www.courses4forces.co.uk TM COURSES 4 FORCES Annual Guide 2015 In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) www.courses4forces.co.uk TM Autumn 2013 COURSES 4 FORCES www.courses4forces.co.uk TM In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) Winter 2013 COURSES 4 FORCES www.courses4forces.co.uk TM In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) Spring 2014 COURSES 4 FORCES www.courses4forces.co.uk TM In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) Summer 2014 COURSES 4 FORCES In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) APP ROV IN SUP ED BY POR MoD THE T OF ELC SCH EME E LC Reach the top with your ELC PRO VIDER 8888 NUMBE R E E LC VIDER NUM BER 8 6 48 PRO APP IN RO TH SU VED E EL PPO BY C SC RT MoD H OF EM E 87 L C 51 PR O VID ER Juggle your options with your ELC MoD ED BY OF ROV T APP POR IN SUP SCHEME ELC THE N U M BER D Mo BY ED T OF ME OV OR HE PR PP AP SU C SC IN EL E TH C E L 23 OV PR E LC www.courses4forces.co.uk In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) TM The only magazine dedicated to Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCs) Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Winter 2014 COURSES 4 FORCES In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) www.courses4forces.co.uk TM Spring 2015 COURSES 4 FORCES In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) Stay on track with your ELC Rise to the top with your ELC Strike now with your ELC Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract www.courses4forces.co.uk TM C An OUR Con t Co nua SES ains ur l G 4 t se ui FO he Pr de RC ov to E id EL S er C s The only magazine dedicated to Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCs) Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract Autumn 2014 COURSES 4 FORCES 8843 Summer 2015 COURSES 4 FORCES In association with the Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) Serve an ace with your ELC C An OUR Con t Co nua SES ains ur l G 4 t se ui FO he Pr de RC ov to E id EL S er C s www.courses4forces.co.uk ER MB NU PRO VIDE R NUM BER Aim for a bright future with your ELC The only magazine dedicated to Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCs) Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract TM IDER 88 SU PUB M L CO ME ISH UR R ED SE 201 W S 5 ITH 4 IS T FO SU H RC E E ES OF Turn over a new leaf with your ELC APPROV IN SUP ED BY MoD POR THE T OF ELC SCHEME Distributed to all MoD Units by BFPO under contract train to connect… Specialists in providing providing engineering and training services services to the telecommunications industry industry Includes an Includes introduction to 5G Telecoms investment is still growing and the industry needs skilled trained engineers, project engineers and project managers for on going roll out programmes. ō Wireless & radio engineering Scotlandd 9,166 North rth East 3,960 Northern Ireland 2,785 North West 10,178 Yorkshire & Y H The Humber 6,542 ō Advanced wireless technologies ō Design & implementation of 4th generation network ō 3 Week course ō 2G, 3G & 4G Networks ō Bespoke CV service East Midlands l 7,9466 West e Midlands 10,071 East 13,914 W Wales 4,612 London 18,831 South East 27,669 South West 0,932 10,932 ō Excellent success connecting people to new careers ō Strong links with industry partners Jobs created or safeguarded by 4G FFor or further informa information tion on course schedules and prices call FREEPHONE 0800 612 9193 or contact Richard Lee on 07814 678406 Email: info@ubi-tech.co.uk www www.ubi-tech.co.uk .ubi-tech.co.uk In association with APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME E LC PROVIDER NUMBER NUMBER 6079 Contents Contents 4 Enhanced learning credits – what they are and how to claim them 6 Distance learning 8 Selected courses by subject matter 24 Alphabetical list of Approved Providers COURSES 4 FORCES Courses 4 Forces and the Courses 4 Forces logo are registered trade marks of Bulldog Publishing Limited Unit B4, Beech House, Melbourn Science Park, Melbourn, Herts SG8 6HB Tel: 01763 268120 Fax: 01763 268129 Email: info@questonline.co.uk www.courses4forces.co.uk EDITOR Lynn Brown ADVERTISEMENT SALES MANAGER David Lidbury DESIGN & PRODUCTION CB Creative Ltd www.cb2creative.com 4 DISTRIBUTION Martin Sells DIRECTORS Peter Threlfall (Chairman) Bruce Hodge (Managing) Roger Dalzell 6 www.courses4forces.co.uk TM Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press. The Publishers can take no responsibility for inaccuracies due to changes after that date, nor can they accept responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. Whilst every care is taken with artwork or film supplies, the Publishers cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and not necessarily of the Publishers. All advertisements are accepted only on the grounds that they comply with the terms of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and all other relevant legislation. Inclusion of an advertisement cannot be construed as an endorsement for the advertiser or the product by the Publishers, their employees or agents. The Publishers cannot accept responsibility for any transaction between readers and advertisers. © All rights reserved. Not to be resold, lent, hired-out or otherwise reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Publisher. Courses 4 Forces and Bulldog Publishing Limited are registered under the Data Protection Act (1984) registration number PX4096798 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 3 Enhanced learning credits – what they are and how to claim them Enhanced learning credits – what they are and how to claim them (For a full explanation of ELC see Joint Service Publication JSP898 – Defence Direction and Guidance on Training, Education and Skills) E nhanced learning credits (ELC) are a very attractive addition to the MoD’s allowances, and users must ensure that they follow the letter and spirit of the regulations that govern them. In outline, individuals join the scheme, complete some years of service and then draw down cash to support approved learning. Length of service required Before being allowed to make an ELC claim at the lower level (currently up to £1,000), an individual must have at least four years’ service. Before being allowed a claim at the higher rate (currently up to £2,000), they must have completed eight years’ service. This service period must be complete before starting the learning for which ELC will be claimed, and the latest date for making a claim is ten years after leaving the Services. ELC awards Joining Those wishing to join the scheme must be in the Armed Forces. All recruits can register during their first year of service, with a further registration window between the eight‐year and the eight‐and‐a‐ half‐year point; forms are available from education staffs,* learning and education centres, and the ELC Administration Service (ELCAS) website at www.enhancedlearning credits.com. Registration date in the first 12 months will be the actual date the form is submitted. Registration date in the post‐eight‐year window will be the dated from the eight‐year service point. People already serving at 1 April 2003 who registered by 1 April 2004 will have their eligible service reckoned from 1 April 2000 or their date of enlistment, whichever is the later. People who joined on or after 1 April 2003 and joined the scheme during their first year of service will have their eligible service reckoned from their date of enlistment. No service before 1 April 2000 can be taken into account under the scheme. A career in law e without a law degree Make a successful uccessful tr transition ansition into a second ond career b byy stud studying ying MVYHWHYHSLNHSX\HSPÄJH[PVUI` SLNHSX\HSPÄJH[PVUI` distance learning earning vider no. 1105 4 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 cilexlawschool.ac.uk and S in the search box. Contact \[TVYLVU SH^'JPSL_SH^ZJOVVSHJ\R ELC may be claimed for a maximum of three separate years, which do not have to run consecutively, and may also be a combination of both higher and lower levels. They may also be claimed for the same learning course if it continues for over a year or for different learning purposes for each year. If one course combines with others for a single learning purpose they can be combined to claim ELC. Only one ELC claim can be made in any one financial year (April to March). Individuals must make a contribution to their learning of at least 20% of the cost. The ELC element includes VAT but excludes travel, accommodation, food, books and materials. There is no entitlement to travel at public expense for ELC training activity, unless the ELC is drawn for resettlement purposes. (Authority to travel at public expense for resettlement training is in accordance with JSP752, Ch. 4.) The learning purpose must benefit the Service and advance the individual’s development plans. Claimants must plan their personal development, often best demonstrated through a personal development record. The individual resettlement training costs (IRTC) grant may be used in addition to ELC to pay towards the cost of the same learning activity where the activity fully meets the ELC scheme criteria (i.e. the pursuit of a nationally recognised qualification at level 3 and above delivered by an ELC approved provider). Learning must be cost‐effective and authorised, and the provider must be an approved provider. Documentary proof that learning has taken place will be needed for claims. Tax Most work‐related learning undertaken during service will not be treated as income or a taxable benefit. With effect from September 2012, ELC payments to Service leavers (SL) were also exempted from tax. www.courses4forces.co.uk Enhanced learning credits – what they are and how to claim them Advice Before deciding on learning, people should consider: ● its relevance to their personal development plan ● their ability to undertake the course ● likely disruptions from service requirements ● the flexibility of the study method. Individuals must discuss their plans with their line manager and education adviser before making any financial commitment. Withdrawal once payment has been made due to foreseeable postings/Service activities will usually result in no further claims being allowed. If unexpected Service or compassionate reasons cause withdrawal, ELC may be carried forward for two years or a refund may be possible and an extra ELC authorised. All cases will be judged on their merits. The cancellation IMPORTANT REMINDER! If you left the Armed Forces in 2005 and have yet to use your ELC, time is running out. You have ten years after leaving Service to make your claim, so act now. Use it or lose it! www.courses4forces.co.uk and reinstatement process is published in JSP898 – Defence Direction and Guidance on Training, Education and Skills. It is supplemented by detailed guidance from an individual’s single‐Service education authority. ● ● ● involved, together with a separate exam, assessment or assignment) membership fees books and materials normal Service sport and adventurous training. Learning purposes Next steps ELC are available for full‐time or part‐time study for a qualification at level 3 or above, as defined on the NQF or SCQF, with an organisation on the approved providers list held by ELCAS. This might include: ● foundation degrees ● postgraduate qualifications ● other academic qualifications ● professional self‐development ● accreditation of prior learning ● vocational training ● registration and accreditation fees ● sports qualifications ● overseas qualifications ● resettlement training (during last two years of service only). ● ELC may not be claimed for: ● Service training ● civilian accredited Service training (unless at least 30 hours extra work is ● ● ● ● ● ● Read JSP898 – Defence Direction and Guidance on Training, Education and Skills. Register for the scheme in accordance with published guidelines. Think about what fits your personal development plan and your future. Check that the course you wish to enrol on is allowable under the rules. Get the necessary approval to enrol. Talk with your line manager and education/learning staff. Start learning, to make the most of your life. ■ ELC SCHEME: LATEST STATS From its inception until the end of March 2015, 361,985 people had registered with the ELC scheme and 105,014 claims had been made, to the value of £148.6 million. ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 5 Distance learning Distance learning What is distance learning? D istance learning allows people to study when and where they want, rather than on the same site as the institution that is providing the education (as is the case with ‘traditional’ study). As well as ‘distance learning’, you are likely to come across terms such as ‘open learning’ and ‘distance supported learning’. In truth, all these types of learning are likely to overlap, but, as a rough rule of thumb, open learning includes more face‐to‐face classes than distance learning, while the word ‘supported’ usually indicates that there are tutors and physical material available to help students. Distance learning ranges from courses of even as little as a few hours, to degrees and postgraduate qualifications that may involve several years’ study. So‐called ‘short courses’ typically last days or weeks as opposed to months or years. Even those subjects with a ASK YOURSELF … ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 6 Does the course lead to the qualification I want/need? Will the course train me to the level required (by me or a potential employer)? Can I view the training materials first, before committing? Or chat to previous learners? Do I have to pass an entry test? How much support is available? And in what form? Can the whole course be done at a distance, or is it necessary to attend training sessions at specific times? How much time do I need to set aside for study? How much will the course cost? Will there be an exam at the end? Is the provider inspected or accredited by an independent body? If I choose to study for a degree, do I have to complete it in three years? Will I receive any special consideration for study problems as a result of operational duties? Is the course available via learning tools that I will be able to access? (For example, if you are in an environment where IT availability is limited, you should select a course where it is possible to use paper and telephone, at least for a limited period.) ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 strong practical element often have modules that are appropriate for distance learning. Thanks to the wide availability of useful technology these days, learning materials and support may be provided by either one or a combination of the following means: books, telephone, DVD, CD‐ROM, email, the internet, podcasts and via mobile learning, where the student accesses course content stored on a mobile device or through a wireless server. Some providers offer course elements via the iTunes Store, which can be downloaded free of charge. Many courses make extensive use of the internet. Others involve tutor groups, which may meet regularly, or ‘summer camps’ of a few weeks’ duration for classroom education on top of regular, directed coursework at a distance. Convenience is the key The great thing about distance learning – especially for those in the Armed Forces, who may be posted anywhere in the world – is that it puts you in control of your education. Once you have chosen and enrolled on your course (see below), you are free to study when, where – and, these days, how – you choose, so you can fit your education around your current work and/or family commitments. You might be an early bird, who works best first thing in the morning; or you might be a night owl, who finds the evenings the www.courses4forces.co.uk Distance learning APL AND CATS When choosing a course, two terms to be aware of are accreditation of prior learning (APL) and the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS). Both allow a teaching organisation to give credit to: ● learning obtained elsewhere, and ● relevant experience at work in the subject concerned. You should always ask about APL and CATS, to avoid repeating things you have already done. best time to study successfully – it’s entirely up to you. And of course, in these days of laptops, notebooks, tablets and mobile learning, you can set up and study at a location of your choice – home or work, at a cafe, even while travelling. Importantly, too, you can work at your own pace – there are no term‐times to be rigidly stuck to (although you may have to sit exams, and these may take place only at specific times). To sum up, distance study enables you take responsibility for your own learning. However, although you will be in control, a good provider will offer support – so you will most certainly not be alone, left completely to your own devices, but will have back‐up and assistance as and when you require it. There are also likely to be self‐checks and interim tests to help ensure that you are on target, and tutor‐marked assessments to provide valuable feedback, as well as a telephone helpline to call or an address to email for advice if you get stuck. How do I choose a course and provider? Although necessarily influenced by market forces (i.e. demand from learners), a vast array of courses is available in distance learning form. And because the choice of provider is huge, too, you are more than likely to be able to track down the course that you are looking for. This may be something that will give you a general grounding or background in a particular subject or area (that you may go on to study in more depth later), or you might be looking to focus on something very specific – such as the entrance examinations of a particular professional body. Both higher education (HE) and further education (FE) courses can be taken via distance learning. The difference between is not always clear‐cut, and in some cases (e.g. foundation degrees), both are involved. Many qualifications are modular; this means that they can be earned by learners completing modules, often of their own choosing; credits gained from a selection of such courses can be added together to gain degrees and other HE qualifications. It is not www.courses4forces.co.uk always necessary to have an undergraduate degree to gain a master’s; neither is it necessary to have one in order to achieve many professional qualifications. Increasingly, Service people will take distance learning modules as part of the training that produces their career progression. So, you could be studying with a view to gaining qualifications that will help you while in the Forces or when you leave, or just for personal interest – out of enthusiasm for a particular subject. But how do you know who is a good provider and who is not? And exactly which course do you need? All this choice can prove confusing! In the accompanying box, there is a checklist that should help you. Finding out more Service education and training staff, both within the learner’s unit and specialists, often provide the best advice about what individuals want and what it is actually possible for them to achieve. They can also provide access to the funding available to support study, and recommend the subjects that you should be encouraged to pursue – particularly with a view to a second career when leaving the Services. Increasing numbers of Forces learning and education centres and personal learning advisers also have access to e‐learning opportunities. Information about courses is also available from learndirect (see ‘Key contacts’). It, too, runs its own courses and learning centres with tutor support, where students can undertake online learning, and which use ICT systems to enable users to access learning. Other information sources include direct from the ‘horse’s mouth’ (somebody who has first‐hand experience of a course or a training provider), written prospectuses and, of course, the internet. The website of the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODL QC) is particularly helpful (again see ‘Key contacts’). Who are the learning providers? Many learning providers are neither HE nor FE institutions, although they may have links of varying strengths with one or more colleges or universities. Many companies run large training departments, and there are also many commercial organisations that provide training to paying clients. Much of the training such providers deliver is of excellent quality and targeted carefully at the needs of civilian employers in a specific market sector. Many commercial businesses offering training use the premises of academic institutions to deliver courses, and may have contracts with employment agencies to help their students find work. You are likely to have heard of some of the bigger distance learning organisations, however – as mentioned above – there are many other providers out there too, also offering a wide range of courses, some with discounts for Service people (ask your education and training adviser for further information). To see a list of ODL QC‐ accredited learning providers, visit its website and click on the ‘Find an accredited provider’ link. Funding Course costs vary enormously, and it is very important to discover all the costs of a course before embarking on it, including hidden extras like revision courses, exam fees, materials used and ‘subscriptions’. Those in the Armed Forces should also recognise that they should expect to pay for at least some of their personal development – including distance learning courses – themselves. After all, they will benefit in the long term, and civilians, likewise, certainly expect to at least make a contribution to their own learning. Service people are eligible for grants and some other financial support when undertaking distance learning. Chief among these are enhanced learning credits (ELC) and standard learning credits (SLC). There may even be other funding routes that education, learning and training staffs may be able to access. Selected learning providers also offer discounts to Service personnel, so do check with them direct. ■ KEY CONTACTS learndirect, Tel: 0800 101 901 Website: www.learndirect.co.uk Twitter: @learndirect Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODL QC), Tel: 020 8658 8337 Website: www.odlqc.org.uk ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 7 Selected courses by subject matter Selected courses by subject matter Key East Midlands North West England East England North East England South East England Greater London Northern Ireland Yorkshire & Humberside Scotland West Midlands South West England Wales National Global EM NWE EE NEE SEE GL NI Y&H SC WM SWE W National Global For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd National 01284 763040 4687 CIPD's learning delivery arm CIPD's learning delivery arm National National 020 8612 6202 020 8612 6202 2080 2080 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) Lynher Training Ltd. National National SWE +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 01822 832902 1693 1693 4146 Royal Agricultural University SRUC - Scotland's Rural College Tony Darbyshire Training T/A Sawpod Ltd SWE SC SEE, SWE 01285 652531 0800 269453 01264 773229 1718 2191 3463 Business Edge Limited HAL Training Services Ltd SEE, SWE National 02392 230007 01302 349724 5597 1551 Polar Pumps Ltd Y&H 01302 751253 1474 EASA Commercial Pilot Licence, Multi-Engine Instrument Rating and Instructor training. CPL, MEP, SE-IR, ME-IR, FIC, IRI, TRI. PPL (LAPL, Night, IMC) Commercial Pilot Licence with Instrument Rating & Multi-Engine Conversion Course City & Guilds:Aviation Studies, Operations/Flight Dispatch, Airport Operations MSc Human Factors in Aviation PPL(H), CPL(H) & Type Rating training for Robinson R22 & R44, Bell Jet Ranger and Long Ranger & AS350 Squirrel Aeros, Aviation Training Organisation (ATO) WM 01452 857419 1506 Airways Flight Training Avtech2000 Coventry University Elite Helicopters SWE Global Global SEE 01392 364216 01892 770250 +44 (0) 24 7765 4321 01243 530165 1344 1009 1056 3621 Crew Resource Management Instructor (CRMI) Helicopter Pilot Training CPL(H) PPL(H) & Type Ratings on BELL206/R44/R22/HU269 Flying training for CPL & PPL Licences. FI, CRI, SE & ME, IRC, IMC Multi Engine and Night Ratings Global Air Training Heliyorks Limited Western Air (Thruxton) Limited NWE NEE SWE 01829 771334 +44 (0) 1652 688831 01264 773900 1713 4845 3310 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Unique blended learning and classroom packages for NEBOSH National General Certificate, Fire & Risk, Construction, NEBOSH Environmental Management IRCA/EIMA Auditor, IOSH Managing and Directing Safety and FPOS-I ADMIN/SECRETARIAL Certificate in Training Administration Certificate in HR Administration AGRICULTURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL & LAND BASED IEMA Approved Lead Environmental Auditor Course BSI Certificate in Environmental Management Systems City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Awards in Forestry & Arboriculture. Ground or Aerial use, including Assessments. Also Professional Tree Inspection, Tree Surgery and other relevant courses. Agriculture, food, environment and rural-based BSc and MSc degrees Land-based, environment and rural pursuits focussed higher education City & Guilds NPTC Award in Tree Surgery - covering Chainsaw Training, Climbing, Felling and Pruning.Also providing Arboriculture & Forestry training. AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION 13 Day Refrigeration, Air-Con, Heat Pumps & Electrics - C&G Level 3 15 Day Refrigeration, Air-Con & Electrics C&G Level 3 10 Day Refrigeration Level 3 15 Day refrigeration & Air Conditioning Level 3 10 Day ASME IX Welder approval Level 3 15 Day Refrigeration, Air-Con & Electrics C&G Level 3 AVIATION Safe departures take more than pilots; train to become an 6WLYH[PVUZ6MÄJLYVY-SPNO[+PZWH[JOLY Open Learning Courses with ELCAS funding Airline Operations and Dispatch Airport Operations APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME E LC PROVIDER NUMBER 1009 8 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.avtech2000.co.uk 