2013 Annual Report - Green Mountain Club

Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 2
Progress and Recovery on the Trail
e saw significant progress on major, long-sought
projects and challenging financial realities that
forced the club to make some tough decisions. Despite these challenges, the club remained
strong, vibrant, successful, and i­nspiring.
Continued progress was made toward building a footbridge
and relocating the Long Trail in the Winooski River ­Valley,
a project that when completed, will realize a dream first
­envisioned by the club in 1912. Speaking of club history, we
worked effectively with our partners to place ourselves in a
position to reintroduce hiking to Bolton Valley and restore
the unique and historic Bolton Lodge, built by the Burlington ­Section in 1928 and left behind when the Long Trail was
moved in the 1980s. The club also readied itself to improve
the l­ocation of the Long Trail in Smugglers’ Notch with the
achievable goal of eliminating the road walk altogether.
In the wake of Tropical Storm Irene we were able to success­
fully rebuild Thundering Falls Boardwalk along the
­Appalachian Trail in Killington, work to restore the Long/­
Appalachian Trail where it was washed away by the Cold River
in Shrewsbury, and repair and reopen the Bucklin Trail in
­Mendon with a mile-long reroute. Meanwhile, GMC volunteers continued their remarkable trail work along the Long
Trail, Appalachian Trail, and Northeast Kingdom trail system.
The squeeze was felt elsewhere in the club. While confronting a systemic operational ­deficit due to a decrease in public
funding and the increasing cost of doing business, the club
was forced to eliminate two important positions: director of
­marketing and director of conservation. These choices were
not made lightly. However, we were duty-bound to take
action to assure that the club can continue to live up to its obligations to its members and partners, and its trails and lands.
We are pleased to report that while the budget remained tight,
our overall membership continued to show strength, retaining over 10,000 members for the third straight year while our
business membership grew to nearly 100 members. The club’s
endowment continued to grow due to bequests and shelter
endowments by GMC members and strong growth in the value
of our investments.
Looking forward, we intend to complete the Winooski
Footbridge and trail relocation, complete trail relocations
in ­Smugglers’ Notch and on Dry Ridge located in Johnson,
return an observation tower to Bromley Mountain, repair older
­shelters, work to increase funding for caretakers, trail crew,
stewardship, education, and land protection, improve our
website and continue our growth in publications and social
media, and to have fun on the trails with our friends.
Thank you for all you do for Vermont’s trails.
The club continued to staff caretakers at high-use locations
such as Stratton Pond, Camel’s Hump, and Sterling Pond.
Nevertheless, public funding continues to shrink, placing an
uncomfortable squeeze on these vital programs. As a result, we
were unable to staff caretakers at sites previously covered.
Jean Haigh Will Wiquist
President Executive Director
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 3
Managing Our Trails (or are they managing us?)
fter a drenching 2011 topped with Tropical Storm
Irene, we had what could only be called a drier
than normal field season in 2012. Almost all of our
projects were associated with recovery from the storm:
some that were postponed by the storm, others to fix its
wreckage, and others still that required extensive planning and were teed up for 2013 and beyond. Once we
got past the awkward side effects of the unprecedented
closure of the Green Mountain National Forest, our key
partners the US Forest Service, Vermont Department of
Forests, Parks and Recreation, and Appalachian Trail
Conservancy/National Park Service stepped up and
provided much-needed support, guidance, and funding
to bring the Long Trail and Vermont’s Appalachian Trail
much of the way back after the storm waters receded into
still harrowing memory.
Once the Smith property was acquired and added to
Mount Mansfield State Forest, our field staff and volunteers took the first steps toward turning a dream into a
footpath in the Winooski Valley. Boundary lines were
marked and trail flag lines were honed in time for the
first walk-throughs with GMC volunteer leaders in the
fall. And the process of collecting permits for our bridge
project in Bolton accelerated throughout the year.
The trails would quickly fade back into the Green
Mountains’ all-encompassing forest and would not exist
without all the careful tending and guidance from our
1,000-strong volunteer force.
Long Trail Patrol Vitals
34 rock stairs
10 rock waterbars
36 step stones
3 crossdrains
78 wood box stairs
350-plus feet of scree
1.7 miles of new trail construction
120 square feet of rock cribbing
1,000-plus cubic feet of crush and fill
1,715 feet sidehill construction
13 native log puncheon
46 dimensional lumber puncheon
150 cubic feet of Class 3 rip rap at
Thundering Falls ­Boardwalk
• 102 feet turnpike
• 5 miles of AT boundary reclamation in Pomfret
• Glen Ellen Airlift support
Renovated Glen Ellen Lodge
Field Season Highlights
• Rebuilt 175 feet of Thundering Falls Boardwalk destroyed by
Tropical Storm Irene
• Relocated 0.5 mile of Bucklin Trail and replaced Brewers
Brook Bridge, also destroyed by Tropical Storm Irene
• Completed historic renovation of Glen Ellen Lodge
­postponed in 2011 by Tropical Storm Irene (There is a theme
• Built new and improved, USFS-designed, accessible
­moldering privy at Happy Hill Shelter
• Cleaned up destroyed trail bridges over Gulf Stream in
Woodstock and Kent Brook in Killington
• Implemented routine cable adjustments to Lamoille Bridge in
Johnson seven years after project completion (normal wear
and tear)
• Completed preliminary flag line from Bolton Notch Road
north to the LT, north of Stimson Mountain
• Participated in planning for bridge work in Shrewsbury,
Woodstock, Killington, and Stockbridge associated with
Tropical Storm Irene recovery
• Began relocation of Long/Appalachian Trail between Cold
River roads in Shrewsbury after Tropical Storm Irene
washed away the footpath
• Stabilized puncheon near Griffith Lake left floating by
­beaver activity
• Clarendon Shelter re-roofed by GMC Killington Section
• Tread work on Shrewsbury Peak Trail, LT on Stark Mountain, LT on Bamforth Ridge, Stowe Pinnacle Trail, Killington
Rec Path, Haselton Trail, Sunset Ridge Trail, Spruce Peak
Spur, Cooley Glen Trail, Clark Brook Trail, AT near Kent
Pond, and LT/AT near summit of Stratton Mountain
• GMC volunteers and staff worked with Northwoods
­Stewardship Center again to build another mile of trail to
the summit of Middle Mountain
• GMC summit caretakers helped guide 48,232 visitors on
Mount Mansfield and 19,743 hikers on Camel’s Hump,
­helping protect rare alpine plant communities
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 4
Protecting Trail Lands
Land Protection Highlights
Stewardship Highlights
he Green Mountain Club continued to strive for complete, permanent, public protection for every mile of the
Long Trail. Much of the focus in recent years has been on
the Winooski River Valley in an effort to secure a permanent
corridor for the trail to align with the forthcoming footbridge
over the river. The club continued to make progress toward
purchasing two more properties to improve the route that does
already have a secure corridor.
GMC partnered with the Friends of Bolton Valley, Vermont
Land Trust, the State of Vermont, and others to help in the
conservation of a 1,144-acre parcel which includes popular
Nordic ski trails. The club offered to establish and manage
hiking trails within the property which was home to the Long
Trail itself for about seventy years. The club also plans to renovate and manage the unique Bolton Lodge which the Burlington Section built in 1928 and may play a role in management
of Bryant Camp, a historic ski cabin in the woods.
We made significant progress in negotiations with the
A. Johnson Company on an easement for the Long Trail along
Dry Ridge north of Bear Hollow Shelter. With an agreement on
this parcel, the club will be most of the way toward securing
a permanent route for the trail off of West Settlement Road in
Bryant Camp
he club now has seventy volunteer corridor monitors
watching over 25,000 acres of Long Trail lands and
10,000 acres of Appalachian Trail lands.
GMC was notified that ATV riders had returned to Davis
Neighborhood in Johnson and had disabled the gate and the
boulders that prevent vehicles from driving up the Davis
Neighborhood Trail. GMC worked with our partners at the
Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation to repair the gate
and restore the boulders.
Field staff began repainting the Appalachian Trail boundary
lines from the Cloudland Road in Pomfret to Route 14 in West
Hartford. The crew was able to complete half of the work and
will return in the summer of 2013 to finish. Boundary reclamation also occurred on the Long/Appalachian Trail between
Bear Mountain and Minerva Hinchey Shelter in Clarendon.
The fourth season of sustainable timber harvesting has been
completed on the GMC-owned Meltzer Tract in Lowell. GMC’s
work on this parcel continues to improve forest health while
generating revenue from the sale of saw logs and firewood
that will heat the Visitor Center and the Back 40 (field staff
common quarters) over the next several winters. This project
continues to demonstrate that a working landscape and hiking
can be compatible.
The Governor’s Energy Siting Commission released its recommendations in April. The Commission was appointed by
Governor Peter Shumlin as a result of GMC’s efforts along with
several other prominent conservation organizations. The club
looks forward to working with the Commission and the Legislature in the coming year to increase protection of the Long
Trail from industrial-scale energy developments.
Director of Development Maisie Howard
painting blazes during a staff work hike
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 5
Members, Sections & Volunteers
he Green Mountain Club welcomed 1,588 new voting
members, ensuring steady growth in the club’s membership. Volunteers logged a herculean 23,956 hours adopting trails, doing trail work, working in the office, serving on
committees, donating their creative talents, and performing
other important duties that keep the Long Trail System in top
shape. One hundred sixty-four hikers completed the entire
Long Trail and received end-to-end certificates.
Luke O’Brien on the
­Summit of Jay Peak
Major Gatherings
102nd Annual Meeting held at Jay Peak Resort was hosted by
the Northeast Kingdom and Northern Frontier Sections. President Marge Fish handed the gavel to Jean Haigh, who became
GMC’s forty-first president. Executive Director Will Wiquist
remarked on the developing plans for the Winooski footbridge
and trail relocation. Michael Chernick, Luke O’Brien, and Jean
Haigh were honored with President’s Awards while former
Executive Director Ben Rose was presented with an Honorary
Life Membership.
Annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic: More than 100 volun-
teers, members, and staff gathered at the Visitor Center to
celebrate the work that volunteers had done on the Long
Trail System over the past year. Long-time field volunteer Jim
Sullivan won the Volunteer of the Year award for his tireless
commitment to trail maintenance.
Sections continue to do a great job. Our fourteen local sections
hosted events and Taylor Series presentations, recruited new
GMC members and volunteers, led outings and maintenance
trips, and more.
Snowshoe Festival
17th Annual Snowshoe Festival: Over 200 people assembled
at the Visitor Center for guided snowshoe tours, children’s
­activities, educational workshops, nature walks, live music,
refreshments, a raffle and a bonfire. Area businesses and GMC
supporters joined in to help make this a great day.
Third Annual Mud Season Egg Hunt: Children broke into two
groups and searched for hidden treats—a fun, low-elevation
activity during mud season that drew over 250 people. Laughing Moon Chocolates of Stowe provided the goodies and
co-sponsored this successful event which attracted a younger
audience, many of whom knew very little about the club and
had never visited the GMC campus.
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 6
Hiker Education
Financial Report
wenty adult outdoor skills workshops were attended
by 264 people. Topics included Map and Compass,
SOLO Wilderness First Aid, Cold Weather Trekking,
Hiking and Yoga, and a new interactive, live broadcast
­version of our popular End-to-Ender Workshop.
