J. Cell Sci. 12, 143-161 (i973) 143 Printed in Great Britain THE EFFECT OF SPINDLE INHIBITORS APPLIED BEFORE MEIOSIS ON MEIOTIC CHROMOSOME PAIRING G. A. DOVER AND R. RILEY Cytogenetics Department, Plant Breeding Institute, Trumpington, Cambridge, England SUMMARY Injection of 0-5 % colchicine into immature tillers of genotypes of Triticum aestivum, T. aestivum x Aegilops mutica and T. aestivum x Secale cereale hybrids induces asynapsis at first meiotic metaphase irrespective of the homologous or homoeologous nature of the potential pairing chromosomes. The induction of asynapsis occurs at a time during and immediately following the last premeiotic mitosis of pollen mother cells. No disruption of synapsis and chiasma formation occurs in anthers having pollen mother cells originally at leptotene or immediately prior to leptotene when cultured in White's medium plus colchicine. Tetraploid and octaploid pollen mother cells resulting from the disruption of premeiotic spindles by colchicine show pairing of chromosomes only in bivalents, in genotypes normally having a degree of multivalent pairing configurations. The induction of multipolar mitotic spindles with o-oi % colchicine results in the development of pollen mother cell mosaics with different numbers of chromosomes. Such cells show high levels of chromosome pairing, including multivalents, in some genotypes that normally have very little chromosome pairing. The injection of 05 % chloral hydrate during the last premeiotic mitosis of the archesporium causes no disturbances of meiotic pairing. The results are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that the control mechanism of meiotic chromosome pairing involves centromeric microtubules of the spindle (not affected by chloral hydrate) that are responsible for the positional adjustment, during the last mitotic anaphase, of potential pairing partners. INTRODUCTION The long arm of chromosome 5B of hexaploid wheat is known to carry a locus Ph, the activity of which prevents the pairing of homoeologous chromosomes of the 3 genetically similar geonomes (Riley & Chapman, 1958; Okamoto, 1957; Riley & Kempanna, 1963). Varying the dosage of 5BL alters the patterns of meiotic pairing such that homoeologous chromosome pairing takes place in the absence of 5BL whilst the presence of 6 doses of 5BL reduces synapsis (Feldman, 1968). The genetic system controlling meiotic pairing is of some complexity in that the pattern of pairing is a result of a fine balance of forces determined by genes located on several chromosomes of the complement (Feldman, 1966; Riley & Law, 1965). Furthermore, the effects of genes in wheat can be suppressed, in certain instances, by genes carried on chromosomes of either of 2 diploid outbreeding relatives of wheat, Aegilops mutica and Aegilops speltoides that carry a 4-allele 2-locus system of pairing control (Dover & Riley, 1972; Vardi & Dover, 1972). Two hypotheses have been advanced as to the cellular mechanisms by which the pairing-control gene systems in Triticinae might operate. Feldman (1968) asserts that 144 G- A. Dover and R. Riley the whole genetic variation in synapsis is explicable in terms of the relative co-orientation and spatial proximity of potential pairing partners. Measurements of the relative proximity of homologous and homoeologous telocentric marker chromosomes in roottip cells of Triticum aestivum with 0-6 doses of 5BL suggested that the somatic association of chromosomes is under the control of 5BL (Feldman, Mello-Sampayo & Sears, 1966). In contrast to this, Darvey & Driscoll (1972) have found no evidence of somatic association in T. aestivum in measurements involving homologous and non-homologous nearness of nucleolar organizers and telocentrics. Riley (1968) has attempted to explain the action of 5BL in terms of a proposal by Darlington (1940) tha t differences in the number and positions of chiasmata may be caused by the differences in the time available for chromosome pairing and chiasma formation. If pairing is a 2-stage process as suggested by Faberge (1942) in which attraction of like chromosomes takes place in a first stage, prior to synapsis in the second, then the 5BL dosage effects on pairing could be the result of alterations in the duration of the attraction phase. 