01892 770250 www.courses4forces.co.uk Claimants must consult with their education staff to check eligibility for ELC funding before making any commitment to study APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME ELC PROVIDER NUMBER al nt me on vir ce En cien S Archit ecture 3368 New skills for a new future study@cat.org.uk 01654 705953 www.cat.org.uk/training www.courses4forces.co.uk able Renewology Techn Ze Adapta tion Innovative postgraduate programmes bility na Sustai ro Ca Fu rbo tu n re ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 9 Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Global 0121 362 7534 1530 SWE 07726 921 002 3177 SEE 01227 709706 4493 SWE 01297 445545 1813 British Standards Institution (BSI) National +44 845 086 9000 1693 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) Cass Business School, City University London Edinburgh Business School Edinburgh Napier University PNE Development National National National National National National National National GL Global National National +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 020 7040 8744 0131 451 3090 0131 4554348 0191 4387999 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1538 1502 1159 6459 Cranfield University Cranfield University SEE SEE +44 (0)1793 785810 44 (0) 1793 785266 1858 1858 Cranfield University Inspired2Be SEE International +44 (0)1793 785810 01522 501886 1858 5110 Titas Ltd Training for Security Wilplan Training Limited SWE National National 01202 929150 01322 381515 0845 009 5647 4278 4366 2992 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) E-Careers.com IT & Financial Training National National Global +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 01279 799 444 1693 1693 2115 Encription Ltd WM 0330 100 2345 4410 ITonlinelearning Global 01795 436969 6447 Just IT Training and Recruitment National 020 7426 9835 2019 National IT Learning Centre Global 01636 612226 1161 Open IT Global 0800 599 99 98 4843 Quanta National 0800 018 0771 1201 BANKING & FINANCE Qualifications in anti money laundering, financial crime prevention and compliance International Compliance Association BICYCLE MAINTENANCE VRQ in Cycle Maintenance and Repair - learn how to completely strip down and rebuild your Cycle Systems Academy bike like a pro. Hydraulics and suspension systems covered. VRQ Level 3 Advanced Cycle Mechanics Downland Cycles Ltd VRQ Level 3 Cycle Frame Building and Design BOAT BUILDING City & Guilds 2463 Level III Boat Building, Maintenance and Support Boat Building Academy Ltd BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT Business Continuity Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Bristol Executive Management Programme - Masters Level Resettlement Programme for SNCOs and Officers. (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Accounting for Non-Accountants (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership). ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Managing Business Operations (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Managing Business Strategically (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Success in Project Management (PRINCE2 and CMI) Success in Deploying Business Strategy (MSP and CMI) Success in Risk Management (MoR and CMI) Success in Managing Portfolios (MoP and CMI) Success in Managing Change (APMG CM and CMI) APMP Introductory Certificate Success in Managing Projects (Advanced) (APMP and CMI) Success in Managing Projects (Advanced) for PR2 Practitioners (APMP for PR2 and CMI) All above courses include CMI Award/Certificate/Diploma Lean Six Sigma Conversion: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Green Belt: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Green Belt: Manufacturing Industry Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Manufacturing Industry Lean Six Sigma Conversion: Manufacturing Industry BSI Diploma in Quality Management Systems Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course Full-Time MBA and Executive MBA MBA (Master of Business Administration) BA Business & Enterprise (BABE) 1 year top-up degree delivered across the UK Management and Leadership VRQs Levels 3,4,5,6,7 by online, distance learning. CAREER DEVELOPMENT International Defence and Security MSc/PgDig/PgCert Forensic Explosive & Explosion Investigation; Forensic Ballistics, Forensic Archaeology & Anthropology; Forensic Computing; Forensic Engineering & Science all are MSc/PgDip/MSc by Research + Forensic Investigation MSc/PgDip/PgCert Security Sector Management MSc/PgDig/PgCert NLP Practitioner, ILM Coaching and Mentoring and Leadership and Management levels 2,3 & 5. CLOSE PROTECTION ELCAS SIA Close Protection / MSO / FPOS / Hostile CP Level 3 Close Protection, also available with FPOS-I and/or MIRA BTEC Level 3 in Close Protection Operations (includes BTEC Level 2 FPOSi and Level 3 FAAW). Optional firearms, MSO or Advanced Driving available. COMPUTING & IT Information Security Management Systems Lead Implementer Training Course ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems Lead Auditor All Microsoft Certifications Available inc MCSE MCITP, MCSA, MCTS, Cisco Courses CCNA & CCNP, Comp TIA Courses A+, N+ S+, CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) and Over 1000 more courses Including CeMap & CeFA Financial Training. NVQ and HND also avialable. Cyber Scheme Affiliate (CSA) 3 days. Cyber Scheme Team Member - Practical (CSTM-P) 2 days. Cyber Scheme Team Member (CSTM) 5 days. Cyber Scheme Health Check Management course (CSHCM) 1 day. Cyber Scheme Team Member Exam (CSTM exam) 1 day. Forensic Incident; First Responder (FI:FR) 1 day Certified Ethical Hacker, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator, Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, CISSP CCNA, MCITP, MCTS, ITIL, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux, PRINCE2, Vmware Commercial Work Placements. Money Back Job Guarantee. Unique blended learning career changing IT courses resulting in qualifications from Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, CompTIA & Oracle. Bespoke learning packages with blended learning covering certifications such as MCSE, MCSA, MCPD, MOS, Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, Strata, Linux+, CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster), Ethical Hacker, VMware, CISSP, Adobe, Project Management and an extensive range of many more courses available. PRINCE2®, MSP®, M_o_R®, ITIL®, Change Management, APM, APMP and ISEB qualifications. Agile 10 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.courses4forces.co.uk Claimants must consult with their education staff to check eligibility for ELC funding before making any commitment to study NOW DELIVERED ACROSS THE UK BABE - Edinburgh Napier University’s innovative one-year top-up degree NOW ACROSS UKForces idealDELIVERED for members of the THE Armed EDINBURGH NAPIER UNIVERSITY’S INNOVATIVE MASTERS IN ENTREPRENUERIAL LEADERSHIP – ideal for members of the Armed Forces The entry requirements for BA Business & Enterprise (BABE) include the vocational qualifications that go along with forces rank and mean that personnel of Chief Petty Officer, Colour Sergeant, The entry requirements for the Masters in Entrepreneurial Leadership (MEL) include the vocational qualifications Staffgo Sergeant, Flight Sergeant, equivalent & aboveColonel, are automatically eligible to join theranks and which along with rank and mean that personnelranks at Lt Colonel, Major and Captain or equivalent programme* and gain a degree in just 12 months. above are automatically eligible to join the programme* and gain a Masters qualification in less than 20 months. Jkl[\ekjXkk\e[feZ\$X$dfek_nfibj_fgjXkcfZXcm\el\j`eZcl[`e^k_\gfjj`Y`c`kpf]fe$YXj\kl`k`fe% • Students attend 8 face to face workshops supported by virtual learning, video conferencing and online tutor support G\ijfee\cZXelj\ELCskfnXi[jZflij\]\\Xe[jgi\X[k_\i\dX`e[\ifm\i-dfek_cpgXpd\ekj% • Personnel can use ELCs toward the course fee and also spread the remainder over 6 monthly payments More details at: More details can be found at: http://www.napier.ac.uk/business-school/WhatCanIStudy/Pages/Armed-forces.aspx http://www.courses.napier.ac.uk/courses aspx?ID=%2FEntrepreneurialLeadership_Mel__W30023.htm fi\dX`c989<X[d`e`jkiXkfiJlqXee\Jd`k_su.smith@napier.ac.uk Or email the MEL administrator: Steven Murphy s.murphy2@napier.ac.uk !8[[`k`feXccp#g\ijfee\c`dd\[`Xk\cpY\cfnk_\iXebjc`jk\[XYfm\fin`k_fk_\i *Additionally personnel immediately below the ranks listed above or with other qualifications may also be eligible and should email with a brief CV for more details. hlXc`ÓZXk`fejdXpXcjfY\\c`^`Yc\Xe[j_flc[\dX`cn`k_XYi`\]:M]fidfi\[\kX`cj% www.courses4forces.co.uk APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME ELC PROVIDER NUMBER 1159 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 11 Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Quanta Southstep National Global 0800 018 0771 0800 677 1232 1201 3229 Ubi-Tech(3R) Ltd National 0800 612 9193 1332 ACT Associates Ltd National 01384 447915 1003 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 Corporate Risk Systems Ltd Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd National National 01283 509175 01284 763040 2227 4687 The College of Estate Management Global 0118 921 4696 1322 Trades Training School Train4All Construction Academy SC SWE 0131 6611833 01460 261179 3355 6472 WATA (West Anglia Training Association) EE 01480 435 544 1495 Global 01279 799 444 2115 Global National Global +44 (0)1865 485800 0191 4387999 07850 819219 1317 6459 1940 Global 0800 677 1232 3229 Global 0118 921 4696 1322 Global +44 (0)800 0527 526 3078 The Underwater Centre TWI Training and Examination Services SC NEE 01397 703786 +44 (0)1642 216320 1593 2583 AA Driving Instructor Training Clearway School of Motoring CRH Transport Training Ltd Fast-Trak Driver and Rider Training Fast-Trak Driver and Rider Training FTS Solutions Ltd National National National WM WM National 3533 5563 4629 1078 1078 3891 FTS Solutions Ltd National HL Training Services SWE 0800 009 4766 01642 608942 0845 459 8003 01743 460460 01743 460460 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 01179 525625 COMPUTING & IT (continued) Microsoft; MCITP, MCTS, MCSE, MCSA. CompTIA; A+ Complete; Network+; Security+ MCITP, MCSA, MCSE, MCPD, MOS, SQL, Windows, Windows Server, Cisco CCNA, Cisco CCNP, Cisco CCDA, ComtpTIA A+, ComtpTIA Network+, ComtpTIA Server+, ComtpTIA Security+, Cloud Essentials Networking Forensic Essentials NQF Level 7 (Post Graduate) Front End Web Site design NQF Level 4 CONSTRUCTION NEBOSH National Construction Certificate in Health & Safety Taught course & e-learning IOSH Managing Safely Level 3 Award in Understanding Planning Supervising and Managing Working at Height Level 2 Award in Working in Medium Risk Confined Spaces 6150 52 NEBOSH National General Certificate NEBOSH International General Cert in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate Fire Safety and Risk Management NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management NEBOSH National Construction Certificate in Health & Safety Unique blended learning and classroom packages for NEBOSH National General Certificate, Fire & Risk, Construction, NEBOSH Environmental Management IRCA/EIMA Auditor, IOSH Managing and Directing Safety and FPOS-I Foundation Degree Construction Practice Foundation Degree Surveying Practice BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Real Estate Management MSc Building Surveying MSc Construction Management MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Real Estate MBA Construction & Real Estate Plumbing and Wall & Floor Tiling - nationally recognised qualifications and vocational training City & Guilds Technical Level 2 and 3 Diplomas in Bricklaying and Carpentry, L3 Property Maintenance Packages, and short skill courses in Bricklaying, Carpentry, Tiling, Plastering and Plumbing. NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health & Safety DISTANCE LEARNING All Microsoft Certifications Available inc MCSE MCITP, MCSA, MCTS, Cisco Courses E-Careers.com IT & Financial Training CCNA & CCNP, Comp TIA Courses A+, N+ S+, CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) and Over 1000 more courses Including CeMap & CeFA Financial Training. NVQ and HND also avialable. Oxford Brookes Global MBA Oxford Brookes University Business School Management and Leadership VRQs Levels 3,4,5,6,7 by online, distance learning. PNE Development QUALIFY ONLINE for NVQ LEVEL 3 and 4 in PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY PPTutor-Online Study at your own pace in your own time from your own base with top professional photographers. Get nationally recognised highest qualifications online with 24/7 email & phone support Build your portfolio of portrait , wedding, boudoir, sports, landscape, fine art photography - anything you choose Get Photoshop/Lightroom at discount; adjust & manipulate your pictures, save, catalogue, watermark. Become a professional MCITP, MCSA, MCSE, MCPD, MOS, SQL, Windows, Windows