21st Annual James P. Taylor Outdoor Adventure Series attract-
ed well over 500 attendees. Participants enjoyed slide shows
of trips to a variety of locations, from the Moosalamoo area
of the Green Mountain National Forest to the Swiss Alps.
Youth Education
Young Adventurers Club (YAC)
e­ xpanded from the founding
Montpelier Section YAC to newly
formed groups in the Bread Loaf
and M
­ anchester sections.
Successful Long Trail Bound Educator Summit held for both formal
and informal educators, facilitated
by Jane Dorney from the Vermont
­Geographic Alliance and John
Zaber, an experienced outdoor
­educator from Sterling College.
Education Outreach efforts connected GMC with approxi-
mately 300 educators throughout the state teaching them
about the Long Trail Bound program and the Long Trail
Outdoor Adventure Camp: GMC staff in collaboration with
Waterbury Parks and Recreation taught pre-teens Leave
No Trace principles, basic safety preparedness, map and
compass skills, the history of the Long Trail and Vermont
natural history.
Two new educational videos are available for viewing on the
Long Trail Bound YouTube Channel: Basic First Aid on the
Trail and Going for the GORP, a film about hiking nutrition.
Group Outreach Program connected with more than 900 individuals. A mass e-mail targeting audiences such as: colleges,
scouts, camps and outfitters to encourage them to submit
their hiking itineraries and prepay for shelter use was sent
early in the season. The response was terrific. Caretaker
feedback forms to evaluate group use on the trail were revised enabling us to collect more concrete and useable data.
• Fifty-plus organizations, with a total of 150 individual
groups, backpacked on the Long Trail bringing over
1,000 hikers into the backcountry.
• Seventeen groups and 163 volunteers participated in
service trips on the Long Trail and side trails.
• Long Trail Bound website had over 3,000 views with
66.7% new visitors and 33.5% returning.
he Green Mountain Club finished the fiscal year ended
April 30, 2013, with an operational surplus for the fifth
year in a row.
Net assets increased by 10% to $9.8 million. The value of our
endowment increased from $3.68 million to $4.08 million, a
gain of 11%, as a result of investment gains plus contributions.
Assets consist of land and easements, $2.54 million (25%);
endowment funds, $4.08 million (40%); headquarters, field
housing, and the Lamoille River bridge, $2.32 million (23%);
pledges receivable, $73,576 (1%); and cash, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and inventory, $1.15 million (11%).
Total assets were $10.2 million, offset by liabilities of $397,444.
The operational surplus was $184,981. Operational income,
which includes funds released from accounts restricted to
particular purposes such as the Winooski River footbridge as
well as distributions from the endowment, increased by 4.3%,
while operational expenses increased by 3.0%. More than
80% of the club’s operating expenditures continue to be
in direct support of the Long Trail System, Northeast Kingdom
Trails, education and member services. Fundraising, facilities
and administration account for the rest.
In conclusion, the club finished fiscal year 2013 on a sound
­financial footing, with a recovery in investment markets
helping our endowment. Future years will probably p
­ resent
greater challenges, as the trend of diminishing government
support for trail construction and maintenance on state and
federal lands appears likely to continue. However, our development efforts are bearing fruit, thanks to the generosity of
our members and other supporters. It is reasonable to hope
that our endowment will eventually contribute even more to
our financial stability than it does today.
Dick Andrews, Treasurer
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 7
Operating Revenues & Support
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended April 30, 2013
Long Trail Protection
& Stewardship 10%
Operating Revenues & Support
& Sales 10%
Program 3%
Facilities 1%
Membership & Support . . . . . . . .
Trail Management. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Long Trail Protection/Stewardship .
Publications & Sales. . . . . . . . . . .
Education Program. . . . . . . . . . . .
Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Endowment Distributions . . . . . . .
. 62,979
. 19,644
Total Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,888,195
Distributions 9%
Operating Expenses
Membership & Support. . . . . . . . .
Trail Management. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Long Trail Protection/Stewardship .
Publications & Sales. . . . . . . . . . .
Education Program. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Membership &
Support 25%
. 70,018
Total Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,703,214
Operating Expenses
& Support 19%
Operating Income Less Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,981
Administration 9%
Endowment Income less Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . ($419,033)
Change in Net Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $604,014
Facilities 6%
Fundraising 8%
Program 4%
Statement of Financial Position as of April 30, 2013
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accounts Receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current Portion of Net Pledges Receivable. .
Prepaid Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 27,115
. 65,566
. . 9,157
Total Current Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,215,105
& Sales 10%
Long Trail Protection
& Stewardship 10%
Property & Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,315,824
Other Assets
Board Designated Investments (Endowment).
Pledges receivable, net of current portion. . .
Construction in progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Long Trail Land and Easements . . . . . . . . . .
Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 8,010
. . 67,425
. . . 1,500
Total Other Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,694,680
Total Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,225,609
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses. . . . . . . . . . $72,865
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,946
Total Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88,811
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-Term Debt, Net of Current Portion. . . . . . . . . . . 308,633
Total Liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $397,444
Net Assets
Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,922,253
Restricted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905,912
Total Net Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,828,165
Total Liabilities and Net Assets. . . . . . . . . . . $10,225,609
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 8
Ridgeline Society—
The Green Mountain Club’s Major Donor Program
he Green Mountain Club welcomes donors
of $1,000 or more as members of our
Ridgeline Society. As the most generous
contributors to our general operating fund,
these donors are provided with complimentary
GMC annual membership, and they receive
­copies of all new GMC guidebooks, maps, and
other publications. And every autumn the GMC
president and executive director host an outing
and reception to share our thanks. In 2012, we
gathered on a beautiful October day to visit
­Beaver Meadow Lodge in the Sterling Range,
and we continued the fun back at the GMC
Visitor Center with presentations about the new
Northeast Kingdom trails and a historic look
at the Long Trail’s route through the Winooski
River Valley. It is always wonderful to spend
time with this great group of GMC champions.
The following members of the Ridgeline Society
generously contributed $1,000 or more in fiscal
year 2013 to support the GMC and ­Vermont’s
Long Trail.
Ridgeline Member Outing
George Duncan
Cheryl Frank *
QVT Financial LP
Debby Stein Sharpe
Daan Zwick
$2,500 – $4,999
Edward & Diane Federman
Kim Simpson & Kate Donaghue *
Hilary Smith *
TOSA Foundation
Mary Twitchell
$1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Isabella Acker
Pam & Louis Ahlen * +
Lee & Sunny Allen
Andrew Appel +
Mary Blanton *
Ralph & Jenni Blumenthal
Peter & Ruth Brooke
Barbara Brown Watts & Peter Watts *
John Buddington & Kathryn Gohl
Wilson & Nancy Cooper
in Memory of C.P. Cooper
Timothy Crowell & Patricia Sabalis
C. Russell de Burlo
Jack & LoAnn Donley
Marge & Bob Fish *
Doug Fish & Gabrielle Fredman
Robert & Priscilla Foley
Richard & Elaine Goldsmith *
Kate & Jeremiah Goyette
Hugh & Shana Griffiths
Geordie Hall +
Hamill Family Foundation
Bill & Carole Hauke
Victor W. Henningsen III
Ken Hertz & Catherine Rader * +
John & Thelma Hewitt *
Don & Pixley Hill *
Jennifer Hopkins
Kurt & Donna Johnson
David & June Keenan * +
Richard Kisten
Laticrete International, Inc.
& the Rothberg Family *
Marc Lefebvre *
Scott & Deborah Livingston *
Fred & Linda Looft *
Robert Lorenz
Joan MacKenzie *
Patrick Maher & Joyce Solomon
Suzanne Nersessian
Andrew & Reidun Nuquist * +
Jamie O’Connor
Janet Page
Jeff Prescott & Andy Shuford
Harriet S. Ranck *
Dick Ruben & Joan Jaffe
Tom & Diane Russell
Pete Saile *
Jeremy Schrauf *
Mark Schroeder *
Leigh Seddon & Ann Aspell *
Daniel Seeley & Adele Wolfson *
Joan Sibley *
Tony Smith *
Elizabeth Steele
Jim Sullivan * +
Heinz & Inge Trebitz *
Chip & Corinne Wadhams
Doris Washburn * +
B. Andre Weinstock & Michelle Hewitt
Bob Whitney +
Richard Witmer
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 9
Fundraising for the Future
of the Long Trail System
Leaving a Legacy for the Green Mountain Club
he Long Trail Legacy Society was launched in 2008 to acknowledge the many individuals who have made a planned gift to
the GMC, either by including us in their estate plans or by
naming us as a beneficiary of a charitable gift annuity or life insurance policy. Over fifty members have joined the program to date. By
making a planned gift, these members have made a commitment to
leave a legacy to the GMC that will enable us to maintain and protect
the Long Trail System for future generations.
A Footbridge for the Long Trail
over the Winooski River
uring the past few years, the Green Mountain Club has been
raising funds to build a footbridge over the Winooski River
in Bolton to finally provide a permanent and appropriate
route for the trail through the valley. In all, this historic project
will cost over $1.6 million. We were fortunate to have several early
funders—including former GMC caretaker Daan Zwick and the State
of Vermont—who helped us get this project off the ground. Since
beginning our current fundraising effort, many hundreds of GMC
members have contributed over $500,000 to the cause. In early 2013,
we met a $50,000 challenge match in just twenty days. To each and
every one of our members who have donated time, funds, or both,
we say: THANK YOU!
Our recent fundraising success has been truly inspiring, but we
still have more to raise. At the writing of this report, we are only
about $50,000 short of full project funding. Please consider a gift
today to help us close this gap.
Many Thanks to Our Donors
The Green Mountain Club gratefully a­ cknowledges those
who contributed between May 1, 2012 and April 30, 2013,
in support of our general operations and/or the Winooski
Crossing Project.
* Individuals who have contributed to GMC for
ten or more consecutive fiscal years
+ Individuals who have joined the Long Trail
Legacy Society by making a planned gift to GMC
Corporations, Foundations,
and Partners
Anonymous (1)
Adelard A. and Valeda Lea
Roy Foundation
Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Bennington College
Bromley Village Association
Community Service Fund
Burlington Section
Burton Snowboards North
Davis Conservation Foundation
Earth Share *
Heart of Vermont Productions
Jane B. Cook 1992
Charitable Trust
Jay Peak Ski Resort
John and Barbara McLendon
Family Foundation
Killington/Pico Ski Resort
Lyndon State College
Mascoma Savings Bank
Montpelier Section
Phish, Inc.
Rivendell Foundation
Smugglers’ Notch Resort
State of Vermont
The Oakland Foundation
Vermont Housing &
Conservation Board *
Windham Foundation
$1,000 – $2,499
Bennington Section
City Market
Concept 2, Inc. *
Connecticut Section
Employees’ Community
Action Council/ECAC
Green Mountain Power
Hathaway Foundation
In Memory of Marieta
“Lalla” Brewster
IBM Employee Services Center
Laticrete International, Inc.
Mad River Glen Cooperative
Manchester Section
Ottauquechee Section
Patagonia Footwear
The Charlie Burchard
Memorial Trust
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Veverka Family Foundation
Waterman Fund, Inc.
