EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR THE SAFETY OF AIR NAVIGATION EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES INSTALLATION ON A300/600ST BELUGA AIRCRAFT EEC NoteNo. 20/98 EEC Task C07 EATCHIP Task SUR-3-E1 Issued: September 1998 The information contained in this document is the property of the EUROCONTROL Agency and no part should be reproduced in any form without the Agency’s permission. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the Agency. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Reference: EEC Note No. 20/98 Security Classification: Unclassified Originator: EEC - COM (Communications) Originator (Corporate Author) Name/Location: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre B.P.15 F - 91222 Brétigny-sur-Orge CEDEX FRANCE Telephone : +33 (0)1 69 88 75 00 Sponsor: EATCHIP Development Directorate DED.3 Sponsor (Contract Authority) Name/Location: EUROCONTROL Agency Rue de la Fusée, 96 B -1130 BRUXELLES Telephone : +32 2 729 9011 TITLE: MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES INSTALLATION ON A300/600ST BELUGA Author P.Hunt EATCHIP Task Specification SUR-3-E1 Date Pages Figures Tables Appendix 09/98 iv + 77 5 - 6 EEC Task No. References Task No. Sponsor Period SUR-3-E1 04/97 to 01/98 CNS-C07 Distribution Statement: (a) Controlled by: Head of COM (b) Special Limitations: None (c) Copy to NTIS: YES / NO Descriptors (keywords): “Mode-S Specific Services” IIMSES DAP “Data Link” ModeS Abstract: This note describes the Mode-S Specific Services Installation on the Airbus Inter Transport A300/600ST Beluga aircraft. This installation enables the enhanced surveillance ModeS functionality to be validated. This document has been collated by mechanical means. Should there be missing pages, please report to: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre Publications Office B.P. 15 91222 - BRETIGNY-SUR-ORGE CEDEX France EEC Note No. 20/98 EEC Task No. C07 Issued : September 1998 MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES INSTALLATION ON A300/600ST BELUGA AIRCRAFT by Patrick HUNT Summary This note describes the Mode-S Specific Services Installation on the Airbus Inter Transport A300/600ST Beluga aircraft. This installation enables the enhanced surveillance ModeS functionality to be validated. iii Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 1 2. HARDWARE...................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. SOFTWARE....................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. SYSTEM TESTING........................................................................................................................................... 4 4.1. 4.2. 5. INITIAL GROUND TESTS ................................................................................................................................. 4 FLIGHT TEST ................................................................................................................................................. 4 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 5 FIGURE 1 : SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - PRINCIPLE MODES INSTALLATION.......................................... 6 FIGURE 2 : SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - SHEET 2 .............................................................................................. 7 FIGURE 3 : BELUGA UNDER TEST..................................................................................................................... 8 FIGURE 4 : BELUGA UNDER TEST..................................................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 5 : GICB CONTENTS AVAILABLE ON BELUGA ( EXAMPLE) .................................................. 10 APPENDIX A - GROUND TEST REPORT .................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX B - FLIGHT TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX C - BASIC SYSTEM TEST FOR GROUND CREW ................................................................ 29 APPENDIX D - FLIGHT TEST SCENARIO .................................................................................................. 31 APPENDIX E - DETAILS OF GICB CONTENTS......................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX F - BDS ALLOCATION TABLE FOR A300 BELUGA ........................................................... 66 iv Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 1. INTRODUCTION In the context of the Eurocontrol (Initial Implementation of Mode S in Europe) IIMSES programme, Eurocontrol is equipping several aircraft with Mode S Specific Services (MSS) capabilities. This will assist in the validation of the enhanced surveillance capability of the (Pre-Operational Experimental ModeS) POEMS radars during the preoperational phase. This note describes the Mode S installation on the Airbus Inter Transport A300/600ST Beluga aircraft registration F-GSTA. This aircraft was chosen because it flies mainly in or near the core area of Europe and also has less installation constraints than a commercial passenger carrying aircraft. The installation conforms as far as is possible to the “Mode S Specific Services Manual” ICAO Document 9688-AN/952. As no commercially certified ADLP is yet available, the aircraft is fitted with the Eurocontrol DLPU which has been programmed to provide the MSS defined data formats for GICB protocols where possible. The previous Eurocontrol defined data formats have also been used where there is no conflict with the new MSS definitions. At the present time this installation enables only the enhanced surveillance capability of the MSS, the downlink aircraft parameters (DAP) may be extracted by the POEMS ground stations. At a later date an ADLP could be fitted in place of the DLPU giving full MSS and ATN services. 1 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 2. HARDWARE Eurocontrol (EEC) provided the following hardware for installation in the aircraft : 1 ADLP Type NLR Model C/1/3 1 Transponder Type Rockwell Collins TPR900 Level 3 1 Cockpit Printer Type Bendix PTR 45B 1 DLT Type EEC plus avionic equipment support trays and connectors. The aircraft cabling was made by Airbus Inter Transport under a Eurocontrol contract. A schematic diagram shows the essential parts of the Beluga data link wiring. 2 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 3. SOFTWARE The DLPU software provided by NLR enables aircraft data processing for enhanced surveillance and is the same in each DLPU but because different aircraft types may have different data bus configurations, a data allocation table is defined for each different aircraft type. The aircraft type is hard wired on the aircraft so the correct allocation table is selected automatically by the DLPU. The allocation table for the Beluga is shown in appendix F. 3 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 4. SYSTEM TESTING The Mode S data link and MSS system were tested using the Mode S Test Bench [1] and this was made in two stages. 4.1. Initial Ground Tests The initial ground test was made at Toulouse Blagnac in July 1997 in the Airbus Inter Transport hangar. Using the Test Bench, messages were sent to and received from the aircraft. All possible aircraft parameters were extracted and checked and recordings made for reference and further investigation when necessary. See appendix Appendix A for details. 4.2. Flight Test A flight test was made in December 1997 at Toulouse Blagnac. During this test aircraft parameters which could not be checked on the ground were verified and also non interference tests with other aircraft systems were carried out. For this purpose the aircraft was interrogated by the Mode S test bench sited on the ground at Toulouse Airport during different flight phases. Mode S data link messages were sent to the ground throughout the flight by the onboard operator. The rate of Mode S uplink data link messages was augmented by sending bursts of messages that would be rejected by the onboard system, as well as some valid data link messages that would be processed by the system. In this way the flow of 1090/1030 MHz data was greatly increased in an attempt to perturb the other aircraft systems but on the other hand the Mode S data link system was not overloaded with to many valid messages. These tests are described in more detail in Appendices A and B. 4 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 5. CONCLUSIONS The installed system is now ready for operational use. As soon as the agreement between Eurocontrol and Airbus Inter Transport concerning the confidentiality and the range of aircraft parameters to be exploited during the foreseen trials is signed. The system may be used operationally. 5 Aircraft Ident from FMS (Beluga) TP-6A TP-2A TP-6B TP-2B A B DATA LINK IN A Screen B DATA LINK OUT MP-5E MP-5F Screen TP-2C TP-2D A COMMC/D DATA IN B TP-2F A COMMC/D DATA OUT B Screen BP-8 BP-11 Signal Ground 115v hot 115v cold Chassis Ground B A G15 B E6 E15 Screen CHANNEL 1 - IRS 1 High Speed F7 G7 F9 A E7 G9 B J6 E9 Screen CHANNEL 2 - NC High Speed H6 F1 F10 G10 G1 E10 A CHANNEL 3 - FCU B AIRCRAFT Low Speed Screen E1 DATA INPUTS Signal Ground Chassis Ground ARINC 429 XPDR A Aircraft Ident F15 G6 K6 Screen TP-2E F6 L P A M R B A J9 K9 Screen H9 C D H A V J11 B W A B E2 Screen J10 A K10 B H10 Screen CHANNEL 4 - NC High Speed K11 Screen DLT F2 G2 H11 Connector SOURIAU CHANNEL 5 - ADC 1I Low Speed 851 06RC 16-26 E A J15 J13 B A F K15 K13 B H15 H13 Screen Screen 115v hot R 115v cold N T A L U B Chassis Ground CHANNEL 6 J14 J7 A K14 K7 B H14 H7 Screen Connector ITT CANNON J1 A KPSE 06F20-415 K1 B H1 Screen Screen - FMC 1 Low Speed CHANNEL 7 - EFIS 1 - SGU Low Speed PRINTER File Transfer Input A F5 J2 A B G5 E5 K2 B H2 Screen A F3 B J5 K5 A G3 E3 H5 Screen Screen File Transfer Output CHANNEL 8 - NC Screen Low Speed CHANNEL 9 - NC CHANNEL B 10 - NC Low Speed Low Speed EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre BP 15 Title: F91222 Br‚tigny - Cedex DLPU-C2 CABLING DIAGRAM for BELUGA BLOCK A Diagram 1 Sheet 1 file beluga.ds4 SIZE CODE A4 DLPU Figure 1 : Schematic diagram - principle ModeS installation 6 Date: NUMBER REV D PH-001 15/12/97 Sheet 1 of 2 Bit 0 - lsb Bit 1 SYSTEM Bit 2 ADDRESS Bit 3 LABEL 05 Bit4 Bit 5 A6 A11 B6 B11 K6 K11 J6 J11 A7 A13 B7 B13 K7 K13 J7 J13 Bit 0 - lsb Bit 1 AIRCRAFT TYPE 6 Bit 2 Bit 3 - msb A9 B9 K9 A14 J9 B14 No BDS20 Generation A10 Bit 6 Bit 7 - msb B10 K14 K10 J14 Dual Channel Transponder J10 STRAPS Connected = 0 BLOCK B Open =1 To be programmed according to aircraft configuration 115v hot 4 6 115v cold 10 Chassis Ground BLOCK C DLPU EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre BP 15 F91222 Br‚tigny - Cedex Title: DLPU-C2 CABLING DIAGRAM SIZE CODE A4 Diagram 1 Sheet 2 file beluga.ds4 Date: Figure 2 : Schematic diagram - Sheet 2 7 NUMBER REV PH-001 15/12/97 Sheet D 2 of 2 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL Figure 3 : BELUGA under Test 8 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL Figure 4 : BELUGA under Test 9 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL Figure 5 : GICB CONTENTS AVAILABLE ON BELUGA ( Example) GICB Contents 10 20 30 Capability Fight ID TCAS 10 20 GICB 40 Parameter Sel.alt 992 Bearing to -1.03 Windspd 20 kt SAT 25 Roll angl 0 Lat. Parameter Sel.alt.rate 100 ft/min Time to go 10 min Wind dir. 55 deg Av. press 29.79 hp True track 24.69 Long. 43°37.4377N 1°22.8506E 70 Contents Aircraft Intention Next wypt details Meteo. report Met.hazrd report Track & turn rpt. Position rpt. Air ref. state vec. Heading & spd rpt Intent 1 80 Intent 2 90 Intent 3 A0 Deviation report Speeds report Altitudes report Meteo. report Air ref. state vect. Waypoint info. Mag.hd 27.422 Mag.head 27.422 Sel.alt. 992 Sel.Air spd ncd Sel.mach ncd X-trk error ncd CAS ncd Radio ht. 2 Roll angl 0 Mag.head 27.42 Bear. wpt. -136.99 IAS ncd IAS ncd Sel.head 61.875 Sel.alt.rt ncd Sel.alt.rt ncd ncd TAS ncd 950.75 Inert.VV -132 TAS 100 kt Time to go 10 min 43 44 45 50 51 53 60 B0 C0 71 21 31 Data 04 T AE 30 82 G B 9 not implemented on this aircraft Parameter sel.mag.hd 61.875(62) go 2.3 SAT 26 Radio ht 2 Gr’nd spd. 0 Altitude 192 Mach ncd Mach ncd Discretes 0000 Sel.alt 992 Sel.alt 992 Accel.nrm -0.0169 Mach ncd Altitude 188 Wind spd ncd Inertial v.v. 0 go 2.3 nm 10 Parameter sel airspd 100 05 4 Parameter 06 0 Parameter Av. press. 