PROCEEDINGS, Fourty Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015 Regional Assesment Using Graphical Techniques of Indonesian Non-Volcanic Geothermal System In Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: Based on Fluid Geochemistry Ali Fahrurrozie1, Yosi Amelia1, Andri Eko Ari Wibowo2 1 Geothermal Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia 2 Center of Geological Resources, Geology Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia 1 Keywords: Na-K-Mg, Na-K, Mg-Ca, K-Mg, Quartz, geothermometer, geochemistry, non-volcanic, Central Sulawesi ABSTRACT Indonesia has many geothermal prospects which spreading out in Sumatra, Java, Bali, NTT and Sulawesi Islands. Most of Indonesian geothermal system is located in Sumatra and Java associated with high temperature system hosted by volcanic rock. Sulawesi island is different than those. In part of Sulawesi has non-volcanic geothermal systems hosted by granitic and metamorphic rock. Central Sulawesi has eleven geothermal prospects reported as non-volcanic geothermal system. The geothermal prospects are still in an exploration stage to get to know their geothermal system properties with geological, geophysical, and geochemical surveys. Till now, no one of those prospects are developed for electricity or direct use utilization. Some of 3G survey had been conducted by Center of Geological Resources, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia. Geochemical surveys are used to get characteristics of fluid geochemistry, either water or gas. Fluid geochemistry, only water, will be evaluated in this paper to know characteristic of manifestations, type of fluid, and geothermometers. Water geochemistry are used also to know equilibrium of fluid and understand fluid process in either deep or shallow levels. Reservoir temperature by geothermometers not just one objective in analysis of water geochemistry. Whereas, the important thing is deduce deep temperature with considering water-rock interaction or fluid-rock equilibration. In this paper, the application of Na-K-Mg ternary, Na-K/Mg-Ca and K-Mg/Quartz diagram are applied to compare temperature equilibration each other, to consider the equilibrium of fluid, and to analyze some processes in either deep or shallow level of seven non-volcanic geothermal systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The seven non-volcanic geothermal systems, namely Tambu, Ranang, Lompio, Marana, Bora, Pulu, and Kadidia. The methods have been applied in some volcanic geothermal systems in New Zealand such as Waiotapu and Rotorua and Alto Peak geothermal field in Philippines. The K-Mg/Quartz diagram is consist of two low temperature geothermometers. These geothermometers can eliminate invalidity of each geothermometer, which could be caused by dilution process, equilibration with amorphous silica, or some residual effect of an acid zone. The Na-K/Mg-Ca diagram also has two geothermometers, Na-K geothermometer with equilibration of the system Mg-Ca. Both of them usually use to know the influence of shallow and low temperature processes. Na-K-Mg ternary diagram consist of fast-responding K-Mg with slowly reequilibrating Na-K geothermometers to evaluate degree of attainment of fluid-rock equilibration. This ternary plot is powerful tool to keep water distinct between water suitable and unsuitable for the application of ionic solute geothermometers, to assess deep equilibrium temperature, and evaluate re-equilibrium and mixing effect on large number water samples. The results of study show that almost half of thermal springs attaint to full equilibrium line, although some of them plotted in partial equilibrium. These water of thermal springs are in part came from reservoir and in part undergone dilution or mixing processes. Three graphical techniques were showing the shallow and deep temperature of each prospect with some explanation about equilibrium and processes of fluids rise from deep to surface. Overall, equilibrium temperatures are taken and proposed from three graphical techniques as above for the whole set of Tambu discharges with temperature of 140-150°C, Lompio range of temperature of 210-220°C, Ranang-Kasimbar of 130°C, Bora temperature average of 210°C, Pulu temperature of 230-240°C and Sapo-Kadidia temperature of 230°C. Only temperature of Marana is unreliable. Equilibrium temperatures as discussed for those prospects, probably just define shallow conditions before thermal discharges appear in surface. In shallow levels, temperature of equilibrium is 120-140°C for Tambu, 130°C for Ranang-Kasimba, 210-220°C for Lompio, while others are unreliable. 