$500 - $999
ArborTrek Canopy Adventures
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation
Country Walkers
Kelly/Mahoney Family
Charitable Trust
Wayne & Kathy Krevetski
Merck Partnership for Giving
National Life of Vermont
Northern Frontier Section
Northwest Medical Center
The Cushman Design Group, Inc.
The Pizza Joint
The Westport Fund
Thread Rolling, Inc.
Vermont Smoke and Cure
Volunteers for Peace
West Hill House B&B
$250 - $499
Act for Alexandria
Benoit Electric Inc.
Brookwood Stratton
Chase Community
GivingClay Point Associates, Inc.
Davis & Hodgdon Associates
Eastern Mountain Sports Inc.
Eastern Mountain Sports Inc.
Epiphancy LLC
Gay & Lesbian Fund of Vermont
Hearth & Candle Restaurant
Jeffery D. Williams
Lake Champlain Chocolates
Northeast Kingdom Section
Rimrock’s Mountain Tavern
Stowe Mountain Resort
Stoweflake Mountain Resort
and Spa *
Sunflower Natural Foods
Tarrant, Gillies, Merriman
& Richardson
TD Bank, N.A.
The Mailing Center
The Morris & Bessie
Altman Foundation
Umiak Outfitters
United Way of Addison County
Vermont Face and Body
Wilkins Lumber Company
$100 - $249
Anam Cara Siberians
Birch Ridge Inn
Brandon Inn
Bromley Mountain
Cabot Creamery
Camp Chateaugay
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 10
Cassatt RRG Holding Company
CFC of Maine
Cold Hollow Cider Mill
Community National Bank
CPH Trust
Creative Consignments
Daly & Daly, P.C.
Deer Run Motor Inn
Edelweiss Mountain Deli
Evergreen Gardens
Fitch Hill Inn
Freely Creative Inc.
GE United Way Campaign
Golden Eagle Resort
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Green Mountain Camera
Green Mountain Inn
Green Peak Promotions
Hazelett Strip-Casting
Healthy Living Market
Hyde Away Inn
Inner Bootworks
Jimmz Pizza
Johnson Hardware & Rental
Keewaydin Foundation
Killooleet Camp *
Lareau Farm Inn
Liberty Hill Farm
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Mansfield Tax Service, LLC *
Mars Insurance Agency
Michael’s on the Hill
Milton Hart Foundation, Inc.
Moose Meadow Lodge
Muddy Moose
Network for Good
Night Eagle Wilderness
Adventures, Inc.
North Troy Inn Bed & Breakfast
Nunki, LLC
Old Stagecoach Inn
Onion River Sports
Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance
Outdoor Gear Exchange
Pie in the Sky
Primmer Piper Eggleston &
Cramer PC
Rock Art Brewery
Rose Computer Technology
Services Inc.
Sinclair Web Solutions
Skada Builders
St. Onge Renovations *
Sterling College
Stevens Law Office
Stewart’s Bakery Inc.
Stowe Cabins
Sunrise Organic Farm *
Technology Solutions Experts,
Inc. (TSE)
The Robert J. & Mary C. Rohr
Charitable Trust *
Three Tomatoes Trattoria
Travelers Community Connections
Matching Gifts Program
Union Pacific Fund for
Effective Government
United Way of Tri-County
Vermont Arborists
Vermont Businesses for Social
Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Village Chocolate Shoppe
Wantastiquet Rotary Club
Waterbury True Value Hardware
WaterRock Communications
Williamstown Motel
Yale Freshman Outdoor
Orientation Trips (FOOT)
Matching ­Corporations,
Foundations, and Partners
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
American Express Company
Eastern Mountain Sports Inc. #21
ExxonMobil Foundation
Gannett Foundation
Gardener’s Supply Company
GE Foundation
Genentech Givingstation
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Goodrich Foundation
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
IBM Corporation
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
KeyBank Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Pfizer Foundation *
Prudential Foundation
State Street Matching
Gift Program
The Capital Group Companies
The King Arthur Flour
Company, Inc.
United Technologies *
United Way of New York City
Xcel Energy Foundation
Calvin Artke – Estate
Senator Robert T.
Gannett – Estate
Sylvia Koerber
Richard Andrews &
Stephanie Rowe *
Salvatore & Janine Chiarelli
Tom Featheringham & Tina Mohr
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Newton C. Garland
Arnold & Virginia Golodetz
Carolyn Hignite
Nancy McClellan &
Elliot Douglas & Family
John & Connie McLendon
Will Saunders
Jeff Taussig
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Bob & Lee Albern
Stephen B. & Janice G. Ashley *
Annaliese Baumer
Frank C. Bequaert *
Eric Bishop & Barbara
Frankowski *
Bob & Maria Bradley
Bob & Joan Britt & Family *
John R. Burbank *
Cynthia S. Clemence
W. B. & Erika Dade *
Don & Judith Dickson *
Hank Dimuzio
Thomas W. Folger *
Amy Golodetz & Greg Leech *
H. Keith Wagner Partnership, Inc.
Richard M. Hart &
Susan Lazar-Hart *
David J. Hathaway *
Phil Hazen * +
Phillip Howard *
Eleanor Lahr
Dwight C. McClure *
Adam H. & Melissa Offenhartz
Thelma S. Osgood *
Debbie & Steve Page
Tim Parsons & Anne Judson *
Bonnie & Brian Pease
David Peterson
Julie Potter
David Provost & Margaret
Copp Provost *
Richard S. & Barbara Provost *
Alison Rabinoff
Roy R. Schweiker
Christine & Daniel Smith
Loren & Livy Strong
Suzanne & Chip Swanson
Carrie & Rolf Tweeten
Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano R. Vicinelli *
Prudence M. Webb
Jeffrey P. Wehrwein
Jane Westervelt
P. Robert White
Charles L. & Mary Ann Wolf
Robert H. & Jacklyn M. Writz
Frank E. Zavrl
$500 - $999
Anonymous (1)
Leonard L. Abess, Jr. &
Jayne Harris Abess
Bill & Nancy Anderson
Nicole Angelos
Mark & Rita Baglini
Andrew Baird
Peter G. Banta
Brian Bardorf
David & Teresa Barry
Alan & Elizabeth Bates
Karen Bourque & Robert Horton
Roland & Marie Brenninkmeyer
Geoffrey & Carina Burns
Sean Campbell
Thomas J. & Mary K. Candon *
Alice & Alfred Ceppetelli *
Alexander Clay
George & Ann Colony
Walter & Ginny Cottingham
Peter & Patricia Cottrell * +
Paul A. Cully
Donald & Felicia Cuming
Russell Curtis & Joanne Giannino
Richard A. Dreissigacker &
Julia H. Geer
David Ellenbogen *
Beth Erviti
George A. Fischer
Hubey Folsom &
Martha Stitelman *
William B. Gannett
Fritz & Teri-Beth Garrison
Judy & Dave Gayer
Ryan Georgi
Donald S. Groll *
Jean C. Haigh *
Duncan S. Harris
Lucille & Rob Held
Chris Hobein
Daniel B. Houston *
Mrs. Anne Humes
Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra S. Hundal
Ann Johnson
Joe & Martha Keenan *
Stephen Klein & Priscilla Fox *
Bill & Kate Koch
Chuck Lacy & Gaye Symington
Jerry Lasky & Priscilla Kimberly *
Dana Lawrence & Nancy Thomas
David S. Martin *
Diana McCargo & Dr. Peter Swift
John McCartin
Douglas H. McKain &
Ruth S. Penfield
Christopher McKown &
Abigail Johnson
Scott Metcalfe & Emily Walhout *
Bernard & Elizabeth Meyer
John & Marie Miller
Sam Molinari *
Nancy & John Morgan
Susan B. Moser
Sandra Netzel
John & Eunice Newell
Guy W. Nichols
Roger Nowak
Sue H. Osborn
Candace Page & Hamilton Davis
William Parsons &
Kathleen Connelly
Donald & Lois Ray *
Joan Rech *
David Rubin
Elizabeth H. Ruml *
Milton Russell
Nicholas A. Skinner *
Pat Spielman-Morris &
Jim Morris +
Andrew & Carlene Squires
Martha Stitelman &
Hubey Folsom *
David Tapscott & Gail Epstein *
Chuck Tauck & Fran Littin
James C. & Evelyn M. Taylor *
James B. & Beverly Thomson
Mary Van Vleck
Winifred S. Vogt
Jonathan W. Williams *
John P. & Mary S. Wilson
Marilyn & Robert Wilson *
Juris Zagarins & Robin Varnum
Daniel Zelterman *
$250 - $499
Anonymous (1)
Harris & Jan Abbott * +
Edward & Charlotte Albers
Gary & Lorri Ameden
Hazel Anderson *
David J. Angolano *
Jill Aspinall & Rick Molz *
Paul Austin *
Meredith B. Babbott
Natalie Babij
Corey Barnes
Dana & Karen Baron *
Adam C. & Erin Bates
Jane Bayley Brown &
Tracy Brown
Alan & Lynn Belisle
Jeffrey E. & Judith Bennett
Paul Bergeron
James M. Betts, M.D.
Noel A. Blagg
Kenneth S. & Robin Boger *
Bill & Ruth Botzow *
Ann Braude & Andy Adler
Jeffrey Breslow & Ginna Frantz *
Laurie Brittain
Deborah J. Brown &
Colin Stryker *
Elizabeth J. Brown & Clarke
Stewart A. & Valerie Bucher *
Rev. & Mrs. C. Frederick Buechner
Jeff & Ellen Butz *
Mike & Lorrie Byrom &
Camp Betsey Cox, Inc.
Christopher Callahan
Jeffrey Cantara
Damian & Laurie Canuto
Roger Carlsten & Clare King
Chris & Donna Casey
Cosmo Catalano & Mary Pfister
Russell V. Charest +
Michael J. Chernick * +
Chris & Nancy Chiquoine
Brenda Clarkson
Ellen & Dick Clattenburg
Robert R. Claus
Terrell Coffield
Donald R. Collins *
Carol Scott Cook *
Anne Cramer *
Sarah H. Crocker
Jason & Michaela Crooks
Jory Curran
Martha Ann Davies
John E. Davis & Bonnie Acker *
Thomas L. Davis *
Margaret A. E. DeVolt
Matthew Dickstein & Kelly Doyle
Tim & Fara Dube
Mark Dudzic
Peter & Gay Duren *
Suzanne & Charles Eastwood
Michael Egan
Ira T. Ellis, Jr. *
Michael F. Epstein, M.D. &
Susan Epstein *
Karla Erickson
Robert & Juliet Escobar
Robert J. & Heidi J. Esteve
John C. Everett, Jr. *
Jonathan & Louise Fairbank
Stan C. Faryniarz
Andrew J. Fay
Barry & Susan Feinberg
William & Susan Feinberg
Elizabeth Yntema &
Mark E. Ferguson
Kathleen & Jerold Fernee
Karen Fiebig * +
Len Fishman *
Peter B. Fleischer *
Roderick Forsman
Tom Fortmann
Ray Franklin *
Roger & Traudl Frey *
Tom Garrett
Kathleen Geagen *
John & Allison Gergely
John & Maryann Gilmartin
Helen W. Gjessing
Dorothy Clare Green
Gretchen Grimm
Hobart G. Guion &
Abigail Faulkner *
Dr. & Mrs. Dieter Gump *
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 11
Ted & Jill Haas *
Steve Hagenbuch & Dana Hudson
Robin & Michael Hahn
Dale & Nancy Hall *
William J. Halligan IV
Mark Halverson &
Edee Edwards *
Amy & Malcolm Hamblett
Donald & Mary Harrington
Sherrel D. & Laurel Harris
Jeremy Hatch & Charlene Young
Sue Heiser
Peter & Christy Hofstetter
Steven & Marita Holt *
Sherman R. Hunter
Thomas B. & Mercy Hyde
Rosemary Hyson
Cynthia Jacelon & John Ridgway *
Douglas A. & Barbara W. James *
Steven E. & Marilyn Jeffrey
Jerry Johnson
Daniel Julius
Henry K. & Helen M. Justi
Mary Karnes
Mary Keenan *
Kevin L. & Punam Keller
David B. & Wilma E. Kelley
Tim Kemerer & Stephanie Teleen
Michael R. Kidder
Chase Kneeland *
Tamsin Knox
Charlie & Carolyn Kretz
Catherine & Thad Krueger
Diane & Peter Kurshan
Eric & Martha Ladd
Louis D. Lanier
Duke & Sabine Lardon *
Steve Larose *
Susan & Dan Latimer
Kathleen M. Lazzarini
Elwood A. Lebold
Michael Lees
Jean E. Leslie & Annie Columb
David & Kathryn Lester
Dr. Rollo J. Lewis
Amy Lilly & Prospero Gogo, Jr.