Server, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Southstep CCNP, Cisco CCDA, ComtpTIA A+, ComtpTIA Network+, ComtpTIA Server+, ComtpTIA Security+, Cloud Essentials Foundation Degree Construction Practice The College of Estate Management Foundation Degree Surveying Practice BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Real Estate Management MSc Building Surveying MSc Construction Management MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Real Estate MBA Construction & Real Estate BA (Hons) Business and Management, BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice, LLB (Hons) University of Essex Online Law.MSc Business and Management, MSc Infection Control, MSc Public Health, MBA. DIVING HSE Commercial Diver training: from Scuba to Closed Bell. CSWIP 3.1U - NDT Inspection Diver – Course and exam package DRIVING Driving Instructor Training Approved Driving Instructor DSA (car) Licence Acquisition, Drivers CPC, Transport Managers, DSA Instructors, ADR CBT Instrustor & Supervisor / Direct Access Inst. Approved Driving Instructor. IHCD Ambulance Combined Driving Programme (D1+D2) (BTEC level 3) - Qualifies you to drive ambulances on emergency duties. IHCD Advanced Driving Programme II D2 (BTEC Level 3) - Qualifies you to drive ambulances on emergency duties. RTITB Forklift/Driver CPC Instructor ADR- National Certificate 12 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 3891 3368 www.courses4forces.co.uk Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Learner Driving Centres (LDC) National 0800 197 0010 3393 LGS Transport Training Newcroft Training Ltd SEE, SWE, WM EE 01373 464776 01708 891111 6977 4070 Phoenix Motorcycle Training Wilplan Training Limited SWE National 01747 873153 0845 009 5647 4129 2992 FTS Solutions Ltd National 3891 FTS Solutions Ltd National FTS Solutions Ltd National FTS Solutions Ltd National 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 01324 620 720 / Mob 07803 887510 Lifeskills Medical Lifeskills Medical Medipro Limited WM WM International 0121 515 5205 0121 515 5205 01325 609030 2626 2626 3274 British Standards Institution (BSI) Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) National National +44 845 086 9000 01654 705953 1693 2673 GTEC Training Ltd National 01969 666111 5505 Coventry University Coventry University Roxby Training Solutions Limited Global Global Global, NEE, Y&H +44 (0) 24 7765 4321 +44 (0) 24 7765 2222 01642 438700 1056 1056 5330 EA Technology Ltd The Underwater Centre WATA (West Anglia Training Association) National SC EE 0800 028 9983 01397 703786 01480 435 544 7450 1593 1495 BIFM Training (Quadrilect Ltd) GL 020 7242 4141 4000 FM Tutor & Associates Ltd Gower College Swansea - GCS Training Gower College Swansea - GCS Training National W, National W, National 01252 812893 01792 284400 01792 284400 3153 5019 5019 Vulcan Fire Training National 01925 211488 3273 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 Forth Valley College Palmer Training Academy SC National 01324 403173 01473 834969 1076 7424 Training for Security National 01322 381515 4366 CRH Transport Training Ltd HL Training Services Newcroft Training ltd National SWE EE 0845 459 8003 01179 525625 01708 891111 4629 3368 4070 01297 445545 1813 DRIVING (continued) Approved Driving Instructor Training (Distance learning resources and in-car training provided). DVSA Qualification for LGV Driving Instructor and DVSA Registration. Driver CPC Initial Qualification - Driver Qualification Card (DQC) - ADR all classesCPC for Transport Managers Road Haulage Driving Standards Agency Approved Motorcycle Instructor BTEC Level 3 in Advanced Driving with RoSPA EMERGENCY SERVICES IHCD Ambulance Combined Driving Programme (D1+D2) (BTEC level 3) Qualifies you to drive ambulances on emergency duties. IHCD Advanced Driving Programme II D2 (BTEC Level 3) - Qualifies you to drive ambulances on emergency duties. IHCD Ambulance Technician EMT (BTEC Level 3) - Gives you the clinical skills required to work in pre-hospital care. CMT 1 / RN MA / RAF MA –to-IHCD Ambulance Technician Conversion course (BTEC Level 3) – this two-week course teaches the additional skills required to work in pre-hospital care in the UK. IHCD (BTEC Level 3) Ambulance Driving, IHCD (BTEC Level 3) Ambulance Technician CMT 1, LMA (RN) & RAF MA Conversion IHCD Ambulance Technician BTEC Level 3 Ambulance Technician Level 4 including Emergency Driving level 3 and placements 3891 3891 3891 ENERGY Energy Management Systems (ENMS) Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course MSc Renewable Energy and the Built Environment MSc Sustainability and Adaptation (Course can be taken as Distance Learning) Accredited Biomass installers and other short courses Domestic Energy Assessor Course • Biomass Installer course • PV Installer Course • Heat Pump Installer Course • Solar Thermal Installer Course • RESIDENTIAL PLACES AVAILABLE-Bespoke renewable energy course packages available ENGINEERING MSc Humanitarian Engineering and Computing BEng (Hons) Aerospace Technology CompEx EX01-EX04 JTL Approved Hazardous Areas Training & Assessments, City & Guilds Portable Appliance Testing 2377-22, City & Guilds 17th Edition IEE Regulations 2382-12 or 2382-15 (3rd Amendment), CompEx EX01R-EX04R Refresher JTL Approved Hazardous Areas Training & Assessments, CompEx Mechanical EX11 JTL Approved Hazardous Areas Training & Assessments ENGINEERING – ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC City & Guilds 2339-45 Level 3 Diploma in Electrical Power Engineering via Distance Learning ROV Pilot Technician training Inspection & Testing PAT Course (City & Guilds 2377-22) 17th Edition Wiring Regulations (City & Guilds 2382) Management of Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Electrical Design (City & Guilds 2396) FACILITIES MANAGEMENT BIFM and ILM qualifications in facilities management at levels 3 to 6 plus those in related areas including NEBOSH, IOSH, Management Development and Team Leading British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) Levels 3, 4, 5, 6 WAMITAB Waste & Resource Management qualifications from Level 2. (BIFM) British Institute of Facilities Management Levels 2, 3, 4 & Apprenticeships. Distance Learning, unique blended learning and classroom packages. FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Fire Risk Assessor; Fire Manager & Conversion TIFireE; Fire Manager Diploma MIFireE FIRST AID HSE Offshore First Aid Training Combined Level 3 Award in Education and Training and First Aid Instructor High Threat Trauma and Remote Medics Course with FPOS Level 3 First Aid at Work Course First Aid at Work, First Aid at Work Refresher, First Aid Emergency, First Aid Pediatric. First Aid at Work Level 3, First Aid at Work Level 3 Refresher, Paediatric First Aid Level 3, Emergency Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Level 3 First Aid at Work, Level 4 MIRA - Medics in Remote Areas FORKLIFT INSTRUCTOR Forklift Truck Training RTITB or ITSSAR Forklift Instructor Forklift Instructor, Level 3 - RTITB Counterbalance or reach Forklift Truck –Lorry mounted crane RTITB. FURNITURE MAKING, DESIGN, UPHOLSTERY & RESTORATION Woodworking Skills incorporating Furniture Design and Making. Level 1 6219-08 City & Guilds Certificate in Construction Skills and Boat Building Academy Level 3 qualification (benchmarked against National Qualification Framework). 14 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 Boat Building Academy Ltd SWE www.courses4forces.co.uk Claimants must consult with their education staff to check eligibility for ELC funding before making any commitment to study Looking for the “what comes next”? Hospitality could be the answer. /VZWP[HSP[`JV\SKIL[OLHUZ^LY Rewarding, challenging and stimulating all in one trade. Arrochar Associates’ industry-experienced Rewarding, challenging and stimulating all in one trade. trainers bring the hospitality trade alive and can point Arrochar Associates’ industry-experienced trainers bring the you in the right direction to utilise your existing skills. hospitality trade alive and can point you in the right direction toBIIAB utiliseLevel your2existing Awardskills. in Licensed Hospitality Operations sets people on the right track and BIIAB Level 2with Award Licensed Hospitality Operations combined theinadditional skills of bar and cellarsets people on the right track and combined with the additional WUDLQLQJSOXVDOLFHQVLQJTXDOLÀFDWLRQIRUPVWKHLU ZRPSSZVMIHYHUKJLSSHY[YHPUPUNWS\ZHSPJLUZPUNX\HSPÄJH[PVU unique High Five Programme. forms their unique High Five Programme. Arrochar Associates is one of the very few, if not the only,Associates independent provider accredited by ELC Arrochar is one of the very few, if not the only, to run the BIIAB Level 3 Hospitality Management independent provider approved by the MOD in support Programme. This follows onBIIAB fromLevel the High Five of the ELC Scheme to run the 3 Hospitality and is a moreProgramme. advanced look atfollows running, managing, Management This onor from the High a successful business. Five and is a more advanced look at running, or managing, a successful business. $UURFKDU·VTXDOLÀHGWUDLQHUVKDYHWKH HQWKXVLDVPVNLOOVDQGNQRZOHGJHWRKHOS\RX PRYHLQWRWKLVUHZDUGLQJWUDGH Train with Arrochar Associates 01869 343640 info@arrochar-associates.co.uk www.arrochar-associates.co.uk APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME E LC PROVIDER NUMBER 3463 www.courses4forces.co.uk ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 15 Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Clarkson Evans Training SWE, WM 0845 900 3600 2169 Gas Training at Kier National 0800 999 5427 5175 GasTec WM 01908 587665 1619 Gower College Swansea - GCS Training W, National 01792 284400 5019 Gower College Swansea - GCS Training W, National 01792 284400 5019 GTEC Training Ltd National 01969 666111 5505 ACT Associates Ltd National 01384 447915 1003 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) Cambridge Safety LLP CCAS Limited National National Global EE +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 01733 865695 01473 212535 1693 1693 3051 6781 Corporate Risk Systems Ltd National 01283 509175 2227 Gower College Swansea - GCS Training W, National 01792 284400 5019 Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd National 01284 763040 4687 OMS EM 0845 1300616 3228 Phoenix Health & Safety National 0845 500 8811 3518 Vulcan Fire Training National 01925 211488 3273 GAS, ELECTRICAL & WATER Domestic Electrical Installer course package including C&G 2393 Building Regs, C&G 2382 17th Edition, C&G 2392 Fundamental Inspection and Testing and C&G 2377 Portable Appliance Testing New entrants into Gas NVQ L3 Gas Utilisation, with guaranteed 1:1 placement and job interviews CITY & GUILDS, BPEC, OFTEC & CSKILLS Certified courses in GAS, ELECTRICS, WATER & OIL City & Guilds / EAL 2382-15 17th Edition Wiring Regulations City & Guilds 2377 Pat Testing AM2 - Achieve Measurement Test (Electrical) Inspection & Testing City & Guilds 2394-2395 / EAL 4337-4338 BPEC Part P Electrical Installation Start your career as a Gas Engineer. ACS Gas Training & Assessment. Commercial & Domestic. bpec Vented and Unvented Hot Water Systems bpec Water Regulations 1989 City & Guild Level 3 Green Deal Advisor Non Domestic Energy Assessor. Range of Renewable Technologies 17th Edition Electricians Course • Pat Testing Course • Hot Water Systems course for Plumbers • Advanced Courses Available • RESIDENTIAL PLACES AVAILABLE-Bespoke course packages available HEALTH & SAFETY NEBOSH General & Construction Certificates NEBOSH Fire Safety & Risk Management Certificate NEBOSH National Diploma NEBOSH International Tech Oil & Gas Certificate NVQ Levels 3 & 5 in Occupational Health & Safety Taught courses & e-learning IOSH Managing Safely Level 3 Award in Understanding Planning Supervising and Managing Working at Height Level 2 Award in Working in Medium Risk Confined Spaces 6150 52 NEBOSH National General Certificate NEBOSH International General Cert in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate Fire Safety and Risk Management NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management OH&S Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course BSI Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems NEBOSH certificates & diplomas in safety & environment. Distance learning & taught courses Any three of these five NEBOSH certificate courses for one ELC: NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety NVQ Level 5 Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety Practice MIEMA Full Membership to IEMA incorporating Associate Cert. in Environmental Management NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety . NEBOSH Fire Safety & Risk Management Certificate, NEBOSH Certificate in Construction Health & Safety NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management SHE Auditing – A Management Systems Approach IOSH Managing Safely IOSH Managing Safely NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety IOSH Working Safely CIEH Workplace Safety qualifications Unique blended learning and classroom packages for NEBOSH National General Certificate, Fire & Risk, Construction, NEBOSH Environmental Management IRCA/EIMA Auditor, IOSH Managing and Directing Safety and FPOS-I NEBOSH National General Certificate NEBOSH National Construction Certificate NEBOSH Fire Safety & Risk Management NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management Safety/Environmental Practitioner Packages NEBOSH National Diploma NEBOSH International Diploma NEBOSH National General Certificate NEBOSH International General Certificate NEBOSH Certificate in Construction NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate NEBOSH Environmental Certificate NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate NEBOSH Health and Wellbeing Certificate NVQ Level 5 Diploma in Health and Safety Practice Fire Risk Assessor; Fire Manager & Conversion TIFireE; Fire Manager Diploma MIFireE 16 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.courses4forces.co.uk NEW CAREER, NEW HORIZONS TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN YOUR CAREER NEBOSH, IOSH, CITY & GUILDS, IEMA HEALTH SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT TRAINING COURSES Health & Safety Environment Construction CRS provides a unique guarantee on all of Sure Pass RS its NEBOSH courses. This guarantee is known as our Sure Pass Promise. We promise that if you take any NEBOSH course and sit your exams with us, and for any reason do not pass one or more of your exams, you can re-attend the revision day for the same course within one year from the date of your original exam FREE OF CHARGE (the only cost to you will be your NEBOSH registration fees). 