1. INTRODUCTION Sulawesi has a large geothermal potential after geothermal potential of Java and Sumatera in Indonesia. The number of geothermal potential in Sulawesi is 3126 MWe. Whereas, geothermal installed capacity of Sulawesi only 60 MWe in Lahendong Geothermal Field in North Sulawesi operated by Pertamina Geothermal Energy. The potential of Sulawesi is consist of speculative resources of 1345 MWe, hypothetical resources of 179 MWe, possible reserve of 1374 MWe, probable reserve of 150 MWe, and proven reserve of 78 MWe (Center of Geological Resources, 2013). A large number of geothermal system in Sulawesi is associated with a Quarternary andesitic volcanoes, Tertiary andesitic volcanoes, and predominantly non-volcanic geothermal system. Approximately, thirty two (32) of fifty (50) prospects in Sulawesi is non-volcanic geothermal system (Wibowo, 2014). Most of non-volcanic in Sulawesi is located in Central Sulawesi, fourteen prospects. Hence, on this paper we are going to discuss about a half prospect of them to do regional assessment of Indonesian non-volcanic geothermal system, particulary in Central Sulawesi as representative of non-volcanic system in Sulawesi and generally in Indonesia. Previous study on non-volcanic geothermal system in part of center of Sulawesi by Yushantarti, et al (2012) described many prospects of Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and South Sulawesi. Furthermore, they only explained the geochemical properties of each manifestation without give detail explanation about fluid process from deep to surface, temperature equilibration with considering water-rock interaction or fluid-rock equilibration. The objective of investigation is evaluate and asses through water 1 Fahrurrozie, et al. geochemistry the equilibrium of the fluid in regional area of Central Sulawesi. The paper clarify about fluid process, temperature equilibration with considering water-rock interaction or fluid-rock equilibration which not discussed on Yushantarti’s paper. Several prospects will be analyze and discuss on this paper are Tambu, Ranang, Lompio, Marana, Bora, Pulu, and Kadidia (See Figure 1). Since in late’s 80 and early 90 years, Giggenbach (1986), Giggenbach (1988), Giggenbach and Glover (1992), Giggenbach, et al (1994) started to present equilibrium concepts to evaluate water geochemistry, many geochemical evaluation of obtained result from geochemical survey must considering it to get a good interpretation of geochemical characteristics of a geothermal system. However, analyzing of geochemical data in many geothermal prospects conducted by geochemist or geoscientist never used to the graphical techniques. However, these graphical techniques can be inferred give a good, reliable and accurate result if gas geochemistry data is not available. So, in this paper we are going to use the equilibrium concepts to do regional assessment in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hoping this idea will be used to understand characteristics of geothermal system and geothermal potential to facilitate a geothermal development in Central Sulawesi, future. Figure 1: Map of Geothermal prospects in Central Sulawesi. 