5BL-deficient situations could sufficiently lengthen the phase to allow homologous and homoeologous association. On this hypothesis increasing the dose of 5BL would lead to progressive shortening of the phase, so that first homoeologues and finally homologues would not have sufficient time to associate prior to synapsis. Driscoll, Darvey & Barber (1967) showed that the application of colchicine to developing flowering spikes of T. aestivum induced asynapsis due to disturbance of processes occurring during the premeiotic interphase. This is the first instance in plants showing the control of pairing apparently to occur at this point in development. Similarly Bayliss & Riley (1972) investigating the low temperature induction of asynapsis in a temperature-sensitive genotype of T. aestivum and Buss & Henderson (1971) working with high-temperature induction of interlocking bivalents in Locusta migratoria have shown a premeiotic determination of meiotic pairing. The interlocking of bivalents, primarily of the longest chromosomes of the complement of Locusta migratoria, has led to the suggestion that chromosome alignment during the last mitotic telophase affects subsequent pairing behaviour (Buss & Henderson, 1971). First indications of the cellular mechanisms responsible for the control of meiotic events, other than chromosome pairing, have been shown in T. aestivum (Dover, 1972) and Lilium species (Heslop-Harrison, 1971). In T. aestivum the overall polarity of pollen mother cells, as reflected in the depositions of the spindle axis and the siting of pollen apertures, was disrupted by colchicine applied some time during the premeiotic interphase. The establishment of polarity during the premeiotic interphase is apparently a pre-requisite for subsequent meiotic development and appears to be under the control of cell components, possibly microtubules, that are sensitive to colchicine. The experiments described below were designed to test the idea that the premeiotic determination of pairing is similarly dependent on cell components, that are sensitive to colchicine; and to elucidate the nature of these premeiotic events. Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing Table i. Nature of chromosome pairing in genotypes of Triticum aestivum, T. aestivum x Aegilops mutica and T. aestivum x Secale cereale hybrids Genotype Chromosome no. Nature of pairing chromosomes Euploid T. aestivum T. aestivum nullisomic 5B tetrasomic 5D T. aestivum x diploid Ae. mutica euploid (2« = 14) T. aestivum x tetraploid Ae. mutica tetra 5B (zn = 28) T. aestivum x Ae. mutica di-isosomic (zn = 14) L zn = 42 zn = 42 Homologous Homologous and homoeologous 2M = Homoeologous (high-pairing class) Homologous and homoeologous 28 2n = 36 in = 28 SB T. aestivum x Secale cereale 2M = 28 Homoeologous and intrachromosomal pairing of isochromosomes Homoeologous (mostly asynaptic) MATERIALS AND METHODS The following genotypes, with different degrees of meiotic chromosome pairing, were selected for injection with colchicine: Triticum aestivum; T. aestivum nullisomic 5B tetrasomic 5D; T. aestivum x diploid Ae. mutica; T. aestivum di-isosomic sBL x diploid Ae. mutica; T. aestivum tetrasomic 5B x tetraploid Ae. mutica; T. aestivum x Secale cereale. All genotypes of T. aestivum were of the variety Chinese Spring. The genotypes shown in Table 1 had a range of pairing that varied from almost complete absence of synapsis in ¥1 hybrids of T. aestivum x S. cereale to high levels of homoeologous pairing in other Fx hybrid situations involving T. aestivum x Ae. mutica and in T. aestivum deficient for chromosome 5B. Fx hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica segregate into 4 classes with different levels of chromosome pairing (Dover & Riley 1972; Vardi & Dover, 1972) and plants in the high pairing class were selected for treatment with colchicine (Fig. 2). The effects of colchicine on homologous, homoeologous and intra-chromosomal pairing could be compared in the genotypes listed in Table 1. Application of colchicine and chloral hydrate to intact anthers Colchicine at 0-5 % and o-oi % or 0-5 % chloral hydrate was injected with a hypodermic syringe through the leaf sheaths of a tiller into the space surrounding the developing spike. Tillers were injected before the complete emergence of the flag leaf at a time when some archesporial cells were undergoing their last premeiotic mitotic division. Knowledge of the rate of development of anthers in T. aestivum (Bennett, Chapman & Riley, 1971), T. aestivum x Ae. mutica and T. aestivum x S. cereale (G. A. Dover and M. D. Bennett, unpublished) was used to estimate the stage of development reached by the anthers when first exposed to colchicine. Tillers were sampled and fixed in 1:3 acetic alcohol at known time intervals after the time of injection and first metaphase preparations were made by the Feulgen procedure and the stain was supplemented using propionic orcein. All plants were grown at 20 °C under continuous illumination. Application of colchicine to excised anthers Spikelets of wheat, rye and Ae. mutica contain 