16 Years experience in Training Health, Safety & Environmental Managers • Market Leader in Health & Safety Training • 15 Venues Nationwide • 94% First Time Pass Rate • Dedicated Account Manager for Service Leavers • Over 210 specially discounted training packages • All Our NEBOSH Courses with Sure Pass promise* omise Pr • Sure Pass RS NEW online booking system Book now online or contact us for more information: 01283 509175 advice@crsrisk.com www.crsrisk.com C • e omis Pr SURE PASS C Why Choose CRS? Fire Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered ELC no. County Phone no. WATA (West Anglia Training Association) EE 01480 435 544 1495 Wise Global Training Global 01482 211989 4332 Fairways Training and Development Centre SEE 02380 230400 5155 College of Osteopaths GL, WM 020 8905 1937 01782 294596 2138 Queen Mary, University of London GL 020 7882 6532 3519 University of Essex Online Global +44 (0)800 0527 526 3078 Arrochar Associates Ltd National 01869 343640 4670 CIPD's learning delivery arm National 020 8612 6202 2080 University of Buckingham National 01280 820204 1460 CILEx Law School Global 01234 844300 1105 University of Buckingham SEE 01280 814080 1460 1st Call Lockouts Limited 1st Call Lockouts Limited WM WM 0121 459 8722 0121 459 8722 3016 3016 Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport MDR Training (UK) Ltd TIR Training Services Ltd Global Global Global Global Global EM Y&H 01536 740166 01536 740166 01536 740166 01536 740166 01536 740166 0116 200 1866 01482 678318 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 5682 3911 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd National 01302 802128 3069 Company name HEALTH & SAFETY (continued) NEBOSH National General Certificate in Health & Safety NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety & Risk Management NEBOSH Certificate in the Management of Health & Wellbeing at Work NEBOSH National Diploma in Environmental Management CIEH Level 3 Award in Risk Assessment Principles & Practice NEBOSH National and NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety. IOSH Managing Safely and IOSH Working Safely eLearning HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills & Theory plus Level 2 Award in Effective Listening Skills and Level 3 Diploma for the Children & Young People's Workforce HEALTHCARE & NURSING MOst Osteopathy FHEQ 7 BOst Osteopathy FHEQ 6 Both programmes delivered part-time, leading to a professional qualification MSc Trauma Sciences; MSc Trauma Sciences (Military & Humanitarian) and MSc Orthopaedic Trauma Science. All courses distance learning & part time. PGCert/PGDip/MSc Public Health PGCert/PGDip/MSc Infection Control HOSPITALITY BIIAB Level 3 Certificate in Hospitality Business Management (CHBM). 3 weeks covering 11 units inc Finance, Marketing, Business Planning, Stock Control, Recruitment HUMAN RESOURCES CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in L&D Practice HUMANITIES Master's in Modern War Studies and Contemporary Military History by Research LAW Distance learning courses for CILEx exams leading to paralegal qualifications or full professional status. Enrol any time of year. Online support included. LLB (Hons) Law LLB (Hons) Law Part-Time LOCKSMITHS NCFE level III. 8 day automotive locksmith training NCFE level III. 8 day Fasttrack locksmith training LOGISTICS, WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION CILT(UK) Level 2 Certificate in Logistics and Transport CILT(UK) Level 3 Certificate in Logistics and Transport CILT(UK) Level 5 Professional Diploma In Logistics and Transport CILT(UK) Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Logistics and Transport MSc in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management Transport Management, Driver CPC, Intro to Transport Driver CPC Initial Qualification - Driver Qualification Card (DQC) - ADR - CPC for Transport Managers Road Haulage Level 3 - Diploma in Driving Goods Vehicles- Level 3 Certificate in Logistics Operations - Level 3 Certificate in Transport Office - Level 3 Diploma in Warehousing & Storage - RTITB Counterbalance or reach Forklift Truck - Level 3 Packages Avaliable MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP Bristol Executive Management Programme - Masters Level Resettlement Programme for SNCOs and Officers. (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Accounting for Non-Accountants (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Managing Business Operations (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Managing Business Strategically (CMI Level 7 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership) ELC eligible - also with other BMC courses Success in Project Management (PRINCE2 and CMI) Success in Deploying Business Strategy (MSP and CMI) Success in Risk Management (MoR and CMI) Success in Managing Portfolios (MoP and CMI) Success in Managing Change (APMG CM and CMI) APMP Introductory Certificate Success in Managing Projects (Advanced) (APMP and CMI) Success in Managing Projects (Advanced) for PR2 Practitioners (APMP for PR2 and CMI) All above courses include CMI Award/Certificate/Diploma CIPD Foundation in Human Resource Practice/Learning & Development Practice. CIPD Intermediate in Human Resource Management/Human Resource Development. CIPD Advanced in Human Resource Management/Human Resource Development CMI Level 3, 5 and 7 in Management and Leadership CMI level 3, 5 and 7 in Coaching and Mentoring 18 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.courses4forces.co.uk Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. CIPD's learning delivery arm CIPD's learning delivery arm CIPD's learning delivery arm CIPD's learning delivery arm Edinburgh Business School Gower College Swansea - GCS Training National National National National Global W, National 020 8612 6202 020 8612 6202 020 8612 6202 020 8612 6202 0131 451 3090 01792 284400 2080 2080 2080 2080 1502 5019 Henley Business School Henley Business School Henley Business School i2i Development Solutions Ltd National National National Global +44 (0) 1491 418767 +44 (0) 1491 418767 +44 (0) 1491 418767 0845 121 0475 1097 1097 1097 3836 Inspired2Be Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd International National 01522 501886 01284 763040 5110 4687 Oxford Brookes University Business School Palmer Training Academy Performance Learning & Development Ltd (Performance People) Global National Global +44 (0)1865 485800 01473 834969 07976 821 333 1317 7424 3015 Performance Learning & Development Ltd (Performance People) Project Skills Solutions Global 07976 821 333 3015 Global 0845 130 7411 3032 Royal Agricultural University WATA (West Anglia Training Association) SWE EE 01285 652531 01480 435 544 1718 1495 Securewest International Securewest International Securewest International Wilplan Training Limited SWE SWE SWE National +44 (0) 1548 856001 +44 (0) 1548 856001 +44 (0) 1548 856001 0845 009 5647 2927 2927 2927 2992 British Standards Institution (BSI) DDRC Professional Services National SWE +44 845 086 9000 01752 237137 1693 3436 EXMED UK LTD Global 01432 355964 3208 Interdive Services Ltd SWE 01752-558080 1646 Medipro Limited International 01325 609030 3274 Outreach Rescue Medic Skills Global 01248 603 012 5906 Securewest International Wilplan Training Limited SWE National +44 (0) 1548 856001 0845 009 5647 2927 2992 MTCS Ltd 015394 40201 2033 The Underwater Centre NWE, National, Global SC 01397 703786 1593 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 Forth Valley College SC 01324 403173 1076 MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP (continued) CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in HR Practice An Introduction to Management CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in HR Practice CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in L&D Practice MBA (Master of Business Administration) Industry leading qualifications - (ILM) The Institute of Leadership & Management, (CMI) Chartered Management Institute - unique blended learning, classroom packages & distance learning. Levels 2,3,4,5,7 Including CMI Chartered Management & Apprenticeships. Professional Certificate in Coaching Advanced Personal Leadership Programme The Leadership Programme ILM Qualifications: Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring NLP Qualifications - ABNLP/ABH Certified NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner NLP Coach NLP Presenting Skills NLP Practitioner, ILM Coaching and Mentoring and Leadership and Management levels 2,3 & 5. Unique blended learning and classroom packages for ILM Lv3-5 Awards and Certificates in Leadership and Management and Project Management Oxford Brookes Global MBA Leadership & Management Level 5 Diploma LM L5 Certificate / Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring ILM L7 Certificate / Diploma in Executive Coaching & Mentoring NLP Practitioner & NLP Practitioner Coach NLP Master Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner Coach NLP Practitioner Coach (ABNLP / ANLP) NLP Master Practitioner Coach (ABNLP / ANLP) E- Learning ILM Level 3 Award; E- Learning ILM Level 3 Certificate; E- Learning ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management; E- Learning ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management MSc and MBAs in land-based management areas: Agribusiness/Food Industry/Farms/Real Estate. Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management (ILM) MARINE Company Security Officer/ Ship Security Officer Maritime Security Operatives Course (Level 3 City and Guilds 8269) Maritime Firearms Competency Course (MFCC) City & Guilds Level 3 Award (8269) for Maritime Security Operatives (MSO) and STCW95 MEDICAL TRAINING Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course HSE Offshore Medic incl. Placements; also IMCA Diver Medic, MCA STCW First Aid etc., UKOOA/ENG1 medicals Courses available through ELC include: THE Medicine in Remote Areas course (MIRA) AND refresher courses, Travel & Expedition Medicine, HSE approved Offshore Medics and NEBOSH International certificate. HSE Approved Offshore Medic Courses including Hospital placements. IMCA Approved Diver medic Courses. Advanced Medical Skills & Defibrillation: MCA: STCW First Aid etc. UKOOA/ENG1 medicals First Person on Scene (FPOS Intermediate) level 3 Pre Hospital Medical Technician and Ambulance Technician Medicine in Remote Areas (MIRA) and refresher HSE Offshore Medic including local NHS placements and refresher Ambulance Emergency Care Assistant Hazardous Environment Medicine Paramedic - Approved by HCPC Hazardous Environment Medicine Technician First Person of Scene (Intermediate) Course FPOSi, Level 3 First Aid at Work and Level 4 MiRA with REMIT OFFSHORE ROV Induction Course IMCA aligned Based in North West and International locations 10/11 day course HSE Commercial Diver Training and ROV Pilot Technician Training. OIL & GAS NEBOSH International Technical Cert in Oil and Gas Operational Safety High Threat Trauma and Remote Medics Course with FPOS CompEx 01-04 Hazardous Areas, CompEx 01-04 Refresher, CompEx 05-06 Dust 20 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.courses4forces.co.uk Claimants must consult with their education staff to check eligibility for ELC funding before making any commitment to study APPROVED BY MoD IN SUPPORT OF THE ELC SCHEME ELC PROVIDER NUMBER 5906 MOVE TO A CAREER IN SECURITY OR BECOME A TRAINER Close Protection First Person on Scene - Intermediate Medics in Remote