1014 hp Trk ang. rt -0.03 TAS 100 kt TAS ncd Baro.alt -3.2 Discretes 0040 Nav.dscrt1 0000 Nav.dscrt1 0000 Alt.rate -132 Inert. VV -32 Nav.dscrt2 0000 Nav.dscrt2 0000 Mag.head 27.422 Wind angl. ncd SAT 26 SAT 26 Accel.nrm 0 Accel.nrm 0 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL 61 24 17 27 2A D0 D1 D2 GMT report Weights report Engine 1 report Engine 2 report Radio frequency Turn report 1 Turn UTC NA C of G ncd N1 NA N1 NA VHF 1 NA Sel.course ncd Roll angle Flight Nr ncd Weight ncd Fuel flow NA Fuel flow NA VHF 2 NA Sel.head 61.6 Roll rate GMT NA TAT 25 TAT 25 SAT 25 SAT 25 Sel.alt. 992 Trk.ang.rt. Desrd.trk NA Mag.head Inert.VV -32 X-trk.accel X-head ac. report 2 Turn report 3 0 Roll angle 0 0 Roll rate 0 -0.25 Trk.angl.rt. -0.25 27.42 Trk.angl. 25.05 0.5g X-trk.accel 0.5g NA X-head ac. NA Note: NA = Data not available on this aircraft ncd = No computed data on this test 11 APPENDIX A - GROUND TEST REPORT MODE-S DATA LINK & SPECIFIC SERVICES INSTALLATION ON A300/600 BELUGA AT TOULOUSE BLAGNAC 15 JULY 1997 Made by P.Hunt / P.Brun 12 Mode S Airborne Equipment details Equipment Manufacturer Type Transponder DLPU DLT Printer Collins NLR EEC Bendix TPR 900 C/1/3 Serial Nr. 617 001 002 PTR 45B Mode S Test Equipment Dassault Electronique Mode S Test Bench + PC driver PC terminal emulator for DLPU programming and control Aircraft details Type: A300/608ST Beluga Wing Nr. F-GSTA Operator: Airbus Inter Transport General Remarks These tests were carried out on the ground with the aircraft All test results are recorded on the PC hard disk whenever possible. 13 1. Data Link Equipment Initial Installation Tests Equipment Test Pass Transponder Panel Test √ DLPU Front panel lights Log file √ √ DLT Lighting Dim Initial message on screen Printer Panel Test Channel 1 active Paper full Fail √ not tested * √ √ √ √ * due to cabling work on aircraft, the dim function was not able to be tested 2. Mode S address From squitter or DF 11 reply 3 Correct : 9 Address hexedecimal 4 A 6 0 F YES 14 - Decoded Tail number G S T A 3. DLPU Arinc Channels and labels Check presence of labels on each channel with PC plugged into DLPU. Channel 1 Channel 3 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 IRS 1 FCU ADC 1 FMC 1 SGU EFIS 1 Label OK Label OK Label OK Label OK Label OK 150 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 324 325 333 335 362 363 364 365 366 367 NCD √ √ √ √ √ NCD NCD √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 103 106 102 101 104 270 271 272 273 274 275 √ NCD √ √ NCD NCD NCD X X NCD NCD 203 204 220 212 206 241 221 205 213 211 242 210 217 √ √ √ √ NCD NCD NCD NCD √ √ √ NCD √ 001 002 012 066 075 103 106 115 116 117 233 234 235 236 261 310 311 343 NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD √ NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD NCD √ √ NCD 312 320 164 325 317 313 314 270 271 206 203 221 205 211 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ NCD NCD NCD √ √ √ √ Notes: NCD = No Computed Data ( which means the label is present on the bus but because the aircraft is not in the correct flight phase the data cannot be computed. Labels 272, 273 were not present, these are discrete data not used in this application Label 150 (UTC) is not available on this aircraft, as no GPS fitted. Labels 315,316 are NCD until TAS > 100 kts Labels 321,322 = 0 until ground speed > 50 kts. labels 206,241,221,205,210 are NCD until CAS > 30 or 60 kts 15 4. Downlink Tests 4.1 GICB Extract and verify the contents GICB Contents 10 20 30 Capability Fight ID TCAS 10 20 GICB 40 Parameter Sel.alt 992 (1000) Bearing to -1.03 Windspd ncd SAT 25 Roll angl 0 Lat. Parameter Sel.alt.rate ncd Time to go ncd Wind dir. ncd Av. press 29.79 hp True track 24.69 Long. 43°37.4377N 1°22.8506E 70 Contents Aircraft Intention Next wypt details Meteo. report Met.hazrd report Track & turn rpt. Position rpt. Air ref. state vec. Heading & spd rpt Intent 1 80 Intent 2 90 Intent 3 A0 Deviation report Speeds report Altitudes report Meteo. report Air ref. state vect. Waypoint info. Waypoint Identifier Mag.hd 27.422 Mag.head 27.422 Sel.alt. 992 Sel.Air spd ncd Sel.mach ncd X-trk error ncd CAS ncd Radio ht. 2 Roll angl 0 Mag.head 27.42 Bear. wpt. -136.99 Act.wpt1 NA IAS ncd IAS ncd Sel.head 61.875 Sel.alt.rt ncd Sel.alt.rt ncd ncd TAS ncd 950.75 Inert.VV -132 TAS ncd Time to go ncd Act.wpt2 NA 43 44 45 50 51 53 60 B0 C0 71 21 31 41 Data 04 T AE 30 82 G B 9 not implemented on this aircraft Parameter sel.mag.hd 61.875(62) go 2.3 SAT 26 Radio ht 2 Gr’nd spd. 0 Altitude 192 Mach ncd Mach ncd Discretes 0000 Sel.alt 992 Sel.alt 992 Accel.nrm -0.0169 Mach ncd Altitude 188 Wind spd ncd Inert.VV 0 go 2.3 nm Des.track NA 16 Parameter sel airspd 100 00 4 Parameter 00 0 Parameter Av. press. 29.79 hp Trk ang. rt -0.03 TAS ncd TAS ncd Baro.alt -3.2 Discretes 0040 Nav.dscrt1 0000 Nav.dscrt1 0000 Alt.rate -132 Inert. VV -32 Nav.dscrt2 0000 Nav.dscrt2 0000 Mag.head 27.422 Wind angl. ncd SAT 26 SAT 26 Accel.nrm 0 Accel.nrm 0 61 24 17 27 2A D0 D1 D2 GMT report Weights report Engine 1 report Engine 2 report Radio frequency Turn report 1 Turn report 2 Turn report 3 UTC NA C of G ncd N1 NA N1 NA VHF 1 NA Sel.course ncd Roll angle 0 Roll angle 0 Flight Nr ncd Weight ncd Fuel flow NA Fuel flow NA VHF 2 NA Sel.head 61.6 Roll rate 0 Roll rate 0 GMT NA TAT 25 TAT 25 SAT 25 SAT 25 Sel.alt. 992 Trk.ang.rt. -0.25 Trk.angl.rt. -0.25 Desrd.trk NA Mag.head 27.42 Trk.angl. 25.05 Inert.VV -32 X-trk.accel 0.5g X-trk.accel 0.5g X-head ac. NA X-head ac. NA Note : NA = Not Available ( On this installation ) ncd = no computed data ( Under ground test conditions ) Values in brackets i.e.(1000) were the actual values set on the aeroplane. Note that the values extracted maybe slightly different due to the precision defined in the parameter tables of the DLPU. Example: If 1000 ft is set on the aircraft’s selected altitude as the resolution of this parameter is in 16 ft units when transferred to the transponder, the extracted value will be 992 ft. 4.2 Broadcast Messages Change of Flight ID Change of Capability Report - PASS - FAIL* * The change of capability was broadcast permamently. This appears to be a Collins transponder problem. The transponder thinks that there is a change in the capability report each time the DLPU sends a capability report ( set at 5 seconds in this test). Action to be taken : Contact Collins about this function. Solutions for this installation: Either : Inhibit DLPU update of Capability report ( present situation) Or : The DLPU updates the capability report once evry 15 minutes (say) so that the broadcast only occurs once evry 15 minutes during 18 seconds. Note: Capability report when only Collins updates ( No DLPU update ) is as follows 10 00 00 00 80 00 00 (Hex) The bit set indicates Aircraft Identification capability. 4.3 Comm-D Messages Not applicable on this installation 17 4.4 Aquisition Squitter Diversity fitted - YES Top antenna Bottom antenna -NOT TESTED* -PASS RATE: RATE: 0.5 Hz In the hangar the top antenna was not visible, this test could be done outside with the bottom antenna masked. 4.5 Send Comm-B message with DLT Read with bench -PASS 4.6 Send Comm-D message with DLT Not applicable on this installation 5. Data Link Uplink Tests 5.1 Send Comm-A test messages with bench Messages received on printer PASS 5.2 Send Comm-C messages with bench Messages received on printer FAIL* The transfer of Comm C messages was not possible. This was probably due to the aircraft being in the hangar. The 16 segment Comm C message is the most demanding test in these conditions because it is a series of 16 long contiguous segments of 112 bits with only 50 µsec between each segment, the chances of this getting through to the transponder without reflections and/or saturation are quite small under these conditions. Action to be taken: 1) Test this function in the laboratory with a TPR 900. 2) Test this function outside or in flight at a later date. 6.0 Conclusions: 1) The electrical installation was correct. 2) The On-Board Mode S equipment initialised correctly. 3) The aircraft parameters that could be extracted were correct. 4) The parameters flagged by the aircraft systems as “no computed data” will have to be verified during roll or flight tests. 5) Short Mode S data link messages were exchanged in uplink and downlink. 6) Long Mode S data link messages will have to be verified during roll or flight tests. Attachment: Printout showing Printer Test Report and Uplink short messages. 18 APPENDIX B - FLIGHT TEST RESULTS MODE-S DATA LINK & SPECIFIC SERVICES INSTALLATION ON A300/600 BELUGA AT TOULOUSE BLAGNAC Monday, 08 December, 1997 19 Mode S Airborne Equipment details Equipment Manufacturer Type Serial Nr. Transponder DLPU DLT Printer Collins NLR EEC Bendix TPR 900 C/1/3 617 001 002 PTR 45B Mode S Test Equipment Dassault Electronique Mode S Test Bench + PC driver PC terminal emulator for DLPU programming and control Aircraft details Type: A300/608ST Beluga Wing Nr. F-GSTA Operator: Airbus Transport International General Remarks All test results are recorded on the PC hard disk whenever possible. 