2. METHODOLOGY The whole geochemical properties of each hot or warm spring is obtained result of geochemical survey conducted by Center of Geological Resources, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on paper of Yushantarti, et al (2012). We are using the data and Wibowo’s data (Wibowo, 2014) to discuss regional assessment in Central Sulawesi in next section. Geochemical data of fourteen prospects are selected and eliminated to become only seven (7) prospects or twenty nine (29) manifestations. The availability of geochemical properties and accuration data is considered to select the good and reliable data. The standard to evaluate water geochemistry is determine and check value of ionic balance (IB) and type of fluid. Whereas, analyze of conformity between pH, temperature, type of fluids, and field characteristics of some manifestation also to be consider to get a good geochemical evaluation. Not only geochemical data will be considered, but also the geological setting of each prospects. For geochemical analysis and interpretation of hot or warm springs data Indonesian geochemist prefer rely SO4-Cl-HCO3, Na-K-Mg, and B-Cl-Li ternary diagram and solute geothermometer based on equation. Equation geothermometer cannot recognize fluid equilibrium. Indonesian geochemists have been thought enough that these diagram and stable isotope diagram can give a comprehensive geochemical interpretation for each prospect. Actually, graphical techniques are Na-K-Mg, Na-K/Mg-Ca and K-Mg/Quartz diagram can give more added value to be intrepreted. Deep temperature considering equilibrium, fluid process, and fluid-rock equilibration can be analyzed by the three graphical techniques. 3. NON-VOLCANIC GEOTHERMAL PROSPECTS AND THEIR GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS As we know above, selected non-volcanic geothermal prospects consist of seven prospects and twenty nine manifestation. A review of geochemical characteristics for each prospect is given below about the type of fluid, temperature, pH, ionic balance, outflow or upflow zones and some other characteristics. In this section, knowing geochemical characteristics of theirs non-volcanic geothermal systems is expected can make us clear to identify system of non-volcanic and can distinguish between common non-volcanic and common geothermal system, volcanic-hydrothermal system. Fluid type and symbology follow the classification described by Hochstein et al. (2010) with additional class. 2 Fahrurrozie, et al. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1 Na-K-Mg Ternary Diagram Marini (2004) did explain Na-K-Mg diagram can assess deep equilibrium temperature and evaluate re-equilibrium and mixing effects on a large number of water samples. The diagram have three area are a full equilibrium, partial equilibrium, and immature waters. Commonly, the diagram can decide temperature for shallow by fast-responding K-Mg system (TK-Mg) and deep reservoir by slowly re-equilibrating Na-K system (TNa-K). Almost a half discharge points of twenty nine discharges plotted in partial equilibrium. It is remarkable pattern for a large number water samples. This unique pattern probably is caused by a great factor such as a large geological structure in an extensive geothermal area. Typically, almost discharges plotted in immature water like the rest discharge points in immature waters area and close to the Mg corner (see Figure 3). So, their Na-K temperatures have lower reliability (Giggenbach, 1988). The following chloride and chloride-bicarbonate water discharges points in partial equilibrium are Tambu, Roras, and Ponggerang (Tambu prospect); Lompio-1, 3 and Ombo (Lompio); Koala Rawa (Sapo-Kadidia); Ranang-1 and Ranang-3 (Ranang Kasimba); and Bora (Bora). Whereas, discharge points in partial equilibrium also are Kadidia, Sejahtera-2 (Sapo-Kadidia prospect); Kaliburo, Mapane, Pulu-1 (Pulu); and Lambani (Ranang Kasimba) which are bicarbonate and bicarbonate-chloride waters type. No one has discharge point to attain full equilibrium line. Figure 2: SO4-Cl-HCO3 Ternary Diagram (Giggenbach, 1988) of samples of Central Sulawesi Geothermal Prospects. Samples name follow Table 1. Figure 3: Na-K-Mg Ternary Diagram (Giggenbach, 1986) of samples of Central Sulawesi Geothermal Prospects. Samples name follow Table 1. Type of fluid follows the classification described by Hochstein et al. (2010) with additional class. Assigning temperature (TNa-K) can be assumed for all prospects, except Marana. None of its discharge has point to attain the equilibrium area even partial equilibrium. So, temperature for Marana prospect is assumed from low temperature, T K-Mg of around 3 Fahrurrozie, et al. 100C. It just can describe conditions at shallow levels and can be applied. While, a deep temperature of Marana can not be assumed by Na-K-Mg diagram. Refer to each