Areas Hostile Environments Education & Training Delivering Conflict Management Delivering Physical Intervention NATIONWIDE AVAILABILITY CCall al l 01 0 1 3322 2 2 3381 8 1 5511 5 w www.trainingforsecurity.co.uk ww. tra i n i n g fors e cu ri ty. co. u k iinfo@trainingforsecurity.co.uk n fo@tra i n i n g fors e cu ri ty. co. u k www.courses4forces.co.uk ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 21 Selected courses by subject matter For further information and individual company web links please visit: www.courses4forces.co.uk/cms/Advertisers/ Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. Global Global 0845 8732036 0845 8030 360 4210 3300 International 01522 501886 5110 First Point Photography LTD SWE 01202 419808 2543 ISS Training Ltd Y&H 01423 712265 2292 PPTutor-Online Global 07850 819219 1940 EM 01908 587665 1619 20|20 Business Insight Global 01382 730880 4174 Advantage Learning Ltd National 0131 668 2445 1469 Aim for Training Byte Size Ltd Global 01270 626330 6776 Bristol Management Centre National 0117 949 1500 1024 CIPD's learning delivery arm ITonlinelearning Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd GL Global National 020 8612 6202 01795 436969 01284 763040 2080 6447 4687 Quanta Quanta Ubi-Tech(3R) Ltd National National National 0800 018 0771 0800 018 0771 0800 612 9193 1201 1201 1332 Gower College Swansea - GCS Training The College of Estate Management W, National Global 01792 284400 0118 921 4696 5019 1322 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) National National National +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 1693 1693 1693 British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) Forth Valley College G4S (Canine Security Training) Malpeet K9 Academy National National SC SEE National +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 01324 403173 01582 458355 0845 5192 359 1693 1693 1076 4938 4229 Perpetuity Training Ltd Global 0116 277 3313 1787 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, PSYCHOTHERAPY & COACHING Accredited NLP, Coaching and Supervision courses and Psychotherapy training Awaken Consulting & Training Services Ltd NLP Practitioner with ILM Lvl 5 certificate in Coaching & Mentoring in Management Inspire 360 Limited NLP Master Practitioner & Master Coach Certification NLP Practitioner, ILM Coaching and Mentoring and Leadership and Management levels 2,3 & 5. Inspired2Be PHOTOGRAPHY Train to be a Professional Photographer Wedding, Portrait and Image Manipulation Photography Courses, City & Guilds level 3. Practical hands on course, with models in the studio and on location, including Wedding shoots. BTEC Level 3 Award in Photography. A full time course over 5 days involving practical field and studio assignments QUALIFY ONLINE for NVQ LEVEL 3 and 4 in PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Study at your own pace in your own time from your own base with top professional photographers. Get nationally recognised highest qualifications online with 24/7 email & phone support Build your portfolio of portrait , wedding, boudoir, sports, landscape, fine art photography - anything you choose Get Photoshop/Lightroom at discount; adjust & manipulate your pictures, save, catalogue, watermark. Become a professional PLUMBING CITY & GUILDS, BPEC, OFTEC & CSKILLS Certified courses in GAS, ELECTRICS, WATER & OIL GasTec PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCE2®, PMI, APM Introductory Cert, APM Professional (APMP), APMP for P2, E-learning, CMI Level 3 (award, cert, diploma); CMI Level 4 (award, cert, diploma); CMI Level 5 (award, cert, diploma) PRINCE2, MSP (Programme Management), P3O (Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices) and MoP (Portfolio Management) Foundation & Practitioner PRINCE2, Agile Project Management, APMP, APM-IC, Managing Benefits, Better Business Cases, Business Analysis, Courses and exams available online PRINCE2® Project Management, MSP® Programme Management, MoR® Risk Management, MoP® Portfolio Management, P3O® Portfolio, Programme & Project Offices, Change Management, APMP Introductory Certificate, APMP, APMP for PRINCE2®, All courses available on pick-&-mix packages to suit Upper & Lower Tier ELCs. Introductory Certificate in Project Management PRINCE2, Agile, PMP, ITIL, MSP, APMIC, Management of Risk, MoV & P3O Unique blended learning and classroom packages for ILM Lv3-5 Awards and Certificates in Leadership and Management and Project Management PRINCE2®, APM Professional (APMP), APM Introduction, APMP for P2, and ISEB qualifications. Agile Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®), M_o_R® and Change Management Project Management (Telecommunications) NQF Level 7 (Post Graduate) PROPERTY WAMITAB Waste & Resource Management qualifications from Level 2. Foundation Degree Construction Practice Foundation Degree Surveying Practice BSc (Hons) Building Surveying BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Real Estate Management MSc Building Surveying MSc Construction Management MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Real Estate MBA Construction & Real Estate QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course BSI Diploma in Quality Management Systems Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course SECURITY Information Security Management Systems Lead Implementer Training Course ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems Lead Auditor SIA Level 2 Award in Door Supervision, Highfield Award in CCTV Operations NASDU/HABC Level 3/4 Security and Detection Dog Training NASDU / HABC - level 2 & 3 General Purpose Security Dog Handlers Course - Level 4 Explosive Detection Dog Handlers Course - Level 3 Drug Dog Handlers Course Level 4 Hostile Environment- Explosive Detection Dog BTEC and IQ Level 3, 4, 5 and 7 courses in Security Management and BTEC Level 4 courses in Managing Security Surveys; Risk, Crisis & Disaster Management; Distance learning and Classroom courses available. 22 ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 www.courses4forces.co.uk Selected courses by subject matter Qualification offered Company name County Phone no. ELC no. British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) National National National National National National +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 +44 845 086 9000 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 1693 British Association of Snowsports Instructors Global 01479 861 717 1346 Discovery Learning Global 0208 543 1017 2993 European Institute of Fitness Global 0845 0944 007 2311 Nonstop Ski & Snowboard Global 01225 632165 3630 Plas y Brenin | The National Mountain Centre W 01690 720214 4237 WGTF of GB&I National 0845 094 9445 1676 Academy of Professional Investigation Blue Square Global Ltd Global National 01444 441111 0844 800 3419 3971 3651 ISS Training Ltd Y&H 01423 712265 2292 Wilplan Training Limited National 0845 009 5647 2992 Aid Training & Operations Ltd National 01985 843100 2560 Palmer Training Academy National 01473 834969 7424 Performance Learning & Development Ltd (Performance People) Performance Learning & Development Ltd (Performance People) Training for Security University of Huddersfield Wilplan Training Limited Global 07976 821 333 3015 Global 07976 821 333 3015 National Y&H National 01322 381515 01484 478249 0845 009 5647 4366 1886 2992 Cable Telecommunications Training Services (CTTS) International, EM 01522 880900 1323 Ubi-Tech(3R) Ltd National 0800 612 9193 1332 Global International 0044 (0) 151 486 5120 01243 370 296 3943 4646 LGS Transport Training MDR Training (UK) Ltd Novadata TAB Ltd TIR Training Services Ltd SWE, SEE, WM EM National Y&H 01373 464776 0116 200 1866 01376 552999 01482 678318 6977 5682 3350 3911 Lynher Training Ltd. SWE 01822 832902 4146 SIX SIGMA Lean Six Sigma Green Belt: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Green Belt: Manufacturing Industry Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Conversion: Services Industry Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Manufacturing Industry Lean Six Sigma Conversion: Manufacturing Industry SPORT, LEISURE & FITNESS From Level 1 Instructor to Teacher Diploma, BASI offers the highest level of qualifications recognised worldwide, including France. BASI is also a member of ISIA. Master Personal Trainer Diploma - Become a Personal Trainer in 6 weeks, industry recognised qualifications, excellent value. Full Time and Part Time studies International Diploma in Personal Training including Residential and Online Master Trainer and Fitness & Motivation Coach course options. Ski and snowboard instructor qualifications (including CSIA, CASI and NZSIA), hands-on work experience and guaranteed job interviews. Complete range of mountain sports qualifiactions. Climbing Wall Award, Single Pitch Award, Mountain Leader award, Winter Mounatin Leader Award, International Mountain Leader Award, Mountaineering Instructor Award and Certificate. PLUS Kayaking and Canoeing Awards at Every Level and First Aid in the Outdoors from novivce to trainer. We even have a four-month residential intensive Fast Track Outdoor Instructor Scheme. level 3 vocational in Golf Coaching SURVEILLANCE & PROFESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS IQ and BTEC qualifications in Professional Investigation. BTEC Level 4 Professional Award in covert surveillance operations BTEC Level 3 Award in Professional Investigations for SIA Licensing BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Advanced Foot & Mobile Surveillance, BTEC Level 3 Award in Professional Investigations for SIA Licensing BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Advanced Foot & Mobile Surveillance BTEC Level 3 Award in Professional Investigations for SIA Licensing TEACHING & LECTURING Level 3 Award in Education and Training EAT Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training EAT – mapped for service personnel Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Process & Practice Award in Education & Training Level 3 Certificate in Education & Training Level 4 Teaching Assessing & Quality Assurance Level 3 ILM L5 Certificate / Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring in Management ILM L7 Certificate / Diploma in Executive Coaching & Leadership Mentoring NLP Practitioner Coach (ABNLP / ANLP) NLP Master Practitioner Coach (ABNLP / ANLP) Level 3 Education & Training, Level 3 Conflict Management, Level 3 Physical Intervention PGCE Secondary Teacher Training & PGCE/CertEd Level 3 in Education and Training (previously PTLLS) & Level 3 2886 Deliverers of Conflict Management. TELECOMMUNICATIONS A wide range of commercially recognised telecommunications courses (Copper Cabling, Fibre Optic, Air Blown Fibre, Rigging/Working at Heights, IPCCTV, BDUK and more) covering all aspects of design, planning, installation and testing. All courses accredited City & Guilds and BTEC Level 3/4. Wireless and Radio Engineering NQF Level 7 (Post Graduate) Advanced Wireless Technologies NQF Level 7 (Post Graduate) Design and Implementation of 4G Networks NQF Level 7 (Post Graduate) THERMOGRAPHY Infrared Thermography certification courses Infrared Training Limited ABBE Level 3 & 4 and PCN Cat 1 & 2 Accredited Building and Electrical Thermography Courses iRed Ltd TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT OCR Level 3 Certification in Transport Management Transport Management, Driver CPC, Intro to Transport Transport Management CPC (Road Haulage or Passenger Transport) ADR DGSA. CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) for Transport Managers (Road Haulage) Level 3 TREE SURGERY City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Awards in Forestry & Arboriculture. Ground or Aerial use, including Assessments. Also Professional Tree Inspection, Tree Surgery and other relevant courses. www.courses4forces.co.uk ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 23 Alphabetical list of Approved Providers Source ELCAS as at 17.06.15 Alphabetical list of Approved Providers 2945 3016 4174 3723 1467 1815 5958 2697 4354 5553 7058 7003 4433 2270 7610 5324 5624 3971 7076 6573 6249 3138 1003 4697 2653 1469 1506 1765 2948 2560 5163 1344 1929 5691 3179 1341 3299 4573 3485 1007 5409 4138 6757 3560 5441 3256 3130 3508 4670 3161 6480 3304 6263 7372 5436 2265 3533 6465 6399 1155 5667 1009 4210 1010 2001 4993 6131 1014 6791 6418 1748 3022 1546 3305 1334 2488 1805 1837 2758 1019 3243 3539 24 100% Effective Limited 1st Call Lockouts Ltd 20|20 Business Insight Ltd 3rg Associates Ltd 7Safe Limited A-1 Technical Training Logis-Tech Associates A1 Intelligence Training Ltd A1 Safe & Secure Locksmiths Ltd AAJ Locksmiths (Yorkshire) Ltd T/A MPL National Locksmith Training School AArtic Lgv Training Services Ltd T/A AARTIC Training Services Abacus Training Group Aberdeen Drilling Consultants Ltd. Abermed Ltd Ability Driving Academy Ability Professional Training Ltd Acacia Learning Ltd Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences Academy of Professional Investigation Access Learning and Development Access Training South West Ltd Accountancy Learning Ltd Accrington & Rossendale