20 1. Data Link Equipment Initial Installation Tests Equipment Test Pass Transponder Panel Test YES DLPU Front panel lights Log file YES YES DLT Lighting Dim Initial message on screen YES YES Panel Test Channel 1 active Paper full YES YES 80% Printer Fail 2. Mode S address From squitter or DF 11 reply 3 Correct : Address hexedecimal 9 4 A 6 0 F YES 21 Decoded Tail number G S T A 3. DLPU Arinc Channels and labels Check presence of labels on each channel with PC plugged into DLPU. Channel 1 Channel 3 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 IRS 1 FCU ADC 1 FMC 1 SGU EFIS 1 Label 150 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 324 325 333 335 362 363 364 365 366 367 OK Label 103 106 102 101 104 270 271 272 273 274 275 OK Label OK Label 203 204 220 212 206 241 221 205 213 211 242 210 217 001 002 012 066 075 103 106 115 116 117 233 234 235 236 261 310 311 343 Not enough time during flight to make this test. 22 OK Label 312 320 164 325 317 313 314 270 271 206 203 221 205 211 OK 4. Downlink Tests 4.1 GICB Extract and verify the contents GICB Contents 10* Capability 10 00 00 00 80 10 Capability 10 04 AE 30 80 20 Fight ID 20 B G A 9 1 30 TCAS not implemented on this aircraft * capability initially inserted by TPR 900 ( overwritten later by DLPU ) GICB 40 43 44 45 50 51 53 Contents Aircraft Intention Next wypt details Meteo. report Met.hazrd report Track & turn rpt. Position rpt. 70 Air ref. state vec. Heading & spd rpt Intent 1 80 Intent 2 90 Intent 3 A0 Deviation report Speeds report Altitudes report GMT report Meteo. report Air ref. state vect. 60 B0 C0 61 71 21 Parameter Sel.alt 26000 Bearing to -36.21 Windspd 34 SAT Roll angl -0.35 Lat. 43N16.503 1 Parameter Sel.alt.rate Time to go 06.30 Wind dir. -104 Av. press 339 hPa True track -91.4 Long. 1E29.9778 Mag.hd -90.176 Mag.head -90.176 Sel.alt. 26000 Sel.Air spd IAS 256 CAS 256 Sel.head -90.00 Sel.alt.rt Sel.mach 0.600 X-trk error 0.008 CAS 244 Radio ht. Sel.alt.rt UTC Roll angl 0 Mag.head -90.18 158 TAS 358 339.5 Flight Nr. 9194 Inert.V.V. -132 TAS 358 Parameter sel.mag.hd -90.00 go 35.8 SAT Parameter sel airspd 242.5 00 00 9 Parameter 00 00 4 Parameter Av. press. 339 hPa Radio ht Gr’nd spd. 338 Altitude 24248 Trk ang. rt 0 TAS 372 Mach 0.632 Mach 0.624 Discretes 001E Sel.alt 26000 Sel.alt 26000 Accel.nrm 0.094 Mach 0.603 Altitude 26029 GMT NA Wind spd 35 Inert.VV -64 TAS 372 Baro.alt -384 Discretes 0040 Discretes 1100 Discretes 1100 Alt.rate 924 Inert. v.v. 32 23 Discretes 000 Discretes 000 Mag.head -90.176 Wind angl. -104 SAT -40.5 SAT -40 Accel.nrm 0.1g Accel.nrm 31 41 51 Waypoint info. Waypoint Identifier Position report Bear. wpt. -80.33 Act.wpt1 NA Lat. 43N29.954 5 Time to go 5.9 Act.wpt2 NA Long. 1E34.4891 go 31.60 Des.track NA Altitude 4040 24 Weights C of G Weight report 25.3% 236800 lbs 17 Engine 1 N1 Target Fuel flow TAT report NA -3 27 Engine 2 N1 Target Fuel flow TAT 6eport NA -3 2A Radio VHF 1 VHF 2 frequency NA NA D0 Turn Sel.course Sel.head Sel.alt. report 1 NA -89.60 26000 D1 Turn Roll angle Roll rate Trk.ang.rt. report 2 -0.70 -1.0 -0.25 D2 Turn Roll angle Roll rate Trk.angl.rt. report 3 -0.70 -1.0 -0.25 NA = Parameter Not Available on this installation SAT -16 SAT -16 Desrd.trk NA Mag.head -90.0 Trk.angl. -90.0 Inert.V.V. -32 X-trk.accel 0.492 X-trk.accel 0.492 X-head ac. NA X-head ac. NA The following parameters were not seen or not valid: ARINC Label 021 N1 Target ( FMC bus ) ARINC Label 150 GMT/UTC ( IRS bus ) - Does this have to be input by the pilot via the FMS ? ARINC Label 103 Selected Air Speed (FCU bus) - Was this selected during the flight ? ARINC Label 104 Selected vertical speed (FCU bus) - ditto ? ARINC Label 164 Radio Altitude ( SGU EFIS bus)- Is this only valid in certain flight phases? ARINC Label 213 SAT Static Air Temperature - due to a too short timeout in DLPU for this parameter, now corrected. 4.2 Broadcast Messages Change of Flight ID Change of Capability Report - PASS - PASS 4.3 Comm-D Messages Not applicable on this installation 4.4 Aquisition Squitter Diversity fitted - YES Top antenna Bottom antenna -PASS -PASS 24 RATE:0.5 Hz RATE:0.5 Hz 4.5 Send Comm-B message with DLT Read with bench -PASS 4.6 Send Comm-D message with DLT Not applicable on this installation 25 5. Data Link Uplink Tests 5.1 Send Comm-A test messages with bench Messages received on printer PASS 5.2 Send Comm-C messages with bench Messages received on printer FAIL Due to a wiring error on the CommC/D transponder channel. This will be corrected as soon as possible. Note: As a verification the DLPU and transponder from the aircraft were tested at EEC Bretigny and the CommC messages functionned correctly. After a wiring change on the aircraft this was retested and the CommC messages were then correctly received by the aircraft system. 26 6.0 Flight Test 6.1 Test programme Interference tests will be made during various flight phases. For this purpose ModeS Data Link messages will be exchanged with the ground station. The ground station can transmit data link messages at a high rate (bursts) during any interference test. The airborne data link equipment ( DLT ) can transmit messages to the ground during the flight tests but at a low rate only, as this is dependant on a human operator and keyboard. The exact nature and sequence of the flight test is described in a paper by S. Le Gall entitled A300-600ST ENHANCED MODE S EMI FLIGHT TEST dated 4/12/97. 6.2 Mode S test setup During the flight, Mode S data link messages were sent down-link from the DLT installed in the cockpit and uplink messages were transmitted to the aircraft by the mobile Mode S ground station installed on the taxi-way at Blagnac airport. The ground station also extracted and validated the various aircraft parameters loaded into the transponder by the DLPU. Data link activity was high during the flight test. Bursts of data link messages were also sent on request from the aircraft during some flight phases. 6.3 Mode S activity during Flight During the flight 118 valid ATC type messages were received on the flight deck printer and 25 messages were sent from the flight deck (DLT) and correctly received on the ground. The GICB registers were extracted many times during the flight. Recordings were made of all this Mode S activity. Many hundreds of messages were sent to the aircraft during the bursts of messages sent during some flight phases. These messages, although processed by the Mode S system, were not recorded or output on the printer as they would have overloaded the Mode S data link system. 27 7.0 Conclusions No interference or perturbances were observed during the flight test due to Mode S Data Link activity, STNA will certify the ModeS Data-Link Enhanced Surveillance Installation. A wiring change is necessary to correct the delivery of CommC ( long messages) on the second transponder channel. This will be done as soon as possible and the delivery of CommC messages to the aircraft will be further tested when the aircraft flies within range of the Orly Mode S radar. Note: This is now done and the CommC functions correctly. A few parameters were not available during the flight ( see Section 4.1 ). These may be verified at a later date and are not considered essential for the present trials. The installed system is now ready for operational use. 28 APPENDIX C - BASIC SYSTEM TEST FOR GROUND CREW 29 Basic system test for Mode S data link system PRINTER, DLT check power ON. TRANSPONDER, check position 2 selected on control unit and transponder power ON. DLPU check power ON. PRINTER: Check paper. Press Test button and verify printer output correct : 1) All characters printed OK 2) Port 1 active 3) All other ports ( 2 -12 ) inactive. DLT Verify display shows : DLPU DLT DRIVER Press ‘Shift’ key to verify all keyboard keys light up correctly DLPU ( Check only if above tests fail ) Check GREEN light on front panel is ON. ( You must wait 20 seconds after switch on ) TRANSPONDER ( Check only if above tests fail ) Press TEST button on control unit ( or front panel ) to verify transponder self test. SYSTEM RESET: In case of any malfunction make a sytem reset by pulling the DLPU breaker OFF and then push ON again. If the malfunction persists inform EUROCONTROL. 30 APPENDIX D - FLIGHT TEST SCENARIO 31 NOTE: The enhanced Mode S system under certification shall be in operation (in transmit mode) during all the measures and tests described herebelow. The flight interphone shall be used and checked during all the flight test. 1. PREPARATION FOR FLIGHT 1.1 RADIO ALTIMETER ACCURACY The PFD 1/2 radio height indications are 0. • Annotate RAD ALT1 - 2 Perform the current TAXI procedure and check that radio height is 0 during taxing. 2. AFTER LIFT OFF - CLIMBTO FL310 2.1 RADIO ALTIMETER ACCURACY Above 2500 ft the radio height indications are removed from the PFD 1/2 • Annotate RAD ALT1 - 2 3. CRUISE AT FL 310 3.1 NAVIGATION SYSTEM ACCURACY 3.1.1 VHF NAV The VOR - DME - ATC minimum range is 175Nm at FL 310. • Add 5 Nm forevery 2000 ft above FL 310, • Substract 5 Nm for every 2000 ft below FL 310. VOR stations within range are obtained from the EFIS VOR option key. • Annotate VOR 1 - 2 • Annotate DME 1 - 2 • Annotate ATC 1 - 2 including IDENT I - 2 3.1.2 WEATHER RADAR The WX/RX are verified on all available operating modes. • Annotate WX/RX I - 2. 32 3.2 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ACCURACY 3.2.1 VHF COM The VHF COM minimum range is 175Nm at FL 310. • Add 5 Nm for every 2000 ft above FL 310, • Subtract 5 Nm for every 2000 ft below FL 310. • Annotate VHF 1-2-3 including SELCAL 1-2-3. 33 3.2.2 HF COM The HF COM minimum range is dependant on meteo conditions and wave propagation. The most common HF frequencies for in-flight use are listed herebelow: • TOULOUSE • STOCKHOLM • LUFTHANSA 6543 5 541 - 8 930 - 11 345 - 13 342 10 078 - 13 296 • Annotate HF 1-2 including SELCAL 1-2 4. DESCENT TO FL 100 - CRUISE AT FL 100 4.1 ADF The ADF range is dependant on the ground station quality and is expected to be 50 Nm minimum. ADF stations within range are obtained from the EFIS NDB option key. • Annotate ADF 1 - 2. 4.2 WEATHER RADAR The WX/RX are verified on all available operating modes. • Annotate WX/RX 1 - 2 5. APPROACH 1 GO AROUND 5.1 NDB BALANCE At FL 40 the balance time of the ADF indication shall be measure vertically to an NDB station. • Annotate ADF 1 - 2 5.2 WEATHER RADAR The WX/RX are verified on all available operating modes. • Annotate WX/RX I - 2 5.3 A/C GENERAL DH : AFS: 100ft CAT 2 5.4 RADIO ALTIMETER ACCURACY Below 2500 ft the radio height indications are restored on both PFD 1/2 • Annotate RAD ALT1 - 2 5.5 VOR MARKER VALIDITY AND ACCURACY 34 The time between Markers illumination is to be verified. The VOR MKR 1/2 shall be checked. • Annotate VOR MKR 1 - 2 35 5.6 ILS ACCURACY The linearity of Localizer and Glide Slope is to be verified. The LOC and GS indications shall be checked. • Annotate ILS I - 2 5.7 AUTO CALL OUT (1) When 100 ft above DH : Specific Auto Call Out for 100 ft above DH may be generated. 5.8 AUTO FLIGHT When at DH initiate the go around. 6. APPROACH 2 - AUTO - LAND 6.1 ILS ACCURACY The linearity of Localizer and Glide Slope is to be verified. The LOC and GS indications shall be checked. • Annotate ILS I - 2 6.2 A/C GENERAL AUTO BRK MED DH : ON (if necessary) : 100 ft 6.3 AUTOMATIC LANDING Perform standard Automatic Landing procedure. 