3 anthers per floret, which are approximately synchronous in meiotic development. The 3 anthers were removed from a floret and 2 were placed in modified White's medium (Ito & Stern, 1967) containing 0-25 % colchicine. The third anther was fixed in 1:3 acetic-alcohol immediately after excision and the stage of meiosis determined. G. A. Dover and R. Riley 146 Time of application of 0-5% coichicine (2) (1) Mitosis Penultimate mitosis of P M C, (3) Last mitosis of P.M.C. (5) (4) Penultimate mitosis in tapetal cells Leptotene in PM.C. and synchronous division in tapetal cells First metaphase in P.M.C. L Developmental stage of anther (a) 2N-Bmucleate (b) 2N-Unchanged (c) 4-pore monad (a) 2N + 4N 2N-Unchanged (c) 4-pore monad Consequences of colchicine application 00 4N + 8N *-— (b) 2N-Asynapsis M Poreless monad W 8N + 16N (b) 4N-Bivalents M (a) 16N+32N (b) 8N-Bivalents (0 Fig. 1. Sequence of stages in the development of the archesporial cells and tapetal cells from the penultimate premeiotic mitoses to metaphase I in T. aestivum. The time of application is indicated at 5 separate points in the sequence with the consequences of colchicine application noted for: (a) ploidy level of tapetal nuclei at metaphase I; (b) ploidy level of P.M.C.s and degree of meiotic pairing; and (c) pollen type. Symbols zN to 16 N indicate ploidy level. The remaining 2 anthers were sampled and fixed after time intervals of 6 and 22 h and the stage of meiosis reached during development in modified White's medium and colchicine was determined. RESULTS The method used to relate the time of application of colchicine to meiotic irregularity is based on observations of the ploidy of the tapetal cells and the pollen mother cells (Dover, 1972). The sequence of events occurring in the archesporial tissue and the consequences of colchicine application at several points in development are shown in Fig. 1. The induction of asynapsis occurred when colchicine affected premeiotic pollen mother cells at a time between the last mitotic division and the penultimate division in the tapetum. This was concomitant with the stage at which a poreless pollen condition was induced by colchicine (Dover, 1972). No asynapsis occurred in sampled anthers in which tapetal ploidy levels indicated that the colchicine affected the anther tissues between the penultimate tapetal division and the last tapetal division. The last tapetal division was synchronous in all cells, and occurred some time during meiotic leptotene. In excised cultured anthers, 0-25 % colchicine did not prevent the intimate synapsis of chromosomes once this has been determined prior to excision. Excised anthers containing pollen mother cells that had unpaired chromosomes in leptotene or immediately Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 147 Table 2. Mean chromosome pairing per cell in anthers from tillers injected with 0-5 % colchicine and in untreated tillers of the same genotype Genotype T. aestivum Control Colchicine Colchicine T. aestivum, nullisomic 5Btetrasomic 5D Control Colchicine T. aestivum x diploid Ae. mutica di-isosomic 5B L (high pairing class) Control Colchicine T. aestivum x tetraploid Ae. mutica tetrasomic 5B Control Colchicine Chromosome number Univ. Biv. Triv. 0-07 20-93 IO-II 650 — — — — — — 43-3° 2283 1816 0-38 o-88 40 -2O I2-OO — — l6-75 052 009 I2-I 24-1 II-7O Quad. Chiasmata 42 42 42 29-0 42 42 18-00 28 28 91 5'6o 2-OO I5-3 4-07 036 36 36 6-6 91 7"OO i-8 o-8 20-5 o-66 0-08 0-78 17-69 io-oo 664 prior to leptotene, developed normally with synapsis and chiasma formation similar to that observed in untreated tillers of the same genotypes. Effect of 0-5 % colchicine on the pairing of homoeologous and homologous chromosomes A 0-5 % solution of colchicine induced asynapsis in all genotypes listed in Table 1 (Figs. 3, 4), when applied at a time between the last mitotic division of the pollen mother cells and the penultimate division of tapetal cells, irrespective of the genetic relationship of potential partner chromosomes (Table 2). In genotypes where both occurred, homoeologous pairing was reduced first by colchicine and homologous pairing was reduced later. For example, colchicine resulted in the complete absence of multivalents in T. aestivum nullisomic for chromosome 5B whilst the frequency of bivalents was little reduced. There is a reduction in multivalent frequency in early sampled tillers of F± hybrids of T. aestivum di-isosomic 5BL x diploid Ae. mutica (high pairing class) followed by a reduction in bivalent frequency in late sampled tillers. Similarly F x hybrids of T. aestivum x tetraploid Ae. mutica, in which there were 2 genomes of Ae. mutica with one genome of wheat, had