William Lindgren
Dr. Robert E. Livezey *
Christopher & Joan Lynch
Bill & Linda Lyons *
Robert W. Mack *
Scott Mackey
Priscilla & Don Maddocks *
Raymond G. &
Patricia S. Mainer *
Marvin Malek *
David & Lucy Marvin
Eric & Sam Mayer
Teresa J. & Eddie P. Mayfield
John T. & Margaret C. McBride
James McCoy
Lynn McNamara
Gabrielle Mikula
Madeline Miles
John & Robin Milne
James & Jacqueline Mitchell
Mary Muse & Kevin Coughlin *
Andrew J. Neill
Dave & Robin Nelson
Elizabeth & Henry Nelson
Mark K. Nichols
Joseph R. Ninesling
Walter S. Norman
Norway & Sons, Inc.
Norway & Sons, Inc.
Jon Nuquist *
Colleen M. O’Neill
Cindy Oas-Kirk
Kelly Ockunzzi &
Aaron Cummings *
Sandra L. & David Olsen
Emma Ottolenghi
Adina R. Panitch
Barbara Pelton
Robert & Thelma Perkins *
Jim & Beverly Philip
Ellen A. Picotte
David Pisaneschi &
Rosemary Daley *
Adam M. Portz
Don & Linda Post
Robert L. Pritchett *
John Quinn
Signa L. Read
Mark & Colleen Rekai
Jo & Grant Reynolds
Patrick Robins & Lisa Schamberg
Ben Rose & Lori Fisher * +
Kim C. Rosenbaum
Susan Saferstein
Charles & Daphne B. Sampson
Gertrude H. Sand &
Linda B. Opacki
Jonathan & Peggy Sands
Elizabeth Sartorius
David & Wendy Savoie *
Paul Schaberg & Patti O’Brien *
Matthew Schifferle
Daniel N. & Jennifer Schildge
Greg L. Schumaker
Charles C. Schwartz
Nora W. Shattuck
Michael Shay
Philip & Alexandra Shea *
Sandra Shenk
Bob & Gayle Shroy
David Silverman & Ana Davis *
Ken & Marilyn Sowles
Jim & Nancy Stead
Joshua Steirman
Will & Judith Stevens *
Al & Barbara Stiles *
William & Jean Stinchcombe
Michael Stitelman
John & Peggy Stoll
Mrs. Ida Stone *
Jefferson Strait
Larry & Lesley Straus
Wilson P. & Kristi Strouse *
Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Synnott III
& Family
Stuart E. & Kay H. Teach *
Stephen Titcomb &
Maureen Delaney *
Michael W. Tomasso
Susan W. Tucker
Dave Vallett
Larry R. Van Meter *
Debbie Van Schaack
Sharon Varnelas
Jonathan Wahl & Leigh Hunt *
Susan B. Wait & David M. Brown
Jay Wallace
Polly & Phil Walsh
Robert & Denise Walstad *
Jim & Jolene Warnke
Stephen Washer
Susan Weber
Don Weinberg *
Londa Weisman *
Jon & Lori Welkey
Philip H. & Donna Wheeler
Ken & Lisa Williams
Patricia Williams *
Robert Williams & Debora Koontz
John H.T. Wilson
Richard Windish &
Pamela Goldman *
Ed & Kathleen Ziedins
Chris Zimmerman
$100 - $249
Anonymous (3)
Paul & Lee Dillard Adams
Jeanne, Jeremy & Nora Adelmann
Jim & Jennifer Adkisson *
Lisa Adler
Sara Ahern & Jay Bell
Douglas Aja
John Akielaszek
Angela R. Alaimo &
Paul M. Lynch
Scott & Jeanne Albertson *
Lynne Alden
Peter & Susan Alden
Dick Alderman *
Thomas Aldrich
Dorothy J. Allard &
G. William Martin *
William E. Allard, Jr. *
Derek G. Allen
Ruth Allen *
James & Jayne Allister
Gary & Jane Alsofrom *
Keld & Mary J. Alstrup
Peter Amaral *
L. Conrad Ambrette
Bob & Linda Amelang
Karin Ames & Bob Chutter
David & Janice Amidon *
Ed Amidon & Louise McCarren *
Bruce Amshel
Dorothy Anderson
Rolf Anderson * +
Thomas E. Anderson *
Alfred J. Andrea
Lucy Andrews & Knox Cummin
Elizabeth Anglin
Kay & John Antos *
Peter & Katie Antos-Ketcham
Glenn D. Anyon & Monica Kelly
Alan Appelbaum
Victoria Aquilato
Susan Arnold
Nancy Aronson &
Virginia Besthoff
Gerald R. Ash
Karin Ash
April Ashby
Kathy Astrauckas &
Robert G. Hagen, Jr.
Cathy & John Attig
Susan Atwood-Stone
Tom & Corinne Aubin
Dave Augustoni
Alan Aukeman
Russ & Bonnie Ayer
Elizabeth A. Ayers *
Warren Azano & Judyth Pendell
Sarah Bache
Earl & Debbi Bacon
Russ Baer & Diane Swintek
Joseph Bahr & Nancy Emple *
Gerald & Karen Baker
Thomas & Susan Ball
William E. & Joann Ballinger
S. Carol Bam *
Barbara Baraw
John Barbour & Carla Hochschild
Karen Barker & George Marcou
Joyce F. & Peter Barkin
Linda D. & David A. Barnebl
Christine Barnes
Charles & Jean Barnett
Jim & Carol Barrett
Ruth Ann A. Barrick
Sam & Marie Bartlett
Alexander Bassett
Elizabeth Bassett & John Pane *
Fred Bassett
Karen Bates & Michael Cassidy
Tamara Bavendam
Jeffrey Bean
Kraemer S. & Bruce Becker
Philip & Kathy Becker
Wayne & Sharon Beebe
Constance & Paul Beliveau
& Family *
Malcolm H. & Nancy G. Bell
Ken & Mary Belliveau
C. Leonard Bennett *
David A. & Betsy K. Bennett
S. Crocker Bennett
James R. & Sue Bentlage
Karen & Jeffrey Bercume, Sr. *
Dr. Morton P. Berenson, M.D. *
Jere Berger
Cathy & Jack Bergeron
John Bergin
Michael Berglund &
Anne McGuire
Frank & Regina Berk *
Dave & Jo Berry *
Douglas Bertsch
Robert Bialas *
Muriel Bianchi
Andrew Bickford
Ken & Lilli Biedermann
Faith B. Bieler
Jonathan Bigelow & Tove Stigum
Robert & Jeanne Bigelow
Dean A. Birdsall *
Matthew & Lynn Birmingham
Jane & Jeff Birnn
Adam & Dawn Marie Black
Cathy Black *
Donald Blackmer
Nancy Blasberg & Bret Hall
Arthur & Joy Bliss *
Marion & Putnam W. Blodgett
Barbara & Bruce Blokland *
Zafir Bludevich & Jacki Murphy
David Blum *
Phillip I. Blumberg
Emily & Bill Boedecker
Ted & Betsy Bogner
Ann V. Bogucki & Richard Souza
Charlene Bohl & Eric Young
Amy Bond
Charles Bond
Elaine B. Bonnette
Leeli Bonney
Dave G. Borden
Yvonne Boucher *
Matt Bourgault & Marsi Foster
Beau Bousquet & Jerilyn Goldberg
Karen Bowles *
Harold Boyce *
Michael J. Boyle
Sanford & Kristi Bragg
Robert & Michelle Brandt
Josephine Brayton *
Michael J. Brayton
Patrick Breen
Ron Brehun
William Breininger
Martha Bridegam
David & Carol Briggs
James R. & Mary Lou Briggs
Rodney & Karen Brigham
Preston & Kerilyn Bristow *
Warren H. Brodhead
William & Gerry Brodnitzki
Jason E. Broehm
David A. Bronson *
Anne Brooke
Marc Brosseau & Helene Nadeau
Colleen Brown & Doug Richards
Karen & Tim Brown
Peter & Jill Brown
Phil Brown
Chess Brownell
Larry & Susan Bruce
Granville & Angelika
Brumbaugh *
Susan Buckingham
Samuel E. Bunker &
Virginia S. Bunker *
Marion S. & Kenneth Burchard
Tom Burgos *
Dan & Jean Burks
Bruce R. & Karen N. Burnett
Douglas & Mary Burnham
Rev. Michael J. Burns
Henry Busetti & Dee Reever *
Cyndee & Stan Button
Richard R. & Rosemarie Butz
Carolyn K. Cadwallader
Ashley & Louise Cadwell *
Jason Cadwell
Susan Cady
Daniel E. & Carolyn Callahan
Patrick Callan
Dr. Christine Camann &
Mr. Timothy Camann *
Joseph & Linda Camardo *
Doug & Christine Campbell
David Cannamela
David Carini
Debbie Carland-Purdy
Edwin Carlson
Irad & Rebecca Carmi
David D. Carpenter
George Carpenter
Jake & Donna Carpenter
Nicole S. Carpenter & Eric Coker *
Chip Carver & Anne DeLaney *
Larry Casassa
Peter Case
John B. Cave
W. Gordon Cawood *
Hilde Cesca
Carla Chandler & Chuck Landry *
Kathleen Chapman &
Russell Miller
Lisa Charland
Paul Charow & Ellen Hamilton
John & Susan Chassard
Luisa Chernyshov
Merle & Joy Chilcott *
Greg & Deborah Chrisman *
Dale Christie *
Taylor & Kelley Christie
Diane & George Ciavola *
Allen & Claudia Clark
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 12
Fred & Lisa Clark *
Gary & Sherrie Clark
Marshall & Melanie Clark *
Char & Chuck Clarke *
Joan & Thomas Clarke
Elizabeth Clayton
David Cleveland
Susan E. Cliff &
Stephen W. Webster
Sarah Cochran & John Totman
Seth & Jane Coffey
Shirley Coffey
Jeannie & Joseph Colalillo
Lea Colasuonno
Glenn D. & Cindy L. Colburn
Frank & Judy Cole *
Richard & Rose Colletti *
Peter & Bernadine Collins *
Sherrill & Ruth Collins *
Aminta K. Conant
Jeanne Conde & Ed Grossman
William Cooke
Fritz Coonradt
Bonita Belinda Cortese
Mary & Bob Costella
Elizabeth Costlow
Richard E. & Susan Cote
Edward & Judith Cotter *
Drs. Paul & Nancy Cotton
David Coulter
Wilma W. Cowie
Russell L. Cox
Scott Cragle
Bruce Cram *
Peter Crane *
Susan & Kennedy Crane
Gregory & Nancy Cresswell *
Marc Crichton
Margaret F. Crocker *
Bill Crowley
Catherine Cullen
David Cullen *
Jack D. Cunningham
Bruce Curran *
Michael & Barbara Curran
Butch Currier
Milford Cushman & Terri Gregory
Cathy & John W. Cutler, Jr.
