died 14 October 1873 at Rose Villa was proved at the Principal Registry by Richard Usher of Boddicott Banbury Farmer and Henry Gilldrake
Harris of 100 Vassall-road Brixton in the County of Surrey Attorney’s clerk the Executors. Effects under £3,000.
London Gazette 14 Apr 1874 Richard Baily, Deceased
Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Victoria, chapter 35, intituled “An Act to further amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees.” Notice is
hereby given, that all creditors and others having any claims against the estate of Richard Baily, late of Rose Villa, Terrace-road, Calthorpe-road,
Banbury, in the county of Oxford, formerly of 23, Cornhill, Banbury aforesaid, Woollen Draper and Tailor, deceased (who died on the 14 day of
October 1873 at Rose Villa, Terrace-road, Calthorpe-road, Banbury, aforesaid, and whose will was proved in Her Majesty’s Court of Probate, the
Principal Registry, on the 14 day of November 1873, by Richard Usher and Henry Gilldrake Harris, the executors therein named), are hereby
required to send in their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and the full particulars, in writing, of their claims to the undersigned,
William Newman of No.24 Bucklersbury, London, the Solicitor of the said Richard Usher and Henry Gilldrake Harris, on or before the 23 day of
May 1874, after which day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice; and the executors will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so
distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution – Dated this 10 day of April 1874, Wm.
Newman, 24, Bucklersbury, London, Solicitor for the Executors.
Contact: Dawn Chambers
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London Gazette 19 Jun 1877
Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, made in the matter of the estate of Richard Baily, deceased, and in a cause
Richard Baily and others against Henry Gilldrake Harris and others 1877, B., 143, the creditors of Richard Baily, late of Banbury, in the county of
Oxford, Tailor and Draper, deceased, who died in or about the month of October, 1873, are, on or before the 7 day of July 1877 to send by post,
prepaid, to John Croft, of 24, Bucklersbury, in the city of London, the Solicitor of the defendant, Henry Gilldrake Harris, one of the executors of the
said Richard Baily, deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their
accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said
Order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir Charles Hall, at his chambers, situated No.14
Chancery-lane, Middlesex, on Tuesday, the 17 day of July 1877, at twelve o’clock at noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the
claims – Dated this 14 day of June, 1877.
National Probate Calendar 1881
10 January. Administration of the Personal Estate of George Francis Harris late of 224 Camberwell-New-road and of the Railway Station Brixton
both in the County of Surrey Auctioneer and Estate Agent a Bachelor who died 11 June 1880 at 11 Dane-Hill-row Margate in the County of Kent
was granted to Henry Gilldrake Harris of 380 Brixton-road in the County of Surrey Solicitor’s Clerk the Brother and one of the Next of Kin. Personal
Estate under £100.
1881 Census 380 Brixton Road, Lambeth, Surrey
Millicent E. HARRIS
Head 37yrs
Harriet M. HARRIS
Sister 35yrs
Brother 34yrs
Arthur K. HARRIS
Brother 23yrs
Of no calling [unmarried]
Of no calling [unmarried]
Managing clerk to Solicitor [unmarried]
Auctioneer [unmarried]
b West Square, Surrey
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Chiswick, Middlesex
b Haynes, Middlesex
1891 Census 49 Church Road, Brixton, Lambeth, London
Millicent E. HARRIS
Sister 47yrs
Needlewoman [single]
Harriet M. HARRIS
Sister 45yrs
Shirt needlewoman [single]
Brother 44yrs
Solicitor’s clerk law [single]
Arthur B. HARRIS
Brother 22yrs
Land & Estate Agent & Auctioneer [single]
Harriet MOORE
Lodger 82yrs
Living on own means [widow]
b Southwark, London
b Hammersmith, London
b Middlesex
b Hayes, Middlesex
b Paddington, London
1901 Census 1 Lansdown Terrace, Hanwell, Middlesex
Milicient E. HARRIS
Head 57yrs
Harriet M. HARRIS
Sister 55yrs
Brother 54yrs
Milicent A. HARRIS
b Lambeth, London
b Middlesex
b Middlesex
b Dorsetshire
Contact: Dawn Chambers
Juvenile Dressmaker [single]
Own means [single]
Estate & General Agent, Auctioneer [single]
Juvenile Dressmaker [single]
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1911 Census 32 Cherington Road, Hanwell W., Middlesex
Millicent Eliza HARRIS Head 67yrs
Private means [single]
Harriet Mercy HARRIS Sister 65yrs
Private means [single]
Millicent Augusta HARRIS Aunt 85yrs
Henry Gilldrake HARRIS Brother 64yrs
Enquiry & General Agent [single]
Contact: Dawn Chambers
Last updated 15 July 2012
b West Square, Surrey
b Hammersmith, Middlesex
b Shaftesbury, Dorsetshire
b Chiswick, Middlesex
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