discharge on Figure 3, TNa-K of around 240C for Kaliburo (Pulu); 230C for Mapane (Pulu) and Koala Rawa (Sapo-Kadidia); 210C for Lompio-1, 3 (Lompio) and Bora (Bora); 180C for Ombo (Lompio); 150C for Tambu (Tambu); and around 80-100C for Ponggerang (Tambu), Ranang-1 and 3 (Ranang Kasimba), Sejahtera-2 (Sapo Kadidia), Pulu (Pulu), Kadidia (Sapo-Kadidia), Roras (Tambu), and Lambani (Ranang Kasimbar) thermal discharges. There is an interesting fact that high TNa-K for a large number water sample on this paper is neutral-bicarbonate type water such as Kaliburo and Mapane. Its mean fluid both of them still able to maintain equilibrium condition from deep to surface, although mixing process probably occurred. Its surface temperature can prove the fact. Kaliburo and Mapane discharges have temperature of 84.80C and 94.20C. On the contrary, some of neutral pH NaCl type water such as Masaingi and Merana-2 discharges plotted far from the equilibrium line, not having even a partial equilibrium. Their high Mg content suggests a water-rock interaction process to reflect an immature nature of the water (dilute water), possibly affected by the absorption of dissolved rock (Reyes et al., 1993). Merana-2 has a highest Mg value around 14.88 mg/kg, while Masaingi has 5.94 mg/kg of Mg. Refer to Figure 3, a T K-Mg of around 200C for Koala Rawa (Sapo-Kadidia), 190C for Mapane (Pulu), 170C for Lompio-1, 3 (Lompio) and 140C for Tambu (Tambu), and around 80C for Ponggerang, Roras (Tambu), Ranang-3, Ranang-1, Lambani (Ranang-Kasimbar), Pulu-1 (Pulu), and Sejahtera-2 (Sapo-Kadidia). Mg can respond faster to decreasing temperature than Na, thus TK-Mg in shallow levels is still reliable to be applied (Giggenbach, 1986). 4.2 Na-K/Mg-Ca Diagram Most of water discharges from Lompio (Lompio-1, 3 and Ombo), Ranang-Kasimba (only Lambani and Ranang-3), Tambu (Tambu, Ponggerang) have equilibrated fluids (Figure 4). While, thermal discharges plotted close to equilibrium line such as Kadidia, Pulu1, Masaingi and Kaliburo. Rock dissolution by acidic condensate or magmatic constituent can bring several cations such as Na, K, Mg, and Ca which dissolved to geothermal fluids. Intensive interaction for a long time between fluids and host rocks will produce a equilibration on geothermal fluids. The point marked “rock dissolution” in Figure 4 with x= 0.8 and y=0.8 is based on several averages of x= 10 K/(10 K +Na) and y= 10 Mg/(10 M+Ca) ratios for the mean x and y ratio of dissolved volcanic rocks, including Sibalaya-2 springs. However, neutral pH and bicarbonate type of fluid is still doubtful, but it has highest value of Mg (9.86 mg/kg) probably can prove the fact that rock dissolution occurred on fluid till appears in surface as this thermal discharge in Bora prospect. On the other hand, a neutral pH sulphate of Sidera discharge plotted far from point of rock dissolution. Its means the fluid is completely neutralized by the reaction with host rocks. Rock dissolution in highly immature water generally is caused by volcanic waters (Reyes et al., 1993). Figure 4: Plot of 10 K/(10 K+Na) versus 10 Mg/(10 Mg+Ca), Ci in mg/kg or Na-K/Mg-Ca Diagram (Giggenbach and Glover, 1992, modified) of some thermal discharges in Central Sulawesi geothermal prospects. For sample names see Table 1. Type of fluid follow the classification type as described by Hochstein et al. (2010) with additional class. As we know, Na-K system shows water-rock equilibration temperatures to reflect conditions at deeper levels. Combination of Mg and Ca can indicate a mixing with lower temperature aquifers, steam heating or oxidation process. Magnesium (Mg) is a key to know a mixing, steam heating and oxidation process, because the process are involving shallow water or groundwater which contain more magnesium than geothermal fluid from reservoir. Data point for Koala Rowa, Sejahtera-2, 4, Walatana, Bayosa, and Yampo-1 show high Mg/Ca ratios corresponding to rock dissolution followed by deposition of K-rich secondary minerals such as clays and zeolites like laumontite at low temperatures (Giggenbach et al., 1994). The point marked at x=0.28 and y=0.95 represents “seawater”. The point marked at x=0.28 and y=0.95 represents “seawater”. Yompo and Bayosa (Marana prospect) samples are near this point. Neutral pH chloride water of Merana-2 is close to both of them. Probably sediment or connate water affected the fluid of thermal discharges. The whole set of water are HCO3 -water as suggested by Figure 2, which rises to the surface slowly. The cluster in Figure 4 is related to neutral pH, Na-Cl type waters and bicarbonate-chloride water (Masaingi, Kaliburo, Mapane, and Bora) which not attain to the equilibrium line but just had been re-equilibrated, so these waters plot in a transition area from rock 4 Fahrurrozie, et al. dissolution to rock-fluid equilibrium. Respond to change is shown by general trend line. Overall, equilibrium temperatures estimated using Na-K/Mg-Ca geothermometer are 120-140°C for Tambu, 130°C for Ranang-Kasimba, 210-220°C for Lompio, and uncertain temperature for Marana, Bora, Pulu, Sapo-Kadidia, because their samples not attain equilibrium. However, reequilibrated did occure. 4.3 K-Mg and Quartz (Conductive) Diagram As discussed in the previous subsection, K-Mg/Quartz (conductive) diagram can only provide low temperature estimates. This diagram was compared to low temperature geothermometers to eliminate invalidity of each geothermometer, which could be caused by dilution process, equilibration with amorphous silica or some residual effect of an acidic zone (Powell and Cumming, 2010). The chemical system between K-Mg and dissolved silica can respond fast to temperature changes. Condensate water are found in Yompo-1, 2, Bayosa (Marana), Sejahtera-1, 2, 4, and Kadidia (Sapo-Kadidia), Sibalaya-1, 2, and Sidera (Bora), Walatana and Pulu-1 (Pulu), Budi Mukti (Tambu), Ranang-1 (Ranang Kasimba). While, Koala Rawa (Sapo-Kadidia), Tambu, Ponggerang, and Roras (Tambu), Lompio-1, Lompio-3, and Ombo (Lompio), Mapane and Kaliburo (Pulu), Ranang-3 (Ranang-Kasimba) are outflow discharges. Bora (Bora), Masaingi and Merana-2 (Marana) are another group which plot between amorphous silica and the equilibrium line. The reason is probably due to an extensive water-rock interaction process during fluid rise to the surface for Merana-2. Merana-2 thermal waters has aqueous silica concentrations which are controlled by saturation with silica polymorph (amorphous silica is the most soluble silica polymorph) of intermediate solubilty (Marini, 2004). Data points for Kaliburo (Pulu) move to downwards because a loss of silica and disequilibrium or re-equilibrium as shown in Figure 4. Condensate water has equilibrated with amorphous SiO2 with a temperature of equilibrium between <70°C. Another group is outflow discharges in equilibrium with chalcedony with equilibrium temperatures between 90 and 200°C. Overall, equilibrium temperatures are taken and proposed as K-Mg and silica geothermometer of 180-200°C for Pulu, 185°C for Sapo-Kadidia, 155-165°C for Lompio, 125°C for Tambu, and 85°C for Ranang-Kasimba. Whereas for others is unreliable. Figure 5: Plot of log (K2/Mg) versus log (SiO2) (Giggenbach and Glover, 1992) of some thermal discharges in Central Sulawesi geothermal prospects. Sample name follow Table 1. Type of fluids follows the classification described by Hochstein, et al. (2010) with additional class. 5. CONCLUSION Almost ten thermal discharges in Central Sulawesi are coming from reservoir. Dilution and mixing process are becoming an dominan process for others thermal discharges. While, extensive interaction with surrounding rock only occurred for Merana-2 (Marana). Thermal waters that come from a reservoir fluid with a small effect of dilution or mixing are found in Koala Rawa (Sapo-Kadidia), Tambu, Ponggerang, and Roras (Tambu), Lompio-1, Lompio-3, and Ombo (Lompio), Mapane and Kaliburo (Pulu), Ranang-3 (Ranang-Kasimba). Water-rock equilibrium is an important aspect to be considered to produce a reliable and acceptable reservoir temperature estimate. Closer the fluids are to equilibrium conditions, more reliable are our estimates of deep and shallow process of fluids. Thus, thermal water can be estimated correctly and accurately. A combination of three graphical techniques (Na-K-Mg, Na-K/Mg-Ca, and K-Mg/Quartz) gives less uncertainty about the use of geothermometers to be applied confidently in geothermal resources