Richard & Aida Cyphers *
Judith Cyprian
Mark D. Cyr
Priscilla Daggett *
Jack Daggitt & Anne Stellwagen *
Mark Daly & Danielle Murphy
Richard & Laurie Dana
Eric A. Danner
G. Abbott & Jean Davis *
Staige Davis
Ann B. Day
Barbara Day &
Nicholas McGray *
Frank B. Day
David & Glenda de Luna *
Jeff & Kathy Deacon *
Ronald K. Dean
Carolyn Dekker
Bill Delorenzi
Frank & Shannon Demarest
Daniel T. & Mary A. Dempsey *
M. Elizabeth Derrick
Albert P. Deschepper
Thomas DeSisto &
Tiffany Feldman
Paula Devereaux &
Richard Arzillo
S. Victoria DeWind *
Rocki-Lee DeWitt &
Josephine Herrera
James S. Dewolf
John Dieckmann
JoAnne Diller
John & Susan Dillon
Tom & Pat Disilvio *
Michael DiZazzo
Larry Doane *
David Dodge
Ralph & Kathy Dodge
James Dolan & Christina Scharf
Benjamin Donahue
Eric Donlon *
Nicholas Donofrio
Steven & Mary Donohoe
Mike Donohue & Berne Broudy
Thomas J. & Adrienne R. Donohue
Jim Donovan &
Patricia O’Donnell
Ray & Cathy Douglas
Kimberlee Dow
Robert Drachman
Barry & Mary Driscoll
William Drunsic
G. Richard Dundas, M.D. *
Mary Dunlop *
Chris & Portia Durbin
Gregory S. Durell
Buddy & Renee Durham
Robert A. Duris
Douglas & Susan Eaton
Anne Eberle
Elizabeth Edgerton
Dick Edmonds
Brian D. Edwards
William H. & Susan T. Edwards
Anne Eggers
Badih & Itte-D El-Kareh
Beth Eliason & Michael Cummings
Charles Elioseff & Carolyn Leftieri
Brenda Ellis *
David & Janet Ellison & Family
Jerry H. Elmer
Michael Emborsky
Jenny & Dave Emery
Michael & Dana Engel
Richard A. Ethier *
John T. Ewing
J. Fabricius
John & Laura Fagan & Family *
Michael Fairchild
James R.H. Fanning
Alison Farquhar & Cornelis Been
Barbara Farr
Margaret & Marc Faucher
Madeleine Fay *
Debrah & Julian Ferholt *
Jonathan Fernald *
Robert & Julie Ferrari
Gail & Glenn Ferreira
Mike Fess
Bram Fierstein & Mia Horan
Alvin B. Figiel
Shawn M. & Nancy Finn
Peter & Nancy Fisk *
Robert B. Fiske, Jr. *
Stephen L. & Joan Fitzhugh *
Jacob Flanigan
Doug Fontein & Cathy Reynolds
Ken & Pam Force
Baiba J. Grube &
Roger S. Foster, Jr.
Elizabeth Fox
Lee Fox
Fran & Jan Fraga *
Roger & Patricia Fraser
James Fredericks &
JoAnn Hanowski
Julie & Mark A. Fredette
Patrick & Patsy French *
Geoffry Fried &
Joanna Bodenweber
Milton & Carolyn Frye *
William H. & Camille Fuessler
Tom Fuller
Simon Fulleringer
David H. Fulmer
Mark Gabel
Mary K. Gade *
Margaret & Paul Gagne *
Paul & Shari Gagne
Paul Gagnon
Marc B. & Becky Gamble
Robert T. Gannett, Jr.
Jenny Garber & Don Brown
Mary & Manuel Garcia *
Kristen & Louis Gardella
Marty & Cathy Gardner
Scott & Carol Gardner
Linda Garrett &
Jonathan Binhammer
Paul Garrett
Robert Gay
Gerald M. & Maryann Gaynor *
Kathleen A. Geagan
Maureen P. Geagan
William E. Gefell
Patricia Geier
Andrew Geist
Mike & Denise George
Barbara Georgi *
Gloria Gerdes
Charles & Ann Giardino
Kurt & Patricia Giavara
Frank Gibney & Diane Muhr
Lauria Giles
Maryke & Michael Gillis
Robert W. Gilmore &
Amy Burnside
Nanette Gilmour
Frances Ginsberg
Norman J. Ginstling
Suzanne & Leo Girouard *
Robert Giroux & Lesley Ryan *
Steve Gladczuk & Macy Moulton
Jack Glade
Steve Z. & Deirdre Gladstone
Joseph W. Glannon
Jeffry Glassberg *
Ian Glazer & Sarah Jackson
Shawn R. Goddard
Ann Goering
Peter W. Gold
Joel Goldberg &
Barbara Burroughs *
Natalie & Wallace Good
Nat & Caren Goodhue
Barry Goodman &
Elisa Vandervort
David Goodman & Sue Minter
Todd M. Goodwin *
Tim Gore
Martin P. & Evelyn Gosselin
Richard & Lindy Gougeon
Steve Gould
Stuart & Corrieann Graves
Cynthia & Edward Gray *
Phil Gray
Thomas E Gray
Dan & Ann Green
Lelia H. Greenewalt
Jerry Greenfield &
Elizabeth Skarie
Mike Greenwood
Alan C. Gregory
Carol A. Gregory &
David J. Hardy *
Peter Gregory
Susan & Stanley Gresser
George Griffin
Cindy Griffith & Ira Sollace
Susan K. & Charlie Grigg *
Dick Grosboll
Julia & Charles Gross
Robert & Gayle Grove
Eleanor & Tom Guare
Malcolm Guild *
Stephen & Martine Gulick
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Haag
Charlotte & Afework Hagos
Donald & Linda Hagstrom
Alison Hale & Glenn Anderson
John & Rheba Haley *
George & Charlotte Hall
Tony & Cyndy Hall
Robin R. Hallbourg *
Sheila G. Halpin & Julie Magoon
Robert M. Halverson
Jeffrey J. Hamelman *
Robert & Donna Hamill
Gill & Tom Hamilton
Glenn E. Hamilton
Heather Hamilton & Edd Lyon
Lucinda Hamlet
Kris Hammer & Nancy Chickering
Jim & Marilyn Hand *
Edward H. Handy, Jr.
Eric H. Hanson *
Perry & Susan Hanson
Gerry & Sue Hardy
Peter B. & Louise F. Harris
Robert P. Harris *
Jim Harrison
David & Susanne Haseman
Kathleen Hassey
Jeremy & Erin Haugh
Richard & Anne Hawley
William Hawley
Stephen & Marilyn Hayes
Rep. Helen Head & Tom Mercurio
J. Heaton
Jon P. & Barbara Hebert *
Steve Hebert *
Daniel Hedges
Rich & Martha Heilemann
Jeff Heim
Chuck & Gail Helfer *
Dorothy Helling * +
Linda Helms
Al Hendricks
Thomas E. Hennessy
William P. Herbst &
Tamme Haskell
Jeff Herrmann & Sarah Brothers
Scott W. Herstin
Carl Herzog
Karin K. Hess
Jeremy & Jean Hewens
Bruce Hewitt
Steve Higgins
Mike Hill & Melody LaRoche *
Michael & Kay Hillinger
Jesse & Bonnie Hills *
Todd Hobson
David J. Hoffman
Clem & Sylvia Holden *
Dola Holland
Gail W. Holmes
Alan Homans & Lynn Reynolds
Cynthia M. Hooley
Trina & David Hosmer
James & Wendy House *
Susan Houston
Bradford Howe
Robert & Cora May Howe
Stephen S. Howe
Bruce Howlett & Carol Dickson
Tom & Natalie Hubbs *
Ron Hudnell
Juliane & George Hudson
Hans G. Huessy &
Lori Shaffer-Huessy
Robert Huey &
Patricia Armstrong
Alan & Carmen Hull *
David Humphrey
Nan Hunt
Clyde S. & Donna Hutchins
Mark & Nancy Hutchinson
Arthur & Frances Hyde *
David & Valerie Hyde
Susan & James Hyde
Warren Icke *
Steven & Shirley Ingram
Bruce & Susan Isham
Mark Israel *
Michael J. Jablonsky
Arlene L. Jachim *
Jeff Jackson
Woody & Ingrid Jackson
Marilee James
Katy & Mark Jeffries
Valerie Jennings
Monica & Alex John *
Caryl & Stan Johnson
Edwin L. & Rita C. Johnson
Hollie Johnson *
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson *
Susan J. Johnson
David Jones & Lori Tolliver-Jones
Gerry & Emily Jones
Peter Jones & Therese Donovan *
Robert K. & A. Joyce Jones
Benjamin & Joyce Judy
Ruth & Tony Julianelle
Henry & Grace Kammerer
Robert & Sue Kancir *
Andrea Kane
James F. Kane
Jon & Anne Kaplan *
Keith Kasper & Family
Joseph L. & Ruth B. Kassel
Peter Kassel & Carol Irish
Pamela Keefe
Charles & Elaine Keeler
Kathleen J. Keenan
Carla Kelley
Cynthia & Todd Kelley
Frank & Marion Kellogg
Tim & Nancy Kelly
Amy & Anton Kelsey *
Arthur Kelton, Jr.
Lois M. Kelty
Caleb Kenna & Natasha Sen
Stephen D. Kennedy
Daniel R. & Minerva Kenney
David & Mary Kenney
Jennifer Kenney
Jason Kenwood
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 13
David G. Kerr
Robert Kesner & Andrea Torello
Jane E. Kimble
Chuck & Pam Kinard
Martha & David E. King, M.D.