a more pronounced reduction in pairing of homoeologous than that of homologous chromosomes (Table 2). Meiotic pairing of chromosomes after complete disruption of premeiotic spindles of the archesporal cells Anthers to which 0-5 % colchicine was applied prior to the last pollen mother cell mitosis developed pollen mother cells with twice the normal number of chromosomes (tetraploid P.M.C.s), due to failure of mitotic spindle formation. Pollen mother cells with 4 times the normal number (octoploid P.M.C.s) developed after colchicine in- 148 G. A. Dover and R. Riley Table 3. Mean chromosome pairing per cell, in untreated tillers of genotypes subsequently injected with o-oi % colchicine Genotype Triticum aestivum T. aestivum x Aegilops mutica di-isosomic 5BL T. aestivum x Secale cereale in Univ. Biv. Triv. 2-O 42 28 0-07 91 20-93 5-60 28 27-24 0-38 Quad. Chiasmata 433° 052 I2-I O-38 duced spindle failure of both the penultimate and the last mitotic spindle. Tetraploid pollen mother cells in T. aestivum (4W = \ix = 84) had chromosomes paired as ring bivalents with occasional univalents. The close pairing of chromosomes as bivalents took place despite the continued presence of colchicine which would have induced asynapsis if applied at the premeiotic interphase and despite the tetrasomic condition of each chromosome. This probably indicates that the paired chromosomes were derived from sister chromatids that failed to separate during the last premeiotic mitosis and remained in close juxtaposition throughout the intervening interphase to meiotic prophase. Similarly pairing of chromosomes as bivalents was observed in tetraploid and octoploid pollen mother cells of F± hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica (Figs. 5, 6). This took place in genotypes that bore genes normally inducing high levels of pairing of homoeologous chromosomes, and also with each chromosome in a tetrasomic condition in octoploid pollen mother cells, and in the continued presence of colchicine. Tetraploid pollen mother cells (4W = 56) in hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica (high pairing class) containing 2 isochromosomes showed pairing of all chromosomes as bivalents with intrachromosomal pairing of the 2 isochromosomes (Fig. 6). Pattern of pairing in pollen mother cells after induction of multipolar spindles with o-oi % colchicine The rationale behind the use of o-oi % (dilute) colchicine derived from the observations in pairing patterns in tetraploid and octoploid pollen mother cells just described. Octoploid pollen mother cells in Fx hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica, having genes normally inducing high levels of homoeologous pairing, had only bivalents at first metaphase. The disruption of spindle formation by 0-5 % colchicine had, presumably, prevented the wide separation of sister chromatids. It seemed possible that components of the spindle or the products of chromosome-spindle interactions were normally critical in determining the movement and relative positions of potential pairing partners. If this is true then partial failure of a spindle due to colchicine sufficiently dilute to induce mitosis with multipolar spindles would cause the movement of groups of chromosomes to the multiple poles; and subsequent patterns of chromosome pairing might reflect this disturbance. Colchicine at o-oi % was injected into tillers of euploid T. aestivum, into F1 hybrids of T. aestivum di-isosomic 5BL x Ae. mutica (high pairing class) and into Fx hybrids of T. aestivum x S. cereale. The mean chromosome pairing in untreated tillers is given in Table 3. Cell mosaics were induced in pollen mother cells following premeiotic Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 149 Table 4. Chromosome pairing in pollen mother cell mosaics with a range of numbers of chromosomes and in tetraphid (zn = 56) pollen mother cells in anthers of Triticum aestivum di-isosomic 5B L x Aegilops mutica {zn = 28) treated with o-oi % colchicine during the penultimate and last premeiotic mitoses Chromosome no. of cell Univ. Biv. Triv. > Triv. Doubled pollen mother cells with 56 chromosomes only — — 8 23 28 — — — 26 — — 3 2 — — 27 1 — 23 7 — 2 — 27 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 — 2 Means 26 27 — 1 — — — — 8 24 o-io OIO 4-66 2566 All other cells with different numbers of chromosomes Chiasmata 38 48 45 49 42 48 47 5° 43 45'5 48 2 — 4i 15 18 23 18 29 — 71 4 2 44 2 1 52 2 1 — 1 6 5 5 15 — 1 31 3 1 — 56 56 2 22 2 1 2 24 2 — 7 46 46 33 3 3 3 5 4 5 6 7 5 13 1 — 24 6 1 — 12 5° — — 86 10 1 — 12 1 2 17 31 8 7 1 1 21 1 1 9 — — 86 8 40 14 18 103 28 39 29 28 8 1 1 19 17 14 43 11 13 2 — 28 13 5 — — 10 13 2 — 29 15 17 