6.4 AUTO CALL OUT (2) • Record the Auto Call Out sequence as generated. 6.5 ENGINE REVERSE • Apply idle engine reverse. 36 APPENDIX E - DETAILS OF GICB CONTENTS Page No. Eurocontrol Format BDS 1.0 - Capability Report BDS 1.7 - Engine No. 1 Report BDS 2.1 - Aircraft Referenced State Vector Report BDS 2.4 - Weight and Balance Report BDS 2.7 - Engine No. 2 Report BDS 3.1 - Waypoint Information BDS 4.1 - Waypoint Identifier BDS 5.1 - Position Report BDS 6.1 - G.M.T. Report BDS 7.0 - Aircraft Intention 1 Report BDS 7.1 - Meteorological Report BDS 8.0 - Aircraft Intention 2 Report BDS 9.0 - Aircraft Intention 3 Report BDS A.0 - Deviation Report BDS B.0 - Airspeeds Report BDS C.0 - Altitude Report BDS D.0 - Intention Report 1 BDS D.1 - Turn Indication Report 1 BDS D.2 - Turn Indication Report 2 Mode S Specific Services Format BDS 2.0 - Aircraft Identity BDS 4.0 - Aircraft Intention BDS 4.3 - Aircraft Intention BDS 4.4 - Meteorological Routine Report BDS 4.5 - Meteorological Hazard Report BDS 5.0 - Track and Turn Report BDS 5.1 - Position Report Coarse BDS 5.3 - Air-referenced State Vector BDS 6.0 - Heading and Speed Report 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 1,0 Capability Report Eurocontrol Format Purpose: To provide the DLPU status. Notes: 1) Bite test bit B definition 1 = Bite test successful. 0 = Bite test failure. 2) DLPU status LED bit definition 1 = LED on. 0 = LED off 3) BDS 20 output 1 = active 0 = not active 4) ADI channels active bits c1 to c10. ( 10 channels ) 1 = channel active. 5) DLT ( cockpit Data Link Terminal ) bit d definition 1 = DLT present and on-line 6) MICP ( cockpit printer ) bit m definition 1 = printer present and on-line 7) GPFT ( General Purpose File Transfer ) g bit definition 1 = GPFT initialised and available 0 = GPFT not initialised. 8) Control unit bit u definition 1 = control unit connected 9) Aircraft type field tttt definition Indicates type of aircaft field 0 to 15 which is hard wired on aircraft. This enables DLPU to process data from 15 different types of aircraft installations. 10) SAL Sytem Address Label field ssssssss definition. The SAL can be hard wired on the aircraft. Value from 00 to FF hexadecimal. This is used by the file transfer facility. 38 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Data bit no. Description Bit. BDS 1,0 ( Not used ) Bite test Status LED BDS 20 o/p ADI Channels Active DLT MICP GPFT Not used Control unit msb Aircraft type lsb msb System Address Label lsb Not used 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x x x x x B S T c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c 10 d m g x x x x x x u t t t t s s s s s s s s x x x x x x x x Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 1, 7 Engine No. 1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 39 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 128 % N1 ACTUAL Label 346 Range = [0,256 %] Status lsb = 128/1024 % 1 = Valid data msb = 16384 lb/hr FUEL FLOW Label 347 Range = 0, 32768 lb/hr Status Sign lsb = 8 lb/hr 1 = Valid data 1 = -ve msb = 256 C TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE Label 211 Range = +-512 deg C Status Sign msb = 0.5 C 1 = Valid data 1 = -ve msb = 256 C STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range = +- 512 C lsb = 0.5 C ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 2,1 Aircraft Referenced State Vector Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 40 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Data bit no. Status Sign 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Status Sign Description 1 = valid data MAGNETIC HEADING Label 320 Range = [+-180 deg] lsb = 0.18 deg Status TRUE AIR SPEED Label 210 Range = [0,2048 kt] lsb = 0.5 kt] Status Sign ALTITUDE RATE Label 212 or 365 Range =[+-16384 ft/min] lsb = 64 ft/min Status Sign STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range = [+-512 °C] lsb = 0.5 °C NORMAL BODY ACCELERATION Label 333 Range = [+-1g] lsb = 0.16g ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 2,4 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Weight and Balance Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 41 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data CENTRE OF GRAVITY Label 066 ( BCD ) Range = 0, 99.9 % Status 1 = valid data msb = 65536 lbs GROSS WEIGHT Label 075 Range = 0, 131072 lbs msb = 16 lbs ARINC bit no. 30&31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 2, 7 Engine No. 2 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 42 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 128 % N1 ACTUAL Label 346 Range = [0,256 %] Status lsb = 128/1024 % 1 = Valid data msb = 16384 lb/hr FUEL FLOW Label 347 Range = 0, 32768 lb/hr Status Sign lsb = 8 lb/hr 1 = Valid data 1 = -ve msb = 256 C TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE Label 211 Range = +-512 deg C Status Sign msb = 0.5 C 1 = Valid data 1 = -ve msb = 256 C STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range = +- 512 C lsb = 0.5 C ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 3,1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Waypoint Information Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 43 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data BEARING TO WAYPOINT Label 115 Range =[ +-180 deg ] lsb = 0.18 deg ] Status TIME TO GO Label 002 BCD Range = [0,399.9 min] ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Status DISTANCE TO GO BCD Label 001 Range = [0,3999.9 nm] SPARE 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 4,1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Waypoint Identifier Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 44 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data char 3 ACTIVE WAYPOINT 1 Label 356 ISO 5 Characters char 2 Status char 1 1 = valid data char 6 ACTIVE WAYPOINT 2 Label 357 ISO 5 Characters char 5 Status Sign char4 1 = valid 1 = west msb = 90 deg DESIRED TRACK Label 114 Range = +- 180 deg lsb = 90/512 deg ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 5,1 Position Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 45 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb = 90 deg LATITUDE Label 310 Range =[ +-180 deg ] Status Sign lsb = 90/131072 deg 1 = valid data msb = 90 deg LONGITUDE Label 311 Range =[ +-180 deg ] Status Sign lsb = 90/131072 deg 1 = valid data msb = 65536 ft ALTITUDE Label 203 Range = -1000,131072 ft lsb = 8 ft ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 6,1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 G.M.T. Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 46 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data Hrs 0 -23 GMT Binary Word Label 150 Minutes 0 - 59 Seconds 0 - 59 Status 1 = valid data FLIGHT NUMBER (BCD) Label 261 Status 1 = valid data GMT BCD Word Label 125 ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 7,0 Aircraft Intention 1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 47 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data SELECTED ALTITUDE Label 102 Range = [0,65536 ft] Status Sign lsb = 16 ft 1 = Valid data SELECTED HEADING Label 101 Range = [+-180 deg] lsb = 0.8 deg Status STATUS WORD 1 Label 270 Discrete data Status STATUS WORD 2 Label 271 Discrete data ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 30&31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 7,1 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Meteorological Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 48 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data 1 = left wing down msb = 45 deg ROLL ANGLE Label 325 Range =[ +-90 deg ] Status Sign Status lsb = 45/128 deg 1 = valid data 1 = down msb = 4096 ft/min ALTITUDE RATE or INERTIAL VERTICAL VEL. Label 212 or 365 Range +-8192 ft/min lsb = 128 ft/min 1 = valid data msb = 128 kt WIND SPEED Label 315 Range = 0,256 kt Status Sign lsb = 1 kt 1 = valid data 1 = west msb = 90 deg WIND ANGLE Label 316 Range = +-180 deg Status Sign lsb = 90/1218 deg 1 = valid data 1 = -ve msb = 256 C STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range +- 512 deg C Status Sign lsb = 0.5 C 1 = valid data 1 = -ve msb = 0.5 g ACCELERATION Label 333 lsb = 1/16 g ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 8,0 Aircraft Intention 2 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 49 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 256 kt SELECTED AIR SPEED Label 103 Range = [0,512 kt] Status Sign lsb = 0.25 kt 1 = Valid data 1 = down msb = 8192 SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE Label 104 Range = [+-16384 ft/min] lsb = 16 ft/min Status msb = 32768 ft SELECTED ALTITUDE Label 102 Range = 0, 65536 ft msb = 16 ft Status STATUS WORD 1 Label 270 Discrete data Status ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30 & 31 25 24 23 22 20 15 14 13 30 & 31 STATUS WORD 2 Label 271 Discrete data 27 22 21 20 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 9, 0 Aircraft Intention 3 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 50 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 2048 mM SELECTED MACH Label 106 Range = [0,4096 mM] Status Sign lsb = 2 mM 1 = Valid data 1 = down msb = 8192 SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE Label 104 Range = [+-16384 ft/min] lsb = 16 ft/min Status msb = 32768 ft SELECTED ALTITUDE Label 102 Range = 0, 65536 ft msb = 16 ft Status STATUS WORD 1 Label 270 Discrete data Status ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30 & 31 25 24 23 22 20 15 14 13 30 & 31 STATUS WORD 2 Label 271 Discrete data 27 22 21 20 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS A,0 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Deviation Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 51 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb = 64 nm CROSS TRACK ERROR Label 116 Range =[ 0, 128 mn] ] Status Sign lsb =0.004 nm 1 = valid data 1 = low msb = 1024 ft VERTICAL DEVIATION Label 117 Range = 0, 2048 ft Status Sign lsb = 1 ft 1 = valid data 1 = -ve msb = 0.5 g BODY NORMAL ACCELERATION Label 333 Range = +- 1g lsb = 1/64 g ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS B,0 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Airspeeds Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 52 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 512 kt COMPUTED AIR SPEED Label 206 Range =[ 0, 1024 kt ] Status lsb = 0.25 kt 1 = valid data msb = 1024 kt TRUE AIR SPEED Label 210 Range =[ 0, 2048 kt ] Status lsb = 0.5 kt 1 = valid data msb = 2048 mM MACH Label 205 Range =[ 0, 4.096 ] Status Sign lsb = 0.00025 1 = valid data 1 = west msb = 90 deg MAGNETIC HEADING Label 320 Range =[+-180 deg ] lsb = 90/512 deg ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS C,0 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Altitude Report Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 53 Data bit no. Status Description 1 = valid data msb = 4096 ft RADIO HEIGHT Label 164 Range = 0, 8192 ft Status lsb = 1 ft 1 = valid data msb = 512 mb AVERAGE STATIC PRESSURE Label 246 Range 0,1024 mb Status lsb = 0.25 mb 1 = valid data msb = 65536 ft ALTITUDE Label 203 Range = 0, 131072 ft lsb = 1 ft ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 30&31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS D,0 Intention Report 1 Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 54 BDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Data Status Sign 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Status Sign 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Status Sign 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Status Sign 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb 90 deg SELECTED COURSE Label 100 Range [+-180 deg ] lsb 0.7 deg 1 = valid data msb 90 deg SELECTED HEADING Label 101 Range [+-180 deg ] lsb 0.7 deg 1 = valid data msb 32 768 ft SELECTED ALTITUDE Label 102 Range [0,65 536 ft] lsb 16 ft 1 = valid data msb 90 deg DESIRED TRACK Label 114 Range [+-180 deg ] lsb 0.7 deg 1 = valid data msb 16339 ft/min INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY Label 365 Range [0,32678 ft/min] lsb = 32 ft/min ARINC 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS D,1 Turn Indication Report 1 Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. 