CEU Business School BUSI 560M Marketing Research (3 credits) Winter 2016 (January 15 – April 29, 2016) Instructor: Class meets Office: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Office hours: Program Manager: E-mail: Student Services Manager: E-mail: Charles S. Mayer (See last page for bio sketch), see Course schedule Room 411 36 1 887-5164 36 1 887-5005 mayerc@business.ceu.edu By appointment – or 11:00 to 12:00 on Mondays Melinda Nagy olsona@business.ceu.edu Anikó Juhász juhasza@business.ceu.edu COURSE OUTLINE Purpose: The purpose of this course is to develop a managerial appreciation toward marketing research. Attention is sequentially focused on information needs, research design, methods of data collection and the drawing of conclusions through relevant analysis. Integration of the concepts discussed is achieved through a focus on demand measurement, product, advertising, distribution and pricing research. The course is primarily case oriented and therefore depends on the prior preparation and participation of members. Accordingly, a substantial portion of the course grade will be assigned on the basis of regular attendance and contribution to the class. Text: Brown, T.J. and T.Suter, MR, Cengage Learning, 2012, E-book loaded on Moodle Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515 Daily Case Assignment: Each class member will be asked to contribute to a group report on an assigned case. The group will be responsible for distributing a “management summary” to the class, and for making a polished oral presentation in class. Term Project: Students will be asked to conduct a "pilot survey" on some topic of interest to them. These projects may be conducted on an individual basis, or in groups of 2, 3 or 4. While the instructor has several potential topics to suggest, the selection of topics are the responsibility of the student. A proposal for the project outlining the research problem and research procedure is due on January 26. Proposals are to be typed and no longer than three pages. A final report (maximum 20 pages typed + appendices) is due on March 23. What I learned: Working in groups, students will prepare a brief summary of what their take-away is from the course. This will be in the form of a slide presentation. Grading: The course grade will be computed in the following way: 1. Case report 20 % 2. 3. Mid-term examination What I learned 30 10 4. Research project 30 5. Class participation 10 Term projects and reports failing to meet the deadline will be subject to severe penalties. Slides of case presentations are due at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the case presentation. Intended Learning Outcomes: The student should have a solid grasp of all elements of Marketing Research through the completion of this course. This combination of knowledge and skills will be enhanced through class discussions, case studies, examinations and projects. Core Learning Area Interpersonal Communication Skills. Technology Skills Learning Outcome Students, often working in groups, will learn how to communicate, negotiate and persuade each other. In addition, they will make professional presentations in front of the class, which will be critiqued. Since research on the internet is part of the course, total familiarity with the net will occur. As well, the PowerPoint skills will become highly developed. Also, the use of SPSS is required in the course Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515 Cultural Diversity Sensitivity Quantitative Reasoning and Since the students have to put themselves in the “shoes” of customers from different strata and countries, cultural sensitivity and diversity will be explored Marketing Research uses quantitative concepts from Statistics, Economics and Psychology. Formal mathematical reasoning is required in topics such a customer value.. Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515 ASSIGNMENTS Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Topic: Introduction Readings: Ch1, Intro to Marketing Research Ch2, Formulation of the Problem Ch3, Research design Topic: Secondary Data/Qualitative Research Readings: Ch4, Secondary data collection Part Ch3, Qualitative Research Case: 2 Getting to know you Topic: Project Proposal Preparation of Project Proposals Feb.5 Topic: Measurement Readings: Ch5, Observation Ch6, Communication Case: 3-3: Mainline Package Goods PROJECT PROPOSALS DUE TODAY Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Topic: Data Collection Readings: Ch7, Asking Good Questions Ch8, Designing the Questionnaire Ch.10, Data Collection Case: 3-8: Midwest Marketing Research Assoc. (A) Topic: Readings: Sampling Ch9, Developing the Sampling Plan Case: 4-5: Cosmopolitan Magazine Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515 Mar. 4 Topic: Data Analysis (Univariate and Bivariate) Readings: Ch11, Data Preparation Ch12, Analysis of Individual Variables Mar. 17 Case: 5-4: Bernie’s Student Cafeteria Topic: Data Analysis (Multivariate) Readings: Ch13, Multivariate Analysis Ch14, Research Report Case: 4. The demographic discovery of the decade Review in preparation for exam Mar. 25 Apr. 8 Apr. 22 MID-TERM EXAMINATION Topic: Forecasting and B2B Marketing Research Readings: TBD Topic: Product Research Advertising Research Distribution and Pricing Research Case: 6-2: "No Sweat” PROJECTS DUE TODAY Apr. 29 Discussion of Projects Presentations and Summary Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515 BRIEF BIO OF THE INSTRUCTOR Charles S. Mayer is Professor of Marketing, CEU – Business School, and Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada. He has also taken major teaching assignments at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology, Trinity College, Dublin, Tel Aviv International School of Management, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, Nankai University, PRC., the International University of Japan, University of Auckland, New Zealand, EM Lyon, France, CEI, Geneva, Oxford University (Templeton College), and the Amos Tuck School, Dartmouth College, U.S.A. Mayer holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and M.B.A. and B.A.Sc (E.E.) degrees from the University of Torornto He has authored over 80 refereed journal articles and 5 books or monographs. Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 01-0516-04; Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-0515