Sponsor Overview

ING’s Online Distribution Management
For Plan Sponsors
Overview of How to Approve Loans & Distributions
ING’s Online Distribution Management simplifies the administration process for loans, withdrawals,
and terminations by providing a seamless, streamlined – and online – way to manage distribution
requests. Participants initiate requests online or via ING’s Customer Contact Center and the request is
routed electronically to you for review and approval. Once your plan goes live, these requests could
begin immediately.
Following is a summary of the steps to review and approve distributions for your plan:
1. ING will send you an email notification whenever a request requires your approval.*
2. When you receive that email, log onto ING’s Plan Sponsor Website at
www.ingretirementplans.com/sponsor and click on Distribution Management from the left side
3. You’ll be presented with a Task List of requests requiring your approval. Click on the Task ID of
a request to open it.
4. A Summary screen displays the details of the request. If the request required paperwork, you
can view a scanned image of the returned paperwork by clicking on the link in the Document
List section of the Summary screen.
5. To approve the request, click the Process button from the Summary screen. Then click I Accept
to approve the request and release it for processing.
More detailed instructions are available in the Online Distribution Management User Guide which is
available from the top right corner of each screen in the Online Distribution Management web site.
*Email notification is sent to your plan’s designated Plan Primary Contact. This person’s Sponsor Website
registration must be complete in order to receive these notifications and access Distribution Management.
A detailed User Guide is
available by clicking on this
link within the Distribution
Management site.
Log into ING’s Plan Sponsor
Website and click on
Distribution Management.
Then click on a Task ID to open a
request to review and approve it.