College ACT Associates Ltd Action Training Courses Ltd Advanced Management Skills Ltd Advantage Learning Limited Aeros Flight Training Aerospace Inspection Training Ltd AFA AID Training and Operations Ltd Ainscough Training Services Ltd Airways Flight Training Ltd Akona Limited Albion Environmental Ltd Allarb Ltd Alliance Francaise de Londres Alltracks Ltd T/A Alltracks Academy Alpha Safety Training Anderby Driving Centre Ltd Anglia Ruskin University Animal Jobs Direct Anne Clarke Associates Ltd. Apple Training Academy Ltd Aquarius Training & Development Partners Ltd ARC Training International Limited Argus Europe Limited Argyll-Ruane Ltd Around the Bend (UK) Limited Arrochar Associates Ltd Arts University Bournemouth Associated Risks Northern Ltd T/A Associated Risks Group Aston University ATC Risk Management Services Limited Athletes Unlimited Ltd Atlantic Flight Training Ltd ATM Safety & Environment Automobile Association Developments Ltd- AA Driving School AV Technology Avensys UK Ltd Aviation - Moray Flying Club Aviation South West Ltd Avtech 2000 Awaken Consulting & Training Services Ltd Aylesbury College Bangor University Banham Patent Locks Limited Barefoot Coaching Ltd Basingstoke College of Technology Baxby Airsports Club Be A Better You-Training Ltd Belfast Metropolitan College Bemac Training Ltd Bespoke Driver Training Best Practice Training & Development Bicton College Big and Bold Ltd “Birkbeck College, University of London” Birmingham City University Bishop Grosseteste University Blackburn College Vocational Education Training Programme Blackpool and The Fylde College BLS Plus Ltd ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 5027 1841 3651 1813 2950 6055 7430 1021 1022 1357 1596 6192 1377 1030 1024 2921 2994 5083 1343 3057 4241 3993 1470 1693 1682 4107 1642 5597 1029 6713 5075 1694 4682 6749 6125 3276 1425 3430 6296 1461 3051 6499 4732 1568 6506 5336 1419 1294 5458 4234 6405 6781 7397 3929 2673 3112 3404 1899 3345 6930 2760 3069 1105 2080 3282 1193 1635 1476 1037 5055 1538 4314 2169 3039 5563 4444 1267 1592 2281 Blue Mountain Security Solutions LTD T/A Blue Mountain Group Blue Screen IT Ltd Blue Square Global Ltd Boat Building Academy Ltd Bond Air Services Ltd Bond Solon Training Borders College Boston College Bournemouth and Poole College Bournemouth Commercial Flight Training BPP Professional Education Brampton Valley Training and Assessments Limited Bridgwater College Bristol Ground School Ltd Bristol Management Centre Bristow Academy Inc. Bristow Helicopters T/A Severn Aviation Ltd British Gas Services (Commercial) Limited British Safety Council Services (BSC Services) British Telecommunications PLC/BT Training Solutions Brockenhurst College Brookhouse Training Centre Ltd Brunel University London BSI Training - British Standards Institution Buckinghamshire New University Builder Training Centres Ltd T/A The BTC Busec Limited Business Edge Limited Business Safety Systems Ltd Buttercups Training Ltd BV Associates Limited Cablecom Training Ltd CAG (UK) Limited T/A Keytek Locksmiths Calcom Holdings Lts T/A The BBA Training Academy Calderdale College Caledonian Advanced Pilot Training Ltd Caledonian Business Centres T/A Pitman Training Edinburgh Calibre International Security Limited Callington Community College T/A The Learning Institute South West SCITT Cambridge Regional College Cambridge Safety LLP Camilla Training Aspects Ltd Canine Design Academy of Grooming Canterbury Christ Church University Capable People Training & Consultancy Ltd Capital Training Services (NE) Ltd Cardiff and Vale College Cardiff Metropolitan University Carlisle Flight Training Ltd CATTS LTD CB Training (UK) Ltd CCAS Limited CCS Training Ltd Central Sussex College Centre for Alternative Technology Centre for International Humanitarian Cooperation (CIHC) Chapel House Training & Consultancy Limited Chartered Insurance Institute Cherith Simmons Learning and Development Chevron Training Chrysalis Not for Profit Limited CHRysos HR Solutions Ltd CILEx Law School CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development Enterprises Ltd City College Peterborough City College Plymouth City College Southampton City of Bath College City of Bristol College City of Glasgow College City University London Clarity Education (UK) Limited Clarkson Evans Training Limited Clearwater Special Projects Ltd Clearway School of Motoring Ltd CMS Vocational Training Ltd T/A CMS Fitness Courses CNet Training Services Ltd Colchester Institute Coleg Sir Gar 1322 2138 5813 3609 3306 4092 7064 6365 4436 3452 2601 1054 3937 2227 5142 3811 1056 3238 1858 1059 4629 4319 6918 1060 3337 1989 1323 3177 5970 3186 3436 1711 5778 2304 1732 3225 4611 2993 4227 7038 1510 5986 1686 4493 4752 6882 1069 2115 2747 7450 3933 2949 1072 1536 1864 3806 1897 2871 1502 1159 4620 1560 2311 3983 6684 3486 4410 5919 6116 5220 5617 7097 1605 1432 3798 3208 3592 6574 5155 1077 1078 3010 3877 College of Estate Management College of Osteopaths Colossal Training LTD Commercial Skills Ltd Commsupport Networks Ltd Complete construction Training services Complete Site Safety Concise Training Ltd Construction Skills College Contour Autocraft Ltd Control Risks Group Limited Cornwall College Business Coronet Training Ltd T/A Crown Training Academy Corporate Risk Systems Ltd COT - Commercial Operator Training Solutions Ltd Coventry Building Workshop ltd Coventry University Cranfield Aviation Training School (CATS) Cranfield University Cranfield University (CDS) CRH Transport Training Ltd CRM Aviation Europe Limited CROPSurveillance Ltd Crownship Developments Ltd CRW Special Projects Limited T/A CRW Training CTR High-Risk Security and Investigations Services Ltd CTTS - Cable Telecommunications Training Services Ltd Cycle Systems Ltd T/A The Bike Doctor Academy David Watson Transport Ltd DCET Training DDRC Professional Services De Montfort University Dean Training Ltd Denby Transport Limited - Training Department Development Processes Group plc Deverill Ltd Devon Primary School Centred Initial Teacher Training (DPSCITT) Discovery Learning/Weight Management Centre Ltd Distance Learning Centre.Com Limited Distance Learning College & Training Dive-In Holdings Limited Dogs Delight Don Quijote UK In-Country Language Courses Ltd Downland Cycles Ltd Drummond Education Ltd Dundee and Angus College Durham Business School E-Careers Ltd E-Learner.Org EA Technology Ltd Eagle Education and Training Ltd Ealing Hammersmith and West London College East Riding College Eastleigh College Easton & Otley College Eastwood Park Limited EBO Activities Ltd Edge Hill University Edinburgh Business School Edinburgh Napier University Education Management Direct Ltd T/A Educate Teacher Training EEF Limited T/A Woodland Grange EIF Lilleshall Ltd Elite Academy of Security Training Ltd Embrion Emergency Planning College/Serco Encription Ltd Endeavour (UK) Limited Environtec Ltd Equinox Training Solutions Ltd Erudite training Ltd ESS Consulting Limited Eston Training - (Technical Authorship specialist training) European Golf Teachers Federation Excellentia Ltd Exmed UK Ltd Explosive Learning Solutions Ltd Exponential Training & Assessment Ltd Fairways Care (UK) Ltd Farnborough College of Technology Fast-Trak Accreditation Centre Ltd FGI Ltd Fibreplus Ltd www.courses4forces.co.uk Alphabetical list of Approved Providers Source ELCAS as at 17.06.15 6555 1444 5783 4187 4518 2543 4501 1387 4976 2940 1630 3135 3169 1590 1076 5724 1599 3891 6398 1338 4938 1190 1766 1452 1619 3280 4451 1088 7713 6980 1446 1713 4272 1089 1259 5690 7114 4466 3247 1090 6248 1869 2441 3170 5505 2326 6927 1092 1551 2386 3145 5214 6834 4504 5801 7939 5044 2012 7062 4845 1097 7228 1098 5822 1641 4552 1100 6626 1527 1256 2558 5805 2295 6162 6821 1103 3017 3836 2035 3943 3300 5110 1251 Fife College Firebrand Training Ltd First Intuition Reading First Line Response First On Scene Training Limited First Point Photography Fitch 7city Learning Fitness Industry Education Limited Fitness Inspired Teacher Training FlixTAC Flying Fish UK Ltd FM Tutor & Associates Ltd FOCUS on TRAINING Focus Training Ltd Forth Valley College of Further & Higher Education Freedom Aviation Friendberry Limited FTS Solutions Ltd. Fullagar Construction Skills Centre Ltd Future Fit Training G4S Canine Security Services G4S Risk Consulting Limited Gas Logic Ltd T/A Logic4training Gasgain Limited Gastec Training & Assessment Centres Ltd Gateshead College Genius Solutions Ltd T/A Languages Training & Development Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow Clyde College Glasgow Kelvin College Glenmore Lodge Global Air Training Ltd Global Horizon Skills Ltd Gloucestershire College Glyndwr University Wrexham Goldtrowel Uk Ltd Good e-Learning Gotcha International Academy Ltd Gower College Swansea Grantham/Sleaford College Greendale Ltd t/a ECTA Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education GRW Buy -Lines Ltd GS Aviation GTEC Training Ltd GTG Training Ltd Guarding Solutions & Training Services Ltd Guildford College of Further and Higher Education HAL Training Services (Doncaster) Ltd Hamble School of Yachting Ltd Harper Adams University “Harris Manchester College, Oxford University” Havering College of Further and Higher Education Hawki Worldwide Limited Health and Fitness Education Limited Heart of Worcestershire College HELI AIR LIMITED Helicopter and Pilot Services Ltd T/A Helicopter Services Helitrain Ltd T/A Cotswold Helicopter Centre HELIYORKS LTD Henley Business School HENLEY COLLEGE COVENTRY Herefordshire & Ludlow College Herefordshire Aero Club Ltd Heriot-Watt University Hickleys Ltd Highbury College Highland Aviation Training Hippozone Limited (HZL) Home Learning College Home Study Courses Ltd T/A The Blackford Centre Horizon Security Solutions Ltd Hull College Group HumanTechnics Ltd Humber Chemical Focus Limited T/A HCF CATCH Huntingdonshire Regional College Hybrid Technical Services Ltd I2i Development Solutions Ltd Informa UK Ltd/Lloyd’s Maritime Academy/IBC Academy Infrared Institute T/A Infrared Training Limited Inspire 360 Limited Inspired2Be Ltd Institute of Continuing Education (Cambridge University) www.courses4forces.co.uk 1647 2192 1973 4530 1646 1530 1386 1113 4030 3468 4646 2292 3922 4635 6447 4473 1350 3801 6421 1940 5392 2019 3078 1845 6589 4903 6078 5175 1122 4624 4595 5810 1464 3393 1126 3102 6467 6977 1128 2626 2199 3887 1609 5545 1951 2947 2408 2165 3331 7500 1330 2438 3217 5847 1133 1135 3455 1472 2398 4146 1999 1401 4229 1708 1782 1570 7359 2033 4541 2778 3701 6771 5682 6966 3274 7010 1150 1148 4524 3981 5354 Institute of Directors Institute of Financial Services University College Institute of Lifelong Learning/ University of Leicester Integra Training & Consultancy Ltd Interdive Services Ltd International Compliance Training “International House, London” Inverness College IPSO FACTO Training Solutions Ltd IQMS (IQ Management Systems Ltd) IRed Ltd ISS Training Limited IT Governance Limited ITG Instructor Training Limited ITonlinelearning Ltd Jane Child Associates Ltd T/A JCA Learning JBC Computer Training Ltd JIM GANT ASSOCIATES LTD Jing Advanced Massage Training Ltd John Bigglestone & Company JPMA/Hoylake Sailing School Ltd Just IT Training and Recruitment Kaplan Open Learning T/A University of Essex Online Keele University Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd KEY OSTAS Ltd Keycom PLC Kier Services Limited Kingston University KLM UK Engineering Limited Lakes College West Cumbria “Laureate Online Education (online partner for the Universities of Liverpool and Roehampton, London)” Lavender International NDT Consultancy Services Limited Learner Driving Centres (Teaching Driving Ltd) Leeds Beckett University Leicestershire Aero Club Ltd Lewis School of English LGS Transport Services Ltd T/A LGS Transport Training Licence by Post Lifeskills Medical (UK) Ltd Lifetime Training Group Ltd Lighthouse Safety Training Ltd Lincoln College Lion and Gazelle Ltd Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Logistics Learning Alliance Ltd London Business School London Metropolitan University London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London School of Sports Massage London South Bank University Longmoor Security Ltd (Division of Westminster Group Plc) Look North Grooming & Training Centre Ltd Loughborough College Loughborough University Lowestoft College LRTT Lucid Optical Services Ltd Lynher Training Mainport Training (Wales) Ltd Mainstream Training Limited Malpeet K9 Academy Ltd Manchester Business School Manchester Metropolitan University Marham Aero Club Maritime and Engineering College North West Maritime Training and Competence Solutions Ltd (MTCS Ltd) Martin’s Driver Training Mass Consultants Ltd Massey University McCormack Training Ltd MDR Training (UK) Limited Medical (Europe) Ltd T/A North of England Ambulance Service Medipro Ltd MetTECH UK Limited Middlesex University MidKent College of Higher and Further Education Milne Management Ltd MINERVA NI LTD Mission Training and Consultancy Ltd 3690 6123 1154 4237 1829 1364 2201 1161 3114 6164 1648 7034 2470 3767 1164 2322 1742 4070 5241 2702 2551 3845 3630 7503 1170 3483 1070 