55 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Data bit no. Status Sign 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Status Sign 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Status Sign 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Status Sign 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Status 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Status Description 1 = valid data msb 22.5 deg ROLL ANGLE Label 325 Range [+- 45 deg ] lsb 0.7 deg 1 = valid data msb 56 deg/sec ROLL RATE Label 327 Range [0,128 deg/sec] lsb 1 deg/sec 1 = valid data msb 16 deg/sec TRACK ANGLE RATE Label 335 Range [ +- 32 deg/sec lsb 0.25 deg/sec 1 = valid data msb 90 deg MAGNETIC HEADING Label 320 Range [+-180 deg] lsb 0.044 deg 1 = valid data msb 0.25 g CROSS TRACK ACCEL Label 363 Range [0,0.5g] lsb 0.004g 1 = valid data msb 0.25 g CROSS HEAD. ACCEL Label 376 Range [0,0.5g] lsb 0.004g ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BDS D,2 Turn Indication Report 2 Eurocontrol Format Status bit = 0 also if data too old. Data Status Sign msb 22.5 deg ROLL ANGLE Label 325 Range [+- 45 deg ] lsb 0.7 deg 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 56 Description 1 = valid data msb 56 deg/sec ROLL RATE Label 327 or 337 Range [128 deg/sec] lsb 1 deg/sec 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Status Sign 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Status Sign 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Status 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Status 1 = valid data TRACK ANGLE RATE Label 335 Range [ 0,32 deg/sec] 1 = valid data msb 90 deg TRACK ANGLE TRUE Label 313 Range [+-180 deg] lsb 0.044 deg 1 = valid data msb 0.25 g CROSS TRACK ACCEL Label 363 Range [0,0.5g] lsb 0.004 g 1 = valid data msb 0.25 g CROSS HEAD. ACCEL Label 376 Range [0,0.5g] lsb 0.004 g ARINC 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BDS 2,0 Aircraft Identity ModeS Specific Service Format Purpose: To report aircraft identification to the ground in accordance with Annex.10 Volume IV, section Notes: 1) Annex 10, Volume IV, section provides a full definition of BDS 2,0 2) The character coding to be used is identical to taht defined in Table 3-6 of Chapter 3, Annex 10, Volume IV. 3) This data may be input to ther transponder from sources other than the Mode S ADLP. 4) This format is used by the extended squitter application. Description BDS Label 2,0 Bit 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Character 1 see Note 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 Character 2 see Note 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 Character 3 see Note 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 Character 4 see Note 2 30 31 32 33 34 35 Character 5 see Note 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 Character 6 see Note 2 42 43 44 45 46 47 Character 7 see Note 2 48 49 50 51 52 53 Character 8 see Note 2 54 55 56 57 Data Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 4,0 Aircraft intention Purpose: To provide ready access to information about an aircraft’s short-term intentions, in order to improve the effectiveness of conflict probes and to provide additional tactical information to controllers. Notes: 1) The data entered into this register should be derived from the sources that are controlling the aircraft. 2) Selected course/heading and selected airspeed/mach are switchable, with an extra switch bit to indicate which parameter is in use. It is defined as follows: SWITCH bit Course/heading Airspeed/Mach 0 Course Airspeed 1 Heading Mach 58 Data Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb = 32768 ft SELECTED ALTITUDE Label 102 Range =[ 0, 65520 ft ] lsb = 16 ft 1 = valid data Sign 1 = minus msb = 8192 ft/min SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE Label 104 Range = [+- 16352 ft/min ] lsb = 32 ft/min SWITCH STATUS SIGN msb = 90 deg SELECTED MAGNETIC COURSE / HEADING Label 100 / 101 Range = [+-180 deg] lsb = 360/512 deg SWITCH STATUS msb = 256 kt/Mach 2048 SELECTED AIRSPEED/MACH Label 103 / 106 Range = [ 0,512 kt] or [0,4.096 Mach] lsb = 0.5 kt/Mach 0.004 STATUS of MODE Fields MODE SELECTED ALTITUDE MODE SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE MODE SELECT. COURSE/HEADING MODE SELECTED AIRSPEED/MACH ARINC bit no. 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 4,3 Aircraft intention ModeS Specific Service Format Purpose: To provide ready access to details about the next waypoint on an aircraft’s route, without the need to establish a data link dialogue with the flight management system. This will assist with short and medium term tactical control. Note: Time to go and Distance to go are Binary Coded Decimal values, where each decimal digit requires 4 bits of data. 59 Data Status Sign Description 1 = valid data Msb=90 deg. BEARING TO WAYPOINT Label 115 Range=[+-180 deg.] Status Lsb= 360/2048 degs. 1 = valid data 10 min. digit TIME TO GO Label 002 (BCD) 1 min. Range=[0, 99.9 min] 0.1 min Status 1 = valid data 100 nm. digit DISTANCE TO GO 10 nm. Label 001 (BCD) Range=[0,999.9 nm] 1 nm. 0.1 nm. UNASSIGNED ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 4,4 Meteorological Routine Report Purpose: To allow meteorological data to be collected by ground systems. The decimal value of the binary coded ( figure of merit ) FOM/SOURCE parameter must be interpreted as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5-15 = Invalid = INS = GNSS = DME/DME = VOR/DME = Unassigned Notes: 1) ARINC 429 label 315 only supplies data with an MSB of 128. When using this data source, bit 6 in the MB field is not used and must be set to 0. 2) The interpretation of the two bits assigned to TURBULENCE is as shown in the table for BDS 4,5. 3) The average static pressure is not a requirement of Annex 3. 60 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Data Description ARINC bit no. FOM/SOURCE Status Wind parameters MSB = 256 kt WINDSPEED Label 315 Range = [0,512 kt ] lsb = 1 kt Sign msb = 90 deg. WIND DIRECTION Label 316 Range = [+-180 deg] lsb = 180/256 deg Status Sign msb = 64 deg C STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range = [+-128 C ] lsb = 0.25 C Status msb = 1024 hPa AVERAGE STATIC PRESSURE Label 217 Range = [2048 hPa] lsb = 1 hPa Status TURBULENCE Status msb = 100% HUMIDITY lsb = 100/64% 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30&31 29 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 4,5 Meteorological Hazard Report ModeS Specific Service Format Purpose: To provide reports on the severity of meteorological hazards, in particular for low flight. The interpretation of the two bits assigned to each hazard is defined in the table below: Bit 1 0 0 1 1 Bit 2 0 1 0 1 Nil Light Moderate Severe Note : The definition of the terms Light, Moderate, and Severe are those defined in the PANS-RAC ( Doc.4444) where applicable. 61 Data Status Description ARINC bit no. 1 = valid data TURBULENCE Status WIND SHEAR Status MICROBURST Status ICING Status WAKE VORTEX Status Sign Msb = 64 deg c STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE Label 213 Range = [ +- 128 deg C] Lsb = 0.25 deg C Status Msb = 1024 hPa AVERAGE STATIC PRESSURE Label 217 Range = 0, 2048 hPa Lsb = 1 hPa Status Msb = 32 768 ft RADIO HEIGHT Label 164 Range = 0, 65 528 ft Lsb = 16 ft 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 5,0 Track and turn report Mode S Specific Services Format 1. All references to ARINC assume that the ARINC 429 standard is used. 2. The BDS servicing process will make a logical AND of bits 30 & 31 of each ARINC parameter and insert the result into the status bit for the corresponding parameter. 3. The maximum acceptable data age at time of transmission to the ground is 1 s for all parameters. 4. The BDS update rate will be sufficient to ensure that the maximum acceptable data age of all parameters is not exceeded in normal operation. 5. If maximum acceptable data age is exceeded for any parameter, then the status bit for that parameter should actively be set to 0 by the BDS processing service. 6. If the value of a parameter from the data source exceeds the range allowable in the BDS definition, the maximum allowable value in the correct positive or negative sense will be used instead. Notes: 1) The data entered into this register should, whenever possible, be derived from the sources that are controlling the aircraft. 2) This requires active intervention by the BDS servicing process. 3) Where ARINC 429 is used, this only relates to parameters where the most significant bit or bits have been omitted from the BDS format. 7. If any parameter is not available on the aircraft, all bits corresponding to that parameter must be actively set to 0 by the BDS servicing process. Note : If any parameter becomes unavailable due to abnormal operation, then item 5 above applies. 62 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data 1 = left (left wing down ) msb = 45 deg ROLL ANGLE Label 325 Range =[ +- 90deg ] Status Sign lsb = 45/256 deg 1 = valid data 1 = west ( e.g. 315 = -45 deg) msb = 90 deg TRUE TRACK ANGLE Label 313 Range =[ +- 180 deg ] Status lsb = 90/512 deg 1 = valid data msb = 1024 kts GROUND SPEED Label 312 Range = [0,2046 ] lsb = 2 kt 1 = valid data 1 = minus msb = 8 deg/sec TRACK ANGLE RATE Label 335 Range = [-16,+16] lsb = 8/256 1 = valid data msb = 1024 kt TRUE AIR SPEED Label 210 Range =[0,2046] lsb = 2 kt ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 5, 1 Position Report Coarse ModeS Specific Service Format PURPOSE: To provide a three-dimensional report on aircraft position. Notes : 1) The single status bit ( bit 1 ) is to be set to 0 if any of the three parameters are invalid and are identical to the status bit in BDS 5,2. 