Victoria King
Warren & Barry King *
Fran Kinghorn
John C. Kinne *
Sylvia Kinney *
Donald Kirkland
Jonathan Klein &
Ann Buckingham
Kurt Kling
Stanley A. Knapp
Mitchell & Sandra Knisbacher
Laura Knosp
Robert & Janet Knudsen
David E. Koerber *
Carol F. & John Koerner
John Kowalski
Lynn D. Kowalski
Dallas & Dale Krapf
Jonathan Kresel
Joyce M. Krevetski
Linette & Russell Kruse
Michael Kulaga & Sarah Bothfeld
Ginny & Ray Kunkel *
Marian Kurath & Lon Smith
Paul Labounty
David & Deborah Lackey
Mark & Lisa Lagerquist
Jordan Lambert
Kelly Lambert
Kate Lampton *
Frank B. & Maria Lamson
Peter C. & Laura Lane
Willem & Ida Lange
Carol A. Langley * +
Paul R. Languedoc
Ross M. Lanius Jr. +
Richard & Sheri Larsen +
Ken & Debby Lasden
Joanna & Bill Lasher
Joseph Latronica & Family *
David Laurie
David Lawrence
Bruce & Anne Leavitt
Gifford A. Lee *
Lynn & Alan Lehouiller
Mr. & Mrs. David Lemal
Gertrude Lepine
Jeannette Lepine
Louis Lertola & Jeanne McCarty
Calef Letorney
F. David Levenbach *
Walt Levering
Jesse Levine & Elizabeth Dunton
Joshua Levy & Pam Magnuson *
Anne M. Lewis &
David Frothingham
David & Patricia Lewis
Robert & Eileen Liseno
Marie & Tom Litowinsky
Lorenda Lo
Justin Lodge
Jeff & Jill Loewer & Family
Marybeth & Jason Longo
Terry J. Lovelette & Sherry L. King
Robert & Elizabeth Low
Stephen & Angela Luce
Robert & Liz Lundgren
Thomas J. Lydon
Debbie Lynch
Bruce & Karen MacDonald
Derek MacDonald
John & Lise MacDonald
Jenna MacIntire
Mr. & Mrs. Larry MacKinnon
George MacNaughton
Bruce MacPhail
William H. Macy
Albert J. & Celia Sue Mamary
Madeline Mann
Martha & Bob Manning *
Barb & Jack Mansfield
Pauline M. Marran
Jane R. Marshall *
Richard Martel
Cynthia Martin &
George Longenecker *
Denise Martin & Jonathan
Isabella & Peter Martin *
John & Janet Martin
Benjamin & Nan Mason *
Thomas & Lynne Massoth *
William B. &
Margaret M. Mather
Jon & Kimberly Mathewson *
Ed & Lisa Ann Matson *
Chuck & Lori Mattice
Mrs. William A. Matzke
Jack & Chip Mayer
Thomas McAuliff &
Janella Pennington
Robert & Judy McCarthy
Andy McClellan & Alice Brown *
William & Martha McClintock
Curtis McCracken
Ruth & Bob McCullough
Jane & John McDay
Charles McDonough
James P. McFadden
Victor & Marie McGee *
Lucinda McGovern
Bob & Mary McKearin *
Arthur McKenna
Lee McKinley
John & Elizabeth McManamon
Walt & Ally McMann
Douglas K. McNally
Sasha & John McNamara
Karin McNeill & Ben Bashore *
Howard & Nancy McRae
Martha & Joe McSherry
Chris Melin & Carol Clark
Andrew & Bethany Menkart
James & Lee Metzger
Jacqueline & Carl Meyer
John E. & Karen Meyn
Bill Michalowski
Robert & Melanie Michaud
William & Jane Michaud
Lynn W. Miles *
William & Elaine Miles *
Abigail Miller
Debra & Randy Miller *
Karen Miller & John Lahr *
Katherine Miller &
Sandra Caravella *
Lora Miller & Ken Williamson *
Lindy Millington
Ken Minck *
Brian & Catherine Minnihan
John S. Mitchelides &
Andrea Chong *
Don F. Mitchell *
R. John & Dodie Mitchell *
Joseph Mizhir
Martha & Ted Molnar
Ormond & Denise Mongeon
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Monsen
David & Shirley Montgomery
James A. Moore
Matt J. Moore & Susie Moakley
Ronda P. Moore
Robert & Sherry Morgan
David & Margaret Morley
Lauren Morley
Karen W. & Charles C. Morris III
Lyle & Sandra Morrison
Marty Morrissey *
Richard & Linda Morse
Bonnie Moss-Doran &
Peter Doran
Randy Motz & Georgia Harris
Rachel M. Moulton *
Daniel Moyer
Richard & Joanne Mrstik *
Dawn M. Mulheron &
Bruce H. Gerke
Leslie & Jeff Mullen
Thomas & Elizabeth
Mullikin Drake
Jo Anne & Timothy Murad
Bennet B. Murdock
Seanan Murphy & Sarah Leinicke
Pam Nalefski
Nicholas Nash
Sue & J. Henry Neale, Jr.
Sarah & Chad Neller
Cara & Jonathan Nelson
Julia Nesbit
Nancy J. Nesbitt *
Pamela & Paul Ness
Roy Neuer & Shirley Wolfe *
Lisa H. Newton
Robert L. Newton
Patricia Nilsson
Norman Nishioka & Helen Reiss
Jonathan & Kathleen Nolde *
Gerald D. Nordblom &
Barbara Michniewicz *
Julia Northrop
Larry & Rachel Norton
Sharon & Hubert Norton
Louise Nunan Taylor
Geoffrey & Clare Nunes
Victor & Betty Nuovo
Luke & Kerry O’Brien *
John O’Donohue
Patrick E. & Anne L. O’Keefe
David O’Leary
Michael & Janet O’Neil
Rick & Patty Oden
Herbert G. Ogden &
Catherine L. Thomas
John & Andrea Ogden
Scott Olsen
David R. & Linda Olster
Edward Oravec & Jeanne Kern *
Clark Orsky
George & Elinor Osborn
Ron & Diana Osborn
Glenn Ostrander
Milt Ostrofsky *
Ann Ottaviano
Amy S. Otten *
Kathy & Alan Ouellette
Joel Page
Jane Ashley Pakenham
William G. Palfrey &
Christine Carroll
Cynthia Panas
Bob Paquin & Family *
Noel & Kathleen Parent
Robert & Laura Parette *
David & Julie Park
Alison Parker & Robert Fuller
Jim Parker
Wes & Lauren Parker
Gary K. Parkinson
John Parsons
David & Dolores B. Partridge *
Sanborn Partridge
Peter Passalacqua
Harold N. & Mary V. Patch *
Matthew J. Peake &
Leslie Goldman
David N. Peck
Trey Pecor
Richard Pelmas
Sonia & Ivan Pelov
Heather Pembrook & Tom Pichler
Joseph R. Perella & Aimee Motta
George Perkinson *
Jake Perkinson &
Cate MacLachlan *
Dana A. & Mary M. Perry
Pam Perry
Robert & Jane Perry
Scott & Sharon Perry
David & Jane Peters
Barry D. Peterson
Diane Peterson
John Peterson
Thomas Peterson &
Laurene Mraz-Peterson *
Sara M. Petrowsky
Daniel & Stacey Petruzella *
Judy & Dick Pettengill
Melinda & Jeff Petter *
Suzanne Philbrick
Alvin & Jean Philpet
William C. & Elizabeth Pierce
David & Marsha Pilachowski *
William Pinchbeck
Laura Place
Thea & Robert Platt
Renate R. Plaut, M.D.
Dr. Stephen K. Plume &
Dr. Martha D. McDaniel
William & Ursula J. Plummer III
Connie Plunkett *
Susan J. Polk & Glen Wehrwein
William Pollak & Maria Fisher
Andrew & Jilda Pomerantz
Deborah Pomeroy
Robert C. & Sandra C. Pomeroy
Zander Ponzo
Bill & Sylvia Pope *
Dennis Pope
Katharine A. Powell
Paul K. & Diana Praus *
Ronald & Sarah Pulcer *
George & Nancy Putnam *
Donna B. Quinlan
Douglas Racine
Richard A. Rader
Douglas Rae
Judy & Robert Raffone
Rev. & Mrs. David P. Ransom
David Raphael & Nicole Carignan
Jeremy W. & Katrina Rathbun
Doug & Patty Reaves
Mary Lou Recor & Chris Hanna *
Cathie Redpath *
Andrew Reed
Pam & Jack Reese *
Katharine Reichert & Derek Teare
Rosalind Reid
Shirley M. Reid *
Lawrence J. Reilly
Renee S. Reiner &
Michael Desanto
Martin Reiter
Craig Repasz & Jane Brokaw
Marc & Robin Restuccia
William B. Reynolds
Clifton Rice
Gary S. Richards
Bruce A. Richardson *
Ann & David Ripley
Theodore & Caroline Robbins
James Roberts
Peter & Ellen Roberts
James Robinson
Robert & Darlene Robyn
Dale & Peggy Rodgers
Craig Roebuck
Andrea Rogers & R. Avery Hall
Jane Rohlf
Thomas A. & Anne M. Roland *
Michael D. & Alicia Romac
Jean & Charles Rook
Charles Roraback
Stephen Rorison
Andrew Rosacker & Lisa Pawlik
Adam J. & Joanne D. Rose
Phyllis & Alex Rose *
Stuart M. Rose
Ben & Nancy Rosenberg
Carr Ross
Joe Roth
Gregory Roughton
Paula E. Routly
Jan & Mary Jane Rozendaal
Phyllis Rubenstein
Cynthia & Alan Rubin
Richard Rubin *
Erin Ruble & Benjamin Putnam
Carolyn K. Ruschp &
Walter B. Levering, Jr. *
Robert & Jess Russell
Eric & Joanne Sailer
Jason Saltman & Kim Kurak
Brad Salzmann &
Annette Petrucelli
Franklin D. & Jane C. Sanders
John & Karen Sanders
David & Jill Sands
Frank D. & Dudley A. Sargent
Tim Sargent
Dave Saums
Stuart & Ann Schaffner
Mrs. Betty-Jane Scheff
Steffen Schewe &
Hortense Lademann
Max & Kay Schlueter *
Art Schoeller
Jeff & Beth Schoellkopf *
Robert M. Schoff *
Russell & Nancy Schrader *
Marcie & Doug Schubert
Nancy Schulz & Anne Ferguson
Brian D. & Kathleen A.
Jay Schuster *
David & Mary Lynn Schwenker
John & Vicki Scott *
Tana Scott
Margaret A. Scotti & Greg Morrill
David & Marie Louise Scudder
Timothy & Carolyn Scully
Dana Seguin *
Eric Seidel
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 14
John & Lynn Seirup
Gail M. & C. J. Seitz, Jr.