1406 3350 1349 4687 3228 1927 1750 4242 3157 3830 5948 3472 1407 6686 1942 1428 6062 1949 7424 6741 2329 4850 2770 4787 1867 3015 1787 5951 1188 1455 2181 3518 4129 4121 3047 1335 1994 5625 1351 3437 5859 1474 3388 2662 4442 1358 5090 1195 3885 4176 2217 2827 6459 3032 3081 5149 5472 3639 3748 MKLC Training Moorlands College Moray College Mountain Training Trust T/A Plas y Brenin MPI Group Multiflight Ltd Myerscough College National IT Learning Centre Ltd Natural Gas Services Training Ltd (NGST) Neath Port Talbot College Net-Security Training New Century Consulting Ltd New College Nottingham New College Oxford New College Swindon New Leaf Distribution Ltd Newcastle College Newcroft Training Limited Newman University College NFPS Ltd Nick & Caroline Jordan T/A Cornish Cruising NIRTC Ltd NONSTOP Adventure North East Scotland College North Lindsey College North Notts Create Ltd Northern Regional College Nottingham Trent University Novadata Nuco Training Ltd Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd OMS On-Track Aviation Limited Open College of the Arts Open Study College OPITO Ltd Oracle Safety Associates Limited Orchid Maritime Osbourne Engineering Limited Oxford Aviation Academy Oxford Energy Academy Ltd Oxford School of Sports Massage Oxford TEFL P & G Underwood Ltd Paisley & Johnstone Training Group Ltd Palmer Fencing T/A Palmer Training Academy Pass N Go Driving School Pathfinder Flying Club Ltd PCM2U Ltd “Peak Leaders Ski, Snowboard and MTB Instructor Training” Pegasus Ultimate Fitness T/A Pegasus Training Pembrokeshire College Performance Learning & Development (Performance People) Perpetuity Training Ltd Perseus Risk Management Limited Perth College Petroc PGL Training Ltd Phoenix Health and Safety Phoenix Training Services PIP Services Ltd T/A PIP Professional Training & Services Pitman Training Plymouth “Pitman Training, Forres, Moray.” Plumpton College Plymouth College of Art Plymouth University Plymouth YMCA PMVA training Ltd Polar Pumps Limited Portable Appliance Safety Services Ltd (PASS) PPL Training Limited Premier IT Premier Training International Ltd Premier Training Services (UK) Ltd Preston College Proactive Technical Training Limited Professional Bodyguard Association Professional Diving Academy Progility PLC Project North East T/A PNE Group and PNE Development Project Skills Solutions Ltd Prometheus Medical Ltd Prospects Learning Foundation Ltd Providence Global ITF ltd Providence Training Ltd Purple Aviation Ltd ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 25 Alphabetical list of Approved Providers 1612 4000 1201 1868 3519 3019 1548 1393 3435 1501 2594 2938 1714 2957 3134 1203 2077 3391 7480 1208 1879 6764 3565 3406 2117 3898 1262 5330 1718 1620 4713 2848 5780 3779 3149 6422 2539 6982 5019 4874 3616 4727 5716 1055 5611 3463 2941 7571 2927 5109 5382 3777 3368 1651 2396 2430 4654 5603 2611 6850 3547 6946 3621 1227 6425 2956 1673 5646 6191 1479 2432 4154 3577 4778 3336 1876 3229 1717 3040 3642 2745 3947 26 QA Quadrilect Ltd Quanta Training Ltd Queen Margaret University Edinburgh Queen Mary University RAF Akrotiri Flying Club RAF Benson Flying Club Ltd RAF Brize Norton Flying Club Ltd RAF Cosford Powered Flying Club RAF Halton Aeroplane Club Ltd RAF Halton Microlight Club (HMC) RAF Lyneham Flying Club RAF Waddington Flying Club Reality Training Recovery Training Association (RTA) Redcar and Cleveland College Reed Business School Working Through Watson Martin Partnership RHGconsult Ltd Richmond upon Thames College Right Management Ltd Risk & Safety Management Service Riverside Training(Spalding) Ltd RMT Motorcycle Training Redditch Ltd Road Safe Europe Limited Robert Gordon University Roehampton University RoSPA Roxby Training Solutions Ltd Royal Agricultural University Royal Artillery Centre for Personal Development T/A RACPD Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Royal Holloway - University of London Royall Framing RRC Training RST Limited RT Training Solutions Ltd RTC Associates T/A Animal Care College RWD Training and Assessment S-G Transport Training & Logistics Ltd SAE Education Ltd T/A SAE Institute Safety Management Consultancy Ltd Safety Technology Ltd Salve Regina University Santia Consulting Ltd T/A Santia Training Services SAS Training Academy LTD Sawpod Ltd School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Seaham Safety Services Ltd Securewest International Limited Security Services (Maritime) Limited Serco Ltd T/A International Fire Training Centre SETA Training & Advisory Services Ltd Sheephouse Ltd T/A H L Training Services Sheffield Hallam University SHEilds Ltd Shotline Charters Ltd T/A Old Harbour Dive Centre Shropshire County Trainers Ltd SkillForce Development Ltd Sloane Helicopters Ltd SMARTT North East Ltd SMTS Ltd Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine T/A SOMM Solent Helicopters Ltd T/A Elite Helicopters Somerset College South & City College Birmingham South Devon College South Eastern Regional College South Gloucestershire & Stroud College South London College UK South Tyneside College South West Assessment and Training (S.W.A.A.T) South West Marine Training T/A Torbay Sea School South West Peninsular Training Ltd South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust South Worcestershire College Southampton Solent University / Warsash Maritime Academy Southstep LTD Sparsholt College Hampshire (including Andover College) Specialist Gas Assessment Services (SGAS) Specialist Vocational Training Limited SPOCE Project Management Ltd SportSkool Ltd ANNUAL GUIDE 2015 Source ELCAS as at 17.06.15 1738 2191 1703 6957 1388 1442 3870 1664 1235 5215 7211 6559 5926 7168 5419 1451 5838 4762 3236 6785 2116 3844 1582 1247 3250 5283 5519 1716 1263 5482 3589 1346 7029 1415 3378 1780 1254 2148 1926 6800 3495 3932 1258 1972 1160 1260 5906 4513 1587 2990 1712 3802 1593 1020 1964 1281 1539 1902 2072 1846 2352 6108 2293 1826 2867 5987 3911 4278 4394 3301 2057 1146 3751 4996 3610 6472 4503 6776 4366 4283 6815 3705 3312 1586 5848 1691 2583 Spurgeons College SRUC - Scotland’s Rural College SSG Training and Consultancy Ltd St Edmund’s College St Mary’s University College Staffordshire University Starspeed Ltd Steve Willis Training Ltd Stratford Business School Stratum Worldwide Ltd Strodes College Stroma Certification Ltd Survival School Ltd Sussex Wildlife Trust Swansea University Swindon College Sysop System Group Ltd Trading as System Training T Kirk Forestry T/A TKF Training T2 Fitness Training & Education Ltd Talon NDT Limited Tameside College Tavcom Ltd T/A Tavcom Training Tayside Aviation Ltd TC Training Limited TEC Transnational Ltd Technique Learning Solutions Ltd Teesside University Temple Hewitt Partnership The At Work Partnership Ltd The Beauty Academy The British Association of Snowsport Instructors The British Training Academy T/A TBTA Ltd The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK) The Clifton Practice The Coaching Academy UK Ltd The College of West Anglia The Faraday Centre Ltd The Fire Protection Association Ltd The Fitness Education Academy Ltd The Knowledge Academy Ltd The Learning People Ltd The Marine Society (MS) The Open College of Equine Studies The Open School Trust T/A The National Extension College The Open University The Outreach Organisation The Performance Solution(2004) T/A The Performance Solution The Royal College of Surgeons of England The Surveillance Group Ltd The Training and Development Centre The Training Foundation Ltd “The Underwater Centre, Fort William Ltd” The University of Bolton The University of Edinburgh The University of Hull The University of Manchester The University of Northampton The University of Reading The University of Salford The University of Sheffield The University of Waikato The University of Winchester The University of York The Wine and Spirit Education Trust The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries TIR Training Services Ltd Titas Limited Total Logistics Training Ltd Total Network Solutions Europe Ltd Total Training Support Ltd TQ Education and Training Ltd T/A TQ Direct Trade Skills 4U Trade-Ability Train 2 Train Train 4All Construction Academy Train Locksmiths Ltd Training Byte Size Ltd Training for Security Ltd Training Solutions (NI) Limited Trans-Euro Engineering Services Ltd Transport Training Academy Ltd Tresithick Upholstery Training Truro College TSA - Transport Security Associates Ltd TUOL(E)-University of Teesside TWI Ltd 6079 5612 4809 4843 1394 5914 3033 5875 3443 2301 7837 2852 2861 1705 1460 1275 3070 3046 1276 1601 1768 2309 1985 1280 1886 2520 1614 1328 1577 2981 7096 1283 1286 1607 1065 5343 1289 6620 6317 1465 4437 4614 1290 1688 1291 3205 3193 1656 1332 1310 5011 4598 1859 2877 1296 3810 3273 1298 1542 5347 1833 1526 1661 5002 1495 7245 3289 7354 3310 3692 2992 2541 1217 7574 3622 4332 4775 6554 4435 1676 2880 1345 2925 2373 2538 2351 Ubi-Tech (3R) Ltd Ubiquitous Concepts Ltd UK Mediation Ltd UK Open IT LTD United Kingdom Sailing Academy (UKSA) Universal Gurkha Security Services University Campus Suffolk University College Birmingham University College Falmouth University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Bedfordshire University of Brighton University of Bristol University of Buckingham University of Central Lancashire University of Chichester University of Cumbria University of Derby University of Dundee University of East Anglia University of East London University of Essex University of Hertfordshire University of Huddersfield University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leicester - Department of Criminology University of Leicester - School of Management “University of Leicester, Department of Museum Studies” “University of Leicester, School of Education” University of Lincoln University of Northumbria at Newcastle University of Nottingham University of Oxford - Department for Continuing Education University of Oxford Department of Education University of Portsmouth University of Pretoria University of South Wales University of St Andrews University of St Mark and St John University of Stirling University of Sunderland University of Surrey University of the West of England University of the West of Scotland University of Warwick University of West London University of Wolverhampton University of Worcester Up Close and Personal Group Ltd (UCP Group) Upskill Assessment and Training Ltd Uxbridge College Vantage Aviation Varis Training Ltd Verity Hawke Ltd T/A UK-TEFL Vulcan Fire Training Co Ltd Wakefield College Wakefield Skillcentre Ltd Walsall College Warrington Collegiate Warwick Business School Warwickshire College Wessex Business School Ltd West Anglia Training Association Limited WEST COLLEGE SCOTLAND West Dean College West Kent and Ashford College WesternAir(Thruxton) Ltd Weston College Wilplan Training Ltd Wiltshire & Somerset Colleges Partnership Wiltshire College Salisbury Wiltshire Council WiltshireTransport Training & Development Ltd T/A WTTL Wise Global Training Ltd WLT Ltd Wolfson College Cambridge Woodward Safety Health and Environment Ltd World Golf Teachers Federation Xenon Management Training & Recruitment Ltd Yeovil College Yeovilton Flying Club YMCA Fitness Industry Training (YMCAfit) York College York St John University www.courses4forces.co.uk www.gastectraining.co.uk Gastec has more than 1 years experience in the resettlement training of MoD Service Leavers, with over successfully trained students now working within the industry. Other providers promise - we deliver! *XPVMEMJLFUPFYQSFTTNZHSBUJUVEFUPBMM BU(BTUFD5IFGBDJMJUJFTBOEDPVSTF TUSVDUVSFSJHIUUISPVHIUPUIFEFMJWFSZXFSF DU Q FSGFDUB QFSGFDUBOEBSFBMFZFPQFOFS .ZUIBOLTUPBMM . ZUIBOL 4VF,JOH.#& COURSE CARRIES LEVEL 3 ACCREDITATION EFSGPS )BWJOHDIPTFO(BTUFDBTUIFQSPWJEFSGPS NZSFTFUUMFNFOUUSBJOJOHBGUFSZFBST ZFBST EXJUIUIF TFSWJDF*XBTDPNQMFUMZJNQSFTTFEXJUIUIF QSPGFTTJPOBMJTNBOEIFMQBGGPSEFENFCZ CZ BMMUIFJOTUSVDUPSTBOETUBGG OUR W ORK PLACE MENT FREE IS - GUA R ANTE AND G ED ENUI NE VIEWING OF OUR FACILITY IS ALWAYS WELCOME. CALL NOW TO ARRANGE YOUR VISIT. Gastec Training has for many years worked closely with Britain’s armed forces as they prepare for civilian life. At Gastec we recognise the commitment you have made while serving and welcome the opportunity to ensure you have a prosperous future as you leave the armed forces. The Gastec New Entrant Gas Course will prepare you for an interesting and lucrative career in the gas utility sector. Call now for a special reduced pricing offer on this course. 4HU+..PSHBO3FUE COURSE CARRIES LEVEL 3 ACCREDITATION 0VSQBTTSBUFFYDFFETBOEPVS &-$"4FWBMVBUJPOSBUJOHJTTFDPOEUP OPOF1MFBTFUBLFUJNFUPWJFXUIF &-$"4XFCTJUFUPDIFDLPVUPVS DVSSFOUFWBMVBUJPOSBUJOH %VSJOHNZUJNFJOUIFBSNZJIBWFBUUFOEFENBOZ EFENBOZ DPVSTFTBOETFFONBOZJOTUSVDUPSTCVUUIFMFWFMTPG IFMFWFMTPG JOTUSVDUJPOBU(BTUFDXBTFYDFMMFOU*BNOPXBWFSZ OPXBWFSZ TVDDFTTGVMTFMGFNQMPZFEHBTTBGFFOHJOFFSBOESFNBJO BOESF JODPOUBDUXJUI(BTUFDXIPXJMMBMXBZPGGFSBEWJDF 8BZOF$IBOU&Y3PZBM"SUJMMFSZ CALL +44(0)1908 587665 Gastec Training & Assessment Centres Ltd. 6 Newmarket Court, Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK10 0AQ enquiries@gastectraining.co.uk www.gastectraining.co.uk