2) The required valid range for latitude is +90 degrees to 90 degrees, but the parameter is coded with an msb of 90 degrees to allow the use of the same coding algorithm as for longitude. 3) The source of the information in this buffer is the same as that indicated in the FOM/SOURCE field of BDS 5,2. 63 Data Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb = 90 deg LATITUDE Range =[ +-180 deg ] lsb = 360/1048576 deg Sign msb = 90 deg LONGITUDE Range =[ +-180 deg ] lsb = 360/1048576 deg Sign msb = 65536 ft PRESSURE ALTITUDE Range = 131068 ft lsb = 8 ft ARINC bit no. Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 BDS 5,3 Air-referenced State Vector ModeS Specific Service Format PURPOSE: To provide the ATC system with the current measured values of magnetic heading, IAS/Mach, altitude rate and TAS. 64 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data msb = 90 deg MAGNETIC HEADING Label 320 Range =[ +-180 deg ] Status lsb = 360/2048 deg 1 = valid data msb = 512 kt INDICATED AIRSPEED (IAS) Label 206 Range = 0, 1024 kt Status lsb = 1 kt 1 = valid data msb = 2.048 MACH NUMBER Label 205 Range = 0, 4.096 Status lsb = 0.008 1 = valid data msb = 1024 kt TRUE AIRSPEED (TAS) Range = 0,2048 kt Status Sign lsb = 0.5 kt 1 = valid data msb = 8192 ft/min ALTITUDE RATE Label 212 Range = +- 16384 ft/min msb = 64 ft/min ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Mode-S Specific Services Installation on A300/600ST Beluga aircraft EUROCONTROL BDS 6,0 Heading and speed report ModeS Specific Service Format 1. All references to ARINC assume that the ARINC 429 standard is used. 2. The BDS servicing process will make a logical AND of bits 30 & 31 of each ARINC parameter and insert the result into the status bit for the corresponding parameter. 3. The maximum acceptable data age at time of transmission to the ground is 1 s for all parameters. 4. The BDS update rate will be sufficient to ensure that the maximum acceptable data age of all parameters is not exceeded in normal operation. 5. If maximum acceptable data age is exceeded for any parameter, then the status bit for that parameter should actively be set to 0 by the BDS processing service. 6. If the value of a parameter from the data source exceeds the range allowable in the BDS definition, the maximum allowable value in the correct positive or negative sense will be used instead. Notes: 1) The data entered into this register should, whenever possible, be derived from the sources that are controlling the aircraft. 2) This requires active intervention by the BDS servicing process. 3) Where ARINC 429 is used, this only relates to parameters where the most significant bit or bits have been omitted from the BDS format. 7. All parameters are required except for Inertial Vertical Velocity which will be supplied only by aircraft with a suitable inertial source. If Inertial Vertical Velocity is not available bits 46 to 56 inclusive must be actively set to 0 by the BDS servicing process. 65 BDS bit no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Data bit no. Status Sign Description 1 = valid data 1 = west msb = 90 deg MAGNETIC HEADING Label 320 Range =[ +-180 deg ] Status lsb = 90/512 deg 1 = valid data msb = 512 kt INDICATED AIRSPEED Label 206 Range = [0, 1023] Status lsb = 1kt 1 = valid data msb = 2.048 mach MACH NUMBER Label 205 Range = [0, 4.096 ] Status Sign lsb = 2.048/512 1 = valid data 1 = below msb = 8192 ft/min BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE RATE Label 212 Range = [-16384, +16352 ] Status Sign lsb = 32 ft/min 1 = valid data 1 = below msb = 8192 ft/min INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY Label 365 Range = [-16384, +16352 ] lsb = 32 ft/min ARINC bit no. 30&31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 30&31 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 APPENDIX F - BDS ALLOCATION TABLE FOR A300 BELUGA 66 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers ; ; BELUGA A300/600 TABLE ; ; MODES SPECIFIC SERVICE MANUAL BDS DEFINITIONS ; DB 26 ;number of update reports ; ; BDS 40 AIRCRAFT INTENTION ; DB 040H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 102Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;unsigned value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 104Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 14 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;SWITCH BIT Bit 25 should be 1 ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 101Q ;label SELECTED MAGNETIC HEADING DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 26 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 27 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;SWITCH BIT Bit 36=0 ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 103Q ;label SELECTED AIRSPEED DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 37 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 38 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;unsigned value ; SPACE HERE FOR SELECTED MODES - 9 BITS ; ; BDS 41 NEXT WAYPOINT DETAILS ; ; Waypoint name - 9 chars in 6 bit character form ; BDS 42 NEXT WAYPOINT DETAILS ; Waypoint Lat. Long. Crossing Altitude ; Information not available ; BDS 43 NEXT WAYPOINT DETAILS DB 043H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 115Q ;label BEARING TO WAYPOINT DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format EUROCONTROL DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 002Q ;label TIME TO GO DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 14 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;unsigned value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 001Q ;label DISTANCE TO GO DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 16 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 26 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 27 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;unsigned value ; ; BDS 44 METEREOLOGICAL ROUTINE AIR REPORT ; ; Bits 1 to 4 should be Figure of Merit (FOM) DB 044H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 315Q ;label WINDSPEED DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 5 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 6 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 316Q ;label WIND DIRECTION (TRUE ) DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 5 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 24 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 25 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 217Q ;label AVERAGE STATIC PRESSURE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms 67 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB DB DB DB DB DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word 11 ;number of bits to copy 0 ;number of discretes 35 ;status bit pos in MB field 36 ;start data pos in MB field UNSIGNED ;sign EUROCONTROL DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 313Q ;label TRUE TRACK ANGLE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 12 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 13 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 312Q ;label GROUND SPEED DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 24 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 25 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 335Q ;label TRACK ANGLE RATE DB 1 ;channel IRS bus DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 35 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 36 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 210Q ;label TRUE AIR SPEED DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 46 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 47 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ; ; BDS 51 POSITION REPORT - COARSE ; DB 51H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 310Q ;label LATITUDE DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 19 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 311Q ;label LONGITUDE DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 19 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes ; ; Turbulence Field ( 3 bits 47-49 ) ; ; Humidity Field ( 7 bits 50 - 56 ) ; ; ; BDS 45 METEREOLOGICAL HAZARD REPORT ; ; Bits 1 to 15 should be indicators of ; Turbulence ; Wind shear ; Microburst ; Icing ; Wake vortex ; DB 045H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 16 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 17 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 217Q ;label AVERAGE STATIC PRESSURE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 164Q ;label RADIO HEIGHT DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 39 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 40 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ; ; BDS 48 VHF FREQUENCY REPORT ; Not Available on Beluga ; ; ; BDS 50 TRACK AND TURN REPORT ; ; DB 50H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 325Q ;label ROLL ANGLE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word 68 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 22 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 203Q ;label ALTITUDE ( 1013.25 mb ) DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 125 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 14 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 43 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ; ; BDS 52 POSITION REPORT FINE ; Not available Beluga ; ; BDS 53 AIR REFERENCED STATE VECTOR ; DB 53H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 320Q ;label MAGNETIC HEADING DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 206Q ;label COMPUTED AIR SPEED DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 14 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 205Q ;label MACH NUMBER DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 25 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 26 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 210Q ;label TRUE AIR SPEED DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 34 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 35 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 212Q ;label ALTITUDE RATE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB DB DB DB ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; EUROCONTROL 0 ;number of discretes 47 ;status bit pos in MB field 48 ;start data pos in MB field SIGNED ;sign BDS 54 TACTICAL WAYPOINT REPORTS BDS 55 TACTICAL WAYPOINT REPORTS BDS 56 TACTICAL WAYPOINT REPORTS BDS 5F QUASI STATIC PARAMETER MONITORING Not available on Beluga BDS 60 HEADING AND SPEED REPORT DB 60H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 320Q ;label MAGNETIC HEADING DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 206Q ;label COMPUTED AIR SPEED DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 14 