3 3 3 3 6 5 — — 11 — 1 3° 14 2 4 — 13 12 55* 74 8 14 2 2 — 10 27 2 1 62 11 19 — 3 46 38 25 20 9 3 7 7 28 12 3 9 5 3 8 25 28 35 21 20 56 35 7 4 23 14 2 1 10 — — 15 1 — 9 1 1 10 — — 10 1 — 1 — 42 27 * Undetermined chromosome number > 55- 150 G. A. Dover and R. Riley treatment of T. aestivum di-isosomic 5BL x Ae. mutica (zn = 28). At first metaphase, chromosome numbers ranged from 8 to 103 (Figs. 7-9). The level of pairing was high in all pollen mother cells with chromosome numbers other than 56. Most cells with 56 chromosomes had bivalents only (Table 4). The full significance of these observations will be brought out in the Discussion. Sampled anthers from treated tillers of T. aestivum euploid (zn = 42) had 2 types of pollen mother cells. Those with 42 chromosomes had some asynapsis but with occasional trivalents or quadrivalents (Fig. 10). The second type had 84 chromosomes and bivalents and multivalents. Injection of o-oi % colchicine into premeiotic tillers of F1 hybrids of T. aestivum x S. cereale (zn = 28) caused the formation of pollen mother cells with chromosome numbers varying from 22 to 28 (Figs. 11, 12). Many cells had high levels of pairing although there was little or no pairing in untreated pollen mother cells. After treatment with dilute colchicine during the last premeiotic mitosis, pollen mother cells with trivalents and up to 5 bivalents were observed (Figs. 11, 12) although untreated cells had a mean bivalent frequency of only 0-38 (Table 3). The effect of chloral hydrate on meiotic chromosome pairing Ris (1949) showed that chloral hydrate disrupts mitotic spindles in grasshopper spermatocytes without disturbance of chromosome movement. Mole-Bajer (1969) has followed the effects of chloral hydrate on different components of the mitotic spindle in Haemanthus endosperm using the electron microscope. She found that both continuous and discontinuous microtubules of the spindle fibres are absent immediately after treatment but that the discontinuous microtubules, originating at the centromeres, and primarily responsible for chromosome movement, soon begin to reform. Cell division was then able to proceed, although the poles were not well defined. Injection of 0-5 % chloral hydrate into young premeiotic tillers of T. aestivum revealed no disturbance of meiotic pairing and 21 bivalents (zn = 42) were regularly observed in the derived pollen mother cells (Fig. 13). No doubled pollen mother cells were seen in any of the sampled anthers. Many aborted anthers and malformed archesporial tissues resulted, indicating the presence of chloral hydrate in anther cells. Higher concentrations of chloral hydrate (1 and 2%), caused death of entire spikes. DISCUSSION Induced environmental changes during the premeiotic interphase and the premeiotic mitoses can cause corresponding changes in crossing-over and chiasma frequencies (Maguire, 1968; Grell, 1969; Lamb, 1971). High-temperature induction of interlocking bivalents in Locusta migratoria (Buss & Henderson, 1971) takes effect during the premeiotic interphase; and low-temperature induction of asynapsis occurs in temperature-sensitive genotypes of T. aestivum nullisomic 5D (Bayliss & Riley, 1972), and in Fx hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica with B chromosomes (Vardi & Dover, 1972) also during an early stage of the premeiotic interphase. It could be that the determination of meiotic chromosome pairing, taking place during the premeiotic Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 151 interphase, arises from the premeiotic association of potential pairing partners. A hint as to the nature of this control and the cellular mechanisms responsible came from examination of the effects of colchicine on meiotic pairing (Barber, 1942; Levan, 1939; Nebel & Ruttle, 1938; Driscoll et al. 1967; Driscoll & Darvey, 1970). The precise polarity of pollen mother cells of T. aestivum, as reflected in the positions of meiotic spindles and pollen grain apertures, is similarly determined at a time during the premeiotic interphase, a stage that is sensitive to colchicine (Dover, 1972) (Fig. 1). The establishment of polarity during the premeiotic interphase may be related to the organization of chromosomes necessary for pairing. The results obtained from treatment with colchicine of intact and cultured excised anthers, depicted in Fig. 1, show that the asynapsis by 0-5% colchicine is induced between the last mitosis of the pollen mother cells and the penultimate mitosis of the tapetum. This is the time when poreless pollen can be induced by colchicine (Dover, 1972). Furthermore, asynapsis occurs in all genotypes (Table 1) irrespective of whether potential partners are