Hobart F. Selle
Christiane Senger
Joseph L. & Susan P. Sessock
Martin & Myrna Setien *
Jon & Linda Sewall
Cynthia T. Seybolt
Timothy Shafer &
Deborah Luskin *
Susan Shamel
Ellen Shannon
Susan & Richard Shannon
Sandra M. Sharp *
Nicholas Shaw &
Mariangeles Vicente
Kerry Shea
Jerome Shedd & Lindi Bortney *
Leslie Shedlin
Brian Sheehan
William Sheehan
Deborah D. Shenk
Donald & Ellen Shepheard *
Marc Sherman
Bruce P. & Carolyn L. Shields
Michelle Shoemaker *
John & Dianne Shullenberger
Helen N. & Ephraim E. Shulman
Robert Sickley *
Harold L. & Mary Siegele *
Joel & Elizabeth Silverstein
Walter Simons
Charles Sincerbeaux
Lucy A. Singer
John Sirianni
Richard Sirola *
Jinny Sisson *
Margaret Skinner *
Scott & Mary Just Skinner
Ben & Torrey Smith
David B. Smith
Geoffrey Smith
Jeff & Jodi Smith
Mark Smith & Molly Stevens
Patricia Smith & David Panofsky
Stanley W. Smith
Tom Smith & Anne McMenamin
Todd M. Snell
Jeremey Snow
Zachary Snow
Jessie Snyder
Jennifer Solin & Luz Gonzalez
Larry & Joyce Space +
Mrs. Anne F. Spencer *
Kristin & Shawn Spindel
Jan Spoor
Scott & Julie Springer *
Terrence & Holly Stadtler
Eleanor & David Stanwood
Ellen Starr & Geoff Fitzgerald
Scott Stearns
Philip H. & Marcia S. Steckler
John & Anne Steel
Robert G. Steeneck
Thomas & Nancy Jean Steffen *
Daniel Stein
Mark & Marjorie Stein *
Michael S. Stenz & Eva Skibild
Bradley S. Stetler
Janet & Evan Stewart
Kate Stiassni & Ned Nunes
Dan & Nancy Stoddard
Christiane M. & John Stoffer
William A. Stoltzfus, Jr. *
Margos & Janet Stone *
Richard A. Stoner *
Charles & Melissa Storrow
Tim & Doff Storrow
Allan & Elisa Storti
Sally Stott
Neil & Marilyn Stout
John Sullivan *
Bob Summers & Orly Yadin
Claude R. Sutherland
Sean Sweeney & Valerie Hays
Paul & Gerry Sweterlitsch
Philip & Katie Tatro
Andrew & Antoinette Taylor
Charles M. Taylor
James M. & Carol Taylor
Kenneth P. & Anne B. Taylor
Scott Taylor
Faith Tempest &
Alexandra Yuster
George & Faith Terwilliger
Harry & Suzanne Tether
Paul Thabault & Nancy Money
Peter Theriault
Barbara I. Thomas *
Ray Thomas
Richard & Joan Thomas
Peter & Thelma Thompson
Scott W. Thompson &
M. K. Hewlett
Orrin Tilevitz *
Brenda Tillberg
Donald Timson &
Daniel S. Carleton
Charlie & Mima Tipper
Joanna Titcomb
Lee & Diana Todd
Adin Morris Tooker
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tormey
V. Gregory Tracey * +
Frank S. Trautman
Ilona & Randall H. Travis, M.D. *
Nancy J. Tremblay *
Sheri O. & Allen Tremblay
Carol & Roland Tremble *
The Tretiak & Durante Family
Philip & Kim Trupiano
Greg & Nancy Tsongalis
Ronald Turner
Jonathan Udis *
Karen J. Unsworth *
Anthony Valerio
Robert & Dixie Vallie
Hon. Howard E. Van Benthuysen
Neil & Carol Van Dyke & Family
Peter & Jan Van Raalte
Lisa Vandermade & Robert Popick
Dr. Carol Vassar
Ina & David Vaughan
Terry & Ginny Vaughan
Douglas Viehmann & Ann Vivian
Vernon E. & Susan Vig
David Vinick & Sharon Green
Hubert Vogelmann
Dr. Thomas Vogelsang *
Peter & Julie Voll *
George & Patricia von Trapp
Paul & Beth Wade
Steve Wadsworth &
Sarah Downes
Richard Wagner
Warren L. Wagner &
Allison M. Lynch
Paul & Ruth Wallace-Brodeur
Barbara Walling
Gig Walsh
Tom V. Walsh
David & Jane Warren
Paul J. Washburn
Jan Waterman & Andy Robinson
Richard & Sally Watts
Stephen Waud
Maeve Webster
Philip & Judith Webster
Richard L. & Joan N. Weed
Jon & Terrie Wehse
Thomas & Rita Weidman *
Fred Weingarten &
Lucinda J. Bailey
Allison Weinhagen
Wolfgang Weise
Debbie Welch *
Ed & Susan Wells *
Ann Lawrence Wessel
Eileen West
Robert D. Westfall
Michael & Emily Wetherell *
Richard & Suzie Wheeler *
Bruce & Jody White *
Kathleen White
Maureen White & Roger Tubby
Donald S. Whitney
Betsy & Scott Whittemore
Jim & Jane Wick
Donna Marie Wiegand-Bicknell &
Raymond M. Bicknell
David Wilber
Stanley M. Wilbur
Richard A. Wildman
Earle W. Wilkins Jr. &
Suzanne P. Wilkins
Ed & Daryl Wilkins
Valerie Wilkins & Dean Bloch *
Jon Wilkinson
Tammy & Giles Willey
Jacqueline Williams
Marilyn Williams & Ron Kovanic
Ray Williams & Elizabeth York
Stephen Williams *
Steven T. & Kate Williams *
Stuart & Sarah Williams *
Kevin Williamson &
Tina Meerbergen *
Mary Willmuth
Terri Wilson
Trine Wilson
Walter & Diane Windish
Frank & Janet Winkler
Ted & Trudy Winsberg
Jeffrey P. Winterling *
Robert William Winters
Darla E. Witmer
Dr. Richard Witte
Julie & Brian Wolfe
Jerry Wood
Donald E. Woodbridge *
Bruce Woodward
Dennis & Nicolle Woodward
Lawrence B. &
Constance Woolson *
Jean & Dick Woy
Edward Wozniak
Frank & Diane Wozniak *
James & Helen Wright
Stephen F. Wright &
Janet Cathey *
Wesley Wright & Vickie Backus *
Carl Wrighton
Pam & Alan Wrigley
Jason & Christine Wulff
Dan & Mary Wyand
Dan & Mary Wyand
Gail Yanowitch *
Glen & Maureen Yates
Robert Young & Marlene Tillery
Rosemary S. & Peter H. Zamore *
Harvey D. & Shelley Zara
Kirt F. Zeigler
Lynne Zeitlin Hale &
Stephen S. Hale
Neal & Jackie Zierler
Anne Zopfi & Emery Stephens *
Clayton G. Zucker
Jeffrey Zwicker *
In Memory of
Ruth C. Agar
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Ann J. Harrington &
Susan M. Dinoia
Allison Kennedy
Raynette Kibbee
Gertrude H. Sand &
Linda B. Opacki
Jennifer Solin & Luz Gonzalez
Mrs. Ida Stone
Jayna Turchek & Steve Fischer
Eugene Bamforth
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Susan J. Bazaar
Richard A. Ethier
Donald S. Whitney
Dave Blumenthal
Bette & Tom Blumenthal
Henry Busetti & Dee Reever
Gig Walsh
Marietta “Lalla” Brewster
John Carmola
Larry & Susan Bruce
Roderick Forsman
Thomas E. Hennessy
Don & Pixley Hill
Ronald F. & Sandra S. Kilbur
Northwest Medical Center
Catherine & Theodore J. Waltz, Jr.
Rebekah Frost
Nadine L. Gerdts &
Stephen J. Lacker
Maro Godschall
H. Keith Wagner Partnership, Inc.
William J. Halligan IV
Duncan S. Harris
Susan Hoeppner
Joseph James & Jessalyn L. Jarest
Shawn Jenkins
Mary Karnes
Laura Knosp
Karon Konner
Jonathan Kresel
Eric & Martha Ladd
Lorenda Lo
Justin Lodge
John McCartin
Shane McCormack
Greg McCoy
Sasha & John McNamara
Edith Notman
Derek Olsen
Jim Parker
Adam M. Portz
Andrew Reed
Tim Richmond
Debra Saade
Rosemarie J. Sassone
David Shavrick
Michael Shay
Kevin Thomas Shoemaker
Michele Smith
Maryann Symanowicz
Peter Theriault
Chris Veenstra
Earle W. Wilkins Jr. &
Suzanne P. Wilkins
Robert H. & Jacklyn M. Writz
Bob Dakin
David & Margaret Coates
Phillip Ivan Dillingham
Wesley Dillingham
Levi Duclos
Kristen DeGraff
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Carpenter
Bob & Maria Bradley
Elmer Fisk
Jane & Don Fuller
Helen Cawood
Harris & Jan Abbott
Mark Fredette
Julie & Mark A. Fredette
Faye Madeline Coffey
Seth & Jane Coffey
Aldie Gannett
Elizabeth H. Ruml
C.P. Cooper
Wilson & Nancy Cooper
Robert T. Gannett
Margaret M. Murtha
Douglas Crowell
Jeanne, Jeremy & Nora Adelmann
Nicole Angelos
Elizabeth Arrigoni
James E. Arrigoni, Jr.
Alan Aukeman
Brian Bardorf
Connie & Rick Bardorf
James Barnes
Lisa S. Boege
Jason Buening
Jeffrey Cantara
Hilde Cesca
Keith Condon
Scot DeDeo
Stacy DeGabriele
Benjamin Donahue
Robert & Juliet Escobar
Mike Fess
Arnold Golodetz
Naomi Almeleh
Ben Rose & Lori Fisher
Robin Hagemeyer
Victoria Aquilato
Ann Johnson
Sharon Varnelas
Robert Hagerman
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Constance Hall
Linda D. & David A. Barnebl
Bruce R. & Karen N. Burnett
Lois Farnham & Holly Puterbaugh
Patricia D. & Matthew J. Halpin
Robert F. & Jean Marie Martell
John & Eunice Newell *
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 15
Jack Harrington
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Madeline Miles
Bill Morris
Pat Spielman-Morris & Jim
Deane Helms
Linda Helms
Betty Myers
Madeline Miles
Marion Holmes
Madeline Miles
Christopher Nils Nilsson
Patricia Nilsson
Robert Jeffers
Glenn D. & Cindy L. Colburn
Robert P. Northrop
Anonymous (1)
Dorothy J. Allard &
G. William Martin
Linda Almy
Rolf Anderson
Meredith B. Babbott
John Barbour & Carla Hochschild
Nancy & Ronald Berry
Mary Jo Berube
William & Elizabeth Bond
David F. Burns
Kathy M. & John J. Connelly III
Walter & Ginny Cottingham
Staige Davis
Ralph & Kathy Dodge
Jacquelin T. Duffek
Joseph & Cathy Frank
James Fredericks &
JoAnn Hanowski
Gloria Gerdes
Sandra L. & Roger L. Gillim
Lucinda Hamlet
Bruce Hewitt
Lisa Hughes
Kathy Hutchins
Patricia A. & Michael W. Jacobs
Russ & Lilo Kinaman *
Chuck Lacy & Gaye Symington
Irene C. Linde
Brennan Martin
David & Donna Martin
Martha & Joe McSherry
Donald & Susan Miller
Emeline Miller
Robert F. Mulcahy &
Barbara Thomke *
Barbara J. Mulhern
Jo Anne & Timothy Murad
Barbara Murphy
Cara & Jonathan Nelson
Dave & Robin Nelson
Margaret O’Brien
Candace Page & Hamilton Davis
Jean Pasche-Lambert &
Gordon Lambert
Walter J. Pomroy
Samuel Press & Sue Griessel
Renee S. Reiner &
Michael Desanto
Kay H. & Richard A. Ryder, M.D.
Tana Scott
Cynthia T. Seybolt
Douglas & Mary Seymour
Ellen Shannon
Kimball Simpson &
Kate Donaghue
Technology Solutions
Experts, Inc. (TSE)
Ina & David Vaughan
Terry & Ginny Vaughan
Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Corinne & Richard H.
Wadhams, Jr.