assessment of Cecntral Sulawesi prospects. These graphical techniques are more reliable than equation solute geothermometers to the assessment of reservoir temperature and hence for determine geothermal potential. These techniques consider processes of fluid from reservoir to surface, while equation geothermometers just give results without consider subsurface process. Overall, equilibrium temperatures are taken and proposed from three graphical techniques as above for the whole set of Tambu discharges with temperature of 140-150°C, Lompio range of temperature of 210-220°C, Ranang-Kasimbar of 130°C, Bora temperature average of 210°C, Pulu temperature of 230-240°C and Sapo-Kadidia temperature of 230°C. Only temperature of Marana is unreliable. Equilibrium temperatures as discussed for those prospects, probably just define shallow 5 Fahrurrozie, et al. conditions before thermal discharges appear in surface. In shallow levels, temperature of equilibrium is 120-140°C for Tambu, 130°C for Ranang-Kasimba, 210-220°C for Lompio, while others are unreliable. Table 1: Chemical analyses of selected water samples from geothermal prospects in Central Sulawesi (all concentrations in mg/kg). Samples name cited is listed by capital T, L, M, R, B, P, S in column 2 which refer to T: Tambu, L: Lompio, M: Marana, R: Ranang-Kasimbar, B: Bora, P: Pulu, S: Sapo-Kadidia. Type fluid symbol: c: chloride, s: sulfate, b: bicarbonate, c-s: chloride-sulfate, and b-s: bicarbonate-sulfate water. Samples T (°C) pH Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- HCO3- SO42- SiO2 Fluid type IB (%) 7.25 199.99 61.46 c 3.34 Tambu T. Tambu 57.40 7.10 1226.00 29.00 760.90 1.00 3339.44 T. Roras 39.70 6.68 374.60 8.70 190.40 5.40 909.17 97.83 3.00 41.95 c 1.58 T. Budi Mukti 34.20 7.50 51.90 3.09 16.90 3.42 3.00 195.66 5.00 34.27 b 0.96 T. Ponggerang 45.20 7.04 337.10 3.88 59.20 0.22 594.46 1.91 57.61 34.06 c 0.74 Lompio L. Lompio 1 78.10 8.15 1702.00 140.40 813.20 4.17 3900.00 29.50 165.00 127.00 c 1.98 L. Lompio 3 72.80 8.15 1680.00 133.00 787.80 3.99 3827.61 27.50 172.00 126.00 c 1.80 L. Ombo 51.80 7.04 2962.00 148.60 850.80 2.70 5800.94 288.50 300.00 150.00 c 0.20 Marana M. Bayosa 59.10 8.10 104.96 4.54 10.69 5.95 34.89 142.85 110.74 116.19 b-s 0.65 M. Yompo 1 55.60 8.00 100.96 3.15 8.96 5.95 17.44 157.59 102.55 110.28 b-s 1.87 M. Yompo 2 50.10 7.90 95.78 3.02 7.96 5.95 14.89 165.32 91.02 90.44 b-s 1.04 M. Masaingi 90.00 7.40 328.70 34.86 148.80 5.95 726.06 37.40 104.11 132.51 c 0.34 M. Merana 2 54.00 8.00 291.69 12.17 74.40 14.88 567.62 75.99 25.00 110.82 c 0.44 Ranang-Kasimbar R. Ranang 1 61.80 9.42 83.90 1.31 0.75 0.16 59.58 40.46 39.50 52.97 c-s 8.22 R. Ranang 3 55.70 9.27 133.80 2.64 6.70 0.13 165.77 32.57 56.79 59.46 c 1.27 R. Lambani 55.60 8.78 64.67 0.06 3.44 0.20 7.50 102.06 15.39 65.37 b 15.3 B. Bora 90.10 7.22 550.80 46.40 53.10 4.62 743.96 360.36 88.06 149.53 c 0.97 B. Sidera 37.80 7.81 67.40 2.04 33.00 4.82 49.40 168.81 387.68 43.06 s 41.7 B. Sibalaya 1 37.40 7.50 36.82 3.40 50.70 9.75 14.00 223.76 25.00 37.86 b 4.56 B. Sibalaya 2 35.70 7.52 31.70 8.80 63.86 9.86 49.40 189.11 28.81 38.46 b 4.76 Bora Pulu P. Pulu 1 75.70 8.60 80.00 2.00 2.60 0.09 27.91 81.72 40.00 75.60 b 10.7 P. Mapane 94.20 8.10 552.86 57.14 2.26 0.19 454.90 618.20 68.00 195.29 b-c 2.52 P. Kaliburo 84.80 8.20 540.32 57.14 1.26 0.05 416.11 618.52 49.30 201.49 b-c 4.44 P. Walatana 41.50 7.20 52.42 3.93 14.69 8.27 6.00 181.12 30.00 42.40 b 0.42 Sapo-Kadidia S. Sejahtera 1 51.00 6.97 95.12 2.57 7.86 1.78 82.45 150.00 6.00 54.94 b 1.73 S. Sejahtera 2 62.80 8.41 87.13 2.12 0.31 0.12 59.53 82.68 27.04 58.34 b-c 3.65 S. Sejahtera 4 57.40 7.75 64.24 2.78 1.83 0.77 6.00 160.85 12.00 42.39 b 0.58 S. Kadidia 81.40 8.32 128.30 2.80 2.19 0.10 102.45 112.86 40.44 65.37 b-c 1.66 S. Koala Rawa 104.1 8.75 399.00 42.51 0.17 0.08 460.89 220.30 37.04 266.07 c 3.00 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are thankful to Center of Geological Resource, Geological Agency, Energy and Mineral Resources, for providing us data which are used for supporting this paper. The authors also would like to acknowledge lecturers and staffs of Geothermal Engineering 6 Fahrurrozie, et al. 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