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 205Q ;label MACH NUMBER DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 24 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 25 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 212Q ;label BARO.ALTITUDE RATE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 35 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 36 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 365Q ;label INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 9 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 46 ;status bit pos in MB field 69 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB DB 47 ;start data pos in MB field SIGNED ;sign EUROCONTROL ; DB 9 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 250 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 11 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 15 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 17 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 ; DB 313Q ;label TRACK ANGLE TRUE ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 28 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 29 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 ; DB 317Q ;label TRACK ANGLE MAGNETIC ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 42 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 43 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; Conficts with MSSS ; ; DB 060H ;BDS register ; DW 1000 ;update interval ; DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 ; DB 317Q ;label TRACK ANGLE MAGNETIC ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 10 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 ; DB 312Q ;label GROUND SPEED ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 ; DB 365Q ;label INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY ; DB 4 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 125 ;max age ms ; DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 8 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 ; DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMP. ; DB 9 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; ; EUROCONTROL DLPU C2 BDS REPORTS ; ; Conficts with MSSS ; DB 040H ;BDS register ; DW 1000 ;update interval ; DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 ; DB 322Q ;label FLIGHT PATH ANGLE ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 10 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 ; DB 323Q ;label FLIGHT PATH ACCELERATION ; DB 1 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 14 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 ; DB 241Q ;label CORRECTED ANGLE OF ATTACK ; DB 9 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 125 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 ; DB 204Q ;label BARO.CORRECTED ALTITUDE #1 ; DB 9 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 125 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 14 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 41 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; Conficts with MSSS ; ; DB 050H ;BDS register ; DW 1000 ;update interval ; DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 ; DB 205Q ;label MACH NUMBER ; DB 9 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 250 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 12 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 ; DB 206Q ;label COMPUTED AIR SPEED 70 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers ; DW 1000 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 10 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 37 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 38 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 ; DB 333Q ;label NORMAL ACCEL. ; DB 4 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 100 ;max age ms ; DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 6 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 49 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 50 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; ; BDS 70 ; ; DB 070H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 102Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 101Q ;label SELECTED HEADING DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 15 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 16 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 270Q ;label ADC BUS DISCRETES DB 5 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 14 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 25 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 26 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 271Q ;label ADC BUS DISCRETES DB 5 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 16 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 40 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 41 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 080H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval EUROCONTROL DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 103Q ;label SELECTED AIR SPEED DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 104Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 14 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 102Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 26 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 270Q ;label FMC BUS DISCRETES DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 4 ;number of bits to copy DB 4 ;number of discretes DB 20 ;discrete bit n1 DB 15 ;discrete bit i DB 14 ;discrete bit r DB 13 ;discrete bit n DB 40 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value DB 46 ;start discrete in MB field ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 271Q ;label FMC DISCRETES DB 6 ;channel DB DISCR ;format DB 4 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;discrete bit atc DB 22 ;discrete bit mct DB 21 ;discrete bit crz DB 20 ;discrete bit clb DB 51 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 53 ;start data pos in MB field ; ; DB 090H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 106Q ;label SELECTED MACH NUMBER DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes 71 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 104Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE RATE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 14 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 102Q ;label DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 26 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 270Q ;label IRS BUS DISCRETES DB 1 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 4 ;number of bits to copy DB 4 ;number of discretes DB 20 ;discrete bit n1 DB 15 ;discrete bit i DB 14 ;discrete bit r DB 13 ;discrete bit n DB 40 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value DB 46 ;start discrete in MB field ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 271Q ;label IRS BUS DISCRETES DB 1 ;channel DB DISCR ;format DB 4 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;discrete bit atc DB 22 ;discrete bit mct DB 21 ;discrete bit crz DB 20 ;discrete bit clb DB 51 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 53 ;start data pos in MB field ; ; DB 0A0H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 116Q ;label CROSS TRACK ERROR DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 125 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 15 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 117Q ;label VERTICAL DEVIATION DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 125 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word EUROCONTROL DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 18 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 19 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 333Q ;label NORMAL ACCELERATION DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 6 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 31 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 32 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 0B0H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 206Q ;label COMPUTED AIR SPEED DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 210Q ;label TRUE AIRSPEED DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 15 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 17 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 205Q ;label MACH NUMBER DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 14 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 29 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 31 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 320Q ;label MAGNETIC HEADING DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 45 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 46 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 0C0H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 164Q ;label RADIO HEIGHT DB 7 ;channel DB BNR ;format 72 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 13 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 217Q ;label STATIC PRESSURE DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 16 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 18 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 203Q ;label ALTITUDE 1013.25mb DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 17 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 30 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 32 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 071H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 6 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 325Q ;label ROLL ANGLE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 365Q ;label INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 6 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 11 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 12 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 315Q ;label WIND SPEED DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 19 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 21 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 316Q ;label WIND ANGLE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy EUROCONTROL DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 29 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 30 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 39 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 40 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 6 DB 333Q ;label NORMAL ACCELERATION DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 4 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 51 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 52 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 021H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 320Q ;label MAGNETIC HEADING DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 210Q ;label TRUE AIR SPEED DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 