Washington Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
Richard L. & Joan N. Weed
Jane Westervelt
Norman Russell Johnson
Jane Allen
Jonathan & Louise Fairbank
Ian W. & Joy M. Mercer
Thomas A. & Anne M. Roland
Louise A. Willis
David Knutson
Epiphancy LLC
Avi Kurganoff
Joe Kassay
Lucas LaFrance
Robert & Linda O’Kelly
Justin Siegel
David K. Long
Gail MacMillan
Michael Emborsky
Robertson R. & Amanda P. Howe
Matt Kaun
Sandra Netzel
Eileen Penman
William & Jean Stinchcombe
Richard & Jennifer Walter
Thomas Walter
Gerald Mark Malloy
Mary McPherson
Walter “Woody” McKain
James Dolan & Christina Scharf
Michael A. McLam
Benoit Electric Inc.
Gary & Sherrie Clark
Lane & Wilma Dexter
Leo & Marjorie Dexter
George & Mary Gilbert
Claire & Wendell Goodell
Thomas E Gray
Alan & Maryann Hebert
Lois M. Kelty
Jay & Jane Kimberley
Darlene Morgan
Michael R. Morgan
Norway & Sons, Inc.
Keith Palmer
Keith R Palmer
Diana & Randy Ricker
Norm & Linda Rodriguez
Cheryl A. Sartwell
Charles C. Schwartz
Roxanne Shelton
The Tretiak & Durante Family
Dustin & Janice White
Kathleen White
Rod White
Paul T. Williams
Barbara W. McLendon
John & Barbara McLendon
Family Foundation
Robert K. Moore
Carol Bois
Judith & John Woodruff
Michael Offenhartz
Adam H. & Melissa Offenhartz
William E. Osgood
Thelma S. Osgood
George Pearlstein
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Margaret & Mary Peirce
CPH Trust
Cindy Peterson
David A. & Hazel R. Billheimer
Claire Chace Birdsall
Ted & Betsy Bogner
Sandy Boyer
Patricia & Jon Calkins
Christopher Callahan
Alice D. Compagnone
Raymond & Alice Devine
Juliane & George Hudson
Kelly Lambert
Peggy W. Larson & Walter Grant
Deborah Loring
Cathy Miller
Carol & Henry Nielsen
Kevin & Pauline O’Brien
Pierre & Betty Pepin
David Peterson
Diane Peterson
Dorothy & Lyle Peterson
Garth L. & Clara Peterson
Elke Pinn
Ben Rose & Lori Fisher
Andrea Simler
Carol Sullivan
Dale R. & Shawn P. Thayer
Lea R. Walsh
Barbara J. Wittenberg
Kenneth A. Wittlief &
Patricia B. Duchesneau
Kirk F. & Patricia A. Young
Eva Pierce
Doris E. Washburn
Edith B. Washburn & Family
Geof Plunkett
Jan Abbott
Jeanne C. & Robert W. Detenbeck
Badih & Itte-D El-Kareh
Lois Farnham & Holly Puterbaugh
Michael & Virginia Fiskio
John J. & Patricia M. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Elbert C. Mead
Raymond & Mary Pelletier
Ben Rose & Lori Fisher
Janice M. Smith
Ralph S. Provost, DDS
Cassatt RRG Holding Company
Joan H. Dillon
Brant Dinkin & Marcy Kass
Ophthalmic Mutual
Insurance Company
Primmer Piper Eggleston
& Cramer PC
David Provost &
Margaret Copp Provost
Richard S. & Barbara Provost
Hugh Ramsden
Nancy Ramsden
Dick Redfield
Eileen West
Steve Reed
M. Elizabeth Derrick
Roderick Rice
Madeline Miles
Sheri & Rich Larsen
Martha & Bob Manning
Ben Rolston
Joseph & Cathy Frank
Yael Levy
Barry & Susan Feinberg
Gwen M. Saltis
Catherine & Thad Krueger
Asher Miller
Benson H. Scheff
Mrs. Betty-Jane Scheff
Anne Mausolff
Jill Pond
Jessica Shayne
Chris Hobein
Reed & Maureen McCracken
Curtis McCracken
Robert Lee Stewart
Howard & Nancy McRae
Gregory Merriman
James H. Littrell
Shirley Strong
Madeline Miles
My Best Friend
Wayne Taft
Peter & Patricia Cottrell
Our Family & Friends
Chris Freeman
Robert L. Tucker, Jr.
Martha Bridegam
Elizabeth W. Jacobowitz
Susan W. Tucker
Arthur E. Rodriguez
Carrie & Rolf Tweeten
Marc von Trapp
Jeannie & Joseph Colalillo
Dr. Henry M. &
Lillian R. Rothberg
David Rothberg &
Nan Birdwhistell
David Wagner
Allie Stickney
Phyllis Rubenstein
Holly Pedrini
James H. Wallace
Marcia G. Synnott
Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Synnott III
& Family
John Sharp
UVM Chemistry TAs
In Honor of
Charles Usher
Blythe Usher
Dick Andrews
Steven Davis
Joyce Wagner
Jeff & Ellen Butz
Stewart Bucher
Jennifer Bucher Brown
Guy Wallis
Alison Rabinoff
Jeffrey S. Butz
Richard R. & Rosemarie Butz
Patrick Welsch &
Jessica Sarinelli
Jennifer Borgen Behr
Julian Crocker
Sarah H. Crocker
Rex Spencer del Pozo
Rachel Bragin
Marge Fish
Amy & Malcolm Hamblett
Marge & Robert Fish
Michael J. Boyle
Barbara Georgi
Ryan Georgi
Pamela Gillis
Bruce A. Richardson
Ben Griffin
Ronald Griffin
Don Groll
William Cooke
Marcie & Doug Schubert
Ricky & Susan Hart
Helaine & Leonard Kliger
Robert B. Hatton, Jr.
Cathy & John Attig
Kathryn Herndon
Rosalind Reid
Bill Hosking 10th Mtn
Pat Spielman-Morris &
Jim Morris
Kevin Hudnell
Ron Hudnell
Robert & Susan Tucker
Sherri Andrews
Kathy Williams
Kevin Williams
Jason Young
The Capital Group Companies
Daan Zwick
Mike Schiavone
Green Mountain Club | 2013 Annual Report | 16
Communications and Publications
Strong media coverage: Numerous reports
were released about progress in repairs
to Tropical Storm Irene-related trail and
bridge damage, the club’s leadership in
establishing a gubernatorial commission on
energy development siting policies, repairs
to Glen Ellen Lodge, Winter hiking tips, the
Winooski bridge project, the Hiking with
Dogs YouTube videos, and the release of
Downloadable Hikes.
Long Trail News:
The club’s print
magazine the Long
Trail News continued to be the mainstay of the club’s
membership communication efforts.
This top-quality
publication was
mailed quarterly
to approximately 8,000 households and was
available at GMC events and to hikers who
stopped into the Visitor Center.
Visitor Center continued to welcome steady
flow of guests: The Visitor Center remained
the hub of on-campus GMC hosted events
such as Snowshoe Festival, Mud Season
Egg Hunt and Volunteer Appreciation
Picnic. Visitors from places such as Germany, Switzerland, England, Nova Scotia,
and California travelled to Vermont to hike
our trails. Our knowledgeable hiker center
staff assisted over 4,500 visitors by providing advice on trails in the area and around
the state and by answering their questions
about the the Long Trail, the role of GMC
and its important place in Vermont history.
Online audiences grow: The club continues
to have a strong social media community
with more than 6,000 Facebook and more
than 2,000 Twitter followers. eBlaze the
club’s electronic newsletter reached more
than 8,000 active email addresses with
about thirty percent of recipients opening
the e-mails monthly.
Fiscal year 2013 was a year of transition and
future development for the publications
program. With people migrating to a fully
electronic platform of media consumption,
the Publications Committee, in conjunction
with members of the Marketing Committee, conducted significant research into the
­options available in the marketplace. Significant progress was also made on printed
materials. • Eleven individual downloadable hikes
were released with moderate success
• GMC has the ability to release both
eBook and print versions of all future
books • A request for proposal for the creation
of a mobile application was created and
released (Due to cost constraints this
platform was temporarily tabled.)
• Winter Hiking Guide to Vermont,
End-to-Ender’s Guide, Mount Mansfield
and Worcester Range Map expected to
be released in 2014
• Number of GMC Publications: 17
• Units Sold FY 13: 14,736
• Downloadable Hikes: 11
had another year of reduced utility bills
thanks to our renewable energy systems.
We heated our Visitor Center and field
staff common quarters including all of our
domestic hot water for a full year with only
ten cords of firewood. Our solar electric
system generated 46,716.2 kilowatt hours
of clean electricity that was sent into the
grid—the equivalent annual consumption
to ten average Vermont households. Our
system not only completely offset GMC’s
— Fiscal Year 2013 —
GMC Officers
Jean Haigh, President
John Page, Vice President
Dick Andrews, Treasurer
Tom Candon, Secretary
GMC Directors
Ted Albers, Burlington
Lee Allen, General
Tom Barstow, General
Michael Chernick, Northeast Kingdom
Marge Fish, ex officio
Chris Hale, Laraway
George Hall, General
Ruth Hare, General 2
Allison Henry, Killington
Paul Houchens, General 1
Lynda Hutchins, General
Steve Klein, General 1
Sheri Larsen, General 1
Ron Lucier, Sterling
Dale Malekoff, Manchester
Doug McKain, Bread Loaf
James Mitchell, General
Luke O’Brien, General 2
John Oliva, Worcester
Walter Pomroy, Northern Frontier
Dick Ruben, Ottauquechee
Lexi Shear, General
Laurene Sorensen, Connecticut
Martha Stitelman, Bennington
Neil Van Dyke, General
Ted Vogt, General 2
Mike Wetherell, Montpelier
Richard Windish, Brattleboro
GMC Staff
Will Wiquist, Executive Director
Renewable Energy: GMC’s Visitor Center
The Green Mountain Club
4711 Waterbury-Stowe Road
Waterbury Center, VT 05677
phone: (802) 244-7037
fax: (802) 244-5867
electrical use, but the excess was sold to
the utility generating additional revenue to
support the upkeep and maintenance of our
Waterbury Center Campus.
GMC Meeting Hall Rentals: Rental business
for the Meeting Hall did very well in 2012.
Our space has become a popular place for
many organizations to meet—especially
State ­Agencies since the State Complex in
Waterbury was lost to Tropical Storm Irene.
Pete Antos-Ketcham, Director of Operations
Jennifer Donley, Visitor Center Manager
Megan Duni, Director of Communications 2
Jill Haas, Membership Assistant
Dave Hardy, Director of Trail Programs
Jocelyn Hebert, Communications Assistant
Maisie Howard, Director of Development
Matt Krebs, Publications Assistant
Nika Meyers, Group Outreach Specialist
Susan Shea, Director of Conservation/Managing Editor 2
Angela Stabach, Director of Finance
Kathryn Wrigley, Field Assistant
Mari Zagarins, Director of Member & Volunteer Services 2
1 Started in FY 2013
2 Departed in FY 2013
Publication Credits:
Editor: Jocelyn Hebert; Copy editor: Jen Matteis
Design: Brian P. Graphics Arts
Cover Photo: Jocelyn Hebert
Interior Photos: Jocelyn Hebert, Angela Stabach,
Will Wiquist, John Predom, Tom Anderson,
Megan Duni, Sheri Larsen