AP/ADMS 3220 3.00 S1 Summer 2014 Applied Marketing

York University
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
School of Administrative Studies
AP/ADMS 3220 3.00 S1 Summer 2014
Applied Marketing Management
Instructor: Prof. Pilar Carbonell
Telephone: 416-736-2100 ext. 66303
Email: pilarc@yorku.ca (Preferred contact method)
Office: 238 Atkinson
Office hours: After class and by appointment
This course focuses on the application of concepts, principles, and tools of marketing planning.
The course is taught using the case method. Working with cases, students analyze marketing
problems and develop solutions to real-world situations. Course components include: situation
analysis, segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing strategies, evaluation and control.
1) For students in an Honours program AP/ADMS 2200 3.00, or 2) other students, a grade of C+
or better in AP/ADMS 2200 3.00. Course credit exclusions: None.
This course will help you to:
 understand and apply basic marketing concepts in analyzing marketing issues and making
marketing decisions,
 analyze marketing problems and opportunities,
 identify reasonable marketing strategies or programs to deal with these problems and
 select the best strategy and develop an approach to implement that strategy,
 analyze and explain the way in which markets and the general environment affect marketing
decisions in a variety of industries and,
 communicate more effectively (orally and in writing) in a business context.
Iacobucci, Dawn, (2013), MM4, Thomson Nelson
Course kit- ADMS 3220. Applied Marketing Management, Summer 2014.
The course kit is a required purchase as it contains the cases to be discussed in class. The
course kit is available for purchase at the University bookstore
Final grades will be based on the following components:
 Individual Case Work:
 Midterm Exam:
 Final Exam:
 Term Paper - Group project:
This course is a combination of case work, lectures, a group project and self-study.
Individual case work
Case studies play a very important role in this course. Every week, students are expected to
prepare and actively contribute to the discussion of a marketing case. Adequately preparing for
case discussion requires more than simply reading the case. You should complete a
comprehensive analysis and arrive at a personal decision as to what strategy should be adopted. I
have posted on the course Moodle site the list of questions that will be covered during each case
discussion. Students are expected to attend class ready to answer these questions.
The overall grade for “individual case work” will be calculated as the average of two
components: 1) participation in case discussion, and 2) online case questions. For the average
calculation, I will use your 6 highest scores in each component.
Participation in case discussions
Participation in case discussions represents 50% of your case work mark. Participation will be
graded on the quality as well as the quantity of contributions. It is important to emphasize that:
 No class contribution results in zero marks
 Marks are not awarded for attendance although absence is a detracting factor as you
obviously cannot participate if you are not in class.
You can maximize your chances to earn participation marks by:
 Attending every case discussion class and arriving on time
 Being prepared to participate
 Demonstrating initiative to bring relevant knowledge to case/class discussion
 Listening and reacting to comments made by other students
 Participating in special presentations
 Sharing calculations
 Abstracting learning points
 Redirecting the discussion to valuable areas
Cold calling will be used to even out and encourage widespread class participation. Also, I will
distribute NAME CARDS on the first day of class. Bring your name card to every class and
display it – I need to know who you are in order to give you credit for your participation.
Online case questions
For each marketing case, you are expected to submit the answer to one or two directed questions.
These questions are posted on Moodle. Answers must also be submitted through Moodle by
12:00 a.m. (midnight) of day prior to the class when the specific case will be discussed. Late
answers, or email submissions will not be accepted.
Solutions or responses to the case questions should be only based on the information provided in
the case. No outside research is expected or required. For each question, there is a word limit of
150 words. A 50% grade reduction will be applied to those answers that exceed the word limit.
This is an individual assignment, and therefore you should work alone. No collaboration or
group work is allowed. Any indication of collaboration or plagiarism will be dealt with
Midterm exam
The midterm exam will consist of mixture of conceptual/theoretical and applied questions and
will cover all the lectures, cases, and reading assignments up to and including session 5. The
midterm exam will be written in class.
Final exam
The final exam will consist of the analysis of a marketing case. Students are expected to use
relevant concepts discussed in cases and in the textbook for their recommendations. The final
exam is cumulative however; the emphasis will be on the course material (lectures, cases, and
readings) covered after the midterm exam. This exam will be held on the last day of class.
Students who have difficulty with English may bring to the exams a dictionary in book form but
not an electronic dictionary. If you will be using a dictionary during the exam you must inform
the professor.
If you are making alternative arrangements to write any of the course exams you must inform the
professor during the first two weeks of the course.
Group project
Students, working in groups of 5-6 students are required to consider an issue of importance for
marketing management, prepare a paper to respond to this issue and present the paper to the
Groups will choose their topic for the term paper from a list of topics provided by the instructor.
Topics will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Once chosen, groups are not allowed
to change topics.
Students are free to choose their group members. Each group should appoint a leader who will be
responsible for facilitating the work and communicating with me on behalf of the group. No
changes in group composition are permitted once the groups are formed. Students are not
allowed to do an individual project.
There are three deliverables associated with the group project: an annotated bibliography worth
10% of your final grade (due on session 7), a written report worth 12.5% of your final grade and
a presentation worth 12.5% of your final grade, both due on session 11. For further details about
the “term project” read the document posted on the course Moodle site.