250 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 15 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 365Q ;label INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 125 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 37 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 38 ;start data pos in MB field 73 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 333Q ;label NORMAL ACCELERATION DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 6 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 49 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 50 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 031H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 115Q ;label BEARING TO WAYPOINT DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 125 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 002Q ;label TIME TO GO DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 29 ;start bit ARINC word DB 15 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 13 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 14 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 001Q ;label DISTANCE TO GO DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 29 ;start bit ARINC word DB 19 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 29 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 30 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 041H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 356Q ;label ACTIVE WAYPOINT 1 DB 6 ;channel DB TRANS ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 29 ;start bit ARINC word DB 21 ;number of bits to copy DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 357Q ;label ACTIVE WAYPOINT 2 DB 6 ;channel DB TRANS ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 29 ;start bit ARINC word DB 21 ;number of bits to copy DB 23 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 24 ;start data pos in MB field ;ARINC WORD 3 DB DB DB DW DB DB DB DB DB DB EUROCONTROL 114Q ;label DESIRED TRACK 6 ;channel BNR ;format 400 ;max age ms 28 ;start bit ARINC word 10 ;number of bits to copy 0 ;number of discretes 45 ;status bit pos in MB field 46 ;start data pos in MB field SIGNED ;signed value ; ; ; DB 051H ;BDS register ; DW 1000 ;update interval ; DB 3 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 ; DB 310Q ;label LATITUDE ; DB 6 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 400 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 18 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 ; DB 311Q ;label LONGITUDE ; DB 6 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 400 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 18 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 21 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 22 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 ; DB 203Q ;label ALTITUDE ; DB 5 ;channel ; DB BNR ;format ; DW 125 ;max age ms ; DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word ; DB 14 ;number of bits to copy ; DB 0 ;number of discretes ; DB 41 ;status bit pos in MB field ; DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field ; DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 061H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 2 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 150Q ;label GMT DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 2000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 17 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 261Q ;label FLIGHT NUMBER DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 2000 ;max age ms DB 29 ;start bit ARINC word DB 16 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 20 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 21 ;start data pos in MB field 74 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB UNSIGNED ;signed value DB DB DB ; ; DB 024H ;BDS register DW 5000 ;update interval DB 2 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 066Q ;label CENTRE OF GRAVITY DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 2000 ;max age ms DB 27 ;start bit ARINC word DB 13 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 075Q ;label GROSS WEIGHT DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 13 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 16 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 18 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 017H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 021Q ;label N1 TARGET ENGINE 1 DB 6 ;channel DB BCD ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 347Q ;label FUEL FLOW ENGINE 1 DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 14 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 16 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 211Q ;label TOTAL AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 28 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 29 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes EUROCONTROL 40 ;status bit pos in MB field 41 ;start data pos in MB field SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 027H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 4 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 021Q ;label N1 TARGET ENGINE 2 DB 6 ;channel DB BCD+SDI2 ;format DW 400 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 11 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 3 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 347Q ;label FUEL FLOW ENGINE 2 DB 6 ;channel DB BNR+SDI2 ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 14 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 16 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 211Q ;label TOTAL AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 28 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 29 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 213Q ;label STATIC AIR TEMP. DB 5 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 40 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 41 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; DB 02AH ;BDS register DW 10000 ;update interval DB 2 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 030Q ;label VHF FREQUENCY COM 1 DB 6 ;channel DB BNR+SDI1 ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 14 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 030Q ;label VHF FREQUENCY COM 2 DB 6 ;channel DB BNR+SDI2 ;format DW 1000 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word 75 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB DB DB DB DB 14 ;number of bits to copy 0 ;number of discretes 16 ;status bit pos in MB field 17 ;start data pos in MB field UNSIGNED ;signed value EUROCONTROL DB 325Q ;label ROLL ANGLE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 6 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 327Q ;label ROLL RATE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 9 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 10 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;sign ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 335Q ;label TRACK ANGLE RATE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 18 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 19 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 320Q ;label MAGNETIC HEADING DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 363Q ;label CROSS TRACK ACCELERATION DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 41 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 6 DB 376Q ;label CROSS HEADING ACCELERATION (not beluga) DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 49 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 50 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ; ; D2 START of TURN INDICATION REPORT ; DB 0D2H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 6 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 325Q ;label ROLL ANGLE ; ; D0 START of TURN INDICATION REPORT ; DB 0D0H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 5 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 DB 100Q ;label SELECTED COURSE ( NOT BELUGA) DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 300 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 101Q ;label SELECTED HEADING DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 11 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 12 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 102Q ;label SELECTED ALTITUDE DB 3 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 21 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 22 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 114Q ;label DESIRED TRACK (NOT BELUGA) DB 6 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 200 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 8 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 35 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 36 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 365Q ;label INERTIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 10 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 45 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 46 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ; ; D1 START of TURN INDICATION REPORT ; DB 0D1H ;BDS register DW 1000 ;update interval DB 6 ;number of ARINC words ;ARINC WORD 1 76 BDS Allocation Table for A300 Beluga This ADLP table defines the position and range of each available aircraft parameter in the transponder GICB registers DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 26 ;start bit ARINC word DB 6 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 1 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 2 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 2 DB 327Q ;label ROLL RATE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 9 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 10 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 3 DB 335Q ;label TRACK ANGLE RATE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 18 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 19 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 4 DB 313Q ;label TRACK ANGLE TRUE DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 28 ;start bit ARINC word DB 12 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 27 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 28 ;start data pos in MB field DB SIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 5 DB 363Q ;label CROSS TRACK ACCELERATION DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 41 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 42 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value ;ARINC WORD 6 DB 376Q ;label CROSS HEADING ACCELERATION (NOT BELUGA) DB 1 ;channel DB BNR ;format DW 100 ;max age ms DB 25 ;start bit ARINC word DB 7 ;number of bits to copy DB 0 ;number of discretes DB 49 ;status bit pos in MB field DB 50 ;start data pos in MB field DB UNSIGNED ;signed value _ 77 EUROCONTROL