homologous or homoeologous (Table 2). However, homoeologues possibly fail to pair before homologous chromosomes. This suggests either differences in degree of the relative associations of homologous and homoeologous chromosomes, or differences in the mechanisms responsible for their premeiotic properties. The absence of multivalents in tetraploid and octoploid pollen mother cells in genotypes that were tetrasomic for all chromosomes, or that carried genes normally inducing homoeologous pairing (Figs. 5, 6), suggests the residual association of the derivatives of sister chromatids after the failure of spindle formation following 0-5 % colchicine treatment. Chromosomes from sister 'chromatids' apparently form ring bivalents, after replication at premeiotic S. The movement of chromosomes during the last mitotic anaphase appears to be an essential prerequisite for chromosome pairing in multivalents in genotypes having multiple copies of the same chromosome and also in genotypes normally having pairing of homoeologous chromosomes. Injection of dilute colchicine (o-oi %) induces multipolar spindles during the last mitosis and pollen mother cell mosaics with varying numbers of chromosomes are observed at first meiotic metaphase. The high levels of pairing in cells developing after the partial disturbance of the last mitotic spindle (Figs. 7-12; Table 4) strongly suggest that the random movement of chromosomes taking place under such conditions predetermines subsequent abnormal pairing patterns during meiosis. This is strikingly seen in pollen mother cells with 22 to 28 chromosomes in hybrids of Triticum aestivum x S. cereale (zn = 28) in which the formation of trivalents and bivalents had been induced by the action of dilute colchicine on the last premeiotic spindle (Figs. 11, 12). Untreated tillers of the same hybrids had a mean chiasma frequency of less than 0-5 per cell. The non-interference of chloral hydrate in meiotic pairing when applied at all stages from the last mitosis to meiotic prophase can be interpreted as the result of its discriminatory effects on different components of the spindle (Mole-Bajer, 1969). Chloral hydrate, whilst preventing the polymerization of protein subunits comprising the continuous microtubules, does not grossly disturb the re-initiation of centromeric 152 G. A. Dover and R. Riley microtubules soon after application. The continued activity of centromeric microtubules, involved with chromosome movement, could possibly be the cause of undisturbed regular pairing in treated tillers of T. aestivum. Such an interpretation would need to be confirmed by electron-microscope studies of the differential response of spindle components to chloral hydrate and other spindle disruptors in T. aestivum. The observations, presented above, of the effects of different concentrations of colchicine and chloral hydrate on meiotic pairing, lead to the conclusion that the mechanism of pairing control is involved with chromosome movement at the last premeiotic anaphase. The evidence for continuous somatic association of homologous chromosomes in T. aestivum is contradictory (Feldman et al. 1966; Darvey & Driscoll, 1972). However, the last mitotic anaphase could be unique and critical in controlling the relative positions of related chromatids prior to pairing. Aneuploid genotypes of T. aestivum having different doses of the pairing control locus (Ph) on chromosome 5BL differ in their degree of homologous and homoeologous pairing. These pairing differences observed in T. aestivum with different doses of 5BL could be the result of differences in the cellular mechanisms reponsible for chromosome association prior to synapsis. If, as the above results indicate, the control of pairing is through a type of chromosomespindle interaction that determines the relative positions of chromosomes during the last mitotic anaphase then the alternative patterns of pairing with different doses of 5BL could be the result of differences in spindle properties as a result of the activities of 5B1'. Avivi, Feldman & Bushuk (1969, 1970a, b) in an extensive series of experiments on the spindle system of root-tip cells of T. aestivum found that the affinity of the spindles for nucleoside triphosphates and colchicine alters with increasing doses of 5BL. They postulated that this occurs through alteration of the structure of the spindle subunits, determined by the activity of 5BL. If a similar 5BL-dependent alteration of spindle subunits occurred in the last premeiotic mitosis then the variation in the degree of meiotic pairing controlled by 5BL would find a plausible explanation. The explanation would be in terms of the premeiotic control mechanism