Attendance: It is strongly recommended that students attend all classes in order to ensure
successful achievement of the intended learning outcomes. Students are expected to act
professionally in the classroom. There will be random attendance taken. Attendance on group
presentation day is mandatory and will be taken at the beginning and end of each day. A 15%
penalty to your participation grade will be applied for missing that class without a legitimate
Penalties for late submission: All project deliverables (i.e., part 1, presentation and final report)
must be handed in to the instructor on (or before) the due date, at the beginning of the class.
Assignments handed in late will be penalized with a grade reduction of 10% per day, including
Saturdays and Sundays, after a deadline. Penalties may be waived under very exceptional and
legitimate circumstances but will require supporting documentation.
Recording or videotaping: Students are not permitted to make any unauthorized recordings or
video of lectures.
Communication with the instructor: I encourage you to email me or make arrangements to see
me whenever necessary. For short questions and requests, we can meet after class. For emails,
please include the course number on the email subject line (i.e., ADMS 3220). I usually answer
my e-mails within 24 hours. Please note that I will not answer e-mails begging for higher marks.
Integrity in case analysis: Gaining information from past students or others who have
experience with the cases that we will use for this course is a violation of York University
Academic Honesty Policies. Any attempt to use case information or reports from earlier courses
(or providing information to later ones) will be considered as academic misconduct and will be
dealt with accordingly.
Missed case discussion: Students with legitimate reasons to miss a case discussion will be given
the opportunity to make up for lost participation marks by submitting the answers to the
discussion questions of the case they missed. Assignments should not be more than 2 pages long,
single space. Submissions are by email within a week of the missed case.
An excused absence must be documented in writing with an appropriate official note (e.g.,
attending physician’s statement, court note, death/marriage certificate, police report, etc).
Absences should be communicated to the instructor prior to the class session if possible.
Missed midterm exam: In general, if you miss the midterm exam you will receive a grade of
zero. Students with a legitimate reason for missing the midterm exam will be given the
opportunity to write a make-up exam that will take place on the week of June 2, 2014. In order
for this arrangement to be approved, students must provide appropriate documentation to support
their absence within one week after the missed exam. In absence of such an arrangement, the
mark on the midterm exam will be a “zero”. Documentation must be handed in to the instructor
or at front desk of the School of Administrative Studies’ main office (Atkinson 238).
Please note that reasons other than duly authenticated illness and bereavement are not admissible
justification for failure to appear for examinations. You must advise the instructor in advance (if
possible) if unable to appear for an examination. Otherwise, students are required to get in touch
with the instructor no later than 4 days from the day of the midterm by email to pilarc@yorku.ca.
For medical documentation, students are required to submit an Attending Physician's Statement
form: http://www.yorku.ca/laps/council/students/documents/APS.pdf
Midterm and final exams will not be handed back; they remain property of the university.
However, students have the right to view their exams after they have been graded. Day and times
for midterm exam viewing will be announced in class and on Moodle. To make arrangement for
the viewing of the final exam, contact the School’s main office directly.
Grade reappraisals; Students may, with sufficient academic grounds, request that the midterm
and final exams’ grades be reappraised. Students need to be aware that a request for a grade
reappraisal may result in the original grade being raised, lowered or confirmed.
Deferred Standing Agreement: Deferred standing may be granted to students who are unable
to write the final exam at the scheduled time. Detailed information about this process is posted
on the following link: http://apps.eso.yorku.ca/apps/adms/deferredexams.nsf
Cellphones and Smartphones: Use of cellphones and smartphones is not permitted during class
time. Please keep cell phones off the desk/table and turned off or in silent/vibrate mode.
Laptops: Students laptops are a classroom privilege and their use should be restricted to
activities directly supporting the current learning objectives. Any violation during classroom
time of this direction (such as messaging, web surfing, email, etc.) will result in students being
asked to refrain from using laptops in future classes. This misuse is distracting to the instructor,
class, and guests or let alone, the students sitting in the immediate area. All laptops turned off
and out of sight for group project’s presentations.
Weekly Schedule;
ADMS 3220 Summer 2014
I reserve the right to modify the content and/or sequence of the weekly schedule during the term. If either
type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice will be given to the students. It is
responsibility of the students to check their York email and course websites during the term and to note
any changes.
Lecture topics
May 6
Course introduction
Marketing Management
Consumer behaviour
Segmentation and
Course outline
Term paper- group project:
Tasks and Deadlines
Read term paper document posted on Moodle
Ch. 1 & 2
Ch. 3 & 4
Form groups and choose topic
“Finding information for
your term project”.
Product & Customer
Ch. 5
Case: The Fashion
Ch. 6 & 14
Case: Starbucks
May 20
Ch. 7 & pages 211213
Case: MMBC
May 22
Midterm exam
May 27
Advertising and IMC
May 29
Social media
May 8
May 13
May 15
June 3
June 5
June 10
June 12
Assigned readings
Ch. 11, 12
Case: Metabical
Annotated bibliography due
Submit peer evaluation
Ch. 13
Case: Pepsi-Lipton
Ch. 9
Case: London 2012
Olympic Games
Channels of distribution
Ch. 10
Case: Natureview
Group project presentations and term paper due
Submit peer evaluation
Final exam