of pairing involving components of the spindle during the last mitotic anaphase. Supporting evidence for this conclusion is found in genotypes of T. aestivum in which abnormal pairing has been induced by the introduction of the genes controlling pairing on a chromosome of Ae. mutica. Plants of T. aestivum with an additional alien chromosome of Ae. mutica that bears the high-pairing loci have pairing of homoeologous chromosomes and also exhibit a high degree of pollen mother cell mosaics and abnormal multipore pollen (G. A. Dover, in preparation). Both the occurrence of cell mosaics and multipore pollen are the result of the establishment of multiple polar determinants in species hybrids in the Triticinae (Dover, 1972). Genotypes of T. aestivum carrying addition chromosomes of Ae. mutica that do not affect the regular bivalent pairing of the wheat background exhibit no pollen mother cell mosaics and have normal single pore pollen. Similarly the B chromosomes of Ae. mutica are able to induce asynapsis at low temperatures in hybrids of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica during the premeiotic interphase and also frequently prevent the formation of the last mitotic spindle (Vardi & Dover, 1972). Both these genotypes show a striking correlation Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 153 between malfunctioning of the last mitotic spindles and abnormal meiotic pairing situations. If the proposed mechanisms for the premeiotic control of meiotic chromosome pairing, based on positional adjustment at the last mitotic anaphase, were to be substantiated in other genera using other spindle inhibitors, then part of the problem of homologous chromosome recognition would have been removed. 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Meiotic chromosome pairing in untreated T. aestivum di-iso 5BL x diploid Ae. mutica (high pairing class): 9 univalents, 3 bivalents, 3 trivalents and 1 quadrivalent. Isochromosome sB L arrowed, x 1000 approx. Fig. 3. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum x Ae. mutica (high-pairing class) after injection of 0-5 % colchicine during the premeiotic interphase: 24 univalents and 2 bivalents. x 1000 approx. Fig. 4. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum after injection of 0-5 % colchicine during the premeiotic interphase: 28 univalents and 7 bivalents. x 1000 approx. Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 4 I 4 156 G. A. Dover and R. Riley Fig. 5. First metaphase in P.M.C. with double the number of chromosomes (zn = 56) of T. aestivumx Ae. mutica (zn = 28) (high-pairing class) after injection of O'5 % colchicine at the last premeiotic mitosis: 18 univalents and 19 bivalents. x 1000 approx. Fig. 6. First metaphase in P.M.C. with double the number of chromosomes (271 = 56) of T. aestivum di-isosomic 5BL x Ae. mutica (high-pairing class) after injection with o-oi % colchicine at the last premeiotic mitosis: 27 bivalents and 2 isochromosome rings (arrowed), x 1000 approx. Fig. 7. P.M.C.s with varying numbers of chromosomes (see Table 4) of T. aestivum di-isosomic sBL x Ae. mutica (high-pairing class) after injection with o-oi % colchicine at the last premeiotic mitosis, x 400 approx. Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing •V \ .1.57 158 G.A. Dover and R. Riley Fig. 8. First metaphase in P.M.C. with a low chromosome number {zn = 21) from anthers treated with o-oi % colchicine (see legend Fig. 7). 8 univalents, 3 bivalents, 1 trivalent and 1 quadrivalent, x 1500 approx. Fig. 9. First metaphase in P.M.C. with a high chromosome number (zn = 71) from anthers treated with o-oi % colchicine (see legend Fig. 7). High-pairing situation with univalents, bivalents and multivalents. x 1000 approx. Fig. 10. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum after injection of 001 % cochicine during the last premeiotic mitosis: 6 univalents, 16 bivalents and 1 quadrivalent, x 1000 approx. Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 159 8 i 10 160 G. A. Dover and R. Riley Fig. 11. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum x S. cereale (zn = 28) after injection of o-oi % colchicine during the last premeiotic mitosis: 17 univalents, 1 bivalent and 1 trivalent (zn = 22). x 1000 approx. Fig. 12. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum x S. cereale (2w = 28) after injection of o - oi % colchicine during the last premeiotic mitosis: 14 univalents and 5 bivalents (2M = 24). x 1000 approx. Fig. 13. First metaphase in P.M.C. of T. aestivum after injection of 0-5 % chloral hydrate during the premeiotic interphase. 21 bivalents. x 1000 approx. Premeiotic spindles and chromosome pairing 11 12 13 161